#and i'll protect booker no matter what
elleventhsense · 1 year
Working at an agency
It is bullshit when people say being part of an agency means you get a network of people. That is not really true.
Agencies do not screen
Agencies leverage volume. They don't care to screen because that would mean turning down clients. If you get paired with someone who wants to hurt you, there is absolutely nothing your driver or booker can do. I remember on my last call, my driver told me that one of the other girls at the agencies was held captive by her client in a basement. He threatened to hurt her and my driver had to break into the client's house. Imagine if it was too late. Nothing like that ever happened to me thankfully, but this is what happens when you do not screen. Screening isn't 100%, but you are mitigating the risk of seeing nutcases.
Also, agency clients are trash. I remember breaking the news to some of my "cherished" regulars and they scoffed in my face hearing that I'd be screening new clients once I went independent. He was one of my favourite regulars, it's unfortunate that I'll look back at him so poorly now. I hope he gets robbed. ❤️
The network was a sham
The people around me didn't really care about or respect me. I'm primarily speaking about the drivers who would take me from call to call, but also the owner (who never responded to my goodbye message to her lol. But we won't get into that today).
I tried my best to present myself as a kind and respectful person, someone who had hobbies outside of work and a good head on my shoulders. I wanted to set an example, and show them that we are normal people! We are just like everyone else and this is just a job! But that didn't seem to matter. No matter what terms I was on with any of my drivers, I couldn't shake past this scarlet letter. At the end of the day, all they saw me for was an escort.
I remember one driver and I grabbed a bite to eat in between a large gap of my bookings. He was talking about his daughter and her aspirations in life. He asked me if I had an exit plan and said "No little girl grows up and wishes she could be an escort". He didn't say it in a way to insult me, but I was still deeply offended. In that moment I knew I couldn't be too comfortable around him. I felt judged.
This seemed to be a common trend amonst the drivers at my agency. They always proved to me in little ways that they saw me as a second class citizen.
One time, a different driver made a crude hooker joke and immediately apologized when he remembered he was in the presence of one. The same man asked me out for dinner. He also proposed being my client once I left the agency, 'as there wouldn't be a conflict of interest anymore'.
Another driver told me that he didn't believe that an escort could have a partner that truly loved and supported them. He believed that an escort's partner is either using them or doesn't care about them.
Now these are only a few instances. If these are thoughts that they were comfortable enough to share with me, I can't imagine what they didn't say. Let me remind you, these are coming from people within my circle at the agency. I relied on these men to protect me. As grim as it sounds, how how much could they really value my life if they saw me in such a one-dimensional way? At the end of the day I was just a hooker to them, right?
In summary, I really won't be missing the network of people I had at the agency 🙂
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legoilas · 4 years
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the old guard meme: one/two friendship pairings you and me, book. now and always.
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prof-peach · 2 years
Is Val a regular Kantonian Vulpix? Because she displays far too powerful psychic abilities to be pure fire type to me. A fire/psychic variant maybe?
We've tested her, she seems to poses no other strange genetic mix that would suggest she's a variant. She is however not from Kanto, she was found and caught in Sinnoh, so perhaps theres something to it, she otherwise looks like a regular Vulpix, no adaptions or unusual changes save for a messier coat. We chalk her appearance up to not evolving, she's putting that energy into growing her physical self, hence the more...feral look to her. Same with Booker (teddiursa) the energy goes to other things when pokemon don't evolve. While variants and hybrids are the easiest way to achieve unusual power sets or skills, plenty of pokemon show an adaptability for skills often overlooked. Due to how we work with her, how I trained her, and how she felt most comfortable working, she's become very adept. This is not to say she does not use fire moves, its just usually not her go-to. She's used her psychic skills to aid me for a long time now too, so it's become a tactic she's fluid with, very familiar, complete second nature. The dex was wrong about the Vulpix line and I'll take it to my grave. They're dual psychic types, through and through, I'll argue it all day and night. Val admittedly has worked very hard at that and has pushed it a step further than the average sure, but all vulpix have this skillset, it's just often ignored in favour of the more flashy fire power. Kids catch them and think 'oh neat a fire type' and don't explore the other aspects of the species very far unless it benefits them in the gym circuit, a short sighted reason. We've bonded for a long time, she draws strength from me, and vice versa, if the trainer is tough, is confident and capable, the pokemon follows suit. This is even more the case with Psychic types, who have a link to those they are closest too. I don't have to tell her commands anymore if we're doing something stealthy, she just knows, looks in my brain and sees the plan. If i'm feeling an emotion, she feels it too, and vice versa. So closely linked now if she's alerted to a sound or energy, the hairs on the back of my neck stand up, I feel it too. She's unusual yes, but its not out of the question for the species, not in the slightest. I do wonder if she pushed herself down that route to help me sometimes, an adaption to her living situations perhaps. She keeps other psychic types out of my head like a mental barrier, and her shielding skills are top notch, enough to protect people from powerful blasts without a second thought, doesn't even break a sweat anymore, its why the dragons here don't mess with her anymore, she doesn't even retain the typical vulpix personality, they often flee and slink to the shadows to collect themselves before an attack, an elusive, evasive species, and often lean more into the timid type than most. Perhaps she picked my personality up over the years, maybe this is her own and we just sync up well, i'm not sure. She's just, extraordinary, always surprises me. There probably wont ever be a clear answer as to why, but I will say she's put mountains of work in, every day we train, every day she's out there putting the hours in even if I get caught up in the lab. Never knows a pokemon with so much tenacity. Doesn't matter what type a dex says she is, it's wrong, cant see her do the things she does and not think it.
