#and i REALLY hope campbell will play a larger role in the finale like he did last time
wolfpackdenmother · 5 years
I’m curious about how this season will end tbqh?
Every season so far has begun and ended on a similar motif:
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Season 1 we had Max desperate to leave camp as he didn’t give a shit about anyone around him, least of all David, and then ended with his attempt at giving a shit.
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Season 2 began with Max’s voice and opinion being ignored and written off by David (insisting Daniel was a cult leader bent on killing them) and ended with the exact same thing happening (Max insisting his parents weren’t coming to parents day) but now David realizes he needs to listen to Max.
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Season 3 began with the camp nearly going bankrupt and Max scheming to save the camp and ended exactly the same way; scheming to save the camp and managing to do so but with help from David and admitting he actually likes Camp Campbell.
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This season started off with Max and David realizing just how much they’ve begun to become like one another with hints of Campbell making (shitty) attempts to be a good person. I’m excited to see how this will translate into the season finale!
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Camp Campus AU: Part 2
Finally! It’s here, after like a week! This took longer than I thought it would, these characters are really hard to draw but I think I’m pretty satisfied with what I have right now. Since I finished this, that also means I dedicate more time to asks, specifically those that requests drawings! That also means I can focus on drawing comics and stuff revolving around their relationships, which I’m excited. I’m really excited to continue with this project and see it grow, and I’m so glad you’re all here to see it with me! You have no idea how grateful I am for all of the love that you’ve all sent so far! Thank you so much. Anyway, without further ado, here we go!
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Maxwell/Max : Like many of his peers, Max hasn’t changed much since his time at Camp Campbell. Max is still as vulgar as ever and maintains his pessimistic outlook on life. However, many people think its all just an act now to keep up his reputation. Since Camp Campbell, Max’s life has honestly taken a turn for the better. He has a healthier home life, loyal companions, and Mr. Honeynuts. He is generally happier than he was 7 years prior. The only inner conflict Max truly struggles with now are his budding feelings for his best friend and whether or not he wants to jeopardize their friendship. Also Max is often teased for his “baby” hands, they’re really really small. 
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Cornelius/Neil : Intelligent, cocky, and overly sarcastic, Neil plays the role of the parent when it comes to handling Nikki and Max. Unlike his friends, Neil was the only one who matured both physically and mentally and feels as if its his job to make sure Nikki and Max don’t wind up killing someone else or themselves. As mentioned before, Neil and Nikki remained close even after each summer brought an end to their Camp Campbell experience. The reason being his dad and Nikki’s mom eloping and combining the families. While Nikki is eager to invite Neil into her life as the older brother she never had, Neil harbors a sort of resentment towards his dad as a result of his parents’ divorce. Although he is glad to spend time with Nikki as well, Neil is still consciously struggling with his parents’ divorce and can’t help but to think that Candy is a homewrecker, even though he had admitted before that his parents’ relationship was awful. Outside of his home life, Neil can be a bit stuck-up and act like a know-it-all at times. He still harbors a deep loathing for Harrison, now mostly because Harrison claims to be a flat-earther. He’s also still incredibly annoyed by Space Kid, although he has no reason to be. Neil also runs a tutoring business at school in order to make a profit, but unfortunately for him (Or maybe fortunately) Tabii’s his only reoccurring customer. Neil is also Erin’s vice president in the Student Council and they seem to make a great team. He also has custom-made glasses because his nose is so fucking big.
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Preston Goodplay : Preston is the stereotypical school thespian. Like at Camp Campbell, he’s outrageous and posses a larger than life attitude. He’s both over-dramatic and overemotional, but refuses to take any form of criticism. Preston is often cast as a main role in any school production and even takes it upon himself to critique his underclassmen in the drama department. Despite coming off as a total wacko, Preston is very talented and each performance that he gives is full of energy. Preston is very particular about his passion and is quick to anger if things don’t go his way. Preston acknowledges his relationship with his of his Camp Campbell peers, but doesn’t really willingly share his interest with any of them because of his fear that they might fuck it all up. However, he and Nikki do bond over some musicals that they both enjoy, although Nikki is usually more interested in the violent parts than the actual plot. 
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Rudolph “Dolph” Houston : Dolph is the youngest of the cast and the only underclassmen in their friend group. Dolph continues to remain in high spirits and prefers to think positively than reflect upon the negative when faced with difficult situations. After High school, Dolph plans on attending a local Art College in order to truly embrace his career as a professional artist. Growing older, Dolph, like any other boy, went through puberty and grew facial hair. However, he ended up accidentally shaving it in an incident at Camp Campbell one summer and it never grew up correctly after that. Although an innocent mistake, the uncanny resemblance to Hitler disgusts Neil and causes him to keep his distance. Ironically being the youngest of the group, Dolph is a good friend with sole senior Ered. Dolph, like Nikki, has a great admiration for Ered and respects for activism. Using his artistic talent, Dolph often agrees to make protest signs for Ered or even help her vandalize the town to get a message across. Overall, Dolph is the same sweet boy he was years ago. 
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Neil Armstrong Jr./Space Kid : Space Kid is just as optimistic and upbeat as he was before. However, he’s also gotten a lot smarter. Inspired by his great grandfather, Neil Armstrong, Space Kid decided to take up an internship at NASA and since then has put a lot of focus on his grades. Much to Neil’s annoyance, Space Kid’s GPA is practically the same as his, which is impressive. Although, the constant work has taken a toll on him and has made him absolutely exhausted. His exhaustion explains why he comes to school dressed comfortably in pajama pants (NASA merch of course TM) everyday. But regardless of overworking himself, Space Kid still tries his best to put on a happy face for his colleagues, even if they don’t appreciate it. 
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Harrison : Exerting the same confidence and pride as before while still upholding his magical title, Harrison is the school’s sole illusionist. Although now his tricks aren’t seen as that impressive anymore among his peers, Harrison often attends parties and other small events and shows off his miraculous talent. He hopes that one day he’ll be discovered and whisked away to a life of fame and fortune. Harrison is kind to practically everyone he meets, but his rivalries with Neil and Nerris remain very alive. As a way to annoy Neil, Harrison often lies and says that he’s a Flat-Earther with no intention of listening to Neil’s explanation as to why the Earth is round. Harrison also rivals Nerris not only in magical skills, but also in opinions. As a die hard Harry Potter fan, Nerris had solely read the books and reluctantly turned to the films but found them to be distasteful. However, Harrison had never read the books and enjoyed the effects that the movies had, claiming that they’re superior. And by saying this, the two renew their fierce opposition to each other, but no one can stay mad at each other forever. Having a mostly positive attitude, many might not believe that Harrison actually has a secret, one that lies beneath his iconic white gloves. But it’s too soon to know for sure what it is yet. 
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Gaylord “Nurf” Nurfington : Nurf ended up growing into a model citizen. After many anger management classes and corrective punishment, Nurf has finally turned his life around in the right direction. He and his mom currently live together and support each other, trying to rewrite their bad decisions from the past. Nurf often participates in volunteer work as well as lead a therapy group. He has also experiemnted more with his own identity and is comfortable admitting that he is in fact Bisexual. Nurf is also Quarterback for the school’s team and is known as one of their best players, alongside Nikki. Even though he is on his way to becoming an ideal person, Nurf still displays some aggressive tendencies and is very overprotective of his friends from Camp Campbell. 
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The Wood Scouts (Billy “Snake” Nikssilp/Edward Pikeman/Jermy Fartz/Stephen van Petrol) : The Wood Scouts don’t play a particularly large role in this AU, but they still exist in this universe. Edward’s leader status has deteriorated in the group and has become co-dependent on Jermy and his newfound popularity. Jermy had gotten a major glow-up over the last Summer and is now considered to be the hottest guy attending the school. Because of his popularity, Edward now clings to Jermy in a one-sided friendship and uses his popularity as a way to elevate his own confidence (he wants clouts lmao).Snake and Petrol have both noticed this behavior from Edward and are disgusted by his attachment to Jermy. Edward often neglects his friendship with the two and refuses to associate with them. Snake still has a small crush on Tabii, but understands that she is completely invested in Neil and wants what’s best for her. Petrol plans to enroll in the military after graduation. He also struggles to find shirts that fit him.
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David & Gwen : Here they are! In all of their glory! Unfortunately this time around, David and Gwen don’t play as large of a role in the campers’ lives, but are still actively present in this AU. Summers back, David had fully encouraged Gwen to leave Camp Campbell in search for other job opportunities in the hopes of making her a happier person. With some persuading, she eventually left and the two had little contact with each other since. Since then, David has been running the camp by himself. Now David is the proud father of one. And that one is Max. David had officially adopted Max a few summers ago to help him out of his bad family situation and now lives his life as a proud suburban dad. David then started to rely on Max to help him co-counsel the Camp during the summer, because he though it’d be a great father/son bonding experience and the rest is history. When he’s not a happy-go-lucky camp counselor during the summer, David spends the rest of his time as a Dental Assistant because he loves nothing more than to see people smile. Gwen, however, didn’t find the happiness she thought she would after leaving Camp Campbell. Searching for jobs endlessly, Gwen eventually was hired as a high school guidance counselor but was fired months after because of a incident where she made a student cry hysterically. Gwen was then stripped of her title and sentenced to a secretary position. Although thankful she still has a job, Gwen is as miserable as ever and has to deal with the kids she once knew from Camp Campbell. Most of her time is spent with Max, purely because he’s given a detention every other day, and she couldn’t hate her life more. Hopefully one day Gwen will find the fortune she deserves.  
