#and i've been feeling more stuck and chagrined and whatever since and i just wanna be DONE
indigodawns · 1 year
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blasphemecel · 2 years
oughh i just saw u write for deidara.. can i rq a deidara reader insert where the reader has a bet with tobi on who can irritate him the most (nothing is off limits) before getting blown up
"But this is cheating," Tobi exclaims in his usual whiny voice that grates on everyone's nerves. Not yours, though. You're not sure if you're the only person who understands he acts irritating on purpose, but sometimes it sure feels that way. "If you're the one to blow yourself up, it doesn't count. [Y/n]-senpai is a cheater!"
"Nah," you say intelligently before you wag your finger at him. "I'll just make him want to kill me after I blow this up."
The mission has been dry. You and Tobi often resort to moronic methods of entertainment ― much to Deidara's chagrin, since he has to get paired with you both, and sometimes he thinks Pain is trying to drive him to murder-suicide ― and the latest is your ongoing bet. He wanted to see who can piss off Deidara the most until he caves in and throws explosives at one of you.
Maybe that doesn't seem all that fun, but boredom changes a person. Or maybe it doesn't, and you and Tobi are just irrational. Tobi's in the lead since he'd gotten the closest to getting Deidara to snap, but it is a bit unfair because he hasn't done anything in particular besides act like himself. So, you need a game changer.
Deidara barges inside the inn and his dismay at the prospect of being stuck somewhere with you both is clear on his face. "What are you morons doing?" he asks, though there is disinterest in his tone. He's probably looking for an excuse to lash out. It's the perfect opportunity.
You blink at him, trying to look all innocent (one of the things Tobi does that he hates) before you prepare to jab your finger in one of the clay figurines he left behind. Like a man possessed, Deidara lunges across the room and grabs it out of your grasp before you can cause an explosion so massive, everyone in the vicinity would die. He scowls. "What's wrong with you," he demands.
Is that it?
Several calculations run through your head as you come up with a response which is likely to get you in deep shit. "It's ugly," you say. "I don't wanna look at it."
Deidara appears to be restraining himself since he doesn't act on whatever violent urges he may be feeling at the moment. Instead he stares at you with freaky bloodshot bug eyes and an uncomfortable silence settles until he turns around to leave. He huffs, "Whatever. You don't even know what you're talking about."
You watch him stomp away and grind your teeth together and your nostrils flare. "Why does he never get mad?" Well, it's not that he doesn't get mad, but he appears to be more lenient on you. Usually you'd be grateful to be the specialest person in the world or whatever, but right now it's not working in your favor.
"Tobi is gonna win the bet," he says with a laugh and spins around the room. "Because Tobi's a good boy!"
"Are you sabotaging me? Is he in on this?"
"No, no." Tobi staggers backwards at the suggestion and trips over despite the barren state of the floor. "Tobi would never do anything like that! Tobi's a good boy."
"I'm so going to win this," you say. "You know I don't play around about 5,000 ryo."
"Tobi's a-"
"Stop saying that!"
He pretends to cry. You ignore him to contemplate your next move.
I've been stuck on this but here's the drabble I wrote for your request, I'm just not really sure how to continue it, but don't want it to go to waste. Maybe if I get any more ideas I could add onto it lol anyway hopefully it's not too bad and again I'm sorry it ended up so short
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hardestgrove · 2 years
A prompt request in case it inspires you. Loving your Btvs/ST stuff and now I can't stop thinking. Mungrove with Vampire Slayer Billy (or The Slayer Billy) and vampire Eddie
rating: G/PG warnings: none really lotta swearing tho words: 2,404 pairing: Billy Hargrove x Eddie Munson
no Ao3 link atm bc i'm lazy and this is just SO bespoke. i genuinely don't know what i wanna do with all the stranger things/buffy the vampire slayer crossover stuff in my head djksdfgdfs. i'll make a post for the ao3 link if i ever make one.
NOTE: this is a TRANSGIRL!BILLY EXPERIENCE! slayer lore is a "girls only" thing which, when you expand that past late 90s mainstream acceptable progressivism i've always interrupted as people who have a female spirit/vibe/essence/whatever the fuck. basically not bio-femaleness but idk like gender vibes. (i'll also say i'm nonbinary myself and the blood i sweat over this gordian knot is ridiculous and this is what i have thus far so we're running with it)
it's also my first time writing a transwoman character so i hope i did right by the girlies. lemme know if anything should be edited!
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Billie should’ve slayed Eddie years ago. He was basically the one smudge on her otherwise perfect slayer record. She couldn’t find it in her to do it thought no matter how much she tried. Sure they’d gone at each other a few times, a murder attempt here or there from either side but honestly none of it was all that serious. Their fights always seemed to fall apart though by the end so at this point they just didn’t bother with it really.
If she was being honest there was more to it then just that. For a dead guy Eddie was full of life, bright and charming and just so excited about things. Billie spend so much of her life hunting things down, being hunted, beating the shit out of things, getting the shit kicked out of her, killing things and trying not to get killed back herself. It was dark and lonely most of the time, even if she’d never trade it back for her old life it didn’t mean she didn’t wish she had more in her life than death. And while she’d never admit it to a soul, Eddie made her feel alive.
