#and i picked up cosmic nami too....
sanguiresse-a · 4 years
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baby comes home.................
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notoriouslydevious · 4 years
Odyssey Skins & League Rant
Is it just me or are the Odyssey skins this year just really “MEH.”?  Like, they don't interest me or intrigue me at all like Sona’s, Jinx’s, Kayn’s, Yasuo’s, and Malphite’s did (giving me more the Zigg’s vibes like, “oh, you’re there too?” but then Ziggs looks like he fits in that universe more than Zed and whatever these new skins are).  If someone didn’t tell me that these were Odyssey skins (except maybe Karma’s and potentially Sivir’s) I wouldn’t have been able to guess that that’s what these are. Maybe Riot will come out with a cinematic and it will blow me away but as of right now I’m just not sold on these skins. Also hearing that the Odyssey game mode is probably not coming back... So fuck us I guess. Kha’zix looks like Mecha Kha’zix and a Project skin had a love child (with better vfx).  Aatrox looks like a humanized lava lamp. (after the dumpster fire that was Victorious Aatrox..  man, they really can’t make new skins for you, can they? DEATH SWORN AATROX WOULD’VE BEEN REALLY COOL, RIOT! JUST SAYIN’. HE’S LITERALLY A DEMON(Darkin? Demon? Tomato, Tamato)??? HALLOWEEN????- PLEASE PUT TWO AND TWO TOGETHER!) TF looks like a villian from a 90′s gundam anime.  Sivir looks like wannabe Psyops Samira. Karma’s splash looks GORGEOUS but the skin in game?? Yikes. 
Usually splashes are the make or break for me buying a skin. If I was feeling “meh” about the skin but then the splash is amazing, I’d usually reconsider and buy the skin- but im not feeling that for Odyssey Karma (or any of these skins).  Her Dawnbringer skin was just so much better, I don’t want to buy this one.  Have to admit, I don’t really play any of these champions other than Sivir and Karma (like I’ve played them all on aram but I actively enjoy and pick Sivir and Karma on the rift), but then again I just don’t feel like buying these skins because both champs have skins that are better (Dawnbringer & Pizza Delivery).  Also, I don’t play league as much as I used to. I think the last game I played was September 15th? I RARELY play and it’s been a downwards spiral for awhile. Might be because I’m no longer around the people who’d play aram and league daily- I just have no drive to want to play (mainly the reason why I’ve been posting less). Ngl, I’ve been getting super wrapped up into WoW (and now that shadowlands has been delayed, I can spend even MORE time grinding in wow). Also also... on the standpoint of tft (which I also haven’t played in a hot minute during my league break which I was an IDIOT AND INSTINCTIVELY BOUGHT THE NEW TFT PASS) I liked the old expansion, galaxies, better. :’c Cosmic-Protectors-Dark Star-Sharpshooters was the best, yo.  Maybe a cute nami skin or lux skin will bring me back, but these just aren’t it. Don’t get me wrong though, the Elise skin is fucking BOMB! I LOVE THE ELISE SKIN! The pastel mint green hair, the outfit, the spiders and spider form (only I wish they were pumpkin spiders like in her splash- but I can’t complain) only its the same thing. I don’t really play Elise on summoners rift- only on aram and I havent been playing league, so I dont really feel the need to buy the skin.  Amumu lookin’ pretty cute as well but that Fizz skin pretty garbage, though fitting for a garbage champion. 
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thewickedwizardofoz · 7 years
TSM @ Worlds
I know probably many of my followers don’t care about League but I do need to rant somewhere!!!! I’ll put it under so u can easily skip if you don’t care
I am just so disappointed. TSM yet again split games with everyone in their groups. 1-1 vs everyone at MSI 2017, except SKT who 2-0′d them. 1-1 vs FW and WE, and 1-2 against MSF at this year’s world’s. Even last year 1-1 against SSG (although, admittedly 2-0 against SPY and 0-2 against RNG). Like, this just highlights their inability to adapt to situations at international events; I cannot fathom how TSM always look so good and then just fall flat on their faces.
Their draft is awful. I like the first ban phase though. TSM showed an unwillingness to pick or ban Janna in previous games so I’m glad she was gone first. I thought that TSM would probably win if they had a 4 tank comp and Double on Trist, so MSF taking Galio and J4 off the table is great from MSF. The Kalista must ban really hurt TSM imo since they weren’t on blue they didn’t have that 3rd ban available for another champion like Karma or Taric to ban away, so they had to ban Kalista and Rakan. I think if TSM could’ve forced play-making supports out of MSF, they would’ve won. Biofrost on Thresh or Alistair would’ve looked SO much better than on Karma - that being said, Biofrost still did good on Karma, she’s just too weak right now. 