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shabbychicboho · 4 years
Self-Isolating With Friends: 11 Best Movies to Watch During Quarantine
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With the state of the world these days. Making it even easier are programs like Zoom, the digital meeting application, that allows for any number of people to interact with both voice and video at the same time. So even if you aren't with them in person you and all your friends can have a virtual movie night! With no limit to how many can partake in the fun, because we all know how much of a bummer it is being the one that has to sit on the floor. You've already brought your friends, now we'll tell you what the best movies to watch with friends are. Teamwork!
Lights. Camera. Action
Depending on the tastes of who is in charge of movie night there is a great selection of movies to watch with friends, no doubt something for everyone. It is probably unlikely that something too serious or too depressing will want to be chosen though. Movie night should be an escape, something we enjoy, not something to remind us of the stress we are going through! Taking Time to Feel Good and Laugh it Off 1. Mid90s: Made in 2018 this is a total love-note to the 90s, hence the name. It is a coming of age film set in skateboard culture. The forming of self-identity and what forms who we are is quickly established here. It would be a great choice as a sort of unifying throwback film. While not all of your friends may be skaters the culture of the 90s is something that would be reminisced about. Not fully comedic but not fully heavy drama. It's a time that everyone will recognize in their own lives. The vibe can recall "Kids" from 1995 but is nowhere near as explicit. 2. Evil Dead 2: This will top the list regardless of how many years pass since its release. There is no requirement of watching the first and there is no concern should any of the bunch be particularly worried about a scare. This film is what camp films aspire to be but can never achieve. Sam Raimi basically invented the game here with Bruce Campbell. Simply put, the main character Ash has traveled with his girlfriend to a cabin. When there he discovers an audiotape with recordings from a book of ancient texts. He plays the tape and it unleashes a number of demons that torment him. Don't worry, it's intentionally hilarious. 3. Isn't It Romantic: This film has nearly every single Romantic Comedy trope that that genre could throw at you, somewhere in it. It is a satirical film that is making fun of that genre while still kind of being one at the same time. Great watch when you need a feel-good movie that isn't too overly cheesy. Rebel Wilson as the lead was made for the undervalued Architect that eventually comes into her own by the end of the movie. It's one of the roles that feel weird if someone else would have been in it now that you have watched it cast the way it was. Recommend it, especially if you are a person that isn't afraid to laugh at yourself and your tastes sometimes. 4. What We Do in the Shadows: Before there was the tv series on FX there was a film directed by the immensely talented director Taika Waititi. While we are distancing ourselves at these times, these characters are coming together. For those unfamiliar, it is a "reality" documentary about four vampires from different areas and different eras coming together to live in a home on Staten Island. If they can come together and live in unity we certainly can! The mockumentary style ends up being very quotable and perfect for a group of friends to share with each other and in a movie night setting. We Aren't (Actually) Alone. 5. Castaway: You know, even Tom Hanks had to deal with a form of social distancing or isolation of his own kind and all he had was a volleyball named Wilson. He overcame that challenge and was stronger for it. A movie like this can remind us that even when we feel most alone we can still find it in ourselves to be our strongest and make it through a hard time. Plus, who doesn't love Tom Hanks! 6. The Revenant: When you have the film that Leonardo DiCaprio finally achieved his oscar for, you know that it is a winner. This film speaks to the emptiness much like the selection below, "I Am Legend". Survival after an event, leaving us worn and ravaged. Sometimes this is literal, in the physical sense and sometimes it is figurative in the emotional sense. Hugh Glass (Leo) had more of the physical but who is to say his tundra isn't our empty streets. 7. I Am Legend: Another beloved name staring here, Will Smith. He is a scientist that is the lone survivor of a man-made plague, turning humans into mutants. He lives in and wanders New York City hoping to find other possible survivors. As he is immune to the plague he has been working on a cure for the disease. There are parallels for the time we are living in although a much scarier situation. But we can see how he, again, deals with isolation. Watching Will Smith live in that type of environment, expressing how it really feels being that alone is almost therapeutic. With the added benefit of being a great sci-fi movie (based off a great book!)
A Themed Night of the Best Movies to Watch With Friends
Make a game out of it or even better a theme out of it! Movie marathons are great too. But the fun of making up a theme or finding ways to make it into a game adds another layer to the mix. A great example would be "Comic Book Movies". These days the comic book hero movie have become less the outlier and more really fun movies to watch with friends. Another direction to go would be a time period like: Welcome to The 80s John Hughes was the king of the 80s. His films are clearly products of the 80s yet have a charm that has aged well. Dedicate a night to that charm, showing that movies both new and old make great viewing parties. 8. Sixteen Candles: Let's be honest, can there be an 80s night without Sixteen Candles? I suppose it could be possible if it were swapped for Pretty in Pink. 9 out of 10 times this is the first movie that comes to mind when John Hughes is mentioned. The coming of age comedy featuring Molly Ringwald another member of 80s royalty. As a teen dreading her 16th birthday and the standard social anxieties already coming with highschool. Having to deal with the romantic interests of one boy she is interested in and rejecting another (typical nerd!) she wants nothing to do with. 9. Breakfast Club 10. Ferris Bueller's Day Off: Another of the universally loved greats of the 80s. So much so that the National Film Registry selected it for preservation because it was deemed "culturally, historically, or aesthetically significant." 11. Planes Trains and Automobiles: The end of the list and towards the end of the section, Planes Trains and Automobiles is a buddy film on the road. Two comedy legends, Steve Martin and John Candy play the lead roles. The two cross paths multiple times while traveling, with their problems starting on a flight going from LaGuardia to O'Hare. Chaos ensues from there as Neal Page, Steve Martins character, stresses about the need to get home for Thanksgiving. Making the story as enjoyable as it is are the stark differences in their personalities. Steve Martin the caricature of the uptight executive and John Candy the good-hearted but loud and jovial salesman. There had to be at least one non-John Hughes on the list, to be fair!
Options for Viewing
At this point, everyone has heard of Netflix. But just because it is a household name doesn't mean it is your only option!  Take a look at all of these great options. From Anime fans to Horror Buffs to the very selective Cinephile, all of your bases are covered. Having a broader range of services means more options and it being more likely that you can play a gracious host to your friends and be the one in charge, at that! And ranging from $6 to $11 they aren't going to break the bank
Great Films Mean Never Spending Time Alone
A great film opens up our world to something so much larger, even when it seems so small. Sharing that with our friends and the ones we care about just makes that so much better. Our list of best films to watch with friends will get you on the ground running and ready to be a great host! Come back for more great content and follow us on social media for updates and news, the buttons are at the top of the page. Read the full article
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mittensmorgul · 7 years
I just hope that the first episode of Season 13 will have 1) Sam facing the Nephilim - and therefore his own powers and his own destiny and making peace with it and 2) Dean facing Cas' death - and therefore his feelings and making peace with it (or not.. try true love's kiss please, it'll work). It just seemed very deliberate to set them up like that apart from each other, each facing their own challenge.
Yeah. Because that’s yet another way that Sam and Dean broke the pattern…
Every season finale since s2 has alternated whether the brothers were together or apart.:
s2 together standing over the Impala’s trunk
s3 dean in hell so apart
s4 clinging to each other watching Lucifer rise
s5 sam in hell so apart (even though we see Sam looking through the window at the end, they are effectively narratively ‘apart’ for the next year)
s6 together kneeling before godstiel
s7 dean in purgatory so apart
s8 clinging to each other as the angels fall so together
s9 demon dean on the run so apart
s10 together in the impala as the darkness rolls across the land
s11 dean went off to blow up amara with the soul bomb so apart
s12 Sam left Dean by Cas’s body and ran alone to face the nephilim… breaking the pattern… because they are apart…
So much of this episode (as well as 12.22) was about BREAKING PATTERNS.
Dean FINALLY confronted Mary with the truth in 12.22, about how her deal with Azazel had affected his life. About how he’d been forced to become both mother and father to Sam, because John was too broken to be either of those things to both boys. This is the culmination of Dean’s not wanting to “overwhelm” her early on, of his discomfort at telling her the story about her life with John in 12.01, knowing all along that it was a pretty lie– but it was what Mary believed at the time. This was the final part of Dean angrily telling Mary that he’d never been a child in 12.14. That time his words had been intended to wound her, but this time he spelled the whole thing out in detail– not to wound, but to heal.
Like in 12.12, the lance that inflicted the wound was the only thing that could heal it.
So much of 12.22 was also Dean surrendering that obligation he’s always felt as Sam’s “parent” with Sam directly– trusting him to lead that mission to the BMoL headquarters. He let Sam take the entire lead over the group of hunters they recruited for the raid, and he expressed his trust in Sam in actual words.
(fyi I have 9.23 playing in the background as I type this up, and trust me when I say it’s like night and day, the dynamic between Sam and Dean…)
And that mutual trust continued and grew stronger in 12.23, and opened to include Mary as an equal partner in understanding.
When all three Winchesters showed up at the house, Cas didn’t even make a pretense of greeting the rest of the family. Just Dean.
