#also i would like people to stop making assumptions or interpret things i say i will no longer be implying things thank you
indigodawns · 1 year
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mysterycitrus · 9 months
Hey!! Love your art and your meta posts. I was wondering about your thoughts on something because I don't think I've ever really read about much of it in canon (might be missing something though), but do the batkids have their own Brucie Wayne-esque personas? I figure they'd be expected to act a certain way, like they've been taking in by a party loving play boy, they're gonna be a at least somewhat spoilt social butterflies right? I just can't stop thinking about the kids hitting like teenhood and having to adopt and put on that kind of act because it would be a little suspicious if nothing about Brucie rubbed off on them. Maybe they steal Bruce's cars or crash a gala, something staged just for the tabloids like that. Idk, I just find the idea of (most of) the kids not being raised anything like that and having to act up in the name of keeping their identities safe really interesting because I don't think they'd find it fun, I think it would actually gross them out to throw around money and act like brats.
lovely anon this is SUCH a fun question and i shall answer it in parts. the first is this — what is the purpose of the bruce wayne persona?
bruce created a specific public image of himself for several reasons — to deflect any suspicion that he’s batman, to justify his frequent disappearances from the public eye, and to be consistently underestimated by people he was in opposition with (gothams corrupt elite, the gcpd, etc). the popular interpretation of this is that he’s like a kardashian, but to be honest id say he’s a lot more like a donatella versace— relatively reclusive but who occasionally pops up doing the weirdest shit ever. he posts on dick’s insta like bruce WAYNE ❤️
wrt his kids, no, i don’t think many of them have that sort of glamorised persona. part of it is that the “gala” trope in fandom just…… doesn’t really exist in the comics? like bruce will take vicki vale to an event, or go to a luthercorp thing to gather intel, but the idea of everyone hitting up an event at the gotham four seasons is not a common story beat. and even then, again, the performance has a purpose outside of just being a distraction.
in particular, u have to consider how his kids are different from bruce. jason and dick were both lower class, if not actively below the poverty line and acting spoiled won’t win them any favours. cass straight up isn’t interested in that kind of performance. damian is honest to a fault. duke has his own family that he’s proud of. when u consider that damian and cass and duke and dick also aren’t white, u have to think about how acting like a glitzy idiot would help them in the same way it would bruce. short answer — it very much wouldnt. many people will think less of them regardless. it would be dehumanising, and because none of them have that same degree of disconnection from the standard person that bruce has, how would them being seen as spoiled idiots help them?
dick has always lived with civilian neighbours, had civilian jobs, and fostered civilian relationships. him being a cop was bad, but he takes a lot of pride in being someone who’s like… dependable. a good neighbour. jason is legally dead, but he wouldn’t have wanted to be seen as the dumb poor kid either. cass would probably play with peoples expectations of her, but not like an established persona that she has to take on. duke is, again, very attached to his family and where he grew up, and is very aware of assumptions people might make about that. damian would rather kill himself than pretend to be an idiot. tim, again, is a strong maybe, but i also don’t think he’d give a shit. he really values keeping himself as tim drake intact, away from robin. he wants to keep being himself.
i just think most of them would stay out of the public eye. remember — bruce isn’t active online. there is still massive control over released information about him, especially with babs. i think they would purposely make themselves boring and unassuming.
the short answer is that none of them, truly, possess bruce’s raw commitment to the bit.
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toffeebrew · 3 months
THOIGHTS ON HYPERSOMNIA (error x ink x dream)..?
Going to be honest I didn't consider this ship till I saw your account talking about it
Quick Edit: Somehow I accidentally convinced myself I like this ship by doing this?? LMAO
im going just off whatever my brain says so... hopefully it makes sense? I'm going to stretch things to make this work okay bare with me. That and I haven't had years to build headcanons so some of these are off the cuff. Nothing is canon obviously
I tried to wrap my head around how I would do it in my interpretation, and I decided perhaps if error calmed the hell down and realized maybe destroying universes shouldn't be ur life's goal. Due to morality difference I had trouble picturing dream being personal with error otherwise. I think perhaps some of these things dream/ink picked up on whether it being kidnapped by error or just via battle or something idk lol.
Due to Dream's empathy and knowledge of people he understands Error's motivations stem from a source of anger and not ration. Dream calls him out on it and Error feels a little violated by how accurate he gets it. Perhaps if Error did give up on destruction someday dream would be there to help him with his new identity???
More yapping under the cut
Ink, Error and Dream all relate to being outcasts and their own isolation due to the their roles (whether they bestowed it upon themselves or not). They're all lonely af (LMAOO).
I personally hc both ink and dream can lift way more than their weight. Ink not to dream's extent but he definitely is stronger than he appears. Error is perplexed with this information.
I never understood the " restores the balance thing" so personally I believe this was misconception dream had before he got to know error! Perhaps this manifested as rumors in the multiverse and error was rumored to be actually helpful instead of harmful. Also dream believed people had better intentions then they truly do at one point but as dream matures he realizes this isn't the case. Something like that. Not because I think dream is dumb, rather just want to see the best in people LOL even if he thinks what they're doing is wrong.
Error has a general distrust of dream at first, perhaps because his words remind him of another kind soul (it's blueberry... LMAO). But a part of him, even just a bit , just wants to have a "friend" (him and blue weren't exactly friends but yknow what I mean) like him again.
Dream weirdly finds some comfort in the anti-void as there is less emotional noise. I could picture dream commenting on it maybe, not directly referencing his own emotions but instead that the anti-void is calm (uh does dreams empathy have a bandwidth? I'm making that assumption.)
Dream got extremely excited when he realized error could also understand spanish.
He got quite invested in UnderNovela, dunno why but I imagine dream to be a fan of fictional romantic stories and dramas. He, Ink and error enjoy talking about it together. They've extrapolated a bunch of theories and such together for what will happen next.
I don't see dream as a crybaby but more suspectible to crying than the other two. Error doesn't... react the best to people crying nor do I believe ink to be the best at comforting others (projecting there whoops). I feel like Error is the type of guy to shove things in your face in hopes of making it stop LMAO. Like how you shake a toy in front a baby in hopes of getting them to stop crying. I just imagine error shoving sweets or some other gift in Dreams hands if he were to start crying. Dream would find his reaction kinds funny and maybe would brighten his mood a little bit. Ink is also trying his best and I suppose would try to be encouraging to dream. He would definitely give dream a well deserved hug. In general it's just an awkward mess, but they try their best. Dream would apologize after because of course he would.
Error in general gives "gifts" to dream, because he noticed Ink gives gifts to Dream when they get closer to being friends. Gifts in quotations because they're stolen. Idk, Error is weird.
