#and i wanna hear him sing so bad ahhhhh :( i hope they give us more than one recording diary pls pls :(
tyongsies · 2 years
it’s not FAIR bc i literally want a recording diary for every song on this album and they’re not gonna DO IT FOR ME >:( !!!!
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clumsyclifford · 4 years
Rian helping Alex to dye his hair!! And complain how it'll fall out and stuff just to mask how pretty he thinks it's gonna look
alright anon here it is! my rilex debut. i hope it does not disappoint. also full disclosure i have had my hair dyed Once for me and my friends did it and i do not remember most of what happened so while i did do some light google searches please suspend disbelief if and when you must
read it here on ao3
Rian should know more about dyeing hair. It seems impossible for him to have been in a band with Jack and Alex for this long and not pick up on the basics, at least. Standing in a CVS, Rian feels confident that he should know this.
"Should" being the operative word.
Finally he calls Alex. 
"I forgot which brand you said," he tells Alex when he gets yeah?
"I texted it to you, you moron," Alex replies. He sounds very fond. It's always fun to hear Alex try and be bitchy when he's really just being fond.
Sighing, Rian pulls his phone away from his ear and checks his texts. "No you didn't."
"I definitely did." Pause. "Oh, it didn't go through. Whoops."
"Who's a moron now?"
"Still you. I told you the name like fifty times. Okay, it sent. If you get the wrong color, no offense but our friendship is over."
"Gotcha," says Rian. "So was it bright orange or more of a burnt umber that you wanted?"
Alex hangs up on him. A minute later he calls back.
"Love you," he says.
Rian rolls his eyes and grins. "Love you."
"Isn't it kind of disrespectful to do this in a hotel room bathroom?"
Alex doesn't stop setting up the hair dye supplies on the sink, but he does shoot a dry look towards Rian. "Yeah, duh. But it's just hair dye. Worst case scenario it stains the tub or something."
"Or the floor," Rian puts in. "Or your hair all burns off from the bleach and you sue and then there's a whole court case. That'd be pretty bad for them."
"But dope for me," Alex says. "So wins all around."
Not wins for the hotel, Rian doesn't say. He's not sure why he's bothering to try and convince Alex that they shouldn't do this. Not only is Alex thoroughly unable to be convinced, Rian doesn't even think he believes himself. 
It's just, Alex is dyeing his hair blue.
Rian tries not to form opinions, like, about Alex in specific, because in general his opinion is wow and good-looking and would love to kiss him and AHHHHH, and those opinions don't really change with Alex's look. Even in the most emo of Alex's hair days, Rian had been very much extremely attracted to him, and Alex has only gotten cuter since then. It will probably become a problem eventually. Rian suspects it might already be a problem that he's just ignoring very effectively.
It's not like he only likes Alex for his looks. Alex has lots of wonderful qualities, and Rian could easily wax poetic for hours. It's just that it would probably be easier not to fall in love with him if he was a little less what they in the music business called Fucking Gorgeous.
But no dice. Obviously.
All of which to say: helping Alex dye his hair blue cannot possibly end well for Rian. Alex has yet to do blue, but Rian is one hundred percent sure it's going to look as good as all the other colors have, and he's just going to find himself speechless for a couple minutes again. Which hadn't been a problem before, when Alex had gotten Jack to do it with him, but for some reason this time he's enlisted Rian, and Rian has yet to find within himself the capacity to refuse anything Alex requests, within (and sometimes without) reason.
Speaking of which: "Why isn't Jack helping you with this? Don't you think he'd be, like, a thousand times more competent? I mean, I wouldn't usually say that about Jack, but this is so not my area of expertise."
Alex huffs, opening the box of dye. "Well, for starters, Jack is busy with Zack, and they are probably banging and/or playing a board game and/or getting wasted and/or doing things that I can't even fathom because Jack and Zack are ineffable," which takes Rian a long moment to process but none of which is technically implausible or untrue, "and second, I wanted your help."
"Yeah, no, I got that when you told me you wanted my help," Rian says dryly. "What I'm wondering is why."
Alex frowns in judgement as he mixes the dye. "What's with all the questions? I just like hanging out with you, man. Do I need a better reason?"
Rian clears his throat. "Uh. I guess not."
"Damn right." Alex gives Rian a smile, and a small part of Rian melts, and he thinks about how much of a naive idiot he's been that he didn't realize how much of a problem this would be until right now. When it's too late. "Okay. Gloves on, Ri. It's gonna get messy up in here."
There's no way that innuendo is unintentional, and Rian is a sucker because he blushes anyway.
Apparently it's just a matter of painting. Which is much easier said than done. Not because painting dye onto hair is particularly challenging, but because Rian painting dye onto Alex's hair is, well.
"One of these days you're gonna lose all your hair," he says at one point, mostly to distract himself from the look on Alex's face as he works the dye through his hair with his crinkly-plastic-gloved fingers. That look is putting Rian's mind in places it should not be.
Fortunately, this comment alters it, and Alex opens his eyes. "I don't dye my hair that much."
Rian gives him a critical look. "Yeah, but still. This stuff can't be good for you. Even if you don't use it a lot."
"You know what else isn't good for me?" Alex says seriously. "Alcohol. Tattoos. Sex before marriage. Rebellion is hot. What kind of punk rocker are you?"
"I'm sorry it's not punk to be worried about your friends," Rian replies. "Doesn't it burn your head?"
"Nah," Alex says, closing his eyes again. "Feels nice."
"How the fuck does putting — I don't even know what's in this stuff — feel nice?"
"It's more about the experience," Alex says around a smile. "You putting the dye in my hair, it feels nice."
Awesome. Rian's fine.
"Oh," he mumbles, and then decides that not talking is in his best interest.
Rian is thorough with his task. If that means he goes twice through all of Alex's hair, it's because he's being extra careful.
