#and i'm being super nostalgic for something that i'll never get again and I D K
batter-sempai · 5 months
Hey, Papyrus Anon Asks back again (yep, I was the sam person. Glad to see my awkward Vibes still going strong) Want more you say? Hehehe don't mind if I do.
The Charon
Got a bit (ok, a lot) inspired by the pap chat logs (I promise I'm not stalking you, complete coincidence) on ao3. Riverpapyrus in particular caught my eye. You see, I'm rather interested in mythology. The river person, to me, symbolised Charon. (Mysterious person in a boat, helping you cross the Underground? C'mon. A dreamer's gotta dream) A skeleton in a cloak, fulfilling an already Death-associated role? YES. I don't want to spend too long going on about it since it is just my spin off something you already know.
Side note: It'll also make both Sans and Papyrus have a role associated with gold so that's super neat.
AU where the humans lost the war. Instead of determination, they find what they need is monster Hope. The only thing that remains after the monster dies. Here, it is not Asriel that Falls (why would he, he has a loving family at home), but a young skeleton called Wingdings (do you see where this is going?). He lives to adulthood, trying every method he can to break the barrier. Until one human, believed to be furious about the fact that a monster will likely be the one to save humanity, sabatages his lastest project to break down at a crucial moment. It dooms them both. Who would have guessed?
Things go on, a few more monsters Fall and proceed to get their dust harvested for the original Break The Barrier extravaganza since Wingding's tragic demise also spelled the end of better freedom plans. Thanks for nothing, Chara. (Hmm whatyasay). Life goes on. A new, less successful scientist is appointed, who dabbled a bit with Hope and necromancy before promptly realising just how bad of an idea that was. Everyone's starting to believe that they'd never be getting out. And then another monster Falls, one with enough Hope to break the barrier. One who looks strangely familiar. Another skeleton, one named Papyrus. 😏
Phew, this ask is getting a bit long and I STILL have more ideas ready to go. Guess I'll just send another ask when you least expect it 🙃
Hello again. :D
Sorry it took me so long to get to your comment. I really hope that you see this and haven’t given up on waiting for me to respond. ;w;
I’m glad you checked out the chatlogs. ^^ It’s very nostalgic to me to be part of those conversations. I agree that the River Person symbolizes Charon, or is sort of a reference to him. We never see who is underneath the cloak, but it would be interesting if they are also a skeleton.
Ooh, that sounds like an interesting AU. :o Humans being trapped instead of monsters but a similar event plays out. And having Papyrus as the playable character, with Gaster in the place of Chara, sounds like a lot of fun.
I hope to see you again, anon. ;w; I really do enjoy the asks you send and I’m so sorry it’s taken me so long to reply to them.
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stonesandswords · 2 years
i ran into my dad unexpectedly today and it was fine? we had a couple drinks together and caught up and it was fine? what a strange day
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