#and if I catch a whiff of anyone trying to use an age gap as manipulation for something like thinking a safe for work prompt list
finniestoncrane · 1 year
trying not to vagueblog because i’m an adult but my autistic determination to level out all morals and arguments so everything is level and fair is just so sexy and tantalising
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jedijesi · 3 years
Biblichor: Chapter 1
Javier Peña x F!Librarian!Reader
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Warnings: angst? (Not really tho just a pinch), age gap (nothing crazy), cursing, FLUFF, no use of Y/N (she/her pronouns)
Summary: Javier Peña is convinced the library is a living hell when he’s forced to go for work but a certain little librarian makes him want more.
Words Count: 2000+
A/N: Thank you @syndxlla for letting me use their fabulous More To Love series as the book the reader reads🤍 also this is my first fic so I’m sorry if it’s shit🤍 Thank you @babypedrito and @lordabovehelpme for being my muse🤍
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It was another dreadful weekday morning. Work had been slow this past week and a half due to the lack of leads. This caused Javier Peña to be stuck in the same old routine of pissing off Steve, paperwork, grunting, pissing Steve off some more, and the frequent smoke breaks. It was torture for Javier, without the normal excitement of being a DEA Agent it meant he was stuck digging through piles of information to find any nugget of gold. 
Steve didn’t mind it though he enjoyed the break from the fast life and was, for once, able to go home to Connie before dark. Javier didn’t have that luxury of going home to a loved one though. He married his work so that the idea of perpetual loneliness couldn’t consume him. But it was there. It haunted him. He never admits it, but Javier envied that part of Steve’s life. The feeling of being wanted or maybe even loved.
“ABOUT DAMN TIME!” Javier yelled, holding up the cream-colored folder. Steve jumped at the sudden commotion, almost spilling his hot coffee on himself. Unamused, Steve looks at Javi and arches his eyebrow in confusion as Javier hands the document over.
“Read this. I think we might have some sort of evidence here, not enough to get any godfathers but we could catch a goon or two” The file contained a witness claiming that some sicarios had flown planes full of illegal items across borders by using media distractions as a coverup. If it was true then they could easily find and extradite these men for good. 
 “Yeah, I guess so but we’ll need more if you want anyone to take it seriously,” Steve says, placing the paper back down on the desk. Javier grunted, falling back into his chair in defeat. 
“I’ve spent the past week and a half going through these damn files and nothing. If it’s not in the past thousand boxes then I don’t know where it is” Javier complained, pinching the bridge of his nose.
“Why don’t we just go to the library and look at the old newspapers. There’s a date on this document all we have to do is work backward.” Javier rolled his eyes at the suggestion of going to the Library. Of all places they could go in Columbia, the Library was not on his list, yet it sure beats sitting in the same office for another boring day.
Javier grunts and stands up, grabbing his leather jacket and keys “Let’s get this over with.”
. . . . .
After Steve and Javier’s ten-minute drive to what he believes is perpetual doom, Javier walks in greeted with the smell of old books as Steve takes a big whiff.  “Man, I haven’t been to the library since I’ve moved! I love the smell of books.” All Javier can do is roll his eyes.
“Yeah… I prefer the smell of booze over the smell of rotting paper and old ladies”
Javier rushes through the library trying to reach the newspaper records so that they can get their evidence and go home. Javier and Steve grab a few stacks of newspapers from 1990 and walk over to the microfilm readers to read them.
. . . .
It was quiet as per usual. Nobody really came into the library, and when they did it was only a few kids picking up a book for school and running off to play outside. After college, you wanted an adventure, something spontaneous and extravagant. You wanted to travel but you also wanted something unique. You don’t really know how working in a library in Columbia came about but it sure was spontaneous. Extravagant? Mmm, not so much but the luxury of the job left you to be paid to read in a vibrant country and that was something you could get behind.
Your day normally consisted of waking up in your tiny studio apartment, grabbing breakfast at the cafe downstairs, reading working, walking to the diner across the street for lunch and dinner, and going home only to repeat it all the next day. It was your perfect life... but it also wasn’t. It was the same thing. Always so... vanilla. You didn’t want to leave though you loved your vanilla life. Still, you can’t help looking for that something more.
“Ahem” ripping you from your thoughts you saw the head librarian's eyes looking at you from over the brim of her glasses. Your relationship was always a bit rocky. You don’t know how it got that way. Thankfully the only thing keeping you alive was that you tutor her 5 and 6-year-old granddaughters in English.
