#and if he’s so lovestruck you might just see an unsteady awkward side of jade hehe
merakiui · 2 years
What about Alpha!Jade? Is he better? Worse? 👀
Floyd will be blunt and brutally honest when he feels like it, but Jade can be rather deceptive. When you approach him with an offer for friends with benefits, he’s a little too quick to agree. You think Floyd might have rubbed off on him, but Jade’s always considered the possibility of an arrangement like this. Not that you’d ever know that, of course.
Jade is painfully vanilla the first few times. He does it on purpose. As fun as breaking you would be, you only expect him to be the alpha who’ll help you through your heats. Nothing more, nothing less. He won’t exceed any expectations, so all of his preferences are kept secret. He does stay a little while after the fact, but it’s usually to bring you refreshments and snacks if you need any. He’ll run a bath if you desire one. He’ll pick discarded clothing from off the floor and fold it in neat piles. There is no emotion in any of these gestures, and it feels like he’s your butler when he goes to these lengths.
I like to think that things change when he accidentally knots you. :) of course Jade’s usually good at keeping his restraint and he’s never let his desires get the better of him, especially not when he’s dealing with you. That’s how he frames it. It’s never helping you; it’s always dealing with the issue, as if it’s burdensome. But he was a little too lost in thought and you were so defenseless beneath him, shuddering through another orgasm, fingers curling into the dampened bedsheets, your legs wrapping around his waist. And…it just happened. One minute he’s fucking into your slick, warm hole and the next his knot has slipped past the ring of muscles, locking the both of you together. And he suspects that if you weren’t so heat-brained and your hole wasn’t so slick it would probably hurt.
It’s a little embarrassing that he allowed this to happen, and he knows you’d probably panic if you were more self-aware. But you throw your head back and cry so sweetly for him and he’s relieved it won’t cause any issues. It’s a little bothersome after the fact, though, because he has to wait until he can finally detach himself from you.
When Jade’s in love, he’s in love. He can hide it well, but one look at his dreamy, far-off expression and you’ll wonder what’s caught his fancy this time. There was never any intimacy in your relationship to begin with, but lately he’s started interlacing his fingers with yours when he fucks you, gently cradling your hand while you moan beneath him. And his kisses are always so deeply romantic, as if he has to taste you each time he kisses you so that your flavor remains on his tongue afterwards. Gone is vanilla Jade. When he loves you, he wants to love you until you’re on the verge of shattering. Expect ropes, handcuffs, blindfolds, and lots of other fun things he’s been dying to try on you. It’s a shame he can’t do this outside of your heats. He’s certain your reactions would be very interesting.
It feels like these feelings have snuck up on him because suddenly he no longer views you as an obligation he’s tasked with handling. Now he looks at you adoringly, as if you’re the only one he’ll ever see. And this complicates the matter because now he’d give anything to claim you for himself and knot you again, but this time with the intention of pouring his love into you.
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