#and how passionate she is about protecting the sea turtles and making sure her dad has good safe fishing practices
outatmako · 8 months
anyways we all know Lewis is gonna get a doctorate in marine biology or something. but Cleo can also be a doctor. as a treat. they can be a hot scientist power couple.
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se0kie · 4 years
chapter 3: hey intern!
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pairing: taehyung x reader
genre: fluff, eventual smut, ANGST (whoo boy)
tags/warnings: mild swearing
greek gods au, poseidon!taehyung, marinebiologist!reader
summary: it’s difficult being a god. what with all the immortality, the decades bleeding into each other and losing every human being you come to care about. and taehyung’s lived, or whatever it is gods do, for a very, very long time. he thinks he needs help but the fates are being the mysterious, useless hags they’ve always been. how can a conservatory and it’s passionate, fiery owner possibly help him. turns out Y/N is the only mortal he’s met who’s ready to challenge him head on. of course it’s not like she knows her new intern is the king of the sea, maker of horses, the earthshaker, poseidon himself after all.
previous <> next ; series masterlist
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When you had burst out screaming at the new intern you hadn’t really paused to take in exactly how gorgeous he was.
Because you were absolutely not prepared to meet someone that gorgeous.
You and Taehyung were now walking along the beach, your footsteps muffled by the soft, white sand. The sun was beating down upon your backs but your companion looked utterly unbothered by the heat.
You... yeah well now you were a different case altogether.
Your thin half-sleeved button up was sticking to your skin and your denim cut offs felt uncomfortable due to the copious amounts of thigh sweat your body was producing.
Ugh. It was so unfair the intern looked like he just walked off a Vogue photoshoot.
“Yeah so basically your job would be to assist me and Hoseok on our projects.”
Taehyung nodded, “Okay, seems simple enough. I know you’re gonna be busy with the whole turtles nesting thing but what is this Hoseok person in charge of?”
“Oh, well Hobi and I are sort of co-founders of Blue Side. I’m more of a labs and beachside worker whereas he’s the one who goes diving for samples and underwate—” you drifted off as you came to a hault.
What. Was. That?!
“Hey! What the hell, people?! Stop that!” you screeched at the poor idiots standing a few feet in front of you.
It was a family of four, two parents and two young boys. The guilty father had stopped midway from throwing what seemed to be takeout bags into the ocean waves.
The man gulped, his wife’s eyes widened. The boys looked like they were ready to abandon their dad. Taehyung stepped away from you carefully, one foot behind him ready to take off if you blew up.
“Uh- I-I-I’m sorry. I just n-never saw a t-trash ca—” the man starts in a feeble attempt but you cut him off with a death glare.
“Just because you never saw a trash can does not mean you throw garbage right into whatever water body’s in front of you.” You spoke firmly, making sure to look pointedly at his wife and children.
“I’m so sorry. It’ll never happen again, I promise!” the man rushed to get his words out.
“It better not. Now run along before I call the lifeguard,” you admonished them as they scuttered away from you.
“Wow... remind me never to litter in front of you,” Taehyung half-chuckled at his own joke, stopping abruptly when he noticed you were far from amused.
“I just- Imagine the nerve of these people! They’re not 20 feet away from a frickin’ marine conservatory and they dare to throw plastic right in the ocean?!” You say with as much restraint as you can summon.
“It’s like dangling pizza in front of someone who’s fasting. They were basically mocking us!” you try to reason with him.
“Yeah I get it, I’m totally on your side,” Taehyung says with his kind voice, “They deserved it, trust me.”
Unbeknownst to you, he just flooded Litter Guy’s bathroom pipes but he continues nonchalantly, “It’s nice to see someone so passionate about protecting the ocean.” He says with a gentle smile, “It’s refreshing.”
An atmosphere of silence falls on the two of you as you gaze at the distant horizon.
The sky mixing into blues and oranges as the sun begins it’s descent into the line of the ocean. Tiny figures of seagulls flying towards the glowing star.
