#and holding overweight babies that were too cute to put down.
anicehat · 7 years
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chubbology · 3 years
The Munchies
prompt: a stoner feedee's girlfriend uses him to test out new edibles and deals with his munchies
Remmy returned home from visiting relatives on the last day of December, and he was very glad to be back. They’d fed him well and his pants were tight, but all the small talk and bad vibes had been as much of a drag as usual.
He opened the door to his apartment and breathed in a familiar, potent scent.
“Baby!” Brianna ran from the kitchen and tackled him.
“Happy almost New Year! Wanna hear my resolution? Baking and getting baked. Check it out.”
She brought him over to the counter, where she was almost done filling up three containers of what Remmy had no doubt were various edibles. He ignored the kitchen mess.
“I’m liking what I see,” Remmy laughed.
She preened and then pinched his love handle. “I bet you do."
"These aren’t your typical brownies, though," she said. "This is gourmet.” She kissed her fingertips in a muah.
The first container was full of moist shortbread, the second with a kind of apple crumble dish that looked divine. Last but not least, the third had a jumble of what like peanut butter cups.
“Try something!” Brianna gushed. She seemed to be a little floaty already. “You’re gonna be my new taste tester. I think I could really be good at this. Make some cash, too.”
So Remmy tried one of the peanut butter cups. His eyes widened, and he smiled. “Bri, these are incredible.” He ate another.
“Take it easy. Two should get you stoned. So says the recipe anyway.” Brianna rubbed his pudgy forearm as he eyed the rest in the container, biting the inside of his lip. “Hey. If you’re just hungry, I can fix that. You wanna eat?”
“I’m starving,” Remmy said. A lie, since he’d had a big lunch before driving back. But he could eat.
“Okay, I’ll get you something! Pay day was Monday. Let’s splurge. What do you want?”
McDonalds, Remmy’s mind supplied easily, in an almost salacious tone. His relatives thought they were too good for McDonalds, and now his body thrummed with the desire to just get a truckload of those greasy combos and revel in the guilt and satisfaction of eating every last unhealthy bite.
Then again. Brianna probably wasn’t okay to drive right now, he didn’t feel like getting back in the car, and the scale told him he’d hit 240 recently, “Let’s just order in.”
“Sounds good to me.”
That night, as they ignored the idiots on television bringing in the New Year, the two of them picked at the apple crumble - which tasted as brilliant as Remmy had suspected - and lounged around, enjoying their high. Brianna barely touched her Chinese takeout, and Remmy ate all of his. Then hers. Then he started grazing the kitchen for more food.
Over the course of the next week, the two of them finished off the rest of what she made, plus some more recipes that turned out delicious. Brianna got a pleasant high every time, and Remmy enjoyed the edibles, too, although his experience was slightly different. It was just—
He just—
He got hungry. Munchies but on unholy overdrive. Cranked to eleven and a half. With every high, Remmy became a little more overwhelmed by the sheer amount of food he felt compelled to pack away, savory and sweet. Takeout and fast food and quarts of ice cream. Nuts and fruits, too. Jar of peanut butter here. Tub of icing there. He’d never been very active, so it came as no surprise when his clothes began stretching over his chest and belly and thighs and ass. He popped a button getting dressed one morning and couldn’t stop thinking about it the rest of the day. He hadn’t realized it would happen so quickly, his body converting all the calories into flab. Flab that padded him out chubbier than he already was, and then more on top of that. In the mirror, he started to look big.
Brianna seemed unfazed by her boyfriend’s growing girth. She took to her baking resolution with as much gusto as she did anything that interested her, and even into March, April, and May, she was selling the edibles well and raked in money that almost made her day job obsolete. Remmy was constantly praised for being “the bestest taste tester ever” and enjoyed a steady stream of free highs to balance out the lows of spending most of his time working his IT job from home.
Working, gaming, watching old movies. Remmy already stayed sitting most of the day, but as he gained weight, gained a lot, filling out his desk chair to its limits, crumbs becoming his constant companion, he felt even less like standing up. His weight climbed to 280, 290, 300.
June, July, and August passed uneventfully, and pretty happily, too. Brianna stopped asking him what food he wanted from the grocery store and just bought him things. Bought him things she knew he’d eat when he got high, things that made his ass spread wider on the couch, his arms round out like sausages, his pudgy chest start to really droop. The scale said 320, 330, 340.
Remmy gave up trying to gain control of the new appetite Brianna’s heavenly edibles seemed to install in him irrevocably. When he craved, he ate, and he ate. And like a dam breaking, his body surged with so much excess fat he began spilling out of even his newest clothes.
He was a little ashamed, sure. But quite a few of his relatives were fat, so they couldn't talk, and it felt like sweet revenge to embarrass his irritating parents by becoming so overweight. As for everyday life, well, he just moved around from room to room slower, wore the same stretchy clothes a lot, and that was it. Remmy did mention his weight in passing sometimes to gauge Brianna’s feelings about it, but Brianna only ever giggled, called him cute, and passed him her venti sugary monstrosity of a coffee concoction, which he thoughtlessly sucked down to the dregs, ingesting a thousand-plus calories just like that. This made her eyes sparkle, huge and utterly endeared.
“Like a piggy,” she said, thumbing his fat cheek. “Always willing to eat.”
In bed, she made it clear she liked him the way he was, and was becoming. And it wasn’t long before Remmy realized he was into how big he was becoming, too.
They continued like this. Getting high together and watching movies and making out and snacking. Well, Brianna snacked. Remmy feasted. Gorged himself, to put it precisely, with Brianna’s enthusiastic help. “You look good soft,” she’d tell him, playing with belly fat that his stretchiest t-shirts couldn’t cover anymore.
Remmy would swallow another bite of a snickers and spread his huge thighs a little, with effort. “You call it soft, but I’m the one who gets tired moving from the office to the kitchen.” I’m so heavy, he wanted to say. God, I’m so heavy.
“Just move your computer to the kitchen then,” she said. “Duh.”
It was a seed planted that came to fruition a month later - when Remmy’s food cravings became unmanageable and his weight climbed past 360 - that he felt he would simply be more productive during his day job if his breaks to get food from the kitchen were shorter.
By November, whether he was high or not, Remmy was grazing all day, everyday. What Brianna got from the store became insufficient, and he started a habit of ordering take out most days. In big portions. His scale creaked at 375. When Brianna wasn’t home, he sometimes ate takeout on the scale to see if the number would rise.
On Remmy’s birthday in early December, Brianna made a fresh batch of his favorites again: the peanut butter cup edibles. After ordering pizza for delivery, she got in the shower, and Remmy scarfed down three of the big cups as soon as they cooled. Then he waited, leaning against the counter, scrolling on his phone, belly hanging, feet hurting. He didn’t want to go to the effort of sitting on the couch and getting back up again when he could just stay in the kitchen, where he knew he’d end up anyway.
He scratched his supple underbelly. Found a pack of Twizzlers and started eating those.
Soon enough, his breathing slowed as he felt the high slowly come over him. And, as expected, his whole body immediately began to tingle for satiation. Fattening food sung to him from the pantry and fridge and freezer all at once, and it was all going to make him so huge and heavy he wouldn’t be able to stand on his own wide feet, but he wanted it anyway.
He didn’t care if he was pushing 390 now. He’d blown up, yeah. Inflated from a thick guy to obese and waddling. At this point, he was so pumped so big with blubber that he couldn’t twitch without jiggling, but so what? He was hungry. Being high made him want to consume, and so he did. He couldn’t stop. Didn’t want to.
Remmy opened the fridge and took out his birthday cake, which Brianna must have stuck in there after getting home from work. He couldn’t wait to eat it properly. There was no way he could wait until after the pizza came. Besides, it was his birthday. Remmy took off the plastic lid of the round, triple chocolate cake and felt his nerves light up with anticipation. He was going to eat it all, and there was no stopping him.
He found a knife and cut himself a slice three times the size any reasonable person would take. Desperate to get the goodness into his mouth without delay, he skipped a fork and bit right into the gooey, dense cake and mouse and fudge. God, Brianna was so perfect for getting him the unhealthiest cake imaginable. She knew he didn’t care if he was ten pounds heavier tomorrow, if his fat ass ripped his sweatpants open, if he ate so much he couldn’t haul himself to bed—she knew he needed this.
He ate slice after slice, and it was mostly gone when Brianna got out of the shower, looking sexier than usual in her matching purple lingerie. She’d gotten chubbier with so much junk food in the apartment, and fat clung to her in all the right places. But her pudge was a far cry from his angry-red stretch marks and neck rolls. Hell, his moobs had grown bigger than her tits.
She found him in the kitchen, eating and holding his drooping belly, and she rubbed his back, cooing at him when he apologized.
“It’s okay. I figured you wouldn’t be able to wait all night. How are you feeling?”
“Good,” Remmy said, but all he could think about was getting his next bite. As she watched him, he tried to hold out. Tried to prove he could stop eating for two seconds. Three seconds, four - his resolve broke and he crammed the rest of a slice into his mouth and chewed, choking back a moan.
“You get the munchies so bad, don’t you?” Brianna grinned and leaned against his belly, patting and cupping his weighty breasts in the way she knew pleased him. “Let’s get you sat down. I’ll bring you what you need. Just sit and relax and watch whatever you want.” They moved to the couch and Remmy sat, the cushions wheezing, his thighs and belly quivering. Brianna tucked the remainder of the cake into his pudgy hands. “Don’t worry about a mess. It’s your birthday. And there’s more where that came from.” She winked. “I just needed to keep this cake refrigerated because it’s fancy. There’s a whole sheet cake on top of the fridge that’s cheap and huge. Covered in icing. Perfect for munchies.”
Remmy could only feel a wave of relief at this news. There would be more cake. And after that, there’d still be more junk in the cabinets. There was pizza coming. His high was just right. Brianna turned on the television to his favorite show and he settled further back into the cushions, feeling his second chin swell out and engulf his first. Everything was just right. He was lucky to have Brianna and food. So much food.
A year later, around the same time, Remmy skipped his usual trip to see his relatives for the holidays. At 520 pounds, it was simply too much effort to move.
Thank you to the reader who commissioned this work!
I'd love to write more. Check me out <3 etsy.com/shop/Chubbology
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jiamour · 4 years
maybe, just maybe
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pairing: hufflepuff!jeno x slytherin!reader
genre: fluff
word count: 4.2k
summary: jeno was perfect, maybe everyone was sick of his perfectness, maybe it wasn’t everyone, maybe it was just you. 
alternatively: you’re in love with jeno but it takes 2 rainstorms, months of longingly staring, a missing overweight cat, and a love potion to realize it
a/n: i wrote this two years ago so its not great and its bullet point which is annoying
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oh look at perfect jeno, with his perfect marks, his perfect attitude, his perfect quidditch skills
his perfect hair, his perfect smile
his perfect face
maybe everyone was sick of his perfectness
maybe it wasn’t everyone
maybe it was just you
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“do you see what jeno is doing over there? he literally volunteered to polish the fucking candelabras, there’s something off about him, something he’s hiding, no one can be that nice”
renjun threw a grape at your head forcing you to pry your eyes off of the innocent boy doing a good deed while eating a blueberry muffin across the dining hall to glower at your best friend
“but he is that nice” renjun huffed not up for another 10 hour tangent about how jeno was obviously wearing a wig ‘because no ones hair can naturally be that fluffy it’s literally not possible’
“well jeno can suck my dick”
“you’d like that wouldn’t you”
you gasped and chucked a half eaten scone towards him earning a few curious glances from some third years who quickly looked away when met by your glare
“why am i even friends with you?”
renjun had the audacity to roll his eyes “because i’m the only person who can stand to listen to you pine over jeno everyday without wanting to rip my ears off, and sometimes even i romanticize the idea”
“shut up it’s not pining, i hate him and i’m leaving, i refuse to sit here and be attacked” you said hurriedly, grabbing a peach in your hand, and scoffing before stomping dramatically out of the room
renjun snorted and continued eating
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jeno looked up from candelabra just in time to see you exit the dining hall flipping your hair back flamboyantly before stocking off down the corridor
he smiled to himself
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you rubbed your eyes as you left the slytherin common room to begin your nightly patrol as prefect
(jeno was a prefect as well, of fucking course he was (this didn’t bother you at all (okay it did (a lot))))
the walk around the halls was always calm and relaxing
except when you saw that annoying ghost peeves
you hated peeves almost as much as jeno
key word almost
you took a step around the corner of the hall and that’s when it hit you
no like literally hit you
someone had actually hit you
you stumbled backwards in shock, lighting up your wand quickly to see which annoying brat was out of bed despite the paintings complaints
what you saw definitely wasn’t AN annoying brat
it was THE annoying brat
jeno was standing there, wide eyed, in his slightly over sized pale beige striped pajamas, with a little bit of mint toothpaste on the corner of his mouth, in pure panic
“oh my gosh! i’m so sorry! are you okay?” jeno was almost yelling looking like he was about to cry
you shushed him (naturally)
“i’m fine don’t worry i’m okay” your voice was hushed and way softer than usual almost getting caught in your throat
like you were caught in his pretty eyes
ignore that
he heaved a sigh of relief but his shoulders remained tense
he looked around your shoulder and whenever he spoke it was as if he wasn’t even looking at you
“umm jeno?”
he only hummed
“are you okay?”
that certainly was not the answer you had expected
“what wrong?” you didn’t know why you were asking this, why you cared.
you hated him
“i-my cat-“ he stumbled over his words almost cutely
“i lost my cat have you seen a cat?” he asked his voice full of desperation
he squat down holding his hand about 30cm off the ground “shes white with gray spots and umm about this tall”
he moved his hands apart as if he was holding a large book “and she’s about this wide, i know she’s a little pudgy- okay a lot pudgy, but i love her a lot okay!”
if jeno wasn’t so panicked you would have laughed
“i haven’t seen her sorry” you told him and the look on his face made your heart break
he stood up looking down at his feet “that’s okay she’s a strong cat i’m sure she can surv-“
“but i can help you look for her” you cut him off words surprising both him and yourself
“WOULD YOU REALLY” jeno spoke overjoyed earning multiple shushes from the paintings
then he pulled you into a suffocating bear hug muttering thank you over and over again
stupid jeno and his stupid perfect warm hugs
when he let you go all you could do was stand there in shock he noticed your expression and blushed
which was awful by the way
clearly embarrassed he put a hand on the back of his neck and looked down again “sorry that was a bit weird wasn’t it?”
yes very
do it again
“only a little” you laughed quietly and his eyes shone bright as he laughed with you
it took about 30 minutes to find his cat
of course his stupid fat cat couldn’t stay hidden for longer
how inconsiderate
when jeno saw his cat (who’s name turned out to be ‘cuddles, because that totally wasn’t the cutest this ever) he squealed and the cat came running towards you both rubbing it’s head against jeno’s leg
you didn’t know cats were capable of this much affection
but of course perfect jeno was the exception
he just had to be a fucking cat whisperer didn’t he
“you should get back to bed it’s not your shift anyways, you need sleep” your words broke him out of his cat trance
he sighed looking almost sad
but why would he look sad?
he had no reason to be sad
who made jeno sad?
“this was fun” he said with his annoyingly perfect voice
you said nothing only gave him a small smile
cause that’s all he deserved
okay he deserved more
shut up
“i guess i’ll be going then goodnight yn”
you hated how perfect your name sounded coming from his lips
you watched as he walked off making his way back to the hufflepuff common room
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“ugh i hate him so much renjun i didn’t get to sleep because of him and his stupid fat cat”
“you were on duty you didn’t get to sleep anyways”
“shut up”
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the day was beautiful
the birds were singing, the wind lightly blew the grass around where you and renjun were sitting, and the coast was jeno clear
wait false alarm
there he was standing at the outskirts of the forest feeding the baby animals like the fucking saint he was
“the day is no longer beautiful”
renjun laughed
shit you said that out loud didn’t you
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the next time you saw jeno (aka the 12th time that week (not including class) not that you were counting or anything) you were both in the library
he sat at a table surrounded by friends his nose scrunching occasionally whenever he read something he didn’t quite understand
you watched as he delicately flipped the pages of the old book
god you really wished you were a book right now
what the fuck
you hadn’t realized you were staring until renjun waved a textbook in front of your face snapping your attention back to him
“hello earth to yn” renjun wanted to yell but it was a library and he had manners “you going to help me with this project or keep staring at mr.perfect?”
“i wasn’t staring”
“okay so now we’re out here telling blatant lies, okay hun, i see how it is” as he spoke your eyes began to drift back over to the table where jeno sat and renjun was not having it
snap snap snap bitch renjun's hand was snapping right in front your face and you were afraid he was going to accidentally (not so accidentally) hit you
“still not staring” you muttered “why would i stare at someone i hate?”
“kill me now”
you decided to actually work before renjun went crazy
also you didn’t want perfect jeno to make you fail
you’d never live it down
you and renjun finished up your research a few hours later to both of your relief
you gathered up all of your stuff to go as renjun put the books back
you looked over at where jeno sat to see if he was still there
because you were annoyed that he was
that’s why you were checking
no other reason
you were surprised to see him sitting there looking right back at you
he smiled his perfect smile and waved
you bit your lip and gave him a shy wave back not knowing what else to do
you turned away quickly to search for renjun who had probably already left without you, hearing the laughter of jeno's friends behind you
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you found yourself at a quidditch match between hufflepuff and ravenclaw
it was the first time you’d been to a quidditch match since your second year and you decided to go now because renjun wanted to be there
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renjun did not want to be there
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before you had entered the stands to sit in a crowd of screaming people there was a tap on your shoulder
you turned around quickly ready to fight who you thought was renjun for being late
it wasn’t renjun
jeno stood there dressed in his quidditch uniform slightly sweaty from practice beforehand
(and god was it hot)
because of course he was hot because he was stupid mr.perfect who could even make sweating look good
you were livid
jeno smiled at you
you couldn’t help but smile back
“i saw you walking over so i decided to come say hi if that’s okay” jeno spoke uncertain but his voice remained bright
“it’s okay” you said quietly “hi”
“i’ve never seen you at a match before” jeno inquired and something bubbled in your chest
“i haven’t been to one in a while i came because renjun wanted too” you said shyly fiddling with your sleeve
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renjun did not want too
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“i don’t see renjun?” jeno laughed
just as the word ‘renjun’ came out of his mouth the boy himself came around the corner beginning to yell a loud “YOUR KING HAS ARRIVED” before noticing jeno with you
renjun backed the fuck out of there
“well i guess now i do see a renjun” you laughed at that and jeno's smile traveled to his eyes
when you didn’t say anything jeno spoke up again “so i noticed you’re not wearing anything yellow. how can you cheer me on without wearing any yellow?”
you were flustered “i um-“
“WAIT UNLESS-“ jeno gasped dramatically placing a hand over his heart “are you not cheering for me?”
