#and i didn't see a lot of people posting about techno yesterday
blockgamepirate · 7 months
I didn't end up celebrating Nov 16th much at all yesterday even though I kinda wanted to because it really was the defining moment of the Dream SMP for me
And for me specifically that was mainly thanks to Techno. I remember when he said afterwards that the original plan was just to have Wilbur blow up the whole place at the moment of victory, but Techno asked if could just play the anarchist and have his character turn against them all when he sees them creating a new government to replace the old and IT WAS SO MUCH BETTER.
It made so much sense for his character! And it made everything WAY more interesting! Because now it wasn't just a story about who deserves to rule L'Manburg but does ANYONE deserve to rule at all in the first place?
And it was a perspective that had been lacking in the narrative (a perspective that is too often absent in most narratives about power tbh)
Not to mention it was a much more dramatic ending than if it had just been "Wilbur blows up L'Manburg and then gets killed by Phil while everybody else just kinda watches in shock I guess" which would have been really dramatic from Wilbur and Phil's perspective but mostly just one sudden big boom from everybody else's. Instead they had an actual final battle! And Techno's speeches, can you imagine November 16th without them?
Obviously I'm not saying it was all Techno, obviously the whole stream was full of cool and dramatic moments from everybody, and the Badlanders were there to create chaos as well (even though it sadly didn't actually lead anywhere in the long term) but my point is that I don't think would have felt nearly as big and important without Techno's contributions.
For me personally they were the absolute highlight of the event. Nothing can top that shit. It was a twist I think a lot of people saw coming but in a GOOD way because it made sense. And even with all the scuffedness it was so well executed.
And I can't even tell you how excited I was about having an anarchist character to root for in the story. I had been hoping Techno would become one, and the foreshadowing had been there from the start, but I wasn't sure because the way he was playing it was a bit more ambiguous during the Pogtopia arc. November 16th was when he made it clear what his character stood for, though, and it was excellent.
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chevvy-yates · 26 days
Long post. thoughts post.
So, yesterday I went to a goodbye party my neighbor (also former colleague) gave bc she moves into another city.
I knew from the beginning I'll be probably the person that stands out the most just by my hair and clothing style (as I always wear something not causal when I get out and it's not for biking/groceries) but also be the one who knows only my neighbor and some faces I remembered from a past party she gave years ago.
It was a nice evening but still I wasn't able to shake the feeling that I felt alien there. I mean I talked with maybe 12 out of the 20 people there, the music was relatively okay for my taste as it had techno (but the more funny ones).
With two or three I had maybe a chatter lasting even 20 minutes? But idk I just think it happened because 1-2 of them were just curious who I am. Like my neighbors new boyfrined only knew me by name before and he said something like "So you are that phantom she always talked about" – yes I am that. Exactly right. Look at me Brudi, I wear black, I look different, I'm the overdressed phantom hiiiii! I even said to him, I like the description bc it truly is how I must appear to a lot of people. Anyway and whenever I come up with the topic Japan they want to hear something. It's lways like that. But after that? nothing.
However most time I noticed I spent with rather listening to chatter around me and watching them play beer pong. The version they played was named rage cage and way too stressful for me to try it myself – beside that I didn't want to be the one who has to constantly drink bc I fail at this and I don't enjoy to get myself drunk anymore. Or at least not with people around me I don't really know (besides I dislike the feeling next morning so yeah).
Let's circle back to just watching and listening: Around 1am I felt like, okay no one is actually making a move to talk with me anymore and I cannot find a gap to integrate myself into it somehow. So I just sat around "wie bestellt und nicht abgeholt" and the flat was empty except a beer bank and I was getting tired too (didn't really slept the night before either) so I decided to go home.
I keep telling myself that this evening was alright and I think it really was – after all my neighbor was truly happy I came. But I knew it would turn out for me like that even if I tried talking with people. And here is now me again thinking if I'm just too weird for people just by my looks alone.
Also a very German thing is, that if you have your little-big friend circle and go to parties or bigger meet-ups you tend to stay in that circle and others who do not belong to it usually don't get in. And I as a German srsly do not like that. I witnessed this at the techno event I went to with Glory. Almost no one opens up for getting to know new people. You come as a group, party as a group, go home as a group. I don't say that all Germans are like that but majority definitely is.