(By the second time, Alex has begun humming along to the Motion City Soundtrack song playing from his phone on the sink top, and Rian is distracted for a little (long) while.)
With the shower cap on, Alex actually looks kind of dumb, which is a relief. The timer is nearly done ticking down from thirty minutes and Paramore is singing about how the camera's lying as Alex stares at himself in the mirror, using a washcloth to wipe off the smudges of rogue dye on his forehead.
Rian should stop watching, but there's something very captivating about the intensity of Alex's demeanor. It's not about what he's doing so much as the manner in which he's doing it, and God, Rian would give all the money in the world for Alex to look at him with that same attentiveness, even though he would probably just disintegrate if it ever did happen.
Rian was once a dignified man. He's not sure what happened but he's certain it's Alex's fault.
"Hey, Ri," Alex says. "Can you help me with this? I can't get this fucking dye off my face."
You're doing fine, Rian absolutely does not say, and instead says, "Yeah, sure. Although you might wanna think about just leaving it. I really think you could start a trend with this."
"Yeah?" Alex says, passing off the wet washcloth to Rian. "What, a trend of wearing hair dye on your face?"
"Dyed face is the new dyed hair," Rian says, grinning. He hesitates for a moment and then resigns himself to what he knows has to happen. "Don't move or talk or breathe or anything like that," he tells Alex, sliding a hand around Alex's neck to keep his head in place.
"Don't breathe?"
"What did I just say about talking and breathing?" Rian holds up the washcloth like a weapon. "Shut your mouth."
Alex presses his lips together and mimes locking them. He slips the imaginary key down the front of Rian's shirt. Rian snorts and begins his efforts to clean the dye off Alex's face. It's probably not going to go away for a little while, and they'll need to cover it with makeup, and Rian knows that, and surely Alex knows that too, so he's not sure why they're even bothering with this.
But. The position they've found themselves in is as compromising as it is tempting; Rian keeps his eyes firmly on the washcloth in his hands so they don't flit around Alex's face or land too often on his mouth. He could give himself away far too easily right now.
(He would like to. He would love to. If he kissed Alex right now, would Alex kiss him back? Would Alex have put them in this position as a joke? Is Alex a heartless monster or just a friend who thinks they're just friends? Are they just friends? Do they have to be? Could hair dye be mixed with glue to make colorful glue or does it only work on hair? All these questions and more crowd Rian's mind. It's a wonder he ever gets anything done.)
Eventually, though, Rian has to admit he's not going to get this dye off Alex's skin, and he doesn't want to hurt Alex. He sighs and drops his hand to his side, curling the washcloth in his fist. "Sorry, Al. You're gonna have to start that trend whether you like it or not."
Alex doesn't look even slightly disappointed. "That's cool," he says, smiling at Rian, smiling only for Rian, in a way that paralyzes Rian and renders him momentarily unable to respond. "It's kinda hot, in a subversive way. You know?"
Rian swallows. "Huh?"
"I mean, objectively being punk isn't hot compared to mainstream hot people, but there's something inherently hot about doing exactly what you're not supposed to. That's the whole point of punk." Rian's pretty sure punk has an additional, slightly larger point, but at the moment it's slipping his mind. "So like, this is hot in the sense that it's not what you'd expect to be hot. But I kind of make it work, don't you think?"
I think you kind of make this shower cap work, so I'm not exactly an unbiased authority on the matter, Rian keeps to himself. "Are you asking if I think you look hot with blue hair dye on your face?" he says, neutrally, trying not to give away that he does think Alex looks hot with blue hair dye on his face. 
But Alex just meets Rian's gaze and says, "Yeah, that's exactly what I'm asking."
A moment passes. Rian realizes he never reclaimed his hand and it is now just kind of cradling Alex's neck where it meets his shoulder. Another moment. Alex keeps his eyes steady on Rian's. Neither of them move. Rian starts to feel his heartbeat and wonders how he never notices when he's not feeling it. It's only startling to feel it because it's so quiet usually. People should be able to feel their own heartbeats, all the time. Then it wouldn't be such an inconvenient surprise any time it kicks to life with a thudding intensity that almost makes Rian flinch.
It's not like he can lie. Morality aside, because Rian doesn't like to lie, he also knows Alex will see through him like glass. 
Which leaves him with the truth as his only option, and unfortunately it's been too long since Alex asked for the truth to sound anything but incredibly guilty coming from Rian.
"If anyone is going to make it work," he says at last, "it's you."
Alex raises his eyebrows. "Way to not answer the question."
"I basically did."
"You completely didn't."
"Why do you care if I think it's hot? You don't need to impress me. I'm already in your shitty band."
"Maybe I'm trying to impress you for something that isn't the band," Alex says evenly, with an impressive degree of confidence, but Rian can feel his heart rate rise under his fingertips.
He has the presence of mind to think, what the fuck is going on? But instead of that, he says, "Like?"
Alex bites his lip. Rian thinks that if he's reading this right, it will flip everything upside down, but surely even he couldn't read a situation this wrong. There's nothing else Alex could possibly mean by this, right?
"I take it back," Rian says. "Dumb question."
"A little," Alex says, breathing a nervous laugh. There's a dangerously small amount of space between the two of them, the kind of small that Rian could bridge so easily, and with no reason not to, he figures there's not much more he can lose.
(He can't be misreading this. There's just no way. Alex isn't this cruel, and Rian isn't this stupid.)
Alex leans closer when Rian does, breath mingling in the air between them, so so so close, like insanely close, like Rian can practically taste it already, how impossible and incredible it's going to be to kiss Alex. The air catches in his throat, and he kind of smiles a little hesitantly, and Alex smells so much like hair dye that it is overpowering all of Rian's senses but he'd love to drown in that smell as long as it means drowning in Alex and their noses brush and Rian lets his eyes fall shut and then
The timer goes off, blaring an aggressive alarm throughout the bathroom, and Rian almost has a heart attack as he jerks backwards and he is going to fucking break his phone into many many pieces.
