#and how hes standoffish but once u get to know him its clear he appreciates the company :^)
amygdalae · 2 years
Do you have a elden ring crush?
why the prawn man of course :^)
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yuri-or-death · 7 years
Spellbound: 02 “Special Class”
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Main Characters: Matsui Jurina, Miyawaki Sakura
Pairings: JuriSaku, WMatsui, JuriMomo, NanaSaku (and more).
Summary: Matsui Jurina is the immovable ace of St. Hildegard’s School of Magic. Considered a protégé by many Wizard Saints, her technique and mastery is second to none. Enter Miyawaki Sakura, talentless, unrefined and socially awkward. Her golden ticket for admission into the elite school is her late father’s legacy.  
What happens when Sakura suddenly gets transferred to the Special Class because of a lottery? Will the mysterious ace take interest? (Magic School AU).
CHAPTER: 01, 02, 03, 04
Chapter 02
A tall woman in her late 20s stood before the Headmaster's desk. She was decked in a burgundy suit and pants that made her look androgynous but no less captivating.
She and the Headmaster exchanged knowing gazes while the majestic hawk seemed to observe them in silence.
“You called me here to teach,” a tinge of displeasure was noticeable as she spoke. The slight arching of her eyebrow gave much more than what she intended. If it were solely her choice, returning to this Academy to serve this eccentric old man was the last thing she would do.
The Headmaster nodded slightly while opening his spell book, looking quite disinterested of what the woman before him had to say. He already predicted all routes of this conversation and none of them was worthy of an argument.  
“Headmaster, you know that I have more pressing things to do than babysitting your brats.” The woman sounded quite vexed. She folded her arms in front of her chest impatiently.
“You'll find this year's roster quite interesting, Sae.” The Headmaster spoke still neutrally.
“Get someone else.” Miyazawa Sae, Captain of the Prime Minister's Special Anti-terrorism Division frowned severely. “The battlefield is where I belong, cooping me up in this campus will just be counter productive. I am not an effective educator at all, I am a practician.”
The old man sighed deeply, he did not appreciate the constant questioning of his stratagems. “We will not argue about this, the Board of Regents has already decided. You will be the Special Class' combat instructor.”
Something inside Sae snapped, “I'm no longer a student of this school to be ordered around by you.” Her voice clearly held defiance. Impertinent and callous she truly was, but she cared not as long as her intention rang true this time. After all, there was no use in playing diplomat with the Headmaster.
At her words, the Headmaster lifted his gaze from the spell book that occupied him so. He was engrossed in the theory of magical subterfuge but Sae’s condescension started to burn through his ears. “A student you may no longer be, but you answer to the Prime Minister and hence you answer to me.” It seemed his former pupil needed to be reminded of her rank, and a stern reminder he was very willing to give. He was a man who preferred inducement to force, but once in a while it was inevitable to use intimidation.
Sae bit her lip to stop herself from barking a retort, as if finally understanding the gravity of the request she received from the Board. The Headmaster was right, although the words were spoken by him, it was the order of Her Excellency—who was after all the biggest benefactor of the Academy. No matter how much Sae was wary of the old man in front of her, there was no room for insubordination when the Prime Minister’s orders had the force of law.
“Combat classes will start at the end of this week, introduce yourself to the students in the interim.” The Headmaster waived his hand, there was a mountain work of papers needed to be studied and time was of the essence. “You are dismissed.”
“Understood” Sae bowed despite such arrangement being against every fiber of her being. Begrudgingly, she took her leave without another word spoken.
The hawk perched beside the Headmaster cawed twice while the door sealed shut. The bird unruffled its mighty wings as the air around it hissed and swirled until a figure of a woman decked in ecru and reddish brown, the same color as the feathers of a red hawk, materialized. She stood beside the Headmaster, her lips curved into a playful grin.
“My my, Sae-chan’s a bit ill-tempered this morning.” The woman muttered, hand rubbing her chin as if in contemplation. “But you didn’t have to embarrass her, Headmaster.” Her doe eyes seemed to plead.
“Perhaps I was too harsh, but only because the last thing we need is for her to be so whiny. You know we’re losing time and it would be most agreeable for the Special Class to advance earlier than our calculations, Haruna.” His unspoken plans remained shrouded by shadows.
“Ah yes, of course…but don't you surmise it’s a bit hasty to involve these students? Talented as they may seem, these girls are nothing but inexperienced.” Haruna seemed pensive at the thought of involving adolescents in the Headmaster’s little chess game with mademoiselle jeopardy. But as usual, the Headmaster appeared unfazed by the risks. “Besides, for you to allow such an inept girl into the program, even if she is a Miyawaki is unheard of.”
A silver glint reflected from the old man’s glasses, his chin was resting on intertwined fingers. “She is ‘untainted’, that is all that matters now.” In many ways he was like a maestro, a conductor, orchestrating a master plan that was revolutionary but equally dangerous. Akimoto Yasushi was a genius for a reason.
Haruna sighed as if in resign. “I trust your judgment, however, even the highest mountains crumble when the earth quakes.” She said with sage-like wisdom that was far from the nonchalant façade enveloping her before. “Tread lightly, Headmaster. Only a few of us have wings.”
After her caveat she motioned for the open window and seamlessly transfigured into the large red hawk that used to guard the Headmaster’s office. The hawk soared out of the room like a predator in pursuit of its game, red tipped wings spread out like a sunburst.
The window closed on its own accord, the ornamental draperies of the curtain tied itself perfectly.  A few books floated towards the executive desk and as quick as the hawk’s flight; the Headmaster was again immersed in scholarly silence.
