#and i have three midterms on tuesday that i dont know how im going to study for
garciapimienta · 2 years
now I have to do my research paper...... worst weekend ever
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jimlingss · 4 years
Sugar and Coffee [5]
Chapter 4 - Chapter 5 - Chapter 5.5 OR Chapter 6
➜ Words: 4.2k
➜ Genres: 99.5% Fluff, 0.5% Angst, Pâtisserie school!AU
➜ Summary: It isn't hard to be a pâtisserie chef, but it's not a piece of cake either. It seems like for you in particular, life keeps throwing in one wrench after another. It always finds ways to make your sweets bitter. The cherry on top is Jeon Jungkook — a rival with a sensitive sweet tooth who always finds ways to complain about you.
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Life won’t give you a break.   The moment midterms are complete, you have to begin preparing for finals. While the urge to bury yourself underneath your covers and pull the blanket over your head has lessened, you still don’t want to venture out into the world. But there’s no way to resist the inevitable. You can’t let your schooling go down the drain — it’s the only thing you’ve got going for yourself after all.   5:49 pm. Jungkook: where u at bitch?   5:50 pm. Y/N: im on the toilet asshole 5:50 pm. Y/N: call me a bitch again and ill kill you   5:50 pm. Jungkook: Gross tmi 5:52 pm. Jungkook: can i ask you for a favour tho pls   You wash your hands after wiping, flushing and pulling up your pants.    5:54pm. Jungkook: dont leave me on read   5:55 pm. Y/N: clingy much 5:55 pm. Y/N: the hell do you want from me   5:55 pm. Jungkook: lovely as usual 5:56 pm. Jungkook: I need the notes for comm 209   You scoff as you re-read the message. He has some audacity asking for your notes for a class he skipped on a Friday afternoon, probably to hang out with his friends instead. But before you tell him to gladly ‘fuck off’, you’re stopped by an idea. He needs something from you and there’s something you need from him.   Now’s the perfect opportunity.   “Tempering chocolate?”   “Yeah. You want to be a Master Chocolatier, right? This is a great opportunity to teach someone how to do it. They say you know your stuff when you can teach others.”   Jungkook rolls his eyes at your shamelessness and how you’re trying to milk him to your advantage. “Somehow I think this far outweighs the favour of me getting your notes.”   “Do you want to help me or not?”   “Do I want to?” He looks unsure but gives in to your will anyways, or at least he's curious enough to hear your troubles. “What’s your issue with tempering chocolate?”   “It just doesn’t temper right. There’s no snap or shine to it.”   “Do you measure the temperature with a kitchen thermometer?”   “Well obviously, Jeon. Noooo,” you pull out the syllable, voice dripping of sarcasm. “I dip my hand in to tell. Duh! Are you an idiot? What do you think?!”    At once, Jungkook’s expression washes over, becoming impassive. He spins around on his heel to walk out the door, but you grab onto his sleeve desperately.   “I’m kidding. It’s a joke. Sorry. Help me?”   He shifts around to look at you. You’re busy batting your lashes with those eyes of yours, trying to appeal to him — it disgusts Jungkook instead. It makes him feel sick to his stomach that you’re trying to act cute when you’re obviously a brat in disguise.    Yet somehow he finds himself in the kitchen on a late Tuesday night anyhow, despite having class early in the morning the next day.   “What method do you use?” Jungkook asks with crossed arms as you pull out the right materials, silver bowls, chocolate, thermometers, and a cooking pot.   “Which is easier?”   “They’re all the same,” he deadpans.   Jungkook’s arrogance irritates you but you’re not about to insult him and have him running out of the kitchen, so you restrain yourself and start with the seeding method. You chop the solid chocolate you have into smaller pieces while he watches you in boredom. After a minute, Jungkook pulls out his phone and scrolls through his social media so he can mentally stimulate himself and not have his brain cells dying on themselves.   “Only three quarters of it goes into the bowl to be melted,” he says without looking up. If he did, it would occur to him that you’ve already got it prepared and on top of the double boiler too.   “I know.”   “Do you want me to help or not?”   “When I ask for it.”   Jungkook’s eyes flicker up. “Well didn’t you ask for my help?”   “Not now, Jeon.” You sigh. It was quite profound how quickly the bastard could get under your skin for doing so little. “God, you can be so fucking—”   He suddenly puts his hand up to silence you and he sniffs with that big fucking nose of his. “Why do I smell burning?”   