#and hmmmm… i have nothing else to ramble about in these here tags really…
deus-ex-mona · 2 years
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slandergoro is 👁watching👁 you
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Criminal Minds-The Good Ol’ Days
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Tagging: @marvelfanlife, @itsmeedee, @cynbx, @jaqren, @gabriellewritermua, @princesswagger15, @screaminginbi, @tleighstone12, @cosmicmelaninflower
A collaboration fic with @princesswagger15.
After a long hiatus, the wait is finally over. Here is the new chapter
Chapter 8-Rossi’s Past
   The next day, the gang were eager to meet up with Rossi at their usual spot near the river. The students were very happy that their professor was back, but they were all wondering what’s he been doing when he was away. Barnes looked out from the window as she sees Rossi and the team leave the campus.
“I see you’re not trying to break up David and his little crew.” She turned to see Strauss walking up to her.
“I’m not an animal, Erin. I have my limits, besides, we could all use a little space.”
Meanwhile, the group march into the forest while asking Rossi a few questions.
“Are we there yet?” Garcia complained. “These little twigs keep hitting my feet and my heels hurt.”
“Geez Garcia what are you five? We’ll get there, be patient.” Luke jokes. “Besides, I don’t understand how you can wear those things every day.”
“Shut up heathen!”
“Wooow Garcia, always a heathen am I?”
“Guys, can you not? Especially at 7am?” Hotch complained.
“Jeez, someone’s grumpy without their morning coffee.” Muttered Derek.
“I don’t see you complaining.” He rolled his eyes as Derek snickered at him. The group continues to trek into the forest with Rossi.
“So professor, I’m wondering why you decided to meet with us as early as 7 and then have us walk into the forest?” Emily asked Rossi.
“Well firstly, I know you all don’t have classes today, and secondly, I choose this early for a reason. No one is gonna be up 7 am just to snoop on us.”
“Why would someone ‘snoop’ on us?”
“Well whoever these people are want to know something about me really bad. And they’re not afraid to use you all to get to me. So that’s why we’re out here so early Miss Prentiss.”
“Oh okay.” “You seemed to know a lot about the forest.” Ashley walked over by Emily.
“Well, I used to be a boy scout when I was younger.” “You were a boy scout? Cool, so was I.” Matt replies.
“Oh wow, so you know your fair share of the forest don’t ya?”
He shrugged his shoulders.“Sorta, not as much as you do.”
“Eh, still cool to know.”
They kept walking till they stopped at a river separating them from the other side of the forest. There, they notice a tall grey-ish building with four windows. Judging from the worn out paint, torn down wires and the interior being almost pitch-black, the place looked abandoned, not having been touched for almost ages. The group looked at it in curiosity, though Rossi had a more grim look at the building.
“This building was abandoned for years. Surprised it hasn’t been demolished yet.”
“What was it? A factory? A hospital?” “....An asylum.”
“An asylum…..in the middle of the woods?”
“Yes, it used to be fairly silent back in the day.”
“What happened?” JJ asked.
“The patients were rioting and some escaped but they were never found. But ever since then, it’s been abandoned.”
“Is there a reason why it was abandoned?”
“Well after those few escaped the other patients were even more mad so they set fire to the place, everyone got out and the firemen came just in time before the building was completely gone. I don’t think anyone has used it ever since though. Probably never will either.” He continued to look at the building, scrunching his nose and trying not to choke up as the team noticed.
“Something wrong, professor?” Kate asked.
“I-I, it’s nothing.”
“You sure? You seemed to be in deep thought.” “Did something else happened in that building?” JJ asked.
“That’s a story for another time. Let’s get down to business shall we?” He then escorts the teens away from the building as they follow the trail of the river. Ashley took another moment to stare at the building before following the rest of the group.
“And here we are.” They stopped at a small cabin, to their surprise, it was the same cabin they broke into. They wondered if Rossi knew that they were there, and if he brought them here for one reason: to interrogate them. They were all secretly relieved that Rossi didn’t shoot off a round of questions and instead asked, “Do you guys want something to eat or drink?”
