#and i really need to listen to that big finish audio with young amelia and missy....
expelliarmus · 1 year
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kabutoraiger · 6 years
submitted by @gentaroukisaragi
Hey if we’re talking podcasts id love to send you a few recs
I dont listen to a lot of Horror so my recs are mostly not that
They are also all audio fiction; i dont think you were looking for nonfiction? But if you are looking for those ive also got a handfull if you want em
Misadventure By Death - a man receives a job to be the caretaker of a historical house and finds it a lot more haunted than he likes (full disclosure: friends of mine created and act in this podcast)
Love and Luck - two men begin to date each other and gain strange subtle powers that they use for the purposes of making the world a better place. This podcast was made with the explicit purpose of being good happily ending queer rep (not that it is finished yet) and its so sweet and good and the eps are short so you can get invested really fast.
Within The Wires - the world has changed as we know it. All countries’ governments were destroyed and replaced with a unified gllbal governing body. Discover this world through (season 1) a series of relaxation tapes in which a woman attempts to break someone she loves out of a mental institute, (season 2) guided museum tours by a woman who had an incredibly complicated relationship with the artist whose work she is describing and (season 3) a beaurocrat’s recorded notes to his secretary. This podcast has a less straightforward format than most of the others on here, but thats what i really adored about it when i first started listening to it. Created by one of the creators of welcome to night vale
The Amelia Project - have you ever wanted to fake your death because of your problems? Well, if you have enough money, the amelia project will give you a spectacular false send off. This podcast documents the cases that the amelia project works on and is very funny
Midnight Radio - every night at midnight the radio plays a show that seems to be lifted straight from the past. Listen to the host talk about how much she adores her small town and the long history she’s had with it. Better than how im describing it i swear
Girl in Space - our protagonist lives alone in a space station. It wasnt always that way. And now, after she presses a strange button that she finds, she’ll have to deal with the people who come to find her.
The Once and Future Nerd - a fantasy series about three teens who find themselves transported to a fantasy universe. Well written and acted, this series subverts common tropes about the fantasy genre and challeneges them. Also: elves with southern accents
Solutions to Problems - set in the distant future, stp is a radio advice show, where people can write about their problems involving work, relationships, time travel, ai, alien customs and so much more. The hosts may or may not ever solve a single problem.
Greater Boston - you know boston? This podcast ia about boston. Like the boston where a section of the subway voted to become its own city, where a magazine about fortune telling is huge, where a man goes on a roller coaster, immediately decides its not for him and nopes out of the situation by dying. Not what happened in real boston? Eh this place is kinda better.
Kalila Stormfire’s Economical Magick Services - a witch is kicked out of her coven and decides to sell her own services. Each episode is the compilation of the notes she made for every case she has taken on and also a bit of an investigation into the person sabotaging Kalila’s efforts.
Alba Salix - Alba Salix is the head healing witch of the kingdom and must deal with unsufferable related royalty as well as two new employees that shes unwillingly taken on. A fantasy comedy thing.
Red Rhino - A timeline keeper attempts to coach a young man through becoming a superhero with his newly acquired powers that he hates. Everything is more ridiculous and suspicious than it seems.
The Beacon - a young woman makes a podcast about the superpowers she has just gained, the horrible monster in the forest and her quest to stop that monster before it hurts more people.
Mt olympus university - pandora has managed to get a full free ride to university and with no other options, she took it. Only she finds herself in a place where everyone else has powers and she doesnt. Join her as she meets the various greek gods in a world that doesnt have the same history with them that ours does. Short sweet and weekly. I also really adore the theme song.
Otherverse - aliens have invaded the world but humans arent giving up with a fight. (full disclosure: friends of mine created and act in this podcast)
Jim Robbie and The Wanderers - a group of travellers make their way across a post apocalyptic america where giant bees roam the lands and chicago is mostly underwater and ghost trains run through the deserts and cults worship the sun. A lot more cheerful than it sounds. (Full disclosure: i work on this one. Its kinda on hiatus, but theres a pretty big backlog if this is up your alley)
Most of these podcasts should be pretty easy to find but if you need help with links or want more recs, feel free to ask! Podcasts are a big part of my life.
this is an incredibly helpful list thank youu! 💕 some of these sound exactly like my kind of thing
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