“Lo siento señora, no estaba prestando atención. ¿qué dijiste?” (Sorry madam, I wasn’t paying attention. What did you say?)
“Dije que necesitas trabajar en la recepción por el resto de tu turno, me duele la espalda” (I said that you need to work at the front desk for the rest of your shift, my back hurts) The Your boss said with annoyance. 
“Sí” (yes)
As you walk out to the front desk you couldn’t help but get your book, More to Love, out and fall into the magical world of Princesses, Knights, and Elves. You only had to check out books and answer questions so since today was easy a chapter or two wouldn’t hurt.
. . .
“You find anything yet?”
“Nope,” Javier said, popping the “P” with utter annoyance. Javier slides in the next newspaper and freezes completely shocked.
“I got something!” Javier springs up to yell.
“Shut up! You do realize where we are, you idiot?” Steve aggressively whispers. 
“Yeah yeah. Look there’s one of The Godfathers’ men at the airport behind that guy”
“Shit. You’re right. Go ask if we can get that newspaper to bring back. It’s not enough though so I’m going to keep looking.”
“Ugh fine I’ll go but we’re leaving when I get back! I can’t stand being here any longer.”
Javier walks through the corridors towards the other side of the library where the front desk is. As he walks out of the hallway of books he’s confused yet stunned to see that the old lady has been replaced by this young beautiful woman. Javier immediately switches modes, fully prepared to charm.
. . . .     
You’re so far gone into your book hanging onto every word of the Princess and Knight’s secret romance.
“Hello, Princess,” the knight says to his love.
“Hello, Princess,”
Your eyes widen and you freeze in utter shock. Confused at first but when reality sets back in and you realize where you are you slowly lookup.
Your mouth opens a jar but you don’t speak. Why can’t you say anything? Is it because of how tall he is, or his leather jacket, or even how handsome he is, or how strong he looks or it's probably the mustache or maybe just because you think your book came to life?
“You okay there, Princess?” Javier says with a little smirk appearing on his face. You quickly close your mouth and gather your thoughts.
“S-sorry um how can I help you?” God! Why are you acting this way? This is ridiculous, you've never done this before. But you take a breath and reclaim your composure.
“I wanted to know if I could check out um t-this newspaper?” 
Shit, why are my hands sweating? That’s not good. I never sweat while talking to a girl. But then again I've never met anyone as gorgeous as-NOPE! 
Javier’s mind starts racing with endless thoughts, some even dirty, but he shuts them all down the moment you start speaking.
“I don’t think so we’re not really allowed to check out the newspapers, I’m sorry.”
“Shame. I thought that after reading More to Love you would have learned about the kind generosity that the Elf Ahsoka extends to the Princess but-“
“W-wait! You’ve read More to Love?” You begin to smile, not expecting the mysterious man in front of you to be one for romance novels. 
SHIT. Why would I say that?! I’ve blown it. All my masculinity, straight out the window. 
“Woah, no! I heard someone talking about it, a friend of mine actually-“ Is she giggling?
“So you’ve totally read it before.”
“No! Stop that!” You start giggling even harder trying your best not to get shushed by the other people. Javier put his hands on his hips in annoyance and tried his best to give you a stern look but failing miserably.
“Awww, I’m sorry,” You said, trying to compose yourself.
“No, you’re not.”
“Not really. But don’t worry it’s cute” you did not think before saying that resulting in a blush creeping onto your cheeks, ears suddenly feeling hot. Now the tables turn once again as Javier’s smirk finds a way back on his face.
“You think I’m cute?”
“Um-uh... Oh goodness y-you know that’s not what I me-“
“No no, it’s ok I know exactly what you meant” Javier smirks leaning over the desk only inches away from your face. “I think you’re cute too, Princess.”
You swear you’ve died and gone to heaven. The blush on your checks, now permanent. 
“Excuse me, Miss, can I check out this book?” The little girl peeking over the desk on the tips of her toes pulls you and Javier out of your entrance as she holds out the little book about space for you to grab.
“Oh yes, of course, little one!” You feel Javier’s stare as you check out the book for the little girl. When you’re done you look back at the handsome man who’s watching you with the biggest heart eyes. The blush, still hot on your cheeks.
