#and i reblog shorter things like oneshots on tumblr more than ff.net *shrugs*
arialis · 7 years
Hi for anon honesty hour! Capfuls I get some fic recs please? I really wanna do some soma fan art and I want to 1 show my appreciation for the amazing writers in the fandom and 2 get some ideas cause I've got intense art block right now. Thank you!
heyo! (sorry i’m late btw, against all odds sleep ended up being a thing)
also you are going to get a looooot of recs b/c reading is one of my passions in life and when combined with a fandom i’ve been in for ages it’s safe to say i’ve read a lot, but there’s also a lot i’ve probs missed and i haven’t been as prolific in soma fandom lately, so anything i missed is unintentional and anyone’s free to add on to this! there’s also a lot of stuff in my soma tag so if you want more fics (as well as loads of art) feel free to check that out too!
@lunar--resonance​‘s recent resbangs, Now The Light Falls and Velleity (and also their entire writing tag, found here)
Now The Light Falls Summary: Born with the ability to see ghosts, Maka lives in the shadow of two worlds. She grows up reveling in the ghostly company until tragedy strikes and she vows to never speak to a ghost again. Four years later, Maka is struck by a car and wakes up to find herself bound to a strange boy called Soul, who is confused, sarcastic, and above all, very dead.
Velleity Summary: Maka gets more than she bargained for when a forced father-daughter day at a local museum traps her in a world where the art exhibits have to come life and are out for her blood. Armed with a scythe, she and a strange boy named Soul traverse the topsy-turvy world in their search for a way home. Ib AU.
Learning Curve by ilarual (very good and one of my old favorites)
Summary: The process of getting from “you” and “me” to “us” is a long, hard, complicated one. A series of vignettes exploring the early days of Soul and Maka’s partnership and the road from strangers to best friends.
The Stand (incomplete but in-progress and so so worth the read b/c it’s glorious)
Summary: "In fact, she already had a plan formulating in her head, and it was time to scrap any trace of Eater from this wall. This wall would belong to her in the end, she was freakin' sure of it." Street Art/Tagger AU.
Jaegermeister or how the PPDC learned to stop worrying & drop the bass by Victoriapyrrhi (i remember reading this when it came out and it was v good)
Summary: With the PPDC cutting funding at the behest of GorCo, the corporation funding the Wall of Life, it's up to Marshal Spirit Albarn to gather his resources-some of the finest minds and pilots on the planet-to make one final assault and neutralize the kaiju menace for good. Pacific Rim AU; For Soul Eater Resbang 2014
The Dire Circus by Raining-down-hearts (warning: feels and lots of ‘em, but is wonderful)
Summary: The circus is in town and strange things are afoot, not the least of which is the sudden disappearance of Maka's father and horse. When she finds her stolen horse at the circus, her attempt to steal him back goes wrong and a strange red-eyed pianist catches her in the act. Something's very wrong, her father is still missing, and now she's trapped in a terrifying new world.
Foolproof by Poisoned Scarlet (a wonderful modern highschool au)
Summary: An AU for Valentine's Day. "Your choice, Maka. Come with me or go back to class and get yourself waist-deep in THAT train wreck." / / Soul Evans is smarter than he looks. Maka is none the wiser.
Just a Ring Away by therewithasmile (so cute and fluffy okay)
Summary: AU: Maka loses her cellphone; the white-haired, grumpy-looking movie-rental cashier guy finds it. Fluff, SoMa.
Fenestration by Twin-Lupus (aka fabulousanima) (everything you’ve heard about how amazing and heart-wrenching this fic is is 100% true and i implore you to read it)
Summary: He's so close, and yet so far. Neighbors AU
thanks for the ask nonnie, I hope this helps and good luck with the art! :D
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bluerene · 7 years
river, part one [starx]
it’s been a looooong while since I’ve really posted any writing (coughLIABILITYcough) but I’ve been working on this for a while and it feels worthy of being put up. Technically, the whole thing is meant to be a longass oneshot, but I figured that with tumblr’s format, it might just be better in shorter breaks. 
I’ll post on ff.net once all the parts are uploaded here. I don’t think it’ll exceed 5? 
things to note, uhhhhh, inspired by the hook from Eminem’s “River ft. Ed Sheeran”. also @fireflyxrebel ‘s blog bc starx <3 <3 <3 And my innate need to start new stories when I haven’t finished any. Post-Tokyo, sans kiss. 
I invite critiques, requests, reblogs, and reviews (i.e. please tell me if it’s garbage :)!!!
without further ado, this is River. 
I’ve been a liar, been a thief
been a lover, been a cheat
all my sins need holy water, feel it washing over me
Little one, I don’t wanna admit to something
If all it’s gonna cause is pain
Truth and my lies, now, are falling like the rain
So let the river run
I did it for the look on his face.
