#especially dealing with all the bullshit my mom put me through and even the bullshit he put me through
krirebr · 10 months
More Than This 1
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Pairing: Ransom Drysdale x f!reader, Steve Rogers & f!reader
Word Count: ~4.1k
Summary: Arranged marriages have always been used to solidify business deals among the ultra-wealthy. Your stepfather wants to be in business with Harlan Thrombey, so now it's your turn.
Warnings: Heavy angst, age difference, adult themes, institutional sexism, a very brief conversation about the possibility of abuse, explicit language, the slooowest burn - Warnings will be added as needed for subsequent parts. All of my work is 18+ - Minors DNI
Dividers by @saradika-graphics
Series Masterlist
A/N: And here we go! A huge thanks to @drabblewithfrannybarnes for helping me nail down some of the worldbuilding details and @paperweight91 for reading so much of this and especially telling me how to fix the scene that refused to be fixed. You're both the best!!
Any comment, reblog, or ask to let me know what you think will be greatly appreciated. Even if it's just screeching at me. As always, thank you so much for reading! 💜
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It was uncommon to be called to your stepfather’s office. The high rise on the edge of Studio City had housed the heads of his family since the silent film era, give or take a remodel and expansion or five. You’d only been here a handful of times, mostly left out of the family business. When his assistant opened the door for you, you were surprised to see a small group of people, all in expensive business attire, surrounding your stepdad, Joseph Rogers, at his desk. Even more surprising was the figure standing in the corner, staring out the window – your mother. 
“Mom?” you asked, unable to hide your confusion. She just gave you a tight smile in return and turned her attention to her husband.
“Sweetheart,” he called to you. It’s what he’d called you since you’d first met him as a child and it had always felt patronizing and empty. You were well aware that you were an annoyance he’d been saddled with when he’d married your mother for her late first husband’s connections. Eighteen years later, you wished he’d drop the pretense already. “Please, have a seat,” he gestured to the leather chair in front of his large oak desk. 
You sat down across from him. “What’s going on?” you asked, an uneasy feeling building in your gut.
“Congratulations are in order,” he said, smiling at you. “You’re engaged.”
Years of experience at bullshit industry and society parties had you pasting on a benign smile. This was your fourth, no fifth engagement, the first one dating all the way back to when you were 10. They’d all dissolved for one reason or another, the business arrangements at the heart of them disintegrating too. But looking around the room at all the extra people in attendance, you knew better than to dismiss this outright. You were older now. Many of your friends from school had found themselves married as part of business deals in the last few years. Love matches were uncommon in the circles you frequented. There wasn’t much patience for love when this much money was at stake. But still, just because it was expected, that didn’t make you any more ready for your turn. 
“That’s wonderful,” you said, putting all your effort into keeping your tone even. “May I ask whom I’m engaged to?” 
“Ransom Drysdale,” Joseph said. “He’s the grandson of Harlan Thrombey, the mystery writer. We’ve been trying to secure the movie rights to his works for years and this should finally cement it. It’s fantastic news for our family and this studio. The joining of our families should create many opportunities for all of us. Ransom is one of the most eligible bachelors in Boston. You should feel very lucky.”
Lucky was the last thing you felt right now, but you kept your face schooled as you ran through your mental Rolodex to try to figure out if you had any social connections to this man. The fact that he lived on the other side of the country made it less likely but not impossible. 
“So,” he continued, sliding a stack of papers across his desk to you, “all you need to do is sign and initial the contract where it’s marked, and we can get started finalizing the details for the wedding next month.”
At that, all your poise disappeared and the smile dropped off your face. “Next month?”
Joseph nodded. “It’s important to strike while the iron is hot with deals like this. So go ahead and sign so that we can all move on to the next stage.”
Your heart thumped wildly in your chest. This was happening. This one was real. “Shouldn’t I read it first?” you asked, somewhat desperately.
He shook his head, “No need,” he said, gesturing to the man you recognized as one of the family lawyers standing beside him. “Julian has already gone through it with a fine-toothed comb. All of our interests are well represented. It’s all in legalese anyway. Impossible to understand if you aren’t a lawyer.” He chuckled and many of the people standing around the desk, staring at you, joined him. 
“I just–” you stammered. You didn’t know what to do, but you knew you couldn’t pick up that pen.
Irritation bloomed on your stepfather’s face. “Lydia!” he called. 
Your mother stopped staring out the window and stepped up to your chair. “Honey,” she said gently, putting her hand on your back. “This will be such a good thing. And then we can get to all the fun parts of planning the wedding!” She picked up the pen and held it out to you. You took a moment to look at her. Her features were drawn and her eyes looked exhausted. She’d looked that way as long as you could remember. It did nothing to reassure you. 
You glanced at the door behind you. You knew you weren’t getting out of this room without signing the contract. You took a deep breath and took the pen from your mother. There was nothing else to do. No other choice. You quickly flipped through the papers, initialing where indicated and signing the last page. Your hand was shaking so badly you weren’t sure any of it was legible.
When you turned over the last page, Joseph clapped his hands together. “Excellent!” He took a large binder off the desk and passed it over to you. “We’ve put some information together for you on your new fiance. Ransom will be in town next week to take you to dinner so that the two of you can get to know each other. Now, I’m sure you want to go celebrate, so we won’t keep you any longer.”
At the clear dismissal, you stood up. Many people in the room offered their congratulations and you nodded to them, forcing a strained smile. Then you made your way out on shaky legs, needing to see the one person who might be able to help you process what had just happened.
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You’d been six years old when you and your mother had moved into the Rogers mansion. You were terrified, already able to sense Joseph’s indifference towards you. But your comfort during that time, and all the time after, had been his son, Steve. Twelve years old, still reeling from the death of his mother and just as deeply lonely as you, he’d named himself your protector, shielding you from his father’s annoyance and your mother’s sorrow. He guarded you from monsters when you woke up in the middle of the night after a nightmare and would stare down your bullies on the playground. You were very quickly inseparable. 
When you became engaged the first time when you were ten, sixteen-year-old Steve had taken you out for ice cream, telling you not to worry too much, there was so much time before anything would happen and that everything would be ok. When the arrangement had fallen apart, he’d hugged you and whispered in your ear, “See? I’m always right.”
That was the memory you couldn’t stop thinking about as you let yourself into your stepbrother’s apartment, using the key he’d given you on the day he’d moved in. He wasn’t in his front room, so you moved all the way to the back, to the spare room he used as an art studio. You lightly knocked on the doorframe as you entered, trying not to startle him. He was standing with his hands on his hips, staring at a half-finished painting, but looked over his shoulder as soon as he heard you. There was a warm smile on his face, but it dropped as soon as he took in your expression. “What happened?” he asked as you flopped down onto his couch.
“I think I might be really fucked, Steve,” you said quietly, your hands still shaking. You couldn’t get them to stop.
“What happened?” he asked again, more forcefully this time, as he dragged a chair from the corner of the room so that he could sit right across from you.
“Your dad, he–” You stopped and shook your head. Steve’s face darkened. “I’m engaged,” you said with a helpless shrug.
“Okay,” he said evenly. “That might not be the most dire thing. You’ve been engaged before. Nothing ever comes of it.”
You sighed. “They’ve set a date this time.”
“Oh,” was all he could say at first, surprise on his face. “That’s new.”
“Yeah.” you nodded. “A month from now.”
That had Steve sitting up straight. “The hell?!”
“It’s happening this time. I can feel it.”
“Hey, no,” he said, reaching out to touch your arm. “Let me try to talk some sense into him. Buy you some time. He might listen to me.”
You shook your head. “Everything’s already signed. They made me sign. I don’t think there’s any getting out of it.”
“He give you a name?”
“Ransom Drysdale.”
Before he was able to stop himself, Steve grimaced.
“Fuck,” you muttered, briefly covering your face with your hands.
“No, it’s– I’ve only met him once or twice, ok? I don’t actually know anything about him.”
“But you don’t like him.”
“He’s–” Steve paused, clearly trying to find the words that wouldn’t upset you even more, “a strong personality.” He looked at you carefully. “And he’s older than you. Older than me, even.”
“I know,” you sighed, reaching for your bag and taking out the folder. “They gave me this.”
You handed it to Steve and he paged through it. “This is intense. Do you think they gave him one about you?”
You shrugged. “Dunno. Probably. Can’t imagine it says anything interesting.”  
Steve nodded, seriously. “It’s probably pretty thin. Just the story of that time you completely freaked out when you weren’t allowed to bring Mr. BunBun to school with you.”
You grabbed the pillow next to you and hurled it at him. “You’re such a dick!” you laughed. “I’m very upset!”
He batted the pillow back at you and cackled when it hit you in the chest. “He deserves to know the kind of person he’s marrying. The kind who throws a five-alarm tantrum when she’s separated from her stuffed bunny.”
“I was eight, asshole!” You laughed again but then your brain caught on something Steve had said. “Holy shit, he’s marrying me. I’m getting married. I don’t know anything about him. He could be anyone. You don’t even like him! He could hurt me and–” 
“Hey, no!” Steve interrupted quickly. “I might not know much, but I know that. He won’t do that. I’m sure of it. And if he ever even tried, I’d be there so fast. They’d never find his body.”
“Will he be kind to me?” you asked quietly. He opened his mouth to say something, but you stopped him. “Be honest with me. Please.”
He sighed. “I don’t know.”
“Well,” you said, trying so hard not to cry, “I guess at least now we know exactly how your dad feels about me.”
Steve closed his eyes and quietly said your name. When he opened them, there was a resolved look on his face that was painfully familiar. His ‘I’m going to fix this’ face. He was intractable when he got like this. He set his jaw. “I’m going to talk to Dad.”
You shook your head. “Steve.” Your stepfather was just as intractable as his son. This would only result in a shouting match that wouldn’t go anywhere.
“It’s going to be alright,” he said resolutely.
All you could do was say “OK,” with a wan smile, knowing it was a lie. You lay down on the couch and curled up on your side. “Do you mind if I stay here for a bit?”
“Of course not. Lola good on her own for a while?”
You nodded. Your little dog was probably asleep in her kennel. “Yeah, for a while.”
“Do you mind if I keep working on this?” he asked, gesturing to his painting.
“I like watching you paint,” you said, trying to find comfort in the familiarity of something you’d done since you were small.
He stood up and turned back to his easel, and you did your best to focus on watching him paint and not think about how, if this went through, you’d have to move to Boston and you wouldn’t get to have this time with your brother anymore.
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As expected, Steve’s talk with Joseph yielded no results when it came to your future. The only thing it seemed to have any effect on was their own relationship, Steve announcing to you that he was no longer speaking to his father the next time you saw him. You hadn’t expected anything else.
For your part, you spent the next week vacillating between going overboard preparing for your first meeting with Ransom—pouring over your folder on him, making salon appointments, shopping for a dress that would make the right impression—and pretending your problems didn’t exist. As such, the day of the dinner still snuck up on you. You were a nervous wreck. 
The plan was for him to pick you up at your apartment, but an hour before he was supposed to arrive, you got a text from an unfamiliar number telling you to meet him at the restaurant instead. 
So now you sat at the table, alone, in a new dress with your hair done. You’d arrived ten minutes early, and he was now 20 minutes late. You took a deep breath, staring at the empty seat across from you. He would show up. He had to. 
Another ten minutes passed and, as you waived off the server for a third time, you let yourself consider what it would mean if your future husband had stood you up. You should go. It’d be pathetic to stay. And even if he did show up after you’d gone, it’d make a point. Show you had a backbone. You should definitely go.
Just as your hand began to inch toward your handbag on the table, the hostess came through, leading a tall, handsome man to your table. She stopped beside you and then ducked away. The man looked at you critically. He said your name like a question and, when you nodded, he sat down. He didn’t introduce himself, but he could only be Ransom. 
He was dressed nicely in an expensive sweater and slacks, but much more casually than you were and looking around the restaurant than most of the other people there, too. And when he sat down, you could see the places in his sweater where it was threadbare or torn. You tried very hard to not take it as a sign of how he felt about this dinner, felt about you.
You cleared your throat to say something, you weren’t entirely sure what when he glanced at your glass of water. “You don’t drink?”
“No, I do,” you said, but when he smirked you realized how that sounded. “I can,” you amended, but that sounded odd too. “I mean, I don’t have anything against it. I was just waiting for you.”
He snorted. “Well, aren’t you polite?”  His tone made it feel like the worst thing you could possibly be. He flagged down the server and ordered a glass of the Macallan 18, then huffed impatiently while you asked questions about their wine selection. You didn’t know how he could be half an hour late and make you feel bad for taking your time ordering. 
Once you’d finally made your choice and the server left, you tried not to squirm as he gave you a once-over with his eyes. You felt disappointing without really knowing why. You tried to shrug off the feeling, but then Ransom said, “How old even are you?” with scorn in his voice.
You cleared your throat. “Twenty-four,” you tried to say with confidence.
“Jesus Christ,” he muttered.
You did your best not to shrink in on yourself. Maybe he was just nervous too. It was a weird situation. But, “Didn’t they tell you about me?”
He snorted again and rolled his eyes. “Gave me a whole binder. I never opened it.”
You looked down at your empty place setting, embarrassed. You’d studied every inch of what they’d given you, hoping to show him how seriously you were taking this and he couldn’t care less. “Oh,” was all you were able to say. 
He grinned a little meanly. “You got one too, didn’t you? Don’t tell me you’ve memorized facts about me that you were ready to rattle off to impress me.”
“No,” you growled out. You weren’t going to let him make you feel small just for trying to show interest in the person you were going to have to spend the rest of your life with.
He swiped one hand over his mouth and chin. “My god,” he muttered, “this whole thing is fucking ridiculous.”
The waitress came back and set down your drinks. Ransom immediately took a large gulp of his scotch. You itched to do the same, but you suddenly felt like proving a point. Even if you weren’t entirely sure what that point was. 
You were ready to order, but Ransom hadn’t glanced at his menu yet. Just as you were about to ask for a few more minutes, he said, “Go ahead and bring me another one of these right away,” and gestured with his drink in dismissal. She nodded and left.
Fuck it, you let yourself take a large drink of your wine. “Do you know what you’re going to have?” you asked, nodding to his menu.
He shook his head. “I have dinner plans after this.”
Heat shot through your whole body. “I thought these were the dinner plans.”
He rolled his eyes again. “Getting a head start on the nagging?” he asked, dryly. “Wow, it’s like we’re already married.”
You opened your mouth to do something, you weren’t sure what. Everything in your mind had gone white. But once again, Ransom beat you to it. “Alright, let’s get this done. You’re moving into my house. Fine. But I already have everything we need, so I expect you to pack light. I don’t need your shit cluttering up everything.”
You didn’t know what to say to that. You didn’t know how to have a conversation with him. Someone who left no room for you and seemed not to care at all about anything you had to say. And then there was the voice in your head that kept shouting about how incredibly important this dinner was to the rest of your life. And now it wasn’t even dinner. So when you opened your mouth to speak, what came out was, “I have a dog.”
He stared at you for a moment, seemingly surprised that you’d spoken at all. “What? No. Absolutely not. You’ll have to get rid of it. I hate dogs.”
You didn’t even bother to try to think through the static in your head. “She’s coming with me. I don’t care what else happens, I’m fucking bringing my dog.”
Ransom just narrowed his eyes and stared at you for a moment, then, “Fine. Just keep it away from me. And if it destroys my house, you’re getting rid of it. I’m serious.”  
“She won’t,” you said, as sure of that as anything. “She’s a good girl.”
“Whatever,” he said, as the server returned with his second drink. He slid his empty glass to the end of the table, then said, “The bill,” without looking at her. As she took his empty away, he continued to you, “I don’t know why you want to deal with a dog and a baby, but…” he shrugged.
You just blinked at him, trying to catch up with the massive leap he’d just taken. “Baby? What? Who said anything about a baby?”
He laughed, loudly. “Oh my god, they didn’t tell you?”
“Tell me what?” you asked, harshly, panic starting to build up in your chest. 
“Of course, they fucking left that to me. There’s a clause in the contract,” he said, “requiring you to get pregnant with my child within the first year.”
You stared over his shoulder, you couldn't look him in the eye, horrified and speechless. You couldn’t breathe. How were you supposed to breathe?
“You seriously didn’t read your own marriage contract?” The judgment in his tone had you shrinking in on yourself. You couldn’t help it.
“They didn’t give me any time,” you said, quietly. “They just made me sign it.”
“And you always do what you’re told, don’t you? Yeah, you look like a good girl.” He said it the same way he’d called you polite when he’d first sat down with you. Like it made you weak. Stupid. You’d never thought so before, but now you wondered if he was right.
“Fuck,” you whispered.
He chuckled humorlessly. “We agree on that,” he said. “This whole thing is fucked.”
At some point, without your notice, the server had returned with Ransom’s card and the receipt. He signed it quickly, then stood up. “Listen, now, at least, we can go back to our parents, tell them we met, chatted, got to know each other. Everything is hunky dory. And then do whatever we want for the next three weeks. Right now, I’m going to try to salvage my night. You go do,” he gestured vaguely at you, “whatever you need to do. I’ll see you at the wedding.”
And then he was gone and you were alone.
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You sat in the back seat of the car on the way back to your apartment, running over every moment of your evening. You kept thinking about the way he’d looked at you, talked to you. A baby. You were supposed to have a baby with him. A child that you’d have to raise. By yourself, judging by how invested in all this he seemed to be. Forty, fifty years of him looking at you like that, talking to you like that. And a baby. You leaned forward and asked the driver to take you to your parents’ house instead. 
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Once you arrived, you said you needed to speak to your stepfather urgently and were shown to his study. You stood in the middle of the room, too anxious to sit down, and waited. Everyone was making you wait tonight. 
Several minutes later, Joseph finally came in. “We weren’t expecting you tonight,” he said. “How did it go?”
You ignored his question, which you guessed was an answer in itself. “Please don’t make me do this,” you pleaded. 
“Sweetheart,” he sighed, disappointed, and moved over to his bar, pouring himself two fingers of decanted whiskey. “I’m sure it wasn’t that bad.”
“It was. It was awful. He’s– I can’t do this. Please, please don’t make me.” Your voice broke, but you couldn’t be embarrassed about it, not when you were staring down an entire lifetime with him. 
“Everyone gets nervous before their wedding. You’ll be fine. This is important. To all of us.”
“It’s not nerves!” You were close to shouting, suddenly. “You weren’t there. You don’t know. There have to be other families we need things from. It doesn’t have to be this family, does it? It doesn’t have to be right now. Please, please, anything else. I’m begging you, don’t make me marry him, have a child with him.”
He chuckled lightly. “Oh, that’s what this is about. It won’t feel as scary once the baby is here. You’ll make an excellent mother.”
You just stared at him, agape. He wasn’t listening to anything you had to say. “How could you not tell me that was part of the contract? I deserved to know. I wouldn’t have signed!”
His face hardened at that. “You were naive to not expect it. Of course, children are part of this. I admit that the timing is a little fast, but Harlan insisted.”
“Joseph, please listen to me. I can’t. I can’t. Please. If you care about me at all, you won’t make me do this.”
“You’re being ridiculous. It’s done. Everything’s signed. You signed. Now,” he said and took a drink, “it’s getting late. It’s high time you went home. Hopefully, you’ll be able to calm yourself down there.” And then he left the room, ignoring you as your whole world fell apart.
As you left, you passed your mother in the hall. Neither of you said anything.
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When you got home, Steve was waiting for you, having already let himself in, holding Lola in one arm. “How did it go?” he asked seriously. You shook your head and finally let the tears fall. He pulled you into his arms, smushing you against your dog, and gently guided you into your home.
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Part Two
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i think i love you still [K.Bishop]
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pairing: kate bishop x reader
summary: you've spent four years trying to understand the complicated mess of thoughts that make up kate bishop. after dealing with the pain of her absence, and the more significant pain of her return, you finally get it right.
warnings: none; light angst with happy ending; childhood best friends to idiots in love who are too stubborn to admit it; my writing style changing ever other paragraph
wordcount: 2.8k
a/n: this very loosely follows the events of hawkeye up until the day before the christmas party. it's also heavily inspired by babyblue by xana. you don't have to listen to it for the fic but it's an incredible song and i can't recommend it enough. enjoy! <3
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People say absence makes the heart grow fonder but you call absolute bullshit on that.
Although to be fair, the problem isn’t the saying. The problem is Kate Bishop.
You’re definitely not the first person to think that, and you certainly won’t be the last considering the kind of person Kate is, but that doesn’t mean you can’t be upset about it. Especially considering the years that have passed.
You’ve always given her the benefit of the doubt, not because you think she deserves it but because you would have driven yourself crazy from the amount of unanswered questions Kate left behind. Or more specifically, from the fact that she left you behind with no explanation.
