#and how he gets to appreciate neil's entire face being lit up by the locker room's light
achillean-heartbeat · 10 months
good afternoon beautiful people i am going sick in the head thinking of Neil wearing his orange bandana. just neil and his bandana,,, yeah,,,
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billyhargrove-s · 5 years
The Overprotective Big Brother |B.H.|
Summary: In which you’re Billy’s biological sister and he doesn’t like boys messing with you.
Warning: some mentions of abusive parents, gross/creepy guys, slight violence.
Relationship: Brother! Billy Hargrove x Reader
A/N: haha I loved writing this and I hope you enjoy it <3
The moment you were told you were moving to Hawkins, Indiana was not a pleasant one whatsoever. Billy was angry, and only managed to say one thing before your father ‘put him in his place’ as he called it. Max only shot piercing glares at your brother from her seat in the room while her mother awkwardly smiled and fiddled with her hands as her husband beat up on his own son. You on the other hand, were not having it.
“You two need to learn some respect.” Your father gritted out before throwing your wrist down, almost as if he was disgusted to touch you.
Your bottom lip quivered as you looked at Billy, his own tearful eyes matching your own. You rubbed your wrist where the bruises from Neil’s grasp were already forming before storming out of the room and into your own.
You’d lived in this house your entire life, and now you were being forced to move to some shit town in the middle of nowhere.
The move to Indiana was awkward. Your new house, seeing as your real home was in California, was nice but cramped which meant tensions were bound to run high.
After about a week of settling in, you were enrolled into Hawkins High School as a freshman while Max went into the 8th grade. The two of you were the same age, but your summer birthday made you a grade apart. Billy was going into his senior year.
“This is bullshit.” You muttered throwing your backpack onto the floorboard of Billy’s Camero as Max got into the backseat.
“Yeah no shit.” Billy stated lighting a cigarette before turning the key and starting the car. “Is that my shirt?”
You looked down at the Def Leppard shirt you had stolen from your older brother and tied off the ends and tucked it into your skirt to make it fit under your jean jacket.
“Is that my shampoo I smell?” You avoided his question with a raised eyebrow.
“Yeah cause some brat I know threw mine away.” Billy told you and you snorted knowing fully well you were the brat he was talking about as he turned his music louder blaring the scorpions album as he drove.
When he pulled into the parking lot of Hawkins High, you could feel all the stares coming your way. Whether it was the music blaring or the California plates, you didn’t care. Instead, you grabbed your backpack and pursed your lips before stepping out into Hawkins cool October air.
“Be here right after school brat.” He snapped taking one last drag of his cigarette before throwing it to the ground.
“Yeah yeah, whatever.” You said rolling your eyes. “Watch out, I can already tell these girls have never seen a California boy like yourself before.”
“If someone gives you trouble you send them my way got it?” Billy asked grabbing your shoulder before you could walk away from him.
“I’m serious y/n. I can already see 6 separate guys looking at you like a piece of meat.”
“Okay Billy. You can drop the big brother act, I get it.”
“Hey. I care about you, I’m not about to let some small town shithead mess with my little sister.” He told you seriously with a stern face.
“Okay. I got it.” You state with a nod biting your lip with a shiver.
“Good. Now go have fun, try not to cause too much trouble.” He told you shoving you lightly towards the school.
“With us two?” You question with a laugh. “Unlikely.”
For the most part, the day went by smoothly. You were surviving your classes and people seemed interested in ‘the new kid’ enough to where you actually hoped people would stop talking to you.
When the end of the day came around, you stuffed your backpack into your locker. You wouldn’t need it overnight.
“Hey Cali!” A senior boy named Travis yelled in your direction and you rolled your eyes slamming your locker door shut before turning your back. He grabbed your shoulder harshly and demanded you face him. “Now I know a smoking hot girl like you is not ignoring a guy like me.”
“A guy like you?” You question raising an eyebrow. “I know seagulls with more brain cells than you. Get your hand off of me Travis.”
You shove his hand away from you only for him to place it right back where it was with a much firmer than before. A crowd of his friends was beginning to form around the two of you as you continued glaring up at the boy.
“I know you’re not disrespecting me Cali.” Travis snapped and you rolled your eyes with a laugh.
“You don’t know anything.” You laugh. “But I know that I told you to get your damn hands off of me and I suggest that you do.”
From the corner of your eye, you could see a path forming in between students with an angry Billy walking towards you.
“Really?” Travis barked with a laugh. “Or what?”
“Well, for one if you don’t get your slimy shitstained hands off my brat of a sister like she asked you too, you’re gonna get your ass beat by me, the overprotective big brother.”
Billy towered over Travis by a long shot. There was no denying who the Alpha Male was in this situation. Your brother was fuming and you could tell he was seeing red.
“Who are you?” Travis asked trying to keep up his tough guy persona, and went even further by wrapping and arm around your shoulders to which you grimaced at. Billy laughed in the boy’s face, licking his lips as he looked around.
“Did you not hear me? Let’s try this again.” Billy stated. “Hi. I’m Billy Hargrove I’m new here, this brat right here is my baby sister. You still have your hands all over her when she asked you to get them off. Now remove them, before I remove them for you.”
With that Billy grabbed your wrist and pulled you out of the other boy’s grasp and shoved you behind him. “Let’s get one thing here straight. I’m in charge now. You keep your hands off my sister, and you keep your ugly face the way it is. Got it?”
Travis only nodded, swallowing deeply and giving up. “Good, now get the fuck out of my way.”
Travis did as he was told and stepped quickly out of Billy’s way. You flipped off the boy with a laugh before turning to Billy. “Did you see the look on his face! God that never gets old!”
Your brother only raised an eyebrow and lit a cigarette as the two of you exited the building meeting Max at the Camero.
“Hey Max.” You said still laughing as you slid into the front seat.
“Yeah yeah, shut up Brat.” Billy said with a smirk as he pulled out of the high school lot.
“Oh no I don’t think I will. Mr. Overprotective Big Brother.”
“Shut up Y/n. I want my shirt back too.” He said with a slightly serious tone. You rolled your eyes knowing he’d never do anything about it.
“And I wanted you to stop using my hair products but that’s not gonna happen now is it?”
Max watches the two of you from the backseat and smiles slightly. She enjoyed your relationship with your brother and how you treated her better than he did. But mostly, she appreciated how you made Billy forget how much he disliked Max during the move.
Billy only laughs, reaching over and flicking your forehead with his fingers before focusing once more on the road as he speeds along.
There was only one thing for certain after this move. Hawkins wasn’t ready for the Hargrove’s.
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