#like having to charge them ???? and then the battery only lasts not even 3 hours i think
celticwoman · 1 year
thinking of (once again) trying to do the switch to bluetooth earphones.........😓
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onlyswan · 2 years
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summary: in which cruel fate leads you and jungkook to bright places.
> fluff, a little twinge of angst? / wc: 4.2k
> warnings: none really. but if you’ve read the grocery store drabble, you really get lost in this one. hehe
note: oc!!! stop making him worry like this. cries in i love sweet boy jungkook sooo much. + i enjoyed writing this :[ <3 listened to cigs after sex while i was at it. and as you can tell i got very. carried away. scratches head. researching about pokemon bread was also kind of fun?
love is selfless— it’s what they often say. however, on his way home from work, jungkook finds himself admitting his ugly truth: he is selfish. when he arrives at your shared space, he will tangle his limbs with yours and let you drag him across the floor to wherever it is you need to go. he will hold on to you, and never let go. he will abandon the concept of time at the farthest corner of his mind, along with his exhaustive musings and responsibilities. instead, he will be consumed by you.
and sometimes, he finds that the telepathy connecting the two of you is baffling.
because he’s definitely not thinking about anything else but you. he’s scouring the entire apartment for any trace of life, but you’re nowhere to be found. the bed is still made. the bathroom lights are off. the pillows on the couch are organized. the center table is spotless. the kitchen is clean. he opens the trash bin, and the last thing tossed in there is still the egg tray he discarded this morning. he checks the laundry room, but the only clothes of yours in the laundry basket are from yesterday.
he ends up deciding that you’re not playing hide-and-seek with him like he originally thought. he sits on the counter top, anxiously playing with his lipring as he calls your number. again. and again. and again.
you did tell him earlier that you were going to visit the library, but it already closed an hour ago, so you should be home by now. moreover, if you were going to drop by other places, you would’ve updated him that you’d be home later at night. but you didn’t. the last text you sent him was a captured photo of page 73, an overview about thyme. you reminded him that he once mentioned that he wanted to grow some herbs in your balcony, so you’re doing some old-fashioned research about them in the library.
and thank heavens you answer the call on his fifth try, because he’s about to have a breakdown in the middle of your kitchen.
not to be dramatic, but if he was standing, his knees would’ve collapsed on the tiled floor at the sound of your voice. he swallows the lump in his throat, breathes deeply to unload the weight sitting on his chest.
“where are you?”
“oh, right! about that-” you chuckle nervously, and he can already imagine you tapping your foot against the floor. “wait. let me just-”
“how long? i can’t wait. i miss you. tell me where you are and i’ll pick you up.” he hops off the counter, making a beeline to the front door.
“yes, pick me up. please. i’m not sure where i am exactly but i just checked and my location is still turned on with you.”
oh shit. the location feature. why didn’t he think of that? and what do you mean by-
he pauses on his tracks, car keys back in his hand not even twenty minutes since he got off his car. “baby, how do you not know where you are?”
“uhm, i fell asleep in the bus . . . then i panicked and got off because i thought i missed my stop. but you’re not gonna believe what happened next!”
he squeezes his eyes shut, fingers massaging his temple because he has a bad feeling about this. “okay. try me.”
“i realized i actually got on the wrong bus. stupid, right?” you giggle through the phone speaker, and it’s both endearing and ridiculous that you can still laugh in this situation.
nevermind that, he’s just relieved that you’re safe.
“i walked for a while and found this convenience store with a charging station. i emptied my battery trying to book a taxi but none accepted me!”
your whiny voice makes him smile, although he looked forward to hearing it more when he planned to be disgustingly clingy and affectionate.
“i’ll go, baby. just wait for me there, okay?” he presses the down button, waiting for the elevator to arrive.
“okaaay.” you reply in a sing-song voice.
he puts you on speaker mode when he enters, checking on your location to see how far you’ve strayed from home. you got on the wrong bus. no mistake about that.
“you’re an hour and three minutes away.”
he hears you choke out a cough from the other line, most probably on a drink. “an hour?! by foot, right?”
“no,” he chuckles. late night drives with you aren’t new, so he doesn’t mind it one bit. “by car.”
silence fills the air for a few seconds. “then i’ll drive on the way back. i’m about to eat ramyeon so i’ll be energized!”
“let’s see if i get too tired to drive. just stay on the phone for me, okay?”
“wait- i’m hungry. need to go put hot water in my noodles. let’s switch to video call.”
when he accepts the video call, he’s greeted by the candy and chocolate shelf in landscape view. you probably propped up your phone on the charging station, so he adjusts his phone’s position to match yours. and you . . . are nowhere to be found. again.
he’s already driving out on the road when you appear on his screen. you smile at him, waving the chopsticks in your hand.
“i’ll do a live mukbang for you in a few minutes.”
he takes a brief glance, memorizing the way you look before reverting his attention to the road. a small smile grows on his face, a huge wave of love flooding his system. “you look so pretty today.”
“thank you. it took me thirty minutes to pick out my outfit.” you chirp happily before revealing the hand hidden behind your back, holding up a special item you stumbled upon during your little adventure. “look what i found! do you want it?”
“what is it?” he asks as he makes a turn.
“team rocket’s pokemon bread. it’s chocolate.” you inspect the bread again to confirm that you’re correct. “it’s the last one on the shelf so i just bought it.”
his eyes widen in surprise, lips forming an ‘o’. he personally knows many people who have been visiting stores until the late hours to buy them. it’s all the rage nowadays.
“oh? you actually found one?!”
“don’t you think fate led me here for this?” you gush excitedly.
he finally stops at a red light, taking a good look at you with fondness. “you’re giving it to me?”
“yes. enjoy it, okay? i walked in boots for this.” you point at the camera threateningly.
so adorable. he misses you so much.
he obediently crosses his fingers to forge a promise. “i won’t leave a single crumb uneaten.”
“good boy,” you poke the camera as if you’re booping his nose. “i left my food too long. i’ll go get my overcooked ramyeon now.”
you disappear again, and he resumes his journey leading to you. you return moments later, devouring a cup of ramyeon. you’re holding it with some tissue paper. you were never really good with touching hot things— you drop them without thinking twice . . . which is a health hazard.
and it stays like that for a little while. as jungkook drives, he looks at you and the navigation guide every now and then. just to make sure he’s turning to the correct lefts and rights as the voice says; and to give himself the assurance that you didn’t stray somewhere else again. you, on the other hand, is too focused on your food to give your boyfriend a smidge of attention. that’s how mukbang asmr is, right? only eating sounds?
the cashier is probably thinking of you funny for eating infront of your boyfriend via video call in a public place. you couldn’t care less. it’s been a long day, and staying still in this small corner of the earth feels oddly comforting.
you’re in the middle of sipping down the leftover broth at the bottom of the cup when you hear movement from the aisle behind you. being nosy as you are, you find yourself taking a peek. you take quick and light steps back to jungkook to tell him about what you saw.
“babe, they’re restocking the pokemon breads. i’m the only person left here.” you whisper with one hand covering your mouth from the side, as if you’re sharing a secret. “i’ll buy more.”
he unconsciously copies the gesture and the volume of your voice. “do they have the other flavors too?”
“yes. keep driving safe. be right back.”
you dash to the other aisle, and jungkook and the long row of kitkats play a staring contest in the middle of traffic yet again.
familiar with your nature, it is entertaining to watch you participate in the pokemon bread hunt out of the blue. very on-brand and-
“so competitive.” he laughs to himself.
“hi!” you beam at the camera, hugging the paper bag inhabited by your new prized possessions. “uh, we have eight in total. i bought one of each flavor so there’s two team rocket now. and three jigglypuff bread just because- um-”
jungkook stifles his laughter. oh, of course you did.
“it’s so cute. i couldn’t help myself.” you sigh, slightly feeling guilty. other people do hoard them and buy everything off the shelf, so you think about that to feel less bad about taking all the jigglypuffs.
fuck. if you’re being this cute over a jigglypuff bread, he might just have to join everyone and do convenience store raids, too.
“you’re kind for still leaving some. i saw a person in the internet buy all the pokemon breads in the store they went to.”
“right?! i saw that, too.” you exclaim, relieved that you had the same thought as him.