Kate deciding to leave you and Bishop Security behind to go to university outside of the city wasn’t surprising. What was surprising was her refusing to tell you about her decision until the day she had to leave, making sure to tell you how unambitious she thought you were for taking the job her mom offered you as her secretary.
You still didn’t know what hurt more, her disappearing from your life or the insults she hurled your way before she left. Kate Bishop has many flaws and being an overachiever is definitely near the top of the list. Hence the amount of effort she put into shoving you out of her life.
It should have made working with her mom incredibly uncomfortable but Eleanor seemed to understand your pain better than you could have imagined. Being left behind by the young archer wasn’t an experience that was unique to just you and yet it didn’t make you miss her any less. You're usually good at ignoring the pain her absence left inside you but tonight is different. You look around the bustling party, the smallest of frowns on your face.
This was definitely the worst part of your job. You didn’t mind the long meetings, the stacks of reports you had to look through every day or even the miscellaneous tasks that Eleanor assigns you because you’re the only one who won’t complain about having to bring her another cup of coffee every few hours.
All of that was nothing compared to having to go to stupid galas with even stupider people. You’ll never understand why your boss insists on you accompanying her to every Bishop Security gala considering the lack of something to do. You have a sneaking suspicion it’s her way of trying to get you to interact with more people to hopefully find a way to get over Kate but you’ve never questioned her about it.
You catch sight of your boss while scanning the room for something to take your mind off a certain purple archer and she calls you over to her. You force a smile onto your face as you approach her. “Is everything okay?”
“You don’t have to sound so formal, y/n,” Eleanor says with a small smile. “We’re out of the office.”
“Right. My question still stands though.”
She affectionately rolls her eyes at your insistence. “Yes, everything is fine. I just wanted you to hear the news from me. Kate is home for the holidays…and she’s coming tonight.”
You force yourself not to react even though your first instinct is to run as far away as possible from the party. You try to be calm but your voice comes out a tad harsher than intended. “And I’m supposed to be interested in that information because?”
“Because she’s been looking your way since I called you over.”
Your eyebrows raise in surprise and even though you really shouldn't do it, you lift your head up and scan the room for Kate Bishop. You don’t have to search for long. Even with the years gone by, your eyes are immediately drawn to her tall, suit-clad frame. She meets your eyes from across the room and you swear everyone else disappears until only the two of you remain. You notice the clench in her jaw even from this distance and you hate yourself for finding it extremely attractive.
Some things never change.
“You should go talk to her.”
You tear your gaze away from Kate to stare incredulously at Eleanor for even suggesting that. “I’d rather get fired than spend five minutes with her.”
“Then you’re lucky we’re not at work,” she says with a playful glare. “Come on, y/n, how long has it been since you’ve seen her?”
She already knows the answer. She was the one you called to pick you up from Grand Central Station after Kate left you behind to chase after…whatever it is she was hoping to find out there. You’re not sure if you’re hoping she found it or not.
“That doesn’t matter. She’s visited New York how many times since she started college?” You let the question hang in the air for a few seconds to avoid sounding as bitter as you feel. “And how many times did she come to see me?”
The older Bishop woman raises her hands in mock surrender. “Alright, alright, I get it. I won’t push. Just think about it?”
She walks away from you with a small smile, probably going off to find Jack to tell him all about yet another failed attempt at getting you and Kate back on speaking terms again.
When you turn back, Kate’s gone and you do your best to ignore the ache her absence leaves inside you.
You decide to go back to your apartment a few minutes later which means you successfully miss the drama that unfolds. What you don’t miss is the news report recounting the events or the text from Eleanor telling you you don’t have to go to the office for the next few days. You find it strange but you’re not about to say no to some much-needed time off.
That does mean you miss Kate’s surprising return to Bishop Security which leaves you completely unprepared when she shows up at your door with a ridiculous request and an even more ridiculous outfit.
“I need you to take care of my dog for a few hours.”
That’s the first thing she says when you open your door. No greeting. No apology. No explanation as to why she has the audacity to ask you for a favor after avoiding you like the plague for almost four full years.
Unfortunately for you, your anger is momentarily forgotten at the sight of the adorable golden retriever standing happily at the brunette’s side. “Since when do you have a dog?”
“Since last night,” she replies with a shrug. “I saw him outside of the party yesterday and my heart wouldn’t let me leave him behind.”
You have no doubt that she was trying to be cute with that reply but all it does is make you remember all the reasons why you should slam the door in her face. She seems to read your mind just from the shift in your facial expressions because she ‘accidentally’ lets go of the dog’s leash and lets him run straight into your apartment.
“Listen, I can explain, and I will, just not right now. But I promise you it’s important.”
Of course.
You were kidding yourself if you thought Kate had actually changed. It’s always been this way with her. There’s always something to chase that’s infinitely more important than you. So important, in fact, that she can’t even stop for five seconds to explain what the hell is going on.
“You haven’t changed a bit, Kate.” There’s a flash of something in her eyes, maybe it’s regret or maybe it’s disappointment, but it’s gone just as fast as it came. She opens her mouth to say something but you interrupt her before she can dig herself into a deeper hole. Yet another habit that you’re sure she hasn’t learned to break. “It’s fine, just go.”
She hesitates for a second before giving you a small nod and walking away. You watch her go just like all the other times before. Except this time there’s an excitable dog waiting inside your apartment. You try not to think about how badly you wish the furry companion by your side was Kate instead as you go about your day.
To no one’s surprise, you don’t hear from the archer for the rest of the day. You would be disappointed if you weren’t so used to it. At least this time, Kate’s broken promises only result in you having to take care of the golden retriever, who you’ve affectionately started calling Lucky, and nothing else…or so you think.
It’s not until late morning the next day that your door receives another urgent knock. Lucky immediately reacts, jumping down from the couch and running over to the door, his tail wagging rapidly as if he can tell his new owner is waiting on the other side. You chuckle despite yourself before following after him. “I don’t think you’re getting this dog back, Kate.”
The smile on your face disappears once you take in her appearance. Her face is littered with small cuts and you can see the outline of a bruise forming on the side of her jaw. Your eyebrows furrow the longer you look at her but the answer is given to you by the purple costume she’s wearing. Even without a bow in her hand, it’s obvious what her outfit represents and you can literally feel your heart sink into the depths of your stomach.
“No. Save it.” There’s a mix of concern and frustration in your tone but you don’t have nearly enough time to figure out which feeling is stronger. “Just take your dog and go.”
“I can’t,” she says, tinges of desperation painting her voice. “I owe you an explanation.”
You scoff. “Oh, you owe me much more than that. You have no idea what the last four years have been like for me.”
The brunette takes a step forward, clearly asking a silent question. “Then tell me what I’m missing. Help me make it right.”
“I’m not a stupid Avengers mission, Kate!” You hate the way your voice breaks under the weight of your repressed emotions. “If you're looking for someone to save, you're in the wrong place. I don't need you. Not anymore.”
You're ready for that to be the end of the conversation and you reach out to grab hold of Lucky’s leash. You're about to hand the leash over to Kate when her next words stop you in your tracks.
“What if I need you?”
You stare at her with wide eyes almost not believing what you've just heard. Four years of silence and absence. That's what it took to hear those words you've desperately longed for.
But it's not enough.
“You're a little too late.”
She wants to fight back against your words. You know her well enough to recognize that spark of determination in her eyes. Despite what you've just said, a part of you hopes that's what she's going to do. That this time she’ll fight for you.
Instead, all you get is a mumbled apology as she snatches Lucky’s leash and walks away again. You shouldn't have expected anything different…but you did. You expected whatever mess she seems to be in to be more than enough motivation to fix what happened between the two of you.
Kate Bishop is many things but predictable isn’t one of them.
The next few days go by far too slowly for your liking. Eleanor denies your request to go back to work (multiple times) and without a place to travel to for the holidays, you’re stuck in the one place you’d rather not be. You don’t think there’s a single corner of New York that won’t remind you of the one person you don’t want to spend any more time thinking about.
It’s not until the day before the Christmas party, a party you helped arrange even though it’s definitely not a part of your job description, that you run into the purple archer once again. Or more specifically, she runs into you.
You’re on your way out of your apartment despite the heavy rain that falls outside. You open your door expecting to be met with an empty hall only to find a soaking-wet Kate Bishop standing on your doorstep, looking like the world’s largest golden retriever. You do your best to ignore the way your heart skips a beat just from the mere sight of her. It takes a few seconds for you to get over your shock but you manage to find your voice. “Kate? What are you doing here?”
“I’m sorry, I know I’m the last person you want to see right now.”
You briefly consider slamming the door shut in her face but decide against it. For the moment. “That didn’t answer the question, Bishop.”
“I just…” She sighs. “I had to see you again.”
“So you decided to walk here in the pouring rain?” You’re stuck between wanting to call her an idiot and wanting to admit how cute she looks. Yeah, you’re still a sucker for her puppy dog eyes.
“I know I don’t deserve another chance after everything I’ve done but please. I can’t keep this inside any longer. I need to talk to you.”
A long moment of silence goes by before you make up your mind. You might be signing yourself up for more disappointment but you have too many unanswered questions to let her walk away again.
“Come in before you catch a cold,” you say as you open the door wider for her.
She wastes no time in complying and you’re almost certain the shakiness of her hands has less to do with the rain and more to do with her nerves. You take a deep breath to calm your racing heart before shutting the door and following after her.
She stands awkwardly in the middle of your living room, her eyes scanning every picture frame and random poster that adorns your walls. You can tell the realization she comes to by the subtle slouch of her shoulders. There’s not a single thing in your living room that carries the memory of her. No pictures, no posters, no trace of the role she played in your life at some point.
“Let me get you a towel or something.” You start to walk away but a hand on your wrist stops you. You let her turn you around, not putting up any sort of fight as she pulls you in closer to her.
You wait for her to say something but all she does is stare into your y/e/c eyes, her grip on your wrist tightening ever so slightly. You can practically see every thought that flickers through her mind and you want nothing more than to spend the rest of the day deciphering the walking contradiction of feelings that make up who she is.
“y/n…” Her voice trails off as her blue eyes travel down your face. You’ve never seen that look before but you’re almost certain you know what it means. And it makes your head spin. “I shouldn’t have walked away. Not the first time, not the last time. But I…I’m so afraid of hurting you. Again. I thought dealing with my feelings would be easier if I was away from you but I was wrong. All it did was make you a stranger and you have no idea how much I regret that. How badly I want to make things right between us because I…I love you. I always have. And I can't go another second without you knowing that.”
You’re stuck between who you’ve been and who you want to be.
You’ve spent the better part of four years cursing Kate for leaving you, regretting the love you couldn’t help but foster for her, wishing she had never stepped foot into your life. But now…with her standing in front of you, looking at you with sincere eyes strong enough to make any other girl weak in the knees, you accept the truth you’ve been pushing away for so long.
You don’t blame Kate for leaving. You don’t regret the years you spent by her side. You don’t wish you never met her. You don’t hate her.
You love her.
It’s been that way since the day you met her and no amount of stupid mistakes or misunderstandings can ever change that. Hell, not even both of your stubborn personalities could change it.
“Say something,” she whispers. “Please.”
She leans in toward you. It’s a small move but you pick up on it immediately. Your breath catches in your throat before you do the only thing you can think of.
You close your eyes and take a leap, trusting Kate to catch you.
And she does. For the first time, you embrace the uncertainty that makes up your strained relationship and she doesn’t leave you hanging. She meets you halfway and the feeling of her lips against yours holds a promise you know she’ll fight tooth and nail to keep. She's not leaving.
This time, and every time from here on out, she's staying. And that's all that matters.
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habitual-creatures · 12 days
(Pls don't mind me ranting rq I wanna tell someone else as well,, also this might be triggering! Not sure)
I genuinely don't know what to do. I have 6 assignments due today between 2 classes because I was gone. I don't even know how to do half of them?? They don't explain how to do them if absent it's just "(done together in class") What about absent people?? Dude. And I have an F in math for the ONE missing assignment I have because I was gone. And if my mom sees that before I can change it I'll get grounded probably.
Even worse. I won't hold it against my mom she'll go back to hitting me. I just can't take it I'm already crying from stress and it's just.. A lot.
- 💜 anon
Hey, I don't know if you want me answering that ask publicly but, really I am so, SO sorry you have to deal with all that.
School has and will always suck, but when you add PARENTS and just LIFE onto it, it gets SO much worse.
And I am so sorry that you are at risk of being punished or hurt for something outside of your control. That is bullshit and you deserve better. Sometimes I REALLY wish i could be more than just a person on another side of a screen somewhere on the wide hell that is the internet.
Sometimes I wish I could hug people.
Because I really want you to know that I wish I could change at least PART of this for you. Because it's such bullshit, and I hate that people still go through it every day.
I really wish I could do more than just this.
(( ps. If you want me to take this down, just let me know. I know some things, especially things like this can be really private and personal for some people, and I will ALWAYS want to put your boundaries first. Okay? ))
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ozlices · 9 months
my mom has repeatedly dismissed the idea that she has favorites between us, and yet earlier this year she literally admitted to my face that she's prioritized my abuser over me bc she's 'going through worse stuff'.
and constantly. fucking CONSTANTLY i have to hear abt my abuser, how much she's 'changed' and 'loves me' and 'wants a relationship with me' etc etc etc
and the most draining part of all of this is that i busted my ass for multiple fucking years to finally break the shackles off and get the fuck out of here, only for a selfish, heartless, absolutely piece of utter and complete shit to damn me back here.
and now, im stuck in this cycle again. where spending EIGHT HOURS on the phone trying to get my phone shit settled, and being at my absolute fucking limit bc on top of dealing w that crap, i had to listen to my abuser and her kids screaming at the top of their goddamn lungs for the past two days, and snapping to shut the fuck up,, gets me dealing w my mother holding a grudge w me.
i made the decision when i was VERY young, but also old enough to realize just how deep rooted my trauma runs & how much it affects my responses to stress & other shit, to not have human children bc i fucking KNEW. no matter how much i try to be a nice person, no matter how good my intentions try to be, i can be very nasty. i can be harsh. i can be snappy. i can be violent. i can be completely apathetic to how my actions affect other people when i'm angry enough.
i ACKNOWLEDGE that shit. i will be the first to admit when i probably went overboard, but i am so fucking sick of being put in a position where if i dont apologize for being fucking straight up verbally, emotionally, mentally, or even physically abused, & responding to that abuse like any fucking body would, ESPECIALLY a person who has existing trauma, im an asshole.
im so. fucking sick. of being alive. this year has broken me. it really, truly fucking has. i lost EVERYTHING. i dont even have a fucking doctor. i am back in the house all my trauma happened in, damned by someone i thought was my best friend who looked me dead in my eyes a month after my daughter died in my arms & told me damning me back to the house every traumatic thing ive ever gone to 'wasnt her problem'. & having to be put right back in the cycles i brutalized myself to get out of.
and the worst fucking part is that this year has left me in such shambles from stress, i physically cannot pick myself up anymore. my alters can't pick themselves up anymore. we are all so fucking burnt out, and it is so fucking draining to lie to ourselves that hope is worth it when we had it all stripped away from us repeatedly in such brutal ways. nonstop. i swear to the moon herself, i mean it when i say not one single day this entire year has been peaceful. has been free from some degree of pain, or straight up agony.
i am tired of beating myself up for being angry. i am tired of being berated by other people for being angry. FUCK all of that shit. this year, and the shitty people who refuse to fucking offer me the same empathy they DEMAND from me, have fucking destroyed me. and i DESERVE TO BE FUCKING PISSED OVER THAT SO I FUCKING WILL BE IM FUCKING PISSED FUCK THIS YEAR FUCK MY ABUSER FUCK HER GODDAMN DEFENDERS FUCK THE BITCH WHO DAMNED ME HERE FUCK MY ENTIRE LIFE IT'S NEVERENDING BULLSHIT AND IM TIRED OF ACTING LIKE ANYTHING THAT'S HAPPENED TO ME WAS OKAY OR THAT I HAVE TO BE OKAY WITH IT!! NONE OF IT WAS OKAY!! IM NOT FUCKING OKAY WITH IT!! NOBODY FUCKING WOULD BE!!
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npdclaraoswald · 2 years
Gonna log my reactions and choices for my first run-through of Epic Road Trip here
Okay, yes, I do think going to a performing arts school instead of a real school is an unwise decision, especially if you're not entirely sure that you want a career in the performing arts. But, I like Brooklyn more than Ken, so I'm undoubtedly gonna be picking stuff that leads to New York
Okay, I know what I just said, but I'm picking dreams over destiny bc that feels more in line with Barbie (both Barbies, it feels a little ooc to have Brooklyn lobbying for destiny)
Oh, Skipper, baby, you shouldn't be trying to work when you're this young- especially since you're rich and don't have to- but I'm glad you have dreams
I'm assuming aliens is a possible ending
Express route, we're supporting Brooklyn's dreams and careers over Ken's sight seeing
Skipper's GPS. Hopefully faster and I want Skipper to feel helpful
Barbie, no offense to your mom, but I do not trust her to program a self driving car, especially in a rural area, considering how self driving cars really work
Keep driving, again, Ken can sight see whenever
Dancing, both bc we already know Magnifico from It Takes Two and bc Skipper wants to and I love her
Oh, my god, the DJ's back
Play it cool, Brooklyn and Skipper are right
Pancakes, this poor waitress
Brooklyn, I know you want to save time, but we need to support Skipper's dreams too
Holy shit, Vegas to Chicago is a big jump
Popcorn. No real reason
This very serious woman being a reused character model of Epiphany is very funny
Ken, you know the reason people love Erica and Dominic so much is because he was willing to put their romance on hold for her to follow her dreams, right? Long song
? Their act is called The Barbies
I am gonna repeat this choice tho just to see what the other song is
Oh, that was very bad, there's no point in doing the short song, I've gone back to the "long" one
Malibu looks so sad that he didn't come watch her perform though :(
Oh, he did come! Just late and missed the performance
Oh my god, all that bullshit with Otto Phoenix and they get a record deal just like that?
Oh, that's an ending. Okay. Going back and playing out the short song anyway
The power of letting me choose whether or not to make karbie canon! I'm choosing taking it slow just to see what happens
Is that Poppy Rheardon in New York?
Ha! You don't even get an ending this way it just makes you go back and run for it
Is Flip the Script the only song in this movie? It doesn't even sound like the girls
This ending doesn't have a jump back to the last decision, so that's where I'm ending it tonight. I assume the canon ending is gonna be Malibu staying in New York but having long distance with Ken. To my knowledge, this isn't the end of the vloggerverse, so it is odd that they have such varied endings as moving to London, when that's undoubtedly going to be contradicted
I hope it's not the end of the vloggerverse anyway. I love this version of Barbie and Brooklyn is my favorite thing that's happened to Barbie in years
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myatuesday · 4 months
There was an article about only children so naturally I had to trauma-dump:
Being an only child sucks, especially as you get older. I always thought it sucked. But after dealing with my mother's passing this past year, it turned a less than desirable situation into a fucking nightmare, I'm not sure I'm even going to survive. (And who exists to give a fuck if I don't? My non-existent family? Smh.)
Every single detail falls on my shoulders. Alone. Just me. Everything; planning the funeral/burial, full responsibility regarding her estate, sorting through her things and emptying out her home, dealing with the grief totally alone with no one to talk to about it every fucking second of every fucking day, dealing with the issues surrounding the cause of death (wrongful death), dealing with the lawyers, taking on the huge financial burdens that I in no fucking way can handle. The list goes on and on and on of EVERYTHING that fell on my shoulders, alone, with no one to help me with any of it.
On top of that, my mother's father died 2 weeks after my mom died. Why is that relevant? My mother was his only child too. Same scenario as above. Except instead of it falling on her (since she's not here, otherwise it would've), both fell on me (at the same goddamn time). But the point stands, either way. Only children bear the brunt of your burden. Period. And it's bullshit. It's not fair. Don't do this to your kid.
No one attempting to give a fuck can even begin to comprehend what this is like, because... most people aren't only children of single parents. Sooo... nobody and I mean, not a single soul I've talked to gets it. I've even looked for examples in the media for support; books, movies, TV shows, anything. There's nothing. (Well, there's Disney's Cruella. No comment even necessary there.)
No one even addresses the life of an only child. Much less an only child dealing with the death of their parent. Even Pip has a sister in Great Expectations, ffs. Family is the backbone of storytelling in media. Therefore, there's just fucking a whole lot of nothing as a resource for people without that luxury. Everything in media about death is about how the grieving leans on family and has this amazing support system that rallys around them. And they sit around with their siblings, reminiscing or working through their shared trauma or wtfever. Nothing about any of that is relatable to an only child. It's just a sea of you and you alone in the emptiness of your lone existence.
