#and ideally an income of some description
sugar-petals · 1 month
Hi caro hope you're doing well ! I was wondering what Billy magnusen body type was ? His features are like soft and rounded ,even his muscles, I thought maybe a romantic or a natural type ? Anyway thanks and have a great day 💜
Billy's a Pure Natural Kibbe body type imo! 💕
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Torso + face + hands sport width, blunt shoulders, rather tall at 1,80cm, slim hips, strong thighs, arms & face more compact than elongated, neither petite nor balanced, frame dominant. All pure soft yang indicators. Like all Ns, he easily gains a muscular physique with the shoulder area most prominent.
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Face: Neither slim/long like D nor full like R, nor contrasting in features like a G. SC could be possible and would be my second guess (he's often dressed as a C), tells me he's in the middle of the spectrum, but the body is too T-shaped + muscle-prone to be balanced. Kibbe's N face description:
"Facial bones are broad or prominent (nose, cheeks, jawline - blunt, not sharp). Eyes may be very straight and small. Lips are straight and slightly thin. Cheeks are taut." That's Billy! (i.e. very goodlooking)
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Naturals are close to men's cultural beauty `ideal´ (FN), but less imposing, lanky, nor as asymmetric. They radiate "friendly, sporty, fit, handsome" instead. They're not thinly modelesque like otherworldly intimidating Ds, not flawlessly dandy-like Cs, not petitely youthful like G, nor softly rounded like Rs. They are effortlessly, likeably masculine with athletic blunt frames.
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Charlie Hunnam, Frenkie De Jong (!), Robert Redford, Jensen Ackles, Alexander Ludwig, all from the N family, they resemble him.
Billy's roles have been a mixed styling bag (D and C clothes are too formal/boxy and sleek on him, R is cartoonishly ornate, G is too much), but the Instyle photoshoot... The lumberjack/rugged leisure look with minimal tailoring slash detail + strong fabrics is his forte. Pure Natural is THE casual archetype. To dress N up, you dress them down. All else is artificial.
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Beard, looser longer hair, earth colors, the Kibbe recommendations really transform him. He becomes so much more intense, and even more handsome. Relaxing the lines, voila:
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I first thought SN for him, too! But compare Kit Connor, Soft Natural incarnate: Billy's less yin. Kit is mega buff, but with notable lushness and an hourglass on top like a Romantic. The softness adds to his bevelled/wide/athletic N bone structure, around his cheeks, legs, chest, jaw, lips. He's both N and R.
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Kit's not R, he towers over petite Joe Locke (FG)'s yin height. But even at his most muscular, Kit is still full and rounded in flesh instead of tautly ripped and T-shaped like Billy. Gratuitous pics incoming:
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Typecasting them, Kit is the cute n sexy sports guy next door (N + R), Billy is the fun jacked athlete going on an outdoors adventure (N). SN is more androgynous, small, like Tom Hardy, Jungkook. Rs and TRs are below Billy's height range (e.g. Jimin); have curly yin hair, sloped shoulders, full lips, rounder eyes, think Nick Jonas, Kit Harrington.
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Natural is less petite, and their arm/shoulder/rib area is always the most powerful part of their body. They're a wall, have more vertical. I can see some softness in the arms and thighs but the face isn't as luscious/sweet like yin. Just naturally (pun) athletic.
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Hope you enjoyed the analysis and found it helpful! <3
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coconox · 4 months
whb QoLs that i would like to see
boredom post lol, just dumping my thoughts into the void of what id like to see be added in whb but probably will never happen 🫠
1. separation of character and artifact banners
pretty self-explanatory. w the roster being huge and it only increasing from here there needs to be a distinction btwn characters and artifacts. im sure many ppl atp have gotten tired of the false hope they get when they get the gold glow from one of the kings at the beginning only to find out that its just one of his sig 💀💀
1.1 for patches w 2 l-rank debuts, have the selector work even before you hit pity
i get having the selector for if you reach hard pity, but its a bit greedy for it to apply only when you wasted so many seals (esp when f2ps dont get as much seals as they should). i would like the chance of knowing im guaranteed that char from the beginning even when i get the char early
1.2 if there exists an artifact banner, let there be a selector for which one you want to pull for
same logic as prev points. the rosters getting huge and ideally id like to have smth guaranteed for when i do my pulls
2. update characters' skill descriptions to be more specific
theres too many "[dmg/healing] is proportional to [some stat]." i want to see what that actual proportion is, like "dmg is proportional to x% of stat" where x is some number. or in skill menus theres "increase passive effect" like just tell me what youre specifically increasing in the passive !!!! i shouldnt need to actually lvl the passive to figure out whats changing, it should be stated from the get-go
3. have someone at the very least proofread the text
now i've seen my fair share of typos in games, hell, i literally play one where they couldnt even spell their own game name properly during the earlier yrs of its release lol *cough pgr cough*, but for the most part theyve resolved that issue and simple typos are easily spotted and fixed, but ive never seen there be this many typos or language switches mid-sentence. literally just 1 thorough proofread couldve easily solved most of these grammatical issues.
4. better optimization
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im sorry but this is getting to like hoyo lvls of optimization w the fact that whb, which just hit half anni a month ago, is getting close to the amnt of storage an almost 3 yr old game has is wild to me (completely disregarding the fact that pgr has 3d models, l2d cgs, etc). imo, the amnt of storage whb holds should be around or even lower than what neural cloud has (which mind you, also has 3d models and l2d art 😭😭)
incoming very weird comparison but vanilla minecraft, a game that gets regularly updated, both on pc and pe take less than 1 gb
literally improving the optimization would make the game more accessible i.e. get more players to play since it wont take up a lot of storage !!! as someone who used to have 64gb or less on my phone, i could barely play any games on it bc nowadays they unnecessarily take up so much storage
5. add more daily/weekly tasks
keep the 9 daily requirements and 32 weekly requirements the same, just give more tasks for each so that we arent strictly set on doing specific ones. id like to see more stuff like "battle any stage x amnt of times" (emphasis on any, not a specific stage) or "interact w the lobby character at least once," just really anything that doesnt involve investing in a character or artifact. i feel like im wasting resources from lvling chars i dont wanna lvl, + we dont get enough tears per week to properly invest in so many characters at once.
giving more breathing room to hit the 9 and 32 achievements would put less stress on me cause then i'll know that if i cant complete one task, i can just do another and still be able to get all the rewards obtained for the week. im sure a fair share of ppl atp have missed out on getting all the weekly rewards bc they accidentally missed 1 daily task which is painful
5.1. get rid of the lvling artifacts weekly requirement and lvling characters requirement
briefly mentioned it prev but wanted to make its own section. its useless, especially when i ald have the artifacts that i need lvled up. its a dumb requirement that makes me waste mats and pulls just so i could lvl some artifacts properly.
6. get rid of the rng boxes and make them selectors
5.2 increase the daily/weekly rewards
dailies (w pancake shop): 9 tears, 7 key boxes (rng)
weeklies: 4 tears, 5 red keys, 2 yellow keys, 50 seals
i dont think i need to explain much here thats like scraping the bottom of a barrel for important mats/gacha currency
they suck. i do not want resources to be gacha too
7. make all shops cheaper
self-explanatory. everything is too expensive (esp in red gems shop) and therefore is borderline inaccessible unless if you hoard mats or 💳
7.1 add the ability to convert red gems to seals
red gems have very little use now ever since seals were introduced. id like them to have some important use if we keep getting a certain amnt of them every week. we can covert them to red/yellow keys, so by that logic we should also be able to convert them to seals too
8. get rid of uncommon/useless currencies
pretzels, artifact enhancement stones, and blue guilty gems are the 3 that come to mind. ik pretzels were originally supposed to be from the friends system, but that was removed a bit after launch and still hasnt showed up despite pb promising itd be launched around this time. aside from that the other 2 serve little to no use, as artifact stones dont lvl up the artifact all that much and blue gems died when seals became a thing
9. auto-clear for story stages
i mean that after getting a perfect clear on a stage, then have auto-clear be an option. since candy boxes are farmable through story, i end up falling asleep or getting bored of having to sit through fighting the same stage like 20+ times a day. this is honestly one of the more nit picky ones in this list lol, i just play the stages in the bg while i do other stuff but ideally id like to get stuff done asap
10. make lvling characters cheaper
we only get 13 tears a week from dailies + weeklies + pancake shop. assuming you start from scratch and want to get to char lvl70, it takes 3 weeks to get there without the help from other shops. thats almost a month for 1 character, it shouldnt take that long to invest in someone (it also shouldnt be that expensive 💀)
if we're getting such low numbers of essential materials per week, decrease the character lvl prices to reflect that. or alternatively, increase the number of mats we get per week to easily lvl characters
10.1 increase the character lvl cap to 100
40 tears for one level is not worth it, having the cap be 100 would make it feel like its worth it (not really tbh, its still real expensive when lvl70 provides more than enough to clear all content 💀)
10.2 add a resource stage for pies
getting pies only through shop (rng boxes btw) and events isnt enough to compensate for how much skill lvls cost. either decrease the skill lvl prices or increase the pie income to balance it out
11. have the ability to backread txt msgs before choosing a reply
self-explanatory. the game doesnt allow you to backread before choosing a reply which sucks :/
as someone who usually cant process txt after reading it once i kinda just sit at the replies like :/ girl i forgor what he just said and i cant go back and read so i'll just leave and re-enter the chatroom again ig
12. have the game automatically lock l-rank artifacts as soon as you get them
ik theres a lock feature, but you need to lock all artifacts manually. id rather the game lock l-rank artifacts for me once i get them so that i dont accidentally recycle them when cleaning out my inventory and then i manually unlock them later if i want to
13. give seals, keys, or just any sort of general gacha currency as compensation rewards
receiving only ap feels like a slap to the face, and seals/any other currency would only be given out if there was smth that was severely (and i mean very severely) hindering everyones gameplay. the ap given isnt even that much either which is like rubbing salt in the wound
14. decrease ap requirement in stages
considering stages can go up to 32ap as a req (given this is only seen in events, the usual hovers around 25 but my point still stands), you cant really do all that much if the cap hovers around 250 (give or take, i havent seen anyone w 300ap yet so 250 im considering is the avg rn for endgame players). w each stage at highest difficulty being 25-30+ap, we essentially only play like 10 stages max before needing to wait.
