#*taps mic* i love this gay ass shit
bookloverbilly · 7 years
i see your book-loving billy and i raise you art-loving steve
•steve being a more right-brained person who is super good at art, explaining why he pretty much sucks at everything else school related
•steve not knowing what to do with this love because no one has ever told him you can actually do stuff with an art degree
•he has hundreds and hundreds of drawings and doodles of all the kids when he babysits for them, carefully-crafted snapshots of nancy and jonathan, charcoal sketches of the woods and the buildings around hawkins
•(self-portraits of his blooded face and knuckles, eyes angry and pencil lines shaky with pain)
•he draws the demogorgon as best he can from his fear-stricken memories, then the demo-dogs in scary detail, his hands shaking as he draws to get the images out of his head
•he subconsciously draws billy after the other apologizes about everything, and it becomes a Thing
•he manages to draw billy without the other ever noticing—the upturn of his nose, his thick lashes and clear eyes, his curly blonde hair—and has a guilty sketchbook filled with snaps of the other
•it’s a little embarrassing how fixated he is on perfecting any drawing or doodles he starts of the other, but Billy is just so pretty with the soft lines of his face contrasting his toned body
•the first time billy goes in his room, steve has a portrait of him on his desk and he crumples it up before Billy notices and hides it in his sock drawer
•the other doesn’t even have any idea of what’s crumpled in Steve’s drawer because he’s staring at the drawing-plastered walls in awe
•”you know you can really do some shit with this type of stuff… like they have all kinds of art programs at College”
•Billy finds it really funny that Steve doesn’t know this but explains that you can actually do art and make money off of it
•”you could totally have a comic or something with those scary monsters you keep drawing—they’re weird by the way”
•steve no longer felling so helpless and lost in trying to find his way in life because he can suddenly has options to do what he wants???? what he’s passionate about???
•Steve has a spot in his room dedicated to his Friends and Billy definitely takes notice
•”why aren’t i here?”
•”guess I’ll have to draw you then”
•”guess so. good luck trying to draw my already-perfect features”
•”shut the fuck up”
•(the thing is, Steve already had. two weeks ago.)
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gay-salt-amber · 3 years
Where the hell is Kenma?!
Yuri on Ice x Haikyuu crossover
Just so you know, all the figure skaters kids are close with the other skaters so they consider ever skater they're close with family so the whole uncle aunt thing is just a friend thing
warnings: Gay, swearing, etc
Ships: leoji, yakulev, minotayuri
Пока= bye
All Russian is google translated
For the parents the kids will just be calling them by their names unless one parents is without the others then they will be called dad so it doesn't get confusing
Kenma pov
It was 10 alcock at night and I was up playing my video games as usual with Hinata, Lev and some other friends. We were playing a game that was a collaboration between Nerf and Xbox, it was quite good. Not my favorite shooter of all time but it was alright. When the match was over and the 20 second map and round type selection started, my phone rang. I was on a discord call with my friends so they saw the phone going up to my ear. Right when I was about to answer Lev spoke up,
"Who is it?" He asked
"Who's this Georgi?" Hinata seemed confused but curious.
"Just a family friend of ours." I answered, I don't wanna go into me and Lev being legally related right now.
"Oh, cool!"
I looked down at my phone and unlocked it to see the messages, "I might need to not play this round for a bit I need to respond to these texts." I said
The rest of them agreed and I went back to the messages.
Georgi: I was just wanting to remind you that the plane leaves at 7, so get some sleep kid.
Kenma: Thanks uncle Georgi, I'll try.
Georgi: Do you want us to bring the Russian team bus to pick you up from your house?
Kenma: Sure when are yall getting here?
Georgi: 6 prolly, depends on how long Lila and Yakov wanna take. Old asses -w-
Kenma: pfft xD
Kenma: Anyway, I need to get back to my friends see you later.
Georgi: K, get some sleep, my favorite nephew ☆⌒(*^-゜)v
I unmuted my mic on the call and spoke after like 5 minutes
"Back, hows the round going?"
I didn't hear my dear Shoyo but instead Lev, "Good, Hinata got tired though and had to leave."
When I was about to say I needed to leave to, Lev spoke again,
"Oh yeah! You should get going, you don't wanna miss the flight!"
Once I exited the game I turned back to my monitor that had discord and moved it back to my main monitor, "I was about to say that."
"Пока" I said, my Russian feeling a little rusty.
"Пока Kenma!"
Pressing the 'end call' button made me sigh with relief, standing up, I walked over to my closet and grabbed some clothes for a shower before bed. I grabbed some long, loose black pants and a old Russian figure skating team shirt that one of my dads got me. While I was walking to the bathroom I was looking through some notes for class and deleted stuff I didn't need since I was going to be in an entire different country for a while.
I got out of the shower, dried my hair and put on my clothes. Once I got to the door, I looked into the mirror and I had an idea, 'Should I put my hair in braids so it'll look wavy tomorrow? Yeah that'll look nice!' I reached over and grabbed two small clear hair ties and put my hair into two braids.
I finally opened the bathroom door and walked back to my room to call it a night and sleep. Once I reached my room I noticed something, "You mother fucker.." I didn't pack my bags for the fucking trip. I whipped out my phone and thought of who I could message, we were gonna be in a bunch of places for skating and I wanted to check for how long, but guess what?! I don't know whos awake!
Right when I was about to wing it, I remembered its like 9 in the morning for Leo de la Iglesia, who is an American skater which I consider family. I guessed he would be up since he and Guang-Hong Ji, his boyfriend typically wake up at 7 to eat breakfast and go on a run together, virtually since they live in different countries but I guess they try. It took a while to find this name in my contacts since my phone doesn't really sort through who I texted recently but instead it sorts alphabetically the only time I would see his name at the top is if I had an unread message from him, which I don't. I kept scrolling reading off the letters as I went. H,I,J,K....
I finally got to L and found his name since I only have like 3 people whos name start with L in my contacts, I opened it and cringed at the date of the last sent message, 'June 1st' which was a happy pride month message. My fingers tapped on the message bar and I started typing quickly.
Kenma: Hey uncle Leo ヾ(•ω•`)o
Kenma: Ik this is a weird time to text since I should be sleeping but, you're the only one awake.
Leo: Ey Kozume! 💅 What do you need?
Kenma: I was wanting to know how long the competitions are gonna be , I forgot to pack soo...
Leo: Ah! Well you're going to be on the trip for a week and Georgi's gonna take you back to Japan the Monday afterwards
Kenma: I- Isn't it longer then that? (⊙_⊙)?
Leo: Yes but we know that Neko-
Kenma: Nekoma?
Leo: How ever the fuck you spell your schools name 😑
Leo: Anyway, we know you have a game against Karasuno the next day and we know you would wanna play in that sooo...
Kenma: Cool, thanks.
Leo: Np, see you in America (。・∀・)ノ゙
Once I was done snickering to myself at Leo and I's conversation, I walked over to my clothes drawers and got out the clothes I wanted, one formal outfit, some pj's and some casual stuff. I put that stuff in one suitcase and put my miscellaneous stuff in a smaller drawstring bag that had a bunch of video game pins on it. I walked downstairs to put my stuff by the door and when I got there I saw someone come in, it were my dads, Yuri Plisetsky, Otabek Altin and Minami Kenjiro.
I walked up and hugged all 3 of them, "Hey kiddo."
Since I decided to say screw sleep and talk to my parents which is something I didn't get to do much at this time of the year often since they have practice all the time. So we sat on the couch and had dinner while watching tv as a family and talked about their practice
Yuri chirped up while eating some rice, "Mila was being a bitch."
"Oh? What happened?" I asked
"So you know her kid Tendō?"
Minami put his chopsticks down and joined in the conversation, "He's that kid that goes to Shiratorizawa Academy right?"
"So, he's gonna be joining the Russian team since the he doesn't like the Italian team."
"Yet his uncle and other mom is on that team." Otabek pointed out
"I don't get how she was being a bitch?" I said, trying to get the conversation back to the main point,
"Her ass was bragging about all practice, like shit I couldn't get 2 fucking works out without her interrupting."
We all laughed, and went back to eating.
After we were finished we all were doing the dishes, "Go upstairs and get some sleep kiddo, I'll do the rest of the dishes. Yuri, go get some rest too." Minami said
"Are you not going to America, Beka?" Yuri asked.
The black haired boy shrugged, "No, for some reason my couch decided I'm not going, I don't know why."
Minami was another one of my dads who was staying home, ever since they adopted me when I was 4 he always declined going to any skating competitions that weren't in Japan so that if I ever had an emergency someone would always be there. This meant that only me and Yuri, my blonde, sassy, Russian dad were going to America for the 3 back to back skating events that were happening there.
"I wonder why Lev's not going.."
"Your school doesn't want you both out when a game is so close." Otabek was right I still thought it was stupid since he was looking forward to this event, he's always wanted to go to America after all. But as compromise I promised to send him a lot of photos.
Minami who was still washing the dishes started shoving us out of the kitchen, "Yeah yeah, cut the chat get your butts upstairs and I don't wanna see you two down here until morning!" He said, waving a wooden spoon in the air as we walked up the stairs, laughing.
We reached the upstairs, both of my dads gave me a kiss on the forehead and wished me a good night. I walked into my room and instantly my tiredness from earlier came back to wack me in the face with 5 times the strength of before. I walked over to my bed and just.. flopped.
--In the morning--
My alarm for 5:30 went off and I got up, still tired but meh, nothing a bit of coffee wont fix. I walked over to my closet and got out a hoodie Shoyo gave me, it was a Karasuno hoodie with Shoyo's name and volleyball number, 10 on the back. I inhaled the scent of my lover. I'm gonna miss him but I still can call him. I grabbed a thin t-shirt to wear underneath and some soft black pants with red on the side, after I grabbed my clothes I walked to the bathroom and got changed. After that I took my braids out, my hair looked great!
When I left the bathroom right when I put my foot on the first step to head downstairs the scent of waffles hit my nose, I started to go quicker down the stairs since I fucking love waffles and I am starving! Once I got there Minami greeted me.
"Hey kiddo, did you sleep good?"
"Yeah." I nodded
"Are your other dads not up yet?"
"Nah." I shook my head getting out a plate.
"Before you eat imma wake them up."
I rubbed my forehead before sighing, "Oh god what are you planning, pops?"
"Nothing, let me just..." After finicking with his phone I heard a blast of noise from my parents room and the line I knew too well of "WELCOME TO THE MADNESS" blasted through the door. After like 2 seconds they were up and downstairs.
"You get creative when it comes to waking us up." Otabek yawned while Yuri wiped his eyes.
"I know, glad you're finally catching on~" Minami said, getting sassy, which he normally was this early in the morning.
"What'd you make for breakfast?" I asked.
"Apple waffles!"
I ran to the counter happily, grabbing like 3 fucking waffles.. What can I say? I love apple things!
"Goddamn! Leave some for us!" Yuri teased
"Nah~" I joked back.
When we had just finished our food, we were setting our dishes into the sink and just chatting, we heard a knock on the door. I turned to the clock, '6:00' almost on the dot. "Man when they say they'll be here at 6, they aren't kidding." Otabek said, looking at the bus through the window.
I snickered and got my shoes on, me and Yuri grabbed our suitcases and after my adopted dad kissed my other dads, we were out the door and on the bus. I stopped to talk to Mila whom was driving while Yuri went to go sit in the back by himself.
I tapped the red head on the shoulder, "Hey Mila can we make a stop before we go to the airport?"
She grinned "Yeah, of course, the flight was delayed a half hour anyway for whatever fucking reason."
"Ok, can we stop at Karasuno I uh.. Wanna see someone before we leave.."
Mila let out a quiet gasp before whispering, "Is this the boy you've been talking about?"
I nodded and Mila laughed, "Sure, I don't see why not!"
I gave a light smile and went to go sit down.
--When they stopped at Karasuno, Hinata pov--
"We aren't doing anything special today, hell do what you want if you wanna sit and chat do that, I am giving you a free day before we practice for our match against Nekoma." Couch Ukai explained
We all nodded with a 'yes couch' coming out of all us.
Me and Yamaguchi stayed chatting when our long haired ace, Asahi came in, "Sorry I'm late but there's a bus outside that says, 'Russian Figure Skating Team' outside for whatever reason."
"I wonder why..." I brushed it off though and continued talking to Yams
We kept talking before I heard a familiar voice, "Shoyo? Are you here?"
"Kenma!" I exclaimed before I jumped up and ran to give him a hug which almost knocked him over in the process.