This is all just way too much of a burden to put on one human. Period. I'm literally suicidal.
And the only thing worse than or at least equal to being an only child and how isolating that can be. Or burdensome. Or both. Is the fact that no one understands you (nor do you truly understand them). People try to empathize or feign empathy, while literally having 5 fucking siblings or wtfever. It's honestly infuriating and insulting at times. Because it's like, you don't get it and you'll never get it. And do you even understand how fucking lucky you are that this never has to be your experience, because you actually have family to support you? The privilege is real. And the fact is, everyone deserves that privilege. Don't deny your child of that, because you aren't always going to be enough. And you need to think about that when family planning.
Even my friends who have parents who have passed at least have siblings and moved to be closer to said siblings and/or their surviving parent (plus neices/nephews, the whole damn thing). That's a huge advantage in comparison. I've got fucking none of that. So I can't even relate to them and vice/versa, even when it comes to our parents death. I'm alone, as an only. They're not. Plain and simple.
There's literally just no one to talk to who can actually relate. And there's not even an example in media, as I mentioned. So all of that just adds to the layers of feeling alone (and misunderstood) in the world. Which was an issue long before death exasperated it.
There's just always this disconnect between the ability to relate to peers with siblings vs only children. The older I got, I became extremely jealous and felt more and more alone in the world, while also feeling othered, witnessing everyone else have these huge family units and all this love and support and just a sense of community. It's like as soon as my friends turned idk 30, they all were just very family oriented (if they weren't already). Meanwhile, I'm just out here twisting in the wind.
Because, not only did my friends become more family oriented, but because they became more family oriented, they became more attached to their family and less reliant and invested in their friendships for support.
It fucking sucks. I'm resentful. I'm depressed. I'm angry. There's so many emotions tied to witnessing others have these full lives, while I'm just alone in my only child world of... fucking me, myself and I.
Don't do this to your kid. It's fucked up. Give them a sibling.
And if you can't do that, you better give them a million dollar life insurance policy, have your funeral planned for and paid for in advance, make sure they're the listed beneficiary on everything and that everything will transfer upon death. And leave them money for legal fees and anything else they may possibly need to cover in the meantime. Because probate isn't free. Put EVERYTHING in writing with an attorney to assure it's legally binding. And know none of that does them any good for the first few months, hence leaving money to the side to cover all your bills and legal fees and yadda fucking yadda until the monies tied up in legality and red tape start getting released. It's a fucking nightmare.
Do everything in your power to make it easier on them. But even with all that, you're still dead and gone. Forever. And they have no sibling to talk to about it. Ever. So... sit on that before you start planning these one child families. Because it's honestly selfish AF.
And that's primarily covering what it's like for an only child when a parent dies. Not every other fucked up scenario in their life related to their solo identity.
If you want an example, might I suggest Veruca Salt (fictional child) or Scott Disick (real adult) as examples of how this only child lifestyle tends to manifest.
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enchantechante · 1 year
Hi,Tae.Last abon here,once again.
Thank you for replying to my message.To answer your question,him and I will have no further communication.I say that because I told him if he doesn't change then our relationship would end.I gave him two chances to get it together and it's been over sixty days with no effort to even TRY.
I'm sorry he has issues with whatever he has going on mentally,being a introvert and whatever else but as his girlfriend,I can no longer deal and he obviously doesn't care.I wasted almost two years on him and refuse to waste another second.
I offered to help him find a therapist and he said he had one years ago but it didn't work.He said his ex wife made him see one and he won't see another.I told him,okay.
At this point in my life,I no longer go back and forth with a soul.I REFUSE.Done enough of that in my twenties and teens.Tell me 2+2=16 or the sky is purple and that's what it's going to be.
I have given too much of myself away to others in 34 years and the majority has not appreciated it.Too much of my time,money,energy,love,understanding plus so much more.I am tired and I am done.I just want to take care of my mother and enjoy the time we have and focus on myself.
Dealing with him takes up too much of my energy.For him to know all I'm going through and not even check on me or my mom or even come to my house when he works two minutes away is a hell no for me.And like I said to keep blaming everything on being a introvert or saying he's mentally messed up is another hell no to me...because if he knew he was who he truly is then why pursue me and why put on a facade just to finally show his true colors of him really being a jackass? He knew from day one that I was not with the bullshit and walk away from anything that no longer serves me especially if it's affecting my mental health.
I refuse to lose anymore sleep,staying awake wondering if I'm good enough and what's wrong with me?I have finally realized that it's not me that's the problem,it's the people that I've been there for who took advantage of me and have left me physically,mentally and emotionally drained.
I'm over it. He can definitely go.
Love the sincerity here.
Youre right - thats plenty of time. And yes, this time you'll have with you and your mom is so much more rewarding.
So glad youre in this mind-frame bc I know it will serve you well 🕊️
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rajanilefreak · 1 year
So, got a bunch of interactions with people yesterday that made me think about this and despite my original intention with this account, I've already said enough downer shit that this just goes along the norm anyway so, I am now gonna make it everyone's problem by ranting about it.
The absolute worst thing about being a high functioning Neurodifergent person for me is that people look at you and their first thought upon first talking to you isn't "Oh, clearly this person has a 'condition' and I should lay off of her if I'm even slightly of a decent person." (let's face it, there will always be asses that would be themselves towards people with visible differences in how they process the world around them) Not, their first thought is "This chick is an absolute weirdo or into some drug." or "There's something off about her but I can quite put my finger on it so I'll just treat her like all the other outcast weirdos."
Since I was a kid I always had difficulties get along with others. It's fine when you are very young because adults and other kids usually just sort of accept it as kids being kids and hey, I least I wasn't the kid that ate his boogers. that's much weirder. but then you grow up and while you can somehow understand enough about interaction with people to almost be normal compared to others, it still isn't enough, especially in the eyes of other kids.
This is especially bad in middle school, when you are starting to adapt to becoming more and more independent but still not quite there yet and how that affects how you get along with everyone in your age group. There's this sort of pressure to not be seen as lame and a loser, even if no one is quite sure what being cool really is and resort to mimicking behavior that, once they mature, they come to realize is as cringe a fuck.
Now, if I was weirder, maybe my mom would have gotten off her ass and try to find out what was up with me and maybe I would have been diagnosed sooner. In my country, people that had diagnosis as being neurodivergent get a lot of slack so while kids would have probably still been assholes, they would have held back a lot more on the bullying because the teachers would have actually done something about it in my favor.
(Like, seriously, I once heard of a girl that really shouldn't have been in a public school due to her condition that when as far a repeatedly bashing the head of a classmate against one of the bathroom sinks shut for telling her to be quiet during class and nothing happened to her. That's how biased it is over here. We all get bad reputation for the other kids and get a lot of mean words directed at us but the teachers would absolutely stand for us most of the time.)
But because I'm high-functioning enough to almost be 'normal', my mom was content to let me deal with the bullshit by myself and then berate me for not being able to socialize the way she wanted me to.
(Then again, this is the woman who read through my suicidal ideations, without my permission mind you, because school sucked ass and I barely had anything worth waking up for in the morning, and decided the best reaction was to berate me about how I don't know what the fuck depression is, that only she knew because she had it and that I should never joke about being suicidal ever again, and then proceeded to ignore the issue, so...)
I was actually already in my twenties when my mental state became bad enough that she dropped her denial and helped get a good psychotherapist to try and figure how how to help me.
That was both the best and worst thing to happen to me regarding my mental health. On one hand, I finally got a diagnosis that make things finally make sense to me. It wasn't that I was unwilling to be 'normal' like my mom was convinced. I literally was as 'normal' as I could get. I felt validated.
But then the psychotherapist also revealed to my mother that I had high intelligence level (don't know what the english version of this is, but it's not IQ because IQ mostly centers around common knowledge and not how people process things, which are two very different things) and that fucked me over big time with her.
Because, like mentioned, she likes very much to pretend I'm normal, so hearing the lady say that the reason why my symptoms weren't as pronounced for someone with my diagnosis was because I was intelligent enough to mask them automatically made her go back to thinking that I totally had the capacity to be some idealized version of me that had good grades in everything and be social with people like she wanted me to. And that also meant she never invested in learning what sort of things I had problems with because of my condition so she continued acting like her usual charming, very unhelpful and some times triggering self and I had to deal with it because college and also the unemployment levels in my country meant I was stuck living with her.
The problem with this, like many of us will tell you, is that we still are different. Masks may be good but they are still just that: masks.
Sure, i'm very intelligent but that doesn't mean that I can have good grades automatically. I have a very eclectic knowledge base but that's because of my hyperfixations and I'm not about to hyperfixate in classwork, especially when the math teacher is an ass to me and doesn't actually help and this very same issue is still very applicable to college too.
And no, explaining to her that certain actions of her are triggering some of my syptoms didn't do jack shit. She forgot it the moment after I finished explaining to her because it isn't convenient and she is very resistant to changing her life if it doesn't directly benefit her.
So why did I brought up this topic today? Yesterday I tried to make a joke-reaction to my nephew wanting to lick my ice-cream. (admitedly it was only half joking because, when it comes to food, I'm ok with sharing stuff like cookies with him because I can break them off and give him the piece whereas ice cream means saliva will inevitably be swapped and swapping saliva through food grosses me out a bit). My reaction was being claiming that this was why I had my back towards him so that he wouldn't see me eating the ice-cream and ask for some. It was meant to be said jokingly much in the way she and my sister usually banter with me using insulting things. They had said far worse to me as a joke before and the kid is two, it's not like he would have understood anything bad out of the interaction. Not when I let him lick my ice-cream anyway because, again, despite being a bit grossed out at the thought of saliva in my food, it was family which is better than a stranger licking it, and it was meant to be a joke! I was just mimicking their way of joking around because that is my basis for social interactions.
But both of them took it extremely bad. it was enough for them to badtalk me behind my back about it and then for my sister to berate me about it the moment my nephew isn't around. The worst part. I can't even defend myself because there's this underlying current in my family that me being neurodivergent doesn't justify my actions, regardless of what those actions are and that me trying to explain what I was trying to do would just be me using the neurodivergent card to excuse myself so I just stay quiet and let her at it.
It also doesn't help that i actually do feel bad about it but am incapable of properly apologizing (something to do with shit my mom did in the past, not because of arrogance, but I'm not getting into all of my other issues right now).
This isn't about me being angry about this. I'm not. But I am very frustrated about it because it always feels like I can't get anything right no matter what I do and I can't even feel safe being myself around my family on a day that was actually going rather well. Sometimes I really wish I wasn't highfunctioning because then I might actually get some fucking leeway. But then again, sometime I can't help but wonder it it wouldn't be the same shit as always even if I weren't. If no one is willing to understand where I'm coming when I'm 'easier to deal with', would they really go out of their way to understand me if i didn't have the ability to mask it?
Seriously, why were they so surprised that I was so ride and die for my former best friend despite her being not a good friend when she was the only one that used to treat me normally even with all the weirdness attached. It sucked that her parents raised her to be a bit of a social climber, wanting friends on her (monetary) level, because she used to be the only person who made me feel seen and heard. Sure, she became very bad for me later on, but the fact that even when she wasn't being a good friend I was still very supportive of her is a testament to how much better she was at supporting me (even without a fucking diagnosis slapped on me) than my family was. And she definitely had no psychology degree or any research on my particular brand of neurodivergent.
Honestly, my thougts are all over the place right now. Just when I start thinking I'm ok with being neurodivergent and that I finally got a handle on it, something happens again that makes me wish I was normal. That I didn't have to deal with not being able to think like they do. That I could just understand what jokes I can say without them blowing their tops off for them.
What am I not seeing wrong with this interaction that they saw as wrong? Was it because my nephew is two? because i remember them making worse jokes even when I was young. They certainly liked to laugh when I would hurt myself in my toddler tantrums by bashing my own head against the wall in a failed attempt at getting all my emotions out. heck they even said to do it again and I couldn't have been older than four at the time. I thought self harm was far more serious a issue than not sharing food but maybe I'm just seeing something right? So what did I get wrong? Is the food the issue? because I shared a lick with mom before him? because I only shared one lick with her and he had like four or five (before my sister snapped and bought him his own ice-cream) and he slobbers a lot more than she. Was it that particular joke about me not wanting to share food that was the problem? i just wish I could know just so that I don't run the risk of repeating whatever part was that offensive to them. at a later date.
Seriously, why are they so surprised that I prefer to spend time alone than with them. At least I don't run the risk of insulting myself and then berating myself.
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stonesandswords · 2 years
i ran into my dad unexpectedly today and it was fine? we had a couple drinks together and caught up and it was fine? what a strange day
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musemilitia · 2 years
Unpopular Opinion Time
I guess, this is an unpopular opinion given how much hate I’ve seen about this -- but I, genuinely, HATE the hatred the BNHA fandom has for Mitsuki Bakugou. And I’m not someone who likes saying the word ‘hate’ because it’s a strong word and I prefer to say ‘dislike’ instead.
And before I get anons coming into my ask box being like: “oh, you condone child abuse” or “are you condoning (physical / mental / emotional) abuse?” or some other bullshit in that vain. 
The answer is: “No, no, I don’t.” And don’t try and put words into my mouth that I never said because that will be the quickest way for you to get blocked, or for me to turn off anon.
But I’m just sick and tired of seeing Mitsuki (and to an extent Masaru) being compared to being like Enji and / or Rei Todoroki. When yes, all of them weren’t great in how they handled parenting their children. (And I’m not even going to go into the can of worms that is the Todoroki Drama because that’s a whole other conversation. And if people want to hear my thoughts about that let me know.)
(there is also going to be some mention of manga events; so proceed with caution)
Anyway, back to the Bakugou Family, what I feel most people don’t / can’t seem to grasp is that MOST of the ‘abuse’ is just played up to be for ‘comedic effect’. (It’s like when Katsuki chucked his explosion head piece at Izuku and it stuck in his head. It was a moment done for COMEDY PURPOSES.. it wasn’t meant to be taken seriously.) And think about it -- in EVERY situation -- where we’ve seen Mitsuki ‘smacking’ Katsuki upside the head; it is when a ‘more serious topic’ is happening. So we don’t ever really get to see what a ‘normal day-to-day’ relationship is between Mitsuki and Katsuki. Or just a normal day in the life of the Bakugou Family in general.
But also people constantly act like Katsuki is a submissive child and that he just lets Mitsuki yell at him -- when that’s not even the case. 
Katsuki is NOT afraid to TALK BACK to his mom. Hell, he calls her “Old Hag” TO HER FACE because he’s not someone who will just SIT BACK AND LET SOMEONE INSULT HIM regardless WHO that person is.
And I even did some math work to figure out how old Mitsuki and Masaru would’ve been when they had Katsuki -- and both of them would’ve been in the early to mid-twenties. Mitsuki would’ve been about 22 and Masaru would be about 26. Meaning that, at least, Mitsuki would have been a YOUNG ADULT when she had her FIRST and ONLY CHILD. And that’s not even counting when Katsuki’s Quirk manifested -- which would have been when he’s FOUR YEARS OLD. Which bumps their ages up four years to determine how they were when that happened; Mitsuki being 26 and Masaru being 30.
So them being new parents to a child that happened to get a Quirk that was a PERFECT BLEND of both his parent’s Quirks put together? I mean, having a child that can cause literal explosions from the palms of his hands at will. Not to mention, Katsuki was an adventurous boy -- who would also get into fights with kids older than him. That sounds like it would be a nightmare for ANY parent(s) to do deal with -- much less FIRST TIME PARENTS!!
Especially since neither Mitsuki or Masaru were heroes in the first place. Prior to having Katsuki they were both in the FASHION INDUSTRY -- or, at least, Masaru was -- but given that we do know Mitsuki met him through work and was instantly in love. It’s safe to assume that she was also in the Fashion Industry as well.
But some signs IN THE CANON that show that Mitsuki actually genuinely cares about her son -- during the start of the Paranormal Liberation War; in a moment that has her, Inko, Rei, Natsuo, and Fuyumi all doing their normal day-to-day things; Mitsuki is drinking coffee or tea and looking at photo album that is labelled “Katsuki Memory”. While she has a peaceful smile on her face as she’s most likely thinking about her son. And more recently, Mitsuki is the one who comments about Katsuki ‘not being a fan of the rain’ while looking outside (and hearing the news) with a concerned, motherly expression.
If she in ANY WAY was actually abusive toward him, she wouldn’t have paid attention at all to know that he “didn’t like” the rain. Because abusers don’t tend to care about internalizing that shit. And if they do -- it is to use it to their benefit and not because they care about the person they are abusing.
And I’m definitely not leaving Masaru out of this because he could’ve done a bit more to calm things down in their household. But it also wasn’t easy for him given that Mitsuki and Katsuki share A LOT of personality traits -- and so if one of them triggers the other in anyway (whether that’s yelling, or name calling), the other person will blow up on the instigator. So getting a word out in that situation is definitely not an easy thing to do for someone who is more calm and level-headed like him.
Like I’ve said this to a few people now but I see my relationship with my mom (when I was a teenager) in how Katsuki and Mitsuki act toward each other. And that’s because; like Katsuki and Mitsuki, my mom and I have similar personality traits, and so we would often times butt heads with each other. The only difference is that I had a dad who would yell at me if I was getting out of line (which didn’t happen often) -- unlike Masaru with Katsuki.
But the main point I’m trying to make here is that -- yes, Mitsuki didn’t handle raising Katsuki in an “appropriate” manner, but I’m sick and tired of seeing so much hate for her. Or seeing people compare what she did to Katsuki to that of what Enji did to the Todoroki Family.
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fuck-customers · 2 years
Fuck this one lady that came in and completely ruined my day. I work in the bakery of a blue grocery store that rhymes with Joker. (Side note, fuck that place and it's understaffed bullshit)
So I take orders for cakes, since I'm usually the only one in the entire department from like 3 pm onwards unless it's especially busy. And normally, it's a pretty streamlined process with customers causing very little fuss. I can also get orders from the cooler and call a manager if there's any mistakes (since I'm not a decorator and I actually know fuckall about that side of business, all I'm paid to do is handle the cookies and bread)
But this one lady. I swear to God me and my manager both agree she was hopped up on some kinda drug or I guess rage at underpaid college dropouts is just strong as hell. I first saw her while I was grabbing stickers to put on some cookie bowls and she was already looking pissed, but I didn't want to deal with her and I internally reasoned that she was probably looking at the cake kit book we have out there and she'll give me a holler if she needs me (like all our other customers do). Plus she had her phone to her ear so I didn't want to disturb a phone call.
So I just finished labeling the cookie bowls when she comes around to the other entrance (closer to where I was working) and she just starts SCREAMING at me like "EXCUSE ME DO YOU WORK HERE? WELL WHY DIDNT YOU HELP ME YOU STARED STRAIGHT AT ME AND WALKED AWAY!!! YOURE SUPPOSED TO HELP ME, ISNT THAT YOUR JOB? TO HELP CUSTOMERS?????" (Side note; I have extremely terrible eyesight that blurs everything i see. It's a miracle I was able to even see her at all)
and at this point I'm frozen like a deer in headlights because I'm being yelled at and eventually she says she's here to pick up a cake, but I can't find a cake in the cooler or an order anywhere. So I'm instantly skeptical as fuck that she's just trying to get a free cake. I have to call my manager who thankfully takes the rest of the interaction but even in the other end of the department I can still hear her yelling about how she so desperately needs this cake and she better get one because she placed an order and explicitly told us not to cancel it, something something about her mom died idk I wasn't paying attention. Oh yeah through this entire interaction she still kept her phone to her ear. My manager says there was nobody on the other end and she was just. Holding it there??? For whatever reason
So everything is well and good, I finish up my shift and go home for a shift tomorrow. And next day, WHO DO I SEE BUT THAT LADY. perfectly calm now that she's gotten what she wants. I get her stupid $10 cake and she has the gall to tell me "thanks babe" and hangs out by the bakery for another good 5 minutes. Another side note, we have a policy that you have to place your order at least 2 days in advance. Meaning her bitchfit got her past that policy.
There are no words in the English language that can describe how much I fucking hate entitled prissy ass customers that get so riled up over a stupid cake they haven't even paid for yet. Sometimes I can get it because they ordered a week in advance to pick up the day of a birthday party, so I get that, but other times it's not my fault if you left this thing to be last minute.
why cant people just make their fucking cakes at home? We have a baking aisle, do it your damn self.
