#and i could merge it with ikari gozen
kari-go · 5 months
Your favorite character with your less favorite miraculous
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Look at me, I used to salt on her so much and now she's my fav,, character development :P
It was hard to pick my fav so I restricted myself to just the show's characters because I would not have been able to pick between my ocs (Blanche and Stephan to be specific lol)
The miraculous was a bit easier, now, it's not because I dislike the miraculous but it's because of just how much the kwami/suit was a pain in the ass to draw, and since I'm still struggling with Voltt (and Orikko doesn't exist LOL) it was really simple
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look at him, he's just not it
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zoe-oneesama · 5 years
hi there! just curious, what order of the episodes are you going with? of course you put origins first and volpina will be last in season one, but for the middle bits, are you going off production code?
Well, you’re wrong about Volpina so HA smart one! lol, it’s pretty nebulous right now and might be up for change, but RIGHT NOW the episode order is:
Season 1:
Origins part 1
Origins part 2
Stormy Weather/Climatika
The Bubbler/Le Bulleur
Lady Wifi
Copycat/L’ Imposteur
Mr. Pigeon/M. Pigeon
The Pharaoh/Le Pharaon
Season 2:
Darkblade/Le Chevalier Noir
Gamer/Le Gamer
Simon Says/Jackady
Collector/Le Collectionneur
Befana/La Befana
Kung Food
Evilustrator/Le Dessinateur
Season 3:
Antibug (Vanisher)
Captain Hardrock/Captaine Hardrock
Dark Cupid
The Puppeteer/La Marionnettiste
Guitar Villain/Guitar Vilain
Princess Fragrance/Princesse Frangrace
Season 4:
Despair Bear/Doudou Vilain
Ikari Gozen
Prime Queen/Audimatrix
Season 5:
The Mime/Le Mime
Sandboy/Le Marchand de Sable
Party Crasher/Trouble Fête 
Frozer/ Le Patineur
Frightningale/ Rossignoble
Style Queen
Series Finale 3-parter:
Queen Wasp
This list COULD change, either because an episode can’t contribute to the plot (Gigantitan) or can’t happen due to the premise (Antibug). And there’s a chance, particularly later, that some episodes might be merged together or because of the way ONE episode goes, it erases another episode. And if an episode from Season 3 proves to be so good I *need* to include it, I could swap it out for one of the less important episodes.
It’s also important to remember that thanks to the premise of the AU, THIS timeline doesn’t have to match up with the CANONICAL timeline. (Example: in canon, Prime Queen would happen before The Pharaoh because Alya says she’s never gotten an interview with Ladybug, but Scarlet Lady would never “give” Alya because she accidentally erased her video, so this one line is erased, leaving the timeline open). Do not take this as my interpretation of the Canon Timeline.
Edit: Replaced Glaciator with Crocoduel (GASP! A season 4 episode?!), and rearranged the order of Anansi, Silencer, Desperada, and Ikari Gozen to put Crocoduel at episode 38.
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bunnyinthestars · 4 years
Why we should have known Alix’s importance as essentially the in-show keeper of the Love Square the second we first saw her, and how we can use her character design to predict what will happen for the Love Square
*an analysis/exploration of her character design*
WARNING: spoilers for a couple season 3 episodes, including Desperada, Ikari Gozen, and Miracle Queen. Honestly, if you haven’t watched any of those episodes yet, I highly recommend them, they’re really good
Ok so, today, as I was drawing Alix and therefore thinking about her appearance, I realized that basically her entire physical character design has elements of the Love Square to it. I searched tumblr trying to find someone who posted about this but I couldn’t, so here we go bois. Sorry if I missed anyone’s post about this, I’m still kinda new to tumblr and I’m just trying to share my thoughts with the fandom!
There are gonna be three elements of her design I talk about: her hairstyle, her coloring, and the details on her clothing.
First off, I would like to start with her hairstyle.
Her hairstyle is iconic for its uniqueness— pretty wild, short, with a pigtail on one side and loose hair on the other. BUT GUYS. HER HAIR IS LITERALLY HALF LADYBUG’S, HALF CHAT NOIR’S.
Let me explain—
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If you look at the images above, you can see precisely what I mean.
On the left side of Alix’s face (when we, the audience, look at her, not her own left), we can see Alix’s bangs are parted exactly the way Marinette/LB’s bangs are, plus she has Mari’s pigtail. On the right half, we can see the middle piece of Chat Noir’s bangs that is pointed toward/in his face, plus the rest of his hair that alternatively points outward (sorry if that wording was confusing, there’s a reason i’m not a writer, it’s easier to see in the photos). ALIX’S HAIRSTYLE ALONE IS QUITE LITERALLY HALF LADYBUG AND HALF CHAT NOIR. I AM NOT OK.
