#and i don't like the new character designs and the orientalism and all that mess of brown cultures that throws me off
teaitis · 2 years
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There he is!!
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queenofapeacefuldawn · 5 months
SPY × Family: Chapter 94 analysis unhinged thoughts
hello hello! i am back with my thoughts for the latest chapter! please note that there are spoilers ahead for chapter 94! (Long-ish post incoming?)
Okay, so I loved this chapter. I'm a person who loves locked room murder mystery type stories, so this definitely scratched that itch for me. Obviously, I'm biased.
Analysis (of sorts?):
Right off the bat I can say that this chapter isn't really oriented on emotions or certain character dynamics. It is pretty plot heavy (but. not to the main plot. this chapter in itself has a plot to its own, but I really really liked it).
So the chapter starts with Bondman facing off an enemy in a snowy mountain...
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which, of course, inspires Anya to have an adventure of her own. She asks Loid to take her skiing, only to be flatly denied...
BUT! Agent Anya has tricks up her sleeve (threatening to cry), and that works on our dear, super-spy Agent Twilight (he's so weak and stupid y'all.)
side note:
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he thinks he's soooo cool. he's not.
Anyway, we get Twilight trying to explain skiing to Yor, which... fails, kinda. we also get gymnastics from Yor, (SHE's the cool one), and a half-baked explanation from her about learning all that from a gymnastics teacher.
The Forgers are trapped in a snowy blizzard, which leads them to take refuge in a lodge. They meet a group of young college students, who regale them with a tale of a bloody snowman who kills people in the dark.
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Might just be me, but this design reminds me of Type-F from the new Code White movie (note: this isn't exactly a spoiler, I haven't seen the movie, but this is what's on the wiki and in the trailers). The snowy backdrop + this Type-F-esque design might be a homage to the movie? Probably just me, though, haha.
Anyway, onto the main focus of the story (kidding, it's not):
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(jk, it probably wouldn't have happened, but a girl can dream)
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"Eh, why not?" Certainly, these words CANNOT exist in the vocabulary of THE Agent Twilight! Perhaps.... no, it can't be... he's finally RELAXED for once? Feeling secure enough to ASSESS THE LAYOUT FOR POSSIBLE ESCAPE ROUTES WITH HIS YOUNG DAUGHTER? No... it can't be possible....
(Sorry, I know I'm unfunny. I don't think that'll change)
But, genuinely, this just shows how at ease he is with his wife and daughter. He might not know it yet, but I know it (← somebody whose opinion isn't worth shit).
Finally, onto the main crisis of the story:
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the would-be murderer.
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There's something to be said about how he jumped into action to save the guy's life, (as one does), BUT. BUT
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OHOHOHO. The minute Yor's in danger (see: the man reached out to grab her but Loid just grabbed his hand) he decides to find the killer to prove her innocence. (You know his adage? A spy should never draw attention to themselves.) The minute his WIFE was in danger he resolves to find the killer and prove Yor's innocence their guilt. HMMMMM. Agent Twilight, you ain't slick. I think you momentarily forgot about about your #1 lesson to never draw attention to yourself just to prove Yor's innocence. OHHHHHH. The fanfiction is fanfiction-ing
To summarize the rest of the chapter: Anya realises with her telepathy that the killer is the lodge owner, and meddles in the investigation to nudge Loid in the right direction, and the police arrive to the lodge to find the incident resolved. Everyone's happy, right?
Not... really.
Anya's excited because, "Wow, I solved a murder! So cool, best trip ever!"
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But Yor and Loid aren't that happy. Loid is worried that this kind of meddling will get Anya in danger... and he's more worried that she isn't really grasping the gravity of the situation.
Which. She kind of isn't. A man was almost killed, but she's not showing any signs of shock? Remember, he was this worried even after the hospital visit where she makes a mess of that sand-model thingie, and after the bus hijacking arc, when she's hyped about the Stella, and he tells her that the Stella was "not for the reckless way you defied those hijackers."
Which.... is a lot of character development from the man who was A-OK with leaving her alone in the apartment, to now how he constantly worries about her wellbeing. Growth.