“did you get me my pikachu, though?”
“of course. pikachu must always be present!” you answer proudly as you unplug your phone after seeing that it’s already at 50%. “i’m getting bored here. there’s a thrift shop just beside this, so i’ll go see if they’re still opened.”
jungkook drums his fingers on the steering wheel, following a beat he’s making up on the spot. “alright. i’m only fifteen minutes away, so don’t go anywhere else.”
”yes, sir.”
“and don’t end the call.”
“i won’t. you’ll miss me.”
he clicks his tongue before sighing, expressing his frustrating sorrow. “i already do.”
the air from outside is warmer, and it engulfs you the second you pull the door open. it makes your skin feel sticky and uncomfortable. the thought of going back inside enters your mind, but the idea gets shot down immediately after. might get tempted to buy more bread.
the thrift shop heavily contrasts the vivid conveniece store. there is no door. racks of pre-loved clothing greet you by the entrance, leading to more of them inside. a lone warm lightbulb illuminates the cramped space, hanging in the middle of the dirty white ceiling. and the smell. oh, the smell— it causes nostalgia to rush throughout your body.
a woman emerges from the wooden counter. she’s in her 50s, if you had the guess. you make eye-contact, and her kind eyes eases your uncertainty about whether you’re allowed to enter or not.
“you can still look around if you want. i’m just cleaning before i close up.”
“oh, thank you!” you politely bow before approaching the long rack of shirts and long-sleeves against the wall. you’ve been eyeing them since the moment you arrived.
left with no other choice, you leave the paper bag of pokemon breads on the floor, under one of the racks. you carefully lean your phone against a shoe on the shelf above it, just a little higher than your eye-level. you smile unbeknownst to yourself. your jungkook looks extra handsome when driving. while he admittedly has a short attention span, he’s very focused on the road when he’s behind the wheel.
you’re already browsing through the clothes when he glances at his phone. he can only see half your face, but he also hears your fast hands pushing back the hanger of the ones that don’t capture your interest.
your love for shopping doubled when you entered a relationship with jungkook, because purchasing items you think he like or need also brings you an unexplainable joy. it’s not limited to clothes or accessories. for example, you bought him white and blue acrylic paint two months ago because you noticed that he used them all up for a project.
after more or less ten minutes, there are already two t-shirts and one sweater hanging on your forearm. one of the t-shirt is yours. it matches with one of your trousers that you barely wear.
you’ve walked past the camera frame when you stumble upon a black bomber jacket, looking so cool and brand-new, which explains why it’s a bit on the pricier side. and you know jungkook has a lot of other black jackets back at home, but you just can’t help yourself because it reminds you so much of him.
it’s so jungkook. you can’t allow it to live in another person’s closet.
you approach the counter with the clothes you picked out. the woman halts her sweeping outside, leaving the broom against the wall before wiping her hands on her long skirt, the floral print noticeably faded with time. you hastily grab the belongings you left unattended, putting your phone’s microphone on mute to keep your little surprise.
there’s no paper bills left in your wallet after spending all your money on food and clothes. with a grimace, you drop it inside your bag. you were only supposed to go to the library today, spend a little money on bus fare and lunch. perhaps, spontaneously add in a little snack in between. however, this is called spontaneity out of hand.
“are these for your boyfriend’s birthday?” the woman asks in a hushed, yet teasing, voice as she folds up the jacket.
two pairs of eyes fall on the phone you’re holding, and you smile sheepishly. “i’m trying to make everyday his birthday.”
“he’s very handsome. you better take good care of him!”
you cover your face in embarrassment, silently laughing. “we take good care of each other! he’s coming to pick me up because i couldn’t find a taxi.”
“oh dear, are you new here?” she stuffs the jacket in the big plastic bag, along with the other clothes you bought. “there’s barely any taxis here after 9pm. everyone just walks. many complaints about it, but good exercise for my rusty bones when they ask me.”
“i’ll keep that in mind for next time.” you wrap your left arm around the bag of clothes, sliding it off the counter until you’re carrying its full weight. “thank you again. have a great night! and stay healthy!”
you stumble on the single step leading outside because the weight of the breads and clothes are unbalanced. thankfully, you make it out of the shop without a scratch. the woman bids you a safe trip and picks up the broom, the melancholia of night-time quietness blanketing her home once again.
you look down at your phone to find that the video call with jungkook has ended, but before you can question him, a familiar voice sings your name from a close distance.
“jungkook!” you call out to him, crossing the distance between you in high spirits. “you really came for me!”
jungkook shakes his head in disbelief. “you really thought i’d leave you here stranded? you always make me worried.”
“i never do it on purpose.” you frown, shoulders sagged with guilt.
“that makes it more worrisome.” he breathes out a sigh. “come here. i missed you.”
“i want to hug you, but my hands are full.”
he takes a step forward and wraps his arms around you, squeezing you in a tight embrace. he feels you give a chaste kiss to his jaw before leaning your cheek on his shoulder, and just like that, his anxiety melts away. your favorite perfume invades his sense of smell. as a person with a sensitive nose, many perfumes often give him a headache. he is in love with yours. it’s sweet and subtle; it feels like coming home.
“i was so excited to come home but you weren’t there.”
“i’m sorry for always making you worry. i’ll be more mindful next time.” you apologize to him with a kiss on the cheek, and you feel it rise against your lips when he smiles. “oh no, wait. the bread- they’re going to get all mushed up.”
he reluctantly untangles himself from you, taking away the heavy load you’re carrying without you having to ask. this is when you swiftly snatch the car keys from his hand.
“i want to drive this time.”
he breathes out a sigh of relief. ���oh my god, thank you. i’m getting sleepy.”
it’s impossible not to quickly look over to the passenger seat when a bright flash fills the vehicle. surprise, surprise! instead of sleeping, jungkook is taking pictures of the packs of pokemon bread he eagerly arranged on his lap.
“that flash is brighter than the sun.”
he throws a thumbs-up with an overly enthusiastic voice. “samsung!”
you swear, every chance he gets he promotes thei-
“don’t you dare steal my jigglypuff.”
he raises his arms in surrender, making balloons with his cheeks. “i just didn’t know they were strawberry flavored. i’m tasting team rocket’s chocolate rolls first. namjoon-hyung likes it.”
he carefully tears it from the other side to keep team rocket’s image unharmed. he takes a bite from the choco roll, and feeds the remaining half to you.
“mhmmm.” he hums, eyebrows furrowed in sheer delight. “it’s so good? i’m glad you bought another.”
he divides another roll in the middle. he munches on his share as he waits for you to finish your first bite. while he does as such, he suddenly perks up when he remembers the story he was supposed to tell you.
“i saw a group of guys enter the convenience store when i arrived earlier. they were looking for pokemon bread, too.”
“how’d you know?”
“i heard one of them say ‘this one better have the gastly bread or i will cry.’” he imitates the stranger’s deep voice speaking in a whiny manner. “it was funny.”
“then he’s probably on his way home crying now.” your giggles create a harmony.
that store did not have gastly bread, unfortunately.
“moment of truth.”
jungkook locates the pokemon sticker after you finish the rest of the bread. you wait with bated breath as he unveils the first out of eight stickers.
he gasps as he comes face-to-face with- “it’s snorlax! number 143 . . . 143.” he freezes as he scans his memory for the special meaning of the number code. “doesn’t that mean ‘i love you’?”
“it does,” you confirm with a grin. “i told you it was fate! isn’t it the best love confession?”
while living with you is a type of intimacy he values greatly, and protects everyday, getting lost in unfamiliar places with you has a charm of its own. it’s one of the days when he allows himself to say: jungkook, you lived well today.
he presses the sticker on your cheek, giving you a kiss through snorlax. “i love you, too.”
“since we can’t finish all these bread tonight, we’ll open the rest tomorrow.” jungkook announces as he sets down the plastic bag on the floor. in the meantime, snorlax is kept in his wallet for safety purposes.
he carries the clothes to his lap next, curious eyes and curious hands taking out the items one by one. he squeaks a sound of amazement. “you found quite a lot in that shop.”
“they had a lot of good stuff. i got the dark green-ish shirt. the rest are for you.”
he holds the baby blue sweater by the shoulders, letting the rest of it unfold and hang suspended in the air. “this one is so pretty.”