Jungkook looks over to your pot on the stove and notices it steaming oddly. You follow his line of sight and take your bowl off, hissing at how hot it is. “Careful,” he scolds and looks over. Jungkook nearly facepalms himself into a coma. “Oh my god, you forgot to add water into the double boiler?!”   “It’s because you were distracting me!” you shout at him and run over to the sink to add it in. The water begins burning as it hits the hot double boiler, sizzling and smoking even more. Jungkook groans. “You’re supposed to help me, not look at your phone! Maybe I would’ve realized if you actually paid any attention!”   “Fine, fine.”   You add an inch of water to the double boiler. It’s an improvement.   But then as it begins to steam properly with the candy thermometer in the chocolate as you agitate it with a spatula, you look down and your blood runs cold. “Oh shit.”   “What?” Jungkook sighs. Frankly, it’s impressive you’ve made it this far into the program. He didn’t know you were such an idiot in the kitchen — you might as well burn the whole place down and he wouldn’t be surprised. “How’d you manage that?”    You rush to grab a paper towel, trying to dab the water that got into the bowl. But Jungkook clicks his tongue. “Don’t bother. You have to start again. If you get water into the chocolate, it makes it seize and becomes unstable.”   “How do you know that?!”   “Do you even read your textbook?” He is appalled and you pull out the cutting board to chop chocolate all over again, starting from the beginning. Jungkook sighs, spinning around his stool as you repeat the steps and put the chocolate over the heat. “You know what the temperature needs to be, right?”   “A hundred fifteen. I’m not an idiot.”   “I don’t know about that,” he chimes. “You forgot to add water to a double boiler.”   Your arm drops to the side, putting the spatula down. “Okay, fuck you. I haven’t seen you actually give me good advice or anything. I asked for your help, not for you to berate me.”   “What advice do you need?” His brow cocks upwards. “It’s pretty self-explanatory. Just follow the procedure and you’ve got yourself tempered chocolate!”   “I can’t believe I thought you could ever teach me!” you hiss at him. “You’re a condescending asshole.”   “Excuse me? Guess who’s with you on a Tuesday night?! I’m an angel for helping you!”   “No one asked you to!” you scream back at the top of your lungs.   Jungkook scoffs. Any other time where he wasn’t being attacked, he’d recognize that you were returning to your former self, but he still doesn’t appreciate your brattiness. “Are you kidding m— God! What’s burning now?!” Him and that giant nose of his inhales and a delayed moment later, it hits you too. The both of you whirl around to where the chocolate is burning. “You forgot to stir!”   “It’s not like you reminded me to! You’re a distraction!”   It’s excruciating. Jungkook has a feeling he’s going to be here all night, so he helps you speed up the process. While you clean up the mess, he chops more chocolate. And this time, you both manage to get it in the bowl, stirring, without anything burning whatsoever.   The chocolate goes to a hundred fifteen degrees before you remove it from the heat and add the rest of the chocolate you reserved on the side. The temperature is brought down to eighty six degrees and then you put it back on the boiler to melt it all at ninety degrees.    A strip test is done, a streak of chocolate made on parchment. And for a whole two minutes, you wait for it to set. But it doesn’t.   “What the hell…?”   Jungkook is genuinely perplexed and finally, he gets what you’ve been talking about. “See? It just doesn’t work!”   He shakes his head, refusing to admit defeat. “It must’ve increased in heat before we added the other chocolate in. Let’s try again.”   The pair of you chop chocolate across from each other, silent in your determination. But when you glance up, you see Jungkook’s brows furrowed, thoughts probably lost. You don’t see him serious often — well you do, but you never paid much attention to him before. Not like now.   The process is repeated. The chocolate is melted to a hundred fifteen degrees and then decreased down to eighty six as you add in the loose chocolate, and then it’s brought back up again….    But then the temperature begins climbing — faster than you and Jungkook can react. “Fuck, fuck.”   The two of you help each other take the bowl off the pot in urgency and then press your burning fingers to your ears before running it under cold water. “It went to a hundred? Do you think it’ll be okay?”   “I don’t know. We have to test it.”   The strip test is done, but the chocolate never sets. It stays wet. Dull.    “Mother fuc—”   “We’ll try again,” Jungkook reassures you with a hand on your shoulder.   It’s painful having to re-doing everything and going way later into the night than you initially intended. You feel like you’re being driven crazy, but you’re glad Jungkook’s here with you — you know you’re not going insane alone.   