#as if he intends to actually bite it and finally mark you as his mate
merakiui · 2 years
What about Alpha!Jade? Is he better? Worse? 👀
Floyd will be blunt and brutally honest when he feels like it, but Jade can be rather deceptive. When you approach him with an offer for friends with benefits, he’s a little too quick to agree. You think Floyd might have rubbed off on him, but Jade’s always considered the possibility of an arrangement like this. Not that you’d ever know that, of course.
Jade is painfully vanilla the first few times. He does it on purpose. As fun as breaking you would be, you only expect him to be the alpha who’ll help you through your heats. Nothing more, nothing less. He won’t exceed any expectations, so all of his preferences are kept secret. He does stay a little while after the fact, but it’s usually to bring you refreshments and snacks if you need any. He’ll run a bath if you desire one. He’ll pick discarded clothing from off the floor and fold it in neat piles. There is no emotion in any of these gestures, and it feels like he’s your butler when he goes to these lengths.
I like to think that things change when he accidentally knots you. :) of course Jade’s usually good at keeping his restraint and he’s never let his desires get the better of him, especially not when he’s dealing with you. That’s how he frames it. It’s never helping you; it’s always dealing with the issue, as if it’s burdensome. But he was a little too lost in thought and you were so defenseless beneath him, shuddering through another orgasm, fingers curling into the dampened bedsheets, your legs wrapping around his waist. And…it just happened. One minute he’s fucking into your slick, warm hole and the next his knot has slipped past the ring of muscles, locking the both of you together. And he suspects that if you weren’t so heat-brained and your hole wasn’t so slick it would probably hurt.
It’s a little embarrassing that he allowed this to happen, and he knows you’d probably panic if you were more self-aware. But you throw your head back and cry so sweetly for him and he’s relieved it won’t cause any issues. It’s a little bothersome after the fact, though, because he has to wait until he can finally detach himself from you.
When Jade’s in love, he’s in love. He can hide it well, but one look at his dreamy, far-off expression and you’ll wonder what’s caught his fancy this time. There was never any intimacy in your relationship to begin with, but lately he’s started interlacing his fingers with yours when he fucks you, gently cradling your hand while you moan beneath him. And his kisses are always so deeply romantic, as if he has to taste you each time he kisses you so that your flavor remains on his tongue afterwards. Gone is vanilla Jade. When he loves you, he wants to love you until you’re on the verge of shattering. Expect ropes, handcuffs, blindfolds, and lots of other fun things he’s been dying to try on you. It’s a shame he can’t do this outside of your heats. He’s certain your reactions would be very interesting.
It feels like these feelings have snuck up on him because suddenly he no longer views you as an obligation he’s tasked with handling. Now he looks at you adoringly, as if you’re the only one he’ll ever see. And this complicates the matter because now he’d give anything to claim you for himself and knot you again, but this time with the intention of pouring his love into you.
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apomaro-mellow · 5 months
Every Baby Needs a Daddy 7
Part 6
The idea of sharing space on a tour bus was a little daunting, even though Steve had met the rest of the band. He was glad to see how big it was, and especially glad when Eddie led him to the back of the bus where the bedroom was. It had a bed big enough for two, but that was about it. It was more than enough for him.
"The boys will be bunking on the pull-outs out there", Eddie jabbed his thumb back to the rest of the bus.
They were setting out for the first destination on their tour, New York, which would take them about half a day to get to.
"Can't believe I get to go on tour with you. I feel like an actual groupie."
Eddie hopped onto the bed and laid on his side. "You gonna toss your underwear to me?", he grinned.
"Why would I? I already got on the band's bus", Steve smirked, hands on his hips. He glanced out the bedroom door to where the rest of the band was pretending not to be interested in their conversation.
“And they’re really okay with giving us the only actual bedroom on the bus?”
“Sweet thing, they insisted”, Eddie said, laying back to spread out on the sheets. “I think they’re enamored with you.”
Steve beamed as he sat on the edge of the bed, lasting only a few seconds before Eddie grabbed at him. Joy bubbled forth from Steve and he didn’t even mind if Jeff and the others heard Eddie macking on him right now.
“I’ve never been on a tour bus before.”
"Well allow me to give you the official welcome", Eddie said before rolling Steve onto his back and kissing at his neck. "We got hours to ourselves, baby."
"Oh, whatever will we do?", Steve sighed.
Eddie rose up on his hands and knees to look down at the gorgeous man under him. And just in time for the bus to lurch forward and make him fall over the side of the bed with a yelp. Grant came to the door.
"You guys, uh, want this closed?", he asked, ignoring Eddie crumpled on the floor.
For about the first hour, Steve watched the scenery go by the window and Eddie went over the basics of their itinerary. Starting from New York, they'd be cruising down the east coast.
"It's probably not as grand as the worldly traveling you've done before but I intend to show you a good time", Eddie promised, tracing the lines in Steve's palm.
"Actually, I haven't traveled all that much", Steve admitted. "When you're raising up a proper omega, you can't just let them loose unsupervised. I've been to California and Washington a couple of times with my parents but besides that..."
"Then I'm really gonna show you a good time."
"You can start right now. Bus isn't stopping for a few hours, right?" Steve pushed Eddie onto his back and rolled on top of him. In preparation for this trip both of them had been tested and been given a clean bill of health. Steve's cunt was already clenching at the thought of finally getting Eddie's bare knot. Of feeling his cum coating his insides.
There was something primal about it this time, as Eddie was fucking Steve. Not in any way that was ferocious or intense but in the setting and situation. Grant, Jeff, and Gareth had only great things to say about Steve, seemingly already accepting him as a pack omega. Being given the only private space on the bus, this room was like his own personal den, admittance to him and his omega only.
With his best friends just outside the door, surely knowing what they were getting up to even though there was plenty of noise to cover it, it was like they were sentinels guarding. How could his hindbrain think of this as anything less than a breeding session?
Steve was on his hands and knees, arching his back as Eddie thrust into him. He had started out trying to be quiet, but was sobbing now, begging Eddie not to stop.
Delirious with desire, Eddie started biting at the moles on Steve's back, leaving marks of his own. When he got to his neck, he put his teeth away but nudged at Steve's mating gland. A move so bold and unexpected, it had Steve crying out as he milked his cock. Eddie's teeth itched to sink down and make it official but he bit into Steve's shoulder instead, almost but not drawing blood.
He was still thinking about it hours later, when they arrived in New York and started preparing for the show. Tonight was just rehearsal and sound check for the real thing tomorrow night. Steve wanted to go and even pouted to get his way, but Eddie was certain he'd be bored and not so subtly told him about the hotel's spa.
After a massage, he went into the sauna and saw that there was another omega already inside.
"Did your alpha miss?", she asked the moment he sat down.
She tapped the bite mark on his shoulder. "Did he miss?"
It wasn't proper to ask about bite marks in any capacity, only for the own of such marks to offer if they felt the information relevant.
"I don't have an alpha", Steve said, though it felt wrong to say.
"So just someone who's keeping you for now?", she asked.
Steve thought about it. Between the gifts and traveling and shopping, he was being wonderfully kept. "I suppose so."
"You must be new at this. I'm Heather. Can I offer you a bit of advice?"
"Steve and um, sure I guess."
"You can't let your generous sponsor bite you like that. The next one that comes won't like it. Might even give you something more permanent just to compete."
"You've had a lot of... 'sponsors'?", Steve asked.
"Mostly CEOs, an actor once. You?"
"He's a musician."
"Really? Anyone I know?", she looked intrigued.
Steve thought about how he'd known zilch about Corroded Coffin or Eddie before meeting him, but then remembered how his attention on the latest music trends was also next to nothing.
"You might. I'm not actually sure how popular they are." He hadn't seen the venue to know how many concert attendees to expect.
"Oh, well, you know what they say. If they haven't got a million than a half will do."
"Right", Steve gave a half-hearted laugh. It had him thinking for the first time if he'd be into Eddie at all were it not for the money. If all he had to offer was that one drink the night they met...
Steve thought about how they'd spent a decent part of the trip discussing chocolate chips versus chocolate chunks and how they'd gotten the rest of the band involved to the point where they had to make the bus stop at the nearest grocery store. It felt safe to say that even without the money lining his pockets, Eddie would have charmed him some kind of way.
That night, they got in bed early but were awakened by the sounds of the others coming into their hotel suite to make breakfast.
"And how did you know we weren't in the middle of coitus?", Eddie flicked a grape at Gareth.
"That was a chance we were willing to take", Jeff said.
Eddie was shirtless, walking around in Garfield patterned pajama pants. Steve had the decency to put one of the hotel's bathrobes.
"This is a CC tradition", Grant said. "Breakfast before the inaugural show of a tour. Then dinner after the last one."
"Everyone shows up, no exceptions", Gareth said.
"None?", Steve asked, accepting a mug of coffee that Eddie had made.
"One time Jeff got into a brawl right after the show. We had our dinner at the hospital", Eddie said.
"Well I'm honored to be a part of such a hallowed tradition", Steve smiled at the implication.
Day turned to night and they arrived at the venue. Steve looked out into the vast sea of empty seats and imagined them filled with screaming people. Eddie gave him a quick tour of backstage and even let him come up on the actual stage itself.
"Can't believe you actually perform like this, I could never."
"Oh I was born to entertain", Eddie grinned. And tonight, he planned on showing out. It would be Steve's first time, seeing and hearing them live. His blood pulsed as the hour got closer.
Show him my talents. Show him I'm worthy. Worthy to be his alpha.
Steve was all set up in the green room but of course had a pass that allowed him to roam backstage if he pleased. The boys also used the space to get ready for the show and he saw that they all had a pin with a horned red demonic head.
"What's this?", Steve asked, fiddling with the pin on Eddie's vest.
"Something from our old high school club. Keeps us from forgetting our roots."
"That's...really sweet." They'd known each other for so long. Steve was realizing how incredible it was that he'd been allowed into the fold like this.
The show finally started and at first, Steve watched a feed from the green room. He'd listened to a few songs but it was still a surprise to hear the way Jeff growled into the mic. It was hard for him to take his eyes off Eddie though. And soon, watching from a TV, no matter how clear the image was, wasn't enough. He put in the earplugs Eddie had given him and he left the green room.
Like a magnet, he went to the wings of the stage, still mostly hidden, but he could see everyone in the band from where he was standing. The crowd was a sea of energy and Eddie looked like there was no place he'd rather be. That is until he caught sight of Steve. His feet were frozen in place now but his hands kept moving against the guitar.
Steve bit his lip, thinking about how those same fingers moved on his body and made him sing in much the same way. Tonight he was going to give this man the ride of his life. His thighs rubbed together just thinking about it and Eddie's eyes caught the movement. Then his gaze met Steve and Steve just winked coyly.
The song ended and both of them were brought back to the present moment. Taking a breath, Steve took a step back and returned to the green room. It was a lot, being right there. He couldn't imagine how it must feel to actually be on stage. The concert went on and after thanking their fans for a stellar time, Corroded Coffin bid them good night. Eddie was the first one through the door which was good because Steve had been standing right behind it.
"Well?", he asked, wrapping his arms around the omega.
"You guys were great! Incredible!"
"Aw shucks, you're just sayin' that", Gareth smiled.
Steve was saying something in response, but Eddie only caught part of it. He was always keyed up after a good performance and needed something to help him burn off the extra energy. Usually in the form of an after-party or sex. He nuzzled at Steve's neck, holding him close. He did good. Steve thought he'd done good. No, he said great. Incredible. Steve had even come to see him with his own eyes. And he'd gotten turned on watching him play, Eddie knew it. He'd responded to his call.
"Are you, are you scenting me?", Steve asked quietly.
Eddie paused. They always carried each other's scent for a little while after sex, but this had been more purposeful. Eddie finally recognized the familiar itch under his skin and pushed Steve away, nearly throwing him at Grant.
"I gotta go", he said, leaving the room quick as lightning.
"What was that all about?", Steve asked, looking to the others. But they were just as confused as him.
Chrissy came in just about a minute after, her face like stone as she closed the door behind her. "The schedule's going to need some adjusting", she said. "Eddie just went into rut."
Part 8
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jaevie · 7 months
Midday Reverie
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Pairing: omega!Jaehyun x alpha!reader
Genre: Enemies to lovers (kind of), omegaverse, slow burn, smut.
Word count: 22.5k
Summary: After moving to the countryside to protect himself from hunters, Jaehyun is finally content: not only he lives away from omega stereotypes, but manages to get himself a job at the local sex shop. Everything is perfect until a huntress comes to town — one that, much to his surprise, is an alpha. And his mate.
Warnings: If you’re big/educated on omegaverse, know that I made the pairing a little non-traditional, with female alpha being able to get impregnated by a male omega. For smut, expect oral and unprotected sex, biting, scenting, toys, shibari, and extreme emotional involvement. This fic also contains mentions of death and descriptions of violence.
N/A: Wow, this was finished way faster than I intended. I hope you enjoy it! ♡
© This fic is an original work by jaevie, 2023. 
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After years of running and hiding, Jung Jaehyun could say that, for once in his life, he was happy, safe and free.
The countryside observed his absolute content — a young man with a serene complexion, glasses on his nose and thick black hair caressed by the sea-scented wind — as he walked downtown. Attracted to beautiful things, the sun petted the top of his head. Even the soothing landscapes kept an eye on him: the historical houses carved into the hills, the imponent cliffs, the flower fields extending their arms into the horizon, and the never-ending ocean who occupied itself leaving giggly pecks on the shore, a kiss marked by the whitest foam.
The small town Jaehyun had chosen to live in was graced with more than natural beauties, as a colorful village thrived in the middle, very similar to an artist’s canvas. Medieval but also vibrant, with several shades of bricks decorating the buildings, streets and squares. The air was often dense with the smell of bread coming from the bakery, fresh pasta from the restaurants, and flowers from the shops.
It was such a lovely place. Perfect for an omega.
Although many hurtful lies had been spread about his kind, Jaehyun accepted the truth. He was a gentle soul, patient, understanding and sensitive to other’s feelings. However, he was not what others claimed omegas to be: so weak and submissive he would beg for love and affection; so unable to control himself his hormones would turn him into an animal. And finally, Jaehyun believed, with his entire heart, that he did not need to rely on an alpha to be happy or to find purpose in life. 
So when he noticed how cruel life could be, how omegas were treated unfairly and how the government was paying hunters to keep them under control, Jaehyun ran away. Thankfully, it worked out. 
The small bell on the door rang softly when he stepped in, finding his boss already inside the shop. “Good morning, Jae!” Haechan cooed, expressive brown eyes matching his big grin.
“Good morning!” Jaehyun put his bag aside, noticing a bunch of new boxes on the floor. “I see the packages arrived.”
“These are going to sell like water!” Haechan nearly jumped from excitement. Had he not been human, he was probably going to be an omega too. Sometimes, Jaehyun wished he could actually like Haechan: that the shop owner’s scent edged him on, and that Haechan’s gaze could make him blush. Things would be a lot easier if Jaehyun could fall for a human. “Here are the new plugs, the clit suckers are there, and these…” Haechan opened one of the boxes, removing a toy Jaehyun had never seen. It had two different ends connected by a string: a white vibrator and a clitorial sucker. Yellow, blue and pink flowers were imprinted all over it. Quite honestly, it seemed to match a little girl’s birthday party. “This is the revolution, my friend. It sucks the clit while the vibrator thrusts itself in.”
Jaehyun’s eyes widened. Technology was really wild those days. “Wow!”
“I know! People can use it on their own and with their partners. Amazing, isn’t it?” Then, Haechan handed the toy over. “Here, this one is yours. Use it and give me your opinion. We need honest, accurate reviews.”
Jaehyun swallowed, shifting uncomfortably on his feet as he felt the toy in his hands, rubbing his thumb against the smooth silicone. Perceptive as a fox, Haechan noticed his hesitation. “What’s wrong?”
“I don’t have anyone to try this with.” Jaehyun smiled without showing his teeth, dimples coming out shyly. 
“Well, my boy, you can always try. Go out tonight and find yourself a lady. You don’t have to marry her, just a night will do,” Haechan encouraged with gentle taps on Jaehyun’s shoulder.
Deep inside, Jaehyun wished he could explain that his nature was way more complex. He was an omega, and omegas sought to have mates for life. Someone they could trust and thrive with, someone to complement their skills, to be nice to them. To build them a nest and keep them nice and warm. But no one should know about his nature. It was only going to put him in danger. 
Laughing it off, Jaehyun kept his secret buried in his chest. 
Heachan left after checking the storage to meet the marketing agency he had hired, leaving Jaehyun by himself. It was nothing unusual. Most of Jaehyun’s days were spent at the shop, anyway. He put all his efforts into keeping everything neat and being as attentive as he could muster, recommending the best toys for what the customers looked for. There wasn’t a single question he would not reply. At the end of the day, people felt comfortable to open up and listen, because there wasn’t anyone more patient and gentle-mannered than the sex shop’s salesman. And, obviously, comfortable customers made bigger purchases.
That was one of the reasons Haechan loved having Jaehyun as his employee. The other reason was Jaehyun’s looks. He was like an angel, with peachy skin, lively brown eyes, manly eyebrows and broad shoulders; Jaehyun was tall, soft and polite, cultured and humble. Haechan could not even guess how many people in town had a crush on Jaehyun, but he guessed the sales increase after his hiring was not a coincidence.
That day went by as ordinary: Jaehyun’s playlist was on in the shop — slow, melodic R&B tones that got the customers asking the name of the songs —, and a few customers arrived to check on new products. The sun was warm and life was good. Average, ordinary. Jaehyun liked it like an anchor liked to sit at the bottom of the ocean.
But when the bell on the door rang its premonitive chant, Jaehyun lifted his face to meet with the end of his peace.
You smelled like fading into sleep beneath the hot sun. Like an alluring adventure, a midday reverie. Orange-like, passionate, summerly. A scent so confident and strong he instantly knew that you were an alpha and that he liked you more than he ever wished to like Haechan. His heart, so candied, desired nothing but to be delicately held by your hands.
You did not look like most alphas, though. You were shorter than Jaehyun, with the average silhouette of a woman. Driven by details, Jaehyun registered the thin silver choker on your neck, from which small diamond stars hung; he took in how your hair crowned your face like moonlight made the night a thousand times more alluring. He looked into your eyes, sharp and dazzling, eyelids so long snowflakes could be captured in them. And the black, long jeans you wore? The oversized suit that combined your powerful aura? You had his knees trembling. Jaehyun stared in awe as you walked inside the shop, exhaling confidence and authority, running those unforgiving eyes on the shelves filled with vibrators, dildos and plugs, until they landed on him.
You tilted your head with a playful grin on your lips. “What’s wrong with your jaw?”
Jaehyun immediately closed his mouth without realizing he had opened it in the first place, his cheeks burning like flames on a stove. “I’m sorry, miss.” Sorry that you were so beautiful and it felt so right to just look at you — and that his mouth salivated at how gorgeously you messed with his brain. “H-how can I help you?”
Your gaze was analytical, cold even through the layers of playfulness. Only then he told himself that you were an alpha, and alphas were not to be trusted. How would he know you weren’t one of those hunters that tracked omegas and forced them into submission? Jaehyun had been lucky in hiding, but he knew most omegas had an unhappy ending. If you were an omega and an alpha caught you, you were sent back to the capital, and once you were there, you were forced to mate with someone your heart did not choose. It was a hideous crime against everything Jaehyun believed in, and he mentally thanked himself for taking his suppressants. That way, you wouldn’t be able to feel his scent. You would not even know he was an omega. Hopefully. 
You stepped closer and closer, until Jaehyun could count the pores on your face. “I’m looking for a toy.” Your voice was velvety and calm, like a carpet that took him straight to the loveliest daydream. 
Jaehyun nervously fixed his glasses. “Any preferences?”
“I like the flexible and potent ones. Extra points if they’re cute,” you replied, leaning on the counter — your scent, stronger with your proximity, could intoxicate his every blood cell. Why did it sound like he could be the toy you were looking for?
“W-we have this one, it arrived today,” Jaehyun was close to sweating as he handed you the new toy. “This end gives you clitorial stimulation. And this other end is-“
“Perfect for penetration,” you interrupted, using your fingers to explore the end that resembled the shape of a cock. “Does it thrust alone?”
“Yes,” Jaehyun's rosy cheeks embarrassed him further. “Excuse me, miss,” he politely pressed the button to turn the toy on, swallowing when you wrapped your lovely hand around the girth that started moving back and forth in a short, strong speed. He should not be thinking the things he did. God, he should not. “It has five different types of potency too.”
You nodded with a smile that only made you twice as beautiful, so much it was a scandal. “I’ll take it.”
Jaehyun proceeded to wrap the toy box for you, putting it inside the shop customized — but still discreet — bag. When you handed him your credit card, he quickly registered your name, and knew he had to say something else or he was going to regret his silence forever. “Are you new in town?”
“Yes,” you nodded. “I was transferred from the capital.”
“Really? What do you work with?”
“I’m a huntress.” Your honest reply almost made Jaehyun choke on his own saliva, but for the sake of his being, he did not. “You might’ve heard it. Rebellious omegas are moving to small towns, and the government is sending alphas to track them.”
Fuck. How Jaehyun was able to control the absolute agony in his face was even unknown to him. “So you’re an alpha, then…” he hummed as though he had not known.
“Yes,” you grinned like an angel holding a knife on its back, like a snake hidden in the bushes. “You’re not an omega by any chance, are you?” Your tone was mocking: you both knew the chances of an honest answer were low, in case he really was an omega.
“Human,” Jaehyun lied.
“I envy you. Human population is rising, and we are going down,” you sighed. “We wouldn’t, if omegas had the decency to face their destinies.”
Your words were like a sting in his chest. In true honesty, Jaehyun wanted to argue. To tell you what people called destinies was nothing but a way to both control and hurt omegas and alphas. He wanted to tell you what he thought: that omegas had suffered enough, seen as only useful for sex, to stay back home and take care of the kids and the housework while alphas, especially males, ran wild and free. Jaehyun wanted to tell you that your opinion was not only wrong, but violent. It made his heart ache, how you were part of the system he despised. 
“I can imagine,” was all he said. 
Your eyes held his gaze for a few seconds, as though you were trying to see through him, your nose trained to smell his lies. But you said nothing, accepting when he handed you the bag. “Thank you, mister…?”
“Jung. Jung Jaehyun.”
“I’m Y/N, but you already know that.” With a smile, you turned around to leave. When your hand was on the handle, Jaehyun spoke again. 
“Miss, can I ask you a favor?”
“We still don’t have reviews on the toy you’re taking. With due respect, if you could write yours, so we can anonymously post it, I’d appreciate it.”
Jaehyun did not know how he mustered the courage to ask you that. Just like he didn’t understand how he resisted falling to his knees when you chuckled, frank and gorgeous and just made for him. 
“You’ll hear from me soon, Jaehyun.”
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Hidden into the dark embrace of the night, you were supposed to delight yourself in its secrets and maneuvers, but it was quite the opposite.
A cold drop of sweat ran down your temple as you squirmed on the bed. Another nightmare. It was as though you smelled the metallic notes of blood on your nose, dense and undeniable, while your mother, lying on the living room floor, tried to push the pup. Your fifth brother.
“He’s not coming out,” your mother insisted, her face salty with excruciating tears and laboring sweat.
Coldly watching from the balcony, your father sighed as if every word coming out of her mouth was made of pure, overreacting drama.
That night, after ten hours of pleading and sobbing, your mother and brother died on the cold floor. A pool of thick blood spread on the rug, and you were once again haunted by how your father told you to get it fucking off his face and clean it.
You woke up with a scream in your throat, that you swallowed harshly as sweat dripped down your nape. That nightmare was more frequent than you would ever like, and it repeated from time to time. 
There was no escaping from the things you had seen. There was no exit from the way of the world, how females were meant to breed and bring live to pups. It didn’t even matter if they were alphas, betas or omegas. No woman was safe.
Every day, you did what you did not to end up like your mother. As long as there were omegas to hunt, you were not going to be forcefully paired with a random man that seeked to impregnate you. You would rather hunt a thousand omegas than allow anyone to put a pup inside you.
Even the cute, polite omega you had met that afternoon. 
Jung Jaehyun. A name like sugary on your tongue.
Who was he trying to fool with those sweet eyes? Those plush lips, charming dimples, shiny black hair and his soft voice? Who was he trying to fool with that bewitching attitude that flourished right from the courteous and respectful garden of his heart?
You had come across attractive omegas before, with eyelashes so gracious that even the brattiness in their mouths came out alluring and dear, but it was different this time. Your heartbeat had been singing a different melody since you entered that shop, hoping to find another prey that would offer you a pleasing, feisty hunt. However, even the thought of Jung Jaehyun soothed your nightmare’s side effects, helping you focus on the devouring need to bring him to your arms and give him the world. A need so brutal it felt visceral. 
You wanted to show him how you looked naked. To see his jaw dropping again, and to show him the true meaning of warmth.
But you had a file on him, a long list of information: where he was born, where his parents lived, what money the government was going to pay you for his capture. You knew his background, a lovely child that wished to be a theme park designer, mom’s only child, the best in class. You also had the address of Jaehyun’s suppressant provider. 
All that information was like having a rope around his neck, a rope you were close to tightening in a firm, definitive knot. 
“You have to be fucking kidding me,” you chuckled bitterly, using your own blouse to wipe the sweat away from your face, and staring over at the sex toy on the bedside table, the same you had used as your head guided you back to him. His eyes, his hands, his lips.
You knew better than to give your heart any indulgence. Jung Jaehyun was your prey, and you were going to hunt him down.
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“So, how was your night? Found a lady to try the new toy with?” Haechan cooed excitedly as he welcomed Jaehyun into the shop the next day. 
If Jaehyun could give an honest answer, he would say that he put his vinyl records on, from Frank Ocean to Cigarettes After Sex, lit a musk candle, and counted how many suppressant pills he still had — everything so his mind would not chase you in its eternal longing for romance and belonging. You were a huntress, which severely compromised your morals and sense of judgment. It was so mean of you to do what you did, and still, Jaehyun wished you'd be gentle to him. A type of gentleness that put him to sleep and blew sweet air on his lungs — a type of care that was absolute, inviting and nesting. He wished you could build him a nest, with things that smelled like you, and bury him in your arms after a rough day. There was nothing else in the world that he desired as much.
“Not actually,” Jaehyun scratched his nape softly. “I preferred to stay home.”
“Ah,” Haechan’s excitement shrinked with himself, and he seemed smaller behind the counter. “I didn’t succeed either.”
Jaehyun’s eyebrows furrowed. “What happened?”
“I have not been in the mood lately, you know? Which is very weird, considering the way I am.” Haechan pouted, looking down at his hands. His sorrowful tone made Jaehyun come closer to rub his back in soothing circles.
“Don’t worry, Haechannie. We all have our phases.”
“What if it is not a phase? What if I have lost my libido forever?”