The crash and lulls of the waves fill your ears as you turn your head to observe Taehyung’s actions.
You weren’t expecting to be taken aback by his profile.
But nevertheless, you had to hold back a gasp at the gorgeous view. And you were not talking about the ocean.
His features were sharp yet soft, reminding you of rocks dulled by the salt of the sea. He had a wistful smile sitting delicately on his lips as he looked on at the movements of the water. His face illuminated by the bright light of the sun.
He cocked his head in your general direction as he asked, “Would you like to join me for a swim, Y/N?” His deep baritone sending chills down your spine.
Man, am I single. You thought, mentally kicking yourself.
You chose your words carefully, making sure not to let too much slip yet not sounding on guard as to raise suspicion. “Why don’t you go ahead? I still have things to take care of and I’m not much a swimmer anyways,” you said slowly as you turned away to escape. Thinking yourself real slick to have gotten away.
You were a private person, and it was much too early to be telling Taehyung about your fears and anxieties.
Not noticing the change in his expression you marched on to the conservatory, leaving him near the waves looking on at your back as you grew smaller in his vision.
“Now that was weird,” Taehyung mumbled aloud to himself.
Brushing it off he stepped into the waves, Y/N’s small voice reaching his ears from afar, “Hey, intern!” she called.
He turned around to see where she was speaking from and noticed her standing in front of the doors of the building they had previously come from.
“Don’t stay in too long! Remember, you start from tomorrow. The water’s cold in the evenings, you’ll fall ill!”
He half-chuckled, half-scoffed at her warning, walking deeper into the oceans with the sun-warmed water lapping around his waist, the small waves seemingly kissing the bare skin of his arms.
If only you were closer, you would’ve noticed how the ocean didn’t wet him.
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taglist: @a-kookie-with-my-tae @btsxdoll @taffyteffy @aesthetewriter
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moonchildushine · 4 years
Mind Over Flames
Well, I didn´t get the chapter right away but at least in the same day in my timezone! Happy reading c: 
Katara / Southpole
There was a moon eclipse that night. 
Everyone in the Southern Water Tribe was outside, seven years after the war was over. 
Katara was making rounds around the tribe, making sure everyone stayed safe while preparing to watch the moon eclipse. There was so much noise, the tribe was rapidly growing with the help of the north. 
The night was cold, colder than the nights before. Winter was close. 
Finally, Katara settled to watch the eclipse on a cliff, near the sea. It was unusual for her to be alone. She spent most of her time in the hospital, helping around the tribe, or surrounded by the children wanting to learn water bending. 
The wind blew her hair, chilling, hitting her nose and cheeks and reddened them. The moon was so bright and enormous. The snow shined like crystals when hit by the moonlight, and the shadows that lurked where the light didn´t reach seemed darker than ever. But Katara did not fear them. 
As she waited, the moon eclipse began, a dark shadow slowly covered the moon. She tried to make a simple water ball, her bending felt weak. 
She remembered the last time she lost her bending. It was also night, but the moon didn´t disappear behind a shadow, the moon was dead. 
How different were things back then. The only thing to fear was the fire nation. The only fight she cared about was with him, when she didn´t know him like now, when she didn't feel for him like now. Even after all these years without seeing Zuko, not a day passed where the thought of him didn't sneak into Katara´s thoughts. 
As she saw the moon disappear and leaving her powerless, she cried. 
The sorrow was too much, of not choosing a different life when she had the chance, and it was all out of fear. The thought of disappointing everyone was so strong back then. Aang was so safe and gentle, there was no fight for him, it was there, and everyone thought it was meant to be. Why shouldn’t she stay? 
She made her resolve, it was so much easier with Aang, it was almost logical. But the uneasiness, the regret became more and more present as the years went by. There was no warm home for her, where a lover awaited for her at the end of the day, and passion arose at the end of the night. 