"Hi Shoyo, its good to see you."
"What are you doing here?" I asked, releasing the hug and just holding his hands and I spoke again
"I mean there's a weird bus that says Russian Figure Skating Team or something outside but why are you here?"
"That's my ride." Kenma answered plainly.
"That's your- WHAT!" I was surprised and the others came over
Kenma laughed, "That's why I came here, I wanted to let you know I'm going to be gone for a week."
"Why? Did something happen?" Suga asked from the back
"No, no! I'm going to skate in America, I'll be back for our game though." His answer made me more curious
Noya's voice rang from the right, "When are you leaving?"
"Around 7:30, our plane got delayed but I get to talk with you more, right Shoyo?"
I was about to sit down when the door swung open and there stood someone who looked a bit like Kenma, but different colored eyes and plain blonde hair
"I'm hanging out in here with you kid."
"Yakov being annoying?"
"да ебать его задницу!"
"Who are you sir?" Asked Asahi who was putting away the few volleyballs that were used since most of the team was chatting, it was a free day after all
"This is Yuri Plisetsky, my dad." Kenma explained
I tilted my head, wondering what he said, I knew it was Russian just based on context but I didn't know what, "What was that you were saying?"
"He said, "yeah fuck his ass" My blonde boyfriend translated
"Well before we go might as well do this," Kenma sighed as he held my hand tighter,
"Dad, this is my boyfriend, Shoyo." Kenma looked nervous.
"As long as he treats you well, then I don't care."
"W-wait that's it?!" Kenma seemed surprised
Yuri clutched his chest in laughter, "I-I'm sorry! Just.."
"Are you forgetting who I am?"
"Kiddo, I am a trans gay man who has been married with 2 other men in a poly relationship for 2 years now, what'd you want me to say?"
Hinata looked surprised but also relived, "Really? That's so cool!"
Yuri looked at me and rolled his eyes and messaged the bridge of his nose, "Really? You went for the fanboy?"
"Dad, you're married to one."
"Meh, true."
We were talking for a while longer with me just being lovey as usual when someone else walked through the door and yelled "ITS JJ STYLE!" Which Yuri's dad looked pissed about
"I'll get him out give me a second."
"убирайся отсюда, канадский ебать!" Yuri yelled as he proceeded to shove the man I'm guessing named JJ out
"What'd he say?" I asked
"Get out of here you Canadian fuck."
With that a new people entered, "Kozume!" A voice called,
"Hi Gramps."
"Whos this?" I questioned with my hand still on Kenma's
"That's my grandpa, Victor Katsuki-Nikiforov."
"That's so cool!"
Kenma blushed and just nodded,
"Does my grandson have a boyfriend~"
"Yep, this is Shoyo."
"So he's the one I keep hearing Chris say you brag about?"
Before Victor could continue I heard a slam
"Двигай своей задницей, черт возьми, свинья!" (Move your ass fucking pig!) And in came Yuri kicking another black haired boy in through the door.
"Yurio be nice you your mother!"
Victor sighed, "Well we have 2 Yuri's here its confusing!"
The grey haired mans tone quickly changed, "Anyway~"
He helped Yuuri up and waltzed on back over to us, "Our grandson has a boyfriend!!!!"
"Awh that's great!"
"Aaand Shoyo, meet my other grandpa, Yuuri Katsuki-Nikiforov"
"It's nice to meet you."
We talked a bit before Yuuri spoke up,
"We should get going, the others probably wanna get coffee before we go to the airport."
"Oh, yeah, I guess so."
I was sad that they had to leave because Kenma noticed and his face softened because when they were getting up to leave, he gave me a soft kiss on the lips,
" I will call you every chance I get, Ok baby?"
"Alright, I'll see you next week at the game?"
"Yes, I love you."
"I love you too." Those were the last words I said to Kenma in person for a week.
When I turned around I heard someone yell, "KOZUME HAS A BOYFRIEND!"
Lev pov--
Kenma: We're having another fucking flight delay!
Lev: I still wish I could've gone with!
Kenma: I know, you were really wanting to come, right?
Lev: Ofc! I have always wanted to go to America! 😭😭😭
Kenma: Oof
Lev: Hold on the team is worried about you, give me a moment
Kenma: Gl Kuroos gonna be all like 'well why didn't I know?!' or some shit
Lev: mhm 😑
I turned off my phone and listened to the rest of the team freak out about the gamer boys missing
"WHERE THE FUCK IS HE?!" Yaku yelled out of panic
"Yaku, I am sure he's fine.." Yamamoto said, trying to keep the peace
"Well we don't know that! Hell! He didn't even tell me anything.." Kuroo was also pissed which just made me wanna chuckle since Kenma was right about Kuroos reaction.
"What Lev?"
"Well about Kenma being gone, I know where he is I just thought this was funny."
"So us worrying is funny?!"
"When I know why, yes."
Kuroo rolled his eyes, "Lev, Kenma never talks to you."
"Yes, yes he does, you don't know every fucking thing he does." I snapped.
"Are you sure?" Kuroo retorted
"Whos he dating?"
"See you dont even know that"
"Fucking- Whatever just where is he?" Yaku asked
I held out my phone and showed the texts
"Where the hell is he going?! We have a game!"
"Yaku, please shut the fuck up." I whispered.
"Yaku I love you, but please shut the fuck up, he doesn't care about the game right now, he will be back for the game with Karasuno, but he is with family and doing something that will contribute to his future. Now shut up пожалуйста, перестань любопытствовать и дай ему жить!" (please stop prying and let him live!)
I took a step back, I swore my boyfriend out... I even yelled at him in Russian!
I felt like I wanted to cry, I didn't wanna snap like that.. Then I heard the door open
"HA I KNEW HE WOULD CUSS SOMEONE OUT! Виктор! ты должен мне 20 долларов!" (Victor you owe me 20) I turned to the voice,
"Oh praise god." I sighed
Yurio was walking up to me, "ты в порядке? ты выглядишь напряженным .." (are you okay? you look tense)
"Я огрызнулся на своего парня, и я устал, угадай" (I snapped at my boyfriend and I'm tired, guess)
"What are they saying.." Yaku was confused
"Well apologize you fuck!" Yurio scoffed
"Sorry sir, but Lev is fine, I was the one who deserved it."
"I'm still sorry!"
"Even better question! Lev, you can speak Russian!?" Kuroo seemed surprised
"Yeah, I just didn't wanna hear the, 'oh! Say my name in Russian' or, 'say something in Russian!' that gets annoying fast!"
"Oh, Beka has the same problem whenever he says he's from Kazakhstan."
"Anyway, what are you doing here? Shouldn't you be at the airport with the rest of the Russian team."
"We would be in the sky by now is the plane would stop getting fucking delayed!"
"Well let the team rest in here! Its probably hot as fuck in that bus."
"Smartest thing you've said all day, Levochka." And with that he left
"And who was that?" Yaku's tone was serious so I beckoned the team over to the bench to explain
"So you know how I have left practice early?"
"That's because I do figure skating and I am hoping to go into it full time when I am older and that person who was here a bit ago was a part of the Russian Figure Skating team."
"Nice!" Someone commented from the end of the bench
"Levochka!" A voice called,
"DAD!" I raced to meet the voice and gave a big hug to my father, Victor Nikiforov and gave my other dad, Yuri Katsuki a hug when he entered short after.
Yaku came up from behind, and kicked me, "YOU NEVER TOLD ME YOUR PARENTS WERE FAMOUS SKATERS YOU FUCK!"
Upon seeing that the Russian team was pissed, "Держи свои гребаные ноги от него, ублюдок размером с муравей!"
"I still don't know what yall are saying.."
A voice came from the back, "Georgi said, "Keep your fucking feet off him, ant-sized motherfucker" I recognized Kenma's voice quickly
"Ey! I thought you would stay on the bus!" Yurio called
"Well, I finished my level and I have nothing else to play until a few daily bonuses roll in."
"Kid you run through games like me and Lev run through a thing of pirozhkis.."
"Meh I keep myself entertained."
"KENMA?!" Kuroo called, ran up and started to shake the boy
"Because it doesn't concern you, besides its not like I'm gonna be gone forever.."
"Kozume I am your best friend! You tell your best friend this shit!"
"Uh..." Kenma stuttered
"What?! Is there anything else you wanna tell me?!"
"1: I don't owe you shit and 2: Lev and Shoyo are my best friends, Теперь слезай с высокой лошади, ты трахаешься" (Now get off the high horse, you fuck)
"That's my boy!" Yurio cheered
Yuuri shook his head and turned to me, "Anyway, Lev can we pull you and Yaku to the side we wanna talk to you two."
I nodded and grabbed Yaku's hand and we exited the gym with my dads
"Levochka.. Are you sure he's the one you want?" My dad asked gently
"What do you mean?"
"I mean you said that this was your boyfriend when we talked about it before but are you sure he is what you want? I mean he kicks you and gets physical it seems a lot. I just want for you to be safe." My dad explained.
Yaku looked nervous as my dead continued, "Hell even Yurio when we adopted him, was never physical with anyone who didn't deserve it.. Minus Yuuri but you get what I mean."
I grabbed Yaku's hand, "I know but Yaku's trying and that's all I can really ask.."
Yuuri started to talk "Lev please be safe." His face was one of worry
"I'm sorry Mr. Nikiforov, I've been trying my hardest to not be as bad as I was, I am trying for your sons sake, I wanna make him happy.."
"I can see that and I hope you keep trying."
"I will, I care about Lev so much I wouldn't do anything to actually hurt him, I love him too much to do that."
"HEY VICTOR WE NEED TO GET TO THE AIRPORT!" Called Yakov's voice loud from the bus.
"Coming! Lets go!"
After gathering the others they left, till next week will we see them again.
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bongugourokishima33 · 4 years
Wicked Games | Bakugou Katsuki
Summary: Bakugou did something stupid and now he’s trying his hardest to fix it... in his own explosive angry boy way~ 
Warning: Angst, cheating, thick f!reader, slight smut (maybe...)
Word Count: 1,882
A/N: Bakugou x reader x Todoroki... It’s been a minute but I have a lot of draft works. I hope you enjoy this one! Tagging is not my specialty... you guys should know this by now, I try though! Umm, this is going to be for all my thick babes out (though if not don’t worry you can change that in your mind) thick thighs save lives, and my gay ass just wants to have a fic out there that mentions it.
P.S: I’m taking some requests, starting with fluff shit first so feel free to request (I really only write about Todoroki, Bakugou, and Kirishima...)
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‘Y/N! Stop damn it, it’s not what it looks like!’
Your eyes fluttered open to the light from the window that shined on your face. Shit... another night of hell, another morning waking up feeling like shit. The gross images from that awful day keep playing through your head over and over, there wasn’t a night that they don’t replay in your mind.
Sliding up out of bed and slipping on some shorts and a baggy t-shirt, you tossed your hair up into a messy bun and walked out the room of your dorm. It’s been months since that dreadful night, but you still couldn’t get over the pain that lingered in your heart after it broke into pieces.
At first, everyone was concerned, noticed that you and him stopped being all over each other, you two wouldn’t even look in each others direction. They suspected what happened and kept their mouths shut. Your best friends, Mina and Jiro especially knowing that when the time comes you will talk to them about what happened sooner or later, but you're later was never.
“Y/N!” Mina smiled sitting at one of the tables eating breakfast, You gave her a soft smile and scanned the room, looking for the only person who could make your hellish night better.
“He’s in the common area, love,” Mina smirked giving you a wink, which made you slightly blush.
You strolled down the hall and made a left seeing him sitting on the couch, tapping away on his phone, Kaminari, and Ojiro sitting across from him on a different couch.
“Yoo, Y/N you look... horrible,” Kaminari said noticing your puffy red eyes, and resting bitch face look, you flipped him off and stood in front of the icey hot hubby.
“Roki...” You mumbled out dryly, your voice slightly cracking.
Without looking up from his phone, he opened his arms up and you sat down in his lap, straddling his waist as you curled up into his chest. His arms wrapped around your waist, and his smell fills your nose as you rested your face into his neck.
“Nightmare?” He asked, whispering into your ear, you nodded melting into the comforting kiss he planted on your head.
“You know there is  a thing called your room you can do all that in.,” Kaminari said frowning.
“You’re just jealous you don’t have someone to do that with.” Ojiro chuckled as Kaminari glared at him in protest.
“I’m sorry” You felt the tears starting to prick at your eyes.