They're quiet as Rian rinses the dye out of Alex's hair. The worst part is Rian can't quite figure out what kind of silence this is, if it's awkward or anticipatory or what. But thinking for too long makes him want to scream or something, so he stops thinking and just focuses on washing out the dye. Alex is sitting in a chair they pulled in from the room, head tipped back under the sink, that same look on his face that — 
But Rian's not thinking about it.
The water starts out bright blue, and Rian almost panics before Alex says lightly, "You just have to rinse until the water runs clear. Don't freak out if it's blue, that's normal."
So Rian does not freak out when the water is blue, and true to Alex's word, it starts to grow clearer the more Rian lets it run. If it were Alex in his position he would probably have a thousand poetic things to say — it's like life, he'd say in a tone just shy of pretentious, it starts out looking like it's going wrong but then everything literally becomes clear — but Rian isn't Alex and to him it's just a Good Sign that he hasn't Fucked Up.
Well he hasn't fucked up the hair, at least. Probably. Yet.
At long last, the water starts running clear, and Rian breathes a sigh of relief and turns the tap off. "You're good," he says, wringing the worst of water out of Alex's hair. His hands are stained blue, he now notices; probably he should have put the gloves back on when he'd gone to rinse Alex's hair, but he hadn't thought to.
"Yeah?" Alex asks, experimentally lifting his head and stretching his neck. "Ah, that is not the most comfortable position, not gonna lie."
Rian grabs the hand towel and dries his hands off, then gives it to Alex so Alex can dry his neck, which Alex does, and then leaves the towel around his shoulders. They are definitely going to get dye on this towel and the hotel will not be pleased, but as Alex stands up and begins rearranging his hair to look like himself again, the comment dies in Rian's throat.
Predictably, he looks really fucking good.
Rian watches Alex like some kind of lovestruck idiot until Alex turns to him, tilting his head, and says, "So? Final thoughts? How do I look?"
"Can I kiss you now?" Rian says, surprising himself. "That's what was about to happen before, right? Like, I'm not insane?"
"Your sanity has nothing to do with whether or not we were gonna kiss," Alex says, grinning, eyes bright, "but we totally were and now we definitely are."
This time Rian wastes no time, and his dye-stained fingers blend into the blue oasis of Alex's new hair color as their lips meet. Briefly, Rian's mind is once again crowded with dumb pointless questions, but he pulls Alex closer and Alex curls a hand into the front of Rian's shirt and Rian decides that his mind can take a hike.
As they break apart, Alex laughs. "So you think it looks good?"
"It looks terrible," Rian deadpans. "Yes, of course it looks good. You could shave your head and it would look good." Alex gasps. "Well. Okay. That was an exaggeration to make a point but I'm not sure it's actually true. But honestly, Alex." The jig is up, so Rian just smiles at him. "I always fucking think you look good. This?" He tugs at Alex's hair. "Hot. No doubt."
"Well, that's the only vote of confidence I need," Alex breathes, and then they're kissing again.
(The hair dye leaves its mark on the towel and Rian's hands and the pillowcases they sleep on that night, but its impact, in Rian's opinion, is altogether immeasurable. It's not every day a box of blue hair dye gets him a boyfriend.)
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alittleranting · 6 years
Barista in Love (extract, Ch. 1+2/13)
Barista in Love (Day6)
Chapter  1
You were sitting in your favorit restaurante, the sun was shining and it was a beautiful day. You really enjoyed your day off and couldn't wait to spent some time relaxing on your 3-day-weekend. Suddenly your peacful toughts got disturbed by a yelling woman. 
"You're so clingy I can't take it anymore. I have an important job. You're not worth my time!"
"But i love you! I just want you to spend some time with me insteed of working 24/7! You're so fucking selfish!"
"Selfish? I just want to fullfill my dreams by working my ass off. I love my job! I'm better than you, you just chase after a dream you can never fullfill!"
"I will never stop dreaming and I know very well that you love your fucking job more than you do love me!"
"Yes I do!"
He looked, at his now exgirlfriend I guess, in total shock. He probably tought she would deny his offend. You just couldn't take it anymore, that conversation was just to similar to the one you had with your exboyfriend. He never understood or supported you but you would have done everything for him. You really wanted to help that poor guy so you decided to speak up.
You walked over to the fighting couple and shouted angry: "How can you say he isn't worth your time? You really think your god damn job is more importent than a loved one?"
The guy blushed, he definitly didn't expect someone would defend him. "Who do you think you are? Do you know her Jae?"
You didn't let him answer and said instead: "No he doesn't know me but I consider myself a friendly person and I just couldn't help it I had to say something. You're such an ugly person!"
"You call me ugly? I'm an actress bitch!"
"I was talking about your personality you stupid cunt."
You rolled your eyes and turnt around, you graped Jae's wrist and pulled him with you. "Hey what are you doing?" He wasn't complaining he was just curiously asking but you didn't answer him.
"Where you two think you're going!? Jae? JAE? Hmpf.." She left in a different direction.
"Hey.. hey slow down." He stopped you and looked at you confused.
"Thanks but who the hell are you?" ~he grin.
You blushed, still holding his arm "Hi, ähm I'm [Y/N], I guess you are Jae.." 
He laught "Yup, that's me... Sooo [Y/N] why did you help me?" He tilted his head looking at you with warm darkbrown eyes and a gentle smile. You just stared at him for a second, he was kinda attractiv.. ok maybe not kind of... maybe more like hella good looking! He suddenly waved his hand in front of your face. "Hello, earth to [Y/N], you there?" 
"Oh yes, sorry.. What where you saying?" Your cheeks were as red as a tomato.
"Why did you help me? That's the only thing I asked." He scratched the back of his head in confusion.