And here is me wanting to connect as I am tired of sitting around at home nearly every weekend but how shall I connect with people if it is so hard to get them into a chatter? I cannot say from myself I'm someone who just gos and says hello I want to talk to you. I have no problem talking with strangers but I don't want to be annoying is all so I prefer if others make the first approach if I cannot make out it's okay to approach them but fucking Germans aren't as open as eg. Americans (the amount of people talking with me while my 12-days US vacation was the entire opposite.)
See I don't need to get to be friends with you in the end, I just want to like to fucking talk with someone and not just sit around like a douchbag on a private party like that. bc then I can spent my time with better things instead. The techno event a bunch of weeks back was different, I came there not to talk but to dance, if chatter would happen no problem with that. But I paid for listening djs playing sick beats live so I prefer to dance instead of talking.
I don't really know how to make friends around here to be honest. Sometimes I feel so alien I wish myself I would just be the standard normal type of human being with a causal style, preferably one human type that doesn't have 12343 thoughts and overthinks everything as I've learned those people exist and I envy them. They must walk around so carefree.
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bonesandthebees · 1 year
So I was feeling bored and sentimental, so I went back and read through literally all of Clinic yesterday, and I think I noticed a teensy mistake.
In the main fic, when Tommy's under the dream interrogation thingie from 404, in the third dream (I think), Techno burns his hand. Tommy heals it, Techno starts pointing out his worst fears, etc. Anyways, we move on.
But in the Waking Nightmares side fic, when Tommy is explaining his dreams to Wilbur, he says that Techno cut his hand. And he also mentions that the dreams are ingrained in his mind almost flawlessly, so I doubt that's just good ol' Tommy missing a detail.
Idk it's just a silly little thing I noticed because that's the way I am, and just felt like pointing it out.
But seriously, tho, every time I go back and re-read Clinic, I still feel the suspense, even tho I know what's going to happen. Idk what else to call that, other than damn good writing. (Big ol' cheesy thumbs up to you :)

okay first off thank you for the kind words about my writing, I'm glad you enjoyed clinic so much :)
but I'm gonna go on a tangent for a second about my thoughts on you pointing this out to me. this is /nm, I know you didn't mean any harm, but I genuinely do not understand why people feel a need to point out tiny errors in fanfics like this. now in a situation where the mistake—whether it be an inconsistency or a typo or something like that—is bad enough to make the reader confused or possibly misinterpret the scene, then yeah, pointing it out to the author makes sense.
but you said it outright in your ask: you could tell that was just a mistake on my end. me accidentally referring to techno's injury as a cut as opposed to a burn was very clearly just a slight continuity error on my end. you knew what I meant. it didn't damage your ability to enjoy or understand either of the fics. and yet you took the time to write this whole message out to tell me about it. and I just don't understand the point. maybe you thought I'd want to know, but also I have friends who I can ask to read my works for me for errors like this. again, in a situation where the error is enough to mess up a readers understanding of what's going on, yeah, of course let me know. but in a situation where it's easy to understand that it's just a mistake, I really don't get why people feel the need to point it out to me?
this isn't specifically about you. I still get comments on one specific chapter of clinic pointing out a minor typo in the chapter. I finished that fic a year and a half ago. and people still. point. it. out. at this point I refuse to fix it out of spite. so that's also where a lot of this rambling is coming from.
I wanna emphasize, I'm not mad. I know you didn't mean any harm. but frankly, I write fanfic for my own enjoyment. I don't get paid for this. I don't have a professional editor or paid proofreader to go through everything I write to make sure it's publishing standard. it's just me, and sometimes my friends who are kind enough to read over my stuff for me before I post it. I don't care if I make a tiny error here and there, as long as the original intent is clear.
I'm sure a lot of other fic authors feel the same way I do about this. it's not something I'm fuming mad about or anything. it just bugs me because I don't understand the point. when I see an error like that in a fic, I just move on and keep reading.
anyway, didn't mean for this to get so long. you get my point. I'm not fixing that. you all know what I meant.
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beeindaclouds · 2 years
This is gon' be so straight forward. DSMP members reactin' to ya death. Takes place when Wilbur blew up lmanburg or when Techno did
Hallo, thank you for requesting!
