#camp camp season 2
willowshimmer · 1 year
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Caption this.
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picturejasper20 · 1 year
Camp Camp: Parallels between Season 1 finale and Season 2 finale
So, i have been into the adult animated series Camp Camp lately. It's comedy series about kids who are in a dysfunctional summer camp and the characters get into all type of shenanigans every episode. It's a very silly show but it has some interesting things that worth of analysing too, like character dynamics and how some characters change throughtout the seasons.
In this post i want to analyse the parallels between two iconic emotional scenes from the show, both from season finale episodes. ( ¨The Order of the Sparrow¨ and ¨Parents Day¨) Both scenes involve two characters from the main cast: Max and David, them interacting and their dynamic changing in some way.
Let's start:
In the Season 1 finale ¨The Order of the Sparrow¨ David tries to find a way to ¨lift the spirits of the campers up¨ by using an old (and outdated) camp tradition. This turns out to be a complete disaster, making the others campers and Gwen leave the place, leaving Max and David alone while it starts raining.
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Max, who has been trying to ¨break¨ David's positive worldview from day one since he joined the camp, goes into a rant about how the work sucks and nobody in camp ¨gives a shit¨ about anything. He goes on and on to the point David starts to cry, getting very frustrated with Max.
Satisfied with his rant, Max leaves the scene. That's until he hears David admitting that ¨he is right¨ and he stops walking. His expression changes, suprised that David is agreeing with his rant.
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David then goes on about how he is aware that the campers and Gwen don't care and that Campbell has ¨better things to do¨ than taking care of the camp. He knows that people don't care about how things are being run in the camp and aren't interested in the daily activities. That's why he tries to do something about it, because someone has to be there to take charge of the camp and plan all these activities. Someone has to take initiative in doing something even if the rest don't care about it.
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What it is so interesting is how Max... doesn't go full sarcastic mode after this scene, he doesn't laugh nor make any rude remark. He looks suprised, sad with a mix of guilt. It's one of the few times he is taken out of his element and he doesn't know what to say.
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That's because... he gets this realization that David isn't this ¨dumb moron¨ who isn't aware of what is happening around him. David is aware of how some things suck, that's why he wants to change things for the better. He is someone who is determined to believe things can be better if someone makes the effort to. And this makes Max feel, like he would say it, like an asshole. All this time he has annoying the heck out of a person who was only trying to do his best, even if other people mocked him for it. He feels like a jerk for dragging everyone down while David finds a way to look forward and make others happy in spite of the situation.
After David wakes up for getting knocked out, he notices how everyone is around the bonfire and wearing Indian traditional clothes. He wonders why they are all here and suddenly spots Max talking to the others. For a moment Max seems to be worried for David and then changes his expression into his typical scowl, telling David to ¨not look too deeply into this¨. They both later join the bonfire with the rest of the campers, Max even seems to be enjoying a camp activity for a change, him smiling while doing so.
In this episode ¨The Order of the Sparrow¨ Max gains a better idea of who David really is. He gets a better understanding of why David has a positive view of the world, or at least why he tries to look in the positive side of things. In a way he gains a new type of respect for the camp counselor, seeing how he still tries to remain himself even when others tell him what he is doing is pointless.
Now let's talk about the season 2 finale ¨Parent's Day¨: In this episode the parents from the campers show up to check out how things are going in the camp. Almost every parent from the kids show up with exception of Max's. For this, Gwen and David get assigned to be ¨Max's parents¨ by Cambell until they show up. Max spends most of the episode being angry at other kids and lashing out when things work out well for other families, specially in the family performances near the end of the day.
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David picks up the way Max is acting and treating other kids, not approving of it. He finally gets tired of Max's attitude and scolds him for being so negative all the time, this sharing some parallels with Max's rant to David scene in ¨The Order of the Sparrow¨ Season 1 finale. And, much like Max in the Season 1 finale, David has a crushing realization of what is really truly happening to Max when he reads the kid's documents: His parents barely care about him and only signed him up to the camp to get rid of him for the summer, without even signing him up to a specific camp activity.
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David quickly connects the dots and realizes why Max has been angry more than usual the whole day. He sees all the rest of the kids parents show up except of his, making him feel extremely sad, lonely and devastated of being reminded of his family situation back at home.
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Max has made a few remarks about his parents in a few episodes but he never talked about what was happening to him, or not at least to Gwen and David about it. I'd like to think that David assumed that Max was some kid who wanted to get attention or get into trouble before this episode. That he was only going through a ¨rebel phase¨ the rest of the kids and teenagers go through at that age and he will grow out of it.
Seeing that Max isn't clearly doing well and hurting, David and Gwen decide to leave the camp for the night, skip the family performance and go to a restaurant to order some pizza with the kid.
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Max asks why they are here, to which David answers to with: ¨You were right. It's stupid¨, refering to Camp Camp's parents show. He tells Max that he shouldn't have to pretend that things are okay and he can't force people to be happy when things are really bad. There are moments people just feel sad or angry and they can't pretend that everything is okay with them. He also apologizes Max for scolding him earlier, since he didn't know his family situation and should have paid more attention to what Max was telling him.
