#and i mean honestly id do it again magnums are good
hearties-circus · 1 year
Yknow I don't think I've had a magnum ice cream since the night before the punishment and having one now.. yeah I cant really blame myself this ice cream is good
#gamer txt.#sure yes i shouldnt have eaten that many they were meant for everyone#that being said being a glutton for ice cream is hardly something i deserved to be starved for#and i mean honestly id do it again magnums are good#it is weird to think that they are technically what started it i know the punishment was for me being a bit of a glutton in general right#(can you blame me the house regularly goes completely unstocked for multiple days sorry being ravenous when i actually get food)#(hell im used to substituting icing and hot chocolate for food multiple days in a row just because no one bothered to get food i could eat)#(and then my mum even took the icing sugar away from me. 1 less thing i could eat. i think the icing sugar is still kept way high up)#but the magnums are what made my mum decide to go full on [no entry to kitchen. at all. you want a drink? ask. you want food? wait.]#[you want the privacy of your own bedroom? too fucking bad. you're not allowed to leave the living room]#for 3 months. it was ice cream man..#and those rules were even worse cause i couldnt leave the living room but everyone else could#if i wanted a drink but no one was in the room with me i just had to wait usually at least an hour or so for someone to come back#i certainly wasnt trying my luck sneaking into the kitchen i was fucking petrified#and g-d if it was my step dad who was the only one with me he'd always pull the 'surely you can get a drink by yourself dont be ridiculous'#and when i never moved he'd do this dramatic sigh and take as long as possible to get me a drink make me feel like a fucking burden#he did ask my mum though cause surely i was allowed to get a drink myself right? most of the dilutant juice in the house was for me#and that fucking glare she gave me like id tried to go in the kitchen and my stepdad was asking cause he caught me#but im gonna be honest as terrified as i was when she reiterate i wasnt allowed in the kitchen at all it did feel kinda good#cause my stepdad was visibly scared too. in my head it was kinda like 'SEE SEE THAT WHAT IT FUCKING FEELS LIKE DONT YOU GET IT'#it is certainly weird though cause no ones apologised for anything. some for better reasons than others#but that first year afterwards that first anniversary my stepdad did bring me food from a local place every other day for like a month#and then last year he did a few times too#i dont think he did it this year#it was like he was apologising for his involvement#but ive never seen any acknowledgement of the punishment or the fact it was a bad thing at all from anyone#its weird cause he must know that it was fucked up why else would he apologise for it. but hes just pretending it never happened too#its put me in a weird spot. cause it all happened during lockdown yknow the only people aware of it are my family.#and theyre not going to talk about it#first time i ever lost weight. real visibly too. fucked up my appetite so bad that after it ended i lost weight again bc i just couldn't eat
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your-local-uwu-artist · 8 months
Mlp video essays I will make someday
-main six background analysis! Basically analyzing the main six based on their family, cultural, social, etc, backgrounds, like talking about how rainbowdash and fluttershy's identities as pegasi foil each other, how growing up in canterlot likely impacting Twilight, so a lot of speculation and deeo diving into equestrian culture, but also discussing stuff like the main sixes relationships with their family
-'is twilight a bad mom' actually this one will be my magnum oppus i think
-giant discord character analysis that I will have to break into multiple parts because I have so many thoughts
-angel bunny is like fluttershy's pokemon partner actually (aka angel bunny analysis)
-'yes perfect pear is really that good' I know this is by no means a hot take but like bro really frs this is not just some heterosexual tm Romeo and Juliet bs, and honestly I just can't get over it. to Me the pear and apple family feud functions as a stand in for any two groups that hate each other, Like please take a moment to rewatch perfect pear and imagine the pears and apples as being from differing religons, or different ethnic backgrounds. Please take a moment to really consider the aspect of older generations changing/reforming their ways, not just grand pear who FUCKING NEVER SAW HIS DAUGHTER AGAIN, but Granny Smith too, the way at the beginning of the episode when big Mac and aj say the topic upsets her. Please take a moment to think about how Pear Butter apparently was pretending her cutie mark wasn't what it was: Take a moment to consider how cutie marks represent one's identity and livelyhood and then reconsider that first part. AND MY GOD DID THE VOICE ACTOR FOR GRANDPEAR DO GOOD, listen to this old man tearing up and try not to tear up challenge IMPOSSIBLE. Most of all I like how it is both very positive while there is still the truth of the matter, like while it's ultimately about reconciling and reconnecting Pear Butter was still disowned and estranged when she passed. And for how incredibly family oriented the apple family and earth pony culture is it's just so anhfkanfhjax.