"I just had to, I know how it feels to get left behind by your loved one..." You looked down at the ground, still feeling the pain, after almost a year... Your grip on his wrist broke loose and you turnt away.
"It was nice meeting you, glad I could help. Bye." 
He just stood there, he didn't move, at least you couldn't hear any footsteps. You walked faster, you didn't know where to go because your flat was located in the other direction but you couldn't just turn back and pass by him again. Lost in your thoughts you notice someone running towards you. Damn it... You spun around, without lifting your head and wanted to say something but you couldn't because you got smacked on the ground. You looked into Jae's shocked face. He quickly got up from you and held his hand to you. You graped it and he pulled you up on your feet.
"Oh my god, I'm so fucking sorry. You suddenly stopped walking and I couldn't stop myself that fast.." He laught a beautiful laugh... God damit what are you thinking [Y/N] you don't even know him... You sighed in annoyment and rolled your eyes.
"I'm sorry I shouldn't have asked, that was stupid. Gotta go..."
You snaped out and looked at him walking away. You graped him by his shoulder.
"Sorry what did you ask?" He looked in disbelief at you..
"Girl you are weird... do you ever listen when people talk to you?" You blushed again... You should definitly try listening this time..
"OK, one more time. I just wanted to know if you want to grap a coffee and talk a little bit. I want to thank you properly so the drink is on me." He frowned. You felt so bad for him that you made him repeat himself.. for the second time.
"Sure I would love that." You smiled from ear to ear. His eyes widend and he smiled happy. He hooked his arm under yours and started walking. 
"You know a good café?" 
"Yes, I know the perfect one." You lead him towards the best café in town. The one you were working at.
Chapter 2
As you opend the door you hear the familiar ringing sound of the little bell over the door. You spottet your coworkers Chanhyuk and Ailee behind the bar. You smiled at them.
"[Y/N]? What are you doing here. It's your day off." Ailee shouted through the whole room.
All eyes were on you. You just shook your head while you laughed. 
"I'm her as a customer today." You nodded your head to Jae to signalise you weren't alone. Ailee raised her brows two times giving you a smirk. You laught to yourself as you set down at a table near the big glass front.
"You work her?"
"Yup. Told you I'll bring you to the best café in town." You stick out your tongue.
"You know, this café is actually quite near to my university."
"Oh you go to the Art University? What's your major?"
"Music." He said super cheerful. You could her and feel how much he must love music.
"So what do you two cuties want to drink?" Chanhyuk asked smirking at you two.
"Mh what's good her?"
"I'll take my favorite and bring him just a moccacino."
Chanhyuk came 5 minutes later with your drink. Jae and you talked over so many things, where you were born, your parents, his sisters and your non-existing siblings, what your hobbies are, favorit food and all those little things. But your big topic was music. You learnt that he plays the guitar and he likes to sing and rap but he can't dance. You two made a deal, you would show him some dance moves when he teaches you how to play the guitar. You always wanted to play an instrument but you never got the chance to learn it; you thought it would go well with your singing. You two exchanged your phonenumbers and said goodbye but....
"OK that's awkward, seems like we live in the same direction."
"To be honest, I just didn't know were to go. I mean I lived together with Suzy and it just happend that I choose to go into this direction."
"Oh.. can you stay with a friend or something?"
"Yes, I'm just calling my best friend Haru, she always helps me." He took his phone out while he still walks beside you.
"Dammit my battery run out.." You hold your phone under his nose.
"Use mine, dumbass." He dialed the number.
"So you already got a nickname for me?" He lifted his left eyebrow. Befor you could answer, you hear him talking to Haru. You started thinking again.. Suzy... you feel like you heard that name befor... but you just couldn't remember quite where.. You felt Jae graping your hand and pulling you to him, you looked at him with wide eyes.
"Fuck [Y/N] you wanna die or something!?" He screamed at you and you just realised then that you were about to step onto the street although the traffic light for pedestians were red. You stuttered a 'thank you' and graped tight to his arm. Jae stroke your back and handed your phone back to you.
"And did Haru say yes?"
"Yup, I'll take the next bus and drive to her."
"That's great."
You two crossed the road and you took him to the bus stop. You said goodbye another time and you left to go to your apartment. You let yourself in and undress yourself on the way to your bedroom.
"What a day, I never thought people actually still meet outside the internet. Never thought I would meet someone out in "the real world". OK I mean like we aren't a thing or something like that but he is cute and I really want to see him again. Ahhhhh I can't wait to get guitar lessons from hin, I hope I can concentrate when he is around.. god damit what should I wear? Fuck how old am I? 14?.... Dammit I should stop with those self talks. Yup better stop...... AND I'm still talking to myself."
You rolled your eyes and laught at yourself. You pluged your phone in, graped your PJ's and go to the bathroom to take a shower. When you got out of the shower you heared your phone ringing. You jumped through your apartmant and looked at your phone. It was Ailee, you picked up.
"Hiiiii giiiirl. Soooo who the hell was that good looking guy you were with!? You HAVE to tell me EVERYTHING!!!!!"
"Yes hello to you too Ailee. His name is Jae and I just met him. I don't know much about him but I'm going to meet him again." 
"YAAAAAAAAAS bitch it was about damn time you get yourself a man!"
"Dammit Ailee I told you I just met him!"
"Doesn't matter I saw the look in your eyes, you like him and I'm happy about that. I thought after Kyungsoo you're never ever going to find a guy again."
"Could you please not start that topic, I really don't want to talk about him..."
"Sure, my bad sorry. Hey my shift is over in an hour how about me coming over with a pizza, ice cream and we watch a movie?"
"That sounds like a very good idea!"
"Okidoke see you in a bit."
"See ya."
You hang up and watched at the clock. 6pm. Okidoke got some time. You cleaned your apartmant a little bit and collect the clothes you had left on the floor. Suddenly your phone rang again.
"What now Ailee?" You asked fake annoyed.
"Sorry to disappoint you but it's me, Jae."
