#and i've never been the first choice among friends or in class or like anywhere
bunnihearted · 5 months
i feel like many ppl dont understand just how unwanted i am and how deeply it affects me... my presence isnt wanted anywhere, and wherever i go i feel like im not allowed to exist. im never anyone's first choice. never the first favorite friend. never this never that. like im never the first choice for anyone, just now i almost got hit by a car bc the driver chose to not hit another person close by. they would've rather hit me than that person. and that's just how it goes for me wherever i go. im lucky when and if im even tolerated. but im not wanted or the first choice or the favorite. that just makes me feel so profoundly alone, like i dont belong anywhere or is even allowed to breathe the same air as everyone else.
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Californian Dream (Pt. 06 of 11)
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Pairing: Billy Hargrove X Reader
Word count: 2.9 K
Summary: Being part of one of the richest families of California doesn't mean you're happy. Your life is boring, and you're surrounded by meaningless people and their meaningless talk. Even during Summer, with the break you have from college, there's nothing good going on. Nothing but the new pool guy, Billy, the most handsome man you ever saw. You were successfully avoiding him, not wanting to act like an idiot in front of the guy until Billy accepts to be your date for a fancy gala you're forced to attend. The night was going well, even better when he sneaked you out to go to the beach. But a gang of criminals breaks into the party, kidnapping the heirs to the wealthiest families, which includes you. So, for your safety, your parents want you to stay with Billy, living in his apartment until the criminals are caught. And that could take weeks, maybe even months.
Warnings: Light violence
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Next part (07)->
{Stranger Things Masterlist}
{Dacre Montgomery Masterlist}
In the last few days, you have been accompanying Billy on his job. Nobody made any questions yet, so you're good so far. You're trying not to think about the beach incident too much, and since your days are now occupied with something else than the news channel, you're succeeding. But today, there's this party Billy told you about. He briefly mentioned it, and since the subject never came up again, you concluded that he doesn't want you to go. But you won't let it go that easily.
So you've been trying to convince Billy to take you to this harmless party for the last two hours, and he just surrendered after you reminded him that he said he'd take you to one of his parties one day. And the day came, even though the circumstances aren't the ideal.
But it doesn't matter now, because you're already in his car, nodding your head at the beat of the song playing, breathing in the night air. You shiver a little since the thin straps shirt you decided to wear doesn't provide any protection against the cold wind.
“Should've taken a jacket,” Billy says, glancing at you.
“I'll warm up when I start dancing.”
“So you'll dance.” He chuckles, his free hand half covering his mouth. “That's something I'd like to see.”
“Well, if someone takes me out to dance, I might.” Shrugging your shoulders, you look away from him, secretly hoping he'll do exactly that.
It takes another ten minutes until he stops, the music already banging. Billy guides you around a small house until the back yard, which is crowded already. People are dancing, eating pizza, and playing cards, all laughing and shouting. It's so different from anything you've ever been to. Those formal meetings were always silent and dull, with everything following a schedule. But this... This is just people having fun, doing whatever they want.
“So? What do you think?” Billy asks, coming closer so he can make himself heard above the music.
“It's loud!” Your answer. “I love it.”
“Come. I'll introduce you to some friends.” He makes his way through the people to a plastic table on the back of the yard. All the five people in it smile to see him, happily waving. “What's up, guys? This is...” His voice fades and he stares at you. It hits you suddenly that you can't just say your name. It would be dangerous, but it only got to you now.
“Lily!” You think fast, reaching out your hand shaking theirs. “I'm Lily.”
“Hi, Lily.” They mutter, shouting above the music. The only one who didn't seem very interested, seated further away, keeps staring at you, but you pretend not to notice.
“Is she your girl?” The guy asks, and you immediately shake your head no.
“No.” Billy says at the same time you do, and you both exchange a glance, your cheeks burning.
“I'm Chad.” The guy finally speaks, standing up from his seat and walking over to you. “A pleasure to meet you.”
You're not that innocent. It's obvious he's interested, and now that he knows you're not ‘Billy's girl’, he thinks he can make a move. “Yeah. It's nice to meet you too.” Stepping away, you glance at Billy, who has a weird expression on his face. He engages in a conversation with the others, and you try to keep up. Chad stands by your side, moving closer as if you weren't noticing.
Then, Beat It starts playing, and a smile immediately comes to your lips, and you can't help but move your shoulders and head to the beat. “I love this song.” You exclaim, and some of the guys nod.