-is equestria sexist? I know this sounds insane but here me out. Obviously the actually reason for all of this is simply because it was marketed towards girls, but my widdle brain can't help but consider the in universe implications, aside from the obvious stuff like onky having princesses think of the stallions that carry carriages, of course I also think it's worth considering overlap between groups. Like generally speaking when a mare is treated as a horse horse with reigns and all it's displayed as demeaning (yes I know its for comedy thats aside the point, I dont care id its not made to take seriously it's fun to take seriously) however this goes a lot less so if the mare is a pegasus, so i think there's defintky a distinctikn and an overlap between what are observations about how stalians are thought of and treated and what pegasi are thought og and treated etc etc. And how stuff that in our world may have a masculine or femine interpretation doesn't have the same meaning in equestrisia. Like in our world physichak strength and prowess is associated with masculinity, in equestria physical strength is associated with earth ponies and physical prowess like sports with pegasi. this is why I like stuff that hcs big Mac as a transmare: Because it's perfect for exploring pony gender roles and how they overlap with the pony species roles sense big Mac is both a very 'typical' stallion and a very 'typical' earth pony
-mlp dragon lore my beloved
-changlings, the beloved love bugs, and the real vampire ponies. Aka I'm so fucking obsessed with changlings
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televisor-reviews · 5 years
Top 10 WORST Movies Of 2018!
As everyone is talking about their favorite and least favorite films of last year, I’d much rather take a look at what came out two years ago! This is what I do every New Year, get used to it. And keep in mind that I haven’t seen every film from 2018, so as bad as I’m sure Sherlock Gnomes and Pacific Rim: Uprising are, I haven’t gotten around to them. If you’d like a list of every film I have seen, I have them listed on my Letterboxd: https://drive.google.com/uc?id=1HnDnQ4ibO82ryM9lOCGgw1FZhVLdC4SZ
#10. Fifty Shades Freed On my 2015 list, I didn’t even bother putting Fifty Shades Of Grey on it because I thought it was absolutely hilarious! On my 2017 list, I placed Fifty Shades Darker at the very top for its lack of even the basics of what makes a decent flick, notably there being no real plot. So I guess I’m meeting this franchise in the middle by putting Fifty Shades Freed at the tenth spot for just how batshit this movie is. Shit kinda just happens randomly with little to no reason while also not being funny in the slightest. In fact, large segments of the film is kinda boring, particularly the sex scenes in which there are so many that by the 20th time, you’d just get used to it like a jump scare in Winchester. Really, the biggest reason this is only at #10 is because Fifty Shades Freed has Freed us all from this series, assuming that a film adaptation of Grey isn’t made. And that’s the greatest compliment I’ve ever given to one of these movies. #9. A Wrinkle In Time I once heard someone justify Disney’s live action remakes by saying they help fund their more unique film escapades like Nutcracker And The Four Realms (which barely didn’t make the list). The problem with that is that I don’t want those ether! And considering how Solo and The Rise Of Skywalker turned out, maybe Disney’s live action department should just stick with Marvel movies. Honestly, I don’t completely remember why I left the theater after seeing A Wrinkle In Time so angry, like legitimately pissed off. I remember the girl who looks like one of the Mean Girls being treated like a member of the Losers Club, how terrible the child acting was, how even worse the adult acting was, how annoying everybody who wasn’t Chris Pine was, and how that little kid was named Charles Wallace because the characters said it at least a million times! Considering how angry I am just writing about it, I’m guessing it was a combination of all of those elements being wrapped up with a pretentious bow. Honestly, A Wrinkle In Time was a humongous waste of my time. #8. Show Dogs It’s a bad sign when the movie starring Bojack Horseman yelling at Ludacris dog is only at #8 on my list. The big reason for that is because this is so terrible that I had to break down laughing at times. Not because Show Dogs is genuinely or ironically funny, it’s just so batshit insane that I had to laugh. Almost like a defense reflex: like if I wasn’t laughing, I’d end up jumping off the roof. The plot is crazy, the acting is crazy, the whole fucking idea is crazy! I’d like you to stop and imagine Will Arnett with the straightest face possible yelling at a dog voiced by Ludacris that nobody can actually hear in the middle of a very serious police station about the dog fucking up an undercover job and somehow not laughing your ass off. That is what it was like watching Show Dogs. You’re welcome. #7. Slender Man I think people really downgrade how good horror has been lately. I know that in a world of Insidious: The Last Key and Truth Or Dare, it’s easy to be pessimistic. And I think people also dismiss the greatness the internet has had on modern pop culture. Considering how bad things like Daphne And Velma and Mowgli: Legend Of The Jungle are, I kinda get it. In reality, these tend to be the outliers among a lot of greatness, but after seeing Slender Man, I’m starting to think similarly. I was one of the only people who was actually excited about this movie because I’m young enough to remember a time when Slender Man: The Eight Pages