And Dean’s first words to Cas are about how they’ll work things out between them as soon as they get Cas and Kelly to safety, reassuring him that things between them aren’t broken.
and then we had a visual confirmation of Cas’s motivations, his seemingly unconvinced “belief” in the future the nephilim had shown him. When Kelly asked him to tell her again, to reassure her that her sacrifice was worth it, Cas hesitated, and flashed back to the scene in 12.19 where the nephilim sent its power into him. It was like he had to shake something off and focus in order to remember that vision.
We even had Mary and Kelly talking about how they would die to protect their children. Right after Mary came to accept the fact that she DID die to protect her children.
The entire last ten minutes of the episode was like a dark reversal of the rescue mission to save Sam in 12.02, and the fight scene in that basement, but in an entirely jumbled up fashion.
But in an even LARGER scale, these “cosmic consequences” spiral back through every level of the story– from Mary herself and her understanding of the interconnected fate/choice of her deal with Azazel; through Amara’s influence of the story in s9 as the Winchester/Campbell family’s fate as descendants of Cain and Abel in taking on the original Mark of Cain, through her influence over s10 as the force that both kept Dean alive and was slowly killing him all the the same time, through s11 as she got to experience humanity first-hand and demand recognition from Chuck and her growth from wanting to destroy the universe just because and acceptance of the beauty it actually contained (and that Chuck’s love of the universe didn’t diminish his love for her), and then in s12 the Cosmic Consequences of her freeing Lucifer and resurrecting Mary (because her touch is chaos itself, and bringing back Mary and Lucifer HAD to be influenced by her essential chaos…). That kind of instability introduced into an orderly system that has always adhered to certain cosmic “rules” HAD to bring about this sort of fundamental chaos, you know? And hooboy do we ever have it.
The moment we learned that the entire Winchester Family History had been essentially engineered by Heaven to someday act as the key that opened the lock on the Darkness and force that confrontation and resolution of the Original Rift that created the universe, and the moment Dean orchestrated that resolution, it brought that cosmic-scale rift back down to Winchester Family levels. I know I’m not explaining it well, but it’s something Gabriel said way back in 5.08 when he was pushing Sam and Dean to accept their roles in the apocalypse– As above, so below. But now, post-resolution, that mirror’s been flipped.
Dean completed his task of balancing the universe again, but Amara’s “gifts” in the form of Lucifer removed from Castiel and the resurrection of Mary have both turned very bad. The wishes go very bad.
And they’re ALL interconnected– Castiel, Lucifer, Mary, and Amara.
And now the nephilim, as well.
The things Cas was saying about the nephilim’s vision of the future sounded appallingly similar to the things Amara had wanted in her perfect vision of the future, you know? The whole notion of remaking the world in their own vision, where there was never any conflict or hatred or pain or suffering. Amara’s ideal sounded very much the same, with her bliss pitted against the nephilim’s paradise.
It took Dean a long damn time to see that offer for what it was, to see how it wasn’t real, what Amara was offering. That it was the annihilation of self and the surrender of his identity that Amara was really offering.
Which is fundamentally identical to what the nephilim seems to be offering Cas…
Dean had to die and be reborn as a demon, then struggle through the trials of bearing the mark and eventually come to an understanding of the truth of all of it. I think that’s exactly the point in the narrative we are with Cas.
I know I am not explaining it well, because it’s taken me three hours to even put this much of it in this disorderly state, and I still don’t feel like I’m getting to the true heart of the matter here…
But once again, just like in 12.22, Sam’s struggle will be an external one, facing the nephilim as a sort of incarnation of his own life-long feelings and beliefs about HIMSELF, that he wasn’t pure, that he was a freak because of the demon blood and his powers, that he wasn’t truly human somehow because of that. And Dean’s struggle will be internal, like it was reclaiming Mary from the walls she’d been forced to construct inside her own mind in the name of self-preservation.
Sam’s walls have finally manifested into something physical for him to confront.
We’ve finally scraped the thousand layers of paint off the walls that Dean’s been putting up for the world his entire life, and he’s not trying to camouflage what’s underneath. He’s finally let something OTHER than Sam literally bring him to his knees. He’s finally shown Sam the thing that actually had the power to do that to him, too. And Sam had his little moment of acknowledgement before running off to face the nephilim alone.
And that’s the tip of the iceberg on how damn meta that finale was.
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Director’s Cut Material #7- In Living Color
The following Director's Cut material is a very special one that I hope you all enjoy. Colorist Joseph M. Damon was kind enough to share his unique WildStorm journey that really shows what it was like to try and become a part of the WS group and see a dream realized. If you've been to some comic conventions, you might have seen him around as he usually assists Humberto Ramos out on the road.
 Joseph and I connected after the manuscript was finalized so I was able to sneak in a couple of his quotes in the proper book but the more I tried to edit, the less I wanted to break up his story throughout the different chapters. So here it all is as one piece and my sincere thanks to Mr. Damon for sharing it.
Joseph M. Damon (Colorist): Outside of being the fanboy buying comic books at my local comic store in the Bay Area, I'd attend local comic shows, in particular Wonder Con (in Oakland at that time), SDCC and there was an Image convention in LA. This was circa 1993-1994. At the shows, WildStorm Fine Arts was a booth selling ashcans, color guides from Joe Chiodo, Iris prints, and original artwork. At that time [it] was run by Joe Mendoza (Whilce Portacio's brother in-law and  [the] character Dozer was based on him in Wetworks), who was working as editor at Homage studios as well. I asked a ton of questions about color guides and the process behind them, what an iris print was (I purchased one of Travis' Burnout), drooled buckets over the original artwork from the books that were for sale as well (which of course led later to me buying original art). Joe gave me a smile and his card, which I still have, and I asked him about some of the artists. He gave me a second extension which was for the "The Pit" where at that time a lot of the new artists like J. Scott Campbell and Travis Charest sat. I stared at the card and within a week called in just to see what would happen.  I got reception, asked for Joe and he's out of the office, asked to be transferred to the extension for the Pit. Not thinking I'd get anywhere, it rang and rang and then I heard a voice say "Pit", I asked to talk to Jeff Campbell, and they said hold on, and then I heard, "This is Jeff" and I just start telling him that I'm a big fan of Gen 13 and his work on The Art of Homage Studios book and hoped to meet him at a show and get his autograph and show him some of my work. Jeff said good luck and then before hanging up, I figure I'd gone this far, why not see where else I can take this... and asked for Travis Charest. Jeff said sure hold on and then passed the phone to Travis, we talked real briefly and hung up and I just sat in awe for a few minutes... and that was the moment where, sacking up and being assertive just made me feel ten feet tall talking to people whose names I saw in my favorite comics.          Now I just needed to put in the work and find a way to work there. Around the same time I met colorist Brian Haberlin, talked with him on process and tools/applications used by the studio. I found out the best way to practice working on color guides to be like Joe Chiodo was to make larger copies of ashcan pages and color them.  So I mimicked a lot of what I saw in Joe Chiodo's work with multiple light sources and shading, light direction. I had a good portion of guides from Gen 13 mini-series #1, WildC.A.T.S. #5 and thought I was ready, so I found out at that time Bill Kaplan was in charge of submissions. I met him at a show, told him my name and showed my samples and my work was critiqued and it was ripped apart. Bad approach, terrible color theory, bad lighting. I listened and then commented on referencing Joe Chiodo's work, and he just looked at me and said thanks for letting me see your work and keep trying. Shortly after I met Steve Oliff and some of his guys from IHOC (International House of Color which would soon form Olyoptics), showed my stuff and also looked at his stuff from Akira and early Image color guides. He was really supportive, told me what media to use if coloring by hand and looking to Photoshop as digital was where it was at.  I had an Amiga 500 and used color applications like digipaint, so Jumping to a Mac with Photoshop 3.0 was the next step.
          I actually tried out for WildStorm back in early '90s when the studio had a talent search.   Really didn’t have too much experience, but enough to get a call to show up and take the test.  Met early WildStorm FX members, took the test given by Alex Sinclair and noodled the hell out of it and didn’t even finish in the allotted time, so [I] didn’t get the job. Come years later, I became good friends with several WildStorm FX members, Ian Hannin, James Rochelle, Jeremy Cox, Laura Martin (Depuy then) and Ben Dimagmaliw and heard about Andy Hartnell’s coloring spot opening up since he was writing Danger Girl. Send in samples, get a call to come take the test, fly down from San Francisco to San Diego, take the test, don’t finish due to catching a flight back home but get the file saved to a zip disk. Come home finish the test, send the file back in the morning, and then get the call that if I want the position its mine. I was currently testing video games at SEGA of America. [I] gave notice and started at WildStorm after relocating to San Diego a month later.            Day 1 at WildStorm, [I] get seated in the open area in “The Pit” facing Jim Lee’s office and to my left was Travis Charest & Tom McWeeney’s office… no pressure…breath right. Absolutely not, since my friend Ben Dimagmaliw had the Wizard magazine black and white picture of Jim Lee from the Top Ten and pinned it to the board in front of my desk…so now I had Jim staring at me. I kept it there to motivate [me] even when Jim would walk by and I was totally in awe…which I finally lost the fanboy-ness after four months. I still talked to Jeff Campbell, Scott Williams, Travis Charest and Rich Friend when they weren’t working to at least break the ice. Alex Sinclair and Nick Bell took me under their wings and showed me the essentials but soon after I got a lot of real tools to use as a colorist from my fellow colorists. I'd go in early to talk/watch day shift (Joel Benjamin, Tony Washington,etc) and at night talk with Justin Ponsor, Matt Millia, Eric Guerrero, etc., learning which artists like cut & grad or who liked airbrush, which books needed lots of color holds and knock outs and which books had none. Slow at first but was ramped up and rendering within a month and by the time I left, rendering two [pages] per day. But still, [I] was slow by comparison to others who could do three pages per day.  