What her life had turned into was endless months of coming to a cold home, having to lit the fire, cook, and go to sleep. Most of the time she preferred to stay at the hospital, just so loneliness wouldn’t creep in the middle of the night. And in the few months Aang was there, they were filled with countless fights, indifference, and putting everyone´s problems above their own. He was still gentle, and even sometimes romantic, but she lost the ability to see them with loving eyes. Instead, she put all her mind on the tribe. Both were rebuilding the world around them, but with that, their love crumbled. Without they even wanting it. 
As she wept, and the moon stood covered, and darkness took over everything on sight. A bright flame in her imagination appeared. Katara could see herself and Zuko, over at his palace. A warm fire in their room, and him hugging her while the eclipse passed. She could practically hear his voice, raspy, but oh so sweet and gentle telling her that no matter what he was there to protect and to love her. Zuko would let her snuggle and hide her face in the crook between his neck and shoulder. She would be warm. Because he always made everything warm for Katara´s comfort. She could do it herself, but he liked taking that responsibility. 
The tears stopped and the only evidence of them was the saltiness she tasted in her lips. The moon came back from the darkness, and the snow was shining once again. 
“Please don't tell anyone Yue” 
In Katara´s heart the feeling of the moon agreeing on their secrecy formed. The thought of her life with Zuko died, like the flame of a candle when the sun rises.
Zuko/ Fire Nation  
 Today there was a solar eclipse.   
 The people at the Fire Nation were all hiding inside. It was well over ten years since The Avatar defeated Firelord Ozai. Peace reigned over the world, but people did not forget what happened in the last solar eclipse. 
 “Firelord Zuko, the eclipse is close, won't you take safe place inside the palace?” his counselor inquired. 
Most of the palace employees seemed to not care for his wishes in dropping formalities. 
“I did not have the chance to be present in the last solar eclipse” he remembered “I was… busy. I will stay here”  
“I will send the guards” his counselor bowed to leave.  
“Please don't, I want to be alone” he finished.  
The older man nodded and took his leave. Rarely did Zuko ask for things directly, so everyone knew that it was serious when he did.  
 The pond was calm, reflecting the still shining sun, and the turtle ducks were in the far end, away from the tree where Zuko rested. Between his hands were a pair of eclipse glasses, which Sokka left in his last visit a few months before.  
 For the first time in a while, everything around him was quiet, and he was alone with his thoughts. To say things were fine was an outright fallacy. For the most part, his life was chaotic. Abusive dad, absent mother, exile, and not to mention his thick-headed attitude. All that before he realized he needed to help Aang defeat his father and to create a better world. And after that, it was a time of peace. He was at peace with himself and he was creating peace in the world. But after their separation there was always uneasiness and longing in his heart.
 Mai was good for him, familiar, and he was decided to love her because he already did. But with the pass of the years problems arose, and that is to be expected, but neither of them seemed to be able to deal with it. He needed to go away many times, helping Aang put things back into place in the world, rebuilding the colonies in the Earth Kingdom. He often encouraged Mai into going with him or taking projects within the Fire Nation. But she seemed as before, to get bored, and they would often fight when they were together, never finding a solution. She became distant, and he became unable to get her back to agreeing terms. When she tried to come back they seemed out of tune, when he tried to be romantic she seemed unloving and resentful. There was no fixing what was between them without letting the rest of the world crumble. He could not let that happen, he needed to make things right. 
 After many years of failed attempts at getting their relationship back, Mai left. 
Without him realizing the eclipse started. He tried to breathe out fire. Nothing came out. He was powerless.
Everything darkened around him. The pond no longer glistened in the sun, instead became a gray liquid. It seemed as no life could survive in that. 
He put on the eclipse glasses so he could look at the sun. It was a pitch-black circle in the sky, with a faint light ring.  
He could not help but think of her. Every time Katara invaded his thoughts he could feel his heart struggle to function. And that was every day. After they parted it became more and more notorious with the years passing. 
A lonely tear slid down his face. There was no stopping the longing that invaded him as he thought of her, and the single kiss they shared.
