#and i know kavrix has her qualms with the empire to the point i feel like she WOULD put herself behind revan or like. an equal kinda force-
tacticalhimbo · 4 months
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fuck it i'm posting a snippet of the swtor fic i'm working on because i am obsessed with the energy i have given these two (left = kavrix; sith inquisitor // right = lyrijan; imperial agent).
The trip off-world was uneventful. Upon reaching the Spaceport, the pair took a brief detour to the Agent's hangar, with Kavrix lingering outside her companion's shuttle as she'd stepped inside to dispose of her belongings. A brief display of grace, for she knew having Sith security obtain these belongings could open a can of worms neither were in the position to bargain for. As promised, Lyrijan was quick with the disposal, stepping down the grated ramp and brushing past the Inquisitor.
"You're more than welcome to search me now. Part of me would almost prefer that to the alternative."
There was a subtle purr to the woman's voice that caught the attention of the other. She studied it for a moment, trying to sift through the potential meaning in her shifting tone. When she could not pinpoint it, Kavrix merely shook her head and raised a hand, beckoning for them to continue on their mission.
"That makes one of us. I personally would prefer simply putting you down, should you show your hand." The threat was spoken casually, the Inquisitor's tone steady as she simply looked ahead. Spoken with the cadence of someone merely observing the weather. To her, it required the same level of attention, even if the latter brought her leagues more satisfaction.
Lyrijan simply sighed and shook her head, gaze fixating briefly on the floor as she steeled her own nerves. A part of her knew giving the Inquisitor the reaction she'd sought would only fuel whatever thoughts ran rampant in her mind. A part of her knew that she was ill-equipped to deal with such a confrontation, should it arise, and that it would surely lead to her death. And, beyond that, a part of her felt a simmering intrigue at the amusement that hid in her tone. She enjoyed the idea, but why? What was going on in that dangerous mind of hers? The question made her heart race, brought her mind to equally dangerous places. Still, she couldn't help the way her eyes fell back onto Kavrix as they'd walked together again. Crossed the well-traveled paths of the Spaceport's lobby to join the Inquisitor on her own ship. There was just… something about her. And the Sith was more than attuned to it.
"You act as if you've never seen a zabrak before. Wouldn't be surprised given how the Imperials tend to view alien species." The observation was spoken casually as focused eyes scanned over the star map. Fingers worked deftly to input the coordinates to their destination—somewhere uncharted. Way within the depths of the Outer Rim. Had it not been for the comment, the Agent would find herself intrigued.
"It's… not that." A lingering hesitation as she dug for her excuse. There had to be something she could use to save her dignity. "I suppose it's just you don't often see an Imperial in blue, let alone a Sith. It… compliments your skin."
A pause from Kavrix as she set them on course. Hand lingering over the ship's control panel as her brows furrowed and an inquisitive expression crossed her features.
"Yes, I'm sure that's it." She didn't buy it for a second; her tone made that much clear. "And here I believed your kind were trained to be convincing. If it were genuine, I suppose a thanks is in order. I did tailor these robes myself."
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