#and i would have to draw more sprites... nah not for an experiment lol
fisherrprince · 2 years
check out this cool thing i made
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sassytimemachine · 7 years
I was tagged by the amazing
Thanks Cas!
Rules: answer these 85 statements & tag 20 people
the last:
1. drink: Coffee?
2. phone call: Lemme check. I called my grandfather.
3. text message: National Emergency Comission warning everyone to be beware of rain, lmao told you we’re turning Altantis.
4. song:
5. time you cried: Uh, a few days ago.
have you ever:
6. dated someone twice: Nah, what?
7. kissed someone and regretted it: Yeah.
8. been cheated on: Nah.
9. lost someone special: Well not in the romantic sense if that’s what you mean. But otherwise yeah.
10. been depressed: Yeah
11. gotten drunk and thrown up: No, have never get drunk in fact. Ironically dad owns a bar, and I work at a liqueur store.
favorite colors:
12. Silver and Gold (yeah I know that’s two. Specially in pens or pilots, they’re so nice and magical)
13. Red
14. Purple
15. Yellow? I also like black shirts.
16. Tornasol? Lol I was once told my soul was that color, and that’s not even a color, but I loved it.
in the last year have you:
17. laughed until you cried: Yeah, can’t remember why but definetly.
18. found out someone was talking about you: Maybe.
19. met someone who changed you: Well, not drastically, more like people involved in experiences that gradually change you.
20. found out who your friends are: Hm, I think so.
21. kissed someone on your facebook list: Nah, I haven’t kissed anyone since I was like sixteen lmao.
22. made friends: Oh I think I became friends with Pri last year, so definetly!
23. fallen out of love: Nah
25. what did you do for your last birthday: I didn’t wanted a celebration, but I got like five. I went to drink coffee with Ma to a nice place the day before, tried out the Creme Brulé which wasn’t bad but definetly not worth the price. Also ate Baileys cake which was awesome. Dad took my siblings and me to eat Thai Food. And a few days later my friends threw me a sleepover, we ate chinese, watched movies and they made me a cake with a little edible figure of my kitty.
26. how many of your facebook friends do you know in real life: Most of them.
27. do you have any pets: Yeah. Mamoshka a fierce nice kitty and a tortoise, Matildo. I’m very sad to inform that Luna (my fifteen year old cat) never returned home. :(
28. what time did you wake up: Ugh like ten, but that’s unusual.
29. what were you doing at midnight last night: I was on the internet.
30. name something you can’t wait for: Finishing my thesis ugh!
31: what are you listening to right now: cars pass by?
32: have you ever talked to a person named tom: Not that I remember.
33: something that’s getting on your nerves: The thesis. >:(
34. do you want to change your name: Not particularly.
35. hair color: Purple and a bit brown
36. long or short hair: Long, not super long though.
37. piercings: Nah. Ears count?
38. tattoos: Nope.
39. blood type: A+
40. nicknames: Mer, Merce, Mee, Meche, Cosi, Co. I really like Co, usually just called that by family that loves me though, but feel free to use it.
41. relationship status: Single
42. zodiac: Taurus
43. pronouns: I’m okay with anything. They/Them usually.
44. most visited website: Tumblr? Youtube?
45. right or left handed: Right-handed.
46. surgeries: Yeah, I opened my head once.
47. sports: No, though got a soccer group, lets see how that plays out.
48. favorite tv show: Uh, idk, I really like cooking shows, and comptetive shows. So top chef, bake off, and all of those are my jam.
49. vacations: I wish to be in the mountain or something.
50. sneakers: This made me think in snickers. I’ll really like a chocolate rn.
more general:
52. eating: This is so vague. Haha. Yeah man I eat.
53. fave drink: Coffee? Lemonade otherwise? Sprite if it’s soda.
54. what you’re up to: Gotta do some homework.
55. waiting for: Divine inspiration to start my homework?
56. want: Coffee, and something sweet.
57. get married: I don’t want to get married ever, don’t believe in it for me.
58. career: Oh man, I’m a Social Worker, and also working towards being an Anthropologist, idk.
which is better:
60. hugs or kisses: Hugs? I’m not very physical, but I do like them when it’s people I’m close with.
61. lips or eyes: Eyes
62. shorter or taller: It depends on what, if it’s a cake I’ll imagine taller, if it’s an attacking bear then probably shorter.
63. older or younger: What? People?
64. nice arms or stomach: What hahaha, idk ill like to draw nice stomachs and arms.
65. hook up or relationship: Relationships, i’m likely aro/ ace , so definetly hook ups are not my thing. But I can see the charm in them.
66. troublemaker or hesitant: Who? Me? Other people?
have you ever:
67. kissed a stranger: No.
68. drank hard liquor: I think so? As I said, dad owns a bar and a casino, and he’s very educated when it cames to liquor, and he has tried to educate me, so yeah I’ve tasted lots of stuff. Never quite drank it though. When I drink is usually smirnoff or mohito or some sweet shit.
69. lost glasses/contacts: So many times.
70. turned someone down: Yeah.
71. sex on the first date: Nah.
72. broken someone’s heart: I think so.
73. had your heart broken: Romantically? No. Otherwise, yeah.
74. been arrested: No haha
75. cried when someone died: Yeah, try not to in front of others though.
76. fallen for a friend: No.
do you believe in:
77. yourself: I’m with Cas here, lol, pretty sure I exist. Then I think.
78. miracles: I'm not sure.
79. love at first sight: No, I think love is something you build. That’s why I didn’t liked Marius and Cosette’s part first time I saw Les Mis.
80. santa claus: No lol, well, I mean, I think there was a dude that might’ve started the whole leyend, but the figure? No.
81. kiss on the first date: Wtf, I mean if they want to go for it.
82. angels: Not quite.
83. current best friend’s name(s): Idk man, I’ve not been very close to my friends latetly. Kris, if who I’ve always called best friend, but we hardly ever speak or see each other.. Also maybe Yoshi*, Fabi, Shir, the squad you know?
Santiago, but idk if best friend is the word we would use, he’s more like the friend that comes uninvited whether I’m home or not, and calls my mom Ma.
*Special mention to thesis partner, it’s like training to drive a jagger.
84. eye color: Brown
85. favorite movie: Pan’s laberynth? How to train your dragon? Fifth element?
If they want to do it I’m tagging idk, not twenty probably lmao  @draco-rys​ @montparnasse-the-arse​ @actualplanetpluto​ @sunny-day-sky​ @just-a-colour-bandit​ @bahorelly​
@todaysgonebi​ @courfeyracs-swordcane​ @courf-the-goof​ @aflamethatneverdies​ @soliloquies-and-sweets​
idk I’m surerly missing people.Feel tagged by me if you want to do it!
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