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Falling - III - How You've Realized You've Fallen and It's Too Late To Go Back
A story I had in my WIP for the last few months and in my head since seeing the Old Guard.
Booker x Female Reader!with a sister
Warnings: Throughout the story mention of depressive behaviour, endangerment of others and one self, SMUT! 18+ DO NOT READ THIS. This is the FINAL PART. I'll consider writing more for this if I ever get inspiration to strike, but for the time being it's the last one.
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He sought your care
You took it upon yourself to go take a coffee in that little shop every other week. Not even once after that first time you touched each other again.
It was a taboo you both silently agreed on. Him because he thought he would break you, you because you thought that you were afraid of what this man could do to you.
It only made things worse.
Way, way, worse.
The tension between the two was so palpable that your sister started poking sticks in it just for fun. He would sometimes pick you up from your apartment, and she’d be opening the door with innuendos barely covered through a thin veil of sarcasm.
It was hell. She was making it very uncomfortable and you could not find it in yourself to keep apologizing to Booker every time she did that. After a while, he only rolled his eyes at her antics.
He enjoyed spending time with you, exchanging about books and literature. He was surprised to learn that a doctor could be so well-read.
“My Mom was sick for a long time when I was in college. The first year I had literature as a major. The second year I switched and restarted in medicine instead. She died a little before my graduation.”
He never mentioned it again, silently voicing the shared grief he felt by deeply looking into your eyes. You thought it would burn you whole if he ever touched you again.
One afternoon, you decided to stay in your apartment. Just because it was pouring outside and you did not feel like going out. Booker seemed to agree with you so you prepared coffee and tea and put them on the coffee table, turning halfway so you could see him sitting next to you on the couch.
He was caressing the edges of the cup without drinking from it.
“Something the matter?”
Your voice startled him.
“No. Nothing.”
You take a sip of your tea before putting your cup back down on the table.
“Are you sure? You seem… - I’m sure.”
His tone was dry and left a bruise right through you. He leaned back an arm outstretched on the back of the couch. He ran a hand over his mouth, seemingly thinking about what he had just done.
“Sorry. I shouldn’t have snapped at you. It wasn’t fair of me…”
You reached out for his hand but he pulled it out of your reach.
“I… I can’t do this anymore. - What do you mean? - We can’t keep seeing each other.”
Your blood heats up in your veins. You put your glasses away, as it kept falling off your nose.
“Why? Did I do something? - No. Absolutely not. It’s just… The way this is going… It can’t go that way. - Why?!”
You sat up, head held high.
“Why? Booker, I can take it. I can take almost anything, but if you keep things from me I’m not answering for any of my future reactions. - I… Don’t make this more complicated than it should be! We have to stop before… - Before what?! - Before I hurt you. - How do you mean? - I mean before you get hurt. It’s simple. I don’t want you to get hurt. - But you’re hurting me right now.”
He rose, his eyes meeting yours. Two pools of pain and incomprehension for him to blame himself for. He was up to leave in a split second.
“I’m… This will hurt way less than what you could be risking just by being with me. - And who are you to decide that for me? - I… I’m only trying to protect you!
You’re not protecting me! You’re protecting yourself! You’re protecting your secrets and your past and I’ve never ever pressured you to tell me anything about these and I won’t start now. But don’t pretend you’re protecting me when you’re not…”
You’re both standing up now, almost ready to go at each other’s throats.
“You don’t understand, do you? - If you don’t explain shit to me, then no I can’t understand! - I can’t have you hurt. You could die! -…What?”
You swallowed hard as he ran a hand through his hair.
“My line of work… I met a lot of dangerous people who would not have hesitated to hurt me. They still do. They could come after you and try to hurt you. That’s why we need to stop seeing each other.”
Mild lie to cover up his past. Again. How could he tell you who he was without scaring you for good?
You took it in for a moment. It felt like he was trying to rip you apart. You believed him when he said he had people threatening him, you believed he might be a danger to you, and you believed something bad could happen. You also trusted him not to hurt you on purpose, to be there when you needed him too, and more importantly, that you wanted to be there when he needed you.
“…But I don’t want to. I don’t want you to just exit my life like that, that’s… - We don’t have any other choice. - You don’t. I do. I still have agency. I can choose whether or not I want to be with you… And this might seem crazy but I really do.”