1 solution ppl would have in mind is to just buy the 300ap from red gems shop or buy more ap from selecting the ap counter directly to get more for the day, but i want smth thats more accessible. i shouldnt need to pay w some currency to get literally the bare necessity of being able to play this game.
i think keeping all stages at 15ap is perfect, hell, even 20 would also work since w 250ap you can get more than 10 runs in one session
15. make the battles less reliant on needing certain l-ranks
this is just smth ive noticed when testing out stages w other chars or just playing realm of seraphim lol, but theres a huge imbalance w l-ranks vs s and a+-ranks. theres also a huge imbalance when it comes to the classes too (i'll get to that in a bit)
take beel's camp for example, there is no one in beels camp that can essentially mimic or closely mimic what beel does kit-wise (dmg ik will be different cause lower ranking and all). imo, the go-to non-l-rank alternative for beel isnt even from his camp, its from belphegors !!!! (if you didnt catch on im talking abt andrealphus lol)
or take mammon for example, no one in his camp (as of making this post) deals dmg on ult, they only either shield themselves or take the hit for ppl on the team, which tends to do more harm than good.
element-wise, take juno for example. juno being an l-rank fire unit significantly changed how fire team worked, i.e., you can actually use that team to clear most story content now (minus water enemies lol). that should probably put into perspective of 1. how l-ranks are a bit too important in this game and 2. how unbalanced light as an element is compared to every other element
15.1 give us more tanks and healers
i need yall to see how crazy our current roster is
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(dont mind the title of the table lol its from the spreadsheet, also for reference if ppl see this in the future this is pre-lucifer (victory))
why do we have so many close-rangers??? so many marksman????
we have such little supports (tanks + healers) that it makes me fully convinced the gameplay pb wants to achieve is full on dps and not yk a well-balanced team w dps AND support. dont get me wrong if players want to full on dps that is totally fine by me, the issue im having is that the devs appear to want a full on dps team, completely ignoring the idea of how to properly balance a game where they also introduce supports. of course there are marksman/close-rangers that can support i.e. buff the team (juno, dantalian, ronové, phenix, the list of examples goes on), but im specifically talking abt the classes in general. for the most part, marksman and close-rangers are usually dps while tanks and healers are usually support.
if youre gonna introduce supports in this game, 1. have more than just 1 tank unit for each non-light element, 2. make the healing be higher than 1% of a char's hp, 3. have an equal amnt of tanks and healers as close-rangers and marksman.
the fact that if you dont have mammon as your designated tank or lucifer as your designated healer, youre essentially screwed over is wild to me. their camps' s/a+-ranks should be able to hold just as well without their kings. satans camp is the perfect example of that. chars like minhyeok (who is quite literally mini satan kit-wise lmao), gabriel, leraye, nostalgia leraye, hell even ppyong (the a+-rank ver, not juno lol) are all perfect alternatives for if you dont have satan and that is amazing. we currently dont have that for supports and i genuinely hope thatll change in the future
this game is very, VERY far from being at least somewhat balanced in my eyes. i really do wish for the best w this game but man as someone who loves to dissect gameplay down to the numbers, seeing all this gets real frustrating for me from time to time.
anyw thats all for now– this was a bit of a rant more than anything lol
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crystallinestars · 4 months
FR I feel that if you tossed the Genshin guys into a romance sim, it would actually be pretty legit-looking. Now if only there were some sort of actual Genshin otome game 😭 (if I could romance Kaveh in such a game, I think I would die and go to heaven)
Yeahhh I feel that there is such a pattern among male and female characters. Like for female characters, I guess that the ones who are kind of more… “male-gazey” are less likely to be popular with women? Like in terms of both appearance and personality. Though even this is difficult to define. Ladies like Beidou and Dehya seem to be REALLY popular with girls, at least in the west (if I am wrong tho plz correct me). Even Navia (whose design I suppose shows a lot of skin) seems to be well-liked by guys and girls alike, I follow a girl on here who is absolutely crazy for her (and tbh I am no different 😭). To me I guess that for these three, they’re good role models for girls so that contributes to their appeal to women players? Cos they have strong, confident attitudes and kick hella ass, but they’re also kind + beautiful… so I suppose they’re like, people you could admire on an aesthetic and personal level but also you could aspire to be like them.
To be fair I like Lisa as I remember running around as her a lot when I first started playing (and chatting with her cai bot gets wild sometimes cos she’s always calling me out for like low self esteem, bad mentality, etc 😭😭), in general I like all of the girl characters ahahahah though for Lisa and many others I could def see how they’d have more appeal to guys.
And for guy characters, I’ve seen guy players admire Diluc and Alhaitham ! Like they have a sort of “masculine” appeal, aspirational for guys I think. I’ve even seen some guys on the Alhaitham subreddit start to hit the gym to become buff like him 😮 Sorry for digressing so much with this topic ahahah just that it is very interesting to consider.
My BF has been fueling my Kaveh love AHAHAHA like when I’m using his computer he lets me run around as Kaveh as I haven’t been able to pull for him yet. Now I have much more Kaveh merch than before but I think that I will try to amass even more…
Ooooo that makes sense, yeah cons do get pretty crowded esp in the areas like the artist alley where people are crowding around booths. And maybe it’s for the best that you avoid cons cos (TMI in advance) the con stink is REAL 😭🤢🤮 Though some of them apparently distribute deodorant or soap for attendees, hopefully it alleviates the smell…
Yeahhh Touhou is hella old, like the franchise is older than I am (I was born shortly before the first windows OS game in the series came out 🫡). I know that ZUN is still producing new official games about every 2-3 years, and for merch I see that there are fumo plushies for the newer characters coming out, a pleasant surprise. But I think the barrier of entry is much higher due to the nature of the games so it’s less “mainstream” for young people compared to Genshin, as Genshin you could easily download if you have phone, iPad, non-mac computer, etc. But from what I’ve seen, you could encounter stuff of the most popular characters at cons if you keep your eyes peeled.
On the topic of merch (crazy complaint incoming!!!)… so I posted a pic of my Kaveh haul somewhere and someone made a comment alluding to that ship. This was the first thing I saw this morning, and OMG I was so irritated that I straight up blocked this person 😭 Sadly I can’t remove their comment (this would be more ideal). I guess this is rather extreme reaction as the comment was harmless… though in the description I literally put some unhinged stuff about “oh me and Kaveh are gonna get married” so I was wondering how they did not get the hint that “oh, this person doesn’t care for that ship.” I am bewildered that the shippers are everywhere, feels bad cos in the community I’m in, most of them are so so sweet but majority of them are also shippers of that ship.
Like when I see an arbitrary pic of [any Genshin guy] or Aventurine, I don’t go “ooooh la la Lumine’s gonna get that” or “hehe Stelle or Topaz is gonna enjoy this” respectively… ofc this is first world “problem” but still… they tether Kaveh to feeble scholar so much 😭
Also I was on a small yumejoshi community and I found a girl who is also Kaveh enjoyer, and who also feels uncomfy with the shippy stuff. It was a pleasant surprise that there are other Kaveh likers with a similar POV to us, since from my observation I see that many of them like that one ship along with him.
This got so long and convoluted, I hope it is not difficult to read !!! It does not help that I am currently running on some 3 hours of sleep and a can of green tea (it has no effect on me). If there is anything that needs to be clarified plz let me know !
Genshin girls in general are quite good, both on a design and personality level. Many of them are popular with women because, as you said, they look pretty while being badass. It also helps that the writing for female characters has improved significantly over the years, making them more fleshed out and complex.
I didn’t like Lisa’s flirtatious attitude at the start, but I have grown to love her a lot, and got excited whenever she appeared in events. I wish there was more of her, tbh. Navia is also my favorite Fontaine character overall! I saved for her so much.
I adore most of the Genshin ladies, actually. The only ones I dislike are Ei and Yae Miko.
Yeah, I think the cool and stoic type of male characters are more popular with guys. And I remember seeing that one guy on the Alhaitham sub! I wonder if he reached his goal?
I… never even thought about how stuffy and smelly cons would be. Lord, that makes me want to go even less. Ew 😣
I looked up when the first Touhou game came out, and it seems like it released the year I was born. So yeah, the franchise is hella old… But I thinks it’s nice that it still has fans even to this day. Even if it’s become harder to find fan content of it 😔
I’m so sorry you had to wake up to a comment alluding to That One Ship, especially since you simply wanted to share something you enjoy. The way a lot of shippers post obnoxious ship comments under art depicting a solo character is a serious problem. It’s very annoying to constantly be reminded of a ship you dislike, plus ruins the enjoyment you could have derived from the post itself. For whatever reason, I only see it happen for m/m and f/f ships.
It’s not wrong of you to block the person. If they make you uncomfortable, then the best thing to do is quietly block them. The Japanese and Chinese fandom communities often recommend to others to block liberally so they can create a safe space for themselves online and not see things they dislike. It’s all about protecting your mental health and having a comfortable space.
I am also sorry to say that a lot of people don’t check bios, or simply don’t care about your boundaries. Once, I had a few shippers of that ship follow me on Twitter despite my bio saying for fans of that ship to not follow me. Even after I made a tweet saying I’m uncomfortable with such individuals following me, one of them left a like and continued to follow me 😐 They knew but disrespected my boundaries, so I removed them.
It might seem harsh to block or remove people over ship differences, but in our modern era of toxic ship discourse and harassment, I don’t blame anyone for feeling triggered by certain ships or their fans. It’s much better to block a stranger online than subject yourself to psychological torture. The other person will forget about it in time, if they ever even find out you blocked them at all.
lol trust me when I say there are a much bigger number of Kaveh-lovers in the yume community who also don’t like his ship with a certain Scribe! I’m friends with a few of them. In fact, my entire social media circle is of Kaveh fans who like him exclusively with girls.
I feel like the Japanese and Chinese yume communities are better on that front compared to the English yume community. I try to stay away from English communities in general…
Sorry that my response also got so long. I hope you can get more than 3 hours of sleep tonight! The weekend is almost here, so here’s to hoping you can sleep in!
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dailyanarchistposts · 4 months
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Footnotes, 301 - 322 (end)
[301] Great changes have taken place since the forties in the attitude of the richer classes towards the unions. However, even in the sixties, the employers made a formidable concerted attempt to crush them by locking out whole populations. Up to 1869 the simple agreement to strike, and the announcement of a strike by placards, to say nothing of picketing, were often punished as intimidation. Only in 1875 the Master and Servant Act was repealed, peaceful picketing was permitted, and “violence and intimidation” during strikes fell into the domain of common law. Yet, even during the dock-laborers’ strike in 1887, relief money had to be spent for fighting before the Courts for the right of picketing, while the prosecutions of the last few years menace once more to render the conquered rights illusory.
[302] A weekly contribution of 6d. out of an 18s. wage, or of 1s. out of 25s., means much more than 9l. out of a 300l. income: it is mostly taken upon food; and the levy is soon doubled when a strike is declared in a brother union. The graphic description of trade-union life, by a skilled craftsman, published by Mr. and Mrs. Webb (pp. 431 seq.), gives an excellent idea of the amount of work required from a unionist.
[303] See the debates upon the strikes of Falkenau in Austria before the Austrian Reichstag on the 10th of May, 1894, in which debates the fact is fully recognized by the Ministry and the owner of the colliery. Also the English Press of that time.
[304] Many such facts will be found in the Daily Chronicle and partly the Daily News for October and November 1894.
[305] The 31,473 productive and consumers’ associations on the Middle Rhine showed, about 1890, a yearly expenditure of 18,437,500l.; 3,675,000l. were granted during the year in loans.
[306] British Consular Report, April 1889.
[307] A capital research on this subject has been published in Russian in the Zapiski (Memoirs) of the Caucasian Geographical Society, vol. vi. 2, Tiflis, 1891, by C. Egiazaroff.
