#and i already had a nap so i wont fall asleep properly for AGES >:(
whatyoutaughtwasfear · 2 months
Started population 11 tonight! It's a show loosely based on a guy that went missing in the northern Territory, Australia, and its got the main dude from superstore :) Mostly enjoying it so far. Just finished I think episode 4 - where you find out who bugged his phone and BRUHHHH! was NOT expecting that
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angstyx · 3 years
Going on a Road Trip w/ SBI Hcs
Includes: Tommy, Wilbur, Techno, Philza
TW: lots of cursing, shouting
Requested?: [Yes] [No]
Masterlist // Rules for Requesting
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It’ll take ages to plan the road trip since everyone would want to go to different places
Poor phil, he'll have to deal with all of you, tommy, and wilburs bullshit along with having to be the driver as well
You three would probably bicker about stupid stuff
"Hey wilbur, think about this: if humans breath air yet we can't see it, can fish see air and not be able to see water?"
"Shut the fuck up you child, I’m trying to sleep”
"Technically you're still a child tommy"
“Guys stop talking, I need to focus on driving”
"Phil tell Wilbur that I am not a child!"
"Oh fuck off, I'm done with this shit"
Techno, being in the passenger seat, would just stay silent throughout the trip or read a book; only talking to either prove a point, correct someone, or to stop someone from doing something stupid
And by someone I mean tommy
Tommy tried to convince phil multiple times to put the song 'roadtrip' on and turn the volume all the way up along with having all the windows down since it supposedly fit the "scene"
Everyone probably fought for different seats in the car before the trip started
Phil definitely forgot to help figure out who's getting which seat and he totally regreted it because techno and tommy both wanted the passenger seat
"I'm more mature than you, you idiot! I deserve to sit here!"
"Tommy... you just called me a 'idiot' which first of all, is not mature at all and second of all, I'm older. Now move out of the way and get in the back."
Tommy would only sit in the back just so he could vlog with you
The amount of curse words thrown around in the car is tremendous
You wont be able to go 5 minutes before hearing a curse word escape someone mouth
Although it's only 5 people, the car would still feel crowded and it'll feel as if there's at least 10 people inside
Tommy would constantly ask phil to pull over for food every 10 minutes or so
Wilbur would tell tommy to shut up
Techno would either join Wilbur and tell tommy to stay quiet or he'll just stay quiet himself
You, on the other hand, would just probably fall asleep or something, not wanting to be included in Tommy's shenanigans or wilbur's bickering
After your nap (if you are a person to take naps), you, tommy, and wilbur would play some car games
Despite his refusal, tommy would force have techno join as well, much to techno's dismay
"I spy with my little eyes... something green"
"Wrong answer Wilbur!"
And because you were so bored, you decided to join in as well
"The grass?"
"Nope! That’s wrong y/n!"
"The tree leaves?"
"I already said that y/n-"
"... I-I don't want to play anymore"
Tommy, like always, would vlog the trip!
He’ll make sure to bring all the equipment in his bag
He wanted to bring much more equipment but no mater how hard tommy begged, Phil still said no
“Tommy everyone’s taking a nap right now, just go to sleep”
“But I need my content, Phil!”
“You won’t get any content at all if you don’t go to sleep this instant”
If Phil got tired with driving, either wilbur or techno would take out so he could rest
Tommy wanted to drive but everyone quickly told him that he was going to crash the car
Let’s just say he didn’t talk to anyone for a while during the trip
If you brought headphones or something to listen to music to, you still won’t be able to hear your music properly since tommy would be talking too loud
“Tommy can you be quiet? I’m trying to listen to music right now!”
“Oh well too bad y/n! CAUSE IT’S VLOG TIME WOOHOO!!”