This scene shows parallels to Max gaining a better understanding of David in Season 1 finale, the main difference is that their roles are reversed in ¨Parents Day¨: David is the one that begins to understand that Max isn't just some kid who wants to cause trouble. He learns that the reason of why Max is always so angry and pessimistic is because nobody in his home cares about him and that makes him lash out in anger to those around him. David explains to Max that while he has right to be angry, he also has the right to be happy as well and hopes that one day he is able to find that while he is staying in the camp. Max seems to be touched by this, since he remains silent after that.
Once the three finish eating the pizza, they go outside and Gwen goes to the car, leaving David and Max are standing alone for a moment. That's when Max decides to give David a quick hug, probably as a sign of gratitude for trying to understand him, something that other adults from his social circle likely haven't done before.
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Moments like this show that Max deep inside is just a kid who feels misunderstood, alone and sad and in part puts up a ¨not caring about anything¨ facade to hide how he truly feels and to not get too close too others. After this episode he grows into a ¨nicer¨ person, including saving the camp a few times when he could have easily used those opportunities to close the camp down and not having to be in there. This demonstrates that he took David's advice and started to consider his camp like a new home for him.
In conclusion:
Both ¨The Order of the Sparrow¨ and ¨Parents Day¨ episode parallel each other in the way Max and David gain a better understanding of the other's worldview and personality and leads them to do something nice for the other as result, developing both as characters and their relationship. While ¨The Order of the Sparrow¨ is about Max understanding why David tries to be positive and make others happy, ¨Parents Day¨ is about David learning why Max is so angry and negative all the time due to his family situation. Both are great episodes and both are interesting parallels to each other, whatever they were intentional or not.
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angxliquel · 4 months
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more of this trio pretty please
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swan2swan · 4 months
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Until someone from the staff says otherwise, I will stake actual, genuine money that this was an exchange from the writer's room that made it into the show.
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ceephorsshitshow · 1 month
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Mmm bone marrow and animal byproducts
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alexxuun · 1 year
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Sir, please loosen up your fist.
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percabethcoded · 23 days
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a-titty-ninja · 2 years
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lesbow · 1 month
❌: *watching Camp Cretaceous and Chaos Theory to keep up with Jurassic World continuity*
✅: *watching Jurassic World to keep up with Camp Cretaceous and Chaos Theory continuity*
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the-breath-in-air · 2 months
Just saw a post of someone saying that Daniel (from Interview with the Vampire) is so far into the closet that at the time of the Dubai interview he doesn't even realize he's queer.
And I really don't think that's true for his character.
He wrote articles about AIDS in the 1980s (later published in a book). He frequented gay bars in the 1970s (and possibly later). He's had sex with men. He's not repressed. (ETA: not repressed about the gender of people he's attracted to, anyway)
Now there's a lot we don't know about Daniel's life, so it is open to interpretation, I'll admit. But it really feels more to me that he's written to be someone who's, like, a 1 on the Kinsey scale. Like, his longest romantic relationships were with women. His primary motivation for being at gay bars in the 1970s really was to score drugs. (Tho that wasn't his only motivation). When he tells Armand "I can be on my knees in a minute" it really is just him "bargaining with desire" not expressing his own desire. He was definitely attracted to and intrigued by Louis (and flirting with Louis) in San Francisco, but the promise of sex alone probably wouldn't have convinced him to go to Louis' apartment. And for sure there is so much tension between Armand and Daniel in that Dubai apartment, you could cut it with a knife...it's just, y'know, both sexual and angry.
Daniel's a character with a lot of nuance in his sexuality. His sexuality is fluid. He's a character for whom his motivations for having sex are not always purely about desire (though desire is wrapped in it). And I love that! Finally a character whose sexuality is muddled...who doesn't fit into any boxes (not even those created by other queer people)...and yet who doesn't seem to be at all confused by himself. By the time we get to Dubai, he knows who he is, in terms of his sexuality.
And that doesn't make him less queer. His muddled queerness isn't a problem to be fixed. Hell, that's true even though Daniel might not even call himself queer or bisexual. This show has earned having a character do that. Like, the beauty of there being so many queer characters on this show is that no single character has to carry the weight of representation. So their sexual identities can be muddled and stay muddled.
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jurassicshields · 1 day
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The entire crew- Yaz, Sammy, Kenji, Ben, Darius, Brooklyn
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samstrifee · 4 months
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more early promos i found
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mantis-yippee · 2 days
Stop fighting makeout
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coreymasterofsilly · 7 months
she likes a boy<3333 nxdia my love ever hes amazing i love all of their songs
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neunhofferart · 2 days
Oho hoho the Jurassic World Chaos Theory season 2 trailer at last~
I hope everyone enjoys what we cooked up for them this season! What are YOU most excited for from the season 2 trailer?
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aristaspark · 2 months
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I just know Darius is making the dino look at Kenji and Brooklynn cringy video
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