          I was a huge fan of WildStorm's books as I picked [up] all the titles as they came out- from Wetworks, StormWatch, Gen 13 to WildC.A.T.S. WildStorm had the formula to take my money every month they came out with new books. From the first day I started, learning to flat books was the greatest thing ever. But that was the immediate glamour of working for Jim Lee. The first time I got to render a Gen 13 or Divine Right page was pretty cool, but while cool, you had a lot to do in a little time, so you turned into a machine to meet deadlines. Certain key items that I got to work on that stood out were Gary Larson’s “There’s a Hair in My Dirt”, coloring and art directing a ton of trading cards with David Baron, art directing Gen 12 issues with Eric Garcia and coloring Joe Madureira’s Wildcats #1 Grifter Variant was a highlight as I was not only a huge Grifter fan, but a fan of Joe’s work.            WildStorm FX had a lot of artwork to get done each day. Comic Books, trading Cards, specialty items like posters, DVD inserts, Gamepro or PSM magazine covers, Flash animated teasers for upcoming new release launches like Travis Charest’s Wildcats volume 2, strategy guide walkthroughs, etc. We did a lot and it did change day to day. Sometimes you knew you were flatting four pages and rendering two pages. Sometimes you colored four trading cards.          I was hired on for the nightshift and worked four to midnight or later to meet deadlines. So my hours were interesting to say the least. At the end of my first year at the studio, my son, Niko was born, so challenges of a newborn, and being alone in San Diego got to be very tough for my then wife, so she went back to the bay area to be with family. Even with weekend trips back to see my family, shortly after my year mark, I made arrangements to return back to the bay area and return to my family and work in the video game industry. So I of course placed my two weeks notice and left the studio but continued to freelance for off and on for a bit and continued to freelance for Image comics.
          What made WildStorm amazing was the people. The whole family worked together to get work done each day. Every person in WildStorm had a key role and made that place great. So while you think you have Jim Lee in drawing WildC.A.T.S, Scott Williams inking a page, Alex Sinclair coloring another, you have the rest of the studio doing their daily tasks… and a studio filled with laughter, music, discussions of who the Chargers or Padres played the night before, what movie flopped, or what new appetizer was on the menu at Moon Doggies Grill…this was day in/day out WildStorm. What Jim had set up was incredible to work for and some of that disappeared when DC took over. The initial announcement to us was a full company outing, where we were all told of the sale of the company to DC and what was changing and what would stay the same. Initially for me, there was some heartbreak, simply for what the mission statement of Image Comics was and why the founding fathers did what they did. WildStorm was a huge part of why Image was so big in the '90s and now it was gone to an extent since Time Warner was now the boss, a conglomerate, where before it was one man, figuratively speaking.          DC seemed very cool to work for. All hourly employees got a raise based on cost of living at that time, which was good, as it got me closer to what I was making prior in the bay area. Another benefit was employees now received comp copies every week of every DC item that shipped, be it a TPB, Hardcover, comics and sometimes toys/statues. Which when you’re 25 and a comic collector, is great. But for me it was close to the end.
          The experience was, best said, as a once in a lifetime, when it came to being listed amongst the best of the best in Artists/Inkers/Writers/Colorists. Few are able to say that. Even with very tight deadlines, (Fedex daily by 5PM), and long hours to make sure that the next shift had all the work ready for them, working along side the best was just that, the best. Aside from taking the knowledge of tips and tricks that WildStorm taught you as part of WildStorm FX, the friendships that I still have with my co-workers. Some are that of a hey, or head nod, while others are huge hugs annually at various comic cons, or random chats and discussions on Facebook or on the phone.          The biggest take-away I can comment on is hard work/work ethics, and keeping your name fresh and in the public eye every month- in Previews, in at least one book, a variant cover, an interview, whatever. Those that stay relevant are those that continue to work every month delivering content. If you step out or take a break from the industry, it takes you five times the amount of work to get back to where you were, as there are pencillers, inkers, and digital colorists ready to take your spot, for cheaper rates. I still moonlight in the comic industry as  a Manager/Handler but that’s simply because I'm still a huge fan of comics and those that create them.
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riverjeans16-blog · 8 years
Revealing Rapid Keys In Chocolate Slim
With 8-level tension control for raised intensity, the Speed Physical fitness Magnetic Recumbent Exercise Bike permits you to push on your own throughout your exercise. The approach of reactive versus preventative is slowly coming to fulfillment, as well as I think extra medical professionals will certainly accept the concept of preventative medication including exercise as a modality in the years to come. With your abdominal muscles tight, slowly stroll your hands out to ensure that your body rolls along the round. Make up for your smaller carbohydrate intake before exercise by consuming carbohydrate throughout the occasion or training session. Ever since, I have actually upgraded it as needed based upon changes in our food environment as well as the weight of the clinical evidence. You have to attend to upper abdominals, lower abdominals, and also obliques, as well as each requires a different kind of workout. Contact a properly credentialed workout professional to deal with you and your medical professional. It's additionally essential to understand that eating a square meal, specifically carbohydrates, will certainly inhibit the SNS and reduce the fat burning effect of your workout. Past study has actually shown workout assists glycemic control in individuals who struggle with type 2 diabetes mellitus, one of the most usual kind. While the fitness market divides workout into categories such as anaerobic-, cardio- as well as cardiovascular training, health and fitness specialists like Dr. McGuff and Phil Campbell point out that in order to really access your cardio system, you have to perform mechanical work with your muscle mass-- and can do that on an elliptical exerciser machine, on weight training tools, or using free-weights. The FitDesk Pedal Desk 2.0 Stationary bicycle calls for a moderate mount of assembly. Those who were energetic as teens and kept up their exercise behavior as adults had a 20 percent reduced risk of death from all reasons. Inning accordance with McCallum Location, an eating condition facility, professional athletes in combat sports may be specifically prone to disordered eating as a result of the nonstop weight yo-yo of their professions. Alcohol intake negatively impacts on a variety of psychomotor abilities essential for effective exercise efficiency, consisting of reaction time, equilibrium as well as hand-eye control. Research published in 2014 3 located that if you're inactive, you have a 20 percent greater danger for having a stroke or mini-stroke (short-term ischemic assault) compared to individuals who work out sufficient to perspire at the very least four times a week. Celtic have actually punched above their weight at times in the Champions Organization, but on the occasions they have done so they have actually trusted an uniformity of spirit and personality. The water aids soothe the pressure of your body's weight on the influenced joints (hips and knees particularly), while providing resistance for your muscle mass to get more powerful. Shop abdominal muscle workout devices from preferred brands, including BOSU Balls ®, Body-Solid ®, STOTT PILATES ®, GoFit ® as well as Health and fitness Equipment ®. Boost your wellness, enhance your life-upgrade your fitness regular today with the workout equipment collection at PRICK'S Sporting Item. Likewise review any other clinical problems you have (bronchial asthma or osteoporosis, as an example) and also how they might influence your capability to workout. Hello donnabell, The Marcy ME-709 Recumbent Magnetic Bike seat adjusts forwards as well as in reverse for various elevations. It's well worth noting that your selection of morning meal food may play a substantial role in lowering or heightening experiences of appetite later, which will impact your general calorie intake for the day - as well as how foods can change your metabolic performance, and either for the benefit or detriment to your fat burning. Additionally stockpile on low-fat milk and also chocolate slim forum for treats, as research studies have revealed that calcium from these sources could assist weight-loss.
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If a competitor like Lauzon stayed in the sauna for as long as he 'd need to lose the twelve pounds or more of water weight he had to, without interruption, it would likely be a large amount a lot more dangerous than what he was already doing. Typical exercises, such as a common crunch with rotation or a standing rotation with a light hand weight. Their success, as well as the account of somebody like Kim Little - short-listed for Globe Player of the Year - provides an opportunity to attract women into sport and also workout. The reverse banding entails affixing thick resistance bands to the top of your power shelf. Workout is Medication Canada @ Guelph launched in 2013 as well as expects expanding extra this year! Be sure to keep your core involved to stabilize your lower back," claims Lagomarsine, that adds that this exercise constructs both stability and motor control. Choose these if you already have various other equipment or other workout outlets yet are searching for means to stabilize your routine between muscle mass groups. It's likewise crucial to realize that eating a full meal, particularly carbohydrates, will certainly prevent the thoughtful nerves (SNS) as well as reduce the fat burning impact of your workout. Scientists have exposed that regular exercise improves your brain's sources that promote repressive control, aiding to make up for the assault of lures that urge unhealthy consuming (unhealthy food promotions, snack bar on every block, and so forth). The leading 10 rivals then progress to the final, where they once again carry out rope, ribbon, hoop and also ball regimens. Continue reading for 6 ideas to losing the infant weight, and a really doable workout program you will certainly have the ability to discover time for. Research studies reveal that both women and also males who exercise during their early years have a reduced risk of cancer later in life. When it comes to weight loss, component of the issue is that cardio is among the least effective forms of exercise. BMI is a measure of body make-up, came to by splitting your weight in kilograms by the square of your elevation in meters.