You look back at your textbook and your notes, making sure you’re doing it right and you hope for the best in the next batch.   “It set….but it’s so streaky.” You look up at Jungkook who’s an inch away. He hums and leans down to get a closer look.   “It’s bloom. The lipids moved through the cracks of the chocolate.”   “You think it’s because the kitchen’s too hot?”   “Yeah, we should try to put it in the fridge to cool.”   One last attempt is made. It takes twenty more minutes and then it’s put in the fridge. But after the chocolate sets, there’s no shine or snap.   Jungkook finds slumped on the floor, spooning chocolate, one of the failed attempts, into your mouth. You’re hugging the silver bowl in your lap like it’s your anchor. “I give up.”    It feels like you’ve gone through a thousand batches. The kitchen is an absolute mess — spatulas and tasting spoons littered on the counter, double bowlers and bowls, wasted chocolate everywhere. There’s a sink-full to wash and that alone makes you want to cry.   You slurp up more chocolate in an attempt to feel better. “Fuck chocolate.” But why does it have to taste so delicious?   “I don’t understand why it’s so hard,” Jungkook admits with a frown. It just doesn’t seem to work with you. “It’s not rocket science. It was fine when I did it.”   “Fuck you. You’re not supposed to boast. You’re supposed to help me.”   “Was the last two and a half hours not helping you?” he questions. “You just have to watch your temperatures and keep practicing.”   “That’s helpful.”   “Hey, I’m trying.”   Jungkook pisses you off. Everything comes so easy for him. As chocolate destroys you, he’s out here wanting to be a chocolatier. But maybe it suits him — chocolate’s an asshole and so is he.   “I’d like to see you try to caramelize sugar as well as I can, or better yet, pipe flowers.”   The boy scoffs, looking down at you and your patheticness. You don’t even realize you have chocolate all over your mouth. “That’s easy.”   “I worked at a cupcake shop for three summers.” You stand up on your feet, facing him head on. “You think you can beat me in piping flowers?”   “I think I can do better than you can temper chocolate.” Jungkook smirks arrogantly, enough to push you off the edge.   “Let’s bet on it then!”   “Fine. How much?”   You have a better idea than money. “Loser has to cover for the winner during the internship in May. Whenever the winner goes on break or makes a mistake.”   He scoffs. It’s a big wager but it sounds delightful when he knows you’re going down. “Deal.”   //   It’s a busy Thursday, but that doesn’t stop any of you. Even after a long day of classes, sitting in lecture halls listening to theory to working in the kitchens, you find yourselves a spare kitchen space afterwards to finally put this all to rest.   You won’t tell Jungkook that you practiced all of yesterday by yourself and actually got it to work once — you nearly started to cry out of happiness when the chocolate tempered.   “You want me to make this?”   Jungkook looks at the picture on your phone. “Yep. I made it last summer using buttercream. They’re peonies. Why? Think it’s too hard?”   He scoffs. “As if. Watch, I’ll make it better than you did.”   “Uh-huh. Keep talking, Jeon.”   Jungkook eagerly takes on your challenge.    While you take up half the kitchen, he manages the other half, and the two of you share the center island together. You get your double boiler ready, chopping up chocolate to melt while Jungkook mixes butter, vanilla, confectioner's sugar, and milk together. The fucker doesn’t even use a hand mixer. He simply uses a spoon to make it, blatantly showing off as his veins in his forearm pop. He smirks when he notices you staring and you roll your eyes.   Jungkook makes a variety of colours, pastel pinks and baby blues, and puts them into the piping bag as you stir the chocolate over the heat.   You focus on the numbers on your thermometer, but out of the corner of your eye, you watch him.   He cuts squares of parchment, puts one on a flower stand, adds a small cone of thick buttercream to the paper, and then picks his tip. You muse that he must’ve been doing his studying when he chooses a one twenty seven tip. It’s a straight teardrop shape, and he squeezes while turning the nail wide ends towards the center, narrow end outwards.   But he sighs after a moment, hands halting.   It’s your turn to smirk.   “Not so easy, is it?”   His eyes flicker up to glare at you. “Keep a watch on that chocolate before you burn it again, brat.”   You scoff, continuing to stir. You keep your heat low so the temperature climbs slowly.   In the meanwhile, Jungkook switches his tip out for a one twenty and tries again. You take a glance, and it’s not too bad — still sloppier than yours and he knows it too.   