While Dream obviously cam teleport au to au he doesn't understand as much the technical aspects of the multiverse. Error seems quite open to any questions he has about it I think. He hears error and ink discuss it at times but honestly it sounds quite confusing to him. Idk he's a curious little guy I think he would find himself love hearing Ink and Error yap about stuff like that *shrug*
I have this hc dream loves mlp so yeah they would watch that together.
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maxfandoms · 9 months
Day feelings towards Night
Hi, Hello! I see a lot of people who see Day blame Night for the accident and are like but "Day's actually the one at fault in the end for taking his eyes of the road" or "Day is just taking his anger out on Night" and you're right but
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Day know it was accident, he know deep down that Night didn't do anything and it also not just as simple as Day taking out his anger on Night, it is part of it but it's more complicated than that
So as someone who is familiar in the department of "Being angry/furious with family members who did sh*tty things but are trying to move on or be better" and also as someone who has been right about Day's emotion before I'm just here to give a rambly perspective on things. So Let's Start
(Also side note: I am going to talk about how Day's view Night more and not actually how Night is because this two are so completed different things for now at least)
We know that Day's know it was accident, and even if it was in someone choice it was Day's. Day choose to go the club and Day choose to take his eye off the road and the things is even before this episode, and even when I wrote my thoughts on Night & Day i kind of knew that would be Day's choice that lead to the accident in a ironic way (I was thinking that maybe Day knew he shouldn't be playing because that could risk his vision as well but that didn't happen) But I still understand because
What Day is actually angry about
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Let start bit by bit, First with this line by the dad especially this part right here "You once wanted him to be". Combine this with Night saying "Who's the big brother?" it paints a picture of relationship where Day was the more responsible of the two (the national badminton player, seems good at school) while Night feel like maybe he was lost and maybe partying so Day was the one taking care of Night
It says a lot that the first flashback we got about Night & Day is Day in the role of taking care of Night, making sure he's will get home safe when now it's Night doing that
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Also just look at difference in the way Day looks hearing Night, like in the first one has a bitt of annoyance, but there's a care and fondness that make me cry a little bit since I knew what was coming
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With this dialogue, Day makes it clear that he doesn't feel Night's action are genuine, that they don't come from Night's care and love for him. And can I just say, Day is not completely wrong on that assumption
Night loves Day? Yes. The thing is though Night's guilt is def a factor in the way he's behaving right now and despite the fact that Night's recklessness was about his own struggle than his feelings towards Day's. Day doesn't know that, what he does know is that after the accident, Night became more caring, gentle towards him.
What think happen in Day's mind every time that Night is kind is this: "Now you can be a good brother? Now that you think you hurt me so much you can be what I wanted you to be? Now that the spot of the 'golden child' is vague? Not out of love on genuine care? Why couldn't before? What was stopping you?"
And a lot of you may be thinking that is should be easy to connect the dots, however it's not. Because I think Day thinks that if he were to try and reach out towards Night, it would just go back to the way things were and Night would fall back in the same recklessness behavior (Could this be a little projection? Yes but let's not talk about that)
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This part can be interpret in a lot of ways, because from what asked around Day uses ‘เสียใจ’ which means ‘sad’ but it could also mean ‘feel sorry for something’. So this could be that Day's is feel like he taking a responsibility for the accident, I think that could be one way to interpret it
But what if it's more than that? What if he's also feeling sorry than he can seem to let go of his resentment, that despite Night's trying Day is not ready to trust him to be a good brother?
TL:DR Day's anger is not about the accident, but about everything that Night is doing after it. Day blame Night for not being able to be a good brother BEFORE the accident which it unfair because Night was dealing with own thing before but Day needed a big brother for long time that he is hurt from the waiting
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not-handsome-enough · 5 months
Alright before I do anything take this with a grain of salt, cause it’s probably a continuity error / can be easily explained away BUT if you all would like to hold onto some hope please just hear me out. And also it offers a question for yall.
Alright! So!
On twitter someone had asked Brendon and Gene about Murmaider III and its placement on Dethalbum IV ( which btw shoutout to Gene’s wife that was brilliant ) and Brendon had mentioned that what sets 3 apart from the other two was that it was more dreamlike, and that it was made AFTER Army of the Doomstar. Now since Brendon and Gene weren’t the ones to make the order on the Album we can’t set a timeline for the songs ( though they are set in Brutal to Dreamlike order once again shoutout to Genes wife you goddess ) we can at least say that some songs were made post Army. In fact we could also make some assumptions about what songs were made DURING army. So I’ll separate that list here.
NOTE : YALL DONT NEED TO READ THIS PART THIS IS JUST ME RUNNING WITH “ some songs were made post AOTD which ones could they be teehee “ JUST KNOW MURMAIDER AND SOS WERE AFTER KUBBLER DIED OK SORRy I’m not deleting that whole thing I like it
Songs with “ * “ are canon, the rest are personal interpretation.
* Aortic Desecration ( the first song of salvation but obviously not )
* SOS ( song of salvation )
Gardener of Vengeance ( Nathan directly references this during the scene where he confides in the band and Knubbler that he doesn’t write songs about hope and he’s just doing what he knows. I believe he wrote and recorded this but felt it wasn’t good enough to be the song of salvation and moved on. HOWEVER the language he used could place this as post AOTD because it sounds more like a thrown out there example kinda like how he figured out SOS in the cave )
Poisoned By Food ( Again I think this is a scrapped song of salvation since besides the actual poisoning of food a lot of the imagery feels like the what the metalocalypse was described like )
BLOODBATH ( guess what another scrapped song of salvation. This one feels like a ‘you don’t scare me I’m going to confidently stop you because if I go down you go down with me’ song. Also it could be Nathan trying to reach out to Magnus since he was one of the people on his list. Also quick note I’m going song by song so I don’t know if I’ll notice if any other songs would reflect the list I just got out of work so I’m not gonna catch it all rn )
Horse of Fire ( this is tricky because lyrics like star still blazing allude to this being written before aortic desecration but also Nathan didn’t have the talk with the whale until the deadline came up in which he had to go with aortic desecration <he wouldn’t have had time to write about the fist or the hand.> But the lyrics don’t have the <we should reach out to the fans> revelation that SOS has. Maybe this was a draft for SOS but I think once Nathan figured out what SOS was meant to be it just came to him naturally. I’m not sure. HOWEVER since the doomstar is referred to as a star that is still blazing and not a portal that’s been destroyed it’s safe to say this is not post AOTD. Either way this is an important song to keep in mind if you look at this speculating )
* Murmaider III ( stated by Brendon Small in the interview. He said he feels that the boys would have written this after AOTD and based off of interviews he’s had in the past about his songwriting process it’s hard to not take this as canon so. )
DEADFACE ( I think this is post because while the song plays during the movie only Skwisgaar knew about the possession so the lyrics wouldn’t quite make sense yet. It’s a tricky placement but I can see Skwisgaar playing around with it since he does play the notes during the movie )
Mutilation on a Saturday Night ( this feels so much like a we survived so now we’re gonna party song I can’t see Nathan Skwisgaar or Pickles make an argument for this being a Song of Salvation. Also all the fucked up shit they talk about references what happened during the metalocalypse but it’s spoken in past tense like a ‘hey we fucked shit up but we fixed it so now we’re just gonna keep fucking around haha’)
I am The Beast ( simply cause I don’t see this as something Nathan would write during AOTD but the ‘ I am a beast this is my domain and when I speak you scream my name ‘ could work as a salvation line but it feels too much like a Mutilation Saturday Night ‘I can write whatever I want cause I lived and I’m not gonna hold back’ vibe )
Satellite Bleeding ( this feels like the first song they would have written and recorded after the doomstar died. Kinda like watching the sky clear up after a storm. )
Now despite me rambling on about this I would like to draw attention to what’s canon. Specifically SOS and Murmaider III. These songs came out after Knubbler died. Yet Dethalbum IV credits Knubbler for production.
