#and honestly some of these aren't gonna be for proper rp some times i just wanna play a character that causes shit and breaks things
multimuseforme · 1 year
I'm gonna put a list of some of the muses I'm thinking of adding some point in the future, they probably won't be ready till I get their pages all up and nice(and for some getting/making some icons/resources)
Why so many? Cause i wanna
Marvel: Captain America, Doctor Strange, Juggernaut, Captain Britain/Brian Braddock, The Thing, Colossus
DC: Hal Jordan, Shazam, Wildcat, Doomsday
Dragon Ball: Goku, Gohan, Piccolo, Gamma 1
Warcraft: Varian Wrynn, Anduin Wrynn, Greymane, Arthas, Khadgar, Illidan, Sire Denathrius, Gul'Dan
Star Wars: Revan, Anakin/Darth Vader, Captain Rex, Cad Bane, Darth Maul
Mortal Kombat: Liu Kang, Shao Kahn, Sub Zero
Castlevania: Simon Belmont
Diablo: Xul(Diablo 2 Necromancer), Imperius, Mephisto, Diablo
Street Fighter: Alex, Luke, Rashid, Ken
Overwatch: Roadhog, Cassidy, Genji
Final Fight: Mike Haggar, Cody
Yu Yu Hakusho: Yusuke Urameshi
Wolfenstein: BJ Blazkowicz
Tekken: King II
Transformers: Megatron
Starcraft: Jim Raynor, Artanis, Fenix, Dehaka
Devil May Cry: Nero
Avatar: Aang
Nintendo: Bowser, Ganondorf
Evil Dead: Ash Williams
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inavagrant-a · 2 years
you make this space feel welcoming & in a rpc so prone to cliques i do think that's something to let you know. you are very friendly, very easy to talk to, full of wonderful ideas, funny, & your portrayal of wanderer & style of rp is one i like out of all the ones i have caught glimpses of.
i will confess to you that scaramouche & wanderer as a character annoy me, he's just the type of character that seems uninteresting to me, i could never warm up to him. but talking to you about him & reading your thoughts on him i do catch myself just listening in intently, wanting to know more, wanting to pick at your brain more, because it feels like i'm learning a lot from him through you that the game failed to catch my attention with.
your portrayal of wanderer, tetsuya you call him, is phenomenal. you don't just give a glimpse of how his thought process works of his feelings of his conflicts, but in your own writing you also apply this sense of accountability on top of all of that & that is such an interesting manner in story telling that not many can accomplish because it's essentially the character & then there's pieces of the author subtly arguing with the character. you do it in such a way that it flows so neatly & both counterparts compliment the other. one of my favorite things about your writing is his inner monologue. aside from all of this you aren't scared to expand from the canon material, you aren't scared to show that tetsuya can grow, that he can change, & that begins in such a subtle way. it begins as a thought & then his actions & it is just good technique. it makes him that much more interesting, that much more alive.
yes i do see some personal hc's integrated here & there, yet you somehow manage to take the canon material & you break it into little pieces for me to where i do think it would be nice to put some investment into his character. you make him interesting to me with all of the life you give him through your rp style.
which, brings forth my next point, i have only wonderful things to say about the way you rp. not only do your replies flow & add the proper amount of attention to your character in the reply, but you also point out a lot about the other person's character you're interacting with to show how strong of an impact what the other character has done or said can have on tetsuya. you also make me feel like you're invested in what i reply with, because in your reply i can tell you're paying attention & already trying to understand the other person's character which makes me want to invest equally & as much in you.
apollo you are wonderful & i wish whole heartedly that you were more open to seeing that since you struggle with it so much. just like you believe kindness should be something that comes naturally, i believe that when there's something worth thanking, then you show your gratitude. so thank you, you're a great & talented guy apollo.
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This legit got me teary eyed what the fuck Eddi e tHIS IS SO SWEET WHAT THE FUCK EDDIE???
I'm honestly at a loss, idk how to reply to this I'm like lowkey overwhelmed by all of this. You're so sweet and I appreciate your feedback on my roleplaying and thanks for being so nice and saying such sweet things about me? I'm glad that I'm able to make the space here welcoming to you as well. I'm just gonna be fuckin g thanking you here this is what's gonna happen awraxa.
Thank y ou for sparing me some of your time when you get a chance and for listening to my wild ideas and for giving my son a chance and just being such a chill person in general?? Like really I don't know what else to say to this but thank you? I'm sorry I sound like a broken record but like this is all just too much??? nOT LIKE IN A BAD WAY OR ANYTHING I JUST MEAN LIKE it's just so kind?? And I don't think I deserve such a thing but thank you Eddie, really thank you! You're really awesome too Eddie! I genuinely can't thank you enough I'm sorry for repeating myself so much but I'm like just awraxawraxa I am squis hy pleas e..... ..
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angeloncewas · 3 years
Wait what was the ask that Eret answered that you thinks going to cause discourse? It was about lore? This is the first time I've heard of it :0
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This is the ask I'm referencing ! It only had 70 notes when I made that post so I was just guessing LOL (now it's at over 1k).
As for my prediction itself, I could very well be wrong (everyone's been good so far, I think), but it just ties into a lot of pre-existing discourse in a way that made me think it might flare up. None of that is Eret's fault or responsibility or even honestly related to them - I'm very thankful they chose to give us insight and it's really cool as a Tumblr-main - but there were certain parts that made me go uh oh.
I want to clarify right away that Eret isn't saying these things, nor do they necessarily reflect my opinion, these are just discourse topics I've seen and was reminded by with some of the ask.
1. The underappreciation of "less popular" streamers
Pretty self-explanatory; on the SMP, the people with the highest viewership tend to be considered the "main characters" and this has frustrated fans of the characters who aren't considered a part of that, as well as led to problems like that time Ponk's storyline got labeled "semi-lore" by the most popular DSMP updates account on Twitter.
"generally a process that is heavily managed by those with the largest audiences [...] that does leave people with lower average viewers more on the sidelines of the lore and unable to develop their characters"
2. Wilbur's supposed "control" of the storyline during season 1
There's an opinion (again, not mine) that Wilbur ruled the SMP with an iron fist during his time as head writer. I can't precisely echo back the opinions to you because I honestly don't remember them, but it's a lot of stuff about how he would decide things for other people even though it was meant to be a collaborative RP and sometimes they say that "head writer" is a bad position on principle, etc etc.
"before the whole Pogtopia war, I really wanted my character to have some sort of redemption arc [...] I was never involved in the preparation and planning of this event, this never ended up happening, so it kind of had to be rushed before the war which I felt was unsatisfying"
3. Current over-planning (and the way Dream and Tommy are "inconsiderate" of others)
Conversely to number two (oftentimes in direct opposition, though not always), some people argue that A) the very nature of the S2 and beyond storyline is flawed (tying into those debates about "improv" versus "scripted" lore and B) Dream and Tommy (with the disc saga and the prison arc) are domineering the storyline without any proper communication/are worse at this whole thing than Wilbur. (Again again, not my opinion. I love everyone - fandom centrist here.)
"I'm not the only one who's had ideas like this just get no attention unfortunately. [...] I do miss the early days of the DSMP lore where the majority of it was improv."
To be honest I just skimmed the ask during a 5-minute break I had and posted that it was gonna make people argue because I thought it might (we argue over everything it'd almost be weirder if it didn't), but on a base-level it's not particularly deep ! Like, I agree, Eret's answer was more than fine on its own, I just thought the fandom might start using it as ammunition.
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