Alright. Ok. As if that alone hasn’t made me lose my mind, there’s more. Before we get into her outfit, I want to just quickly address Alix’s coloring itself.
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Alix has pink hair and blue eyes, and her clothes are black, green, pink, and red.
The pink hair and blue eyes can easily be attributed to Marinette/Ladybug, since Marinette’s clothes and room are majorly pink, her transformation sequence and powers all have pink backgrounds, and pink is a variation of red, which is Ladybug’s main color. Marinette also has blue eyes (and blue hair, but I don’t know if it’s blue in-universe or black).
On the other hand, the black and green on Alix’s shirt can be attributed, of course, to Chat Noir, who’s entire color scheme is black with accents of lime green. Adrien also shows hints of these colors in his design, but that’s a completely different subject.
For the rest of her look, Alix’s shorts are almost all black, except for the red decal on the back pockets, and her socks and shoes are a mix of Mari/LB’s and Adrien/CN’s colors.
To sum it up, from head to toes we have Mari on Alix’s head, Adrien on her upper torso, and a mix of the two from the lower torso down. It is worth noting that the reasons Mari’s colors are Alix’s head and Adrien’s colors are on Alix’s shirt is that, throughout the series, it is established that Mari is associated with using her head, and Adrien is associated with preferring his heart. (This has been explocitly referenced in episodes like Lady Wifi (s1) and Ladybug (s3).) Therefore, Mari’s coloring being on Alix’s head—which is what Mari is associated with—and Adrien’s coloring on her shirt being closest to her heart—which he is associated with—makes total sense.
Ok ok ok. This is the last point I have to make, but also kinda the most complicated to explain, so bear with me here.
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(sorry i keep using this same photo, it just shows a lot of what i’m trying to show you guys and i’m to lazy to find another photo hehe)
In the photo on the left, if you look by her wrist, you can see a snake head, and you can see the shape of the snake body trailing around her arms. The scale print even further adds to this.
So a snake. The immediate thing that comes to mind is the snake miraculous. If you’ll remember the episode Desperada (s3), the snake miraculous was originally given to Adrien, who transformed into Aspik, but then Adrien learned that he was unsuccessful as Aspik because he couldnt be Chat Noir at the same time, and his role as Chat Noir was essential to the success of the team, so Luka became the next (and way more successful) holder of the snake miraculous, Viperion. The other relevance of the snake miraculous was in Miracle Queen (s3 finale), when Chat Noir merged the black cat miraculous and snake miraculous (Snake Noir). The colors of the snake are also the same colors of Chat Noir, but black is Chat Noir’s more primary color while green is the snake’s more primary color.
(side note: When Luka holds the miraculous, the tones of the green color shift from a lime green to a more blue-green, which shows his individuality/difference from Adrien being expressed in the miraculous, similarly to how Ryuko’s coloring is more of an orange-toned red than Marinette’s as Ladybug/Dragonbug. This isn’t quite important to this analysis, I just thought it was interesting, whoops!)
For the photo on the right, I know the photo isn’t very clear, but I just couldn’t quite find a clear photo of the red snake decal on the back pockets of Alix’s shorts. For context, in the Chinese zodiac (where the second level of the miraculous originate), dragons don’t have wings (the wings thing came from western culture), and so they look similarly to the shape of a snake because they are long, thin, flexible, and have scales. Therefore, it’s reasonable to assume that this snake-like outline in red on the pockets of Alix’s shorts could also be meant to resemble a dragon. This makes a ton of sense when we consider how the snake and the dragon are pictured together in the show, and the colors typically associated with either.
The dragon’s relevance is presented in a similar manner to the snake’s, only Marinette doesn’t try to use the dragon (excluding Kwami Buster) until Miracle Queen, when she becomes Dragonbug (and Chat Noir becomes Snake Noir). Kagami, however, is meant to be Marinette’s “rival” for being Adrien’s love interest, and Kagami is the one who ends up getting the dragon miraculous and transforming into Ryuko for the first time in Ikari Gozen (s3).