“….Fuck you, Tommy”
Despite all the chaos, bickering, and fighting throughout the road trip, everyone still had fun
Well mostly everyone, like I said, Phil had to deal with everyone’s bullshit :)
Good luck cause the next time the SBI goes on a road trip with you, it’ll be much more chaotic
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Taglist: @thenotsohottopic @0-0littlem0-0 @alec-lostboy @bi-narystars @707xn @sakurapartridge @ryxjxnnx @boiciph3r @maxiewritesfanfic @cheesysin @missusstark @multifandomgirl-us @sophia902103 @sunnyxlove @marrymetheonott @voidgonemissing @alec-lost-bee
Send me an ask or dm to be added to my taglist! :)
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vex-bittys · 4 years
Flufftober 2020: Day Nine
Prompt: Snowy/Rainy Day
Pairing: Underswap Skelebros
Category: Familial
“THIS IS A PERFECT SPOT FOR OUR SENTRY STATION!” Blue declared with utmost excitement. His older brother, Stretch, nodded amicably. 
The younger skeleton monster still wore stripes, but his age did not diminish his dream of becoming a sentry and, someday, a Royal Guard. Blue hounded the Royal Guard Captain, Alphys, constantly, marveling at her every action, and when she’d informed him that Royal Guards were always on the lookout for humans, he immediately declared himself to be the Sentry of Snowdin Forest.
Stretch wished his little brother also listened to the legends regarding how powerful and dangerous humans were, but he refused to hamper his little brother’s enthusiasm. Thus, the two skeletons found themselves walking down the lonely path through Snowdin Forest towards the Ruins, arms filled with building materials: discarded cardboard boxes from Muffet’s Bar and Restaurant and plenty of duct tape.
While Stretch meandered around the construction site, lost in his thoughts about Royal Guards and humans, Blue had already cleared a large area of the forest’s ever-present snow. Blue’s boundless energy made Stretch crave a nap or five just from watching him scurry around. In fact, Stretch decided to sprawl out in the center of the future sentry station location and do just that.
Blue puffed his cheeks in outrage. “YOU’RE. SUPPOSED. TO. BE. HELPING!” he cried in exasperation, trying to lift his brother into a standing position. Uncooperative, as all big brothers are required to be, Stretch kept going limp and sliding out of Blue’s hands to puddle on the ground again. If a skeleton could be boneless, Stretch would be the one to achieve it.
“i am helping,” claimed Stretch from his prone position. “i’m making sure the area you cleared doesn’t float away now that there’s no snow to hold it down!”
Blue threw his hands in the air in exasperation. “THAT DOESN’T HAPPEN!” Despite his objection, Blue eyed the patch of dirt uncertainly. “WE’D BETTER HURRY AND BUILD OUR SENTRY STATION JUST IN CASE THOUGH!”
Stretch chuckled. Blue might be ready to graduate from his stripes soon, but he still made the perfect target for pranks. Dutifully, Stretch stood up and began laying out pieces of cardboard to form the structure of the sentry station. Blue directed the project, and eventually he also became his own architectural and construction team since Stretch often deliberately misunderstood his directions, as older brothers are also wont to do.
Despite his brother’s unrelenting shenanigans, Blue soon had a (somewhat dilapidated) cardboard kiosk erected between some coniferous trees beside the path to the Ruins- a perfect spot to catch any humans who might attempt to enter Snowdin and cause mischief… or possibly even… mayhem!
Stretch surveyed his brother’s work. For a building made entirely of compressed paper, it seemed structurally sound even if it appeared to be a bit off-kilter- most likely a result of his antagonistic interference. “this support beam looks a little unsteady,” he commented. “maybe we should strengthen it with some cardboard-hydrates?”
Blue uttered a choked sound of indignation and stomped his foot, finally at his limit for his brother’s teasing. Stretch just laughed… until Blue scooped up a handful of snow and tossed it at him. 
The epic snow war that pitted brother against brother began in earnest with only a light scattering of falling snowflakes to bear witness to it. Blue’s boundless energy proved to be an advantage as the small skeleton scooped up huge armloads of snow to dump on his brother. Stretch succumbed quickly to the onslaught, allowing Blue to bury him up to his neck in his own private snow poff without much protest or retaliation.
“MWEH HEH HEH,” crowed a victorious Blue. As the snow battle wound down, the intensity of the snowfall increased until a blizzard overtook Snowdin Forest, obscuring anything more than an arm's length in front of the skeletons.
Stretch wiggled his way out from under the pile of snow that Blue had dumped on him, and the pair of skeletons sought shelter together in the only structure available- their newly constructed sentry station.