you couldn’t help but giggle “of course i’m cheering for you”
how could you not
he was mr.perfect after all
“well then here” jeno said pulling a yellow scarf from out of his uniform pocket “wear it for me okay? i have to go now before couch gets angry”
he placed scarf around your neck and looked at you smiling “there. i’ll see you later yn”
then he left
and stupid perfect jeno had bested you again
how dare he make you wear his soft perfect scarf
he must know how much this hurt your pride
renjun was going to have a field day
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“yn stop playing with his scarf and look at the game”
“no i hate quidditch”
“i can see him looking at you right now and he looks sad you’re not watching”
“what really?” you looked up quick
jeno was not looking
at least not anymore
renjun laughed
“i hate him” you mumbled
“and you” you added for good measure
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you were exhausted
your head was laid on the dining hall table and you were ready to sleep for eternity
“did you even sleep at all last night? jesus yn, you look awful” renjun’s voice was teasing but laced in concern
“thanms” you mumbled lifting your head attempting to sarcastically thank him but not having the energy
“wow you’re a mess” he laughed ruffling your already messy hair, trying to make it worse
“ugh i hate you” you grumbled just when a soft hand was placed on your shoulder
“you hate me?” the voice behind you laughed brightly
oh god you knew that voice
why did he have energy this early
showing off how he was superior again
you hated it
“jeno” you said as you turned to smile at him
“you didn’t answer my question” he teased sitting down beside you
uninvited you may add
okay maybe you tapped the seat for him to sit but only a little
“of course i don’t hate you” renjun rolled his eyes so hard you were surprised he didn’t roll with them
“well that’s good because i brought you some coffee” he said making a car sound as he moved the coffee across the table towards you “you looked tired and i drink this every day so i thought you’d like it”
it’s like he wanted you to hate him
how dare he be so nice
making you feel special
doing good deeds
playing with your emotions
being too fucking perfect
renjun saw you glare at the cup and had to leave because of how hard he was laughing
jeno asked if renjun was okay and you just waved him off
“thank you” you hummed and reached for the cup
the coffee tasted like caramel and had the perfect amount of milk and the perfect amount of sugar
you loved it
and you hated that
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“hey man are you okay? you just started wheezing out of nowhere, yn says you’re fine but i just wanted to be sure” jeno asked the next time he saw renjun in the hall
renjun died again
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you were taking a walk around the school grounds to clear your mind of stress from upcoming assignments
you got lost in thought as flitterby moths flew around and landed on flowers in front of you
that was at least until a loud perfect voice came from over the hill calling your name
you moved your eyes from the moths who hadn’t even been startled by the sudden sound to where the voice had come from and surely enough there was jeno walking towards you
you waved to him and he smiled back
“what are you up t-“ he stopped talking when he saw you watch the moths flutter up into the sky and fly back into the forest
jeno laughed at your pout making you pout more
“who would have thought that the tough slytherin prefect spends her time watching butterflies” jeno teased his hand brushing against yours because of how close he was standing
“they were moths” you corrected
you smiled proudly
for once he wasn’t perfect
“so are you saying you are against the idea of watching butterflies?” he bumped your shoulder playfully
“i haven’t seen many around so i guess it would be nice to see them as well” you sighed truthfully and jeno couldn’t take his eyes off of you
he opened his mouth to speak and that’s when thunder struck
“oh god no please say there’s no-“ before you could finish your sentence it started pouring, “rain”
jeno looked at you and lifted his robe over both of your heads with left arm and grabbed your hand with his right before he started running, pulling you with him towards the castle
you couldn’t help but laugh at how ridiculous this situation was
you were running hand in hand with the boy you hated
with mr.perfect himself
who by the way still looked perfect even when sopping wet with his hair sticking to his face
and that was just offensive
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jeno didn’t want to let go of your hand even when you had made it back to the castle
so he didn’t
he brought his robe down which happened to be no help anyways
and looked over to see you smiling beside him
how someone could look so perfect while drenched in rain he would never understand
━━ *✭˚・゚✧*・゚*✭˚・゚✧*・゚* *✭˚・゚✧*・゚*✭˚・゚✧*・゚*
jeno walked you back to the slytherin common room
because he was too nice for his own good
his hand was still holding yours
obviously to humiliate you why else
if renjun saw you like this he’d never let it go
you really hoped renjun wasn’t around
but of course he was
you opened the door to the dungeons and there he was
standing right there
he looked at you
then he looked at you hands
then he looked at jeno
back to you
back to your hands
instant wheezing
━━ *✭˚・゚✧*・゚*✭˚・゚✧*・゚* *✭˚・゚✧*・゚*✭˚・゚✧*・゚*
“is your friend okay? i can ask madam pomfrey if she has an inhaler for him” jeno asked the next day
now you were wheezing
━━ *✭˚・゚✧*・゚*✭˚・゚✧*・゚* *✭˚・゚✧*・゚*✭˚・゚✧*・゚*
“amortentia is the most powerful love potion in existence. it causes a powerful infatuation or obsession from the drinker and should not be used under any circumstances” the potions teacher explained at the beginning of the lesson
if it shouldn’t be used then why teach us, you wanted to groan
there was a 500% chance someone was going to try to make someone fall for them like an idiot
the teacher continued on and the curiosity of many students grew “it is said that it smells different to each person, based on what we are attracted to.”
okay maybe that’s kind of cool
and you kind of wanted to know what you were attracted to
well you did know
kind of
“for example i smell cinnamon buns and butterscotch scented candles as well as the ocean” she droned on lazily her eyes closing slightly taking in the scent before she snapped out of it and looked back at the class
“would anyone like to give it a try” the teacher ask and half the hands in the room shot up
including yours
“yn how about you” the teacher said and you got out of your seat to stand in front of the potion
you leaned in to get a waft of the potion and the first thing you smelt was blueberry muffins
“tell everyone what you smell dear” the teacher insists
“umm blueberry muffins, caramel coffee, mint toothpaste, umm-“ you listed getting distracted by the smell
“continue on” the teacher urged smiling
-“the forest, sweat” you said slightly embarrassed “old library books, cats?”
the class laughed at that and you did too
“and umm the rain, should i continue on or-“ you blushed
“no no that’s enough thank you for assisting” the teacher patted you on the back and sent you back to your seat
where believe it or not
renjun was laughing
“what?” you asked curious wondering what you had done now
“i can’t believe you don’t know” renjun took a large breath trying to regain himself “why are you like this?”
“like what?” you were so confused and renjun wasn’t any help
you looked around the room to see if anyone else knew what the fuck was going on and there he was
jeno staring right at you eyes wide
and you had no idea why
━━ *✭˚・゚✧*・゚*✭˚・゚✧*・゚* *✭˚・゚✧*・゚*✭˚・゚✧*・゚* 
the next day you watched as jeno grabbed his usual blueberry muffin and coffee before walking over to you and renjun
he had been doing this for about a week
but today
it felt so awkward
like jeno and renjun knew something that you didn’t
and you hated that
but jeno’s perfect soft smile as he handed you his caramel coffee so you could take a sip made all the negativity go away
caramel coffee
blueberry muffin
it had to be a coincidence
yeah that’s all it was
one big coincidence
━━ *✭˚・゚✧*・゚*✭˚・゚✧*・゚* *✭˚・゚✧*・゚*✭˚・゚✧*・゚*
jeno seemed to be bringing you places more often
it was strange
really strange
one day he had dragged you out to the forest with him to feed the animals
which would have been nice if he hadn’t kept looking at you expectedly the whole time
when you didn’t say anything he just sighed and walked away sadly
you hated making mr.perfect sad
the next day jeno took you into the library
where you read about love potions
from old books
and nothing
━━ *✭˚・゚✧*・゚*✭˚・゚✧*・゚* *✭˚・゚✧*・゚*✭˚・゚✧*・゚*
jeno was going insane 
he was trying everything 
he couldn’t tell if you were purposely doing this or if you were actually this oblivious 
he guessed it was the latter because you may be cute but you definitely weren’t an actor
he learned that the hard way
resulting in you both losing 20 house points
he would rather not get into that
━━ *✭˚・゚✧*・゚*✭˚・゚✧*・゚* *✭˚・゚✧*・゚*✭˚・゚✧*・゚* 
jeno invited you to his quidditch match
and you couldn’t say no, no matter how much you disliked the sport
because he has asked you with his perfect smile and his perfect pleading eyes
and no one could say no to that
━━ *✭˚・゚✧*・゚*✭˚・゚✧*・゚* *✭˚・゚✧*・゚*✭˚・゚✧*・゚* 
he gave you his scarf again and renjun imploded
or maybe that was you
━━ *✭˚・゚✧*・゚*✭˚・゚✧*・゚* *✭˚・゚✧*・゚*✭˚・゚✧*・゚*
after the match which you think he won but you weren’t entirely certain jeno ran up to you pulling you into a tight hug
okay so he probably won
it was against slytherin but you know, who cares about house spirit when mr.perfect wants you to root for him
jeno invited you to come back to the hufflepuff common room with him to celebrate
and no one in their right mind would decline
━━ *✭˚・゚✧*・゚*✭˚・゚✧*・゚* *✭˚・゚✧*・゚*✭˚・゚✧*・゚* 
his common room was definitely a lot cozier than yours you thought as you sat on the couch by the fire and pet his cat
pet his CAT
while you waiting for him to get out of the shower
although it should feel awkward being in a unknown place surrounded by unknown people, it didn’t
everyone was so welcoming and friendly
it felt so natural
jeno returned in fresh clothes with slightly damp hair that hung cutely in his face and mint toothpaste in the corner of his mouth
this felt familiar
jeno sat beside you putting his arm along the back of the couch and folding his legs on the seat to look at you
you stuck your hand out reaching towards his face “you have a little- there you go” you said as you wiped the little bit of toothpaste away
━━ *✭˚・゚✧*・゚*✭˚・゚✧*・゚* *✭˚・゚✧*・゚*✭˚・゚✧*・゚* 
jeno was pretty sure he died then and there
━━ *✭˚・゚✧*・゚*✭˚・゚✧*・゚* *✭˚・゚✧*・゚*✭˚・゚✧*・゚*
jeno was done, he couldn’t take this anymore, everyday he asked you to go on a walk with him hoping
that it would rain and you would maybe realize
he was ready to curse the fucking sky
but god decided to send him a gift instead
and it rained
━━ *✭˚・゚✧*・゚*✭˚・゚✧*・゚* *✭˚・゚✧*・゚*✭˚・゚✧*・゚*
“oh my god” you groaned trying to put your hand over your head to stop the rain from hitting you “i can’t believe this happened again”
━━ *✭˚・゚✧*・゚*✭˚・゚✧*・゚* *✭˚・゚✧*・゚*✭˚・゚✧*・゚* 
please realize please realize please realize
“what are you doing? why do you look like you’re praying?”
that was it
jeno grabbed your hand and pulled you into him
“can i kiss you” he asked looking down at your lips
you just nodded
so he did
━━ *✭˚・゚✧*・゚*✭˚・゚✧*・゚* *✭˚・゚✧*・゚*✭˚・゚✧*・゚*
what the fuck
WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK your brain was yelling as you kissed jeno
in the rain you might add
blueberry muffins
mint toothpaste
old books
how had you not realized?
you were attracted to jeno
the potion
everything made sense
“oh my god” you said shocked against his lips he laughed and pulled apart so he could look into your wide eyes
“you- the potion- rain- oh my god” you were rambling and jeno kissing you again, a quick peck this time
“i can’t believe it took you this long to realize” jeno said and you groaned slightly embarrassed ducking your head into his chest to hide your face
“hey, hey, no don’t hide, i want to see you” he teased and pushed you back slightly so you were forced to look up at him
your eyes were locked together until his hand moved to cupped your cheek and he leaned in again
but then there was thunder
“we should um-“ you stepped back mumbling shyly “get out of the rain”
“good idea” jeno agreed looking down at his wet clothes that stuck to his body
this time you grabbed his hand
and you both ran
━━ *✭˚・゚✧*・゚*✭˚・゚✧*・゚* *✭˚・゚✧*・゚*✭˚・゚✧*・゚*
the hufflepuff common room was closer and you didn’t want to leave each others sides, not at the moment
not right now
when THAT had just happened
what jeno had been waiting months for
okay maybe what you were also waiting months for
you had changed into one of jeno’s spare perfect yellow hufflepuff sweaters
the both of you sat in front of the warm fire shivering
jeno had an arm around your shoulder holding you close
and he wouldn’t stop looking at you with a perfect smile
“wow” jeno sighed and you looked at him 
“what?” you asked with a small laugh
“i’ve just wanted this for so long”
“yeah me too”
━━ *✭˚・゚✧*・゚*✭˚・゚✧*・゚* *✭˚・゚✧*・゚*✭˚・゚✧*・゚*
he was still perfect
but maybe
just maybe
you didn’t really hate him after all
━━ *✭˚・゚✧*・゚*✭˚・゚✧*・゚* *✭˚・゚✧*・゚*✭˚・゚✧*・゚* 
498 notes · View notes
extratragic · 4 years
hold you
pairing: JJ Maybank x reader
warnings: lil bit of language. not much of a fight but a little bit? and insecurities. some mentions of sex. 
word count: 1970
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request: hey! I don't know if you are taking requests right now but if you are could you do a JJ one where the reader is insecure or thinks she’s overweight and they get in a fight bc JJ doesn't understand? like maybe he tries to pick her up or she won't sit on his lap? if you arent doing requests sorry! I love your writing xx
   To say JJ was confused was an understatement. No, he was fucking perplexed, and he didn’t even know what that word meant. He heard you say it when the group found out that John B and Sarah were dating and he thought it was a funny word. 
The day started off great. For him, at least. 
For you, it started off horribly, but you tried to play it off and keep JJ from noticing. 
Today was a day that everyone would be out on the boat. No one had to work and everyone was ready to spend a day with each other and relax. John B even prepped the boat the night before because he was so excited. 
JJ woke you up by kissing you all over your face. Usually, waking up like that would make you feel amazing already, but you only enjoyed it for a minute before a switch flipped. JJ left the bed and the smile was wiped off of your face and your heart felt heavy. 
“Baby! John B might strangle us if we’re not there in fifteen minutes!” JJ called from the bathroom.
You slowly stood up and went to your closet, quickly finding your favorite high waist bottoms and a cute top. JJ walked in before you could slip on one of his shirts. 
“Damn, my girlfriend is so hot,” he sighed, leaning against the door. 
You smiled weakly and put on a pair of jean shorts and one of the many t-shirts that he left at your house. He walked over to you and wrapped his arms around your waist. It was like something went off in your brain and told you to suck in your stomach. Thankfully JJ didn’t notice the feeling and placed a kiss on your cheek. 
“Ready?” You asked. 
“Yeah. Are you?” He asked. 
“Just need a few minutes,” you told him, getting out of his arms and going to the bathroom to finish getting yourself together. 
When the two of you got to John B’s house with blankets and beers, it was easy to see that John B was excited for a day out on his boat with his friends. Kie and Pope showed up a few minutes later with more alcohol and snacks. John B didn’t hesitate to take off after everyone was situated. 
“Wanna swim?” JJ asked you. 
The boat had been anchored for a few minutes and the other three were already in the water, splashing each other and trying to dunk each other. 
“Maybe later. I, uh, wanna tan,” you told him.
He nodded and pecked your lips before jumping into the water. You took a deep breath and looked down at your body, scrunching up your nose. You loved Kie to death, but being around her in a swimsuit made you feel uncomfortable. She had the perfect body in your eyes, and you didn’t. 
It was hard to feel good about yourself when your best friend looked like that.
While the other four swam around the boat, you took your shorts off and laid on the bow of the boat while you were alone. It’d made awkward tan lines, but the shirt was staying on. 
“Y/N! Get in!” Pope yelled. 
You pushed yourself up on your elbows, seeing JJ and Pope leaning against the boat and smiling at you.
“I don’t really feel like getting in the water today. I’m okay up here,” you told them.
“C’mon, it’ll be fun,” Kie said, popping up beside JJ. 
Your stomach churned when you saw how her arm rested over your boyfriends, but you ignored the feeling. 
“Next time,” you said, smiling tightly. 
Kie and Pope gave up, letting go of the boat and swimming over to John B again. JJ pulled himself up and got back onto the boat, walking over to you. 
“JJ, I’m fine, really. Go have fun,” you sighed. 
He laid down beside you, sliding his hand under the shirt you still had on and lazily running his fingers over your skin. You were very thankful that laying on your back made your stomach feel flat. 
“Are you really, sweet girl?” He questioned. 
You nodded, happily kissing him back when he pressed his lips to yours. He slid his hand down from your stomach and gripped your thigh, tugging on it to pull it over his waist but you stopped him. 
“They could come back,” you told him.
He groaned and laid his head on your shoulder, keeping his hand on your leg. The feeling of his hands on you typically made you feel great, but now it was making it nervous. The only thoughts inside your mind revolved around him feeling too much and not thinking you were skinny enough. You knew about his crush on Kie before the two of you met, and it scared the hell out of you. 
“Lay on me,” he told you.
“What?” You asked. 
“Lay on me. I like holding you,” he shrugged. 
Your heart was racing. You shook your head and he tried pulling on your leg, but you sat up quickly. 
“Are you okay?” He asked, sitting up beside you and putting his hand on your back. 
“I’m fine. Just don’t feel well,” you muttered. 
“C’mere then. I’ll hold you,” he said. 
“I don’t- I don’t wanna be held, JJ. I just wanna lay by myself,” you told him. 
He frowned and brought his hand up to your face, tucking your hair behind your ear. 
“You said that you love it when I hold you when you don’t feel good,” he said quietly. 
He sounded hurt when he said that, and it felt like someone punched you in the gut. You didn’t want to make him feel bad because you felt bad. JJ was a touchy boyfriend, always having his hand on your leg or his arm around you. People usually saw you sitting on his lap at any party. He wasn’t used to not touching you.
“I’m sorry. I think I’m just too hot right now. Maybe when we get back,” you told him. 
He nodded and walked away from you, getting back into the water. 
It didn’t get any better after that. JJ sat far away from you on the way back to the Chateau. When the boat docked at John B’s house, JJ quickly went into the house and was the first to shower. 
You waited in the spare room while he showered, hoping to talk to him when he got out. It was never easy getting JJ to talk when he was hurt, especially when you were the reason behind his hurt. When he walked into the room, he acted like you weren’t even there. 
“JJ,” you sighed, grabbing his hand. 
He pulled his hand away from yours, going back to looking in the drawers for a new outfit. 
“JJ, talk to me,” you told him as he put on his clothes.
“About what, y/n?” He snapped. 
“Why you’re so angry! So what if I didn’t want you to hold me? It’s not a big deal, JJ!” You exclaimed. 
“It feels like a big deal when you keep doing it! This is the fourth time this week! If you- fuck. If you want to break up then just tell me,” he told you, his voice cracking at the end. 
You felt like someone was squeezing your heart. You never wanted your insecurities to end up hurting JJ. His eyes were welling up with tears and he ran his hand through his hair, tugging at the end.
“I love you, JJ. I would never break up with you,” you said quietly. 
“Then what the hell is going on with you? Is it my fault? Did someone do something to you?” He questioned. 
He knew that you were insecure about your body. When the two of you started dating, it was easy for him to see how you tried to hide your body from everyone. You never wore slightly revealing clothes and all of your swimsuit bottoms were high or mid-rise. 
“Remember the first time we went swimming after we got together?” You asked. 
He furrowed his eyebrows but nodded, confused. “You kept trying to keep me away from you.”
You nodded and he sighed, sitting down on the bed beside you. 
“How long have you felt like this, baby?” He asked. 
“I dunno. It started a few weeks ago, it’s just been worse the last few days,” you shrugged. 
He got down on his knees and pushed your legs apart so he could kneel between them with his hands on your hips. You gasped at the sudden move, moving back when he opened your legs. 
“Listen to me. Medically, you’re not overweight. You’re actually probably underweight. And in my eyes, you’re so perfect. I mean, shit, come here,” he told you, standing quickly. 
You laughed lightly at his quick movements, standing up and stumbling around until he was standing in front of the mirror you brought here a long time ago. He made sure you were standing in front of him as he wrapped his arms around your waist, putting his chin on your shoulder. 
“I’m gonna tell you everything that I love about your body, okay? Cool. We’re gonna start with your hair. First of all, it’s soft as hell. I love running my fingers through it, and I know that you love it when I pull on it,” he said, making you blush. 
“And your whole face is the cutest and hottest thing I’ve ever seen. Your eyes are so pretty. Your nose is the perfect size so it doesn’t bump into mine when we kiss. And your lips,” he chuckled, kissing your jaw. “I am addicted to kissing you, sweet girl. The way you talk is beautiful, and don’t even get me started on how they look when they’re wrapped around my-” 
“Stop,” you grinned, slapping his arm. 
He grinned and kissed your jaw again.
“Your neck looks so pretty with my hand wrapped around it. Looks even better with hickeys, yeah?” He whispered, dragging his lips across the skin of your neck. 
You sighed and laid your head back on his shoulder, closing your eyes. 
“Not yet, sweet girl. Look at yourself,” he told you.
You whined and lifted your head, looking in the mirror again. 
“I love your arms. I love how you’re stronger than you look and how hot you look when you throw a punch. I don’t wanna get you too worked up, so I’ll just tell you that I love your boobs a lot and I could get off to just them alone.” 
You giggled and he grinned proudly. 
“Your stomach is my second favorite pillow. Second to the body parts previously stated. I love how you always let me lay with my head on your belly whenever I want to. I love your hips and how well you work them. I love your legs and how they look when you work out around me and how good they look when you’re tanning or swimming. I love your ass for many reasons. It’s my third favorite pillow and my second favorite view when I’m fucking you.”
“JJ,” you laughed, hitting his arm again. 
He kissed your cheek, moving one of his hands up to gently cup your jaw, making sure you kept facing the mirror. 
“I skipped a body part,” he whispered. 
“I heard how much you love that body part last night,” you giggled. 
He laughed lightly and nodded. He looked into your eyes through the reflection, taking pride in the way they sparkled like they didn’t before. The smile on your lips made him feel like he was on top of the world. 
“I love you and your body,” he told you. 
“I love you, Maybank,” you smiled. 
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Off Limits (Spencer Reid) #3
Well, here is chapter 3. It is a little longer than the previous two. enjoy!! 
Previous Chapters: 
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Tag List: @on-my-way-to-erebor​ ​, @haileymorelikestupid​ , 
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Soon after Spencer and Ava’s conversation had ended (well had been interrupted), the group were packing their things. They received a case from Seattle, WA and would be leaving on the jet in half an hour. They didn’t know how long they would be out there. It all depended on when the case was solved. Spencer and Ava were both disappointed. They had no idea of when they would see each other again. It could be a couple days, to a couple weeks. Hotch had left another assignments list should she finish the first and they aren’t back yet. She would have plenty to do while they were gone. Plenty to keep her mind off Spencer.
One day went by.. then two… and three… Ava had been keeping up with the case through Penelope. She was the only one who stays behind to work magic at her computer. Being their eyes and ears. Ava sat in the chair situated in the corner of Penelope’s office, watching her work. She answered a call from Morgan, “What can I do for you sweet face?”