You always said sorry, anytime thoughts of him ran through your mind you tore yourself up. It wasn’t right, the feelings, the love you still have for the one who ripped your heart of your chest. Todoroki knows, and still loves you, and comforts you and even lets you vent to him. He’s incredible, and you don’t deserve him for all that’s he’s done for you.
“Don’t be.” You could feel his arms move, knowing he placed his phone down to give you his full attention. Snaking his feelings up your baggy shirt to caress your sides he leaned down to place a kiss on your lips, your head still trying to hide against his neck.
He won’t ever admit it to you, how much it hurts that you still think about Bakugou, that you still love him. He knows it’s not going to do anything to change your feelings about him, but he can’t help his feelings for you and he will always love you.
Guiding your face out from hiding with your chin, he made you face him. Kissing you tenderly he rubbed his thumb over your cheek. You kissed back wrapping your arms around his neck, your stomach tingling slightly at the loving assault of his lips on yours.
“I’m telling you, man, that wrestling match was crazy cool!.” Todoroki broke away after hearing Kirishima’s voice, you glanced over the two-color hair boy and saw him walking into the open space, Bakugou beside him.
“Yeah whatever, I’m still not watching it dumb ass,” Bakugou grumbled running his fingers through his hair. His eyes trailed over to you, locking gazes with one another. You looked away and continued to kiss Todoroki, trying to get the images of that night that popped back into your head out.
Even though no one will ever know, besides Bakugou himself, it pissed him off seeing you with someone else besides him. Knowing all too well that it was his fault that things happened the way it did.
“Dude... why don’t you just go talk to her, it’s been months you need to apologize.” Kirishima said mumbling to him as they continued to walk away from the common area.
“Shut the hell up.” Bakugou snarled lowly,
Pulling out his phone, unlocking it to see a background picture of you guys still on his phone.
“The longer you wait the harder it will be for you to do something about it.” Kirishima said sighing as they continued walking. 
“Is there a reason why you guys called me here?” You asked looking at all the girls piled in Jiros room, as you stood by the door resting your back against it as it was closed. 
“Look, we’ve been friends for years since we were little, and I’m tired of seeing you this hurt over a dumb ass.” Jiro said getting up and placing her hands into yours. 
“Jiro...” You signed hating how everyone is starting to hate him, even though you shouldn’t care and you should feel the same too. 
“Don’t, you need to stop defending him, he’s not yours anymore, and he doesn’t deserve your kindness.” Mina said waging her  finger. 
“Jiro said you love singing, and you used to make music when you guys were younger... so we thought let’s make some music!” Ochaco blushed shrugging her shoulders. 
You stared at everyone blankly and shook your head, holding your hands up. 
“No, not happening.” The thought of singing again sadly hurt now
“Nope, he’s not gonna take another thing away from you, yes he used to listen to you sing, and you guys had your whatever... but don’t let that ruin your hobby, you're talented and you need this.” Jiro huffed grabbing your arm and her guitar. The rest of the girls grabbing more instruments from Jiro’s closet. 
“W-where are we going?!” Leading you out the room, the girls dragged you down the halls and down to the common area, moving stuff around and setting up some stuff. 
“No one’s here, they are practicing and improving their new super moves... I talked with Aizawa and we got this whole place for a few hours to ourselves. So let’s make some music.” Jiro smiled looking at Momo who came out of the from the kitchen area with a tray full of tea cups and snacks. 
“Yeah this will be fun... come on.” Mina said handing you the mic. 
“Okay.” You licked your lips biting them after, trying to ignore the nasty gut feeling you had. 
After the breakup, when you had time you spent it alone working on a new song that was just for you. You never thought about making it known to anyone, or wanting to ever think about singing after making it. 
“Yeah, so after this chorus you can come in, playing like this...” You said showing Momo the right notes to play smiling at how things were going after an hour of teaching everyone how to play the melody. 
“Like this?” She asked making you smile as you nodded loving the beat of the music. 
“Perfect, then it’s goes on repeat like the first verse, then the song ends.” You grinned. 
“Well, let’s hear what you wrote I think were ready.” Jiro smiled, noticing yours on your face. 
“I don’t know guys...” You fiddled with the keys on the piano 
“Get over there and sing!” Mina groaned shoving you towards the mic, you sighed knowing you had no choice and picked it up sitting on the stool they set beside the mic stand. 
Jiro smirked and started playing, queuing everyone in moments after, you took a deep breath and brought the mic up to your lips. 
“ You love to be a trouble maker Leaving now then fuck me later It's always later later later And I let you come back 'Cause sticking 'round is in my nature And tolerating bad behavior You know that I do that You love that I do that” 
The memories of how Bakugou would dismiss you randomly, or not text back like he used too flooded your mind. 
 “ Yooouuu, you know my weaknesses You banking a break of my rules Yes you take advantage Know how to manage My whole fucking planet” 
The feeling of the music, matching the words you sang made your heartach, missing his arms that wrapped around you. That held you when you were feeling down, or happy. His smell that would fill your nose when you breathed in his scent. 
“ You've been playing wicked games You know what to do to me I tried to stay steady I'ma leave but you Try to make me misbehave Fucking up my energy One day I'll be over all them wicked games, yeah” 
That horrible night popping back up into your mind as your sang your heart out, subtle tears falling down your cheeks remembering how he had that girl under him. How her voice sang his stupid name, the ways your did when you were in her position. 
“ Always show up when I'm fending And in the moment it's appealing But you're so good disappearing And I'm just so bad at the truth you know my weaknesses You banking a break of my rules Yes you take advantage Know how to manage my whole fucking planet” 
Everyone stared at you, silently tearing up as they listened to your words. 
“ You've been playing wicked games...” You sang softly, lowering the mic as you shook your head not wanting to continue, trying to hold onto yourself so you didn’t break down and cry in front of everyone. 
Ochaco and Momo rushing over to you to hug you and comfort you, as you let the tears run down your face, hating how your heart was breaking all over again. You stayed in their arms for a moment but knowing that it’s not their arms you wanna be in made it even harder. 
“Let’s stop for now.” Jiro spoke softly smiling sympathetically and walked up to you and moved some of your hair out of your face. 
“I need to go lay down.” You whispered breaking free from their arms and making your way to your room, holding back your screams. Once you saw your door you ran, opening it and shutting it closed locking it. it wasn’t fair at all, what happened, you didn’t deserve it and you knew you didn’t. 
Teary eyes blurring your vision as you slide down to the floor and cried in your arms, knowing that things will never be the same again. 
You snapped your head up, your heart racing as you blinked away the water from your eyes to see Bakugou sitting on your bed. 
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dyscrasia-eucrasia · 4 years
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Part 3
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"So how was that show you went to last night?" Javier asked as he preened in front of the mirror. 
"Oh my god, it was so, so good," Angel replied as he peeled off his shirt and folded it. "Totally worth taking off a Saturday for. I actually got to talk to the lead singer for one of the bands and he was so gorgeous." 
"Yeah? Tell me you got pictures." 
"I got a couple when they were playing, here, come look." He motioned Javier over and retrieved his phone from his locker. 
Opening up his photo gallery, he'd already pushed the photos from the show down under a wall of selfies, most of the same angle and expression, with only the most minute of differences. 
"Girl," Javier said, clicking his tongue as he looked over Angel's shoulder, "you are so conceited." 
"Shut up, I am not. This is advertising." 
"Sure it is, Miss 'I'm a thousand followers away from ten K.' I saw your post begging for brand deals. Hey, if you get those flat tummy teas to sponsor you, you can do a post about how they flush out your system so you can take a ton of dick." 
"Oh my godddd," Angel laughed. "You are such a bitch! Do you want to see these pics or not?" 
"Yaaaas, show me!" 
"Here," Angel tapped a photo and it expanded to fill the screen. It was probably the best picture he'd gotten at the show, one of Demie as he'd growled into the mic, his long hair cascading on either side of his face, which was half cast in shadow by the stage lights. Angel was especially fond of the way the shadows highlighted Demie's long, gaunt face, and the way the fake horns curled up around his ears. 
"...Girl," Javier said. His tone didn't sound like he was impressed. More like he was being judgemental. 
"That is like, one of the ugliest dudes I've ever seen." 
"What? No he isn't, he's hot A.F." 
"Giiiirl, you can't be serious. Look at that ratty-ass beard! Oh my god, could you imagine trying to kiss someone with one of those?" 
"Oh whatever, you think bald old men are hot." 
"Nooo, I think Daddies are hot, not every old guy is a Daddy." 
"Ugh, gross." 
"You won't think it's so gross when I'm married to a hot rich old guy who dies and leaves me his mansion," Javier said, giving Angel a little shove and heading back over to the mirror. 
"That's right, I forgot your idea of romance is murder," Angel shot back. Javier shot him a look, pursing his lips, and gave Angel the finger before heading out of the locker room. 
Angel laughed to himself. He took another look at the picture of Demie. He'd taken surprisingly few photos of the show - something about the music had just taken such a strong grip on him that he'd forgotten to document the experience. In a way, it had felt too intimate to post on Instagram with a long-winded caption about how much he loved music or whatever. 
Plus, he preferred to tag artists in his posts, and despite doing a lot of digging, he hadn't been able to find any social media presence for Bacchus at all. No Instagram, no Twitter, no Spotify, not even a Bandcamp page. He'd even scrolled back through nearly a hundred of Marius' Instagram posts, looking for a picture of Demie or Elaine, but both were notably absent. 
That tracked, he guessed, considering Demie had said he didn't have a phone, but he could've sworn he saw Elaine on one. Surely she posted something about them, at least to let fans know if they had a show coming up. But all he'd been able to find was a post on a heavy metal Subreddit with a low-quality recording of the band, asking if it was true that Marius used to play for them. There were only two replies - one reporting that Marius had said in an interview that he used to play bass for an indie band, and another saying that Marius' music sucked. 
Angel sighed, thinking that he should've gotten a selfie with the band, to memorialize the show for himself if no one else. With that thought, he put his phone back in his locker and stripped down, changing into a g-string and heading out onto stage. 
He liked his job, for the most part. He enjoyed the freedom of being openly, luridly sexual in front of others. He enjoyed feeling like he had a power over the men who came into the club. It was a power he didn't really get elsewhere. Sure, he was tall and muscular for an Asian man, but in comparison to the average American, he was still short, and in the local gay scene he was expected to be a submissive little bottom. 
Not that there was anything wrong with being a bottom. He definitely was one. But he didn't appreciate the way he was expected to be a doormat for tops. 
When he was dancing, though, he held the power. And he loved that feeling. 
He didn't love when drunk guys tried to get handsy, though. And he didn't love having to pay to work the club, nor did he enjoy how unreliable the pay was. Some nights he could pull upwards of $600, others he struggled to get $100. Taking a Saturday off for the sake of a concert was an especially unwise move, since weekend nights were the best financially. 
He didn't really regret it, though. He was glad he'd gone to the show and had the opportunity to meet Demie. The singer occupied his mind the entire day, so much so that, after the club closed for the night and he got home, he pulled out his phone and dialed Demie's number, already saved to his contacts. 
The phone rang four times, and he was ready - albeit let down - to accept that Demie had given him a fake number when a female voice finally answered. 
"Hello?" She asked groggily. 
"Um… is Demie there?" He asked. 
"Who the fuck…" He could hear her say, though it sounded like she'd held the phone away from her. Her voice came back louder and asked, "Can I ask who's calling?" 
"This is Angel, Demie gave me this number after the show last night?" 
"Jesus fucking…" Her voice got muffled, but he could make out that she was shouting Demie's name. 
After shouting Demie's name twice, Angel could just barely make out Demie's voice shouting something back. 
"Phone! It's that guy from the show," Elaine shouted. There was some weird feedback, like she was rubbing the mouthpiece of the phone on her shirt, and then a clatter as the phone was handed over. 
"Hello?" Demie asked. 
"Hi, this is Angel. We met the other night." 
"Dude, it's like four in the morning." 
"Oh! Oh shit, you're right. Sorry, I work nights. I can call back later…" 
"Nah, it's cool, I was already up." 
Angel could hear Elaine shout something that sounded like 'I fucking wasn't.' Demie grumbled something and a few seconds later there was the sound of a door slamming shut. 
"What's up?" Demie asked. He made an 'oof' sound, like he was flopping down on a bed or chair. 
"What's your band's Instagram handle?" 
"Oh. We don't do that shit." 
"Seriously? What about Spotify? Or Bandcamp?" 
"What are those?" 
"You're kidding."
"Nope. Never heard of them." 
"Where do you sell your music, then?" 