“oh! i really like that one. might borrow it a lot.”
“you’d look pretty in it. especially in the winter.” he says fondly. the mental image of you wearing it surrounded by snow is making him miss the season that just passed.
you pout. “but i got it for you. so wear it more than me.”
“i will. i want to wear it to work right after laundry day.” you beam in contentment, and he pats your head appreciatively. “you’re so fucking cute, baby. thank you for buying it for me.”
the black jacket catches his attention next, and the galaxies in his eyes sparkle as he takes in its the details and overall appearance. “this is totally my style! how does it look so brand-new?”
“right? it’s a steal so i had to buy it!”
jungkook chews on his bottom lip, a conscious effort to restrain himself from attacking you with hugs and kisses. buying treats and gifts for each other on random days— it’s grown to be a second nature in your relationship. this is why you always go on trips on birthdays and anniversaries instead of buying big gifts. he loves that there’s no pressure, and the element of surprise never fades. he loves that he knows what you like, and you know what he likes. a huge part of what makes him who he is has permanently resided in who you are, and vice versa. he will carry you with him for the rest of his life, just like the food he learned to love because his childhood friend forced him to have a bite, and how he adds a bar on top of the letter J because it reminds him of the number 7.
so from now on, he will refuse to wear any other jacket but the one you bought him, and he will think of you every time the sky is baby blue.
“i think this is going to be one of those clothes i’d wear all the time. like the first sneakers you got me.”
“oh god,” you chuckle at the old memory. if people didn’t know he was rich, they would’ve thought he only had one pair of shoes. “you really wore those out.”
“that’s how much i loved it!”
“okay, but you need to wash it before wearing it.”
“i’ll wake up earlier to do laundry.” he starts planning out his day inside his head as he folds up the clothes to put back inside the bag. but then he traces his thoughts two hours backwards, and he is reminded physical affection he’s been craving the whole day.
“can we cuddle when we get home?”
“of course, my love.” you raise an eyebrow in question. “when do we not cuddle?”
“i just missed you a lot today.” he sighs, turning over to his side to look at you. perhaps, also to memorize the street lights reflecting on your face, and how your beige cardigan has slipped down your shoulder. oh, the urge to write a song at this magical moment.
“what’s wrong? did anything bad happen today?” pure concern adorns your voice. you hate it when he’s sad. so much. you want to shield him from everything bad in the world.
“nothing.” his face starts to feel flushed, one of the dead giveaways that he’s emotional. “i just love you, that’s all. you get it, right?”
you have never been more grateful to meet a light that just turned red.
you solely focus on him momentarily, combing his hair with your fingers because it always helps him to relax. “feeling a little overwhelmed, is that it?”
he only nods as a reply. he catches your hand in his to give your knuckles a kiss, plushy lips caressing the tough bones of your doting hand.
“we’re almost home. wanna cuddle in the bathtub?” you propose when you recognize the familiar scenery through his window. the promising comfort and safety of your home causes exhaustion to come crashing down on you. your muscles are suffering the consequences of your actions, and therefore, are asking for compensation.
jungkook seems to be relishing in the idea, doe eyes sparkling instead of shining with unshed tears. “please, that sounds nice. but i’m sorry for when i fall asleep in there.”
you laugh nervously as you enter your parking lot. you do have your license, but you don’t drive very often. maybe three times a month at most. you find driving to be energy consuming despite being seated, so you much prefer commuting because it also serves as your rest time before and after attending to your duties.
“i need to reverse park before we can get into the bathtub, so you have to help me.”
and yes, additionally, you just simply hate reverse parking with burning passion.
“why do you hate reverse parking so much?” your boyfriend asks out of curiosity.
good question.
“i know we have cameras now, but i’m still always scared of bumping into other cars.”
he flashes you his old-fashioned captivating smirk, resting his hand behind the driver’s seat. what makes it funnier is that you’re not even looking. you’re too preoccupied with finding your parking space.
he raises his eyebrows teasingly, doe eyes turning into small slits as they do when he’s playfully flirting. “you don’t have to be scared of such thing, baby. i’ll pay for the damages.”
“you’re jinxing it! i’ll definitely mess up that ferrari now!”
taglist! @alanniys @jjkeverlast @queenofdragonsandcats @yvesismywife @enhypenslay @cramseys @witchfqllen @virgogentlejk @rkie @jeonwiixard @monilyv @bermudaisy @ameliejeannelaurent @takochelle @the1921-monsters @investedreader @seagulljk @yeow6n @yoonqkiss @hopeworldjimin @lllucere @unnatae @zqynmlk @bxbyyyjocelyn @zkdlllin @koostarcandy @tswisal1 @fragmentof-indifference @laylasbunbunny @jjk-jeongirl @cherishoshi @luaspersona + send an ask / dm if you want to be added (or removed) :D
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capricorn-0mnikorn · 8 months
🔪🔪🔪No spoons left 👩‍🦼🔪🔪🔪
So. On 29 December 2022, the back of my motorized wheelchair broke completely (as in completely collapsed, flat out behind me, doubling the turning radius of my chair, and giving me zero back support). After business hours, of course. And so I couldn't call for a repair person to come out and look at it until the morning, and of course they were all backed up until after the New Year.
When the technician did come out (early January 2023), he found the frame was completely bent out of shape (I wonder if it was bent out of shape when it first broke, or if it got that way after roughly a week of bumping it into things when it was flat out, because my chair no longer fit around the corners in my house). And the whole part would need to be replaced. In the meantime, the guy rigged up some cables to hold the back up, and basically tie it into place. It's no longer adjustable, of course, but at least it gives me some support, now (I paid a whole lot of extra money for this chair for its adjustable features, like back angle, foot+leg rests, and seat tilt-in-space)
It would be expensive, but of course I gave my consent for them to order a new one.
Months go by, with no news. Finally, on 10 May 2023, I'm told the 20% deductible I have to pay, before they even put in the order. And I pay it, in installments of one half (minimum down payment), one quarter, and last quarter.
And then: Nothing. Absolute Radio Silence.
Last week, I notice that my battery is no longer holding a charge, so I schedule a technician to come out and replace it (Wheelchair batteries have a lifespan of ~ three years, and I bought the battery in March 2021, when I bought this @!#$-ing chair). While I'm making the appointment, I mention: "Hey, it's been a year since the back on this chair broke, any news on the replacement part?" The receptionist says she doesn't know, but she'll ask the guys in the repair department, and call me back.
She doesn't call back.
Today, 1 February 2024, 13 months later, after the repair guy replaced the battery, and while he was replacing screws on one of my armrests, so I don't have to hold it in place with duct tape, any more, he gave me the news:
The company that makes this chair has completely discontinued the model, and are also no longer making replacement parts.
The chance of me getting the back on my wheelchair fixed is zero.
(I think I'd have to pay more for a lawyer to get a refund on that deductible I've already paid than the price of that deductible).
Oh, and also: this chair is also a swapped out model, and not the one I actually ordered, because the company discontinued that model, too. And I didn't find out until they were driving this one into my living room.
That was 3 years ago. Medicare will only pay for a new chair ever 5 years, or longer. So I'm stuck with this chair until at least the end of 2025 (I started placing my order for a new chair -- the one I have now, in September or October 2020)
Oh, and you know what else the repair guy told me? Wheelchair companies even specially design (and Patent) every single screw and bolt that goes into their chairs, so you can't fix the chairs yourself.
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cleolinda · 8 months
I am so fucking pissed. We’re hearing forecasts that we might get FIVE FUCKING INCHES OF SNOW overnight from Monday to Tuesday. In ALABAMA, where we have no snow removal equipment. Like I think we got one bag of sand for the whole town. No snow tires, I don’t even know what those are. This isn’t cute “Haha it’s just barely below freezing! Snowball fight!!!” snow. This is 14° Fuck (-11° Come the Fuck On) snow. FIVE INCHES? We get flurries and the city descends into madness.