“you really buried me in that snowball fight,” teased Stretch, enjoying the sight of his little brother stomping in outrage at the terrible puns. “that was cold, bro.”
Blue groaned, and Stretch put one bony hand to his equally bony brow. “i’m so exhausted from the ordeal that icy stars.” With that final pun, Stretch collapsed dramatically… right on top of Blue.
“PAPY, NO!” cried Blue in dismay, fighting to hold Stretch up and failing.
“sorry, bro, gravity is increasing on me,” explained Stretch as his body weight slowly crushed Blue to the floor.
“NO IT ISN’T!” shouted Blue.
“yup. same thing happened to me yesterday.”
“YOU ROTTEN BROTHER! YOUR BUTT IS CRUSHING ME!” complained Blue from the floor where Stretch’s sprawl of lanky limbs squashed him into the ground. No matter how much he pushed and shoved, he couldn’t move the bigger skeleton.
Soon, Blue stopped struggling and went unusually still and quiet. Concerned, Stretch stood up to check on him only to discover that Blue, exhausted from building the shack and trouncing him in snow combat, had fallen asleep.
Stretch pulled off his hoodie and laid it over Blue’s small body to keep him warm. He shivered a bit, but the cold didn’t bother him enough to leave his brother uncovered. When the blizzard subsided, Stretch carried Blue, still wrapped in his hoodie, back to their house and tucked him into bed properly.
Over the years, the rickety looking shack deep in Snowdin Forest stood firm, despite its hodgepodge construction, and if each of the skeleton brothers occasionally paid it a visit for maintenance to ensure its continued existence? Well, it certainly wasn’t something worth mentioning….
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ellebeebee · 7 years
Part Seven
Part One || Part Two || Part Three || Part Four || Part Five || Part Six
Phrixus Jaril, 13, moves to the Citadel at a delicate age: namely, the peak of his teenage angst. He doesn’t expect much from these rich Citadel kids. But then he meets the Ryder twins, and all their friends, and realizes that he may have been a wee bit wrong about things. His relationship with Mira Ryder evolves over the years, and he never expected things to end up the way they did.
2970 words, Female Ryder|Sara Ryder/Original Male Turian Character, teen rating
He hadn’t really gotten to know Jyra Kraetoq, of the lower Citadel wards, during basic. And two months into advanced training, he still knew jack-all about her. He and Ruq tended to include her at meal times and in down time, because they came from the same basic squad. And they were usually in the same fire team. But the most they’d gotten her to say about herself was that she could probably infiltrate any system of ductwork, felt strongly that anyone not carrying at least two sidepieces and knives was asking for it, and didn’t believe in eating meat. Even the vat-cloned “meat” that was so often a camp staple.
She was okay, though. Good with tech and a pistol.
He never saw Kraetoq after training; last he’d heard, she had a post out near geth space– some joint op with both Alliance and Flotilla forces cleaning up leftovers from the Battle of the Citadel. Ruq, unfortunately, stuck to him like varren shit. Some years after boot camp, they met again at the fringes of the Attican Traverse. Slaver hunting. But even without meeting up with Ruq again, he recalled these two in particular because they gave him some advice he should have listened to. Sure, Kraetoq went through partners like tp, and Ruq was so dense he’d have someone sticking their mandibles straight up into his before he realized they were interested– but still. You see the splinter in someone else’s eye better than the log in yours or whatever.
During one evening’s free time, most of their squad and the other squads in the company were in the rec room. Kraetoq had stood from the table she, Phrixus, and Ruq had been sitting at.
She whistled at him. “Jaril. Latrine.”
Feet propped on the table top, Phrixus looked up from his omnitool. “Take a female.”
They (meaning everyone under sergeant rank) had to walk around the camp in pairs, usualy male-male and female-female, but in cases of male-female you took three. One male, two females or one female, two males. It was kind of a pain in the middle of the night when someone had to pee really bad and had to wait on someone to wake up and stop cursing you for waking you up.
“I could make the obvious joke here,” Kraetoq drawled. “But let’s just save time and go already.”