“Give me that newspaper.” You say sternly. Javier hands over the newspaper in defeat but is confused when you turn around to the copy machine until he smiles and realizes what you’re up to. You walk back with copies of the newspaper and smile.
“Us More to Love fans gotta stick together right? Just don’t tell my boss.” You say with a little wink. Javier can’t help but let out a beautiful chuckle that makes your heart soar.
“Thank you. Do you have a name?” You tell him your name and he can’t help smiling at its beauty and in return, he tells you his. Javier looks at the time and realizes he's been gone for far too long.
“I better get going now. Is there any way I can get your number?” You spend a moment thinking before you respond.
“Nope.” Your statement throws Javier off, not expecting to have been rejected so quickly. “You got your newspaper, now you’re gonna have to work a little harder if you want my number." The new sudden courage surges through you like adrenaline.
Javier is taken back but can’t help but admire your boldness. “I'll take that challenge. I’ll see you around, Princess.” He smiles and walks back to Steve. Leaving you a flustered mess and in shock over the interaction.
. . . .
“What took you so long? I was really hoping to get home early tonight, Connie is making Mac and cheese, and I-“
“Mac and cheese?! Dear God, are you 8?! You want to rush home so your wife can make you Mac and cheese?”
“...well ya.”
“... you’re ridiculous. Did you know that? You’re absolutely ridiculous. Fine then, we’ll just come back tomorrow.”
Javier felt a little ache in his chest at the thought of leaving but it was perfect. He knew he'd be back soon enough to see that beautiful Princess again. 
Chapter 2
A/N: I left it open ended enough so it could potentially have a part 2 depending on how it’s revived???🤍 but thank you to anyone who’s made it this far it means so much!🤍 if there are any mistake you caught please let me know I tried my best catching them all🤍Feel to leave any feedback I appreciate any and all support🤍 xoxo
Tags: @lordabovehelpme (love you)
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scarletcedar · 4 years
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NAME: Scarlet Langley AGE & DATE OF BIRTH: 27 & December 6, 1991 GENDER & PRONOUNS: Cis Female & She/Her SPECIES: Human (Bitten) OCCUPATION: Bookseller at Topping & Co. Books
Their lives are made up of stories; of cruel witches desperate for children, of foolish girls cursed to dance without rest, of clever men tricking creatures out of their riches. They cut you out of your Mama, like Red Riding Hood emerging from the wolf, Gram would say every time Scarlet reintroduced herself. Gram may have lost pieces of her own history, but recalled each fable with crystal clarity. Those stories are immortal, passed down from generation to generation, surviving wars and financial hardships and illnesses even when the storytellers could not. Scarlet collects them like precious jewels from anyone who’ll offer them to her, writes them down so they’re never forgotten by history.
The stories were meant to be lessons about the dangers that lurked in the dark corners of their small world. But little Scarlet didn’t interpret them as Gram had intended, instead taking out pieces of what she found interesting and constructing her own narrative. The woods were explored thoroughly in search of enchanted candy houses, and even now most of her shoes are red and thickets of thorns grow outside her windows. She always carries a switchblade in her purse, never knowing when she might get eaten whole.
Bright yellow eyes haunt her, but Scarlet’s not sure if it’s a memory or if her childhood imagination filled in the gaps of that day. The corpse in the Square reeked of decay and musk and wet leaves and dried blood; the whiff of it brought back childhood nightmares of golden-eyed beasts chasing her through the mountains. Her parents recalled that day in horror, and Scarlet always wished she could remember it fully so she knew what to be afraid of. But even without her memories, the wolf still haunts her along with all the other ghosts she carries. Needless to say, she’s not much of a dog person.
Got her job after getting into an argument with the manager about their dystopian novel window display. The most “dystopian” part of Brave New World is Huxley’s rampant misogyny. You’re promoting THIS but completely left out The Iron Heel? That’s practically the foundation of modern dystopian literature, and far more relevant today than Huxley’s creepy baby orgies. The manager invited her over to create new displays the following week, and in the midst of that she began to offer recommendations to customers and took it upon herself to reorganize the shelves to have more front-facing, eye-catching book covers. At some point during, she got her own name tag and the rest is history.
CAR CRASH TW There was her Mama and there was her Mom, and neither one went gently; Langley women never do. They’re artists, Scarlet boasted with pride whenever someone asked what her parents did. The Langley women were their own tribe, always welcoming strangers into their warm hearth and gifting locals with unusual handmade artifacts. Their death was untimely and unexpected, a tragedy about young lovers but not the kind they write plays about. They became another statistic, a cautionary tale for those driving through Montana during a snowstorm. 