After a moment of frustration, he switches to a one twenty two.   “You should check the consistency of that buttercream,” you sing-song. “Can’t be too stiff or soft.”   “I’m fully aware.”   “Are you?” You smile at him, mockingly so. “Just making sure.”   Jeon Jungkook doesn’t appreciate you provoking him, but realizes it’s similar to how he treated you. It’s not his fault his forte isn’t in teaching. And yours clearly isn’t either.   “A one twenty five?” You scoff. “Are you trying to make a rose or a peony?”   Jungkook’s smile is stiff. “What do you suggest I use then?”   “Go back to the one twenty seven tip or pick a curved teardrop shape. Also, you’re squeezing too hard too fast, muscle pig.”   “I know something else I squeeze too hard too fast,” he mutters as he follows your instructions.   “Go fuck yourself, Jeon.”   “Didn’t need to spell it out, sweetheart, but that’s exactly what I do every night.” He smirks and you roll your eyes again.   “God, you’re going to make me throw up all over my chocolate.” You take it off the heat once it reaches a hundred fifteen degrees, putting the rest of your chocolate in and mixing. You have a good feeling about this batch. Even if it’s your first try of the day too.   Usually you’d rush, get too impatient, but it’s entertaining to see Jungkook struggle. Time goes by faster.   You mix in your chocolate, bringing the temperature back up again, and you do a strip test when it’s all nicely melted, putting it in the fridge. All there’s left to do is wait a few minutes now.   You come back, dusting your hands off, feeling confident. Meanwhile, Jungkook is still piping flowers with his thick brows furrowed, the tip of his tongue peeking out as he concentrates.   “It’s taking you a while there, Jeon.”   “Whatever.” He sighs, resting his hands on the counter as he rolls his neck. “You had a full three hours practicing with me on Tuesday. This is the first time in a while that I’m piping, alright? Give me a break.”   “Uh-huh. All I hear are your excuses. Less talk, more work.”   You grab some parchment and an icing bag he’s left abandoned in a cup. With a flower needle, you begin piping yourself to pass the time. It’s actually one of your favourite things to do — it’s therapeutic. You can listen to the sound of your own breathing and the crinkling of the piping bag while you make literal flowers from your hands.    You break out of your focus to find Jungkook watching you intently. Your arm extends, showing off your flower with pride. “Pretty, right?”   The icing flower has perfect ruffles and petals. It looks real, and by the expression he has, he’s already aware.    Jungkook grumbles incoherently and returns back to work, making you giggle.   You take another piece of parchment, but this time you steal a spatula-full of his blue icing and put it in the pink bag to make two-tone flowers. And you pipe them on, spinning the flower nail, as it comes to you with ease.   You listen to the crinkling of the icing bag, your heartbeat in your own ears, the white noise of the quiet kitchen, and Jungkook’s breathing. You’re not sure what compels you, perhaps a sudden urge, but you quietly blurt— “I never stole your millie cake recipe.”   “What?” His eyes flicker up and Jungkook finds you concentrating on piping, not paying him any mind.   “The September incident,” you murmur out of the corner of your mouth. “I never stole your mirror glazed blueberry whatever millie cake recipe like you think I did.”   Maybe you’re telling him because things are different now.   You know he won’t jump down your throat and accuse you otherwise, for lying, or trying to cover yourself. Won’t denounce you. Bark out in laughter. Your relationship with Jungkook has become strange recently — you think it’s something other people would call a friendship. But you thought he should know. Just in case he still hates you for it.   You know you don’t hate him so much anymore.   “You threatened to go up to the Dean and expel me, remember?” Your pupils flicker up for a moment.   Jungkook recalls it clearly — the confrontation in the kitchen, the fight that broke out, how you slapped him, how he was planning to do everything possible to get you expelled. How you were ostracized over the rumours for weeks until people forgot and moved on as they naturally did.   But you and Jungkook never did. You always both remembered.   “I went to Mrs. Ahn before she left on maternity leave. I was stuck — didn’t know what to add to my portfolio, so I asked her. And she gave me your recipe as a reference. Told me to give it a try. Gain inspiration from it.”   You put your hands down, connecting your eyes with his.    Jungkook is rendered speechless. “And that was when I saw you…?”   “Yep. You busted into the kitchen without letting me explain and accused me of stealing your shit when I didn’t even know it belonged to you. I didn’t know you were the one who came up with it.”   “Why…” He shakes his head, frowning deep enough that it hurts. “Why didn’t you say anything?”   “You didn’t deserve it. The truth. I knew I was right and I was so….so mad that you could accuse me of stealing, that I could even be capable of such a thing. I wanted you to bring it up to the Dean. I wanted you to do it so you could be embarrassed when you realized what actually happened.”   It’s all in the past now. Your anger doesn’t surge as much anymore, but you can still recall a time when you felt utterly enraged he could think so lowly of you — a time when Jungkook didn’t deserve your explanation, so you slapped him. In hindsight, it was probably a bad decision on your part. You escalated the situation when it didn’t need to and it spiraled out of control.    You’re at fault for being rash and impulsive as much as he is.   “It wasn’t like I was going to use it anyway,” you mutter with a sigh and pick up a new square of parchment to continue piping. “For inspiration or whatnot, much less add to my own portfolio. I swapped the blueberries for blackberries, and it turned out to be disgusting. I messed up on the glaze part too.” You muse, “Chocolate’s never been nice to me.”   Jungkook absolutely baffled. Bewildered.    All of this hatred against each other was caused by a misunderstanding. All of it which could’ve been avoided.   “I—”   “Wow, are you kids practicing your techniques?” Miss. Kang is at the door, visibly impressed as she regards you both. “And here I was on my way home. You two are so diligent! And look at you both working together like this! I always knew you put your differences aside and be friends.”   “You have great timing, Miss. Kang.” You smile at her. “Jungkook and I were just having a friendly contest. Would you like to be our judge?”   “Sure. I think I can spare a moment or two.” She steps in, looking around. “What are we doing here? Looks like someone was tempering chocolate and you’re….piping! Goodness, me. Did you make those, Y/N? They’re very lovely.”   “Thank you.” You grin, beaming from the praise of your piping skills. “But the contest was me tempering chocolate against Jungkook piping.” You move over to the fridge, taking out the metal tray with your strip test. You hand it to her, and she hums.   “Very shiny, and it slides right off the parchment!” she exclaims. For the final examination, the young female teacher bends the chocolate and it audibly snaps. You could burst out into cries of happiness. “Looks tempered to me.”   You look over at Jungkook, head quirked to the side, wearing a big smile that’s infectious enough to make him grin too. “Here’s my piping.” He places the parchment on the counter and she leans over to study it, humming.   “Not too bad, Jungkook. A little messy around the edges, but I’d say a job well done. If this was an actual exam, I’d give you full marks.”   Jungkook cocks a brow towards you, sly smirk on his face. You step forward. “So which is better?”   “Well, it’s very difficult to judge on tempering chocolate and piping since they’re two completely different things. I’d say it was equal.”   “If you had to pick one?” you ask, desperate for a winner to be proclaimed.   Miss Kang hums a long note. You and Jungkook are put in suspense, anticipating her final decision. She taps her chin, deciding to chew on your chocolate as she studies the flower.   Finally, the teacher nods. “I can’t complain about the chocolate — it’s a hundred percent tempered. But I can say the piping needs a little more work, so…”   “I win!” You give Jungkook a cheeky grin causing him to scoff lightly.   “It was a stroke of luck.”   “Keep telling yourself that, Jeon.”   “It’s a tie,” he insists, “She said only if she had to pick.”   “That’s true.” Miss. Kang backs him up before you can retort.   But you still pout. “Sore loser. I win and you know it.”   “Hmmm.” Jungkook playfully shakes his head. “Don’t think so. Let’s just call it even, Y/N.”   “Nuh-uh. That’s not how it works!”   The pair of you argue back and forth — yet there’s no real malice. It’s simply banter and it causes Miss. Kang to laugh. She bids her farewell and quips that you both better get the kitchen clean. In the end, Jungkook compromises. He still insists it’s a tie but he does the hard work of cleaning the dishes and you give into his will.   As you prepare the mop water, he scrubs the bowls.   “I’m sorry,” Jungkook pipes up after a second of quiet contemplation. He turns his head to look at you. “For the misunderstanding.”   “You don’t have to be sorry.” You divert your vision elsewhere. “Not anymore. You’ve given me more reasons to be thankful. So we’ll call this even.”   Jeon Jungkook smiles softly. “Deal.”