The gang all looked at each other and shrugged their shoulders.
“Got any orange juice?” Reid asked.
A few minutes later, Rossi starts up the stove as he cooks up some pancakes while the gang looks on.
As Rossi gets lost in his cooking, Garcia freaks out and turns to the team as she whisper yells, “WHAT THE HELL MAN! WE BROKE INTO ROSSI’S CABIN!”
“Can we not talk about this Garcia?! Rossi is literally right here!” Emily responds.
“Wait wait wait, why would ya’ll break into his cabin?” Asks Marissa, clearly confused.
“Guys, can you all shut up!” Hotch whispered. “Can we talk about this later, when we’re not at Ro-” “WHO WANTS BACON!”
“HELL YEAH!” The group all turned to Luke, who covered his mouth. “Pig.....” Garcia groaned.
“What? I can’t help it. I need meat!”
“Dude’s got a point.” Marissa nodded.
“Not me, I’m a vegetarian.”
Marissa dramatically turned to Garcia and gasped. “I don’t know you anymore!”
“Hey, not everyone is a meat-eater. I love animals waaaaaaaaaay too much.”
“Look, don’t get me wrong, I’d die for any animal okay. But I’m just saying that I can’t live off of rabbit food like you can.”
“Rude.” Garcia then covered her nose as she and the gang smell the scent of bacon frying in the pan.
“Yeah okay suuure.”
Reid the walked over to Marissa’s shoulder. “Just let her be, if she doesn’t want any bacon, that’s her decision.”
Back at the kitchen, JJ continued to watch as Rossi cooks the bacon. “Wow professor, you’re quite the chef.” “Of course I am. I’m Italian, it’s in my nature.” “I’m not trying to be rude or anything but you didn’t really have to cook for us.”
“Oh no really, it’s my pleasure since I brought you all here at such an early hour.”
“It smells really nice.” Tara smiled.
“Yeah it really does, thanks Professor.” Says Derek.
‘You’re welcome.” A few minutes later and breakfast was already set. The gang all silently munch on their meals while sitting outside of the cabin.
“Uh professor?” Tara asked. “Yes?”
“Why did you decide to bring us here?”
“Hmmmm.” They looked as Rossi rubbed his chin.
“Let’s just say that this give me the time for you all to get to know me more.”
“Speaking of, Professor, from what I gather we don’t know you all that good. Why don’t you tell us a story about you or something?” Marissa politely suggests.
Rossi chuckles. “Well, for starts, I wasn’t always like this when I first started teaching. At one point, when I first started teaching Criminology, I was just rambling for hours a day. Just telling the same facts over and over again until I realized that students were losing interest in the subject. Some even quit the course halfway through the year. So that when I decided to get a bit creative. Doing partner ups for certain assignments. Less tests and quizzes and more fun in the classroom. I was doing so good in fact, that my classroom one year was filled to the brim and students were mad because they couldn’t get in the class.”
“Never thought that ‘fun’ is something that was associated with you. No offense.” “None taken, Greenaway. Since then, more people started taking me seriously, both students and staff. I earned a lot of respect from almost everyone in the campus. They even increased my paycheck cause I was so good at what I do. Though there were some that envied me.”
“......Cause some of the staffers thought I was ‘too good’ at my job.”
“Wow, so just because they couldn’t step their game up, you were ‘too good’?”
”Yeah, though there was also some that I guess were a bit ‘wary’ of me.” “Why would they think that?” Emily asked.
“Some of my methods were a bit…..unorthodox. I didn’t always follow their strict set of…..standards.”
“Like, your ‘trips’?”
He nods. “Y-yeah, those trips.”
“You’ve ever gotten into trouble for those trips?”
Rossi paused for a moment before shaking his head. “No, not really.”
“Okay.” No one else spoke a word as the only noise being heard was the sounds of crickets chirping and leaves rustling.
Rossi then took a deep breath and smiled, admiring the forest smell. “Don’t you just love that?” “Love what?” Asked Reid.
“The sweet scent and sounds of the open woods.”