Miyawaki Sakura had been standing in front the classroom’s door for the past 5 minutes yet time seemed to trickle much slower than usual. Perhaps it was her anxiety that stretched out the seconds into what felt like fractals of eternity. She had been contemplating whether or not to enter for too long. Sakura internally cursed the circumstances and lamented the fact that Haruka couldn't accompany her this morning despite finally being in the same class. By some twist of (mis)fortune she was forced to enroll into the Academy’s esteemed “Special Class”.
Imagine Sakura’s horror when she was told that Haruka was assigned as student liaison with Yokoyama Yui for an interschool caucus on Anti-Matter Development the same time she was supposed to report to class. Haruka just had to be the genius that she is, now rubbing elbows with St. Hildegard’s Student Council President and the prodigies of other schools, no less.
“Are you going to enter or not?” A girl with a condescending voice spoke behind Sakura. Her eyes were sharp and demoralizing. Her black hair was neatly tied in a high ponytail that made her features more standoffish.
Shiroma Miru, the third daughter of the Naval Command’s Deputy Chief of Staff for Operations, was also a member of the Special Class. Her privilege could be easily traced to her father’s rank as a 2-star General, notwithstanding their family’s close ties with the Prime Minister.
“Move it.” Miru shoved Sakura aside as she entered the classroom, her every step shrieked arrogance. She made her way to the front row of the U-shaped lecture hall that felt more like the Coliseum of Rome than a classroom.
The unwelcoming vibe was clear to Sakura. She was dead sure the rumors about her exploded like wildfire. Whatever was left of her reputation was certainly beyond salvage after the wretched “lottery” she believed was a scheme to oust her. Lo and behold, the incompetent girl didn't even finish the entrance exam and just happened to be so lucky she was transferred to the Special Class. She could start penning a soap opera of her life, in all honesty.
Before her feet could move in sync with the prompt her mind was sending—to just scurry away and retreat—a warm hand pushed her back gently as if to encourage her.
“It’s alright Sakura-chan.” Okada Nana in her purple cloak smiled at her. “You can sit beside me.” She grabbed Sakura by the hand and led her to the outer edge of the second row.
Sakura tried to contain her emotions, she felt so overwhelmed by this girl’s kindness that she wanted to throw her self over and weep. But there was no room for such frailty; instead she surveyed her surroundings to familiarize herself with who or what exactly she was up against.
Inside the room were 5 people she did not know; each wore a fleur-de-lis badge on their collar; they were 7 in all. Sakura noticed that the person who pushed her earlier still glared at her despite the attempts of two girls to get a fraction of attention from the girl with the high ponytail.
“Don't worry about Miru. She’s sharp-tongued but has some redeeming qualities once you look deeper.” Nana tried to lighten up the atmosphere; her eyes gleamed with compassion.  
Sakura nodded subtly, she hated being a burden to others. “You don't have to trouble yourself with my affairs, Naa-chan.”
“I would feel bad to just leave you as it is.” Nana pulled her down for a hushed conversation. “Here, I’ll teach you the basics.” She murmured.
“The Special Class is composed of 12 students from the 1st, 2nd and 3rd years. It’s basically a joint class for the crème de la crème of the Academy. Every year a student from the regular classes is allowed to join through a lottery system. The regular student assumes the zero position.”
“Zero position?” Sakura repeated, she recalled that same nomenclature written on the Headmaster’s letter. It was her position.
“Basically, you’re a wild card.” Nana clarified, “At the end of the year, the students are ranked based on their performance and the 13th person,” There was dark edge in her tone, it was somewhat foreboding. “The very last one…is debarred.”
“That’s unfair, why do we have to fight for just 12 positions?” Sakura found it rather cruel and futile. “Why did the Board even include a regular student in the first place if she would only get cut off at the end?” It was as if the Board itself found some sort of twisted entertainment in watching schoolgirls pitted against each other. It was all kinds of twisted. “Naturally, the regular would be the weakest link.”
“Anyone can get expelled, Sakura.” Nana stressed, in this class there was no assurance. Wealth or influence was meaningless, it all boiled down to skill. One day you could be at the top of the food chain, the next day you might as well kiss the ground. Nana knew this through experience and she was determined to help Sakura weather through. “You can rise from the zero position, this is a challenge for you as the representative of the regulars.”
“I’d be happier to not draw in more attention.” Sakura sighed, an air of disinterest hovering beneath her breath. She had to put in ten times the effort of the members of this Special Class just to be on the same page, just thinking about it exhausted her.
“In a state of perpetual opposition, diamonds are born, polished and separated from lumps of coal” A cold, monotonous voice suddenly interrupted their conversation.
“I am Watanabe Mayu, my serial is DXVI.” The girl in front of them practically sounded robotic. She scanned Sakura from head to toe with her mechanical left eye. Numbers and symbols flashed through her pupil like some sort of code. “Initial contact successful,” Mayu muttered before holding out her hand. “Good Morning Miyawaki Sakura.” She greeted omnisciently.  
“Wow.” Sakura gaped, internally debating if this girl was some sort of cyborg. The people in this school kept surprising her. “How did you…?” She shook Mayu’s hand nonetheless.
“I’m betting this is your first time to see an enhanced human.” Nana found it cute that Sakura was, in many ways, like a child on her first field trip. “Mayu is the first ever living being to achieve a synthesizer rate of 67%.”
“I have no idea what that is, but it sounds remarkable.” Sakura shook Mayu’s hand more eagerly. She was glad that Mayu wasn’t treating her like she was some leper, more than anything.
The bell rang signaling the start of first period. The door opened to reveal their instructor. A tall woman in her early thirties, with light brown hair that almost reached her shoulders entered.