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beomglocks · 3 years
happy (very) 'belated' father’s day
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summary : the only father willing to come to the dinner
pairing : dilf neighbor!soobin x (legal)!reader x beomgyu (?)
warnings & other: i wrote the day after fathers day, the title is edited bc im posting this like WAY later LOL, threesome (?), degradation, some beomgyu (no incest), sub!beomgyu if you squint like really fucking hard, definitely not a normal relationship, slight exhibitionism, some possessiveness, DON’T read if you’re uncomfortable with age gaps, edit: REwriting this, this one is for the dilf soobin stans, eat up, don't say i don't feed yall, enjoy <3, kind of proofread
w/c : ~4k
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you realize it now.
after living side by side with mr. choi soobin and his son, beomgyu, for a couple of weeks, you’ve started to realize something quite interesting.
1. your mother has a liking for tall lean men.
2. she also has a liking for trying to set you up with the tall lean mens’ son.
now, you wouldn't say you're exactly opposed to getting close to beomgyu. he's conventionally attractive and he seems like a nice boy but you're very much more attracted to the one who created him. it made sense after all.
"give these to mr. choi for me?" your mother all but shoves the roses and chocolates in your arms. you look down quizzically at such gifts. "it's not valentine's day.." you trail off.
you have a strange feeling that soobin would be put off by such acts, not seeming to be as out there as your mother. she doesn't care.
"it's fathers day..well it was...yesterday," she shrugs, fixing her bombshell red lipstick. why was she doing herself up? well a certain mr. choi was coming over.
despite the fact that your own father was out of the picture, that didn't stop your mom from wanting to celebrate every holiday in existence. unfortunately, the only willing father in town to partake in your mother's antics was mr. choi.
he liked to rile her up, you notice. soobin liked to toy with your mother's clear affection towards him, just as he did you. he also liked to throw it in your face sometimes. you didn't say what you observed but you knew he liked to make her feel wanted by a much younger, much more handsome man.
without another word, you decide to give the outlandish gifts to your neighbor. you sigh, looking down at the gifts. some assorted chocolates, nice flower arrangements, and what seems to be a sealed note? you want to roll your eyes but a part of you wonders if soobin would really like these kinds of things.
when you get to the door and ring the bell, the door swings open and there's stands the man himself. he's more put together than you at the moment so you feel out of place even at the front step of his house.
"always a pleasant surprise~" he smiles. his eyes trail down to the gifts in your arms. "for me?" his eyes grow wide and his pouty lips, the ones which you suddenly can't stop staring at since they seemed to be stained cherry red, lay slightly agape.
"from my mom," you deadpan, holding the gifts out. "she's generous~" "overbearing," you correct. "we seem to have different views then," he shrugs. "where's my gift from you though? this can't be all," he ponders in faux thought.
you smile shyly, looking down in embarrassment. "what did you get me baby?" he teasingly leans down closer to you to properly see your face. "could it be perhaps-"
before soobin can place a hand on you, beomgyu comes from downstairs. he's looking sharp, which suits him a lot, you admit. his hair is parted, giving you a teasing view of his forehead. regardless of the fact that he's wearing casual clothes, a stark contrast from his father who dawns an all black attire, beomgyu still manages to make it work for him.
"we'll be seeing you at the dinner," soobin clears his throat, noticing your apparent staring at his son. you can tell that he feels off put by your slight attraction to beomgyu. however small or minuscule it may be its still there to him.
the dinner goes almost exactly how you thought it would. soobin and your mother hit it off, talking about whatever they could to distract themselves from their children for a while. to your surprise soobin barely interacts with you. he seems too occupied with entertaining your mom to pay you any mind.
you're not sure why but this bothers you. beomgyu is occupied in the bathroom at the moment so you can't help but glance in their direction every couple of seconds. your mom is currently leaning against soobin's broad shoulder, laughing at something he's previously said. so he’s a comedian.
you watch as he looks down at her with a satisfied smile on his face. you bite the inside on your cheek and as if on cue, soobin looks up in your direction and smirks. it's almost as if he's taunting you. you bite down harder until you taste something metallic in your mouth.
you're not sure where this feeling of jealously is coming from and you know it's not healthy but you can't help it. maybe you've gotten too attached to your older neighbor in these past couple of weeks.
beomgyu comes out of the restroom with a sigh, walking back into the living room where you are. he can feel a weird tension in your general area but decides not to comment on it. suddenly you stand up, catching beomgyu off guard.
"come on beomgyu!" you say loud enough for everyone to hear especially soobin. the man in question practically pauses in speech midway to look over at you and his son. he eyes you both, mainly giving you a glare that will be engraved in your mind but you don't care. he needs a taste of his own medicine.
"come on let's go to my room, i need to show you something~" you urge him along. meanwhile, you say those words while staring straight at soobin. you hear your mom assure him that it's ok, "the kids are doing their own thing." you knew you were being childish and petty but if soobin wanted to fuck around with you this is what he would have to deal with as well.
you drag beomgyu along to your room who seems quite eager to be in this position. all he knows is that there's a weird tension between you and his father but that's as far as his knowledge goes.
when you both arrive at your room you close the door behind you and lean back on it. "is everything alright?" beomgyu hesitantly asks. you sigh, ushering him along to sit on the bed with you. he looks around subtly at all the little items in your room. everything seems to reflect you well, in his opinion. "well.." you try to stall.
you look up at him through your lashes. "you like me right?" beomgyu stares at you with wide eyes, "i-i mean yeah?" he stutters at your boldness.
"then lets try something," you smile at him, casually pulling your shirt over your head. "let's see how long it takes for your dad to come see us in this position," you say to yourself.
soobin doesn't need to be a rocket scientist to know what's going on here. he knows you're being a brat on purpose but he doesn't care because it makes it all the more fun. he will say he's surprised that you're using beomgyu, his own son, to get to him.
at first, he was getting annoyed with how you seemed to take a liking for his son which is why he wanted to rile you up by seeming extra interested in whatever your mom had to say. now, however, he knew he had a plan for that. you were not going to outsmart him, he wouldn't allow it and he would just have to put you in your place.
"excuse me but i need to use your restroom," soobin makes up a bullshit excuse to get to where you are. "oh of course!" your mom nods at him, instructing him towards the one upstairs. perfect.
"ill just finish up the dinner then!" your mother offers. "great that's enough time to put this slut in her place," he thinks. he smiles at your mom heading for upstairs.
"beomgyu you look like you just saw a ghost," you chuckle lightly, looking down at him. "y/n," he groans at the sight of only seeing you in your bra. he reaches up to grab your breasts, fondling them as delicately as possible. "you can be rough," you offer.
without even bothering to knock on the door, soobin opens it to see you both on the bed in a lewd position. you shirtless on top of beomgyu. he sucks his teeth when you both look back in alarm at the door being burst open. "y/n," he chuckles, almost sadistically.
you can already see the look in his eyes and suddenly you feel bad for not only yourself but beomgyu as well. you try to subtly grab your shirt again in shame but soobin's glare stops you. "what do you think you're doing little slut?" he folds his arms over his chest. not even caring that beomgyu is in the room, he walks over to you and grabs your hair causing you to yelp in surprise.
"s-sir.." soobin narrows his eyes at you then they flit over to beomgyu. "sit over there," he motions to the beanbag in the corner of the room. "i want you to learn something from this." without another word, beomgyu scrambles over to the seat, his heart beating in fear and excitement strangely.
you feel heat rising up your neck and to your cheeks as well as your dripping pussy. "don't be embarrassed, im sure this was your plan all along," soobin tsks, shoving your face down into the sheets. you breathe out when he rips the skirt and underwear from your body without a second thought. the racy thong that was supposed to be his surprise for father's day discarded in a second.
"soobin-" a smack to your ass. "that's not my name."
he doesn't even give you a chance to correct yourself, messing with your sticky juices before entering his cold fingers into your hole. you try to stifle your moan by burying your head further into the sheets.
"god you're so wet," soobin comments. he slowly moves his finger in and out for a while, practically torturing you with how meticulous and slow he's being. "please," you whine pathetically. "please what?" he slows his movements to stare at you with a raised eyebrow.
"please f-fuck me, please, i need your cock," you beg shamelessly. beomgyu breathes heavily, trying to forget about his growing boner but not being able to ignore it. he painfully wants to do something about it but he's not sure if he's allowed to touch himself.
he opts for subtly dragging his hand to his clothed crotch and palming himself through his pants, as uncomfortable as it is. in the meantime, soobin rids himself of his own pants, shaking his head.
he lightly smacks your throbbing pussy and you jolt. "do you seriously think you deserve it? fuck, look at you, can’t wait to be fucked like a bitch in heat~" you whine, wiggling your ass wordlessly in his face to hopefully get what you want.
soobin rubs your clit with narrowed eyes, making sure beomgyu is watching. he could care less that beomgyu is touching himself. he drags some of your cum from your hole to your clit and sighs. "alright then.."
he aligns himself with your hole and without another word slips his cock in with ease, completely bottoming out.
you want to scream at how big he is but you're only left with ragged pants as you know you're unable to make any loud noises. it seriously feels like you could be torn apart at any minute but you love the feeling of soobin’s cock filling you out.
"you're so tight seriously," soobin breathes. he can barely move at first. the way his dick fits inside of your pussy perfectly. he almost wants to comment about how you were practically made for him. he's sure if he flips you over right now, he would see the outline of his cock in your womb.
after waiting a bit for you to adjust to his length he finally starts moving. "shit-" he breathes. you have to grip the sheets to stop yourself from yelling. soobin's hands find their way to your waist and when you look to the side just for a split second you can see beomgyu fighting for his life to not moan out loud.
"look beomgyu-" soobin says in between jagged breaths. "if you wanna fuck around with his pathetic slut this is how you treat her." a moan gets caught in your throat when soobin pounds into you at once. "ah- i-" a part of you wants to apologize and is trying to but he won't give you a chance to speak.
"isn't that right my slutpuppy? did you have something to add?" at the sound of the nickname your walls tighten around him and he sends a harsh smack to your ass. "you're enjoying this aren't you?" he rolls his eyes and sighs heavily.
soobin thrusts start getting faster and faster, beomgyu watching with his mouth agape at his father kissing and sucking at your neck to muffle his own moans. beomgyu can only bite his lip and noises from his throat barely pass his lips as he reaches his high.
soobin growls at seeing your eyes focus on beomgyu so he starts slamming his cock into you at an animalistic pace and you think you might break.
beomgyu bucks into his hand as he cums from the sound and sight of skin slapping added with the tiny noises you'd make. not too long after you feel yourself shudder, unable to warn soobin that you had come you squeeze your eyes shut and let out a whine instead.
"fuck- ok baby," soobin understands as soon as your walls squeeze around him. he pants a couple a times and as soon as he reaches his high he pulls out, pumping his cock to let his cum shoot out on your ass.
"s-sir," you moan. "shhh it's ok." soobin sighs heavily, coming down from his own high to tend to your broken state. he looks over at beomgyu, who's head is lulled to the side as he gazes at your sweat and semen covered body.
soobin sucks his teeth deciding not to say anything to the boy and let him chill for a minute. he shrugs his pants back on and carries you in his arms to the nearest bathroom.
you cozy up to his warm embrace, letting out a sigh. "baby we need to clean you off.." you hear him whisper. you almost completely forget that there's a dinner that's supposed to be happening and you cant just go to sleep with soobin like you'd want.
a sudden coldness hits your body and you shiver. "ok," you agree. his cum is already starting to dry on you and you want nothing more than to be cleaned like he offers. you're not sure how you'll explain your change of clothes to your mom but you're sure you'll come up with something later.
no words need to be spoken after what happened and you're glad because you're not sure what to say. soobin doesn't seem keen on talking at the moment either, too focused on cleaning you off, so you decide to stay quiet.
it's silent in the bathroom until you both hear your mother all out. "dinner's ready!"
you chuckle, breaking the silence as soobin looks up at you with a questioning eyebrow. “happy father’s day.”
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waitineedaname · 3 years
"Accidently ending a phone call with your roommate with a casual ‘I love you’ seems like a very good reason to move out"
For benrey @ gordon?
“And can you pick up some oat milk while you’re there? I just realized I’m out.”
“Man, oat milk freaks me out,” Benrey said, pushing their shopping cart towards the dairy section anyway. “Like, do oats even have, uh. Others?”
“Others?” There was a beat of silence as Gordon attempted to figure out exactly what the hell Benrey was talking about. “You mean udders?”
“Yeah. Cow things.”
“Dude, that’s not how oat milk works.” Gordon’s laugh made Benrey’s cheap phone speakers crackle.
“Then how does it work? Huh? Mister scientician?” Benrey propped the phone between their ear and shoulder as they opened the fridge door to grab the brand of oat milk he knew Gordon liked.
“I don’t fucking know! I’m not a goddamn milk scientist.” Even through a phone call, Benrey could hear the smile on Gordon’s face. “They squeeze juice out of the oats or smush them into a paste or something. I don’t know. Stop making me think about how oat milk works, it’s going to make me not want to drink it anymore.”
“Cool, so I’ll buy milk with extra lactose then.”
“You will not, unless you wanna deal with me laying on the couch complaining all afternoon because my stomach hurts.”
“You do that anyway.”
“Fuck off, man.” Gordon’s tone of voice didn’t carry any bite to it. “Alright, I gotta go, I’m almost at the end of the queue to pick Joshie up. I’ll see you back at home, okay?”
“Mhm. Love you, bye.” Benrey hung up and shoved their phone back in their jacket pocket. They unfolded the shopping list and attempted to decipher the mix of their own chicken scratch, Gordon’s doctor handwriting, and the occasional misspelled request for snacks in Joshua’s six year old handwriting. Okay, they had to get those frozen chicken nuggets Joshua liked, another pack of seltzer, a can of black beans since Gordon was planning to cook dinner tonight-
Thinking about Gordon made them suddenly freeze in place as they realized what they’d just done. Did… Did they just say “love you” on the phone with Gordon?
Aw, fuck.
They’d been living with Gordon for a while now. It hadn’t always been an easy thing for either of them. When they’d been freshly respawned, both of them had been jumpy around each other at best, and at worst, they were at each other’s throats trying to kill each other. It took a long time and a lot of uncomfortable conversations for them to get to the point where they could interact without an unbearable amount of tension. From there, they were able to start rebuilding an actual friendship. Turns out, they got along a lot better when they weren’t in mortal danger. Who knew!
Living with Gordon involved a lot of rules, both spoken and unspoken. They involved stuff like “don’t ask weird questions about Gordon’s feet,” “if one of them gets too angry, walk it off instead of actually fighting,” and “no gross body horror in front of Gordon’s son.” It also involved shit like “please for the love of god don’t put empty juice cartons back in the fridge” and “don’t stain the carpets with Sweet Voice, this is a rental and that security deposit is worth getting back.” So far, Benrey hadn’t had too much trouble following the rules. They had been a security guard, after all; following rules was supposed to be their thing. Besides, they were a low price to pay to get to spend time with Gordon.
One of those early unspoken rules, however, had been “keep the flirting to a minimum.” That one had been a little tricky at first, but it had been necessary, especially back when they still weren’t on the best of terms. Benrey learned that when Gordon was already worked up, blowing a kiss did the opposite of diffusing the situation. This was news to Benrey. Who didn’t love a little kiss from their buddies? Lame.
That had been an early rule, though, and one that had kind of faded into the background over time. The longer they lived together, the more physically affectionate they both got, and a little domesticity is only to be expected when you share a household. It was nice. Comfortable.
And then Benrey had to go and say “I love you” on the phone. What the fuck.
That had to be crossing a line, right? Gordon was fine with some handholding and some cuddling and they’d make dinner together once a week, but this had to be pushing it.
Benrey went through the rote motions of buying the rest of their groceries without really paying attention, too busy panicking. There was only one option. They had to move out. This was fine. This was totally fine. They could just crash on Tommy’s couch until they find a place of their own because there was no way this wasn’t going to make Gordon freak the fuck out. As much as they loved fucking with Gordon, they’d learned there was the fun kind of freaking him out and the bad kind of freaking him out. They were fairly certain this fell into the bad category.
By the time that they were walking up to their apartment door, they were already mentally packing up all their things, resigned to their fate. They were so stuck in their own head that Joshua barreling into their legs when they opened the door actually startled them.
“Benny!” Joshua cheered, clinging to their jeans.
“Hey, li’l dude.” Benrey carefully tried to push past the kid without tripping over him on the way to the kitchen. Tragically, that’s where Gordon also happened to be.
“Hey, what took you so long?” Gordon asked, taking some of the grocery bags from them. “I thought you’d gotten lost in Costco again.”
Benrey grunted noncommittally and started putting away groceries instead of answering Gordon. Maybe if they didn’t look at him, they could avoid confronting whatever Gordon’s reaction was. Yeah, definitely, this seemed like a sustainable, reasonable decision to make. Yep.
“Dude.” Gordon’s hand suddenly appeared on their forearm. Benrey stared at it, then looked up at Gordon’s concerned face. “Are you okay?”
“You’re putting carrots in the utensil drawer.”
Benrey looked down at their hands again. Oh. So they were.
“You’ve been acting weird ever since you got back from the store,” Gordon said, gently taking the carrots away from them. “Did something happen? You wanna talk about it?”
Benrey screwed their mouth up. No, they didn’t want to talk about it, but learning how to talk through things like adults was something they both had agreed to do. That had been a rule introduced by an exasperated Tommy, sick of mediating their bullshit. So, they sighed and looked away while Gordon put the carrots in the vegetable drawer of the fridge. “I was thinking about how I’ve gotta move out.”
“What?” Gordon stood up too fast and smacked his head on the freezer door. He swore loudly, and Benrey reached over to hand him a bag of frozen peas to put on the back of his head. “Thanks. But also, what? Since when are you moving out?”
“Uh, since now?” Benrey said, confused. Shouldn’t it be obvious?
“‘Cause I said I love you on the phone? Dummy? You, uh, a fucking old man got bad brain disease, not remembering things?” They said, defaulting to picking on Gordon to avoid focusing on anything else. Gordon stared blankly at them for a moment, then, against all odds, a grin spread across his face.
“Benrey,” He said, and Benrey decided he didn't like that tone one bit, “Are you embarrassed?”
“Whuh? No.” There was no way they could be embarrassed. That definitely wasn't what was going on here. Nope. Not a bit, “...Maybe.”
“Dude, you don't have to be embarrassed about that.” Gordon laughed. “Do you know how often I've said stupid Freudian slips? I called my sixth grade teacher mom once and wanted to change my name and move to Canada. I've been there.”
“It wasn't, uh… It wasn't too much? Not crossing a line or anything?”
“Nah, man. It was kinda sweet.” Gordon flashed him a smile and finished putting away the last of the groceries.
“Cool.” Benrey relaxed, letting go of the tension that had been building in their shoulders. “That's good ‘cause I was gonna fight you for custody of your Xbox.” Gordon snorted.
“Good fucking luck, you’re too much of a Playstation guy to win that case.”
The evening passed relatively uneventfully from there. Gordon enlisted Benrey’s help in cooking dinner, and Joshua eagerly told them all about the cool dinosaur facts he’d learned in class that day. They went through the easy routine of watching just one episode (which of course always turned into several episodes) of Joshua’s choice of TV, then Benrey helped wash up in the kitchen while Gordon put Josh to bed. Gordon joined them as they finished washing dishes and squeezed Benrey’s shoulder affectionately when they were done.
“Alright, man, I think I’m gonna head to bed early tonight.”
Benrey nodded. “Cool. I’ll be quiet.”
“Don’t worry about it. G’night, dude.”
“Night, Gordon.”
“Oh, and Benrey?” Gordon paused in the doorway of his bedroom and waited until Benrey glanced up at him. Gordon smiled. “Love you too.”
He shut the door before Benrey could respond, leaving Benrey to stare blankly at the door. They let out a groan, careful not to wake Joshua. Oh, Gordon was going to be the death of them.
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xpeachesncream · 3 years
it takes two | one shot (myg)
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summary: min yoongi was the one who came to understand you and took you for you. but, when boundaries start getting crossed and priorities begin to change, you start to question if your relationship with your bestfriend is strong enough to make it through.
pairing: athlete!reader x athlete!myg
genre: bestfriends to lovers au, basketball au | fluff, angst, smut
words: 12.3k
warnings: cussing, mature language/implied sexual content, protected AND unprotected sex (later on), slight breast play, oral (f. receiving), fingering, multiple orgasms, missionary, riding/straddling, mentions of alcohol consumption, dancing, mention of marijuana, sex on the beach kinda?, some heavy angst, insecurities, crying, injuries (like a cut/ankle sprain), yoongi is just kind of an idiot at one point
note: heavily inspired by the movie love and basketball. unedited for the most part, pls excuse any spelling/grammar errors.
tags: @ggukkieland​ @miinoongi​ @bluesharksandfish​ @unicornbabylover​
⏏︎ now playing: triggered - jhené aiko ; sorry enough - chris brown
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First Quarter: 6th Grade
You didn't really have a lot of friends in elementary school. Any, actually. Hell, the girls in your class purposely ignored you because you acted different. Dressed different. Enjoyed the shit boys liked, like playing ball and video games. You couldn't relate to their gel pens, Lisa Frank folders, cute binder stickers and bracelet charms. None of that shit was you. But you didn't care, you were fine by yourself. Nobody to please, nobody to care for.