Man, you should’ve seen it. I think he might’ve stopped breathing. It only lasted for a moment, but damn, it was funny. Then he started throwing punches. She was dazed and pink but she managed to wiggle out of the red bands that strapped her to the wall. Her fists were clenched, but she didn’t look angry. Confused, stunned, maybe even a little curious.
The next bit was mostly a blur - I was busy dodging his fury, making little comments that only irked him more. I glanced over at her a few times. She was distracted, not really making a move to catch me. He was too busy dealing with me to notice that the only teammate at his disposal was a bystander.
Bird Boy knew my moves well. He landed a few nasty hooks, his steel shoes connecting with my chest once or twice. We were too evenly matched to make the fight come to a clean end. He anticipated the toys in my belt, from the x-shaped shurikens to the scarlet rubber bindings I enjoyed shooting so often.
I played the weakness. I glanced at her again, more noticeably, and raised my palms, prepared to strike.
It worked - he turned around and shouted her name, snapping her out of her thoughts. I shifted my aim and fired, wrapping him in thick red cords.
“Robin!” She shrieked, transferring something from her fist to her pocket.
“It’s been fun playing, kids,” I said calmly, “but I’ve gotta run.”
She was at his side immediately, peeling away the tightly wound bands.
“Hey, cutie,” I called, grinning at the sight of her crimson cheeks, “think about what I said.”
I gave them a two-fingered salute and tapped my belt, teleporting to the rooftop of the warehouse we were in. Ordinarily I’d try to get as far away from them as possible, but I was low on juice and until I replaced the Xenothium in the suit, I’d be stuck making short jumps - too short to escape their field of view.
“What the hell just happened, Starfire?” Ouch, he sounded pissed. Pissed and loud.
I positioned myself flat against the roof, straining to hear more.
“He escaped,” she said mournfully, “oh, Robin, I am truly sorry, I was...out of my skull?”
“Head,” he corrected, softening slightly, “what did X say to you? Where’s the paper he gave you?”
“He merely made another of the date comments,” her voice was meek and apologetic. I could picture her twisting her fingers nervously or playing with her hair, “and I... the paper was burnt by my starbolts.”
That made me do a double take. She was lying.
“He’s an asshole.”
“Indeed. But there is nothing we can do about him now, yes?”
He sighed tiredly, “yeah, whatever. He didn’t make off with much. I’ll deal with it tomorrow. We should head back, patrol wasn’t supposed to run so late.”
“Don’t worry, Star. I’m fine, just frustrated. You’re right, there’s nothing that can be done right now.”
She seemed to accept this, not fighting back with any words as they exited the warehouse. I scooched closer to the edge of the roof, careful to keep out of view.
“Ride back with me?” He offered.
“Another time,” she replied, sounding alarmingly close, “I believe I require a midnight flight.”
I turned my head in what I assumed was her direction and - well, shit, there she was, floating with her back to me.
“Suit yourself. Don’t be too long, I’ll lockdown the tower after you’ve come in.”
“Thank you, Robin.” She turned and looked straight at me, lips pressed in a thin line.
I made a move for my belt, stopping when she shook her head. It was such an imperceptible movement, I was certain I had imagined it. But I obeyed anyway, waiting for the sound of the bike revving and speeding off into the night, until we were enveloped in silence once more.
She landed beside me and hoisted me up by the front of my suit, pushing me onto my feet. I stumbled back and shot her a glare.
“Ease up, cutie.”
“You do not get to speak to me in that manner,” she seethed, reaching into her pocket to retrieve a crumpled up piece of paper, “I will give you ten seconds to explain what this is before I throw you into the harbor.”
I shrugged, “it’s exactly what it looks like.”
“I do not understand. Even you are not stupid enough to give me-”
“My phone number? Stupid, no, interested, yes. Don’t try tracing it, you won’t get anywhere.” This wasn’t entirely true, but I was pretty confident she’d believe me.
“What did you hope to accomplish with this?”
“A date,” I said cheekily, “or a chat. I’ll be walking away from here with at least one, that’s for sure.”
She frowned, “I am still confused.”
“Me too, actually, why’d you lie to your boyfriend?”
She blanched, turning away quickly.
“He is not my boyfriend.” She muttered.
“Nuance,” I said smoothly, moving to stand beside her, “you still lied.”
“Would you have preferred I allow him to attack you?”
“Well, no, but I’m surprised you took my feelings into consideration.”
She shook her head, “it is not that. I am trying to understand you, and I do not think involving Robin would be of any help.”
“Oh? What do you wanna know?” I moved closer to her, praying that she wouldn’t crush my bones if we touched.
