#and i'll be helping ppl who have other needs by connecting them to other resources in the community
marmett · 3 months
my current temp part time job has been fine, second best job ive ever had. but i am so glad to be putting in my notice today. esp after yesterday ;_;
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trans-leek-cookie · 1 month
the thingw the orcs in dunmeshi is sth i skirt around bc like u said it is. not a great modern take on orcs. obv not the worst it could be and kui at least did engage w trying to write a more involved lore on them rather than just having this be the same “orcs are big uncivilized brutes” version 8000000 but that element is still there. and i do think “its not the worst” is hardly what i would want to set my highest expectations to jdhdgksgd
tumblrs being a bitch n not letting me put images in so I'll just paste the text from the other ask
Nodding. ty for the info on the ways halfling racism can be compared to irl examples in “the middle east” like that rly is such a close comparison i wonder if it was at all intentional… AND FR on the whole . wishing we knew what they called themselves bc the “halfling” “half foot” thing i rly cant help but think abt how it feels like irl examples of certain groups being denigrated to category slurs its like. LOL. dunmeshi makinh me feel party to fictional racism and microaggressions against my will...
Idk Abt skirting around bc I think it's smthn we should face head on, but at the same time I'm not in a place where I can really add onto the discussion wrt orcs as a white/East Asian person. IIRC ppl have said tolkiens orcs are black and/or central Asian (Mongolian I believe) coded, which is meaningful cause he's influenced so much of modern fantasy, and thats. Y'know. Not great. Also the orcs in dungeon Meshi are essentially an indigenous group from what I remember so that's also a whole mess. Again, my opinions arent very meaningful when it comes to this, but I feel like it's incredibly disappointing to see an author who's clearly capable of nuanced and interesting commentary on racism in the context of real life and fiction (even if it's not always great it's clear she's thinking about it in some depth) really just. Fall back on tropes. Bc for the other races - human is a wider category than usual, tall men aren't always the Everyman, elves are long lived but that doesn't make them wiser, and halflings are mature, worldly and resourceful, which I feel like does a lot to break free of typical fantasy pigeon holeing. But the orcs are just sorta... The Bad Guy but Not That Bad I guess? Theoretically it's a departure from the "super evil forever no exceptions" idea of the but it's still so far behind what needs to be done to make it less of a lazy, racist trope.
Yeah, again I'm not west Asian or Arab like I said, but between reading stuff ppl online write n talking to my Iraqi friend + rereading dungeon Meshi and really trying to analyze it, it kinda stood out to me. I will say I was a little unconfident posting about it bc it's 3 things (4 if you count the name note) but theyre still really notable at least to me. The hand/foot cutting is I feel the most explicit? Because that's such a fucked up stereotype it just stands out immediately. I don't necessarily know if the half foot/middle east connection was intentional, because I assume Japan/Asia in general has a different relationship with West Asia (since they are the "far east" in comparison, so "Middle East" wouldnt really make sense?), but it could be one of those things that colonialism managed to spread. I'm not very knowledgeable about that, but even if it wasn't intentional I think it's a very interesting parallel in how language can be used to categorize people as "normal/other". So i can't say if its intentional or not, but it's definitely an interesting lens to consider the story thru. Id also say I believe halflings are said to be native to a place that's east from where the story takes place, but not the eastern continent (which is p much easy Asia). I've seen some ppl take this to mean eastern Europe, and I don't think that's wrong, but I think u could also think of it as west Asia? Idk if we ever got much info on it in story, so I might be missing some details. (Honestly I'd personally HC that halflings are generally mixed Eastern European/West Asian- not to conflate the two, but rather Im imaging the majority of them are in a kinda blended culture).