Your face looked heartbroken and hurt and in pain and tears. You went to him and wrapped your arms around him. Old books, warmth, drumming heartbeat. You always wondered what he would feel like up close.
“I won’t let you go. - Please… - I won’t. I can’t. I just can’t…”
You stepped back, grabbing his face in your hands, his mouth agape, his eyes watering, visibly out of breath. He took ahold of your wrists ready to pull you off.
You knew it wouldn’t be enough for him to stay, but you said it anyway.
“Booker… Sebastien, je ne peux pas parce que… parce que je t’aime. »
[I can’t because… because I love you.]
He frowned, feeling uneasy as he heard his name. His hands stilled on yours, searching your eyes for a reason not to believe you. You moved a little closer afraid he would step back, your breath mingling with his before his body crashed into yours.
You seek out each other*
His cheeks are prickly under your palms, but his hair is soft as you slip your fingers into his locks. His arms are holding you tightly against him, his tongue caressing your lower lip, your hands caressing every inch of him you can get access to. He doesn’t stop you, only trying to bring your body impossibly closer to his pushing your lower back to meet you stomach to stomach the fabric of your shirt bunching up, revealing a little of your skin to him, as you push his shir off of his shoulder then his t-shirt, separating only for a second his eyes never leaving yours hunger painted there in all the best ways, he helps you out of your shirt leaving you bare for him to see, your covered ass against him as he slips his hands over your stomach and hovers over your breasts one finger at a time, tease your sensitive skin, his beard bruises deliciously the dips of your shoulder as he leaves kisses along the line of your shoulder blades and your clavicles dipping his head to your collarbones, never stopping caressing you as you were touching him everywhere you could, his neck, his cheeks, his hair, the nape of his neck, the early birth of his back, his chest, his shoulders, his arms, he would not stop himself from touching you devouring you with his eyes as much as his hands.
Your heavily breathed plea, makes him pick you up and grunt in your ear as he nips the earlobe, you reach the bed, closing the door unceremoniously, he sits you there at the edge of the bed, still a bit dazzled by what just happened. You bit your lip in anticipation as he kneels before you kissing your mouth thoroughly, nipping on your lower lip, before dipping his head into your neck, your breasts and down as you lower yourself down on the bed, back arched as he removes your pants. You’re turned on but not enough to his taste as he settles without a word between your legs your panties on one of your ankles. He’s bathed in the setting sun and you can see his eyes grow in anticipation at the vision of your pussy. He presses his tongue against your clitoris and you whimper. He chuckles before doing it again. And again. And again, circling your clit and sucking on it and licking every part of your pussy clean in the most filthy way possible.
You want to see him, and you can but through your eyes, your glasses off, you can only see the shadow of him, a light shining on him and making his irises look as dark with desire as they’ve ever been. You don’t tell him to stop, you can only mewl and moan and open your mouth without any sound at all in the hopes he will make you come.
He doesn’t.
He doesn’t say a word as you up, your pussy dripping on the sheets, ready to explode as he pulls down his pants and gets rid of them now hovering over you. He’s frowning still, your cum on his lips and beard as he kisses you senseless. You don’t mind.
“What you said earlier…
It was all true…”
He doesn’t add a word. His hand comes to caress your cheek, kiss your nose, and your temple, and stroke your collarbone. He was never good with words ironically. Only with actions. Only in battle. Whoever said that love was like a battlefield might have been right. His love was like his fighting: violent, unmerciful but efficient.
He pushes his dick into you without another warning.
You bite your lip so hard, that you thought you had broken the skin there. He soothes you, his finger against the sensitive skin, he goes and holds your hands above your head. He starts moving and you swear even at this slow pace you close your eyes and you can see stars.
“Regarde Moi…” [Look at me…]
You open your eyes, openly watching him as reaches down to tease your clit. For a split second, you wonder how he does it without straining a muscle. The pleasure elicited by his action makes you forget all about it though. His rhythm goes a bit quicker, your legs high on his waist, yourself rendered incapable of touching him, arching your back eager to be close to him. He lets go of your hands and you start touching everywhere you can grabbing his ass to bring him closer to you, your breasts against his chest, your hand now in his hair as his head dips in your shoulder, his ragged breath tattooed on your heated skin, his rhythm picks up in speed as he lets go of your clit and intertwines your hands together, you can feel your pussy seizing on his dick on the verge of climax, you can feel his arms tremble no longer able to hold him up. He pushes a kiss on your throat, on your jaw on your lips, his tongue on yours. He pulls back looking at you with all the desire in the world. HIs voice is weak and strained.
“I… I love you too.”
He doesn’t add another word as your chest explodes in warmth and lust and heat. He pushes into you again and again and again before you feel your orgasm creep up on you, a silent scream escaping your lips as your pleasure floods in your body and on the sheets, he keeps pushing before grabbing onto you like a lifeline, bruises on your waist to be found in the morning, grunting in your ear.