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zeroroheichou · 6 years
this week, my assignments include:
monday: work on my draping assignment, start on my art history reaction paper (which will also involve reading)
tuesday: finish the art history reaction paper and turn it in, finish the draping assignment and step by step instructions on how i put it together (which, for the last draping muslin, took me twelve hours to finish the night before), AND study for a forecasting midterm
wednesday: go in for a walk in advising appointment in the morning, turn in the draping assignment, take the midterm at 4, and finish an assignment for product development that i havent started yet
thursday: turn in the product development assignment (assuming we also get class time on thursday to work on it). finish up the internship application ive been working on, which includes writing a cover letter and finishing the portfolio website ive been working on
friday: make sure i turn the internship application in, work more on my forecasting Big Project thats due in two weeks that i havent started, and continue applying to various internships and working on my study abroad application
i thought writing out a plan of everything you need to work on was supposed to make you feel more on top of things and help you manage your time.. so why did writing all of this out just now make me about three steps away from a panic attack. i know that the draping stuff takes a long time so i was in the lab for 3.5 hours today and like 4 hours yesterday.. i know that reading and studying is also going to take a while, and my internship is literally a graduation requirement but i keep having to put applications off because all of these assignments have more pressing deadlines and i literally cant accept the thought of not turning something in bc it makes me too anxious
and around this point i keep getting hit with the feeling over and over again that no matter how hard i try to manage my time and stay on top of everything, everything just keeps coming and it feels like i never do enough. any time i have to sit idle and read fanfic for a while, im beating myself up like “you could be working on internship applications or something else right now youre wasting time” which is. Such an unhealthy mentality, and i know that university is just like that sometimes where all of the deadlines hit at once and its not necessarily my fault (the draping assignment technically should have been due tomorrow but she pushed it back to wednesday, which gives me more time to work on it but the fact that its on the same day as a midterm makes me wanna die). and just. im tired of feeling stressed and anxious and tired all the time and complaining about every little thing thats wrong but i dont know what else i can do
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gis-is-back · 7 years
I forgot so here’s a Master Post
10/12: Thursday
OK. ummm so according to twitter this was a day i woke up in the middle of the night due to loud people in the street which never makes me happy, then I went on my phone until 3AM and yee. Still not happy about SR and my friends so I felt bad in that regard. I went on a run that morning and then must not have done anything substantial until I FINALLY turned in my OFII form so I can leave the country when I want to. Then on the way back a catcaller said something to me but idk what he said so its fine. Went to the store and got new skincare products and expected them to make me break out but as of Oct 19 we güd :-) 
10/13: Friday
Oo Friday the 13th how spooky. Went on a run and a guy wanted me to take his picture at like 8AM while im literally running past him and I said no and I’m glad i Did because a big part of this journey has been learning how to say no to boys, people, opportunities, etc. Like sure you should be open to shite but no I’m not going to say yes when I know I’m just going to feel stupid. Made a super large finsta post ab how I’m doing with weight loss and fitness and stuff and honestly felt really good about this day. 
10/14: Saturday
Literally no day, feeling, morning, instant has ever felt worse than the one I experienced the MOMENT I woke up on this morning. Was in that twilight zone in between dream and reality and heard a woman speaking in a cooing high pitched voice. Dreaming me interpreted it as my mom talking to my cat. Started thinking about it for a bit and realized that my mom (and cat) is thousands upon thousands of miles away and that I a) wont see her for another two months and b) am out in this foreign ass country all alone. CRIED SO HARD. I’m not kidding that was such an awful feeling the only thing worse that I can imagine is if there was no possibility of seeing my mom again. Yikes how awful. And from then on im pretty sure I was just sad. Stayed inside most of the day aside from my daily run and yee.
10/15: Sunday
Danielle finally came home so i had SOMETHING to do *eyeroll emoji* except im jk cuz i know there’s shit i can do. I went on a run and then met danielle for cwoffee at starbs where we “studied” for our phonetics midterm. There was a 5/10k for breast cancer that morn so in honor of it I ran 5k which was impressive for me cuz i aint ever run that far continuously. Actually ran like 3.5 miles. Went home and went grocery shopping, got some EgGpLaNt like a real fancy mofo and some salad mix but I got spinach, arugula, and a chard looking ass leaf and the arugula SUCKS but I’m making my way through it. Kept on missing home and LA and everything/one but yeet.
10/16: Monday
69 days out. Went to my 8h30, took my exam, was fine, went to my next class, was fine, went home, was gr8 i love going home haha. Then I went on a run and ran quite a lot! another 3+ miles and then decided to look at the botanical garden for once since I run past it like actually literally every day but had never been in. It was okay, really flat and not that like idk diverse like the CV Botanical Garden. Formatted the SHIT out of my calories spreadsheet so it looks awezum now.