"Oh hi, no problem, what's up?"
"Just wanted to know if you got time tomorrow and if you're willed to do me a favor?"
"Sure anything." You said way to quick and silently face palmed yourself. You hear him laugh.
"Nice, I want to pick up my stuff from Suzy and I would love if you could come with me, as my accomplice."
"Haha sure, that's totaly my thing." You said sarcastic.
"Great I'll text you again tomorrow."
"OK, till tomorrow. Good night."
"Night?" You hang up. 
"Motherf-ing god what iS WRONG WITH YOU [Y/N]!?????!?!?! Good night? It's just half past 6!!! Argh!" You just felt like you're a teen again... blushing over a crush... You don't even really know him... but he is sooooo cute.... You need to stop thinking about it at least you have to try.
Later you enjoyed the movie night with Ailee and you two started gossiping over old school friends and customers. You kinda missed those "girl nights" since your break up with Kyungsoo you'd pushed your friends away but you definitly wouldn't do that anymore. At 11pm Ailee said good night and left, with a full belly you got into your bed and drifted off to a cozy sleep.
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henry-hart · 6 years
The Secret Gets Out s1 ep3
Some quality Charlotte in this ep. Yay!!!!
ooh I know what happens in this one :))))
yay for that bb chenry content
Jasper just taking over the tv screen when c x h won’t watch his clip ajsklsj same
“CM’s big fail” man they do not go gentle with these video titles. really going for the throat
“Hey, look! My bellybutton!” Hen, sweetie. You need to work on your distractions 
Ray looks hella good. just saying. ;)
poor CM. his face when the news lady says, “once again escaping capture from CM.” HE’S TRYING, LADY.
“CM, isn’t it true that the phone shark has been attacking ppl’s phones for over a year now?” “Uh, yes that is true.” askjlk y does he sound like he’s on trial???
“So why don’t you catch him?” “Well, KD and I have been trying.” “But you keep failing. Doesn’t that bug you?” “Yes.” we always talk about Hen’s sass, but Ray has his snarky moments
AJSLKSLKJ JASPER BAD-MOUTHING KD AND HEN JUST STOPS DRINKING HIS DRINK AND IS LIKE, “One more time???” like, the pg version of “tf did you just say???”
“Just saying, I’d be way better at catching bad guys than KD.” “You couldn’t catch butt warts!!!!” Hen u couldn’t be anymore obvious if you tried aksljsjksjl 
“Why are you getting all mad?” “Because Jasper’s being unfair, and I think it’s unfair to criticize m--that...that KD guy when he’s probably doing the best he can. And people should be fair. Fairness. I’m pro-fair.” THAT’S RIGHT BB. U DEFEND YOURSELF. YOU ARE DOING YOUR BEST AND I AM PROUD OF U 
his lil pouty face after he gives his little speech is TOO CUTE
can I just say, once again, s1 Hen is the cutest thing ever 
@jace how were u this cute at 13??? I didn’t even look human when i was that age aksjlksj
Pipes blackmailing Jasp with that cup song video alksjslksj (no wonder her parents assumed it was her who was arrested in that xmas ep lolol)
“I NEVER DID THAT!!!! Why would I do that? I NEVER DID THAT!!!!”
Pipes just shoved Hen out the way to sit on the couch aksljslk
Henry didn’t put up much of a fight against Piper in these earlier eps (I mean, when does he ever anyway lol).
jasp....i love u...but...that video is really cringey....
Hen telling Pipes not to put the video on line :)))) my sweet son :)))))
Piper mocking Jasper in the video alkjlsk 
“Why does your watch beep like that?” “It means they need me at work....bye!” “Wait! It’s Sunday. Junk ‘n Stuff is closed on Sunday.” “Right....I better go tell the customers.” Henry you are a terrible liar
which is expected bc he’s sweet and a mess. not a combo that makes for a skilled liar alkjslkj
“There is something up with that boy.” YAS CHARLOTTE YAS my smart/observant daughter (tho hen does make it easy with his crap excuses lolol)
“I’m so tired.” “Oh, quit whining. It was only 4 miles.” “Yeah, 4 miles there and 4 miles back!” ajkjslk poor J
“Uuuggghhh I’m gonna die.” “NOT in the house! If you’re gonna die, do it outside!” Piper does not care. at all. 
so, what??? Char’s just been chillin in Hen’s room in the dark waiting for him to sneak back in??? lolol
poor hen had a mini heart attack ajklksj
Char clearly knows. she’s just asking all those questions to hear Hen’s bs lolol
“I like your shirt.” nice try hen. it’s not working, but nice try.
Char really covered all the bases. she called the store to see if Hen was really there. girl doesn’t mess around when she’s figuring something out. r.e.s.p.e.c.t.
“You wanna know the truth? I’m a jazz musician. I don’t tell a lot of people, but secretly, I play jazz. A-a-and the only time the jazz clubs are open is late at night.” Hen...who taught you how to lie????
God, P x H are such antipodes. You have one sibling who blackmails others with embarrassing secrets to get what they want and then you have the other sibling who can’t come up with a better lie than “I play jazz late at night” aksjslk
“That’s where I was---at a jazz club. Blowing jazz. On mah horn.” i love the way he says this lol
“That’s because YOU’RE Kid Danger!” and a hush falls over the room...
Hen, make as many weird noises and mock being KD all you want. It’s not working. aksjlskj
you know, even if Char wasn’t an uber smart cookie, hen makes it unbelievably easy to figure out
“Okay, this is really big, what I’m about to tell you.” “What? That you’re KD?” “Shuuut UUUuuuUUUpppp!” akljslkj
“I’m KD.” “I know. I figured that out.” CHARLOTTE YOU ARE MY QUEEN
“I swear I’m never gonna tell anyone.” “Thanks.” “Can I tell Jasper???” “Wha---NOOOOOO!!!!”