“You mean the smell of animal crap?” He chuckled. “Well, it takes some getting use to, but you’ll soon get past it. Man, being here reminds me of the good ol’ days.” “The good ol’ days?”
“Yeah, this is where I use to go whenever I want to relax and not teach.” “Oh….so this cabin is basically you’re home?” Kate asked.
He chuckled. “Nonsense, I live in a mansion, not a cabin.” Garcia choked on her drink. “You live in a mansion?!”
“Yes.” “Wow.” “Well professor, if you do live in a mansion, why bother spending time at a small cabin?”
“Well, Prentiss, sometimes I’d prefer to spend time where it’s secluded and peaceful, where no one could bother me. It’s also a good place for me to write my own novels.”
Everyone looked at Rossi in surprise and all screamed, “YOU WRITE NOVELS?!”
“Yes. In fact, I have written nearly five books, all of them were bestsellers.”
“Wow professor! I think I’ll go check those when this is all over.” Reid said.
“That’s pretty thoughtful of you, Spencer.”
He then escorts them back inside, where they gather on the sofa as he pulls out some photo albums and an old yearbook.
“Um, Rossi what are we doing?” Kate asked.
“You guys seemed curious about my past. I can tell, so i thought I can show you some old photos and tell you the story behind them.” The group gathered around him as he shares some old photos of him.
“This was me when I first started teaching at this college.”
“Woaaah, you look so different!” JJ says as they all look at the photo of him when he was younger.
“Yeah well, it was the 80s.”
“Geez man, how many stories do you have?”
“I am a man of many stories.”
“Wow, I want to know more of them.”
“Woah, patience, everyone. There are some stories that I might have to put off for another time.”
“Why Rossi? Is it not PG-13?” Derek mocks.
“No, that’s-not it. Sometimes a person can only share enough about them.”
“Oh okay, I  think we all understand.”
“Good.” He then continues to flip through several pages, where JJ noticed a small photo of Rossi smiling with a group of people, maybe around her age.
“Hey Rossi, who are these people?”
JJ walked up to him, showing him the photo. “These people in the photo, are they your students?”
Rossi, looking very uncomfortable, shifts in his chair a little. “Uh, yeah, yeah they were.”
“What were they like? You seemed pretty happy with them.”
“Well, they were almost exactly like you all. Intelligent, observant, creative. To be honest, they were a pretty rough crowd at first. But once I got to know them, we started to mellow, bond over similar interest and then I helped them out with their grades and personal problems. Of all the people I’ve taught, they were the best students I ever had.”
The rest of the group smiled at the photo.
“They all sound pretty cool.” Matt said.
“Yeah, I’d love to meet them.” Kate adds.
“Oh, um, well we all don’t talk anymore.” He croaked.
“What happened? Did they leave on bad terms?”
“I guess you could say that, yes.”
“Why? What happened? You seemed pretty close to them.”
“Yes, we were all very close but some unfortunate events happened, and we all decided to cut ties with each other.”
“Uh, ‘unfortunate events’.......like what?”
“Like I said earlier, some stories must be told another time.”
The team all looked at Rossi, as he takes the photo from JJ’s hand. They noticed that his eyes were watering, as if the thought of his former students pains him for whatever reason. They wondered what really happened to them, and why their professor was reluctant to share anything about them.
“So professor, if you’re not gonna tell us what happened to them, is there anything about them whom you’re willing to share?”
“Well I remember times of us being close, almost everyday I’d have a new story to tell about me and them. I write it down in my journal. Any notes of anything important, or stories that I never want to forget, I’d write in my journal. Maybe I should read a few stories of them from my journal. I’ll be right back.” As he got up, he froze and swung his arm when he realized something. “Shit!”
“Professor? What happened?” Ashley says.
”I forgot. Unfortunately, someone broke into my cabin and stole my journal.”
“Wait a minute, what?” Hotch asks as he stands up along with the rest of the team.
“P-professor, w-w-when did this happen?”
“This was around a week ago when i first left. Like around…...Sunday.”
The gang all gasped, with the exception of Marissa. They all looked at each other, realizing that something happened in the same day they snuck into the cabin.