[308] Escape from a French prison is extremely difficult; nevertheless a prisoner escaped from one of the French prisons in 1884 or 1885. He even managed to conceal himself during the whole day, although the alarm was given and the peasants in the neighborhood were on the look-out for him. Next morning found him concealed in a ditch, close by a small village. Perhaps he intended to steal some food, or some clothes in order to take off his prison uniform. As he was lying in the ditch a fire broke out in the village. He saw a woman running out of one of the burning houses, and heard her desperate appeals to rescue a child in the upper story of the burning house. No one moved to do so. Then the escaped prisoner dashed out of his retreat, made his way through the fire, and, with a scalded face and burning clothes, brought the child safe out of the fire, and handed it to its mother. Of course he was arrested on the spot by the village gendarme, who now made his appearance. He was taken back to the prison. The fact was reported in all French papers, but none of them bestirred itself to obtain his release. If he had shielded a warder from a comrade’s blow, he would have been made a hero of. But his act was simply humane, it did not promote the State’s ideal; he himself did not attribute it to a sudden inspiration of divine grace; and that was enough to let the man fall into oblivion. Perhaps, six or twelve months were added to his sentence for having stolen — “the State’s property” — the prison’s dress.
[309] The Medical Academy for Women (which has given to Russia a large portion of her 700 graduated lady doctors), the four Ladies’ Universities (about 1,000 pupils in 1887; closed that year, and reopened in 1895), and the High Commercial School for Women are entirely the work of such private societies. To the same societies we owe the high standard which the girls’ gymnasia attained since they were opened in the sixties. The 100 gymnasia now scattered over the Empire (over 70,000 pupils), correspond to the High Schools for Girls in this country; all teachers are, however, graduates of the universities.
[310] The Verein für Verbreitung gemeinnütslicher Kenntnisse, although it has only 5,500 members, has already opened more than 1,000 public and school libraries, organized thousands of lectures, and published most valuable books.
[311] Very few writers in sociology have paid attention to it. Dr. Ihering is one of them, and his case is very instructive. When the great German writer on law began his philosophical work, Der Zweck im Rechte (“Purpose in Law”), he intended to analyze “the active forces which call forth the advance of society and maintain it,” and to thus give “the theory of the sociable man.” He analyzed, first, the egotistic forces at work, including the present wage-system and coercion in its variety of political and social laws; and in a carefully worked-out scheme of his work he intended to give the last paragraph to the ethical forces — the sense of duty and mutual love — which contribute to the same aim. When he came, however, to discuss the social functions of these two factors, he had to write a second volume, twice as big as the first; and yet he treated only of the personal factors which will take in the following pages only a few lines. L. Dargun took up the same idea in Egoismus und Altruismus in der Nationalökonomie, Leipzig, 1885, adding some new facts. Büchner’s Love, and the several paraphrases of it published here and in Germany, deal with the same subject.
[312] Light and Shadows in the Life of an Artisan. Coventry, 1893.
[313] Many rich people cannot understand how the very poor can help each other, because they do not realize upon what infinitesimal amounts of food or money often hangs the life of one of the poorest cLasses. Lord Shaftesbury had understood this terribLe truth when he started his Flowers and Watercress Girls’ Fund, out of which loans of one pound, and only occasionally two pounds, were granted, to enable the girls to buy a basket and flowers when the winter sets in and they are in dire distress. The loans were given to girls who had “not a sixpence,” but never failed to find some other poor to go bail for them. “Of all the movements I have ever been connected with,” Lord Shaftesbury wrote, “I look upon this Watercress Girls’ movement as the most successful.... It was begun in 1872, and we have had out 800 to 1,000 loans, and have not lost 50l. during the whole period.... What has been lost — and it has been very little, under the circumstances — has been by reason of death or sickness, not by fraud” (The Life and Work of the Seventh Earl of Shaftesbury, by Edwin Hodder, vol. iii. p. 322. London, 1885–86). Several more facts in point in Ch. Booth’s Life and Labor in London, vol. i; in Miss Beatrice Potter’s “Pages from a Work Girl’s Diary” (Nineteenth Century, September 1888, p. 310); and so on.
[314] Samuel Plimsoll, Our Seamen, cheap edition, London, 1870, p. 110.
[315] Our Seamen, u.s., p. 110. Mr. Plimsoll added: “I don’t wish to disparage the rich, but I think it may be reasonably doubted whether these qualities are so fully developed in them; for, notwithstanding that not a few of them are not unacquainted with the claims, reasonable or unreasonable, of poor relatives, these qualities are not in such constant exercise. Riches seem in so many cases to smother the manliness of their possessors, and their sympathies become, not so much narrowed as — so to speak — stratified: they are reserved for the sufferings of their own class, and also the woes of those above them. They seldom tend downward much, and they are far more likely to admire an act of courage... than to admire the constantly exercised fortitude and the tenderness which are the daily characteristics of a British workman’s life” — and of the workmen all over the world as well.
[316] Life of the Seventh Earl of Shaftesbury, by Edwin Hodder, vol. i. pp. 137–138.
[317] See Marriage Customs in many Lands, by H.N. Hutchinson, London, 1897.
[318] Many new and interesting forms of these have been collected by Wilhelm Rudeck, Geschichte der öffentlichen Sittlichkeit in Deutschland, analyzed by Durckheim in Annuaire Sociologique, ii. 312.
[319] A Servio Tullio populus romanus relatus in censum, digestus in classes, curiis atque collegiis distributus (E. Martin-Saint Léon, Histoire des corporations de métiers depuis leurs origines jusqu’à leur suppression en 1791, etc., Paris, 1897.
[320] The Roman sodalitia, so far as we may judge (same author, p. 9), corresponded to the Kabyle çofs.
[321] It is striking to see how distinctly this very idea is expressed in the well-known passage of Plutarch concerning Numa’s legislation of the trade-colleges: — “And through this,” Plutarch wrote, “he was the first to banish from the city this spirit which led people to say: ‘I am a Sabine,’ or ‘I am a Roman,’ or ‘I am a subject of Tatius,’ and another: ‘I am a subject of Romulus’” — to exclude, in other words, the idea of different descent.
[322] The work of H. Schurtz, devoted to the “age-classes” and the secret men’s unions during the barbarian stases of civilization (Altersklassen und Männerverbände: eine Darstellung der Grundformen der Gesellschaft, Berlin, 1902), which reaches me while I am reading the proofs of these pages, contains numbers of facts in support of the above hypothesis concerning the origin of guilds. The art of building a large communal house, so as not to offend the spirits of the fallen trees; the art of forging metals, so as to conciliate the hostile spirits; the secrets of hunting and of the ceremonies and mask-dances which render it successful; the art of teaching savage arts to boys; the secret ways of warding off the witchcraft of enemies and, consequently, the art of warfare; the making of boats, of nets for fishing, of traps for animals, and of snares for birds, and finally the women’s arts of weaving and dyeing — all these were in olden times as many “artifices” and “crafts,” which required secrecy for being effective. Consequently, they were transmitted from the earliest times, in secret societies, or “mysteries,” to those only who had undergone a painful initiation. H. Schurtz shows now that savage life is honeycombed with secret societies and “clubs” (of warriors, of hunters), which have as ancient an origin as the marriage “classes” in the clans, and contain already all the elements of the future guild: secrecy, independence from the family and sometimes the clan, common worship of special gods, common meals, jurisdiction within the society and brotherhood. The forge and the boat-house are, in fact, usual dependencies of the men’s clubs; and the “long houses” or “palavers” are built by special craftsmen who know how to conjure the spirits of the fallen trees.
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goji-pilled · 3 months
MK-S: Thank you for your detailed response. And what a delightful response it was. I hadn’t considered them as foils to each other, one an aspect of freedom from meddling gods, the other so controlling he would remove the very concept of freedom. And the latter I agree is blinded by his ideals, his dream. A tragedy indeed.
I’d like to tell you one thing I thought was going to happen as I played through the DLC. So some spoilers also in this comment, but the only detail added on from the final boss discussion from the last one is an item description from a mob drop, and some NPC interactions. This is going to be purely for entertainment in the hypothetical scenario I thought was playing out.
There is an items Bloodfiends may drop that make reference to how the Blood of the formless mother will “never dry” and “never rot”. So under an assumption that the Mogh servant had me lie to the Redmane, in a backfiring attempt to have her fight Miquella to preserve Rahdan’s soul, I began to wonder if he was going to use Mogh’s body as a new vessel for Malenia, as his body may have blood that “will never rot”, thus acting as a cure for her affliction. Before entering the boss chamber, I also considered that maybe he was trying to revive Godwyn the Golden.
I was wrong, as the final boss proved, but it was fun to theorized along the way.
// shadow of the erdtree spoiler incoming
to be fair i think there was actually a few subtle hints that radahn may have been miquella's second choice and its very possible the intention was to revive godwyn actually and have him be his consort
which clearly didnt work out lmfao
thats what i saw some people i follow propose at least
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marierg · 2 years
Of Light and Darkness: Ch. 21
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Pairing: Obi Wan Kenobi X Reader
WARNINGS!:  Mild spicy, panic, mention of an argument, mention and descriptions of mental health outreach and treatment.  (The bravest thing you can ever do is take that first step to get treatment!  We fight everyday.)
A/N: I may need to take a few weeks before the next bit, I'm still trying to figure it out. Just know that I appreciate each and every one of you who comes to read and the works that you write as well.
Picture Credit: Pinterest for the Sea Scapes
There was a lovely drawing by @cyancrown of a certain young Jedi at the Beach that I was inspired by but as I didn't get a response as to permission to share I encourage you to find it at their page.
UPDATE: Thank You to @cyancrown for letting me use the Pic! it will be included towards that part of the story! It was drawn as Obi Wan but in my head it's Anakin.
Word Count: 3300
Masterlist Next Part
Dantooine was as beautiful as you remembered.   The small cottage at the edge of this part of the planet was remote, peaceful, and most of all very low tech.  The lessened flow of electrons and absence of buzzing and hums was already starting to have an alleviative effect on Obi Wan.  Anakin on the other hand… well he was tolerating the situation about as well as you expected.  He had moped and sulked that first afternoon after you landed, finally pulling up his homework in the window seat overlooking the shore.  Obi Wan had chosen to perch on the porch, meditating while the tide came in.      
 You had risen the next morning, poking into Anakin’s room.  He was wrapped snuggly in the covers deep asleep.  You gave his big toe a strong shake.  “Wake up Ani-man.  The sun is awake and we must meditate.”
He pulled the covers over his head muffling his reply, “Hnnnnaaaarhhhggg!  Don’t wanna.”
“I know you don’t wanna, but we gotta.  So UP!”  Yoinking the covers off the boy you were met by the most fierce some of glares.  “Come on Anakin it’ll be fun.”
The boy had dutifully trudged after you to the shoreline, Obi Wan was still soundly asleep.  Truthfully you had hated to wake Anakin as well, it was the first time in a long while that you hadn’t heard him tossing in the night.  Taking a deep breath of the morning air you kicked off your boots and rolled up you pantlegs.  “Alright lets do some meditation, in motion.”    
Again your Padawan grumbled.  “Why here?”
“Why not here?  Why anywhere?”  you countered.  “Remember that day by the pond?  Listen and feel around you, tell me what’s there.”
For the first time you noticed the slightest hint of fear in his expression.  “It’s too much, there’s too much there!” 