Out of nowhere, an idea started forming. He and Katara were together during the same solar eclipse. They were in their room, both sitting in a bathtub. As the sun disappeared behind the moon. Zuko lost his ability to make the water warm, but Katara made it for him. There was no warmth he could muster with all his power that could equal to the one she brought to his life. And he would feel complete, contempt, at peace. Because no one loved her more than he could. No one would love him more than he let Katara love him, because he existed only for her. And she would kiss him with cold lips, and refreshed his scarred flesh with her hands. There would be nothing better. Ever. 
The sun crept back again from the darkness, and Zuko´s cheeks were damp with tears. He took off the fogged glasses, watching as the pond went back to the original shiny water. The turtle-ducks came back quaking and swimming. 
“Firelord Zuko! We have urgent news!” yelled a guard from the door back into the palace. 
“I´m coming”. Answered Zuko. Duty called.
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jaeminlore · 6 years
Catch a Wave | Jeno
summary: baby go catch some rays on the sunny surf, and when you catch a wave you'll be sittin on top of the world words: 2.3k category: fluff, surfer!jeno, this is rlly soft i'll warn you now a/n: i had to look up celsius degrees for this story
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Of all the ways you can think of spending your summer, it certainly isn't chauffeuring your younger cousin around Salos while she visits. Of course, her parents are paying you a decent sum for doing it — after all, you are giving up a month of your summer — but you can't tell if listening to her chatter twenty-four seven is really worth it.
Liv, at fourteen years old, is certainly the more outgoing of you two. She's already found a few locals her age to hang out with. Unfortunately, you still have to be there, chaperoning lamely while three girls chat about how hot the resort's lifeguard — Na Jaemin, your former classmate —  is.
You've decided awhile ago not to tell them that you've seen the same lifeguard passing secret kisses to someone under the pier. It was better to let them run their boy-crazy fantasies.
Besides, Jaemin was certainly not the only boy whose charm the girls have fallen for. They'd already gushed about Jisung, the cute and awkward biker that hangs out at the lemonade shop. Or Mark, the handsome yet completely awkward skater who always seems to be at the boardwalk.
But most importantly, they like Jeno, who offers surfing lessons at the university's private beach. They gush about him the most: the way his dark hair looks soft despite it's constant exposure to the salt water, the way his skin darkens under the hot sun, the way he speaks gently to everyone he had lessons with, encouraging them to do their best.
"Not to mention," Liv had interrupted one day, "he has abs. I mean, it's like a whole four-pack."
"Really?" you replied, turning a page of your mystery novel. "That's interesting."
"Apparently he's had, like, seven girlfriends this summer. He's like the island's bad boy."
You don't want to invalidate her most likely well-researched conclusions, but Lee Jeno as a bad boy? The boy who feeds stray cats on his way to school and gets flustered when people bring up his talent for surfing? The boy who attends shark rallies to fight against the stigma that all sharks are harmful? The boy who cuts plastic drink holders so dolphins won't get their snouts stuck? The boy who cleans the beach in his spare time? The boy who won't eat or drink from anything unless it can be recycled?
Mr. Reduce Reuse and Recycle as the island's bad boy?
"Oh?" you muse, holding in a giggle. You put your book down, because somehow the small girl in front of you is much more interesting than a murder house mystery. "Are you going to be his eighth girlfriend?"
Liv sticks her nose in the air. "I'm going to try."
"How are you going to do that? Follow him around the island?"
"No, I've convinced Dad to get me weekday surfing lessons, as long as you'll lend me your board."
Part of you laments yet another part of your day spent as a babysitter. The other part, however, thinks this is a show you certainly wouldn't want to miss.
Liv's first lesson is the following morning, and she dresses in her matching bikini and rash guard, which looks quite adorable on her. She gets you to braid her hair, then somehow charms you into buying her an iced coffee.
Your only conclusion as to why she'd bring an iced coffee to a surfing lesson is that she thinks it'll make her look cool. Though, you're positive that the only way Jeno would only think coffee was cool is if it were in a biodegradable cup.