CAR CRASH TW The news reported that Scarlet was the only one in the car to survive, that she was hypothermic by the time they uncovered her from the wreckage. But it was the locals who spoke about how she lost herself in her grief, how she’s only recently been able to drive again without having a panic attack on the road, how she still only knows how to make enough food for three people, how she’s only able to sleep with the TV on at night because she can’t stand how quiet her house has become. Scarlet tries to keep all the uglier parts of her grief hidden from the town’s prying eyes, unable to acknowledge how not fine she is even to herself.
An artist like her parents. Scribbles intricate doodles within the pages of second-hand novels; writes poetry on her arms; threads colorful, dainty flowers over the holes in her sweaters. Waves and vines and stars are painted on every wall in her home, and the empty space is filled with photographs she’s taken of loved ones. Makes a little bit of side money off of commissions, which she desperately needs. Her parents didn’t leave much when they passed, and she’s burning through her meager savings in order to hold onto her childhood home. She’s lost so much and she can’t lose this, too, even if it means being tied to Blackrock forever.
Pretty clingy with her actual friends; almost obsessively takes photographs and grows anxious if they don’t text back when they say they will. Is desperately trying to hold on tightly to those closest to her, unable to vocalize her newfound fear of losing more loved ones. A traitorous voice in her mind says they’ll one day be taken from her as well, and she can’t silence it even though she knows it’s irrational.
People affectionately called her “Scar” until The Attack, ultimately deciding it was too inappropriate. She forgets that the scar is there most of the time, even though it’s often the first thing people notice whenever she wears short sleeves. Most are too polite to ask about it, but those who have the balls will get treated to one of the many outlandish tales she’s come up with. Crashed my car in a drag race — at least I won. Some jerk at Last Drop stabbed me because I queued “Two Doors Down” on the jukebox 27 times. The government sticks trackers in our arms when we’re born but I managed to carve mine out.
Is something of a cryptid-maniac; a lifetime of absorbing myths and legends has made her the expert on the weird and paranormal. It’s not that Scarlet necessarily believes in everything she reads, but she also can’t deny that the world is full of mysteries. There’s always something new being discovered, she’d insist whenever someone tried to argue that these monsters only exist in fairy tales. She’s not crazy, really — just open-minded. Still, if someone asked her if she believes in werewolves, she’d dismiss them as mere storybook creatures, despite her haunting dreams. Her reasoning is that it’s been many uneventful full moons since she was bitten by a wild wolf. I’m clearly still human, aren’t I? Now selkies, on the other hand...
One of Scarlet’s favorite parts of her job is recommending books to people. The whole process is gratifying — from learning about what they’re already interested in, to scouring through shelves for The Perfect Book. When she’s off the clock, she doesn’t wait for permission to offer recommendations, often handing off books to people unexpectedly with a simple, “This made me think of you.” Doesn’t mind loaning out books from her personal collection, believing books don’t belong on shelves but are meant to be read as often as possible. Her second favorite part is sorting through the second-hand books because there’s always some interesting piece of history stuck between pages of used books. She keeps a box at work filled with all the little treasures she’s collected from donations: boarding passes from far off places, handwritten notes, antique bookmarks, and even torn out pages from other books. In her free time, she’ll secretly slip in her own little unsigned notes between the pages of the secondhand books she’s read before. Be sure to have tissues on hand. These characters will make you believe in true love. It’s okay if you don’t understand the ending.
exes who ended on good terms
unrequited crushes
friends with benefits
childhood friends
book club buddies
THE LOCAL → Someone(s) who knows everything about Scarlet, despite her best efforts. In return, Scarlet knows more about them than they’d want to know — Blackrock is too small for secrets, after all. They get into each other’s business, and it’s annoying but it’s been this way for so long that it’s hard to imagine it any other way.
THE BROKEN HEART → Someone Scarlet saw frequently before her parents died, romantically or platonically! Their relationship completely fractured with the death of her parents. Scarlet could’ve either driven them away in her grief, too hurt to care for them. Or maybe she smothered them with her consistent presence out of a fear of losing them, too.