He didn’t feel like arguing, so he dropped his feet and shoved at Ruq, napping on the table with his head in his arms. Ruq grumbled some but got up anyway. A short walk later, the two of them leaned against the wall outside the female latrine, Ruq half falling asleep again and Phrixus with his mandibles deep in his tool.
And his head was still mired elsewhere when Kraetoq came out, and the other two were halfway down the hallway.
“Jaril,” Ruq called.
He looked up, and pushed off the wall. And when he followed after them, and passed by them, Ruq got sneaky and shot out a hand to grab onto his wrist. Jerking, he whipped Phrixus’s hand around so that he could look at the omnitool, too.
“I’m not gonna forget you–” he read out loud. He whistled. “How darling. Romantic, even. How much did you pay the guy to write all this for your sour ass?”
Quicker than Ruq could react, Phrixus flicked him sharply on the forehead with his free hand.
“Dumbass,” he told Ruq.
His hand returned to him, he turned off his omnitool. He’d been browsing through his old message logs. The people in them almost felt like… strangers. At what point had they stopped writing to each other like that, like… Their feelings were so easy to admit. To just spit out. It hadn’t even been a year since he’d written that line Ruq used, but it felt like a lifetime.
The three of them walked back to the rec area with Ruq shrilling about the mark Phrixus probably left. Kraetoq glanced at him. At the face he was making.
“Trouble in paradise?” she asked.
He glanced at her. Shrugged. “My girlfriend. Lately she’s… acting like a damn princess. I’m here, busting my ass, and…” He shrugged again. “It’s just hard to talk to her lately.”
They dropped into their old seats. Propped their feet up again. And Kraetoq didn’t say anything, so he thought the subject was dropped. But then she cleared her throat.
“Maybe she’s acting like a princess because she is one? Maybe every girl is a bit of a princess. Just some don’t get the chance to act like it.”
He looked at her. And shrugged and rolled his eyes because he was a damn idiot and thought she was complaining about having to nag them about walking her to the latrine, and not that she was saying something he should have really heard.
He should have been worried when Mira started going out again. Since the move to the dorms, Forta had decided to cut the drinking and work on lifting and his overall fitness. Of course, the timing and the amount of enthusiasm he threw into this should have worried Phrixus for an altogether different reason. Mira, though, went back to sneaking out with Aela and all the old suspects back home. He’d thought at first it was her just going back to things like normal. But then at some point she and Aela got bored of all the same old house parties.
[mira] soooo
[phrixus] yeah
[mira] me n aela have been up to no good
[mira] ;D
[phrixus] do i really want to hear this
[mira] yesss
[mira] you do
[mira] so u kno how ur csn is tied to ur face recs and thats how you get id’ed for bars and stuff
If at any time you are a citizen of Citadel space, you receive a constantly updating three-dimensional face scan that will be associated with a Citadel Space Number and your various specs. This information is stored with various police and government databases, which vendors of regulated goods and services are required to access before selling to you.
[phrixus] yeah…
[mira] well, we met this asari who knows someone that will program a jump in scanner software when your face is scanned so it looks like you’re legal
[mira] its expensive
[mira] but i think its worth it
[phrixus] mira
[phrixus] are you for real right now
[mira] what
[phrixus] you’re planning on going to bars and clubs
[phrixus] you’re a kid
[phrixus] you know that’s fucking dangerous
[phrixus] there are creeps out there
[mira] yeah i know
[mira] we’re not going to be stupid about it
[mira] whats with you
[mira] you used to be into this stuff
[phrixus] well maybe i just have my priorities straight
[mira] and i dont?
[phrixus] you’re failing half your classes, you skip too much, all you really seem to care about anymore is partying
[phrixus] you’re not even going to the gun ranges or the arena
[phrixus] and aela just keeps making it worse
[mira] you dont know anything
[mira] aela has been there for me
[mira] she actually listens to me
[mira] not like you anymore
[mira] you used to give a shit about my life
[mira] now im lucky if you even send a message once a day
[mira] you used to tell me things
[mira] now i dont know anything about what youre doing
[mira] or how you are
[mira] youve changed and i dont even know you anymore
[phrixus] you think i wanted it like this
[phrixus] im here because its my responsibility
[phrixus] im doing my duty and i dont have all the fucking time in the world to answer every message
[phrixus] especially all this crap about how hungover you are or whining about how expensive your fake id will be
[phrixus] im here doing real work in the real world
[phrixus] not like you and aela out in la la land over there
[phrixus] im getting my life together not fucking wasting it
[mira] no youre not youre just being an asshole
[mira] maybe everyone was right about you
[mira] youre not shy or misunderstood or whatever
[mira] youre just a selfish jerk
[mira] you have no idea how to care about anyone other than yourself
[mira] and i bet none of this is new
[mira] youve always looked down on me
[mira] youre just a fucking emotional leech
[mira] but dont worry i wont bother you again with my screwed up life
They didn’t talk for two weeks.
