obsidianfiles · 2 years
Genshin Impact: A Look on the Last 12 Months as a Black Player
Hi everyone,
It's Maur, the moderator of the Obsidiant Files.
Part of this blog, this project really, is to talk about experiences as Black people when trying to engage in media that isn't "for us". Now what do I mean when I say that? Think about it, how many times have any of you heard one reason or another on why Black people or any people of color, are not or shouldn't be inserted in a specific media? "Ariel can't be Black because XYZ" "Elves aren't Black because 123" "Well there aren't Black people because *insert non-western media* isn't catered to you". Sounds familiar doesn't it.
I think to get the metaphorical ball rolling on this less-than-heartening sentiment, I oughta share one of my own. More specifically, I thought I oughta share one of my more recent negative experiences. Unsurprisingly, Genshin Impact came to mind and it's a recent piece of media I only got into in January.
See, I had heard about Genshin Impact in 2021 I think, didn't care too much about it and I actively avoided it for a fat minute before I decided to see what it's all about it and what the hype is (in reality, I caved for Kaeya after reading a really long Wiki post on his lore and I am a sucker for some gripping lore).
To make a long story short, I enjoyed this game for about three months, probably a little past March, and the only reason I was able to do so is due to the fact that I knew absolutely nothing about the in-depth mechanics of this game, the culture around it, nor did really engage with other fans. I took "Blissful Ignorance" very seriously and struggled through this game for a long while and ignored tutorials from other players, leakers, famous Genshin enthusiasts, etc., and wouldn't you know it? That was probably the most fun I ever had playing that game. Stressful, sure, but it was a good kind of stress that makes you want to play more. I didn't care about banners, I pulled for characters I basically guessed would help me progress (pulling Ganyu was the best choice I ever made) and I enjoyed it for a little while.
I can't quite recall when this changed, or why I decided to get involved in this game's "fan culture" more than necessary, but I did, and I think my joy playing this truly went downhill from there. I had...a vague idea of how volatile this community could be when it comes to Black people and darker people of color. That alone didn't shock me, having been deeply involved in the Supernatural community during middle school and high school, I'm unnervingly desensitized to it (and the Supernatural story is one for a different time and more awakeness involved). I think what tripped me up is how some of these fans managed to perpetuate all kinds of other bigotry in the name of insisting that characters like Kaeya, Xinyan, or more recently, the Sumeru characters can't possibly be Black or can't have darker skin and then proceed to provide the most absurdly racist reason one could muster up. Or in an equally baffling display, the overused and rarely nuanced take of "it's just fictional" that some of these fans will use for anything and everything will fly out the window and you're left wondering what mental gymnastics had to happen for that rationale to even happen. It's been about 12 months since this subsequent exposure of this community, and while I have still yet to fully interact with this madness, it's exhausting to watch.
It's this disregard for Black players, darker-skinned players, and other players who are not either of eastern Asian descent or white that makes trying to engage in this community downright undesirable to engage with. Another upsetting part is the sheer ability of a lot of these fans to stay eerily silent on the issues I mentioned but the second that something that is such a non-issue pops up, you suddenly have swaths of people vying to boycott or stop playing Genshin. The anniversary gifts for example. I do not and cannot care what anyone says, the sheer level of outrage people had for that versus the litany of other issues this game has in terms of the inconsistency in giving the cultures they pull inspiration from any real respect, the inability to create playable characters with skin tones darker than sun-bleached-paper-bag brown, the community itself just being unkind to Black players and fans specifically, nearly none of that is given the same time and energy. And you could say "well just don't engage with the fandom" but why should Black people have to stop fandom engagement simply because too many of you refuse to have a nuanced conversation on the problems this game has with treating specific minorities, their cultures, and their fans? I consume as little of Genshin content outside of the game as I can at this point, 12 months into playing this game. I know that if I don't the sheer level of exhaustion I got being exposed to that much racism when I did finally venture somewhat into the fandom, will seep into my game experience. And I'll be real honest, at this point, if Genshin stops functioning right now, I'd almost be glad. Too many games such as this one stimulate so much hatred and racism within these online spaces, and it makes it that much harder to enjoy these pieces of media as well as try to have a nuanced conversation on these pieces of media's problems. I enjoy this game where I can. I genuinely am interested in a few of the lore of these characters, the music, and the story involved. I'd like not to lose that due to this company and their fans making the ability to do so nigh impossible.
So...with all of that said...and yes it was quite a lot, I invite other Black Genshin players to share their own thoughts. The Obsidian Files is not just here to talk about positive experiences in engaging with media. The negatives have to be talked about. It's one of the only ways we can work towards developing positive conversations on how to avoid the negatives or work on them.
Until next time, friends.
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obsidianfiles · 2 years
An Introduction
Hi there!
Welcome to the Obsidian Files, glad to have you here.
First question to get out of the way: What exactly is the Obsidian Files?
Well, at it's surface level, this is something of a college remix project. Based off two essays I have written for a course, I have decided to take the topics of those two essays and mesh them into an alternative format. Tumblr just so happens to be the place I can navigate the best (baring Twitter).
Upon a deeper examination, I want this blog to serve as a place for Black people to talk about their experiences in consuming media that "isn't for them". Or in other words, I want them to talk about consuming and engaging with media that we are seldom represented in, or at the very least, seldom represented "well". I don't think I'd be wrong in saying that most of us have some kind of experience with this notion. And it can and has been frustrating as all hell.
Between the recent debates about Ariel being Black, the Lord of the Rings TV series mess, just about anything to do with non-western media, it's difficult being Black and trying to engage with these kinds of media in peace. And it can wear down on us. I want this blog, to the best of my ability, to be a place where you all can unload that weight and talk about how you continue to consume the things you genuinely enjoy, and maybe, help others do the same. And the event that you simply were not able to comfortably enjoy a piece of media, talk about why and what led to that uncomfort.
That's basically my goal here.
Now to introduce the "mod" aka me.
Name's Maur, I'm Black (if that needed to be mentioned), my are pronouns she/her, I'm 20 years old, and I enjoy anything sci-fi and fantasy. My music taste is quite literally anything that I can daydream to: Rock, Electronic, R&B Soul, J-Pop, J-Rock, the list goes on. Anime and Manga are a part of the media I consume, along with various books that deal in horror, speculative, sci-fi and fantasy (once again) and the occassional realistic ficiton. I've been in love with this kind of stuff for most of my life.
To kind of start off this project, to the Black nerds who sees this, try and introduce yourself, you're favorite types of media you like, and what you like about them. Or send it to the ask box, it's open for use.
I really hope this project goes somewhere, and if it doesn't, well...I can at least say I tried.
The Obsidian Files are now in curration.
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