The only person that came to understand you was Min Yoongi and that's because you played basketball with him and his friends during daycare. At first, it came as a surprise because truthfully, you felt like Yoongi only let you play because he felt bad for you. Which, okay, whatever— so be it. But, after the last round during a game of two versus two, you found yourself on the ground, huge gash on the knee from chasing after the ball before it could go out of bounds.
"Ouch! Crap!" You groaned as you sat up and checked out your knee. Yoongi walks towards you and crouches down, examining the bloody gash.
"Come on." He says, holding out a hand to help lift you up. He swings your arm over his shoulder, already knowing that any sudden movements to your knee can make the wound sting. He takes his time and walks with you as you hop on one leg towards the office, not really saying much. Yoongi wasn't the most talkative in class. He hung out with two or three other boys in your class on the daily, but they were quiet. Weren't much troublemakers, didn't cause ruckus like the other boys did. But, he was still popular among the girls because he was a little cutiepie. You remember walking into the bathroom, hearing Angie and her friends tease her about her crush on Yoongi. Then, the following week, one of her friends also ended up crushing on Yoongi and they bickered [weirdly] in the bathroom about it.
Getting to the office, he sits you down on the bench before approaching the office admin to grab some bandaids and ice for you.
"What can I do for you, Mr. Min?" Mrs. Yao comes over to greet him.
"Y/N's hurt. Can I get a bag of ice and a bandaid for her, please?" Mrs. Yao looks over her shoulder and does a head tilt before sighing. She knew you weren't like the girls in your class, always getting hurt one way or another, being more hardheaded and stubborn than the usual. She grabs a bag of ice and hands the supplies over to Yoongi before placing her hands on her hips.
"You think you can take care of Miss Y/N, or do you need me to help?" He shakes his head.
"I got it, thank you Mrs. Yao." He politely says, giving her a small toothless smile. You silently watch as he walks over, crouching down once again to tend to your wounds. "I don't think this will hurt, but stay still so I can put this bandaid on." He says softly as he spreads the small Neosporin packet across your wound. He wipes his finger down on his pants before removing the back of the bandaid and pressing it against your knee. "There. You should keep the ice on it so it doesn't bruise and stuff." He stands.
"Thank you." He nods as he watches you stand and slightly limp before you adjust your steps to the right pressure. He follows you out, coming back to your side with his hands in his pockets.
"Why don't you act like the other girls?" He asks, cocking an eyebrow at you.
"What? Not liking all the girly stuff that they like?"
"Sure, or you playing basketball. You know girls are usually like cheerleaders and cheer the guys on instead."
"Well, I don't wanna be a cheerleader. I just would rather play. What's wrong with it?"
"Nothing, it's just weird to see."
"You're weird." You snapped back.
"How am I weird?"
"You shoot weird."
"And you don't? I shoot better than you." He furrows his brows.
"No you don't."
"Fine, wanna play one more time? Unless you're a wuss and can't play cause of your knee." You rolled your eyes at the sudden change of events.
"I'll play you, I'm not a wuss. Unless you're afraid to lose to a girl." You taunt him as you both walk back to the court.
"Whatever, I'm not afraid cause I won't lose." He grabs the ball and checks it in. "My ball first."
"Sure, if you think that'll help."
And that's how Yoongi lost to you, busted knee and everything. From there, it was history. You became inseparable, Yoongi becoming a large part of your days and vice versa. His parents eventually became close to yours after the numerous times you both have been dropped off to hang out, or catching rides home after school. Yoongi lived in a nearby neighborhood, only being a good 7 minute walk, to be exact.
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Second Quarter: High School, Senior Year
In high school, it became a little different. Yoongi grew up, played varsity basketball and became a fucking jock even though he claimed he would never. Yeah, bullshit. You too, played on the girls varsity basketball team, and surprisingly, you two kept each other close. It was a blessing and a curse though, because you couldn't see your life without Yoongi. He's been there since the 6th grade. However, girls took note of that shit. Trying to use you as their way in to Yoongi's heart, or pants, or both. You made it very clear though that you weren't interested in being a fucking messenger. Girls thought you were mean, but really, they just couldn't handle you. Hence, why you really couldn't relate and be one of them.
Yoongi was still the only person who could understand you and handle you, bad attitude and all. Tomboy habits and all. Not wanting to make friends and all.
"Jesus fucking christ, the day just started." Yoongi says as he watches you toss your duffle bag and backpack aggressively in the back seat of his car. "What's your deal?"
"Nothing, I'm just tired." You slump in his passenger seat after buckling your seat belt.
"Chill, don't start your day like this."
"Whatever, dad." You rolled your eyes, causing him to let out a pathetic chuckle.
"Are you coming to my game later?"
"Yeah, if I'm not too tired from practice."
"Y/N, I always make it to your games even if I'm tired."
"Do you?"
"The fuck? Yes I do. When haven't I?" His tone raises with yours. "Don't try and justify your shit by coming up with lies."
"Yeah, yeah bighead. You'll have plenty of cheerleaders there for you."
"Yeah and?" He smirks. "You're the one I'll be looking for though." He caresses your chin, making you smack his hand away while he laughs loudly.
"You're stupid." You groan as you sink lower in his seat. The rest of the ride to school, you shut your eyes and enjoy the peace before you're having to walk down those annoying, congested hallways.
People rave a lot about senior year, but it honestly hasn't felt special to you. Maybe because you kept the same routine since freshmen year, or maybe you really just didn't care as much as everyone else did about how "special" it was. You've always been locked in to basketball even if your mom wasn't a big fan of it. She wished you were more into cute, girly shit, like makeup, shopping, manis and pedis and dresses and heels, but she came to accept this was the way it was going to be. Especially because your dad was your biggest fan. You came to love basketball, more than just a side hobby. You joined the varsity team and practiced day in and day out. When basketball wasn't in season, you'd play with Yoongi at the park or sign up for camps and tournaments. You just wanted to keep bettering yourself so that you could play in college and get into the league post-grad. Yoongi was the same, and he may or may not have influenced your passion for ball. Either way, he was always supporting you and cheering for you even if the other females hated it.
His ex for sure hated the relationship you had with him even though you really steered clear when she was around. Wasn't your fucking problem or responsibility to take care of her insecurities. Same with his flings.
"Hey, so later, yeah?" He asks in between throwing nods and smiles to girls passing by.
"Mhm." You hum. "You gonna be free for lunch later?"
"I don't know. I know where to find you though if I am."
"Have a good day, punk."
"You too, bub. See you in English." He turns on his heel, walking towards his friends, aka his team members. Aka his jock ass group. Aka the ones females flock to.
Namjoon, Jimin, Eunwoo, Lucas.
They were all pretty boys who knew they were pretty boys and used that to their advantage to make big asshole moves. You hated that Yoonks got pulled in from time to time, but shit, it wasn't your life, you were only a small part of his. Sometimes, they also pulled in the football boys, Jungkook and Seokjin. Even the baseball boys, Hoseok and Taehyung. It was all a huge pretty boy, jock, asshole group in the making outside. A big fucking party for a lot of the girls at school, though.
So even if Yoongi was really the only one in your life, you weren't the only one in his. It is, what it is. As long as he doesn't go switching up on you, then whatever, so be it.
The first half of your classes go by quick, being that you enjoyed your chemistry, french and english classes. You had your english class with Yoongi, Namjoon and Hoseok. You had gotten to know Namjoon and Hoseok a little through it, and it was enough to know that they weren't all that bad. At least in this classroom setting.
"You two going to prom together?" Namjoon asks, making Yoongi snort.
"No, what the hell?" Yoongi responds.
"You guys can have fun at prom." You roll your eyes.
"You're really not gonna go?" Joon bites on the end of his pencil.
"No? The fuck I look like?"
"Y/N, I know it'd be weird as fuck to see you in a dress, but it's senior year. You didn't go last year, did you?" Namjoon asks from Yoongi's other side.
"Really, Namjoon?" You give him a look as if it could state the obvious.
"Well shit, I don't know. I know it's not your thing but can't really say I would have noticed either way." Hoseok laughs, causing you to throw your pen at his head before flicking him off.
"Miss Y/N!" Mrs. Maxwell calls you out mid-movie, eyes wide and in disbelief at how you're acting.
"What?! He started it." You slumped back in your seat and let out a sigh.
"Not another word." She says sternly.
"Not another word." You mock her under your breath.
"Aye, stop. You and that attitude boutta get in some trouble the last weeks of senior year." Yoongi puts his hand on your wrist, causing you to shake your head and click your teeth.
"Anyway, you should go." Hoseok whispers as he leans over on the table to look at you.
"No. Besides, with what date?"
"Take the basketball." Joon snickers.
"You're a complete dumbass, Namjoon. Stop talking." You snap.
"Maybe they're right, bub. It's senior year and it's coming to an end quick. I'd hate for you to regret it." Yoongi turns to you and says lowly.
"You know that won't happen." But really, part of you did feel a little bad. You knew it wasn't your scene, and you really didn't care what people thought of you when it came down to it. However, you always wondered what it would be like if someone liked you. If someone wanted you. Crushed on you so hard that they couldn't keep their hands off of you, couldn't stop thinking of you. Your first love. To feel pleasure, pain. Mixture of emotions simply by being in love. You wondered what it would be like to lose your virginity and have good, good sex. Besides, you were a human with needs. But the only person you have ever been close to was Yoongi. For the most part, you didn't see him that way because you knew he definitely didn't. But, you also couldn't help but wonder what it would be like to take your relationship to that point. If it was anyone, he would be the one you'd have feelings for. He would be your first kiss, your first everything. Because Yoongi was comfort and security for you.
But you valued your friendship more than anything.
"Just saying, think about it." He follows up.
"Think about getting an expensive dress and painful ass heals to wear for one night, just to dance around in 'em and take one professional pic with a date? Maybe get railed if I'm lucky?" You playfully wiggle your eyebrows making Yoongi shake his head.
"Don't be such a party pooper for once."
"Mmm. Great reasoning. Really convincing me here." You laugh it off even though in all honesty, you were thinking about it.
The bell rings and thank god it's finally lunch because you were fucking starving. Appetite and attitude on na-na, no doubt. You silently part ways with Yoongi to stop by your locker and grab your lunch. You make your way to the rowdy ass cafeteria, quickly scanning the room to catch a sight of Yoongi. You see him sitting on top of one of the lunch tables with Hoseok, Namjoon, Jimin and Taehyung sitting around him. Clearly, Yoongi wasn't free today.
"Wassup baby? Wanna trade that ball in for me?" Jimin says as you pass by their table to make your way outside to the bleachers. You flick him off before rolling your eyes and pretending to gag.
"Fuck off, Park." The group laughs except for Yoongi.
"Wonder if she's got that bad attitude in bed, too." Yoongi doesn't hesitate to smack Jimin upside the head because yeah, no matter what, he was gonna protect you as much as possible. "Owwww, I'm just kidding Yoongi."
"Don't let me hear you say that shit around me ever again."
"Fuck, I'm sorry. It was just a joke." Jimin winces as he rubs the back of his head.
"Damn Min Yoonks, why don't you take her ass to prom if it's like that?" Taehyung says, chewed up food coming into full view as he smacks loudly.
"Why don't you learn how to close your mouth first?" Yoongi spits back.
"Y/N is really rubbing off on you."
"It's manners, idiot. You should've been learned that." Namjoon says, laughing.
"But foreel, why won't you take her? You both are close, you've never seen her that way?" Hoseok asks making Yoongi shake his head in response.
"She's my bestfriend. I value her just the way she is, no more no less."
"Ah, you must have thought about it at least once." Yoongi keeps silent. Luckily, the group easily gets distracted and starts paying attention to Seokjin and Jungkook coming over as they talk about the dates they've scored for prom.
Yoongi has thought about it. Still does. Just like he is for you, you're the only one who understands him and takes him for who he is. You know the real him besides basketball player Yoongi. You're the only one who keeps it real. But he would rather keep it this way than ruin things between you and him. He'd hate to fuck up with you because he knows he can fuck up, there's no hiding from it. He'd never forgive himself if he lost you.
Practice is hell today for you and fuck, you really wanna just go home and lay down for the rest of the evening. Coach had you all running suicides and conditioning drills on the courts outside and pulling scrimmages against each other left and right. Let's not forget how coach is always on your ass right before a game too. Hell, she catches an attitude way worse than you before game time and after a loss. You wanted to avoid that at all costs. But, to avoid taking the bus home and instead hitching a ride with Yoongi, you throw on a hoodie and haul your ass to the gym in some nike slippers. You take a seat on a free end at one of the bleachers, holding Spalding in between your legs with your duffle next to you on the floor. The game is off to a start in about 5 minutes, Yoongi catches sight of you on the bleachers and nods. You give him a small smile as a gesture of good luck, which he reciprocates.
The game starts off intensely, both teams scoring closely even with the boys putting straight pressure. Towards the end of the first half, Yoongi and Eunwoo are the leading scorers, putting their team up by 10. Halftime is a bunch of hoo-haa, with cheerleaders in their itty bitty skirts, trying to shake their asses as they cheer for the boys. The boys don't even hide the fact that their ogling, and it's clear as day they all want some pussy. Quite frankly, they walk around thinking they deserve it cause of how hard they try to pull some wins and put the school on the map. Student government comes up for a bit too, pulling some kind of skit to weirdly promote prom. It makes you cringe and in all honesty, it makes you not wanna go even more, but it is your senior year. If you can snag a date, then maybe.
"Hey." Terra [not a cheerleader but still a pretty, popular chick] plops next to you with a smirk on her face. Immediately, you want no part in it because you already know what she's trying to do.
"I'm just gonna cut straight to it. Do you know if Yoongi is seeing anyone?"
"How the hell would I know, Terra?" You furrow your brows at her.
"Because you're close to him, aren't you?"
"And? Doesn't mean I'm telling people his business. Besides, he's not obligated to tell me everything just cause we're close." She rolls her eyes.
"Whatever. Look, can you do me a favor and give this to him?" She tries handing you a little ass piece of paper folded neatly with a pink heart decorated on the front.
"Why don't you give it to him yourself?"
"That's no fun." You scoff and roll your eyes. Really, miss girl? "Be a doll for once, yeah?" She winks and slips the note in between your wrist and Spalding so it stays put. You take the note and eye it, letting out a deep sigh as you shove it into your pocket. You weren't in the mood to be extra rude today so you'll give it to him later when he drives you home.
The game finally finishes with Yoongi making a final three, the boys keeping their lead up by 10. Everyone cheers and showers the boys with love after the team has finished shaking hands and high-fiving their opponents. You stick around until the crowd dies down, watching Yoongi flirt with Terra as you swing your duffle bag strap onto your shoulder before slowly heading down the bleachers.
"Hey bighead, good game today." You lightly punch him against the chest.
"I knew you'd come."
"Shut up. I'll be at your car."
"For what?"
"Cause you're taking me home, punk."
"No please?"
"Please." He shakes his head and chuckles before you part ways to let him gather his things in the locker room. When you finally catch sight of his teeny head coming towards you from the gym, you hear him unlock his car to let you in while he continues to walk over.
"Fuuuuuck." He says, throwing his things in the back before buckling his seat belt and switching the gear into drive.
"You have fan mail." Yoongi looks over and sees you clutching the note Terra gave you.
"What's that, a condom?"
"You're sick. It's from Terra."
"Who's that again?" You make a face at him.
"You were just telling her sweet nothings earlier after the game?"
"Oh, Terra with the tig o' bitties. Got it." He shakes his head. "I wasn't telling her sweet nothings."
"Right. You're an absolute dipshit, you know?" You prop up a leg on the seat while you unfold the letter.
"Give it!" You move it away from his grasp and begin to read it out loud.
"Yoongi, you're honestly so hot. If you don't have a date for prom, I just want you to know that I'm free, and I promise I'll give you a good time if you take me." You cackle. "Boy, what the fuck is this? Ew."
"Shut up." He blushes before laughing along with you.
"Look at her, writing her coochie out on paper."
"She isn't."
"Oh, really? Pfft." You softly scoff. "So, are you taking her or what?"
"I don't know? Maybe, damn. What about you?"
"What about me, fool? I told you I'd think about it."
"Go with Jimin. He still doesn't have a date." He hates to say it with how much of an asshole Jimin can be, but if it meant you'd be at your senior prom then Yoongi will let it pass. He'll make sure Jimin doesn't try any slick shit.
"Ew, god no."
"Look, I'll make sure he doesn't go overboard. I promise."
"Why do you want me there so badly, Yoongi?"
"Because it's our last year in high school together and I'd really like to celebrate with you somehow." You sigh heavily.
"Fair enough. Let me sit on it."
"Better hurry and stop keeping that seat warm."
"Don't rush me." You punch his arm, causing a groan to erupt from him.
- - -
Really, you'd rather be anywhere than at prom with Park Jimin holding onto your waist the way he is for the pictures you're taking with him, Yoongi and the rest of their group and dates. After all the pictures and fake smiles, you feel him slowly slip his hand down your dress to try and get a grip on your ass, but before you could do so, you're grabbing his wrist with full pressure and making him wince.
"Don't you fucking dare or else I'll cut your dick off and throw it in a blender."
"Aish, ah, fuck! Okay, I'm kidding, let me go!" He whines lowly. You let go of his wrist after one more good squeeze, causing him to wiggle his hand to get the feeling back.
"Get me some punch, will you? My mouth is dry."
"You know, I might know something else that can help." Jimin wiggles his eyebrows as he continues to hold onto his wrist.
"You have got to be fucking kidding me."
"Or not. I'll be back." He accepts defeat by smiling from ear to ear before walking off. You sit off to the side, the heels a huge pain in the ass on top of Jimin already being a huge pain in the ass. You lean over on your knees, completely forgetting you have a short dress on, causing boys passing by to whistle and eye at the easy access.
"The fuck are you looking at? Keep it moving." Yoongi says pushing the guys forward before shooting you a look. "Y/N, really?"
"Shit sorry, I forgot. I'm not used to this." You sit up and adjust your dress before rubbing your arms at how self-conscious you suddenly [and unexpectedly] feel.
"Are you having fun at least?" He sits next to you, manspreading on the seat in the navy suit he has on.
"Mmm, sure." You slightly smile at him. "What about you? You actually took Terra, huh?"
"Yeah, it's pretty fun." He chuckles. "Don't lie, I saw you dancing a bit earlier."
"That's when the alcohol hadn't worn off yet." You snort, remembering Seokjin's older brother giving the group alcohol after all the parents were done taking their pictures of you all. Yoongi laughs along with you before he looks over and simply stares at you, hair all done, makeup done perfectly without it being too much. You in a dress.
"You look beautiful tonight, bub."
"You don't look too bad yourself, bubby." You blush before Jimin interrupts the moment with your cup of punch.
"Here, princess."
"You better not be trying anything slick, punkass." Yoongi says.
"Mm, don't worry. I haven't been able to." You kick his shin as you chug your punch, causing him to cough and choke on his own words. "I'd like to peacefully have this slow dance with you at least, damn." You swallow the last bits of punch before you're taking Jimin's hand to the floor. Yoongi watches as you two make your way to the dance floor for a slow dance, slightly regretting that he didn't just ask you to dance.
"Let's dance, babe." Terra's baby voice comes out as she pulls him up from the seat to find a spot on the dance floor. Yoongi is honestly tired of having to keep up with Terra's energy and her clingy ass, but nonetheless, he was happy you were around for prom.
He was really happy you were around for prom, even though you hated this shit more than anything.
He had you in full view ahead, and so did you. He couldn't help but direct his attention towards you and keep his eyes on you. Fuck, he has never seen anyone so beautiful until you walked through Seokjin's doors with Jimin. Look, let's get this straight. Even though you had your own way of expressing yourself, he always loved your natural beauty, your natural glow. He loved watching you on the court and how happy it made you to play ball. He remembers every accomplishment, every milestone you've reached. How you've grown tremendously as a ball player. He would never admit it to you in person, but he definitely admires how you push yourself and how you always do what you can to improve. Hell, you might just be the better player between the both of you. And when you catch him looking over, he doesn't even try and hide it. He doesn't even care that he's still holding onto Terra and slow dancing with her.