I love the way he says this in his lil 13 yr old squeaky voice aksjlsksj 
also Char wanting to include J from the get-go :’))))
Ray was so light and cheerful in this season. he’s all “Henry, I didn’t know you were working today. Did I butt-beep you???” whereas now he’s all “YoU cAn’T bE sIcK. yOu’Re ObViOuSlY lYiNg To Me!!!!” ugh
:(((( you can tell Hen is having a hard time telling Ray that Char knows
props to him tho. i would’ve put if off until it eventually just came out at the worst time possible jakjslskj
“Can I talk to you about something?” “Uhhhh....babies come from the baby store!!!” oh Ray
“What’d you tell her?” “That I am KD.” “Ohhhh.” “You’re not mad, are you?” “No, I’m not mad.” “Oh, good.” “You’re fired.” jkalsjlk RAY YOU DON’T KNOW HOW TERRIBLE HE IS AT LYING. IT WOULD’VE BEEN SO MUCH WORSE IF HE KEPT UP THE LIE
also Hen’s face is causing me pain. he’s so sad :((((
Ray’s being so serious....I’m not used to this. 
“When trust is broken, it can never be fixed.” “Yes it can!” “Read this fortune cookie.” “’When trust is broken, it can never be fixed’....” “Let’s not argue with the Chinese.” aksjslk 
also Ray is really that next level extra. he has fortune cookies to prove his point lolol a legend
Henry listening to jazz and downing a bottle of chocolate syrup alksjslk is this the pg version of drowning your woes in alcohol???
“You’re not gonna find the answer at the bottom of a bottle of chocolate.” *takes bottle away* *Hen takes out a second bottle* “I won’t know if I don’t look.” 
my poor bb. he really thinks he’s a lousy KD
klajdkl Henry singing a sad version of the cup song
they played a cheering sound effect while he sang omg
(I remember watching a vid where Jace said he doesn’t sing and it’s “probably for the best.” aksjslkjs)
classic pouty/depressed hen laying on his couch. :((((
it’s kind of playing tricks on my mind bc i remember when he did that after he couldn’t defeat Drex, but he looked SOOOO much older in that ep lolol
Jasp having to do Piper’s chores lol
“Henry, come to the Swellview Park right now.” “Nooooo. I’m not in the mood for trees.” jaklsj it be like that sometimes
Piper: “AHHHHH!!!! HEN-RYYYY!!!” Henry: *sighs like ‘here we go again’* akjslk
I LOVE THESE PIPER X HENRY INTERACTIONS (even if it’s her yelling at him lolol)
“Is that makeup on your face???” jokes on you, Hen. you’re all wearing makeup.
i love the faces Hen makes while Piper yells. they’re great
gotta hand it to Ella. she was really committed to this part
“To a club with mah gurlsss.” PIPER NO
“Club 11″ god can u imagine a whole place dedicated to 10-11 yr olds??? i have siblings that age and it’s the worst. possible. age. ever. 
I don’t even understand them most the time. you think i would be able to considering how in tune I am with my kid side, but the stuff they do/say/like is lost on me
sorry for that sidebar
okay, Piper has a fake ID??? a fake license, a fake ID. HOW R U AND HEN EVEN RELATED???
Hen’s out here fighting crime while his lil sis is committing them akljsslkj
I love Hen’s overall indifference??? Like, he’s just like “you better hope mom doesn’t find out” he’s not threatening to tell on her. he just like “not my problem”
even when she’s yelling at him he’s like “whatever. i gotta go.” ajlskjlk I love him
j now has blackmail of his own. oh, how the tables have turned. 
Char is so awesome. instead of just feeling bad about getting hen fired, she’s out her actively trying to help him out, and she’s not doing it for him. she’s just guiding him. she leaves all the redeeming to him. what a stand up character. wow. i lover her. 
wedding crashers chenry style aljksjsl
duh it looks like the phone shark, hen. HE HAS METAL TEETH.
“Now go do CM a favor and catch the phone shark.....Kid Danger.” I squealed. we love supportive bffs here
Hen’s got that pep back in his step 
“What up with the gum?” aksjlsklsj 
I thought Schwoz made the gum???? If he did, then how does Hen have a tube with his own gum for his costume??? Ray and Schwoz are estranged at this point in the show. Schwoz doesn’t even know Ray has a sidekick let alone who Hen is, so how??? does he??? have it????
are they trying to tell me Ray made it???
i love him, but no. 
maybe Gooch??? 
I don’t know
“In sickness and in health, in fitness and obesity, as long as you both can stand it.” these wedding vows are more accurate than the traditional ones, honestly
Henry. looks. so. cute. in. his. lil. costume. like. a. baby. duck. trying. to. be. a. superhero. :)))))
okay, so phone shark guy bites phones, but why??? like, does he eat them, or does he just enjoy biting them??
homeboy is looking at hen’s phone like it’s a whole snack....so he does eat them???
i need to know. 
“Mmmmmm gotta love that new phone smeeEEeeellll.” akjslkj jace was so goofy in the earlier seasons
Charlotte......y do u have binoculars??? this is all happening ten feet in front of you.....???
omg the phone shark spun hen and his feet clocked the bride in the face ajklsjlksj
yo wedding gifts are expensive af and Hen just made the phone shark wreck all of them lolol oops
omg Hen’s lil celebration dance is so cute :))))
he. gave. CM. all. the. credit. can. u. believe. my. son. is. such. a. good. person.
“It was really my boss, CM.” “Interesting. Can you tell us more?” “.....No....” lololol
Ray’s all “you gave me all the credit” in this awed voice DAWWWWWW
y is he suited up as CM tho???
“Well everyone’s been giving you a hard time about catching the phone shark. I figured I’d help you out.” YA’LL I AM SOBBING. THIS IS THE SWEETEST BOY.OL
“Uhhhhh excuse me? I’m the one who found the phone shark.” 