Luka is meant to be a altered reflection of Adrien, and Kagami is meant to be an altered reflection of Marinette. This is why the miraculouses that Luka and Kagami are given are also the same ones Marinette and Adrien unify in Miracle Queen, and why the color schemes are the way they are. Their roles in terms of the writing of the show are only meant to be a psyche-out Adrinette for both Mari and Adrien. The balance is almost there, but not quite. This can be seen in their own character designs, but again, that’s a whole other thing. Their roles in the show, though, are essential to bring Adrinette together. In Miracle Queen, Luka and Marinette are established as an item, and Kagami and Adrien are established as an item. In the same episode, Dragonbug and Snake Noir themselves even foreshadows the separation of Luka & Adrien and Marinette & Kagami being unified into just Adrien and just Marinette themselves. A better way of saying that is that the qualities Mari likes about Luka will become things either Adrien grows into or that she’ll find in him, and the same thing with Kagami and Marinette for Adrien, which will lead to them becoming a couple. This is why they’re included in Alix’s design, if we can agree that Alix’s design is meant to represent their journey into becoming a couple.
Man, am I tired from finding the words to explain that. Hopefully it makes sense!!
So, to summarize everything, not only do Alix’s hair and general coloring have direct traces of LB and CN, but also the snake and the dragon, who can be represented by both Adrien & Luka (snake) and Marinette & Kagami (dragon), and can be used to determine that Luka and Kagami’s roles in the show hold the key to the Love Square becoming canon.
So. Yes. Alix’s design, once I realized all this, has been driving me crazy. I MEAN SERIOUSLY. She is a literal human representation of the Love Square.
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My notes to Ezras and Veronikas blind-reaction video
I’ve watched this video like at least 3 times today because honestly, Ezra is comedy gold and a whole ass mood. Also I wanted to get as much information out of their reactions as possible and at the same time try to figure out what episode we are dealing with here. My guess is “Kwami Buster” what do you think?
But now for my notes. Get something to eat and drink I’ve got 4 whole pages ^^
Ezra just dead ass comfirmed Mark + Nathanael as canon, nice!
episode starts in a location we’ve already been in s1 but rarely and we havent discovered it much so my guess is this:
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The only time an akuma attack took place in there was in “Mr. Pigeon” and it rarely came up in other episodes.
a “her” is possibly up to something
a “she” (It didnt seem to be the same person) has alot to speak in this episode but normally doesnt speal much -> Ezra; she kinda does -> Veronika
A character has an ongoing theme, it happenes over and over (progression in the season/s). They dont know wjere the creators will go with it but Ezra theorizes it’ll be a massive sacifice. ( I think they are talking about Marinette here, who will maybe see something like Adrien and Kagami together and gets sad over it again. Since she will give up her love for him in s3 finale I find this more than likely). Also Veronika said first she cant imagine it being super sad and then mentioned Marinette slightly with “Like, Ladybug’s...” but then cuts off and agrees with Ezra that “it could be very sad” because Ezra said that he thinks itll be a massive Sacrifice because the show doesnt shy away from real emotions/feeling, espacially love and passion.
something new came up that teaches us about the term all of season 3 has been dealing with. We havent seen it yet, but its setting up why “they” happen. (No idea on this one)
something completely different and exciting came up (They are MARELING!) “Its beautiful!” “This is gorgeous!”. Never done before and something slightly origin story like (My bets are that this is a continuation of Master Fus backstory in “The collector” and its done kinda in the way of his painting like flashback pics
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A “him” is in it and they are very excited about it (could be younger Fu but it could be anyone, really)
The voice actor whos telling the tale (another reason why I think its Fus backstory) is gonnabe very very busy
the whole sequence is going on for a while
Huge responsibility for Marinette (also another reason for the Backstory. I think this would be the episode he will start actually making Marinette a guradian of the Miraculous and therefore trusts her with even more of his backstory and what happened in the past
Veronika feels for a character alot of other people start to feel for too. She calls the person “missunderstood” (I think its Natahlie)
One story line Ezra knows very little about came up next and Veronika wonders if it will come up again “at the end of recordings” (so the Finale) (I thinks its the storyline of what happened to Emilie)
Very funny Adrien and Plagg moment that has alot of Fanart already -> its cute
right afterwards something “very different” happened and Ezra was SHOOK AF
A “hat thing” came up several times in the whole episode. Its gonna need a voice actor, its new to the story but not a character per se. “Its like a significant character in another characters being” (wtf??)
Once again something “very different” happened and Ezra is delighted and shook part 2
“look at its/his mouth” followed immediatly by a little conversation about hawkmoth winning and that it becomes more and more possible by every passing episode
“Sweet Plagg” Plagg either being normally cute or adorable or hes sweet and sensitive in a bad situation (ITs so THE laTER ONE YALL!!!)
SOMETHING HAPPENED! Ezra was so fucking SHOOK PART 3 that they repeated his high pitched “WHAT???!!?!??!?!?” three times!