Something within you flips. You feel that shit in the pit of your stomach, at the heat of your core.
But, you brush it off and break eye contact first, even if he doesn't stop staring. This couldn't happen, no. This was your bestfriend. You weren't gonna let the things you felt get in the way of that.
Suddenly, the song changes to something more upbeat and twerkable, Jimin taking the opportunity to spin you around and grind on you. You really need a distraction anyway, something to rid you of those god awful thoughts about your bestfriend, so you let him and you have fun with it. Everyone around you is having fun anyway, and fuck, you wouldn't have to do this ever again so fuck it.
"Let me get a dance with my bestfriend." Yoongi says to Jimin.
"Go dance with your date!"
"Shut up and switch for a second!" Yoongi says, pushing him off of you so he could get behind and dance with you.
"Yoonks, what the hell?" You laugh.
"Go with it, bub. It's fucking senior year, we're graduating soon." You go with his movements, having the time of your life with everyone around you as prom quickly comes to a close.
When you get into Jimin's car, you knock off your heels as he continues to talk nonstop about the night. Jimin was a cutie but god, you could not stand his mindset for the life of you. You were grateful he had agreed to take you to prom, but damn. Prom was done and all you wanted was some peace and quiet.
"I hope you had fun with me tonight." You give him a toothless smile before slipping your heels back on.
"I did, thank you for taking me. Really." He smiles from ear to ear before leaning over near your seat.
"Can I get just one good smooch for the night?" You look at him before you smirk and lean over near his lips.
"Sure." You whisper.
"Oh fuck, this is actually happening."
"Close your eyes, I know you don't fucking kiss with your eyes open. What are you doing?"
"Right. Sorry." He closes his eyes and puckers his lips. You lean in a little closer, feeling his breath against your lips.
Then you flick his nose.
"Peace out, Park." You throw open his door to step out and shut it behind you to quietly walk into your house.
The lights are off and your parents are already tucked into the room for the night, leaving you a note on the fridge reminding you to make sure all the doors are locked before retreating to your room. You do as you're reminded before quietly shutting your door and tossing your heels to the side. You let the pins down from your hair, ruffling it around a bit and relieving any pressure on your head. Before turning away from your dresser, you notice a letter from the one university you had been waiting on. You had been waiting to hear back from Stanford for the longest time, and quite frankly, you had been upset you hadn't heard especially when their scouts were at your game awhile ago.
You had broken down to your parents, to Yoongi, automatically assuming the worst when you heard that other people had already been accepted and scouted for Stanford. Suddenly, you found yourself working harder and harder because you felt like you were lacking in so many areas. You felt low, and like your dream was running miles and miles away from you. Faster than you could keep up.
You take the letter in your hand, but don't want to open it because you don't feel ballsy enough [surprisingly]. You call up Yoongi, not caring that he could possibly be in the middle of getting his dick wet.
"Are you busy?"
"I was just about to walk into my house."
"Oh, nevermind."
"Need me to come by?"
"I got a letter from Stanford."
"Shit, I'll be there in 2 mins."
And in 2 minutes, he surely was knocking at your window. You slide it up enough for him to climb in, Yoongi still in his prom get-up as well.
"Here." You instantly hand him the letter.
"What, why me? It should be you."
"I can't, I really can't." He sighs.
"Are you sure you won't regret this?"
"No, bub. Please." You sit on the bed and fiddle with your fingers as you watch him rip the envelope open and tear out the letter. You can't even keep your eyes on him as he reads the letter and starts backing away from you.
"What? What?!" You stand, trying your best to keep your tone low. He covers his mouth, causing you to pinch his bicep at how dramatic he was being. "Just say it!"
"You're not going." Your heart sinks, but before you could process it, Yoongi speaks up again. "To any other college because Stanford wants you."
"I'm going to fucking kill you!" You whisper and shove him.
"Congrats, bubby. Guess we'll be together in college too." Your eyes widen.
"Y-you're going? T-to Stanford?" He smiles and nods.
"Yeah, I am."
"Why didn't you tell me?"
"Look, I just wanted to give you your space. That's all. I found out before you went all cry baby on me."
"Shut up." You say before laughing and jumping into his arms, throwing your legs around his torso while he swings you around. As he sets you back down onto your bedroom floor, your hands linger around his neck, gently tugging on the hair that rested there. He keeps you close, his hands resting around your waist as your chests are still touching. You honestly have no idea what takes over you— perhaps all the feelings you felt tonight at prom taking over, or feeling overjoyed from finally hearing back from Stanford, you couldn't decide. But you crash your lips against his, immediately pulling back after you realized you've just kissed your bestfriend.
You just had your first fucking kiss through accidental causes.
Well, shit.
Was it accidental or no?
Mind is going off on a tangent.
"Woah. I'm so sorry, Yoonks, I—" He doesn't allow for any space between you two, keeping your body flush against his as his lips crash onto yours again to cut you off. To be quite honest, things are moving fast and the kiss deepens quick. You follow his motions, gaining some rhythm as your tongue dances along with his in the [now] wet, sloppy kiss.
"Wait, Y/N." He pulls away as the moment intensifies. "A-are you sure you wanna keep going? To be honest, I don't know if I'll be able to hold myself back and I know you haven't exactly—" He knows it would be your first time and he wasn't sure how he felt about it. I mean, sure, he loved you. You were special to him. But he wanted to make sure your first time was also special, whether it be him or whoever else.
"Please. I want this. I wanna do this with you."
By the looks of tonight, it seems like it's meant to be him.
You press your lips back onto his with the same intensity and start to unbutton his shirt when you feel his hands hike up your dress. He gently pushes you on the bed, crawling over to you as he kicks off his shoes and finishes ripping off his shirt and tie. He slowly removes the straps of your dress down your shoulders and undoes the zipper on the side before slipping it down and leave you in your panties.
You had no bra on.
Yoongi's eyes widen when he realizes such, your cheeks heating up while you watch him stare down your body. You begin to feel incredibly self-conscious so you cover your chest with an arm. Yoongi senses your uneasiness, your confidence shooting down below zero.
"You're beautiful, bub. Don't." He says, gently tugging your arm away and letting it fall limply to the side. You simply nod and let him take the reigns because you had no idea what the fuck you were doing. So many emotions were flooding your mind— you were nervous, you were scared, you were shy, you felt lost and too innocent under Yoongi, even if he knew you like the back of his hand.
And because of that, he could pick up on it with the way your body continued to tense up. He shook off his pants, leaving on his boxers until you were ready for him. Cause fuck, he was ready for you, but he had to take this slow. He had to take care of you.
He lowers himself onto you after the two of you have climbed under the sheets, lowering his head against your neck to press light, feathery kisses along the surface. You felt the tingles shoot down your spine every time his lips made contact, causing you to softly gasp and arch your back at how sensitive you were already feeling.
"If you ever feel uncomfortable, just tell me to stop okay?" He says lowly. You nod in response, Yoongi taking it as leverage to plant a kiss on your lips before moving down to your breasts. He keeps his eyes on you, making sure you don't seem uncomfortable in the slightest bit. But you don't, and it's indicated in the way you bite your bottom lip and arch your back at the way his tongue wraps around your hardened bud. He does the same on the other breast before peppering kisses down your stomach and abdomen.
"Yoongi." You slightly gasp, shy at how unusually close he is to your lady friend.
"What's wrong? Want me to stop?" His thumbs gently caressed your thighs as his head hovered over your pelvis. You shake your head and nervously swallow before speaking once more.
"I-I'm just scared, what if you don't like—"
"Shh." He shushes you. "You're everything to me, you know that. You don't have to change just so I could enjoy you in bed. I'll take good care of you, bub. I promise."
"O-okay." He nods, placing a kiss over your clothed clit before pulling them down to get lost within your sheets. He swipes a finger down your folds, causing your breathing to hitch slightly. You watch as he slowly inserts the same digit inside of you, biting onto his bottom lip watching your facial expressions turn from uncertainty to straight pleasure. "Another." You moan.
"You sure?"
"Yes, please." He inserts another digit, curling his fingers upward as he starts to finger fuck you at a steady pace.
"Shit, you're so wet Y/N." He says lowly before lowering his mouth onto you to get a taste and tease your clit. You gasp at the overwhelming sensation, feeling the pleasure bubbling in your core and you had no idea how to deal with it. He picks up his pace while tonguing your clit and sucking at the right pressure until suddenly, you short circuit and tremble under his grip. You purse your lips together to prevent yourself from moaning too loud with your parents at the other end of the hall [jesus fucking christ], knuckles turning white as you grip the sheets tightly.
Your first orgasm came and washed over you quick.
"Did you just—" He removes his digits from inside of you, drooling at your cum accumulating all over his fingers.
"Holy fuck." You whisper as you regulate your breathing, twitching when Yoongi places a quick kiss on your pussy before coming back up to you.
"How was that?"
"So good. Wanna feel you." You whine, tugging him down towards you.
"I got you, bubby." He says, kissing your jaw, cheek, nose and lips. He reaches over into his pants on the floor, grabbing a condom out of his pocket. You furrow your brow and chuckle, confused if this was something he always did.
"You just carry that around?"
"The guys and I split on a box and carried one each for tonight. Just in case."
"Total fucking assholes." He chuckles.
"Better safe than not, right?" He rips it open with his teeth, spitting the wrapper out onto the floor before rolling it down his cock. He was perfectly thick and long, and it made you a nervous wreck all over again thinking about how this could feel. "Ready? I'll go slow." You nod. You immediately felt immense pressure when you felt Yoongi dip his body and slowly enter you. You winced, Yoongi immediately pausing until you tapped his arm to continue. And so he does, and you continue to breathe through it until he bottoms out and lets out a soft groan against your neck. "Fuck, you're so tight bub. God, you're gonna make me cum quick." He slowly pumps in and out, steadying his pace when he feels you buck your hips up to go along with his motions.
The pleasure skyrocketed; You shut your eyes, letting yourself be in this moment. Feel this moment.
He picks it up a little faster, careful not to bang your headboard against the wall. His forehead is pressed against yours, watching as you let out soft whimpers against his lips.
"Fuck, fuck, fuck. Yoongi-Yoongi—" You whispered. "You're gonna make me—" It was becoming overwhelming, your clit rubbing against him as he steadied his pace and continued to fuck into you. He nods, pressing a kiss against your forehead.
"Yeah, that's it. Let go. It's okay." And that was enough for you to reach your second orgasm tonight. Quick, but fuck. Yoongi made you feel so good, and you wouldn't want it any other way. You shut your eyes as you hurdled over the edge, mouth open with silent, inaudible moans being released. "So fucking pretty." Yoongi says as he feels himself reaching his high with the way your walls pulsated against his cock.
God. So, so good.
He holds onto the headboard and quickly fucks into you until he's spilling his seed in the condom, muffled moans being released against the crook of your neck. It takes a moment before Yoongi raises his head, your hands running through his black hair while he presses a tender kiss against your lips. He slowly removes himself, wrapping the condom in a tissue before tossing it into your trash can. He plops next to you and welcomes you into his arms, caressing you to soothe you from your first time.
"You okay?"
"More than okay." You say, the both of you trying to savor the moment before trying to navigate where to go from here.
What now?
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Third Quarter: College, Junior Year (Present)
You bent down, hands resting against your knees as you tried to catch your breath during the timeout Coach Chu had called with 5.2 seconds literally left on the clock. He laid out the play he wanted you and the team to pull off in order to gain the win over Berkeley.
It had to be executed perfectly. No flaws.
Coach Chu had been riding your ass since you were a freshman. But, over the years, you've learned how to work through his tough love and turn it into positives, bettering yourself on and off the floor. It paid off, and he saw the fire in you, finally moving you up to starting point guard right before the season ended. Some team members hated it at first, but eventually, grew to work with it as well.
The plan was to have you come down into the paint and lay up the ball or take a shot at the very last second to avoid Berkeley from getting another chance at scoring. Sometimes you hated the pressure, but you've also learned that a big part of playing ball was thriving under pressure.
Your team closes up the huddle before you and your teammates are heading back out onto the floor to try and get this win. You shake off the nerves, bouncing the ball out of bounds until you check it in with your teammate. After that— it was like a blur. Shit happened so quick, you couldn't even process it. You passed the ball and dashed over to the other side of the court while your teammate put up a screen. You rose your hand as you ran into the paint, adrenaline rushing through your veins as you awkwardly lay up the ball in the position you were in and stumble onto the ground from losing your footing. You turn your head as the buzzer went off, noticing that the ball had bounced off the rim.
You missed a fucking lay up.
How could you miss a fucking lay up?
"Fuck!" You cry as you sit up and smack the floor.
"Aye, it's all good girl! Ain't a big deal! You win some, you lose some! We still got a ways to go!" Your teammate [roommate, and closest college friend] Clarice said as she helped you up. She was right, but every loss to you was a big loss no matter what. Coach was for sure gonna drill you about this too, and you were already mentally preparing.
"Thanks." You mumble. You look out at the disappointed crowd slowly dispersing, wishing you could still catch a familiar face in the crowd.
But, Yoongi hadn't been to your game in years. So you thought. You never caught him if he ever stepped foot into your game.
Your head hung low as the familiar feeling of pain and loneliness came rushing back while you headed to the locker room. Too bad you didn't see him hiding out on the side of the bleachers with Lucas.
"Y/N, a word." Coach Chu says, leading you into his office.
Fuck, here we go.
You shut the door behind you and stand awkwardly in front of his desk, fiddling with your fingers.
"Look, I just want to say that you put on hell of a show tonight, win or lose. We still have plenty of games left, plenty of opportunities to lock in play-offs. Alright? Don't be upset."
"Thanks Coach." You give him a tiny smile.
"Are you doing okay?"
"Uh, yeah. I think so."
"What's on your mind?"
"Nothing coach, just been a hectic couple of weeks." In which, it was no lie. You crammed for test after test, project after project. You barely had any time to breathe this year.
"Well, my door is always open if you need to chat." You nod. "I'll see you at practice. Enjoy your night."
"Thanks again." You say as you exit his office and get yourself showered and into comfier clothes.
Meanwhile, Yoongi heads back to his dorm room alongside Lucas, hands dug deep into his pockets while his head hung low.
"You ever gonna talk to her?"
"I don't know." He sighs. "Pretty sure I fucked up any chance of that."
"Look, dude. You haven't really been the same since you and Y/N fell out." Yoongi stays silent as they slowly climb the steps up to their room. "Why are you just gonna leave it like this? It's been so long already. Doesn't it bother you?"
"Positive she doesn't want me around." Lucas shakes his head.
"You haven't even tried. You just gave up and that shit is cold, to be honest. I know Y/N always held it down for you, I would have expected you to do the same." The words cut through Yoongi so deep, he doesn't even know how to respond and leaves it at that.
As you heavily dragged your body back to the dorms and took your sweet ol' time, your mind began to wander back to Yoongi as well. After he had taken your virginity that night, things took a turn for the worst.
He treated you differently, created this distance that allowed you to grow farther and farther apart from each other until he was no longer in your grasp and vice versa.
You went from Yoongi being a part of your every day to nothing. And fuck, did it hurt you. You cried and cried, until you were so tired of crying. You had to pick yourself up and keep it moving no matter what. Life waits for nobody.
You reminisce on those days of debating over who could really be considered the greatest. Although, you did pay your respects to the bigs, the greats— Kobe, Magic, MJ, Lebron— you paid respect where it was rightfully due. However, Derrick Rose at his prime? Rajon Rondo? Chris Paul?
Hell, even Baron Davis, Monte Ellis. Rookie Steph Curry? Shiiit. They were it for you, and Yoongi used to dog your ass on how unrealistic you were being.
That was all gone.
He must be having a ball watching Steph climb up those charts now, though. You wonder what he would say to you.
The days of going to basketball games, to each other's basketball games, to ordering hella pizza and creating chaos in either house over the dunk contest during the NBA All Star Week or yelling all around the living room and jumping on couches during the NBA playoff season and championship games— All gone.
If you knew this would drastically change you and Yoongi, you would have never let that night happen. You continued to put on your brave face, your thick, tough skin even though deep down, it took everything in you to suppress the hurt, betrayal and confusion. Even after all these years.
He meant everything to you. Did you not to him? You could never understand until this day. How could he dispose of you so, so quickly?
You see him on campus and quickly break any eye contact, or run the opposite way. You were tired of doing this even though you felt like you needed closure. Some explanation. You deserved it. But you weren't gonna initiate that. Even if Yoongi did, you don't even know if things could ever go back to the way it was. He promised he would never hurt you, but he has. He still is hurting you. The wounds— it cut deep. Deeper than he could ever imagine.
"Hello?" You smile, hearing your dad on the other line.
"Hey dad."
"Hey baby! How was your game? I'm sorry I couldn't catch it tonight, work kept me behind." You sigh.
"Eh, it's probably good you didn't. Didn't turn out so well." He picks up on how your voice cracks ever so slightly, enough to indicate that you were trying your hardest not to break down about your performance. "I missed the winning shot."
"Oh sweetheart, you'll get 'em next time. You always do. You still have a couple of games left don't you?"
"Yeah, but it doesn't change the fact that I played shitty as hell tonight."
"There's always room for improvement, only way to go is up from here right?" He says softly, making you smile. "You'll get 'em next time, I have no doubt. You always know how to better yourself even when I think you've already reached your highest potential."
"Thanks Dad. You always were my number one fan."
"I still am." He chuckles. "How's everything else? School?"
"Fine." He always has to stop himself from asking about Yoongi, even to ask if there's been the slightest change to your relationship.
"You sure?"
"Course." You lie.
"Alright, well you know me and your mom are here for you if you need anything."
"I know."
"I'll let you go and get some rest, alright? Don't be so hard on yourself."
"Mmm, I'll try." You chuckle. "I love you."
"Love you too. And hey, baby?"
"Always remember that you deserve everything good in this world. If someone can't handle you at your worse, they sure as hell don't deserve you at your best."
"Thank you." You smile as if your dad can see you through the phone before hanging up and unlocking your dorm door.
"Sigma Nu party going on tonight, wanna come and slide through?" Clarice asks as she watches you toss your duffle aside.
"I'm tired, not in the mood."
"So aren't I, but I think we both need it. Come on girl, just for a little." You sigh. Clarice had also been there by your side since you both were freshmen recruits. One day, she came into the room and found you a crying mess, causing her to wrap her arms around you and craddle you until you calmed down. You had spilled the beans about Min Yoongi, especially when he quickly became the talk of the campus as a ladies man and one of the best freshmen recruits Stanford has ever seen. You hated it, but a part of you still found yourself happy that he was getting the recognition he deserved as a ball player.
He wasn't the tallest, or the biggest, but boy had heart and played every game like it was his last. You had been his number one fan, and even though you hated him, that fact would never change.
Anyways, without Clarice, you weren't sure where you'd be. Definitely not here because you'd be too busy running away from your past and all the issues that came with it.
Yeah, yeah. Go ahead and say it. You would be stupid enough to not go to your first choice just because of a stupid boy.
"Fine, fine. I'm leaving as soon as someone wants to start acting up and getting all crazy though."
"Deal." She chuckles. You've learned how to dress up a little more— and by a little we mean baggy sweats, a crop tight fitting tee and chapstick. No way in hell you'd get dolled up for a party. Out of the years you've already been here, you probably went to two parties. One being the party Coach Chu threw at his house for a record-breaking season. The other was a legit party that you stepped foot in for all of 2 seconds before you figured it was time to head home, especially after seeing Yoongi hugged up with some chick and disgustingly tonguing her down while groping her ass.
Shit, you were never gonna get used to it.
The frat house is fucking packed and wreaks of weed even down the corner. You and Clarice push your way through, greeting people who were acknowledging your presence and waving at your other teammates that were also present.
"More basketball babes have arrived, let's go!" One of the frat guys cheers as you and Clarice make your way to the kitchen where all the alcohol is laid out.
"One shot?" She asks as she already has her hand wrapped around the Svedka handle.
"One and done." You tell her. You shouldn't have let her pour the shot though because now, you're stuck with nasty ass vodka near the halfway mark of the cup. "Clarice, what the fuck is this?"
"It's called savoring our one."
"You're fucked up." You joked as you tap your cup against hers and take the shot in three chugs. "Really fucked up." You wince.
"Come, lets go see what the other girls are up to and hang out for a bit." You follow her lead to the corner of the living room, chatting it up with your team before dancing around in the little corner you all occupied— keeping as far away as possible from sloppy and messy dudes.
You turned to eye the crowd at some point, catching Yoongi coming down the stairs, a female following from behind holding his hand. Then, they disappear to the outside of the house. You swallow the lump in your throat, the room feeling hotter than it already was.
Why he still had this affect on you, you had no idea.