Also, another tidbit:
I feel like this chapter showcases another facet of his personality. Not Agent Twilight's, or Loid's, but [REDACTED]'s.
[REDACTED] always wanted to help. Even in the War Arc, when, in Luwen where he was staying at his great-uncle's house, we can see that he wants to catch fish for his and his family's dinner, while, in the backdrop, children are laughing and playing. It's always been in his character to help, and, hell, it's partly the reason he is who he is today. Agent Twilight wants to think that he left [REDACTED] behind after that fateful bombing in Luwen, but [REDACTED] is hanging around him like a ghost, and some of his character bleeds through the facade that is Agent Twilight, which is masked by the facade that is Loid Forger.
Final thoughts:
Loved the chapter. It's probably just me reading into it too much, but... that scene where he grabs the guy's hand who was trying to tie up Yor. Hm.
This entire chapter might have been a locked-room murder mystery type chapter, but I genuinely think that it showcases how much of an effect this family has had on Agent Twilight. What with taking Anya on a sweep of the premises to look for escape routes, to trying to prove Yor's innocence that definitely betrayed his number 1 rule as a spy... this man is truly so oblivious, I wanna cry.
(Also: did he not stop for a moment to think that him performing first-aid on the victim, or trying to build a radio from scratch OR playing detective to prove his wife's innocence IN FRONT OF A GROUP OF OSTANIAN PEOPLE would raise suspicions? Obviously, it was all overshadowed by the discovery of the would-be killer, but... at least one person had got to have been suspicious of Loid.)
(Also also: He's so weak. One look at her crying face and he's gone.)
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This was just my thoughts from a preliminary read of the chap, so if I get more thoughts, I'll probably add onto it in a reblog or a new post. Tysm for reading! Hope you liked it, and have a great day/night! Remember to stay hydrated!
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quinloki · 1 year
The kinky ask game is such a good idea! Could you do Kid, Law, and Killers feelings on Chemical play and Piercing play for all three and Medical play for Law and Interrogation play for Kid and Killer
Learned more kinks!
Learned I have a Personal Hard No in one of the new kinks, but what can I say - piercings, even ear piercings, are not happening on this body. But I'm okay! Let's do this - (Also, Re: Chemical play, not what I expected, but am relieved to learn about! \o/ )
We have a little conspiracy chart forming with who has what, so let's do this one by Character... uh, alphabetically, so Law first!
Chemical Play - Yes - Law's a little bit of (or a lot of a bit of) a sadist, and this is a relatively harmless way for him to fill that itch. "Chemicals" are everything from herbs and spices to baking soda and ammonia. Law is, I think, smart enough to not mix anything damaging, and enough of a control freak (affectionately) that he's probably the safest person to do this with, but also the one with the capacity to run things Right On The Edge. Whether the sensation is uncomfortable or ticklish, you'll be squirming yourself into a mess with little effort from the awkward doc.
Piercing Play - FUCK Yes - Decorative acupuncture? Barely skin deep loops that can have ribbons threaded through them to make elegant designs? The focus, the control, the slow burn pacing that could drag for hours? This man is nearly in heaven - and when done properly, you heal up easily and cleanly, with, perhaps, only the barest of smallest of scars that would only be noticed by your attentive and detail oriented surgeon?
Honestly, this is probably an Oh god you don't even know. Just for that last bit.
Medical Play - Rather Not - Some of Law's kinks, and how he goes about them, can be pretty clinical, but actual medical play is almost a hard no for him. It's hard to blame him too, it's the man's profession. I'm not working 40 hours a week as a data wizard to role-play being a data wizard outside of work. You can probably get him to do it once, for a birthday maybe, but I feel like it'd fall flat.
Eustass Kid:
Chemical Play - Not exactly a chemist, but not stupid either, Kid's slides in as a Yes on this because there's just enough mean stuff he can do that's safe. Plus, he's willing to do at least a little work to expand what he already knows. So when you're tied down, legs open with drops of Tabasco sauce slipping down your thighs, shivering at the idea of the spicy liquid getting too close to sensitive parts... well, you asked for it. >.>
Piercing Play - I see all the Kid Pirates being good with piercings, and piercing play. Not to type-cast a kink, but it's pretty punk let's be fair. Kid's creations tend to stick up and out from your skin, a contrast to the corset and mandala inspired designs Law is into. Kid's a solid YES on this, adding accents of red and gold as though the world doesn't already know you're his.