He had never been angry at anyone, had never been angry at her in this way before. He’d never been hurt in this way.
He aced an impromptu fire and movement drill, earned praise from the company’s captain. He memorized all of the regs concerning the movement of refugees from an unsecured location to a secured location. He learned how to properly fire heavy artillery, and how to decimate an air raid with a dazzling firework display.
All the while pretending to not think about it. All the while stewing.
He felt like shit.
He ignored calls from home, from his moms and his old friends. All the messages. He told no one about the fight. Maybe he thought if he kept quiet, it would cease to exist. Just be erased from the history of the universe if no one could remember it.
But him ignoring it wasn’t going to erase the logs in his omnitool, or make her forget.
He just felt like shit.
When did things get so bad? How could it have been, just a year ago, that he felt there was no one who knew him better, that he trusted more, and then that same person turned into a stranger? Someone he couldn’t understand, someone who he couldn’t confide in or vice-versa? How the fuck was it possible that someone you’d shared a bed with– the only person you’d touched or touched you could turn into… an enemy?
And what was it in him that just… could do nothing to help her. Her mother was dying. And he couldn’t do anything. He hadn’t been able to comfort her, say anything of significance for her. He was useless.
If he were honest, and not trying to forget the whole thing, he’d have to admit he didn’t have much right to criticize her.
Where did the trust get broken? Where did the understanding go? Where did that warm afternoon air go, sliding down their bare backs? Where did the quiet rustling as they shifted closer go? And her smile– when was the last time he’d made her smile?
That hit some deep spot in him, some horribly tender place that wasn’t protected by plates or armor. A place he’d been trying to ignore, all this time at camp.
He pretended to forget for two weeks before he ended up wide awake after lights out, laying in bed and staring at the ceiling. He was running on several nights of staring up at the ceiling instead of sleeping, and yet, here he was. Awake. Pretending.
Phrixus pushed up an elbow and glanced down from his top bunk. Everyone was out. In the hall outside, he couldn’t hear the boots of the patrolling fire watch. They were supposed to report anyone out of bed, but even if they caught him only brown-nosing assholes ever snitched on fellow trainees.
Silently, he slipped down the ladder. He dug his omnitool out, climbed back up, and pulled up the covers to block some of the light.
He sent a message to Mira. And waited. And waited. The air filters in the barracks room clicked at rapid rhythm every few hours. It wasn’t too loud, just sort of softly angry and stuttery. Could wake you up though, and you wouldn’t realize it was the filters. You’d get spooked and feel like something was sitting on your chest. He sent another message.
And he waited and waited.
[phrixus] We need to talk.
[mira] oooo cap
[mira] s
[mira] pucntion
[mira] ooooooo
[mira] u dontwnt to tallk tome
[phrixus] Have you been drinking?
A very long pause. He turned his omnitool’s light off when he heard the passing of the fire watch.
[phrixus] Where are you?
[mira] purgatory
[phrixus] Mira.
[mira] stop
[mira] dont
[phrixus] Who’s with you?
[mira] y do u caer
[phrixus] I’m messaging Aela.
[mira] no
[mira] y not alk me
[mira] im drunk im nt stupid
[mira] im the one u shld tallk to
[mira] but u dont
[mira] u nnever
[phrixus] im sorry
[mira] yeah
[mira] metoo
[phrixus] you wanna vid talk?
[phrixus] mira?
[phrixus] mira
He waited a while. And waited. Tried her again. Then he tried Aela.