was the scariest thing in the world and after seeing how well Hollywood treated the character in Beware The Slender Man, I was really hopeful. Little did I know that Madhouse Entertainment had one of the least interesting and least scary horror movies I’ve ever seen with boring characters, a monster that’s barely in the movie, and a script that’s closer to Rings than it is to its source material. I really hope this’ll go the way of Ouija and Annabelle and end up having a really good followup or else Slender Man will be a huge blot on the legitimacy of the internet. #6. Snake Outta Compton I’m gonna be straight with y’all, I have been doing a pretty bad job at keeping up with horror B-movies lately. I mean, I did watch The Last Sharknado: It’s About Time and Leprechaun Returns but those were mostly just mediocre, even within the context of the rest of their franchises. So when I saw the title Snake Outta Compton, I knew I had to watch it expecting something really stupid and funny as all hell. Instead I got a boring and uninteresting barely even an attempt at cinema. I really hated this film, it’s just such a boringly dull film where little to nothing ever happens and I hated every dumb second of it. The terrible rapping, the awful effects, the horrendous acting, everything in snake Outta Compton sucks and I hate it. #5. Norm Of The North: Keys To The Kingdom Remember that god awful polar bear movie starring Rob Schneider from a few years ago… yeah, they made four of those. Normal people would say the first Norm Of The North was the absolute bottom of the barrel, I say “No!… It’s Norm Of The North: Keys To The Kingdom,” and even more suicidal people would probably say it’s Norm Of The North: King Sized Adventure. If you thought the animation in the original was bad, you’ve seen nothing! This is so bad that I’m not even sure it should be considered animation! This is so bad that it makes Duck Duck Goose look like The Grinch! This is so bad that they couldn’t even get Rob Schneider back! The plot, it’s like this is one of those straight to DVD Disney sequels that were made up of episodes of conceled TV shows except why would anyone try to make Norm Of the FUCKING North into a TV show! But apparently it made money considering how (and I’ll repeat this again) there are four of these! Maybe the immense failure of Arctic Dogs will stop Entertainment Studios from making any more. #4. The Thinning: New World Order Speaking of sequels that’ll make the originals look like masterpieces, we’ve got Logan Paul’s magnum opus, coming straight outta that Japanese suicide forest. A film that tells you that a country made up of the smartest 95% of citizens are stupid enough to not catch on to the pretty obvious government plan going on in this universe. Even more so, apparently presidents to be are allowed to just make major laws that’ll arrest about 50% of the population before being sworn in as president. But even more so, I’m to believe that Logan Paul of all people is smart enough to escape these poorly conceived concentration camps. This is a key example of suspension of disbelief gone too far. I don’t believe for a second that this world actually could exist. And I want everyone reading this to remember The Thinning: New World Order after seeing what I put at number one that even liberals can make terrible movies too! #3. The 15:17 To Paris No shit, this is easily the worst movie I’ve ever seen in theaters. No joke, no sarcasm, the Clint Eastwood trainwreck that is The 15:17 To Paris is by far one of the worst movies of the decade… and it’s only at #3 on my bottom 10 of the year. Let me explain. Where the absolute bottom of the barrels of the year are total slogs that I wouldn’t be able to stand watching again, this is actually really fun to watch. Immediately after seeing it in theaters, I wanted to see it again just to make sure it wasn’t a fever dream. In every conversation I have, I recommend this movie because it has to be seen to be believed. Of all the films on this list, this is the only one I’d actually recommend to people. No other film has the balls to portray three normies with ADD talking as boringly as possible taking selfies in Venice for 30 minutes for no goddamn reason. In no other movie will you see a bunch of comedians try and do serious roles that they had no right being casted in. When I went back to school and brought this up with my film nerd friends, every one of them had a different story of watching this. My god, please watch The 15:17 To Paris so that we can convince Clint Eastwood into making The 15:18 To Paris. #2. Gotti Let me tell ya, Gotti is one of the wurst felms ya’ll evar see! Who in da hell convinced John Travolta that he culd do serious roles! But in all seriousness, this movie sucks. I’m not super familiar with the story of John Gotti, and by that I mean I’ve never even heard the name before seeing this film. And I’m pretty sure that to even get what’s going on in this, you’d have to see a 3 hour documentary on the guy beforehand or else you’d be incredibly confused the entire time because I know I was! Don’t even ask me what happens in Gotti because I have no clue. It goes all over the place with different characters doing different things at different points in time and eventually, I stopped paying attention! I do remember that there were about 20 characters named “John,” John Gotti only kills one guy though I’m pretty sure that as a mob boss he’d kill more, and I have no idea how this mafia makes money. Oh, and this convicted feline is apparently also Jesus Christ. I’ll tells yas, ya can live 100 yeers an neva see a moovy as bad as Gotti. Before we get to #1, let’s do some runners up!
Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom I wanted so bad to put this on the list because as a pretty big Jurassic Park fan, I can fairly say that Fallen Kingdom is easily the worst film in the franchise. If only because of that dumb ass twist at the end with that kid I kinda forgot even existed. Or just for those annoying ass comedic reliefs that are consistently useless. Or just because on a base filmmaking level, this movie sucks. Hurricane Bianca: From Russia With Hate Listen, I’m openly and proudly bisexual, so I get how important it is to get good representation out there in the film industry. And I also get why a lot of the Ru Paul: Drag Race fandom has latched onto this series. But Jesus Christ guys, drag queens can do better and they deserve better. From Russia With Hate is definitely a step in the right direction with it being way more interesting and fun than the first Hurricane Bianca… but come on guys! These aren’t good movies! Just watch more Drag Race, it’s much better. The Happytime Murders Disney, please let Muppets Now be good! The puppetry artform deserves better than this garbage! The Happytime Murders is a movie in which half the jokes is that a puppet is jizzing a lot. Honestly, my biggest beef with this film is that it doesn’t even get to the heart of what people love about the Jim Henson style of puppetry, notably the fun. Look at most of the cast, they are very humanoid compared to Kermit The Frog or Fozzy Bear. This movie is, first and foremost, not fun. Bob Lazar: Area 51 And Flying Saucers This is my nomination for worst documentary of the year. It’s just annoying to me that this guy can get away with lying to so many people without any repercussions. In fact, he gets this whole documentary that’s basically sucking his dick the entire time! I went in expecting something along the lines of Behind The Curve, a doc that takes an even stance at looking at its crazy subject matter but in a respectful way. In reality, Area 51 And Flying Saucers isn’t even in the slightest being totally on Bob Lazar’s side without questioning his all knowing wisdom for a second and is n’t respectful in the slightest for the intelligence of its viewers! Fuck this doc! A Simple Favor This is my nomination for best worst movie of the year. A Simple Favor is a crazy film with a cast and crew taking it weirdly seriously for a comedy, all with super monotone voices. None of the actual jokes are genuinely funny but lots of them are ironically hilarious. Granted I was very high while watching this, but as far as I’m concerned, that’s the best state of mind to be in while watching it! And did I mention how nobody acts during this but rather just say their lines monotonely! Loved it! God’s Not Dead: A Light In Darkness This was the year Christian propaganda got boring. I was so excited when I went to see I Can Only Imagine in theaters as my first theatrical Christian film experience only to be totally disappointed when it turned out to be pretty dull. Even more so when, later on in the year, the newest installment in the world famous God’s Not Dead franchise, the same one that first brought upon this new age of Christian based filmmaking that’s brought me so much joy before, turned out to be similarly dull. There was a split moment when a character states, “Jesus Christ was the original social justice warrior,” when I was brought back to life with its own stupidity, but it turned out to be fleeting. Not outrageous enough to be put on the list, but too outrageous to be any good. So this is how God’s Not Dead ends: not with a bang, but with a whimper. The Meg And speaking of boring, The Meg has to be the most boring shark movie ever made. A film that feels like it lasts for days and in which no real stakes feel like are in play. This has got to be the most boring and dull and uninteresting and BORING movie of the year! And considering how boring of a year it was for film, that’s saying a goddamn lot! Mary Poppins Returns I feel like I went through an arc of my own while watching this. I went from, “this isn’t bad,” to, “okay, this is a little too much like the original,” to, “why the fuck am I watching this?” Mary Poppins Returns feels like one of the Disney live action remakes because it’s basically just a shittier version of the original with absolutely no good reason to exist let alone to watch, especially compared to said original. And the climax makes absolutely no sense with the logic of the film universe; she can literally fly! And by god, does this feel like anything but Mary Poppins. Blockers Listen, I get that this film is sex positive and that’s a really great thing and all the actors are really trying their best. But it is all in vain for this film with a really unfunny script and that’s kinda important for a comedy. Sometimes Blockers can get a chuckle out of me because of how over the top it can get at times but those are just outliers in a mostly mediocre movie that got built up too much because of how much positivity is in this. Proud Mary Proud Mary is the perfect example of a film in which just because someone can do it well, doesn’t mean everyone can. Ever since Quentin Tarantino has been making movies like Pulp Fiction and Kill Bill, throw back action films have been really cool to see. Then, all of a sudden, the director of London Has Fallen had to come around and remind everyone that they can’t all be winners. Mostly dull dialogue between characters I don’t care about waiting for the action that isn’t even all that good. I was really hopeful that Proud Mary would be fun, but it’s anything but. #1. The Trump Prophecy Listen, I get that when I say that a movie literally titled The Trump Prophecy is the worst film of the year, it comes off as if I’m making a big political statement but believe me, I am not. Politically, admittedly, I am pretty liberal but I’m not really a political dude. But I do know terrible filmmaking when I see it, and believe it or not, a film about a crazy firefighter who gets a vision in his sleep from a god orb that Donald Trump must be president might not be very good. In fact, fuck this cynical, piece of shit, taking advantage of conservatives, monotonely acted, with no love or passion put into it, goddamn movie! As much as I didn’t like any of the movies I’ve mentioned on this list, it’s clear someone, anyone, was passionate about making them. But considering how clearly the director never asked any of his actors to do a second take, no love is clearly put into this. How cynical, how shameless. As someone who does genuinely love the art of filmmaking and would adore the opportunity to make a relatively big budget movie myself, the fact that something as lifeless as The Trump Prophecy gets to be put into any theaters really pisses me off. Say what you want about The 15:17 To Paris, at least it had its heart in the right place. Say what you want about Gotti, at least John Travolta was obviously passionate about the project. This has nothing and is easily the most hatable film I’ve seen in years!
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mojavejourneys · 6 years
Beware the Ides of March...
This fic has been in the works for a few days but what better time to post than now?
You can also read it on AO3!