The majority of vampires seemed stuck in time but while Eddie’s style hadn’t changed much since the 70s, he was different. He was handsome with big brow doe eyes, lean bodied with a wavy brown shag he hadn’t changed in like, 20 years, but still looked really good on him. But he was dynamic in a way the others weren’t. His look wasn’t stagnation, it was preference. Billie had always liked how his hands where bigger than hers, even if it was just by a little. He’d somehow talked her into letting him give her some guitar lessons (yes dumb idea vampire near neck, she knew this. We’ve already established the Eddie weak spot here though) and she couldn’t stop coming back to how long and pretty his hands were, how they covered hers nicely when he helped her work out all the strings and movements.
Eddie had a band — of course — and it was a actually pretty good. It was kind of a shame Eddie’d been turned, he was really talented, if he’d lived he could’ve really gotten famous. Now that he was a vampire though he was pretty much regulated to the small stages only, though he was actually pretty big on the supernatural music scene. Much to her chagrin Billie was starting to feel like a groupie. She tried to catch as many of his shows as she could for years now. And yes, okay — she was a little starstruck. Eddie had seen all her favorite bands in concert when they were making some of her favorite albums, he’d jammed with Metallica when they were hot off Kill ‘Em All. They liked all the same music and Billie lived for music. Eddie was, frankly, kind of a real rockstar in the demon world, like their best kept secret from the humans when it came to rock. Watching Eddie play was electrifying. He was gorgeous and powerful on stage, totally in his element. She didn’t get why he was still hanging out on the Hellmouth, LA was only two hours away, he’d do so much better there.
They were doing a cover of “Am I Evil” by Diamond Head and Eddie was practically crooning it at her where she sat at the bar. She blushed in spite of herself. He was such a little shit, always pulling shit like this with her. She stayed in her seat and she didn’t look away however, that’d be admitting he’d won which was so never going to happen. She stayed their whole set and left when they packed up to go do her patrols. Just like always. And just like always somehow Eddie found her no matter where she was.
She was in Restfield Cemetery doing a clean up of any newly risen vampires when he sauntered out from behind a mausoleum his hands in the pockets of his leather jacket grinning his stupid adorable grin.
“Hey baby. How’s the day in the office so far?”
Billie rolled her eyes. “Slow and boring. It’s been nothing but fledges so far and not even a lot of them.”
“Well hey, I’m here now. Can’t do much about the lack of villainous lambs to slaughter but I can fix the boredom part.”
Billie rolled her eyes. “Right so I can be annoyed and not get anything done all at the same time.”
“Oh baby, don’t be like that.” He cooed, coming to place his hands on Billie’s hips. She was only a little taller than Eddie in her heels. “C’mon. What can I do to turn my best girl’s frown upside down huh?”
Billie blushed again and looked down, the hand not holding her stake fiddling with his beat up leather jacket. Her heart always skipped a beat when he called her things like “baby” and “best girl” and they both knew it.
“Nothing. I just wanna finish my stupid fucking patrol report back that there’s nothing going on in this shithole town and go bed.”
“Nah not buying it. I think I know what’ll make my babygirl smile again.” His breath was cool against her cheek as he nuzzled her. “How about a private concert huh? We finish up staking my distant relatives or whatever, head back to your place and I play some of your faves. I’ll take requests and everything.”
Fuck, he really had her now. Eddie was always buttering her up but he was really laying it on thick to night. He probably wanted something then and knowing her, she’d probably end up giving it to him if it wasn’t totally insane.
She nodded and Eddie grinned even wider against her cheek before kissing the corner of her mouth sweetly.
“There’s my girl, so sweet for me. Now lemme see how ya tear em apart huh?”
Patrolling with Eddie was always more fun than patrolling alone. They flowed well together in a fight and when there was nothing to do he was a great conversation partner. They always walked together so close their arms would brush as they went. Some nights Eddie would catch her hand and hold it, winking at her every time he did. She let him, because she was a weak bitch who lost her shit over holding hands with her vampire crush who she should be staking. With Eddie there the boring drag of patrol just flew by and they were heading back to her’s for the night in no time.
They still called it her place but Eddie had an invite and somehow over the few years they’d been getting closer all of his things had ended up in her apartment. They slept in the same fucking bed now for fucks sake. Somehow Eddie had weaved himself into her life so completely she couldn’t pull the edges apart anymore. She knew the Council wouldn’t approve if she was still living under their thumb, Hopper barely tolerated it as it was. Sure, she was the Slayer but she was a 20 year old girl too. A girl who wanted a life, and to love and be loved. She was still scared to admit it out loud, afraid if she did he’d vanish like everything else that’d been good her life, but she loved Eddie. She loved him so much. And the things he did and said— it was getting harder to convince herself that he didn’t feel the same. Not when he proved it every day.