“So dramatic,” Jaehyun chuckled. “It won’t come to that. Give yourself time and be patient. You’ll feel ready again one day.”
Haechan nodded with slightly hopeful eyes, although his face still looked pouty. Slowly, his features allowed a bit of rage in. “What a shame! I need reviews for my shop and can’t even push myself to experiment with the toy I was the most excited about!”
Jaehyun mentally told himself to be quiet, but his empathy spoke louder. He couldn’t help it. Seeing people struggling was something he really hated. “We still can get reviews somehow, you know? I asked one of the customers that bought the toy to write us one.”
“You did what?!” Haechan stood up in shock. “Who did you ask?”
Jaehyun raised his hands in peace. “You don’t know her. She’s new in town. But don’t worry, Haechannie. I wouldn’t have asked her if she didn’t seem open.”
The owner seemed to calm down, but retorted suspiciously: “She’s probably into you. I bet she’s leaving a whole ass review with several details to make you think of her…”
“I don’t think so,” Jaehyun readily replied. 
“Why are you always so humble, Jae? Don’t you notice the effect you have on others?” Haechan sighed, then analyzed Jaehyun a little closer. “Unless… Unless you’re interested in her, that’s why you asked!”
As much as Jaehyun admired his boss, sometimes Haechan’s cleverness really got on his nerves. “Stop saying nonsense!”
“Your ears are red. You’re definitely lying! Come on, tell me everything about her! New in town, you said…?”
Disconcertedly, Jaeyun removed his glasses and rubbed his eyelids. “I’m not talking about her. Please, respect it.”
Haechan was about to stick his tongue out at his employee when the bell on the door rang and they both turned around.
And just like that, the sensation of summer was once again in Jaehyun’s lungs, the smooth moves of your hair bringing the soft notes of oranges to his sensitive nose — and this time, as he awkwardly put the glasses back on his face, Jaehyun thought he was actually going to die, because you walked in wearing a leather jacket that matched your biker gloves. 
You rode a motorcycle. It was just parked outside.
Holy shit, you were a fucking badass!
“Hi, Y/N!” Jaehyun was close to gagging, his ears turning twice as scarlet, like cherries. “How are you?”
“Hey,” you grinned gingerly, taking a moment to look at the young man right next to Jaehyun. “Perfect. You?”
“Fine. This is Haechan, he’s the shop owner. Haechan, this is Y/N, our new customer” he was quick to introduce you.
“Nice to meet you,” Haechan hummed in a tone that sounded almost like a seductive coo, which embarrassed Jaehyun a little.
“You have a lovely shop,” you smiled. “I just came back to tell Jaehyun I wrote the review.”
“Ah, thank you!” Jaehyun uttered. “You can send it to me and I’ll post it on our website asap!”
“With one condition,” you spoke, staring at him deeply. His eyes were sweet, but yours were menacing. “I’ll send it if you have dinner with me.”
Both Jaehyun and Haechan held their breaths. Your target blushed while his boss tried not to jump around in a supportive display of happiness, content that his reserved and discreet employee finally had the chance to go out with someone he was interested in.
Jaehyun, on the other hand, was nearly shock-circuiting, wondering if you really wanted to take him out or if it was all a strategy for you to find out if he was an omega.
But what could he do against the soul crashing desire to be with you? What will did he have against his own instinct? 
Denying you was not an option.
“Sure,” Jaehyun managed to reply. “I’ll be happy to.”
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Taking Jaehyun’s suppressant provider down was easily risked off your list. Piece of cake. The man, a neat guy named Jaemin, offered little resistance when you knocked on his door, which led to you finding his hidden lab and the several suppressants he stored in the garage. Jaemin was quickly sent to jail right after.
Without suppressants, Jaehyun would be unable to hide his scent. He was probably going into heat too, when the time came; heats were usually so ferocious and ruthless he was going to give you all the evidence required to send him back to the capital as an omega. That was how you planned on catching him.
Of course, as you faced him at the lovely street restaurant, with candles burning on the table and the moonlight rays blessing your encounter, he did not know you already had planned his downfall from start to end. You pitied him. You pitied everyone. But it had never stopped you from doing your job.
“This is one of my favorites in town,” Jaehyun looked at the restaurant facade, with an angelic arch of light blue flowers surrounding the wood doors.
“Glad I picked the right place,” you replied, sipping on white wine. “How long have you been living here, if I may ask?”
“A little more than three years.”
“And are you happy?”
Jaehyun nodded without hesitation. “More than when I lived in the capital. Here, life goes by slower. There’s no traffic and the violence ranges are lower than average. I’m closer to nature too. I really like listening to the birds sing when I wake up.”
There they were again, his sweet eyes. His plush lips, charming dimples, shiny black hair. 
Your inflamed desire to give him everything he could possibly have,
“Adorable,” you smiled. At that very moment, one of your colleagues, Taeyong, was breaking into Jaehyun’s house to get rid of his suppressants. Dinner had just been an excuse to bring Jaehyun out. Or so you liked to think. “I suppose you enjoy the people too, besides the lifestyle. Your boss seems to be a lovely boy.”
“Haechan?” Jaehyun’s eyes widened as he winded up some spaghetti on the fork. It caught your attention, how smooth and lovely his manners were in his structure, with long slender fingers and defined muscles on his arms. “He’s my friend, that’s all. But yes, he’s really cool.”
“It must be fun, working at a sex shop…”
He chuckled, looking exceedingly cute in those reading glasses, with a smile so pure and genuine you wanted to kiss him. It ached, being in his presence and knowing you could not make him yours, like a true alpha did to an omega.
“I thought so too, when I was hired, but now I just focus on helping people find what they want,” Jaehyun explained, seeming a lot more comfortable around you. He had barely touched his wine, so you could not blame it on alcohol. Maybe he was just a sweet and outgoing communicator. “It’s impressive how sex toys can assist us. They make couples grow closer and help people who are discovering what they like, and even those who are facing sexual traumas. I really like what I do, it makes me feel important.”
Shit. He was really adorable.
“What about you?” Jaehyun continued. “Are you enjoying the town?”
“Kind of. I love the capital, but it is nice here too.”
“Is the hunt going well? I mean, did you find any omegas?”
“None,” you replied, trying to suppress how his boldness surprised you. “They’re getting harder to catch.”
Jaehyun looked down at his fork. “Maybe… Maybe they don’t want to have a miserable life, you know?”
Softly, you clenched an eyebrow. “How so?”
“I mean, think about yourself. You’re an alpha. Aren’t there any responsibilities that come with the title that you wish you could avoid?”
“There are, that’s why I’m hunting,” you honestly replied, feeding from the curiosity in his gaze. “As long as I’m working, I won’t be needed in reproductive matters.”
Jaehyun’s eyes squeezed. “So you hunt omegas and send them back to serve the same matters you personally run from?”
“Hypocritical, right?” you hummed nonchalantly. “But it is them or me, and I’ve made my decision a long time ago.”
Jaehyun bit the inside of his cheek. How complex it was, to comprehend one’s motivation. “Do you really think that’s the only solution?”
“Well, if you have a better one, I’m all ears,” you tightened your eyes at him, chewing on a buttered rigatoni. “You have a very determined opinion, for a human.”
“I’m interested in social subjects. I think societies can be more equal and gentle.”
Of course he did.
“I bet that’s motivation for selling toys too,” you guessed. Alphas, betas and omegas tended to only have sex with their mates when they had the chance; if they had not found their mates, sex toys were the best substitutes, and offered some kind of relief. “Tell me, how many omegas have you attended lately?”
“Is that why you wanted to have dinner with me? Because you think I’m turning my customers in to you?” Jaehyun firmly replied.
“Not really. I can always use some help, but you don’t have to tell me. And relax, I’m not here to investigate you. The review was only an excuse for me to get to know you a little better.”
Jaehyun blinked behind his glasses. "Did you like it? The toy?"
“Yes, I was really impressed” your eyes analyzed him like a fox eyeing a distracted white rabbit. You leaned over, and he immediately pulled his face closer to yours, as if you were going to tell him a secret. “What I liked the most about it was that the thrusting end firmly stays in, like a true knot.”
If Jaehyun had any wine in his mouth, he would have spat it out. But he did not, and even then, the poor guy choked on his own saliva, coughing inside his closed fist as you pretended not to be entertained. You rubbed his arm gently, like you were not trying your best to have him crumble in awe for you. “Did I say anything wrong, Jae?”
“N-no,” he shook his head, tears filling his eyes. “I just swallowed saliva and it went wrong. I’m sorry, Y/N. I really imagine that’s a huge thing for an alpha.”
“It is,” you agreed while handing him a glass of water. Your eyes then averted from his face, landing only for a second on his jeans, where an imposing volume outlined the zipper. Much to your surprise, the sight of his hardness made you damp on your panties. Fuck. You were turned on too, and Jaehyun was going to smell it. Well, let him. “Feeling any better?”
He nodded, trying to keep his eyes sober as he detected your arousal, looking almost lightheaded as he grabbed his fork back and went back to eating.
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When Jaehyun got home that night, he felt like he was going to explode. His heartbeat frantically jangled in his ears, his eyes blurred with overwhelming tears, his pants tightened with the fantasies of his lifetime. Unsure, his mind was like a matryoshka doll, with layers of thought unraveling as he tried to figure out whether you intended on seducing him to yourself or on capturing him as an ordinary, worthless prey.
You. You were going to be the end of him. And he was going to very much let you.
Minutes after he arrived, his cell phone screen lit up with a new email notification. You had sent your review.
In the speed of light, Jaehyun clicked on it.
“It's different from any toy I've used. Heavier, too. I was unsure the clitorial stimulation was going to work out, because the nozzle was larger than my clit, but it fit just fine. I just had to keep my lips spread. The clit sucking end feels like someone is really sucking on your clit, moving their tongue up and down. That alone would make an amazing toy. But the moment I slid the other end inside, it was mind-blowing. My walls immediately clenched, and the combination of the pressure with how my muscles squeezed the toy was stupidly good. It reminded me of the feeling of being penetrated for the first time. Worth every penny.”
Jaehyun tried breathing as usual, fighting against the sinful images of you all naked, with your glistening pussy tightening the toy as it thrusted inside you. He tried shaking away the thoughts of your body squirming on the bed as your clit was sucked and your legs shook, your irresistible face contorted in the sweet bliss and pleasure the toy offered you.
Bravely, he fought the painful desire to touch himself. Until he remembered you said the toy resembled a knot, and fuck, Jaehyun wanted to give it to you: to be inside you, locked in, tied to you until you were both satisfied.
His permissive hand traveled down his navel. Just a little relief wouldn’t hurt, would it? He could have some fun, alone, without anyone knowing…
The remaining pieces of morality injected some reasoning into his brain. 
He grabbed one suppressant pill from his wallet and swallowed it down with a sip of water — the glass had shaken helplessly in his hand on the way to his mouth. With a quick look, Jaehyun noticed he only had another six pills. His heat, too, was close, dangerously now that you were close to him. Heats, he remembered with a shiver, could be triggered by the presence of a soul bonding alpha, and even if Jaehyun resisted the thought that you could be his mate, it was definitely time to refill his wallet.
Taking a deep breath, he reached for the bedside table drawer. His heartbeat nearly stopped when he didn’t find the blister packs. Denying what he had already concluded, Jaehyun searched under his bed, in the bathroom cabinet, and even in the kitchen, but his pills were nowhere to be found. He knew what it meant. 
As his heart cracked in more pieces than it was made of, Jaehyun knew you were hunting him.
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“What do you mean Jaehyun isn’t here?” you clenched an eyebrow at Haechan, who pouted. He looked pretty much like a purry cat,
“He called in sick. Said he's got a fever. Was he well when you last saw him? You went on a date earlier this week, didn't you?”
“Oh, he sent me the review, by the way! Thank you so much, the details will definitely help.”
You couldn't tell if Haechan's words were mocking, or maybe he was just playful. “Not at all,” you hummed, leaving the shop without further conversation. 
It was weird that Jaehyun had not sent you a single text after your encounter. Maybe he was too idiot to make a move after you told him about the knot thing, or perhaps he had found out that you were after him.
[Haechan just told me you're sick. Need anything?] you texted shortly after jumping on your bike to ride home. Your text was not delivered, much less seen.
Impatiently, you started worrying something had happened. You knew his address, but Jaehyun had never told you where he lived. Knocking on his door meant exposure. Shaking the idea away, you attempted to find distraction in a long bath that left your skin flushed, your fingers wrinkly like plums. Still, your mind restlessly played you like a chess, awakening your impulsiveness. What if Jaehyun needed help? What if he was sick indeed? What if he was… 
Oh, so you did care about him. 
“Screw it!” you resolved, readily standing up from the tub and leaving a trail of determined drops where you stepped, heavy and firm.
You rode as though you were late to a crucial event, your cheeks burning in touch with the cold breeze as your bike cut the night like a deadly knife in a birthday cake. In your ears, the beat of your heart musically revealed the bitter sensation of despair. Your plan was perfect. Jaehyun was perfect. You could not let him slip between your fingers.
However, when you got to his house and the lights were off, you knew he had.
He had run away from you.
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For three days, you did not hear anything from Jaehyun. He did not leave a trace, not a merciful clue, as if he had never been there. The only connection between you and him was named Haechan, and his purry presence did not make those gut-wrenching days any less sore. 
Every waiting hour left a bitter taste on your tongue. You walked on a tightrope, and emptiness was a blade that cut it thinner. Somewhere in the middle, you were unable to know if you wished to find Jaehyun to kiss or to torture him. All you knew was that you had failed both as a hunter and an alpha. You even had the hypocrisy to feel offended that he left, because, by leaving, he was denying you and everything you could be.
They said that when an alpha crossed ways with their omega, they felt like giving them the world. Like protecting them with the strength of their arms and the sharpness of their minds. It was what being a mate meant: a strong and undeniable bond, crafted by the angels of love and desire, to create roots so firmly into the ground that no one and nothing could stand between them.
You lied to yourself by thinking Jaehyun was all about the hunt. Deep inside, you knew he was far more than that. You knew your anguish and anger meant you hated that he was far away from you.
[No sign of him?] 
[Not a shred.] Taeyong texted you back.
You wanted to scream, but decided to have a pistachio ice cream by the beach instead, angrily kicking the rocks with your feet as the sun shone — as though it had any reason to.
Where the fuck was him? Where the fuck was your omega?
How quickly you grabbed your phone after it vibrated on your pants pocket was insane. “Got any news?”
“Yes, Jaehyun’s back!” Haechan replied.
At daylight's speed, you ran to the shop. The purple shadows of dusk covered your hurried pace, legs burning all the way down the dark paths of your desire, your voice demanding under your breath when you walked in. “Where is him?”
Haechan readily got up, motioning for you to come with him. “In the back.”
Obediently, you followed him like a dog after a treat. It was only when you were inside the room where Haechan stored the toys that you noticed something was awfully wrong. However, you had no time to act on it.
Haechan had already handcuffed and locked you inside. 
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What happened next was something you would never imagine. The purry but also mischievous Haechan really commanded you around. 
“You have to stay silent if you want to see Jaehyun,” he explained while blindfolding you. Needless to say he had already grabbed your phone and you were helpless, unable to call for help. Not that you would make a scandal, because now you were curious what that was all about. “I’ll drive you to him, but you have to behave.”
“When this is over, I’ll come to get you,” you growled, even though you did not mean what you said. 
It was night when Haechan led you to a car, putting you on the back and cuffing your ankles too. “Why are you doing all this?” You asked calmly. If Jaehyun had planned all that, you knew you did not need to fear. “Can’t you be civilized?”
Even if you couldn’t see him, you swore Haechan rolled his eyes. “I don’t trust you, Y/N. You’re mean and manipulative, and I’m just doing this because Jaehyun wants to talk to you. But I’ll do it my way.”
Exactly like you had suspected.
Much to Haechan’s delight, you managed to stay quiet for the whole trip. Not knowing where you were going to really bothered you, your instincts found such helplessness absurd, but you knew it was going to pay off if you saw Jaehyun again.
It took hours. And hours. But you finally arrived. 
Haechan led you to what seemed like a house, and soon enough you were alone in a room, sitting on a chair. After a few minutes, your senses captured another presence, and the way your heart soothed told you everything you needed to know.
You felt some strange type of relief shivering down your spine, and said nothing. Let him speak.
“I hope the cuffs are not too tight. Are they burning?” Jaehyun asked, and you could have moaned at the mere sound of his voice. 
“Oh, you made such a fool out of me… And now you’re trying to be gentle,” you chuckled sourly. 
“I’ve always been gentle,” Jaehyun retorted. “But you were hunting me, and I’d rather make a fool out of you than fool myself.”
“I can’t make fun of that. Can I see, please?”
Jaehyun readily complied, removing the blindfold. You tried opening your eyes, but sunlight caught them unprepared. Slowly, as your eyes adjusted, you noticed Jaehyun was in an armchair right in front of you. He looked at you worriedly. His presence had you so focused you only noticed you were in a living room seconds later.
“What’s your plan now? Turn me in to the rebels?” you asked. There were illegal communities of beta and omegas who had rebelled against the capital. 
“No,” Jaehyun said. “I want to talk to you. Omega to alpha.”
“All this for talking?” You nearly spat, a strand of your hair landing on your face.
Gently, Jaehyun leaned over to tuck it behind your ear. “I didn’t know how you were going to react, Y/N. You had all the power back then, and I needed to make sure I was not at risk. I told Haechan to be nice to you. I really meant no harm. I’m sorry about that..”
You breathed. “Go on. I don’t think there’s anything else I can do but listen.”
“I want you to listen openly. I know I’ve deceived you, but I really want us to get to an agreement. That’s why I brought you here.”
You let his words sink in, sure you looked quite ridiculous, all cuffed, unable to defend yourself. “Why, Jaehyun?”
His eyes almost faltered, but did not leave yours. “Because I like you.” 
As if you were in middle school, your heart beat so fast it could have climbed up your throat. How silly it was, to be liked. To be adored, admired, to be wanted around. How stupid it was, to be responsive to one’s liking. To think you had finally found your mate after years of loneliness and pain, divided between who you truly were and who you could have been.
It was almost cruel, how Jaehyun messed up with the roughness it took you years to build.
His hands shook. Your scent in such a closed, small space was making it harder for him to think. “I’ve liked you since the day you first walked in the shop. I know you’re hurt by your own status, just like I have been, and I think I can help. Please, Y/N, let me offer you a different point of view. Let me convince you you don’t have to hurt others to be happy.”
“You lied to me. You and bloody Haechan.”
“You lied to me too. You’ve even stolen my suppressants, which is far worse in my humble opinion,” Jaehyun reminded you with the calmest of tones. “But I am here, ready to give you a second chance. All I ask is for you to give me one too.”
You simply stared at him. Your eyes resembled a sky that had both light and heavy clouds, with glimpses of sun and rain. An intrinsic inner battle. Finally, you acquiesced with your chin. “Go on.”
Jaehyun fixed his glasses before speaking. “I know I’m more than a pup maker. I have dreams. I want a good life, with friends I can count on, a life where I can be safe and have the same rights as anyone else. And if I ever have pups with someone, then it will be because we both agreed on it,” he breathed, sincerity dripping from his lips like wine. “That’s why I ran away and why I will not let you hunt me that easily. I don’t know what happened to you, but I’m sure life as a female alpha takes a heavy toll. Whatever you went through, you deserve healing. You deserve to be heard and validated, Y/N. It is not others that dictate how you should live. What you want matters.”
His entire speech was like seeds of roses planted in the confinements of your chest. “How we should live is beyond us,” you spoke skeptically.
“Only because you choose to believe so,” Jaehyun disagreed. “If I had, I would certainly not be here. If you do, you’ll see hurting others is not your only option.”
How could Jaehyun be so understanding, so forgivable, so lovely? How could he offer you a chance of redemption? It amazed you. Badly. You breathed every particle of the room inside your lungs, so deep it was the first time you smelled the musky, leathery scent coming from the man in front of you. 
The suppressants’ effects… They were low. Almost non-existing.
Jung Jaehyun smelled like the rawest of desires.
“If I decide to trust you, what’s it going to be?” you asked, pretending you were not lightheaded.
“We leave here together,” Jaehyun proposed. “And I promise you’ll have all the safety you need by my side.”
Most alphas would have laughed at the perspective of finding safety on an omega, but you did not. You tasted it. How good it would be, to have someone you could rely on. Someone patient, strong, who added to your dreams and aspirations. Someone you could be yourself with. 
Your eyes softened, your wrists relaxing inside the cuffs. “Let me go, then.”
“Do you really accept it?” Jaehyun carefully confirmed.
The air stood dense between you two, hanging like a sword on a wall, an icicle on the top of a cave, and also like a gentle caress coming from a waiting hand. 
You nodded. “I do.” 
He stood up and approached the chair slowly. As his hands uncuffed you, you paid attention to the slenderness of his fingers. His musky scent was messing up with your head, your veins pumping blood to your lower body, even though you resisted the natural urge to touch Jaehyun whole as he uncuffed you like a real gentleman would. 
Once you were free, he gazed at the reddened skin of your wrists. In an act that apparently was beyond any reasoning, Jaehyun gently brought them to his lips, pressing a chaste kiss to where the metal had left a slight burn. 
Your lips shook with the force of your breath. The man was crazy, a soft freak and a lord all together. With every passing second, you wanted him more and more. Holding his silky gaze, you mustered a grin before abruptly grabbing the hair on his nape and pulling Jaehyun down to his knees.
His eyes widened in fear.
“You’re so fucking naive,” you scolded. “Next time, think twice before trusting an alpha. Not everyone is like me,” you let your grip loosen, helping him stand up once again. “Promise me.”
His pupils adjusted back into a soft gaze. “You scared me,” he admitted.
“That’s the idea. Promise me.”
“I promise. I’ll be more careful.”
It was what you wanted to hear. Slowly, Jaehyun’s fingers returned to the gentle, languid caresses on your wrists.
“I suggest you back off if you don’t wish to be claimed,” you sighed.
His eyes had darkened at your words, his Adam’s apple tensing as he pulled his hands away in a respectful manner. “As I said, I like you, Y/N. Genuinely.”
Affection was a new, alien thing to you. However, your instincts encouraged you to embrace it, even if at your own pace and time. 
“We both have instincts that can rush things. I’d be careful,” you explained, smoothly brushing his hair back. How the silky strands slid between your fingers felt like touching the clouds.
“You’re scared of love,” Jaehyun concluded, making you smile frankly.
“Aren’t you?”
“No. I’d happily give myself to a good alpha if we loved each other. I believe in long-lasting, healthy relationships.”
Your smile faltered. “I don’t think the world is ready for that, Jaehyun.”
“I don’t need it to be.”
You averted your gaze to the window. There was a sunny road outside, with few cars passing. 
Minutes ago, you decided to leave the house. Jaehyun took you to a car, an old yet functional Chevy Impala.
“Where’s Haechan?” you asked.
“In his parents’ house. He was born here.”
You hummed, getting into the passenger seat. “He won’t be coming back with us, I hope?”
“No,” Jaehyun shook his head, already in the driver seat. “Also, don’t be mad at him, Y/N. He didn’t know I was an omega until I found out you had stolen my suppressants. And as weird as it was, Haechan was very willing to help. We thought it’d be better to take you somewhere far away, because you’d have less advantages.”
“I might forgive him for a few things,” you cooed, then looked over as Jaehyun started the engine, his fingers grabbing the wheel firmly. “What about your suppressants?”
“I’ve got a few more left,” Jaehyun replied. “But since you stole all of my supply and Jaemin is probably in prison now, I have to be careful.”
“Didn’t have any luck finding another provider?”
“As if I’m telling you,” Jaehyun chuckled. 
You laughed along. “It’s my job, you know that, right?”
“Yeah,” his tone was slightly more serious now, as he drove through the peaceful streets. “What did you do before hunting?”
“My dad had a law office. I studied law too, but never quite liked it.”
“What do you like, then?”
You caught your breath, your voice two tones lower, almost inaudible. “Baking.”
Jaehyun’s eyebrows lifted in sweet surprise. “Like, baking bread?”
“Baking cakes. I’m really good at it,” you admitted, looking down at your hands. You had always been ridiculed because of your hobby. Your father, brothers and sisters constantly accused you of wasting your time with such stupidities. Alphas were born for high power positions: politicians, lawyers, doctors, CEOs… But baking cakes? That was a job for omegas. The weakest of the weak. You were taught that, even if you did not fully agree. The only person who supported you was your mother, because she expressed her love through the awesome, homemade dishes she cooked. However, as your mom had passed and you grew older, you preferred putting your efforts into something more socially accepted than to perceive the distant dream of having a bakery — even if you felt truly accomplished whenever you looked at a cake you had baked.
“That’s so nice!” Jaehyun encouraged. “What’s your best cake?”
Your heart fluttered at his genuine curiosity, making you bite the inside of your cheek. “Pistachio.”
“I love pistachio!” the man cooed excitedly. “I’d like to try it if you're okay with it.”
“I haven’t baked in forever,” you mentioned.
“Well, you have time now that you don’t have to hunt me,” he chuckled. 
As the morning turned into afternoon and the sky was outlined with purple clouds, you noticed Jaehyun had driven considerably. By the corner of your eye, you caught him yawning sleepily. Shifting in the passenger's seat, you hummed. “Let me drive for a little.”
“I’m fine.”
“You want me to trust you but can’t trust me?” you pricked. 
Jaehyun fixed his glasses. Such a cute habit he had. “Well, you’re the deadly one.”
“What you did to me can easily be considered kidnapping, Jaehyun.”
“But you know it was not like that, right? I mean, do you feel kidnapped?” he asked to be sure, making you chuckle.
“People have done worse things to me. Come on, let me drive.”
“Don’t worry,” he insisted. “What worse things?”
“I might tell you one day.”
You waited for the purple sky to turn dark with sparkling stars. You waited for the breeze to turn colder. You waited until Jaehyun just couldn’t take it anymore. 
“Get some sleep,” you encouraged as you changed seats, holding his cautious gaze. “It’s fine, Jae. Trust me.”
Stubbornly, Jaehyun fought his own tiredness even after you were driving. His eyes got swollen from tiredness, his yawns became more frequent, and he pinched his own cheeks in an attempt to stay awake for a little longer, as if he feared you were going to disappear if he slept. 
But it was quite the opposite, because when he finally closed his eyes and peacefully slept on the passenger seat, you knew you never wished to stay away from him.
The flowers swayed with the wind, and so did his hair. Jaehyun had not remembered arriving to the fields, but we couldn’t care less about the reason: you were right by his side, and it was all that mattered.  “These are beautiful.” With a grin, you leaned closer to smell an orange tree flower. The hot shades of sunset matched you like an artist’s masterpiece, Jaehyun thought while relishing in the image of you acting so free. He wished nothing but to let you be.
“Just like you,” he whispered, another lovely flower blossoming between his fourth and fifth ribs.