“Come dance with me then.” Chad invites, already taking your hand and pulling you.
“No, thanks.” You tell him, standing your ground. But Chad doesn't let go of your hand, his grip tightening to the point you have no choice but to move forward.
“Alright. Let go of her.” Billy violently pushes Chad away, so suddenly it startles you. “Isn't it clear she doesn't want to go with you? Are you deaf or something?”
“What? If she's not your girl I can have my chance.” Chad raises his hands in defeat, tilting his head towards you.
“Fine. Then she is my girl.” Billy's storm voice is easily heard above the music, and when you give a glance at the table, everybody is up, looking very... Surprised. Your friends said Billy can get violent sometimes, so why do they look so... Perplexed?
“Alright. Just give me her phone when you're done running her pretty little–”
You don't even have time to react to his disgusting tone, because Billy is shoving him back, making him swallow his words and placing a hard punch on his jaw, and when he's stumbling back, Billy pulls him by the collar of his shirt, bringing his knee to his stomach. Chad jerks forward, a groan escaping his lips, before falling to the ground. Some people around are staring, the dancing long forgotten.
“If you'll get anywhere near her, I'll break your damn nose.” A kick on Chad's side, making him turn around, starting to crawl away. Billy finds you again, coming closer. “Are you alright?”
Why did he do that? You can defend yourself, even though you've never been in a situation like that. But... It makes you feel funny. Your whole body is hot, and you're trying to catch your breath. “Yeah.” Pushing the words out, you lock eyes with Billy. “...Thanks.”
“Don't bother.” He gives Chad one last look, but he's already far, limping away.
“No, I... That was really nice of you, Billy.” He always does that, as if the things he does aren't important. But this was very, very important to you. “Thank you.”
“Alright.” He nods, a hand on the small of your back, guiding you away from the table. “So, now that your my girl for the night, wanna dance?”
“Well, I do love this song.” Following Billy to the middle of the yard, you stop among the others, already dancing. But when you see how the others are moving, you notice it way too far from what you're used to. “Uhm... I don't think I can do that.” You tell him, tiptoeing to get closer to him an ear.
“I thought you knew how.”
“I can slow dance. I took classes but this... I've never been to any parties where people move like that.” Everyone is way too close to their dancing partner and you're very happy you didn't even consider trying to dance with Chad.
“Just feel the music.” He moves closer, a hand around your waist. “Is this ok?”
“Yeah.” Of course, it is. Billy pulls your closer and starts to move, and you soon follow. It doesn't take long until you're singing along too.
And when it really starts kicking in, you start moving by yourself. And it means you get closer and closer to Billy, spinning around, having his arms around you all the time. You never felt so wild, carelessly moving around, your body colliding with his way too many times, but he doesn't seem to care. And neither do you. You like it, and there's nobody else you'd like to dance with.
When Billy Jean starts banging, you turn to face him, arms around his neck as you follow the beat. Billy's grip on your hips is strong, keeping you there, close to his body. “I'll teach you how to slow dance.” You tell him when you're close to his ear. Billy makes a funny face, turning you around and pushing your back against his chest.
“I don't think that's really my thing.” He says, and you shiver to feel his hot breath on your neck.
Elbowing him lightly, you spin around, holding on to the collar of his jacket. “This was not my thing either but look at me now. I'm... Trying.” Shrugging your shoulders, you bump into Billy when a couple passes by, hitting your back. “Sorry.”
“You're not trying, you're great.” He smiles, and the proximity sends ideas through your mind. If you kissed him here... It would make sense. It'd feel right. Your eyes fall to his lips, and you want to know how they feel like so bad... Maybe it would turn you into another of his girls... But you want to try it... Maybe it's the music, or how you've been dancing together, or how amazing this crazy party is... Everything is pushing you to him, and you don't wanna fight it.
“Thank you.” You mutter, and you feel his hand on your face, fingers softly caressing your cheek. Billy never did that. Maybe he's intoxicated by the moment too. And moments pass. Soon enough they're in the past, and you don't want this to the just a moment. So you step down, putting some distance.
“What?” He asks, using his index finger to raise your face to meet his eyes again. “Everything alright?”
“Yes.” You smile, and for the first time, you notice you wish this could be a thing. Something real, solid... “I'm alright.”
“We should go home. Gotta work tomorrow.”