"Uh… I've got some cassette tapes that we used to sell at shows. They're old stuff though, back when Mar was still in the band. Why, do you wanna buy one?" 
"Holy shit," Angel said with a laugh, tossing himself down on his futon. "What fucking decade did you walk out of?" 
"What? Tapes are cool. I don't know why anyone would want some e-file digital copy on their iPod or whatever when they could have a physical copy." 
"God, you sound like a hipster."
"I don't really know what that means but I'll take it as a compliment." 
There was a brief lapse in the conversation. Angel wasn't sure what to say. The more he found out about Demie, the more quaint he seemed. It was oddly endearing, knowing that there was no way Demie would've seen his Instagram. He never would've seen the airbrushed photos or the flirty stories or the pics of beautifully crafted breakfasts that he never actually ate because he had to maintain his abs for the sake of his job. 
In a world where everyone had to put their best self on display at all times for a digital audience, Demie had no expectations. He didn't see Angel-the-wannabe-micro-influencer. There was something beautifully vulnerable in that. 
"So what are you doing up at 4am?" Angel eventually asked. 
"Eh… I was writing some music. Haven't really done much since Mar moved out, but I dunno… I just kinda got this flash of inspiration. Just gotta see where it takes me, y'know?" 
"No, I get it. Back when I was in school, I just couldn't write essays during the day, somehow the words only came to me when I'd been up past midnight." 
"Hm. Yeah." 
"Can I ask what the song's about, or is it like… trade secret stuff?" 
"Yeah, no, it's cool. You ever heard of Orpheus?" 
"Oh, yeah. A friend of mine is in love with that one musical, what's it called? Hadestown?"
"Oh shit, they made a musical out of that? I thought it was just an album." 
"See, I didn't know it was an album first." 
"That's cool. So this song's more about the original myth…"
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sir-see · 6 years
SnowBaz Band AU
-So Simon Snow is in a band along with Penny and Agatha and a couple of other people
-Simon is the drummer bc we all know that if he had to choose one thing to do, it would be hitting things with sticks-
-Simon also chose to be a drummer bc all of his life in homes, he would always make a mess of things by fighting so it feels good to create as well as have an outlet for his emotions
-Penelope is on keyboard and background vocals bc she has a rough yet nice voice and is quick with her hands
-Agatha is uses the band as her “rebellion” but she’s the main singer and the one who decided to start it in the first place
-Side band members include Keris and Trixie who play guitar and oddly enough, Cello (it sounds really cool in the midst of rock-esque music and adds a nice touch)
-They mostly play at small bars and different kinds of venues but they got a pretty solid fan base
-Meanwhile, Baz and Fiona run a small bar, Baz working as a bartender and Fiona working as well, Fiona.
-After hearing their music, Fiona decides she loves their grunge rock and wants to hold a show to get more customers
-Baz is absolutely against the idea of having even more people come in than usual, not to mention he hates rock bc he’s a pretentious ass violinist
-Anyways, the night comes where Simon and them perform and Baz is pissy as hell working the bar but he has to admit, the Cellist does sound quite good and the singers voice is rich, etc, etc. (Lets be real, he’s tapping his foot to the beat and humming the songs for the rest of the night)
-After Simon has finished the gig and the crowd clears out, he goes in for a drink and sees Baz who, okay he’s really fucking hot
-He tries to strike up a friendly conversation and is rudely shot down (Baz is gay panicking, give him a break)
-Eventually Simon is like “Oh how did you like the band!”
-Cue pretentious violinist Baz automatically critiquing the music despite actually quite enjoying it
-Simon is Offended™️ and immediately deems Baz as an enemy bc he shat on the one thing Simon uses to project his feelings
-(The band will never hear the end of Simon ranting about the one vampire looking bartender who didn’t like them)
-“Simon, you cant expect everyone to think we’re perfect”
-“That’s not the POINT, he obviously knew I was the drummer, he was such an asshole he probably said that shit just to piss me off” etc etc
-Fiona, however loves them and decided to book then regular gigs so, to the chagrin of everyone else, Simon always has an excuse to rant
-During one gig, though, Simon takes over the show and does a solo act on his acoustic guitar
-Literally everyone at the bar is whipped by this golden boy with calloused fingers who is usually smashing away at the drums playing such a soft instrument
-Baz is in the background shitting himself at how head over heels he is for this kid
-Simon: “so anyways here’s wonderwall”
-Baz comes over while Simon is performing and Simon, thinking its a genius evil plan to get revenge on this asshole, gestures Baz up on stage
-Long story short, it turns out way more romantic than Simon was expecting
-Baz ends up singing along and Simon is shocked that this posh guy listens to Oasis, so he plays while Baz sings
-They’re making eye contact the entire time
-Once the song ends, the crowd is screaming and begging for more of those two
-Fiona books one night a week for them to get together and perform, and the other nights are for Simon to go back to drumming with his band
-Simon and Baz still fight non stop, but Simon can’t help liking the way Baz looks when he’s concentrated on his violin, and Baz stares adoringly as Simon when he plucks the guitar or handles the mic
-They call a truce and actually end up becoming fRiEnDs???
-One night, Baz randomly tells Simon he won’t make it to their gig and Simons like “ummm okay”
-Simon walks into the bar ready to set up for the night but the stage is already set and the spotlight is on Baz, holding his violin
-Penny’s voice sounds over the microphone asking Simon to please take a seat in the front row (the rest of the bar is completely cleared out)
-Basically, Baz serenades Simon with his violin while Penny plays the piano somewhere hidden in the background)
-The song is Head Over Heels by Tears for Fears (https://youtu.be/tUAD7h6dHWE)
-Simon is laughing and crying simultaneously that this dork is playing 80s music for him
-Halfway through the song, Simon climbs up on stage and pounces on Baz
-Baz: “So I take it you liked the song then?”
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lxiewrites · 6 years
Fic trope mashup: 46 & 71, Klance
46. Blind date & 71. 24hrs to live
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1) @mushroomgarden144p Damn I’m so sorry it took so long, I just got really busy with school and making a cosplay prop before I left for home 
2) I went overboard as usual so I hope you enjoy!! shit it’s over 5k i thought it was less
“You sure you can do this, Mullet?” Lance teased. He could see his partner in crime fiddle with the silverware on the table. If his Mamá were there she would’ve smacked those elbows off the table. He watched as those fingers freeze before dropping onto his napkin-covered lap.
Lance adjusted the monitors, making the slightly blurry picture clear to the point he could see that Keith didn’t get a manicure like he told him. Reaching over he played with the dials to adjust the audio so he could hear the low bustle of the restaurant in the background. Not as good as it would have been with Hunk or Pidge but this was a solo mission. Or a solo duo mission… Whatever mission it is with only two people. Though it has been drilled into their heads to use the emergency communicator in any emergencies but it was a simple information grab.
He highly doubted that they would need it.
Keith scoffed, adjusting his glasses making the picture on the monitor jostle. “Contrary to popular belief I have gone on dates, Lance.”
“Really? Where, McDonald’s?” Lance laughed.
“No. Burger King.”
A sharp burst of laughter escaped from deep in his belly, rocking back in his glee and nearly hitting the other side of the van. Laughter tapering off he wiped away a tear that formed in his eye. “Well, this place is a slightly higher pay grade than Burger King. If you’re stuck think what would Lance do~”
He could practically hear his eyes roll. “Just focus on watching my back, Lance.”
“It’s not my fault I’m too handsome for this case, Mullet.”
“Yes, but it is your fault for being seen with Allura and being in the tabloids for two weeks straight,” Keith nagged.
Like he forgot. For two weeks his pictures with Allura were everywhere, speculating whether he was some young tycoon or some model. Anyway, they could figure out why he held The Princess’s attention. Wild stories of him being her new boyfriend or just a fling. But they did die down after a week when he kept out of the limelight.
Lance frowned at the fancy glass of ice water that appeared on the table, the video moving up to the politely smiling face of the waiter. Keith’s hand entered the bottom corner, thankfully waving the waiter away.
He got a close up look at the ice cubes as they clinked against the glass when Keith took a sip. Keeping the drink to his mouth Keith muttered, “Just for the fact that you were on the news makes you a high profile. We needed discretion.”
Lance pouted and crossed his arms. “How was I to know that the paparazzi was there? Allura was giving me the profile on your date. Remember?”
“We’re spies, Lance!” Keith whispered shouted into his drink before setting it down. “You’re supposed to know when you’re followed.”
“Well, I’m sorry I’m such a fuck up, Keith.”
Keith’s sigh made the mic crackle with static. “Lance—“
“Shh, shut up, shut up, she’s coming.”
A tall, gorgeous, and willowy redhead approached them with a wide smile, her light blue eyes bright with enthusiasm. “You’re Keith, right? Allura told me a lot about you, I’m Roze but you can call me Ezor or Ezzy!”
The video bobbed as Keith nodded. Maybe they should’ve put the camera in the tie. “Nice to meet you, Ezor.”
“Just had to go with the boring route didn’t you,” Lance critiqued.
Before Keith took out her chair he tapped on his ear where the earring bug was, causing a screech to blare right into Lance’s ear. Keith didn’t show any signs of his ears bleeding as he pushed in Ezor’s chair for her.
“Oh, such a gentleman!” she teased. She set her forearms on the table and propped her pointed chin in the palm of her hand. “So how do you know Allura?”
“I met her through work,” Keith said waving for the waiter to come by with menus. “You?”
“Oh, I guess I don’t know her that well. She’s like this associate with my boss’s son. Just came up today and asked if I wanted to go on a blind date. And I’m not one to pass up a free meal so I was like, ‘sure! Why not?’” She smiled at Keith, blue eyes slitting in amusement.
Lance could probably guess why Allura chose this one for them to go on a date with. Friendly with a bit of a motor mouth, but Lance still had an uneasy feeling about this girl. Her demeanor too friendly, smile too sharp and getting that small piece of information buried under the avalanche of words.
He cracked his neck on either side. Leaning forward to the mike as if Keith could hear him better he said, “Game face on, Mullet. It’s date time.”
Lance at this point was bored out of his mind and fighting the temptation of playing games on his phone. Obviously, he can’t because that’s “unprofessional” but whatever.
“How is it that you haven’t gotten any relevant information from her so far?”
He could see Keith’s hand tighten on his fork before placing it on the table. Keith pushed his empty plate away from him, getting up from the table. “If you’ll excuse me, I just need to go to the restroom.”
Ezor beamed at him, giving him a little wave. “Go ahead, I’ll order dessert.”
Keith hurried to the bathroom, the golden ornate decorations of the restroom blurring in his haste. Reaching the bathroom and locking it behind him he tore off his glasses and glared at the small camera embedded in the frame.
Keith’s furious purple eyes took up the entirety of the screen. Despite the high definition of the camera, his skin was still perfectly clear and soft looking. “Excuse me if the subject of experimental, hallucinatory, and extremely dangerous drugs haven’t casually come up in the conversation!” he hissed.
“Just… I don’t know… bring up recreational drugs!” Lance shouted into the van, waving his hands. “Like what does she do to relax? Then just say that you use weed and go from there!”
Keith pursed his lips. His eyes darted to the side in the way that he did when he was considering something. He looked back at the screen, resigned. “Fine. I’ll try it. But this better work.”
“Come on, Mullet, when haven’t my plans ever worked?”
“Do you want the list in chronological or alphabetical order?”
“Dick,” he said without heat.
Keith smirked before putting his glasses back on. Looking into the mirror he straightened his navy suit and tightened his ponytail. In the privacy of the van, Lance allowed himself to put a hand to his chest and scream silently into the mic before going back to watch Keith fiddle with his silverware.
She clapped when the waiter deposited something oozing with chocolate and only two spoons in between them. She looked up flirtatiously at Keith, batting her eyes. “I didn’t know what you wanted so I hope you don’t mind sharing.”
“He gay, bitch,” Lance muttered on reflex.
Keith must’ve heard him because he choked out a small laugh before turning it into a coughing fit.
Ezor’s eyebrows rose. “Ookay, then. Or not.”
Keith coughed again before waving his hand. “I’m sorry. Sorry, I would love to.”
She grinned at him again. “Perfect,” she chirped, handing over a long silver spoon.
“So, what do you do to relax, Ezor?” Keith asked, scooping up some hot fudge.
“Mmm, little bit of this, little bit of that. I like shopping and yoga,” she said scooping up some liquid chocolate on her side. She looked up at him and slowly took a bite, taking her sweet ass time licking the spoon. “You?”
Lance thunked his head on the table.
She laughed. “Wow. Straight to the point. I like that.”
