#and if being better means tossing paul and prue into the nearest volcano i promise i will look the other way
By making this year's batch of bakers such a pleasant group of people, I now care about all of them. I am rooting for literally everyone.
I don't know if Paul and Prue realize how much this becomes a double-edged sword.
Because I care about all of them, I am absolutely invested in the justice and fairness of it all. It outweighs my love for the individual baker. I can only bear seeing the bakers go home if everything went wrong for them. If their ducks were so far from being in a row, each duck was on a separate planet. I don't want to see any of them robbed of their place in the tent because of audacious bias and nonsensical judging.
So I shall not sit there and clap whenever injustice occurs. I will not be part of bake off's delusional self-praise in these circumstances.
Do better Bake Off. Be better. All of these bakers only deserve the absolute best.
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