You straightened yourself, coming closer to him and swiftly removing the glasses from his face. Jaehyun almost forgot how to breathe with you so close, your orange perfume making his head spin, his fingers shaking in nervousness. Your face got closer, and closer, and then…
And then he felt a hand on his shoulders, shaking softly.  “Jaehyun,” your voice called, but did not come out of the image in front of him. “Jaehyun, we’ve arrived. Wake up.”
Untangling himself from his dream, Jaehyun swore the oranges still smelled fresh on his nose, and that he could feel the temperature of your breath against his cheek. It was just wishful thinking, though, because you were sitting on the driver seat. It was dark night and the car was parked right in front of your house.
“For how long did I sleep?” he cleared his throat, relieved that you were both back in town.
“Not enough,” you replied shortly. “Take some rest tonight.”
“I'll try to,” he breathed. Oranges. Oranges everywhere making him crave you like the trees craved the rain to flourish. “Can I see you tomorrow?”
“You can.” You opened the car door to leave, shivering when the piercing cold breeze hit your skin and thundered on your bones.
Extremely sensitive, Jaehyun jumped from the car and hushed to your side. Without a word, he removed his hoodie and handed it over to you. You stared in awe, eyes big with admiration and delight, as if he had achieved global peace or discovered the cure to every disease. “What’s that for?” you asked.
“I don’t want you feeling cold.”
“Jaehyun, I’m like, eight meters away from my door.”
“Eight cold meters.”
Slowly, you grabbed the piece of clothing. It was impossible that someone was that amazing and kind-hearted. You had never met anyone like Jaehyun before, and it made you feel something in your chest that was strange, foreign, almost agonizing. You could not name it.
You put the hoodie on in front of him, pretending not to notice his pupils widening at the sight of you wearing something his. The musk, leathery scent was all around you again, making you almost bounce on your feet out of excitement.  “Thank you,” you murmured.
“Not at all.” His features suddenly changed, as though he remembered something. “Ah, here’s your cell phone,” Jaehyun grabbed it from his back pocket, and your fingers brushed when you took it in your hands. “Sleep well, Y/N,” was the last thing Jaehyun said before entering the car to drive to his house — only after you had come inside, of course.
You locked the door and pressed your back to it, closing your eyes as though you needed the dark and the silence to absorb everything that happened in the past hours. Jaehyun had maneuvered you in ways you couldn’t possibly imagine, and it was both revolting and pleasing. How willing he was to just be with you, with raw sincerity in his eyes, shook you to the core. It made your bones soft and your resolve like water, flowing, delicate, transpassing obstacles.
Such a weak alpha you were, afraid to act on what you truly desired.
Because it was clear, once you pulled the fabric of his hoodie to your nose, that you wanted him. That you were meant to be.
That he was your mate.
What you felt on your chest, you then knew, was hope.
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The next day, shortly after you woke up, your phone vibrated on the bedside table.
[Do you like picnics?]
[I do.]
[Great. I’ll pick you up at 1PM].
Punctually, Jaehyun knocked on your door. Punctually, you opened it, surprising him with two things. The first one was that he had never seen you dressed so casually, with high-waisted jeans, a plain black shirt and white sneakers, hair in a simple bun allowing the sight of delicate earrings hanging from your ears. The second thing was that you held a small tray in your hand, covered by a gingham cloth, that smelled precisely like pistachio.
“You baked? Seriously?” Jaehyun’s eyes widened, and he hid his gracious smile behind his hand, causing your heartbeat to quicken.
“If you’re going to act this fucking cute I’ll just leave the cake here,” you replied impulsively, unsure of how to deal with what sounded like praise.
“Please, don’t!” In a heartbeat, Jaehyun lowered his hand and straightened himself. Deep inside his chest bones, his heart fluttered. You had baked for him. “I just didn’t expect it. Thank you.”
You nodded somehow sternly. A little voice inside your consciousness blamed you for being so rigid.
“Come,” Jaehyun offered you a smile, stepping aside so you could follow him to the Chevy Impala.
“Where are we going?” you inquired.
“You’ll see.”
Surprises made you uneasy. As did not being in control. However, for Jaehyun, you made a little effort — you knew it was important for him to make decisions. Thankfully, it paid off, because the car rode all the way up the hills until it reached the top of a cliff. It was easily one of the most beautiful sights you had ever put your eyes on, something only the countryside could offer, with sunlight rays dancing with the velvety waves, the foam kissing the beach like a devoted lover’s embrace.
“What’s wrong with your jaw?” Jaehyun chuckled, making you notice your mouth was agape. You also remembered it had been the first thing you asked him.
“This is beautiful,” you commented, the corners of your lips lifting in a discreet smile.
“It is, right?” Jaehyun sighed. The breeze lifted his hair slightly as he grabbed a basket from the backseat, and a towel that matched the cloth on your tray. He then proceeded to spread the towel on the ground and remove the things he had brought: homemade sandwiches with cheese, pesto and tomatoes, strawberries and peaches, orange juice and a local brand of chocolate you had never seen. You joined him, placing your tray on the towel and removing the cloth to reveal a small pistachio cake covered in buttercream. It might have taken you hours to get it done. “Let’s eat!”
You crossed your legs on the towel, reaching for the sandwich while Jaehyun poured you juice. As you took a bite, your mouth was filled with delectable flavorsome layers that reminded you of your mother. The care in each slice of cheese, the carefulness in dosing the olive oil for the pesto, and the perfectly smoked tomatoes sharpened your taste, causing your eyes to water. Uncontrollably, you chuckled out of joy.
Jaehyun joined you, a face so pure and glad it seemed to shine like the ocean waves. He was just… Just so soft-looking you wanted to squish his cheeks and kiss his forehead. “What? Is it good?”
“It kind of… It kind of reminds me of my mother,” you replied, comfortable enough to share something so private it weighed like a pirate’s treasure in your chest.
“Really? Does she cook for you?” 
You took another bite. “She did, when she was alive. I guess it was her love language. In fact, she was the only one who supported me baking.”
Jaehyun looked carefully at you. “I’m sorry. Losing her might have been hard.”
“The hardest thing I’ve ever been through,” you admitted, contemplating the ethereal sight in the harmonic horizon. It was only now that Jaehyun listened that you realized how badly you’d been wanting to talk about your mother, as if the filter between your mind and brain stopped functioning. How could you keep secrets from the only person destined to you? Mates shared. Mates understood. “She died while trying to give birth to my ninth brother.”
“How old were you?”
“Thirteen. That’s why I decided to work with anything that didn’t have to do with getting pregnant.” Your eyes, frank, held his gaze. 
Jaehyun nodded, and said nothing for a while. “How many omegas have you hunted, Y/N?”
“About a hundred.”
“And how do you feel about it?”
“It’s a heavy guilt to carry on my shoulder, but it does seem small in comparison to a lifetime being used for my body. I know it sounds hypocritical, and it probably is, but it was my choice,” you replied.
“I don’t blame you,” Jaehyun took a bite on the sandwich, using his thumb to wipe off the pesto at the corner of his lower lip. “It’s hard to see beyond the rules.”
“What about you? What’s your background?”
He took a deep breath. “I was born and raised in the capital. Went to a boy’s school. You know how alphas, betas and omegas had classes together, right? Since then I couldn’t understand why alphas always bullied others and got away with it. If I opened my mouth, I was arrogant and full of myself, but if an alpha spoke, he was powerful, opinionated, and influential. I was bullied a lot for just being me, you know? Of course I spoke back, so I was in trouble quite often, being threatened and stuff. My mom and dad were very supportive of me, we had to move a few times…”
Empathetically, you wondered what it meant for an omega to constantly move. They were highly adaptable, but sought for stability and safety.
“So when I heard that omegas were rebelling and moving to the countryside to build their own lives, I didn’t think twice,” Jaehyun concluded. “I’ve been happier ever since.”
“Your parents might be nice people,” you commented, reaching for a peach. “Do you miss them?”
“Everyday,” Jaehyun smiled. “I call them on a weekly basis, so we’re fine.”
“That’s lovely.”
“What about you? Do you keep in touch with your family?”
You shook your head. “I don’t speak to my dad. We’ve always been the perfect alpha family, but it came with a high cost. My mom was always pregnant, even when she was tired and getting too old to bear. Dad thought it was her job, and we did too. But now… Now I understand she suffered alone.”
The salty breeze gently touched your faces and clothes as you shared confidences. Jaehyun’s understanding soothed you. He made you feel at ease, like sharing your experience was natural and necessary. You liked it.
“You were just a kid, Y/N.”
“I know.” A small smile bloomed on your lips. “I try not to blame myself. All I want is to live differently.”
And that he understood. “I’d say the more we live differently, the more we show others that it’s possible,” Jaehyun said while slicing the cake. 
“You’re not wrong.”
It made butterflies fly in your stomach when he chewed on the cake with a content moan, his eyes closing and his eyebrows furrowing at the delicacy in his mouth. When his eyes opened again, Jaehyun’s brown irises reflected light as if the sun had set within his soul.
There were no words to describe that day but lovely, dear and sincere. You had never been on a date with someone before, at least not one where you saw yourself free from the norms of your status. There had been no need for you to be aggressive or demanding, like alphas were portrayed, and instead of playing the role of the needy submissive omega, Jaehyun was just… Normal. Respectful, wise, and so cool you admired him as a person.
You spent the entire afternoon sharing stories, talking about hobbies — he told you about his vinyls and you told him about baking — and contemplating nature. Time by his side seemed to pass two times faster.
“Thanks for today, Y/N,” Jaehyun smiled once you were in front of your door. “Thanks for trusting me and giving me a chance.”
“Thank you,” you emphasized. “I really had fun. Next time is on me.”
At your words, Jaehyun’s face lit up. You reacted too, your heart beating so fast you shivered, nearly forgetting how to breathe when his scent felt suddenly stronger to your heightened olfactory senses. He got so excited with the idea of you meeting again that his scent exhaled twice as freely. 
Even if you liked to think you mustered enough self control to resist him, your body surrendered to arousal in no time. You closed your eyes, clenching your hands into fists.
“Y/N, is everything okay?” You only registered Jaehyun’s worried tone before replying.
“You’re practically rubbing your scent on my face right now,” you admitted, aware that as an instant response, your pheromones started exhaling too, mainly from your neck and inner thighs. Your bodies functionated beyond your reasoning, blood running warm and fast, desiring to mate, to be tangled to one another. A biological necessity to be all over him, and to protect Jaehyun with tooth and nail. It was how scent glands worked, releasing pleasurable smells that expressed raw bodily and emotional needs.
Your eyes opened, trying to gather some control even though they were sedated by desire.
Jaehyun’s ears were once again red. “M-my heat is approaching,” he muttered. “And you’re close to me, s-“ Jaehyun stopped himself. Now, he smelled your scent twice as strong too, a scent that was alluring and dominant. Perfect for him. “Fuck, you smell so good,” he praised without noticing, mouth numb with craving.
Only God knew how badly you were trying to control yourself. “Go home, Jaehyun,” you said authoritatively. 
“Y-yes“ he stuttered, cheeks as red as his ears. “I should, right?”
“Absolutely,” you nodded firmly. “If you don’t want me to mark scent you, you fucking should.”
Jaehyun nearly grunted, both because of your intentions, and because of how seductive your voice sounded when you cursed. “What if I want to?” He asked. 
And you loved it. 
“You’re aware that mark scenting you can easily trigger your heat, right? And that your heat can cause me to go into a rut.” You reached for his wrist, simply holding it in place. Ruts had a similar purpose to heats, to find a mate and breed, even if contraceptive methods could keep you from getting pregnant. “That isn’t a nice idea, is it?”
“It’s a perfect idea,” Jaehyun challenged. 
“You’re playing with me,” you warned. “Even if I’m being nice and collected, I’m still an alpha. I can be dangerous, Jaehyun.”
His gaze pierced yours with the firmness of a grip, and you knew he was about to say something to break your resolve before he even opened his mouth. “What kind of danger my mate can possibly put me in?”
Snapping, your grip on Jaehyun’s wrist pulled him flush to you. Your chests collided and your breaths violently mixed before you grabbed the hair on his nape and tugged hard, tilting his head to the side. His exposed neck made you groan lowly, the musky scent directly wetting your undies. You had to mark him so bad it ached in your guts, and the moment you stuck your tongue out and gave a broad lick on his skin, your body shivered, your nipples hardened and your hip rubbed the volume in Jaehyun’s pants.
“Fuck, Y/N,” he trembled. 
“Shh, quiet” you instructed, in charge, breath blowing against the wet trail left on his skin. “Just feel it.”
You lifted your weight on the tip of your toes and rubbed your neck against Jaehyun’s, warm skin against warm skin. Parents scented their children, friends scented friends, packmates scented packmates — but scenting between mates was a whole different thing, an encounter of souls wrapped in animalistic bodies. It felt like your soul was touched for the first time, as you left your scent on Jaehyun’s neck, marking him as yours, telling others that he belonged to you. And he felt it too, a sensation so deep in his guts resembling the coziness of an established home. As though he never had to move in his entire life. Ever. 
It was so intimate you felt naked in front of each other. 
Slowly, Jaehyun’s hands found support on your waist. The grip on his nape softened, and soon he was rubbing his face against yours affectionately, cheeks brushing in a loving manner that made you flush. His heat was closer than ever, but this time it was different: heats usually led Jaehyun to lock himself in a room, surrounded by sex toys, a slave to the basic needs of his body to mate and find relief. However, with you he felt… Shit, he felt loved and taken care of, and it only amplified his craving. It was better, it was whole. It was mating.
“I love this,” he admitted.
You grinned, letting your nails scratch his neck gently. His cute shivers widened your smile. “Me too.”
Jaehyun wet his lips with his tongue. “Can I see you again tomorrow?”
You could not precise how exactly you loved that he did not intend on having sex with you that night. It was so much better that way, especially compared to the expectations of sexually aggressive alphas taking their pleasure as soon as possible. His question meant that you could take your time, because there was no running and hiding. You’d be together time and time again, until it felt like the moment was right.
“You can,” you chuckled, and yet another alien feeling assaulted your heart. 
You suspected it was called happiness.
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Hours later, you got out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around your body and the silliest of smiles on your face. The euphoria of finding your mate was real, so carved it could be felt in the flesh, like an iron bullet. Your heart, toughened by time, prejudice and rage, now opened its arms to enjoy a feeling so holy you could crown it as your favorite. 
You had a mate. And your scent was on him.
You could still feel Jaehyun’s perfume on you too, and all over the hoodie you had kept by your pillow, to smell him again and again.
For the first time in years, you were soft. 
“Whipped,” you accused playfully as you looked at your image in the mirror, wondering how Jaehyun was feeling at that exact moment. You wanted to know. So, without further thought, you grabbed your phone to text him — and you would have, if other messages did not steal your attention. Messages sent by Taeyong. 
[We found an omega pack hiding in a nearby city from where you are. 
We’re gonna need you to come with us, so backups were sent to help you with Jaehyun.
We’ll be there tomorrow.]
You swallowed thickly, your heart faltering, your hands shaking. It could not be. You could not let Jaehyun get caught. You could not lose him now.
Or maybe… Maybe you were being stupid risking your own life and position for… For love. 
Taking a deep breath, you started typing. 
[Appreciate that. See you tomorrow.]
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Jaehyun was God’s favorite. He was God’s most loved child, because only he was allowed to step in Her fluffiest clouds. The luckiest man alive, one of the few creatures that experienced love’s fingers opening him inside out.
And oh, it was almost killing him. 
He would do anything for you: walk for miles, cry for centuries, write your name in a paper for eternity... All the letters, time after time, carved in his wrists, his thighs, his bones. You were his and he was yours, as the lovely scent on his neck reminded him with each breath. Summer lived in him like it had never done before.
Now, he felt less judgmental of the omegas that craved for an alpha. Needless to say he was excited for what you’d do the next day after your date at the cliff, restless even, taking pleasure in the simple act of breathing, knowing you had left your scent on his skin. 
Scent marking an omega really could trigger their heats, and Jaehyun knew that his was lurking dangerously, ready to flourish. The signs left no doubt.
Firstly, he desired a safe space: somewhere with dim lighting, where he could surround himself with objects that smelled like you — shirts, pillows, your leather jacket and biker gloves, and even plushies, if you ever agreed to give those to him. His senses, too, were twice as sharpened: a primal state of animalistic instincts blooming along his consciousness, to protect him from undesired alphas. His mind was slightly hazy as well, and even if he was excited for your third date, the cold, feverish shivers running down his spine worried him.
He couldn’t surrender to his heat. Not now. Not when he was so determined to make you understand he liked you not because you were an alpha, not because he desired you sexually and biologically. Jaehyun needed you to understand he liked you, wholly, for who you were.
So, when you knocked on his door the following day, he opened it with blushy cheeks, bouncing on his feet out of nervousness.
“Jaehyun?” your eyes tightened. You looked fresh, hair swaying with the breeze, orange trees offering him shadow, calm, and absolute hell all together. “Are you going into heat?”
He groaned in frustration. “Then it is obvious.”
You looked around before stepping inside, closing the door behind your back. “I got new suppressants for you.” You opened your palm, handing him one of the blister packs he was so used to.
Jaehyun stared down at your hand. Even if he wished his heat could wait a little longer, your suggestion felt like a crime, especially now that you were there, in his home, gorgeous and strong. Why should he hold back? Why did he have to behave now that he could finally let himself go with you?
“I don’t want it.”
You blinked, surprised. “Sorry?”
“I don’t want it, Y/N,” he repeated, lifting his gaze to yours. “We don’t have to suppress our instincts anymore. We’ve found each other.”
Your breath was long and strong, strangely raspy. “Take these, just this time.”
“What is it, Y/N? Are you scared you’re going to hurt me? That I will induce you into a rut?” Jaehyun stepped closer, cupping your cheeks with his hands and looking deep into your eyes, trying to understand. “Are you scared you’re going to get pregnant? I’d never do that to you, Y/N. We can use protection.”
You closed your eyes shut as though his touch hurt. When they opened, it felt like you were both begging and suffering. Jaehyun could feel his body combusting, his blood running faster, a thin layer of sweat glistening in his forehead. “Jaehyun, please, you have to believe me. Promise me.”
Your words made no sense. 
“What are you talking about?” he asked with the softest of tones.
In one second, you had taken him down in a swift move. Jaehyun’s chest met the floor as you forced your knee painfully on his back, making him yell in surprise. His glasses slid down his nose to the floor. You took the chance to slide a pill inside his mouth, forcefully pressing the palm of your hand against his lips as he squirmed on the floor.
You… You were hurting him.
“Swallow,” you demanded coldly.
Out of fear, Jaehyun obeyed.
Why were you hurting him?
The metallic sound of handcuffs made his throat tight. It was hard to breath. Jaehyun looked over his shoulder, still slightly confused, his dear eyes vulnerable. He only fully understood what was happening when the front door of his house opened, and a male alpha looked down at him.
“It wasn’t that hard, was it?” the man chuckled, crossing his arms in front of his chest.
“Piece of cake,” you stood up, placing a heavy boot on Jaehyun’s back to keep him in place. Even your voice sounded different, distant. “He was practically begging to be fucked.”
Jaehyun’s heart… It broke in tiny little pieces, like glass poured all over the floor. The evidence of a slaughter.
“What won’t they do for pussy, hm? You really thought Y/N was into you? So many others did too…” The alpha male approached him, grabbing Jaehyun by the arm and helping him stand up. You stood right by his side, with the most devilish smile on your face.
When in heat, omegas were not helpless creatures, defenseless, sex slaves that submitted to anyone. They were primal, violent, and almost as deadly as alphas. So, once he was back on his feet, Jaehyun snapped. He took the male omega to his knees with only one kick of his legs, hitting his temple with the force of his knee. The man fell on his side, using his hand to support his weight precisely on Jaehyun’s glasses. Then, Jaehyun turned to you, and oh, he wished he could hurt you. He wished he could bite you raw, to bury his teeth into your neck and have you killed, but he could not. 
You were the worst person he had ever met, and yet Jung Jaehyun could not act as though he didn’t love you.
He fell to his knees, tears running down his eyes. “You…” he sobbed, eyes wet with crystal salt. “You’re awful.” And evil, and mean, loathsome, disgusting, vile… All those things you were. But Jaehyun couldn’t speak. His throat hurt.
The male alpha stood up with a grunt, and was about to retaliate when you raised your hand.
“What use is he if you damage his body? We’ve already got what we need, Doyun.”
The blurriness in Jaehyun’s eyes did not allow him to fully visualize how his capture went. He felt strange hands on his back. He felt someone kicking him inside a car, and knew that someone started driving, leaving the town behind.
You were not there anymore.
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Jaehyun had heard stories about omegas that were sent back to the capital. The hunters drove them to specific centers to get them tested and check their fertility levels. Said omegas were constantly watched, sleeping in cold cells until they were designated an alpha who matched their characteristics. However, even with the best attempts to match compatible alphas to omegas, it did not work out. It was not unusual for alphas to get hurt after trying to touch omegas: some were bitten like dogs, others scratched so deeply their skin bled, and others even carried scars, forever imprinted in their bodies. So, naturally, omegas were tied up while mating.
It was no different from rape.
Jaehyun wondered how you could have done that to him, just like you did to a hundred other omegas.
It was raining like it usually did in the capital, droplets falling through the skyscrapers, painted red, yellow and green from semaphores, shining neon on outdoors, as people went by as if nothing was wrong. Rats ate at the garbage in the sidewalks, the poor begged for food, and young girls and boys sold their sensuality at the corner of the streets, hovering seductively at the drivers who stopped at a red sign. Without the assistance of his glasses, the capital just looked darker than a nightmare, blurred and agonizing.
Jaehyun held back his tears. They were hard to swallow.
At least, the suppressant heat pill you had made him swallow was like a blessing.
But fuck you. Fuck you a thousand times!
He was never going to love again. Jaehyun was never going to be such an idiot. Such a naive fool.
He breathed hard under his nose, calling the attention of an alpha male that kept an eye on him. This one was smaller than the guy Jaeyun had kicked, with big doe eyes and blue hair.
“Hard time?” the man asked.
Jaehyun did not reply.
“I’m Taeyong,” the man insisted.
“Why would it matter what your name is?”
“Ouch,” Taeyong hissed. “It matters a lot. You’ll see.”
Jaehyun remained silent. He merely shifted on the seat, muscles tense and uncomfortable as his arms stood cuffed behind his back. 
A few minutes later, the car came to a stop, then proceeded to enter an underground garage. The driver, another alpha Jaehyun had not seen until that moment, jumped out before opening the back door.
“Get out, loser,” he commanded, and Jaehyun had no choice but to obey.
He was given white clothing — plain shirts, pants, socks and sneakers —, that he wore without a word. Then, Jaehyun was taken to a room where a female alpha asked him a few questions. Did he have any diseases? When was his last heat? Was he sexually active? Was he on suppressants? Generic or branded? Did he ever take a fertility test?
Jaehyun answered honestly, speaking calmly even if he had the worst headache, caused by the lack of his glasses. Whatever he said, he knew tests were to be taken to either prove or deny his words.
The female alpha took notes and handed Jaehyun a paper. “You’ll be taking medical exams tomorrow. Please be aware of the requirements.”
Next, the guards took him to a cell, neater than his imagination could muster, with a single bed and a small bathroom he could use. Fucking government money. While the poor suffered and starved, the government raised buildings like that one, keeping them clean and equipped.
One of the guards brought Jaehyun dinner, some stew with vegetables, and a plastic glass filled with grape juice. Jaehyun did not touch it, even if his stomach growled.
“You better eat on your own before I have to force you,” the guard warned. They both knew a meal was necessary for his medical exams to come out with correct results.
The last thing Jaehyun wanted was any type of violence. So he ate, even when his throat was so tight he felt barely like breathing. He ate obediently, like every omega stereotype he fought against.
When the sun rose and he had barely closed his eyes, Jaehyun was taken to the medical wing. Every detail screamed such hygienic excellence he wished to vomit on its torturing, endless whiteness.
The nurse took his blood. His urine.
“We’ll need your sperm now,” the nurse explained as he guided Jaehyun to a separate room. He was an omega too, a young boy. “What scents do you feel the most attracted to?”
A scent like fading into sleep beneath the hot sun. An alluring adventure, a midday reverie. Orange-like, passionate, summerly.
“None in particular.”
“It will be better if you collaborate, honey. You smell like oranges, but I sense it is a scent that doesn’t belong to you. Would it work for you if you smelled it?”
Jaehyun’s heartbeat quickened and his knees seemed to pull him down. It was sad, how he had lost hope in himself. 
Looking at his feet, he nodded.
The nurse opened a wardrobe that contained several rows of perfume bottles, all labeled with their respective scents. “I’ll apply some on you, and then you'll have some privacy. Just make sure to cum on this flask. Later, you can immediately take your suppressants, to stop any heat trigger.”
The flask weighed like nothing on Jaehyun’s palm. “Why do you do this? he asked the nurse.
“This what?”
“Why do you help the ones that violate you?”
The omega’s eyes clenched in confusion. “It’s our role. God made us this way, didn’t He?”
Jaehyun wanted to say God was nothing like that. God was something else. 
Something that reminded him of orange trees.
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The exams told no lies: Jaehyun was highly fertile, with a concentrated sperm that promised many and many pups to aid the population. That meant he had to be paired with a mate as soon as possible.
After two days in that cell, the guard came to take him out. “Time to meet your mate.”
So that would be it. Jaehyun was going to be matched with an alpha he had never seen before. Someone who was not you. He swallowed harshly as he stepped out of the cell, joining the guard on the way to the elevator. Every step he took towards his destiny ached.
And then, he heard a familiar voice. “What are you doing, huh?”
“Ah, Taeyong!” the guard exclaimed. “Is anything wrong?”
“Yes. The test results for this guy are wrong. Some confusion was made, you see. I have to take him back to testing,” Taeyong explained. “Mister Park’s orders.”
The guard politely stepped aside. “As you wish.”
“Come,” Taeyong hummed, placing a hand on Jaehyun’s nape to guide him over the elevator. But, at the last minute, Taeyong looked over his shoulder to make sure no one else was watching, and quickly pulled Jaehyun towards the stairs down to the parking lot. “Come on, we gotta be fast.”
“Fast for what?” Jaehyun asked.
“For escaping, dumbass.”
Wide-eyed, Jaehyun tried to listen to his intuition. He didn’t want to be naive again, and Taeyong was an alpha… But anything seemed better than to walk back and be paired with someone he did not love. So he did as Taeyong said, rushing to a black car and sliding into the backseat.
“Lie down. You can’t be seen,” Taeyong instructed as he sat on the driver’s seat.
“Where are we going?”
“Somewhere that’s better for you.”
Jaehyun lied down quietly as Taeyong drove. The car took a few turns left and right, getting to what seemed like a highway before Taeyong spoke again. 