Clarice and your teammates are too busy cracking jokes that they don't realize you've slipped away to get some air. You're finding that the crowd has come bigger in the short amount of time you've been here and navigating through it has become difficult. You're having to bob, weave and shove your way out, letting out a sigh the closer you get to the front of the house. You're also really glad you've been able to steer clear from—
"Shit, my bad." You unintentionally bump into someone making your way to the front from the side of the house due to you keeping your head low.
"Y/N?" You whip your head around to see Yoongi raising a brow, dropping his arm from the same chick's shoulders.
"Hi." You give him a fake, tight-lipped smile and rush your way to the front of the house. Thank god you finally make it because you were starting to feel claustrophobic, even being outside. However, you weren't prepared for Yoongi to come after you and grab your wrist the way he did.
"Wait, I didn't expect you to be here." Out of defense, you quickly snatch your wrist away from his grip and furrow your brows at him.
"Yeah, and now I'm leaving."
"Why, hang out for a bit—"
"And what, Yoongi? Watch you be the life of the party? Watch you walk around all fine and dandy like shit never happened between us?" You feel the tears welling up on your bottom lids, but you promised yourself you would never cry over him again. You refuse to. He had already taken up so much of you that you refuse to give him any more.
"Is that what you really think?" He says, the hurt apparent in his expression. To be frank, no. Yoongi really, really never meant to hurt you. And just like he had mentioned before, he would never forgive himself if he ever hurt you. He hasn't forgiven himself. He hasn't forgiven himself for how he let you slip out of his grasp when it was his own fault for pushing aside his feelings for you. He thought the world of you, the only woman who kept it real with him and stuck by him through the highest of highs, lowest of lows. There was no one as special as you, no one who could ever be as special as you, no matter how many times he tried to sink his dick into other females.
No one was real like you.
But, he was also conflicted because of that. He felt like he couldn't give you the love you rightfully deserved, he didn't think he could love you properly. He had so much to learn and he didn't wanna hurt you in the process. It sounds so fucking stupid [because it is] that he thought distancing himself was better than just being honest. He was a dumbass high schooler, he didn't know any better. But, he never meant to make you feel special for one night, then run from it. You were always special to him. You had always been. You always will be. And these past years hurt like a bitch, but he coudn't find the words to explain. Eventually, he just believed he would do less damage if you both remained distant this way.
Although, he longed for you. He really needed you just as you needed him. He always has, always will.
So when the two of you bump into each other tonight, he felt like maybe, it was a sign. Maybe it was time to stop being childish.
God, he missed your face.
God, he was a fucking asshole.
"No, I'm not doing this shit." You shake your head. "Just— continue to stay away from me, okay? I'm better off without you." The words sting you, but it doesn't sting you as much as it stings Yoongi. You glare at him once more before you turn on your heel and begin walking down the street to head back to your dorm.
"Y/N! Wait up!" Clarice calls for you, eyeing Yoongi as she passes him to catch up with you down the street. "Hey, hey. You okay?" She swings her arm around you when she catches you silently crying to yourself. "What did he do, Y/N?"
"He fucking exists, that's what." You groan. "Ugh, fuck! I'm not supposed to be crying over his dumbass, I'm better than this Clarice— Why the fuck am I crying over it?" You break down, crouching down to your knees, causing Clarice to hover over you and pull you into a hug.
"Maybe you just need to let it out and stop forcing yourself to not feel anything."
"I hate him, I hate him, I hate him." You bawled into your arms. "I hate him so much." She caressed your back. "But he still finds a way to mean so much to me."
"I think it's time for you two to talk."
"I can't. It's just better this way."
"Are you sure? Because look at you, Y/N. You're a mess, and this hasn't even been the first time you broke down about him. As much as you want to believe that you're fine without him, you're not. He was your bestfriend and I think you need him more than you even know yourself."
"He's doing fine without me."
"You don't know that, baby. Dudes are annoying as fuck because they can literally go on about their day and mask that shit well. If he's ready, let him explain. Hear him out. You both may be misunderstanding the entire situation." It takes you a good minute before you can finally gather yourself and make it back to your dorm room with Clarice.
She was right.
But you were so angry more than anything. You were angry and you weren't sure how you could get past it.
He left your side. 
And so the next day, you go about your day in class, staying quieter than usual during practice. For the most part, Coach Chu was always on your ass because of how vocal you were and how much you caught an attitude when things didn’t go the way you'd like it to. So, to see you this quiet, almost sullen even, concerns him. But, he already pressed you once and he wasn't gonna do it again to avoid irritating you any further.
You run the usual conditioning drills, practicing play by play before a final scrimmage game for the night. You push yourself hard like you always do, almost coming out of practice dry heaving from how tired you are. It was your bad habit though, you wouldn't quit until you got it right. Until you felt right. And unfortunately, it's another one of those nights where you feel unsatisfied with your performance. So, you take it upon yourself to continue practicing in the empty gym that was set to close within the next hour. You're tired out of your mind, and you know this is probably a bad idea, but you can't shake off the feeling of dissatisfaction. To you, that was the next worst thing. Right behind Yoongi.
You begin to work on your three pointers, lay ups and shots out of range before you start to play a scrimmage game with yourself.
"I'll play you." You suddenly hear, the sweat beads dripping down your forehead at this point. You watch Yoongi as he drops his water bottle off at the side of the court before walking over to you.
"Go away."
"Afraid you'll lose?"
"No, I just don't wanna play your ass." You shot up the ball, only for it to bounce off the backboard and land in Yoongi's hand.
"Ball up. Let's play till 10."
"Why the hell do you wanna play me, Yoongi? Don't you have a random chick to bone?"
"I'm clearly standing right in front of you aren't I? Quit fucking talking and play." He aggressively passes you the ball to check it in, you following suit, making the ball damn near bounce off of his chest with how hard you pass it back. He knew exactly how to rile you up.
You get into the zone quickly, trying to find some kind of redemption for the way you had been feeling lately. Redemption, validation, way to take the edge off— anything, really. It was only until the first person scored to 10, but Yoongi was putting up one hell of a fight, jet black hair parted down the middle and matted to his forehead from the sweat building up. You take the lead, sitting at 8 while Yoongi sat at a sad 6 points.
"Ball." You call out as you scored a layup, ramming yourself against the padded wall with the force you had put up.
"That's 10."
"Ball, Yoongi." You huffed and puffed.
"Stop, don't overwork yourself. You just got—"
"Suddenly you care? Stop being a pussy and pass me the goddamn ball." He furrows his brows as he passes you the ball, crouching down to meet you at eye level to try and guard you. You run towards the right of the court, pulling a pump fake before you pivot to get away from Yoongi's guard. You pivot hard and drive it up to the basket, only to fall on the wrong footing and twist your ankle on the way down. "Ouch, fuck!"
"Shit, Y/N!" Yoongi comes to your side, hand supporting your back as the other is on your ankle.
"I'm fine, leave me—"
"Stop being so fucking stubborn and let me help you." He says angrily. You don't say anything else while you fix your position on the floor. "Can you wiggle it at least?"
"Y-yeah." You wince as you wiggle your foot and roll it around a couple of times. Phew, at least this shit wasn't gone for good. But Coach Chu still wouldn't be happy to hear you sprained your ankle releasing your anger on Yoongi during a dumb game. Yoongi helps you stand, arm around your waist as he throws your arm around his neck and holds you steady by the wrist.
"Try walking on it."
"I can, but it hurts a little." Yoongi sighs.
"You just sprained it. Let's go get you some ice or something at the nursing center before going back to your dorm." You silently nod as you hang onto Yoongi for extra support, careful not to make the situation any worse than it already is. He has you sit on the chair within the nursing center, the nurse coming over to wrap your ankle nicely before giving you crutches and some instant hot compress to pop onto it. She orders for security to drive you two over to the dorm building in their go-cart so that you wouldn't have to do much walking on your foot while you focused on healing.
Yoongi doesn't leave your side, even after you've walked into your dark, empty dorm room, not really knowing where Clarice is at right now [possibly library]. He shuts your door and sits you on the edge of your bed, setting your crutches near your bed side and your instant hot compress.
"You need anything else?" Your head hangs low as you slightly chuckle and shake your head.
"Why are you doing this?" You ask him lowly before looking back up at him, tears clouding your vision. "Hm? Why, Yoongi?"
"You're hurt, why wouldn't I—"
"Hmm." You hum. "I'm hurt? So where the fuck were you after prom night? When I was hurt then, where the fuck have you been?" You began to cry.
"Y/N." His tongue swipes over his lips before he sighs. "I'm sorry." He says, close to a whisper.
"Are you? Because I don't think you really understand how bad you hurt me." You aggressively wipe away your tears while continuing to look at him, his body language soft and full of regret. "You didn't care about me."
"How could you say that? I cared—" He sighs as his head drops for a second. "I care about you more than you know."
"If you did then why the fuck was it so easy for you to drop me the way you did?!" You yelled. "You just don't do that to the people you care about, especially if it’s your bestfriend."
"Look, you're right. I have no excuse for the way I acted, and if I could turn back time to re-do it, I would. But I can't, and the only thing I can do is apologize and do my best to make it up to you." His bottom lip trembles as he steps closer to you, a small frown forming at the corners of his mouth.
"Yoongi." You cried. "I did everything for you, I stuck by you through everything, even during the times you didn't deserve that shit from me. But I stayed! I stood by you because you meant everything to me and god—" You groaned. "I needed you. I needed you and you weren't there! I fucking hate you for doing this shit to me but part of me will always have love for you no matter how fucked up the situation is. I will always drop everything for you. I will always care about you, and it's so unfair." It broke Yoongi's heart and he didn't know what to say, but he wraps his arms around you anyway, keeping you in a tight hug against his chest. He's surprised that you let him, even more surprised at how he feels your body soften under his touch.
"Fuck, I'm so, so sorry bub." He says lowly as he presses a kiss on top of your head. "I'm so sorry."
"Please don't ever go again." You cry against his chest.
"No, I'm not. I'm gonna be right here." He says hugging you tighter. "You're the only one who's ever understood me, who's ever kept it real with me. I don't deserve you, but I know damn sure I'll work hard to make up for letting you go in the first place." He places another kiss on top of your head. "I'm right here. Not going anywhere. I'm so sorry."
- - -
"THE STANFORD BOYS TAKE THE CHAMPIONSHIP!" The commentator screams into his mic, Yoongi running a lap around the court before he's cheering loudly with his teammates and joining the group hug. You run down the bleachers, dashing straight into Yoongi's arms while he swings you around.
"That's what I'm fucking talking about!" You squeal and giggle as Yoongi places you back down and plants multiple kisses around your face, hands resting on the small of your back.
"Let's get out of here." He whispers in your ear.
"I'll wait at your car, bighead." You wink, causing him to smile that gummy smile of his that you adore more than life itself.
There's obviously a huge party going on tonight to celebrate this huge achievement, but Yoongi says he doesn't wanna join for once. He's happy, yeah. But the way he wants to celebrate is in peace. After so long, he feels like he can finally say he's content with where his life is at and where it's going. He drives over to the nearest beach, backing into a space so the both of you could sit in the back and try catching all the shooting stars up above. Yoongi leans against the side of the trunk, allowing you to lay your head on his lap while you curled up beside him listening to the waves slowly crash against the sand.
"Saw one." He says, looking up at the sky.
"You're a punk, no you didn't."
"What?" He laughs. "How are you about to say that? I caught it with my own two eyes."
"Oop! I saw one!"
"Now that's a lie. I was looking up too."
"Shut up." You laugh, causing Yoongi to tickle you along the sides before he stops and plants a kiss on your lips. It's silent for a minute while the two of you take in the night view— The sky and ocean coming together as one, forming a view that seemed endless.
"Hm?" You hum as Yoongi's fingers gently brush through your hair.
"You know I love you right?"
"Ew with the sappy shit, Min Yoongi." He laughs.
"I know." You smile up at him. "I love you too."
"Come here." He says softly, tugging you upwards. You sit up, allowing Yoongi to press his lips against yours. He pulls you in by your shirt, having you straddle his lap while he grips onto your hips and immediately grinds against you. You let out a small moan feeling how quickly he hardened, his cock hitting you in the right places as you continue to grind on him. "Fuck, wanna feel you babygirl."
"Yeah." He chuckles and bites onto his bottom lip.
"What, all of a sudden you're scared?"
"Fuck off." You fire back, releasing his hardened member from its confines as you stroke him gently. He tilts his head back in pleasure before tugging your shorts and panties to the side, enough for him to cop a feel of how wet you are.
"Baby's all wet."
"What're you gonna do about it?" You whisper against his lips, biting onto his bottom lip and pulling back slightly. He hisses at the sensation before he moves your hand from his cock and takes control. He pushes you upward, positioning you enough to line up with your entrance.
"Take this shit off."
"Yoongi, we're in public."
"So, you're all talk and no play."
"I hate you."
"Nobody's here." He groans. "Just take off your shorts, pleeease." He begs as he slowly strokes himself. You toss aside your shorts, Yoongi immediately hooking his finger at the bottom of your panties and tugging it aside in order to push himself into you. He does enough before he lets you do the rest of the work and sink down on his length, a gasp leaving your throat as you take all of him in. He grips your hips tightly, setting the pace as he groans into your neck, your fingers tangled in his hair resting at the nape of his neck.
"Shit, babe." You moan as you tilt your head back.
"Fuck, you always ride me so well." He presses light kisses against your neck before he's nipping at the surface.
"Godddd why do you feel so good?" You whimper.
"You like how I feel inside of you?" You nod. "Yeah? Like how my cock fills you up?"
"Never gonna get tired of it." You moan, Yoongi making you pick up the pace aggressively. Besides the waves crashing, the lewd noises of skin slapping against skin fills the car, along with your soft moans and Yoongi's groans. Your clit is constantly rubbing against him, causing the pleasure to build so quickly it becomes overwhelming. You try to hold off as much as you can but—
"My pretty baby. All I fucking need." He almost growls, the words enough to send you over the edge. You let out a loud moan, not even caring for the houses nearby as your orgasm hits hard and ripples throughout your body, sending aftershocks. Yoongi continues to have you ride him fast and hard, the overwhelming sensation causing a hint of pain to mix with more pleasure until  you feel him feel you up. "Fuck, fuck, fuck!" He groans as his nails dig into your skin, giving two good thrusts upwards into you to help ride out his high. You both sit in the position for a minute, trying to come back down from your highs. Yoongi gives you a delicate peck on the lips, smiling into the kiss before he pulls away. "Swear you're all I need."
"See, I don't know if I could say the same." He smacks your ass as you hike up and off of him to put on your shorts.
"Take it back."
"I'm kidding." You blush.
"My ride or die. Are you with me?"
"Always have been. Are you?"
"You know I am."
"Good. You know it takes two." He smiles before pulling you into another hug and pressing a kiss against your temple.
846 notes · View notes
dreamwritesimagines · 4 years
Twisted 20 - The Compass [Spencer Reid x Reader]
A.N.: Thank you so much for your wonderful support my loves! Here’s the next chapter, I hope you will like it as well, and please let me know what you think of it! ❤❤ Ily, kisses! ❤❤❤
Series Masterlist
Warnings: Murder, serial killers, violence, manipulation, mentions of sex, drinking, smoking, blood.
Word Count: 4000
Summary: Coming home can be unpleasant.
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After getting a phone call from the FBI, you were now sure of one thing:
Karma really needed another hobby other than messing with you, and this break up was definitely not going the way it was supposed to go.
For starters, people who broke up with each other were not supposed to see each other this much. You had different lives, different social circles, different jobs and somehow universe kept pushing you two in each other’s space.
To make things worse, the last time you talked to Garcia she had offhandedly mentioned Luke dragging Spencer to a nightclub much to his displeasure and introducing him to a friend of his. Naturally, your mind was full of images of Spencer in a happy relationship, eventually moving to a house in the suburbs with her and having kids and all that.  
“I don’t know what Luke is thinking,” Garcia said, “But I’m two seconds away from pulling him aside and giving him a piece of my mind. Reid is obviously still not over you, ambushing him to introduce him to a girl won’t change that.”
Needless to say, you had been in a terrible mood for the last couple of days.
“What’s taking her so long?” you checked your wristwatch and Nolan looked at you over his newspaper.
“Oh she’s talking to the board of the charity auction,” he said, “There are some last minute changes, apparently.”
You heaved a sigh and checked the time again, “I can’t stay for long,” you murmured and Nolan raised his brows.
“Oh? In a hurry?”
“Me and Spencer and…well, some of his team will go by the woods,” you said, “They found some bones near dad’s cabin close to the weekend house and they think it might help me remember where the rest is buried.”
He made a face, “That’s disturbing.”
“Nah, I thought going on a dead body remains hunt with my ex in the woods near one of my childhood trauma places would be romantic,” you deadpanned, “You don’t do that with your exes?”
“Not really?”
“Oh man you’re missing out.”
He let out a chuckle and shook his head, “I take it things haven’t improved on the heartbreak front?”
“I wouldn’t know, apparently his friend is setting him up with someone.”
“Mm, let me guess,” he mused, “Your plan is to do nothing about it?”
“No, I’m actually following your example,” you smiled at him sweetly, “I’ll just wait for decades and hope the girl turns out to be a serial killer.”
He tilted his head. “Touché.”
“Aw thank you,” you pushed at the food in your plate, “No seriously, what can I do? I can’t just go to him and tell him not to date other people. We broke up— I broke up with him.”
“You could explain the reason behind that.”
“I can’t do that.”
He clicked his tongue, “Well then, I suggest you get ready just in case he happens to ask for your help planning his wedding.”
“You’ve been absolutely no help at all Nolan, I appreciate that.”
“I’m offering you my wisdom and you’re not taking it,” he held up his hands, gesturing surrender, “I also suggested to get his superiors to fix a meeting with him to talk to him about certain boundaries and mistakes but…”
“Get his superiors— I’m sorry, what?”
“I play poker with the head of the department he works under.”
“Of course you do.” You sipped your coffee, “When did you suggest that exactly?”
“Oh not to you, to your mother,” he nodded to himself as he saw the look on your face, “Yeah. But then I saw how it could not only damage some professional relationships, but also it’s better to let young people solve their own problems, no matter how easy it is to solve them with an outsider’s influence.”
You pulled your brows together.
“Try again.”
“I asked your mother and she said no.”
“Oh thank God.” You pinched the bridge of your nose, “Yeah no, don’t do that. We’re not in high school, you know?”
“Could’ve fooled me,” he smiled slightly at the scandalized look on your face.
“Whatever,” you waved a hand in the air, “It’s strange that mom said no though. She doesn’t really like him nowadays, and she keeps listing all his….disadvantages whenever I talk about him.”
“Mm hm. The other day she said it was maybe for the best in the long run, because he’s an FBI agent so considering his paychecks, we would eventually fight about our future children’s tuition fees.”
Nolan thought for a moment, “She does have a point, considering what FBI pays their agents…”
You blinked a couple of times, “Right,” you said, “That’s exactly why I broke up with him. Because who would be paying for our hypothetical future children’s future tuition fees, yeah. Deal breaker, that one.”
“It could be a contributing factor though—“ he started but you heard your mother’s heels approaching and soon enough she walked into the living room and pressed a kiss on your cheek.
“Darling, I’m so sorry to have kept you waiting,” she told you before pecking Nolan on the lips, making him smile, “This whole charity auction, honestly…”
“Do I have to come to that thing?” you looked between them, your brows pulled together in an attempt to make them take pity on you but your mother tilted her head.
“Yes you do.”
“It’s just that…” you heaved a dramatic sigh, “You know, I’m going through a break up—“
“You’ve been going through a break up for more than a month now, you’re not allowed to use that as an excuse.”
“My heart is broken!”
“Good, focus on charity then.”
You rolled your eyes and turned to Nolan, “What’s the real reason she’s dragging me to this?”
“Oh no, I’m not getting caught in this crossfire.”
She cleared her throat and sipped her coffee, “The other day when I visited Nolan at work, he happened to introduce me to this very handsome Chief Marketing Officer who’s handling—“
“Oh no.”
“Keep in mind that we pay him more than what FBI pays his agents.” Nolan stated, laughing up his sleeve as if he found it hilarious and you scrunched up your nose.
“Nolan, I know you were born in the eighteenth century but that’s actually not a problem we have these days.”
“He’s single,” your mother said as if she wasn’t even listening and you threw your head back, letting out a whine, “He loves dogs and squash—“
“Jesus Christ.”
“Don’t worry, he’s not sitting at our table,” your mother said, “I fixed another surprise for you at our table, and I figured you’d want to keep your options open.”
“Besides, if your ex boyfriend is moving on…” Nolan trailed off and your mother raised her brows.