Billy says goodbye to his friends, and you silently make your way to the car. The ride home is also quiet, as you watch the night lights. There's this feeling, this sensation in your heart. Something you never felt before. Being around Billy has become one of your favorite things, and today, you realized just how close you wanna be. But still, you can't let this feeling grow. You're living together, and this will mess things up. Billy wouldn't fall for you, some rich kid, spoiled, stupid... The best thing to do is let it go, and hope it'll disappear with time.
“It's your turn on the bed.” He says when you're home already, in pajamas, the air-conditioning making you a little cold as you pour yourself some water.
“I know.”
“Did I do something wrong?” He asks, standing up from the couch. “You've been unusually quiet since we left the party. If I did anything you weren't comfortable with I–”
“No!” You exclaim, putting the empty glass in the sink. “That's not it. Today was amazing, I really enjoyed it.” Smiling, you look down at your feet. You never wanted him to feel bad about anything. “It was way better than the formal events I had to attempt... Maybe... Maybe you could take me to some parties, you know... When you're not with a girl.”
“I'm not seeing anyone, so... Guess you'll be my date for parties for a while.”
Biting your lip, you try to suppress the smile, but it escapes anyway. You're tired, eyes heavy, and you know how dangerous it is, how sleep pushes the words out. But right now, you don't care. You feel comfortable around Billy, even to admit the things you don't like talking about. “That's nice. Uhm... About that Chad guy. Thanks, again. Nobody ever did that for me and... I've already had to deal with guys flirting like that but nobody cared enough to stand up for me.”
“None of your boyfriends ever stood up for you?” Billy comes to the table, leaning against the it, right before you. “A pretty girl like you probably had many.”
A giggle escapes your lips, but a yawn covers it up. “Well... No. You know the options I have, so...” Shrugging your shoulders, you look into his ocean blue eyes, the kitchen light illuminating his handsome features. “I'll tell you something, but you have to promise not to laugh.”
“You know I can't promise that.” He chuckles, and you smile.
“Yeah, I know...”
“But go ahead.”
“I...” Putting a strand of hair away from your face, you lean against the countertop. “I never really kissed anyone. Well, there was this guy in my Freshman year in High School, but it was just a peck on the lips, not a real thing...” Squinting your eyes, you expect him to laugh, but a small, kind smile is everything you see.
“Why?” It doesn't sound like he's mocking you, but like he actually wanna know.
“I always thought that a kiss is something very... Intimate. I know it's silly and you probably think I'm some kind of prude.” Nervously, you pace around the kitchen, wondering why exactly you're telling him this. You never spoke of this to anyone, not even Amelia. “But to me it's something special, to be shared with someone special, and in my life, I never wanted to do that with anyone... Until now.” The last part just rolls out your tongue, and you immediately freeze, a hand running through your hair. “A-and you know, the guys I'm surrounded by are just jerks and the very thought of kissing any of them is disgusting.” You can feel his eyes on your back, as you pretend to fix the dishcloth, just to have something to do. “I'd rather die alone.”
“Until now?” Billy inquires, his voice a little darker now, stronger, deeper, echoing through your mind.
“Yeah, I just mean–”
“No.” Billy comes closer, touching your arm and taking the dishcloth from your hand, placing it on the table, away from your reach. “Tell me what you really mean. Don't dissimulate.”
Taking a deep breath, you step back, trying to put some distance between you and him, but your back hits the wall. “I just...” Avoiding his gaze, you run a hand through your hair. “From all the guys I ever met, you're the only one I ever... I ever considered kissing or... Maybe even dating, but that's just–that's just...” Shit. It took five seconds for you to admit everything you've been trying to keep hidden. How does Billy do that? How does he open your heart so easily? “I–I'm sorry. I gotta go.” You move, trying to reach the hall, eager for the comfort of the bedroom, where you will be alone with your thoughts for a while.
But you don't go far. Billy holds your arm, like Chad did, yet so differently. It's gentle, and you don't even try to resist it. You just stop, your eyes meeting his. “Don't go, just...”
“Forget I said anything. I told you, I get a little too brave when I'm sleepy and–”
You don't have the chance to finish, because his lips come crashing down on yours, so suddenly, yet so soft. One of his hands caresses your cheek, and the other finds its way around your waist, but instead of pulling you close, as he did while you were dancing, this time it just rests there, delicately. And you, who never kissed anyone, knows exactly what to do. Following his pace, slow and sweet, you move closer, your arms wrapping around his neck. When he puts some more pressure, deepening the kiss, you allow him in, your chest collapsing against his.