When you reach the small section of the beach where the lessons are, you spot a few other kids and teenagers trying their hand at the sport. Some are still practicing their wading ashore, while others are already riding waves.
You wish you were out there. The water looks especially welcoming today, and not to mention the sun is beating down at a sweltering thirty-nine degrees Celsius. Even just sticking your toes in the water would perhaps cure your desire to swim.
You don't want to complain. After all, Jeno does these lessons daily, and probably doesn't get to surf as much as he'd like. At least you'll get two months of summer to yourself when Liv is gone. Jeno is in this never ending loop of kids who watched Teen Beach Movie and think they're the next Tanner Danger.
Speaking of Jeno, he's a few yards away, eyes trained on a young boy who seems to be struggling to catch a wave. He looks deep in concentration, so much so that you pull Liv back from disrupting him.
This gives you a chance to study Jeno. Though you've seen him around school, this was quite possibly the first time you've truly noticed him.
He's wearing a black wetsuit, but it's unzipped halfway, so that the torso part hangs off his waist. His bare skin is paler than Liv described, almost as if it didn't quite know how to absorb the rays. Your eyes catch on his soft smile that grows inch by inch as the boy in the ocean finally manages to catch a wave. Jeno is suddenly whooping with joy, his toned arms rise high above his head as he shouts praises towards the boy.
Soon the boy is back on shore, surfboard tucked under his arm and a triumphant smile on his face. "I didn't eat sand this time!"
"You didn't!" Jeno shouts, wrapping an arm around the boy's neck and ruffling his hair affectionately. "I'm proud of you!"
The moment seems raw to you, and with heat creeping up your neck, you glance away. Sometimes there are exchanges you feel like you aren't meant to see, where people are far too vulnerable to be watched. This feels like one of these moments.
Trust Liv to not give a rip.
She grabs your wrist and pulls you down the beach until you're right in front of Jeno, staring at his surprised expression with a baffled one of your own.
"Y/n?" His voice is soft and baritone, and there's a surprised lilt in the back of his throat that makes you curious.
Your eyes drift to his beaded necklace, one you remember from his "save the sea turtles" campaign he started at school. The small turtle charm wetted from wood was a good thing to focus on when Jeno's eyes felt too intense. "Hi, Jeno. This is my cousin, Liv. She's here for surfing lessons."
"Oh!" Jeno brightens. He turns to Liv and greets her with an exciting smile. "Have your parents signed the consent forms?"
"Yeah," Liv bats her eyelashes at him and hands him the form. She makes sure to brush her fingers against his, which is a power move you're sure you would never have the courage to do.
Jeno reads over the form and gets Liv on a surfboard in no time, leaving you to mess around on your phone for an hour.
"Wouldn't you like to surf with us?" It's Liv's fourteenth lesson, but she isn't the one inviting you. Instead, it's Jeno, with wet hair that curls over his eyes and a smile that could rival the sun.
Your eyes drift from his face to the ocean, where Liv is with another surfing instructor. Jeno's on his break, and he's taken to sitting with you during lunch. A half-eaten apple rests in his palm, turning brown from the oxygen. He takes lazy bites as he waits for your answer.
"Liv has my surfboard," you say. You turn off your phone and set it on your thigh, turning your full attention to the handsome boy beside you.
"How long have you surfed?"
You hum, "A few years. More for recreation than anything."
"Me too. I love it, but it's not my end goal." He turns to you with a shy smile, "I want to be a conservationist."
"Aren't you already?" You think of all the times he's advocated for the ocean and what lives in it. All the parties he passed up because he had to go clean up the beach.
Hues of pink spread across his shoulders and neck. "Ah," he rubs the back of his neck, "Thank you, but there's always ways to improve. I want to work on protecting sea turtles, and figure out ways to lessen pollution."
There's a certain feeling of pride one gets by listening to someone voice their passions. Like a wave — no pun intended — of love and hope that soars over your head and settles somewhere in the depths of your heart. That's what it feels like listening to him. That's what makes you fall in love.