TELL. THEM. CHARLOTTE. Like, who are you to go giving credit??? I’m the one who found him???
Ray doing one of those full body groans that he always does. dramatique
“Charlotte, Charlotte, Charlotte. What am I going to do with you?” “I think it’s pretty obvious: give me a job here! You guys need me.” GIRL YOU DON’T KNOW THE HALF OF IT.
srsly how many times does Char save their a**es??? too many times to count. hiring her is one of the best things you’ll ever do, Ray.
Char explaining how she found the phone shark and making it clear how obvious her thought process was while Ray x Hen are just like “.....”
“I called some dentists...” “We should’ve called some dentist!” “We totally should’ve!” “Then I went online...” “We should’ve gone online!” “What is wrong with us???”
if it wasn’t obvious before that you need Char, is pretty obvious now. 
“Off to my cousin’s wedding. Hope they serve phones for dessert. LOL.” “She’s good.” “She is.” COME ON GUYS. I AGREE, CHAR IS GOOD, BUT HOW DO YOU NOT PIECE ALL THAT OBVIOUSNESS TOGETHER????
Honestly, Ray getting a younger sidekick makes the most sense to me because can u imagine Ray trying to navigate social media??? or going through the internet like char did??? or hacking into anything??? No.
dude needed some gen z kids to help him out with the modern world aljskljs
“She could really help us out around here.” YOU AIN’T LYING.
“Us???” “Oh, right....you fired me.” “Well you broke the oath.” he sounds like such a pouty manchild akjslkjskj
wow hen ur already on a first name basis with your boss
i don’t know why i’m just pointing this out
homeboy was calling him Ray within a few hours ajlkjsklsj
Hen was so happy when Ray hired him back :))))))
Char: “Cough cough cough.” lolol
“What are you going to do about Charlotte???” “UUUuuuuuUUUggggGGGhhhHHH well, she knows you’re KD. She knows who I am. She knows where the Man Cave is because you brought her down here!” I laughed so hard here. poor Hen was too excited about his job well done so he just took Char into their super secret hideout akljslk
“Sooooooo what does that mean?” “That we either have to kill you, erase your brain, or give you a job.”
“I vote job.” “We can really erase her brain???” “Dude!” cuties
“Alright, she can have a job here--” *C x H celebrate* “--IF--” *C x H jump* “--she can pass the pickle test.” *C x H share similar ‘tf???’ expressions* 
BORK!!! MY MAN!!!! (i just realized Gooch wasn’t in this one)
I wish they’d give Bork more of a role. :( they just have him kind of....grunt....and that’s all.
I do like in the green finger ep where he just dumps Ray out of the shopping cart though bc same jkajlskjl (Ray was being such a baby in that ep and I would’ve done the same)
“You have to prove you’re clever enough to work for CM.” “I found the phone shark.” “Well anyone could do that.” “Not you two.” “Well, you know what--” “Okay, let’s not go there.” aksjdlkj
not gonna lie, when Ray was like, “get the pickle out” the first thing I thought of--before Char did it--was to just break the jar alkjslksj great minds think alike, Char ;)))
“How much time does she have?” “Exactly five min--” *shatters the jar* “Here’s your pickle.”
“That was Bork’s favorite jar.” pfffff
“So, wait, is Charlotte hired???” “Yeah....yeah she’s hired.”
they’re little celebratory high-five was too. cute. 
i love my smol happy bbs
Henry being all excited to show her the tubes :)))))
“Hug me.” *side-eyes him* “Just trust meee.” CLASSIC CHENRY MOMENT AJLKSJLSKJ
Piper scrubbing J’s feet lolol that’s karma, P.
another wholesome episode that left me all smiley and happy :)))))
i love early Henry. he was such a little cutie who was excited about everything
there was some GREAT Char content this ep---she was one of the biggest parts
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prophetparadox · 7 years
Birds of a Feather Chapter 7: Chasing Feathers (A Prompto x OC Soulmate AU)
Chapter 6 <-/AO3/-> Chapter 8
Word count: 1,575
Ahhhhh, this chapter is so short but I just couldn’t get the last scene to work how I wanted it to so I cut it out. No point keeping something in when it isn’t working out the way you want it to. But hopefully this chapter is still enjoyable. And it looks like we’re finally making some progress, so yay! And if nothing else I got the Noctis and Katia moment going for me here. Not much else I have to say about this chapter, but the next chapter is gonna be fun for me and all you guys are gonna be pissed. 8D
Tagging @themissimmortal, @blindbae, @cupnoodle-queen, @nifwrites, @takuahijackedthetardis, @lunarlapin, and @mini-moogle-queen. Let me know if you want to be tagged in future updates!
"Ugh, I am so tired of fighting right now!" Katia shouted, aches and pains from their recent battle going through her body. Many days had passed since their meeting with Ardyn, or rather Chancellor Izunia of Niflheim as it turned out, and Noctis had received the blessing from Titan. But instead of moving on or heading back to Lestallum, they were stuck in the raining wetlands of Duscae with no car, waiting to hear news of its whereabouts. At least they'd been given a task in the meantime, but that required them to travel throughout the region on foot, fighting anything that managed to come across them. Including many MTs. It was just one battle after another it seemed. "Tell me that camp is nearby, I could really go for camping right now."
"It is getting rather late, Noct. Perhaps we should put our search on hold for now and get some rest." Ignis suggested.
"Yeah, sure." Noctis agreed. Katia let out a sigh of relief. Never in her life was she so glad to be camping.
"Looks like there's a haven right over there," Gladio gestured to a spot in the trees. "And it's not too far from that cave we need to go to, so we can hurry over there once we're well rested."
"Sounds like a plan to me! Now let's go, I'm starving!" Prompto said.
The five of them hopped on the chocobos they'd rented, making their way over to the haven. "Man, it'll be nice to have somewhere to sleep," Katia said. "I don't know why, but lately I've been feeling more beat up after battle."