Collapsing on top of you, still inside you, he moves to push himself off but you stop him. He settles there, his head on your chest as you run your hand through his hair, both cooling off.
You cover both of yourselves up with a blanket.
He’s fast asleep, his breath and beard tickling your skin.
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sophialikesthings · 3 years
Death Of Me Chapter 2.5
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Song: Let You Love Me- Rita Ora
TW: Physical Assault
I felt my stomach in a knot as I sat next to Rafe in the courtroom, I knew what I was doing was wrong on so many levels.
"John Booker Routledge, pursuant to North Carolina statute section 14, you are charged with murder in the first degree. with aggravated circumstances, If convicted, the maximum sentence would be the death penalty." The judge said.
I felt like I was about to be sick.
I looked over to see JJ,Pope, Kiara, and Sarah shocked. It took everything in me not to go over there.
"I'm so sorry, give this to JJ." I purposely bumped into Sarah, handing her I note I wrote.
"I don't even know who that is?" JJ looked at Demi as she walked out of the court house, her hand in Rafe's.
"That is Demetria Jane, The person her parents want her to be, but everything she's not. She gave me this to give to you JJ." Sarah handed him the note.
"Kiara can you read this please." JJ tried to read her handwriting.
"sure, 'Dear JJ, I am trying not to write this in cursive, so if I failed, have Kiara read it to you. I know you are probably really upset at me for doing what I did, but I did it for you, because JJ Maybank, I love you. I have to do what I think will keep you and the others safe,because you guys are my real family. We can talk more at school . But for now I think it is best if we keep our distance, because I would hate to see what happened to John B happen to you. Also, no matter what happens with Rafe, I love you. Sincerely Demi Jane Thornton." Kiara read it aloud
"Are we just going to let her do this?" JJ asked, trying to help her.
"I know Demi, she knows things are going to go south and it is safer if she keeps her distance." Sarah reassured him that Demi's decision was reasonable.
Demi POV
"I need to go home." I held Rafe's hand as we exited the court house.
"I can drive you." Rafe offered.
"That would be nice." I sighed.
"I'm so sorry for what you and your family have gone through." My mother talked to Ward.
"Mom, not now please." I tried to stop her.
"No Demetria, That boy deserves what's coming, Thank God this system works."
"Can you please shut up? Of course you think the system works, because it's made to protect people like you" Kiara yelled.
"He will have his day in court." My mother replied.
"He shouldn't even be in court, you should." She pointed at ward
"Show me some respect!" Ward yelled, my father came and held Kiara back.
"Why don't you take the kooks down Thornton?" JJ asked my father.
"You wanna get arrested? Get out! You need to go." My dad yelled.
"It's not a coincidence that your daughter's sitting with us, and Demi would be too, if it wasn't for you." She pointed at my father.
"Demi, can I come in?" Topper knocked on my door, I sat curled up on my bed staring on my phone.
"What Topper? I really don't need you making fun of the fact Mom and Dad are making us wear matching outfits again." I avoided his eye contact.
"I just wanted to say I am sorry for everything that has happened this summer." He sat down on on the foot of my bed.
"Just shut up Topper, we both know you don't give a damn." I laughed sarcastically.
"Are you going through with this, marrying Rafe?" He asked looking at my finger.
"I sort of have to Top." I stared at the ring on my finger.
"Anyway, dad is at the Jail, says he needs to talk to you." He got up.
"Yeah, I'll- I'll head down there now."
"Hey, I came to see my dad." I placed my hands on the desk, talking to deputy plumb.
"He's in his office, I can let him know you are here,"
"I'm here to see John B Routledge!" I heard JJ next to me.
"No music, and get rid of the toothpick."
I couldn't help but to chuckle.
"Demi." My dad came out and got me.
"Why am I hear Dad?" I asked.
"Because I wanted to apologize."
"Yeah right, You have done a lot of shitty things and haven't apologized one bit." I got defensive.
"What have I done Demetria." He asked.
"Lets start with the fact you put me into a relationship with Rafe Cameron so Ward can pay you to throw away all the sketchy shit he doses."
"He does not pay me!" He yelled.
"DEMETRIA!" He grabbed my wrists tightly.
I saw JJ walk past his office.
"Congratulations, you're officially figure eights worst father, and that's saying something." I left his office.
"Hey, have you seen Wheezie's phone?" I asked Rafe.
"No, I haven't." He hugged me.
"What happened to you?" He looked at my bruised wrists.
"My dad, what happened to you?" I looked at his red cheek.
"My dad." He laughed.
"Two fucked up families, one perfect pair."
incoming call from... Kie🌊
"Yo" I stepped away from Rafe.
"You're joking." I gasped
"No he found it he found the key." Kiara squealed.
"Talk at school?"
"For sure." She replied
"What was that?" Rafe asked
"Project, Mr.Sunn assigned a giant paper about immigrants and the immigration act."