Drawing your attention to how crediting in the Dethalbum works, each album has a little section for Dethklok to get musical credits and thank whoever and whatever. There’s also production credit and location credit. On ALL of the Dethalbums Knubbler is credited as producer. Cause he’s the producer makes sense yeayeyaeyah. But whenever there’s a change in location or production, there’s additional credits.
ANOTHER NOTE: I DONT HAVE THE KLOK OPERA CD I HAVE NO IDEA WHAT THE CREDITING SYSTEM LOOKS LIKE ON THERE but if someone happens to be selling that cd outside of eBay please let me know
Let’s look at them.
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Dethalbum I ^
Shit ton of credits right, and on the other page which I didn’t take a picture of and can’t because I’m not home at the moment there’s credit to Snakes N Barrels for “Kill You” with each member listed. Take note that songs that are considered exceptions are credited differently and locations not at Mordhaus are credited.
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I lied I have the other page. For those without the dethalbum cds the actual credits are usually on another page and “Kill You” got mixed in with it
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Dethalbum II
Hey Knubbies gets to thank someone this time! Anyways once again Knubbler is credited for production, but also Dethklok. Keep this in mind. Also the fact that different location credited for Murmaider II but it’s recorded at Mordhaus
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Dethalbum III
Knubbler credit AND Abigail credit along with Dethklok AND once again location credit is Mordhaus and another fuckass place. Only thing that’s not really credited is Magnus with The Hammer but idk if he was like Toki and William where they play the songs but don’t really write or if he actually wrote The Hammer. I’m not a HammerHead, I’ve seen people interpret him as both, but at the end of the day idrk.
So what about Dethalbum IV
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Knubbler is credited. At Deus Keep. Only Knubbler. Only at Deus Keep. “But he’s not credited as a Producer” True! If the album was released in universe it would probably be a producer credit. Especially since Brendon and Ulrich have Producer credit on the page prior. Maybe it’s because Knubbler didn’t make it to the final production stage. Or maybe he’s staying hidden undercover..
Remember earlier. He canonically was not around for two of these songs on this album. He could not have recorded OR mixed SOS or Murmaider III. Even if you don’t fully think that Murmaider III was made Post AOTD, SOS was done post Knubbler death. Hell, the song was dedicated to him by William! But there’s no separate credit for SOS.
If we went on the same basis as previous albums SOS would have been credited to that part of Norway where they traveled to that I forgot the name of and I’m not gonna look up but you get the point. Or even Dethklok would have been credited as production. I could also say something about how Murmaider III wasn’t recorded in the Mariana Trench and how the whale isn’t calling to Nathan anymore but that’s for another day. Right now though, it’s just Knubbler. Just Knubbler and Deus Keep.
Which leads to 3 possibilities.
Knubbler Lives: Knubbler survived ( the flashing things on the ground were teleporters ) and Deus Keep is rebuilt. To celebrate their survival they make Dethalbum IV but don’t release it
Knubbler Died: The band recorded the last few songs on the album at the remains of Deus Keep. Knubblers presets aren’t changed so credit remains to him. Once again not releasing it.
It’s not an album: Dethalbum IV doesn’t exist in universe. That’s why there’s no producer credit. That’s why Nathan doesn’t thank the klokateers ( he thanks the army of the doomstar which is just him thanking fans ). Dethklok recording it post AOTD is more to do with how Brendon records dethalbums than in universe writing.
I like to think that this is just an unreleased album in universe since the record label is more than likely destroyed, but it has the possibility of releasing one day if society is rebuilt to what it once was. But it really depends on if you think the album is canon to the universe. Cause there’s no Mordhaus credit on Dethalbum IV and there’s no way for SOS to have been recorded at Deus Keep and blablabla
something fun to think about tho yk?
TLDR: two songs on dethalbum IV were made after Knubbler death yet the credit doesn’t change for him in the dethalbum so there’s a chance that he recorded and mixed those songs cause he is alive and well horray
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vickyvicarious · 9 days
I wonder if Van Helsing interpreted the hand clasping as different than gratitude?? It was so obvious to me that Arthur was grateful for Seward's offer to spill his blood for Lucy. But then I have seen the argument that all three suitors have a deep rivalry that they only express through blood transfusion. Not that I personally agree.
Honestly, I'm not totally sure. I'm in the same camp as you where the handclasp reads as such obvious thanks. I hesitate to think of what else it could even be seen as - I guess a too-hard squeeze, like someone pretending to thank you but making a point that they're mad about it? That feels so backwards and weird to even contemplate, giving the entire surrounding situation. Somehow, I can't imagine Van Helsing going quite so far as to actively observe the handclasp and think it equals jealousy. I mean, Arthur is there crying about how he'd die to save Lucy, and he's the one who called Jack in in the first place.
I guess you're asking because of Van Helsing's comment on 10 September, after Jack actually does give her blood:
"Mind, nothing must be said of this. If our young lover should turn up unexpected, as before, no word to him. It would at once frighten him and enjealous him, too. There must be none. So!"
I think Van Helsing has a pretty strong tendency to default towards "men do this" and "women are like this". He's got tons of benevolent sexism going on. And I think, particularly when he isn't thinking hard about a particular individual he knows well, he just assumes things. Men don't like women who make 'ugly' faces. Men get jealous. He throws those comments out there without even thinking about them. Which would make this less a case of him seeing Arthur squeeze Jack hands and thinking "oh boy he's a jealous one!" and more just... a base assumption that any man would probably get jealous.