“It’s something I specialize in,” Keith agreed, taking a bite.
She giggled again but Lance still thought she sounded too sharp on the edges. And there was definitely something wrong with her if she didn’t just up and leave after that.
Keith scooped up more chocolate along with a bite of cake, popping it in his mouth before continuing. “So, uh, have you tried weed before?”
Ezor set down her spoon to fold her arms on the table and smile at Keith. “Wouldn’t you like to know~”
The screen moved when Keith shook his head. His hand came up and the video moved up so Lance had a nice video feed of the crystal chandelier in the middle of the room. Lance heard the silverware on the table clatter off-screen.
Fear shot through him so fast it made his stomach hurt. “Keith? You okay buddy?”
The screen focused on the white tablecloth, two elbows on both sides of the shot. “Just…dizzy…” The screen blurred again when Keith shook his head.
Off-screen Ezor hummed. “Dizzy, huh, that tends to happen.” There was some rustling and the snap of a purse before a few hundred-dollar bills fluttered down in the corner of the screen.
The screech of the chair scraping linoleum was his only warning before the screen blurred once again and he got a close-up shot of a long, pink evening gown pressed up against Keith’s blue suit. Keith’s feet were heavy and lurching as he stumbled next to the dainty gold shoes.
Lance’s heart hammered in his chest as he sent out a secure signal of their location. “Keith, buddy, you’re going to have to get out of there.”
“’M dizzy,” he mumbled.
Lance’s leg was bouncing so fast it blurred. “I know you are buddy, just hold on for a bit.” He had to get him but he couldn’t just drop everything to just go in and grab him. Millions of lives are hinged on the information. But the mission was already pretty much screwed; he should just go in and grab him. Right?
“Pft, that’s just the beginning. You’re gonna be a lot more than just dizzy soon.” Ezor muttered. She expertly maneuvered them into a less populated area, reducing Keith’s behavior as a state of drunkenness.
Out of sight in the back alley she dumped him onto the wet ground, shining in the glow of the streetlight. Keith’s head tilted back to the point where Lance could see her casually flip back her hair in a high pony and slip a vial out of her purse.
Crouching down in front of them she held up the purple liquid. “Y’all have such a hard-on for this shit.” She tossed it in the air before catching it in her hand. “Since you got this far Haggar told me I could tell you that this is quintessence. Left alone it’s one hell of a hallucinogen, but processed,” she smirked at the camera. “I’d say you only have about twenty-four hours to live.” Ezor’s blue eyes looked right into the camera as if she was looking right at him. “I would hurry if I were you.”
Fuck it.
It might be a trap but he had to go get his partner. Grabbing the communicator, he stuffed it in his pocket before grabbing a gun and rushing out of the van doors.
The streets were dark, only a few people left milling around the restaurant. Sliding the gun in the waistband of his jeans at the small of his back he snuck around the front of the building to the small alley hidden between the buildings.
With slow steps, soft splashes were the only indicator of his location. He paused before the opening of the alley, the angle of the streetlight keeping him in the shadows. He took the gun from the small of his back, cocking it in hand before leaping from his hiding spot.
Only to drop it to his side.
No one was there, the date was gone without a trace and Keith was lying there groaning on the ground. Flipping the safety on he ran to his friend, heart beating away in his throat. Dropping the gun on the asphalt and grabbing Keith’s hands he took them between his own and rubbed them to bring some warmth back. The icy coldness of his hands seeping in and turning the flesh a faint purple.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck. I fucked up.” He wrapped an arm around Keith’s shoulders, rubbing them to possibly keep more warmth in. He took the communicator from his pocket and set it on Keith’s lap. “I’m so fucking sorry, Keith. Jesus Christ this is all my fault.”
He activated the communicator in Keith’s lap, the crackly voice of a tired Pidge on the other end. “Pidge, Keith is down. We need an extraction. Get 911 and poison control.”
Pidge didn’t ask any questions, the telltale clicking the only clue that she was sending out a team. “Team’s on their way, as is 911 and poison control is in process. What happened, Lance?”
Lance was silent for a moment, internally berating himself for letting this happen. “We didn’t know but his date poisoned Keith with the processed quintessence.”
Something clattered on the other side of the line. “Jesus fuck.”
“Yeah,” Lance said morosely. It was like he was hearing himself over a recording. “We only have twenty-four hours, Pidge.”
“Lance…” She trailed off, her voice small. “We need a sample of the processed quintessence for the antidote, we only have the pure quintessence and we don’t know what they did to it. The best that can happen is to feed him neutralizers and hope it either stops the process or slows it down.”
Lance buried his face in Keith’s neck, squeezing the unconscious man. “I know. Just… be ready to start examining for proteins or chemicals and shit. I’ll make sure to grab the evidence and when they pump his stomach be ready to examine the contents.”
Red and blue lights flashed down the street, the faint sound of sirens getting louder by the second. “The police and ambulance are almost here. You’re gonna have to work fast, Pidge.”
Pidge growled in frustration. “Lance, we’re going to need—“
“And I’ll get it,” he cut off. He sighed and softened his tone. “I’ll get it. Just work with what you can. I have a plan, so you just leave it to good ol’ Lancey Lance.”
There was a distinct tapping against a keyboard as she listened to his bravado. “Fine,” she spat. “I’ll do what I can.”
He hoisted Keith onto his shoulder, arm raised, badge in hand, to wave the police to their location. The alternating lights giving Keith a sickly glow that emphasized how pale he was along with the full baggage claim under his eyes.
“That’s all I need, Pigerino.”
Lance paced as he waited for her to answer her phone. The hallway was empty aside from the few nurses running on little sleep and caffeine. All the rooms in the hall were closed and only a few with light creeping from under the doors. The harsh fluorescent lights of the hospital hurt his eyes and he grimaced, remembering the last time he had to be there that involved Keith. Except it was his fault this time.
“Yes?” a voice answered, posh and perfect like always.
“Allura, I need a favor.”
“Hello to you too, Lance.” He could practically see the eye roll in her voice. “What is the issue?”
He swallowed around a dry throat. “It’s Keith. He was poisoned and while the team has the pure quintessence the Galra did something to it so we have to get a sample of the processed drug because if we did he’s going to die—“
“Lance, slow down,” she ordered before concern softened her tone. “How long does he have?”
Lance took a deep breath and let it out slowly, closing his eyes so the bright lights didn’t make him dizzier than he already was. “Pidge said they were able to slow the process to a few days but it’s still going to kill him.”
“What do you need?” she asked, though it sounded more like a command.
Leaning against the pristine white wall he sighed. “I need to get a sample of pure quintessence.”
“And what? Steal it?” A sigh heaved on the other side of the line. “Lance, if they poisoned Keith knowing he was a part of Voltron then my position is more than likely compromised.”
“You still have the keys right? The ones you took off of the son?”
“Lance, think, this is not safe. You need to wait and discuss a plan with everyone and go in with a team.”
A loud slap of skin on drywall echoed down the empty hallway. “Keith doesn’t have the time Allura!”
“Please, Allura. This is all my fault, if I wasn’t seen with you then Keith wouldn’t have had to go in.”
“And have this exact same situation but reversed?” she scolded.
“Allura I have a plan, I just need the key.”
The long, poignant silence felt like a death toll. “You have to at least talk to Shiro before you try to do whatever you’re trying to do.”
Lance’s entire body slumped with the relieved sigh he was holding. “Yes, yes, absolutely, no problem. You got it, princess.”
“Remember, you ha—“
“Yes, yes, Shiro’s approval, no worries, he’ll definitely say yes. I’ll come by for the key later. Thanksloveyoubye!” The words were jumbled into one horrifying Frankenstein of a word in his haste to close the conversation before she could change her mind. Ending the call he placed his hand over his racing heart.
Blowing out a breath he slipped into the room he was pacing in front of.
He walked over to the bed where Keith was laying pale but stable. His brows were furrowed, scowling even in, essentially, a coma. Lance brushed back his bangs, damp from sweat, smoothing out the wrinkles on his forehead. Leaning down, he placed a small kiss to the middle of his forehead. “Hang in there, buddy,” he whispered. “I got your back.”
Lance strolled up to the front doors of the Galra Inc. building, waving the stolen key card in front of the sensor. It blinked green twice before the doors slid open with a quiet woosh of air.
Most of the building consisted of sleek metal and purple accents, new technology not released to the public scattered around the room, and that was just the lobby.
He adjusted his red tie, nodding to the receptionist who didn’t even bother looking up and walked to the elevator. He prayed that the key card was the extent of the security needed. He might need to subdue someone if they used any form of retinal or fingerprint scanning. Most of it was banking on the face the keycard belonged to the son of the company. How Allura was able to get it he had no idea but he wasn’t about to question it.
The scanner to the elevator thankfully blinks green twice. Stepping inside the empty elevator he looked the buttons up and down, debating. His eyebrows rose slightly when he noticed a thin opening nearly hidden by the seam where the panel was fused to the elevator.
Licking his lips he slid the keycard in and out of the slit. As soon as he did the elevator started moving, so smoothly he almost didn’t notice. “Okay,” he said, “that works.”
There was no indicator of any floor when the elevator stopped. No ping to alert the passenger. The doors were silent. Cautiously, Lance stepped out on the dark tile, shoes making soft clacking on the floor.
As if he belonged, he ambled through the dimly lit halls, shoes clicking as he went. Lance tried a few doors, either finding no one or a few people in respirators who didn’t look up from their tablets.
He frowned at the ground, annoyed. So far he was unable to find her. It’s not like he thought there would be a flipping directory but he should have gone by her office at some point.
He wandered around more. Hands in his pockets, eyes forward; the perfect picture of someone who knew he belonged there and knew where he was going. Despite the fact he was probably walking around in circles.
The few people in masks who walked the halls merely looked at him, moving on when he nodded at them, some nodded in response. They, too, were also silent. They looked at each other and made a few gestures but he couldn’t hear whatever discussion they were having.
When he turned the corner he paused. He waited five or ten seconds and turned right back around. Stepping lightly he followed the two as they turned a corner.
Following as silently as possible he followed them until they disappeared into a metal door marked with red lights and a WARNING sight bolted over the top.
Finally some progress.
He didn’t hesitate when he reached the door. Only taking a brief moment to get into character. The cool, suave persona that will go in and smoothly demand for a moment of the Haggar’s time.
He grasped the handle when he felt the cold press of a barrel of a gun no his neck.
“Hands up,” a voice as cold as the gun demanded.
Slowly, he raised his hands, shoulder height.
“So what gave me away?” he asked. The muzzle of the gun pressed into the back of his head, tipping it forward until he saw his dress shoes. A foot clad in what looked to be a thick sock kicked his feet apart.
“You’re shoes. You were echoing all around this floor.”
Lance winced, silently cursing himself. His heartbeat pounded in his chest and up to his face and wrists. He huffed out a breath and abruptly held it when the muzzle pressed harder.
“Listen, can, can I just talk?”
“You’re talking right now.”
“I’d rather do this face to face.”
A beat of silence passed.
“Fine, but don’t try anything or I will shoot.”
Strangely, it didn’t sound like a threat or a warning but a fact.
Cautiously, he turned, hands up and eyes down. Raising his head he could see the person behind the voice. She appeared to be female clad in an armor designed to be both flexible and to withstand attacks. Her dark hair was purple in the lighting and her eyes piercing. Neither happy nor even aggressive but intense.
Her expression didn’t change as she nodded at him, a cue to continue.
“I just came here to make a deal with Haggar. My pa—friend was poisoned with quintessence and I came here to offer some sort of exchange to get the antidote or even just a sample for him.”
“Why should I care? It sounds like he was just a casualty.”
He glared. “He’s important.”
Somehow, even without changing her expression he had the distinct feeling she looked at him like he was an idiot. “That just sounds like that’s a benefit to Galra.”
“To me, he’s important to me!” he hissed out. Sighing, he closed his eyes to rein himself in. Opening them again he glared at her. “Listen, I’m pretty high up in Voltron. A favor for a favor. I just need a sample and was going to ask for a trade with Haggar.”
Her eyes flicked to the side and back. “You’re alone.”
Lance could feel his eyebrows twitch down. “Ho—“
“You don’t have a communicator. And you must be pretty stupid to think you can have a fair trade of ‘a favor for a favor’ with Haggar.” She blinked once, twice. The gun moved.
His breath stalled in his chest as he prepared for the impact of the bullet.
He waited. But nothing came.