Basically it’s a culmination of Maxie wanting to rid the Mojave of the Legion and various other ideas that have been rattling around my head XD
Warnings: Major character death, guns, mentions of violence
“So... how do I look?” Maxie looked over at Arcade as he adjusted the armour plates of the Legion uniform to better fit over him. The doctor was carefully wrapping strips of leather around the other's scaled arm. He met Maxie's gaze with a sigh.
“Like a Legionary. I just hope this works.” A brief pause as Arcade fastened another armour plate and then carefully draped some red material over the wings, trying to make them look more like banners. “I still don't believe that Caesar wants to see you, even after the fact you'd basically killed half the Legion. He knows how you feel about his group. Why would he want to talk to you?” A worried look crossed Arcade's face. “Please, just... be careful.”
“You got it... fuck, you ain't my dad, Arcade. I'm surprised you even wanna help me do this. You've always told me that you wanna see that fucker with the dog head drop dead.”
“Vulpes Inculta? Yeah. Honestly all of the Legion can go away. I hate what they stand for.” Arcade handed Maxie his .44 Magnum, which had been wrapped up in several layers of cloth and put into a pouch strapped to his leg. “Don't do anything rash. I know you're going into the Fort, and there's going to be a lot of Caesar's men, but... try to be diplomatic. Reasoning with them might be the last thing you want to do but maybe this might be a chance for us to get a bead on a weakness.”
“And destroy 'em from the inside. I got just the means. Hey, while I'm gone, you reckon you can get Cass and Veronica to meet me back here? Tell 'em to bring weapons, meds, chems... 'cause I got a little idea. We'll meet just north of Cottonwood Cove. Got it?” Maxie flashed Arcade a smile before he turned around. “I'll be back before you know it.”
As Arcade made his way back, he nodded. Maxie headed onto the barge and was ready to be taken to the Fort.
~ ~ ~
The Fort. Caesar's main camp. And a place that made Maxie feel sick to his stomach. He passed by several cages that held slaves dressed in ragged clothes. One woman was trying to reach out to him and he paused just briefly to take her hand.
“Listen, you gotta stay strong,” he whispered to her, making sure that no Legionaries could hear, “'cause I may be able to get you outta here. Don't say anything yet. I gotta talk with Caesar but as long as I keep my disguise up... I might be able to get you outta here.” The woman nodded and let him go. Standing up, Maxie then headed further into the Fort, past several more tents until he saw what looked like the largest tent.
But outside, he caught sight of a familiar checkered suited man lashed to a post in a kneeling position. The hybrid's eyes widened. “Benny?!”
The man looked up. “I guess it's my time now, huh?” He did a double-take. “Hold on, are you the guy I put a bullet in the head of?”
“The very same.” Maxie smirked briefly. “But keep your voice down, okay? I'm guessing Caesar got to you first?”
“He knows about the Platinum Chip. But look... if I have to die to keep the Chip from getting into Caesar's hands, then so be it. I already told you what you needed to do to help create an independent New Vegas. Yes Man will help you. But... I think the only fitting way for me to die would be for you to return my bullet.”
“Didn't forget that part, huh?” Maxie knelt beside Benny for a moment, resting his more human hand on the man's shoulder. “I made a mistake about you initially. Maybe you're a little bit of a chickenshit but you don't deserve to die at the hands of the Legion. Or mine for that matter. I ain't gonna kill you. 'Cause I want you back in the Strip. Once all this shit in New Vegas is sorted out, I ain't staying. This place ain't been kind to me at all. That was probably why you tried to put me outta my misery.”
Benny shook his head. “Maybe. Maybe at first. But you're actually more human than most of these one hundred percent human types in this hellhole. The Ben-man made a mistake at first but he knows a good guy when he sees one.”
“Thanks, Benny. But... you ain't dying today. Depending on whatever the fuck Caesar wants to talk to me about, I may be able to get you outta here.” Maxie stood up then. “Just hang in there.” He carefully made his way to Caesar's tent, and after showing the Mark that he'd been given, he was allowed entry.
But when he entered, he didn't see Caesar anywhere. Another man came up to him. “You were here for Caesar?”
“He called for me, yeah. Dunno why.” Maxie removed his helmet and shook his head. “Guess something came up? 'Cause he was pretty adamant about it.”
“Unfortunately shortly after he sent the message to you, he fell into a coma and our doctors haven't been able to revive him. All we know is that it's a brain tumour that will kill him if it's not removed. As his most-trusted right-hand man, I was instructed to give you this information.”
“Lucius, right?” Maxie folded his arms then, eyeing the man with some suspicion. “So what the fuck would Caesar want with someone who really don't like him at all?”
Lucius nodded. “It seems a little strange, but Caesar believes you have the right connections to save his life. He believes you know a doctor who works with the Followers of the Apocalypse?”
He was talking about Arcade. Maxie forced himself to remain deadpan. “I may do. So what, you want me to bring him here and get Caesar fixed up? I ain't sure he's gonna agree to that. He don't like you guys as much either so I don't think he'll help you willingly.” He sighed then. “I'll at least try. But if he don't wanna come, then I'll do it myself.”
“You?” Lucius laughed then. “With those?” He pointed to the claws on Maxie's right hand.
“With proper surgical tools, dumbass. Now do you want your leader saved or not?” Lucius gave a nod. “Okay. On one condition.”