“You can sit down now.”
“Can you tell me what the fuck is going on?” Jaehyun demanded.
“I’m taking you to the rebels.”
“The rebels? You mean omega rebels?”
“And alphas, as I am clearly. It's my job. I rescue omegas.”
“Is this some kind of joke?”
“I think you’ve had enough jokes,” Taeyong chuckled. “You can chill, Jaehyun. Everything is going to be fine.”
“Is Y/N a rebel too?” Jaehyun breathed hesitatingly. Your name burned in his tongue. His brain clenched in a mantra: Tell me she is. Tell me she is. Tell me she is.
“The best of our kind,” Taeyong grinned. “You didn’t think she was actually letting the bad guys take you, did you? It might have seemed so, because it took me more days to rescue you than I planned. I’m sorry, but it was really risky to take you out earlier. I need to take care of my reputation, you know? And Y/N is surely going to murder me the minute she knows I could not keep you from getting tested. Shit.”
Hopelessly, Jaehyun started crying. His sobs were like heavy clouds making it rain in his heart. He didn’t know he was crying because he wished to believe Taeyong, or because he already did — because, if it was true, if you really were a rebel, then you were perfect. Then you did everything in your will to give him a way out. Then there was a chance your love for Jaehyun was real.
“W-what, are you-” Taeyong frowned. “Don’t cry, man, I’m sensitive to others’ feelings.”
“I thought Y/N hated me,” Jaehyun sobbed.
“She’s crazy for you. She’s saved omegas before, and some even fell in love with her, but it was never reciprocated. When she knew the hunters were coming for you, she asked for my help, and here we are.”
And just like that, Jaehyun’s was God’s favorite again. “When can I see her?” he quickly wanted to know.
“It might take a few days. She was selected for a mission in a nearby city, so she’s gotta be careful now. I’ll let her know you’re safe when we get to the headquarters, okay?”
It was hardly okay. Jaehyun had been impotent and despairing for the past days, because he believed tooth and nail that you were the worst person ever. But now, your love for him made him feel empowered and ready to fight against whoever got in his way. He could not simply sit down and wait for you. He had to be with you. Ferociously.
“I have to see her. Please, Taeyong. Take me to where she is.”
Taeyong chuckled apologetically. “I’m sorry, buddy, but I only take orders from your mate.”
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You stared at Jaehyun's glasses, bent to your feet, the lens shattered in the shape of a cobweb where his happiness once shone. It was the grammar of your despair. 
He had said that you were awful, and even if you hoped he was going to soon understand why you allowed his capture, that word stung like an unbearable twinge of pain right in your heart. Seeing your mate hurt and pretending it did not bother you was easily the hardest thing you had ever done, and although your fingers itched to light the world on fire to save him, you knew only patience and discretion were going to offer Jaehyun a way out.
You trusted Taeyong. He was your best friend. He was going to keep an eye on Jaehyun while you played your role in another hunt.
Sitting speechlessly on the passenger’s seat, you pretended to listen to Doyun’s precise instructions on how the hunting would go. Other two alpha hunters you met quite well were in the backseat: Jeno, sharpening his knife with repetitive moves, and Johnny, who still had his knuckles red from a previous hunt. From all three, Doyun was the colleague you trusted the least — and much to your dislike, he was in charge of the operation.
“We’ll act fast and be done with it. These omegas offer almost no resistance,” he cooed before his eyes landed on the glasses on your thigh. “What’s that for?”
Like a good alpha, you took care of your omega’s belongings.
“A victory statement,” you lied. 
It took about an hour until you arrived at the nearby town, the paddy wagon smoothly driving through the suburbs. The minutes before a hunt started were always rough on you. Those people had lives of their own. Parents, friends, mates and children. Hobbies. The laws that separated you from them were as blinding as a fog. They did not deserve the suffering. The humiliation.
The sun shone in deadly sparkles of orange.
Doyun parked in front of an ordinary house. At his command, you all left the car, quickly following behind as he broke inside, coming across five different faces startled in fear: a middle-age couple, with an alpha male and an omega female, and three kids.
“Oh, look at what we have here,” Doyun chuckled under his breath, smoothly removing the knife from his hip. The blade shone like crystal water under the sun. “Such a beautiful family… What a shame it will be to hurt any of you.”
The kids hid behind the mother, tugging on her dress. You first noticed the bite on her neck, where the alpha’s teeth had sunk to make her forever his — then, your eyes slid down to her tummy, shaped a little rounder underneath the fabric. “Please, leave my kids and wife out of this,” the male begged. “I’ll go with you if you promise they will be safe.”
Your stomach turned over nauseously. “Doyun, they already have kids. Let them be,” you argued.
“Why?” He looked at you like a snake would look at a mouse. “They’re probably hiding the omega pack, Y/N. We need to make them speak.”
“They are mates and she is pregnant. Anything different from leaving them alone is pure masochism.”
“You’re softer. Is it because of that omega? Does he really mean something to you?” Doyun swiftly aimed the blade of his knife at you. “You haven’t been hired to care, Y/N. You’ve been hired to act. You better remember that.”
You held his gaze strongly, even when he stepped so closer it reverberated in your bones like a threat. Your blood boiled red.
“Jeno, you grab the kids. Johnny, take care of the man,” Doyun commanded, looking over each one of you until his eyes bore into yours one more time. “The woman is mine.”
Perhaps it was your love for Jaehyun that spoke louder, but this time you could not tolerate any more bullshit. Deep in your guts, it just didn’t feel right to allow alphas to wander as a crown made their heads weigh. As others owed them unconditional respect, a respect they did not own. Every person who was thought of as being of a lower class, as though they only existed for others’ pleasure and use… It was Jaehyun’s face you saw when you looked at omegas.
Any move from your side could easily destroy years of disguise and fakery, of hiding behind the mask you intended on using to protect Jaehyun, but you knew your priorities now. You knew that, in order to support your mate, you too had to be yourself.
The alpha that liked baking. The woman that fell in love with a rebel soul.
Clenching your fist, you tilted your head and grinned softly. “You fucking wish.”
How quickly your hand came for his cheek was even beyond you, the impact so powerful your fingers snapped. Mixed with the sudden pain, Doyun’s surprise was the perfect opportunity for you to kick the knife off his hand before he could retaliate. 
And retaliate he did, throwing you against the wall. The shock of your back against it made you hiss, but the sound was cut short when Doyun wrapped a hand around your throat. A clean kick of your boots between his legs was enough for him to let you go, coming to his knees right in front of you.
For a moment, you crossed eyes with Johnny, who was already taking the family outside to the car, to take them somewhere safer.
Jeno, on the other hand, simply stared at the door frame as confusion munched longly at his features.
When you blinked again, the knife you had kicked away had caused a sharp, deep cut in your thigh. You hissed and stepped back in pain, your breath fast now that blood soaked your jeans, warm and red.
“I’m taking you back to the capital, Y/N,” Doyun’s smirk was perversely mocking. “They will make a fantastic breeding bitch out of you.”
Your entire body burned like a merciless fire. With one certain move, your fist collided with Doyun’s jawline, causing an awful sound echo through the walls. 
You knew how jaws sounded when they broke.
Looking over at Jeno, you hummed in deep breaths. “Are you a good boy, Jeno?” He nodded, in awe. “Then, help me with this motherfucker.”
Doyun offered little resistance when Jeno lifted him up. Even his kicks and punches were a mere attempt as he had one of his hands trying to hold his dislocated jawline in place, teary eyes big with the pain. Never before you had seen him so defenseless. It made you proud. 
You met with Johnny outside. “Fuck, Y/N. You’re hurt.”
Only now you noticed your blood was drawing an exposing trail on the floor. “I think my disguise ends here,” you chuckled dryly.
“Probably, but we do have more important things to tend to now,” Johnny retorted.
“Care to stitch me up before I drive?” you asked, making him frown.
“You’re driving? Y/N, I don’t think that’s a good id-”
“My mate needs me,” you interrupted. “I can’t make him wait longer. Can you keep the family safe?”
“Absolutely,” Johnny nodded. “What about Jeno?”
Looking over as Jeno locked Doyun inside the back of the paddy wagon, you breathed. “I’ll take him with me.”
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“So you’re a spy?” Jeno asked in the back, as he made sure to watch Doyun, who was cuffed to the seat and sleeping peacefully after you had punched him in the head. You were not going to drive with him trying to speak all the way to the capital.
“You can say that,” you said while driving, hissing low whenever you had to use your leg. Even with Johnny’s skilled stitching and the painkillers, it hurt like hell. “At least I was until earlier today.” Now, you were just a rebel. Out in the open.
“And Johnny too?”
“And Johnny too.”
“Holy shit, you’re really good!” His surprised tone nearly made you chuckle.
“There is always space for new people, you know,” you encouraged, looking at Jeno over the rearview mirror. “You have a good heart, Jeno. You can work for a better cause.”
He looked down, a lonely strand of his black hair falling onto his forehead. “I don’t know… I think I’d easily get caught.”
“We all think that at some point. Then, we just get used to it.”
Jeno spoke no more. You too preferred to stay silent.
Every mile you drove meant a mile closer to Jaehyun. You could not wait to get to him. To finally let your arms embrace his sweet body.
A small red sign that twinkled by the steering wheel called your attention. Shit. You were running out of gas. “Jeno, I’m stopping to fill up. You keep an eye on Doyun for me, okay?”
Thankfully, you stopped at a gas station minutes later, quickly jumping out of the wagon. You were about to pay when Jeno called you. “Y/N, can you get me some snacks, please?”
“Sure. Anything in particular?
“I like shrimp crackers.”
And so you grabbed some at the convenience store, as well as bottles of water to keep you and Jeno hydrated. It was going to take another two hours until you reached the capital, and you had a feeling it was going to seem like twice the amount of time.
As you approached the cashier, you noticed small, lovely cakes placed around the line, and a specific flavor made your heart flutter. Those pistachio cakes were not to be compared to yours, but they could be a perfect small treat for Jaehyun. For when you would meet again.
Influenced by sweetness, your eyes lifted from the cakes to the glass door that faced the station. It was only then that you noticed Jeno was outside the wagon, with Doyun by his side. 
Doyun had a gun in his hand.
Everything you held in your hands fell to the floor at the same time the bullet pierced the glass — and by then, you were already on your fours, searching for a way out. Another gunshot was heard as you rolled to your right, noticing a back door at the other side of the store. You ran to it in no time, as fast as you could even when the wound in your leg pulsated, and frantically looked around, searching for a way to escape.
There was an old man talking on the phone by his bike, and you did not think twice before pushing him aside. “I’m really sorry,” you apologized while grabbing his keys and phone, jumping on and starting his bike as if your life depended on it.
Well, it did.
One final time, you looked over your shoulder to witness both Jeno and Doyun behind you. A last shot was heard.
As you rode, the bullet in your shoulder bled through and through.
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The headquarters were nothing like Jaehyun expected: less like separated buildings where the rebels hid, and more like a normal city, where people lived commonly. The only difference was that the only way inside was through a tunnel that was watched nonstop, certain as the sun came back every day. “The police are on our side,” Taeyong explained. “It’s safe.”
Jaehyun saw omegas, betas and alphas living so freely it even surprised his own expectations. Omegas worked as police officers, betas were teachers, and he got a glimpse of an alpha taking his kids to the local playground.
That place was everything he had ever dreamt of. And you were part of it.
“This is Y/N’s house. Like, her real house. She has an apartment in the capital too, for disguise purposes,” Taeyong hummed after he parked in front of a simple one floor house, even if Jaehyun knew to whom the house belonged to even before the alpha had said one word. The entire place smelled like you. “She told me to bring you here.”
Jaehyun grinned widely. God’s clouds all over his head again.
“Thank you, Taeyong.”
“It’s fine. Again, I’m sorry for taking longer to come and get you.” Suddenly, the alpha’s face lit up. “Ah, here, Y/N told me to buy you these.”
New glasses. Almost identical to the ones he previously had.
Taeyong left Jaehyun on his own after that. With the keys in his hands, the omega breathed deeply, looking around carefully, and recognizing you in the small details: the pictures of your mother on the wall, the resistant plants, the bakery books on the shelves, and the kitchen utensils that were worn out by how many cakes you had baked.
Jaehyun did not know it was possible, but he felt so much more in love with you his eyes teared. It was like digging deep into his being and sleeping in the calmest nest of his thankful wishing. Slowly and without noticing what he was doing, he started gathering small items that brought him comfort. One of the pillows on your bed, your hairbrush, a silky black gown you probably wore for sleeping in the summer, and a pair of your biker gloves. Jaehyun lied down on the bed with all those items nested inside his arms. His eyes closed to dream of you. 
It was already night when his eyes opened again. Your scent, rawer than ever, came from the window as rain suited the neighborhood like a hat. And it was violently metallic.
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After throwing your phone in the road and grabbing the one you stole, you called Taeyong and sent him your localization. The bullet in your shoulder hurt more excruciatingly at each passing second, but it was not enough to keep you from your final destination. You rode through the setting sun and the first clouds that gathered in the darkest shades of gray. You rode through thunder and lighting. Through the heavy summer rain. 
When you got to the tunnel, you broke down in Taeyong’s arms.
Even though your ears understood every word your friend told you, because you automatically nodded in acknowledgement, your mind was too busy to make a full idea of what he said. The only thing you fully got, between delirium and the wetness that soaked your muscles, was that Jaehyun was safe.
Then, Taeyong took you to the hospital. You allowed it only because you did not want Jaehyun to see you injured. It would be a sin to scare him.
Similar to blank pages on a diary, the next hours were numb and almost imperceptible to you. Most of the time, your eyes remained closed out of tiredness, your body claiming its need to rest after the adrenaline flood in your veins. But a few things you remembered.
Taeyong was right next to you as the doctor, a young female omega, gave him instructions. “It will only cause more damage if we remove the bullet, actually. Her body will just surround it with a scar tissue and wall it off, but we should give her painkillers for a few days.”
You groaned on the bed, feeling a little more sober now, as you even registered the raindrops hitting the ceiling. “All of them, please,” your voice came out hoarse and exhausted. Much to your relief, you had already been medicated.
“Y/N, are you alright?” Taeyong leaned over.
“I’ve been worse,” you replied. 
“We’ve sterilized your wounds, miss,” the doctor explained. “The bullet in your shoulder isn’t fatal, so the best thing to do is to leave it there. It’d be more dangerous if we tried to pull it out.”
You nodded in agreement. “If you say, I don’t mind it.” Your eyes slowly opened to meet Taeyong’s. “Where’s Jaehyun?”
Your friend smiled in amusement. “At your house. I didn’t want to call him.”
“Good,” you nodded.
In perfect timing, your face turned as soon as the doors were open, only to land on a very familiar face, one that you would recognize amongst a million. Your person was right there, soaked in rain, dripping on the hospital room floor, and he was smiling. Jaehyun was smiling through the droplets that fell from the black strands of his hair. So beautiful he could lend a bit of his beauty to every man on earth and still be the most handsome.
“Y/N,” oh, his voice… His beautiful, deep voice opened every curtain of your body, letting the sun shine through. Like a vice, his musky scent calmed down your heart.
You opened your arms to him, and the moment Jaehyun hugged you was like the weight of the world was removed from your shoulders. He was wet and cold, but also so warm that the greatest bonfire could not compare. The firmness of his chest against your breasts, his breath against the curve of his neck, his gentle fingers removing the hair from your face, strands that stuck to your skin due to your salty tears.
“Are you alright?” you sobbed. “I’m so sorry, Jae. I’m so sorry.”
“Shh, don’t. Please, Y/N, I know it,” he looked into your eyes reassuringly. “Taeyong told me everything. I know. You don’t have to feel sorry.”
Your tears fell down your cheeks like waterfalls as you rested your hands on his elbows.
“Are you alright? Do you need anything?” he asked. 
“Yes. Stay with me.”
You did not have to ask twice. Jaehyun was never leaving your side. 
His hand held yours long after the nurse and Taeyong had left. “You should sleep, Y/N. You went through a lot,” he advised, letting the tip of his fingers tug your hair behind your ear. 
“Why sleep when I finally have what I want? Two days waiting for you felt like an eternity,” you admitted, your voice low and serious. “They might have been rough on you.”
Jaehyun both nodded and brushed the tip of his thumb against the surface of your hand. “They were, but I suffered the most because I was heartbroken. I get it, though. Why things went the way they did.”
“I thought I was going to protect you for longer if I kept my identity, but it’s all over now,” you sighed. “I should have ran away with you when I  had the chance.”
“You didn’t know, Y/N. It’s okay.”
You looked into Jaehyun’s eyes the most sincerely, squeezing his hand into yours. “Do you forgive me, Jae?”
“There’s nothing to forgive.” The kiss he planted on your forehead felt like a mating bite. Like true, eternal love.
For two more days, the doctor insisted that you stayed under observation. Gratefully, your wounds seemed to act quick in the solemn act of healing, as bandages were constantly changed by Jaehyun’s delicate hands, so smoothly you only felt slight tickles when his fingers applied the prescribed ointments. 
In moments like that, you felt blessed that your mate took care of you like you intended to take care of him, regardless of your status. Alpha, omega… It didn’t matter. You were both responsible for each other.
Also, you thrived like a cherry blossom in spring whenever he tended to your needs.
“You mate might have magical hands. Your wounds are almost fully dry, miss,” the doctor grinned when she came to last check on you. 
Instead of bringing any biological or scientific explanation, you simply nodded. “Does it mean I’m free to leave?” you asked excitedly.
“You are, with the condition that you keep the exact treatment you’ve been doing here for seven more days.”
“You have my word,” Jaehyun spoke, looking bright like a winter night behind his glasses, and with a frank, happy smile on his lips.
An hour later, you left the hospital with your hand in his. The day was warm, the sky a lighter shade of blue as a few clouds played in the open. At the extreme and joyous brightness, your eyes tightened, and Jaehyun immediately used his free hand to hover over them.
You were going home.
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Your house exhaled the lustful aroma of orange fields even more now that you were back to it, your pheromones and scent prominent like you were intentionally marking your territory. To Jaehyun, it was overwhelming, his sensitive nostrils addicted to every breath, his hands shaking from how badly he was trying to control his needs, taking suppressants to muffle any chance he went into heat. It was only going to distract you from healing, anyway, and no matter how he liked to think you were both safe, Jaehyun still feared alpha hunters would suddenly appear. 
So he did what he thought best and played it safe. He cooked for you — your favorite dishes constantly on the table —, cleaned your wounds and slept with you, placing a chaste kiss to your forehead with every goodnight. Everything in those days felt comfortingly domestic, so much that Jaehyun knew, like the tree branches knew how to grow, that he could live days like that for the rest of his life.
“I haven’t been able to decorate the house with flowers in ages,” you sighed, eyeing the empty vases around your living room. “We should go on picking some today.”
“Isn’t your leg hurting?”
“Oh, this?” You chuckled, rubbing the stitches on your thigh. Summer had gotten so scorching you finally decided to put on shorts instead of pants, allowing Jaehyun to see more of you. “Looks uglier than it hurts.”
“You wouldn’t be ugly even if you tried your best, Y/N. Not a single part of you.” 
There they were again. The reddest ears you had even seen. 
“Sweet,” you praised with a peck to his dimpled cheek. “Let’s go!”
It was only when you arrived at the fields that Jaehyun realized your idea could not have been better. It was a perfect day to pick flowers, and even if he missed the town where you two met, the fields at the secret city were just as beautiful. Peonies, orchids, sunflowers, roses, lilies, and several sorts of plants grew over the horizon — the colorful sight was soul pleasing. With glowing eyes, Jaehyun admired how skilfully you cut the stems. 
“I think we’ve got enough,” you stood up, putting some white lilies on the bucket he carried. Your eyes traveled up and, for a moment, you salivated at the image. His defined muscles clenched under his tangled sleeves, his shining black hair reflecting the sun, his brown eyes innocently holding your gaze. “Wow.”
Jaehyun frowned. “What?”
“You. I don’t think I ever said how beautiful you are.”
He fixed his glasses in that adorable way that showed both nervousness and care, looking down at the colorful bucket. “Oh, thank you.”
Swiftly, you pulled him by the hand until his chest met yours. “Why are you still on suppressants?” you asked calmly. 
His eyes met yours again. “I don’t think it’s the right time to let it happen,” Jaehyun admitted. You could tell he was putting some effort into holding your confronting gaze. “You’ve been through a lot.”
“To get to you. Now that I have, I don’t feel like holding back. Is that okay?”
His cheeks resembled the peonies you had grabbed. “Yes, miss.”
“Don’t call me miss,” you reached for his hands with a smile that, to Jaehyun, uncrowned the sun. Your lips against his wrists left a feverish sensation on his skin. “I want you to call me yours.”
He swallowed, wetting his plump lips with his tongue before speaking. “My… My love.”
There were no words to describe how accomplished your heart beat at those words, like all the questions deep in your soul were answered by three simple syllables. Confidently, you stood on the tip of your toes, leaning closer as your eyes alternated between Jaehyun’s eyes and lips. He leaned closer too.
Your lips touched with the sun’s blessing. 
With a hand on his nape, you kissed him so slowly it was possible to feel inch by inch of his mouth widening. A low, raspy moan escaped your throat when Jaehyun’s tongue found yours. He kissed you like songs were created, melody, rhythm and lyrics combining, making sense, becoming one. You could kiss him for hours, and you were probably going to if raindrops had not started falling heavily from the sky.
Parting ways with your laughter as background music, you ran straight to the closest shelter: a small and abandoned wooden barn, that at least was going to be of use until the rain passed. 
It took one look for you to notice you were both soaked, fresh with rain, and so ready for each other it could be cut in the air with a knife.
After placing the bucket on the floor to let the flowers dry, Jaehyun kissed you again. This time, your tongues moved heatedly, drawing sensual circles around each other. Because there was no need to rush, you seized every bit of the kiss, from how your heads leaned forward to how Jaehyun’s lower lip brushed yours. You wanted to breathe him in. To lick him whole. To drink his every drop. Nobody had ever kissed you like that before, so warm and wanting it felt as though the sky was breaking open. Like a theft, your hand slid, gentle and demanding, under the soaked fabric of his white shirt. 
“Is this okay?” You had to make sure.
“Yes,” Jaehyun breathed affectedly, feeling your nails against the defined muscles of his abdomen. His damped hair was dripping raindrops. “Is it for you too?”
“I can wait a little longer, until we get home, if you want.”
“You’re my home,” Jaehyun retorted, and you were kissing him all over again.
For once in your life, it felt right to let go and devour the world with your own mouth. You took Jaehyun’s shirt off, kissing his muscles like a devotee worshiped a saint, memorizing every mole from his hip to his neck. 
For once in your life, you let someone undress you, and kissed his knuckles in gratitude because it felt safe. Even if he could see the scars on your stomach. The marks of every plan going wrong. Every hunt, every lie. 
“It’s fine,” you whispered. 
But of course Jaehyun had to kiss you right there. Of course he had to press his plump, swollen lips from kissing against where you had been the weakest. “You’re beautiful, my love,” he murmured as his hands roamed your body, thumbs situated on the curve of your waist as his fingers sank against the fat of your skin. Your nipples peaked harder against the cool, fresh air. “You’re the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen. Want you to make me yours.”
The shiver that ran down your spine was like thunder touching the ocean’s deepest ground. “You want me to bite you?” A bite given by your mate formed a permanent, unbreakable bond. It was a definitive and territorial claim, like the scar your teeth would leave in his skin.
Jaehyun’s instant and certain nod could easily have killed you with how fucking sweet he was. 
With your lips back on his, your hands pulled your shorts down your legs; your panties rested where they landed, the bottom glistening with thick arousal. Proudly naked in front of your mate, you jumped on a table that was gladly by the barn’s door. It looked firm enough for what you were going to do. 
Spreading your legs enough to offer him a peak of your core, you guided his wrist under your navel. “You look big, my love,” you murmured, giving in that you had absolutely noticed the girth in his pants. “Can you prep me a little?”
There was nothing Jaehyun would deny you. Readily, his hands spread your legs a little wider, and the tip of his fingers ran against your soaked, sliging lips. His gaze took as long as it needed staring at your folds, as though Jaehyun wished to commit the image to his memory in all its colors and shapes. 
“It’s my first time,” lifting his eyes to yours, he confessed.
“So is mine,” you smiled. “I’ve only used toys.”
Jaehyun’s irises glimmered. So you were about to discover sex together, every stage of it, every thing that would and would not work out.
Fuck, what a lucky bastard he was. 
Ever so gently, Jaehyun slid two of his slender fingers inside you, making you immediately clench around them with a breathy moan. “Go slow,” you instructed, only to find out Jaehyun did not need any of your orientations. Soon, he was with his mouth on your nipples as his fingers drew wet echoes in the barn, going at a pace that pressured a sensitive spot within your folds.
“You’re perfect,” Jaehyun grunted, needing you to know how amazing he was feeling just with his fingers buried in you, his eyes amazed to see such a breathtaking view. “So soft and wet, my love. Better than any toy I’ve used.”
“Baby,” you moaned, melting with how sweet Jaehyun sounded and how handsome he was when he concentrated on your body, those deep brown eyes focused on your cunt. His scent, too, was slowly driving you to insanity, feeding a brutal, biological need inside your guts. Growling, you tugged at his pants. “Take these off.”
It would be a shame to leave you waiting. Without removing his fingers from your clenching walls, Jaehyun pulled his pants and boxers to his feet with his free hand.
Your mouth drooled at the sight. How handsome he was, from head to toe, every color and vein, just for you... “Fuck, I want you,” you breathed impatiently.
The deep grunt that left Jaehyun when he pulled his fingers out came from the depths of his ribcage. From the tip to the base, his long fingers glistened with your pulpy juices. Almost too much to take. “Can I have a taste first?” he asked with eyes so allured you wanted to fuck him right then and there, but you complied, relishing as your omega got on his knees.
You removed his glasses to keep them from getting foggy.
At the first touch of his tongue on you, your toes curled at the edge of the table, your body unable to control its own responsiveness. You did not know if you liked the pleasurable sensations on your clit the most, or if it was how Jaehyun’s face was crafted while he had the time of his life between your legs. Even if impatience ate at your limbs, you let him suck and lick your pussy all he wanted, drowning in the slurping noises echoing in the barn. “Feels so good, baby. You’re so talented, doing this for the first time,” you praised, resting on your elbows as you watched, drawing slow circles with your hips for his mouth to follow. “That face is mine to cum, huh?”
Jaehyun moaned with his mouth still on you, looking up from where he so devotedly stood. “Yes. Just yours.”
“Good,” you tugged at his hair just slightly to lift his face back to yours. Your taste in his mouth was like oranges, like falling in love and lust. “I’m going to use it later.”
Thunder fell outside, lighting up the afternoon sky, as you adjusted on the table and kissed Jaehyun passionately. He grabbed the base of his member and aligned it with your entrance, rubbing the head, leaking with precum, up and down a few times. “Do you want me to pull out?”