He watched as she swiftly flipped her gun into her holster at her hip. “Haggar would never let you off so easily.” Digging in another pouch she took out a small vial of purple liquid. She locked eyes with him as she held it up, the liquid swirling in its small container. “A favor for a favor, correct?”
At first, the past thirty seconds didn’t even register. Like his brain lagged, buffered. Lance.exe not found. Then all at once, it was like he was more aware of everything. The dark colors of the corridor were more vivid. He could hear the faint buzzing of the lights at his back. The faded scent of bleach that was used to clean the floor.
He shook his head, blinking until everything came back into focus. ”What?”
Her eyes narrowed at him. Jiggling the vial a bit so the liquid sloshed against the sides she said, “You’d have a better chance of making a deal with me than with Haggar.”
“And what do you exactly have to gain from this?” Lance asked, eyeing her warily.
“A favor,” she held out the sample, “correct?”
Lance hesitated, hand reaching for it but curling in on itself before touching. There had to be some sort of catch. Why would she essentially let him off scot-free? She didn’t know if he would uphold whatever favor she had.
He looked at her where she was staring at him steadily, maybe a tad bit impatient, raising her brows at him as if asking, ‘what are you waiting for?’
He took the vial.
As soon as he was in his car speeding away from Galra Inc. he phoned Pidge.
“Pidge!” he shouted when she finally picked up, transferring the call to the car’s Bluetooth.
“Lance,” said operative grimaced at the sound of the stern rumble of his boss instead of Pidge’s sleep-deprived mumbles, “you better have a good explanation for going on a mission without prior authorization.”
He swallowed down the lump in his throat before chuckling awkwardly. “So you see, Shiro, it was a bit of a time crunch—“
“You went without a handler or backup. No one knew you were going except for Pidge and Allura, who might I add, is not an operative.”
“You didn’t even talk to me about this. Do you have any idea how risky and dangerous this was?”
“I do, but Shiro this was important and I couldn’t wait for the department to get back to me days later when I knew I could do it now.”
“Going in alone on a mission is bad enough but there were absolutely no safety precautions, Lance—“
“It was for Keith,” Lance blurted out. “Shiro, he only has a few days. And I got it. Completely unscathed. I’m right as rain.”
There was a deep sigh on the other side of the line. “We’re not done with this conversation.”
The dial tone buzzed in the car before Lanced sighed and redialed to Pidge. “Hey, Pidge? I got it.”
It’s been about a week since Lance took the deal with that girl. Pidge and Hunk did their science stuff and made an antidote for Keith in as little as twelve hours. He has since then recovered quickly and they’re keeping him in the hospital to monitor his vitals to make sure he was stable. And if he knew Keith as well as he thought he did then he must have been having a ball.
Lance stood in front of the door, a small bouquet of flowers in his hands. He fidgeted, shuffling from one foot to the other, going in to knock before changing his mind.
The flowers were too much. They were definitely too much. Maybe he should’ve gotten him something else? What did he like? Knives? Chocolate? He should just go home and—
“Just come in already!” a disgruntled voice shouted.
Lance sucked in a breath, exhaling before plastering a smile onto his face. “Hey, buddy!” he chirped, opening the door. He squawked when a pillow hit the wall next to him, retreating slightly before peeking in again.
Keith sat pouting, hair mussed, and arms crossed in the bed. He glared at where Lance stood in the doorway, daring him to come in and give him well wishes.
Lance glared back stepping into the room and firmly—but not too loudly, his mama raised a respectable boy—closed the door behind him.
“That’s some greeting,” he sniped.
“Yeah, well, you’re an idiot.” Keith nodded to the flowers in his hands. “Who’re those for?”
Sitting down at the chair next to the bed he plopped the flowers onto Keith’s lap. “Mrs. Sanchez in 4B her grandkids made little league.”
Keith’s brow furrowed, dropping the daisy petal he was playing with. “Really?”
Lance huffed. “Of course not, they’re for you dummy.”
The line between Keith’s brows softened and he resumed stroking the bouquet. “Oh,” he said, voice soft. After a few minutes in silence he set the flowers to the side and looked Lance in the eye, his gaze intense.
“Shiro told me what you did.”
“And you wanted to thank me, of course, not a problem, buddy.”
“Lance,” Keith growled, wiping the cheeky smile off his face. “What you did was stupid and risky. I would’ve been fine for a few days. Why?”
Lance focused on the different wildflowers in the bouquet, counting the different types. “Why what?”
“Why did you do that? It was incredibly dangerous, and you’re suspended.”
Lance could feel his heart pound against his ribcage. Wasn’t the answer obvious? He felt like the answer was written all over his face. Which felt really hot, was he sweating?
He felt his heart crawl up into his throat as he turned to look at Keith, smile back on. “Wouldn’t you do the same?”
He held his breath as he searched Keith’s eyes for…something… anything. Some sign that despite the bickering and teasing that he felt the same as he did. That there was some kind of hope for something more.
Keith replied without hesitation. “Of course I would. But Lance, you didn’t even have a handler and you went into potentially hostile territory.”
Lance bit his lip. Unsure whether he found what he was looking for. He leaned forward, resting his elbows on the bed, forearms touching the length of Keith’s leg.
He tried to hide his shallow breaths as best as he could. Heart beating away in his throat and stomach nauseous he took a leap. “Well, when the other alternative was you dying it was worth the risk.”
Slowly, as if he moved too quickly he would spook him, he gently pried Keith’s hand from where it was tightly crossed across his torso.
Keith looked at him confusedly while he threaded their fingers together, squeezing.  He avoided those bottomless eyes by focusing on how his hand felt so warm and perfect in his. “I would risk anything as long as you were okay.”
“Oh,” Keith said, voice barely above a whisper.
Lance didn’t dare look at him in case of spontaneous combustion; his cheeks were already on fire. When Keith didn’t say anything his heart dropped to his stomach and he slowly started to unwind his fingers. He couldn’t say he was surprised.
So when Keith tightened his fingers and tugged their joined hands to his lips…Lance was…shocked.
When Keith looked up at him and tentatively gave him a sweet smile Lance felt his heart stutter. Heart humming, he dropped his forehead against Keith’s and smiled.
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bubblet-ea · 6 years
something foreign but altogether completely familiar
“the fuck?”
“please?” jimin all but whined, head tucked comfortably atop yoongi’s lap as both sets of fingers moved rapid-fire against his ps4 game controller.
“no,” yoongi’s green humanoid blob managed to shove jimin’s blue twerky thing to go plunging to his doom off a rotating blimp. 
”hah!” taehyung’s screech could be heard through his headset. “team taegi wildin’ out!”
“come on, just one time,” jimin’s eyes remained glued to the tv screen where he adamantly tried to body flop his way over taehyung’s yellow goop man that tried to throw him off again ”hoseok! you fuckin’ suck! you’re supposed to have my back!”
the only response received was a high pitched cackle-scream hybrid that had jimin flinching, probably bursting one of his eardrums as well. hoseok’s little red floppy dude went plummeting to his doom all on his own at the opposite end of the screen far from the melee going on between the other three players.
“yoongi please,” jimin was just that close of chucking his controller at the tv, nostrils flaring with annoyance at how crap he was at this game. “three hours, tops.”
“fuck no,” yoongi effectively managed to nudge both jimin’s and taehyung’s characters off the blimp, sacrificing his own partner with no remorse. (”hey! what the heck!”). “what part of no don’t you understand?”
“but i said please,” jimin finally tossed his controller and waved his metaphoric white flag of surrender. he opted for rolling flat on his back and lifting his gaze to stare up at the underside of yoongi’s chin with the softest puppy pout he could muster. “i thought we were bros.”
“no,” yoongi somehow managed to continue playing with a single hand, freeing the other to produce a swift flick on jimin’s forehead (”ow.”). “i am your elder, and you are a pint-sized peanut stuffed full of teenage gay angst and i don’t know why i put up with you.”
granted, jimin supposed that was true. yoongi was technically two years his senior. but they’d been practically biffles for life since childhood because their dads were fishing buddies. and jimin would rather have every last one of his teeth pulled out with steel pliers than to actually admit, but he picked this university for the sole purpose that it contained one min yoongi.
best bros.
“but i thought you were my fam,” jimin plopped his body like deadweight and stretched his full height across the couch. “my homie for life, piña to my colada, the half to my whole, soy to my latte-”
“you can fuck right off with that.” 
 “and after all i’ve done for you,” jimin swooned, arm tossed over his eyes in a dramatic effect. he snuck a peak to glance up at the pointy end of yoongi’s nose.
the elder’s eyebrow was in serious danger of shooting up and out through the roof. if jimin didn’t know any better, and he liked to think he knew better than most, yoongi’s expression was definitely in danger of being permanently fixed the way it was, what with yoongi’s constant skepticism and no-fucking-nonsense-stick-up-his-ass-you-mess-with-me-i-will-shove-this-lamp-pole-up-your-fucking-dickhole attitude.
“pray tell, what exactly have you done for me?”
“like that one time,” jimin started, straightening out from his maiden’s swoon and poking up at yoongi’s left piercing. “you were thirsting over taehyung hardcore like the dehydrated prune ass bitch you are. and i had to step in and play cupid so you could finally man up the courage to tap dat.”
“damn boiiiii!” hoseok screeched.
“exposed!” taehyung followed. “i know i’m hot shit and all but daaaaang!”
“i will literally set your hair on fire, you oversized carrot top,” yoongi gritted through clenched teeth where jimin caught a muscle twitch. (”you love my glorious orange hair, don’t lie.”)
jimin could truly say that episode had been one helluva fuckin’ ride, an experience. to be honest, yoongi seemed to be hellbent on pretending the entirety of last winter holidays had never happened, it was that embarrassing. in the end, jimin’s efforts had been in vain and yoongi snapped right the fuck out of it when he realized taehyung was not the soft, sweet cotton fluff he thought and a whole lot of nasty, panty dropping extra that could not be contained.
yoongi shot him a brief, tight lipped smile that looked more constipated than anything else.
“it’s true though,” hoseok’s mirth was clearly visible even through the shitty wifi connection. “jimin did do you a solid.”
“the sex was really good though, you gotta admit.”
“first of all, you piece of shit,” yoongi’s game controller went to join jimin’s across the coffee table. “i did not thirst after taehyung-”
“you were so thirsty your skin was flaking,” jimin smirked, shortly before he was shoved off the couch to land in a puddle at yoongi’s feet. “ow, fuck that really hurt.”
“i am the king of gang beasts!” taehyung’s shrill deep voice echoed in jimin’s ears. “all hail king tae! bow, peasants, and kiss my feet!”
“the fucking disrespect,” yoongi’s toe nudge into jimin’s side, making him jerk sideways half under the table. “it was mid winter and i have eczema you snot rag. second of all,” yoongi continued on his tirade and jimin wheezed with laughter. “what you managed to do was set everyone up for fuckin’ centuries of cringeworthy humiliation that is bound to have my descendants curling in misery.”
“you’re so dramatic,” jimin smiled fondly, rolling back out from under the table and sitting himself up. he rested his chin along his arms crossed on the edge of the sofa by yoongi’s knees. “i totally helped you get dat ass. i am the best wingman.”
“you are a fucking nightmare, is what you are,” yoongi deadpanned, ruffling jimin’s already mussed up, pitch black hair.
“i know, but please,” jimin tried again, throwing on his best sulk face and capitalizing on the best asset god bequeathed him with. his plush, pouty lips. “just this one time,” he bat his lashes, just for good measure. “how often do i ask for favors?”
“all the fuckin’ time!”
“like when do you not?”
“did i ask for your opinion?! i think the fuck not!” jimin straightened out like a snapped spring and bellowed into his headset mic. through his peripheral vision, he saw yoongi take of his own headset and slowly rub at his temples.
“why do i put up with all of you,” yoongi let out a long suffering sigh.
“because you lo-”
jimin turned off the tv, remote arm out, cutting hoseok off mid-sentence. yoongi looked at him like he might kiss him. or not. with a shrug, jimin tossed the remote on the carpet by his feet.
“back to the subject,” he licked his lips, settling against the coffee table with his knees drawn to his chest. yoongi let out another heavy sigh, but that didn’t deter jimin. “just one time please. one date,” he attempted the most forlorn look, like stepped on flowers, run over a dog’s tail, cookies got burnt disconsolate. “taemin is gonna be there.”
“how do you even know this,” yoongi sighed. again.
“with jongin.”
jimin pouted extra hard.
“who the fuck is jongin,” yoongi rubbed his temples with his middle and forefinger, as if he was warding off an oncoming migraine. which is nonsense. because jimin is the light of yoongi’s life. he could attest to this.