I also think there's something to be said for the context of these kinds of quotes. Van Helsing uses this super gendered assuming language most when he's asking people to do something, at least as far as I recall. So when he wants Lucy to cheer up, he makes a joke about her man not liking her making an ugly face. He also wants her to stop frowning at his flowers specifically because he doesn't want her to be skeptical about this treatment, so he uses this as a lighthearted joke to distract from any skepticism and lead into his "no but really these are medicine" speech. I might even go so far as to say that he tends to use these kinds of statements specifically when trying to lighten the mood a little while still getting his way. A sort of social lubricant based on widespread 'understandings' of how men/women are 'known to be'. Plenty of people do it all the time to get positive engagement in a story or whatever: saying "you know how men/women are" and getting them to laugh and nod along, etc.
So here, he knows it would frighten Arthur to know she needed blood again. I think it's more that fact, than Jack specifically giving it to her. Maybe he fears Arthur would get in the way somehow - either by calling in some other doctor (who stands almost no chance of saving her) or by hanging around himself. Having his blood on hand might be useful if needed, but hopefully it won't be, and having him around asking questions is just another stressor/possibly uncontrollable factor Van Helsing doesn't want. And he might try to offer up his blood and not be well enough to donate it anyway, since they took a lot from him not too long ago. Maybe he wouldn't take super well to being told no if that happened, who knows (another possible angle for the jealous line). So Van Helsing really doesn't want Jack to share the news. So he requests he doesn't, and adds in this more lighthearted jealousy thing too. Partially because he's just assuming Arthur would be without thinking about it, and partially just to not sound too overbearing/frightening with his request.
That's my guess. Though, as you say, there are plenty of people who read the book and assume all the suitors harbor a secret hatred for one another because they just can't understand that anyone wouldn't. So it's always possible Van Helsing does the same. If anyone, I think he'd be the most likely of the cast to do so.
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stupendousfoxthing · 3 days
There’s nothing wrong in being concerned for your faves wellbeing but there is an extremely thin line between being concerned and straight up projecting. You act as if Jk was on those trips with Jimin carrying loads of cement on his back building skyscrapers, he wasn’t. He wasn’t doing any strainous physical activity. He was doing activities he found fun, eating, sleeping, resting so how on earth could you have anything to complain about seeing him do this? He took a few days after or before some of his schedules to film a show where we basically see him doing the most mundane things with people he cares about. How on earth is this a bad thing?? If Jk wasn’t working, and decided to take a private trip and you happened to see him doing all those things he did on the trip would you have had the same complaint? You have even complained before that he could have used that time to do stuff for his album or music which makes me wonder if you really were concerned about him being sick or if your issue was that he was doing a show with Jimin.
Look, when you try to read people and then get to find out that you read situations or people wrong, the decent thing to do is let it go and stop trying to double down on your obviously wrong assumptions. Many of you assumed that Jk didn’t want to do the show, some of you said his “annoyance” at Jimin was because he really didn’t want to do the show but Jimin made him (don’t even deny it because there is lots of links I can pull up from taekook blogs saying these things and you liking and agreeing with them) some of you said he wanted other members there, some of you said he had more fun when Tae was there, but with just a single phrase, Jk completely sent all these theories flying through the window. These trips with Jimin for AYS were the best trips he had been on in his entire life!!! Not only did he want to do the show, he also enjoyed it so much that he proposed two more locations they could go to and as if that wasn’t enough, he thinks after all the numerous trips he’s been on in his 26 years on earth (he was 26 then) the best trips were the ones he took with Jimin during one of the busiest periods of his solo career. You can sit from the other side of your screen, watch his interactions with Jimin, try to read his body language and try to interpret his words in whichever way you want but you know that at the end of the day, those feelings are his alone and only Jk knows how Jk feels. You can try to analyze all you want but you would never get a right analysis by cherry picking and refusing to be objective and you were never objective in the first place.
You can feel concern and be worried about Jungkook’s wellbeing, that is not a bad thing. The bad thing is when you try to project your own feelings unto him. The bad thing is when you see him clearly saying he is having fun and having a good time yet you continue to insist that he isn’t. The bad thing is hearing his words and refusing to accept them because these words don’t match with the story you have in your heads. If Jk was too tired or too sick to film a travel show, you wouldn’t be the one to point that out to anybody. He has so many people around him who know him and love him more than you ever will, you will never know him or love him more than Jimin does, so know ur place as a fan and remain in it. You are not Jungkook’s mother or father, or sister, brother or relative, you are not even an aquaintance to him. You are literally nobody to him, he doesn’t know you exist so please don’t ever think that just because these guys have allowed us to see parts of their lives, we know everything about them because you would be shocked at what you don’t know.
Jk says he loved the trips, he had fun, and those trips are the best trips he’s been on in his entire life. Seeing as we are not Jungkook and don’t know what is in his heart, the best thing we can do as fans is LISTEN to him and take what he says as it is without trying to look for grey area. There might be grey area, but what ever made you think you know him enough to understand what that grey area is? Just because you sense that something might be off doesn’t mean you know exactly what is off. Remember this!
You are trying so hard and failing miserably. Chill the fuck out. You guys hear a word, think you know the meaning from seeing it repeated and run with it. Your word is "projection", and you're applying it to my concern for Jungkook's health. When it applies to YOU and what you're doing here. I'm concerned for Jungkook's health because he WAS sick and still had to squeeze other schedules into what was supposed to be his ALREADY LIMITED (just a few days) promotional time for his SOLO DEBUT (finally something just for him). He had to go to the hospital. He got no time to rest. Doing activities in front of a camera to entertain other people is not resting. It doesn't matter how much fun you're having. I go to conventions. They're so much fun, they're technically vacations, and they're FUCKING EXHAUSTING. Even though I'm literally just walking around the whole time. Now you took that and made it this whole essay. YOU'RE PROJECTING. And you're desperate, for multiple reasons related to your ship at this point but that's not my problem. Chill the fuck out. If you want to live in your fantasyland do that, find your happiness there, and stop crying in my inbox. I'm not going to stop being concerned for Jungkook or expressing concern for him when he's sick and being pushed through several work schedules at once, FUCK OFF IF YOU DON'T WANT TO HEAR IT.
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vt-wiki-redux · 9 days
VT Fun Fact #6
Johnny Ghost canonically has a Tumblr account.