“Which is?”
“The guy in the checkered suit. You let him go with me and I'll bring back some form of medical help. If you don't, then I'll string you up by your balls and Caesar can fucking go to hell for all I care.”
Lucius growled but reluctantly agreed. “How long will you be?”
“Give it two days at most. If the doctor won't agree to it, then he'll have to teach me what he knows and I'm a fast learner.” Maxie put his helmet back on. “Just keep Caesar stable until either the doctor or myself looks at him properly. Now I gotta go. Time is of the essence here.” He went to leave the tent and freed Benny, much to Lucius' chagrin.
As he got back on the barge with the checkered suited man, he took off his helmet again. “Okay. I need you back at the New Vegas Strip. Tell Yes Man that he won't hafta worry about the Legion.” He met Benny's gaze. “I saved your ass, so now you fucking owe me.”
“Right.” Benny nodded as he spoke, still rather shocked at finding himself on his way back. “Have you figured out what to do with House yet?”
“Well he ain't going anywhere just yet. He's waiting on me to make the next move for his idea, but I don't like it one bit. You just worry about keeping the Platinum Chip away from him for now. We got time. We're gonna deal with him later. Right now it's just a case of taking out the biggest threat to the Mojave.” Benny asked Maxie what Mr House was waiting for. “Oh, he's waiting for me to get the Chip for him. Like fuck am I gonna do that. Just keep the Chip safe. You were willing to kill to keep it outta his hands the first time, so... just do that again.”
The suited man gave a nod and the two sat in relative silence until they got back to Cottonwood Cove. Once they disembarked, Benny said his goodbyes and made his way to the Strip.
~ ~ ~
“So, no trouble?” Arcade asked as he helped Maxie undress. Hands briefly traced over the exposed skiin before he continued to undo various buckles and straps. “What did Caesar want?”
“It weren't Caesar. It was his right hand man, Lucius.” Maxie closed his eyes when Arcade asked what he wanted. “Apparently Caesar's got some sorta brain tumour and he's in a coma. And somehow Lucius thought I was the guy with the connections. And I just said I knew a doctor, I didn't say you specifically.”
“Even if you had, I wouldn't help that man.” Arcade shook his head, setting aside the clothing he'd removed and handing Maxie a pair of leather pants. “I don't agree to what he does, and I'm not the sort to break the Hippocratic Oath. So I'm not going in there.”
The hybrid pulled his pants on and turned to the doctor. “I wouldn't want you to go anyway. They'd probably enslave you and force you to do it. I ain't gonna sell you out to those fuckers. But I do have an idea.” He grinned and went over to his bag, pulling out a double barrelled shotgun. “Shotgun surgery.”
Arcade's eyes widened. “You're going to... I mean, isn't that a bit unsporting?”
“Aw c'mon, they'd fight dirty too. Anyway, we got two days to come up with a plan. That's what I told Lucius.”
Just then, a tall blonde-haired woman walked into the room, nodding to Arcade before looking over at Maxie. “About time I caught up with you again. Besides, I heard a little of your plans.”
“Heh. Just in time, Evanna. I might need your expertise on this one. Okay, so... I ain't just dealing with Caesar here. We're also gonna free the slaves. And once the slaves are out, the Fort goes up in fucking flames. Think you can do that?”
Evanna was already looking through the various weapons that had been brought over, thinking over what she could do. She faced Maxie with a light grin. “Oh, I can do that, alright. Okay, what I'll do is rig up two sets of explosives. One set will be just small enough to blow off the locks to the slaves' cages. Then when we're all a safe enough distance away... the second set will be the big fucking BOOM that you want!”
“Alright. So, if you can get that done in two days, that'll be amazing. I'll need backup as well 'cause we should take extra weapons. Not just for us, but so that we can arm the slaves as they escape. Can you relay that to the others? We're gonna be ready for this. It's all gonna go to plan.”
“Right.” Evanna took what explosives and other items she needed and then left. Maxie began his own preparations.
The next two days were going to be crucial.
~ ~ ~
Maxie, along with Arcade, Evanna, Veronica and Cass, had gathered at Cottonwood Cove. The doctor was the only one not wearing a Legion disguise.
“Okay, so let's go over the plan one more time.” Maxie addressed the group. “Arcade, you've got supplies ready for first aid on any injured people that make it back, right?” Arcade nodded and then his attention to Veronica. “You've got the medical bag and some bladed weapons, right?”
“Yeah.” Veronica gave a firm nod. “I'll go with you up to Caesar's tent, give you the medical supplies and then go back to arm the slaves, along with Cass, right?”
Cass looked up from checking her gun when she heard her name. “Right. I got the guns, so you give the knives, I'll give the guns and then we get outta trouble, right?”
Then Maxie's attention turned to Evanna. “Your part's the most important. So what do we do?”
“Right. Guys, listen up.” Evanna cleared her throat. “I'm gonna give each of you some of these small devices. The small ones go on the locks of any slave cages.” She held up the device as she spoke, handing a few to Cass and Veronica. Then she held up a larger device. “These ones will go in strategic locations around the Fort. Now I've got a load of old duffel bags here and that's because the devices are gonna go in them, with a few extra grenades.” While she spoke she was packing the duffel bags.