“who is,” jimin's face crumpled. “who the fuck. jongin!” his arms shot up into the air. “kim jongin! the third year ballet twink with the good ass thighs and facial structure crafted by the gods! dance prodigy jongin!” jimin’s voice escalated with every syllable, in speed, pitch, and volume.
“that kim jongin. the one taemin dumped me for,” jimin was now truly feeling really sad. this was not how he’d anticipated this conversation to go down.
it still hurt. three weeks had passed since the evening that shall not be spoken of. and jimin’s chest still throbbed with an empty longing at the memories of how taemin had broken up with him at their favorite mom-and-pop cafe that had been the center point of almost a year’s worth of happy memories. the sacrilege, how dare?
“i found someone else,” taemin had said.
“well good riddance! ‘cause i was gonna break up with you first!” jimin’s brain to mouth filter completely went on vacation, leaving him with utter regret and despair. but why stop there? “i found someone else too!”
the look of surprise on taemin’s face had almost been worth it.
now jimin was stuck with empty words and no boyfriend to show for it.
“please,” jimin tried again, clutching at yoongi’s artfully ripped jeans, which was saying something as they were so tight they clung to the elder’s very legs like second skin. “i just gotta prove to him that i do have somebody else and i’m not like desperate-taylor-swift-binge-eating-sobfest-heartbroken.”
“you are heartbroken,” yoongi muttered, pulling off his headset and running a hand through his soft brown hair. “there’s nothing wrong with that. the asshole literally broke your heart. i’m pretty sure that’s the definition of heartbroken.”
“just to prove i have a boyfriend,” jimin could sense victory in the soft sigh leaving yoongi’s lips.
“but you don't.”
“minor detail,” jimin waved a nonchalant hand.
“i’d say that’s a big fucking detail,” yoongi replied gruffly, rubbing his face with his open hand.
“i’ll buy you dinner,” jimin enticed, coming up to his knees and peering up into yoongi’s face.
“it better be a good fucking dinner,” yoongi sighed, finally relenting.
“i can't believe i let you talk me into this,” yoongi shook his head, jimin chancing furtive glances over his menu to look for that familiar face.
“just,” jimin finally caught taemin and his new boyfriend at the far side of the cafe, tucked away in a discreet corner booth. “pick something to eat while i do some recon.”
“fucking ridiculous,” yoongi released a long, deep breath but picked up his own menu and began to look through the list of foods. “recon,” yoongi snorted, a crease forming in between jimin’s brows as he tried to subtly, not so subtly, crane his neck as if he could actually catch what the other two were talking about if he stretched far enough.
he didn’t even notice as the waitress stopped by to take their order, squinting as he attempted to lipread what taemin was saying to jongin.
damn, it was hard to see exactly what words were being exchanged from this angle and distance.
but what wasn't too difficult to see, even for jimin from this length of space between, was the brilliant laughter playing on taemin’s lips and the way his eyes curved into that precious moon smile that was jimin’s favorite and had always been reserved for him and him only.
the dull thud in his chest echoed like a bucket dropped all the way to the bottom of an empty well.
he watched, breath held, as taemin pulled the other’s hand and pressed butterfly kisses along every knuckle. something he used to do for jimin too.
it felt as if he’d fallen into that empty well along with the bucket.
it hurt.
like a fucking bitch, it hurt.
he really thought he could do this. but he couldn't. not when taemin looked for all the world like a man completely smitten. and the other person wasn't jimin.
a sharp kick to the shin finally jolted his attention away from the other couple, a startled whine escaping through his parted lips as a bright hot pain traveled up his leg from the point of abuse.
“what the fuck,” jimin’s expression puckered, rubbing at the sore spot on his shin that was very likely to bruise. yoongi’s brow quirked, arms crossed over his chest looking bored as hell while jimin’s world came crashing down around his feet for what was probably the thousandth time since he’d been dumped.
“you’re supposed to be having a good time,” yoongi’s face softened when jimin bit down on his lower lip that had started to quiver. he blinked repeatedly, forcing back the burn that had begun to emerge around the corners of his eyes. it was becoming somewhat hard to breathe.
“do you want me to take you home?” the elder asked gently, and jimin shook his head faintly. “then what do you want to do?” yoongi enquired, head tilted to the side.
inhaling a shaky breath, jimin willed himself to calm. “can you just,” he answered after a moment of silence. “talk. just talk. about anything, i don't care. just please,” jimin didn’t really know what he was begging for. he just needed the pain in his chest to stop.
so yoongi began talking.
he started with a teacher aide in his music comp class that none of the students liked because he was a total pompous bitch. he talked about his latest assignment that was due in a few day’s time, but he’d procrastinated up until now because who fuck care anyways? he commented on the weather, about Pokémon GO, about a new movie that had come out, about the upcoming spring break and how their mothers expected them back home because yoongi’s older brother wanted him to meet his fiancé’s family and how jimin was going to come with him or else he’d die of boredom and the younger owed him a favor after this anyway.
the words flowed freely, and jimin was content to just listen to that deep silken voice wrap him softly like a bandaid over a wound.
he listened and he ate as yoongi talked, gradually forgetting the reason that he was here in the first place and began to actually engage in the conversation.
“do i get a free meal out of it?” jimin tipped his head to the side, popping a french fry in his mouth and licking the bit of ketchup off the end of his middle finger. at that, he thought he caught a near imperceptible dip in the elder’s adam’s apple. but he waved it off as just his imagination.
“freeloader,” a hand leaned over the table to ruffle jimin’s hair before he could swing out of yoongi’s reach.
“knock it off,” jimin huffed, batting the hand away. “and no i’m not.”
“you are soft as fuck,” yoongi laughed at the excitement that lit up jimin’s face. “yes, you’re getting a free meal out of my brother so you’re ass is coming.”
“and you act like you never get a free meal whenever you come banging on my doorstep anyway,” yoongi said in a deadpan tone, sliding his credit card into the check folder the waitress brought over. “you know how much my mom loves you.”
“i can’t wait to play with holly,” jimin hummed with a content smile, sipping on his watered down coke zero.
“thanks for, you know,” jimin stared down at his feet, scuffing the point of his right shoe against the concrete. he glanced up to see yoongi shrug, hands tucked away into the pockets of his jeans while they stood outside of jimin’s dorm.
they’d done this a million and trillion times before in the past. but why did jimin feel somewhat nervous?
yoongi was as familiar to him as his own right arm, or his favorite blanket back home.
there was something different though, hanging in the crisp night air between them... something that was never there before.
“thank you for being the best fucking bro in the whole fucking world?” yoongi prompted when he’d paused for long enough, jimin snorting with amusement and retuning somewhat back to planet earth.
“yeah, that,” he conceded, fingers clasped behind his back for lack of anything better to do with them. “thank you.”
something warmed inside jimin’s chest at the soft grin that spread across yoongi’s face, eyes traveling down his side profile as the elder looked up into the starry deep sky above.
when their eyes met again, it was as if jimin hadn’t known yoongi his entire life, since toddlerhood, something foreign yet altogether completely familiar thrumming in his chest.
“good night,” jimin licked his suddenly dry lips. he watched as yoongi turned, breaking into a light jog as he moved back towards his car parked in the no-parking zone with the emergency lights flashing.
what the hell?
“i’ve been doing some thinking.”
“can i ask you something?” 
the only response jimin received was a muted grunt.
“and hear me out, okay? don’t just completely write this off,” jimin continued, staring at yoongi’s back from his current position of lying perpendicular across the elder’s bed, head hanging upside down over the edge.
yoongi didn’t even glance up from the composition project he was working on. the one he’d procrastinated on for weeks now. the one that was due within the next twenty-four hours, holy fucking shit rest in pieces.
“i think we should try kissing a go,” jimin blurted out, body tensed, as he watched for yoongi’s response.
there was the briefest of pause in his constantly moving hand, the soft pen scratches going even quieter still until it had completely stopped.
jimin held his breath, if only to not break the utter silence. the room was so thick with it, he thought he could put a knife right through it and cut a slice straight out of the air.
cricket cricket bitch.
after several minutes had passed, jimin was about to laugh it off as a joke when yoongi finally responded, “don’t be stupid,” and resumed his work once again as if jimin hadn’t said anything at all.
“but i’m being serious,” jimin rolled over onto his front, chin propped up on his clasped fingers and boring holes in the elder’s back between his shoulder blades.
yoongi finally turned, shooting jimin a long, searching look that had him squirming to the very tips of his toes.
without another word, the elder lobbed a crumbled up composition sheet that landed squarely in the center of jimin’s forehead.
“ow what the fuck?!”
“i cannot believe,” yoongi exhaled a sigh of resignation, glaring up at the ceiling flashing technicolor strobe lights as if it had done him some personal great injustice.
“is that jongin over there? can y’see him? i can’t tell if it’s him or not,” jimin was just this close to overbalancing and tipping over the barstool with how far he was stretching his neck to catch a glance of the familiar looking couple dancing amongst the drunken crowd.
he’d lost count of how many shots of tito’s he’d downed in the past few hours they’d been camped out at the congested bar. jimin was a man on a mission. and yoongi’s palm was warm against the small of his back, propped there to prevent his fall, made all the warmer by the inebriating flush that spread across his cheeks.
nibbling on his parched lips, jimin leaned even further out to squint at the blond haired man that looked kind of like taemin and kind of didn’t, only breaking his stare when taehyung dipped by to pass him another shot of something or other.
“drink bitch!”
“i think not,” yoongi swooped in before jimin could reach to intercept the small glass rimmed with salt.
“ooh tequila?” jimin pivoted on the stool without warning, nearly knocking the drink out of yoongi’s hand and quite suddenly placing the elder to stand in between his legs. 
“but i have limes!” taehyung’s boxy smile stretched so wide, jimin couldn’t help but grin back as he tried to grab the shot.
“i think you’ve had enough,” yoongi stretched his arm away from jimin’s circumference of reach.
“but i have limes!” taehyung repeated as if that tidbit of fact made it even more important. and quite frankly, jimin couldn't help but agree.
“give it,” he pouted, one hand grasping onto yoongi’s shoulder and the other reaching out making grabby hands at the glass.
“why you gotta cock block?” taehyung whined, having already downed his own and cramming the lime wedge into his mouth.
“no,” yoongi said in a no-nonsense tone that should've brooked no argument.
but jimin was buzzed and had no shits to give at the moment, completely forgetting that his best bro for life had promised to please, please, please play designated let’s-not-let-jimin-do-anything-utterly-stupid-whilst-in-his-intoxicated-state.
however, that was besides the point.
what was the point again?
instead, jimin opted for wrapping his legs around yoongi’s waist to bring him even closer, extending his wiggling arm to the best of its somewhat stunted abilities to reach, reach, reach...
the stool ended up tipping over, both of them landing in a puddle of confused limbs and pained grunts. but jimin’s fall had been miraculously cushioned by yoongi’s chest, the elder having fallen flat on his back against what jimin could only imagine was the disgustingly alcohol-sticky tiled floor. gross.
yoongi groaned, his voice barely audible over the pounding bass intermixed with taehyung’s loud shrieking.
“hey,” jimin rested his chin on yoongi’s chest, his already muddled brain just a tiny bit overwhelmed by the stale and bitter scent of beer that lingered on the other’s lips. “you’re kinda cute, how did i never notice before.” 
yoongi snorted, groaned, jimin couldn't tell which.
“i’m gonna kiss you,” jimin said before his consciousness could actually catch up with his brain. “y’know, not because we’re best bros or anything, but like because you’re kinda cute right now and i’m kinda drunk and i couldn't think about anything but this for the past few days since-”
“just fucking shut up,” yoongi leaned up and pressed his lips onto jimin’s. 
it tasted bitter, but it was warm and soft. and it tasted like something foreign but altogether completely familiar, like a promise of the past and present and future.
it tasted like home.
“literally you are such a piece of shit,” yoongi smiled fondly when they finally came up for air.
yup, definitely felt like home.
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tfadi · 7 years
My unpopular opinions: It’s about M/T/M/T/E & L/L. They’re nothing too big, just likes and dislikes and the why. 
Remember, you are free to disagree and heck, I’d love it if you would tell me why!
Probably a part 1/2
-So I see the appeal to Chromedome and Rewind, but I’m actually not a big fan. There are some times where I genuinely cringe at the lines that are said between them.