“Hey baby doll, we need a location for a lead. His name is Bryant Jameson.” She started typing really fast, clicking away and mumbling to herself before finally finding it, “Location is 143 52nd street.”
“You never fail me baby girl,” He hung up quickly after that.
“So, how’s the case going?” Asked Ava, hoping for a positive reply, that they would be heading home soon. She missed talking with Spencer. He and Penelope were the only ones she’s become closer to.
“They should be home tomorrow if this lead doesn’t fall through.” Penelope turned in her chair to face Ava. “You sure are concerned about the case.” She raised a questionable eyebrow, twirling her pen.
Ava blushed a little and played it off, “Just curious is all. I’ve never been around this kind of stuff.”
Penelope nodded, not fully believing her. “So, you and Reid, you guys have hit it off, haven’t you?” she pushed.
“Yeah, he’s cool to talk too. He helped with stacking boxes the other day.” She brushed it off like nothing, at least hoping she did. However, she failed. Penelope could see right through her.
“Oh girl, we know. We saw you guys in the file room, giggling and talking like high school love birds.” Penelope joked, smirking, only causing Ava to blush more. Then, Penelope went serious, pointing her fluffy pen at Ava, “Just be careful about all that, okay? Hotch doesn’t allow relationships between co-workers within BAU. It makes things complicated.”
Luckily, the lead didn’t fall through and they were back in the office the next morning. Ava wanted to talk with Reid about the case and hear all about it, but she kept her distance, remembering Penelope’s warning. Spencer had noticed Ava became more distanced since he arrived back at work. They were fine when he left, talking when they got the chance, whether in the kitchen, copy room, or just walking by each other’s desk, what had changed? She had been busy all morning, or at least looking like it. She finally took a break and headed for the kitchen. Spencer took this chance to talk with her.
“Hey Ava.” Spencer entered the kitchen and put his hands in his pockets. Her heart skipped a beat when she heard him. This whole distance thing was going to be hard.
“Hey Reid. How was the trip?”
He walked to the fridge, pulling out a water, “it was good. Glad we caught the guy.”
Ava gave him a quick smile and continued making her coffee. Something’s wrong. He could tell. He furrowed his brows, “are you okay?”
She looked back up at him and nodded, hoping to convince him, “Yeah, I’m great.”
A lie. He’s an intelligent man, he can read right through people. He knows somethings wrong but didn’t want to push her. “Okay… well I guess I’ll let you get back to work.” He solemnly left and walked back to his desk, grabbing his jacket and mumbling to Morgan, “I’m going out to lunch.”
Ava had a crush on Spencer. She knew this and knew she shouldn’t. Dating co-workers was off limits. He is just too cute though. How could she resist him?
It had been a week since the kitchen conversation, and nothing had changed. They talked less throughout the day. It was only short conversations here and there. Both of them hated it. Spencer still didn’t know what had changed or if he had done something wrong to upset her. So on Friday morning on his way into work, he stopped by his favorite coffee shop and decided he would pick one up for Ava. Two and half teaspoons of sugar and splash of cream.
He walked into the office, two coffees in hand, his tan messenger bag hung over his shoulder. She had glanced up when she heard him say good morning to Morgan, but looked back down at her computer. Out of the corner of her eye she saw someone approach her desk. “I stopped on my way in and figured you might want one too.” He set the coffee next to her, giving a small smile.
He had brought her a coffee. Oh, come on Spencer, you aren’t making this any easier for her. She couldn’t resist it; coffee was her weakness. And so was Spencer’s damn smile. She tried to hold back a smile and took a sip of the coffee, savoring the taste. It was made just the way she liked it. How the heck did he know? Finally, she caved and smiled up at him, “it’s made just the way I like it. You must keep tabs on me.” She teased, causing him to blush, “Thank you.”
He nodded, “Good morning by the way. That now-storm is supposed to be coming in this evening.”
“I had heard about that. Maybe we’ll get snowed in together.” She meant it as a joke, taking a sip of her coffee, but it made his heart flutter. The thought of being snowed in with her, alone, being able to talk to her for hours… Uninterrupted. She had to admit, the thought was tempting. Stop it Ava.
“That wouldn’t be so bad,” he gave a quick wink and headed for his desk. It was his turn to make her blush and heart flutter.
About 5 hours later, Hotch came out of his office and ordered everyone to go home before the storm got bad. Ava was in the middle of working on a spreadsheet. She couldn’t stop, nor could she take the work home. Number one rule. Nothing leaves this office. “Sir, I only need another hour. I’m almost done.” She pleaded, staying one more hour wouldn’t hurt. It’s not like it would be that bad. Hotch agreed to let her stay, “One-hour Ava. No spreadsheet is worth your safety.” He said sternly. She nodded and quickly got back to work. Everyone had headed out. Except for one person; Spencer.
Spencer had just started the paperwork for the last case, and he was behind. He decided to stay for another hour to continue working on it. He didn’t even realize everyone had left. He was in the zone. Ava was the only one left still at her desk working. She had been so quiet; he hadn’t even noticed.
“Fuck!” She whispered angrily, typing angrily on the keyboard. He chuckled quietly to himself. She was cute when she was angry.
“Hitting on the keyboard like that won’t make it work better.”
She jumped, startled. She had been zoned in on the computer and didn’t realize anyone else had stayed to work. “Geez Reid, I didn’t even know anyone else was here.”
He chuckled, “I decided to stay a little longer. I only just started on this paperwork from the last case and I am super behind.” He stood and headed over to her desk, “What seems to be the problem?”
“I can’t get the fucking thing to organize the information correctly. I need it in this order, but it won’t let me.” She slid back from her desk a little, letting him peek at the computer. He leaned down and started typing and clicking around. She watched as he worked, concentrated on the monitor. A little of his tongue stuck out in concentration. She got a whiff of his cologne, it smelled woodsy with a hint of pine and mint. Tempting.
“and… there you go. All done.” He smiled stepping back, proudly.
“How… how did you?” Ava looked at the computer confused. She had been working on this for the last 20 minutes and got nowhere.
“You didn’t have the tab clicked yes.” He laughed, crossing his arms “It has to be clicked to yes for it to change.”
She groaned and face palmed. “it’s been a long day.” She leaned back in her chair and rubbed her temples.
“Why don’t you head home?” He questioned, pulling a chair up next to her.
“Because I want to finish this. I can’t leave things unfinished. I need to finish before I leave.”
He nodded and glanced at her desk, noticing the picture of the cat, “That is a fat cat.” He stated, laughing, causing her to laugh too. She grabbed the frame and handed to him. “That would be my cat Smokie. And yes, she is a very fat cat.”
He glanced over the picture, “you do know it is dangerous for cats to be overweight? Very unhealthy. It leads to a number of diseases.” He set the picture back where it was.
“Yes, which is why she is on a diet now.” She laughed and pulled herself closer to her desk, ready to get back to work.
“Good. Well, I will let you get back to work.” He stood and headed for his desk, getting back to work. He would work until she left. He didn’t want her alone in the building.
About half an hour later, Ava stood and stretched exclaiming, “Finally!”
“Done?” He asked, straightening the files on his desk.
“Yes, finally.” She started tidying up her desk, shutting down her computer. He had been done with his work for a while but didn’t want to leave her. He watched her start to put on her coat.
He looked out the window and saw the blanket of white snow falling. He stood to put his coat on as well. Come on spencer grow a pair, be a man.
“Ava, do you want to go get something to eat with me?” He blurted, before he had the time to chicken out.
It took her by surprise that she stopped putting on her coat and looked at him. Had he just asked her out? Had she really heard him right?
“What?” She asked, wanting to make sure she heard him right.
“Do you want to go get dinner... with me?” He glanced down and back up at her.
She grinned. She had heard him right. Her stomach grumbled at the thought of food, “Yes. I would love too.”
Both continued slipping on coats, hats, gloves and scarfs and headed out the door to brace the storm. He knew of a place close by. It was small hole in the wall, but they had great soup and soup seemed like the perfect meal to have with weather like this. He guided her to the restaurant, letting her wrap her arm around his, holding onto the crook of his elbow. He didn’t want her to slip on any snow. She still couldn’t believe he had asked her out to dinner and that she was holding onto his arm as he guided her to the restaurant.
Later that night after dinner, the snow fall had calmed.They managed to get a cab and pulled up infront of her place.
“Well this is me.” She smiled and turned to him, pulling her keys out of her purse.  
He nodded, “I’ll walk you to the door.” He told the driver to wait and they both stepped out and up the stairs to the door of her townhouse.
“I had a great time tonight.” He slid his hands in his pockets. He noticed her nose had turned a shade of pink from the cold.
She turned to face him and fixed her glasses back on her nose, sniffling, “Yeah me too.” She glanced back at her door, then at him, contemplating inviting him in for tea or coffee. Maybe she should wait. She didn’t get a chance to even make that decision before he spoke, “I would love to do it again. Go out to eat,” he smiled.
She bit her bottom lip and nodded, smiling, “I would love that..” They quickly exchanged numbers before saying goodbye. He walked down the stairs and got back into the cab, heading home.
Later that night before she went to bed, her phoned dinged. It was a text from Spencer.
Are you free for dinner tomorrow?
She grinned and slipped into bed, texting back: Yes:)
Soon after her phoned dinged again, Great. I’ll pick you up tomorrow at 6:30. Sleep tight.
She couldn’t contain her excitement. She knew she shouldn’t be excited. They shouldn’t be doing this. But it was only dinner, what could it hurt?
He had finally found the courage to ask her out and that dinner tonight was amazing. They talked and laughed the whole time. Like old friends who have known each other for years, like they clicked with each other and like it was meant to be. The last week of barely speaking was a blur. He didn’t care. They spoke all night at dinner and now, he had another date with her tomorrow. He couldn’t wait. That night he slept soundly, knowing he would see her again.
And we have an official date!! Seems like they hit it off pretty good at dinner. Wonder how the next date will go ;) 
Also, let me know if you’d like to be added to my tag list for future chapters! 
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eeveedel · 4 years
chubby actor louis (part 3)
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hello, lovely people! we have yet another installment, and there’s lots of debauchery in this lil update. includes: weight talk, body image talk, bondage, dom/sub dynamics, stuffing, weight gain kink, and lots and lots of food. I hope you enjoy. mwah! 
part 1 I part 2
Bacon, eggs with cheese, and a large coffee with cream and sugar started each of Louis’s days.
He slept in every day, and woke up to his breakfast on a tray next to him. Sometimes there were additions of some changes; sausages instead of bacon, scrambled eggs instead of fried, chocolate chip muffins instead of toast. But his food was always waiting for him, and usually, Harry was, too.
Harry worked out in the mornings, so he was usually sweaty, pink-cheeked, and shirtless, sitting next to Louis in bed when he woke up.
“Morning, sunshine,” Harry greeted him with a kiss, “Are you hungry?”
That was also a now-constant in Louis’s life. Harry always asking if he was hungry, if he needed a snack, if he wanted to try something Harry had been whipping up. And unless he was already painfully full, Louis usually said yes.
He pulled himself up, fluffing pillows behind him so he could sit up and eat his breakfast, the food on his many plates slowly disappearing until he just had empty dishes and a full belly.
He slouched back, lazily sipping his coffee while Harry showered him in his usually string of compliments.  
“Look at your cheeks, sweetheart,” Harry hummed as he cradled Louis’s face, “They’re so round! You look so pretty.”
This is why they worked well together, Louis thought through his post-meal haze. He was a goal orientated person, always ploughing forward to the next task. But Harry took in details, observed both the beauty and flaws in everything, although he was so sweet he usually wanted to notice the former. He was the one who would sit back and soak in the little things, notice the changes in everything.
“I know,” Louis sighed, reaching up to touch his puffy cheeks. He folded his hands down a moment later, running his hands down his stomach and rucking up the edge of his shirt.
“But Harry, look at this,” Louis groaned, prodding at the spot under his belly button. “I have a stretch mark! Look!”
“I see it, honey,” Harry said with an easy smile.
“I have a fucking stretch mark,” Louis moaned, “I’m going to have it forever. I’m going to have to use those lotions pregnant women use. Oh my god, Harry.”
“You’re so dramatic,” Harry sighed, giving him a kiss, “I think it’s cute.”
“Of course you do.”
“What? I do. It just means you’re bursting with the love I’m giving you,” Harry said, “Twenty-three pounds of lovin’ in this belly.”
He gave Louis a little pat on his stomach, and Louis felt the morning tension and grumpiness unspool from his body. He sighed and leaned over, giving Harry a kiss as he placed his hand next to Harry’s on his own midsection.
“Well don’t give yourself too much credit, I did most of the work,” Louis huffed, “You can take more credit when you contribute seven more pounds.”
Harry offered him a wolfish grin, and kissed him hard on the cheek.
Louis couldn’t remember a time he had looked forward to eating this much.
He vaguely remembered a time – now only about a month and a half ago – that he had eaten kale salads with salmon on top and mixed grains for dinner and washed it down with kombucha, where he had told himself that it was worth it for all the vitamins and nutrients and the bragging rights he would have amongst his industry friends for how had the most restrictive diet, but he had never been happy before, during, or after those meals. And he also remembered when he had started preparing for this role, where the thrill of eating to his heart’s desire was quickly chased with anxiety over his softening waistline, the voice in his head that said he was doing the worst thing in the world.
But those voices were gone now. There was just his tongue that craved things, and then his boyfriend that inevitable placed that craving into Louis’s hands within the hour. Poutine, with thick homemade fries, doused in orange curls of cheese and thick gravy, curly ramen noodles with eggs on top and tender pieces of beef soaked in salty broth, homemade banana bread slathered in Nutella. Before bed, ice cream with gobs of cookie dough, brownies with caramel drizzled on top, peach pie with whipped cream. If he was thirsty he was presented with ice cold glasses of grape or cherry soda, vanilla milkshakes, or homemade Frappuccinos.
He ended every day with a tight, gurgling belly, which Harry would happily rub, and in the morning, his boyfriend’s careful eyes and observant eyes put him on the scale and measured every inch of his body.
Three more pounds crept up on Louis’s frame, bringing with it the usual praise from Harry and also more and more of the minute details Louis was noticing more and more. His cheeks pressed hard up into his eyes when he smiled, and he barely had to look down or speak for the double fold under his chin to be noticeable. His biceps had softened and he soft bit of arm jiggled under each arm when he waved. He had to rock a little to get himself going before he got up from the couch, and he caught him breathing a bit harder at the top of their main staircase. More red marks appeared on his hips, stomach, and legs, and his thighs rubbed together hard when he walked through the house. Harry bought him some special powder to slap on his thighs and also a large pair of bike shorts to help the chaffing, but when Louis forgot either of them, he widened his stance a bit into a small, awkward waddle. Once Harry caught him doing it and pinned him against the nearest wall for a mid-afternoon quickie.
Harry told him things that would have scared Louis, once – “You’re going to have to go up another pant size soon” and “You know you’re overweight for your height now” and “You’re really fucking out of shape” – but he said them in a deep, raspy voice that turned those statements into the highest of praise.
Louis knew the impact his body had on his boyfriend, and he carried that with pride.
One evening, Louis half-waddled into the kitchen, delicately holding a hand on top of the curve of his stomach, and saw Harry shirtless, standing at the counter and tossing a salad. Harry turned when he saw Louis, his smile bright.
“Hey, you.”
“Can I have a snack?” Louis said, blushing a little. His stomach was just starting to gurgle again, even though after lunch he had had a whole package of sugary dried fruit.
“You’re in luck, I was about to call you for dinner,” Harry said, “Come see.”
Louis followed Harry into the dining room, his eyes widening when he got there. Harry had apparently chosen a theme of Italian and carbs for the evening, because their dining table had two big pans of lasagna, one filled with beef and marinara sauce and one with layers of cheese and a thick white vodka sauce. There was a big loaf of garlic bread nestled in a wad of aluminum foil, and a small tray with two chocolate lava cakes.
“Oh, fuck,” Louis whispered, moving past Harry to look at the food more closely. He leaned forward, the shelf of his belly pressing gently into the edge of the table, and reached towards the tail end of the garlic bread loaf. It was still a little far away, so he leaned further forward, his ass sticking out further behind him and his stomach harder into the table in a way that made him exhale hard.
Louis tore off a piece of bread and stuffed it into his mouth, and then he looked behind him and saw Harry, his eyes dark, a slight smirk on his face as he leaned on the divider of their kitchen. Louis chewed the bread and swallowed quickly.
“What, babe?” Louis asked, his voice already dropping a bit.
“Just enjoying the view,” Harry offered, the side of his mouth twitching.
“Yeah?” Louis asked. He batted his lashes and leaned further over the table. The pair of briefs he had grabbed were too small, and he could feel them wedging into his ass, showing off more of his cheeks. He bounced a little on his toes, feeling the way it made his behind jiggle, and then he reached a hand behind him, smacking his own cheek. “You like this fat ass, baby?”
“God, fuck,” Harry breathed out. He pushed away from the kitchen and came closer, grabbing Louis around the hips. He shoved himself forward, his jeans grinding roughly against Louis’s ass, and Louis gasped. He tried to stand and twist around to let Harry kiss him. He felt his sides fold into a thick roll, and just the feeling made him moan into Harry’s lips.
“You look so good,” Harry groaned as he pulled back, only to nip at Louis’s lip. “So sexy.”
He rubbed along Louis’s stomach, pressing gently into the softness, and Louis giggled.
“Thanks to you,” he said, “You keep me fat and happy, baby.”
“Mm,” Harry hummed, “You’re happy?”
The question seemed genuine, a little softer, and Louis pulled back.
“Yes,” he said firmly, “I am so, so happy.”
He set his hands on Harry’s shoulders, smoothing his hands along the hard, firm lines under his t-shirt.
“God, I don’t decided if I want to fuck you or have the food,” he groaned. “Can we have both?”
“I don’t want you to choke, honey.”
“Ugh, boring,” Louis moaned, “Always so worried for my safety.”
Harry was quiet, chewing on his lip, and then his eyes brightened.
“I have an idea,” Harry said, “If you don’t like it, we don’t do.”
“Okay,” Louis said slowly, “Tell me.”
“I get a pair of our handcuffs from the box upstairs,” Harry said, “Or rope. Or a scarf. Whatever you want. Tie you to a chair, feed you your dinner. And I’ll untie you when I think you’ve had enough.”
Louis felt a little thrill run through his belly at the idea, and his mouth dropped.
“Oh,” he exhaled, “I – okay.”
“Would you want to try that?” Harry asked. He was trying to keep his voice steady, but Louis could recognize Harry’s eagerness easily.
“Sure,” Louis said, “Sure, let’s do it, yeah.”
“Yeah,” Harry echoed. He took a step back and vaguely gestured behind him, “I’m gonna…get supplies upstairs. What do you want me to tie you with?”
“Um,” Louis said, “Rope?”
“Solid choice,” Harry agreed, “I’ll be right back.”
He seemed to sprint out of the room, and Louis heard him moving around rapidly upstairs, and then, his footsteps were going down the stairs, and soon, Harry was in front of him. He was carrying a soft length of bondage rope, thick and petal pink, and Louis smiled.
“Tell me what you need me to do,” Louis said gently.
“Sit,” Harry breathed out, his voice firm.
Louis pulled out a dining room chair and sat down, and Harry nodded.
“Scoot back, hands behind your hands…there you go.”
Harry moved behind Louis and crouched on the ground, and then tied the rope around Louis’s wrists, and then around the slats at the back of the chair, securing Louis to the chair. Harry put in a couple more ties, his hands sure and well-trained, and he gave them a tug, asking if they were too tight and adjusting the knots. Finally, he stood up and circled around Louis to go to the kitchen, and then returned a moment later with two big glasses of ice water. Then he grabbed his own chair, dragging it forward so he was sitting directly in front of Louis.
Louis watched carefully as Harry picked up a piece of garlic bread, dripping in bright yellow butter. Louis licked his lips and locked his eyes with Harry, his head already growing fuzzy.
Harry pushed his hand forward, holding the bread right next to Louis’s lips.
“Eat,” he said softly.
Louis opened his mouth gladly and bit into the bread, moaning immediately at the taste. He ate happily, swallowed down what Harry gave him and then licking his boyfriend’s buttery, crumb-covered fingers when he was done. Harry reached for another piece of bread and offered it to Louis, smiling as he swallowed it down. Another piece of bread appeared after that, bigger than the first two, and Louis once again ate it quickly, making Harry’s smile grow.
“Good boy,” Harry nodded. He paused just to wipe his hand with a napkin and to pick up Louis’s water, commanding him to take a big sip.  
Next Harry dragged forward a tray of lasagna, the one filled with meat and red sauce. He retrieved a big serving spoon and took a hunk out of the corner of the dish, then held it in front of Louis. He ate, just like he was told, his tongue savoring the soft pasta, the rich sauce, the greasy cheese. He moaned happily and ate from Harry’s spoon, then eating another spoonful afterwards. Harry pet his hair and cooed, picking up more and more for Louis to eat, until there was a big space in the lasagna pan where they used to be food.
Louis’s stomach felt warm and happy, and he wiggled a little when Harry switched to the other pan, how giving him a taste of sharp-tasting vodka sauce that made his tongue tingle.