“How so?”  Taking ahold of his hand you tried to connect with the boy.  “Here, let me see.”
Anakin closed his eyes letting down his mental walls.  The intensity of his connection with the force was blazing, like a durasteel forge.  How had the boy delt with this for so long?  You pushed your signature further to try to filter the incoming flow. Unsuccessfully you fell back on your ass.  “Dank Ferik is it always like that?”
“No sometimes it’s quiet after I work on the droids or have a hard practice with sparing.”  Anakin helped you back to your feet.  “Meditating just lets it all in, it’s too much for me to drown it all out.”
“Then how do you sleep?”  that really was the question foremost that came to mind.  In an unconscious state you surmised that Anakin wouldn’t be able to maintain control.
“I don’t really,” he replied guiltily, “I play loud music on my ear pods  and that helps.  I did get some sleep last night though.”
While this revelation was not ideal it did give you an idea.  Moving toward the breakers down shore you stood in the surf.  “Here just stand up to your toes, feel how the water just barely flows around them”
“Uh…ok,” he wiggled his toes in the sand, “now what?”
You both walked forward till the water reached your shins, the push of the water more present.  “Ok so we’ll say that the water represents the Force and how it pushes back.  You show me how deep you think you can go without being overwhelmed.”
Anakin looked to where the water lapped at his knees and took a step forward till it met mid calf.  “about here, but only for a little bit.”
“We all start somewhere,” giving his hand a little squeeze, “let me see what that’s like and then we’ll think on how to filter it.”
Obi Wan woke close to midday, feeling so much more rested than he had in months.  The nightmares had returned recently, his waking hours haunted by the yellow and red of the dead Sith’s eyes.  He dressed and enjoyed the tea that you had left for him in the kitchen, heading down to the shore where the flimsy sheet indicated you had gone.  Obi Wan heard the two of you long before he rounded the dune.  Anakin was running while using the force to fling a ball at you, you would then pause it and send it flying back. 
As Obi Wan approached you he couldn’t help smiling at the game, bemusedly commenting as he reached your side.  “And here I thought you were training.” 
You flung the ball back again, this time further than before.  Anakin, blindfolded, ran after it laughing the whole way.  “You wouldn’t believe the connection that kid has.  Farking hells his brain goes a mile a minute just trying to process, like…ADD on steroids.  We’re going to have to up his physical activity during training just for him to focus!”
Obi Wan nodded in agreement, “Well wee one it would appear that you and Anakin are two feisty, squirrely peas in a pod.”
“Thank the Maker you’re the calm one.” You shook your head just thinking of the slight blow up from earlier.    
While testing out how best to train he had become angry and in his outburst triggered your own temper.  Between the two of you more than a few handfuls of seaweed had flown and boulders floated and fallen, you hadn’t done anything like that in years.  You had apologized to the boy and he had done the same.  The fact was that he well understood what the Council thought of him, and of the possibility of his being the chosen one.  The weight was too immense for a 10 year old. 
So you had scratched training for the day, opting to play a little Forceball instead.  It was while you were tossing the ball back and forth that you had felt the flow pattern of the Force change with him.  Instead of the usual static that surrounded Anakin’s signature it had become smoother as if the frequency had been fine tuned.  That was where training had restarted, blindfolding the boy and making a game of it. 
“Well it seems that you have this well in hand without me,” he sighed dejectedly, “I suppose I could look over his assignments…”
“Obi Boy I need you and he needs you too.  Please stay…” the pleading glance you gave him worked.  “He Idolizes the ground you walk on, you know.  Kept saying Master Obi Wan would do it this way…or Master Obi Wan wouldn’t like that.  Sith Hells have you noticed that he does that frown thing like you?”
“Y/n I don’t know what you are talking about?”  His tone becoming stuffy.
“Oh Yes you do,” rebounding the ball again you turned to face him, crossing your arms and overexaggerating a pout.  Putting on your best Couriscanti accent, “I thoroughly deny doing a frown thing, it wouldn’t be proper for a Jedi to do such.”
Obi Wan laughed, a warm rumbling that had been absent for far too long.  “Funny the other day in class he was channeling you.  He informed the instructor that his strategy was beyond idiotic and would get the group needlessly killed.”
Quirking a brow at your fellow Master you chuffed under your breath, “Bet I know who it was too.”
“He was being insubordinate.” Obi Wan countered.
“And I bet that slemo made a snide comment about slaves.” Your tone low, belying your protective feelings toward your padawan.
“He …may have.”  Finally conceding that your perceptive nature had once more found the root of the issue.  Obi Wan truly didn’t like interacting with the instructor in question and had till this point been able to avoid the Basilisk. 
“Was Anakin right?” you continued, throwing the ball at a curve.
“Anakin’s assessment of the strategy in question was valid,” he responded evenly as you threw the ball back again, “but he lacks your tact.”
“Pfffft!! I didn’t learn tact till after I was mentored by Master Windu.”  You winced visibly.  “And as I recall Qui Gon spoke once or twice about you having a bit of a temper at that age as well.”
                Obi Wan didn’t often think of his time as an initiate before he was apprenticed to Master Qui Gon.  He had been brash, short tempered, and to be succinct immature.  Obi Wan had grown though, the question was would Anakin.  He could already feel you reaching out again as you kept up your training exercise, your signature wrapping around him in a loving embrace even if you couldn’t physically do so.  “I’ve missed you wee woman.”
“And I you brilliant man.”  You winked.  “I have a something planned for later so try not to get too wore out.”
“Y/n Darling what are you up too?”  He bumped his shoulder into yours. 
“You’ll find out, now I think its time for lunch.”
 Calling Anakin in the three of you ate on the shore.  Obi Wan was telling the young man about one of his early off world missions, one from before the two of you met.  Anakin couldn’t help getting wrapped up in the tale practically falling over from leaning in.  You smiled thinking about just how much Anakin tried to mimic Obi Wan and his mannerisms.  Trying to hold his head high or the snarky sarcastic one liners.
You saw Anakin was chewing his lip, “Looks like you want to ask something Ani-man.”
“It’s just…”  He looked uncertain so you nodded for him to continue.  “Master Windu doesn’t seem the type to play games.”
“He isn’t usually.” You agreed. “He likes sparing and strategy thought, you might get a better Dejarik game from him than me.”
“Did you learn how to play Forceball from him or … Master Melri?”
Obi Wan glanced over to watch your reaction.  You didn’t speak of her often and he never brought it up not wanting to cause you pain.  Scratching the back of your neck you studied the bottom of your Kaf cup taking a deep breath.  “Yes, Master Melri taught me how to play.”
“What was she like?”  The boy continued his innocent inquest.
“Anakin…” Obi Wan gave a soft warning.
“It’s alright Obi Wan.”  It was a soft reply and taking a deep breath you smiled at Anakin.  “Master Melri was different, the best really.  She could out talk any politician, had a mind as vast as the archives, could disable her enemies with words and wisdom.  Best Healer the Jedi order ever produced, but my opinion may be a bit biased.”
Both Anakin and Obi Wan waited for you to continue.  You didn’t want to talk about that day, but you instead thought about the mission that had brought you to this planet.  “When I was about your age we were sent with the RRC to a planet two systems over, the colony there became infected with a novel native virus.  We worked for months, tried so many things.  Traditional, surgical, herbal medicine even Force Healing was ineffective.  The disease ran it’s course, the death toll was… unimaginable.  Those who did survive were forever altered, each case was different.”
“But you can fix anything, I’ve seen you!”  Anakin was being a good sport trying to ease the bad memory.
Smiling sadly at the boy, you became wistful.  “I used to think that too, but this disease it was something out of nightmares.  Just when we thought a patient was getting better, they’d crash and burn.  We were both weary after that mission.  She petitioned Master Windu to grant us a retreat and we came here.”
Now Anakin looked stunned, up till now his experiences with your Master were shall we say interesting at best.  Even Obi Wan quirked a brow at this revelation.  Laughing and raising your hands you continued the story.  “I know, doesn’t sound very Council like, but he is human you know.  And Master Melri and He were friends going all the way back to the Creche so that probably helped.”
“So why didn’t you go back?”  Anakin prodded you on.  Obi Wan as just as intrigued, even for as long as you knew each other there were still parts of your past that he hadn’t heard.  Neither of you really pried at the other, knowing that when the other was ready it would be revealed. 
You grimaced a little, “Back then if an RRC responder contracted a disease… and survived, that person was placed in medical quarantine and study for a year or more.  I had fallen ill, but my Master kept it hidden even from our team.”
“She went against protocol?”  Obi Wan was taken aback.
“My case was very minor compared to others infected and I recovered quickly.  Given that I have survived two deadly pandemics it was likely in hers and the Councils opinion that the Republic Xenopathology Group might try to take me away.”  You had promised her to never speak of it, but if there were ever two souls in the galaxy to trust.  “The council agreed that it would be best for us to stay away from Coruscant for a while, till any suspicion was past.”              
“But the Republic can’t just take you away!  You’re a person, a JEDI!”  Anakin was indignant at the whole idea.
“Unfortunately, my Padawan even the Republic has made mistakes in the past.”  It was Obi Wans turn to scowl.  “It doesn’t happen anymore, it was outlawed 7 years ago after a family sued the Chancellor and the Senate to have their family member returned.”
“So, your Master and you stayed here?”
“Yep, one of my better memories.  I learned a lot here, how to be patient, how to read the wind, how to feel for the different life signatures that flow through the Force.”  Smiling at the baffled boy you sighed.  “Sometimes the worst moments lead to the best ones.  We cannot dwell on sorrow or fear, instead to move beyond it to the next moment of truth and light.”
“You’re trying to teach me again, aren’t you?”  Anakin had his arms folded.  “I can’t help missing my mom, I worry about her.”
“Not what I was pointing towards, but very understandable,” narrowing your eyes, brows raised, “Try again.”
“Be mindful.” Obi Wan kept a keen eye on the boy, giving a nod of encouragement.
Anakin shrugged his shoulders, avoiding eye contact.  “That I should move on and forget what happened before the Temple.”
“Not forget Anakin, but to accept and learn the lessons from that time.  You have within you a lifetimes experiences that neither I or y/n do.  Its valuable wisdom for one so young.  What you must do is to let the pain ease and heal…”  Obi Wan felt your gaze shift to him, “and keep the knowledge that the experience brought you.  Lest the pain of that experience hold control.”
“Yes Master.”  Anakin finally raised his eyes to the both of you.  “Can I go walk by the water?”
Obi Wan nodded as you cleaned up, packing away the left overs.  You gave him a soft look and headed toward the cabin.  Obi Wan watched as Anakin ran back and forth chasing the waves, smiling.  He took the boy to observe the tidal pools and the small worlds within, showing him how the Force was present even within a puddle as small as a saucer. 
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You had dinner waiting when they returned.  It was a small thing but something that you had insisted upon for a while now that all of you sit down and enjoy meals without distraction.  Taking his place opposite you with Anakin between he started dishing the meal.  “Y/n what is this interesting mosaic that you’ve made us?”
“fish noodle casserole.”  Seeing the face Anakin made you rolled your eyes.  “how do you know you won’t like it if you haven’t tried it?”