“Ummm, what the hell is wrong with you guys? Did I miss something?” Marissa asks as she looks at Reid.
“We can talk about this later. Just not here.” He whispered.
“Is everyone alright? You all seemed a bit shaken.” Rossi asked.
“No no no Rossi, they look……… just, broken.”
“Uh, is there anything you all want to share?” They all shook their heads. “Uh professor, you don’t happen to know who stole your journal, do you?” Elle asked, only for Kate and Emily to elbow her.
“Umm no. Me and some friends were trying to figure out what could’ve happened.”
“Oh okay.”
“I think we had enough for the day.” He looked at his watch, revealing that it was now 10:42 am. “We should all head back to the campus.”
The rest of the gang all nod and exits the cabin, following the trail of the river and walking through the thick woods till they see the exit, with the campus not far from where they were.
“I guess this is where we part ways.”
“Y-yeah Professor, we’ll see you later.”
The group part ways with their professor as they ponder over the things they’ve learned about him.
“Can someone tell what in the pure, fresh fuck just happened?” Marissa said. “You all just blanked out when your professor said that someone broke into his cabin.”
“Sweetheart, it’s no-”
“NO NO NO!! Something just happened. What the shit just happened?!”
“We’re trying to figure it out, Marissa!” Hotch yelled as they all gathered near the entrance of the forest. “I thought we made it clear that we shouldn’t take anything from the cabin.”
“So you guys did broke into his cabin, that’s why you all lose your sh-” “Yes! Marissa, we did, but it’s not so we could steal some shit!”
“You don’t think someone was following us the last time?” Kate asked.
“No, we made sure of that. The only ones that were in the cabin at that time was us.” He rubbed his head. “Dammit, this is not good.”
“I mean, it’s not like he knows that we broke in, right?” Elle awkwardly chuckled.
“Well, it becomes a serious problem when he wonders how his journal was missing in the same day his students broke in his cabin.” “What are you trying to say, Hotch?” Ashley asked.
Hotch looked at the rest of the group. “I hate to say this, but we were in the cabin where the journal was still there. Once we left, it was gone.” “That means……” “ Someone here must have stolen the journal. One of us.”
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On the Fence (Dragonslayer Fanfic)
This is my entry for @perfilles-studio ’s Dragonslayer (Yang x Jaune) fanfic contest on Tumblr. This Fanfic is based on his drawing (see below, it’s great!). I’ve never posted much of what I’ve written anywhere, so I’m kinda (very) nervous. Honestly, I love the dragonslayer ship in RWBY, so I hope I can do it justice. Please give me some feedback, how else could I get better! Anyway, enough ramblings, let’s get started!
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Mistral was a beautiful kingdom. It had large, architecturally outstanding buildings, wonderful food, and lush gardens and parks that people can walk through. So it seems odd that at an inn in the clear evening on a Friday night, that there were two blonde teens that were just sitting around doing nothing.
“This place so boooring” groaned out Yang as she leaned back in her chair. Jaune only sighed in agreement, sitting in an armchair adjacent to Yang.
Ruby and Weiss were off restocking on everyone's munitions and dust for the upcoming trip to Atlas. Blake was at a meeting with Sun, Ilia, Ghira, and Kali to discuss what to do with all the Faunus troops they brought to fight as well as spending some more time with her parents before she’d have to leave again. Nora and Ren were on their actual first date, and Ozpin/Oscar was passed out sleeping with Qrow watching over him. That left only Yang and Jaune at the in inn’s lobby...alone...together.
Jaune awkwardly rubbed the back of his head “Yeah, it is. Although after everything that happened yesterday, not much can compare to that amount of excitement.”
“I guess. Still, would have been nice if someone invited us along on one of their outings.”
“Would you really have wanted to tag along on Ren and Nora’s first date?”
“Heheh, you got a point. Okay, anyone but those two. They definitely deserve some quality alone time.”
Jaune let out a soft chuckle. “Without a doubt. You’re right though, it’s pretty boring here. Wish we went with Weiss and Rubes. At least we would be doing something.”