“So good, baby,” Louis moaned as he ate. He felt some sauce drip onto his chin and Harry didn’t go to clean it up.
“Thank you,” Harry smiled, picking up another spoonful, “Only the best for my boy.”
Louis closed his eyes and kept eating, his mind a haze of cheese and pasta. He only frowned when he felt how tight his stomach was getting. He blinked, looking down. He could his belly was sticking out, perfect round, and he looked up at Harry.
“I’m a little full…” he said, but Harry just blinked at him and dug up another spoonful of lasagna.
“You stop when I tell you to stop,” Harry said simply, “Open your mouth.”
Louis blinked, and then opened his mouth and did what he was told. When he was done with the spoonful Harry smiled and reached out, smacking the side of Louis’s belly and giving it a little jiggle.
“Good boy,” he praised.
Harry’s hand was steady, doling out more pasta, and then more bread, all with little sips of water. Louis took deep breaths, pulling a little at his constraints to get comfortable. His stomach was tighter and heavy, and he opened his legs a bit to give his stomach room. He felt it sag, he felt the elastic of his underwear starting to curl at the top, helpless to the weight of his middle.
“Such a perfect boy,” Harry said, “Eating so well for me. Making me so happy.”
Louis nodded, and opened his mouth at Harry’s next command. More bread. More butter. More calories that would go straight to his thighs and belly and ass. Or maybe his double chin, or his fat arms. It didn’t matter.
His eyes drooped as he ate, and he felt grease and sauce accumulate on his face and chin. His mouth opened less eagerly, but he still ate. He let out a little burp at one point, and blushed, but Harry just patted his gut and gave it a jiggle, telling him it was okay.
“One more bite,” Harry said, holding out more lasagna, “And then dessert.”
Dessert? Jesus fucking Christ. But Louis opened his mouth nonetheless and ate the lasagna.
As soon as he had swallowed, Harry fetched a clean fork and the two lava cakes, holding him out.
“These are for you,” Harry grinned, “Both of them.”
“Both?” Louis asked,
“Try for me,” Harry said, “Come on.”
He gave Louis more water, and then gave his belly a firm jiggle, and then, there was a forkful of chocolate in front of Louis.
His belly said no. But chocolate sounded so good. And Harry was giving him a look where no was not an option.
So Louis sagged forward and welcomed the cake into his mouth.
His brain was floating elsewhere, his mouth was full of chocolate, and Harry was still staring at him, coaxing the food between his lips.
Louis moaned as he finished one lava cake and then another one floated in front of his face. His mouth opened without thought, a robotoic motion of open-close-chew-swallow.
He barely realized the last bite was gone until Harry was kissing him, one hand cradling Louis’s full, tender stomach.
“Oh, good fucking boy,” Harry breathed, “God, look at you.”
Louis could only imagine what Harry was seeing; Louis exhausted, sweating, red-faced, his face covered in food and his soft body spilling out of his briefs. Harry started to clean him, rubbing a napkin on his face, getting some water into his system, and then he untied Louis’s wrists, letting him lean forward and cradle his stomach. The skin was tight and hot under his hands, and he moaned. Harry coaxed him to his feet, and Louis widened his legs, cradling his belly and waddling to the living room, until he could collapse on the couch.
Harry sat by his hip, rubbing his stomach, soothing the aching skin and giving Louis kisses on his face and wrists as he came down from his high. His stomach was screaming, but his head was happy. He was Harry’s good boy, happy and fat, always doing what he was told. That was enough.
As Louis became more lucid, Harry grew a bit quiet, still touching Louis carefully but not offering many words. Eventually, his voice came, quiet and uncertain.
“Louis,” Harry said softly, “Are you really happy?”
“Hm?” Louis lifted his head and looked at his boyfriend, who was looking at him so gently.
“Are you happy like this?” Harry asked, “Like you said earlier?”
He kept drawing circles around Louis’s belly button, but Louis still would’ve understood his question.
“Honestly, I think…I think this is the happiest I’ve been in a while,” Louis admitted.
His skin flushed as he said it, but he was smiling.
“I don’t have to get up early to do work outs I don’t even enjoy and eat food I hate, just for a body I’ll never feel good enough in,” he said. The words were rushed, but he meant them.
“I don’t know if I was happy like that, when we were the fucking ‘fittest couple in Hollywood,’” Louis confessed, “I mean, that was your thing, and I just did it because it was expected of me.”
He blushed, reaching down to squeeze his belly.
“But I feel so…so happy like this. In this body, with you, doing this,” he said, “Like I’m enough.”
Harry nodded, his face soft and content.
“I always had the feeling you didn’t like working out that much,” Harry said, “I mean, you did it, but I always had the feeling you wanted to do anything else.”
“Yeah,” Louis said softly, “And I hated half the food I used to eat. I guess some of it was alright. But I just felt like I had no choice.”
“Well know you can do whatever you want,” Harry said, “Although I will say, I kind of miss you when I work out. I miss having you there with me.”
“Maybe I can hang out with you while you’re lifting? Or on the treadmill?” Louis offered, “I can have a snack and talk to you while you do that.”
“I would really like that,” Harry agreed.
He reached down again to pet Louis’s belly, and Louis looked down at himself, a little lump growing in his throat.
“I’m going to have to lose this eventually,” Louis said sadly, “For my job.”
“Hey,” Harry said softly, cuffing Louis under the chin. “We have four pounds to go, honey.”
He gave him a kiss, holding his lips tight on Louis’s cheek before he pulled away.
“And I plan to make them count.”
Ideas sprouted in Harry’s head like weeds in the middle of spring.
For the next few days, he scaled back some of Louis’s meals. Still giving him everything he wanted, just a little less. A dozen buffalo wings instead of eighteen, four red velvet cupcakes instead of six, two calzones but no cinnamon sticks to go with them. Louis questioned him, a little frown forming at each of the meals.
“I’m planning something,” Harry teased him, “Be patient.”
And then one morning Louis woke up to no breakfast platter, and instead, Harry was just sitting next to him, a giant smile on his face.
“Wear something tight for me today,” Harry said, and then got up and disappeared. And Louis realized this was the day, this was Harry’s planning was paying off. And Louis was eager to mind out what it entailed.
Louis went to their closet, rifling the section that had become his out-grown clothes. He hated wearing tight clothes, he preferred his sweatpants and pajamas now above anything else, but if Harry wanted, he could deliver.
He selected a white button-down shirt and a pair of dark jeans, and started the process of doing them up. It was easier said than done, they had been new purchases when he and Harry had visited the mall, but they were already tight. All the buttons on his shirt did up, but the buttons were tight and the fabric stretched taunt on his frame, not hiding a thing. He rolled up his sleeves to his elbows and unbuttoned the first few buttons of the shirt, something that used to show off his delicate wrists and sharp collarbones that had since thickened and softened. He yanked on the jeans, which were snug against his thighs and ass, and he had to suck in to button them and then pull the curve of his stomach out of the waistband, letting it flop over top of his pants and pushing hard against his shirt.
He knew he wasn’t that big, but in this outfit, he felt massive, and it sent a little thrill through him, especially knowing how much Harry would love to see it, too.
He made his way down the stairs, breathing a bit hard at how the buttons cut into him. Harry was waiting for him in the doorway of the kitchen, and he waved his hand towards the breakfast nook, signaling for Louis to sit.
“You look gorgeous,” Harry smiled, “And I like the white shirt, too. You’ll probably get messy today. But maybe that’s good.”
Louis smiled, his stomach fluttering a bit.
“So what are you making me today?”
“Well, just one thing, actually,” Harry said.
Louis’s heart sank a bit. One thing, for the whole day? And then Harry disappeared into the kitchen and came back with a platter holding an enormous cheesecake almost completely covered in Oreos, chocolate sauce, and whipped cream. He placed it in front of Louis with reverence, staring at it for a long moment before turning to Louis.
“I spent all last night making this,” Harry beamed, “It’s around twenty thousand calories.”
The two statements hit Louis one after the other, and he blinked.
“Oh,” Louis stammered, “Oh, wow.”
“Yep!” Harry chirped, “And you’re gonna eat it today.”
He kissed Louis’s temple as the other man just stared at the platter, open mouthed.
“Gonna get you a fork,” Harry said, “Are you hungry?”
“I, yeah,” Louis managed.
“Of course you are,” Harry said, “My baby’s always hungry.”
He disappeared once more, and he returned with a fork. He pressed it into Louis’s hand, and then kissed the top of his head.
“Eat up, gorgeous.”
Louis nodded, staring at the feat in front of him. He wasn’t tied up, like he had been the night of the lasagna, but he felt just as much under Harry’s control.
He took a breath, feeling the press of the buttons into his abdomen. He had all day. He could do this. He would do this.
He reached his fork forward, picking up a bite of the cheesecake and placing it on his tongue. It was delicious, as always, so sweet it made his teeth sing, incredibly soft, and rich enough that he could taste the butter.
He easily ate through a full slice, and then another after that. He loved sweets for breakfast, and Harry had trained him for such indulgences with Belgian waffles and chocolate muffins presented to him quite literally on a silver platter. He even managed to polish off another slice, and Harry praised him with a kiss and a hug.
And so, for the rest of the day, the cheesecake was Louis’s constant companion. Anytime he felt the smallest bit of emptiness in his belly, he was back at the table with his fork, digging into the layers of cookies and frosting, picking away at the mammoth plate. Usually Harry worked up in his studio, but he seemed to be lingering around a lot more, either on his laptop or engrossed in his sketchbook, but still taking time to look up at Louis as he ate.
At lunchtime, a third of the cake was gone and Louis’s buttons were so tight he was gasping. He shoved cake into his mouth and then moved to undo his shirt, but Harry’s voice halted him.
“Leave that,” he said firmly, and Louis’s hand dropped immediately. He went back to his cake, sugar-buzzed and obedient.
He returned only an hour and a half later, eager for a few more bites. He didn’t realize until now how much hungrier he was throughout the day, his body trained for constant snacks. He sat down and picked up his fork, Harry sitting nearby watching.
He only had to reach forward a little before he heard a rip and felt pressure release on his stomach.
Louis blinked and looked down and saw there was a very apparent rip in his shirt, right over his stomach. There was also a bit of a gap at the side seam, and when he shifted, the rip widened. He looked up at Harry, his mouth opened, and his boyfriend’s eyes were dark.
“Eat your cake,” he said, his voice deep, and Louis reached for the fork without question.
As he moved around the house, the gaps in his shirt grew, the rips audible and showing more and more of his skin. He also saw how the white fabric was staining, smeared with chocolate and greasy bits of whipped cream. He would be embarrassed by it, but Harry kept giving him the most satisfying looks.
As dinner time approached, there was still a significant amount of cheesecake left, and Harry clucked his tongue.
“I worked so hard on this,” he said, “It better not go to waste.”
Louis’s fork found its way back to the plate.
Eventually, he decided not to leave the table. His brain was a swirl of black and white sugar, his body felt sluggish. There was a new rip under his right arm, and he had to keep breathing around the buttons, which were nothing short of painful now. He groaned as he took another bite, his body protesting, and he rocked forward a little, a hand cradling his stomach as he tried to sooth himself.
He heard the sound, a pop and then a high little ping on the ground, and then felt his stomach surge. Another pop. Another ping. He moaned, moving to the space where the two buttons had flown off, leaving his pale, soft belly exposed to the cool air.
He looked up at Harry and blinked, his vision blurring.
“I think the shirt’s too small,” he said, and then, his hand scrambled for the fork. More cake passed his lips. Harry groaned.
Louis couldn’t tell the difference between the next seconds to minutes to hours. It was all cake, all Harry’s gaze, all the feeling of his shirt ripping, unable to contain his form. His mouth and hand moved on their own in rhythm, working towards the goal as his other hand rubbed his stomach.
Eventually he blinked and rocked forward, and he felt the thick button on his jeans break, hurtling towards the ground. Louis hiccupped and adjusted his hips, his stomach pushing down the zipper of his pants.
He felt Harry’s hand on his belly and he leaned back, accepting a kiss on the head. He hadn’t even known Harry was there. He was too sugar drunk to know anything.
“I’m gonna pop,” he heard himself moan, and Harry soothed him.
“But you just have a little more,” Harry said carefully, “Please. Come on. Make me proud.”
Make Harry proud.
Louis’s mouth lolled open and stayed at way. A hand that wasn’t his fed him, rubbed his belly, slipped his fingers under Louis’s ripped shirt.
“Good. Good. Perfect,” Harry coaxed, “Just a little more now.”
Louis barely heard Harry when he was done. He collapsed on the table, panting, his shirt ripping even more. He thought he felt a rip along his inner thigh, but he didn’t know. He felt Harry’s hands lifting him up, guiding him to the sofa, offering him water.
“Never make me do that again,” Louis wheezed, and he heard Harry laugh.
“Once is all I wanted,” he heard his proud, proud boyfriend say, “And God, were you absolutely spectacular.”
Louis expected a bit more pomp and circumstance, in all honesty.
It still the morning, although Louis had slept in so it was closer to midday. Harry had to shake him awake and Louis immediately groaned and yanked the blankets over his head.
“Not now,” he huffed.
“Up and at ‘em,” Harry said gently, “Come on, honey. Scale.”
“I’m hungry,” Louis protested.  
“I know, honey,” Harry sighed, “But we gotta weigh you first.”
“Can’t it wait?”
“If we weigh you after you eat, it might not be accurate,” Harry said, “Come on. I’ll make you whatever you want.”
Louis considered resisting a bit longer, but he could hear the eagerness in Harry’s voice. It was his favorite thing, to see the numbers under Louis’s feet rise.
So Louis rolled out of bed and followed Harry to the bathroom. At Harry’s instruction he stepped up on the scale, not even looking down to read it. He rubbed at his eyes and yawned, blinking weakly as he tried to wake up. The scale beeped under him, evening out, and he waited for Harry to read him the number like he always did.
But there wasn’t anything.
He turned to his side, seeing Harry was still, just staring down.
“Harry?” he asked, “What is it?”
Harry lifted his head, his smile brilliant.
Louis blinked.
“You did it, babe,” Harry said, “Well, you went above and beyond, actually.”
“One pound isn’t above and beyond.”
“It is,” Harry insisted, “It is to me.”
He surged forward, wrapping his arms around Louis and giving him a squeeze that made Louis squeak.
“You’re perfect,” Harry breathed out, “Absolutely perfect.”
Louis could only stare down at the number below him, the reality catching up to him.
He had gained thirty-one pounds. He was out of breath, hungry, and covered in stretch marks.
And he had never felt better about himself in his entire life.
After a moment, he stepped down, and let himself be fully hugged by Harry, snuggling into his chest.
“God, wow,” Harry said again, “I’m – I can’t believe this.”
“I know, right?” Louis sighed, “And hey, you helped with the last sixteen. So you can officially claim most of the credit.”
Harry laughed, shaking his head.
“I mean, I’m kind of…sad that it’s over, to be honest,” Harry said, “This has been so fun.”
“Well,” Louis drawled slowly, “I have a whole movie to shoot. Gonna have to keep this up for awhile.”
He patted his stomach and watched how he jiggled.
“You up for helping me with that?” Louis asked, “Can’t get skinny now.”
Harry’s mouth twitched, and he gave Louis a long look before grinning once more.
“I think I would be interested.”
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So, I’m completely in love with @keanureevesisbae fanfic “Mr. Cavill your dog is kinda fat” and that’s why I just had to read it again (although it’s not finished yet and from the looks of it and her masterlist, she writes longer things) and this time I also needed to take all my fav bits and write something on some of them when they really hit home or touched me even more than all these bits do at minimum. And for context, I’m an outspoken childfree woman and at the very most I have auntie fever, baby fever doesn’t exist for me. So, here goes:
I sit up straight, looking at the drawing she made me today in school. She always makes drawings for me, but they are always the same. She draws a house, with me in it and herself. And outside she draws a dog and a man, with suitcases and moving boxes next to them. ‘Because,’ she explains every single time, ‘one day you meet a nice man who has a dog and he can become my new daddy. A daddy that does want me.’
You broke and mended my heart with this in one paragraph!
His mind keeps racing, constantly racing. The terrible reviews of his latest movie, the way how women kept saying how they want to have his kids, but none of them is good enough. He wants to fall in love with someone, someone who understands him, who loves him for who he is. A woman that he has an instant connection with. A woman where he can be himself.
This is so vulnerable omg
 ‘Hi Vanessa,’ Henry says in a soft voice, before holding onto her hand, that nearly disappears in his. ‘My name is Henry Cavill and this is Kal.’ Doctor Tran looks up from the bag of vomit. ‘Henry Cavill?’ she asks. ‘Isn’t there an actor whose name is Henry Cavill?’ ‘Yeah, there is.’ Henry chuckles, feeling a bit awkward, but also amused that she doesn’t recognize him. It’s nice to be unrecognizable, even if it’s for a short amount of time. ‘That actor would be me.’ Her eyes widen. ‘Oh,’ she says, but she can’t seem to find the right words to say. ‘Mommy, is this man famous?’ Vanessa asks, while not breaking eye contact with Henry. The little girl blinks her eyes, almost in disbelieve that someone famous is standing next to her. Doctor Tran pulls herself together. ‘Yes, sweetheart, he plays in some movies. He even played Superman.’ Vanessa widens her eyes as well and yet again she looks just like her mother. ‘Wow, Superman is here.’ She starts to giggle, a sound that Henry already adores. ‘So, if you are Superman, you are really strong.’ ‘He is,’ doctor Tran says, placing the vomit samples aside. ‘He carried his dog inside.’ Henry can’t help but beam with pride as he takes in the compliment from the doctor. ‘Wow,’ Vanessa says again. She holds out her arms and asks him if he can lift her up. Henry looks over at the doctor, who smiles and simply nods, a non verbal sign of consent. Henry lifts the little girl up in his arms and she wraps an arm around his neck. ‘I can’t wait to tell miss Sue that I met Superman.’
‘Doggy Herb,’ he answers, while Vanessa is tugging his curls, pulling on one strand until it’s straight, before letting it go and watching it curl together again. ‘Why?’
I wanna tug in his curls, probably everyone wants to tug on his curls
 He shouldn’t feel this desperate need to impress the doctor. However, he can’t help but flex his muscles a little bit, as he carries the dog to the corner of the examination room.
 Vanessa starts to frown and she takes a step to the side, so she’s standing in the doorway. ‘Mommy, can I tell Superman he is lying and that you’re not supposed to lie?’ He can hear doctor Tran laughing. ‘You can tell Superman that, sweetheart.’ Henry feels a little finger poking his thigh. ‘Superman, you are lying and you’re not supposed to lie. My mommy says that you should tell the truth, especially about your feelings.’
 ‘My mommy is also a superhero,’ Vanessa says. ‘Not like Superman of course, but she always saves animals.’ ‘Well,’ Henry says, unintentionally loud enough for doctor Tran to hear it, ‘your mom is an even better hero than Superman.’ That confuses her, because she frowns. ‘Why?’ ‘Because I play Superman. It’s pretending. Your mom is not pretending.’
 Her mouth falls open. ‘Well, my mommy doesn’t have a husband. I’ve always wanted a daddy,’ she admits with bitter sweet honesty. ‘But my real daddy didn’t want me.’
Again, you broke my heart
 ‘Mister Cavill, your dog is kinda fat.’ She could’ve slapped in across his cheek and he wouldn’t be as surprised as he is now. Kal is fat? ‘Excuse me,’ he says in a defensive tone, crossing his arms in front of his buffed out chest. ‘My dog isn’t fat.’ Doctor Tran doesn’t seem impressed by his facade at all. ‘He is,’ she tells him. ‘An average American Akita weights between the forty and sixty kilos. Your dog weighs seventy kilos, while he should be between the fifty and sixty kilos.’ ‘It’s muscle.’ Geez, he never thought he could get this defensive.
I mean, same
 Kal is finally feeling better and Vanessa has woken up again. She is hanging around Kal’s neck, giving him tons of kisses. Kal doesn’t seem to mind, because he continues to lick Vanessa’s face when he gets the chance. Henry knew that his loyal dog was good with children, but this is on another level.
 I want to think about something else, but I can’t. I simply can’t stop thinking about Henry Cavill and his strong arms. I’m convinced I was hallucinating when I thought he was flexing his arm muscles, when he carried Kal.
 I prepare myself for the well known drawing, that I can dream by now, but all the air is knocked out of my lungs when I see what she drew me today. I stop in the middle of the curb, earning me some annoyed groans from two old ladies who were apparently walking behind me, but I don’t care. I really couldn’t care less at the moment. Oh my God, what is it with this kid and desperately wanting a father? Okay, now I get that she wants a dad, I do, but did she honestly have to draw a Superman and a dog (where she wrote underneath KAL) inside of our house? Superman stands next to me and she tried to make it look like Superman and I are holding hands.
Excuse me while I’ll be screaming
 A bark pulls me out of my thoughts and I look over my shoulder. I not only see the chubby American Akita, but also his owner. Henry looked handsome Saturday morning, but he looks even hotter today. He wears a dark blue jeans that shows the world how thick his thighs really are and a cosy sweater, but not a coat, since men are apparently too cool to wear coats in the beginnings of autumn.