“Hell no,” you shook your head with a grin. “I’m on birth control. I want your knot, angel.”
With his wet hair dripping on your stomach, Jaehyun grabbed the side of the table with such strength that it made his veins clench. You calling him sweet names nearly had his eyes rolling to the back of his skull. You were a temptress, so delicious and with a beauty that ended every standard, so knowing and lustful, and he was eager to please you, to feel your every inch, to make sweat and cum glisten on your skin like pearls. “You’re so good,” he muttered overwhelmingly, and even before he understood his own body, the head of his cock was welcomed by a wanton grip, one that soaked him warm and made his balls tense with how much cum he had for you. “You‘re the best alpha I could ask for, so beautiful and lovely, I’m so happy my heart is yours,” he mumbled, making your heart flutter.
You threw your head back when he was fully inside you, occupying the space sex toys, as effective as they were, never did. Your gaze held his all the time, even when they darkened with desire. You wanted to remember that scene forever. You wanted to keep it to your heart, the first time your omega felt your pussy around him. “I’m happy too, love. Madly,” you smiled. “Is everything alright?”
“Yes. You?”
“Wonderful. You can move.”
Gripping the table’s edge, Jaehyun slowly retracted his hips only to slam them back again. The way his face clenched could be put in a painting and hung in a museum, because it was pure art, from his eyebrows to the curse that died on his lips. “I can feel you tightening around me.”
“Does it feel good?”
“Fuck, yes,” he breathed, this time thrusting a bit faster, which was a synonym for erratically. “S-shit, did I hurt you?”
“I’m not made of glass, Jaehyun. You can go harder,” you encouraged by planting a kiss on his lips and guiding his hand to grab your hip.
With that, Jaehyun was lost forever. He let years of suppressed heats explode in every blood cell, in every breath and thrust of his hips. He let himself be the savage, lewd creature his desire crafted, and only for you he moaned, your name like wine on his lips, the jiggle of your breasts and thighs feeding his arousal, his knot forming quicker than he liked.
You saw his eyes turn into needy orbs, his agape mouth letting out the most guttural moans you ever heard, and the exposure of his thick, masculine neck had your teeth sharpening in seconds. 
You pulled him closer, your breasts rubbing against his chest. 
Your teeth touched his skin, and that lovely musky, leathery scent edged you on. They sank through skin, blood and muscle, the sharp edges piercing the core of Jaehyun’s soul, until it was tangled to yours. You moaned with his blood in your mouth, feeling how your heartbeats aligned, how your pupils left almost no space for the color of your irises, how Jaehyun’s knot formed firm and long inside you. You took it ravishingly, shivering on the shaking table, lost somewhere between Jaehyun’s moans and the feeling of his body flush to yours, until you managed to gather enough consciousness to remove your teeth and offer him your neck.
The mere thing Jaehyun saw was your mouth, bloodied, smiling in permission, before he dived in to make you his as much as he was yours.
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“So you’re telling me that after leaving my shop to a complete stranger and traveling for hours I can’t see my friend?” Haechan crossed his arms stubbornly. 
“Johnny is not that much of a stranger. He’ll have the time of his life selling things for you” Taeyong chuckled. “But yes, you definitely can’t see Jaehyun now. He’s in heat.”
“And when is it going to be over?”
Taeyong shrugged. “In one week, I guess?”
“All that?”
“I told you, there was no use in coming with me, but you insisted.”
Haechan sighed, not wanting to admit Taeyong was right. “Is Y/N with him?”
“Where else would she be? She is his mate now.”
“So all they will be doing for an entire week is to be locked up, fucking each other’s brains out?”
Haechan rubbed his face in frustration. “And to think that I was worried about him…”
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Jaehyun admired the two small teeth marks on your neck as he breathed in and out.
“Color?” you demanded.
“Green,” he replied, looking so deliciously pliable your mouth watered.
You were finally in a scenario Jaehyun had pictured uncountable times inside his head: in your bedroom, which now was quite honestly a nest for the both of you, somewhere your omega felt comfortable and had his most primitive needs tended to, while slow rhythm and blues played, and the aroma of freshly baked pistachio cakes filled the house. Not only was Jaehyun surrounded by things that had your natural scent shirts — pillows, a leather jacket, biker gloves and plushies — but you were there all the time, no exception, to keep him well fed, hydrated and completely satisfied.
You even had rubbed your pussy on a pillow for him, one that he kept his nose buried in.
Right now, you had Jaehyun’s naked body restrained by ropes, your hands working on the delicate yet firm knots that kept his hands behind his back, his wrists tied together, and his chest tied to one of his thighs. It was the sound of your breathing and the notes of the rope coming against the ground that turned him on, the helplessness and vulnerability to be put in your beautiful hands… Oh, Jaehyun loved it.
You had been hidden in the nest for three days. However, it felt like an eternity of knowing your mate and savoring his every reaction. Since you weren’t much experienced, both you and Jaehyun found out what you liked together, and the absolute attention you paid to one another was holy, like a prayer whispered at night.
“This will leave lovely marks on your skin,” you grinned wholeheartedly, brushing his hair back. A thin layer of sweat covered his skin. 
“I love you,” Jaehyun let out as quick as a bubble exploding. Your beauty shook him to the core. “I love you so much.”
“And I love you,” you let your hand drift to where he needed you the most. “Are you sure you’re not sensitive? Is it like, your sixth boner today?”
“I can take it. Please,” he reassured. 
“How do you want to cum this time, baby? My hand?” Jaehyun shook his head. “My mouth?” Another shake. “All the way in?”
Jaehyun nodded, wetting his lips with his tongue. “Want you to ride me.” 
You replied by straddling his lap.
It always amused him, how fucking beautiful you were on top. Your tits were perfect in his hands and mouth, the curve of your waist giving space to the adorable fat in your belly, and how your thighs spread over his was just cinema. “Thank you, my love,” Jaehyun smiled. 
“The pleasure is all mine,” you assured, rubbing the slick of your core against his swollen member before taking it all in, starting a quickened pace so your lovely boy could find his relief one more time. 
Because his hands were restrained, Jaehyun couldn’t touch you, but he still stared in awe at the earthquaking vision of you rocking his world. You swallowed him full, making his cock disappear inside your entrance only to poke at your navel from inside out. Your pussy was his favorite place to be, where he felt the happiest, blessed in mind, body and soul, and you let him feast on it whenever he wanted. Your darling, loving man.
“Let go for me,” sweetly, you pecked his forehead.
Jaehyun felt his cock harden an almost impossible amount, his balls aching with cum, before he was moaning helplessly, his knot firmly attaching to your uterus.
It was the look on his face that made you cum along, riding his cock faster, eating from every move of his good looking face.
A thin drop of sweat ran down Jaehyun’s temple as you both calmed down, ecstasy giving space to a loving, bonding gaze. “I think we’re getting better at this,” he cooed, making you laugh. 
“No doubt. We will be unstoppable once your heat ends.”
“I don’t want it to end.”
“Cute.” Softly, you lifted your hips. His member, glimmering in juices and white cum, rested against Jaehyun’s stomach. 
It was going to take minutes for it to get hard again. 
“Y/N,” he called.
“Yes, angel?”
“Can you make yourself cum for me?”
How you held your breath had Jaehyun close to wishing his hands were free to make you cum himself. But oh, he wanted to watch. He still was not over how beautiful you looked when you had an orgasm. 
You smiled widely. “I think I love you even more with every word you say.”
Grabbing a light pink vibrator from the bedside table drawer, you rested back on the mattress with those attentive brown eyes following your every move. The device’s buzz filled up the room with a naughty promise. You brushed it gently against your nipples, then down your belly, all over your thighs and finally where Jaehyun loved the most.
He watched without a word, licking his lips when you moaned wantonly, first focusing the vibrations on your clit before easily sliding the vibrator inside your cum soaked hole. “Fuck,” you cried.
You dripped pearly white on the sheets. A beautiful sight. 
Jaehyun’s skin shivered with goosebumps. Every damn time. “I’m so lucky,” he uttered, eyes glued to your pussy. “I’m so fucking lucky.”
As sweet and gentle-mannered as he was, Jaehyun could kill for the smile that bloomed on your face, so pure and adorable even if your cunt clenched around the toy. Your hand slid low, starting to rub long circles on your clit. “You are. Even more knowing that you’re going to fuck me dumb when I’m done.”
Most of his life, Jaehyun was told alphas strictly played the dominant role in the bedroom. Now, however, nothing thrilled him more than the perspective of switching roles with you. 
You offered him the world. You allowed him to be.
He grunted quietly and yet deeply, already counting the signs of your orgasm approaching. First, your tightening drunk eyes; second, your hips rolling erratically; third, your chest trembling in long breaths that prolonged your ecstasy. “That’s it, my love. That’s it, looking so pretty for me…”
The moment your orgasm kicked in had your hole visibly pulsating, your mouth agape and your eyes rolling back. You let out a high-pitched moan as your back arched, and pulled the toy away fast, your swollen clit way too sensitive to receive further stimulation.
With his cock so hard it ached, Jaehyun admired in awe, unconsciously trying to get rid of the ropes that restrained him, which only caused them to burn hotter against his porcelain skin. He was so immersed that the only moment he noticed he was drooling was when spit ran down his chin. “Fuck.”
You sat on your thighs, readily licking his saliva and running your fingers through the knots on his back. The loveliest smirk decorated your face. “Time we untie you, angel.”
The experience of being untied was, perhaps, just as good as being tied up. Jaehyun watched with pupils dilated, taking small breaths of relief when the rope loosened around his skin, leaving red and pink marks on his body where it pressed. You watched in full delight, kissing the marks that blossomed in a deeper shade. “You’re so good for doing this, Jaehyunnie. I’m so lucky too, my love.”
He sighed when the rope fell entirely to the mattress, his muscles relaxing in freedom. Without waiting any longer, Jaehyun kissed you long, hands roaming up and down your curves. Smoothly, he turned you around, with your chest to the sheets and your ass up in the air. “Jaehyunnie is going to fuck you raw now, like dogs do,” he whispered, both his hands caressing your butt cheeks, his fingers slaves to both adoration and perversion. “Color?”
You smiled over your shoulder.
“Green. A thousand times green.”
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You stared at the ceiling as your body rested in awe, a smile plastered on your face like it was permanent ink. 
For the past few days, you had tended to Jaehyun rawly. Ravishing and frankly, to a point your bodies collided in exhaustion. All you had the strength to do was wrapping into each other’s embrace and sleeping for hours before you started it all over again. 
After a specific round that left you breathless, your thighs shaking from overstimulation, his voice came out soft. “What now, Y/N?”
You hummed, leaning against his bare chest. “Hm?”
“What is it gonna be when we leave this room?”
“To give you an answer, I have to know what you want,” you replied, even though you were already considering the possibilities. Doyun was not going to stop hunting you, that much you were certain. You would never be safe as long as the government continued to sponsor people like him.
Jaehyun stared into the ceiling for a few seconds. “It is nice here. I feel safe and loved. I think I’ve always wanted that, too.”
“But?” you risked.
“But I don’t think it’s right for us to hide forever. What was built here has to be normalized out there, in the open,” he breathed. “I want to go back to the shop. I want to see the sea and listen to the birds sing in the morning. I want every omega in the world to have the opportunities they have here.”
Your chin rested on his chest, eyelashes batting softly as sunlight crystallized your irises. “Is that what you want? To rebuild the world?”
Jaehyun nodded.
“Good. I’ll give it to you,” you sealed your promise with a peck on his lips. Jaehyun’s eyes widened slightly as he puckered his mouth against yours. 
“W-what do you mean?”
“I mean I will be the rebel to fucking stab the system in its throat.”
At that, Jaehyun got hard all over again. His eyes, so pure, blinked in a sparkling admiration. “I’ll fight with you.”
“Don’t say nonsense. You’re not fighting.”
“I think we agreed alphas don’t make choices for omegas,” he ran his hand through the sweaty strands of your hair. “If you fight, Y/N, I will fight with you.”
You let him be right. In every word and intention. In every truth of his desiring heart. And when Jaehyun smiled, his soul promised you way more than guns, hideouts and blood.
It was something worth fighting for.
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iheartchv · 6 months
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Welp, tumblr did something to this ask where I wasn't able to edit it from my drafts folder, so I'm gonna have to do it this way. This is the 2nd time... >3>
Ooohhh this ought to be interesting 😈💙 i hope, because i like this idea but dont have the time or energy i want to put in for this Parasitica AU
Request for @ashleighclark98
Prompts(c) @turtle-babe83
Leo and reader are 18+ and set in an AU where the turtles are now 18. If you are under 18, do not proceed any further.
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Donnie had warned you, something was wrong with Leo, and you needed to stay away from him for about a week; There was some sort of wasp alien that stung Leo and he's been acting weird. But you couldn't resist hearing Leo's sweet voice over the phone. He needed to see you, he wanted you with him.... He begged... "Please" You snuck into the lair to Leo's room.
"Y/N... it's good to see you..." He small smiled at you.
"Are you feeling okay, Leo?"
I'm not fine, I want to breed you and fill you with my seed, mark you inside and out.
"Yeah... I'm okay..."
"Then why did you want to see me if you're okay? You sounded... I don't know, desperate like you needed help."
"There's nothing wrong with wanting to see you, is there?"
You eye brows furrowed in concern as you looked into his black eyes. There was something wrong, something going on. Nobody could tell you what exactly was going on with Leo; he was aggressive, when it comes to you. And he was only getting more aggressive with each passing day. Donnie was still reasearching and testing the venom from the wasp stinger looking for a cure. When you were told to go home, you did... and you stayed away for a few days all the while worrying about Leo till now.
"Well, there is something you can actually help me out with. But I got to know something first... Do you trust me?”
"I do."
"Well... can I kiss you? I've missed our little after training makeout sessions." he asked. You gave a nod and sat on the edge of the bed with him. You and Leo weren't official but you couldn't deny that you felt something for him. He pulled you closer to his larger frame by your waist and slowly placed his lips on yours.
As soon as Leo did that, the feeling of wanting to take you and claim you grew higher like a flame. He felt satisfied and unsatisfied at the same time. It felt like there was a switch in his brain that turned off all of his inhibitions, and all that was left was primal instincts. He had you now, and he had to have you. He started to kiss you harder, as if he was hungry for your lips.
He then purred before kissing you again,“Do you know how a turtle takes his mate?”
You muffled as his mouth continued his assualt on you,"Leo? What's..." You finally pushed away from him, panting and trying to catch your breath from struggling in the strong hold he had on you. "What's wrong? This isn't like you."
Leo hissed lowly, making you jump back a bit. "Showing you that you're mine... and you can argue all you want, we both know you belong to me. I'm gonna let everyone know who you belong to."
“Bite me.”
The look he gave you was one that you always found so sexy. It caused your lower belly to bubble with a tightening heat that spread to your core. His face lowered to yours so dangerously close. "Oh, I intend to."
"You're crazy, you're not yourself." Your heart pounded hard in your chest. Was it out of fear or arousal?
He sushed you. “Just relax. Lay back and let me take care of you.” As he took your lips again, he pushed you back onto the mattress and hovered over you, trapping your body with his.
A small whimper escaped you as he nipped and licked at your lips, begging for entrance. You knew your lips were going to be swollen. His tongue slipped inside your mouth and started tasting you. You couldn't help the moan that was muffled by Leo's passionate kiss.
His mutant hand ran down your whole neck in one sweep. You shivered as you were reminded that his hand could very easily choke you or grab you by the neck. Then his hand trailed further down your body, running over your soft curves.
"Mmmm... Leo..." you softly moaned, feeling every nerve end crackle under his touch. Your body started squirming and wriggling, responding to him. Your breath grew hot and heavy, and started to moan more as he moved down to kiss and lick at the base of your neck. Then a sharp pain pulled you out of your haze as Leo bit you, a cry falling from your lips. It was short lived as his warm tongue lavished the spot, spreading a fire in your veins.
After what seemed like forever, Leo finally had you where he wanted you: underneath him, naked, hot and needy for him. He lowly growled in your ear,"You're going to take all of me, y/n. All of my hot cum till it floods your insides..."
You whimpered in desperation, feeling your hot and dripping womanhood clench. Your body started to tremble in anticipation, in desire. You begged for him to make you cum. Then you started making lewd sounds as the head of his girthy length popped inside your entrance. You swore you could've just cummed then and there, but you held back... not for long, though.
You lost track of how many times you orgasmed as Leo held you in a mating press, or slammed his cock into you from behind, doing anything to be so close to you. You just wanted more and more. You were numbed from all the pleasure and stimulation, filled with Leo's seed. And when he was rock hard again, he would slide inside your tight slick pussy and do it all again till he came so deep inside you.
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Tagged List: 🎀if you do/dont want to be tagged, lmk please🎀
@turtle-babe83 @leosgirl82 @angelcatlowyn @annaliaandtheturtles @pheradream-15 @cowabunga-doll @bluesakurablossom @darksaphire2002 @foreignbrunette @greenprincess @half-shell-bo @lady-maria-the-wolf225 @moonlightflower21 @narwals14 @nikitaboeve @nittleboo @raphaelsrightarm @southernblossoms @thelostandforgottenangel @white-masked-beauty @roxosupreme @kawaiibunga @captain-kinda-trash @thelaundrybitch @yumefuusen @sivy-chan-blog @artsolarsash @crazedtmnt @raisin-shell @sacredwarrior88 @leosgirl82 @egg-on-the-run @ashleighclark98 @dilucsflame33 @tkappi @happymoonangel @allybutton @android-cap-007 @androidships007 @turtallyawesome @doctorelleth @crazysarah-98 @phd-in-fuckery @gingerdraw-blog
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i see fox childe and all thoughts in my head is breeding lmao,,,
- poor old u stuck and lost in some random forest after a camping trip, the sun setting and forest turning dark
- despite that, they hear a small whimper,,, look at that, a tiny fox injured its leg!
- the fox is hesitant at first and wary but a tiny piece of food u had on u and some clean rags wrapped around its tiny paw earned its trust
- the orange critter with bright blue eyes looked at u with a,,, smirk? nah, probably just ur eyes playing tricks on u but anyway, u pet it and,,, it bites u!!!
- u bring ur hand back and u notice that a glowing symbol engulfs ur hand where it bit it. Ur more worried about rabies though and u glare at it smiling cheekily at u
- still, u really need to either find ur way back or find a good place to spend the night at least. the fox doesn't care much about what u thought and nips ur shoe, trying to drag u into the direction it wants.
- honestly, u dont know what got into u but u decided to follow it as it yelps happily. it led u to a cozy spot, the leaves surrounding what seem to be a,,, nest? anyway its cozy, somewhat warm, and protects u from possible outside danger with its secluded and hidden location.
- tired, u decided to rest, praying that the weird bite marking isn't going to bite u back in the ass (pun intended)
- the next day, or actually more accurately, next few hours, u wake up feeling ur cunt being abused and on the verge of an orgasm
"good morning, my lovely mate~" an unfamiliar voice stirs u further as u are edged towards ur untimely climax. another thrust into ur wet hole and u are gone, as a bulbous knot stretches and plugs in the virile cum threatening to ooze out of u.
an orange haired man with familiar blue eyes smiled adoring at ur confused face as ur eyes settled on top of his head.
fox ears.
the glowing mark where the fox bit u throbbed with pleasure as it made u whimper.
"im glad such a nice, pretty human agreed to bear my kits." his hand grabbed ur own, the one with the bite, and angled it towards his grinning face as his free hand patted the bulge in ur tummy from his speared dick and cum nestling in it.
"i wonder what would our children look like, hmm"
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i always feel brief guilt for everyone else in my asks because i will ALWAYS RESPOND TO YOURS AS FAST AS POSSIBLE!! YUM YUM DELICIOUS YUM!! he’s a manipulative little guy so desperate to empty his balls :(( he’s never gotten to have a mate before, let alone one so cute… not his fault he’s so desperate!! anyways… more btc as per usual U^ェ^U
contains: fem/afab reader, implied chubby reader, knotting, slight cumflation, foxboy childeeee <3
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darkness was gradually enveloping the forest surrounding you. you hadn’t intended to be out so late but with distractions coming from every turn and your poor sense of direction it had quickly become dusk. there was lush fauna all around you which would’ve been beautiful had the circumstances been different. all of the landscape and paths were virtually indistinguishable from each other. you tried your very best not to panic but being trapped here overnight and out in the open was certainly not on your bucket list. the most disconcerting part, however, was the incredible lack of animals in the area you had entered. you hadn’t seen a rabbit or a mouse or anything larger for quite some time and began wondering if maybe there was something else you should be worrying about. getting mauled to death by a bear didn’t sound like a good way to go. regardless, you carried on walking and trying to find an out.
the brush against your calves was rather harsh so suddenly feeling something soft and warm was alarming. stumbling back you tripped on the thick root of a tree and fell over. briefly you thought perhaps this was your end but the small yip you heard alerted you the perhaps it wasn’t. your eyes finally focussed on the fluffy orange fox coming to your side. the small thing began sniffing you all over and seemingly inspecting the slight scratches on your legs from all of the sharp sticks you had passed through and now fallen onto. it gave small licks to the areas that were bleeding. it was… endearing. when it finally made eye contact with you, you were slightly taken aback by its bright blue eyes. you’d only ever seen foxes with brown or slightly green ones before so the ocean coloured ones in front of you were unusual. ideally you would’ve liked to inspect them slightly further but the growing darkness came back to your mind. as quickly as it appeared your worry was gone. the little thing seemed to have a rather bad cut on its foot. slowly you reached out a hand. it seemed unsure but let you look at it nonetheless. you pulled out the water bottle from your bag and gently rinsed the skin and fur before wrapping it in a small piece of bandage and securing it with a small knot. the cute thing let out a pleased yip at your kindness. you couldn’t help but smile. next, you fed it a small piece of ham from the sandwich you never finished. the fox eagerly ate it up from the palm of your hand. it did a couple little circles around you wagging its tale happily. perhaps it thought of you as a friend. the soft fur was begging to be pet and so you did. it felt far silkier than you had expected. usually animals like this would have rather harsh fur to the touch since they were out in the wild but this fox was so soft. unusually soft. but it seemed so pleased with the attention that you didn’t bother to think further about it. you pet it’s small head with the back of your hand but when you pulled away it nipped at your skin. letting out a gasp, you pulled your hand towards you. the fox seemed to feel bad based on the whimpers it let out and the nuzzles it began to press all over you. your hand was… not injured? but a strange mark was left behind. one would think the combination of strange interactions would cause you to flee but for some reason you felt trusting of the little fox. you felt bizarrely safe with it by your side. standing up and stretching out finally, the fox began tugging at your shoe indicating it wanted you to follow. based on the sweet events you had just experienced and the reality that you wouldn’t find your way out of the forest before dark, you followed.
weaving through trees and bushes the fox looked behind at you every couple steps to ensure you were still following and hadn’t gotten left behind or ran away. its diligence was sweet and would've had you stopping to pet it further if it wasn't nearly pitch black out. the fox had you follow it up to the mouth of a cave. the cave had tall bushes of flowers covering the entrance that you had to push aside to slide through but once inside you felt the safest you had all day.
the floor, walls, and ceiling of the cave had not even the slightest trace of dust or cobwebs. it was ridiculously clean. on the far back wall there was a slight divot in the ground that housed a large pile of soft and clean pelts and blankets. the aches in your bones nearly disappeared from the sight alone. the was another divot closer to the caves opening that looked to have the remnants of a... fire in it? as if something capable of starting one had been here not long ago. perhaps this cave was inhabited by another lost wanderer recently, you pondered. that would make sense as to why the little fox was so comfortable with your presence. perhaps all humans were friendly towards it. regardless, the happy yips it let out and the further tugs to your shoe had you stumbling willingly towards and into the cozy pile in front of you. it felt more comfortable than any bed you'd slept on before. it certainly didn't take long for the exhaustion to overwhelm your body and for you to fall asleep amongst the comfortable nest-like situation.
after what felt like only minutes of a dreamless sleep you were awoken by your own body. shivers were running down your arched spine and a gasp left your lips in response. a slight purr came from above you. it took a couple moments for your eyes to focus through your pants and whimpers but when they finally did you took in the sight above you. a rather lithe and handsome man. his body was painted in scars and freckles with a light flush covering his face. the bone structure of his body was firm and beautiful. fluffy auburn locks were strewn in every direction as his body moved with the pushing and pulling motions. and his eyes were the brightest blue that reminded you of a certain little... fox? that was nowhere to be seen. your eyes were drawn to the pair of ears on top of his head. 'oh. oh,' passed through your hazy mind. the man above you desperately pounding away at your cunt was the little fox that had bit your hand and brought you here. seeming to pick up on your realization, he grinned showing off the sharp fangs at the front of his mouth. he was undeniably handsome. your hand pulsed slightly and the mark seemed to glow under the lack of lighting. the moonlight barely seeping through the bushes painted the scene before you with cool blues and silvers that contrasted the bright cerulean glimmer from your hand. with one hand moving to grab your own the foxboy in front of you aimed a particularly hard thrust breaching the opening of your womb pleasantly. on any other occasion this would've been rather painful but this fox seemed to know your body better than you. a particularly loud gasp and moan left your throat as your eyes rolled back. the orgasm that washed over you was like nothing you'd ever felt before. your back was arched to the heavens and your legs squeezed tightly around the man between them. he leaned down to nuzzle his head between your breasts with a purr.
"oh dear, little mate. i'm about to fill you up. please bear with me, it might hurt and i'm sorry for that but," his sentence was broken with a whine, "but i need to breed you full. gotta make sure your tummys gonna be round with my kits, 'kay? promise it'll feel good after it stops hurting. can tell you've never had a knot in this pussy before 'n i'm happy to be your first. 've never knotted anything before let alone someone, a mate, this cute." his mumbles were broken sentences leaking with desperation more than anything. "gonna stuff your womb, 'kay? you'll be so pretty full of our kits..." he trailed off as his knot and need grew to their peak. a hard and forceful thrust had his knot pushing into you with a soft 'pop' right before he began to empty his heavy balls full of potent seed into you. the sting from such a stretch only lasted a moment before the feeling of such massive amounts of warm seed filling you had you coming undone for the second time that night. your cunt was squeezing around him so tightly his hips were jerking slightly from such pleasant stimulation. the fox was panting into your neck while biting and sucking marks all over your previously pristine flesh. he planted gentle and loving kisses over all the marks he left while squeezing the hand he was still holding softly. purrs vibrated through you as he continued to nuzzle happily into you. after what felt like hours of coming back to your senses he pulled himself upright, knot still tightly situated in you. the movement had you whimpering slightly which was met with soft apologies from the fox.
"what... is your name?" the words slid out of your mouth before you realized it. promptly, you introduced yourself through slurred words as the man petted at your skull gently as if coaxing the speech out of your sticky mouth.