“Hmmmm,” was hummed from Yang, showing her agreement. A few beats later she jumped up and startled backward and knocking over his chair. “Why don’t we just go out then!?”
Standing back up and picking up his toppled armchair, Jaune was blushing at what he just heard. “W-what do you mean Yang! What’s with all the sudden excitement?”
Yang was only getting more hyped and her smile was growing brighter. “I just realized I’ve never been to Mistral before! I’ve never seen this place in person or been to any of its shops, restaurants, or anything! So let’s go!” before she was done she had already started moving towards the door.
Sighing in relief, he started to follow her before he realized what he was doing. “Wait you want me to come with you?”
Stopping at the door she turned around, bright smile still on her face. “Yeah! Unless you’d rather stay here by yourself?”
“Well, okay then, if you want to. I’ll try not to cramp your style.”
“Please, like you could! I got more than enough “style” for both of us.”
Walking through the door, he turned around and started walking backward slowly to face her. “Good to know. So Yang, where do you want to go?”
Yang jogged up right next to him. “No idea Jaune. Like I said, I’ve never been to Mistral before. So let's just go out there and wing it! We’ll definitely find something that’ll make this night rock!” Yang finished her sentence with a fist into the air, sure that the night would be filled with awesome!
“‘Let’s just go out there’ you said.”
“Shut up.”
“‘Let’s wing it’ you said.”
“Shut up Jaune.”
“‘We’ll definitely find something to make th-”
“Shut up! Okay, I get it, it wasn’t a good idea after all! I was wrong! Now, will you please stop patronizing me!?”
Jaune still had the courage to give a light smile. “What? After all the teasing you’ve done to me? I am not passing this small chance up. When will I ever get a chance to tease you for a change?”
As it turns out going into a brand new city doesn’t yield great results. They basically walked around half of Mistral for a few hours. It only took a half hour to realize they really did have no idea where to go. They tried to find a bar or club to go to, requested by Yang, but they were denied entry either because they were too young, being only 17 each, or because they were already packed and had a waiting line several hours long.
When that failed they decided to try to find shops or places to go eat but ended up walking into quite a large residential area...which they got lost in. Yup, not a proud moment for the teens asking an elderly couple how to get back to the main city.
After they got back they just wandered some more, but the two started having a good conversation, all night they’d just been saying a few sentences every now and then and then walked in silence. They talked about, goals, hobbies, and stories about the pasts. Yang told Jaune about her first trip to a club and Jaune told her about his family going to the nearby lake for family days every week.
They actually stopped paying attention to where they were walking. They ended up in one of Mistrals greatest parks. It had a web of trails to hike through a large forested section of Mistral, the best spot was the trail that was along a small cliff, overlooking most of Mistral.  The only thing separating the cliff edge and the people on the trail was an eight foot, chain link fence. This was also the place the two blondes ended up.
“Well, aren’t you mister confidence right now.” Yang bitterly grumbled.
Jaune flinched at her tone. It was a rare sight to see Yang Xiao-Long down in the dumps. “Hey, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to upset you so much.”
Yang sighed heavily before looking at Jaune. “It’s not that Jaune. I just wanted this night to be great, fun, or hell, even just okay and peaceful. We’re off to Atlas in a few days. Who knows what will happen there.” Yang walk over to the fence that separates the trail from the cliff. “It’s probably only going to get worse right? I mean, we are pretty much at war with Salem. We’ve already had to fight for our lives just a few days ago. We’ll probably have to it again.”
Jaune stared at Yang in shock. He would have never thought Yang was thinking stuff like this. “Yang, why are you thinking like that? We have to stay positive. If we don’t then they’ll already have won.”
“Oh, you’re one to talk. Didn’t you say ‘They’re the ones that matter’ to Cinder?”
“I was angry!”
“And so am I.”
Jaune stared at Yang, baffled. Yang never doubted herself before, why now? What was different?! The answer came when Yang put her hand on the fence in front of her. Her right hand. The one she lost.
Jaune swallowed, knowing he had to be blunt. “It’s because if your arm isn’t it?”