Veronika: “How can they do that though! :D”
Ezra: “NOOOOOO WAY!!!!! (°ロ°) 
Veronika: “What are they gonna do? :D”
Ezra: “There he goes! D:”
She was smiling and so excited and he dead ass sat beside her this close to having a mental breakdown (like I said this glorious man was a whole ass mood this entire video)
It seems something so massive happened that Ezra yelled: “The series is over! How can we have a Series if THAT happened? We dont have a Series if THAT. JUST. HAPPENED!!!!”
The only thing massive enough to end the series is Hm getting the ultimate power in one way or another. (everything else from reveal to betrayal and death is just an obstical to overcome in the plot, but Hm getting the ultimate power is presented to us as instand game over!) And with the little context we got from them from just moments before it seems to actually fit?? WTF??? In the episode I’m trying to put together with the context here it seemes that through Kwami buster Hawkmoth has got both Plagg and Tikki and was able to power up through them without getting the ultimate power just yet because for that he needs the jewellery to channel the powers. So I guess now Hm would only need Lbs and Cns empty jewellery so he cant combine them and game over.
Both Veronika and Ezra are just seriously loosing it (but most of all him)
“look how giant it is!” “And much bigger!” implying that we say whatever they talk about smaller before (for some reason my mind immediatly went to the giant butterly Hawkmoth head in the “origins”)
They are confused about how something (important) works
Something is there that we have seen in another episode before (1 Episode? Not sure but it has to be something rarely seen) + they are confused by it
something hilarious happened
a new ship can be merged in this episode (Maybe Marinette and Adrien with other Miraculous’? Maybe this is where we’ll get Dragonbug and Snake Noir because at some point later in the episode they would have to get Tikki and Plagg back making DB and SN possible)
The puns (in english) are WILD
Someone is being very courageous
it seems to feel like a classic Ml episode but with so many new elements. Not something we’ve seen before and I believe them! :D)
Ezra screams Part 8 + “That thing is dangerous!”
“How are they gonna- (stop him/it/whatever?)” <- Veronika
“How are they gonna, THEY DONT HAVE A WAY!” <- Ezra
Ezra screams part 9
Ezra gets to do something in the episode and I dunno what
“Thats when that happpens??” -> Veronika
“He wants that!” -> Ezra
A character we have seen more of this season is in this episode too
they fucking CLAPPED saying “finally, yes!” but it seems to be about something commen because Veronika seems to do it every time she wrapps up an episode
Adriens fucking parfume ad on a bench and neither of them remeber the words (SHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAME)
Hawkmoth moment + hilarious Hawky impression by Ezra saying “Ladybug and Cat Noir”
Hm and probably Lb and Cn are inside it/something
There is a weird noise but is has a purpose
a thing is “hUngry”
Ezra and Veronika a little shook part 10
“Thats so sad! :D” -> Veronika (I fucking love that woman xD)
“Dont do it! D:” -> Ezra concerned af
But “he” wont do it. Veronika and Ezra are relieved
Both doing Cataclysm impressions
Ezra being our very own Ladybug and being very passionate about her catchphrase lines (”Miraculous LadybuuuUUUUUUUUUUUUUUG!!          (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧*:・゚✧ )
He asks her if she knows a character near the end (she does) so I’m taking from that that there is an important new character coming up in future
huge episode for 3 characters  
Ezra repeats, one plagg moment was adorable
“Thats a huge reveal!” <- Ezra. “Unless he takes it back or she refuses" (my bets are on Gabriel revealing himself to be Hawkmoth to Tomoe. The contract they made in the beginning of the season, their growing partnership and some of Tomoes words in “Ikari Gozen” make me highly suspicious for what the future holds. Her knowing him to be Hawkmoth and that their partnership turns out to be more twisted than we though wouldnt surprise me, if anthing i would be PUMPED for it!)
It’ll (probably)be a huge thing in s4
something happened that reminded Ezra of karate kid
someone is in a disguise and Veronika laughs
Cliffhanger that Ezra describs as “dark”
no classroom episode, no ther students. “This was like to the heart of the matter of the miraculous powers and hat they can do and finding out things that we have no idea they could do and it opens up the lens and shows you more of this world and how dark it CAN be!” <- Ezra
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isuthetimelady · 5 years
So, after being akumatized into Ikari Gozen, Tomoe Tsurugi seems to be able to see - and that makes sense since she was merged with her high-tech car, it probably had some cameras
But i wonder - how did she feel, being able to see again?
I quess that could depend on if she was always blind or if she lost her sight in accident
But pity we didn't get any reaction or a comment about it
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