"I'll see you tomorrow?"
I stared at my celling with thoughts running through my mind.
Hey I got your letter, I have a lot of things to tell you but,
I'll tell you at school.
Okay, I meant everything I wrote,
Good night JJ.
My heart pounded as the anticipation of tomorrow drowned out all my thoughts
Double update!
Sorry I missed yesterday. I’m planning to get part two wrapped up Saturday. Then I release a HPU book as well as a JATPU book then I rest, and y’all they need to announce season three soon because I can’t handle all the ideas floating through my head right now.
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wildlittlefoxsworld · 4 years
The Promise | The Old Guard | Nicky and Joe
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Summary: Joe and Nicky need some rest after the incidents from the past days. Joe saw his husband in pain and feared he could lose him forever. Booker betrayed Andy and his family and Joe can't forgive, not yet. He want Nicky for him alone and promise to worship him and show him his love on every way possible.
Author's Note: So, I watched The Old Guard on Netflix and it was awesome. I already saw it four times :) I wrote my first fanfiction in this fandom, it's about Nicky and Joe. I hope you enjoy, it's maybe the fluffiest fanfiction I've ever wrote before.
Warnings: fluff, smut
It's on AO3
“Hundred years. That's my last word,” Andy said in a demanding voice that tolerated no protest. She stood up and went outside the door of the little café. Nile looked after her and then with soft eyes at Joe.
“It’s not enough. I don’t want to see him again. I hate him,” Joe mumbled to himself and glared hatefully outside the window. He was in rage, because of Booker they stumbled in the trap like helpless animals. It was his fault that they captured them and then he remembered the moments when his beloved one was hurt.
Yes, Nicolò lived, but he suffered and Joe couldn’t forget the painful look on his face and he couldn’t forget his own breath-taking pain when he waited the seconds until Nicky came back to life. And above all of this he couldn’t forgive Booker his betrayal.
Joe sensed a warm hand on his forearm that caressed the skin gently and his eyes flickered to the side. Light blue eyes watched him worriedly and immediately all his anger was dragged back behind black curtains in his head and was replaced with a tender feeling of love that spread through his body. Nicky was all he needed and all he ever wanted.
Nicky tried to soothe his fear of losing him and he succeeded most of the time, but today it was differently. Nicky couldn’t dispel the sadness in Joe’s eyes and this worried him much more. He only wanted to see him smile at him. Joe tried a weak smile, but failed when Andy came back to them.
Joe wanted to leave, he didn’t want to stay longer in the presence of the traitor and he would only find peace when he hold his husband securely in his arms.
“Let’s go,” Andy spoke firmly and reached for Nile’s hand to drag her out of the building and the couple followed them. They all grew fond of Nile in the past days and now she was part of them. Joe knew she would protect her no matter what. He just hoped that she would stay strong and never turned her back on them like Booker did. Maybe with time he could understand why he did what he did, Nile suggested earlier and he just shook his head and then shrugged his shoulders. It would need a long time, but before this would happen, his anger needed to fade. In the moment his anger was a burning flame in his chest.
Joe sat in the backseat with Nicky at his side. They were holding hands and getting lost in each other’s eyes. He breathed in deeply and Nicky squeezed his hand to let him know he was there, he would be always there.
“Each of my thoughts are about you,” Nicky whispered so only Joe could hear it and smiled lovingly at the muslim warrior. Joe called himself a lucky man to own something so fragile and precious like Nicky's heart and his heart belonged to Nicky.
He shoved his hand in the neck of the Italian man and pulled him in a eager kiss, their lips moved in perfect harmony after centuries of practice. “Each of my thoughts about you are improper,” he chuckled and pecked the corner of the other’s mouth. “I thought you would say something romantic, I liked it very much yesterday,” his boyfriend pouted.
“I promise that tonight I will be as romantic as I can be and worship every part of you,” Joe vowed.
“Keep your hands to yourself,” Andy admonished them like they were infants and all of them laughed.
“Yes, boss,” Joe replied dutifully and leaned back in the seat, but his eyes never left Nicky's figure and he couldn’t await until they would be finally alone.
Well, it took half of the day until his wishes came true and they arrived at the hotel they chose to spend the night. Andy assured him that they weren’t in rush and they would stay maybe another night.
Joe didn’t need to hear more and ushered Nicky in direction of their room. His lover only laughed with a shaking head, but let himself pushed gently forward. He knew how impatient Joe sometimes was, but he understood, he wanted Joe as well all to himself tonight.
Nicky put his bag on one of the armchairs in the small hotel room and in the next second he felt how strong arms wrapped around his waist. Wet lips trailed over the skin on his neck and placed tiny kisses under his ear. “You can’t wait, I knew it,” he exclaimed when Joe bit gently down and watched the red skin turned pale again. Sadly Joe could never leave love marks on this perfect body, but the little moments it lingered were burned in his memory.
