#and i fear it will stop working soon so im looking into earphones prices to get new ones
celticwoman · 1 year
thinking of (once again) trying to do the switch to bluetooth earphones.........😓
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soomstudies · 6 years
grocery shopping with svt
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a/n: i!! went grocery shopping with my friends and suddenly got inspiration lol enjoy sorry the lengths are uneven AHAHAHA ( can be idol or non idol au )
i feel he kinda tries to get only what’s on the shopping list
but he fails miserably at it
“we came here for eggs and rice only!”
“but the ramyeon... is on sale...”
carries all the shopping bags because he insists that he should do it
and even if he doesn’t insist, it kinda becomes the norm for him to carry
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he doesn’t go grocery shopping until you’re down to the very last ramyeon packet or the last cup of orange juice
when he realises, he immediately rushes out with you to go shopping
like you’re just chilling and suddenly
“we need to go shopping tonight.”
he tries to buy as much as possible in one go so he doesn’t need to go again so soon??
y’all struggle a little carrying so many bags back to the dorm/house/apartment but he insists it’s better to struggle at once than to go all the time
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yes i really had to use this gif for jeonghan
so you two go shopping pretty normally
it’s nothing super special
but he likes to shop with one hand holding the basket and the other holding yours
soft bb i love shua i mean who doesnt
and you guys talk about your day as you shop
about the cute cat you petted on your way to school/work
or about the new project hes working on
or sometimes you even complain about those stupid classmates/coworkers or at how annoying it is that the train was delayed
and as you’re complaining, he quietly adds some strawberries and chocolate into the basket
because the moment you go home, he rushes to make some nice strawberry chocolate desserts because he knows you love them
and he just wants to make you feel better and make sure you end your day well!
and after a delicious dinner that you may or may not have cooked together,
you two fall asleep satisfied with your tummy filled, and cuddled together under the warm blanket
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Jun Hui
sneaky boi he makes sure you two eat before shopping so you’re not hungry and impulse buy
psychological stuff yo
he’s not cheap he just wants to stick to the list
because if not i feel he just impulse buys a lot ;;
you: hey im gonna go grocery shopping tomorrow, you wanna come?
him: !!! yes!! but after dinner
you: sure sounds good
it usually works pretty well
just that sometimes he gets so excited about dinner with you that you two completely forget to go grocery shopping 
smh cuties
it ends up you have to go on a completely different day
even then sometimes he makes a booking for a nice restaurant that’s nowhere near a supermarket
and the process repeats
but how can you blame him? he just loves spending time with you
hes a cute dork hes the best
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hes the one who wants you to sit in the trolley and pretends its a racecar
going nYOOOOOOM down the aisles and drifting to the next one
you kinda fear for your life
but don’t worry hes got it under control!
for the most part.
there was this one time he accidentally let go of you and you went right into a tower of chocolate powder tins.
it was super embarrassing and no one stops teasing either of you over it.
you two raced in the grocery store a little less after that but still occasionally do have your fun!
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you know the video of the dude making ikea puns with his gf?
yeah that’s wonwoo in the grocery store
and he does it in this really monotonous voice
“hey... do you think we should’ve taken a trolley instead of a basket?”
“hm? why?”
“i don’t think we have mushroom left”
his nose scrunches up in his iconic laugh and you have to laugh because hes so adorable!!!!
“but really, i think we need a trolley instead”
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the type to go to the grocery store and stand in the freezer aisle for ten minutes in the summer
he’s not browsing he just wants free aircon
hes also the one who sees grocery shopping as a chore the most. :(
if hes alone he tends to just grab what he needs and get out as quickly as possible
but if hes with you he doesn’t mind have to stay a little longer and ponder over which type of ramyeon he wants most that week or which packaging of cola he wants to have today
he wont say it, but if it gives him an excuse to spend a little more time with you, he’ll stay
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Ming Hao
the one whos a master at finding discounts and the most “worth-it” item.
you: “let’s just get the 4 pack one...”
hes keying it into his phone calculator
“no no this is better. buy 5 get 1 free”
he just puts it in the trolley and you go with it
you: hm. looks like the cereal price increased a little...
him: the cereal whAT?!??! excuse me who the Fuck decided they can do this
“boi u can buy gucci???? but not a little more pricey cereal????????”
“look ok-”
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hes the main reason i wanted to write this ok 
as a man who can cook, he must go grocery shopping once a week
he likes to drag you along
if you’re short he likes to tease you because you can’t reach things
like you’re halfway diving into the icecream freezer because the icecream you want is at the very back and he’ll just be giggling for a bit
of course he helps you in the end what a gentleman
lol jk he puts it even further at the back
because he really loves seeing your cute pout and you hitting him lightly in annoyance
and he really just likes to spend time with you so he drags this on for as long as possible until he finally helps and passes you the icecream you wanted
ugh im so soft for bf!mingyu :(
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he does the thing that dude in the vine does where he pronounces everything weirdly
i can see him doing it in his high tone rap voice too
“yo look at these kehloggeh’s frosetitties flakuhs” 
“ras kraspas yo”
i really dont know how to write what hes saying forgive me
and sometimes he will pronounce regular korean words in a really bad foreigner accent??
“당근 구매하자” -> “danggoon gumayhayjya” pardon google translate
overall super fun to shop with and always makes you laugh while shopping
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i feel that... he (like minghao) tries to buy food at a cheaper rate...
to the point he buys wholesale.
he also likes to phone his mom a lot
mama boo knows whats best
whatever she suggests, he will buy straight away, and he’ll make sure to get enough for you too
except cucumber and tomato
he steers very clear of those
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the worst at grocery shopping sorry
like you HAVE to go together because if you don’t,
hes just walking around with his headphones in and spacing out while looking for some peanut butter idk (like im sure yall seen the clap choreo video)
when you go shopping together, he makes sure to take out his earphones but he likes to hum a lot when you guys shop
he also likes to talk a lot about new artists he’s into and songs he likes!
and even though it’s been a long day and you had to go shopping or starve,
because it’s his voice, you feel at peace and like all the stress has left you
hes your healing <3
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a little different and cliche this is way longer than expected
you were shopping late at night and realised you wanted to buy some squid for supper
you go to the seafood section and are relieved to see there’s just one left
sp you run to it but you grab it at the same time as some really cute guy
the two of you look at each other for a while in awkwardness but he finally lets go and says “sorry, you can have it”
mc why didnt u talk to him
the next week you went again for shopping but guess what happened at the fruit aisle this time?
the dude from before is there and he grabbed the same pack of blueberries!
he lets you take it once again
and this just keeps happening all the time, even when you try to go at different times??
sometimes he lets you take it sometimes he asks for it claiming “the hyungs will kill me” whatever that means
one day he’s with a friend and the moment they see you, they start walking to you very quickly
??? two cute guys coming closer what they doin
the friend pushes him to you and tells him “ok chan go talk to the cute person”
he very awkwardly goes “hi i’m lee chan and uh... well i think you’re pretty cute. could we go shopping together sometimes?”
he’s nervous and blushing and cute and hoW CAN YOU SAY NO
it’s the start of the cutest relationship
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