Upon seeing her, the students stood up to acknowledge her arrival. “Good Morning my dear students. I guess by now, you all know the results of the lottery.” She turned her attention to Sakura, wasting no time.
“For the benefit of our new student, I am Shinoda Mariko, your potions instructor and also the adviser of the Special Class.” She motioned for Sakura to come in front. “Ms. Miyawaki, please introduce yourself.”
Sakura could feel all the eyes shift to her. Carefully, she made her way beside the podium where Mariko spoke. Nana nodded at her reassuringly. “I’m Miyawaki Sakura, It’s a pleasure to meet you all.” She bowed, the less things said, the less chances to make mistakes. She hated being thrown in the spotlight.
“Welcome to the Special Class, Sakura. You will receive your robe and badge within the week. Please sign this waiver before anything else.” Sakura returned to her seat while holding a non-liability contract. She scanned through the terms and hastily signed it.
Mariko then surveyed the room and frowned slightly at the realization that some of her students were still missing. “I recall Yui and Haruka will attend the caucus today. We’re still missing three people.”
As if on cue, the door swung open and a girl with black hair reaching her chin entered, she seemed aloof at first glance. “I’m sorry for being late.” She said, unable to stifle a yawn. There was an air of detachment in each stride she made.
“You’re late again, Sayaka.” Mariko sighed.
“Hey,” The newcomer greeted Sakura carelessly as she passed her by. She wore a leather jacket instead of their school coat and black boots instead of loafers. The black choker with a cross pendant completed her rock star appearance.
Subsequently, two figures materialized like smoke, standing at the end of the room like their flashy entrance was nothing but child’s play. Matsui Jurina and Kinoshita Momoka finally made their appearance and the occupants of the room stared at them with deference. At that time, Sakura could clearly feel how Jurina’s compelling presence affected everyone.
Jurina held Sakura’s gaze longer than she intended.  
“Take your seats.” Mariko ordered. She pointed at the Roll of Honors framed up at the left side room like it was some Da Vinci masterpiece. “As per tradition there are 12 students in the Special Class, each bearing a number.” Mariko started. “Miyawaki Sakura…you are the 13th.”
I – Matsui Jurina (3rd Year)
II – Yamamoto Sayaka (3rd Year)
III – Yokoyama Yui (3rd Year)
IV – Kinoshita Momoka (3rd Year)
V – Shiroma Miru (2nd Year)
VI – Watanabe Mayu (3rd Year)
VII – Okada Nana (2nd Year)
VIII – Iriyama Anna (2nd Year)
IX – Kodama Haruka (1st Year)
X – Mukaichi Mion (1st Year)
XI – Kizaki Yuria (2nd Year)
XII –Nakai Rika (1st Year)
“Your job is to hone yourself, learn and persevere. That is the only way to survive this ordeal.”
“With all due respect, Professor, that girl narrowly passed the entrance exam. Perhaps it was even for the sole reason that her father was an associate of the Headmaster. I, for one, cannot support her acceptance to the most elite assemblage of this Academy.  It will only bring us to shame.” Miru made her spiel with great conviction, she was resolved to throw Sakura out.
“It is kind of suspicious.” Mukaichi Mion, a girl with twin-tailed hair, sitting beside Miru spoke objectively. While she did echo Miru’s thoughts, she merely stated a fact. The circumstances surrounding Sakura’s acceptance was indeed peculiar.
“But it doesn't matter, she won the lottery.” Nana reasoned out in defense of Sakura.
“Don't sweat it Mirurun, Miyawaki-san will get cut off in then end.” Nakai Rika smiled repulsively sweet it made Sakura’s skin crawl.  
“For a bunch of aristocrats, you sure are a nosy lot.” Sakura said unapologetically.
“Everyone settle down.” Mariko defused the tension. “It’s pointless to argue about something decided by the Board of Regents, Miyawaki will be part of this class.” She snapped her fingers and immediately a glass screen rolled down from the ceiling behind her.
“It’s time to start our lecture.”
As Mariko spoke of boron powder as the better substance for a fortification potion than diamond dust, Jurina gazed at Sakura’s back. She could not shake off the recollection of yesterday’s events. The feeling while they touched, as if all life force was draining out of her fingertips…what was it? Unconsciously she held her unblemished wrist, rubbing the skin where the mark of the serpent had materialized. She could distinctly recall the burning sensation and dregs of fear crawled at the back of her mind for the first time in a long while. These days only nightmares wrought terror upon her senses. But that force, that power she felt from the new girl, it shook her very core.
A delegation was currently holding a meeting inside a spacious ballroom. There was circular table at the center of the extravagant chamber that was adorned with golden fresco and gilded roses.  The décor was successful in producing an ambiance straight from a Czar’s palace. At the side, an orchestra masterfully played Mozart’s Lacrimosa for their enjoyment. The waiters scrurried about, serving cold cuts, cheese and lavish wine.
A woman in her mid twenties sat before the round table, she was the only female among the esteemed delegates. Old, inexorably rich men surrounded her and yet she was undaunted. Her black hair was intricately styled to match the exquisiteness of the emerald studded serpent holding her bun in place. The serpent was the insignia of the Matsui House. The air of nobility about her did not shift the slightest.  
“What I’m saying is that, we cannot allow the Salem group to expand their clout in southern regions. Even if we maintain control of the Capitol, the inflow from the south is still a quarter’s worth of our annual profit.” The woman reasoned out, her youth and gender was seemingly an inexistent handicap.
“We understand your reasons for expanding southwards, and while your logic is sound the Chrysanthemum Throne is still quite pensive of the merger with the Matsui Conglomerate.” An old man who seemed to be the most senior of them all spoke firmly. He caressed the large ruby ring adorning his pointing finger.