Obi Wan chuckled, long forgotten memories floating through his mind.  Bumping the toe of his boot to yours he saw the mischievous smile creep over your face.
“Ok, I’ll try it.”  Anakin took a bite, his face turning from a hesitant grimace to a genuine grin.  “Hmmm, its weird but not bad.  Definitely better than the refectory.”
“I’m not sure if I’m being insulted or complimented.”  One eyebrow raised you gestured your fork for him to start too.  It was still an ingrained habit of yours to make sure the boys ate before you. 
Anakin decided to take his homework to the porch afterward.  As Obi Wan watched you place the last of the plates away he came to stand behind you.  Placing his hands on either side of the kitchenette he bent his head low to place a soft kiss to your head.  You turned to softly cradle his head in your hands, thumb stroking over the stubble of a beard that he had begun to grow.  “So wee one what did you have in mind?”
“Not what you’re thinking I’m sure.”  You kissed at his pouting lips, pressing your heads together.  “I need you to hear me Obi Boy and trust me.”
“You know I do love.”  He stroked your head, both of you breathing slowly. 
“Then I want you to meet me on the shore in ten minutes, wear something comfortable for training.”  Giving him a soft kiss you headed for the door.  Passing Anakin you told him that you would be doing some training late and to be in bed by dark.  You also left him a communicator in case he became worried. 
Obi Wan was confused, but did as you asked.  Approaching the shore he saw that you had a small fire going and knelt before it in meditation.  “Stay where you are Obi Boy.”
“Y/n, I don’t understand?” 
“Obi Wan…”  you sighed on his name like a prayer.  Taking a steadying breath you let your gaze meet his across the fire light, the sun starting to hang low behind you.  “I want to help you love, to let you heal.  In order to do that though the process will hurt.”
“Y/n I’m fine.”
“No Obi Wan, you’re not.”  There was a lump developing in the back of your throat.  “You can fool them all you like, but not me.  I can feel your pain, like the lashing of a whip over and over every night.  Please… please let me help.”
In that moment Obi Wan felt uncertain as he hadn’t felt since reaching manhood.  Maker he would give anything to keep you from what he felt; the anger, sadness and regret.  The demons that you contended with were enough for ten men, you didn’t need his on top.  But he didn’t want to feel this way anymore.  Dare he hope that there was a way to let it all go, to return to the peace he once knew?  Looking to your outstretched hand he gritted his teeth and stepping forward took hold of your smaller fingers.  You tugged him to kneel opposite you, using your other hand to float two small marbles.  “I should warn you now this will not be easy, and it will be mentally grueling.  Old wounds are about to be reopened.  Are you ready?”
“Then I want you to concentrate back to the hangar, to a year ago.  I want you to tell me what happened as you follow the red marble, tell me when it becomes too much.”  Giving his hand a squeeze and holding his signature with your own, you let out a long held breath.
 “Let us begin the work.”
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maaruin · 1 year
I saw a description of democracy yesterday, which I liked because it seemed rather realistic, by Bret Devereaux on Twitter. So I want to copy it here:
Middling elites tend to want protection *against* the state (because they exert a lot of power locally by dint of income and influence), an unlimited state run by someone else who can render their position precarious is not desirable.
And their position is precarious in authoritarian structures; look at how dangerous it can be right now to be a rich Russian or Chinese business-person - all that power can be taken away by the Leader in a heartbeat.
Instead, ideally a middling elite wants some kind of broad oligarchy predicated on preserving current wealth and power structures. Something limited, controlled, confined.
But oligarchies are unstable because the number of outsiders is greater than insiders. You can stabilize the oligarchy by giving the people the ability to choose winners and losers among the elite, while constructing a system that protects the loser's wealth and influence.
Which is just representative democracy: the people choose which from among the elites will wield political power, while electoral losers are protected by law from having their wealth taken by the winners. This is the system we have, created for a bunch of middling elites.
And of course that's the great irony of liberal democratic structures: they were created to protect the property and prestige of a range of elites, but *also* happen to be the best system so far devised to protect the rights of regular people.
And of course every so often some charismatic figure talks a bunch of people within those sorts of systems into the idea that they'd be better of ditching the system for a revolution with that one person at the head and the people (elite and non) end up regretting it every time. [source]
I think many people end up disappointed with democracy because they have been told it is something different than what it actually is.
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onlineshwe · 1 year
The best ways to start a business         
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A tough period is necessary when starting any firm. You must first put time and money into starting a business. Do you realize that in order to perform any activity, you must first generate income through investments?
The process of launching a business is among the craziest. Self-reflection and confidence are necessary while starting a business. You're looking for inexpensive business startup ideas. The best approaches to launch a business are covered in detail below, including selecting the best business model, creating a strong business plan, opening a business bank account, and selecting the appropriate accounting software.
Business opportunities depending on skills.
There are several business concepts that can be launched with no financial outlay. We put such concepts into practice for you that you won't require any starting money. I wish you ease in handling any subject.
Service industry
If you have artistic talent, you can make money by offering this service online as a graphic designer.
Currently, there is a lot of demand for video editing services. The demand for video editing is gradually rising.
Independent author: Writing for clients independently is a profession. This demand is significantly rising right now. The need for content is enormous when launching any kind of online business.
Social media manager: The need for any online business is growing as a result of the rise in online usage. You may make money quite simply by doing this if you know how to construct marketing campaigns for social media networks.
Handmade enterprise
A project with a service focus can plan. As you hone your abilities, you consider starting a company where you may market the outcomes of your abilities. You might work as a house cleaner, furniture salesperson, grocer, etc.
Also, it is relatively simple to produce digital goods and sell them online. e-books, online classes, and website templates, for instance. You can sell the things you've manufactured on a variety of websites, including Etsy, Amazon, Facebook Marketplace, and Shopify.
Build a dropshipping store
You can generate money by starting an online drop shipping store if you want to launch an online business but don't want to handle the manufacturing, warehousing, and shipping of your own products.
You can receive the goods from the producers and deliver them to your prospective clients in this business exchange. You can deliver an order to your manufacturer after you get one. Who will manage all of your shipping tasks and deliver the ordered item to your customer directly? There is no inventory to handle.      
Also read
To create a business plan
A business plan is a comprehensive document that details the objectives, plans, and financial forecasts for a startup or an established company. Any entrepreneur or business owner must create a business plan because it clarifies the organization's vision and objective, identifies potential obstacles, and establishes a road map for success.
There are some steps to create a business plan:
Business Description:
The company's history, sector, and target market should all be covered in detail in the business description. Also, you want to mention the goods and services you provide, your USP, and any benefits you have over rival businesses in terms of competition.
Market research:
An in-depth examination of your industry and target market should be provided through the market analysis. Information on market size, growth patterns, demographics, and purchasing patterns should be included. In this area, you should also analyze your rivals' advantages and disadvantages as well as how you intend to set your company apart from theirs.
Marketing and Sales Strategies:
Describe your marketing and sales tactics in this section. This should contain details about your strategies for promoting your company, identifying your ideal clientele, and generating sales. Include any market research that you've done, such as focus groups or surveys.
Examine your rivals.
Any business strategy should include competitive research. You may learn a lot about the market by looking at what your competitors are doing. You are capable of choosing how to position your own brand. These are some steps to think about when investigating your rivals:
1. Determine who your rivals are.
2. Examine their social media and website.
3. Assess their marketing approaches.
4. Examine the feedback from their clients.
5. Evaluate their effectiveness..
Create a powerful brand
It's crucial to first think about the kind of brand you're building as well as your principles and goals. You can begin generating name ideas once you have a firm grasp of your brand concept. Observe the following advice:
Be straightforward and simple to remember: In order for consumers to remember your brand name, it needs to be memorable and simple to say.
Be original by avoiding names that are too similar to those of already established companies. Your brand should distinguish itself from the competitors.
Consider your audience: Take into account the characteristics and hobbies of your intended market. They should be drawn to and identify with your brand name's core principles.
Funding develop your business
A business's ability to develop and expand depends on funding. While some business owners may begin with their own money or loans from family and friends, it's crucial to look into additional funding alternatives if you want to grow and scale your enterprise. In this post, we'll go through several options for raising money for your company's expansion.
Angel investors:
Wealthy people known as angel investors make equity-based investments in early-stage enterprises. Together with offering financial assistance, they also share their skills and experience. They are typically seasoned business owners who may provide the company founders with invaluable advice. Angel investors can be a fantastic source of investment if you have a compelling business concept and a compelling business strategy.
Venture capital:
Investment companies known as venture capitalists finance start-ups in return for stock. They often make investments in fast-growing businesses with strong potential for profit. For startups, venture capital funding is frequently seen as the most important source of finance.
Crowdfunding is a technique for getting money from lots of people, usually through internet platforms. It's a fantastic technique to evaluate the market's interest before launching your goods and present your business concept to a broad audience. Crowdfunding can be equity- or reward-based, so it's important to carefully select the platform that best suits your financial objectives.
Small business loans:
Banks and other financial organizations offer small company loans to help businesses grow and expand. The interest rates on these loans might change based on the lender and the type of loan, and they can be secured or unsecured. Small company loans are a terrific method to obtain financing, but they demand a strong business plan and a decent credit score.
Also, learn more about click here
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yarraranges · 1 hour
Dandenong Ranges Accommodation Management: A Guide to Holiday Rental Success in Yarra Valley
The Dandenong Ranges and Yarra Valley are two of Victoria's most sought-after holiday destinations, attracting thousands of visitors each year. With their stunning landscapes, rich heritage, and myriad activities, these regions offer the perfect setting for an unforgettable getaway. If you own a holiday property in these areas, effective accommodation management is key to maximizing your rental income and providing an exceptional experience for your guests. In this blog, we’ll explore the essentials of Dandenong Ranges accommodation management and Holiday Rental Management in Yarra Valley, ensuring you make the most of your investment.
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The Appeal of Dandenong Ranges and Yarra Valley
Why Invest in Holiday Rentals?
Both the Dandenong Ranges and Yarra Valley are known for their lush natural beauty, vibrant local culture, and diverse activities ranging from wine tasting to scenic train rides. Properties in these areas are high in demand for both short-term stays and longer holidays, making them ideal for holiday rentals. By investing in accommodation management services, you can turn your property into a lucrative business while offering a unique experience to visitors.
Key Attractions
The Dandenong Ranges are home to some of the most beautiful gardens and walking trails in Victoria, including the iconic Puffing Billy Railway and the picturesque William Ricketts Sanctuary. Meanwhile, the Yarra Valley is renowned for its world-class wineries, gourmet food, and art galleries. Whether visitors are seeking adventure, relaxation, or a bit of both, these regions have something for everyone.
Understanding Accommodation Management
What is Accommodation Management?
Accommodation management involves overseeing the day-to-day operations of a rental property. This includes managing bookings, coordinating with guests, maintaining the property, and ensuring a smooth, hassle-free experience for both owners and guests. Effective accommodation management not only boosts occupancy rates but also enhances guest satisfaction and maximizes rental income.
Benefits of Professional Management
Higher Occupancy Rates: Professional managers have the expertise and tools to market your property effectively, ensuring high visibility and consistent bookings.