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Certain, I such as food, but I also intended to get going on the enjoyable part of cutting weight - $ "placing it back on. Boxers wish to reduce weight only because they can place it back on after that and also stroll right into the cage much larger than they evaluated in at, the day before. Previous research studies have determined and determined a wide range of biochemical modifications that take place throughout workout. For one point, exercising moms-to-be needs to not exercise in the hopes of keeping their weight down during pregnancy. A randomized, regulated test at Punkaharju Rehabilitation Facility in Finland researched the effectiveness of stamina training in the neck, compared with extending or no exercise. When journeys to the health club typically aren't possible, having fitness equipment at home makes staying in form a breeze. Alleviating up on or staying clear of such activities and icing your wrists may bring some alleviation, as could decreasing your salt consumption to maintain your water weight down. After exercise, professional athletes need carbohydrate as well as liquid to replace glycogen and water losses during the exercise. Layout, building and construction and repair service of the scientific instruments made use of for exercise physiology testing and study. In numerous researches, as an example, scientists at Laval College in Quebec adhered to people with rheumatoid arthritis who joined dance-based workout. Burke, L. M. Nutrition for post-exercise healing Australian Journal of Scientific research and also Medicine in Sporting activity 29: 3-10, 1997.
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Fan Expo Vancouver first started in 2012. Part of the larger Fan Expo Canada brand, the event is now held over three days and attracts tens of thousands of people every year.
I have attended every single Fan Expo Vancouver since it began. In comparison to other Fan Expo events such as the one in Toronto and recently-acquired Fan Expo Calgary, I have noticed a slight decline in programming. Compared to previous line-ups and comparable guest lists at other conventions, Vancouver just does not deliver the same experience. The guests we get are great, and it’s not easy to coordinate everyone’s schedules. But having been in place for almost a decade, I would like to see this Fan Expo offer more programming, activities, and guests. Other conventions grow every year, but Vancouver’s seems to remain stagnant.
In past years, the panels at Fan Expo were held in rooms upstairs, separate from the main exhibition hall. In 2019 and this year, the panels were all held in side areas on the showroom floor. This did give the advantage of not having to travel far for each panel, and being easy to enter or leave. I was able to check out parts of different panels at the same time or wander in and out while exploring the maze of booths. However, it did create a distracting noise issue—it was hard to hear the panelists even with mics against the sound of thousands of people exploring. This was particularly an issue with the smaller panels that were very close to high-traffic areas and/or places with specific activities happening, such as the family zone. I understand there are probably financial reasons behind this change, but I was not a fan. It created more convenience, but made the panels less enjoyable.
Another noticeable disappointment was the lack of a coat check. They had one in earlier years but have stopped for some reason. This was especially irritating in the middle of February when it was cold and rainy for most of the weekend. The Expo has always been held in a cold month – November, February, March, and April – and as next year’s event has already been announced for Feb. 13-15th, 2021, I sincerely hope they bring back the amenity. It would really beat carrying around a heavy bag and/or coat all day, especially if you’re wearing a costume or just bought something large. Why discourage shopping?
I still had a really fun time exploring and checking everything out at Fan Expo. There are no other places in Vancouver where you can meet Darth Vader and Iron Man on the same day. 
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The first panel I caught was that of the iconic Brendan Fraser. Currently on Doom Patrol, Brendan is best remembered – especially if you grew up in the early 2000s – for movies like The Mummy, George of the Jungle, and of course, Looney Tunes: Back In Action. He was an unexpected and much-anticipated headlining guest this year, and his panel was the most full I saw all weekend. He brought a great deal of charisma to the Q&A portion, whether it was discussing Looney Tunes (“Bugs is great… but Daffy Duck is an asshole!”) or delivering a spot-on John Cleese impression when reminiscing on George of the Jungle. 
I next saw a small, rather interesting discussion called Ritual: Exorcism in Film and Television. As a big horror fan, this was my personal favourite panel of the weekend. I really like seeing horror as a genre represented, as well as panels that don’t revolve around specific fandoms/IP. It was hosted by Morgan Knudsen, a real-life paranormal researcher. Morgan began by discussing popular possession and demon movies like The Rite, The Exorcism of Emily Rose, and of course, The Exorcist. She then told us of real-life cases that inspired these films and the facts of what really happened. We watched videos and listened to recordings of people who had undergone actual exorcisms and were allegedly possessed. Morgan emphasized studying the evidence and coming to our own conclusion on these cases. Some of the information and especially the voices I heard made me question what was real for sure.
Madelaine Petsch, who also attended last year and is best known as Cheryl Blossom on Riverdale, was another Q&A with a huge turnout. Many of her fans also enjoy her social media and vlogging. She spoke about fond moments on the show, things she enjoyed about Vancouver, and her favourite local vegan eats. Madelaine is very charming, warm, and funny in her live interviews—definitely a convention highlight for myself and I’m sure many others. 
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Christina Ricci was a surprising but very interesting addition to the lineup. As a child actress, she’s seen just about everything in Hollywood. This led to a lively discussion of her beginnings, evolution into more serious roles, and all the people she worked with along the way. Recalling her small but memorable part working with Terry Gilliam in Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, she said “I had Benico del Toro whipping me with a towel and Johnny Depp’s foot in my mouth, and Terry and Johnny both telling me to bite harder… and I thought, this is my life now.” 
The final big panel of the day was a Star Trek: The Next Generation reunion with LeVar Burton and Marina Sirtis. Any Trek actors are always a draw, and this was quite a popular panel as well. Although Marina has been to Fan Expo in the past, LeVar quipped that it had been decades since he’d been to this city. “The last time I was in Vancouver, Alan Thicke was still on TV.”
Although I was unable to attend Sunday, the day was filled with activity and celebrity panels. Highlights included Q&As with Smallville’s own Superman Tom Welling, The Mandalorian’s Giancarlo Esposito, cult film legend Bruce Campbell, The X-Files’ William B. Davis and Nicholas Lea, and Oscar Nunez and Brian Baumgartner of The Office. 
On Monday, I checked out Geeks vs Nerds – a live debate where two groups square off on a particular aspect of pop culture. In this case, it was who’s cuter: Baby Yoda or Baby Groot? There was a series of arguments and rebuttals, often punctured with impressions, insults, and singing to heighten the geeky atmosphere. The winner (narrowly, Baby Groot) was decided by audience applause. This was a very lively and hilarious show that attracted a wandering crowd—who could resist the cuteness of either of those aliens?
As always, there was a large assortment of booths, with exhibitors from all over Canada and even internationally. All sorts of collector’s items were for sale – comics, action figures, clothing, artwork, and even weapons. The Artist Alley featured a variety of creators selling their own prints, commissions, jewelry, plushies, and more. Adjacent to Artist Alley were rows of comic creators – professional artists in the industry, meeting fans, selling books, and even doing sketches.
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One of the most prominent (and recurring) attractions was the Vancouver chapter of the 501st Legion – dedicated Star Wars cosplayers. Running a large charity booth, fans could get photos with stormtroopers, Darth Vader, Kylo Ren, BB-8, R2-D2, and other iconic characters. At one point they led a large, ominous march through the expo halls, as if the whole place was under invasion by the First Order. There are lots of cool costumes at this convention, but these people really commit. 
There were lots of cosplay meetups throughout the day from a variety of fandoms, and even a red carpet! It was by far the best place to get some great photos as a cosplayer or observer, and to show off and meet with like-minded fans. Everyone enjoyed this, but especially the children. My favourite part of every Expo is seeing kids get pictures and high fives from superheroes or other fun characters, especially when the kid is also dressed up. 
New to this year’s event was Podcast Alley, an area of booths and live tapings for local podcasts and their hosts. Guests this year included Warriors Bards ’n Brews, Fear of Science, Let’s Talk About Myths, Baby, Dark Poutine, Drinking and Screaming, Geeks vs Nerds, and Politicoast. There were even workshops on the nature of podcasting and how to create one yourself. I think this was a great way to bring in some local talent and introduce fans to new podcasts, or even to the medium of podcasting in general.
Also in its inaugural year was the “Family Zone.” This was a wide open space with areas for kids to play in; one place had giant cardboard blocks. The Sorting Ceremony – a Harry Potter-themed activity in which kids could find out their Hogwarts House via a talking “hat” (person in a costume) – took place here. There was also a few “Dance Parties” complete with pop music. As a young adult with no kids, I was probably not the target audience for the Family Zone. It was very popular throughout the weekend with children, and I think parents enjoyed it. But as the floor was already crowded – especially with the panels being hosted there – I did feel it took away space from potential exhibitors, stores, and artists. It’s good to give kids (and their parents!) a place to hang out, but I don’t think it did much for the majority of attendees. 
I finished the day with live improv by The Fictionals. The staging was hosted and led by Daniel Chai, who also led many of the panels throughout the weekend. Using traditional improv methods (audience suggestions and the classic “Freeze!” exercise), the group finished the convention with extremely spontaneous laughs. 