“With all due respect Masamune Ichihara-sama, the Matsui Conglomerate has been nothing but altruistic in its efforts to stabilize the position of the Chrysanthemum Throne. The only bargaining chip you have is the Emperor’s name. Everyone in this room comprehends that fact that the Royal Family holds scant power in this day and age.” Matsui Rena’s words were harsh and incisive, undermining every attempt of the Emperor’s adviser to increase leverage. A merger with the Royal Family was more like a charity work for the Matsui Conglomerate at this point; it was only the Royal name that was worth the bargain.  
It seems Rena’s diatribe magnificently ruffled the old man’s feathers; he scoffed. “You are still quite naïve of the workings of this ‘world’, little miss from the branch family. Such big words for someone who stands on thin ice. I offered you audience out of courtesy; do remember that we only deal with the Main House.” Masamune felt that it was extremely fitting to attack Rena’s lineage.
Matsui Ryuzaki, the current Patriarch of the Matsui House had two sons. The first son earned favor in every way, yet he was unable to father a child. Rena was adopted to continue his line. Nevertheless, tradition dictates that only a descendant of the bloodline was qualified to become the successor. Though Rena was adept in every other aspect, she always felt second rate.
“I was sent by the Matsui Conglomerate as envoy to this summit, nothing else matters. It would greatly upset the Patriarch once he finds out that his decisions were trifled with.” Rena maintained composure but Masamune saw through the cracks in her resolve.
“You may have their name, but we only listen to the Bloodline. Even Matsui Ryuzaki-sama acknowledges that.” Matsui Jurina was the bloodline, the oldest legitimate grand daughter of the Patriarch and heiress to the Matsui fortune. This was a matter set in stone and no feat or cunningness of Rena could change it.
“Go back to Tokyo and send someone from the Main House, there will be no consensus otherwise.” Masamune knew they were powerless against the Conglomerate and yet he was dead-set in humiliating Matsui Rena for her insolence. The advisor of the Emperor will accept no insult from an outsider, no matter what surname she held. It was secondary that such directive would buy him time to counterbalance the noble house.
“Jurina will not waste time for you.” Rena hissed.
“Then send someone else.”
Jurina opened the faucet, allowing cold water to stream down the porcelain sink. The gothic structured lavatory was somber like the whole school building. Although the fixtures of the school were antiquated and eerie, the facilities were nevertheless impeccable.  
The blonde girl splashed her face with cold water in the attempt to regain focus. She was unable to sleep the whole night, as the dreams grew more vivid and paralyzing. She honestly felt like collapsing was the better choice than to let the day languidly pass.
The door opened with a loud creek and Yamamoto Sayaka entered. “You seem out of your element.” She said matter-of-factly.
“I had a bad night.” Jurina did not expound on it out of worry that Sayaka might see through her.
“Well, it’s not my business.” Sayaka conceded, although there was a tinge of uneasiness in her tone, she did not let it break her mask of detachment. These days, conversations with Jurina grew more and more tense that part of her wished they could all just fall back to the time she, Momoka and Jurina were still good friends. But that was a thing of that past and Sayaka was careful enough to not tread on unstable ground.
“Sayanee,” The endearment rolled off Jurina’s tongue effortlessly despite not having used it for a long time. There was a broken edge to her call, resembling some choked bird asking for reprieve.
Sayaka turned back to Jurina somewhat surprised.
The blonde girl paused. The droplets of water slid down her face and chin like they were tears she wasn’t able to shed. The ace struggled with herself, searching for the next words to say. “It’s…nothing.” Was all she could resolve.
Sayaka lowered her gaze, disappointment glazed her eyes.  She continued her way to one of the cubicles as Jurina went the opposite direction to take her leave.  
Sakura absolutely hated gym classes. Being bad at spell casting was one thing she could live with. But being terrible at sports, which was hard physical labor, made her feel more of a loser. While sighing heavily, she zipped up the purple windbreaker embellished with a fleur-de-lis embroidery on the left breast and started to stretch.
“The eleven students that are present today will be paired up. We will proceed with an exhibition match thereafter.” Their gym instructor, Togasaki, was a man with a muscular built. His sun tanned skin was reminiscent of summers in a tropical paradise. “Nakai, you’re the referee.” He directed the frail girl to stand at the middle of the field.
Rika held a cage with a dainty mechanical falcon flapping its wings hysterically.  
“Miyawaki, ever played Falconry before?” The instructor turned to Sakura who was fumbling with the point-counter fastened on her riding belt.
“Once or twice.” She knew the basics, how players had to race each other in destroying floating gems while riding griffins; how each color of gem corresponded to different points, how it was perfectly legal to eliminate opponents and how caching the mechanical bird yielded the highest score.
“You can’t use magic on the bird.” Mion reminded. “Well… not like you can anyway.”
“Yes, I’m aware.” A rider ‘catches’ the mechanical bird by snatching it through her griffin’s talons or beak. The sport was similar to assembling raptors to hunt their prey. In rare cases, a rider can also seize it by hand but it was least efficient.
“Let’s have a ten-minute break, choose your partners now.” Togasaki prodded before walking off to let the students pair up.
“I will not tolerate the sight of this dunce anywhere near me.” Shiroma Miru rolled her eyes, the mere thought of Sakura riding with them in a match irritated her to no end. “With her incompetence, she should be the referee instead.”  
“I guess refinement can’t be learned even by nobles.” Sakura snapped, finally taking a bite on Miru’s ego.
Miru couldn't believe this flea was talking back at her, “I never expected a weed to know such a complicated word.” A ‘weed’ was a derogatory term to refer to commoners or individuals without magic.