Streamlined Operations: From managing check-ins and check-outs to handling cleaning and maintenance, professional management services take care of all the operational aspects, saving you time and effort.
Enhanced Guest Experience: A well-managed property with prompt, friendly service results in positive reviews and repeat bookings, contributing to the overall success of your rental business.
Tips for Successful Holiday Rental Management in Yarra Valley
1. Create an Attractive Listing
Your property listing is often the first impression potential guests have of your rental. Ensure your listing includes high-quality photos, a detailed description, and highlights the unique features of your property. Mention nearby attractions, amenities, and any special offers to capture the interest of prospective guests.
2. Set Competitive Pricing
Research similar properties in your area to determine the right price for your rental. Consider factors such as location, size, amenities, and seasonal demand. Offering discounts for longer stays or early bookings can also help attract more guests.
3. Invest in Quality Furnishings and Amenities
A well-furnished property with modern amenities can significantly enhance the guest experience. Consider adding features such as a fully equipped kitchen, comfortable bedding, high-speed internet, and entertainment options like a TV or gaming console. Small touches like a welcome basket with local products can also make a big difference.
4. Implement a Robust Booking System
Using a reliable booking system can streamline the reservation process and reduce the risk of double bookings or cancellations. Many property management companies offer integrated booking platforms that sync with popular travel websites, making it easier to manage your calendar and communicate with guests.
5. Provide Excellent Customer Service
Prompt and clear communication with guests is crucial for a positive experience. Respond to inquiries quickly, provide detailed information about check-in/check-out procedures, and be available to address any issues that arise during their stay. A responsive, friendly approach will leave a lasting impression and encourage positive reviews.
Choosing the Right Accommodation Management Service
What to Look For
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When selecting an accommodation management service for your Dandenong Ranges Accommodation Management or Yarra Valley property, consider the following:
Experience and Reputation: Choose a company with a proven track record in managing holiday rentals in your area. Check reviews and ask for references to gauge their reliability and service quality.
Comprehensive Services: Look for a company that offers a full range of services, including marketing, guest communication, property maintenance, and financial management.
Transparent Pricing: Make sure you understand the fee structure and any additional costs involved. A transparent, upfront pricing model will help you budget effectively and avoid unexpected expenses.
Benefits of Partnering with Yarra Ranges Accommodation
Yarra Ranges Accommodation specializes in managing holiday rentals across the Dandenong Ranges and Yarra Valley. Our team of local experts understands the unique needs of property owners in this region and offers tailored solutions to help you achieve your rental goals. From professional photography and marketing to 24/7 guest support and maintenance, we handle all aspects of property management, allowing you to enjoy the benefits of your investment without the hassle.
Investing in professional accommodation management can transform your Dandenong Ranges or Yarra Valley holiday rental into a successful business. By choosing the right management partner and implementing best practices, you can ensure a steady stream of bookings, positive guest experiences, and maximum returns on your property. Whether you’re new to holiday rentals or looking to optimize your current setup, effective management is the key to success in these popular destinations.
Ready to take your holiday rental to the next level? Contact Yarra Ranges Accommodation today to learn more about our comprehensive management services and how we can help you achieve your property goals.
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Stata Programming-Mastering Household Survey Data Processing
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In today’s data-driven world, processing and analyzing household survey data has become an essential skill for researchers, data scientists, and analysts. Among the various tools available, Stata programming stands out as one of the most powerful and versatile tools for managing and analyzing survey data. Whether you are involved in academic research, policy formulation, or project evaluations, mastering Stata Programming-Mastering Household Survey Data Processing can significantly boost your career and analytical capabilities. Let’s dive into how you can efficiently manage household survey data using Stata.
Why Stata for Household Survey Data?
Household surveys are incredibly complex, with multiple variables, hierarchical data structures, and large datasets. The challenge lies in managing this data effectively, cleaning it, and conducting insightful analysis. Stata programming simplifies this process with its easy-to-learn commands and powerful data management capabilities.
Whether you’re a beginner or someone with prior programming experience, Stata offers an intuitive interface combined with the flexibility of programming languages to handle survey data of all scales. Stata's functionalities, like data management, regression analysis, and hypothesis testing, make it an ideal choice for mastering the intricacies of household survey data.
Getting Started with Stata Programming
Before diving into household survey data processing, you need to familiarize yourself with the basics of Stata. Start with learning simple commands, such as:
Data entry and management – Input your data into Stata, whether manually or by importing from external databases like Excel or CSV files.
Data cleaning – Learn how to manage missing data, correct errors, and standardize your datasets using commands like replace, gen, and tabulate.
Descriptive statistics – Run basic descriptive statistics like mean, summarize, and tabulate to understand the structure and key trends in your survey data.
Once you're comfortable with the basics, you can move on to more advanced concepts like merging datasets, reshaping data, and conducting inferential analyses.
Household Survey Data: A Brief Overview
Household surveys are structured datasets designed to collect information on various aspects such as household income, demographics, education, and employment. These surveys help policymakers and researchers analyze trends and patterns in society. Some of the widely used household surveys include the Demographic and Health Survey (DHS), Living Standards Measurement Study (LSMS), and Multiple Indicator Cluster Surveys (MICS).
The primary goal of household surveys is to gather accurate and actionable data to inform policy decisions. However, the raw data from these surveys can be overwhelming, often containing thousands of observations and hundreds of variables.
This is where Stata programming becomes essential. Mastering Stata Programming-Mastering Household Survey Data Processing allows you to handle such data with ease, ensuring that your analysis is accurate, efficient, and insightful.
Key Steps in Household Survey Data Processing Using Stata
Data Importation and Preparation
The first step in handling household survey data is to import it into Stata. Stata supports various file formats such as .dta, .csv, and .xls.
After importing the data, you’ll need to clean it. This involves removing duplicates, dealing with missing values, and reformatting variables. Stata’s commands like drop, keep, and duplicates are highly effective in this process.
Data Cleaning and Transformation
Household survey datasets often contain missing or inconsistent data. Using Stata's programming tools, you can filter and clean your data systematically.
For example, you can use the egen command to create new variables that summarize existing data, or the recode command to change the format of a variable.
Handling Hierarchical Data
Household survey data often consists of multi-level data, where each household is represented by several individuals. Understanding how to manage this data hierarchy is crucial.
Stata allows you to group variables and conduct multi-level analyses. For example, you can use the reshape command to change data from a wide format to a long format (or vice versa) depending on your analysis needs.
Merging and Appending Datasets
Often, you may need to combine different datasets, such as merging household-level data with individual-level data. Stata's merge and append commands are invaluable for this process.
Ensure that the datasets share common identifiers to avoid errors during merging.
Analyzing Survey Data
Once your data is cleaned and organized, Stata’s programming tools allow you to perform in-depth statistical analysis, including regressions, correlation analyses, and time-series analysis.
You can use commands like regress, correlate, and anova to explore relationships and test hypotheses. Stata also has specific commands for survey data analysis, such as svyset and svy: mean.
Stata Programming for Policy and Social Research
For researchers working in policy or social sciences, Stata programming is a valuable asset. With large-scale household survey data, you can examine the social structure, understand economic trends, and identify patterns that can influence decision-making. Stata Programming-Mastering Household Survey Data Processing becomes particularly important when working on projects like poverty mapping, labor market studies, or health and education research.
Stata’s user-friendly syntax allows for quick and accurate results, while its graphical tools offer the opportunity to create publication-quality charts and graphs.
Popular Commands in Stata for Household Survey Data
Here are some of the trending and frequently used commands in Stata programming for survey data processing:
summarize – Generates summary statistics for the variables.
tabulate – Creates frequency tables for categorical variables.
xtset – Defines panel data settings, useful in household surveys.
merge – Combines multiple datasets.
reshape – Reshapes datasets from wide to long format or vice versa.
egen – Generates new variables using existing data.
Mastering these commands will help you become proficient in handling complex survey datasets.
Free AI Tools to Support Data Processing
As you master Stata Programming-Mastering Household Survey Data Processing, you’ll find that AI can also assist in automating some tasks. There are several free AI tools that can complement your work with Stata. Tools like ChatGPT can help generate code snippets, provide explanations for complex programming tasks, or even automate data cleaning to some extent.
By integrating AI-powered tools, you can speed up your household survey data processing and focus on generating insights. Free AI tools offer an opportunity to further simplify your workflows, making data management tasks more efficient. While these tools aren’t a replacement for Stata programming, they can certainly enhance your productivity.
Benefits of Mastering Household Survey Data Processing in Stata
Mastering Stata Programming-Mastering Household Survey Data Processing offers multiple benefits:
Increased Efficiency – With Stata, you can handle and process large datasets quickly, saving time and effort.
Advanced Statistical Analysis – Stata provides a wide array of statistical techniques, making it ideal for conducting complex analyses on household data.
Data Visualization – Stata’s graphing tools allow you to present data visually, which is key in research and policy-making.
Improved Accuracy – The precision offered by Stata reduces the risk of errors during data processing and analysis.
Career Growth – Proficiency in Stata programming is highly sought after in fields like economics, public health, and social sciences.
Mastering Stata Programming-Mastering Household Survey Data Processing is a powerful skill for anyone involved in data analysis. It opens doors to comprehensive and insightful analysis, allowing you to extract meaningful conclusions from vast household survey datasets. Whether you’re a researcher, a policy analyst, or someone looking to boost their data processing skills, Stata offers the tools you need.
By learning to navigate the complexities of household survey data with Stata programming, you’ll position yourself as a valuable asset in the data-driven world. And remember, while mastering Stata is crucial, incorporating tools like free AI can further enhance your workflow and streamline the entire data processing journey.
Start today, and see how Stata programming transforms the way you approach household survey data!
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Benefits of Investing in Government Bonds
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Investing in government bonds offers a range of benefits, making them an attractive option for various types of investors. Here are the key advantages of investing in government bonds:
1. Safety and Security
Description: Government bonds are considered one of the safest investment options because they are backed by the full faith and credit of the issuing government. In most cases, a government is less likely to default on its debt than private companies or other entities.
Benefit: For risk-averse investors, government bonds provide a low-risk investment avenue, particularly in stable countries with strong economies.
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2. Regular Income
Description: Government bonds typically pay regular interest (coupon) payments, often semi-annually or annually, until the bond matures.
Benefit: Investors receive a predictable and steady stream of income over the life of the bond, which is especially attractive for retirees or those seeking stable cash flow.
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3. Capital Preservation
Description: Since government bonds return the full principal amount upon maturity (assuming no default), they are ideal for investors who want to preserve their capital over time.
Benefit: Investors can be assured that they will receive their initial investment back at maturity, making bonds a good option for long-term saving strategies.
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4. Diversification
Description: Government bonds provide a way to diversify an investment portfolio, particularly when combined with equities and other asset classes.
Benefit: Because government bonds typically move inversely to stocks (bonds tend to perform better when stocks are underperforming), they can help reduce the overall volatility and risk of a portfolio.
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5. Liquidity
Description: Government bonds are highly liquid, especially in major markets like the U.S. Treasury bond market. Investors can easily buy and sell bonds on the secondary market before maturity.