THE DIVIDED → Their families never got along, a local feud that has lasted for so long that Scarlet can’t remember what started it to begin with. She purposefully puts up a front with every member of the opposing family, holding onto a longstanding grudge in the name of her mothers. But perhaps she’ll discover that it’s best to put the feud to rest, too overwhelmed by other aspects of life to find the energy for it.
THE COMPANION → Simply put, a friend. Someone who doesn’t brush off Scarlet’s conspiracy theories, offers themself as a model for her art, is willing to drive Scarlet around when she’s not up to it herself.
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begrimedchains · 6 years
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Philip stood panting even though he had just barely exerted himself walking to the edge of what once was his territory, such a thing shouldn’t have been that much of an effort if he wasn’t still bleeding. He was thankful that Sally had managed to sew up what she could of his whip wounds newly graced across his back, but when she ran out of thread the rest had to be bound with the bandages Philip normally used for his undergarments. With the bloodweb being so unresponsive gathering resources was just as hard as traversing the realm, meaning hunts where often without offerings or add-ons. Not that Philip was even called to hunts anymore, their deity being so weak she could only afford to send out her best on the few trials she could create. But when the best failed, it was the weakest who would suffer. The Entity had attacked him again, not out of any malice or disappointment but desperation, she had beat him down with the same talons that had whipped him all those years ago when Philip was still young to the realm. Raking his skin until Philip couldn’t stand any longer she pierce a single spine through his heart, not to kill him but to feed as the spirit hunter felt another piece of his strength and will fade away from him.
If he still had the strength his own anger at being abused should had driven him to find a way to leave the realm or make her wounds greater out of spite. In truth he’d rather blame Dwight and his followers for escaping and causing this catastrophe in the first place. They should have learned from their mistakes with Benedict when he as his group had tried to do the same. At least they managed to stop Benedict’s group, whatever Dwight’s group had done to leave the realm was the reason why the world was slowly dieing. Why the Entity was slowly dieing.
Blinking sleepily Philip dumbly gazed towards the horizon of his old territory, his legs shaky he wanted nothing more than to curl away in the darkness of one of his old hideouts and mediate. His vision almost seems to meld with the light erupting from the tear in front of him making the spirit hunter more blind with every blink. Even as he feels Billy step to his side it only forces Philip to rock on his heels slightly leaning on his friend for support. “I neva dought I would be.” Philip mumbles as he squints to try and make out the birch trees of his home, but his Shadowborn transparent eyelids do little to help block the glow of the crumbling world. “… I used to hate it. It just reminded me of my failua. But now…” Still exhausted Philip’s world trailed off he couldn’t really explain what Autohavens meant to him now that it was nearly gone, but after so many years spend hunting and living there it was his home. The light pecks of his kisses slowly let Philip’s head slump down as his pupils adjust to see the heart warming shape of the crooked. Billy’s question catches him off guard and Philip pauses for a moment searching his brain to try and remember something back in the junkyard he had forgotten. “Da safe in da office. I left my journal and gun back de’e. And all of Azarov’s money but dat’s not important.” Loving wet lips press against his neck and Philip lowers his own lips to meet the top of Billy’s head in return. Philip probably didn’t need anything from his old home, maybe his left over add-ons but if the Entity wasn’t going to send him out to hunt anyway there was no point in getting them. “Da safe code is 60, 17, 41, but you’ll need a bag to carry eve’ayding.” As his body naturally slides closer to hug Billy, Philip glaces back across the gap that seems bigger than it’s ever been. “If you can even make it de’e and back.”
  It was an easy thing to overlook the blood of his fellow beasts. For as long as he could remember, in the times of plenty he was most used to, Ma would share portions of blood-feasts, dragging dripping talons down deformed flanks to adorn the most faithful of the spider’s servants with the spoils of their harvest. To the Hillbilly, a bloodied flank was more of a sign of favor, so naturally he saw the Wraith’s stained bandages as proof of his devotion to Ma, even in the more troubling times they now found themselves in. Troubling to those without means of traveling across the realm’s split seams, anyway. Though they dutifully took on the tasks closest to their base, it was both Sally and he who were sent on hunts happening the farthest from their home hearth, champions of transportation the Entity could still rely on to cross the crumbled borders.