Overall, it was another successful time at Vancouver’s largest fandom convention. There are definitely aspects I’d like to see changed and improved on in the future. Still, it’s one of my favourite weekends of the year and I’m excited to see what’s in store for 2021!
Written by: Cazzy Lewchuk
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thrashermaxey · 6 years
Capped: Goaltenders to Target for the Deadline
  Happy Valentine’s day! Hopefully you love your team, but since that’s not always the case, hopefully we can help. This week we’re going over the crux position of your goaltending. By the end, we’re going for the roses and chocolates look.
Let’s get to this week’s targets.
Linus Ullmark – Buffalo Sabres
Cap Hit: $750,000 (His contract expires this summer, as an RFA.)
  This has to be one of the least discussed goalie controversies in the league. Buffalo is finally climbing their way out of the basement after winning the first overall pick less than a year ago. They are only a few points out of a playoff spot, and their starting goalie may be available on the wire, or for pennies on the dollar in your league. It is not Carter Hutton anymore, as Ullmark has started five of the Sabres’ eight the all-star break, with two of Hutton’s starts coming on back-to-backs, generally playing the role of the backup. Hutton does have the larger and longer contract, however, a three-year deal with an AAV under $3 million, means that it is still a backup’s contract if the other goalie is playing better hockey.
On the season, Ullmark owns a 2.89 GAA, and a save percentage of .913%. Despite having a few rougher outings over the last few weeks, the whole Buffalo team has been in a slump, so we can’t really blame it all on the young goaltender. Aside from a few extra dates with the Maple Leafs to close out the season, you can’t really find schedules with more games against non-playoff bound teams than what the Sabres have through March and April.
I own him in a couple leagues this season and have been pleasantly surprised with the results thus far. A successful second half with a few wins, over 30 saves per start, and above average ratios is what every fantasy owner needs for cheap through the stretch run.
Martin Jones – San Jose Sharks
Cap Hit: $5,750,000 (With five years remaining after this summer.)
  Jones is in his first year of a six-year deal that sees him earning the 12th highest AAV in the league this season for goaltenders. He is a curious case, as he is currently second in the league for wins, while owning a save percentage below the .900% mark. That kind of season just doesn’t happen, not in this era anyways. If the Sharks didn’t have a set of skaters as dominant as they are, or if backup Aaron Dell was doing half as well as he was last season, we would have seen fewer starts out of Jones this season, and he wouldn’t even be placating owners with his high win totals. However, his contract keeps getting him starts, and the Sharks keep winning games.
Some owners in leagues that count more than just wins, may be growing tired of the lackluster peripheral stats, and this may be the time to get in on one of the higher ceiling goalies in keeper leagues. He also has four wins in four starts since the all-star break, only allowing two goals in each (two of those games were difficult road matchups against the Flames and Jets).
Joonas Korpisalo – Columbus Blue Jackets
Cap Hit: $900,000 (His contract expires this summer, as an RFA.)
  Everyone and their aunt knows Sergei Bobrovsky and Artemi Panarin intend to test free agency this summer, so as we learned from the Islanders last summer, maybe the smart thing to do is to move them. There are a couple teams that may make sense as a short-term landing spot for Bobrovsky, most of them on the playoff bubble. If he is moved, then it creates quite the void, leaving a lot of starts for Korpisalo. It is possible that in a return for Bobrovsky, the Blue Jackets would receive a goalie in turn, however, anyone coming back in that kind of deal would be of a lower caliber, and susceptible to losing quite a few more starts to the incumbent Korpisalo.
No matter what path the Blue Jackets choose to go, it seems like the 24-year-old backup is in line for more starts, and soon. For those where goaltending is scare, and needing to roll the dice on possible volume, this is a good place to start kicking the tires.
Jack Campbell – Los Angeles Kings
Cap Hit: $675,000 (With one year remaining after this summer.)
  The former first round pick (11th overall) has taken a lot longer to play his first season of over 10 games than many would have imagined. Now that he is here, Campbell is showing some of the pedigree that launched him to such a lofty draft slot nine years ago.
Maybe a bit of a dice roll here, but there have been rumours of a possible Jonathan Quick trade. If he leaves town (or gets hurt again), Campbell and his 2.12 GAA would take over the main goaltending duties for the Kings. I have one deep dynasty league where I own Campbell and I am hoping for just that. Worst case scenario, he can provide you with excellent ratios in spot starts, all on a miniscule contract for the rest of this year and next.
Last plug for the Midseason Guide, check it out to set yourself up for the last (and most important) quarter of the season!
That caps off this week’s record article, thanks for reading. As always, you can find me on twitter @alexdmaclean.
Previous Capped articles:
Buying Cheap on Pulock, Chychrun, Sergachev; Matthews Contract
Future Building Blocks as Trade Targets – Forwards
All salary info from capfriendly, and all player stats from FrozenTools.
from All About Sports https://dobberhockey.com/hockey-home/capped/capped-goaltenders-to-target-for-the-deadline/
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gamerzcourt · 6 years
Exploring James Bond's Uneven Video Game HistoryExploring James Bond's Uneven Video Game Historyvideo games
New Post has been published on https://www.gamerzcourt.com/exploring-james-bonds-uneven-video-game-historyexploring-james-bonds-uneven-video-game-historyvideo-games/
Exploring James Bond's Uneven Video Game HistoryExploring James Bond's Uneven Video Game Historyvideo games
The James Bond franchise is one of the most famous, most lucrative, and longest-running film series in the world. The franchise has been hugely influential, affecting almost every form of spy fiction written, filmed, or developed since the 1960s in some way. Moreover, the brand has stayed relevant for far longer than most comparable mega-franchises: Marvel’s 80-year existence and Disney’s seemingly perpetual presence on Earth pre-date Bond’s 1953 print debut, and they stand as some of the only similar properties to prevail. Conversely, attempts to reinvigorate big IP such as Back to the Future or The Mummy have not been successful enough for studios to continue making them.
To remain part of the zeitgeist for so long is no easy task, and despite some missteps, James Bond has defied the odds time and again, reinventing itself repeatedly to avoid being left behind. Some of those reinventions are obvious, such as the changing of actors, writers, and directors, or even come in the form of distinct reboots–the hardest of which came in 2006 with the 21st Eon-produced film, Casino Royale. Others, however, are a little more tricky: Bond has had to change even more drastically to fit new media, such as for the first 007 video game, a 1982 text adventure title for the ZX Spectrum named Shaken but Not Stirred. Unfortunately, the Bond games have endured an uneven run over the years, with some great games, some poor ones, and none at all since 2012’s poorly received 007 Legends.
To dive deeper into the continued evolution of the British spy, I spoke to Bruce Feirstein, screenwriter of three Bond films–GoldenEye, Tomorrow Never Dies, and The World is Not Enough–and writer of the video games From Russia With Love, Everything or Nothing, Blood Stone, and 007 Legends.
GameSpot: How does writing a Bond game differ to writing a Bond film?
Bruce Feirstein: It’s not all that different. You’re still trying to tell an interesting story, with unique settings and compelling characters. So the actual process isn’t that different. It’s just as collaborative, and in some aspects easier. For example, in Everything or Nothing, the original sequence was written in Hong Kong. There was some problem having to do with visual rights–I think some of the buildings were trademarked, and we’d need permission–so I suggested putting the opening sequence in Athens. Everyone agreed, and in ten minutes we moved forward. A change like that in a film could take a month to get through all the decision makers and the clearances.
How did writing for Sean Connery differ to writing to Pierce Brosnan and Daniel Craig?
Each is a little bit different. I was writing the Brosnan Bond that I wrote in the films, so it wasn’t much of an adjustment. Daniel Craig’s is terser, so his dialogue was cut back to reflect the Bond he created on the screen. And Connery was the Bond I always had in my head, having been the first Bond I saw. He and I actually talked about this.
Can you talk a little more about the creation of Judi Dench’s M? What was your reaction when you saw her death in Skyfall, and how do you think Ralph Fiennes is handling the role now?
While I was working on GoldenEye, [director] Martin Campbell and I met at the studio one morning to discuss what we should do about updating M. I said it was just a bunch of guys talking in a room, and Martin replied, “Why don’t you try it as a woman?” So the idea came from him. I wrote the “sexist misogynist dinosaur” scene in three hours, and pretty much what you see on the screen is what I wrote that first morning. As far as her death, Judi Dench brought great grace and originality to her role as M. She was amazing, and always took what we wrote and made it better. So I was sad to see that she wouldn’t be playing M anymore, but that’s the inevitable process in these films. And just as Judi defined the role in her way, Ralph Fiennes is bringing his own touch to the role now. He’s a terrific actor.
Is there anything you would have changed if you’d been involved in the films and games since you stopped working on the franchise?
No. If the franchise hadn’t evolved over the past 55 years, it wouldn’t exist anymore. Barbara Broccoli and Michael Wilson have created–in my opinion–the perfect Bond for the post 9/11 era. Along with Daniel Craig, of course, and the writers, Neal Purvis and Robert Wade. I wouldn’t change a thing. They’ve done an extraordinary job, and all deserve huge credit.
Which game do you think, looking back, offers the truest representation of Bond?