“Oh, Spencer has a girlfriend now?”
“No!” you said way too loudly and then cleared your throat, “I mean—I don’t care. But I don’t think so, I would’ve heard it.”
“See? More reason for you to meet other people.”
You pouted, “I hate this so much. I can’t believe I’m being dragged into this nonsense only because you guys are making me, this is seriously bullshit…”
“Y/N, do you want some cookies?” Nolan interrupted your grumbling, “One of my assistants brought them from France the other day.”
You scoffed, “How old do you think I—” you paused for a moment, then shrugged your shoulders, “Actually yeah, I’d love some cookies right now.”
Unfortunately, when you left your mother’s house you had overestimated the traffic and how long it would take you to get there so by the time you had pulled over by the road leading into the woods, you could only see one FBI car. You didn’t have to wonder who was in it when your eyes caught the sight of Spencer leaning against it and your heart skipped a beat.
“Fuck…” you murmured to yourself and considered for a short second to drive away until others got there, but it was too late. Spencer turned his head, saw your car and stopped dead on his tracks so you heaved a sigh and pushed open the door to step outside. You looked around before you pulled yourself up to sit on the hood before you fished your cigarette pack out of your purse.
“You’re early.” Spencer said and you raised your glances to look at him for a second before lighting your cigarette.
“So are you,” you put the lighter back into your purse, “Came by yourself?”
“Luke is talking with the police.”
“Lovely,” you exhaled the smoke and he crossed his arms, looking up at the sky for a moment before stealing a look at you.
You had no idea what to say to him. After that one day of truce, it was like you were back to being enemies and ignoring each other. The fact that he might have been ready to date another person made you feel even worse if it was possible, especially after that phone call between you. He had said that he was a mess just like you were, he had said you had taken a part of him when you left him, and—
You didn’t even know what you hoped for. You knew it wouldn’t change anything, and yet the thought of him being with someone else was more than enough to make you feel like you were falling off a cliff.
Maybe it was just the truce talking. Maybe he didn’t mean any of that.
Your phone vibrating in your purse made you snap out of your thoughts and you looked at the caller I.D., then frowned and answered.
“Hey, I’m a little busy at the moment.”
“On a Sunday?” Lincoln’s voice reached you, “Who’s the workaholic now?”
“Still you Linc,” you said and Spencer’s head shot up, “What’s up?”
“I just called to let you know that they just moved me to your table.”
You pulled your brows, “I’m sorry, what?”
“At the charity auction. My table was 3, they just e-mailed me to say I’ve been moved to 1.”
“Jesus Christ, you’re the surprise?” you asked, pinching the bridge of your nose, “Somebody needs to stop my mother.”
“Nothing,” you said, “I…That’s great, we’ll sit together then. If you like sulking the whole night, we’ll be just fine.”
“Come on, it could be fun.”
“I doubt that.”
“Hey, at least you’re not alone.”
“I’ll drink throughout that night, you sure you can keep up?”
“Do you even know who you’re talking to, you amateur?”
“Oh it’s on.” You smiled slightly and he chuckled.
“I’ll see you at our table then. With drinks.”
“Yeah, I’ll be there,” you said before you hung up, and put the phone back into your purse before you felt Spencer’s burning gaze on you, so you looked up at him.
“What?” you asked and he scoffed a bitter laugh, shaking his head.
“I didn’t say anything,” he said, his gaze fixed on the woods and you tilted your head.
He sucked a breath through his clenched teeth, as if trying to decide whether to say anything or not before you could ask again, Luke approached you two, another car pulling over by your car.
“Hey there.” You greeted Luke as you jumped off the hood and he tilted his head.
“Why are you shorter?”
You motioned at your sneakers, “I figured since we’re going into the woods, heels would be a bad idea.”
“Is this the first time I’m seeing you without heels?”
“Should we get going?”
JJ stole a look at Spencer and you, then turned to Luke, “Actually, do you mind coming with me to the car for a moment? There’s this file I want to get your opinion on.” She nodded at you, “You guys go ahead if you want.”
You pulled your brows together for a second, trying to understand what was happening but then decided you wouldn’t question it and stepped into the woods, a shiver running down your spine.
It looked way too familiar.
You gritted your teeth and started walking, and it didn’t take long for Spencer to catch up with you.
“So I never got to ask you,” you managed to say after almost ten minutes of complete silence, “That…that blood vial in that petal bowl, whose blood was it?”
“Right,” you murmured as you kept walking, “Was it….was it something my dad did back then?”
“No.” Spencer said curtly and you looked over your shoulder.
“So then what does it—“
“Are you dating other people?” the words left his lips in a hurry as if he didn’t know how to stop them and you stopped dead on your tracks.
“I beg your pardon?”
He opened his mouth for a moment like he was trying to find the right words but then he closed it and shrugged his shoulders.
“Never mind,” he murmured, walking past you and you gawked after him for a while before you rushed after him.
“No, what was that?”
Maybe your whole theory about Spencer being a genius therefore not being able to be jealous wasn’t exactly the truth.
“I’m not— is this about Lincoln?” you held up the phone in your hand before you sped up to catch up with his long strides, “There’s this stupid charity auction bullshit and we’re both attending it, that’s it.”
“Alright,” he murmured, still walking and you let out a breath.
“What?” he turned around to look at you, that fire burning in his eyes again, “I said never mind, okay?”
“I’m not dating Lincoln!” you exclaimed “And I— even if I were, at least he’s not someone I met at a nightclub my friends forced me to go, unlike some of us.”
“What does that-” he started but it hit him in a second, “Garcia told you.”
“It came up.”
He raised his brows, “Yeah? How?”
“It just did.” You managed to say even if your cheeks were burning, “So what? You’re going to stand there and ask me that when you’re moving on already?”
“I’m not moving on!” he said as if you had just insulted him, “Besides, you broke up with me remember?”
“Yeah and you wasted no time Spencer, congratulations.” You murmured as you walked past him but as soon as your eyes caught the sight of the huge cabin by the small hill, your breath got caught in your throat and you took a step back, the memory flashing through your mind so fast that the headache hit you out of nowhere.
Your father tugged you by your hand through the woods as you yawned, rubbing at your eyes.
“Are you sleepy honey?”
You nodded, looking up at him, 
“Daddy I thought we were going to come here tomorrow, with mom and Mina.” you said as you hugged the huge teddy bear you had brought with you when your father had woken you up and told you that you would be taking a small trip to the cabin.
“We are,” he said, “We will go back home after our hunt is done here.”
“Yeah but mom says Mina and I can’t be outside the cabin at night,” you murmured, “The lake is too close, remember? We might fall in, she says.”
“She’s right, no leaving the cabin by yourself when it’s dark outside,” he said, “Or else no chocolate for a week, you know the rules.”
“Okay, okay…” you yawned again, and your father knelt down so that you could look him in the eye.
“Petal honey, I want you to pay attention,” he said, “Look around. Let’s say you’re in the woods by yourself and you’re hunting. You know how we hunt, right?”
You took a deep breath, “Stab the prey, twist the knife, pull it back and watch them bleed.”
“Very good,” he said, “When you’re hunting in the woods, what’s the first thing you do?”
“Look up at the sky,” you said, “That’s how I know where I am.”
“Good start. How about if your prey is running to get away from you? How do you chase them?”
“People aren’t calm when they’re being hunted,” you repeated what he had told you, “They make noises. I follow that, and wait for them to tire themselves out.”
He nodded, then you both climbed the stairs to the front door of the cabin.
“And what’s the one thing you remember?”
“To stay calm and patient.”
He smiled at you and opened the door to the cabin so that you could see the bloodied person tied to a chair, screaming through the gag.
“Good,” he said, “Let’s go over what we do with the prey, shall we?”
“Y/N!” Spencer’s voice cut through the memory, almost grabbing you and pulling you back to the reality and it was only when you realized you weren’t standing anymore, instead you were on the ground on your knees, gasping for breath.
“I can’t—“ you choked out, pressing a hand over your chest “I—I can’t breathe—“
“Yes you can,” he helped you sit and lean your back to the tree trunk, “You just need to focus on me, alright? Can you breathe with me?”
You sniffled, trying to match your breathing with his and he nodded,
“There you go,” he said with a smile, “You’re doing great. Is it okay if I touch you?”
You nodded your head, still desperate to cling to anything that would protect you from that memory and he entwined his fingers with you.
“Keep your focus on me,” he said as he wiped the teardrop off your cheek with his free hand,  awakening a fire right beneath your cheekbone, “Here’s what we’re going to do, you will inhale when I squeeze your hand, exhale when I stop. Can we do that together?”
You inhaled when you felt his grip tightening around your hand, then exhaled when it became loose again.
You let out a shaky breath, “Hm?”
“Why are public proposals so bad?”
A teary laugh escaped from your lips, “Professor…”
“No, I want you to tell me,” he said as you inhaled again when he squeezed your hand, “Why are they so bad?”
“Because they—“ you exhaled, “They’re not private.”
“They could be romantic.”
“But they’re not,” you protested, “They’re not romantic. They’re pretentious.”
“Pretentious?” he squeezed your hand once more and you took another breath.
“If you need an audience for something like that, you’re pretentious yeah.” You said as the nausea slowly retreated and he pushed your hair behind your ear before his knuckles brushed over your neck, it lasted only a moment but it was enough for you.
“Thanks,” you mumbled and he offered you a small smile.
“Brings back the memories, huh?” you leaned your head back to the tree trunk and he nodded.
“Yeah,” he murmured, “Yeah it really does.”
You pressed your lips together, “Spencer, why are you helping me?” you asked him, taking him by surprise, “With….all this. I thought you hated me.”
He swallowed thickly,
“I can’t hate you,” his voice was almost a murmur, “I wish I could. Trust me, I tried.”
“Guys?” you heard Luke’s voice and you turned your head to see them approaching, “What’re you—what happened?”
“We’ll meet you there in a second,” Spencer said, shooting JJ a look and she nodded.
“Okay,” she said, “Come on Luke.”
They walked past you to the cabin and you looked up at the sky for a couple of seconds before willing yourself to focus on him again.
“You remembered something,” he said and you nodded.
“A memory,” you managed to say, “I…Spencer, there are dead bodies in there.”
“I know, we found bones in the backyard—“
“No,” you cut him off, “You don’t understand. There are dead bodies in the cabin.”
He pulled his brows together and you pulled your hand out of his before standing up on shaky legs, still holding onto the tree for support.
“Y/N, we can wait-” he said but you shook your head and made your way to the cabin until you reached the stairs. Every cell in your body was screaming at you to run away, but you managed to force yourself to climb the stone stairs and stopped for a moment at the door as Spencer stepped to stand next to you. Everything looked exactly the same as you had left them all those years ago right before your father was arrested.
A shudder went down your spine, the same as the one you had gotten when you woke up in your apartment after being drugged. Something in here was way too dangerous for you and it wouldn’t rest until you were at its mercy so you had to get away before it could dig its claws under your skin, but-
You had to do this. You could do this.
You had been through much worse than this before.
You had survived your father, you had survived his copycats, you had survived everything thrown your way so far, you could survive this as well.
You rolled your shoulders back and stepped into the huge living room, the memory pushing at your mind but you shook your head, forcing yourself to focus.
“We can leave if you want,” Spencer murmured and you dug your fingernails into your palms hard enough to hurt.
There was a reason why police couldn’t find anything in this goddamn place when they first checked. You had repressed the memory just like you had repressed the rest, and now that you were here…
The memories about the cabin were swirling in your head, each more terrifying than other.
Luke turned his head, “Yeah?”
“Do you mind stepping aside for a moment?” you asked, “Actually, if no one could—if no one could stand on the rug that’d be ideal. Thanks.”
JJ shot you a look but nodded at the two other agents walking around the living room and you slowly approached the magnetic chess board by the coffee table, holding out your hand over the pieces for a second. Panic roared through you but you gritted your teeth and moved the pawn, then put the bishop where your father taught you to put it way back then.
“It’ll be like a treasure hunt, but you need to keep it a secret,” he had told you, “Pinky swear?”
You turned the queen in hand your for a moment, then put it right next to the bishop and the small basement trapdoor which was impossible to see even if someone was looking for it clicked under the rug. Spencer froze for a moment before he and Luke pulled the rug off the floor and pulled open the hatch but the smell coming from downstairs made you cover your mouth.
“Stay here,” Luke told the agents as he went downstairs and Spencer followed him right before JJ did. You stalled there for a moment, trying to repress the fear pinning you to your spot before you stepped closer to the stairs leading down to the secret basement.
“Miss—“ the agent said but you ignored him and made your way down. JJ and Spencer already had their flashlights on as Luke held his gun, ready to pull the trigger at any unexpected movement.
“You can’t be here.” Spencer told you but you weren’t even mood to snap back at him. You dragged your fingertips on the wall until you found the switch and turned the light on, the smell getting worse and worse.
There were three huge boxes by the wall, all tightly shut and you had a feeling—
No, not a feeling. What you had was a memory and you knew exactly what was in them.
Spencer turned to you, apparently ready to tell you to go upstairs again but as soon as his eyes caught something over your shoulder, he froze, his jaw clenching. You could feel your heartbeat getting faster and faster as Luke stopped dead on his tracks.
“Y/N, go upstairs.” Spencer said, his tone way too controlled until you turned your head, “No wait, don’t look—“
But it was too late. The bloodied message on the wall made you gasp as you took a step back, unable to look away as that familiar dread filled you once more, the simple line causing goosebumps to rise on your skin;
Welcome home Petal.
                                 Chapter 21 
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stoneworldsimp · 3 years
what’s mine is not yours —a request
platonic senku x reader
warnings: swearing, anxiety, talk of insecurities and worries, gender dysphoria
your name!
your name!
your hands slapped to your ears, eyes shut tight. i can’t take this so early in the morning.
the voices from your dream had lingered longer than you would have liked. it reminded you it was time to face another day, to endure another long long day and night of hearing the wrong things.
maybe if i went and lived on my own again…i wouldn’t have to deal with it—no. senku needs me. he needs me…what does he need me for again? you rolled onto your stomach; your pillow rustled as you flopped it on top of your head. he doesn’t need me. i’d rather be lonely than hear everyone say some bullshit about me.
everyone in the village knew you as a miss. yuzuriha made you more neutral clothes upon request, but everyone assumed you were tomboyish. luckily, no one read more into it; it was nice to dress comfortably, but it was like no one else understood. why were they still calling you a girl? and the older folks, you knew they meant well! but you couldn’t help but feel like their constant “sweet girl”s were making fun of you at this point.
i can’t do it, i can’t do it, they’re making fun of me right now, as i think. as i exist!
you felt a tear trickle down the side of your nose.
oh, you’re kidding. crying? again? is this—
a knock on your door halted your thoughts; you quickly flipped back and sat up in your bed on the ground of your hut, and wiped your face quickly. you lightly slapped your cheeks to stop yourself from continuing crying.
“it’s me. can i come in?”
senku’s voice brought some sort of relief; personally you felt it was better for him to come in at such a time than anyone else.
you took a deep breath. “sure, but i just woke up. i’m staying under my blanket.”
senku laughed behind the door. a small shove was made and it opened, revealing a quite chipper senku. he liked to come early in the morning when the rest of the village was quiet.
his smirk faltered once he saw your face. you believed you hid your crying well; you didn’t think to check your red eyes or stinging cheeks.
“what’s wrong?” he asked, his words much gentler than when he asked to come in.
damn. how could i not realize i was so obvious?
with a deep breath, you whispered, “senku.. we’re pretty good friends, right?”
he snickered. “of course we are, way more than that asshole gen.”
his voice was closer. you laughed as well, and wiped your eyes clear. he slowly walked over and sat down on the floor next to you. senku was looking at you, really looking at you; it was intense, almost if he was making sure his closeness or anything about his presence wasn’t bothering you.
“okay…i’m about to say a lot of stuff. let me know if you need me to explain more, or if i’m talking too much. or—“
your words halted as senku put a hand on your shoulder, a smile light on his face. “all ears.”
you smiled back softly. “okay. so—back in..our time,”you gestured between the two of you with your hands, “i told my family and friends i was, uhm… nonbinary. like i don’t feel male or female, i use they/them pronouns; all that good stuff. still feel that way now. and, for quite some time, they didn’t believe me. not in a direct ‘you’re lying’ way, but more of ‘i don’t understand it therefore you shouldn’t understand it’ type of thing. i got a lot of shit from people who weren’t my friends, too. but with my friends’ support and getting more confidence after coming out, my parents were able to kinda see it. but yeah, it took quite some time. probably like.. eight months? even then, i had to remind them constantly, ‘not a daughter. please don’t call me she or he. please don’t call me a woman.’ but we were getting there. and right when we got petrified, right when it happened, i saw the look on my mom’s face.
“we were talking about me and my identity and it was like something had clicked in her brain. like, she knew exactly what i meant and how i felt when i said what it meant to be nonbinary. i don’t even remember what i said specifically, but i remember her expression as if she were standing in front of me right now. i was so hopeful i’d see her again, her expression got me through my petrification and even helped me break out of it. but of COURSE, i didn’t ever see her again after i woke up. and then i almost lost my own sense of self after being by myself for probably a year.. i was under the assumption i’d never meet another person again, so when i did run into your village—i had this gross feeling of dread. and i realized it was the same feeling that basically lived inside of me before i came out.”
you sat up straighter and looked away from senku. “it’s like, i have to rebuild my identity all over again. people always say you shouldn’t care about what other people say, but i can’t help it. i’m a sensitive person. i get hurt easily, no matter how hard i try to thicken my skin. they all, they all just use ‘she’ and ‘her’ and ‘that girl’ so often, it feels like they’re making fun of me, like they’re constantly telling me i’m not who i say i am. and i can’t tell them senku, being nonbinary was confusing for so many people in our time, i hardly believe they’ll understand it now. sure, my parents were fine, but it took a while before they got it. i can only imagine how long it’ll take for everyone here.”
senku was quiet. have you over explained yourself? was it too overbearing? in all honesty you’d only been good friends with senku a short while; you should have waited at least a little bit longer before letting him in on something so personal—
“it all, it all kind of makes sense now.”
huh?! “what?”
“what you told me, i think i get it now.”
you gave him a look up and down. it was possible, but you didn’t think there was much of a chance that senku would be so..cool with it. not right away. you expected some form of silent treatment for at least a day or two, so he could collect his own thoughts.
“i’m gonna say something, and i need you to listen. yeah?”
you stared at him like your brain short-circuited. what the fuck is he gonna say to me.. oh god, he doesn’t wanna be friends anymore. but he’ll be too nice to kick me out of the village. but it is his village—
“hey, hey…are you with me?” you both sat facing each other now, and his hands rested on your shoulders.
just hear him out. “yeah. all ears.”
he smoothed your shoulders with his thumb. “you’re just as valid as everyone out there. i know you’re scared, but believe me when i say they will not be mocking you in any way. sure, it might take a while for them to understand, but theyre not going to give up just because they dont get something right away. it took me a few months to fully convince this village i could help them, and even then, there were still a few who didn’t fully understand the experiments and contraptions i made until a while later. i know that isn’t the same as your situation… but what i’m trying to say is that they will try their best to know you, the real you. they aren’t going to mock you; if anything, they’ll have lots of questions to ask you.
“also, you have me, you have gen to help out in case you don’t have the capacity to answer everything yourself. i’ve a few things about gender before the stone world, and gen definitely knows a lot of things that are relevant to it as well.
“everyone here… they’re all so eager to learn, i highly doubt they’ll be unaccepting. they’ll be curious. and they’ll be happy you’re letting them in on something that is so important.”
tears had made their way down your face and on your clothes halfway through his mini-monologue; you didn’t notice him continuously wiping them away until he was finished. “it’s going to be okay. trust me.”
with a quiet sob, you pushed yourself into his arms for a hug.
“thank you.”
you knew he wasn’t particularly one for any type of physical contact, but he gladly accepted. for the occasion, he thought. his arms slowly wrapped around your slightly shaking body as you tried to calm down. neither of you spoke for a few minutes; only your soft sniffles were heard in the hut.
“senku, i think that was the most i’ve heard you talk about something that wasn’t directly related to science,” you laughed into his neck.
he laughed back. “i had a lot saved, since there were moments i could tell you were kind of uncomfortable. i didn’t want to force you into talking about it either, so i just waited. tried to figure out what i was going to say. it had to be good.. you are one of my closest friends, after all.”
both of you embraced each other a little tighter. “i hope all of this helped, i want you to live here with none of those worries. especially after so many months of having it bottled inside.”
you nodded in response.
today.. today will be the day i tell everyone not to use what they used to call me; that won’t do at all anymore.
today, i’ll tell everyone my name.
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