"my name? Ajax. yours is... beautiful. i'm sure together we'll be able to come up with ones just as perfect for our kits," he punctuated his point with a rub on your belly which was bloated with his cum and dick. "you'll be a perfect momma, i just know it. 'm so happy to finally have a mate... i've been waiting so long for the right one and now i have you." his smile was soft.
"i do wonder, though, what my first rut will be like with you? we'll just have to see... you did so good tonight but i'll have to fill you even more then. i suppose some training is in order, no?" <3
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vampyrsutton · 2 years
Asahi X Noya~A/B/O
When Asahi starts his rut at school, Noya is more than ready to help the not so gentle giant through it.
Ao3 Tags:
Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Kinktober, Kinktober 2021, Alpha Azumane Asahi, Omega Nishinoya Yuu, Established Azumane Asahi/Nishinoya Yuu, Azumane Asahi Has A Big Dick, Knotting, a lot of cum, Azumane Asahi is OOC, Feral Azumane Asahi, This Was Entirely An Excuse To Write Feral Asahi, Omega slick, Anal Fingering, Anal Sex, Sexual Harassment, Non-Graphic Violence, Multiple Orgasms, Door Sex, Omegaverse
"Azumane-san." His teacher sighs in annoyance, pinching her nose. "For the love of something, please go to the nurse already. I will give everyone 5 extra points and let you take it later if you just get out of my classroom." 
Asahi slowly curls into himself as everyone stares at him now at the promise of extra points, the ones struggling in the class straight up glaring. 
"Okay…" He finally sighs, gathering his things and heading out. The non-beta students have their noses and mouths covered as he passes, a few omegas whining as some of the alphas struggle to hold in challenging growls. "See you next week then." 
"Be safe." His teacher chimes before he closes the door behind him. 
Once the door is closed, he leans against the wall, red-faced and panting heavily. His claiming fangs are aching and he knows his already dark eyes must be blown black by now. It takes everything in him to not just climb out the window to the second floor and take Yū in front of his whole class, but that would be humiliating. A growl starts to build in his chest as he fights to keep himself sane.
Finally, he's confident enough in his self-control to start down the stairs to the second years. The hallway reeks of Alpha Rut at this point, the air thick with the scent of a cozy fireplace and misty forest that would lure any omega into a sense of security despite the danger lurking in the mist. A lot of people like his scent, says it creates a sense of serenity, but then his rougher features tend to scare them off before they get to know the human teddy bear. 
Nishinoya's class must have a free period because he can already hear the small libero when he reaches the second year landing. 
Asahi growls, gripping the railing in a strong grip until he regains his wits enough to make his way to Yū's class. 
All eyes are on him as he opens the door with far more force than intended, but for once, he doesn't care as his eyes immediately land on a surprised Nishinoya. He makes his way to the small libero, ignoring everyone's questions as he does until he's standing in front of the smaller. 
"Hey, Asahi! What's up?" Nishinoya asks, head tilted in concern at the uncharacteristic behavior. 
He's currently sitting on his desk, Tanka sat next to him, hanging off his shoulder, and a few others sitting far too close for the alpha's comfort. A territorial growl resonates in Asahis' chest and suddenly it clicks for Nishinoya what's happening as he inhales. 
The ace's scent is normally strong, but it's the extra, barely noticeable bite of a forest fire that confirms the libero's suspicions. 
"Bro, get off of me," Nishinoya warns, not breaking eye contact with Asahi as he bares his neck and mating mark. 
The beta furrows his brow, unable to smell the extra spice. "Huh, why?" 
Asahi growls when Tanaka isn't moving fast enough and Nishinoya gives a coo meant to calm him. "He's in rut, dude." 
Tanaka looks at Asahi wide-eyed, moving away slowly. "Gotcha, though it's just Asahi. Not like I'm in actual dange-" he goes ridged at the snarl that gets him from the ace. "Dude?" 
"See you in a week, bro." Nishinoya snickers, hopping off the desk. "Come on, Alpha. Let's get you to the nurse so you can get something to clear your head until we get to yours. Okay?" 
Asahi immediately relaxes once Nishinoya is away from the others, picking him up in a hug to scent him immediately. 
Nishinoya laughs, wiggling his arms free to pet the gentle giant's hair while looking to his teacher. "So, I'll be out for the next week." 
His teacher just sighs, making a note on his papers. "Stay safe you two. I'll let your coach know." 
"Thanks, SensEi! Asahi! I can walk!" Nishinoya complains when Asahi throws him over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes and starts walking out of the door. 
The sound of Tanaka laughing at him uncontrollably is all he hears as the door closes behind them. Nishinoya pouts as he dangles over the ace's shoulder until they get to the nurse. 
"Azumane-san, please put your omega down." The nurse chuckles. "He already has your bite, you don't need to drag him back to the den to claim." 
"Yeah! I can walk, Asahi!" Nishinoya agrees, trying to wiggle free and finally succeeding. 
"Hello, Nishinoya dear." The elderly woman smiles. "Second rut?" 
"Yup, got anything to clear his head until we get back to his?" Nishinoya chuckles, holding the pouting Alpha's hand for some contact. 
“I’ll get the one-hour suppressants.” She nods, walking over to her desk for the controlled substances, unlocking the drawer, and taking out a pill before getting water from a nearby fridge.
“Why do you have to lock the suppressants up anyway?” Noya asks as he convinces Asahi to take the tablet and they wait for it to kick in.
“We had a small problem with stressed students with strict parents trying to steal them during exam seasons when their cycles lined up with tests.” She shrugs, a small smirk forming. “This actually just started after the last break because one of your kohai’s didn’t want to miss a training camp, but had missed too many heats to be given them normally.”
“Hinata.” Nishinoya and Asahi sigh in unison, the nurse chuckling with a nod. 
“Had a good hiding place, but with that bright orange hair.” She shakes her head with a laugh. 
“He really needs to learn to take a break.” Asahi groans with his head in his hands as he starts to come back to himself. 
“Welcome back, Mr. Big Bad Alpha.” Nishinoya teases, a playful smirk on his face. 
“Can you text Tanaka that I’m sorry for growling at him?” Asahi whines.
“Nah, dude. He laughed at me getting carried like a sack of potatoes. Call it early karma.” Nishinoya huffs, crossing his arms. 
Asahi snorts, looking to the side to smile at the libero. “Petty.”
“Yup!” Yū snickers before jumping up. “Now let’s go before it wears off. You know your big body eats through it faster.” 
Asahi flushes, standing up and avoiding looking at the nurse. “Thank you…”
“Gosh, you really are completely different. It’s not a problem, hun. I’d rather you two be able to talk things through before going nuts than making stupid choices.” The nurse chuckles, waving him off before turning to Nishinoya. “Do you need protection, too, or are you on birth control?” 
The libero grins, holding up his arm and poking at a barely noticeable bump. “I got the implant. Thanks, though! Now come on, Asa!”
Asahi hides behind his hair, quietly noting that Noya stole his ponytail when being carried, and waves bye as he awkwardly follows the hyper omega out of the office. 
Once they’ve retrieved what they need and are outside the building, Noya turns to Asahi and begins walking backward to talk to him. “So while you can still think with the head on your shoulders, do you want me to spend your rut with you?”
Asahi flushes, fidgeting a little as he walks. “You had so much trouble playing last time though…”
“Babe, I was the one stubborn enough to try playing the day after your rut broke. Not your fault so next.” Nishinoya laughs. “Doesn’t help I had to wear a plug with how much cum you-”
“NISHI!” Asahi cuts him off with a whine. “If I admit how much I do will you stop trying to kill me?”
“Yup!” The omega grins innocently despite being anything but. Seriously, he could sprout horns and a tail one day and the ace wouldn’t even bat an eye.
“Demon.” He mumbles before sighing. “Please?” 
“Please what?” Noya smirks.
“Evil. Just evil. Will you please spend my rut with me?” Asahi groans.
“Yes. I will spend your rut with you.” The libero snickers before making a quick turn into a store. “Now let’s get some things while you still have time.”
Asahi looks up at the sign and realizes the omega had just pranced into a Heat/Rut Aid store and he instantly turns red again but quickly follows.
All around were various things for Alphas and Omegas alike from knotted dildos and sleeves specially designed to handle a knot to lube and contraception to entire aisles just for nesting supplies. There are books for teaching, artificial slick, AVs, scent neutralizers, suppressants, and, back in the restricted section, there was usually couples play equipment. There’s even a small convenience store section full of high-energy and calorie food and drink. Basically, if it might be needed for a week of cumming, it was in this store. 
Asahi sees the small libero disappear into a nesting aisle and sighs, knowing the small nest the omega has started in his closet is only going to grow. He wasn’t going to try stopping him though so went over to gather food and drinks for his den.
Soon enough, he’s gathered a basket full before remembering where Noya went and dumping it in a cart instead. His clothes are beginning to feel like too much once again, and he knows the suppressant is going to start wearing off soon so he goes to find his omega. 
“Hey, Yū?” He calls, looking down the first two aisles. He finally catches a flash of yellow mohawk in the last aisle and feels his blood boil when he realizes the libero is being cornered by three bigger alphas. 
Well, bigger compared to Noya. Asahi still had a good half a head on them which he used to his advantage as he growled low in his throat.
They must not have heard him though as they continue to harass the libero.
“Aw, come on. Just a little fun.” One of them snickers, trying to take hold of Nishinoys’s arm, snarling when the omega smacks him.
“I already told you asshats I’m mated. Fuck off!” Noya growls back, his admittedly less intimidating given that omegas weren’t meant to make those sounds. He doesn’t care though as he tries to push his way through only to be grabbed by one of the others. “Fucker!”
“That’s what they all say. Come on, don’t be such a prude. We just want to show you a good time, omega.” The one who grabbed him sneers.
“I have a name, dick. This is exactly why you have to resort to such gross methods to get with anyone. You’re a bunch of knothea-” He’s cut off when the same one slaps him.
“Dude, what the fuck?!” The third one yells, trying to break them up after having protested this, to begin with.
“Shut up, wimp.” He snaps to the third. “And you, you stupid bitch. Know your place-why the fuck are you grinning like that?!”
“Hi, babe,” Nishinoya smirks, seeing Asahi barrelling down the aisle in full-blown alpha rage. “Did the rut suppressant wear off already?”
The three idiots turn around and instantly go white as ghosts as this 6’1” giant comes charging at them with fangs bared and murder in his eyes. 
“I told you guys we should have left when he said no!” The third whined, hiding behind his friends.
“Shut up, idiot! There’s three of u-wait you said rut suppressants?”
“Yup!” Nishi snickers, prying the asshole’s fingers from his shirt before slamming a fist into the prick’s stomach and sitting back to let Asahi handle the rest. “Your scrawny friend warned you.” 
Idiot #2 fell to the ground with a groan of pain, muttering something about where an omega learns to punch like that as Idiot #1 is picked up and thrown next to his friend by a growling Asahi. 
“What. Do. You. Think. You’re. Doing. To. My. Mate.” He growls, kicking the two with each word, being conscious enough to know his hits would probably be fatal right now. 
#3 whimpers, making no move to help the other two as they had brought it on themselves and yelps when rage-filled eyes turn to him at the sound, baring his neck in submission.
“He tried to stop them,” Noya speaks up from where he’s loading pillows and blankets into the cart. “He’s just much weaker than them so was afraid to do much.”
Asahi glares but nods slowly. “Go tell the shop owner what’s going on.” He snarls, looking down at the groaning and unconscious lumps on the food with a sneer. “And find different friends. What year are you?”
“First! Just presented last month!” He squeaks. 
“Aoba Johsai!” 
Asahi nods. “Go try the volleyball team. Too late for this year, but you’ll be safe from these idiots, too.”
The kid looks confused at the giant trying to help him but nods slowly. “Okay? I-uh-I’ll go keep the store keep!” He stutters before running off. 
Nishinoya watches Asahi’s muscles strain as he fights himself not to run after the fleeing target, but he instead distracts himself by sneaking into the back and coming back with a rope to keep the idiots there.
“Kinky.” Nishinoya laughs. 
The sound seems to be what brings Asahi back and he flushes before looking at the two in horror. “Did I do that?”
“Yup!” Noya smirks, coming closer to kiss his alpha on the cheek. “Good Alpha.”
Asahi flushes before scowling when he remembers what happened before his brow furrows. “Where did you learn to hit like that?”
“Yaku.” The libero shrugs as though that explains everything which, knowing of the other libero, it does.
“How Lev managed to tame that omega, I will never understand.” Asahi sighs. 
Nishinoya snorts. “Oh, you think any taming was done. Cute.”
Asahi flushes, trying not to imagine what that chaos looks like as the shopkeeper comes down the aisle with a sigh.
“These punks again.” The old beta tsks. “I warned them that if they tried again, I was calling the police.” He waved at the third kid to do so. “I have video footage that you were protecting your mate and that it was self-defense so you two get out of here. Even my nose can smell the rut coming off of you and I’m not closing my store for a whole week if this speeds it up.”
Asahi just hides behind his hands now with a groan. “Thank you, sir.” He mumbles.
“Mhm. Now shoo, I tuned in around to the time the omega through a punch so already have you rung up. Just get up there to pay and bag your shit.”
The two scramble to do as they’re told and soon enough, they are once again heading to Asahi’s house. By the time they are entering the ace’s bedroom, Asahi has fully hit his rut and pushes Nishi up the door, thigh firmly between his legs and kissing the life out of the libero.
“Mnph! Mmm~” Noya hums, dropping the bags and throwing his arms around the other as the scent of fireplace and misty forest fire threatens to consume him. His head is swimming by the time Asahi lets him up for air and all he can do is whine. “Alpha~”
A growl rumbles in Asahi’s chest at Noya calling out to him as he starts attacking the smaller boy’s neck with kisses and bites. If they didn’t know before, by the time they got back to school, everyone would know exactly what happened to the small omega who moaned at the attention. 
“Fuck-Ah~! Asahi! Wa-wait-shit-clothes! Get our clothes off!” Nishinoya stutters through his moans.
Asahi huffs but doesn’t stop what he’s doing, instead just moving down the libero’s chest as he undoes his shirt before attaching to a nipple as he’s pulling the shirt off on him.
“Ahhh~! Asahi~! Fuck!” The libero whimpers, arching into the attention, whining a bit when he receives a playful bite. 
While Asahi has Noya distracted, he works on getting the omega’s pants on and almost purrs when he feels how slick the other is. “Shit, Nishi.” He manages to groan, sliding his fingers through the slick to lube them up before prodding one at the libero’s hole.
“Mnngh! Asahi, please!” He whines, squirming to be filled. 
The alpha chuckles lowly, slipping a finger in and chuffing at the pretty noises that leave his omega’s mouth from his finger. 
Noya’s thighs tremble as Asahi works him open, having very little trouble adding more fingers quickly with the amount of slick practically dripping from the libero. 
“Fuck~ Angh~! There! Asahi! There, please, shit!” Nishinoya cries out as Asahi grinds his finger against his prostate. 
In barely anytime at all, Noya is coming all over Asahi’s thigh and blurrily wondering when the alpha got his own pants off before he’s whining at the sudden empty feeling of Asahi removing his fingers. 
“Asahi, please~ Your cock, pleEAse~ AhhH~!” The libero’s head thumps against the door as Asahi moves him just enough to start dropping him on his cock, and fuck, he worries he might lose his mind as gravity helps split him open. “So big, so good alpha. FUck~!” He whines.
A pleased growl rumbles in the alpha’s chest as he works his cock into his omega until his small hips are flush against his and the omega is practically drolling.
Nishi moans, curiously dragging a hand over his stomach, sure he’d be able to feel the ace with how full he feels. “So full…” he mumbles.
An almost feral smirk crosses Asahi’s face and Noya has all of two second’s to brace himself before the ace is fucking him right back up the door with all the strength of an athlete that makes Nishi see stars. 
“FUCK! AHH~ASAHI~!” The libero moans loudly, launching forward to cling to his alpha and crying out when the slight angle change guarantees the cock currently impaling him hits his prostate almost every time.
Asahi growls possessively at the noises leaving the small libero and moves buries his cock in him to carry him to the bed before plowing into him with a vengeance. 
Nishinoya has a moment of wondering if this is how he dies as he arches off the bed, grinding into the new angle and doing his best to meet the alpha’s thrust now that he has some hold. He decides that if fucked to death is how he goes out, he has no complaints.
“Close! Shit, I’m so close. Asahi, please, fuck, plea-AHH~ Cumming~!” Noya cries as he cums all over his stomach with a bite to Asahi’s bicep, wanting to save the proper bite for when they get to cum at relatively the same time, and as he feels Asahi continue to rearrange his guts without pause, he knows that’s not anytime soon.
He does his best to continue meeting the ace’s thrusts, but after how hard he just came, he just lets himself fall limp as a ‘do as you will’. 
Asahi snarls, taking the invitation as he lunges forward to resume attacking the libero’s neck and chest.
All Noya can do is whimper and moan as he catches his breath, but every time he thinks he has, the alpha punches it back out of him with another powerful thrust. For such a gentle giant, his inner alpha seems to have the sole goal of absolutely ruining the libero, but he can’t say he’s complaining. 
Soon enough, Noya is cumming again before he can even gain his bearings and finally resigns himself fully to being his alpha’s cock sleeve. He’s thankfully harder to overstimulate than a beta, but out of heat, he still has a refractory period that is just being fucked right out of him as he moans and whimpers.
He almost whines when he finally feels his alpha’s fat knot starting to catch on his rim and threatening to fill him even more than he already is. Every time, he has to wonder how that manages to fit without breaking him completely, but every time it does as Asahi stuffs him full of so much cum he swears he can taste it. 
“Fuck, AsahI~ AhHhh~! Your knot! Please, want your knot, please~!” Nishi moans as he manages to find enough of a second wind to hook his legs around Asahi’s hips to try to fuck the knot into him himself.
Something flashes in Asahi’s eyes as he smirks and suddenly Noya finds his feet by his ears as he’s bent in half and plowed into with abandon. The new angle pounds his prostate every time and he almost screams as he’s driven closer to yet another orgasm. 
“Please please please~! Alpha~! Please~ knot me!” Nishinoya cries before moaning lightly as the knot finally catches and it’s only a few more rough grinds before the libero is being filled with spurt after spurt of cum and whiting out as the feeling rips one final orgasm out of him. 
By the time he comes to, Asahi is back to his senses and has the small omega laying on his chest while they’re locked together. Nishinoya blinks a  few times and realizes his alpha is purring, making him purr in return.
“Are you okay, Nishi?” Asahi asks hesitantly.
“Who? I’m sorry I think you fucked my brains out. Please try again later.” The libero mumbles.
“Nishiii!” Asahi whines, pouting. “Be serious, you know I worry.”
Nishinoya chuckles, turning his head to look at his alpha’s pouting face. “I know, my big baby. I’m fine just tired.” 
Asahi pouts further at the nickname but accepts the answer with an awkward chuckle. “You can go into overtime, but a little bit of sex wears you out?”
“Saving Date Tech’s blocks has nothing on taking your monster of a cock. Like fuck, I’m so full.” He groans, feeling his belly between them and swearing he can feel a bump.”
The ace flushes red but has no escape with them still locked together. “Why are you like this?” He whines instead.
“‘Cause you’re cute when you’re flustered,” Nishi smirks, nuzzling into his alpha’s chest. “Now nap time before you’re given another wind and go back to rearranging my guts. If I’m still asleep, you still have permission to fuck me...Oh, you like that idea, huh?”
Asahi somehow turns darker as the purr increases in volume at the concept of fucking his omega in his sleep and they both feel another spurt of cum join the rest. “I- I-uh-I guess?” 
Nishinoya chuckles, nipping at a peck as he gives a small purr of his own. “Well then, guess I should get to sleep so you can have at it. Love you, Asa.”
Asahi finally remembers he can cover his face and does so with one arm as he groans. “Love you too, little menace.”
With a final snicker, they finally start drifting off, and yes, Asahi does take him up on that when he wakes up horny again a few hours later.
“Holy shit, Asahi! No one planned to steal him!” Tanaka cackles when they finally enter the gym again just over a week later,
Asahi flushes dark red while Nishinoya shows off his heavily marked neck with pride.
“You’re just jealous Ennoshita hasn’t had his next rut yet, Ryu!” Nishinoya shoots back, laughing when both boys turn the color of a Nekoma jersey.
“Why am I being dragged into this?!” Ennoshita complains.
Asahi just groans as the second years continue bickering. He should get his mate some turtle necks for next time.
Not that he’d wear them.
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xmyshya · 3 years
Pvssy murdered on the Orgasm Express
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summary: MSBY takes a night train to Tokyo for a match, but Atsumu has better ideas than sleeping. genre: crack, smut warnings: semi-public sex, unprotected sex, MINORS DNI betas: @vanille–kiss​ I love you birdie so much, you help me a lot and I'm forever grateful to you a/n: Fic is part of the HQHQ Server Collab with a prompt "Public sex/Chikan"! You can find the masterlist here wc: 1.6k
[Freeze frame] You open the door of your tiny room in a sleeping train compartment, only to be met with intense gazes of Bokuto and Hinata. Your hair is a mess, your clothes are disheveled, but the man stretching behind you looks flawless with his flowy blond hair and a lazy smirk. It’s painfully obvious what you’ve been doing.
[Record scratch] Yep, that’s me. You’re probably wondering how I got in this mess. Buckle up.
It’s going to be a long ride. You can’t recall the last time you travelled by public transportation and neither do MSBY boys, yet here you all are, on the way from Osaka to Tokyo. There’s an important game tomorrow, and the team's bus had the audacity to break down yesterday. Luckily, management splurged a little on a sleeping train car for the team, which means getting at least some rest.
This is the longest section, 6-hour train ride after the last transfer in Yamashina Eki. It’s nearing midnight, so you instruct the men to split between the rooms and get some rest before another change. They oblige without objections, shuffling into their segments, and soon the compartment falls silent.
It’s way past your usual bedtime, and now that adrenaline rush is over, exhaustion washes over you. The bed looks really inviting, especially with your boyfriend, Miya Atsumu, in it. He’s waiting with his arms open, prompting you with his hands to join in. So you do, laying down with your back pressed against his chest, his warm embrace making you relax with a content sigh.
“G’night, ‘Tsumu.”
You mumble through your sleepy haze, but instead of an answer, you’re met with a gentle rocking of his hips behind you and grinding of a growing erection against your ass. His breath is hot on the nape of your neck.
“I said good night, ‘Tsumu.”
“Heard ya the first time.”
His ministrations don’t stop though; it’s the opposite, actually. His hand finds its way under your shirt, calloused fingers gliding along the skin of your stomach in small circles, while he leaves open-mouthed kisses on your shoulder. You’re trying hard not to give in, firstly, because you don’t want to give him satisfaction, and secondly, because you actually intended to get some rest.
But when Atsumu’s teeth graze the sensitive skin you can’t help but let out a quiet gasp, and you can feel his lips curl into a smirk. Of course he knows your body way too well. His palm moves up in a slow motion, until it reaches your breasts; he gives one of them a gentle squeeze and brushes his thumb against a hardened nipple.
The blond’s lips move up your neck, biting, sucking, and licking, leaving red and purple marks on its way. His fingers play with the bud, rolling it and circling at the same pace as the languid movement of his clothed cock against your butt. It drives you crazy, but it’s not enough.
You place one leg over his; his thigh is now pressed to your covered pussy and you shamelessly roll your hips in search of some friction.
“Are ya this turned on already, Princess?”
His voice is low, husky, and sends a heated shiver down your spine. God, you think, how can someone be so annoying and so hot at the same time? He pinches your nipple and you moan his name, in response his chuckle rumbles through his chest. He loves how sensitive you are, he loves how his touch makes you pliant and needy.
“‘Tsumu, touch me.”
“I am touchin’ ya.”
Of course he knows what you mean. But he would lie if he said it doesn’t turn him on when you’re asking for things. When you’re demanding things. Another pinch on your bud and you jerk your hips at his cock.
“Finger me. Now.”
His erection twitches in his pants, and he’s dying to rip them off and just bury himself balls deep inside of you, but first, he has to oblige. Atsumu gives your breast last squeeze before trailing down. He draws his knee up opening you for his touch, and slides a finger along your covered slit.
“God, you’re soaked.” He half whispered, half groaned.
He pushes your panties to the side and slips one finger between your folds. He pumps it in and out of your cunt, thumb massaging your already swollen clit. One of your hands disappears under your top, and through the thin fabric he can see you playing with your tits. His cock twitches again, and he pushes another finger in.
Atsumu picks up his pace, curling his fingers to make sure to brush against that spongy spot on your wall, that makes you clench so tight. You can feel the heat blooming in your abdomen, your boyfriend’s digits sliding and scissoring against your fluttering walls, as his thumb draws circles on your nub.
You come with loud moans of his name, screaming “Atsumu, fuck me” over and over again. And it’s all he needs to let go of his inhibitions, rolling you on your stomach and hovering over you.
He pulls your panties off and spreads your legs, kneeling in between them. Finally, he frees his already leaking cock, and it slaps against his abdomen.
“Lift yer ass a little, Princess.”
Calloused fingers dig into your hips as he helps you get in the position. The angle is low and uncomfortable, but works well with the moving and rocking train. Atsumu leans on one hand to your side, aiming his cock with the other. He glides inside in one swift motion, stretching you so deliciously, tip kissing your cervix.
“Move, please!”
The man shifts to all fours, and pulls back almost entirely before slamming his hips into yours. He does it again, and again, retracting slowly, letting you feel each vein of his cock, to thrust back in with enough force to push you forward on the sheets.
Atsumu rolls his hips in a circular motion, reaching deep and the angle allows him to drag his head along the g-spot repeatedly. He knows the pace is too slow to push you off the edge, but you still squeeze him tight with every brush on your spongy spot.
“Fuck, ya feel s’good. You… yer doing so well.”
He hisses through clenched teeth, praise sending a wave of pleasure through your body.
“‘Tsumu, faster.”
Your pleas are always his weakness, how could he say no to his little Princess when you’re asking him like that? He’s quickening his pace gradually, pushing out a moan after a moan from your throat. God, you sound so, so good.
“Babe, ‘m close.”
He groans as he reaches his hand between your thighs, the sudden rub on your clit makes your walls spasm and cry out his name.
“Baby, cum for… cum for me.”
The way Atsumu moans out those words drives you insane, his brutal rutting and relentless circling on your bud makes your orgasm hit you like a train. Your cries fill the whole room, and with the way your cunt clenches frantically around his cock, he can’t hold back either. He fills you with his milky release, as he rides you both down from your highs.
“Do we have wet wipes?”
The faux blonde mumbles against your shoulder blade, receiving only a hum as an answer.
“That good, huh?” he mutters as he hears your simple response, reaching into your bag to collect them.
“‘Tsum, gotta go to the bathroom.”