Yang spun to face him, glare already set. Red eyes and all. “What was that?” The danger layered in her question was also blunt.
He pushed through though“ The reason you’re scared now, the reason you’re questioning yourself and us. It was because of you losing your arm at Beacon.”
Yang’s right hand clenched. Then she released it and a sigh. “Since when are you so smart VB?”
Jaune chuckled. “I guess about the time as you. So, what’s wrong?”
Yang turned back around, hand going back to the fence. “I always thought I was unkillable. Sure, I’d get hurt in a fight or spar, but I never thought I’d be hurt to the point. Then The Fall happened. Adam happened.” The creak from the fence being crushed under Yang’s hand made Jaune flinched. “Everything went to hell. I guess it’s just all the reality hit me down hard. I’m still trying to stand back up.”
A hand on her shoulder got her to turn around. Jaune was their, with a pitying look in his eyes. No, not pity, sympathy. “Will you let me try to help you up?”
Yang threw a questioning look his way. It was answered by Jaune walking past her and the up the fence.
“Jaune!? What are you doing?!”
“Well, you’ll see if you follow me!”
Yang looked around, and seeing only a hand full of people farther down the trail, she started climbing up. When she got the top, Jaune was sitting down on the top bar, legs dangling his legs off facing the cliff and Mistral. Yang decided to mirror his position. “Sooooo what now?” She drawled out.
Jaune only said one word “Look” before pointing. Yang followed his finger to see a breathtaking sunset over the kingdom of Mistral. “I wanted to remind you that the sun's still shining and that the world is still beautiful. We all went through The Fall. It was a dark time for all of us. We can’t live in that darkness though, otherwise, they’ll have won before we even start fighting.”
Yang looked over at him to see a serious expression, but it was also hopeful and warm. It honestly made her heart skip.
“W-wow Vomit Boy, I didn’t know you could be so romantic. If I had, we might be dating right now.”
Jaune blushed like she knew he would. What he said next surprised her though. “Could you honestly see yourself dating me?”
Yang thought about it for a few seconds, then something came to mind. “I dunno...you could say I’m…” the smug grin on her face was the only warning Jaune had before Yang let loose “on the fence!” Eh, eh?”
The only response Yang received was a groan from the knight, but there was a laugh mixed in with it! The only one to ever laugh at here puns were her dad and Ruby when she was little. “There’s the good old Yang we know and love! Glad to see you’re feeling better.”
Yang was feeling better! It’s been so long since she’s made a good pun and for someone to actually laugh at it too?! “Hahaha, thanks Jaune.” Yang flipped around her seating on the fence. “Maybe we should get going though. The sunset is beautiful, don’t get me wrong, but it also means it’s almost dark. Everyone is probably going to be back now.”
She was about to hop down, but something stopped her. Jaune grabbed her hand and squeezed it. A feeling of warmth and security rushed to her chest, it’s origin the hand Jaune currently had in his grasp. “As long as you promise to have hope. For everything.”
Yang closed her eyes, she liked the feeling of his hand holding hers. “Sure Jaune. I promise.” She pulled his hand free and punched Jaune in the shoulder.
“WOAH!” Although the punch was apparently harder than she meant to because Jaune was knocked off the fence, luckily not off the cliff though. Jaune landed on the dirt trail with a thud.
Yang was down next to him a second later, leaning down to help pick him up. “Jaune! I’m so sorry! Are you okay?!”
Jaune groaned. “I don’t know. I guess I feel kinda, down in the dirt? How’s that?”
Yang paused, before “Hahahahahahaha!” laughing so hard she nearly fell over. “That was great Jaune! I didn’t know you had it in you!” She calmed down and offered a hand to him. An offer Jaune took, being pulled up and dusting himself off.
“You sure you okay Jaune?”
Jaune rolled his shoulders a few times. “Yeah, I’m fine. I can easily take more than that little fall.”
“Good. So you think we should head back to the inn? The gangs probably waiting for us.”
“Sure Yang.”
“Well, I guess we should get walking.”