#Talking Abt my Iraqi friend again- they're not into Dungeon Meshi but I did chat w them bc I was interested in if they had any thoughts#Abt my conclusions wrt halflings marginalization resembling the way Arabs r stereotyped and they did agree w me on the stuff I brought up#But they're just one person (and my friend) so if any Arabs/West Asians disagree w me Id prob defer to their judgement on the matter#I will say half lings aren't one to one w arab stereotypes bc the ones my friend complained Abt a lot are gender related#(eg. The idea of the violent Arab man and the eternally victimized Arab woman) and those among others aren't really present#As stereotypes about half lings (besides stealing the big one is infantilization which I'd say reminds me of how east Asians are often#Treated by being either fetishized or desexualized bc of their ''youthful appearance''. I specify east Asians bc that's what I'm familiar#With and I don't want to make assumptions Abt other Asians experiences or wrongfully generalize#Anyway I won't lie I initially went in to my reread (besides just wanting to experience the story again) wondering if I could argue#Chilchuck was east Asian and while there's some stuff (mainly infantilization and potentially the money stuff) I realized their#Marginalization resembled Arab ppls marginalization more at least from my perspective#So yea. Again not any sort of authority on the topic but once I noticed I couldn't stop thinking Abt it and now I've typed a lot of words
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spidersbane · 3 years
Hey , I was wondering if u still do HP ships (if yes , cud u pls do a male HP ship for me ? Thanks!) Well actually , I am a mix of Gryffindor and Slytherin , I have black hairs , brown eyes . I m 5'4.
Firstly , I m an extrovert . I love reading novels and I get attracted to unusual / taboo things a lot . I m very curious and eccentric . I am also quite rebellious and have frequent debates with my close ones . I stand up for the right . I m not much a big fan of rules (incase they are stupid , mostly they are..) . I can a bit shy (in front of boys sometimes) at first but once comfortable I can't stop talking . I am quite a practical person . Also , I am quite ambitious . I have many hobbies like dancing , reading , horseriding , researching , etc .
People usually tell me that I don't talk much . I m very honest and very loyal . I m very helpful and kind too . But I can be over - critical(of ones I care) and very suspicious (of everyone) . I can also vengeful . I may forgive my close ones but I'll never forget (I don't hold grudges tho) . I love excitement and adventure . I want someone who can take me on sudden late night camps . I also love brain stimulating situations . I am resourceful and my friends always come to me for advice. I don't have much problem in deciding . I can be insecure so I need someone to reassure me . I also tend to overthink a lot sometimes . I have a habit of googling everything that I want to know or if it's being talked about and I am clueless . I also have many ideas running through my mind constantly and I have trouble sleeping early at night. I don't like getting up early , but I dont hate it since it drags me back to my daily timetable . I can get annoyed or angry very easily. I tend to somewhat procrastinate about things I don't enjoy doing . But if I enjoy doing something I won't hesitate in hardworking . I m caring , protective of my loved ones and a good speaker (avg listener too) .I don't need someone who'll protect me , I feel I m capable but I need someone who'll be with me all the time . I also love it if they get jealous sometimes . I am also appreciated for my sense of humour. I tend to be the one who won't give attention to the ones who seek it . Also , my friends tell me that I come out to be quite unique . I am very independent and I don't commit easily or trust easily (I take my own sweet time) . My sun sign is Virgo if that helps 😅
Lol , I kept going with the flow . I hope it's not too much for u . But anyways , tysm for u time :)
hi sweet anon ! thank you for being so patient w me while i worked on this. i'm finally back into the groove of things and churning these out like nobody's business lol. but thanks for sending in a request, it's absolutely not too much info (bc i love learning about you guys!) and I hope you enjoy !
For Harry Potter (Marauders Era) - I ship you with Remus Lupin !
my softest boi Lupin, I adore him, and I have a suspicion that he'd adore you too !
so first, I love the idea of introvert/extrovert relationships, friendships, etc. and I think they make lovely pairs, so there's that going for y'all. second, Remus is incredibly intelligent and also needs someone who can keep up with him intellectually, plus, he's always looking for some new thing to be learning. so now, y'all just get to be learning new things together ! study dates !
on protectiveness and reassurance - Remus gets typecast as the wet-blanket friend, but I don't think this fits him. he cares deeply about the people he loves, and is willing to get into shenanigans w them. but it doesn't mean he coddles them. he's just there in a way that any friend should be. so with you, he wouldn't try to smother you, and in his own ways, he'll need his own reassurance! but as long as there are boundaries about what's reassurance and when it's constricting, then it'll balance nicely
you and Remus both vibe together on the fact that you're suspicious of ppl you don't know, and it can take you both a wile to potentially open up to each other. but once he realizes you can accept him for his condition, and that he can accept you for who you are, then it'll be a very secure relationship
also tell me you wouldn't love to take Remus dancing :)
For Harry Potter (Golden Era) - I ship you with George Weasley !