What if we lose POWER. Everything runs off USB cord stuck in the outlet charging nowadays. This is why everyone used to run out and buy Milk Bread Batteries. Listen. I have this memory of the power going out during this wild snowstorm when I was a kid--I want to say it was Winter Storm '93. Ask anyone who lived in Alabama at the time. Like we had Desert Storm '92 the military operation one year and Winter Storm '93 the next. It was that serious in our minds, and I'm not sure you can blame us:
The storm dumped several inches of snow each hour on Birmingham, which ended up with officially 13 inches of snow.
Due to the high winds some parts of Birmingham reported drifts 5 to 6 feet deep. One state trooper reported that the roads were in the worst shape he had ever seen. "People can't tell what's road and what's not."
Low temperatures during the storm were in the 5-to-10 degree range on that Sunday.
IN A TOWN WHERE WE DON'T KNOW WHAT A SNOW PLOW IS. I think we had one for the entire county. Like I'm only kind of joking here.
And our power went out.
The snow was so heavy that it pulled down power lines either by its own weight, or by the tree branches its weight broke off. Meanwhile, the power at my house already went off every time a squirrel sneezed. I don't how many days this lasted; it was probably like, 2-3 days, but in my head, I was 14 years old boxed up with my family with no heat and it lasted two weeks. Maybe three years. The four of us slept in sleeping bags layered with quilts, huddled on the floor around a wood burning fire. (In the haunted house, no less.) The carpet was really nice, at least. We had a--do people still call them boomboxes? A big portable cassette player--battery-powered--with AM/FM radio. We listened to whatever TV shows were broadcast from the ABC station at night. We did have hot water; I took a lot of hot baths. We cooked food over the outdoor grill (which we moved to the comfortably large area under the deck, to hold off the falling snow), sometimes using aluminum foil as a kind of thin impromptu frying pan, and kept perishables like milk and meat in a cooler. Oh, did we have a bag of ice for the cooler? No, we used snow. God knows there was enough of it. Of course, I'm sure the refrigerator was perfectly serviceable even without power, because it was TEN DEGREES FUCK ALL.
I remember going outside a good bit and playing, as much as a teenager plays, in the snow with my seven-year-old sister. I remember that all the neighborhood kids got big rubber trashcan lids and used them as toboggans, going up to the top of the hill on our street and pretty successfully sledding down. Maybe it was "lmao snowball fight!!" snow when I was 14. I'm 45 now, and the cold makes me hurt. It makes me hurt all over. Maybe Winter Storm '24 will be a fun core memory for my nephew. I am pissed. And also charging all my electronics.
(ETA: It’s ‘24 now, isn’t it. My brain hasn’t clicked the date over yet. What is time.)
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agent-calivide · 9 months
Sometimes I think about making an IEYTD tier list on my personal experience with the levels, but I think if I were to do that I’d have to make three separate lists. One for aesthetics/narrative, one for mechanics/puzzles, and one for completionism.
Like, Party Crasher? 10/10 story and setting, the environment is beautiful and the characters are so well done, but it’s one of the only levels you can get soft locked in.
Deep dive? Stressful and frustrating thanks to the constant flooding that can still happen even after your sub’s breeched, but has really easy achievements to figure out and is a great one to speedrun
First Class? Absolutely GORGEOUS. I fucking love all the small designs and the solutions are all pretty easy to find, but hidden enough you’re getting the satisfaction of solving the puzzles. But the achievements are a fucking nightmare because two of them rely on a stun grenade that’s really hard to finesse the timing of, you only have three of them, and one of them can only be finished in the last 5 seconds of the level, so if it slips your mind you have to redo the whole thing from the beginning of one of the longest levels in the first game.
Rising Phoenix is another one that’s fantastic narratively, but having two achievements related to charging the battery makes it so you have to redo the level multiple times, which is frustrating if you’re just trying to figure them all out and know there’s something with the banana and something with the cattle prod, but can’t do both. And having it be so you can only take down the sawblades with the prod and or the battery (as far as I’ve seen) and charging the battery with the prod makes it to you have no alternative to stop the blades when the game ENCOURAGES you to try that is irritating.
Blind spot is ingenious, driving is clever, the setting is beautiful, and I never felt truly stuck on a puzzle that wasn’t due to a lack of observation on my part, buuut it’s the only part of the game that makes me so motion sick I can’t do more than one speedrun attempt in a row, and tbh the knife in the gearshift did not feel intuitive or hinted at at all, especially when the steering tool looks a lot more like it could undo the screws.
Winter break is really pretty and cozy, and the achievements are really easy to find and speed run, but you spend half the level hunched over like shrimp with a high, screaming whir in your ear.
Some of the robot trophies would penalize the levels in IEYTD 3 because unlike the film trophies in IEYTD 2, they’re not hidden in an intuitive way, they’re just tucked into a tiny tiny corner that goes beyond being observant and straight into “how were you supposed to see that?” Particularly in Hot Water and Cold Shoulder where I honestly still couldn’t see them after watching a guide, I had to trust in the TK to highlight over them.
Cold Shoulder is wonderful design wise, making you feel cold and isolated even down to seeing your breath and the confrontation with Prism is just chef’s kiss, and the achievements are very direct in what you need to do and where to keep an eye out for them for the most part, but if you are near-sighted and can’t get your headset to focus on the Kanji for the mountains you are fucked. I spent seven hours on that level for two days because I couldn’t see the text and was blind firing by the end of it because all I had was “west” and “same level” so I was firing at the wrong mountain for ages.
That last one’s likely heavily influenced by bias from the nightmare that was trying to finish that level, I can admit that, but to try and rank them all on “what’s good and what’s bad” when they all have really strong strong suits and really weak weak points.
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afewproblems · 1 year
kas!eddie au for wip weekend? :3
Thank youuuuuuu I haven't worked on this for such a long time so it was a treat to come back to it! <3
Based on this series!
“I don’t understand why Eddie would have gone to Steve,” Dustin says, probably louder than he intends, but based on the accompanying glare Steve receives, he’s not so sure of that. 
Robin rubs Steve’s shoulder, shooting her own glare at Dustin, “want me to jersey the little punk?” she asks quietly as they fall into step with one another. 
Steve shakes his head silently. He can’t even bring himself to be angry with Dustin, he had been the one to leave Eddie there that night, that was a charge he could not fight.
“Keep your trap shut,” Hopper bites out from the front of the group, “if you want to give away the element of surprise you little shit, by all means keep going”.
There’s a rustle in the brambles ahead of them and Hopper stops so suddenly, lifting his gun to aim in the direction of the noise, that Jonathan nearly collides with his back. Nancy’s hand on her boyfriend’s shoulder is the only warning he receives. 
Everyone freezes where they stand.
The rustling has stopped but it's as though no one dares to breathe and risk disrupting the strange silence of the trees. 
It isn’t until Hopper lowers his gun that everyone begins moving once more. Robin steps closer to Steve, she doesn’t seem particularly pleased to be bringing up the rear but refuses to leave his side. 
They had eventually left the safety of the cabin in one large group, ready to deal with whatever lay in wait for them in the forest. It was closer to dusk than anyone would have liked, but they needed time to prepare for any eventuality --no one was leaving anything to chance despite Will and El’s insistence there was no hint of any lingering presence of Vecna lurking in the shadows of Hawkins.
Still, they had made sure to pack all of the party member’s cassettes with their favorite music and enough batteries to power the sun before setting off on their trek, tracing Steve’s fevered path he had taken through the trees just a few hours earlier. 
Steve carries the Byers large boom box by the handle, insisting on bearing the weight as well as the Black Sabbath tape Eddie had lent to Mike before any of this had even started.
Mike had eye’d Steve suspiciously when he had asked for it, spurred on by the cold shoulder Dustin had been giving Steve for weeks. 
“Why do you want it?” he asked with a sneer on his lips.
Because I want to bring Eddie home just as much as you do, Steve thinks, because I need to fix this, it’s my fault he’s like this --because I need him here…
But Steve doesn’t voice any of these reasons and goes so far as to shove the last thought away from himself as though burned. 
“Because I’ll be the bait,” Steve says simply with a shrug of his shoulders.
Make Me Write!