-I really wish Rewind stay dead and someone like Pipes be brought back instead from the other Lost Light. I think Chromedome would have had a very strong character arc if he learned to realize his problem, pick himself up and out of his constant mourning, and learn to truly stand on his own. Loss and depression are incredibly difficult to deal with, but personally, to give Rewind back is really undermining Chromedome’s pain, as well as his potential emotional strength we will NEVER GET to SEE.
-I also just really love Pipes and am sad he is dead. He had a really nice quirk and I think his addition to even the mutineers arc would have been great. With his crush for Riptide, they could’ve teamed up and Getaway could even have played with one or the other to give an even more hateful and emotional response to the audience. Like Getaway would totally pick up on Pipes’ crush and have used it against him, things like that just make Getaway even more of an ass and our sympathy rides for Pipes even harder.
- I love love love the spark eater arc in the first season of MTMTE. It was really exciting, the design for the spark eater was top notch, the image of how Chromedome sees into his subjects is established, all these little characterizations from various different characters flesh out this mini arc and that’s what makes it beautiful. Like when at the end Rodimus pulls that last little stunt and shoves the spark eater into the engine, gives a lot of information about not only the engines, but also how Rodimus is a High Risk-High Reward kind of person that needs to show off. 
-However, speaking of Rodimus, I liked his 2009 ongoing character better than his MTMTE. In mtmte, he feels less of a main character and more of a side character that fits in with the rest of the cast. He’s got this one big quirk with the occasionally big emotional ‘Oh I care’ shtick going on. This might be just me, but...where is his spotlight?( I mean this as a character, not the spotlight series.) He doesn’t have to be in every panel of the series but I sense no overarching arc for him in mtmte. I will have to remake this evaluation later, but that is my stance for now. Just give me more Rodimus please, I’m happy to see it in Lost Light and I hope he’ll get more fleshed out in the issues to come. 
-It’s even worse when Megatron comes in because he hasn’t stolen the spotlight, he’s turned one on, on himself. It should be a shared spotlight, not just a shared rank. This Dual protagonist thing should still shed more on Rodimus but give enough of Megatron that they really feel like they’re fighting for that right. This is supposed to be Rodimus’ story after all. 
-I love Cyclonus. (not unpopular but-)
-I love Tailgate.(Also not but-...)
-I love Cygate a lot, and their developing romance is something that pulls me back to MTMTE. (definitely popular BUT-)
-AUTOBOT MEGATRON WAS A OOGITY BOOGITY OF A MISTAKE. I use to love Autobot Megatron. I no longer. He’s still cute though and his design is so fun to draw and no lie he holds a special place in my weenie of a heart. But I no longer like the concept, and the direction it was taken in. It was muddy and rather uncharacteristic. If anything he would have done his best to reform the Decepticons into the vision he has as this character of Autobot Megatron. As great as to see him change, its awful to see his charismatic fire get blown out.
-One of the BIGGEST ISSUES this series has is- lack of response and consequence. Especially in character deaths. There are a lot of deaths that are just for plain shock value- Kaon, Ravage, Trailcutter- the entirety of the DJD really. The list can go on and on. Ravage’s death was truly pointless, especially for a character that has been with us for this long. Good to see how it affects Soundwave in another series, but I wish it had stuck to the whole, ‘show don’t tell’ instead of just being like ‘Hey optimus, ravage died so yeah I’m super sad but let’s be bffs’
-I could not take the DJD seriously.
-Skids. Skids. Skids... A death that I actually felt. Probably one of the more satisfying deaths in MTMTE and I’m glad he stays dead. To live would have been agonizing for him.
-Though I am both sad and excited how Nautica will live on with not caring for Skids anymore.
-This is a good time to bring that potential Chromedome arc. Imagine if that had happened, he could help Nautica through that loss because he’s been through it. CD could have tried to tell her bringing back Skids is a bad idea, especially since CD knows Skids’ past.  Nautica might have been persuaded because Chromedome lost Rewind, but managed to stand up again.
-There’s a lot of really juicy potential that mtmte just never risked. 
-I don’t like Tarn. I think he’s boring. His design is hot shit though. GEEZE TARN WHY DID YOUR MOM LEt  YOU HAVE TWO?? FUSION CANNONS??? LOOK AT YOURSELF.
-I don’t like Pharma, I don’t think he’s pretty. It’s the head really. But you know it gets blown off so uwu.
-I have...mixed feelings about the Magnus suit concept. Oh it’s cool don’t get me wrong. But I just wanna know more about the og Ultra Magnus. Also the whole tangibility of Cybertronian life and bodies because they’re metal is very scary to me. But that just gives the body horror an even bigger plus so you know, again, mixed feelings. 
-[Taps mic] SHOVING MEGATRON INTO ANOTHER UNIVERSE WAS ALSO A MISTAKE. Now they had better bring him back, or hell, give him his own series to see what he’s doing in this other universe. I fell for his gay little smile I really did, but I feel robbed! Totally robbed! This is not the end for him, this CAN’T be the end for him. It is unsatisfying as FUCK. This can be the next STEP. But if you’re telling me this is the END for Megatron, then you can meet me in the streets because I will fight you. 
-I’m not the biggest fan of Rung... ^^;;; 
-I can only see Whirl/Cyclonus platonically. 
-It. is. really sad to see how Swerve gets pushed down again, after his own issue. 
-The scavengers are fun, but I don’t like how they’re this side series to mtmte.
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fmdjaewonarchive · 7 years
*shuffles in and awkwardly taps the mic* ehm- hello- yes it’s me jamie... again... pls be gentle on me i’m very nervous about being new for the 3rd time but i just really missed this place. ofc my name probably won’t ring any bells but last time i played yoshi (yuta fc) and before that when this rp started minjun (jongdae fc) and both of them are pretty much ancient history now. enough rambling about myself i’m just very happy to be here and rp with you all. i’m just going ahead and tell a bit about jaewon, unity’s grumpy leader that either needs a bottle of vodka, 48 of sleep, an IV drip with coffee or a cuddle. he has an about page, biography and plot page so far and if you want to plot pls just like this post or hmu i’ll love you 5ever.
Tumblr media
(tw death/car accident)
warning: 99% this is going to get long as fuuuuuu-
park jaewon is the name
unity’s leader/main rapper/lead dancer/vocal 
was only recently let out of dimensions basement after being a trainee for 8 years
unity’s stressed parent
is dad inside but also dead inside
hasn’t taken a break once in his life 
ok quick recap of his past:
his parents are dead, died in a car accident when he was 11
it fucked him up p bad
he basically grew into an apathetic angsty lil shit that didn’t ever smile or generally care
his grandmother (who took him in, she’s gr8) noticed the only thing that drew a lil bit of a response from him was music 
and thus she kicked his ass to dance class even tho he didn’t want to
which lasted for like a few weeks and then he totally fell in love with it
music (both dancing and singing/rapping) helped him get himself back together
realized he wanted to be an idol but didn’t dare to tell his grandmother cuz he didn’t want to just ditch her after she had done so much for him
but The Coolest Grandma was totally onto him and signed him up for an audition and dimensions
he got in and thus became a trainee in 2008 (he was almost 15, yes he had already been an angsty lil shit before that age)
basically he was rumored within the company to be in alien but it was never really concrete so he was a lil disappointed when he wasn’t
was also in the first draft for mars but they decided he didn’t suit the concept like they wanted so his debut fell through again (well sorta agin but you get it)
wanted to give up but then dimensions was like “yo were making a new group wanna be leader” and well fuck yeah ofc he did
took a lil while to warm up to da boyz cuz he didn’t wanna get attached before he was sure he’d even make it to debut
now loves all of them more than anything else in the world (except his grandma she’s the no.1 homie)
is a bit of an uptight stoic grump with strict rules to keep everyone in line but its from a place of love ok he just wants to make sure all goes well
generally very hard to get through to and befriend to, has a very low tolerance for what he can take socially so he prefers to focus that on people he cares about
can b very curt, bordering on rude if u catch him at the wrong time, he’s just always Tired
very wary of nice people someone can b a genuinely good person and hes just like tf is that allowed
more general info:
needs to learn how to relax pls teach him
actual old man
literally dead afraid of fucking up and getting himself/unity on a bad note w the company cuz he knows how high dimensions sets the bar for them
also totally gay but boi deeper in the closet than narnia
like so deep he ain’t even know it yet
well he does know but that’s what we call denial ya know
prefers to hang out w more mature acting people cuz can’t be bothered to put up w childish bs
he’s a bit of a snob rlly knock him down a few notches
but also very hardworking and dedicated
a Secret Soft
closeted soft
okay this REALLY is too long so how about i just shut up
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Musical: Name? SamBroadway: Sexuality? Ace lesbianTimes square: Gender? FemaleNew york city: Height? 5'6"I’m too lazy to convert it into cm sorry Big Apple: Age? 20Broadway star: Eye color? V dark green Merch: Hair color? Brown Stage: Religion? Atheist Overture: Where were you born? RIOrchestra: What are some of your hobbies? Crying, sleepingFront row: What languages do you speak? English Balcony: Do you play an instrument? NahPlaybill: Do you play any sports? Lol noBackstage: Do you have any pets? Yes! 2Dogs and a cat Rehersal: Piercings? Ears but I want a nose studMic check: Tattoos? Not yetOpening night: Glasses or contacts? GlassesAudition: What time is it right now? 11:44pmMusicals -Wicked: Favorite food? PotatoesPhantom of the Opera: Favorite color? PinkChicago: Favorite animal? SlothSweeney Todd: Favorite movie? The princess bride and also space jamLes mis: Favorite quote? Already answered Into the woods: Favorite drink? MilkNewsies: Favorite song? Rn probs king of New York from Newies Seussical: Favorite band? Green Day Songs for a new world: Favorite happy memory? Lmao what happy memoryHairspray: Favorite flower? Rose? I don’t really like flowers Pitch perfect: Favorite scent?Cinnamon West side story: Favorite Tv series?👽👽 the x filesPippin: Favorite game?Games aren’t really my thingThoroughly modern millie: Favorite youtuber?Taylor smith Rent: Favorite character?Spot conlon Heathers: Favorite book?The song of Achilles 9 to 5: Favorite fairytale?Don’t have oneGrease: Favorite mythical creature?Mermaids or dragonsIf/then: Favorite author?Hugo that little bitchJekyll and Hyde: Favorite name???? I don’t know that’s a weird ass question 25th annual Putnam county spelling bee: Favorite Season?Spring Urine town: Favorite time of day?Night A chorus line: Favorite actor/actressSam Barks Kinky boots: Favorite ride at an amusement park?Rollercoasters I fucking love themAnything goes: Favorite hairstyle?Bun? Book of mormon: Favorite joke?My lifeLion king: Favorite show when you were a kid?oh gosh I have no idea Little mermaid: Favorite ice cream flavor? Mint chocolate chipSinging -Soprano: Ever been in love?Nah Mezzo: Ever had a crush?All the fuckin timeBelter: Ever fallen out of love?Nope Alto: Ever asked someone out/ been asked out?YeContralto: Ever cheated/been cheated on?I don’t think so? Tenor: Ever been kissed?YaBaritone: Ever been cuddled?ya Bass: Ever been heartbroken?YAVocal range: Ever been in a relationship?YaWarm ups: Have you always known your sexuality?Nooooo I used to think I was straight wow boy was I offBreathing: When was the last time you had a crush?I have one rn and it’s not funPitch: Do you want to marry one day?YesNote: Do you like someone now?Yah Posture: Does someone like you?Lol probably not I’m the worst 16-32 bars: Are you in love with love?Nah Dancing -Theatrical: I like your blogThank you!Lyrical: You’re cute😘😘Jazz: Date me?SureVaudeville: I wish we talkedYes let’s talk!Hip hop: Do you have a secret?I’m gay Tap: I like ____ about youModern: I wish I was youHoney boo you’re perfect just the way you are Ballet: I want you to notice me👀👀Ballroom: Did you like this past year?I made a lot of wonderful friends this past year but overall it was pretty shit so not really Line dancing: Do you like me?YES Tango: I wish we lived closer Me too bbyFree style: *hug*😊😊Acting -Character: Winter or summer?Summer Script: Fall or spring?Spring Actor: Ice cream or hot chocolate?Ice creamActress: Fruit or vegetables? Fruits Line: Hugs or kisses? NeitherStage fight: Early bird or night owl? Night owl Stage kiss: Dresses or sweatpants? DressesStage presense: LA or NYC? NYC Projection: Breakfast or dinner? BreakfastEmotion: Hot weather or cold weather? HotMonolouge: Art or sports?ArtDialouge: Coffee or tea? Tea
Tabitha thank you 😘😘
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