“Who's setting those off though?” Cass asked. “Mean, surely you've got that sorted, right?”
“Yup.” Evanna nodded firmly. “On Maxie's signal, which is... a shotgun blast, I'll set off the explosives on the locks. You and Veronica get the slaves out, make sure they're armed, and get them to the boats. Show no mercy to any Legionaries there. And once everyone we want to save is clear, I'll set off the big bombs.”
“Got it. So we'll set the little devices first, then sneak around and put down the bigger ones?”
“So what's with the shotgun blast as the signal...?”
Maxie looked between Arcade and the three women, holding up a double-barelled shotgun. “This... is where it's gonna get fun. I'm gonna go in the tent as if I'm gonna help Caesar. But I'm gonna blow his fucking brains out, and this gun is LOUD. So that's your call. Evanna, you've gotta be quick on the devices when the gun goes off.” Evanna nodded. “We ready?”
“I'll be waiting for you back here.” Arcade nodded. “Be careful, all of you. And I hope this works!”
~ ~ ~
Maxie, along with Veronica, Cass and Evanna, had made it back to the Fort. Now it was time to put the plan into action. Cass and Evanna had gone to place the smaller explosives on the locks of the cages, leaving a few weapons in easy reach of the slaves, but instructing them to wait until the locks were blown off so they could surprise and overwhelm the Legionaries.
Meanwhile, Veronica had gone up with Maxie to Caesar's tent. She handed him the bag of medical supplies before going to help Evanna and Cass. The hybrid showed the Mark to the tent guard and he was let inside.
“Lucius?” Maxie set down the bag and took his helmet off. “You here?”
Lucius looked up from the papers he was working on, nodding. “Well? What do you have for me?”
Maxie sighed. “Okay. The doctor I knew... he ain't gonna do anything for you. At all. Said he hate what you guys stood for.” As did he, but he kept that thought to himself. “But he did train me and I got a technique down that'll help me get that brain tumour out. I got this.”
“Very well. But if you try anything funny, we as the Legion will not hesitate to kill you.” Lucius led Maxie into the medical tent where Caesar was laying, making sure that the hybrid had the medical supplies. Maxie looked over the man briefly. He did look thin, weak and pale... but if he ever recovered then the Legion would continue their disgusting work.
“Okay, you can go.” Maxie gave Lucius a sharp look. “I can't work when there are other people in the room. Go back to your papers or whatever the fuck it was that you were doing. If you want me to save your leader, I gotta have nobody else here, no fucking distractions. Don't wanna make a wrong move.”
“Fine. But remember what I said.” Lucius said as he left. When the man was far enough away, Maxie carefully pulled out a few surgical tools and placed them on a nearby table, uncovering the shotgun he'd concealed in the bag. Gingerly removing it, he loaded two shells and tried to prime the weapon as quietly as he could.
Then he walked up to the comatose Caesar, shotgun in hand.
~ ~ ~
The loud noise of the shotgun had all but decimated the near-deathly silence that had fallen over the camp. Evanna quickly reached for one of the detonators and pressed the button. Another series of small explosions erupted throughout the camp as the locks were blown off the cages. Legionaries were running to grab their weapons.
“GO!” Veronica called out. She and Cass began to usher the slaves from their cages, making sure that they grabbed a weapon each on their way out. “Just run for the boats and only fight if you have to!” As the slaves ran, the Legionaries were giving chase. Veronica lunged at the nearest Legionary and drove her power fist right into his gut, forcing him to double over and giving a group of women time to run.
“Hey, you keep going!” Evanna tossed a few weapons over to a couple more fleeing slaves. “Right! Veronica! Can you go find Maxie? Cass and I will be okay back here!”
Veronica nodded and headed for Caesar's tent, punching her way through angered Legionaries as she went.
The main tent at the Fort was now surrounded. Legionaries were rushing inside even as the tents became peppered with bullet holes.
Inside, Maxie had discarded the shotgun as it had jammed up, instead wielding two 10mm submachine guns. The Legionaries that tried to get to him were mown down as fast as they could enter, and then he kicked open the main tent flap, looking around quickly.
“Alright, you Legion fucks! Your shitty ass regime is fucking FINISHED!” Three more Legionaries were gunned down before the magazines were emptied. But before he could reload, he heard a shout.
“BEHIND YOU!” Veronica called out, having seen someone sneak up on Maxie from behind, “WATCH OUT!” But she was too late as Maxie was felled by a strong blow to the back of the head. She ran forward, only to be faced by Lucius.
“I won't allow him to live after this. He killed our glorious leader!” Lucius was aiming his gun at Veronica. “And if you don't back away, then you will die too!”
Veronica stood tall then. “You can't take away what pride I have. I serve with the Brotherhood of Steel. They would see you destroyed. Given what you stand for? They'd show no mercy to you.”
Lucius laughed and moved to aim the gun at Maxie's head. “I'll blow his brains out just like he blew Caesar's brains out.”