In MURDER IN PRINCESS PEACH'S CASTLE! - Gmod Super Mario Bros. Murder Mystery Mod (Garry's Mod), Johnny Ghost says:
"Oh, there is activity, trust me. There is activity, up on my Tumblr account. I'm getting retweets— on Tumblr, apparently... it doesn't work that way but whatever." (section starts at 4:58)
There isn't a lot that we can glean off of this quote but there is a few things that we may be able to make assumptions about. Firstly, Ghost does use Tumblr. He also seems to have some pride in the recent uptick of notes he's getting. He also gets the terminology wrong but realizes afterwards. We can assess that this might mean that Johnny Ghost has only recently acquired a Tumblr account.
We may also assume based on the topic of conversation, that he posts mainly about things related to Paranormal Activity on his blog, though this is mostly conjecture.
Interestingly, this video was posted right in the middle of Ghost's retirement arc. The wiki interprets this as Johnny Ghost going out and starting his own independent investigator. It's possible that this Tumblr Account was a way to tie into that, though that wouldn't have lasted for very long as after this video, he became fully retired. He also ended up killing a lot of people here as Jimmy Casket, and maybe that also had some influence on him as to why he might stop ghost hunting altogether.
Is Johnny Ghost a tumblrina? It certainly is a fun headcanon, and I could certainly see it being the case. We know that Ghost likely attended high school around the beginning of Tumblr becoming a thing, and I can totally see it appealing to Ghost's sense of style. Who knows? Maybe that's a major factor in how Ghost became so interested in paranormal investigating as a whole. After all, it would be very similar to ghost stories around a campfire.
Anyway I'm rambling. Hope you enjoy this silly fact.
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Russingon Headcanon
Maedhros and Fingon’s relationship reads like a romance right? Regardless of whether you ship it their entire relationship is compromised of several romance plot lines rolled into one and is a textbook example of a romance. You have the families who hate each other keeping them apart, the opposite sides of the war thing, the hopeless quest to save their beloved from the enemy at all costs, succeeding against all odds because of the power of love and just so much more. You see where I’m going with all this right? It reads like the script to a Disney film.
So if someone with no prior knowledge of who these two people are were to hear this story they’d probably think it was a similar kind of story to Beren and Luthien. They wouldn’t really question that this was a romance. So what I’m saying is that there were probably men and dwarves who were told this story and heard it was an old elven story and interpreted it exactly like that. So I’d say it’s a reasonable assumption that at some point songs and stories started to crop up and became pretty popular ballads. I’d also say a lot of the time Maedhros was depicted as the damsel in distress. Make of that what you will.
So when the elves hear these songs they’d probably see these similarities right away. I feel like Turgon would get to the point where he’d have to screen all the songs played in his court beforehand to make sure there was no trace of his older brother in a romantic context even implied because it makes him so uncomfortable. He gets really flustered when anyone brings it up because YES he knows it’s common knowledge but he was trying very hard to recover from the image of walking in on them during his childhood and does not appreciate the reminder . Maglor would absolutely love it. He makes a point of playing the instrumentals of the more well known ones at formal events just to watch Maedhros turn gradually more red. He also sometimes changes the lyrics to contain as many innuendoes as possible and stresses their names in the ones where they’re mentioned. He’s the only person who’s ever dared to play one in the presence of both Maedhros and Fingon. He changes the music to one of the ballads every time they get too close to each other during the evening and everyone always turns to look for them when it comes on so they have to scramble to a respectable distance.
Celegorm and Curufin are absolutely in on this and Tyelko helps come up with some of the dirtier verses. Everyone collectively agrees to preserve the innocence of Amrod and Amras. Finrod is secretly teaching the men more and more romantic ones but escapes all the blame. He’s actually the person who introduced most of the ones with their names in them.
Maglor teaches Elrond and Elros all of them without telling them who they’re about. Maedhros is absolutely murderous when he hears the twins singing about him and Fingon but he doesn’t want to let the twins know the truth so he keeps his mouth shut. Many elves are absolutely horrified when they hear that these are an important part of Numenorean culture. He made Quenya one of their languages don’t tell me Elros wouldn’t find this hilarious. Imladris is one of the few elvish settlements where these songs are allowed because Elrond secretly enjoys stirring things up. He figured out what they were about when he was still a kid but he finds everyone’s expressions way too funny to call a stop to it and just plays innocent.
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viperwhispered · 5 months
K so fun fact: I'm brazilian and we are people who are extremely affectionate with each other. We greet each other with hugs and kisses and physical touch is the norm for just about every type of relationship other than complete stranger. Due to this, the one emotion we are never able to properly hide no matter how hard we try is how much we love someone. It's the basis for every sort of positive relationship a standard brazilian will have. Even when it's just acquaintances, we're still guided by the love and respect we feel for our fellow man.
What does this have to do with Jamil? Simple: give him an s/o who is incapable of fully hiding how much they adore him.
Like they'll be subtle, they'll be discreet, but they will never be able to fully hide it. Secret relationship? Sure but it's not gonna stop their eyes from always discreetly wandering over to him. No PDA? Whatever you say dear, but it ain't stopping them from sticking close and brushing up against him.
As soon as they're alone, Jamil is going to be absolutely smothered. Always touching him one way or another, balantly looking at him with heart eyes, and bluntly replying to teases about how they feel towards him (cue blushy Jamil). Even when he's not feeling up to it, they still let their feelings out through acts of service (Kalim sitting, helping with chores, reminding him to rest, making dinner, drawing a bath, etc).
There is also the fact that while the s/o is able to lie, their capability to do so goes out the window when it comes to Jamil. Their able to give vaugue or ambiguous answers, but never outright lie. The reader will also go out of their way to manipulate conversations so it never lands on the topic of their relationship with Jamil.
If someone were to point blank as them if they love Jamil, they would be completely incapable of saying no.
Now the reader themselves doesn't particularly care, but always keep Jamil's wishes in mind. Which is why they respect his boundaries very well. But even then, their affection tends to spill over one way or another.
Which brings us to the comedy:
Kalim, post-CH4 and awakening his Scarabia powers, has noticed that the reader never gives definitive answers when it comes to their opinions on Jamil. Combined with the fact that they always seem to be physically close to him and always looking his way, things are a little confusing for our resident sunshine.
So he bluntly asks and there are two routes for this.
Route 1: the reader just replies: you want the short or long version?
Short version: simple "I love him" that takes less than 10 secs
Long version: 30+ minutes of every single little thing they absolutely adore about Jamil *fangirl style*
Point is that now Kalim is aware that reader is head over heels tumbling down a hill and he's somewhat sure that Jamil is at least interested (even tho the snake is tumbling right after). But he does not know the two have already crashed at the bottom of the Mariana Trench and are already dating.
Cue wacky Kalim shenanigans as he tries to get his two besties together.
Route 2: reader continues to be vague and says something like "It's not really that simple"
Kalim interprets this as you two having a bad relationship/hating each other. The cherry on top of his guilt sundae is the assumption that reader and Jamil are only tolerating each other for Kalim's sake.