Where is the lie?
 ‘I believe you,’ he laughs. ‘You just tell owners their pets are fat.’ I involuntarily let out a laugh. ‘You are the first one in two months with a fat pet, so I just save it for the famous actors with who can’t say no to their chubby dogs.’ Henry licks his lips, before he sinks in this top teeth in his bottom lip. Goodness gracious. Next time I run into Henry Cavill, I should bring some extra pair of panties.
This could be said in a church as a religious truth!
 I want to tell her that she can’t just expect him to carry her, simply because he is strong and he is Superman, but without any difficulties he lifts her up with only one arm. If I tried that, I’d dislocate my shoulder, but obviously it’s a piece of cake for him. I spend my fair share on Pinterest and YouTube, admiring his arms. And that clip of him building that PC? That was the hottest thing on earth and is nearly illegal.
You’re preaching
 ‘He still believes in the Tooth Fairy.’ I bite my lips, to prevent myself from laughing out loud. ‘I think you should tell him.’ She nods and wraps an arm around Henry’s neck. ‘Mister Henry,’ she says, ‘the Tooth Fairy doesn’t exist. Mommy just gives me money when I lose another tooth.’ Henry looks at me, also visibly holding in a laugh. ‘The Tooth Fairy doesn’t exist?’ he ask in almost believable disbelieve, but then I remember: this man is an actor. ‘Are you serious?’ ‘Mhm.’ ‘I need to call my mother, to ask her why she lied to me all those years?’ Vanessa shakes her head. ‘Well, lots of kids still believe in the Tooth Fairy, so it’s okay that you did too.’ ‘It was just time for you to know the truth,’ I add. ‘Well, thank you, miss Vanessa,’ Henry says. ‘Thank you for being honest with me.’
How cute can this be?!
 I decide that I’m not ready for a head tilt by the one and only Henry Cavill. ‘Her biological father didn’t want her,’ I say. ‘He broke up with me and disappeared out of my life, if that’s what you wanted to know.’
No one is ever ready for the Henry-Cavill-Head-Tilt
 I don’t think I can ever understand those kind men. Did he honestly just say that? My entire body temporarily forgot how to function. Henry Cavill out there trying to steal my heart and with the rate he is going at, I’m willing to hand it over to him without putting up a fight. Her biological father doesn’t know what he is missing out on. That one went straight to my soul.
 ‘I do have to tell you, he isn’t the greatest with needles,’ Henry warns her. She nods. ‘Aren’t you projecting your own fears on your dog?’ she jokingly asks him.
Olivia glances at him, before she sticks the needle into Kal’s thigh. He doesn’t even whine, but Henry rubs his own face. ‘Are you okay, Henry?’ she asks, but he doesn’t hear what she says anymore, because he passes out.
 He tries to remember where he is and when he looks around, he sees he is at the animal clinic. The examination table, his own dog sitting next to doctor Olivia Tran, who walks up to him and crouches down in front of him. ‘You’re up,’ she says with a chuckle. ‘For such a big guy, I never assumed you’d pass out like that, simply because I was giving your dog a shot.’
‘No need to, it was kind of funny, especially when I had to drag you around this examination room and had to explain to the assistant that the loud thud she heard, was the owner that collapsed and not the overweight dog,’ she laughs, handing him a paper cup filled with some water. ‘Here, drink this.’
I was torn between laughing at that image of dragging Henry around but also, kinda, same?
 ‘Okay, mommy,’ Vanessa says. ‘Can Kal sleep in my room tonight?’ ‘He can,’ Olivia says. The little girl smiles and looks up at Henry. ‘Is that okay with you too, mister Henry?’ she asks. ‘Kal is your dog.’ ‘He can sleep in your room,’ Henry says, touched by the fact that she actually thought she should ask him about this. Olivia is raising such a lovely and polite girl. He truly admires her.
Henry gently holds my wrist. His hand nearly engulfs my wrist, only adding fuel to the fact that Henry is a lot bigger than me fact.
Size kink activated
 Henry brings a hand to his lips, to suppress some laughter, but he fails miserably. ‘And yet you agreed on going on a date with me.’ ‘Guess I have a thing for handsome men with chubby dogs.’ He lets out a chuckle. ‘Good thing I have a thing for veterinarians who drag me across the examination room after I passed out.’
 It’s impossible for me to keep my mouth shut now. ‘And you want to start a family of your own, right?’ His eyes widen. ‘How do you know about that?’ ‘You’re famous, Henry and I’m curious. Go figure.’
 I walk back to the kitchen when the cries have turned a bit softer, to see Henry chopping up onions into tiny pieces. ‘How is she?’ Henry asks, blinking his eyes fast, because of the onions.
There’s no cuter mental image
 ‘I can look after her,’ he says. Excuse me, what? ‘Excuse me, what?’ I say out loud. ‘I can look after her,’ he repeats. ‘I have nothing to do, so you can go to sleep and then tomorrow, you’ll go to work.’ I blink away some tears in my eyes, that start to collect there at an admirably fast speed. ‘Henry, I can’t ask that from you.’ ‘Good thing I’m offering,’ he says with a soft smile. ‘Really, I don’t want you to get in trouble and besides, I don’t want to leave Vanessa when she’s feeling like this.’
 He smiles. ‘Come here,’ he whispers, pulling me against his broad chest and when I feel his massive arms engulfing me in a hug, tension in my body that has been building up there for God knows how long, slowly seems to fade away. I wrap my arms around his waist and he places his chin on top of my head. Was a hug something I needed for all those years? Is that it?
Size kink activated and this also really hit home, because I also build up emotions/tears
 ‘What is that?’ Olivia asks. ‘What do you mean?’ ‘Is that a carseat?’ He blushes, but realizes that she would find out about it sooner or later. Henry clears his throat, before he admits: ‘Yes, I bought it this morning. Figured if we’re going to make a habit out of this, I should be able to take Vanessa safely with me.’
‘Henry, really?’ she asks and he doesn’t know if it’s from disbelieve, gratefulness or annoyance. ‘You bought her a carseat…’ She places a hand on his arm. ‘That is so sweet, you keep amazing me, you know that?’ His blush is intensifying at an alarming speed. ‘It’s nothing, really.’
Excuse me while I scream
 ‘Don’t say something like that,’ she tells him. ‘It’s not nothing, this is everything. You are honestly the greatest guy to come across my path. In these past week you’ve done more for her than her real dad or family for that matter. This is really quite something.’
My desire to punch Wesley just got even stronger
 ‘Olivia,’ he says and she looks up. ‘Why are these women staring at us?’ She glances over her shoulder and growls something under her breath. ‘Those are the perfect housewives, with their perfect kids and perfect husbands,’ she says, her brows furrowing. ‘They are probably in shock that I brought some male company with me.’ Henry can’t help but chuckle, as he looks at the feisty woman next to him. He gently places a hand on her shoulder, maybe because he feels like he needs to physically restrain her, maybe because he wants those women to be extra jealous of her.
 Henry sits behind the wheel and Vanessa says: ‘I made two drawings today. One for you and one for Henry.’ Henry waits with starting the car and just like Olivia, he turns around in his seat, so he can look at Vanessa. She hands them both a drawing and when the two of them look at the pieces of paper, it’s evident that she drew the exact same thing: All four of them, Henry, Olivia, Kal and Vanessa in one house. Olivia told him about the same drawings she has been making for such a long time and how after they met Henry, she drew Superman and Kal with them. Now he is not in Superman clothes, but in normal clothes. Now he is Henry.
This is like the “Being known is being loved post” but even better and more heart shattering in a good way
 ‘In that cafe, can I sit with Henry?’ Olivia smiles. ‘Of course.’ ‘You won’t jealous then?’ He notices out of the corners of his eyes that Olivia frowns. ‘Why would I be jealous?’ ‘Because he is your boyfriend.’
This kid I swear
 ‘You have baby pictures of Henry?’ Vanessa asks. They all start to laugh. ‘We have,’ his father says. ‘But be prepared, Henry was an ugly kid.’ Vanessa pulls her mother a little down and whisper shouts: ‘Is this a joke or is he serious?’ Olivia chuckles. ‘It’s a joke, sweetheart.’ ‘Good, because even if mister Colin is his dad, he shouldn’t be so mean to him, right?’ Henry pulls on one of her pigtails and she looks up at him. ‘Thank you, sunshine, for looking after me.’ She smiles. ‘No one should be mean to each other and if he does it more often, you should say something about him.’
Vanessa is the best and the cutest and just ahhhhhhhhhhh
 Vanessa tilts her head. ‘Mommy, I think you should give Henry a kiss.’ ‘Why is that, sweetheart?’ Olivia asks. ‘He seems like he needs it. Your kisses always help.’ Olivia chuckles, before she leans in and presses a kiss on his cheek. And Vanessa was right, he did need that.
This is a question that I do understand. It happens all the time: man wants the woman, but not the kid and Vanessa is not stupid. She knows that stuff like that happens all the time. ‘Then I’m going to leave Henry,’ I say to her, before he can say something. ‘Because if that is the case, he is not the man I thought he would be. I don’t want someone who doesn’t want you, because you are my number one and you will always be my girl.’
This hits kinda home, because for my best friend it was the opposite. Man meets woman with daughter, man and daughter detest each other, woman still chooses (to this day) the man. And can and could see what that did with my best friend.
 ‘Mommy, are you okay?’ I hear Vanessa ask, nearly causing me to yelp. I quickly dry my tears. ‘I’m fine, sweetheart.’ She frowns. ‘You’re crying.’ ‘I’m not crying,’ I tell her, but lying to her feels so wrong. ‘Okay, I was, but—’ ‘Superman, mommy is crying,’ Vanessa yells and it takes about a second before Henry is in the kitchen. Maybe he really is Superman, moving around like lightening speed. ‘What’s wrong, love?’
‘They are. I kept thinking about how lucky I am to not only have the cutest daughter in the world, but that Superman is here as well.’
Catch me screaming again
 I feel like I can handle a few nosey brothers, but hearing how he knows that Vanessa will be overwhelmed, nearly changes me into a puddle. We are important to him… I squeeze his hand. ‘You are the biggest sweetheart I have ever met.’
 I see Henry send a picture of the four of us on the couch. He desperately wanted to take a picture of us in our matching pajamas and the fact that he decided that this would be the best one to share with his family, warms my heart.
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BTS Reaction: The members ask if their s.o is pregnant and they’re actually not
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Namjoon asks you if you are pregnant and he can tell by the look on your face that he made a huge mistake. 
“No, Namjoon I’m not. Have I really gained that much weight recently?” He rushes over to you and tries to hug you but you hold your arms up gesturing for him to stay away from you.
“Y/n I’m sorry.. I didn’t.. I didn’t mean to make you feel bad or anything you’re beautiful and you know I love you so much don’t you?” He can see the tears start to well up in your eyes. You turn around and lock yourself in the bedroom. He feels terrible. You hear him knocking softly on the door.
“Y/n I’m so sorry please let me in. I didn’t mean to make you feel insecure. I love your body and I love you.” He hears the lock click and he opens the door and is met your tear stained face. 
“I know you didn’t mean to offend me Namjoon. I know I’ve gained weight recently and I’ve been trying to lose it but..I guess I wasn’t trying hard enough.” He presses a kiss to your lips.
“Y/n you don’t need to lose weight. You’re perfect just the way you are. But if you really want to then please do it safely.”
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You and Jin are hanging out with all the members. You are in a particularly unpleasant mood from all of the stress you have been under due to your schooling and working. Jin has been trying to make you laugh all night and all he’s gotten out of you is a smirk at best. He’s starting to get annoyed.
“You’ve been in such a mood today y/n are you pregnant or something?” You literally cannot believe what just came out of his mouth and neither can the other members as they all get quiet and stare at him. You don’t say anything, you just get up and storm out of their dorms slamming the door behind you. 
“Oh shit. I fucked up didn’t I?” Jimin scoffs at him. 
“You think? You know how much stress she has been under lately why would you even say that to her? You better go apologize!” Jin is already up and running after you.
“Y/n! Wait I’m sorry please I didn’t mean that.” He reaches for your hand but you tug your arm away from him. 
“Don’t touch me Jin. I’ll just go home since you seem to want nothing to do with my ‘mood’. Did it ever even occur for you to ask me what was wrong before you decided to embarrass me in front of everyone?” 
“Y/n I’m really sorry. Please you have to believe me I didn’t mean what I said I was just frustrated. I love you and I want to help you. Please.” This time when he reaches for your hand you don’t pull away. 
“Fine. But if you ever say anything like that to me again we’re done.”
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You showed up to the dorms to have dinner with Yoongi and the rest of the guys. When you walked through the door Yoongi gave you a tight hug and lead you to your seat. You hadn’t ate all day and were starving so you loaded up your plate with as much food that would fit on it.
“Wow, hyung did you get y/n pregnant or something I don’t think I’ve ever seen her eat this much before.” Jungkook hadn’t meant it to be offensive, he was just trying to make a joke because you did rarely eat in front of them. When he saw the hurt look on your face and the pure anger in Yoongi’s he realized he should have kept his mouth shut.
“What the fuck Jungkook seriously? Why would you say that to my girlfriend?”
“I didn’t.. I mean y/n I’m sorry I didn’t mean to be offensive I just. God I’m an idiot.”
“Damn right you fucking are.” Yoongi grabs your hand and leads you out of the living room and into his own room. 
“You okay y/n? Please tell me you aren’t going to take what he said to heart.” 
“No Yoongi. It was just hurtful you know? You don’t think I’m overweight or eating too much do you?”
“Of course not. You look absolutely beautiful. Perfect in every way. And I’ll spend every day trying to show you that and make you forget about what he said if I have to.”
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“Um. Jagi please don’t be offended. Actually I don’t know how I can ask you this without you getting offended so never mind forget I said anything.” He goes to walk away but you grip his hand tightly and pull him back down next to you.
“What’s up Hobi?”
“It’s just.. well you’ve been really moody lately. And I noticed you’ve been wearing more loose fitting clothing. Are you ya know.. pregnant or something?”
“..No Hoseok I’m not.” He can tell your upset because you called him by his real name, and not a cute nickname. 
“I’m sorry y/n I knew I just should have kept my mouth shut. Please don’t be angry with me.”
“I’m not angry... just upset. I’ve been wearing baggier clothes and I’ve been moody because I have gained weight recently and I feel terrible about myself so I’ve been trying to hide my body.” His face falls at your words and now he feels like the biggest asshole in the world.
“Y/n I’m so sorry. You look gorgeous though I haven’t even noticed you gained any weight. I didn’t mean to offend you.” You give him a small smile.
“It’s okay Hobi. I know you didn’t mean to upset me. But maybe don’t ask me anything like that again? Trust me if I am pregnant you will be the first to know because I will literally be screaming.”
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Jimin knows that you’ve been insecure lately about your weight gain. You confided in him and told him yourself. He offered to make sure you dieted safely, he didn’t want you to do the same things he did to drastically lose so much weight. So when the other members came to visit and Jin asked if you were pregnant he was livid. He could see the tears starting to form in your eyes as you ran up from the couch and slammed the bathroom door behind you. Jimin gave Jin a murderous gaze. 
“I’m literally going to kill you hyung. Hey Siri, where’s a good place to hide a dead body?”
“Jimin I’m sorry I didn’t-” Jimin waves his hand to dismiss him as he gets up and goes after you. He knocks on the bathroom door and opens it slowly to see you sat on the floor with your head buried in your knees.
“Oh, baby come here.” He sits on the floor with you and pulls you into his lap cradling you against him. 
“I need to eat less Jimin. I’m obviously not restricting enough calories if your members seem to think I’m pregnant.” He gently shushes you as he continues to run his ringers through your hair.
“Jin’s an idiot y/n. You don’t look pregnant. You look beautiful. And you’re losing weight safely. It’s going to take longer but I don’t want you doing anything that could jeopardize your health you hear me?” You pull away and look at him.
“Okay Jimin. Do you honestly think I look good though? I mean really, be honest.” 
“Of course I do. You’re the sexiest woman I have ever laid eyes on. Maybe I should kick everyone out so I can show you just how gorgeous I think you are?”
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You can overhear Taehyung talking in the living room. You had been asleep until his voice woke you up. You padded over to the door to open it and throw yourself into your boyfriend’s arms until you overheard his conversation.
“I don’t know hyung. I just think y/n might be pregnant. How do I know that? Well, she’s been wearing baggy clothes lately, she’s been eating more and has seemed like she is just tired all the time.”
You crawled back into bed and pulled the covers over your head, immediately feeling insecure. You can’t help but start crying and Taehyung hears your whimpers and sniffles through the door.
“I gotta go Namjoon.” He opens the door and you bury yourself into the covers further.
“Y/n? What’s wrong? Are you okay?” He curls into bed with you and tries to wrap his arms around you but you move yourself away from him closer to the wall.
“Do you really think I look that awful Tae?” 
“What? Of course not I think you’re so so gorgeous and adorable. Why would you ask me that?” 
“I overheard you talking to Namjoon..” He pries the covers away from your head and is staring at you with his eyebrows furrowed. 
“Honey, no. I didn’t mean to make you insecure. I’m so sorry.” He peppers kisses all over your face and after every kiss he’s complementing you. He tells you your beautiful, that he loves you and your body, that he thinks you’re sexy as hell and can’t wait to show you just how much.
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You receive a text message on your phone from one of your friends back home. You had just gotten back from spending the weekend with them and were now wrapped comfortably in your boyfriends arms as he was snoring behind you. 
Hey y/n. I meant to ask you while you were here but I didn’t want to offend you.. Are you pregnant? You can tell me. I promise I won’t say anything to Jungkook. 
You throw your phone across the room and the loud thunk of it hitting the wall made Jungkook stir behind you.
“Baby? What was that?” He picks his head up and sees your discarded phone laying on the floor.
“It’s nothing Jungkook go back to sleep.” He puts one arm over your side and is half hovering over you. You can’t help but think he looks adorable with his hair all messed up and eyes barely open.
“Nope. Not until you tell me what’s wrong.” 
“Do you.. Do you think I’m fat? Like, do I look like I’ve gained weight recently?” 
“What? Are you crazy? Of course not why would you ask me that?” 
“Apparently my friend seems to think I am pregnant.” 
“Well your friend is an idiot. You’re beautiful baby. So so beautiful and all mine.” He starts attacking you with playful kisses all over your face and neck until you burst into laughter. Seemingly satisfied he pulls away from you and lays back down. 
“Thanks Jungkookie.” 
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mezzomercury · 5 years
Having a chubby baby with Rami (Headcanons)
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A/N: I just wrote a little things based on a cute idea I had. This was from my old blog, mind you. **********
-You were over a week past your due date, and you and your husband Rami had tried literally everything you could to naturally induce labor. You tried long walks, eating super spicy food, chugging castor oil, and even having sex, but nothing seemed to work.
-Your OB-GYN finally decided that it was time to medically induce labor, for the safety of you and the baby.
-You and Rami were actually relieved to hear that, as the two of you were growing impatient, not to mention the fact that you were practically carrying around a watermelon in your tummy, which made the last couple weeks of your pregnancy extra stressful each passing day there were no signs of the baby wanting to make an exit.
-The morning after your final checkup, you both excitedly arrived at the hospital, ready to hopefully meet your baby before the day was over.
-In addition to Rami being with you in the delivery room, you also asked that his sister Jasmine be there as well. You two were always very close ever since you met, and her experience as an ER doctor would help you stay relatively calm throughout the process.
-Plus, Rami really wanted to catch the baby when it came out of you. You needed someone to hold your hand while he did that.
-Once labor was induced, the doctors tipped you off that the baby was probably going to be a bit bigger than average, but you still wanted to do a completely natural birth as you originally planned. Rami was ready to pull his hair out at this news, while Jasmine tried really hard to contain her laughter at the thought of her skinny little brother having a big chubby baby.
-After each contraction, you started to regret your decision more and more to do this naturally, and kept cursing Rami for putting you through all of this. He still let you squeeze the life out of his hand and kissed your sweaty forehead while whispering words of comfort each time you needed to push.  
-When it finally came time for Rami to “catch” your baby, Jasmine took over as your primary emotional support, but you noticed that your husband kept smiling back at you and gave you looks of reassurance with his kind eyes.
-At long last, after almost a full day of labor, you felt the baby slip out of you and into Rami’s eager hands, and in your exhausted state, you saw him look completely stunned as he muttered, “Holy shit, he’s ginormous” in utter disbelief.
-Upon hearing him use a specific pronoun (you two wanted to wait until the baby was born to know the gender), your ears perked up and you barely murmured the words, “It’s a boy?” Rami nodded whilst smiling ear to ear with tears flooding his eyes, and carefully placed your new son onto your chest.
-You couldn’t help the sobs that escaped you as your baby boy was squirming and whimpering in your arms. Jasmine leaned in to have a look at her nephew and gasped in awe, “He’s so fluffy!” which caused you and Rami to laugh in response.