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*holding you at gunpoint* tell me about your gasa4 timeloop au NOW /silly
Ehem. you don't even gotta put a gun to my head i'll tell you for nothing 😍
anyways. its a real life au where the events of the game take place in the span of likeeee... 6?? 7?? months?? a long time thats for sure. the reason of the timeloops is actually dummy just existing there, it has a lot of lore of its own but in short it teleports from place to place and when it lands on a place it takes it to a sort of pocket dimension where time resets every 5 hours. its not like it wants to do that though it is actually powered down because its battery died. as a fail safe it takes away energy from worlds it lands on to power it back up, chipping away at it until its too unstable and disspaears forever. so thats why the timeloop happens in the first place. this has happened many times before.
the timeloop actually starts at 2 am but player (or guy, since i named them that in this) wakes up at 4 am so they only notice the last like. 3 hours of the loop. after them and Cass (cashier) notice the timeloop they try a lot of things to stop it. nothing works though. when they finally notice dummy (who is slumped over the soda machine) they plug it in on one of the electric outlets and lets it charge for a while. that surprinsingly works! and now they gotta figure out a way to fix the timeloop thing. since the world is still activly being destroyed.
orby isnt part of the world inmediatly after the timeloops began but appeared a little while after it began. they are really, really weak thanks to having to deal with dummy for like a couple decades now so all they can do is slow down the breaking process and hope these 17 year olds can figure out how to power dummy back up, which they do 🎉
yada yada stuff happens. i'm still thinking about how the aware cashier thing could be implemented and allat. i haven't thinked of this au in MONTHS thank you for caring abt it!!! i got so excited when i saw the ask hchkhfgn
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sky-drgn · 1 year
Can Be Remembered (Part 3)
Genre: Hurt/Comfort, mostly comfort Ship: Chuuya x Dazai Word Count: 563 Note: Despite my editing, there may still be grammar/spelling mistakes. Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Ending 1 - Ending 2
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Dazai was often late before losing his memories and was only slightly better without them. Yet even he knew this date was something he couldn’t be late for. Even if Kunikida was expecting him to be. So when he found a hidden key when he was looking for more suitable clothes to wear, he rushed to be able to use it. It was bothering him too much not to. 
The key belonged to his work desk. Thankfully President Fukuzawa was working late and was able to let Dazai into the office. The older man was surprised to see him there but didn’t question him as he could see how in a rush Dazai was.
Dazai only messed up putting the key in the keyhole once. Once the draw was open Dazai swore the world stopped turning as he looked at his wedding band, personal phone, and everything he needed to get into his penthouse. 
The battery on his phone was dead; not being charged in almost a year it was definitely not going to keep its charge. The only thing Dazai could do was put his ring on, grab his things, and run home. Hoping, praying, that Chuuya would be there. 
Dazai remembered Chuuya.
Chuuya was not home.
It was a quarter past six when Dazai finished looking everywhere he could in the penthouse. Chuuya typically didn't return until nearly eight o'clock. Despite knowing that Dazai would return to an empty apartment, he still felt disappointed. He couldn’t help but wonder if this was how Chuuya felt for the better part of the last year.
With nothing to do but wait for Chuuya to get home, Dazai decided it was best to shower and possibly burn the clothes he was wearing. That outfit would forever be the outfit he was about to wear on a date with someone that wasn’t his husband. Dazai really wanted to burn it. Just like he did to the jacket he got as an entrance gift to the Port Mafia. (Not that he remembers that yet.)
Needing a new outfit to wear, Dazai put on pajama pants and the t-shirt Chuuya’s been wearing the last few nights. The older always liked his sleep clothes big, specifically clothes in Dazai’s size. Dazai loved this since it meant he could wear Chuuya’s pajama shirt when he really missed him. Dressed with a half hour to spare, Dazai took the sheep plushie he won for his husband when they were teens and wandered around his home more trying to remember more things.
Chuuya knew someone was in the house as he approached his front door. The light shining under the door was a big giveaway. He would have already known if someone tried to break thanks to his top security system. Chuuya knew that could only mean one thing. Dazai’s home.
Chuuya barely took a step into the penthouse when his arms were full of his husband. 
He wouldn’t have it any other way.
“I’m so sorry Chuuya.” Dazai practically sobbed into his husband’s shoulder. Repeating his apology over and over.
“It’s not your fault,” Chuuya said after Dazai calmed down a bit. “You didn’t choose to lose your memories. It’s not your fault.” 
“I should have remembered you.” 
“That’s dumb, you can’t control that.”
“Never leaving Chuuya’s side again.”
And so he didn’t. Not for a good two weeks.
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BSD Master List - Part 1 - Part 2 - Ending 1 - Ending 2
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secretswansong · 2 years
aight gonna word vomit on the analogies i use to explain my executive dysfunction Experience™ for adhd awareness month (i know it's october. apparently. i did not know that it's like here)
the hot stove 🔥🔥🔥
i can't do the Thing because doing the Thing = touching a hot burning stove
in that my mental inability to initiate the task is very similar to or perhaps the same as the mental function that's telling me "don't touch the stove it's going to fucking hurt"
fun fact: that mental function that tells you to do or not do something so you don't get endangered is called judgment ;D
anyway doing the Thing will hurt so my brain is stopping me from it
honestly i was proud that i came up with it but spending a lot of time on this hellsite means i cannot be sure that i could have actually come up with it on my own instead of reading about it before somewhere
fun fact: also used this while complaining to / asking for help from an authority figure
the fork theory 🍴🍴🍴🍴 (please read it, it's so helpful)
i like this better than the spoon theory ;D honestly bless the folks that came up with it!
"too many forks" describes my mental state better than "ran out of spoons"
like. when i do like 3-4 certain Things i will not function so well anymore for the day teehee
also fork theory works better for me because to me it also refers to what i feel after getting Things done
There is no relief. There is no sense of accomplishment. There is no satisfaction. There is no intrinsically good or rewarding feeling at just getting Things done. Maybe there used to be, maybe there sometimes is, but not enough to last.
The next time I have do the Thing again, it will feel as terrible as the last time. (and the first time really but fuck if I remember that)
shitty phone battery 📴🔋
irl i rarely use my phone because it runs out of battery in like. a day
and it charges pretty slowly and the charger loosens so like should i even bother
anyway our brains are like phone batteries and our *mental energy* is like how much juice is in there
and people w/o executive dysfunction, they get to recharge to 100% every day
and they don't need to recharge everyday, the 100% lasts them for like days, weeks, months
not me tho i'm built different
on average my brain is the human equivalent of when you rush to charge your phone at 1% and have to use it even though and consequently it never reaches 100%
my sleep is like when you manage to wait for a few hours but the phone's only 15% charged
me needing to do Things feels like when you need to continue using your phone even if it's barely charged
on an okay day you get to keep your phone plugged in
but more often than not you lose your charger or you have to take your phone somewhere you can't charge
so your battery dies and you have to charge it everyday - that's practically me getting mini-burnouts almost everyday
would your phone still be good or would you manage to do everything you need or want to do
so yeah my brain is a phone that recharges too slowly, doesn't have much juice to work with every day, and runs out of that too quickly
bonus: this analogy also covers how you sometimes get caught in just scrolling thru the internet and using so much battery power and mobile data for that even when you've got other stuff to do
i can't come up with a nice conclusion for this lol this was both a thought dump and a vague attempt at making something that might be helpful for other people to understand and describe their experiences. if you've come this far, congratulations and thank you sm
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kuivamustekala · 8 months
could u share 2, 5, and 10 for krenn and 1, 3, and 8 for janny? perhaps even a 5 for mischief if u are feeling silly 💜
I am just going to preemptively slap a readmore here bc I know I will ramble
2. What is their grooming routine?
Krenn's every day, most basic grooming routines are very simple. Wash his face, clean his beak, put his hair up so it's mostly out of the way (or let it down, if it's the end of the day), all done! He's not in the habit of long showers, and he especially doesn't care for hot water - a quick, cold shower is all he needs. He's not really one to pamper himself, so his everyday routines include washing and such as more of a necessity, or just another thing on his list of things to do.
He still likes to keep himself looking nice, though. When he's fiddling with his hair, he'll run his hands over the tentacles, making sure they're growing healthy and the skin isn't getting dry or scaly-looking. There's a tub of heavy-duty hand cream near the sink in his workshop - the webbing between his fingers and the claws make gloves annoying to wear, so he only wears them if he absolutely has to. And since he sometimes spends long hours with his hands deep in splatling guts, covered in oil and ink remnants and whatever else, his hands would be flaking and calloused to hell and back if he didn't take care of them. He keeps his claws filed a bit shorter, so they don't risk breaking as easily (and a bit duller than they'd be naturally, just for the sake of safety). It's a lot of little things that are not really a part of his routine in a way he'd realize to say, if asked.