“I’m not going to back down, not from someone like you.” Sakura was dead-set on meeting Shiroma Miru head on, let her awful magical ability be damned, she was not going to sit around playing ragdoll to a spoiled princess.
“Why are you so riled up, Miru? Sakura hasn’t done anything to you.” Nana spoke up.
“Why should I not be? She’s unworthy to even set foot on this campus. She’s just a weed.” Miru retorted. Her partner, Mion, held her by the arm in a vain attempt to placate her.
“Her worth or qualifications aren’t for you to determine, Shiroma.” Jurina finally interposed. She was resolved to distance herself from petty high school bickering but Miru’s insistence on shaming Sakura was growing tasteless.
Miru was positively surprised and even annoyed a Matsui seemed to be taking the dunce’s side. Someone of the Ace’s caliber and noble lineage should definitely know better about keeping the group unsullied by a commoner. Just before she was about to lecture Jurina on the importance of maintaining supremacy, a pilot light of idea struck her. She smiled slyly instead.
Miru pointed at the two girls. “Then will you be her partner for this match, Jurina-san?” It was a rare occasion to demolish Matsui Jurina through the ineptitude of her would-be partner. Surely, not even the mighty Ace could manage to save face with Miyawaki acting as dead weight.
Miru’s proposal caught everyone’s attention. Sakura honestly felt like her heart dropped. She shook her head frantically. “Please don’t, Jurina-san.” Embarrassing Matsui Jurina was the last thing she wanted to do. If she was to go down in this fight, she would go down alone.
Before Jurina could respond Momoka interfered. She found the whole proposition ridiculous. “And what are you trying to prove, Shiroma?” She was not so inclined to let Jurina compete with the new girl as her partner, especially with what happened to the curse mark yesterday.
“If Jurina-san approves of Miyawaki, or better yet, if their team wins…then I promise to let the matter go.” It was quite obvious that Miru was using her faux benevolent voice.
“The statistical probability for victory is 23.4035%. I would advise that you decline, Jurina.” Mayu recommended with her impassive mechanical voice. “If you proceed, it would be an overkill for Sayanee.” Yamamoto Sayaka actually stifled a chuckle at the cyborg’s latter comment.
“It’s becoming exciting.” Kizaki Yuria whispered to her partner, Iriyama Anna.
Everyone waited for Jurina’s decision. The Ace hated losing no matter what kind of match was involved, for her to willingly accept a handicap would be quite interesting.
“Fine.” Was Jurina’s simple reply, whether or not she was frustrated of Miru’s attempt to drive her in a corner, it did not even make a dent on her perfectly composed countenance. “Let’s take our position, Sakura.” She called the younger girl.
All the players took their stations beside their respective griffins before the gym instructor returned.  
Sakura hesitated to speak as she watched Jurina stroke the griffin’s neck to soothe it. “I’m really sorry for dragging you into this, Jurina-san.” She lowered her gaze contritely.
“I chose you.” The Ace smiled and Sakura could distinctly feel a flush spreading on her cheeks. “You don't have to apologize for anything.” Jurina patted her head casually and they were both positively relieved that there was no surge of astral force as they made contact like their previous meeting.
“B-but yesterday…what if I hurt you?”
“Don’t worry, it wont happen again.” Jurina mounted the mystical beast effortlessly, she was poised to win. “Can you cast destructive spells?”
“A little, but it will take a while.” Jurina could recognize the panic in Sakura’s eyes as she rode the griffin. The Ace could tell that the younger girl did not have much experience in falconry, yet here she was riding with pros. Jurina mentally noted how she admired Sakura’s courage, there was an innocent allure about her that was quite cute.
“Alright. Then just focus on staying aflight and leave the rest to me.” Jurina winked and Sakura’s heart sank anew. She refused to acknowledge the slightest sliver of attraction. St. Hildegard’s Ace was dangerous.
The gym instructor grabbed the whistle chained around his neck and blew, signaling the start of the match. All players took flight and the sky was filed with gems exploding one after the other as each contender fought for the lead. Simultaneously, Nakai Rika released the mechanical bird into the fray.
The riders were trying to eliminate each other through an array of magical assaults. Miru directed an ice barrage towards Sakura and Nana, which the latter effortlessly deflected with a fire burst.
Sakura was thrown to the other side of the quadrangle by the impact, her griffin was wavering due to frost covering its plumage. A few meters from her the mechanical bird whizzed past Kizaki Yuria who was pursuing it intensely.
Despite the distance between them, Jurina encased Sakura in a spherical shield, her left hand moved quickly to gesture a reinforcement spell as Miru intensified the rain of ice against the transferee. With her right hand, the Ace continued to successively cast destructive spells against the gems floating around them. It was a wonder how Jurina could execute two magical sequences simultaneously.
“You’re wide open, J!” Momoka announced, she was hyped enough to be competing against Jurina this time. In the many falconry matches they played, she was always the one watching the Ace’s back, finally being on opposing sides undeniably thrilled her.  She gave a nod to her partner and Nana executed a gravity warp just below Jurina’s griffin. Momoka on the other hand, threw an electric arrow, piercing five gems in a row. She zoomed away to join Kizaki and Iriyama in their hot pursuit of the mechanical falcon.
Jurina’s griffin became unsteady as it fought against the weight of the gravity spell. It was slowly loosing balance and Jurina struggled to keep it airborne with a levitation enchantment on her third magical sequence. The Ace was careful enough to maintain the defensive barrier around Sakura as ice pillars continued to rain down on her. Jurina cursed to herself and wished she wasn’t in such a bad shape, the simultaneous sequences were effectively depleting her stamina.