-“Hey there, Freddie. We’ve been waiting for you. You’re not as little as we thought you would be, but that just means there’s more to love.” You whispered in the baby’s ear as he started to calm down, recognizing your heartbeat and gripping onto Rami’s index finger.
-A bit later, when the nurses took not so little Freddie to clean him off and check his vitals, you realized how much pain you were in from delivering a huge baby. Your body was telling you to rest, but you were way too excited and had to force yourself to stay awake.
-When the nurses brought him back and told both of you that he weighed ten pounds and eight ounces, Rami nearly had a heart attack and you felt like fainting.
-Everyone in your group of family and friends found it hilarious, especially since they were all expecting a tiny baby coming from Rami, but were surprised when that little noodle boy produced a colossus of a child.
-Farrokh Said Malek, nicknamed Freddie after who else but the man that brought his parents together, was almost an exact carbon copy of his proud papa, with locks of dark curly hair and wide, expressive blue eyes. They probably weighed around the same, too.
-Sami couldn’t stop cracking jokes about his fluffy nephew, mostly at his brother’s expense. Joe also joined in on the fun, calling your baby names like “Fat boy,” “Chubster,” and even “Michelin Man,” to which Rami would often scoff and reply with “That’s not fat! That’s pure muscle!”
-Literally, everyone wanted to pinch Freddie’s chubby little chipmunk cheeks whenever they could, which would sometimes irritate him after a while and the poor thing would start to fuss once he had enough.
-And boy could that little guy eat! You and Rami were both dumbfounded and impressed at how often your son would get hungry and how long you had to nurse him for before he was at least somewhat satisfied.
-You weren’t able to use any of the newborn-sized baby clothes that you bought for him before his arrival because he was already too big for them. You almost donated them before Rami stopped you, saying “You never know when we’ll need them again” with a playful wink and sticking out his tongue.
-Rami made sure to fully pamper you while you were recovering from the delivery (as if he wasn’t already going to do that). From massages, to baths, to cooking you breakfast in bed, whatever you wanted, he did it for you without thinking twice.
-He would also constantly praise you for how amazing and strong you are for bringing forth your dumpling, as Rami affectionately called Freddie, let alone growing and giving life to another person. He made you feel like a goddamn goddess.
-Weeks went by and, as little Freddie seemed to grow exponentially, you started to worry that he might be considered overweight. Your pediatrician was quick to extinguish those fears, saying that he’ll probably grow up to be a string bean like his dad, which gave you a bit of relief, but still you found it to be rather inconceivable.
-Of course, this wouldn’t stop either you, Rami, or anyone else from playing with Freddie’s adorable rolls and enjoying his chubbiness, while it lasted at least. You and Rami couldn’t have been happier about your chubby baby if you tried.
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fanfic-slxt · 5 years
Can I request a Hoseok x reader sugar daddy au? With shameless smut
of course hun! i’m still new to writing fanfics so be kind!
Just Sex
sugar daddy!Jung Hoseok x reader
Warnings: smut!!! daddy kink, choking, fingering, spanking. it’s just filthy my dudes
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it had been about 6 months since you met him.
you were at the bar you had been working at for months. dirty, crowded, dangerous. sleazy men eyed you all night, some new ones even tried to touch you. however the men that were there day in and day out knew not to mess with you. it was your daily routine. mix drinks, take them to a table full of men twice your age while they eyed you, repeat.
it’s a bit of an understatement to say you were surprised when you saw a handsome man in a suit emerge from your boss’s office one night. he was well dressed: sleek black suit, dark hair neat, handsome features stern as he shook hands with your boss. seeing them side by side was startling. the stranger’s lean, muscled body covered by an obviously expensive suit compared to the short, dirty, overweight figure that was your boss, covered by old jeans and a stained t-shirt.
you had to admit, your heart skipped a beat when you saw him. a part of you knew you should look away before he noticed you, but a bigger part wanted to keep staring at this man’s muscles. you really shouldn’t have been as surprised as you were when he caught you.
he turned his head and his dark eyes met yours. your boss was obviously sucking up to this stranger, but he had stopped listening. he was locked on you.
you suddenly felt like you couldn’t move, especially when he blew off your boss and began walking over.
he sat down in the barstool right in front of you, eyes still looking you over.
he sat there for a moment before politely asking you for a beer. you stood for a moment, savoring the sound of his voice. it was softer then you expected. you weren’t sure if that was how he always talked or if he had softened his voice for your sake.
he smirked a bit when you stood there, still staring at him, a good minute after he ordered. you felt your face heat up before rushing to get a glass. you turned your back to him to fill it, calming yourself before turning back to set it in front of him.
“thank you,” he said. you felt the urge to ask him to say more, talk more just so you could hear his voice. “so, not to be too cliche but what’s a pretty girl like you doing in a dump like this?” he smirked.
you chuckled a little. “i could ask you the same thing. what’s a nice guy like you doing in a place like this?”
“i asked you first” he said, voice playfully stern.
you felt your face heat up slightly.
“well, i wanted to get out of my hometown as soon as possible after i graduated. i did, but now i’m broke. so i got the first job i was offered.”
he tilted his head, looking down and thinking. “what’s your name, babygirl?”
you looked down, face getting even redder at the pet name. “y/n” you said softly.
he grinned. “well, y/n, i’m jung hoseok. and i have a proposal for you.”
now, 6 months later, you went from working in a trashy bar and living in tiny studio apartment to wearing diamonds and living in a penthouse.
but now you had a different problem.
jung hoseok.
you found out he wasn’t the stern, hard man you had thought that night. sometimes he was, but when he was with you he was soft and playful, always joking and laughing.
that’s what made you fall so hard.
but it was just sex and money. that was all it was. you knew that. you knew you had to get over this. and that’s why you agreed to go on a date with a cute guy you had met at your friend’s party from last week.
you were in your room getting ready, putting the final touches on your makeup when hoseok walked in.
he looked you up and down in your tight dress and heels. he smirked and walked over to you, setting his strong hands on your waist.
he softly kissed the side of your neck. “hmm what did i do deserve my princess dressing up for me?” he asked.
you blushed hard. should you tell him about your date?
“umm, actually i’m going out tonight.” you tried, wanting to leave it at that. hoseok wasn’t possessive necessarily. he let you do whatever you wanted. he knew you were your own person so he never had a problem when you wanted to go out with your friends. but you weren’t sure how he’d react to a date.
“that sounds like fun. how much time do you have before you leave?” he asked, his words hinting at something more.
you looked at the time. “i only have about five minutes,” you said apologetically. you wanted him. but you knew you needed this date. you needed to get your mind off of this man.
he groaned softly and gently turned you around to face him. his pupils were dilated and his eyes dark. “would your friend’s mind waiting a little for you?” he smirked.
you bit your lip. “i don’t think i should keep him waiting.”
his eyes got even darker. “him?”
shit, you thought. he knew you didn’t have guy friends. you had never really bonded with guys in that way.
“umm..” you muttered, looking down.
he put his finger under your chin and made you look him in the eye.
“him?” he asked sternly.
“i have a date” you blurted out.
he froze. he looked down and ran his hands through his hair, frustrated. “a date?” he asks, his voice low and slightly…sad?
you nodded. “i met a guy at my friend’s party.”
he nodded slowly, hand still messing with his hair. “and…then…but…” he stuttered, not knowing what to say.
“this…thing isn’t exclusive. it’s just sex, right?” you said, trying to provide some explanation.
he put his arms on either side of you, boxing you in between him and the dresser. “that’s what you think? you think this is just sex?” his voice was hard, but there was a hint of hurt in it. “you…you’re not just…” he struggled to get words out. then, he leaned forward and kissed you hard.
you were slightly taken aback at first before wrapping your arms around him and kissing him with equal passion. he hooked his hands under your legs and lifted you onto the dresser. your legs wrapped around him tightly. his hands were fast and rough, grabbing at every part of your body he could. you were sure you would have finger shaped bruises the next day, but you couldn’t care less. all you cared about was getting his shirt off as fast as you could. your hands grabbed desperately at the bottom of his shirt before he helped you, pulling his shirt over his head. your hands explored his toned chest as his made their way under your dress.
he grabbed at your underwear and quickly pulled them down your legs, then pushed your dress up your legs to give him a view of your core. his lips traveled down your neck, biting and kissing and marking. he roughly grabbed your ass and pushed you toward him, grinding you against his hard on. you let out a moan, making hoseok smirk.
“you like that baby? you like feeling what you do to me?” he whispered to you.
you nodded your head quickly, trying desperately to get more friction. he held your hips down.
“use your words. then maybe i’ll let you grind on me.”
“yes” you whimpered.
“yes what?”
“yes daddy.”
he let go of your hips to undo his belt. you watched eagerly and he started to push down his pants, leaving him in nothing but his underwear.
you tried as hard as you could to grind onto him. he wrapped a hand around your throat to stop you. you looked up at him with big eyes.
“nuh uh, y/n. you’ve been bad.” he got close to your face, his free hand moving down toward your pussy. “you thought that that guy you met could make you feel like i do?” two of his fingers moved to rub your slit. a moan escaped your lips. “you think he could make you feel as good as i do?”
you shook your head quickly, eyes squeezed shut from pleasure. “no sir.”
he slid his fingers in and set a hard, fast pace. “good girl.”
moans and whimpers passed your lips as he finger fucked you. just as you were about to cum, he pulled his fingers out. “but..” you whined. he pulled you off the dresser and bent you over it.
“no buts, babygirl. you need to be punished.” then you felt a sharp sting on your ass. “you know what to do,” he said sharply.
“one…” you whimpered out. “two..” you cried after he gave you another spank. all the way to fifteen. by the last one you had tears in your eyes and you were pleading with him, telling him you were sorry and that you were his.
“damn right you’re mine baby,” he said as he pulled down his underwear, his erection exposed. you moaned at the sight of it. he gently rubbed you ass as he teased you with the tip. “now beg for me like a good girl.”
“please daddy! please fuck me, i’ll be good!”
“fuck baby, good girl,” he groaned as he pushed in. your mouth hung open from the feeling of being filled by his dick. it had been hard for you to take the first few times you had sex, and even now it still stretched you so well.
he groaned at how tight you were, one hand on your ass and the other pulling your hair away from your face into a makeshift ponytail. then he started thrusting and you were gone. he hit all the right spots to drive you crazy. he knew your body like the back of his hand. he knew exactly how to fuck you till you couldn’t remember anything but his name.
“daddy,” you whimpered. your moans and his skin hitting yours were the only sounds in the room.
he groaned, his muscles flexing. “fuck baby, you feel so good around me, take me so well.”
you let out a whine. you couldn’t think straight. all you could think of was how good he made you feel. he massaged your ass as he fucked you, his thrusts hard and fast.
“who’s are you baby?” he asked, his voice laced with pleasure.
“you sir,” you whimpered.
“who do you belong to?”
“you daddy!” you said louder.
“who owns you babygirl?”
“HOSEOK!” you screamed out. you felt yourself get close to the edge.
“good girl,” he grunted.
“daddy i’m…i’m close,” you moaned. you could hardly hold yourself up. if it wasn’t for his hand tangled in your hair your face would be pressed against the surface of the dresser.
“yeah? my baby wants to cum?” he asked mockingly.
“yes daddy, please,” you begged.
“cum for me. come all over my dick baby.”
at his words, you let go. you let your orgasm wash over you, everything else fading away. you heard hoseok groan behind you, feeling him release inside of you.
after you both came down from your highs, you felt his strong arms pick you up and lay you on your bed. you grabbed his shirt off the ground and handed it to you, before pulling on a pair of sweats he kept at your place for when he spent the night.
he walked over to the bed and laid down next to you, pulling you close, a look of uncertainty on his handsome features.
“do you…do you want this to be just sex?” he asked softly.
“no!” you said quickly, before burying your face in your hands. “no, but i thought that was what you wanted.”
he pulled your hands away from your face gently. “i want you, y/n. all of you.”
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exo-technology · 5 years
“A Little More”
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Pairing: Yukhei x Chubby! Reader
Genre: Fluff with some angst sprinkled on there
Words: 1,308
Author’s Note: I finally finished! I’m sorry if this is bad, I’ve never posted one of my fics before. Hopefully you guys enjoy it though and please feel free to give me feedback! 😊 ~Admin H
You knew what everyone around you was thinking. They thought you were fat, didn’t have small enough thighs, a flat enough stomach or a thin enough face. To put it simply, they didn't think you were skinny enough. And anytime you stood next to your tall, built boyfriend Yukhei, you found yourself agreeing. Some days you questioned how you got so lucky to have a man as attractive as him, let alone an idol as attractive as him. He always made sure you were happy and comfortable, even if it meant not cuddling you, not having you sit on his lap or not carrying you. You knew it was hard on him because he didn’t understand why you were like this, but he also refused to ask you about it, opting to let it go as a personal preference. He didn’t need to know it was because you were so worried about him finding you unattractive once he actually felt your squishy thighs or your tummy, and even more worried about him noticing your weight. 
So, here you are, stood in front of your bathroom mirror, wearing Yukhei’s hoodie that you “borrowed,” crying because it’s tighter than it was the last time you wore it, without considering that it had only shrunk in the wash. You automatically assumed that you had put on more weight, the much more fitted white fabric supporting such a belief. 
At the same time, your beloved, excitable boyfriend was walking through your apartment door, tired from practicing, but also excited for your weekly movie night. Movie nights usually ended up with you asleep on his shoulder, your arms wrapped around him, and him pulling you closer, just enjoying your warmth. “Baby, I’m here!” Yukhei called through the nearly silent apartment. He grew confused when you didn’t respond, assuming you might be napping. He headed toward your room. 
He didn’t expect to hear your soft sobs as he got closer to the main bathroom, and, to be honest, it broke his heart to hear them. He found himself stopping short of the open door to listen as you talked to yourself. 
“I can’t even fit in his-” you cut yourself off with a sniffle, “his stupid hoodie, why would he even think I’m attractive?” 
He felt that in his soul, and, for once, your loud, energetic boyfriend didn’t greet you so happily. “You’re right, you know, I don’t think you’re attractive,” his voice was quiet, almost hesitant, as he walked into your sight, “that’s not good enough, I think your stunning.” 
You’d never turned around so fast in your life, your arm suddenly crossing to hide your stomach more. “I... Yukhei...” You were at a loss for words, trying to think of a way to explain yourself. 
“Y/n, baby what’s going on? Why would you ever think I don’t find you attractive?” You’d never heard him speaking so calmly, even if the confusion was evident in his voice. 
You looked down, not willing to say it out loud. Seeing this, Yukhei reached out, gently caressing your cheek with his finger, tilting your head up to look at him before asking even more gently, “Princess, will you please tell me?” He didn’t call you that often, typically opting for some cute variation of your name, baby or babe. Princess was reserved for moments when you weren’t acting like yourself, moments when he wanted you to know you’re his everything. 
Moments like these typically left you smiling and happy, but this time it brought on another wave of tears. 
“I just, I’m so sorry,” you spoke through your sobs, “you deserve so much better than me. You deserve someone who’ll let you hold them, and who’s confident and pretty and skinny and-” you went to continue but, before you could, his soft, full lips were on yours, effectively silencing your rambling. 
He stayed like that for a moment, his lips melded to yours, before he pulled back, leaving a soft kiss on your forehead. “Let’s go talk about this in the living room, okay? I feel like this isn’t a conversation for the bathroom,” he said, attempting to lighten the mood a bit. Once you nodded in agreement, he took your hand and led the way out to the living room, sitting down with you on the couch. “Alright, I want you to tell me why you think you aren’t what I deserve,” he stated, “not what I deserve, but why you aren’t.” 
You took a breath to collect your thoughts and calm yourself down enough to speak. “Well,” you started, “I just feel like, maybe, I’m not pretty enough for you. I mean, you’re an idol, you’re tall, your fit, you’re the closest I’ve seen to perfect even if you can be gross sometimes.” Even you couldn’t help thinking back to your boyfriend’s gross habits every once in a while. Luckily, it stirred a small laugh from him, which calmed you down more. “Then there’s me,” you continued with your explanation when he didn’t say anything more, “my face is just average, and I’m overweight, everyone looks at me weird for it and asks how I’ll ever get a boyfriend... I feel like I’m not worth your time...” 
He adjusted himself to face you more, one leg crossed on the couch and the other hanging off of it, his elbow on his knee with his chin cradled in the palm of his hand. “What would you do if I told you that you’re wrong?” he asked, “If I told you you’re the most beautiful girl I’ve ever met and have the best body too?” 
You were dumbfounded by the idea, “Yukhei, I’m not. Look at my stomach, my thighs, my everything. I’m not pretty and I don’t have a good body.” 
“Maybe not to Korea but to me you do. What they think of you doesn’t matter, they’d all be jealous if they knew you had me,” he chuckled a bit, “and, if anything, most guys like a girl with a little more to her.” As soon as you tried to argue, he was ready with more, “I love you because you’re different, you don’t fight to fit a mold you wouldn’t be happy in, and quite honestly I’m glad you don’t fit that mold because I’ve never seen a girl fit jeans as well as you do.” He always had a flirty comment, and you honestly should’ve expected it. 
“Babe, that’s... I’m not-” again, he cut you off. 
“Yes you are, you’re perfect to me, every bit of you, and it hurts me to know you think that you aren’t,” he smiled softly at you, “so from now on I’m going to remind you how attractive I think you are every day until you believe it yourself, because you are attractive, and you are worth my time.” 
You were quiet for a moment before you spoke again, “does this mean I have to start letting you cuddle me?” 
“I mean, you don’t have to if you aren’t comfortable with it,” he smiled a bit more, “but I would love it if you did.” 
“How about now?” you asked hesitantly. 
“Anything to make you happy, princess,” he leaned forward and pecked your lips, “but only if you promise we still get to have movie night, I stocked up on snacks for you yesterday.” 
“Only if you promise not to make me watch a horror movie,” you smiled a bit. 
“Excuse me, it’s cute when you get scared.” 
“yeah, up until you’re waking up at two in the morning from a nightmare.” 
He knew you were right, but even so, once you two had everything set up for your movie night, and he had you securely in his arms, he couldn’t help feeling like his world was complete and everything was exactly as it should be. 
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wildeheathen-blog · 5 years
Grave Robbing - Chapter One
Warnings: None for this particular chapter. Perhaps brief mentions of having a gun in ones face?
Summary: Reader gets in over her head when taking a midnight drive for ice cream.
Pairing: Sam | Plus Sized Reader
Word Count: 2,741
Chapter: 1/??
“Call 1-800-SLI-MNOW to try a thirty-day free trial of EVER SLIM Tea!” 
“Ugh…” Rolling your eyes, you grabbed the remote from your bedside table and hit the power button, the screen fading to black and the babbling of the infomercial going silent. Late-night television was always a mixed bag of bad soft-core porn, diet ads and infomercials for erectile dysfunction. You had been watching reruns of Law and Order SVU but after those had ended you’d gone down a rabbit hole of bad TV. It was nearly eleven pm now and most of the ‘day time’ television channels had been replaced with order-by-phone ads. You were surprised they were still around, honestly. On a night like tonight, when even the TV was reminding you of how ‘big’ you were, you had decided that enough was enough. You were either going to commit a crime or pig out on ice cream and it didn’t take long for you to decide which.
Rolling off of your bed, you hiked the penguin printed leggings you wore up over your hips with a shimmy, huffing under your breath as a result of the action displaced one of your boobs from the too-big tank top that you wore.  “Girl just can’t win, can she?” Your words were muttered under your breath as you pulled your top off and grabbed a sports bra off of the top of your hamper of clothes that were clean -- and had been for almost a week if you were being honest with yourself. Picking the shirt you’d been wearing back up, you sniffed it and then shrugged. You’d showered that morning and it wasn’t like you’d done any strenuous exercise unless you counted running across the lawn after your cat who had wormed its way out the front door earlier that afternoon. 
“I’m just going to get ice cream, I’m not even getting out of the car.” You reassured yourself and pull the tank top back over your head, your car keys snatched off of your dresser and a quick check done in the mirror to adjust the messy bun that sat atop your head. It’d been a few days since you’d brushed your hair, but if you were being honest, the lion’s mane had a mind of its own, even with the best of discipline. “There and back. No getting out of the car. It’ll be fine!” You muttered the words once more as if to scold your anxiety into submission. You’d never liked going places on your own, especially this late at night but something had you craving ice cream from the twenty-four-hour drive through that was five miles down the road. 
Bending to give your cat a kiss on its head, you cringed as it sneezed, painting your features with saliva and cat snot. “Gee… thanks a whole lot, Gouda, I appreciate it.” 
The ten-year-old cat that was a few pounds overweight (much like yourself) simply rolled over and exposed its belly with a languid stretch. A certain trap, to be sure. Still, you took the bait and ruffled his fur, the mainecoon in him giving him enough hair that by the time you were done it looked as if he’d been electrocuted. 
“Alright, be good! Don’t be going into Olivia’s room and bothering those ferrets! You know she’s allergic to you!” You whisper-scolded your cat and gave him another pat for good measure before standing up and leaving your bedroom, a hoodie grabbed from one of the hooks on your wall on your way out. 