Interrogation Play - Rough, loud, brash and honestly a little terrifying. Eustass shines in this role - he might just be a Yes about the idea when it's first suggested, but eventually he's an Oh god you have no idea. It quickly becomes his favorite way to lead into punishing you, when punishment's something you've earned/requested.
The first time he went so hard you had to use a safe word because some fight or flight part of your brain forgot he was acting. But with Kid's top notch aftercare skills, everything was fine and you - successfully - tried again.
Chemical Play - I've always head canon'd that Killer has a powerful aversion to marking his partner permanently. Because of that I feel like the temporary reddening that can be caused by dry spices and such can become permanent, it would put this soundly in the No category for him. Maybe a I Guess pre time skip, but post? Nope. We don't know canonically how his arm was scarred up, but it looks like chemical burns/fire burns. Killer's made to defend and get hurt in place of his captain and crew, he's not going to risk his partner - even if you already have marks as it is - he won't be adding to them.
Piercing Play - Piercing play is a little different for Killer. He likes the more relaxing, focused, meditative aspect of it, and surprisingly sits as a Yes rating for it. Small needles, gentle actions - you can almost fall asleep while this man is working on intricate patterns along your skin. He also covers the areas he poked with salve afterward, making the teeny tiny holes even less likely to leave behind ghosts.
Interrogation Play - Killer shines in this type of play for all different reasons from his Captain. He's easily a FUCK yes and he's almost more terrifyingly good at than Kid is. Where the captain is loud, Killer is icily quiet. Unnervingly quiet.
When he does speak, it's a low, soft, deep, demanding voice that sinks into your stomach and runs your blood cold. It's an impossibly soft touch across your skin, promising you leniency if you'd just confess like a good girl/boy.
... Oh I think I got myself there at the end...
Kinky One Piece Head Canon
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Mack's new character!
Name/Alias: Mack Preferred pronoun: She/Her Age: 35+ Timezone/Country: CST/US RP Experience: Like a decade at this point Activity Level: On everyday to every other
Name: Stacey Evans Designation: submissive Age: 23 Birthdate: August 15, 2000 Faceclaim: Sabrina Carpenter Orientation: Pansexual Kinks: bratting, bondage, roleplay, orgies, threesomes, anal, breath play, exhibition Anti-Kinks: Scat, ageplay, petplay
Key Points:
 - Princess attitude   - Family oriented; loves her brothers dearly and is very loyal   - Loves to be the center of attention, whether good or bad.    - Hopeless romantic   - Loves to make videos and animated cartoons - the only time she prefers to be behind the scenes. 
Stacey Evans is the epitome of "princess." Living her entire adolescence with a mess of older brothers (plus two twins) set things in motion very early. She had always been well loved and well protected by hardworking parents and older brothers who would do absolutely anything for her. This quickly led to her little princess lifestyle. Her family worked hard to always keep a roof over their head, even when times got really hard for the family. Being one of the youngest, Stacey wasn't one of the siblings who had to or could get a job to help keep things afloat, so she was left to reap the spoils of their hard work. It did, unfortunately, leave her to her own devices on occasion and she spent most of her time doodling and sketching. When she learned she could make these sketches come to life, she became obsessed with making her little cartoons. 
The car accident effected all of them, and Stacey would not be exempt from this. Losing Scotty broke her heart in ways she could never imagine, and watching how it affected Sky made her never want to leave his side. Her cartoons went dark for a while, and she quickly discovered a very dark sense of humor as a way to cope with her heartbreak and pain. She held a little tighter to her remaining brothers, desperate to never feel that pain again. 
As she grew up, Dallas left for school, and a few years later the older boys went their separate ways. Stacey dove head first into her cartoons and drawings, eventually finding a full scholarship to art school. She was all alone at that school, her family spread to the winds at that point, but she was finding her own ways to bring in attention. Her cartoons and videos got a lot of attention, for the dark satire that ended up being more thought provoking than she had planned. People began paying attention and begging her for more, the excitement filling her with attention and seratonin on the regular, and she couldn't get enough. She started finding new ways to grab the attention of others, often finding herself in the middle of groups of students friends, even a teacher or two. She basked in it and found herself always wanting more. 