He cleans you and himself with damp tissues, and then helps you put on some clothes so you could leave the room. Atsumu snickers at your troubles with standing up, and you slap his chest for looking too proud about it. After a moment you’re able to take a few steps towards the door, and the man manages to pull up his boxers a moment before you slide it open.
Terror and embarrassment creep up on your features when you’re suddenly face to face with both Bokuto and Hinata, the former slapping something into the hand of his teammate.
Bonus scene:
Bokuto wakes up from his bladder being painfully full. He won’t be able to hold it in for another minute, so he taps his foot in darkness in search of his shoes. Still half asleep, he slides them on and waddles through the whole way to the toilet. It’s on the other end of the car, right behind your and Tsum Tsum’s room.
At first he doesn’t register the sounds, but as he reaches your door, the voices become clear. Moans. You two are having sex. And good sex at that. If Bokuto opened the door, he’d see you with your face buried in the pillow and ass up, and Atsumu railing you from behind.
But he doesn’t open the door. His first instinct is to run back to his room and disrupt the slumber of his mate.
“Chibi-chan! Wake up!”
The other man mumbles and turns to the other side, but Bokuto doesn’t get discouraged.
“Hey! Shoyo! You gotta hear this!”
With this Hinata sits up and rubs his eyes, but his friend already pulls him out of bed and into the hall.
“Bokuto-san, where-”
And then he hears it. Your voices calling each others’ names.
“Who do you think is on top?” The taller man asks.
“Atsumu-san for sure.”
“I bet…” Bokuto searches his pockets and pulls out some bills. “2000 yen that it’s Y/N. If she comes out with nice hair, she was on top.”
Just as Hinata cheerfully declares “deal!”, the door slides open and they’re standing face to face with you. With messy hair. Behind you Atsumu is stretching looking as flawless as ever. Bokuto quickly slaps the money in Hinata’s hand.
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huihuiheart · 3 years
Claiming - Hybrid! San
Ateez Masterlist
Pairing: Tiger Hybrid! San x Female Reader
Genre: Smut + Fluff
Summary: Part 2 of Obvious - San’s heat is coming to an end and he’s finally ready to hear your explanation for the events that brought it on in the first place. He also realizes though that some of those feelings he had during the week weren’t just his heat talking.
Warnings: The implied cheating from part 1 is explained, unprotected sex, marking, dom/sub themes, oral (f! receiving), degradation, dirty talk, cursing, soft and hard dom San, biting, claiming, blood, slapping (one to the thigh).
Word Count: 2,884
Note: This was finished and edited on breaks between my first day of a new job, with only three hours of sleep in my body, so it might be a mess. If you have concerns or things that seem like they need to be fixed please send me an ask or pm to resolve it.
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“A-All yours! I’m your filthy fucking slut! Your kitten! S-San please!” You wonder if you’ve done enough as he only curls his tongue into you once before pulling away again. When he’s flipping you over though and placing your hips on the highest part of the armrest to show your ass off you already know what he’s planning, “F-Fuck yes! San please, please fuck me so good! Show everyone who owns this pussy!”
San laughs breathlessly as he strips behind you, playfully spanking your ass as he teases his tip through your fold before gripping your hips harshly and suddenly thrusting all the way into you. Leaning down with a smirk he kisses the shell of your ear before whispering.
“Oh, I will, kitten. You’ll be dripping my cum for days.”
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You stirred by the feeling of fleeting kisses against the sensitive marks littering your neck. Your quiet whimper makes San slow his pace, being more gentle in the way his lips and tongue soothe at the marks he so harshly left behind over the last few days.
“Are you already ready for another round?” You whine softly, slumber still deep in your voice as you don’t even open your eyes yet. San was definitely built for weeks like this whereas you...not so much, despite how pleasant it was.
San chuckles deeply, “I mean I am, but that’s not why I woke you. I hadn’t intended to wake you at all. You’ve done so well for me this week, but you’re so exhausted now I just wanted to let you sleep.”
You hum softly with a small yawn, “You’re oddly soft right now, is your heat over already?”
“Not entirely, but it’s pretty much passed. I might get a sudden flash or two of heat today and tomorrow, the worst is over though. I’m at least coherent again.” San brushes the hair out of your face as your eyes finally flutter open to look up at him, before he kisses you softly, “Though eating you out might help with that a little bit too.”
You snicker knowing his statement was actually a request, “Go ahead then, you woke me up anyway and I’m too tired to stop you.”
San hums teasingly, “More like too enticed to stop me.”
You roll your eyes, making San laugh a little as he moves to hover over you, gently nudging your bare legs apart. You’re clothed in only a shirt and some panties knowing anything more wouldn’t have lasted during his heat anyways...not that these often did either. 
His hands ease up your thighs, inching closer and closer to your panties and the beginning of a wet spot that was forming. His thumb finding your clit through the thin fabric and rubbing slow circles onto it, easing your sensitive body into arousal once more. 
“Looks like I’m not the only one who’s ready to go again.” San teases, nuzzling up your thigh until he reaches your panties. His tongue giving slow laps over the wetness seeping through the material, a moan low in his throat at your taste. 
His heat is still spiking just slightly with you like this, so his hands are already moving to take your panties off. Going as slow as he can will with his heat making itself known still, not to tease for once though, simply to ensure your comfort after the last couple days of restless fucking. 
San’s rough tongue is slow and gentle in its movements between your folds. Watching your face closely to take in how you were feeling. When he determines that you’re feeling good and it’s not too much he places a soft kiss on your clit before giving it some attention. His lips around your clit shrouding your whole body in sweet bliss. His goal is just to bring you over the sweet edge once and to do so gently, letting your tensed worn-out body release and finally relax some. Only lapping your release up for a little bit, not wanting to overstimulate you, just to clean you up.
“So good for me, kitten. Such a good girl.” San praises softly and you buzz at the praise drawing him up for a brief kiss.
“Does this mean we can finally talk about what happened?” You inquire with a quiet voice not wanting to push anything, especially with San’s heat still lingering.
San hums, “We can, but not yet. First I’m going to draw you a nice bath to relax and clean up in and then I’m going to feed you some breakfast. We can talk once I’ve made sure you’ve had a chance to recover.” 
He kisses your forehead before going to do as he had said he was going to. Humming a soft tune as he goes, something that eases your worries about where you and he stood.
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Leaning back in your seat after finishing a full meal without interruption for the first time in four days you were starting to feel much more recharged now. Thinking that San may have had a good point in wanting to clean up and eat properly first. 
Resting your chin in your palm you watch him as he finishes up his own food and it makes him chuckle, “That eager to talk about it?”
“I mean...I’ve been anxious about it so kind of ready to get it over with. I’m worried about what you think of me.” You admit, leaning into San’s touch when you feel him cupping your cheek.
“I know I get jealous easily, but I trust you, my love. I know whatever explanation you have will be reasonable.” San encourages brushing his thumb over your skin.
“My brother is visiting, so I went to spend some time with him. It’s been a long time since I’ve seen him, so there was a lot of hugging involved.” You laugh a little when San’s brows furrowed in confusion knowing the scent wasn’t anything like yours or anyone in your family, “He was my foster brother. My family looked after him for a few years until someone adopted him...well before we were able to anyways. He comes and visits when he can, but it’s not super often. I was going to tell you about it, considering he wants to meet you, but it kind of triggered your heat, so we’ve not really got a chance to talk about that.”
San flushes a little rubbing the back of his neck, “Yeah...we have been a bit preoccupied...but of course, I’d want to meet him! Though I am curious as to why he wants to meet me.”
“He said it’s because you’re important to me...and he says he can tell from how happy I am that you’re the one. So he wants to come to see if you have any wedding plans or anything I guess.” You laugh a little but notice how his ears perk up at the mention of weddings.
“Oh? It’s interesting you bring that up...cause my heat got me thinking about somethings.” San admits, blushing a slightly deeper hue now. 
This time it’s you who reaches out to him, cupping his cheek in your palm and trying to calm him, “Well you can talk to me about it if you’re ready to. You know that.”
San nods softly, hand slipping over yours and turning his head to kiss your palm, “I just want to move too fast and scare you away or anything.” 
“If you’re moving too fast I’ll say so, but I seriously doubt you’ll ever scare me away at this point. If that was going to happen it would have happened a long time ago.” You joke with him, trying to lighten the mood some and put him more at ease.
“Well we haven’t really talked about it too much, so for starters...hybrids don’t usually have a wedding as you would have. I mean...I’m not opposed to it of course especially for you and your family. I know how special and meaningful that is for you...but we take that step differently typically.” San explains, noticing how your face scrunches in confusion. You had done a lot of research about hybrids having San around and wanting to be familiar with his needs and what to expect, yet you’d never seen anything that you could think he could be talking about now.
“Well then what do you usually do? I want to know. If we were to have a wedding for me, then I’d want to do the equivalent for you too.” You encourage and he takes your hands in his carefully.
“Why don’t you hear what it is before making that decision, my love. It might not be so pleasant for you...like my heat you’ll be okay to handle it, but you weren’t made for it either. So if you don’t want to do it I understand.” San leans forward brushing your hair back and kissing your forehead softly, “For hybrids, we do something a lot less public...and a lot more intimate. Usually, we get the urge to do it while in our heat, but unless we really want that it goes away after our heat...that desire isn’t going away for me this time. I want it still.” 
Your skin is a bit heated at the implications, but you still have so many unanswered questions, “Just tell me what happens San. It’s alright.”
“When a hybrid and the person who he wants to be with forever...to be his mate are...well...breeding. He claims her, right here...” San’s thumb brushes over the sensitive skin on your sweet spot, the very spot he loves to suckle his marks onto, “ It’s a bite simply put, meant to leave a lasting mark for anyone to see. It will hurt and it will bleed, but I promise it will make you feel good too and I’ll take care of you if you were to agree.” 
You hum, processing his explanation for a moment, “And you want to do that with me?”
San nods almost immediately, “I do. I really...really do, but I don’t want to hurt you or do anything that would make you upset or uncomfortable.”
“Well, I’ll agree...on one condition.” You finally voice your opinion and it has San looking at you intently, waiting to hear whatever it was your condition would me. Ready to do anything in a heartbeat, “I want to do this in some sort of order that makes sense to me too...so propose first and once we’re engaged you can claim me in every way you want San.”
“Oh fuck...I totally forgot about the whole engagement thing...I have to get a ring, don’t I? ...fuck, I don’t even know where to start.” San whines and it makes you giggle.
“Who says we have to have the ring in hand for you to propose? You can ask without it...besides I’m sure my family would love to help you pick something out later.” You smirk at him, watching as it takes a minute to understand what you mean before getting giddy once again.
San scrambles down onto one knee, giggling a little himself, “Well then...Y/N will you marry me? Will you be my one and only? Forever?”
“Yes San, I will.” You giggle back, cupping his cheeks and leaning down to kiss him. Something he easily returns as he stands and takes you into his arms. 
It doesn’t take long for the kiss to become more intense, San’s heat flashing through him again at your agreeing and touch. It being enough to spur on another wave of desire, one that was obvious even to you as a human. In part because you knew him and in part due to the fact that his skin burned under your touch, his arousal building beneath his pants and pressing against your hip.
“Well go on then...if you want it so badly I’m not going to stop you San. I want it too, to be yours for the whole world to see...claim me San.” Your pleads have San growling, nipping at your lips before capturing them passionately once more. His hands groping at any part of you that they could get to as he gets more desperate to feel you again. 
San’s hands move to grip your thighs, pressing against you before picking you up to carry you back to your bedroom. His tongue laving over your sweet spot, before giving it special attention with his lips, only breaking away to lay you back onto the bed. 
“How sore are you, kitten?” San asks, hands toying with the hem of the shirt you were wearing as he watches your face.
“Not enough that you should hold back.” You smirk, knowing what he was asking and he smacks your thigh playfully, barely leaving a sting.
“Don’t get cocky with me, just because I’m trying to take care of my kitten. Besides you’re going to be sore again after this.” San’s words sound more like a promise than anything else as his lips find your throat again, seemingly fixed on it right now. His hands working your shirt up at a slow pace, not ready to leave the sweet spot his mouth was focused on again yet. 
“I better be. I like having that constantly reminding me of you. Besides, the things that lead to me being so sore are the most fun anyway.” Your words make San smirk against your skin, before pulling back to pull your shirt off entirely.
“Oh is that so kitten? Does my girl like it rough?” San mocks leaning down to bite playfully at your nipple, “Want me to ruin you?” 
“Fuck, yes...I do. I want it so badly.” Your desperation is growing along with his and making you both restless. San’s chuckle turns into a growl as he smells your arousal in the air. 
San’s fingers slip down between your folds, seeing how wet you were before quickly pulling your panties down. His hand moves to return to your folds until you push it away, making his eyes snap up to your face sternly.
“Easy there tiger.” You snicker, “I’m not stopping you, it’s just...” 
San’s brows furrow at your hesitance thinking maybe you were reconsidering this for now, until he sees how flustered you are instead of regret on your face, “What is it kitten?”
“Please no teasing...I’m already ready for you again, no prep.” You admit and San licks his lips looking down at your soaked folds. 
“Oh, so that’s what it is hm? And here I thought I was the desperate one with my heat.” San taunts, making quick work of his pants and letting his hard cock slap against his abs. 
You nod, biting your lip. Though soon it won’t matter what you do, San will have you screaming. San’s tip running through your sodden folds as something, before pushing into you. The feeling only more familiar after the last few days, but no less blissful. His hands gripping your hips, thumbs rubbing at your skin, before his touch gets firmer, holding you in place. His thrusts start slow, but deep and forceful, hitting all the right spots. Enamored with the way your breasts bounce with each thrust, leaning down and teasingly flicking his tongue over one of your nipples. 
As his pace picks up his hands move to your thighs, pushing them open to give himself full access to your heat. His one hand moving up again, his thumb finding your clit and rubbing circles onto it. His other hand now gripping your jaw to make you look into his eyes. His lips moving in towards yours, growling against your lips.
“Fuck kitten, you’re so good for me. You’re going to take it, won’t you? You’ll cum and then take everything I give you like a good girl won’t you?” San’s questions are more of a demand knowing that you could, but there’s a desperation to them that lets you know he needs your answer too. 
Your palms pull his face in for a kiss before moving his face to your neck again, fingers tangling into his hair and tugging to a nip and another growl.
"I...I'm going to cum for you San..." You keen, San thrusting harder, his fingers putting more pressure on your clit. Trying to distract you from the initial pain you would soon feel as he bites down onto your sweet spot the second he feels you cumming around him. The pain soon bleeds into white-hot pleasure coursing through your whole body, riding you through your orgasm, the more intense you've had yet as he cums inside of you.
Once you've both started to come back to reality San leans down, gently lapping at the wound as blood trickles out and onto your skin. Before giving you a short, sweet kiss.
"I'm going to clean that up and get it taken care of and then I'll take care of the rest of you kitten." He promises, kissing your forehead, " You've done so good for me you can rest now."
His words of assurance are all your body needs for you to start drifting off again. Only slightly registering the feeling of him cleaning and dressing the wound for you before you're entirely swept away into your dreams...dreams of the future. Of your future, with San.
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Tags: @foreveryouaremystar​
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mrs-gucci · 3 years
There seems to be a darker, more violent take on Clyde floating around right now and I LOVE it!! I’m working on one for him too!
Since you say open for darker requests, I’d love to hear your take on a more violent Clyde! He could be saving you from a stalker. Clyde can show him what a real bad ass can do and then show you how well he can treat you too lol! He could be protecting you from someone at the bar. He could be showing you his special forces skills after some gets aggressive. You name it lol!
Secrets of the Blood Moon {werewolf!Clyde x Reader darkfic}
author's notes: helloooo! my friend shannon, thank you for this request!! I am also a fan of the darker take on Clyde and I hope I did it some justice!! I worked really, really hard on this one, and I’m super pleased with how it turned out.
warnings: angst. smut. hurt/comfort. a minor car crash. mentions of alcohol consumption. rut. knotting. breeding kink. werewolf stuff. attempted mating bite. murder coverup. clyde feels guilty.
tw's: noncon touching (not by clyde). involuntary attempted sexual assault (werewolf clyde pins her down & dry humps w/o consent, but human clyde doesn’t know he did it nor would ever intend to do it). blood & gore. graphic depictions of murder and violence. human-hunting. depictions of human body consumption (is it cannibalism if he’s technically a wolf when it happens?). werewolf sex.
**this is a work of FICTION. the author does not attempt to condone the actions/behaviors of the characters written.**
word count: 5.9k
my taglist peeps: @frank-and-honey @shygirl268 @icarusinthesea​ ​@gildedstarlight (if you’d like to be added to or removed from my taglist, the link to the google form is HERE or on the top of my masterlist.)
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Last Night
Stepping out of your car, you’re instantly suffocated by the thick humidity of the West Virginia evening. The sun paints cotton candy across the sky as it sets behind the trees on the mountainous horizon, the almost full moon hot on its tail, slowly rising on the other side of the sky.
The blood moon comes tomorrow, and from the old folk tales your mom used to tell about the deep West Virginia countryside, some weird shit goes down under the crimson moon. You never really believed her. What all could happen in lil ol’ Boone County, anyway?
The moment you step into the refreshing, air-conditioned Duck Tape, you’re immediately greeted by a loud call of your name.
“Y/N!” You smile and wave at Jimmy. 
Clyde looks up and smiles at you as you come and sit down at the bar next to Jimmy. He serves the customer before coming over to talk with you and the eldest Logan.
You lean over the bar to give him a kiss, earning a couple hoots and hollers from the bar crowd, which made you both laugh as you pull away.
“How was work, buttercup?” He asks, wiping off some glasses. “Weren’t ya doin’ that one presentation today? How’d that go?”
You’re always so flattered that Clyde actually pays attention when you talk about work stuff. Most guys just smile and nod, but Clyde actually listens and remembers. He even remembered your one year anniversary at the company you currently work for, sending you takeout from your favorite place along with some flowers.
“Yeah, it was alright. Boring as hell, but the partners seemed pleased, so that’s all I can really ask for at this point.”
Both he a Jimmy give a small chuckle, nodding before Clyde mixes your favorite drink, setting it down in front of you a few minutes later. You thank him, and the three-way conversation continues before the bar door swings open. 
Something about the man’s entrance makes you look over, already smelling trouble as he steps over the threshold. His eyes are glued on you, a smug smirk etched on his expression. 
A hush falls over the patrons for a few seconds, all eyes on the leather-clad man. Clyde’s hackles are immediately up, body tense as the mystery man saunters over, plopping himself down onto the vacant stool next to yours. 
Things on the floor continue as normal, the chatter picking back up, and you subtly scoot a little closer to Jimmy. 
“Bartender?” A thick New York accent calls.
Clyde walks over, plastering a fake smile on his face, seemingly the epitome of southern hospitality.
“What can I getcha, sir?”
The man gives Clyde a once-over and snickers. “No, seriously, where’s the bartender? I’d like a drink.”
Your grip clenches around your glass. You absolutely hated it when people were dicks about Clyde’s hand.
“Seriously, I am the bartender.” He states firmly. “So, what can I get ya?”
His tone sends a chill down your spine. Normally, Clyde just shuts down whenever someone starts poking fun at his missing hand, but tonight, there was a certain air of frustration, of dominance.
You just thought he’d finally cracked, after years of dealing with this bullshit. But as you would learn, there was an alternate explanation for his sudden outwardly alpha-like behavior.
The guy seems to back off a little bit, just asking for a cold Coors straight from the bottle. You startle a bit when Clyde slams the bottle down on the counter in front of him, and you could swear his eyes turn a light grey for a second before returning to the dark brown pools you’re familiar with.
Everything’s quiet for a little while, the man sipping his beer in silence, before he turns to you. He doesn’t say anything at first, simply allowing his eyes to drink in your seated figure.
“What’s your name, baby girl?” The beer smell of his breath is strong as he leans in. “You lookin’ for someone to keep you company tonight?”
You roll your eyes. Douchebag. “Nope. I’m perfectly content just sitting here, thanks.”
Clyde’s watching the interaction like a hawk as he makes someone’s drink. It’s a wonder he can concentrate on the drink when his thoughts and eyes are glued to you.
His slimy hand touches down on your bare thigh, just above your knee, and you jump in your seat. He grins, trailing it up as he leans in even closer.
“Are you sure? I could show you a real good time...”
Glass shatters from behind the bar and then, Clyde’s grabbing the man by his biker jacket, tossing him onto the floor with an almost superhuman strength. You stand up, appalled, as the man on the hardwood scrambles to get up.
An icy grey begins to frost over his sweet chocolate irises as Clyde clenches his fists by his side. 
“Don’t ya dare touch ma girl, ye pervert.” He growls, voice lower than you’ve ever heard it. “Someone ought to show ya what respect looks like.”
The bar has fallen pin-drop silent, all sets of eyes focused in on the developing scene. He cocks his fist above his head, snarling as he readies to pounce on the helpless man. 
It’s then that Jimmy hops up and puts himself between the two men, holding his hands up in front of Clyde. “Don’t do this t’ yerself. Ye know what’ll happen if ya do.”
This seems to bring him back, the warmness flooding back to his irises. His shoulders slump as he huffs softly, pushing past his older brother angrily, storming into his office and slamming the door behind him.
Shakily, the man stands and puts a twenty down on the table before running out of the bar, bell jingling against the wooden door as it eases shut after him.
The rare blood moon hangs in its place against the pitch black sky as you pull up to the Logan’s trailer home. There aren’t any stars in the clear night’s sky, despite it being the dead of summer, but you don’t think much of it as you approach the shadowed porch.
Moths flutter around the dimly flickering porch light while you peek through the windows, which were as black as the night. Not a single light was on.
Odd. The Pontiac’s parked in its normal spot outside.
You flip the threadbare ‘welcome’ mat up, revealing the rusting gold key beneath. Sticking it in the lock, you turn until the door pops open, an eerie creak accompanying it.
"Clyde?” You say, looking around the trailer’s living room as you flip the living room lights on.
You call for him again. Maybe he’s just taking a nap. “Clyde?”
Still no response. 
Now, you’re getting worried. There’s no note, nothing noticeably out of place; in fact, it’s almost all too still. It gives you the creeps, how still and quiet it is in here.
The scent of suspicion thickens the air around you, and you just get the most awful feeling in your gut that something bad is happening or is about to happen.
Adrenaline begins to pump through your veins as you quickly walk around, peeking in the kitchen, and in the spare room. The air seems to thicken again the closer to draw to Clyde’s room, and you push the door open with bated breath.
You’re absolutely mortified at the sight before you. 
Shreds of carpet, fabric, and mattress stuffing is scattered the floor, and giant claw marks have torn straight through the drywall. The blankets and comforter, at least the remains of them, are disheveled where they lay across the clawed-up mattress. 
His vanity mirror is almost fully shattered, and the products that once sat atop are now tossed across the floor. The chilly summer’s night air flutters the curtains on the opened window above the bed.
The first thought that comes to mind is a bear attack of some kind. Now fully freaking out, you’re wondering how in the world a bear got into the trailer, and why it only seemed to attack Clyde’s room. You scramble to grab your phone from your purse with shaky hands, dialing Jimmy’s number in haste.
Was this one of the blood moon enigmas mom warned about? No, no, bear attacks are pretty common around here.
 It takes a few rings before he picks up.
“Y/N?” He sounds out of breath, exhausted.
“Jimmy, hey. Do you know where Clyde is? I’m at the trailer, and--”
Something that sounds like a growl rips through the speaker, followed by a woman’s voice. 
“Is everything oka--”
“Mellie, I can’t help ya right now! I’ll be there in a second!” He yells in the background. “Sorry Y/N, you were sayin’ somethin’?”
“No, it’s alright. I’m just at the trailer, and I peeked into Clyde’s room...”
“Ya didn’t touch anything, did ya?” His voice is rushed.
You shake your head, eyebrows furrowed. “Uh, no, but--”
The growl comes again, louder this time, and it almost sounds like it’s...a voice. A very deep and very animalistic one, but a voice nonetheless. And it was saying something, although you couldn’t really hear clearly enough.
“Jimmy, do you know where Clyde is?” You’re getting a little impatient.
“Don’t worry ‘bout Clyde, he’s okay, he’s, uhh, here with us.”
“Oh, uh, o-okay.”
But tonight was supposed to be your special night together.
“Y/N? Listen real close, now. I need ya to get outta the trailer and go home, right now. Don’t linger, and refrain from touchin’ anything in the trailer. Lock all yer doors n’ close all the windows when ya get back home, okay? ‘N don’t go outside for the rest’a the night.”
Okay, now you’re starting to get fearful. “What--”
“Jimmy!” Mellie’s panicked voice comes through the phone speaker again, this time a bit clearer. He curses under his breath.
Her cries clearly rattled the eldest Logan, and he quickly tells you to just do what he said and then hangs up in a frantic state. 
You’re frozen for a moment, but then you quickly scurry outside to your car, frantically looking around as you scramble to fit the key in the driver’s side door.  By some miracle, you hold your hand steady enough to unlock it, quickly shutting the door and turning on the engine, peeling out of there like a madwoman.
Suddenly, as you go to pull out of the driveway, a strange apparition appears at the edge of the wood across the street. You squint, trying to figure out what the hell it is. Whatever it is, though, it’s panting heavily and looks...inhuman.
It’s standing on two legs, but its large, probably almost seven feet tall if you had to guess, and must’ve had some type of black fur or skin since it almost blends in with the darkened forest.
The reddish light of the moon is the only light that reflects upon this mystery creature, before it seems to notice your car idling in the driveway. The crisp light grey pupils seemingly glimpse into your soul as the creature looks upon you.
Clearly, now, you can decipher what exactly it is, although you’re in utter shock and skeptical to think it real: A werewolf.
You quickly put the car in reverse, slamming down on the gas, flying backwards for a few seconds before colliding with the trailer’s tin wall. Your head slams forward onto the steering wheel, trickles of blood dribble down your forehead and nose as your consciousness is lost.
When you come to, only a few minutes later, you groan as the welt forms on your forehead. You look around, groggily, seeing that your car is in drive but isn’t moving. Surely when you’d passed out, your foot would’ve come off the brake and you would’ve rolled away...
Stepping out carefully, you find that some bricks have been placed in front of all four tires, effectively keeping the car at a dead standstill. 
Who in the world did this?
Then, you turn your head and walk slowly around to the front of your car, seeing the remnants of sharp teeth marks on your bumper. You’re frozen, a lump slowly crawling up your throat as the realization hits. 
A low growl comes from behind you, and your worst fears have suddenly been realized. You slowly, carefully spin around on your heels, afraid that one wrong move may make you tonight’s surprise entree.
Your eyes meet the soul-piercing grey’s of the werewolf, the one you’d seen at the edge of the forest minutes earlier. The one that seemingly saved your life, but...how did a werewolf know what to do?