  He noticed the faint copper scent once he parked himself by Phil’s side, though there was something off about it he couldn’t quite determine. A bloodhound like the Wraith often smelled strongly of the stuff, which was only faintly masked by the mud he’d often slather on himself to discourage the burns a sudden flicker of light might bring him, but this blood smelled strange to the Hillbilly. Perhaps it had just been a while since he’d gotten a good whiff of the stuff, scarce as survivors were these nights? Either way, the oddness of it churned his stomach and made the fur on the back of his neck prickle to an alertness reserved for combating Carter’s spark, but never Phil and what he smelled of; not when the Wraith’s company had always put him at ease.
  “’Cause ya hasn’t been in ages.” Billy snorts quietly, tilting his crooked frame inwards to show his bleary-eyed companion his enduring support. Was the subtle shiver he felt radiating off the Wraith a sign of excitement? Inwardly he berated himself for taking so long to notice the Wraith’s longing gaze cast upon the distant Wrecker’s Yard. He couldn’t have imagined his own mood should the crack between here and Coldwind widen farther than he could launch himself over its edge and into the corn’s welcoming embrace? “If ah stays away too long from mines, ah start fergittin’…who ah was. What’m here fer.” He shakes his head, trying to rouse the hidden hatred in him the Entity had fostered in him since it had whispered to him in the basement of the Thompson’s home. Side-eyeing his companion after surveying the distance between their edge of the world and Azarov’s resting place, and deeming it crossable, the Hillbilly finally notices the soft shudder running through Phil’s legs. With a curious tip of his head, he unthinkingly slides a hand up the small of Phil’s back, traveling up the spirit-hunter’s poncho to a rest between his shoulder-blades in a small show of concern. “Maybe ya oughta go. If yer up fer it…ah’ll gitcha ‘cross.” Though he hadn’t transported anyone yet, he doubts the smaller leap between Shelter Woods and the Wrecker’s Yard would take much effort to jump, even with Phil on his back. 
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“Y’know ah wills.”
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elliebearose · 5 years
Let’s Get One Thing Straight
INVOLVED: Ellie Rose and Erica Rose  TIME FRAME: Sunday, February 23rd, 2020 LOCATION: Ellie’s Apartment; Los Angeles, California SUMMARY: Erica comes over to Ellie’s house for some dinner. 
Ellie pipped her cupcakes delicately and as she did, so she thought about Summer. Saturday had been pretty hectic for her and though she was not actually babysitting like she said she was. Truthfully, the woman had a lot to discuss with Andrew, being caught with Summer at the Firefly was not good on her part. It set the usual mellow man off and she had a lot of ass kissing to do because of it. Between her sister and now her lifeline she wasn’t too sure if being out with Summer or even continuing their sexual relationship was a good idea at all. Knocking out, five of the eight cupcakes she baked she continued to pipe them quietly in her kitchen as she waited for her sister to show.
Erica moved down the hallway in her gym attire, did she plan on going to the gym today. Not at all, she probably went to the gym three times a month and that was just say she had used the membership. Licking her lips, she tucked her phone away after a chuckle left her lips, this new lover she had, the boy kept her on her little toes. She wasn’t mad at it; it had been a while and something about being with him was both comforting and exhilarating. She liked it, she liked it a lot. And now that she had made time to properly handle both Ellie and Summer here, she was, at her sister’s door knocking on it though she very well had her own key.
Ellie finished the cupcakes and placed them on a serving dish perfectly. God did she love to cook and bake. She placed them on the counter next to the blonde brownies she also baked before she looked over at her pan of chicken. It was still warm to her satisfaction; she heard the door and removed her apron tucking it away in the place she kept it. Opening the door, she looked to Erica and said, “what’s up?” to her as she let her walk in and she then closed the door behind them both. She took in her attire and asked her “you went to the gym?” curiously.
Erica looked to her younger sister as she opened the door and she smiled “hey El” she replied easily as she moved into the apartment. She sat her purse down on the counter and looked to the baked good, not to mention she’d cooked for her and it smelled so good. “Girl no” she said with a chuckle as she moved to wash her hands at the sink. “You cooked for little ole me?” she said jokingly to her.
Ellie shook her head at the woman before she moved across the floor towards her couch. “You asked me to, didn’t you?” she retorted grabbing her remote and finding a movie as she plopped down grabbing a pillow to lean on. “I cooked chicken she told her and make you some treats” she breathed as she released a yawn into her hand, grabbing a blanket and cozying up to it.
Erica dried her hands off with a towel and she opened the lid to the pot catching a whiff of the food. She licked her lips slowly before she closed the lid to it, and she looked over at her sister. “you aren’t eating?” she asked her curiously as she grabbed a plate down from the cabinet having sat the lid aside.