But the damn phone rings, so damn loud it makes you jump, stepping away from Billy, a hand on your lips.
He looks down at you for a while before rolling his eyes and moving to answer the phone. “Who's this?” He sounds annoyed, a little angry even. “Alright.” He turns at you. “Your father.”
“Oh.” Snapping out of the stupor, you go to the phone, giving Billy a small smile. “Hey, dad.”
The conversation goes on the same way it always does. How you're doing. If Billy is taking care of you, that the investigators are doing their best so you'll be able to go back home soon. But you're not sure if you wanna go back, to the huge bedroom you turned into a small apartment so you'd had a place to hide for days if needed. You're way better here, even though you don't know how things will be now.
When you hang up, you know how it'll be. Billy is used to kissing many, many girls, and that was just a kiss. At least your first real kiss was with someone you enjoy being with, and not one of those idiots. “I'll get some sleep.” You tell him, blushed cheeks as you give a little wave before closing yourself in the bedroom.
The night is restless, and every time you close your eyes you're kissing him again, over and over, until you can't think about else than his taste. And when you wake up, you know the day won't be any better. Billy went to Gisele's house today, and you couldn't go since everyone there knows you very well. And you didn't want to, because the memories you have there are many. So the day goes by pretty much the same way it always does, but this time you made yourself something for lunch.
When the evening is coming, you're just checking the news, to see if something else was found, or if the police are any closer, before starting off dinner.
You jump from your seat when the woman announces they released Alice, two days after the payment of five million dollars was made. She was found in an alley, across the state, unconscious... But that's not what shocks you, what makes you fall back into the couch, tears rolling down furiously and your whole body shaking. It's not the bruises on her face, the tiny cuts and scratches... What makes terror overcome you is that Alice wasn't set free in one piece.
You're frozen, eyes on the TV, but not really listening, the images just an indistinguishable blur. But when you hear the door opening, you set in motion, going straight into Billy's arms, sobbing, hiding your head on his chest.
“Hey.” He says, but you barely hear him above your cry. “(Y/N), what happened? You're scaring me.”
“They cut off her fingers.” You push out, trying not to stutter through the words. “They let Alice go but they cut off her fingers.”
@multific @dontxfearxthereaper @nope-thanks @nikkixostan @shinydixon @clockworkballerina @infinitelycharmed23
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luckyukhei · 6 years
Word Count: 2.1k! This one beats "Okay, Twilight" in length.
A/N: I've been working on this idea for ages! I'm finally doing it!
Summary: In her third year of going to a school notoriously known for its high population of Seoul's richest kids. In a world where her economic class is the most important thing about her, she's now faced with a more prevalent question. What Will You Choose?
AU: High School, Rich Kids
Pairing: Jaehyun x Reader x Jaemin
Teaser Jaemin Version - Teaser Jaehyun Version
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The first day of school was stressful just because of all the talk of class fees that your scholarship didn’t particularly pay for. Your group of friends waited for you as you made a call to your cousin asking if they had shifts for you to pick up at the family restaurant.
Making your way back to the group as they started walking with you. They were on scholarship to this school as well but, you were the poorest of the group. Being the goofs they were they were playfully horsing around. While you were quiet. 
You felt a hand on your shoulder and Jaemin’s voice manifested directing itself at you, “What did your cousin say?”
“Oh,” You covered his hand in yours, “She’s picking me up to talk to my uncle about it?”
Haechan’s voice interrupted the small moment with the mentioning of someone else, “Chunja looks like she changed a bit over the summer. You going to slide up on her?” 
“Who says that?” Renjun squinted at the unarguably most wild of the bunch.
“I do, No fun Renjun.” Haechan raised his fist to pretend to hit Renjun but, instead, he nudged Jaemin.
Jaemin rubbed his neck,” I dunno maybe. You think she’d be into me?”
Your heart barely had time to swell in an odd feeling when the whole group slowed down. You didn’t have much of a choice because of your position in the middle of the group but, to stop as you heard the speeding of a car pass the group with hooping and hollering. 
You looked at Mark as he mumbled, “God. They’re such asses. Rich kids...”
The group continued their own conversations even causing Chenle’s dolphin laugh ring out among the group.
You squeezed through to stand next to him, “Don’t you hang out with them sometimes?”
He nodded in response, “That’s only because my uncle has money and makes his stepson take me with him so my mom feels like I’m assimilating fine.”