Cue paniking sunshine and enter wacky hijinks of Kalim trying to get Jamil and the reader to be friends (not possible unless they break up but at least his heart is in the right place).
Both routes include Kalim learning the truth and duck taping his loud mouth shut, a poor long suffering Jamil, and a very amused reader who is just laughing at the situation while cooing over their flustered boyfriend.
As a Finn I have a feeling we might be quite close to opposite ends of the spectrum here when it comes to showing affection, especially physically 😅
I do love the idea of an s/o who can’t quite hold back their feelings despite their best attempts. It feels very real, too. Like, of course you’re gonna look after the person you care about, and can’t help showing concern if something seems to be going wrong, for example. Like, they seem to get hurt? Of course you’re gonna look worried. They look happy? Of course you’re gonna be happy for them too.
(Also ngl I do try not to lie if I can help it but do sometimes make sure to set my words carefully so yeah I can feel those ambiguous answers for sure.)
Hasdfs oh Kalim you dear sunshine. I can just see Jamil’s confusion at first when he realizes what Kalim is doing, looking at his s/o with a “do you have something to do with this” look. Jamil’s surprise turning into exasperation when it just keeps on happening, and weighing in the options of if it’s less of a hassle for Kalim to know what’s going on after all.
“cooing over their flustered boyfriend” tho. Yes. Totally. Always love this for Jamil. (tho I’d certainly feel awkward too trying to sidestep / calm down Kalim’s antics)
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coffinbrotherr · 9 months
Istg I keep seeing videos in my recommend that have either Andrew or Ashley sprites in the thumbnail and it's always in the lines of "shock storytelling is BAD" or "this needs to STOP" (I'm not providing examples as to not install a witchhunt but if youve seen them, you know EXACTLY who im talking about.) and I dont...I don't get why? Like, ok genuinely I'm having an actual hard time understanding why because being disturbed and being made uncomfortable is quite literally the definition of horror, so why is it a problem now.
To I guess throw my hat into the ring, I'd like to explain why i personally think incest integral to Tcoaal not only because I'm just fucking tired of seeing people not like the game just because of that aspect and I'm not knocking those people because of it because people can not like things for specific reasons, for example I am not one for horror involving teeth or the mouth so I tend to ignore horror media that prominently use those as setpieces. I'm mainly talking about people that bash it without actually playing it and people that see it at surface level and just make a Baseless assumption because to me and obviously a lot of other people as it still has great reviews, Tcoaal is wonderfully written and that IS thanks to its incest themes.
We see that throughout the game, Ashley obviously loves her brother, not only in the romantic sense but also in the power dynamic. While some aspects have yet to be revealed about thier relationship as we still only have two chapters, Ashley obviously manipulates Andrew and has since they were little as evident by the hide and seek flashback. It's incredibly obvious that Ashley likes control over people and since she doesn't really have anyone else that's closer to her, she uses Andrew exclusively as he's always been there with her figuratively and literally. While this behavior definitely comes from a sense of loneliness and fear of losing the one person that tolerates her as not even thier own parents wanted to stay around them let alone her, I think it also comes down to enjoying the control. Genuinely think about the story of the game for a sec, could you imagine being in that exact situation we see the siblings in. The closest thing we can even relate it to is covid, and we could at least still leave the house to an extent and have things sent to us that we wanted. Imagine going through all that not being able to leave, literally having the bare minimum of food being dropped off to you and being FORCED to stay inside not with a slap on the wrist but with active threats of death even though you know other people get to freely live outside peacefully. Not only is that terrifying but it gives a lot more insight to Ashley's character as she's literally stuck in a place she cannot control in an unfounded situation that is positively awful, but she does have one thing she can control, she has one person she can make exclusively hers and make him do whatever she wants through manipulation and the connection with love. The same goes for Andrew as we know Andrew was at least a bit more popular with people to the point where he even had a girlfriend (Julia) and to have literally all that stripped away from him is tragic, however for him there's one more person he can interact with, one person that cares about him and truly does love him in a way only they can share. It's a beautifully horrific way of telling a story because on the outside, it just looks like "oh hah hah, that's the incest cannibalism game" but if you actually played it you would see not only is the writing genuinely funny but also incredibly smart with its subtle meaning and player interpretation. It's NOT glorifying incest, it is actively showing an incredibly toxic relationship that was made through the circumstances and actions taken with both characters and to say it's just "shock storytelling" or "it's just trying to glorify incest" is just wrong, it's using the incest to further the narrative and that's why I personally find this game to be my favorite work of horror.
But that was just my interpretation, I'd love to hear your guy's views on it because I'd love to further the discussion and potentially add to my analysis as this was just something I wrote at 12:30 AM in bed. I could go on and on about my personal analysis but a lot of it would just be me being genuinely pretty annoyed with the games detractors and overall just make for a poor reading experience.
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zorilleerrant · 2 months
I think it's less that you shouldn't ship them, and more that you shouldn't make comments like "there's no heterosexual explanation for this" or "straight men would never do this" or "friends don't act like this". Like, shipping is fun, exploring queer identity is fun, but at a certain point, you're not simply having fun, you're making an opinion statement that certain words or actions are inherently erotic.
Which is not just a problem for straight men, even though they're an easy target, because we're not "supposed" to care about their feelings. It's the same attitude that makes people think any man and woman who are friends must either be dating or want to date eventually. It's the same attitude that makes people disbelieve anyone who doesn't want a partner, or wants non-monogamous partners, or wants casual/short term partners. And, yes, it's the same attitude that makes people assume any two mlm are automatically fucking if they know each other, and any two wlw are automatically trying to get each other to dump their girlfriends for them.
It's not bigotry for people to want their sexuality to be perceived or acknowledged how they label themselves. And while it's obviously different making assumptions/headcanons about fictional characters, stating things as if they must be a certain way simply because xyz happened precludes the idea that there could be other ways to interpret the actions. And in real life, there's a lot of nuance to human relationships. People do all kinds of things, and those can mean different things to different people; not all of those things are sexual or romantic. And people really do generalize this to all circumstances; they begin to analyze celebrity relationships as if they were comics panels or screenshots from a TV show, a way of invading privacy and dehumanizing other people.
This is, of course, part of the much larger problem that society prioritizes erotic relationships over any other kind of human social experience. But just because someone is straight doesn't mean they're free from the negative effects of society dictating how relationships should work. So when people say something is definitive proof - often to the point of calling someone a bigot for not shipping something - it won't stop at the boundaries of fiction. This is why it's important to discuss the problem while it's still in the realm of fiction, and not yet violating personal boundaries.