Making your way down the stairs of the shared townhome, your roommate (who was your exact opposite in both looks and habits) peered at you from the kitchen. She was up late meal prepping and often offered to teach you, though you would rather watch paint dry than plan any meal that involved eating kale willingly. “(Y/N)? Where are you going? It’s almost eleven-thirty. Don’t tell me you’re going to that skeevy drive through again.” Olivia’s voice was worried, and while she had always looked like she had walked out of a fitness magazine she never once judged you for your habits or your appearance. She had been your friend since middle school and while she had grown into her body, you had simply grown into your ‘baby fat’. 
“I’ll be back in like… thirty minutes tops! Promise!” You called from the entryway of the small home, your eyes scanning the various ‘live laugh love’ messages that dotted the walls. It wasn’t your idea of decor but you didn’t own the place so who were you to judge? Hearing a heavy sigh from the kitchen, you groaned and leaned against the wall. You were waiting for her to scold you about your late-night drives. Counting down in your head, you reached ‘one’ right as she appeared from the kitchen, her arms crossed over her slender chest.
“(Y/N) you’ve been going out a lot recently. I don’t really care what you do with your time as you pay all of your bills on time and keep yourself safe but it’s late out, and there was that story on the news about that girl who--”
Holding up your hand, you smiled when she paused. “Livvie, I promise, I don’t exactly fit the profile for being kidnapped. My thigh is bigger than your waist, those creeps would have a hell of a time getting me into the back of a van, especially considering my social anxiety. Puppies or candy aside, they’re not going to fool me. Besides, I’ve got my mace. Like I said, twenty minutes tops.” You knew you had won the argument when she sighed and waved a hand. 
“Fine, but if you get snatched up--”
“If I get snatched up, I promise I’ll ask the bad guys to let you know so that you can bore them to death with your top ten favorite avocado recipes, alright?” You offered her a smile when she rolled her eyes. You always had been sarcastic and now wasn’t any different. 
“Alright, alright, go, just… keep in touch if you’re going to be gone longer, alright? Cute leggings, by the way.” 
Nodding and mumbling something that sounded indicative of confirmation and ‘thanks’ combined into one word, you opened the front door and took a deep breath. Sweet freedom. You loved Olivia but you would have been lying if her health-conscious mannerisms didn’t weigh on your patience occasionally. 
Making sure the door was closed tight behind you, you jogged down the stairs and onto the cracked sidewalk that stretched out between a small, but neatly managed yard. There were garden beds to either side, raised and lush with different herbs and flowers. On either side of the chain-link gate were lawn flamingos, atop which were garden gnomes holding cats. They had been your idea and after much pestering, Olivia had relented. 
Pulling the gate shut behind you as you exited, you hit the button on the fob for your car, sighing disdainfully when the red light blipped but did nothing. The damn thing had been broken for years and yet every time you left the house you still tried to make magic happen. Manually unlocking the door to the 2001 banana yellow Toyota Celica you pulled open the door and dropped into the front seat. Fall was just around the corner and it had the nights a little frostier than usual, which meant when your ass hit the seat, you hissed and shivered.
“Dammit, Larry…” The name slipped between your teeth and you grinned, remembering where the nickname had come from. Your ex had called the car hideous and had abhorred the fact that you had named it. After your breakup, you’d gotten a custom license plate that said L30N4RD so that every time he saw you in town he’d be forced to remember you. It was spiteful, sure, but he’d cheated on you with your ex-best friend and you’d walked in on it; karma was a bitch though, and he’d ended up getting an STI from the girl he’d done the dirty with. 
Shoving the key into the ignition, you said a silent prayer and hit the gas as you started the car, a sigh of relief as the engine sputtered to life. “Thank you, Larry, for once you do something right the first time.” Backing out of the driveway you were careful to avoid Olivia’s Prius, the yellow headlights from your car basking the quiet suburban street in a dim glow. 
Ten minutes later you and Larry were putting down the road, the drive-through was at the other end of the small town you had lived in for the past five years and it was the only thing open this late. While the town was quiet, it was boring and it had made ‘McKreevey’s Drive-Thru” the only place worth going. Tapping your fingers on the steering wheel, you tried to ignore the way Larry clanked and whirred as you drove. A few more miles and you would be there and ordering your favorite sundae -- you just had to drive passed Saint Christian’s Cemetery in and you’d be home free. Ever since you had lived there the place had given you the creeps and tonight was no different. 
Turning up the radio as you drove by, you hummed and bopped your head, doing your best to ignore the way the street lights had disappeared, leaving you in the dark save for the soft glow of your car’s headlights. Another clank, followed by a shattering pop and finally a whir as your car sputtered to a stop and died on the side of the road. 
“You’ve got to be fucking kidding me right now…” 
Your voice was a quiet murmur as you looked out of the windshield to see smoke rising from beneath Larry’s hood, a groan leaving your throat. “Great, this is fucking perfect. I just wanted some god damned ice cream. Pulling out your phone, you squinted as the screen lit up and then rolled your eyes as the single bar of service flipped over to roaming. 
“Really? Goddess above I hate this fucking city.” 
Pushing open the door, you shoved the seatbelt away from you and slid of your car, the flashlight on your phone illuminating the ground at your feet and showing off a thick, sticky puddle of fluid that trickled out from under Larry’s beat and battered frame. 
“I have no idea what that is Leonard, but you should be ashamed of yourself! That is disgusting!” You scolded your car as if it might suddenly become sentient and realize the mess it left you in. Instead, you were left to look around for any sign of life. On the right, there were fields upon fields of corn that swayed in the breeze. To the left, the cemetery. 
“Great. I feel like I’m in a horror movie. I’ll bet I’m about to get murdered by some hobgoblin hiding in that damned corn. Walking around the front of your car, you quickly decided on the graveyard with the reasoning that you might be able to find a live-in groundskeeper or something to at least let you borrow a phone for a cab. Using the flashlight on your phone to light the way, you stopped halfway across the sprawling plot when an orange glow of light caught your distance. 
“Oh! Maybe there is someone. Digging a grave I’ll bet. Jeez, what a shitty job. Shittier for the person going in it, I suppose.” You snorted as you caught yourself talking to yourself. It happened frequently and most of the time it was someone else that caught you, the look on their faces often worth the awkward silence. Creeping slowly closer, you were maybe ten yards away when a figure jumped out of one of the graves, his toned frame tossing a shove to the ground. 
“Figure they’d at least use a backhoe or somethin’.” You whispered under your breath and leaned against the tree. Maybe it was best to wait until they were done, as they seemed to almost be. Squinting and killing the flashlight on your phone, you watched as a second figure stepped out of the shadows, a canister of something in his hand. 
“What the…?” 
Watching as the taller figure poured something into the hole followed by the smaller one (the one who had jumped out of the hole in the first place) squirting some sort of liquid, you watched as one of them struck a match and dropped it into the grave. 
“Okay what the-- OH MY GOD!” 
Your voice rose three octaves as a plume of fire shot from the hole in the ground, followed by what could only be described as a wraith from some b-horror movie that screeched louder than any cheerleader at a pep rally who’d just seen her friends ever could, it’s spectral body engulfed in flames before disappearing into the night sky. 
“Whatthefuck?! Oh god, what the fuck… shit… fuckity shit!” 
At this point, you had forgotten all about the people by the grave and had instead focused on what had just come out of the grave. 
“Well, at least that’s done. It’s nice to have something nice and easy for once. Can we get out of here now? It’s cold.” Sam shivered and rubbed his hands over his bare arms. He hadn’t thought to bring a jacket. Beside him, Dean shoved the lighter fluid and salt back into the duffel bag, picking it up and slinging it over his shoulder a few moments later. 
“Sammy you’re the size of a literal moose and you’re bitching because it’s cold out? Bring a jacket next-- wait, shhh.” Dean lifted a hand to his mouth when something in the distance cracked, followed by a high pitched wheezing. Looking to his brother, who shrugged, Dean pulled his gun out and stalked forward, having passed the duffel off to Sam who followed close behind. 
Wheezing quietly, you cursed the fact that you’d decided to get ice cream. All you wanted was something sweet and now here you were, stuck in a creepy ass cemetery with grave robbers that had just lit a corpse on fire for the fun of it! You weren’t sure what had come out of the grave afterward but you were willing to convince yourself that you were seeing things for the sake of your sanity. 
“Oh cheese on a tortilla, Gods of the gobstoppers and Nephilim of nerds ropes I swear I will never leave the house again if-- click”
Freezing solid when a very familiar sound clicked behind your ear, you slowly stood from behind the three you’d hidden behind and turned; only to come face to face with the muzzle of a handgun held by a man that looked about as happy as a hare in a field of copperheads. Swallowing thickly, you screamed as loud as you could -- a technique taught to you by Olivia. When the scream did nothing but make the male furrowed his brow deeper, you struck out with your chuck covered foot and nailed him between his legs, a fist following shortly after to meet his face with a crunch. 
“Hey Woah! Woah, miss!” The taller male behind the gun-toting one lifted his hands in mock defense as the first crumpled to the ground with a groan and a barely audible ‘sonofabitch’ that was choked from between gritted teeth. Lifting both of your hands, you prepared yourself to try and take on the colossus that had come up behind the smaller one, your (Y/E/C) eyes darting to and fro and your heart slamming against your chest. 
“I’ll kick your dick all the way to Fort Worth you creep sonuvabitch! Don’t try me! I’ll… I’ll do it… you burnt a thing and… I…. I think I’m gonna--” 
Your fear and anxiety got the best of you a moment later and you collapsed to the ground with a dull thud, your body having looked none too graceful in your penguin pants and messy bun (now complete with mud stains and leaves stuck into it, respectfully). You had seen plenty of crime shows, but never once had you seen anything about grave robbing, screaming corpses, or being an accomplice to a heinous crime. And to think, all you had wanted was some god damned ice cream.
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jokerslittlepsycho · 6 years
FEED: Joker x Reader chapter 10
Chapter 10: It was me and him against the world. Now it's me and him against the hospital
Read Wattpad version here
I woke up feeling drowsy. Almost like a hangover but I don’t recall the party.
Wait there was a party, but I didn’t drink.
It was the Christmas party. Oh, God. The memories came flooding back to me.
“Wake up, y/n”
I heard a female voice.
“Come on, y/n, its weigh-ins”
“I don’t feel good, everything's blurry”
“That's the sedatives, it will feel better by the time you move”.
I don’t know where I am, all I know there are two women holding me up walking me to get weighed.
I feel like passing out, did someone drug me. I just hear people speaking amongst me, if I listen I might put pieces back together.
“89lbs, well below her line. We’ll start her up on meal replacement shakes in between meals, only use tubes if necessary”
Wait why are they saying this? Where am I?
They help place me on the bed. At this point, I was limping.
“Hands are cold, fingertips almost blue”
Then she enters my mouth.
“Are you a smoker?”
I’m too out of it to reply, so I just nod.
“Ok, smoker, however, suspected purging, watch her during toilet time”
Toilet time?
“You were limping a lot, do your ankles hurt?”
I nod again as she takes my feet and moves them at angles.
“Does it hurt when I do this?
I nod.
“Overexercising, we’ll watch her at bedtime if she tried to run or walk. Do you run?”
I’m so confused, why all the questions?
I just nod again.
They do a few more checks, at this point, I barely remember anything apart from a few comments.
“Hair on her arms, the body’s trying to keep her warm”
I keep drifting.
“We’ll do a blood test, see if her organs are shutting down. After that we-”
I black out yet again.
But this time it doesn’t just all go black. I see something. I see a cat, and the more I look at it the more cartoon-like it gets, to the point you can only see outlines. And then I look down with a tattoo gun in my hand. Then I remember, what about J?
I look up and he’s in front of me, and he walks towards me.
“Y/n, wake up. Trust me just wake up. Don’t listen to anything I say, trust me, just don’t! WAKE UP!”
I’m awake and I’m in a bed. I don’t feel so fuzzy anymore. Everything seems clear?
“Hey! You are awake! Ok look I’m here to debrief you. My name is Mariam.”
I get up and listen, finally, I get some answers.
“Do you know where you are?”
“No” I reply, I finally manage to get words out.
“Ok, you are in a psychiatric hospital, because of the severity of your condition you were unable to make the choice to consent to treatment, so your father signed the forms. You are in the female eating disorders ward. We call this the green wing. Any questions?”
“Yes, why is there a tube in my arm?” I start to notice a tube going into my arm, and it feels uncomfortable.
“You fainted, we put this tube in your arm, the tube is hooked to a drip. Don’t worry, there are no calories in it, it's just putting vitamins into your system.”
“Eating disorders unit?”
“Yes, however, the consultant and the psychologist need to evaluate you.”
I stay silent. What the fuck is going on, and what do they mean the severity of my condition? What actually happened during Christmas? Do I have an eating disorder?
“Come, we have to be in communal areas during this hour.”
“Yes, I have been allocated to watch you at all times. Including toilet and bedtime, but don’t worry, when you start to get better you will gain more independence with no one following you around.”
I get up and take the trip with me as she guides me to the communal area. This place is not at all like a hospital, it actually likes a home. Nice carpets, paintings on the wall. The communal area has nice sofas, a bookshelf, a TV that's connected to a Wii with some games in the cabinet below the TV.
“Guys, we have a new person with us today. Let's all introduce ourselves!”
Wow, she is way too enthusiastic. The first girl that starts is very underweight. She has beautiful dark skin, plump lips with pearl white teeth. Amazing curls. Usually, hair thins out, but she maintained hers pretty well.
“Hey, my name is Tianna.” She gave a half smile and proceeded to read her book.
The second girl was quite plump. Not the person you would expect in the unit, but anyone and any body type could have an eating disorder. She has caramel blonde hair tied back into the most perfect messy bun I have ever seen. She has diamond blue eyes, and a cute little mole on her upper lip, a bit like Marilyn Monroe.
“I’m Emma-May” She gave me a smile and continued to focus on the TV.
Another girl looked very low, very depressed. She had greasy hair and was very pale. She is what you would call average weight, and she had a tube up her nose. She wore a Winx Club top with the fairies on it along with some black leggings.
“Elizabeth” She peeps up for a split second and whispers her name. After that, she just proceeds to look at the floor and blank out the world.
A girl enters the room, as the introduction is happening.
“Mariam! When can I have my smokes?”
She is a beautiful girl with olive skin and brown eyes, along with brown hair that has beach waves. Skinny body, but not malnourished.
“Not now, Tatjana. Were doing introductions, this is the new girl.”
She sat on the floor cross-legged.
“Tatjana. The I is a J in my name, but it’s pronounced like an I or Y. You’ll get used to it.”
There was another severely malnourished girl. No tube or IV’s. Extremely thin blonde hair and Hazel eyes. Her face is like a skeleton. She has on a baby pink shirt with a horse on it.
“Hey, I’m Bella” She lets out a forced smile.
“I’m y/n”
Six girls in the unit including myself.
“Do you smoke too?” Tatjana asks. I nod to her.
“Yeah, but I forgot to bring my smokes”
“Borrow one of mine, its fine.”
I accept, and Mariam guides us outside to the smoking area.
“You might be confused at the weight of some of the girls on this unit” Tatijana whispers as she takes a puff out of her cigarette. After I light mine I ask why we are whispering.
“We can’t talk about ‘triggering’ things, don’t want Mariam to find out.”
I nod. “Well, the plump girl? She has Bulimia. Notice how she doesn’t show her teeth? It got fucked up with all the vomiting. You’d think purgers would be thin, but it turns out when you purge, only 30% of the food comes out. It’s a huge misconception, however, most bulimics are either healthy weight or average weight because of the 30% thing. They will binge on a whole pizza with two portions of fries, fruit loops cereal, a whole cake and a jar of jam and only 30% of that come out.”
I am amazed at this. “How do they eat all of this?” I ask curiously.
“That’s what a binge is.”
It explains a lot. Emma-May does have an overweight body.
“And Elizabeth-” Tatijana continues.
“That's her name? I barely heard her.” I cut her off.
“Yep, she’s not much of a talker. She had anorexia when she was 14, and now she’s back again. She may be a healthy weight, but anorexia dominates her.”
“If she’s healthy weight, why the tube?” I am confused at this point.
Tatjana lets out a chuckle. “Anyone at any weight can be tubed. All you have to do is refuse to eat completely and they will have no other choice.”
“Oh.” I continue smoking.
“Remember, y/n. Weight doesn’t determine how sick or better you are” Tatjana explains a bit louder and Mariam hears.
“Listen to her, y/n, she has a very good point. Also if you are wondering why the unit seems empty, there are meant to be 2 more girls here, but they are on leave.”
We finish our cigarettes and enter the building.
Considering the fact that this is an eating disorders unit, there are a variety of women here. You would expect an eating disorder unit to have malnourished underweight girls, but that is not at all the case. There are bulimics and binge eaters here. Eating disorders honestly do have a variety. As I’m sitting in the communal area, Joker appears. I try not to make me staring at him too obvious.
“Woah, shit then. I wasn’t expecting this!” and lets out his grin.
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“Shit, y/n! That girl looks like a god damn Auschwitz victim!” And lets out his signature laugh.
I am in between shocked and amused. I am shocked because J made a vulgar comment, but at the same time, I want to laugh because he just said it all out of nowhere. In conclusion, I cough.
J sits next to me on the floor.
“Look, y/n I know you can’t talk to me, so during the day try and find a pen and paper so you can write your response and show me.”
I nod slightly to let him know I understand.
“Ok good. Y/n this place is no good for you, I will help you get out. This place, it’s going to take you away from me. We were meant to go together, to be together forever. But this place stopped it. Just do as I say, you’ll be out and we will be together, I promise.”
I let out a tear out, thankfully Mariam didn’t notice. I nod back.
“Good girl, but remember kitten, daddy still needs some food.”
Shit. I need to feed him here. I don’t know how I can do it, these staff members watch you like a damn hawk, but I need to keep him alive. I don’t care what happens.
“I will do anything,” I whisper to him, and no one heard.
He smiles back. At first, it was me and him against the world, now it's me and him against the hospital.
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blow-up-reactions · 7 years
How Would Monsta X React To Their Friend Getting Fat-Shamed
Anonymous said:  Hi lovely, I love your blog and what you did so far *0* Can I request a got7 (and if it’s not too much to ask, bts and monsta x) reaction to their overweight dear friend getting hate because of it? thank you, have a good day xx
Shownu’s heart broke as he got a call from you, sobbing your heart out as some kids had yelled at you at the subway. You weren’t the skinniest, but you weren’t the heaviest you had been. Shownu had helped you a lot, you had gone to the gym together, and he had taught you how to cook healthier. You were finally starting to get some confidence, but it was fragile. You explained to Shownu, that some middle school kids had yelled at you, and laughed while puffing out their cheeks to mock your round face. Shownu went to your apartment right away, to comfort you. When he got to the apartment, he didn’t say much. Just his presence comforted you, and with just a few words he cheered you up. and you had a strong urge to go to the gym. You were going to prove the kids wrong.
“Let’s go blow off some steam on the punching bag, Y/N!”
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Wonho was mortified when he barged into your apartment, with his arms full of snacks all ready for your monthly movie night. You were sitting on the couch, with a tear-stained face and wrapped in at least 756 blankets. He dropped everything he was carrying and sat beside you, he hugged you as you told him about your shopping trip were an employee as a clothing store almost threw you out of the shop while saying they had nothing in your size. Wonho wouldn’t know what to do to cheer you up, then he came with the amazing idea to write a complaint to store, which you did. After writing the complain you felt a bit better like you stood up for yourself. You still felt horrible though, Wonho then carefully asked if you wanted to go to the gym with him, and you agreed without hesitating. The experience had really taken a toll on your confidence and you were sure that spending time with Wonho in the gym would cheer you right up.
“We should write a complaint, nobody talks to MY friend like that.”
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You didn’t like to show “weakness”. You didn’t like to be unhappy in front of others, so you always pretended that the anonymous comments on your social media didn’t bother you at all. You put on a mask to seem happy. No one noticed, but one day as you were visiting the dorms you had just posted a text post on twitter fangirling over an actor, and you were quickly shot down with comments saying you were too fat to even considering dating the actor. You went to the bathroom because you simply couldn’t hold back your tears. Minhyuk noticed it, and followed you to the bathroom where he could hear the sobbing noises, he silently opened the door as you had forgotten to lock it. You wiped your eyes as you showed him the comments. He got pissed at started cussing at the people calling you such things, how their opinions didn’t matter, and how they couldn’t see how beautiful and amazing you were.
“They don’t even know you! How can they just say stuff like that?!” *Fight me mode activated*
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Kihyun would listen to all your worries and stories. He’d go into complete mom mode. Like, how dare anyone hurt my baby. He’d let you tell him everything from the comments to the jokes, to the cute top they didn’t have in your size, everything, while telling you how beautiful you were, on the outside and the inside. He’d never let you forget how beautiful you were as a person. He’d tell you all the words you needed to hear to feel better. It was something he’d always been good at. He’d always try to help you in the best way possible, finding stores online with plus-sized clothing he knew you liked. He always knew when you needed to eat your favorite fast-food and when you felt like having something healthy and homecooked, he’d always bring you some. He’d always support you.