“Look at you! Using big words! Sounding all educated.” You laughed at him and he gave you a big brother seeming smile. 
They always dropped you off at your house first then Jaemin as he lived right next to you. This time you took notice of your cousin’s car in the driveway along with your mother’s.
“Movie night at Mark- Hyung’s on Saturday!” Jisung reminded you.
“Jisung, it’s Monday. What are you gonna do? Remind her every day?” Jeno teased as they left. 
You walked inside greeting your siblings, who excitedly talked about the first day back from break, and mother, who always took the first day of school off of work.
“Jiwoo is waiting for you in your room. We’ll talk about your day when you get back.” Your mom winked at you as she continued listening to your young sister.
“Yes, ma’am.” You nodded at her and walked to your room.
After years of saving up and asking for certain decorations for your birthday or even creating some of them, including a wobbly desk that served as a reminder of why you and the “Dream Team” shouldn’t be anywhere near Woodworking class or power tools in general. One thing that wasn’t apart of your room was your cousin who was lounging on your with two big bags set on the floor.
“What did you bring me?” You asked, tossing your bag in your desk chair.
“Well, hello to you too,” Jiwoo chuckled and wobbled on her knees to the edge of the bed, “I figured that since the girls at my college really liked you from your visit, they wanted to add on to this set of hand me downs. They even gave you old jewelry and shoes. Those are in my car. Although it seems lame that you’re wearing others clothes and stuff.”
You smiled as you looked through the clothes, “Are you kidding me? These are all so pretty and nice!”
“Yeah. They’re nice but, you deserve clothes you bought not preowned.” She told you with sadness laced in her voice.
“That’s why I work hard now, Ji... Tell them I said thank you,” You gave her a big smile as you held up a crop top and a pair of jeans, “For now, let’s try on this cute outfit.”
You sat with Jiwoo and ate ice cream that she leaves in the freezer just in case she has to stay in the restaurant late. You both eat ice cream out of the tub and talk.
“Today, on the way home Haechan was talking to Jaemin about Chunja,” You started scooping out a spoonful of ice cream.
“And this is significant why?” Jiwoo asked, sipping her drink.
“First off, Jaemin is my best friend and he has never, ever, said anything about this girl to me.” You put the spoon in your mouth.
“Is sweet little Y/N jealous?” Jiwoo teased.
You rolled your eyes, “No, I’m not jealous. Just worried. Chunja is one of the most popular girls in school and I think she’s-”
You dragged your eyes to look at a group of boys who started to wave you over. 
“Those kids go to your school?” Jiwoo asked looking over.
“Yeah. They’re Flushes.” You told her standing.
“Flushes?” She asked tilting her head. She grew up rather middle class so some slang she just hasn’t heard.
“Shitty rich people.” You told her before walking over to the table.
You knew of all of them. You knew Lucas fairly well. He hung out with you and The Dreamies every now and then. He was a cool person and fit right in but, he only hung out with the group if his rich friends. He did tell you when he hung out with his friends if you or anyone in the group saw him call him Yukhei.
“Hey, Yukhei!” You gave him a fist bump and a wink.
“Hey, beautiful. I’ve got a few questions for you.” He told you with his ‘playboy’ voice.
“Anything for you.” You nudged him.
“What are you doing here?” Lucas smiled.
“I hope your hoodrat friends aren’t here,” Taeyong muttered before being hit by Jaehyun.  Taeyong was known for his distaste for the scholarships. He would go out of his way not to be associated with any of them except Mark.
“My family owns this place.” You answered ignoring the comment and the assault of Taeyong.
“They do?” Jaehyun inquired seemingly interested. You had a few classes with Jaehyun but, you never really talked because you had at least one member from your group in your classes. But, this year he has two classes with you. One filled with his friends and another with you and two of your friends.
You nodded and looked at Yukhei, “Next question. “
“That ice cream you had looked really good... Do they sell it here?”
“No, sorry.” You chuckled and rubbed on your neck.
“See I told you,” Jungwoo hit Yukhei’s shoulder then looked at you, “Yukhei’s is wrong about most things.”
Jaehyun spoke up,” He was right about one thing.”
“Oh? What was that?” You asked playing along.
“You definitely are beautiful,” Jaehyun took your hand gently, “We’re having a party this Saturday. I would love for you to come.”