As a general rule, a mage can enforce one magical sequence at a time, but there were few gifted individuals who could carry out multiple sequences.
“You can’t keep up that one-woman show of yours, Jurina-san.” Miru flew above her effortlessly as if trying to mock her. She wanted to drive a point that Jurina’s decision to partner with the lowly weed was the worst choice.
“Are you trying to kill her, Shiroma?!” Jurina roared.
“A stern reminder to the participants, only Level 4 spells are allowed in this exhibition match!” Nakai Rika carried out her referee role. She examined each player from where she stood and followed each maneuver, ready to interfere if a mishap occurred.
“This is only a Level 2 ice spell.” Miru grinned. “It wouldn’t be as destructive if Miyawaki knew how to counter.”
Sakura felt suffocated by her powerlessness. She could see Jurina overexerting herself and knew that though the Ace was proficient and clever, she was not limitless. Sakura tried to neutralize the torrent of ice with a fire invocation but only mustered a small flame that was easily devoured by the frost.
Joining the fray, Sayaka whispered an incantation and the earth began to rumble below, a hand made of stone and dirt darted to latch on Miru’s griffin.
The bird tried to escape as Miru threw ruin spells against the clay hand that only regenerated every time. “Ruinox!”
Sakura sighed deeply as the rain of ice seemed to weaken. Yet, relief instantly turned to terror as it dawned to her that she was descending. The talons of the griffin she rode were too frosted to sustain its course, the bird cried out frantically unable to remain aerial.
“Break the sequence, Miru!” Sayaka shouted, the frosted torrent showering Sakura weakened but did not disappear.
“Even if I wanted to, it’s impossible to break a magic sequence once it’s casted!” Miru retorted, panic was coursing through her veins as well. She repeatedly tried to nullify her own spell.
As the referee, Nakai Rika imbued the bird with a flight talisman but it thrashed wildly in fear. The leather straps that kept Sakura attached to the bird snapped due to is brittleness after being coated in ice.
“She’s going down!” Nana exclaimed as she tried to cast levitation around Sakura but the falling girl was too far for her magical ability to reach. “Somebody help her!”
Jurina tried to enchant the bird but it was short lived. Her spell lasted for a few seconds before she was out of astral force. The barrier around Sakura that kept the pillars of ice from crushing her was taking its toll on Jurina, along with the magical sequence that was keeping her own griffin afloat. The distance was just immense for her spell to reach the plummeting girl.
“Magnus Fiehra!” Momoka released a massive wave of fire that engulfed Miru’s ice. The sky above was covered in warring flames and ice.
“Professor, please help her!” Nakai pleaded, tears streaming from her eyes.
Togasaki maintained his composure like a military general who was unperturbed by the kiss of death. He did not even lift a finger, instead he observed as his students scampered to control the situation. He was waiting for their next move.
“Impact to the ground in three minutes.” Mayu calculated while trying to decelerate the girl’s drop.
Nana continued to cast levitations spells one after the other as she zoomed towards Sakura, each enchantment lasted for only mere seconds before Sakura’s descent hastened again. She would have already used teleportation if the distance wasn’t so vast.
Jurina bit her lip and gestured with her pointing finger an unfamiliar magical circle. She was prohibited to use the art of subterfuge except in high-security operations but she would not risk Sakura’s life. “Abyssum Vaqui.” She whispered and in the next breath the gravity curse ailing her griffin was broken, the fire and ice spells casted in the sky as well as the earth golem disintegrated.
“She’s using the ‘void’, that idiot.” Momoka mouthed loud enough for Sayaka, who was just beside her, to hear. Both of them knew of the severe consequences for casting that spell, they watched Jurina pensively.
“Praemoria.” An enormous magical circle materialized around the Ace, it was rare to see her mouth off an incantation or even use insignias to invoke, but here she was doing both, it only highlighted her desperation.
Jurina vanished from her griffin and reappeared embracing a motionless Sakura, catching her as they both descended. The combination of spells she used in the last 15 minutes had inevitably depleted her aura. She tried to break their fall by imbuing them both with flight but it was useless. “I’m here.” She whispered as she held Sakura closer to her chest, bracing for the impact that never came.
A siren roared over the whole quadrangle as a white hue enveloped the expanse of the Falconry field. Jurina found herself floating a mere 2 feet from the ground, cradled by an invisible cushion that broke their fall. Thankfully, an emergency levitation enchantment imbued the arena. As the siren stopped, the white light covering the field dispersed.
Jurina and Sakura fell on the grass. The Ace’s arms encircling the terrified girl did not falter. Sakura herself held Jurina’s shirt in a death grip, she was shaking uncontrollably.
“J-Jurina..ssa..n…” Without warning the ever elusive mechanical bird landed on Sakura, nudging it’s beak on her head.
“It’s fine…you’re fine.” Jurina’s tone was careful and soothing. She held the mechanical bird by the neck and motioned for Nakai to retrieve it’s cage.
Togasaki clapped at each student’s display of skillfulness. “This is the first time that emergency sequence was used.” He called all the students to dismount. Everyone’s senses still burned with adrenaline. They looked at him with bewilderment.
Momoka and Nana helped the two get on their feet. Jurina’s right arm was still wrapped around Sakura’s torso, assisting her to stand.
“Professor, that could have traumatized someone, I sincerely hope you informed us first that she was in no grave danger.” Jurina spoke while recollecting herself; irritation was evident in her words. Her blonde hair was in disarray; dirt was all over her attire, scratches littered her arms and sweat made tendrils of hair stick to her neck.