“Don’t listen to them, Y/N, they just live a pathetic life where they feel a need to degrade other in order to feel better about themselves.” *amazing reassuring Kihyun smile*
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Okay... You probably already know where I’m going with this one. He’s going to be straight savage. Like, you’d be at the mall, just chilling, maybe ordering some food. When you spotted some girls (really skinny girls) laugh while constantly stealing glances at you. You felt your cheeks heat up, as you looked down on the burger you just ordered. Hyungwon was a bit slow to notice why you weren’t eating your food, only poking it around. Hyungwon turned around to see the small group of girls. He turned back around and send you his infamous judging look while sipping his milkshake. He then got up from his seat and walked over to talk to the girls. He talked to them and one of the girls got up from her seat, clearly talking back to him. Hyungwon responded with something that made her cheeks heat up and the other girls fighting to hold back their laughter. “What did you say?” you asked when he got back, “oh, it’s nothing” he simply answered
“She's perfect the way she is, and if she did decide to lose weight she could, as for you, you're stuck with that ugly face of yours"
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Aegyo mode activated the second he could see you questioning your weight. He told assured you that even though a boy from school had called you fat, it was one of the things he liked the best about you. He finally had competition with his aegyo. Your round face and short height made you the perfect aeygo person, and you and Jooheon loved having small competitions, sometimes you even developed new aegyo things together, and helped each other with the aegyo. It was only a bit weird how much time the two of you spend on aegyo, but the both of you thought it was really fun, so you had continued doing it. “Now you were talking about losing weight, but Jooheon had to stop you right there. No way, first of all you shouldn’t change yourself because others want you to. Second of all, squishy cheeks is a must have for aegyo experts.”He grabbed his own cheeks and squished them together and used his aegyo voice, making you laugh, already feeling a lot better
“You don’t need that kind of negativity in your life!”
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Changkyun would definitely be pissed, like if you told him about an incident that you were at the gym and someone had told you to work out at home because “you were an eye-sore” it had completely crushed you. Changkyun had no idea how to comfort you, all he wanted to do is to punch that guy is hard in the face he’d have a black eye for weeks. You wouldn't let him though. He took his computer instead and got you a membership for another gym. He thought you were perfect the way you were, but you wanted to lose weight. That’s why you were at the gym in the first place, and he was proud of you. He’d never admit it though. He swore to himself that if something like that ever happened again, not even you could hold him back.
“How dare he? I’ll give him something to be sore about!”
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Hope you enjoy~~~
We’re working on GOT7 and BTS <3<3
-Admin Satansoo
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theliterateape · 4 years
The House on Deer Creek Road: Part 2
By J. L. Thurston
Willow, are you sitting down? Your mother’s dead. They found her this morning. They need you at the Porter Police Station.
Creak, creak, creak, creak.
She was found on the entryway floor, face-down, Willow. She’d been dead for four months. The electricity company, they shut her off but they were concerned, you know. Sweetheart, the cops performed a wellness check found her rotting on the floor. The stained floorboards have to be replaced.
She was lying there. No one knew. No one cared. Willow, hush. Listen. Can you hear her? Can you hear your mother? Look at her, lying there. She’s looking right at you. What is she saying?
“Come with me into the basement, Willow. Come with me.”
I snored so loud I woke myself up. I spent the wee hours of morning dozing on the couch while Jane crawled around on a blanket, surrounded by toys. She wiggled her way around, drooling on each item in turn.
That’s when the piano began to play by itself. Not a song. Just the plink, plunk, plunk as if a child were noodling on the keys.
The piano was in the foyer, a useless space just off the entryway where excess junk was kept in heavy cabinets and shelves. The piano was against the wall, an upright Steinway stained a dark cherry color. The keys weren’t moving. It seemed that the strings inside it were making the sound somehow. Mice could do that if they were inside. Mice could also make creaking sounds in the attic and knock over teetering boxes.
The playing of the piano relieved me. Mice made sense. I should have left right then and there. Very soon, I’d be so deep into the darkness of the house, but at that moment I could have walked away undamaged. But mice made sense and I guess the mind relies on simple, safe explanations when faced with fear and uncertainty.
I called the local exterminator, waking him up, and made an appointment. I had plenty of time to run to the supermarket in Porter before he’d come check for mice.
I’ll admit, driving my truck away from my house with my dog in the back and my daughter riding shotgun, I felt the most normal I’d ever felt in my whole life. I’ll admit, I was smiling.
It was that day at the supermarket that I met Nyla. Stumbling upon her was like finding a hundred bucks on the sidewalk. I wasn’t expecting her, but as soon as I saw her, I wanted to keep her.
We were different in the best ways, and alike in important ones. I was sand, and she was an acorn. I was a fallen branch, and she was a bonfire. Does that make sense? I don’t know, that’s just how it was.
You’ve seen her picture, I’m sure. It was all over the news. That one photograph, the one with her hair down, the black coils bouncing all around her, that one is my favorite. I like it because it is just how she looked when I first saw her. Her eyes were sparkling, her smile was genuine. It was a meal after weeks of starvation.
I had never before looked at a person and physically reacted to them the way I did with her. I was nervous and uncomfortable. I began to sweat. I had a hard time thinking straight because my brain just wanted to focus on her face and her voice and her confidence.
Nyla’s first reaction to seeing me was to flirt with the baby. I stood there awkwardly, trying to remember how to breathe. Nyla told Jane she was adorable and don’t ever let anybody tell her different. Nyla worked at the supermarket. She asked if she could help me because I was struggling with the car seat and the cart. I didn’t know the car seat fit on the top of the cart. Nyla talked a lot. She didn’t mind that I didn’t.
Followed me to the register and said goodbye. She blew Jane a kiss and said a few goodbyes to her. When she was out of earshot, the cashier became a talker, too. She told me all about Nyla. Poor Nyla, she lost her baby to SIDS. She’d never been the same. She only smiles when she sees kids. She seemed to like me.
No one ever really seemed to like me. Except for Mrs. Jones and she was stuck in a nursing home. Well, Aunt Pat liked me, too, but that was it. The idea that Nyla seemed to like me lit a fire in me that suffocated all the uncertainties that plague my soul throughout each day. It was a warm thought, one that made me want to find her and talk to her again.
It dawned on me that Nyla and I were alike in an important way. We were alike in that we both wanted to be good mothers. Nyla lost her chance, and it wasn’t her fault. That didn’t seem fair to me at all.
I did a thing I normally never ever do. I went back and found Nyla and asked her out to coffee. I had to wait for her shift to be over, but she said she’d love to hang out. I didn’t know what to do, so I went to the house and put away groceries. I cleaned, I changed my clothes, then I changed them back. Jane cried for food, diaper, and diaper again because I don’t think she was finished the first time. She seemed to like it when I made shushing sounds at her. That made me smile.
I met Nyla at the little café next to the courthouse. We sat outside at a metal table. I learned that she knew all the lyrics to Hamilton and owned every book written by Isaac Asimov but I knew she was joking because he had hundreds of stories.
Everything about Nyla was enthusiastic and upbeat. We were so different that way. Usually, when a person wants to talk, and talk, and talk, I get frustrated and I feel like little prickly spikes are sticking out of my skin in all directions. But, oddly, when Nyla talked, I didn’t get any pricklies at all. Not like that. I got a different kind, and they were sort of pleasant.
She held Jane, fed Jane, and burped Jane. She talked about her baby girl’s short life. Her eyes got huge and watery. She told me her daughter was an accident. The result of a mistake made on a bad night. She told me she loved her daughter more than anything and will miss her forever.
I felt guilty. I couldn’t tell her I’d given my baby up. We were so different, but also alike.
She knew about the house on Deer Creek Road. You see, Nyla was the first to tell me that it had a reputation in Porter. Everyone knew it was haunted, she said. I didn’t laugh, and I think she wondered if maybe it really was haunted. But when I invited her to come over for a home-cooked dinner, she didn’t refuse. I thought she looked excited. That made me nervous.
She followed me to the house. She didn’t have a car, she had a scooter. It was cute and made me smile. I wanted to ask her if bugs ever flew in her mouth, but I didn’t because the exterminator was waiting on the porch. He was banging on the door but stopped when he heard my tires on the gravel.
The exterminator was one of those nice guys. Middle-aged, friendly, like a family-type guy. He gave Bones a lot of scratches behind the ears. Bones wouldn’t get out of the truck. I apologized for making him wait. I had forgotten all about calling him.
He told me he was worried about the old guy inside the house. I felt my stomach start to harden as I told him I was the only one who lived there.
“Ma’am, I don’t want to alarm you,” he said. “But there’s someone inside. I can see him moving around through the window. Tall, thin, hard of hearing? He was walking sort of hunched over.”
The front door, you’ve seen, has a huge oval window. With that floral design frosted over it you can’t look in and see the inside too clearly. You can bet Nyla and I had our faces pressed to that glass, trying to see the person the exterminator was describing.
Nyla wanted to call the cops. I thought about the creaking in the attic. I let the exterminator make the call. It took a while for a squad car to arrive and when it did I was disappointed to see an overweight police officer in his late sixties roll out of the car. He was not the nice, friendly, family-type guy like the exterminator. He was the jaded misogynist who thought two hysterical women were frightened of a big, old house and needed reassurance. I firmly clamped my jaw shut as he followed me, Nyla- who was holding Jane- and the exterminator around the house. There was no sign of trouble, but also no sign of mice. We looked in every room, except the basement. At that time, I still did not know where the basement door was. We even circled the house, inspecting the windows, the garden, the shed, the side porch, and the garage.
No one was there.
The police officer left, smiling slyly. I did not like his face. The exterminator left after charging me fifty bucks for his time. I liked him less after that.
Nyla stayed. She played with Jane in the kitchen while I cooked. It took more time than I thought it should, but luckily Nyla was a master when it came to babies. Jane hardly had time to fuss for anything before Nyla’s skilled mind figured it out. Mentally, I added a new item to Aunt Pat’s checklist of needs.
6. Nyla knows best.
I’m a great cook, and I wanted to impress her. I was clumsy, though. Probably because I wasn’t familiar with the kitchen. Nothing inside it, save for the food I’d just bought, belonged to me. And I had to wash everything before using it because there was an inch of dust coating every item.
Nyla was all eyes. She watched me cook, she watched the windows, she looked at all the oddities in my mother’s house. She asked about the dried herb bundles. She touched the half-melted candles. I don’t know if she chose to ignore the jars of bugs or if she simply did not see them.
That was when Bones began to lose it outside. He was in the side yard, just outside the kitchen. He was snarling, barking like a dog who was ready to kill. By the time Nyla and I got outside, the dog had backed himself up to the tree line. He was foaming, barking directly at the garden.
Minutes ago, we had walked through that garden with the cop and the exterminator. Nothing had been amiss. Now, the wild-growing foliage was uprooted and tossed all about. Scratches traced through the dirt. They were so deep and so long I don’t even think a bear could have made them.
We stared and stared. It just didn’t make any sense.
Return for nightfall, Day Two at the House on Deer Creek Road
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Request: N/A
A/N:  I said I would write this for one of @bucky-plums-barnes fuffly Friday anons asking for a Lance x Plussize!reader.  So… here ya go!  Hope you enjoy!
Lance x plussize!reader
Word count: 2056
Summary:  You’re pretty much over not being thin, you’re beautiful just the way you are!  But words can still hurt…
Warnings:  Lance being a dick, accidental bullying (body shaming), insults, mentions bullying, mentions of sex, drunkenness, FLUFFY APOLOGY AND ENDING
(GIF not mine)
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You were big.  You were big and you knew it, there was no getting around it.  You were always this way, that’s just how your body was. You had big shoulders, big thighs, big ass, big belly, big boobs, that’s how you were built, no denying it.  Thing is, you weren’t ashamed of it.
Yes, when you were younger, you were made fun of and bullied for your size, yes, there were many condescending comments thrown your way by various relatives, and yes, boys often treated you like pity projects.  When you were younger, you were ashamed of your voluptuous body and you tried to hide it. You always wore baggy clothing, sweatpants were your best friend, and hoodies were an addiction.
All your life you had been told you were fat. “Ugly!” “Fat!” “Pig!” were familiar words to your ears.  Every day, your mom or your aunt would passive-aggressively tell you to lose weight or eat healthier.  Everyday mean girls at school would whisper to each other as if you couldn't hear. It was normal, you were used to it. But, just because you were, used to it, didn’t mean it didn’t hurt.  A lot of the time, you would spend your days on the verge of tears, wishing you had a tub of feel-better-ice-cream.
All this was a waking nightmare… until you decided enough was enough.  You decided it was time to stop pitying yourself and start loving your rockin’ bod! Your body loves you, so you started loving it back.
You started exercising a bit more, you were eating healthier, and you were feeling much more confident!  But, even with all the healthy habits, you still had quite a bit of chub clinging to your body.
There’s wasn’t anything wrong with you, your bad health habits weren’t the whole cause of you being overweight, it was just how your wonderful body was built.
When you realized that, you started loving your body even more!  You weren’t fat, you were just big and beautiful, you were soft and cuddly, voluptuous and sexy, and just an overall dynamite gal!
A few years down the line, you started dating. It was just as you expected; men would be drawn in by your confidence, but, for some reason, their tiny, small-minded brains could not make it passed the fact that you weren’t a size negative seven.  Yeah, it hurt, but, if they couldn’t accept you, they didn’t deserve you.  Screw them and their impossible beauty standards!
After a string of disaster dates, you decided to take a break from dating for a while.  Which was good, because a month after that, you met him.  Yup!  You met Lance “the fucker” Tucker.
Now, most girls would have fallen at his feet with their legs spread and mouths open, but not you.  No, you decided this fuckboy had to work if he wanted a chance with you.
You would have thought Lance would have given up and moved on once he found you weren’t a swooning ditz waiting to be fucked by him.  But no, he actually put time and effort into you.  He’d bring you flowers, he’d take you on sweet dinner dates and picnics, and before you know, you two are in a happy, healthy relationship and you’ve been dating ever since.
He loved you so much!  He felt proud of himself that he was able to earn a girl’s heart, instead of having it thrown at him.  Because he worked so hard for you, he was always giving you love and affection. Lots of kisses, hugs, (sex), gifts, cuddling, and/ or date nights, were a daily occurrence.  But the best part was, he loved your body, possibly more than you did.  He thought you were Aphrodite herself he thought you were so beautiful!
 Tonight, you and Lance were attending an after party with all his fellow teammates and gymnasts.  It was a real classy shebang, so you were both dressed to the nines, putting everyone else to shame.
He was in a classic tux, with a powder-blue tie and pocket square.  But you, you were in a sassy, classy blue dress of the same color.  It was a cute, off-the-shoulder number with a regal, flowing skirt and well-placed twists of fabric in the back.  You thought you looked quite sexy- a total jaw-dropper.
When you asked Lance how you looked, he couldn’t even speak.  He just babbled like a confused two-year-old.  You just laughed and said, “I’ll take that as a compliment,”.
 Now, you and he were just chatting with Lance’s friends, talking about menial things such as family life and training.  The entire time, Lance held you close to his side, subtly showing you off to the room.  You felt proud that Lance wanted to brag about you, it made you feel appreciated.
As you were all talking, getting a little tipsy, somehow the conversation took a turn to you and Lance’s relationship. “How did a girl like that end up with you?” Paul, one of Lance’s teammates slurred, nearly spilling his red wine all over his clean tux.  Lance just shrugged, giving a bouncing laugh, “I dunno, man” he lisped, hanging off you like a dizzy sloth, trying not to fall out of a tree.   He was being a bit embarrassing, to be honest, but, it wasn’t something to get too mad about.
Lance giggled drunkenly before speaking again, “I mean, I could have any girl I want!  A supermodel, a movie star, but I settle down for a chubby, fat chick,”. Okay, that was something to get mad about.  “Sometimes I think to myself, ‘Lance, is she even good enough for you?’”.  Okay, he was being really hurtful!  “Then I realize, I actually had to work for her fat ass!  So, I ain’t given this up for a while… get my work’s worth out of it,” Lance hiccuped, taking another gulp of Champaign.
You didn’t know how to react.  Yeah, you’ve learned how to deal with the haters, you’ve learned how to let insults roll off your shoulders, but you trusted Lance! You have been so open and vulnerable with him and he basically spit in your face!
You tried to hold back your tears as you pried yourself away from Lance.  “Well, if that’s what you really think,” you squeaked, pushing him away and running outside. As soon as you were out of view from the rest of the party-goers, you let your tears fall.  You cried and sobbed, feeling so betrayed.  Was that really what your boyfriend thought of you?  Were all those slow nights and ‘I love yous’ a lie?
You called and Uber and waited by the curb for them to arrive.  Lance came stumbling behind you after a few minutes.  “Wh-ah happened?” he slurred, trying to get his act together, “I thought we were having fun?”.  You didn’t even hesitate to slap him clear across the face, leaving a stinging red mark on his cheek.  “Did you not hear yourself back there, Mr. high and mighty?!” you cried, your face becoming red with anger as hot tears streamed down your face, “you just blatantly insulted me, in front of your friends no less!”
Lance had no idea what to do.  His eyes went wide and apologetic as he stuck his bottom lip out.  “B-but baby, (Y/N)-” “Don't ‘babe’ me, asshole!” you sassed, not letting his puppy-dog face make you cave.  “No, you can’t take back what you said back there,” you scolded, hearing your Uber pull up, “and if that’s what you really think, then so be it.  But I won't stand for it!”.
You stomped over to the car, letting your heels click away as Lance stood there, dumbfounded.  You settled yourself down in the car, making sure you had everything as you rolled down the window.  “By the way, I'll be staying with a friend tonight, so don’t expect me home… ever…” you spat, signaling the driver to get going.
 Opening the little door to the mailbox, you got the mail out for Livy.  After Lance’s little slip, you had been living with your friend, Livy.  She graciously let you stay, letting you cry on her shoulder and eat her ice cream to get over Lance and his stupidity.
Flipping through the mail as you walked back up the driveway to the house, you saw yet another letter from Lance.  “Ugh,” you groaned, placing the rest of the mail on the counter and shuffling into the living room.  Livy looked up from her book to see the familiar name on the pink envelope.  “Again!?” she shrieked, giving the most confused ‘wtf’ look, “that’s the fourth one this week!  When is he gonna realize it’s over?”.  You plopped down next to your friend you tore the envelope, and its contents, to pieces, throwing it away in the trash can by the couch.
It had been over two weeks since you and Lance were at that damn party, but he was still trying to get you to move back with him. He sent you flowers you left to die, candy you never ate, letters you never read, texts you never saw, and calls you never answered.  Surprisingly, he hadn’t tried Facebook messaging you yet.  Though, that probably wasn't too far off.
 The doorbell rang, and with a groan, you got up to get it.  It was probably another one of Lance’s dumb candygrams.  You opened the door and lo and behold, it was the asshole himself; Lance fucking Tucker.  You rolled your eyes.
“What the fuck do you want, Tucker?” you spat, slumping a little, showing him you were in no mood for him or his stupid shenanigans.  Lance shoved his hands in his pockets after he took off his dark, douchebag sunglasses. “I came here to apologize…” he sighed. You briefly raised your eyebrows in suspicion, as if to say ‘yeah right’.
Seeing that he wasn’t going to leave without talking to you, you stepped out of the house, onto the porch to speak with him privately.  “Continue…” you huffed, crossing your arms and jutting out your hip.
Lance took a deep breath before speaking. “(Y/N), I’m sorry.  I’m sorry I spoke about you the way I did, especially in front of my friends.  It was mean, it was disrespectful, it was very selfish of me, and I should not have spoken about you like that,” he started, trying to look you in the eye, but you refused, “but what I said back there I- I didn’t mean it, I really didn’t! That doesn’t excuse my poor behavior, but I truly do find you to be the most beautiful, wonderful, and sexiest woman alive!  Now, I don’t expect you to believe me right away, what I said was deplorable and it will take time for you to forgive me, and I am willing to wait and work for your forgiveness.  I was… I was being a pompous dick and I’m sorry… will you try to forgive me?”.
You were nearly in tears, you were feeling too much!  You were mad, you were relieved, you were insulted, you were so confused, it was very overwhelming.
Lance saw that you were about to cry and invited you into his arms.  You gladly accepted.  You leaned into his broad chest, letting yourself cry and get everything out. “what you said really hurt me, I trusted you!”  You sobbed, half-heartedly punching him in the chest.  
Lance kissed the top of your head.  “I know it was, and I’m so, so sorry!” he apologized, holding you closely, “but I love you and I want to work my way back to you and your forgiveness,”.
Hugging Lance closely, you nodded.  “I’ll try to forgive you, I want to forgive you,” you muttered, nuzzling into his chest, feeling safe in his arms again.
“I love you baby,”
“I love you too, asshole,”
@bitchy-tacos @buckyshattergirl @paranoid-borderline-insane
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