Then MSF first-picked Taric. Which is fine TSM probably knew they’d play Karma into Taric, but my question is why did you first pick Kog and Sej? They’re not bad but Gragas is MUCH better into Taric AND Kog’maw, so you should take it away to hurt the Taric pick and protect your Kog’maw. However - Tristana would’ve been the better pick imo. She can Buster Shot away the Cosmic Radiance’d tank running at them cancelling the Taric ult and pick basically; she can keep herself safe since Double seemed to forget where his flash key was; and she can go into a side-lane and create pressure!!!! Why bother with Kog’maw? You don’t have Janna or Lulu to protect him. You don’t have Taric to protect him. Nami’s laning and ardent-proccing is ineffective and Karma also can only shield him, providing only a root for CC. Kog’maw needs a better back-line to protect him.
Ban phase 2 is fine, trading one ban in each solo lane. It looked like TSM wanted to first pick Cho’gath and I don’t know why they didn’t. With Mao and Gnar off the table who do you expect to match up to him? Cass is off the table and you already picked Kog, WHO are you going to pick against him if you don’t pick him? They pick Jayce and I thought they wanted to put Bjerg on him but as I’m looking at it again, I realise they didn’t because there were no tanks left to play. Who is Hauntzer gonna play if they first pick Jayce and give it to Bjerg? Shen? what’s he gonna do on shen with TSM’s shitty early game? like just pick the Cho’gath, better late-game scaling and objective control with feast; how can you possibly let it through when you had the first pick in the second pick phase? See my problem with Jayce is that he is a poke-heavy champion, reliant on the 1v1 in a side-lane and individual out play in order to help win the game. You’re not gonna see a Jayce team-fight better than Cho. If you wanted to give MSF Cho, you can’t pick Kog’maw. Cho will build Adaptive Helm/Thornmail and take no damage from Kog. He already took no damage from Jayce! You need someone to shred Cho if you’re going to let him through. Tristana, Twitch, Xayah -- you had your pick of the litter because MSF first picked Taric. If you thought about first-picking Jayce after the second round of bans, you needed to prepare better for the tank - ban away Cho and let Mao through or pick an AD that can actually shred him.
Then PoE picked Oriana which is fine. But if you wanted to let Hauntzer take Jayce, you need to take a more early game mid focussed mid so Bjerg can push in on Ori’s poor early waveclear and roam up top and protect Hauntzer. Ryze isn’t going to out-push Ori despite having a way to roam up. Pick Taliyah, pick Fizz, someone who will give you pressure in mid - either through wave clear and roams (Taliyah) or kill pressure (Fizz) drawing Maxlore away from top. Even Syndra can push in Oriana then roam up, take ghost and go up there. Instead TSM attempted to index a little bit into the early game (Jayce and Karma) while still keeping their late game insurance (Sej, Kog, and Ryze).
But it doesn’t work like that with Jayce. You need to index harder into the early game in order to keep him relevant and ahead. Jayce from behind does nothing. Poke champions are RELIANT on snow-balling. 
Then the actual game. Sven’s pathing was just awful. How do you plan on protecting Hauntzer if you force him to leash enemy blue and then go take your red and then your blue? Either fully clear Maxlore’s blue-side jungle preventing him from going up there without being in a huge deficit or start on your blue side and then go up and gank level 2 after taking your red. If Sven attempting to clear wolves on MSF’s jungle he would’ve had to fight Maxlore, if they both recalled it’s still a win and pressure for Hauntzer, he knows where the Gragas is and has another wave or two to bully Alphari before both junglers get out onto the map. And guess what, if Gragas and Sej both have to back after a fight in MSF blue side jungle - Sven can go to his red side and gank top after a clear. Where is Maxlore gonna go? To his red side because that’s where his camps are. Unless he wants to gank a level 4 Jayce as a level 2 Gragas.
Then, every other lane can’t exert enough pressure to keep Maxlore away from top-side. Karma/Kog aren’t pushing in Xayah/Taric, and PoE is throwing out his ulti everywhere to chunk out Bjerg and Sven preventing them from roaming. 
They needed to draft better, but they also needed to play better. Biofrost was doing all he could to poke the Xayah/Taric and Double was also trying to fight be he’s just too squishy and they have no CC vs the root/stun on MSF bot. Bjerg stayed in lane almost the entire time, only once ulting top whereas PoE was doing his job keeping Bjerg mid and chunking out Sven from time to time. Sven ganked like once in top despite 3-buffing and being a level or 2 ahead of the Gragas on the later-game Sej - not to mention he didn’t even use R - Glacial Prison until like 23 minutes in ON A TANK NO LESS.
They needed the Galio if they wanted to give Hauntzer Jayce but MSF banned it in phase 1 so why pick Jayce at all. Pick a tank. Go harder on protecting Doublelift. If you pick Cho/Ryze or something I think it’s fine.
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