#and i always thought it was a shame we never got to see her humansona in the show
weaverofink · 1 year
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the tarron siblings, plus a wild Zadra!! i think she should have gotten her own human design in the show
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oriorchids · 2 years
Hello! Sorry to comment this here and not on ao3 but i dont have an account there 😅
i just wanted to say i just read the first chapter of your twst x pmmm crossover and i am so excited!! i love pmmm and always thought it was such a shame there wasn’t more crossover works considering just how many parallels and shared elements are in both, so i was so thrilled when i saw Connection.
Also i love that your working in elements of magia record, the dopple system compared with the phantoms of overblots has always been so cool to me so when in the fic you mentioned magia record elements too i just was like !!! i cant wait to see what you do with all these cool elements
ok ok enough raving about the concept lets get into the wonderful things in the fic itself. i love the way youve characterized yuu and their siblings so far! They seem like a fun trio and i hope we get to see their dynamic more in like flashbacks since yuu is currently isekai’ed 😔 speaking of that 👀 loving the transition of yuu fighting that witch and getting caught of guard, and then being taken by the carriage, was yuu taken out in the fight or maybe they were like summoned 🤔 either way I’m sure their siblings are absolutely freaking out, i wonder if they’ll be able to do anything on their end to investigate, maybe tracking down someone with a wish specific enough to help.
I cant wait to see more of this yuu in twisted wonderland, how their past will shape their interactions with the characters, gonna be giving azul such side eye when he mentions contracts like 😑 ‘kyubey is this your humansona??’ or somethin haha. i wonder if they’ll try and keep it secret, if they can, you mentioned the issue of them not really having a way to recharge their magic in the summary which has me nervous but excited because who doesn’t love the looming threat of angst.
ok that was a lot of words but im so excited to see where you take this, your writings so good and i look forward to more of your work! Great job and have a good day!! :D
aaaaaaaaa thank you so much!! yeah when i was scrolling through the fandom tag i kept looking for works that were related to pmmm in some way or have it as a crossover. i got like. one fic. and it was just tagged “pmmm references” and i didn’t really want to read it because it was both ongoing and long.
magia record holds a special place to my heart and i miss the days the en server was still there. i know nothing of what happens after the first arc but that will not stop me from making references to it. doppels are just very fun to me.
funnily enough, both hotaru and kohaku are older ocs than yuu, who was made for the fic. i think i actually stole yuu’s abilities as a healer from hotaru, and changed hotaru’s ability to something else. kohaku was never fleshed out before writing this, though. i think she originally had more protective shield-based abilities, but i gave her super-strength here due to the differing circumstances. i tried to make them a pretty decent trio, and i’m glad you like their dynamic! and on that last part, possibly. they’re not going to be standing around and waiting, that’s for sure.
yuu’s interactions with the twst crew will be interesting, i think. azul’s contracts are probably a little less extreme than kyubey’s, just because they can be broken and don’t lead to an eventual death by monsters or turning into a monster. then again that seems pretty innate for twst mages. and the grief seed issue is certainly an issue. hopefully they can figure out how to fix that.
i’m glad you enjoyed the first chapter!! and tbh lots of words are always welcomed i like being talked to about my writing. hope you have a good day as well!
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