“Nah, help yourself. I made myself breakfast this morning, so I am still full from it to be honest” she told her a she rubbed her nose with the back of her hand, sinking down in her seat as she tucked her feet beneath herself. Ellie looked over at her “it’s some sweet tea in the fridge as well” she added for good measure as she moved her eyes back to the Sparkle movie playing out before her.
Erica nodded her head at Ellie, “okay” she said to her easily as she helped her damn self. She placed food onto her plate and placed the lid back on the pan before she grabbed herself a fork and moved to sit down beside Ellie on the couch. She looked at the tv before them, kicking her shoes off revealing her mixed-matched socks as she sat Indian style against the couch. Erica forked some chicken into her mouth, it was so tender that she could pick the meat right off the bone with her fork “this is good” she told her sister looking over at her. “What did you season it with?” she asked her curiously.
Ellie watched as Erica sat down beside her and she nodded her head “good” she told her as her eyes moved back to the tv. “Oh girl, too much to remember” she told her “you know I make my own chicken rub” she added, “I put everything I want to use in a container and just make new batches of it throughout the month” she explained as she scratched her side. “I’ll have to text it to you later” she said to her.
Erica nodded her head “yeah, that’s right” she nodded her head as she continued to eat. She licked her lips as she scarfed down the food on her plate, Erica could cook but she never had the time. And the elaboration Ellie put on food was nothing like hers. Naturally her sister was good at guessing spices and finding combinations that worked well together, however she did the minimal. Erica hummed in appreciation for the food as she sat back and focused on the movie as well.
“I don’t understand how her killing him didn’t double as self-defense. He was knocking her upside her head” Erica said as the movie ended, and she took a sip of her water before she sat the glass down on Ellie’s coffee table. She popped the last piece of her brownie into her mouth chewing lightly, it was the third one she had, not to mention she had had a cupcake too. She wasn’t going to eat anything else she promised herself as she rested her arm on the back of the couch.
Ellie snorted at her sister and said “because it’s a Hollywood movie” she responded with another chuckle. “You kill me when you analyze stuff” she said licking her lips. They girl still hadn’t eaten anything outside of a cupcake when Erica tried one for the first time. She looked back to the tv and found another movie for them to watch, her sister hadn’t said much to her at all outside of commentary about the Sparkle movie.
“I am just saying, it would have made a little more sense” Erica said with a chuckle as she licked her lips shifting to stretch her legs out as she too grabbed a blanket and covered up with it as well. Ellie always kept her apartment so cool in comparison to the moderate temperature she left her house in. “Well what have you been up to?” she asked her curiously. “Outside of the boutique and school of course” she said.
Ellie looked to Erica again and shook her head as she turned to 47 Meters Down, catching the point of the movie where everything turned for the worst. She sat her remote down pushing it aside as she looked to her sister “same stuff” she shrugged “nothing much” she told her. “School and the store takes up all of my time” she lied.
Erica nodded at the girl though she truly felt like she wasn’t telling her the full truth, her sister lived a very busy life. She juggled many lovers, the business, a cooking blog, school, and other extra curriculars. However, she allowed the answer though she didn’t believe her much. “Well you know I came over here to talk about Summer” she said finally. “I know I told you I was going to call you and talk to you, but I was upset honestly. And with work and this new guy” she shrugged. “I just wanted my time” she breathed to her. “I meant what I said though, to you and to her. I don’t want you guys dating it would just be messy and you honestly should not be sleeping with her. How many more people are you going to lend your body to?” she asked her seriously.
Ellie looked to Erica as she began her spill, she nodded her head at her considering her feelings in everything ever if she didn’t really care. “Why does it bother you so much Erica?” she asked her seriously. “Like I told you that night, she is grown. I am grown. Who cares what we do? And all because you guys are friends?” she said very curiously. “Are you trying to protect her from me? Or me from her?” she asked her seriously. “Erica, you know my sex life is none of your business. Just as you don’t make yours anyone else’s business. Right?” she asked her.
Erica looked at her sister and she shifted on the couch, pushing her wild curly hair behind her as she pursed her lips. “Because that is my friend and you are my babysitter. The age gaps?” she said listing off on her fingers “if anything happens, I will have to be the monkey in the middle and you know how you are girl” she told her agitatedly. “BOTH!” she exclaimed loudly. “She is not done with her ex, I don’t care how many ways she spins it, she isn’t” she told Ellie “and you have plenty of people you circulate and you know damn well you aren’t going to be with her. You are just using her body like she is using yours” she breathed out. “Why would you even fight me on this? What basis do you have?” she asked her. “Try consideration” she stressed.