"I've been feeling the same," Prompto added. "Maybe we're just dealing with tougher stuff than usual?"
"Or maybe it's because just about everything is trying to kill us. Doesn't help that the Empire's been on our backs too," Katia said. "Not that I mind too much, taking down MTs is kinda satisfying in a way. I just don't wanna fight when I feel like a truck just ran me over."
"It'll be nice to have the car back, that's for sure." Noctis said, saying what his two best friends were thinking.
"Hey, if anyone can find the Regalia, it'll be Cindy. She's got a knack for this kind of thing." Prompto said.
The uneasiness returned to Katia just as it did before. It seemed like Prompto couldn't stop talking about Cindy lately, singing her praises or getting teased by Gladio about her. She just didn't understand why this was bothering her so much. Prompto and Cindy were just friends, that's what she kept telling herself, but the more he spoke of her the more she felt like her wrist was burning. She had to figure out just what was wrong with her, why she felt like this.
She looked over at Noctis, getting off of his chocobo as they made it to the haven. Noct had always been her other source of advice, whenever there was some issue she felt she couldn't bring up with Prompto she'd always ask him. Whether his advice was helpful or not was one thing, but right now she had no one else to turn to. She had to talk to him, but she needed to be alone with him.
After eating another one of Ignis' meals and the others had headed in for the night, Katia found Noctis sitting by the fire. This was perfect, she already thought of a good method to get him to be alone with her, now she just needed to ask.
"Hey Noct!" she called out, piquing the prince's attention. "So I need to look for something around this area, and I really need your help. But we need to wake up bright and early to do it, the others can't know about it. You mind helping me out?" She wasn't lying, she did need to do this, but the task was more of a cover for what she really had in mind.
Noct stood there in thought for a moment before smiling. "Yeah, okay. What're friends for?"
"Thanks Noct, you're a lifesaver! See ya in the morning!"
Katia stood out in the rain, it seemed like it wouldn't let up, waiting for Noctis to wake up. Then again, she'd dragged herself up earlier than usual. Noct taking a while was expected. He had a harder time waking up than she did, and she was well aware of that. After ten minutes, Noct finally woke up and was ready as he'd ever be. "Alright, so what're we looking for?" he asked.
Katia jumped up, a hopefully convincing smile on her face. "Black chocobo feathers!"
"Huh? What'd you need those for?"
"Sorry Noct, that's classified information. All that's important is that I find black chocobo feathers."
"And how are we supposed to find them? Aren't black chocobos rare or something?"
"Yep, but by a stroke of luck, I happened to see one wandering around here while we were setting up camp! Which means some of it's feathers must be lying around here somewhere. If we can find them, that'd be super awesome!" It was the perfect plan. She was glad she saw that chocobo when she did, otherwise who knows how she'd get Noct to wake up early? This way, she could get the feathers she needed and ask Noct for his advice. Now it was just an issue of when to ask him.
Noctis raised an eyebrow, but didn't otherwise question her. "Alright, so where are they?"
"The feathers should be near those trees. That's where I saw the black chocobo. We just need to look over there and find what we can. Hopefully there's at least one or two lying around. If you find any, just holler to me and I'll come check them. Now let's stop talking, and get moving!"
The two walked over to where she'd seen the chocobo last night, Katia thinking about how she'd bring this up. She didn't want to sound like a clingy, jealous friend, but she wasn't sure how else she could do this. It was times like this that she cursed her way with words. She began to search for the feathers, assuming Noct was already doing the same. A few minutes of silence passed before he finally spoke.
"Alright Katia, we both know you didn't just call me out here to look for chocobo feathers. What's eating at you?"
Dammit, he was too smart for his own good. Of course he'd figure out there was an ulterior motive. Katia sighed before speaking. "Looks like I've been found out. But yeah, I needed to talk to you alone."
"Let me guess, it has to do with Prompto talking about Cindy doesn't it?"
"Okay, how did you know that? Are you a mind reader now? Are the Astrals giving you psychic powers or something?"
"Nope, it's just easy for me to figure out. I notice how you get when he starts talking about Cindy. You get all quiet and have this hurt puppy look on your face."
"It's that obvious?"
"Yeah, at least to me. So what's wrong?"
"That's the thing, Noct. I don't know what's wrong. Me and Prom are best friends, it feels like he gets me like no one else does if that makes any sense. And I thought that me and him were always gonna be best friends, and you of course. But now he spends most of his time talking about Cindy, and it hurts. I don't know why it hurts, and it feels stupid that it does. And I just don't know what to do, or why it feels like this. I'm not a bad person for thinking this way, am I? Because I want him to be happy, but this just feels weird."
There was silence. Noctis was probably thinking things over. Katia went back to looking for feathers, waiting for his response, when she suddenly felt a hand on her shoulder. She turned her head to see him standing there, what she guessed was supposed to be a reassuring smile on his face.
"Look, I'm not sure I can tell you exactly what's wrong here, but let me just ask you something. Have you ever put thought into how you feel about Prompto? Like, seriously thought about it?"
She didn't know how to respond. What kind of a question was that? She was about to rebut him, saying that of course she knew, but then it dawned on her that she never really did. She'd always seen Prompto as her best friend, and assumed that was how he saw her. But was that really the case? "I...I don't know..."
Noctis stood back up, helping Katia get off the ground as well. "In that case, maybe you should. Maybe you'll figure something out. And that might lead to the answers you're looking for," He put four black feathers in her hand. "Let me know when you figure it out. Hope these feathers are the kind you're looking for. See you back at camp." With that, he made his way back, leaving Katia to stand there and think.
How she felt about Prompto? She thought that was an easy question to answer. But was it really? She looked at the feathers, noting they were in perfect condition and undamaged. Just what she needed. She put them in her pocket, and ran up to get caught up with Noctis.
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