I was keeping this one for today, cause I didn't want to post it yesterday lol
I'm gonna prepare tissues just in case it gets sad
Hope you enjoy <3
C!DSMP reacting to you dying pt. I
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Pairings: C!Dream, C!Georgenotfound, C!Sapnap, C!Badboyhalo, C!Skeppy, C!Quackity, C!Karl Jacobs, C!Wilbur Soot x Reader
Click here before requesting, please <3
❝ C!Dream ❞
Here's the thing
Dream promised himself to not get attached
Because attachments would just weakened him down
But he couldn't lie that seeing you die in the midst of L'mamburg did hurt him, a lot
He had to keep everything in, but inside he was really hurt; he just didn't want to admit it to himself
But if you lost all 3 of your lives and were actually dead he'd revive you without giving you an explanation
❝ C!Georgenotfound ❞
He'd think it was a dream
Since he sleeps most of the time, he rarely thinks that things that actually happened, well, happened
But after hearing you say that you lost one of your lives, he'll deny it
He doesn't want to believe it and will hide away in his dreams
If he ever does come to terms with it or you're gone for good, he'd ask DreamXD for help
❝ C!Sapnap ❞
I don't think he could handle it
Between whats happening with Quackity and Karl, one of his closest friend manipulating people and the other asleep most of the time, it be too much for him
But I feel like the last straw would be if you were actually dead for good
He'd lose all hope by then and would probably be more vulnerable to a certain smile mask wearing dude
❝ C!Badboyhalo ❞
Let's say that this happens after Skeppy dies because of him or that you died because of the egg
He'd feel guilty and blame himself for everything
If you did lose all your lives tho, he'd blame himself even more
Probably isolate himself just to not hurt other people he cares about
❝ C!Skeppy ❞ [Platonic]
Unless he saw it with his own eyes, he's not gonna believe it
He'll continue to do so because he's scared of the truth
But once you are gone he'd lose all he's sense of hope and happiness
Cause not only did he lose one his best friends to an egg...he also lost you
❝ C!Quackity ❞
He's another one that promised himself to not get attached to anything
And yet the second you were hurt he went on a whole revenge journey to take back the life you lost
This is gonna be extremely sad, but I have to write it
You lost your third life with Charlie
Purpled told Quackity to choose one, and he couldn't
So he threw both of you in the lava and that's where he last saw you
[I took a pause here cause I actually got sad at this one :')]
❝ C!Karl Jacobs ❞
He would understandably be sad about your first death
And tries to stay by your side so that you don't lose another
But if your gone completely he'd try to remember you as much as he can by writing more about you
Eventually tho he'd start to forget and probably cries as he tries to remember why this faceless person who he only knows the name is so important to him
❝ C!Wilbur Soot ❞
Oh god, ok
Let's start off by saying that Pogtopia Wilbur wouldn't care as much if you lost one life or if you were gone, let's be honest
L'manburg Wilbur and Ghostbur on the other hand would be devastated, especially if you have a very close bond. Maybe Ghostbur doesn't understand it at first until he sees your ghost form or doens't see you at all
Revivebur would hide his pain, because he doesn't want to seem weak. But he can definitely never look at your ghost form
Part II
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khizuo · 2 years
I wrote this in a reblog, but here's a separate post for it in case people don't see that. Hi, from the person who said they were vagued by Technoblade: here is an apology.
I wrote the "vagued by techno" post as somewhat of a joke referencing a really old analysis post of mine from last year where I was outlining some of my frustrations with the writing surrounding c!Techno, and how some of Techno's discord chats sounded rather like some of the language I used. I did not intend for it to get a lot of notes: I've written self-congratulatory posts like that before, and they've always gotten only a few notes each because I never maintag them. I always intended them as just lighthearted posts between me and my followers; and because I don't have a large following on dsmpblr compared to a lot of other blogs, they never went anywhere.
This doesn't mean I was the only person to independently come up with this take, at all. Techno says it's a take he's seen a lot, so I have my doubts that he even read that post. The vaguing post and my og analysis post blew up though, and I realized really quickly once it escaped my relatively small mutuals + followers circle that I should have added tone tags. So, final clarification: no, I didn't really get vagued, not explicitly.
In the og analysis post from last year, I state that I like cc!Techno, and that I was not trying to attack him. That has not changed. I was genuinely having a lot of fun yesterday thinking that he might have read some of our tumblr analysis, even if he disagrees with it; and (parasocially, I'll admit it—he was my first modern mcyter) I was even hoping that he read mine and had thoughts about it (hence why my first reblog of that post was inviting Techno to tumblr lol). Hence the vaguing jokes. I deleted yesterday's reblog of the og analysis post actually not very long after I made it, but by that point it had already spread to other blogs and it absolutely blew up after I deleted it. Again, I should have thought about that before I made the post.