Keep in mind that most of fandom is queer. Most people who are stating any kind of opinion of what someone should do in fandom are queer, and they're also mostly women, so someone telling you they're uncomfortable or their friends are uncomfortable is very unlikely to be talking about straight men. When people are stating that something can be read platonically, they're often defending their own right to do so; other times they're objecting to the language of things being 'inherently gay' etc.
There are a lot of ways in which these attitudes negatively impact mlm, and also a lot of ways in which they negatively impact everyone by prioritizing erotic relationships over platonic ones. But I think the biggest problem is that a lot of people have decided that it's homophobic not to want to be perceived as gay, even when someone isn't gay. Or homophobic to want one's relationships perceived correctly, even when they're not gay relationships.
It's pretty important to a lot of people to have their sexuality acknowledged. If you can understand queer people being upset over being misoriented, even though there's nothing wrong with any other orientation, then it should be pretty clear that it's a personal boundary, not a political stance. It's also important to a lot of people not to be treated like they're in erotic relationships they're not actually in. If someone says two people are dating when they're not, they usually get upset, regardless of gender or sexuality. Saying you think two fictional characters are dating doesn't do any of that. Saying you think two fictional characters must be dating, because they would only perform those actions if they were dating, places assumptions on real people in real life.
So ship whatever you want! Just be careful about stating whether it's impossible for something to be platonic, or impossible for people to be 'just friends', and if you do state things like that, make it more clear that you're joking or exaggerating. Sorry for the long response, but this is a widespread problem in fandom that's uncomfortable (and even potentially dangerous) to a lot of groups for a lot of different reasons, even though people don't mean anything by it. That's why people keep objecting to this specific way of stating things; it's not about the ship at all.
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popironrye · 6 months
Lost Boys: What about ✨ Star? ✨
Purely theoretical of course, basing off portions of the movie we don't see and therefor can fill in the gaps with our own assumptions. A Headcanon if you will.
Watched this movie again, hyperfixating on characters again...let's talk about Star. :3
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The love interest and initial conflict that gets the vampire portion with the main characters going. But what else is there? Well first things first, how did she get involved with the lost boys anyway?
I like to think the boys were open to turning someone if the right situation arose, like say Star is a runaway with nowhere to go. Kiefer Sutherland himself expressed his own interpretation of David as someone who's lonely. Perhaps Max was straight forward about growing the vampires in his own twisted view of growing a family. I mean, why else were the boys be ok with dragging Laddie around with them? Hell, you want to get really weird, maybe Max pushed the boys to get a girl specifically to act, not so much a den mother, but just a female presence to keep them in check?
Motives aside, there's clearly a conflicted clash of intentions from the moment Star meets Michael and when she meets him the second time, and here's what I think. I don't believe David wanted Michael to be Star's first kill necessarily. I think he absolutely wanted her to scope the boardwalk with the intention of catching some doe eyed horny boy to lead on. Really any boy would have done it. Michael was just in the wrong place at the wrong time. I also think Star isn't really good at that sort of thing, given that when Michael did follow her she hops on with David; a clear sign she's taken and it's only sheer luck Michael was persistent in wanting to push his luck with her, despite David's presence. However, I fully believe Star was still intending to feed from Michael as her first kill.
When she meets up with him again, she's very receptive to Michael's mild flirting. When he asks her to grab something to eat, she agrees. I believe Star was gonna go with Michael with intentions to kill him, but Max has absolutely already talked to David and the boys about who Michael is and how he wants them to turn him as an attempt to get to Lucy at this point. So they ride up to stop them. What seems like a move of jealousy to Michael and the audience turns into something more if it's true that Star was gonna kill him and David had to step in to make sure she didn't. It's why I think all David had to do was ask her where she was going, and Star answered she was going with Michael. There wasn't a lot of dialogue but Star was intending to leave the boys to go with Michael but when David says her name again, it's clear to her that plans have changed and all she could think to do was listen to David and get back on his bike. I mean, why else would she go back to David, fear? I don't think so. That's another thing, David's go to immediately after was to pressure Michael into riding with them. Push him to see how far he'd go.
Far enough he got punched in the face for it. I believe if that was anyone else in Michaels shoes, they would have eaten him alive right then and there, but because Max wants David and crew to turn Michael into a vampire he takes him back to the cave. It also makes sense if David is good at reading people, and sees Michael the same way I do. A young man, raked with anxiety in a new place, and desperate to find a way to fit in. He just needed to prod to see how desperate.
Back to Star! She clearly doesn't vibe with the boys as much as they do with each other. I refuse to humor the sexist idea she couldn't be apart of them just because she's girl. Instead I just think she was new to the whole vampire thing. Because of that, she's not privy to a lot and I point to one line that proves this.
"You're the secret that David was protecting." She doesn't know who Max is, and David made sure of that. Now that the movie is all said and done, I would kill for additional parts where Star buts heads with David more. I think after the whole thing with Michael happened, Star wanted to know why he wanted to turn him after the plan was for her to kill him, and David's response was merely 'it's a secret'. This is also where I think Stars intentions changed. She went from wanting to kill Michael to her having second thoughts about the whole thing, not made any easier if David is a dick to her off-screen. Now she sees Michael as her way out. When he comes back to the cave all confused, Star doesn't offer him any answers; instead she offers him sex. At this point she does have feelings for him of course, but I like to think she wants him to find a way out being a vampire and he'll find a way to get her out too.
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Idk, maybe I'm over thinking character motives again, but what do you guys think?
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qrevo · 1 year
So. Cat came out, I feel like Kazui ALSO wants to come out, and I need to talk about it.
(Spoilers for Cat) (Also TW: suicide mention)
First off, the style of the MV was great! Kazui going full crazy at the end was so cool. The song was a banger (as always). Now that we know he was a cop, some of his actions inside the prison make sense, like protecting the attacked prisoners, and trying to punch Es in the first trial.
My main guess now, going by enerything we have (MVs, VDs, Timelines) is that Kazui is a closeted gay man (or maybe aro/ace), and never had any real love or attraction towards his wife, only platonically at most. On the VD he says "I can't live unless I lie. That's how I was born...", and seeing as Japan has some big problems with homophobia, this really strikes off as him trying to hide this side of himself so that he can live a peaceful, "normal" life.
In that one timeline with Yuno and Mahiru, they asked about his preferences, and then after he answered Yuno said that was total bullshit. What other reason would he have to lie about his relationship preferences?
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Also, "Cat", or "Neko", is a slang used by gay people in Japan to refer to bottoms or submissive gays.
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The white dove represents his marriage, since he transformed his marriage ring into the dove (right before doing an "I Love You" reference). That scene of him eating the bird can be interpreted as him finally telling the truth to his wife, who he really is, and suggesting a break or a divorce, ruining/destroying their marriage.