5. What was the last time they cried, and under what circumstance?
Now this... is a very good question. Krenn does not cry often. Most of the time his distress manifests in other ways - he might get snappy and almost angry, or he might kinda shut off and go quiet, or he might end up trying to take charge of the situation at hand in an attempt to redirect the emotions into something more productive if the situation calls for it. Even when he is just flat out sad, it's rare for him to cry: you're much more likely to find him just kinda hiding somewhere, face hidden, trying to wait it out until the emotions settle.
It was probably late at night, with Sara sitting in the workshop with him, both of them fiddling with something to keep their hands busy, not really aiming for productivity of any kind. Krenn was talking about a childhood friend of his who'd passed away unexpectedly while they were at sea, and was almost startled to realize his eyes had filled with tears. I think he only really cries when the emotions manage to creep up on him, and he's too busy to realize it.
He doesn't like it.
10. What objects do they always carry around with them?
Most of the time he just grabs his keys and phone. He's got a wallet phone case, and a few small tools on his keyring - a screwdriver, a tiny measuring tape, a small swiss army knife, probably a small but decently bright flashlight in case his phone is out of battery. If he's heading out for work-related purposes, he'll usually grab his tool case, and during summer he won't leave the house without an insulated water bottle. Also I feel like he probably has a spare pen or pencil in at least one pocket on every article of clothing he owns. Man's got the vibe of someone who goes to an Ikea and grabs a few of the pencils just to have them around.
1. What is the character's go-to drink order?
Whatever kind of fruity iced tea or lemonade strikes its fancy that day. Peach and raspberry are always solid picks! Usually it'll also go for the bigger sizes. A girl needs its treats. For a hot beverage, it's a fan of spiced fruit teas of varying kinds, and every now and again it'll go for a strawberry milk tea.
3. What was their most expensive purchase/where does their disposable income go?
Janny's most expensive purchase was a quality couch and a matching armchair, both in deep teal. The first couch in its apartment was an old, second-hand one that was starting to become less of a couch and more of a hard slab in the middle of the living space, and once it got a stable enough job, it decided to get into the habit of saving and then get a very nice couch as a reward. The armchair wasn't planned on, initially, but then some sales happened at a rather convenient time and Janny's very good at convincing itself that an impulse purchase is actually a good idea. (And to be fair, this one was, in fact, a good purchase.)
Most of Janny's spending, outside of necessities, goes towards a variety of fun things. A variety of little treats, for one, as well as fun decorative things for its apartment and new clothes every now and then. Janny tends to get rather attached to its clothes and rarely buys new ones without debating on it for a longer while - the impulse purchases happen in the home decor aisles instead.
8. Describe the place where they sleep.
Janny's bedroom is rather small - most of the apartment's footprint goes towards the living room, with both the kitchen and bedroom suffering a bit for it. This isn't helped by Janny's bed being a bigger one - I don't know the words for bed sizes for the life of me and this isn't helped by the fact that they're apparently different practically everywhere in the world, but it's got a 140cm/55in wide one with a soft mattress, several pillows (a few regular size ones, accompanied by a couple body pillows) and a couple blankets forming a very cozy squid nest. There's also a bean bag chair kinda crammed in the corner, where it was banished to after the armchair moved in to the living room, a small desk with a saddle chair situated by the window, and a couple wall-mounted shelves that hold whatever comics Janny's reading in the moment, a variety of decorative thingies, and there's probably at least one mug sitting somewhere. There's probably some half-worn clothes strewn about, and overall it's a bit of a mess, most of it banished to the floor to keep the bed dedicated to good eepies.
5. What was the last time they cried, and under what circumstance?
Mischief's cried quite a few times as of late. They wiped tears from their eyes on several occasions when Roachie, after having realized what the weird changes around the old dragon skeleton were about, was helping them build a nest. When Roachie set the egg into the nest and then settled by Mischief to watch the sun set, Mischief leaned against their shoulder and cried. When the two of them returned to their first starter house, Mischief thought they were for sure done with the tears, and then they set their backpack down and realized they were tearing up again.
The last time they cried was in the Inbetween, after they'd logged off and closed the server for everyone. They went to move the files into storage to make space for a new world, but instead found themself holding the files close to their chest, trying very hard to not let tears fall on them, sobbing as sadness, longing, hope and excitement all swirled together into an overwhelming mess of emotion.
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beardedmrbean · 2 years
Spectrum News 13 identified the slain reporter Thursday as Dylan Lyons. Photographer Jesse Walden was also wounded.
The two were in an unmarked news vehicle on Wednesday afternoon covering the first homicide when a man approached and shot them, Orange County Sheriff John Mina said during a news conference. The man then went to a nearby home where he fatally shot T’yonna Major and critically wounded the child's mother. Officials have not yet released the name of the girl's mother.
The sheriff said police have detained Keith Melvin Moses, 19, who they believe is responsible for all of the shootings.
Mina said police didn't immediately know the motive for the shootings. He said Moses was acquainted with Nathacha Augustin, 38, who was the first victim, but did not appear to have a connection with any of the others. He said it was not clear if Moses knew that two of the people shot were journalists and noted their vehicle didn't look like a typical news van or have the station's logo on it.
It was not immediately known whether Moses has a lawyer who can speak on his behalf.
“I want to acknowledge what a horrible day this has been for our community and our media partners,” Mina told a room full of reporters. “No one in our community — not a mother, not a 9-year-old and certainly not news professionals — should become the victim of gun violence in our community.”
The sheriff was meeting with community leaders on Thursday morning, and was expected to provide more details about the case after that meeting.
On Wednesday morning, deputies responded to the Pine Hills area, just northwest of Orlando, after reports that a woman in her 20s was shot.
Lyons and Walden were shot hours later while covering that shooting, followed by the mother and daughter, according to police and witnesses. WFTV crews, who were also reporting on the morning shooting, tried to give medical aid to the Spectrum 13 journalists.
Mina said Moses has already been charged with first-degree murder for the initial victim, and charges are expected soon for the other four victims. Moses’ criminal history includes gun charges, as well as aggravated battery, assault with a deadly weapon, burglary and grand theft offenses, the sheriff said.
“Our hearts go out to the family of the journalist killed today and the crew member injured in Orange County, Florida, as well as the whole Spectrum News team,” White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre said on Twitter.
“Please, please, say a prayer tonight for our co-worker who is in critical condition. And while you’re at it, please say a prayer for every victim of gun violence in this country,” Spectrum 13 journalist Celeste Springer said during her live on-air report Wednesday evening.
In a story published early Thursday, the station identified Lyons and Walden.
“(Lyons) took his job very seriously. He loved his career. He loved what he did,” said Spectrum Sports 360 reporter and friend, Josh Miller. “He loved the community, telling the stories of people, reporting on the news, and he was just passionate about what he did.”
Lyons was born and raised in Philadelphia, and graduated from the University of Central Florida, the station said. Before joining Spectrum News, he worked for a station in Gainesville.
Rachel Lyons, the reporter’s older sister, is raising money for his funeral in a GoFundMe account. She wrote that Lyons would have turned 25 in March. He is also survived by his parents and fiancée.
Worldwide, 40 journalists were reported killed last year, plus another two this year before Wednesday, according to the Committee to Protect Journalists. Only one of those was in the United States.
Jeff German, who covered politics and corruption for the Las Vegas Review-Journal, was found dead outside his home in September after being stabbed multiple times. Former Clark County Public Administrator Robert Telles, who had been a frequent subject of German’s reporting, has pleaded not guilty to a murder charge.
In 2015, Virginia reporter Alison Parker and cameraman Adam Ward were shot and killed during their live TV broadcast for CBS affiliate WDBJ7. The suspect, a former reporter for the TV station, died by suicide during the law enforcement search for him.
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dark OC asks for Siv, Jay, Cassandra, and anyone else you'd like to do them for! 1, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 11, 12, 14, & 15 (sorry there's so many! lol)
1: Excluding murder, what is the worst thing your OC has ever done?