Benefit: The ease of buying and selling government bonds makes them a flexible investment that can be converted into cash when needed.
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6. Tax Advantages
Description: Some government bonds, such as U.S. Treasury bonds, are exempt from state and local taxes on the interest earned. Additionally, certain types of government bonds may offer tax deferrals or exemptions depending on the country or bond type.
Benefit: These tax benefits can enhance the overall return on investment, especially for investors in higher tax brackets.
7. Low Minimum Investment
Description: Many government bonds can be purchased with relatively small amounts of money, making them accessible to a wide range of investors, including individuals.
Benefit: Investors don’t need large sums of money to start investing in government bonds, which makes them suitable for those who want to invest gradually over time.
8. Inflation-Protected Options
Description: Some government bonds, such as U.S. Treasury Inflation-Protected Securities (TIPS), are designed to protect against inflation. These bonds adjust their principal value based on changes in the Consumer Price Index (CPI), ensuring that the bondholder’s purchasing power is preserved.
Benefit: Inflation-protected bonds offer a hedge against rising prices, making them a suitable choice for conservative investors worried about inflation eroding the value of their returns.
9. Fixed Maturity Dates
Description: Government bonds have fixed maturity dates, ranging from short-term (a few months to a year) to long-term (up to 30 years or more).
Benefit: Investors can choose bonds with maturity dates that match their financial goals or liquidity needs, allowing for more control over when they get their principal back.
10. Reduced Volatility
Description: Compared to stocks and other riskier investments, government bonds typically experience less price volatility. While bond prices can fluctuate based on interest rate changes, the inherent risk is lower than many other asset classes.
Benefit: Reduced volatility makes government bonds a more stable investment, especially during times of economic uncertainty or market downturns.
Investing in government bonds provides a blend of safety, steady income, and capital preservation, making them a reliable option for conservative investors. Their low risk, liquidity, and ability to diversify a portfolio make them especially attractive in uncertain economic environments or as part of a balanced investment strategy. For investors looking for a secure and predictable return, government bonds are a valuable asset to consider.
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vihaan-digitals · 5 days
Cohort Analysis — A Helpful Approach To Build Customer Profiles in 2024
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In the bustling digital marketing landscape, businesses often face a daunting challenge: how to truly understand their customers. Whether it’s boosting ROI, increasing retention, or simply engaging the right audience, brands need precise insights into who their customers are and how they behave over time. But how do businesses go beyond superficial data and tap into meaningful trends? That’s where Customer Profiles and Cohort Analysis come into play.
Why Businesses Struggle to Understand Their Customers?
Imagine you’re running a digital marketing campaign, yet your conversion rates are unpredictable, and customer behaviour seems random. You might ask:
Why do some customers make a purchase after one visit, while others take months?
How can I improve retention rates?
How do I measure long-term customer loyalty?
These are the exact pain points Customer Profiles and Cohort Analysis address. Let’s explore how they work together to make your marketing efforts more efficient.
What is a Customer Profile?
A Customer Profile is a detailed description of your ideal customer based on data such as demographics, interests, purchasing behavior, and pain points. It’s essentially a blueprint that helps businesses tailor their products, services, and marketing strategies to meet the specific needs of their target audience.
Customer Profiles typically include:
Demographic details: Age, gender, income, location
Behavioral traits: Purchase habits, product preferences, brand loyalty
Psychographic attributes: Interests, values, and lifestyle choices
By developing these profiles, businesses gain a deeper understanding of who their customers are, enabling them to craft personalised marketing strategies. But how do you evaluate the success of these efforts over time?
What is Cohort Analysis and Why Does It Matter?
At its core, Cohort Analysis is a method used to track and analyze the behavior of a specific group of users over time. A cohort refers to a group of customers who share a common characteristic within a defined period. For example, a cohort could be users who made their first purchase in June or users who signed up for a newsletter in January.
By analyzing these cohorts, businesses can:
Track user behavior trends: Do customers drop off after the first purchase, or are they more likely to make repeat purchases?
Measure retention rates: How well are you keeping customers engaged over time?
Optimize marketing strategies: Are your campaigns attracting the right cohorts, and are they responding well to your offers?
This analysis allows businesses to see patterns in customer behavior that can be hidden in aggregate data, thus addressing pain points like improving long-term engagement and loyalty.
How Cohort Analysis Works with Customer Profiles in Digital Marketing 
Now that you have customer profiles in place, you can use Cohort Analysis to see how these profiles behave over time. For example, let’s say your business in Hyderabad has identified several customer profiles. One of your key profiles could be tech-savvy millennials, while another might be working professionals looking for convenience.
Using cohort analysis, you can group customers who made their first purchase during a promotional campaign and track their behavior. Did the millennials return to buy more? Are working professionals making repeat purchases, or did they drop off after the first transaction?
The magic of cohort analysis lies in its ability to show you the story behind customer behavior. It’s not just about how much revenue you made, but why certain profiles behave the way they do—and how you can use this knowledge to improve future campaigns.
How to Measure Customer Profiles Using Cohort Analysis with Google Analytics?
Step-by-Step Guide to Setting Up Cohort Analysis:
Using Google Analytics, setting up a Cohort Analysis is straightforward. Here’s how you do it:
Log into Google Analytics: Navigate to your dashboard and click on the “Audience” tab.
Select “Cohort Analysis”: Under “Audience,” you’ll find the Cohort Analysis option.
Choose Cohort Type: Set the cohort type to “Acquisition Date” (default) or “User Retention” if you want to track how often customers return after their initial visit.
Set Cohort Size: You can group cohorts by day, week, or month, depending on how detailed you want your analysis to be.
Select a Metric: Choose a metric like “Goal Completions” or “Revenue” to see how cohorts perform.
Analyze the Results: A visual graph displays cohort performance over time.
Here’s a sample table showing how a cohort analysis might look for a business
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This analysis gives you a clear picture of how well different cohorts of customers retain over time, helping you to optimize your marketing campaigns for long-term success.
Benefits of Using Cohort Analysis in Digital Marketing
Improved Customer Retention: By understanding which cohorts have higher retention rates, businesses in Hyderabad can tweak marketing strategies to focus on engaging these customers.
Optimized Marketing Spend: Instead of broad, generalized marketing, focus on campaigns targeting high-performing customer profiles. Cohort analysis can show you which campaigns generate long-term, loyal customers.
Predictive Insights: Knowing how each customer group behaves allows you to predict future trends. For instance, if a cohort shows strong retention in the first month, there’s a higher chance they’ll stay engaged over the long run.
Case Study: How a Hyderabad-Based Business Improved Retention Rates by 30%
A local Hyderabad e-commerce business specialising in eco-friendly products struggled with customer retention. They identified three key customer profiles: environmentally-conscious millennials, working professionals, and stay-at-home parents. Despite aggressive marketing campaigns, retention rates were low, and the cost per acquisition was increasing.
Using Cohort Analysis in Google Analytics, they segmented their customers based on acquisition date and customer profile. The results showed that environmentally-conscious millennials had the highest retention rate but needed consistent engagement to stay loyal.
By tailoring their marketing efforts—offering personalised eco-friendly product bundles and targeted email campaigns—they boosted retention rates by 30% within three months.
Cohort Analysis and Customer Profiles – A Game-Changer for Digital Marketing
Understanding customer behaviour through Cohort Analysis isn’t just a luxury—it’s a necessity for businesses in the competitive world of digital marketing in Hyderabad. By leveraging customer profiles, companies can gain insights that go beyond surface-level data, helping them address pain points such as low retention and high acquisition costs.
Whether you’re a small business owner or a seasoned marketer, mastering cohort analysis will empower you to craft more effective strategies, leading to better ROI and long-term success.
So, are you ready to dive into the world of Cohort Analysis and create customer experiences that truly resonate?
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talent4ucompany · 5 days
Top No Investment Online Jobs in India: Earn Money from Home
In today’s digital age, earning money online has become more accessible than ever, especially in India. Many people are searching for no investment online jobs that allow them to work from home without the need for upfront payments or investments. Whether you’re a student, homemaker, or looking for extra income, the internet provides plenty of opportunities for anyone with a laptop and a good internet connection.
In this article, we will explore the best online jobs without investment, how to apply for them, and how you can start earning daily.
Why Choose No Investment Online Jobs?
Many people are hesitant about online job opportunities because of the scams that ask for registration fees or investments upfront. However, there are numerous online jobs from home without investment that are legitimate and provide real earnings. The advantage of these jobs is that you don’t need to spend money to get started, making them accessible to everyone.
Moreover, the flexibility to work from home or any location makes these jobs ideal for people looking for additional income streams without sacrificing their current commitments. Whether you want to earn 1000 Rs per day without investment online or simply make extra cash during your free time, there are plenty of legitimate options available.
Best No Investment Online Jobs in India
Here are some of the top no investment online jobs you can explore to earn money from home:
1. Freelance Writing
If you have a passion for writing, freelance writing can be one of the most lucrative no investment online jobs. You can write articles, blogs, product descriptions, and other types of content for websites or businesses. Websites like Upwork, Fiverr, and Freelancer provide platforms for Indian writers to find gigs.
2. Online Form Filling Jobs
Another popular no investment online job is filling out online forms for businesses. These jobs are simple and don’t require any special skills. Many companies outsource data entry and form-filling tasks to freelancers. You can find legitimate opportunities on job portals like Naukri or Indeed.
3. Virtual Assistant Jobs
Virtual assistants help business owners manage administrative tasks like responding to emails, scheduling meetings, and managing social media. This job offers flexibility and can be done from home. It’s one of the best work from home jobs in India without any investment.
4. Online Tutoring
Online tutoring platforms are a great way to earn money if you’re knowledgeable in subjects like math, science, or English. You can join platforms like Vedantu or TutorMe to get started. Many of these platforms don’t require any upfront investment and pay on an hourly basis.
5. Daily Payment Online Jobs
If you’re looking for daily payment online jobs without investment, there are platforms like Swagbucks, Ysense, or Clickworker that allow you to complete small tasks like surveys, watching videos, or reviewing websites for a daily payout. This can be a quick way to make extra money without any commitment.
How to Apply for Online Jobs Without Investment
Finding legitimate online jobs without investment can be overwhelming with so many options available. Here are some steps you can follow to find and apply for these jobs:
Search on Legitimate Platforms: Avoid websites that ask for money upfront. Use trusted platforms like Upwork, Fiverr, or job portals like Indeed and Naukri, which offer free online jobs without any registration fees.
Create a Professional Profile: Whether you’re applying for freelance writing gigs or data entry jobs, having a complete and professional profile with your skills and previous work experience increases your chances of getting hired.
Submit Applications Consistently: Some platforms may have competitive job listings, so be consistent in applying for jobs. The more you apply, the better your chances of landing a gig.
Watch Out for Scams: Always be cautious of job offers that sound too good to be true. Genuine employers will not ask for payments upfront. Stick to well-known and verified job platforms.
How to Earn 1000 Rs Per Day Without Investment Online
If your goal is to earn 1000 Rs per day without investment, here are a few strategies:
Freelance Jobs: By working on writing, graphic design, or virtual assistant jobs, you can easily reach this target by taking on several projects at once. Most freelance jobs pay well, especially if you have specialized skills.