“Why do you do this, X?” She asked quietly, turning to face me, her fingers still clutching the scrap of paper I’d shoved into her hand twenty minutes earlier.
“I can’t help it if I like you, beautiful.”
She blushed and stepped out of my reach, shaking her head, “I am not referring to the flirting. I am referring to...the facade. The persona. X, you are capable of so much.”
Ohhhhhh, fuck. This was not where I wanted the conversation to go. I figured I’d tease her a little, flirt things up, play the game.
“You think too highly of me,” I said quickly, crossing my arms.
“I do not think that is true,” she replied, “you are strong and clever and you have aided us on several occasions. You could be a great asset to the Titans if you-”
“I’m not interested in being recruited, cutie,” I shot flatly, “I’m a thief. I do what I want, when I want. That’s all there is to me.”
“You are wrong. I know there is more.”
“You don’t know me.”
That shut her up. I felt bad, but not enough to take back what I’d said. I wasn’t wrong. She had no idea what she was talking about.
“Then let me.”
“Excuse me?”
“Let me know you,” she said firmly, leaving no room for argument, “you have been persistent about taking me on an outing. I will go on a date with you, if you allow me the chance to truly know you.”
I shook my head, thankful that the mask hid my eyes which were probably the size of dinner plates.
“No way, cutie, you’re crazy.”
She shrugged, “perhaps I am, but I will not leave you with much of a choice. You will take me out on a pleasant excursion and allow me the opportunity to get to know you better. In return, I will not inform Robin of our conversation tonight, or give him this-” she brandished the slip of paper triumphantly.
“It’s a dead number anyways,” I lied, “go ahead, he’ll probably be more pissed at you anyways.”
Her eyes narrowed, lips curving into a smirk.
“You underestimate Robin. And you underestimate me.”
I had to smile at that, “Cutie, I would never underestimate you.”
“Marvelous. Then I shall contact you via this number to arrange an evening for our date. I would appreciate it if you cooperated, but it is not necessary, because this will happen either way,” she said briskly, rising into the air.
“One question,” I said, definitely not getting caught up in the sight of her long red hair flowing in the cool night air, “why are you doing this?”
She smiled slightly, “I believe in chances and goodness. Consequently, I believe you deserve to have and be both.”
“No, no,” I shook my head, “I meant the date.”
She blushed again, “conceivably...it could be fun.”
With that, she was gone, her exit accented by a bright green streak in the sky.
X’hal I must be insane.
Raven certainly thinks so. I told her what I had done - used Red X’s affections for me against him. She feels it is a terrible idea. I do not disagree.
I find him to be intriguing. He has proven himself to be worthy of the Titans time and time again, saving us, assisting us, often choosing to help rather than run. He claims his motives are his own, and perhaps they are, but I truly feel there is more to it.
To be clear, I am still very confused by many of his actions. I do not understand why he has chosen crime, nor do I understand why he flirts with me. I am not even sure the flirting is genuine.
Humans are such complex creatures. They err more often than not. Matters of honor hold great weight with some and no weight at all for others. Actions are coupled with intent to determine consequence.
Humans also veil their emotions. They feign kindness to disguise malice. Conversely, they can act cold to hide affection. I have seen it often with Robin.
Tamaranians are the opposite. We are compelled by our soul and our strength. We pride ourselves on our ability to feel, and express our feelings through touch rather than verbally. I have become quite accustomed to the various displays of physical affection humans utilize. High-fives and the bumping of fists in congratulations. Hugs for comfort, friendly kisses on foreheads and cheeks, sometimes hands as a means of being silly or flirtatious. Mouths with romantic intent. This, I find rather foreign.
Raven suggested, rather hesitantly, that I might have agreed to Red X’s request because I have been feeling lonely and I enjoy his attention. I know she did not mean to insult me, but I felt slightly affronted. Mostly because I could not disagree with this observation either.
I have long given up on Robin. Tokyo put a distance between us, an uncomfortable bubble that neither of us have been able to break. He is still my friend. I still love him. But I am tired of waiting.
Red X has always been amusing to me, though I try to hide it for Robin’s sake. I do not need his flirtations or compliments, but I certainly enjoy hearing them. It fills me with a strange feeling that twists in my stomachs and makes my heart work a little faster.
Thinking about it now, I realize accepting his offer may have been too bold of a move. I do not know where we will meet or what we will do or how we will dress. I have no alibi prepared, though I am sure Raven will allow me to use her as an excuse. I doubt Red X will tell me anything of true value. He may choose to use this date as an excuse to ‘put the moves on’ as Cyborg would say. It could very well be a wasted evening.  
But, if anything, I do think it will be fun.
[end of part 1]
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