Joe slid his own jacket off afore and now he helped Nicky out of his coat. Underneath he wore a simple grey shirt and Joe wanted this off as well. But he rather took his time with him later.
Joe inhaled the unique scent of Nicky when he looped his arms around him again. The other man relished the near and buried his face in the crook of Joe’s neck. “Let’s take a hot bath together and we cuddle in bed and I show you how much I adore you,” Joe suggested and Nicky loved and cherished Joe’s dedication to take care of him.
“Do you mind to prepare the bathtub? I will join you in a minute,” Joe suggested and run with spread fingers through Nicky’s hair and tugged at the roots slightly. A little moan escaped his pretty pink lips and Joe were thrilled to hear more of them. “You make the most exquisite noises.”
Nicky lose the hug and Joe saw a faint of blush on his cheeks. “You look pretty in red,” Joe teased him.
Nicky shook his head laughing.
“I hope to make you blush again tonight, but we're not in hurry.”
“Yeah, I like it more if we take it slow,” Nicky agreed and gave Joe a soft kiss that turned into slowly and tenderly making out. No one desired to let go of the other and their tongues touched shyly like the first times they explored their bodies.
“I’ll go in the bathroom before you forgot your promise.” With a wink Nicky disappeared behind the wooden door and Joe heard the swoosh of the water running in the tub. He was in hurry to fumble the things out of his bag. He placed everything on the bed he bought earlier at their stop at the gas station. He knew it wasn’t the finest things, but for Nicky he will made it perfect.
Joe placed the cream-colored candles on the nightstands and the dresser opposite to the bed. The soft light formed shadows on the walls and created a cosy atmosphere. He throw their blankets, they carried everywhere with them, across the king-sized bed and prepared champagne flutes.
Meanwhile Nicky discarded himself of his clothes and folded them neatly on the floor. He found some lavender scented bath essence and poured a little amount in the water. Foam spread on the surface in a faint lilac shade. He glided down in the tub and welcomed the warmth in his weary bones.
“You didn’t wait for me?” Joe mocked him as he entered the bathroom and Nicky opened his eyes lazy.
“Come then and join me,” Nicky allured him and shifted forwards when Joe touched his shoulders to climb behind him in the water. He leaned back against Joe’s chest and Joe traced patterns over his arms. His eyes flattered shut when Joe expanded his touch to chest and gasped when the digits grazed his nipples. Joe chuckled and then his mouth was on Nicky’s ear, nibbling on the earlobe. He knew it drove him crazy and the gasping turned into panting when his nails scratched over the sensitive skin on the chest.
Nicky was consumed with longing for his touch and especially for his kiss. He turned his head to the side, one hand was shoved in Joe’s hair, fingers turned in a fist and pulled him closer to connect their lips. Nicky licked demanding into his mouth and Joe didn’t hesitate to meet him. It was like their bodies were on fire and shocks of lust let them shiver.
Nicky showed him exactly how much he desired him, only him, it would be always him. In this kiss was all of his love, even if it went messy and uncoordinated, they loved it.
“If you keep going… amore mio, it will be over too soon. Do you want this?” Joe warned him in lovingly tone and Nicky watched him considered. “Sounds tempting, but I want you worship me. Maybe tomorrow,” he answered smiling.
“As you wish, darling. Hand me the washcloth.” Nicky did like he was told and he enjoyed how Joe rubbed every inch of his skin with the soft fabric. He almost purred when skilled fingers washed his hair and massaged the scalp.
“You can do magic with your fingers, all my bones feel like jelly. I don't think I can stand alone,” Nicky observed and moaned low when Joe lowered his hands to his still tensed muscles of shoulders and back. “Don't worry, I'll carry you over to the bed.”
“Always a gentleman. I appreciate that,” Nicky replied and Joe knew he was smiling. Nicky loved to be spoiled and Joe wouldn't hesitate to fulfill all of his lover's wishes.
“Do you want to go in the bedroom?” Nicky asked after they relaxed for another twenty minutes in the warm water after he washed Joe's body too. Absently Joe played with a few strands of Nicky's hair, but he nodded and kissed Nicky's temple.
“You got all wrinkly,” Joe laughed and reached for the green towel to rub himself dry. Nicky was next and like always Joe helped him, because he couldn't keep his hands off Nicky.
They couldn't resist when they were so close that they felt the breath of the other on their faces. Eyes stayed locked for a few heartbeats and then their lips collided tenderly, only pressed together and they remained in position listening to each other's breathing. When they broke the kiss no words were needed to say.
Joe took care if emptying the bath tub after he wrapped Nicky into a bigger towel and he sat down on a stool.
“You look cute with your wet and messy hair,” Joe noticed and Nicky snorted playfully. “Yesterday I was sexy, what's about that?”
Joe gave him a side glance. “Now you're cute, but later while moaning and my fingers do their magic you'll be very sexy.”