“This is a lesson on solidarity and resilience.” Togasaki started his sermon. “When Miyawaki entered this class, some of you wanted her gone. You couldn’t accept how she was so different from you.” Some of the students lowered their gazes in guilt. “But when her life was in danger you all wanted to save her, didn’t you?”
Togasaki scrutinized each one of them. “No matter your status, rank or skill, in this class you will be treated equal. Why? Because death does not discriminate, pain does not discriminate. Failure or conquest does not know your name. You will all walk through fire, blood and tears...and she is now a part of you.”
Togasaki shifted his attention to the transferee from the regular class. “As for you, Miyawaki, this is a warning. The Special Class is not something to be taken lightly, if you do not have the resolve, leave now. For there will come a time when you must choose between your life and your duty.”
Sakura felt the weight of each word from Togasaki; there was pressure, intimidation but also trust. Despite her weakened state from the near death experience, she walked forward and bowed deeply. “Thank you, Professor.”
Togasaki nodded with approval, “That’s all for today, you are dismissed.”
Momoka approached Jurina after the gym instructor left them to retreat to his office.  “Are you ok?” She held the ace by the shoulders.
Jurina winced in pain, sensitive to Momoka’s hand on her left shoulder. “I might have dislocated that.” She mumbled, pointing at the aforementioned limb, which carried her and Sakura’s weight as they hit the ground earlier.
“When did you start being so rash? Dishing out high level spells one after the other?” Sometimes Momoka seemed more like a mother to her than a bodyguard.
“Then you should’ve tried saving me the trouble by backing me when things went haywire.”
“Didn’t I try to stop Ice Queen’s Winter Wonderland?”
Jurina exhaled; she was too tired to retaliate. “Just get me fixed, please.” She couldn’t even cast a curia on herself.
“Jurina-san,” Sakura’s hesitant voice came from behind them.
“Everything all right?” Jurina asked, trying not to wince as she spun around to face Sakura.
“Thank you.” Words couldn’t encapsulate the gratitude Sakura felt. Not only did Jurina defend her from Miru’s insults but she risked her life as well.
The blonde girl felt indescribable warmth flood her as she accepted Sakura’s thanks. This transferee was slowly turning into someone she wanted to support.  “I chose you as my partner, didn’t I? I had to protect you until the end, Sakura.”
The bodyguard’s eyebrow rose exaggeratedly. “Oh stop being such a flirt, J!” Momoka roared in laughter.
“Matsui Jurina’s subterfuge was able to simultaneously terminate levels 2, 4 and 6 spells today.” Togasaki reported to the Headmaster.
“How many sequences was she able to perform concurrently? Her last record was 3.”
“I apologize, but the record still stands.” Togasaki replied reverently, he noticed that the large hawk guarding the Headmaster was nowhere in sight but decided to say nothing about it.
“I see.” The Headmaster was too busy assembling a mechanical scarab on his desk; it would soon be one amongst the many trinkets displayed on his wooden shelf.
“On the other hand, Shiroma Miru’s ice based assaults have increased in destructive power, although she lacks in control and precision.”
“I’m sure that will improve.”  The Headmaster nodded slightly. “How about Miyawaki? Are there any changes?”
“None as of the moment.” Togasaki bowed.
“Make sure to crack her open within the week.”
The first thing Sakura did when she got back to the dorms was to dive into her bed. She was just awfully tired and spent that she forgot to change clothes before dozing off.
Haruka crept inside the room after learning that her best friend neglected to lock it. “I’m sorry for not being with you today, Saku-chan.” She whispered while throwing the sheets over Sakura’s sleeping form; her loud snores echoed in the room.
Haruka muffled a chuckle. “Good night.” She said while placing a small red box wrapped with a ribbon on the desk.
Thick clouds obscured the moon tonight, as rain poured down from the ashen heavens, everything it touched – the roofs, the flickering lampposts, the pavements, the plants – was rinsed anew.
Outside, in the courtyard, Matsui Jurina dropped her umbrella; she lifted her face to meet the raindrops that started to soak her to the bone. She closed her eyes, listening to the wind howl with the storm.
She did not open her eyes again that night.
There was a loud splash as her body collapsed.
Author’s notes:
I am very very VERY sorry for this late update! I wanted to release this last May 13th but the court cases I’m handling *conveniently* erupted last week. So here I am slightly embarrassed that the quality of this chapter might not be topnotch as I am time constrained these days.
Still, I hope you all enjoyed and do drop me a line. Any type of feed back is definitely appreciated!
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dirthavarens · 7 years
Fandom: FFXV Pairing: Ignis Scientia/Noctis Lucis Caelum (like i write anything else) Rating: General Audiences Word Count: 1323 AO3: [Click]
@caaelum made me feel many things with her dance fic, so i thought i’d return the favor with a younger, happier ignoct dance fic. i wrote this in approximately an hour, forgive me. also listen to this while you read it. (so a little revenge to my noct for killing her ignis. how very dare u?)
For a man of his standing, one would think that Noctis Lucis Caelum would approach dancing with the grace of a summer’s breeze and the agility of the fighter Ignis knew he could easily be. That was not the case, however, and Ignis found that in the time he had watched Noct flail haphazardly on the empty ballroom floor. There was a gala being held in exactly three days and somehow he had managed to overlook Noct’s inability to dance, a rather crucial oversight when all was considered, and Ignis knew he had no one other than himself to blame. Between his own schedule, tight and packed as it was, and Noct’s ever pressing need to do everything except what he was supposed to, there had hardly been time.
They needed to make time.
And that was precisely what Ignis did. He took on all of Noct’s royal duties and aided him in whatever academic area he needed assistance. Without a thought to the contrary, Ignis took the responsibilities whole, knowing full well of the mental exhaustion that would later follow. Noct seemed more than pleased to have someone take some of the weight off his shoulders and Ignis made a silent note to do so more often. Whatever Noct wanted, he would get in abundance.