[phrixus] hey are you with mira
[aela] yeah
[aela] we’re leaving purgatory now
[aela] try her tomorrow or something
[phrixus] ok
[phrixus] how is she
[aela] look, i’m the last person you want to ask about this
[aela] i’m not gonna pull punches
[aela] and i don’t want to make it worse
[aela] just talk to her tomorrow
So he skipped lunch the next day and messaged her. Wedged into the corner between two auxiliary buildings, having snuck his omnitool into his waistband in the morning. The electromagnetic barrier of the fort’s biodome buzzing distantly overhead. As answer, she vid called him back.
He was in fatigues, unbuttoned to the waist. The dome protected from a great deal of heat, but it was still much hotter out of doors.
She stared at him, out of the QE data transmission, tinged in hologram blue. In her dorm, sitting on a bed not so different from the one he used now. The plain, nondescript walls not so different from the ones in the barracks, yet hers papered with photo screens and posters. The cushions at her back the same from her old room. Her face was a mess, like clan markings done with cheap paint in a downpour, and she wore a wrinkled and disheveled dress he’d never seen before. Her hair was pulled back carelessly.
“Hey,” she said, small and quiet.
“Hey,” he said.
He could hear the distant rhythm of a jogging company. Even farther out, the sharp cracks of the range.
“You okay?” he asked.
Her eyes shot down, her jaw working. She shook her head.
“I don’t– I need to say something,” she said. “I said some stuff I shouldn’t have the last time we messaged.”
“I did, too–”
“Wait. Just, wait. I’m sorry. You’re not that type of person I said you were. But I also said some things I should’ve a while ago. Things haven’t… they haven’t been the same… Phrixus.”
He waited, holding his mandibles rigid. He watched the slide of her eyes to some spot away from him, and the working of her throat.
“I’m sorry,” he managed. “Mira, I’m sorry. I’ve been terrible. You’re nothing like… and I haven’t been there for you, I know. But I’ve been– worried about you.”
She hesitated, nervous hands going to push away a stray curl that wasn’t there. “I’m glad. I mean. I know I haven’t been making great choices. But I mean… I just wanted… some fun and– and you know, I’ve been worried about you, too. I don’t have any idea how you’re feeling anymore.”
“Yeah,” he said, subvocals dipping. “I know.”
“And I’m sort of tired of just… waiting for some bit of your time. I feel like I’m just a distraction for you.”
“You’re not– you’re not. But… I’m sorry. I just need, well, space. I really just can’t spare the same amount of time…”
“I know.”
Then she looked up properly, at the rigidity in his face. Her eyes shone. She inhaled, the sound trembling, in her throat.
“Phrixus, I think– I think this just isn’t working anymore. Things aren’t the same.  And we both– I think we both need to focus on other things.”
The voice of some sergeant out in the yard spread out over the compound, echoing like a sergeant’s voice does, but wordless and unemotional and hard. An unintelligible dressing down of some group of teenagers.
“I…” he needed to reply, but his voice was skittering away from him. “I think… you’re probably right. I guess we should just– break up…”
She stared up at him. Her voice was so small and tight. “Yeah.”
“I’m sorry.”
“Me too.”
He felt… relief for a while. Relief that the pressure and responsibility of the relationship was over. That he didn’t have to come back to his bunk with a backlog of messages to catch up on.
But then the guilt set in. Had they just given up? Should he have tried harder, done more. How could he have said the things he did. This wasn’t just anyone.  This was her. And she had needed him, and he hadn’t been there.
And then the pain set in. Like the story Lieutenant Gratarian had told them on simulation; there are times when soldiers get cleaved in two, and they’re dead, they just don’t realize it yet. But they keep talking, still trying to get help. But they’re dead, and they’ll feel it soon.
All the things he remembered, all the things they’d shared– it got into that deep and tender spot. Turned into this black blemish that never seemed to go away. He could forget about it. But sometimes something (some scent that reminded him, some shift in another’s form) would touch it, and light that tender spot on fire.
But what they’d said still remained.
Maybe it was for the best.
He could focus on training, and she could work things out, figure out the thing in her that was hurting.
Time passed. He didn’t try to make up or restart things, and neither did she.
And they moved on.
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