Chuckling at her sister, Ellie looked away from her. Was her sister honestly serious right now? She was going to play this little game it had nothing to do with her or Summer it had everything to do with the fact that Erica liked control. Her fucking her friend was not within her control or limits and that pissed her off, not the act or the deed itself. “You are the last person to try and beat me down about consideration Erica, don’t you think?” she asked her cocking her head to the side.
At her sister’s words Erica rose a brow at her and said, “what the hell is that supposed to mean?” she said seriously as her neck jerked.
Ellie looked at her amazed that she was sitting on her couch, in her house pretending as if she wasn’t shit. She looked away from her and moved her eyes to the tv instead she wasn’t doing this with her sister today, nope. She couldn’t have been out minding her own business, but she barged over here and with the obvious want to piss her off.
Erica watched and waited, she had so much to say and she was calling her out so why not get it all off her chest. “Um, hello. I asked you a question” she said as she shifted on the couch.
“Oh, I thought we were just playing stupid. Ignoring the fact that you indeed fucked Caleb and he has been kissing my ass ever since. Tying to tie me down and marry me. All while convincing me that your ass was the result of him messing around with you. And not the other way around” she told her as he turned her head back to Erica gazing at her expectantly. “But you sit on my couch and you talk about consideration. About what people are capable of Erica?” Ellie asked her seriously. “Where is your damn conscious?” she asked.
Erica tilted her head at Ellie, and she shifted on the couch again, shaking her head not this shit again. How many times did she had to apologize for what she had done? It was an accident. She didn’t even know that the two knew each other, he was some random guy at an event she attended and they both had too much to drink. The act and deed were equal in value however, she wasn’t no more all over the man as the man all over her. She honestly couldn’t stand the man; he had been lying on her name for month now with her sister and it infuriated her so much. Why couldn’t he just be a man about it? Confess that he wanted some pussy and she slung it, with his bitch ass. “Ellie, I have told you time and time again. That I was drunk and so was he. He both knew nothing about each other including that you are our common denominator” she said. “And one thing doesn’t go with the other” she told her.
Ellie looked at her with raised brows “how does it not connect?” she asked her pausing for a long while. “I didn’t remember Summer, and she didn’t remember me. We didn’t connect you either. It was innocent, she was under the influence…one thing led to the next. Might I add I am grown” she said again. “If I can forgive my sister was fucking my man, she can forgive her friend for fucking her sister. That’s all I am going to say” she said leaning into her angrily. “I won’t see Summer, because I don’t want a relationship. But I don’t want you to think for one damn second that you are the reason why. You are not my mother Erica; I know you feel like you have to protect me and keep me safe. I know you think it’s your job and responsibility” she breathed. “But your savior cannot be your torturer as well” she said squinting her eyes as she leaned back once more looking to her tv.
Erica folded her arms over her chest as Ellie finally said her peace about the relationship between her and Summer. She agreed she wasn’t going to see her but the rest of the things she offered was harsh. She sat back as Ellie leaned into her face and she looked her up and down. “Fine” she told her with a shake of her head, “it’s always something with you, always” she said outright. “You’ve touched all of LA, and the first time I make a mistake you desire to fold it over my head for the rest of my life like you have never wronged me” she said to her. “A mess” she breathed under her breath as she moved to stand up, she grabbed her shoes putting them on. Once she did that she moved for her purse and her keys, it was her time to leave she saw that clearly. Once she collected all of her things, she opened Ellie’s door and walked out of it without a backwards glance.
Ellie watched as Erica got up and she rolled her eyes at her comment. The most she’d done is convince her not to date a man who they later discovered want to marry Erica. Ellie did what she thought was best for Erica she didn’t think the girl was ready for a man like him, though yes it did upset her to know she cheated her sister out of an entire marriage. But they didn’t know. Licking her lips, she watched as the woman gathered all of things, moving for her door and she didn’t stop her. Every once an awhile they made each other sick and didn’t stand to be near each other, it was nothing new, they were sisters. As her door closed, she looked back to the tv, this entire Summer situation was really starting to give her a serious headache.
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