I think they all represented Bond well. But the most influential game was the original GoldenEye. I didn’t work on that game–but it had a huge impact on gaming. Funny enough, these days, I keep meeting people who are let down when they find out I only co-wrote the GoldenEye movie, and not the game.
I remember Everything or Nothing really resonating with players, too. Why do you think that is?
I suspect that this is because it was an entirely original story, with a new villain and all new supporting characters. So the whole experience was new. And we got very lucky in having Willem Dafoe as the bad guy. He gave a great performance.
How does working on an original story for a game compare to converting a film into a game? Which do you think works best for a game: creating a bespoke story or converting the iconic films?
An original story is more fun because you’re working from a clean slate. Anything is possible. With an adaptation, you’ve got to adhere as much as possible to the source material. Both are enjoyable experiences, but creating something new is more interesting.
From a writing perspective, what defines Bond as a character?
Bond is a lone warrior with a license to kill who hides his inner conflicts about what he does by striking a cool, dispassionate demeanor, and never allowing anyone to get too close to him.
We’ve seen the series tackle text adventures, first-person shooters, third-person action games, strategy, and more. In your eyes, what’s does a hypothetically perfect Bond game look like?
In any format, the perfect Bond game allows the player to enter an alternate reality of James Bond’s world, and experience a James Bond adventure. The platform is less important than the execution.
Were you involved with the canceled Casino Royale game?
There’s a lot of misinformation and speculation on the internet about Bond games that were cancelled or didn’t exist in the first place. As I recall, what some think of as a canceled Casino Royale game was actually an earlier version of either Bloodstone or Everything or Nothing that was stopped at one developer and moved to another. But I could be wrong.
Why do you think there hasn’t been a Bond game for a while?
I can only speculate here, as I haven’t discussed this with Eon. I don’t know why there hasn’t been a recent Bond game. But I do know that in general, there are fewer games based on movies these days. I’ve heard lots of reasons for this: 1) Huge game makers like Activision or Electronic arts would rather develop their own franchises. 2) As it now takes 18 months to make a first class game, day/date releases (meaning the game is released on the same day as the movie) aren’t practical. 3) The market for original games–Halo or Call of Duty–is much larger than the market for game tie-ins. Again, I don’t know how much of this impacts Bond, or has anything to do with Eon’s plans for future games. I’m just talking about movie games in general.
Would you like to be involved in another Bond game or film if the opportunity presented itself?
Barbara Broccoli and Michael Wilson have been incredibly loyal to me over the years. Being asked to write the games was flattering, and a great gift, for which I am very grateful. If they asked me to write another one, I’d be there in a minute. And if they didn’t, I’d be the first in line to buy it, and cheer them on, and hope for it’s great success. I am blessed to have been a small part of the franchise in any way at all.
Finally, as a bit of fun: who’s your favourite Bond actor from the film series? And who would you like to see take on the role after Craig steps down?
They say the first Bond you saw is always your favorite Bond. Connery was my first Bond, but the truth is that I like, respect, and admire everyone who has played the role. They were all perfect a reflection of their time: Connery in the cold war, Roger during the Reagan years, Tim Dalton during the end of the USSR, Pierce in post-cold war era, and Daniel Craig in the post 9/11 era. And, more importantly, from someone who worked inside the franchise: Every one of them made the next one possible.
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comicsbeat · 7 years
It’s Dynamite Tuesday with three new books announced!
James Bond: Moneypenny 
A mini series spotlighting James Bond’s oft mocked but always doughty sidekick. The writer is Jody Houser and the artist newcomer Jacob Edgar. The cover is by Tula Lotay which is fine.  The series launches in late August. Miss Moneypenny debuted in the Ian Fleming novel Casino Royale back in 1953, and has had varying involvement in the Bond series since then, usually appearing in the films as M’s secretary. She’s played a larger role in Dynamite’s recent Bond comics. This is her first solo series though – and it reflects the new Moneypenny, played by Naomie Harris in the current film version.
Hitting stores August 30th, James Bond: Moneypenny focuses on what was intended to be a ‘routine’ protection mission for Moneypenny, until she uncovers a complicated assassination plot that bears a striking and unsettling resemblance to a tragic, and life-changing terrorist attack from her childhood. In the face of imminent danger, will Moneypenny be able summon her secret agent skills to stop the impending plot before it’s too late? 
Writer Jody Houser says, “As someone who came to James Bond late (much to the horror of many of my friends), the idea that I’d get to play in that world is amazing. Writing a character like Moneypenny and exploring what makes her different from the more familiar MI6 operative has been a blast. In this story, we’ll get a look at exactly how she operates and some of the events that made her the woman she is.” 
“We’re excited to launch James Bond: Moneypenny and bring a fresh, new voice to the Bond universe,” says Nick Barrucci, CEO and Publisher of Dynamite Entertainment. “We’ve followed Jody’s career and have wanted to work with her for quite a big, and this is the perfect project to work with her on.  As the first female writer to tackle the comic book world of Bond, Jody is certain to bring new perspective and a fresh take on the iconic characters, while adding that extra touch of class Jody brings to all her works.”
REinforcing the timeless appeal of an adventuress in a leopardskin one piece, issue #0 of this new series debuts in August, written by Marguerite Bennett (Batwoman, Animosity) and newcomer Christina Trujilo, with art by Moritat (Hellblazer, Teen Titans). Variant covers by Moritat,  Ryan Sook (X-Factor, The Spectre) and J. Scott Campbell (The Amazing Spiderman).
Sheena, Queen of the Jungle, was the first female character in comics to carry her own dedicated series beginning in 1937. Created by industry legends Will Eisner and S. M. “Jerry” Iger, this groundbreaking character saw 167 issues over the span of two decades. In this riveting relaunch, Sheena proves her prowess as the guardian of the jungle as she pursues a mysterious invader that has come to spy on the Amazon’s most ancient secrets. Following the path of the trespasser, she encounters a forbidden ruin in which even more deadly dangers lie in wait — and begins an adventure that will take her beyond her wildest imaginings!
Writer Marguerite Bennett says, “Our story is glorious golden age pulp — high adventure, quick wit, ancient mysteries, and daring dames — clashing with the perils of two worlds: one, the modern world come to conquer, and one, a world of dark supernatural mystery long forgotten, awoken to anger once more. This is a fast paced, action packed kick off to more exciting adventures for Sheena!”
Christina Trujillo adds, “Sheena is strong, brave, and willing to bend the rules in order to do her duty and keep her home safe. I think fans will enjoy having Sheena as a guide while they unravel the mysteries of the forest.” 
Artist Moritat says, “Stepping into Will Eisner’s large shoes yet again, but this time wearing nothing but a leopard mono-kini. Marguerite Bennett’s brilliant contemporary re-telling of this famous legend is my favorite to date. I can’t wait to see if the fans like it.”
Dynamite Entertainment Executive Editor Joseph Rybandt said of the new project, “Sheena has long been a staple feature throughout the history of comics and we’re especially proud to be adding new voices to that history. Marguerite and Christina present a timely and empowering tale – enhanced by the pitch-perfect visuals of Moritat – to create a Queen of the Jungle for the 21st century… and beyond.” 
“Sheena is one of the strongest and most iconic characters in comics, and we’re fortunate to be working with three incredibly talented creators.  Marguerite and Christina make a great creative team giving Sheena a new voice, and is complemented by the lush artwork that Moritat brings to the series,” says Dynamite CEO and Publisher Nick Barrucci.  “We are incredibly proud of this series, and are launching it with the same program we launched Red Sonja #0 and Vampirella #0, with a .25 cent Introductory Priced issue.  This allows retailers to stock up at a low risk so that as many fans as possible will have the opportunity to read the series.  It’s a program that worked successfully for Red Sonja and Vampirella, and we’re doing so again with Sheena!  I cannot wait for fans to check out the new series!”
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Bestselling SF author Chuck Wendig (Star Wars: Aftermath, Hyperion) and artist Álvaro Sarraseca (Witchblade) team for this new take on the classic character. Auguat’s issue #1 also includes a Doc Spektor back-up story byÁlvaro Sarraseca(Street Fighter X, G.I. Joe) andÁlvaro Sarraseca (Weavers), a continuation of the serial in the Turok sister titles, The Sovereigns and Magnus.  Variants by Aaron Lopresti (Captain Marvel, Wonder Woman), Sarraseca, Aaron Conley (Rocket Raccoon & Groot), and  (Southern Cross).
Turok, a Native American who fights dinosaurs, debuted from Gold Key back in 1954 and ran in various formats until 1982. After bouncing around with various Gold Key revivals, Turok found a home at Dynamite since 2014, where he’s appeared in various titles and crossovers.
In the latest Turok adventure, the fascist Saurian soldiers of the Varanid Empire-part dinosaur, part man, all bad-news-have seized control of the Lost Valley, and only the mysterious dinosaur hunter Turok is willing or able to stand against them! But right now, Turok only cares about one thing: tracking down a mysterious missing girl that could hold all of the clues as to how the Lost Valley has changed from the fantastical prehistoric land readers know and love.  
Writer Chuck Wendig says, “I wasn’t sure initially about tackling Turok because I wanted to do such a weird and wonderful story world justice — but then, while talking with Dynamite Senior Editor Matt Idelson about all the stuff going on in the real world, an idea hit me in the chest like one of Turok’s arrows. I’m excited to come on board and to hopefully bring something different to the story and to the character, while also keeping the spirit of what makes Turok awesome. And I’m hoping everyone enjoys reading it as much as I’ve enjoyed writing it!” 