“Fuck. Ignis, I can’t…” Noct huffed despondently and rested his hands on his hips. Ignis felt a chill ripple down his spine as sapphire eyes pierced directly into him, even if they possessed a familiar tinge of standoffish reluctance. “I can’t get it and it’s...Ugh.”
For a teenager just turned eighteen, even a royal one, Noct’s parlance was not unusual and the corners of Ignis’s lips twitched upwards in an easy smirk. He did not often delight in watching his charge suffer, but for someone as agile as Noct, it was ludicrous for him to be unable to dance. The way he would bound into the air the moment before crashing to the ground during training, or the way he would diligently land squarely on feet when falling from a tree...it did not make sense.
Yet, there they were.
Ignis crossed the short distance to Noct, the bottoms of his shoes echoed faintly in the spaciousness of the room. He carded his fingers through his hair and pushed the sandy locks out of his face. He caught sight of the brief flush that seized Noct’s cheeks and made sure to keep his grin in check. Noct needn’t know that Ignis secretly revelled in the responses he gave to his actions.
“Whoa, Specs. Getting serious now, aren’t we?” Ignis loved the ring of laughter in Noct’s voice. He gave a nod in response and held his hands out, offering them to him if he so chose to have a partner. “Really?”
“Absolutely. You are in dire need of assistance, Highness. If you’re to grasp even the basics of the dance floor, I see no other alternative. You must have a partner,” Ignis returned delicately as Noct slipped his fingers into the spaces offered to him. His free hand found its way to Noct’s hip, where it rested gently. “Are you ready?”
“Whenever you are,” he hummed in response, clearly enjoying the closeness Ignis provided. Without further need for provocation, he started, guiding Noct through touch alone, a soundless melody lilting tenderly between them. He kept his gaze fixed on Noct, who tried to match him, faltering every so often to look at his feet.
“Noct, keep your eyes on me. I know you’re nervous, but staring at the issue will not make it disappear. You must focus on your partner. Whomever you end up dancing with at your father’s gala will doubtlessly expect a flawless performance from the heir to the throne,” he paused and pulled Noct closer, the severe tone to his voice executed at a hushed volume. Quiet enough to make him listen. “I know you can do it.”
“R-right,” Noct nodded hastily as his chest brushed against Ignis’s; it took him a moment longer to regain his bearings. “Thanks for doing this.”
Ignis was taken aback by the unwarranted appreciation and tried to hide the warmth that flourished on his cheeks. At the minimal distance between them, it was an impossible feat and he caught Noct with a successful grin plastered on his features. He cleared his throat and resumed their dance with a new energy. Noct was matching him, pressing his body into him, and mimicking his footwork in tandem as they swayed and twirled around the empty ballroom. For a moment, Ignis forgot entirely that they were anywhere, the entirety of the world nothing more than cobalt eyes and midnight hair. The way the lights played in his locks, Ignis could have swore he saw the twinkling of stars in Noct’s hair.
In the silent room, they lost coherence of the outside world. Ignis’s hands found their way to Noct’s lower back and pulled him closer still until their chests brushed together. He rested his forehead against Noct’s and closed his eyes, savoring the last sight before captivating darkness swept over him. The rose hue on otherwise pale cheeks seemed to draw more attention to those already enchanting ultramarine eyes that stared intently, devoutly, into their jade counterparts. A pleased hum sounded in his throat as Noct’s breath skirted comfortably against the skin of his neck.
Even the floor beneath them seemed to melt away, leaving them suspended in absolution, wrapped tightly together, as they swayed in the empty space around them. Ignis opened his eyes once again to find Noct had not yet closed his eyes, rather kept his gaze fixed squarely on him. It was not an intense gaze, or even moderately serious. Noct’s visage was tender, relaxed, everything Ignis hadn’t dreamed he’d see ever again. Absolute calm.
A breath hitched in his throat as Noct tilted his head upward with lips hovering in front of Ignis’s, a request. One that Ignis was never in a position to deny, not that he would. He closed the gap, a sigh splaying across his cheek as Noct breathed through his nose. The kiss was slow, tender, and painfully perfect. Ignis found himself tracing light circles at the base of Noct’s spine as he kept rhythm. The kiss and their bodies moving in perfect harmony with one another, lips dragging lazily against one another. He pushed against Noct as he felt fingertips pressing against his hips, a plea to for something deeper, something more.
“Noct…” Ignis breathed reluctantly as he broke the kiss. If there was one thing he hated most in the world, it was refusing the man he knew himself to be in love with. “Not here. Not when your father could interrupt at any given moment; a fate I’d rather not tempt.”
“Yeah, I know,” Noct uttered in a breath barely loud enough for Ignis to register it. He shifted in Ignis’s hold and let a huff of laughter tumble from his lips. “You’re going to ruin me for anyone else, you know that?”
There was a pause, a twist of fear in him that was quickly dismissed by the head that came to rest upon his chest. The gap was closed once again. Ignis wrapped his arms around Noct as they slowed to a halt and stood in the center of the grand room. Lithe fingers slowly combed through onyx tresses as bodies were pressed together, breath in harmony; and Ignis took care to remember every detail of what would easily become one of his most cherished memories to date.
Noct leaned back and Ignis took the opportunity to place a tender kiss upon his cheek. The smooth velvet of the his skin made Ignis’s heart flutter in the most childish of ways. Noct drew closer to his ear, lips pressing gently to his jaw, before he spoke.
“I don’t want anyone else. Not when I have you…”
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