You looked around before leaning toward the center and beckoning them to lean, “I’m sure you wouldn’t want a hoodrat messing up your party. Plus, I’ve got better things to do than hang out with a bunch of Flushes.”
Before any of them could respond you did a full 180 and waved them goodbye, “Bye, boys. Don’t forget to tip your waitress. I know you’ve got the cash.”
You slid into the office where your uncle usually counted money at night and where the security footage was collected. He told you to wait in there while he finished some things up. Jiwoo was seated on the table and started clapping as you slipped in.
“I have no idea what you did but, they tipped Ms.Kim fifty dollars,” Jiwoo smirked at you,” One of them left you his number.”
“Toss it.” You told her.
“Y/N... He’s a rich kid. Maybe his your way out.”
“He’s a Flush and I’m my own way out.” You couldn’t continue because your uncle came in.
“Y/N, I can’t give you any shifts.”
Your heart dropped, “I need the money...” You were willing to do anything. You worked hard to make sure you were helping your mom out in any way. As long as her and your siblings were taken care of you would work every minute you weren’t in school.
He held out a stack of bills,” That’s why I’m handing it to you. Y/N, you work so hard for everything you have so now it’s time for us to let you relax. You’re still a kid. You aren’t an adult you shouldn’t work like one. Just maintain good grades and get out of the lower class and I’ll help take care of you.”
Your eyes began to water before tears quickly made their way down your chin before you hugged the old man with as much strength as you could muster, “Thank you so much.”
Little did any of you know that the blessing to relax would come at the cost of teenage drama.
That night you were putting your new clothes, shoes, and jewelry away while playing music. There was a knock on your window. You jerked your head towards the window and saw a smiling Jaemin at your window. This was a frequent occurrence that started in middle school. When Mark wanted to hold a group meeting or Jaemin just wanted to come over.
You unlocked the window and slid it open, “Are you staying or are we going?”
“We’re going. Put a jacket and some shoes on.”
“Yes, sir.” You pulled a pair of shoes on and a jacket before taking Jaemin’s hand and climbing out the window and on to the raggedy old roof. From there you climbed down the tree by your house that connected your backyards.
You both dusted your hands off and stuffed your hands in your pockets. You two didn’t really talk. There were a few reasons for that.
A group of voices and smell of distant weed was one of those reasons. Instinctively Jaemin yanked your hood to cover your head and then covered his. He brought you into his side and shielded you. 
The group watched you two walked by. They used to be your friends. You grew up with them but, ever since your group got scholarships to the “rich kid school” they felt like your group was trying to become “Flushes”. Although that wasn’t the case.
Another reason was keeping quiet until you got to the rest of the group as it was in your best interest not to get caught as rumors spread fast in a school full of snobby kids who are all watching all the time. Looking for reasons to justify the want in the separation of both groups.
The meeting place was at the picnic table by the swings in the park. Jaemin hopped the fence and you followed suit. 
The smell of pizza caused you to run to the spot and grab a slice of pizza. 
“Hello to you too,” Chenle commented and you lovingly leaned on him.
With a mouthful of pizza, you asked,” Who’s to thank for feed yours truly?”
Mark raised his hand and you blew him a kiss.
“What’s the meeting about, great leader?” Jaemin asked in a joking manner.
“It’s about Saturday,” He leaned on the pole,” Johnny, my uncle’s stepson, invited us to a party this Saturday.”
“Okay... Did you say no?” Jeno asked eating some pizza.
“I told them we’d be there.” Mark sighed at the chorus of groans.
“Saturday is for the boys plus, Y/N not a bunch of rich kids we don’t like.” Jisung voiced.
“For once in his very young life, Jisung is very right.” You spoke up.
“Guys, this is our chance to befriend the rich kids. Show them that we aren’t that bad. So, Saturday, I want you in your best party clothes. I want you guys to show those Flushes how we ‘hoodrats’  get down.” Mark got his leadership voice and you raised your hand.
“We can meet up at my place since it takes me the longest to get ready.” You offered.
“I’ll take my dad’s van and pick everyone up,” Jeno suggested.
“Sounds good,” Mark nodded, “Y/N, did your uncle give you any shifts?”
“He told me to stop working like an adult and to relax then handed me money for class fees “ 
Haechan smiled at you, ”Thank Goodness. Now we don’t have to hang out at the restaurant when you work. What are we gonna do with all this time with our favorite girl?”
“Get through the party with the rich kids,” Jaemin answered.
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