When word had gotten to her that most of her favorite people ended up in Lima, she knew it was time to get the rest of her life under control. She made her way to Stonewall Prep, was marked submissive, and was ready to move on with the rest of her life. 
What are your feelings about the mark you have received?    - It's fine. I mean, I wasn't overly hoping for a mark in any direction. I'm kind of used to people taking care of me, so it probably tracks, honestly. 
How do your feelings on the system compare to your parents’ feelings on it?   - They support it - i think? I mean, at least mostly. They don't really fight against it or anything at least. But it also wasn't really a big deal in my house either. It just kinda...was? At any rate, I see it the same way. it's important, sure, and I get that, but I don't think I'm ever going to be that obedient submissive. 
Where do you see yourself after you graduate?     - At a big time animation firm somewhere. Or maybe working from home, making cartoons and videos and watching how much everyone loves them. 
How do you feel about authority?   - Meh. I mean, I get that people have authority. I wish it was more earned than it seems to be. But, I guess life doesn't really care what I have to say. 
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evobedevo · 2 years
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Just like with Illustro, I wanted to make sure people could see the full piece of Dusk and understand every part of his design. The shift from masculine to feminine look, all the while keeping the elements the same...I'm actually kinda proud of this one~ Also I'm just a big fan of the feminine outfit for Dusk. Managed to tie in a reference to Twila as well, since it is her fault that this is even happening after all. 
I'll explain. You know how Twila can take over and possess Dusk when he gets TG'd? Well apparently her doing that has had unintended side effects. Namely, making Dusk's male self look more and more feminine. Chip theorizes it's because of Twila's limited shape-shifting ability when she takes over messing with Dusk's DNA, although no one is quite certain. Regardless, Dusk now has to deal with looking rather adorable and being mistaken for a girl all the time every time he comes back from being TG'd.
It took a while, but he did discover that he wasn't exactly STUCK like that. His body would naturally got back to looking masculine with enough time left alone. It didn't exactly 100% bring him back to full guy look, but he took what he could get. 
Honestly, he acts all tsundere about looking feminine whenever he's stuck in his fem!design, but he secretly really likes being thought of as cute. He'd never admit it, but he does like to indulge in looking pretty in secret...and his mannerisms due unintentionally become a lot more feminine to match his looks.
But don't you forget, he's still 100% man if you ask him.  -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Character Break Down: "Full Name": Dusk Esteban Belmonté Sexual Orientation: Claims asexual...incorrectly. He's bi, he just doesn't quite understand how to reciprocate love properly and gets flustered, so he avoids the topic altogether. Age: 23 Birthday: June 3rd, a Gemini. Ethnicity: Dominican Hispanic, with Italian ancestry on his fathers side. Family: Morgan Belmonté (Father), Aurora Belmonté nee Villanoche (Mother), Meridia Belmonté (Sister), and a bunch of cousins, uncles, aunts and other relatives that aren't immediate family.
Eye Design: Hair Color: Almost milk chocolate like, though the ends of his hair have started turning a reddish purple for some reason. In his feminine design, the gradient ends up being redder.  Height: In his masculine look, he's 5'7''. In his feminine look, he shrinks down a bit to 5'5''. Weight: He doesn't change much in mass in either form, he's 185lbs.  Other Features and Facts: Besides the obvious feminine hips, legs and butt, he's also riddled with freckles. Due to some 4th wall things, his eyes are also...strange. They look very toon-like. He's missing his right hand, replaced with a functioning ice replacement. A very anime like fang also protrudes from his top teeth. For some weird reason, robots really seem to like him, so he's got a good understanding of A.I. Plays brass instruments very well, does street performances as a side gig in Central Park. A secret skill of his is mixology, being astoundingly good at being a bartender and mixing drinks. He reckons his ice powers have something to do with it, allowing him to chill drinks as he wishes. 