By what he said in the VD, Kazui didn't cheat, or at least it didn't reach that point. He also said that we didn't find out his true crime/sin, since our base assumption was cheating. He also said that she died when he stopped lying. Of course, these could be more of his lies, but assuming they aren't. The only thing that I can think of, that would make her so desperate to jump off the balcony, is that his love never existed in the first place.
So what happened, in summary, was: He married his partner in the police, Hinako, to try having a normal life and conform to society. The marriage was a lie to him, but it was real for his wife. He tried to repress that side of him, hoping it would go away, but those feelings he repressed only got stronger, until he realized he couldn't keep lying forever, and decided to ask for a divorce, coming out to his wife, before he reched the point of cheating. His wife got upset, as seeing that their relationship was a lie, that he never truly loved her like she loved him, and jumped off the balcony.
But there are still a lot of questions that weren't answered.
If he didn't cheat, WHO IS BAR GIRL?? Is she important? If she is, why didn't she appear in the new MV? Is she even REAL, or is she a fabricated memory, or an idea, or a metaphor??
Is that guy in the wedding really the bartender from half? If he is, that means he is important, somehow. Was he his childhood friend? Does Kazui have a crush on him? If so, in bar girl scene, was Kazui actually flirting with the bartender before she arrived? Is he the same man he was arguing with in that scene from half?
For now I'm planning to forgive him, but is that really the best choice? It appears that, when we forgave him in T1, nothing really happened, because we actually forgave his persona, the lies about himself, instead of his actual true self. If he wants us to expose his lies, maybe an unforgiving veredict would be what he wants?
But also, if he is unforgiven, he won't be able to help defend other prisoners from attacks. We need to be careful when voting, as Milgram is starting to look like a strategy game where the goal is keeping all of them alive.
Anyways, going to listen to Cat for like. 3 days straight. Or 3 days gay, if that fits the theme better.
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tabithatwo · 1 year
jackie is a mean girl and i don’t get why people defend her nasty ass. girls like her who think they’re pretty so they can do anything piss me off then they all jump in to defend each other for shitty behavior. watching you do that tells me exactly who you are.
WOW! What a thing to say to a stranger!!
The bigger person in me would probably say clearly you’re hurting and that’s making you decide to be just awful and I hope you heal BUT I had a killer month so she’s actually not home today and instead you get my honest reaction, which is probably fine since you sure gave me your unfiltered opinion!!
Jackie isn’t a mean girl. It’s not even a matter of opinion, it’s a matter of who can pay attention to a fucking show and who cannot pay attention to a show and dives into their own stereotypes and throws them around and covers the text with their own bullshit.
You can have a LOT of different views on Jackie (and any other character!) and they can fall into the purview of differing interpretation (I have a lot of specific reads on her character that I know are not popular opinion and I don’t think people are wrong for disagreeing with!), but I’m sick of pretending like this black and white, jackie is an uncaring cruel mean bitch line of thinking is a valid opinion. It’s just fucking not, like you’re just making shit up at this point. And that’s okay! View media however you want! If you want to imagine that Jackie is a mean girl then that’s your right!
But to come into peoples asks and onto their pages and just spew shit like this is suuuuuch bullshit. And I’ve hesitated to straight up tell people they’re wrong before because that really isn’t my style, but you know what? This was fucking mean and WEIRDLY personal and I’m tired, so you come to me with this shit from now on and I will simply tell you that you are fucking wrong and you have really fucking bad media literacy <3
(If you have these opinions on your OWN BLOG AND NOT IN MY ASKS WHILE YOU COME FOR ME PERSONALLY IN THE SAME BREATH I will see it and think damn I couldn’t disagree more, but I won’t comment on it like that because it’s YOUR SHIT, does this make sense to everyone, do we see the distinction?)
Anyway, you don’t know shit about me. And I don’t know shit about you but since we’re making assumptions here, maybe you were treated poorly by someone and you can’t stop labeling other girls and women unfairly based on that experience, but tbh the way that you are so locked onto hating this teenage girl character and so willing to tell me that you know “exactly who I am” and imply that I’m a “nasty ass mean girl with shitty behavior” really leads me to believe that whoever you are projecting onto Jackie might not have even been mean to you! because you seem to be pretty damn comfortable being the mean one yourself!
Anyway to anyone who is reading this, please don’t do this to people! I know it’s just the internet, I know people can turn off anon asks, I know I know. But also? Sometimes people are having really bad days and something like this would really fuck with them and we are all capable of NOT doing this shit! It’s actually sooo easy to not be an asshole in someone’s messages <3 and if someone has sent you shit like this, just know that it says literally nothing about you and everything about the person saying it, so try your best to just brush it off and carry on! <3 <3 <3
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akane-kurokawa · 9 months
Chapter 136 thoughts!
Loving how they’re handling the Ruby Kana plot line. Kana observing Nino’s feelings from an outside perspective while acting them out is a great way to showcase the scene. Aka Akasaka is really taking advantage of the narrative presentation options he gets from a movie shoot setup this arc and I’ve been loving it.
A little confused about Ai joining later, I hope they clarify the time frame about that (assuming it wasn’t explained in the dang light novel I can’t read) my interpretation at the moment is that the group was formed earlier in the same year that Ai joins, thus she’s still considered a founding member.
When Ichigo scouted her, he mentioned he was “putting together a group of middle school models (yuck)” which implies it’s either not formed yet or still new. I believe something earlier references the fact that Ai was less experienced than her founding peers, though admittedly I mainly interpreted that to mean they had experience in the industry before her since they were models prior.
For Kana and Ruby’s friendship itself! I’m not entirely sure what way it’s going to go. This has been built up since the first concert really, and especially solidified during Ruby’s black star arc. A lot of people are saying things getting fixed after this would be hand-wavey and eliminate consequences but I think it depends on how it’s done.
Ai wanted better for her kids than she got, and I could see the ultimate resolution for these characters being that they are NOT their predecessors and they’re breaking the cycle. I could also see it sticking at this point too though, depending on how much longer the story is going to be.
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This image is horrifying, but also really tragic and interesting. I thought it was a break in character at first, but Gotanda doesn’t stop recording, something he said to the real Ai he would do if she was inauthentic. It makes me suspect this kind of cynical frustrated outburst is not only Ruby’s true feelings, but also true of Ai too, at least while she’s alone.
She’s said that she’s unable to love, but I don’t specifically remember her admitting to hating everyone instead (though someone please correct me if I’m wrong). This could be an assumption on the directors part, or could come from something she admitted him during the original documentary setup period. Like most things with Ai we’re stuck speculating for now.
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