“I'm looking forward,” Nicky retorted and licked his lips. He knew what Joe's promise meant, the focus will be on him tonight. Joe will devour him in every way possible.
With one hand Joe covered Nicky's eyes and with the other hand me maneuvered him safely to the bedroom.
“What kind of surprise is this?” Nicky asked curiously. He didn't get an answer, but the hand disappeared and his eyes widenend in astonishment.
“You are truly romantic. You know how to treat your husband right,” Nicky complimented and smiled happily at Joe.
“Only the best for you.”
Joe took Nicky's face in his hands and stroked over his cheekbones. “You are the most beautiful man I've ever seen,” Joe said awestruck. Even after all this years Nicky got butterflies in his stomach from Joe's words.
Nicky let the towel fall from his shoulders and placed his hand on Joe's hip. “I'm all yours, forever.”
Joe didn't want to wait any longer. He kissed the man he loved with every ounce of his heart and guided him slowly back until Nicky felt the edge of the bed against his legs.
Joe pushed him down and Nicky let himself fall, but propped his body up on the lower arms.
His eyes roamed the body he knew so well and he was still mesmerized. “I want you to lay back and only feel. Can you do that for me?,” Joe instructed him.
With a chuckle Nicky made himself comfortable on the soft pillows and noticed their blankets on the bed. “You make every place to feel like home.”
“You're my home,” Joe whispered and crawled over his husband to kiss his nose, his cheeks and chin, spend a little more time on the neck and started with open mouthed kisses on his collarbone.
In the process Nicky closed his eyes and enjoyed the alone time with Joe. It was so rarely that they had time to love each other, to make love to each other.
“Your body is a piece of art,” Joe said while his fingers traced the outlines of Nicky's rips.
“You are not skimping on compliments, and I don't complain…” His voice cracked and a moan slipped from his mouth when Joe's tongue circled around his nipple.
“I just say the truth.”
But Joe told no more compliments and he kissed and licked over and sucked on Nicky's body to arouse him in a maximum, to make Nicky moaning and groaning. He wiggled under Joe's talented mouth and the caressing and massaging with his warm hands drove him wild. Nicky begged to be touched, he whispered “more” in italian and “please” in arabic, desperated and yearningly.
Joe avoided the area between Nicky's legs on purpose. He was a man who hold his word and he savored every moment of Nicky's noises from pleasure.
Nicky knew that he wasn't teased by Joe or punished, it was a delicate torture. But he also knew that his release would come soon. He saw the glint of mishiev in Joe's brown eyes and the promise that he will recieve an unforgetable pleasure.
With a lovingly smile Joe reached with one hand under the pillows and grabbed a little bottle.
Nicky's body prickled from excitement as he recognised the substance in the bottle.
“Are ready for me? Do you want me to make you feel good?” Joe asked for his consent and Nicky fisted the sheets between his fingers, his head nodding eagerly.
“Is there someone needy?” Joe teased.
“No teasing today, tesoro mio. Per favore,” Nicky begged. “You promised.”
Joe couldn't deny his lover anything and his fingers worked carefully as penetrated Nicky's lower parts. He prepared him conscientiously and Nicky's breathing increased like his heartbeat. With every little movement he moaned delighted.
“Look at you, I’ve only started using my fingers and you’ve already shaking,” Joe observed stunned that he could still make his husband falling apart from incredible pleasure. He loved that he was the cause for Nicky's condition. Panting, sweating, skin flushed pink, eyes scrunched and lips half parted.
“I love the sounds you make when you come undone. You're doing so good,” Joe praised. He could held himself back, but he was painfully errected and didn't want to wait any longer to take his husband.
“My love… I want to make you mine…,” Joe required yearningly, but he searched for Nicky's eyes and a silence questions was asked.
“Yes, yes, make me yours. Make love to me,” Nicky whined and Joe didn't hestitate to thrust into him slowly. Nicky wrapped his legs around his lover's slim waist, Joe leaned over him with his arms aroubd Nicky's shoulders and they began to rock their bodies.
It was intimate, lovingly, tenderly and above all agonizingly slow. They looked deep in each other's eyes and forgot the world around them.
Eventually Joe picked up a quicker pace, because both of them were at the end of their strenghts to delay the climax.
“Yusuf, just like that, don't stop,” Nicky shouted and a few seconds later behind his eyelids exploded a firework. He was in a pure bliss and Joe joined him just a moment later with Nicky's name on his lips.
“Can we stay like this forever?” Nicky mumbled when he laid with his head on Joe's chest. Joe tightened his arms around him and snuggled closer to him.
“For now. Tomorrow we'll maybe fight again. But you will have me forever… as long as you want me,” Joe answered with a sleepy voice, he was very tired.
“I could never want anyone else but you. Now sleep, my love. I'll be here when you wake up,” Nicky assured him.
What do you think?