I have been too proud of myself for my "pioneering" of dsmp takes these past few days—I'll fully admit and take responsibility for that, and that is the reason why my posts about the subject have such an ambiguous tone; they're lighthearted, but they're also prideful. I'm absolutely quelling my ego about this subject and taking responsibility for anyone who might have felt hurt by the discourse that followed it. No excuses. I got too parasocial and ego-boosted, spawned a fandom-wide discourse as a result, and that's on me.
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azuriteknight · 3 years
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#like the potato war videos wouldn’t even exist even squid wasn’t holding the number 1 spot
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Y’know, I didn't see many people bring up Fundy’s reaction to Eret’s betrayal yesterday. Maybe its because I don't follow a lot of Fundy blogs, but I saw a lot of people talking about Tommy’s anger, Wilbur’s broken trust, Tubbo’s quiet hurt, but not much about Fundy.
Fundy, after initially being killed by George, is very quiet. Unlike everyone else who expresses their shock, Fundy is completely silent. It’s only after he respawns and everyone’s quieted down that he starts asking, repeatedly, “Out of all the people, why did it have to be you Eret?” After they’ve secured their independence, Fundy talks to his chat about how he couldn’t believe Eret would do that, after they had built houses/cities together and after he had gained his trust after trolling Dream with him (I think he says this it was hard to understand). Fundy, like everyone, took Eret’s betrayal pretty hard and personally. He was angry, like Tommy (although Fundy says he’s not as angry as Tommy), but he’s also more personally hurt because of the bond they had built through working together. 
151 notes • Posted 2021-08-04 04:25:17 GMT
Not to be that bitch but
Everyone’s bringing up how Tommy, Techno and Niki are amongst Ghostbur’s happy memories but how Philza isn’t and what that could mean abt their relationship…
Y’know who else isn’t included in Ghostbur’s happy memories?
169 notes • Posted 2021-11-20 22:43:59 GMT
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170 notes • Posted 2021-08-24 01:40:43 GMT
Foolish will take literally any opportunity to bring up Karlnapity when he’s with either Quackity or Karl, its so funny
Foolish either really likes stirring drama or is secretly invested in their lore
or both
189 notes • Posted 2021-09-25 04:30:43 GMT
Fundy changing Yogurt from his pet to his child is just hilarious to me. Because at first it’s really sad and cute. Fundy is alone in the woods and adopts a wild arctic fox as a pet. But now, with Yogurt as his child, it means that Fundy finds some random kid in the middle of the woods and just adopts him. 
Fundy, sleep deprived from prophetic nightmares, lonely and isolated from everyone he knows, probably on the verge of a breakdown: Ah yes, I am in a perfectly healthy state of mind to adopt and raise a child. This is a great idea.
1354 notes • Posted 2021-07-29 04:11:35 GMT
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sofialily440 · 3 years
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#and seeing how tommy has hinted that techno owes dream a favor (which is probably breaking him out) this could get pretty interesting
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Hey does anyone else still have the Sad-ist "Hog Hunt" animatic on loop in their brain or?
28 notes • Posted 2021-11-25 10:10:57 GMT
Serious question, who has the braincell in the Dream SMP?
Better yet, how many brain cells does each character have? Feel free to make a list or something
97 notes • Posted 2021-01-26 23:01:00 GMT
One thing that I want to say about yesterday's stream is that I want to believe that the phrase "You should have paid me more" from Punz has a deeper meaning than what it seems.
Yes we all now that Punz is a mercenary and only does things for the money but think about it:
the majority of people that showed up to the rescue had an alliance with Dream at some point, or didn't mess too much in his business or weren't specifically enemies with him (except Quackity), so they shouldn't have had any big motive to stand against him,
But they were also mistreated. They were used, or Dream blew up their home, or were only seen as a tool.
So I'd like to believe that when Punz said that, not only it meant that for them to not intervene he should have treated them better, but also that if Dream was going kill Tommy and Tubbo, probably the only persons in the entire server that had the guts to challenge Dream since the beginning, only so he could stay in power and keep treating the rest like he had?
They could tolerate a lot of things, but this when he crossed the line because they also had enough.
230 notes • Posted 2021-01-21 23:04:32 GMT
Anyways tune in for our next arc, the entire Dream SMP goes to therapy!
251 notes • Posted 2021-01-06 00:07:00 GMT
c! Quackity this is a warning, I am very excited for your arc but if you ever look at c!Fundy wrong I will stomp you to death with my hooves
378 notes • Posted 2021-03-30 18:11:22 GMT
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