Overall Attitude: Very happy-go-lucky and tends to go with the flow. Likes to rely on his gut when it comes to decisions and is very spontaneous, which plays into his fighting style a lot. Tries to play off the fact that he has a tendency to look like a girl in situations out of his control, but really he's been tackling his feelings of self identity behind the screens. He tries to act as if it bothers him, but he secretly really likes how he looks. However, he's also not upset with his masculine form. So he's not entirely sure how to feel. Is almost aways willing to test a new Chip experiment if it means he'll get something cool out of it. Tends to give off a goofy vibe, which catches people off guard when he reveals he's actually rather bright. Lately, he's become a bit more snarky due to various encounters with the multiple versions of himself across the multiverse. Seeing himself through outsiders eyes has taken a toll on his personality, though he's not sure whether it's for better or for worse. Problems: He's a fidgety boy. Can't sit still for more than a few minutes, needs to have something to keep him occupied. Has a tendency to be a bit flashy with his moves, which can tend to backfire. Also, he does not take well to being falsely accused or framed of something. Is very much a glutton for food. His mind works faster than his mouth, so occasionally he'll switch conversations in the most seemingly random way, when it seems to make sense in his mind. Phobias: Heights, Absolute Solitude...and anything that takes away the ability to control his own body, but still leaves him able to witness it. Possession, petrification, anything where it's essentially a "I Have No Mouth, and I Must Scream" situation. Style and Mannerisms: Plays up his goofiness, but is ultimately a good listener who earnestly wants to help people out of the rationale that good just feels good. He also has a weird thing that he does with his speech where he'll answer a question with a single word first, pause, and then elaborate.
Relationships: He's a friendly friend frienderson to practically anyone, and loves to give people the benefit of the doubt. Romantically...he's a bit of a mixed bag. He's learning a few things about himself that he never would have thought about, like the fact that he actually enjoys being considered cute, and things that make him feel cute, like being pat on the head. Admittedly, anyone who compliments him can make him blush easily, and that tends to make him act all tsundere towards them. Likes: Traveling, and especially sightseeing. Also being imaginative with his powers. Eating is a big like for him, and he's always up for video games. Other than the cliche stuff, he's also rather good at cooking. Moral Alignment: Chaotic Good.
Powers: Cryokinesis, with an emphasis on the close combat aspects of it. He's very flashy and loves to create stupidly big items to smash people with out of ice. One of his favorites is an actual on-model replica of the Titanic that he just sorta drops on people. He's also immune to cold temperatures entirely, and can survive in even the harshest winters with a t-shirt and shorts. It's also thanks to Twila that he has a buffer against any type of possession,  Weaknesses: Standard ice weaknesses, like large amounts of fire and heat. It does have to be LARGE amounts though, since his control is more or less focused on temperature rather than quantity of ice. And while he can't be possessed as easily, he doesn't get Twila's complete immunity to mind-control.
Favorites: Color: Teal, leaning towards the bluer spectrum. Animal: Manta Rays, Polar Bears, Moths, Seals...he's a sucker for cute critters. Places: Riding in a Subway car, preferably above ground. Loves Downtown cities too. Food: Chicken Cordon Bleu, and Iced Coffee. Media: Video Games, prefers platformers and the like.  Holiday: CHRISTMAAAAAAAAAAAAAS
Songs Associated with Him:  youtu.be/mItuZ8i4wH8 ("Invincible" by OK Go) youtu.be/B1lNhNHdoPI ("Ain't Nothin Like a Funky Beat" by Hideki Naganuma) youtu.be/P7m70HklRsY ("Cool Edge" by Sonic Unleashed)
Possible Voice Actor: -Wambu, at least for the more masculine side. Yes, the Youtuber. The Chandelure who makes Top 10's. I don't know why, I just feel like his voice conveys the type of fast paced word play and comedy but also just the right amount of screw-ups and stutters, and his laughter fits like a T.  -Michaela Dietz when in his more feminine look. When she's trying to do a guy voice, it feels just like what Dusk would sound like as he tries desperately to assure everyone he's still all guy. Also like, her voice has that bit of sass that's been a growing trait of Dusk's.
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