The worst thing Siv's done (other than killing people) is repeatedly kidnap scientists to make stuff for them under threat of a vibrating hand through the chest (it is an empty threat. Siv does not know how to phase)
Jay isn't that terrible of a person. Other than killing only when extremely necessary on missions, the worst thing he did was accidentally cheat on Cassandra with a shapeshifter that temporarily took over her life.
Cassandra isn't afraid of torturing her targets. The worst thing she's done (short of murder) is accidentally leave the water on for the guy they were waterboarding for six hours because she got distracted and forgot to turn it off, only realizing what she had done while she was in the Taco Bell drive-through on the way home.
3: Has your OC killed a friend/family member/loved one?
Siv: Technically, yeah. She shot and killed her universe's version of Eddie Thawne, and they're actively on a quest to commit patricide.
Jay: absolutely not.
Cassandra: Banished Jay to the Shadow Realm when he got possessed until she could find a solution (I mean, it's not killing, but she basically sent him to hell for a few hours).
4: What appears in your OC's darkest nightmares?
Siv's worst nightmares involve losing control. At the moment, she's walking the fine line between good and evil, and they're terrified of slipping and becoming full evil, like their father.
Jay's nightmares usually involve Zoom returning, and him being unable to stop him from hurting Cassandra.
Cassandra's nightmares involve her personal and professional life getting mixed up, like if one of her targets threatened her dads.
6: Would your OC make a deal with the devil?
Siv actually (kinda) does.
Jay would absolutely never do that.
Cassandra would, but only if it was the only option.
7: How far is your OC willing to go to get what they want?
Siv is willing to do almost anything, barring hurting children or animals.
Jay will go up to torture and killing, but only if it's a last resort.
Cassandra prefers to go by the book, but she will do quite literally anything if all other options are exhausted.
8: Would your OC consider themself evil?
Siv would, absolutely, though she sees herself as a necessary evil. They walk the line so no one else has to.
Jay wouldn't. Absolutely not.
Cassandra would not, though she acknowledges that her moral compass is a bit skewed.
11: Has your OC ever tortured someone?
Siv: No, but she would be willing to. Usually, her dad's reputation is enough to get what she wants.
Jay: No. He might be willing to if someone he cared about was in danger and it was the only way.
Cassandra: Yes. See above for the waterboarding story.
12: If your OC was arrested, what would the charges be?
Siv: 1st degree murder, attempted murder, 2nd degree manslaugher, assault and battery, breaking and entering, 1st degree theft (multiple counts), kidnapping, conspiracy
Jay: Underage drinking, marijuana possession
Cassandra: Kidnapping, torture, 1st degree manslaughter
14: What is your OC's "villain song"?
15:If you draw: draw your OC's darkest moment or reimagine your OC as a demon. If you don't draw: find a picrew or write a description instead!
Siv, the second they see their dad:
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Cassandra, fully taken over by her own dark magic:
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Jay, who looks fine, but on the inside is having 37 simultaneous panic attacks because "You don't have to be perferct or exceptionally great you don't even have to be good- BUT I DO!"
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lavenoon · 2 years
Sending this because I think you'd find it entertaining!
Currently writing a drabble prompt for more New Horizons, and I came across a part where I was gonna have Eclipse mention his brothers... Then I realized, I have no clue if they live in the same city or not. Using some information from the angst I gathered that he A.) Could not walk there due to battery charge B.) Could get a car, but it would be uncomfortable due to size and C.) Took a train as the next best option. So I posed the question to friends I was currently in a discord call with. One brought up the fact a human (this is including resting) could walk roughly 32km a day, so that meant without resting an Animatronic could easily walk 64km a day. So if his brothers were living far enough that a walk wasn't possible with 64km a day (assuming his charge lasts 3 whole days before it's completely out.) Then there was a possibility it wasn't the same city. HOWEVER! Then we thought up sister cities/districts/counties and etc. Sometimes those cities become HUGE and driving through them can take all day/hours at a time, and typically also had train systems to move about them. Some cities like Atlanta are about 147km wide.
So for New Horizons now we've all agreed that Sun and Moon by technicality live in the same city, but it's only because they're connected via Sister Cities and are on opposite ends of them.
Hi I just woke up and need to cope with the realization of object permanence and that you talk about AU with other people like hi yes my ideas exist where I am not there to immediately observe them AND it's important enough to talk about in a discord call? just casually? idk if sleepy brain is making a big deal out of something mundane but it feels big to me gfhdjsk
I absolutely love this analysis bc it means you guys thought about it more than I did - whole ass math over here FGHDJSK
I'm a rural ass kid, live in a town that everyone sees and goes "that's not a town, that's a village". Biggest I ever lived in was 10K citizens which is still much too small as a stage for AU. So I'm going to be fully honest and say sister cities was not even in my awareness before this ask because it's SO out of what I need to know usually fhdjs
I love that idea though! For AU canon, I've imagined them in different cities, not connected at all, but I also know that our train system here for long distance train rides is different (biggest complaint "haha they're never on time" vs uhhh I never hear any American talk about trains, actually. AU vaguely set in a sorta fictional big English speaking country because I know American action movies best FGDHSJ) so honestly, sister cities is a neat way to handle it!
I am also now terrified of Atlanta.
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jitendraev10 · 12 days
Top Reasons to Switch to an Electric Scooter in 2024
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The transportation landscape is changing rapidly, and electric scooters have taken center stage as a smart, eco-friendly alternative for daily commutes. Whether you're tired of high fuel prices, traffic congestion, or contributing to environmental pollution, switching to an electric scooter could be the solution you've been looking for. As we move into 2024, the reasons to embrace this shift are stronger than ever. Here are some top reasons why you should consider making the switch.
1. Eco-Friendly Transportation
One of the biggest reasons to switch to an electric scooter is its environmental impact. Electric scooters produce zero emissions, which directly helps in reducing air pollution. This makes them a fantastic option for those conscious about their carbon footprint. In cities where pollution levels are reaching alarming rates, adopting electric scooters can be a small yet significant step toward cleaner air.
2. Cost Savings
Electric scooters are often considered the best budget electric scooter option for urban commuters. Unlike traditional vehicles that rely on costly fuel, electric scooters run on batteries, which are much cheaper to charge. Over time, these savings on fuel and maintenance can add up, making electric scooters a financially smart choice. Additionally, many governments offer subsidies and tax benefits for purchasing electric vehicles, further reducing the overall cost.
3. Convenient and Practical
Navigating through crowded streets is no easy task, especially during rush hour. Electric scooters offer a compact, maneuverable solution, allowing riders to zip through traffic and reach their destination quicker than cars or bikes. Most scooters are lightweight and foldable, making them easy to carry into buildings or public transport. This level of convenience is especially appealing for city dwellers who are constantly on the move.
4. Low Maintenance
Electric scooters generally require much less maintenance compared to petrol-powered scooters or cars. With fewer moving parts and no need for oil changes or fuel filter replacements, maintenance becomes both easier and cheaper. Batteries are built to last for several years, and when cared for properly, the scooter can serve as a reliable mode of transport for a long time. This is another reason why electric scooters are considered one of the best budget electric scooter options available.
5. Technological Advancements
The electric scooter market is evolving, with new technologies making them more efficient, safe, and user-friendly. From better battery life to advanced safety features like anti-lock braking systems (ABS) and improved suspensions, 2024 promises even more innovation in this space. Riders can also enjoy smartphone connectivity, GPS tracking, and other tech enhancements that make their rides more enjoyable and efficient.
6. Quiet and Smooth Ride
Another reason to consider an electric scooter is the ride experience itself. Electric motors are almost silent, providing a peaceful ride free of engine noise. Plus, the smooth acceleration and deceleration make it a comfortable option for commuting through both smooth and bumpy roads.
7. Contribution to a Sustainable Future
By switching to an electric scooter, you're not only opting for personal convenience but also contributing to a larger global effort toward sustainable transportation. Every electric scooter on the road means one less gasoline-powered vehicle, which significantly reduces overall carbon emissions and fossil fuel consumption.