So what if he was a vampire. Was it so wrong for her to want this? Was there ever going to be a normal guy who could even understand, let alone keep up, with her? Why should she hold out on the off chance that guy did exist somewhere in the world when she had this loving man right here, now?
Ever the gentleman Eddie opened the door for her, his hand resting on her lower back as he ushered her inside. They both went to the kitchen where Billie pulled out leftovers for her and a blood bag for Eddie while he got a mug out for microwaving his blood. They waited around together for their food to be warmed up, Eddie wrapping her in his arms and swaying them as he hummed. Dinner was always a pretty lazy affair and they scarfed their food down at the counter before unceremoniously dumping their dishes in the sink to be tomorrow’s problem. Finally they both got ready for bed, Billie getting out of her very cute halter and into a soft pink pajama set and Eddie stripped down to his boxers. He laid his warlock down next to her on the bed but before he set it up for their private concert he maneuvered her to the edge of the bed and knelt between her legs.
His hands were cool on her thighs has he rubbed little circles with his thumbs into her skin.
“Baby there’s something I’ve been wanting to ask you for a while now.”
Fear gripped her immediately, the self doubt she still couldn’t shake rearing its ugly head. Did he want to break up? Did he want something she couldn’t give? To do something she couldn’t do? Had this all been a lie to get her so blind and stupid she’d help him do something awful?
Eddie kept rubbing in those little circles, his eyes were warm and gentle. Full of love. She took the leap and went with trusting him.
She licked her lips, her voice only cracked a little. “Yeah Eds?”
“Move to LA with me.”
She stared at him stunned for a long moment, totally thrown for a loop. Never in her life would she have thought this is what he’d want to talk about. Slowly she collected herself.
“But, Eddie I can’t leave the Hellmouth. It’s my job.”
“There’s the new girl here now and she’s been doing great. You’re not chained here and it’s LA, we’re only 2 hours away. If they need us we can be there in no time.”
Jane was doing well, especially with the help of her little gaggle of loser friends and Hopper keeping an eye on her. But she was only 15, she was a kid. How could Billie leave this whole place to a kid? A voice in her head pointed out she’d been about that age when she’d become the Slayer and she’d been basically totally solo through most of her tenure here. Jane had a group of friends to help and a Watcher who took good care of her. She was infinitely better off than Billie had been at that age.
Still she couldn’t just leave.
“I can’t just leave it all on her, it’s my sacred duty or whatever to—“
“Baby,” He broke in, his voice and expression sterner than she’d ever seen. “You’ve already died once. “
Automatically her hand came to the scar on her chest and she rubbed it absently. They only had Jane because Billie had died. There was only ever one Slayer, as like, a semi-reincarnated chosen one thing. One died and the next was called. But Billie had been revived in the hospital so now there were two.
Eddie continued. “I’m not saying you stop slaying. I don’t think you can ever really stop being a Slayer just like I can’t stop being a vampire. But I don’t wanna see an encore of that shit. Ever. Once was enough. I’m not gonna let you get stuck living a small life in a small town because of some ancient prophecy shit anymore just so that prophecy shit can snuff you out before you got a chance to live. You deserve more. Sunnydale was only ever supposed to be a pitstop for the band but I convinced the guys to stay because I loved you the moment I saw you and I wasn’t leaving here without you. The guys are starting to really chafe now, the music scene here is only half decent cause it’s a Hellmouth and 2 hours down to LA for club gigs is getting to be a pain in the ass. They wanna move to where the action is and I think it’s time for all of us— you included— to make the leap. I held off on talking about this until we could make sure that Jane’ll be alright so you could leave with a clean conscience and she’s gonna be as fine as any Slayer can be. Baby, I love you. It’s okay to move on with your life. You’re a grown woman and you deserve to be somewhere with more opportunities for your future. Steve’s already down there and you always talk about how you miss him. Wouldn’t you rather be living closer to your best friend then stuck hanging around with teeny boppers?”
Billie’s eyes were hot with unspent tears. He was right. She missed Steve. He’d been her only friend since she’d blown into Sunnydale and he’d moved down to LA to get work and try to get into culinary school after graduation and his parents losing everything because of tax evasion. She loved Eddie but she still felt lonely without her best friend. And she did want to do more with her life, even if it was just party and be somewhere that couldn’t be easily walked in a few hours again. She missed living in a real city like San Diego. She hated the idea she’d been holding Eddie back but she also couldn’t stop crying because she was so happy he’d stayed. No one ever stayed. But Eddie’d taken one look at her and dropped everything just so he could be with her. God he was too good for her.
Still crying she nodded, trying to smile. God she was glad he’d waited until she’d taken her makeup off.
“Okay Eddie. You’re right, let’s move.”
Eddie beamed and kissed her, wrapping an arm around her waist and helping her to dry her tears with the other.
“Love you baby.”
For once, she felt brave. “ I love you too Eddie.”
If it was possible he beamed even harder and kissed her again soundly before setting up with the warlock bedside her on the bed.
“Okay! We’re celebrating! Any requests from my lady love?”
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