10/17: Squad Tuesday
I hate tuesdays aka my long days but we did it boys. First class, w/e, then I had a meeting for my courses in which I got them squared away, then i had to talk to the other UC coordinator ab my time here and ended up fucking crying lmao. So annoying. Anyway, my next class was fine, got complimented af about my speaking which was lowkey very nice to hear and god damn i miss positive affirmation. Then I went for a run on the school’s track since i dont have time in the morning or after class, ran 12 laps and walked 2 but idk if its a regular track and my fitbit was doing the bs thing where it doesnt work unless i restart my phone which is so annoying. Then had my third class which was fine then my fourth which was unbearably long and I was literally watching the minutes go which made them go slower so I’m not gonna do that anymore but I do have a nice collection of drawings from every tuesday. Went home, took shower, made din, bed.
10/18: Wednesday
Woke up feeling depressed which might be the norm now, instead of wallowing I got up and ran tho even tho I was planning on just doing it after class which was good and actually ran quite a lot once again, over three miles. Got ready for school and then went. 1st class was fine, midterm next week, second class was fine, midterm next week, went home woo and binged on banana chips. Got ready for bed and was laying in bed on phone when I started being able to hear a mouse. Freaked me tf out, and basically did what I could to prevent them coming in but ended up actually trapping one inside and every time it moved I would be wide awake so i got like 0 sleep last night which was kinda shitty. MAde me super depressed this morn but I’ll save today’s details for todays post!
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thxnderstrucked · 7 years
friday, 7 april 2017
okay its been awhile. idk im not really in the mood for writing..for.. a month?
lol. the midterm is over, the results are out, and im feeling really numb tbh. got 36 for physics and chem, 66 for ttki. i dont even wanna know the result of par. i dont even know if i could survive this term i dont know how. clxsh royxle srsly ruined my time because once i got started i got obsessed to win! the game is bad for my productivity. moreover i have a concert in two weeks (at the same time as physics 2nd midterm) and... idk how to start studying.
im planning to do a study plan tomorrow and just like get my shit together. im not afraid and that should make me afraid. i got 36.
i think its kind of some coping mechanism so that i dont feel too sad if that even makes any sense so my mind and body just completely ignore it and numb it. kind of giving up.
come on, lets rise again.
a week into my facial treatment, my face has gotten a lot better. my acne vanished and my skin looks clearer. well yeah the facial hurt like hell and the first three days were hell as well but it’s worth it. i think my face hasnt been this clear for a looong time.
a routine of washing face, toner, morning cream, sunscreen, wash face, toner, night cream is somehow relaxing. im caring for myself, and somehow it feels very woman empowering (???) idk ok dont ask. these days i feel very empowered when i do some very feminine things.
a week into my diet, i lost a whooping 1.9 kg (at the doctor my weight was 70.4 and this morning when i woke up my weight was 68.5). like wtf? i was trying so fucking hard, starve myself, basically torturing myself to get under 70 from february. took a magical pill to take it all away in a week.
yep, a magical pill. not so magical because the first three days were hell as well, it was insane. i get tired easily, and my head spun, then i felt really cold, and then hot, and sluggish--but that’s the magic. somehow i lost 1.9 kg. moreover i got my first period on tuesday (it was a fucking torture.), my hips and waist were hurting and my stomach was messed up and i just want to cry that time (i have to stay at uni until 9pm bc of guitar practice) just to found that day that i didnt really lose any weight.
but it was magical. 1.9 kg and 68.5 is my biggest achievement for now. with this kind of progress, i hope i could reach 65 by the time the concert arrive. (will i still play in it? i dont know. the second show off is on monday and i feel really pessimistic about it tbh. i suck)
it was kinda hard to control my meal like i have to be discipline etc and my life is just a one big mess
the kadwil starts on sunday.
the next two weeks is going to be hellish. just sayin’. tubes daspro is coming i just hope my group do well. yknow im feeling really good about daspro this term. i got almost perfect for labworks, and i understand what im doing. im really feeling like computer science is my true passion but what can i say? i was very intrigued by biomed -- i still do. im really trying to survive here.
im going insane but i will try to keep it in.
im seriously, seriously tired with all this shit. i want myself to get a hold of myself.
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