With that the blonde duo started walking back down the trail they came on. As they walked, Yang looked down at Jaune’s hand, recalling the feeling of him holding hers with it. Before she knew it, she had grabbed it, holding it with hers. It was Jaune that alerted her to what she did. “Yang? Why are you holding my hand?”
Yang didn’t know herself, but that wasn’t going to make her let go. It made her feel warm. “Just go with it Vomit Boy.”
Jaune sighed in annoyance. “Are you ever going to drop that nickname?”
Yang let out a mocking hum. “Hmmmmm. Nope!”
Jaune just sighed again, getting Yang to laugh. Jaune decided to do as Yang said and just went with it, wasn’t like he was really complaining. It did feel nice. That’s how they continued to walk, holding hands, into an unsure, but definitely brighter, future.
“Hey Yang, how do we get back to the inn from here?”
His question was met with silence from both parties until they spoke together.
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therealtrashhole · 6 years
I was tagged by @80smikewheeler (Thanks! but also I hate you now -not really lmao-) Rules: Tag 10 followers you want to get to know better. Rip you guys.
Name: It's Paul. But a lot of friends call me Pauly.
Gender: Male
Star Sign: Taurus (aka the best one)
Height: I'm either 5'8 or 5'10 I honestly have no clue.
Age: I'm 19. But ya boi is turning 20 in April!
Sexuality: Gay. But I have been a curious gay as of late...
House: Slytherin (Aka the best house)
What image do you have as your wallpaper?: My phone lockscreen wallpaper is Iron Man, cause he's the best. And my laptop's is a simple Stranger Things background.
Have you ever had a crush on a teacher?: Nope. A lot of my teachers were usually old. Like really old. Some might be into that, but not me. Rip. Still loved them tho, they were cool.
Where do you see yourself in 10 years?: I honestly hate thinking about my future. Puts a lot of strain on me. So I'll just leave it at that.
If you could be anywhere else right now, where?: Hmmm I'd honestly like to be at my families mobile home near the seaside, right now. I like watching my little pupper run around on the beach.
What was your coolest Halloween costume?: I wouldn't say coolest, but I did put the most effort into this one. Okay so I "cosplayed" as my favorite Naruto character, Deidara. I was like 13 or 14? Don't fucking judge me! Judge young me!
What was your favorite 90's show?: So I was born in 98 so I obviously didn't grow up watching 90's television. But I guess I can say, The Fresh Prince of Bel-air, Friends and The Simpsons? One of those, can't decide.
Last Kiss?: It was a drunk party dare like back in December, right around New Years. Nothing special really. Just friends being drunk and gay.
Have you ever been stood up: Nope.
Have you ever been to Las Vegas?: Noooo, but I really wanna go. You know how much I love casinos? Isn't that place like, one big casino lmao
Favorite pair of shoes?: I only have three pairs okay? I use one pair for my day to day life. One pair just in case the previously mentioned pair gets ruined or something. And finally a pair of boots I use for outdoorsie type of stuff.
Favorite fruit?: I FUCKING LOVE GRAPES!- so long as they're seedless. Watermelon is a close second!
The Stupidest thing you've ever done?: Fallen in love....Just kidding, I'm not that edgy. Hmmmm. I'd have to say, the time I abandoned a friend when they really needed me. I still feel guilty about it and have tried to make amends, but...well, that's al I'll say.
All-time favorite TV shows?: I could make an entire essay. But I'll stick to just a few. Breaking Bad (masterpiece), Game of Thrones, Stranger Things, Shameless (US), Avatar The Last Airbender,  Drake & Josh (almost all of Dan Schneider's live action shows), Waterloo Road (It was a UK drama series) and The Walking Dead. I'll stop here before I ramble on lmao.
The Last movie you saw in theater: That'd have to be Black Panther. Mwuahh, it was amazing!
Tagging (I'm sorry guys. Ye don’t have to if ye don’t wanna!): @devilstrip @the-angry-pixie @the-curly-haired-club @biggestbyelershipper @tozierbraks @childishsoup @stonedzier @reddietoroll @doarecords @totallytrashmouth
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