Online Surveys and Microtasks: While survey websites might not pay as much, platforms like Swagbucks and Clickworker allow you to earn small amounts per task, which can add up over time if done consistently.
Sell Digital Products: If you have a creative skill like making digital art or designing templates, you can sell these on websites like Etsy or Gumroad without any investment.
Legit Online Jobs in India
Finding legit online jobs in India without investment can be a challenge, but they are out there. Here’s a list of some trusted platforms to find such jobs:
Upwork: Freelancing website with a wide range of job categories including writing, design, and development.
Fiverr: Offers gigs in multiple categories where you can showcase your skills.
Swagbucks: A great platform for microtasks like surveys and video watching.
Freelancer: Another freelancing website offering thousands of job listings.
Vedantu: One of India’s top platforms for online tutoring jobs.
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curtismacpherson · 12 days
Published on YouTube: 6 SECRETS to Achieving Everything You Want in Life | DraculaMoneyLair.com
Are you ready to learn the secrets to achieving everything you want in life? In this video, I’ll reveal 6 powerful tips that will help you turn your dreams into reality—whether it’s making your first million, reaching your ideal income, or succeeding in your personal and professional life. Your Gift Here – Maximizing Profits with ChatGPT 20 Powerful Strategies for Success: https://dracula-ai.com/plr-chatgpt/ In this video, you’ll learn: ► How to Set Clear, Specific Goals ► The Power of a Detailed Action Plan ► Why Daily To-Do Lists are Essential ► The Importance of Realistic Yet Inspiring Goals ► How to Adjust and Stay Flexible ► Visualization Techniques for Motivation Video Title: “6 SECRETS to Achieving Everything You Want in Life” Timestamps: 00:00 – Introduction 00:52 – 6 Secrets to Achieving Everything You Want in Life 06:11 – Conclusion Curious about making money online? Subscribe to Dracula Money Lair for expert tips on passive income strategies, online earnings, and affiliate marketing secrets! https://www.youtube.com/@DraculaMoneyLairOfficial/?sub_confirmation=1 Stay Connected With Me. Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/draculamoneylair Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/draculamoneylairofficial/ Threads: https://www.threads.net/@draculamoneylairofficial Website: https://draculamoneylair.com/ For Business Inquiries: [email protected] ============================= Recommended Playlists Affiliate Marketing 2024 Make Money Online 2024 WATCH MY OTHER VIDEOS: AI Powered Affiliate Marketing Revealed! EASIEST AI Side Hustles Master Affiliate Marketing: The SECRET Method for FREE Traffic and PASSIVE INCOME Make $100 Per Customer with Google Maps – Step-by-Step Guide CRAZY! This NEW AI Side Hustle WILL Make You RICH | Tiktok Affiliate Marketing Step by Step Guide to Pinterest Affiliate Marketing for $100/Day in 2024 ============================= For Collaboration and Business inquiries, please use the contact information below: Email: [email protected] Tired of the 9 to 5 grind? Subscribe to Dracula Money Lair for proven affiliate marketing tips and online passive income strategies! https://www.youtube.com/@DraculaMoneyLairOfficial/?sub_confirmation=1 ================================= #AchieveYourDreams #SuccessTips #GoalSetting #AchieveSuccess #Visualization #PersonalDevelopment #FinancialFreedom #ProductivityTips #LifeGoals Disclaimer: All content on my channel is my personal opinion. I am NOT a lawyer, accountant, or financial advisor. I do not have any professional licenses. My opinions are not a replacement for the guidance of a professionally trained and licensed individual. Some links in the description may be affiliate links. I may get a commission if you click the link and purchase something. Using those links is optional, but they are always appreciated. Thank you Copyright Notice: This video and my YouTube channel contain dialogue, music, and images that are the property of Dracula Money Lair. You are authorized to share the video link and channel and embed this video in your website or others as long as a link back to my YouTube channel is provided. © Dracula Money Lair 6 SECRETS to Achieving Everything You Want in Life | DraculaMoneyLair.com published first on https://www.youtube.com/@DraculaMoneyLairOfficial/ via https://draculamoneylair.wordpress.com/2024/09/11/published-on-youtube-6-secrets-to-achieving-everything-you-want-in-life-draculamoneylair-com/
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rubbiesmith · 12 days
Published on YouTube: 6 SECRETS to Achieving Everything You Want in Life | DraculaMoneyLair.com
Are you ready to learn the secrets to achieving everything you want in life? In this video, I’ll reveal 6 powerful tips that will help you turn your dreams into reality—whether it’s making your first million, reaching your ideal income, or succeeding in your personal and professional life. Your Gift Here – Maximizing Profits with ChatGPT 20 Powerful Strategies for Success: https://dracula-ai.com/plr-chatgpt/ In this video, you’ll learn: ► How to Set Clear, Specific Goals ► The Power of a Detailed Action Plan ► Why Daily To-Do Lists are Essential ► The Importance of Realistic Yet Inspiring Goals ► How to Adjust and Stay Flexible ► Visualization Techniques for Motivation Video Title: “6 SECRETS to Achieving Everything You Want in Life” Timestamps: 00:00 – Introduction 00:52 – 6 Secrets to Achieving Everything You Want in Life 06:11 – Conclusion Curious about making money online? Subscribe to Dracula Money Lair for expert tips on passive income strategies, online earnings, and affiliate marketing secrets! https://www.youtube.com/@DraculaMoneyLairOfficial/?sub_confirmation=1 Stay Connected With Me. Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/draculamoneylair Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/draculamoneylairofficial/ Threads: https://www.threads.net/@draculamoneylairofficial Website: https://draculamoneylair.com/ For Business Inquiries: [email protected] ============================= Recommended Playlists Affiliate Marketing 2024 Make Money Online 2024 WATCH MY OTHER VIDEOS: AI Powered Affiliate Marketing Revealed! EASIEST AI Side Hustles Master Affiliate Marketing: The SECRET Method for FREE Traffic and PASSIVE INCOME Make $100 Per Customer with Google Maps – Step-by-Step Guide CRAZY! This NEW AI Side Hustle WILL Make You RICH | Tiktok Affiliate Marketing Step by Step Guide to Pinterest Affiliate Marketing for $100/Day in 2024 ============================= For Collaboration and Business inquiries, please use the contact information below: Email: [email protected] Tired of the 9 to 5 grind? Subscribe to Dracula Money Lair for proven affiliate marketing tips and online passive income strategies! https://www.youtube.com/@DraculaMoneyLairOfficial/?sub_confirmation=1 ================================= #AchieveYourDreams #SuccessTips #GoalSetting #AchieveSuccess #Visualization #PersonalDevelopment #FinancialFreedom #ProductivityTips #LifeGoals Disclaimer: All content on my channel is my personal opinion. I am NOT a lawyer, accountant, or financial advisor. I do not have any professional licenses. My opinions are not a replacement for the guidance of a professionally trained and licensed individual. Some links in the description may be affiliate links. I may get a commission if you click the link and purchase something. Using those links is optional, but they are always appreciated. Thank you Copyright Notice: This video and my YouTube channel contain dialogue, music, and images that are the property of Dracula Money Lair. You are authorized to share the video link and channel and embed this video in your website or others as long as a link back to my YouTube channel is provided. © Dracula Money Lair 6 SECRETS to Achieving Everything You Want in Life | DraculaMoneyLair.com published first on https://www.youtube.com/@DraculaMoneyLairOfficial/ via https://draculamoneylair.wordpress.com/2024/09/11/published-on-youtube-6-secrets-to-achieving-everything-you-want-in-life-draculamoneylair-com/
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balveersingh013 · 19 days
Boosting Milk Production With Time Zee Pashu Aahar: A Farmer's Solution
Farmers in India face numerous challenges in their milk business, from fluctuating cow feed prices to finding the best cattle feed for their herds. For many, maintaining high milk production while keeping costs low is a constant struggle. This is where Time Zee Pashu Aahar comes in as a reliable solution, providing the best pashu aahar and addressing these challenges head-on.
Challenges in the Dairy Business
High Cost of Cow Feed: The price of cattle feed can be unpredictable, making it hard for farmers to budget effectively. Additionally, not all feeds are created equal, and some might not provide the necessary nutrients to increase cow milk production.
Low-Quality Cattle Feed: Many farmers struggle with finding high-quality cattle feed products. Poor-quality feed can lead to decreased milk yield and affect the overall health of the cattle.
Unpredictable Milk Production: Farmers often experience fluctuations in milk production due to inadequate nutrition. Without the right cattle feed supplement, cows may not produce enough milk, affecting the farmer’s income and business sustainability.
How Time Zee Pashu Aahar Provides Solutions
Time Zee Pashu Aahar offers a range of products specifically designed to meet the nutritional needs of dairy cattle, ensuring maximum milk production and healthy livestock. Here’s how Time Zee helps farmers overcome these challenges:
High-Quality Ingredients: Time Zee Pashu Aahar is made from high-quality ingredients that are essential for cattle health. This ensures that cows receive a balanced diet, promoting better health and increased milk yield.
Specialized Feed Products: With options like By Pass Pellet, Hi Pro Pellet, and Super pellet cattle feed, farmers can choose the right cow feed that suits their cattle's specific needs. These products are formulated to enhance milk production and provide all the necessary nutrients.
Affordable Pricing: Despite offering high-quality products, Time Zee maintains competitive prices for its range of cattle feed products. This makes it easier for farmers to invest in the best food for cattle without straining their budgets.
Why Choose Time Zee Pashu Aahar?
Choosing the right pashu aahar is crucial for any dairy farmer looking to optimize milk production. Time Zee Pashu Aahar is considered the best pashu aahar in India due to its focus on quality, affordability, and variety. Whether you're looking for cattle feed in Ranchi or need a reliable animal feed supplier in Ranchi, Time Zee has got you covered.
Moreover, the best cattle feed for cows in India needs to be nutrient-dense and designed to boost milk production. Time Zee’s High-Quality Pashu Aahar fits this description perfectly, making it the preferred choice for farmers in Bihar, Varanasi, and beyond.
Understanding the Impact of Good Cattle Feed
Investing in good cattle feed like Time Zee Pashu Aahar ensures that cows get the best possible nutrition. Products like the Hi Pro Cattle Feed are specifically designed to improve milk quality and quantity, directly impacting the farmer's profitability. When farmers use the best food for cows to increase milk, they not only enhance their dairy output but also ensure their cattle’s well-being.
In the competitive world of dairy farming, choosing the right cattle feed manufacturer can make a significant difference. Time Zee Pashu Aahar stands out as the best cattle feed for cow farmers who want to increase milk production while maintaining the health of their cattle. With a wide range of cattle feed stores and online options, Time Zee is accessible and dedicated to meeting the diverse needs of farmers.
For those looking to increase cow milk production and invest in the best feed for cows, Time Zee Pashu Aahar offers an ideal solution. Partner with Time Zee today and experience the benefits of high-quality, nutrient-rich pashu aahar designed for optimal milk production.
For more information visit www.timezee.in and you can also get in touch with our WhatsApp Service on https://api.whatsapp.com/send/?phone=916393045488&text=Hii
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