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ao3feed-joenicky · 4 years
by itsmylifekay
Andy did this on purpose, she’s sure of it. No matter how many excuses about skillsets and plans and 'you’ve been working on your Arabic, it’ll be good practice, Nile'… she knows now it was all a bunch of lies. There can be no other explanation for why she has been here, stuck with Joe in the middle of a hot, Italian summer while Andy has taken Nicky to the northern most part of France. It is a unique and unexpected kind of hell.
(A series of seven stories, snapshots of the first few years of Nile's time with the team. I'm trash for Nile & Nicky & Joe dynamics so there's a lot of that in here, but the others are all part of the craziness as well.)
Words: 13154, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: The Old Guard (Movie 2020)
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: Gen
Characters: Nile Freeman, Nicky | Nicolo di Genova, Joe | Yusuf Al-Kaysani, Andy | Andromache of Scythia, Booker | Sebastien le Livre, Quynh | Noriko
Relationships: Minor or Background Relationship(s), Joe | Yusuf Al-Kaysani/Nicky | Nicolo di Genova, Andy | Andromache of Scythia/Quynh | Noriko
Additional Tags: Team as Family, POV Nile Freeman, Canon-Typical Violence, Slice of Life, Immortal Husbands Joe | Yusuf Al-Kaysani/Nicky | Nicolo di Genova, What would they do without Nile, We are just here for 13k of fluff and bonding and minor angst people, Some Plot, Maybe - Freeform, Sharing Clothes, Protectiveness
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azuremallone · 6 years
Social Justice Warriors
How come liberals rationalize, accept, and embrace violence, despite proclaiming their lofty values?
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It all feels like there are only two sides. You, and me. That's what they want you to think. There's no black and white logic when it comes to people, views and opinions. Only Sith and Children view everything in absolutes.
Yet the views of liberalism are not equally, equity, and justice for all. Certainly, there are many who try and honestly want to make things better. I'll not apply that ignorant logic in kind. However, there current established leadership of the party is completely out of control.
From Senators Maxine Waters, Cory Booker, and many more (you know who they are), comes calls of harassment and virulent vitriol in the forms of demagogic verbiage, vending vitriolic venomous views. All but for explicitly calling for violence itself, Senators on the loose are lobbying the liberal left public mob with words applied to dehumanize, demonize, and defecate on their perceived opposition and the very Constitutional protections they supposedly fight for. None of whom would take kindly if similar harassment were to befall them. Oh no, it would be a very different reaction.
So they stir the pot of black and white, both logic and skin color. This demonization leads the lemmings of the liberal left to violence against anyone who doesn't agree, or seeks to silence them in any way they can. Demons, monsters, enemy, danger, threat, death, terror... and that's what this is: Terrorism.
Senators calling up fear and stoking anger, are terrorist leaders, seeking to distance themselves from the violent few and align the true believers into actions on their own. It allows them to disavow and dismiss responsibility. Yet their words are what they say, and you can't dismiss that.
Trucks don't spray paint Trump on their sides and spontaneously explode into flames. Guns don't hauntingly float through a baseball diamond shooting at people. Emails and voices threatening death don't magically appear. Certainly, envelopes don't fill themselves with Ricin, hop into a mailbox, giggling with glee at their unsuspecting recipient...
There are many mentally ill and ignorant people in the world. You don't need to give them reason, excuse and targets. It doesn't matter what side, who said what, as they'll always exist. But fan the flames, and that's what happens.
No tolerance, no peace.
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ao3feed-theoldguard · 4 years
by itsmylifekay
Andy did this on purpose, she’s sure of it. No matter how many excuses about skillsets and plans and 'you’ve been working on your Arabic, it’ll be good practice, Nile'… she knows now it was all a bunch of lies. There can be no other explanation for why she has been here, stuck with Joe in the middle of a hot, Italian summer while Andy has taken Nicky to the northern most part of France. It is a unique and unexpected kind of hell.
(A series of seven stories, snapshots of the first few years of Nile's time with the team. I'm trash for Nile & Nicky & Joe dynamics so there's a lot of that in here, but the others are all part of the craziness as well.)
Words: 13154, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: The Old Guard (Movie 2020)
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: Gen
Characters: Nile Freeman, Nicky | Nicolo di Genova, Joe | Yusuf Al-Kaysani, Andy | Andromache of Scythia, Booker | Sebastien le Livre, Quynh | Noriko
Relationships: Minor or Background Relationship(s), Joe | Yusuf Al-Kaysani/Nicky | Nicolo di Genova, Andy | Andromache of Scythia/Quynh | Noriko
Additional Tags: Team as Family, POV Nile Freeman, Canon-Typical Violence, Slice of Life, Immortal Husbands Joe | Yusuf Al-Kaysani/Nicky | Nicolo di Genova, What would they do without Nile, We are just here for 13k of fluff and bonding and minor angst people, Some Plot, Maybe - Freeform, Sharing Clothes, Protectiveness
via AO3 works tagged 'The Old Guard (Movie 2020)'
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