“He's already been shot in the head before and that didn't kill him. What makes you think you can do it?” Veronica looked Lucius dead in the eye. “He's worth at least fifty of you!” She ran forward and rammed her power fist in Lucius' gut. The man doubled over in pain and dropped his gun. Removing her power fist, Veronica moved to help Maxie up.
“Ugh... fuck...” Maxie looked up. “Hu-- V-Veronica?”
“It's me. Come on, we have to get out of here. Cass and Evanna have already got the slaves out. Now we need to go so that this place can be blown skyward!” Veronica gently lifted a hand so she could check his head, grimacing when she felt something wet on her skin. “Shit, you're bleeding!”
Maxie grunted. “Just grab a bandage and some gauze from my kit and wrap it up real quick. We ain't got time...” He felt a little light-headed. “I'll go to Arcade when we get back.”
“R-Right...” Veronica found where Maxie kept the kit, grabbing the items and quickly but firmly pressing the gauze to the bleeding spot, wrapping the bandage around it. She was about to get her power fist ready when she saw Evanna running up to them.
“Come on! There's only one boat left and we need to go before-- oh shit, is he okay?!”
“I'm fine!” Maxie rolled his eyes in agitation. “Just grab the submachine guns from over there and keep these Legion fucks off us! I don't think I feel right enough to stand. Veronica, you gotta help me get to the boat!”
Veronica wrapped an arm around Maxie's waist after she readied her power fist again. “Okay. I'll be ready in case one gets too close.” She began to lead her companion back towards the entrance of the Fort as quickly as she could. “What about Cass, Evanna?”
“She's watching that last boat! GO!” Evanna was shooting at the Legionaries while Veronica led Maxie to the boat, quickly getting him in once they got there. When Evanna had boarded, she quickly grabbed the oars and started to paddle as fast as she could.
“Give me the oars!” Veronica motioned to Evanna. “Isn't there one thing you still need to do?”
“Oh, right!” Evanna handed over the oars and took out the detonator. “It's time for fireworks!”
She pressed the button. And as the boat sailed back to Cottonwood Cove, a series of explosions rang out from behind, sending plumes of fire and smoke into the sky.
~ ~ ~
The group were exhausted as they disembarked from the boat. Veronica helped Maxie out while Cass and Evanna gathered their things. Arcade ran up to greet them.
“I've got the rest of the Followers helping with the freed slaves, so they'll be alright soon enough.” He looked over at Maxie. “I thought I told you to be careful?”
Maxie shook his head. “What's one more hit to the head, eh?”
Arcade gently wrapped an arm around Maxie's shoulders. “Now don't go tempting fate. I've grown rather fond of you.”
Veronica watched the two go, smiling sadly. She was gathering up her things and was about to head back to the room that Maxie had in Freeside when Evanna stopped her.
“You okay?”
“Yeah, I'm okay.” Veronica was a little sharper than normal. Then she heaved out a sigh. “Sorry. It's just... I've had a lot on my mind. I was reminded of someone.” Her tone made it clear she was unwilling to go into detail.
“Oh.” Evanna had gotten the hint. “I'll see you later?” She was starting to make her way back towards Freeside.
~ ~ ~
A couple of days later, Maxie had recovered from his injury from his plan to storm the Fort. He was just getting dressed when he heard a knock at his door. “Come on in.”
Veronica opened the door, looking somewhat nervous. “Hey Maxie. How are you feeling?”
“Better. Trust me, this ain't that bad.” He'd just strapped on his Pip-Boy when he loooked over and noticed how nervous Veronica looked. “You okay?”
“I... I wanted to ask you something. Do you think you can look for someone for me?” Veronica's gaze drifted away. “I've just been... thinking about it. Seeing you and Arcade so close reminded me...” Maxie prompted her to continue. “I was thinking of a woman I knew during my time actively serving in the Brotherhood. We were very close. Lovers. But Father Elijah, who was in charge of the chapter here in the Mojave... he hated it.”
“What a miserable old shit. Guess he had nothing better to do than gatecrash.”
“Seemed that way. He wanted everyone in the Brotherhood to be focused on procreating so he split us up. I'd give anything to find where she is now.” Veronica managed to meet Maxie's gaze again. “I know you have your own shit to worry about but I feel that you'd be the right one to ask. Would you... would you help me find her?”
Maxie rested his more human hand on Veronica's shoulder. “Of course. You deserve to be happy. And given how much you've helped me lately? It's only fair that I return the favour. C'mon then, let's start looking, eh?”
“Will Arcade let you go long enough, you think?”
“I think so.” Maxie chuckled, grabbing his bag and making sure he had his trusty .44 Magnum with him. “Besides, he knows I don't do well sitting still for too long. You got any leads?”
“There is an old Brotherhood bunker that I remember Father Elijah using as a base in the Mojave for some time. We can start there.”
Maxie gestured to the door. “Ladies first. And maybe on the way, we can find you a nice dress to wear? I'll bet your lover would adore seeing you in a lovely dress.”
Veronica's face lit up. “That would be wonderful. Let's go!”
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