can we just start with rebelliousness and eccentric hobbies ? George is a little more reserved than Fred, but it doesn't diminish his part in pranks at all, and with another rebellious (and practical) mind added to the mix, it's a new trio to watch out for lol
from this, George LOVES excitement and adventure, and it's smth he absolutely thrives on, so he needs someone who can keep up with him and join in; and he'd love to learn about your hobbies, and try to get into them as a way for him to do smth new, but mostly as a way to try and connect w you !
this lil bit of contrast is nice, where you love learning about so many new things and want to be as informed as you can. we don't get to se George caring a whole lot about certain topics, but that doesn't mean he wouldn't give you his absolute attention if you started telling him about a new thing that you learned! and if he can't completely understand it, he's still happy you're out there learning about it anyways
there's like one potential issue tho - George is nothing short of an attention-seeker. although it may sound harsh, he knew that pranks w Fred and being pretty outlandish would get him some attention. but, it helps ppl see him. so between the both of you, it might take a little work, but if you could look past the bravado, you'd find a guy who just genuinely wants to be appreciated and totally seen for who he really is
overall, George might take some getting used to, and it might take some time to really learn how to be around each other as friends, then as partners, but with some open communication, it's totally doable
also George dancing, hello ?? cutest thing ever :)
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tswatch · 7 years
I was ra*** over a year ago and still struggle with sexual things. My boyfriend and I dated for just shy of 6 months and he broke up with me because "we want different things" I found out he told ppl it was because I didn't have sex w him. I didn't. I had panic attacks every time he tried, I got so much anxiety I actually gave myself a fever. I told him there was a reason why, and he said he could wait for me. I'm afraid i'll never find a person who will understand. - Michie
Hi love, sorry for the late response!
First off, I want to say that I’m so sorry you’re going through all of this. I’m so sorry that you were sexually assaulted. I want you to know that you didn’t deserve that and it was not your fault, okay? No matter what.
It’s completely understandable that you would still struggle with sexual things. A year might seem like a long time, but when it comes to coping with trauma, a year really isn’t that long. Healing is often a slow, gradual process. A year is still fairly fresh, and it’s completely understandable that what happened is still having a profound effect on you. It’s also very common for victims of sexual assault to struggle with intimacy. Have you ever considered joining a support group for victims of sexual assault? It might help you to talk to other people who can relate to what you are going through.
I’m so sorry that your boyfriend broke up with you for that reason. That’s awful, and must’ve made you feel terrible. It’s also awful that he lied to you about his reason for breaking up with you. Even though it would’ve hurt to hear, he should’ve been honest with you, rather than telling you one thing and then telling everybody else something else behind your back. If you don’t mind me asking, did your boyfriend know that you were sexually assaulted? You mentioned that you told him there was a reason why you were abstaining, but I’m just curious if he knew the exact reason why.
There are people that will understand, love. It sounds like your ex-boyfriend has a high libido, and for somebody with a high libido, it might be hard for them to wait. That doesn’t necessarily make him a bad person. It just means that you two aren’t compatible at this time; that’s neither your fault nor his fault. Everybody has different libidos, and there are people out there who just don’t have an interest in sexual things at all. There are other people like you who have been traumatized, and because of that, don’t want to engage in sexual activity. There are people who value love more than they value sex. There are people who enjoy sexual things, but are willing to be patient as you work through what happened. You will be able to find one of these people, it might just take some trial and error.
I think the best thing you can do is seek professional help for what you’re going through. I’m not a professional so I can’t diagnose you, but it sounds like you have PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder). PTSD is a very real and serious mental disorder, and really requires professional help. Are you currently seeing a psychologist, therapist, or psychiatrist? They are all trained in helping people cope with trauma, and I think they could really help you overcome these panic attacks and anxiety you are having surrounding sexual things.
I really encourage you to talk to someone about what happened, especially someone trained in sexual assault, rape, and domestic violence. Could you look into this organization? https://rainn.org/
They have a lot of good resources, including a confidential hotline (https://rainn.org/get-help/national-sexual-assault-hotline) and or online chat (https://ohl.rainn.org/online/). I really think you should talk to them about what’s going on so they can give you some suggestions and maybe connect you to resources in your area. Please reach out for the help you need and deserve!
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