#and i want to write 3k on how queer unity and rick are together
ifidieinacage · 3 years
i just love the concept of Unity you know, and how straight forward Rick is with it. like, hey kids this is grandpa's ex, Unity, it's a hivemind alien who rocks my singlemind. and he and summer like, never stumble over it's pronouns even if summer doesn't understand it at all at first
and i love how Unity is executed, from a writing standpoint. like obviously it doesn't need to use a single voice or body to communicate but it does out of accommodation of its guests, but it also is so fluid among its different bodies, picking up conversations from one extension to another and rick just really fluidly goes along with it.
like, one, what a representation of adhd, because yeah but two it really fits in with rick's whole nihilism theme that he is presenting at this time. he is really going hard on the 'no one matters because nothing is unique' and that fits with how easily he interacts with Unity's different extensions and hosts without getting hung up on a specific body or iteration
also i love the fact that Unity still carries a torch for rick... like, it inhabits a species with cool-toned hair, but still manages to front the red-headed ones most often for rick's benefit. like, unity straight up found a host planet that most catered to rick's kinks. that's fucked up, but like,,,,, romantic.
like, what knows more intimately that free will is a joke, that a single person matters very little in the face of reality, that despite that it's so, so easy to get hung up on connections and relationships than a hivemind. Unity is a perfect compliment to Rick. it's alien and cold and uncaring on the surface but holds a much deeper empathy and care than you'd first expect.
i love that rick says that unity isn't into other hiveminds, i love that he feels special that he could keep up with an entire hivemind, being single minded. that he could project his hangups on connecting with a single person onto unity who he thought couldn't connect to other hiveminds. i love that he's jealous of the borg-stand in, that he's doesn't like Unity leaning on the borg-hivemind because Rick isn't capable of that kind of support and empathy and emotion yet. that he can't imagine something being capable of that without ulterior motives.
i love that unity is afraid of falling into rick's cult of personality, that he's so charismatic that it fears not being able to separate itself from him, when that's it's whole thing. like, unity should just consume rick into itself but it doesn't because rick is special to it... like did the writers even think about this before they wrote it because HOLY SHIT
these are cycles and it's fantastic....
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