Artist Álvaro Sarraseca says, “I love drawing Turok. I made some character designs of him and finally we chose the wildest. As hunters usually wear the skins of their prey, I asked myself why Turok could not do the same thing? There are no limits for creativity here! This new version of Turok tears apart anything we saw before. I think it will attract new readers who didn’t have any previous interest in the character.”
“I knew Chuck was both incredibly creative and could bring great depth to his characters, and he’s really managed to capture everything that’s great about Turok while reinventing the character in a fun and mysterious way,” says Matt Idelson, Senior Editor with Dynamite Entertainment. “Álvaro was the miraculous result of a loooong search for the perfect artist for this character and more importantly, Chuck’s story.  They make a hell of a team, and their work on the first issue already outshines the serial backup we’ve been running to set up the series.”
  “When Dynamite launched the Gold Key line in 2014, we were able to introduce new readers to a now reestablished universe, which has since served as the foundation for further series that we have continued to build upon,” says Nick Barrucci, CEO and Publisher of Dynamite Entertainment. “With the recent success of our series, The Sovereigns, these legendary characters have taken on a new life of their own, and we’re excited to bring the world’s first and foremost dinosaur hunter back to the pages of comics!”
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Dynamite news: new versions of Moneypenny, Sheena and Turok coming in August It's Dynamite Tuesday with three new books announced! James Bond: Moneypenny  A mini series spotlighting James Bond's oft mocked but always doughty sidekick.
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h-bailey · 7 years
The late great photojournalist Chris Hondros, in his own words and images
You hear Chris Hondros before you ever see him, as he calmly takes a call as though it were any other day in the office. And for the late Getty Images photographer, it was. The battlefield was where Hondros worked, where his photographs came to sharply define some of the bloodiest conflicts of the last 15 years, including the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. It would also be where he ultimately lost his life, killed in a 2011 mortar attack along with fellow photojournalist Tim Hetherington while covering the civil war in Libya six years ago this week.
But on this day in 2003, Hondros was in Liberia, answering his phone as he walked down the street with young militia members who were barely high school age but were now on the frontlines of a deadly civil war. In the chaotic footage that opens “Hondros,” a documentary about the photojournalist’s life and work which opens in select theaters this week and begins streaming online March 6, the photographer takes the phone call off camera, reassuring the person on the other end that all is well — even as his words are nearly drowned out by rapid bursts of machine-gun fire and blasts in the not-too-far distance.
“Things are fine,” Hondros casually tells the caller, his voice the very definition of ease. “Give me a call back in about half an hour.”
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Chris Hondros, center, in Liberia in 2003. (Photo courtesy of Nic Bothma)
It’s only then that the viewer sees Hondros come into frame, camera in hand, calmly documenting the chaotic scene in the Liberian capital of Monrovia where militia members were squaring off against rebel forces determined to overthrow then Liberian President Charles Johnson. Even as other journalists began to turn back amid fear of escalating violence, Hondros continued on toward a bridge where some of the fiercest fighting was underway, crouching as bullets whizzed through the air. Within minutes, he took one of his best known photographs — an image of a young militia commander leaping ecstatically into the air, drunk on the glory of war, after firing off a rocket-propelled grenade toward rebel forces. The picture, a finalist for the 2004 Pulitzer Prize, is considered one of the most iconic images of modern war photography.
It was the story behind that photograph that was the genesis of “Hondros.” Greg Campbell, a journalist and filmmaker and author of the book “Blood Diamonds,” had grown up with Hondros in North Carolina and was the photographer’s best friend. While mourning his death, Campbell was surprised to receive a Facebook message from Joseph Duo, the young Liberian immortalized in Hondros’s photo, who told him of the larger role the photographer had played in his life.
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Joseph Duo, a Liberian militia commander loyal to the government exults after firing a rocket-propelled grenade at rebel forces, July 20, 2003, in Monrovia, Liberia. (Photo: Chris Hondros/Getty Images)
Slideshow: Chris Hondros’s life and pictures highlighted in documentary, ‘Hondros’ >>>
In 2005, during a return trip to Liberia, Hondros finally met Duo, learning his name for the first time and his backstory. Duo, then 28, had dropped out of school in the 10th grade to go to war. Living in poverty with his wife and three kids, he told Hondros he was trying to go back to school in hopes of pursuing a better life, but it wasn’t easy for someone his age.
To Duo’s surprise, the photographer helped him enroll in school and paid the tuition, hoping that would allow the man to choose his own fate. The two subsequently kept in touch over the years, as Hondros reviewed Duo’s report cards and encouraged him to persevere. When Duo graduated from high school and enrolled in college classes in computing and criminal justice, Hondros continued to pick up some of the costs —though he told almost no one, including Campbell.
“I always knew that Chris made friends easily and kept them close at hand and really kind of cultivated his relationships but … I had no idea the actual scale of the impact that he had on people,” Campbell said.
Inspired to tell the story of his friend’s legacy and generosity, Campbell launched a Kickstarter campaign to finance a film about Hondros’s most famous photos and his personal and professional impact on his subjects and others who came to know him. The project found important backers in actors Jamie Lee Curtis and Jake Gyllenhaal, who eventually served as producers. Four years later, the result was “Hondros,” which premiered last year at the Tribeca Film Festival one day after the sixth anniversary of the photographer’s death.
Exclusive clip from ‘HONDROS’
The filmmakers interviewed Samar Hassan, an Iraqi teenager who was photographed by Hondros in January 2005 moments after U.S. soldiers opened fire on her family’s car, killing her parents. The image of Hassan, then only 5, screaming and covered in blood, was one of the most powerful images of the Iraq war and one of the first to truly capture the horror of the conflict for the country’s civilian population.
Yet the most powerful footage in the film is of Hondros at work, captured in war zones via found footage from other journalists who were on the scene. He moves quickly and with precision, always watching and looking for the best angle, the most dramatic framing.
The film shows Hondros in action as he takes some of his most famous images, including in Iraq and Libya, where the footage includes shots of the photographer working right up to the final moments before his death. Campbell and his fellow filmmakers had put out an open call for any imagery of Hondros at work, resulting in “hours and hours” of footage that had to be drastically edited. As the footage plays, it is spliced with still images pulled from the Getty Images archive of the photos Hondros was taking at the time.
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Samar Hassan, 5, screams after her parents were killed by U.S. soldiers, Jan. 18, 2005, in Tal Afar, Iraq.  (Photo: Chris Hondros/Getty Images)
“Probably one of the most challenging things was to find that footage and kind of turn over every rock, but it was also one of the most fulfilling,” Campbell said. “One of the most pleasant surprises was that you could actually see him at work in his environment and literally in some cases with the video camera over his shoulder as he’s taking photographs that came to be pretty iconic and very well-known from the conflicts that he covered.”
At times, Hondros narrates his own story, speaking about his work and the importance of photojournalism through snippets of various television interviews conducted before his death. At one point, an interviewer asks Hondros to respond to a claim that war photographers are “the craziest” of all journalists.
“The problem with war photography is that there’s absolutely no way to do it from a distance,” Hondros replied. “You have to be close. You can’t do it from your hotel. You can’t do it from across the street, from across the bridge. You have to be there. There’s really no substitute for that. So you have to figure out ways to get into the midst of things, no matter what’s happening. And you have to suspend your reason sometimes to do that.”
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Chris Hondros in southern Beirut, Aug. 21, 2006. (Photo: Getty Images)
Campbell’s documentary comes at a difficult moment for journalism, especially for photojournalism. As print magazines and newspapers have scaled back or shut down, the ubiquity of smartphones has turned practically every passerby into a photographer, and professional photojournalists are finding it harder to make a living. And the wars they cover are growing increasingly brutal and dangerous.
While Campbell’s primary goal was to introduce viewers to his best friend, who was only 41 when he died, he also hopes “Hondros” will remind people of the importance of photojournalists, especially in covering combat in places like Iraq and Libya.
“Everybody with a phone on the planet can take a photo of what’s happening, but in order to take a photo that helps you understand it, it requires the skills and talents of a photojournalist,” he said. “Especially in this day and age where the very fabric of truth is being questioned from the highest levels … there’s no replacement for having experienced, skilled, well-trained people who know what they’re doing from a journalism perspective going into these environments, who are dedicating themselves and putting themselves at risk to come away with the truth or as close of an approximation as we can get to it.”
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U.S. Army soldiers in Paktika Province, Afghanistan, 2009. (Photo: Chris Hondros/Getty Images)
Throughout the film, it’s hard not to wonder what Hondros, who was just weeks away from getting married when he was killed, would be doing today. Many of the places he documented, including Iraq, are still being ravaged by deadly conflict. Campbell said it’s hard to tell where his friend’s life would have taken him, though he believes he would be on the frontlines somewhere, determined to show the horrors of war.
“One of his friends once said that his favorite photo of Chris’s was the one that Chris never got to take next,” Campbell said. “It’s interesting to kind of think about the possibility of what those photos might have been and the stories he would have been telling us.”
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Chris Hondros in Cairo, 2011. (Photo courtesy of Scout Tufankjian)
Cover thumbnail image courtesy of Scout Tufankjian.
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