Your revelation is stilted by Liv's loud cheers. She's finally caught a wave, and you're sure she's going to talk your ear off as soon as her feet hit the sand.
"You're off tomorrow, right?" you ask Jeno on impulse.
The sun makes the crown of his head seem to glow as he peeks up at you, palm over his brows to shield him from the sun. "Yeah, why?"
You feel nervous all of a sudden. "Maybe we could surf tomorrow morning? I heard the waves will be really good. Or if you're tired of surfing, we could get shaved ice. Or if you don't want to hang out with me at all—"
"Y/n," Jeno says, and the way he says it is gentle; kind. "I would love to hang out with you tomorrow. Meet me here at eight?"
"Yeah," you breathe, "okay."
"Good. It's a date."
It's midday, and both you and Jeno are sitting astride your surfboards.
Jeno's board is covered with a strip of azure blue in the middle, and stenciled sea turtles patterned with white hibiscus flowers. It's beautiful, much like the boy who owns it.
You can't help but think Jeno deserves the most beautiful board on the island. And with the way the afternoon sun casts beams of light onto his face, spotlighting his straight nose and relaxed smile. When he cranes his neck and basks in the direct warmth, you feel as if you've caught yourself an angel.
Not that he is yours in any way, but just the fact that he's chosen to spend the day with you makes your mind churn with the possibility of something more.
As if he hears your thoughts, he turns to you with a curious gaze. "Would you like to get some shaved ice with me? My friend can get us a discount and I could walk you home while we dry off..?"
The more he talks, the redder your complexion becomes. Your heartbeat quickens, and you nearly forget to agree before you lay on your stomach and began paddling for shore. "Last one to the beach has to pay!"
"No fair! You got a head start!"
Despite his protests, Jeno makes it to the beach first. He pushes his bangs off of his face and holds his hand out for you to take.
His hand feels warm in yours. His palm is slightly calloused, but the way his thumb automatically brushes across your knuckles distracts you before you can mention it.
There's a small wooden cart parked on the beach, close to one of the boardwalk entrances. White paint peels off of the weather-ridden wood, but it's hardly noticeable when there's a giant rainbow umbrella over the entire thing. In chipped red paint, the cart reads "Rainbow Ice", and the fact that you can see the colored syrup bottles form a rainbow makes you think someone couldn't work here and ever be unhappy.
And you are right, because Chenle is perhaps the cheeriest boy you've ever met in your life. He doesn't just give you and Jeno a discount, he gives you free cones and pumps extra syrup onto each. You both get cherry, but Jeno mixes his with lemon syrup.
Then Jeno is walking you home, not holding your hand anymore since he needs both of his to eat his ice. But you're bumping shoulders with him every few steps, and neither of you seem to be complaining about the small shock of joy that runs through you every time your skin meets his.
Then you're both rounding the corner to your house, cones of ice forgotten and left in your neighbor's trash can.
Jeno stops, and so do you. "Y/n, I like you." He blurts it out, most ungracefully and very nearly comedic, like choking on a chunk of ice.
"Do you now?" You're giggling, and from humor or joy you aren't sure, but all you can do is laugh.
Jeno's bottom lip is tucked between his teeth. "Just let me know whether you like me back or not," he whines.
Your fingers are still sticky with cherry syrup, but neither you or Jeno seem to care very much as you cup his jaw and bring your lips up to meet him. His lips are soft, sweet and sour and oh so addicting, and you can't help but feel a small itch near your stomach when he lets out a deep sigh.
He walks back to the beach, mostly to collect both your surfboards from where he made Chenle hold them. You'd get yours in just a bit, after you changed and ate a proper lunch.
Liv stares at you as soon as you walk into the house, shivering from the influx of cold air. "What?"
"Was that Jeno? Did he come to see me?" she squeals, ignoring your denial to text her friends.
You bound up the stairs with a smile painted over your cherry-stained lips.
If only she knew.
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