At Jitendra EV, we believe in this vision of a sustainable future. As manufacturers of EV bikes, we are committed to producing reliable, eco-friendly scooters that offer the best of both worlds—affordability and innovation. Our focus is on providing you with the best budget electric scooter options without compromising on quality, so you can enjoy a greener, smarter way of commuting in 2024 and beyond.
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liulouxi · 1 month
Swapping Cabinets: The "Shared Power Bank" for Food Delivery Riders - A New Investment Frontier or Crowded Market?
In the bustling city streets, food delivery riders weave through every corner, delivering indispensable services to the fast-paced life of the metropolis. In this race against time, swapping cabinets have emerged as their indispensable "shared power banks." Over 90% of riders in urban areas have utilized these cabinets, with the figure potentially reaching 100% among flash delivery riders. The presence of swapping cabinets has significantly helped riders overcome the battery limitation in long-hour deliveries, becoming a rigid demand in their work.
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Swapping Cabinets: Riders' "Shared Power Banks"
The prevalence of swapping cabinets among riders is closely tied to the constraints of electric bike battery capacity. According to the "Regulations on the Administration of Non-motor Vehicles in Beijing," the nominal voltage of electric bike batteries is strictly capped at 48V. However, for electric bikes traveling up to 100 kilometers daily for food delivery, a standard 48V battery can only last 2-3 hours. This necessitates frequent charging, an unavoidable hassle for delivery riders.
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Before the Rise of Swapping Enterprises
Prior to the emergence of swapping cabinets, traditional bike shops offered rudimentary charging station services. Riders had to purchase additional batteries, leaving them at the shop for charging and retrieving them when needed. This approach, however, was plagued by issues like disorganized battery management and high safety risks.
The Rise of Swapping Enterprises
In 2017, a new force emerged in the market – swapping enterprises. These companies provided battery swapping services for electric two-wheelers, addressing the issue of limited battery life. According to Frost & Sullivan's "China Electric Two-Wheeler Battery Swapping Service Market Research Report (2023)," the market size of China's electric two-wheeler battery swapping service reached 4.53 billion yuan in 2022, with over 30 prominent players like TowerGo Swap, Xiaoha Swap, and Hello Swap standing out.
As smart swapping cabinet enterprises rose, the electric bike industry swiftly became the first to test the waters. Bike merchants procured battery cabinets, batteries, and supporting backend management hardware from third-party service providers. Riders needing swapping services simply scan a QR code to view various package prices and services within the cabinet. For service providers, swapping cabinets offer a much safer alternative to traditional "scattered" charging methods.
Investing in Swapping Cabinets: Profit or Loss?
Data paints a promising picture of the swapping cabinet industry, resembling a rising sun over a vast blue ocean market. Behind the continuous growth of swapping cabinet services lies the accelerating instant delivery service. According to iResearch's report, China's instant delivery service industry is projected to reach nearly 100 billion orders by 2026. Meanwhile, China boasts 350 million electric two-wheelers, with over 7 million Meituan riders.
Competition and Challenges in the Industry
While the swapping cabinet industry holds immense potential, competition is intense. Numerous service providers operate in the market, adopting strikingly similar pricing strategies, limiting profit margins for businesses. Riders are also selective when choosing swapping cabinets; any delays in battery replacements or service issues can prompt them to abandon a location or even a brand entirely.
As the "shared power bank" for food delivery riders, swapping cabinets play an increasingly crucial role in instant delivery services. Whether investing in swapping cabinets is a lucrative business depends on specific circumstances. In this vibrant swapping cabinet platform landscape, only continuous innovation and enhanced service quality can ensure survival in the competitive market tides.
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How Amanah Roadside Assistance & Towing Keeps Atlanta Moving
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In a bustling city like Atlanta, GA, where the streets are always alive with activity, the last thing you want is to be stuck on the side of the road with a broken-down vehicle. Unfortunately, car troubles are a reality that can strike at any moment, leaving you frustrated, stressed, and stranded. That’s where Amanah Roadside Assistance & Towing comes in—a dependable service that’s always ready to keep you moving, no matter what the road throws your way.
Why Every Driver Needs a Reliable Towing Service
Driving in Atlanta comes with its own set of challenges—heavy traffic, unpredictable weather, and the occasional roadwork can all add to the stress of your daily commute. But when your car suddenly breaks down, the situation can go from stressful to downright chaotic. A reliable towing service is not just a convenience; it’s a necessity. Having a trusted partner like Amanah Roadside Assistance & Towing ensures that you’re never left alone when you need help the most.
The Amanah Difference: What Sets Us Apart
At Amanah Roadside Assistance & Towing, we pride ourselves on being more than just a towing company. We’re a team of professionals dedicated to providing top-notch service to our community. Here’s what makes us the go-to towing service in Atlanta, GA:
1. Prompt and Professional Service
When your car breaks down, every minute counts. That’s why we’re committed to providing fast, reliable service. Our drivers are strategically positioned throughout Atlanta to ensure that help arrives quickly, no matter where you are. We understand that your time is valuable, and we work hard to get you back on the road as quickly as possible.
2. Comprehensive Roadside Assistance
We offer more than just towing. Amanah provides a wide range of roadside assistance services designed to address the most common issues drivers face. Whether you’ve locked yourself out of your car, run out of gas, or need a jump-start, our team is equipped to handle it all. We take pride in being a one-stop solution for all your roadside needs.
3. Experienced and Friendly Staff
Our team is made up of experienced professionals who are not only skilled in towing and roadside assistance but also dedicated to providing excellent customer service. We believe that a friendly face and a helping hand can make all the difference when you’re in a stressful situation. That’s why we always approach each job with empathy, care, and a commitment to your safety.
4. Modern, Well-Maintained Fleet
At Amanah, we invest in the best equipment to ensure we can handle any situation. Our fleet of tow trucks is modern, well-maintained, and equipped with the latest technology. This allows us to tow a wide variety of vehicles, from compact cars to larger trucks and SUVs, safely and efficiently.
5. Affordable and Transparent Pricing
We believe that quality service should be accessible to everyone. That’s why we offer competitive pricing with no hidden fees. When you choose Amanah, you’ll know exactly what to expect in terms of cost, allowing you to make informed decisions without worrying about unexpected charges.
Real-Life Scenarios: How We Help Our Customers
To give you a better idea of how Amanah Roadside Assistance & Towing can make a difference, here are a few scenarios where we’ve helped our customers get back on track:
Flat Tire on the Highway: A customer was stranded on the side of I-75 during rush hour with a flat tire. Within minutes of their call, our team arrived, quickly changed the tire, and got them safely back on the road.
Locked Out in Downtown Atlanta: Another customer found themselves locked out of their car in a busy downtown area. Our technician arrived promptly, unlocked the vehicle without causing any damage, and saved the day.
Dead Battery in a Parking Lot: One evening, a customer’s car wouldn’t start in a shopping center parking lot. Our team was able to jump-start the battery and ensure the customer could get home safely.
These are just a few examples of how Amanah goes above and beyond to assist drivers in need. No matter the situation, we’re here to provide the support you need, when you need it most.
Why Amanah Roadside Assistance & Towing is the Best Choice for Atlanta Drivers
Choosing a towing service isn’t just about finding the nearest company; it’s about finding a partner you can trust. Amanah Roadside Assistance & Towing has built a reputation in Atlanta, GA, for being reliable, professional, and committed to our customers’ satisfaction. We understand the challenges that come with driving in a busy city, and we’re here to make sure that car troubles don’t get in the way of your day.
Whether you need a tow, a jump-start, or help with a flat tire, Amanah Roadside Assistance & Towing is just a phone call away. With our 24/7 availability, modern fleet, and experienced team, you can drive with confidence knowing that help is always nearby.
Get in Touch with Us Today
Don’t wait until you’re stranded to find a reliable towing service. Save our number now, so you’ll have peace of mind on the road. For immediate assistance or to learn more about our services, call Amanah Roadside Assistance & Towing at (678) 618-3103 or visit us at 2628 Godfrey Dr NW, Atlanta, GA 30318. We’re here to keep you moving, no matter what!
For more details:
📞 Call Us: (678) 618-3103
🏠 Address: 2628 Godfrey Dr NW, Atlanta, GA 30318
📍 GBP Link: https://maps.app.goo.gl/fuhYezJkieUY785o6
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