As you continue to gaze at the large being before you, you’re struck with a sense of familiarity, almost as if you’d met them before. Strange, because you can’t recall ever encountering a werewolf. Hell, you’ve never even seen a wolf before, other than in pictures. Surely you’d remember coming into contact with a seemingly impossible biological phenomenon such as this one.
His presence is scarily comforting, and you find yourself briefly wondering what it’d feel like to be enveloped in his woolen arms. Well, arm, technically speaking. This particular werewolf seems to be missing the lower half of his left paw.
Then, your mind connects the dots, and you’re shocked to your very core. It wasn’t a bear that attacked Clyde’s room, it was Clyde. This werewolf that’s standing before you is Clyde. That’s why Jimmy and Mellie sounded so frantic and breathless on the phone; they must’ve been trying to keep him contained.
But why? Werewolves usually recognize the important people in their human lives...right? That’s why he’d saved you from rolling off...
Your headlights’ reflection was speared by your figure, creating a shadow that covered most of Clyde’s form, except for the very tips of his paws, which had enormous claws emerging from beneath the thick layer of fur.
“Clyde?” You whisper, and he seems to soften for a moment, falling down on all threes.
Just as you swallow the lump in your throat and begin to cautiously approach the creature, hand outstretched to allow him to smell you, his eyes suddenly darken, the once snowy grey now more like the color of storm clouds. 
He snarls, white teeth shining in the moon’s moody crimson-tinted reflection, and you immediately backtrack. Oh god, I’m fucked.
Your bottom collides with the front of your car, the engine thrumming lowly as it idles happily, grille warm from the machine inside. The headlights are now fully shining on the creature, fur shining under the bright lights as he approaches, lines of drool strung between his sharp fangs. 
“C-Clyde, please,” You plead with the creature. “It’s m-me, Y/N, your g-girlfriend. You know m-me, you don’t w-wanna do t-this...”
It doesn’t seem to do much to dissuade him, the animal within now overshadowing the kind, gentle man you know and love. No, this creature is something else. This isn’t your Clyde.
The wolf stops short of the hood, where you’ve crawled up onto and are laying back, raising his nose up in the air, sniffing. You’re perplexed by this action, but it becomes evident when his ear prick and he says, in that same deep, animalistic voice that was in the background of your call with Jimmy, 
And then, he’s pouncing, trapping your hands above your head with his one arm while his legs scramble to find a good grip on the metallic surface of the car, hips rutting frantically. 
His muzzle dips down, wet nose running along your jawline and neck, teeth scraping dangerously against your thin skin. He quickly settles on a spot behind your ear, growling as his pink tongue darts out to begin lapping at the spot. 
You’re completely still, both physically restrained and unable to bring yourself to even try to move as the creature drags his fangs across the skin behind your ear. Your car is rocking back and forth with his hips’ violent movements, dragging his enormous cock against your lower stomach. 
He pants into your ear, breath hot as he prepares to sink his sharp fangs into your tender skin, marking you as his forever...
Jimmy’s voice pierces through the still of the night. Crickets stop chirping for a moment, and Clyde’s body stills. His head whips around, snarling at his brother.
Mellie’s right behind him, and she peers around him, trying to look at you. “Y/N, are ya alright?”
“YYYeah,” You manage, somehow. “I-I’m o-okay.”
Clyde hops down, all three feet planted on the ground, hackles up as Jimmy takes a step forward. “Mate.”
“She ain’t yer mate.” Jimmy says, calmly. He points to you. “Look at whatcha done to ‘er, Clyde. Would a mate look like that, huh? Look at ‘er, Clyde, she’s all beat up and scared outta her damn mind.”
The wolf visibly stands down, slowly turning his head to look back at you, seeing the scratches on your wrists and the marks on your neck. He sees the bit of wetness on your shirt and shorts, from his slick.
He hangs his head and begins to cry, whimpering and whining as he sprints off, surprisingly agile and quick for a wolf with three paws, across the road and back into the woods.
His blood’s boiling, he’s angry that he couldn’t defend you against Jimmy, mad that his alpha instincts had failed him. Even as a werewolf, one of the most powerful beings in the forest, he was still weaker than and overshadowed by his showboat older brother. 
Loud barks of anger rip through him as he masterfully maneuvers through the forest, weaving through the trees, dodging thorns, leaping over the fallen tree trunks. 
The sky suddenly begins to empty down onto Earth, the cool summer night’s rain a welcomed refreshment on Clyde’s fur. He looks up at the blood moon, huffing softly as he silently curses the orb for bringing this condition to him each full moon, as he did every single moon before this, and will continue to do with every one after.
He reaches his cave a few minutes later, stopping dead in his tracks when he smells smoke coming from inside. He’s on high alert, now, as he moves to peek into the cavern.
There, he finds a lone man sitting by a very small fire, rubbing his hands together over the heat. He’s clad in head-to-toe tree camo with a shotgun laying just out of arms reach.
This man’s scent feels awfully familiar, Clyde thinks, but it takes him a minute to figure out why. And, when he does remember, Clyde is suddenly not so sympathetic for the unwanted visitor in his cave.
The wolf’s mind falls to a certain memory from last night at Duck Tape. This is the jackass that thought he could get away with feelin’ you up. The one that poked plenty ‘a fun at his missing hand. 
Clyde’s still-hard cock presses up against his furry stomach in excitement, tongue licking over his razor-sharp fangs. He couldn’t protect or avenge you last night, again due to Jimmy, but maybe he can now. 
Jimmy ain’t gonna get in my way this time ��round.
He can’t just come running into the entrance, no, that allows him too much time to grab the gun. He thinks, and thinks, until he remembers the connecting cave that he’d recently found on the last full moon. He bets he can get in there and creep up behind the man, do a sneak attack. 
He’s salivating in anticipation as he bounds down to the opposite side of the cave, paws padding lightly against the soft gravelly dirt floor, trotting along carefully.
The man is none the wiser to the wolf’s presence, and the hum of the loud rain certainly wasn’t hurting. A loud crack of thunder suddenly rips through the forest, vibrating the ground. Clyde freezes briefly as the young man curls up further, chin resting in the gap between his knees. 
Predatory instincts pumping through his veins at an all-time high, he crouches down as he stalks closer and closer to the unsuspecting body by the small fire. The anticipation is almost too much to bear, now right behind the man, moving in slow motion so as to not alert his victim.
When the time is right, just as the next clap of thunder rumbles the rocks, Clyde pounces. He grabs the man’s shirt, dragging him out of the cave with an unprecedented swiftness. The fire is extinguished with the tussle, leaving the cave shrouded in darkness, the shotgun laid abandoned on the ground where he’d put it.
He struggles against the wolf’s grip, fabric ripping violently the further his body’s dragged along. Clyde throws him out onto the forest floor, pawing at the ground like a wild stallion as the disheveled man scrambles to his feet.
His hands are shaky as he holds them up in front of him, as if trying to calm the creature like a domesticated dog.  “E-Easy, easy.”
If he could, Clyde would’ve rolled his eyes at the man’s pathetic attempt to talk down at him. He snarls, watching in amusement at the way he startles and stumbles back. 
Clyde’s got the man backed against the trunk of an old oak within seconds, and he stands up on two legs, glaring at the much smaller figure. He bares his teeth, a wolf’s version of a devilish grin.
It seems like the man is caught in between being shocked that this wolf just spoke English and being chilled to the core by his word. He sputters for a moment, brain smoking as it churns on overdrive, before his legs carry him as quickly as they can down the mountainside. 
The wolf casually trots along after him, in very little rush to catch him. He’s throbbing hard now, the excitement translating into pure arousal. Clyde knows these woods like the back of his hand; there’s no where for this man to hide from his inevitable fate as the wolf-man’s next meal.
His head continuously whips around, meeting the grayish-white orbs tucked behind a thick coat of jet black fur. In a frenzy, he tucks himself behind a large tree, catching his breath.
Twigs snap in seemingly all directions, his breath heavy as his eyes flicker all around the dark, damp wood, the only light coming from the crimson-tinted orb above. He reaches back and wraps his arms around the tree’s trunk, panicked.
A low growl rattles his eardrums and he looks to the side, seeing the black creature right at his side. Clyde’s head snaps to the side, looking directly at his victim.
Crying out in fear, the man leaps forward to make a run for it, but is quickly taken to the dirt by the wolfish creature. The man squirms and screams out for mercy, for God, and Clyde knows what he has to do now.
He quickly sinks his teeth into the back of the mans neck repeatedly, effectively severing the spinal cord, leaving the man completely limp and defenseless. A quick and effective manner of disabling a victim, he’s learned through hunting animals, but keeps him just alive enough to see what’s being done to him. 
Clyde flips the limp form over, now on his back, and his eyes are wide as he watches the wolf above him, black fur now stained red around the mouth, stare down at him with a hungry gaze.
His mouth opens, probably to beg for his life, but it’s too late. Fangs sink through his shirt and into the flesh of his chest, just above where his rapidly beating heart lay.
The thump-thump rhythm slows, then stops, the life leaving his body. Sweet copper tang coats the wolf’s tongue as the body is drained of its remaining energy. 
There is little feeling better than watching the life slowly and steadily drain from the eyes of a victim, and suddenly, Clyde’s throbbing arousal has reached an almost unmanageable point.
But, he wouldn’t pass up the opportunity to devour his freshly-caught prey, especially while it’s still warm. So he digs in immediately, carving further into the hole over the heart he’d already created, ripping out the vital organ.
He holds it triumphantly between his teeth for a moment before setting it aside. His craving is more for the meat, he’s never been much of a fan of organs, so he gets to work separating the good meat from the corpse.
Once he’s done, he lifts his nose in the air, howling loudly. He’s never been this hard before, he swears it, and there’s only one person that can satisfy this urge:
For a wolf on three legs, he reaches your house in record time. He can already feel the wolf-ness fading steadily, the human beginning to peek through the cracks. But, his rut doesn’t give at all, and he bounds up the steps and scratches at your door.
You’re startled by the noise, already a gut feeling you know who it is. When you open the door, Clyde’s wolf figure is sitting politely on your doormat.  Should you let him in?
He pushes past, whimpering as he does so, before you can make a decision. You shut the door slowly before turning around to face the creature. He seems a bit different than when you saw him earlier, seeming a bit more human.
You stand against the door, back pressed up against it, looking down at the wolf in your living room. 
“Y/N.” He breathes, huskily, attempting to ignore the hardness pressing up against his wooly stomach. “N-Need you. Please.”
He’s ashamed as he stands up on his hind legs, wrapping a clawed hand around his oozing cock, jutting his hips out as if to show off for you. The alpha in him needs to show you how suitable of a mate he is, what strong pups he can give you.
“It hhhhurts, b-buttercup.”
The battle going on inside him, animal versus human, is painfully evident on his expression. Your hearts been ripped in half as you watch him struggle with himself, the human trying to overpower the animal, and the animal trying to fight off the human.  He doesn’t even know what he did to you earlier. 
“What do you need from me, Clyde? I’m here to help you, honey, I’ll do whatever you need.”
His eyes widen in surprise, but its quickly replaced by a look of what can only be described as pure, primal hunger.
“Floor. A-All fours.” The wolf-man manages, desperately humping his hand to offer some relief. “G-Get the lube, ffffuuuck, I mmuhhmight hurt ya without it.”
You rush to get the lube, placing the tube next to you as you pull your leggings down, exposing your bare cunt. Clyde watches with an eager anticipation as you spread yourself for him. 
As soon as you’re into position, he practically falls over on top of you, hips rutting uncontrollably as he smoothes lube over his drooling cock and lines up with your entrance. 
“B-Buttercup, I...I’m sssorry ‘bout what’s ggon’ happen. This ain’t me, ppuhpplease remember that, mmkay?”
You nod, tearing up at the pure agony in his voice. “I w-will, Clyde.”
His hips shove forward, a choked howl escaping his lips, balls tightening. You cry out, the burn of your walls stretching to accommodate his girthy length more prominent than usual.
Veins bulge out of his neck, jaw clenched as he begins moving, mercilessly plowing into you from behind. He plants his clawed hand next to yours, loud and desperate scratching noises accompanying the wet squelch of your joined torsos. 
The carpet is shredded, hardwood floor scratched permanently by his feet as he humps you with a desperation unlike anything you’ve ever experienced. This really wasn’t Clyde, but you soon realized that you exactly mind this side of Clyde, this primal instinct, this roughness. It was arousing, bittersweetly so.
When you look over your shoulder at the wooly mass moving behind you, your eyes widen. You didn’t notice the shiny substance from a distance, but now that he’s up close, you see that it coats his snout and has even dripped down onto his breast.
A gripping fear bubbles in your stomach. But then, you rationalize immediately, before you find yourself too deep down in this rabbit hole of worry. He probably just hunted a deer or a rabbit or something. He’s a fucking wolf, remember?
You almost sigh out loud in relief, but you keep it in, instead moaning along with each of his thrusts.
“D-Did ya like muhmmahhmm--ma w-wolf cock?” He asks. 
You nod. “Y-Yeah, ohhh god, I liked it.”
“Gonna gguh-give ya real nice p-pups.” His muzzle rubs over the spot behind your ear, the same one that he’d been after earlier, smearing some of the crimson across your skin. He licks it with as much consistency as possible, considering the speed and intensity of his hips. “F-Fill ya u-up, knot ya gggood ‘n deep.”
You’re almost positive he’s talking pretty much nonsense at this point, his rut brain having completely taken over. You know you’re not gonna cum, but it doesn’t really matter; you’re doing this for him, after all.
“Oh g-god, I’m cummin’, I’m gonna--”
He pauses his hips, howling softly as he cums. But this time, something else begins to swell, and you cry out as it does so. 
“M-Ma k-knot,” Clyde breathes in explanation. “Keeps it a-all inside y-ya.”
You nod, not really knowing what all he’s talking about but not really caring for an explanation right now. 
“‘m gonna h-havta stay inside y-ya fer a lil while. S-Should be ‘b-bout 30 minutes or so.”
His tongue begins moving over your cheeks and neck, something that makes you smile, that helps you remember that your beloved boyfriend’s in there somewhere.
The half hour waiting period passes, and as much as you’ve loved snuggling with your boyfriend (who’s wolf counterpart is relatively cuddly, despite previous reservations), you’re happy to have him off you.
After wishing you a final goodbye, citing the need to ‘clean up his cave a bit’, he trotted back out the door and galloped like a madman (wolf?) back out into the shadowed wood, leaving you alone once more.
It’s all over the news when you flip on the TV a couple days later.  Hunter Found Slain in Boone County Woods, Bear Attack Suspected.
You have this awful, sick-to-your-stomach feeling that what happened the other night, when Clyde came to your house still in wolf form with a snout and chest covered in blood, had something to do with this. 
When the picture of the victim came up on the screen, you audibly gasp, recognizing the face. It’s the guy that was feeling you up at a few nights ago at Duck Tape. 
Oh god, no. 
Suddenly, the door flies open, and Clyde’s panting as he rushes in and shuts it behind him. He looks pained, bottom lip trembling. “Have ya s-seen the ne--”
“...Police are still investigating the scene...foul play has not yet been ruled out...”
His entire demeanor falls, and the tears fill his eyes. He’s visibly shaking. You stand up and rush over to him just as he collapses on the floor. 
You’re freaking out, trying to confirm what it is you’re pretty sure you already know.
“C-Clyde, did you...?”
He looks up at you from where his head now rests in your lap. “I c-can’t quite remember, b-but I think...I think I m-might’ve.”
Sobs wrack through his body as he cries hoarsely. You’re in shock, somehow hearing the words makes the reality suddenly hit like a damn semi-truck. You run your hands through Clyde’s slightly matted mane, soothing him as best you can. 
“Clyde, it’s okay, baby. It’s alright, it’s not your fault.” You whisper.
“Y-Yeah it i-is, though. I k-killed ‘im.”
You try to stay strong, for Clyde’s sake, but the tears are swelling in your eyes at an uncontrollably fast rate.  “But you d-didn’t do it o-on purpose, h-honey.”
His face seems to drop even more when he sees that you’re about to cry. He sits up shakily, pulling you into a big ol’ bear hug.
“Oh, buttercup, oh god, ‘m sorry. I didn’t m-mean to drag y-ya into all ‘a t-this.”
You sob into his shirt, wrapping your arms around him, holding him close. It’s hard to believe that this man, this kind, gentle man, could’ve done something like this on purpose. Clyde would never hurt a fly.
From what he’s told you, which granted is very little, the line between werewolf and human for him is quite a blurry one. He seems to only be able to remember parts of what happened, and his subconscious is only there for part of the time.
Which means that he’s technically innocent, since he can’t remember nor could he control his canine impulses or instinct. As far as you’re concerned, werewolf Clyde and human Clyde are two different beings.
“I-If anyone ever f-found out ‘bout ma c-condition...”
You pull away and look up at him, holding his face in your hands. “Clyde, I-I’m not gonna turn y-you in.”
“What?” He looks at you with a furrowed brow, like he’s surprised to hear your words. “Y-Yer not g-gon’...?”
Shaking your head, you swing your leg over his lap, hugging him once more while your face settles into the crook of his neck.
“No, of course not. I know you’re a good p-person, and like I said before, it’s n-not you. Your w-wolf side is not really you, Clyde, at least not entirely.”
Clyde looks down at you with an incredibly grateful expression, a small smile tugging at the corners of his lips. He tilts your head up with one of his meaty fingers, immediately pressing his lips to yours.
The kiss is relatively short, just a showing of his gratitude, of his love for you. When he pulls away, you maintain eye contact.
“Okay, so most of the solid DNA evidence will have been washed away by the rain and tampered with by the elements over the past few days that the body’s been outside. Plus, they aren’t looking for wolf DNA, and even if they somehow knew, your wolf DNA wouldn’t lead to your human identity, at least I don’t think so...”
Hours and hours of watching countless true crime shows, movies, and documentaries are finally paying off.
“But, do you remember leaving anything, anything that could indicate foul play? Really search your memory.”
He puts his metaphorical thinking cap on, closing his eyes as he tries to recall anything of use from that night, but nothing comes to mind. His eyes swell with tears as they blink open and he shakes his head. “I can’t ‘member anythin’.”
“That’s okay, Clyde. They won’t find out, I promise, they won’t.” You kiss his neck. “For now, let’s just try to relax and we’ll keep an eye on the news. Will you come snuggle on the couch with me?”
Clyde smiles softly, nodding as you pull away and stand up, extending a hand to him. He takes it, standing up seconds later.  As you walk into the living room, he says your name, causing you to turn around with a slightly perplexed expression.
“Thank ya.”
You smile brightly. “I love you, Clyde.”
“I love ya, too, darlin’.”
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stray-kids-react · 3 years
Thier s/o being a vampire
Bang Chan
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° You were bitten seven years ago, later being forced to join a cult of vampires. The youngest of them all, and also the most sensitive and kind.
° You didn't want to live a vampire lifestyle, and wanted to just live normally. You honestly didn't even enjoy the taste of blood, even animal blood.
° Your master took your sensitivity to his advantages, granting you access to go back to school while they followed behind and bit new victims during their breaks.
° As they formed an army of vampires, you grew connections to new people. Including your desk mate Chan, who seemed to take an interest in you.
° As the university semester went along, you sadly grew attached to Chan. Regretting it since he isn't immortal and has no idea that you are, and your cult could hunt him.
° Just as you walked to class the next day to tell Chan the truth, you realized the seat next to yours was empty. Your heart sank, knowing Chan wouldn't miss a class ever.
° You ran back to the cult mansion, noticing Chan's unconscious body being dragged into the building. Not hesitating, you ran up to your master and grabbed Chan from him.
"... Has y/n grown attached? To this... Mortal?" he laughed lowly.
° You dashed into the forest with Chan in your arms, cold tears running down your cheeks. Feeling immense guilt for involving Chan in this, it was your fault.
"Y-y/n?...." He groaned, a raspy voice as he just woke up.
"You're okay, oh thank heavens." You sighed, smiling sweetly. Not realizing your fangs were in plain sight.
° You only caught on that your fangs were showing by his widened eyes, soon covering your mouth in terror. But he didn't seem scared, just...surprised.
° He sat up in your lap, wiping your tear stained cheeks. Chan rested his head against yours as he smiled gently, before interlocking his lips with yours.
"You're not creeped out?"
"No, if you wanted to bite me you would've done it by now." He reassured, booping your nose.
Lee Know
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° You and Minho were the newest members of your opposing cults, neither of you ever met. All that was shown was a photo of him to you, telling you to hunt him down.
° When you walked through those university doors, you had no idea that he was on the same mission but to find you instead. You thought he was just a normal human.
° He say next to you in every class you had together, listening to your responses to questions and noting your small habits. As you tried to do the same for him.
° It only took the next day for you to finally say a word to each other, noticing how attractive he truly was. Especially when he showed off his bright smile.
° It was his job to attract you to him, but you seemed different from the other three people he's had to this on. Minho actually felt a connection towards you.
° Minho didn't want to grow attached to you, but he had. So he decided to bite you instead of killing you, that way he couldn't lose you or let someone else kill you.
° But as his fangs protruded and he moved your tshirt down on your sleeping form. Minho noticed two scar marks from another vampire bite, you were already a vampire.
"Shit..." He sighed, realizing the situation he was in.
"Minho? Stop hogging the blankets." You whined, pulling the blankets back.
° Minho stayed silent, staring at the ceiling. Knowing he can't kill you, so he'd have to fake your death or his. He just couldn't betray you like that, you're too nice.
"You should've told me you were like me y/n." He replied, glancing towards your widened eyes.
"... You're the one who was suppose to hunt weren't you?" You asked, knowing the answer isn't a pleasant one.
° He nodded cautiously, flopping back down next to you. Wrapping his arms around your waist as you snuggled into him, his cold touch comforting you completely.
° The silence ate at both of your thoughts, both wondering what to do. Neither one of you cared about why your masters hated each other, instead how to escape.
"Let's runaway together." He suggested, burrowing his face into my neck.
"I'll follow wherever you take me." I replied, hoping our plan to runaway succeeds.
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° When you went into your vampire form, you almost completely blacked out. Only waking up to the dead body you murdered right next to you, terrifying you immensely.
° Your boyfriend Changbin was curious about the recent murder mysteries, wondering how they haven't found the culprit yet or even any suspects.
° You luckily caught on when you would turn into your form, it was when you ran low on animal blood to satisfy you. And it happened at midnight everytime.
° You kept your blood bags in your basement, locked away in the cooler. If your boyfriend found the bags of blood, you didn't even want to picture his reactions to it.
° But when you went grocery shopping, he visited thinking you'd be home. He made himself comfortable due to the many times he's been to your house.
° The usually closed basement door was opened just a crack, the unknown darkness peeking his interest. Even if he felt his own anxiety fill his brain when he got closer.
° When you go home, you noticed the basement light on. Realizing Changbin must've been visited, and is now in the basement you don't want him to see.
"Y/n... Are you. Are you the killer?" He asked cautiously, gulping loudly.
"Sort of... But I can't control it. I-I'm a vampire and black out when it happens." You sigh, knowing he won't believe you.
° Changbin turned around slowly, holding you close as you began to break down in front of him. He knew you wouldn't do this, so he had to believe you.
"I believe you y/n." He reassured, kissing your head.
"Thank you. You are truly an angel." You whimpered, regaining composure.
° Changbin felt bad for seeing how scared you were of yourself, not being able for your worst fear to be yourself. All he could was supply you with blood and comfort you.
° If it were anyone else to discover your secret, you'd be in prison or dead. But Changbin knew who you were deep down and loved you for who you were.
"I'll help you hide the bodies." He reassured, wiping your tears.
"I love you Binnie." You replied, kissing his knuckles.
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° Hyunjin was bitten years ago, but refused to go near any human. He only used his inhuman abilities to protect you from other vampires who craved your untouched blood.
° You were one of the only humans left in town, most being unnatural creatures from nightmares in disguise. But Hyunjin always made sure Non of them effected you.
° The only people he trusted you with were his best friends, Han, Seungmin, and Felix. But they seemed to be weaker when it comes to the temptation of blood.
° So during a game night at their apartment, Felix followed you into the kitchen. You didn't think much of it since he was your best friend who you trusted quite a bit.
° But the sharp sting of two fangs sinking into your flesh froze your body from fear alone, Hyunjin was the one suppose to be the to bite you. Not Felix.
° You tried to keep the secret from Hyunjin, knowing he'd feel an overwhelming amount of guilt for not being there. Plus you felt guilty for not being more cautious.
° After you and Hyunjin would marry, he would bite you. It was a plan that both of you were excited for, but now you just ruined that important moment for the both of you.
"Y/n... Felix told me what he did." Hyunjin commented, leaning on the door frame.
"I'm so sorry Hyunjin, is should've been more careful." You sighed, guilt building up.
° Hyunjin walked up behind you, resting his chin on top of your head. He swayed you both back and forth, comforting all the sadness and guilt away.
"He apologized over 100 times." He chuckled softly, rubbing your knuckles.
"I think will 1000 times." You replied, leaning into his body.
° Hyunjin didn't hold a grudge against either of you, relieved Felix wasn't so effected by temptation that he killed you. But it still hurt him a bit, wishing he could've been the one.
° You let him bite the marks Felix made, making it his own. Even if it hurt more, you felt more relieved and comfortable with Hyunjin's bite. Feeling at home with him.
"Now you're mine. Forever." He teased, kissing the bleeding marks.
"Just like I've always wanted." You replied, cupping his face.
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° You were a killer vampire who didn't really care about your victims ever, only focusing on making sure you got your blood and no one would try to stop you.
° That is until you fell into someone's trap, being trapped in a net as the man revealed himself from the shadows. That prey that you tried to get, was simply a dummy.
° He trapped you in a jail like cell, feeding you nice meals along with dessert. Even going as far to get animal blood for drinks to go along with the meals.
° He couldn't let someone as dangerous as you go back into society, but he didn't want to be rude or anger you either. So it usually consisted of awkward encounters.
° As days went by, you went over all of the things you achieved in life. Realizing you hadn't even lived your life to the full potential it could be with your abilities.
° As your heart grew larger and your mind opened up to humans, you became attached to the man who caught you. It was more like a chance back to reality then a jail.
° He seemed to care about your comfort and safety, as if he knew that there was still a person inside of you. He didn't intend to hurt you, more healing you instead.
"How are you feeling today doll?" He asked, bringing the dinner you requested for.
"Thank you mortal." You huffed, looking sincere for once.
° The smile that embraced his features caused a flutter to your heart, you now know that this one human was impacting you more than the temptation of blood.
"Why did you treat me so well?" You asked, stuffing your cheeks with a bread bun.
"Everyone has a heart with feelings at the end of the day, you are no different." He explained, brushing the hair from your eyes.
° Han let you make yourself at home, even letting you cuddle with him in his bed. You never felt such a joyful feeling when he laughs at one of your lame jokes.
° You were free to go and live your vampire lifestyle once again, but you enjoyed his company far too much to leave. You fell for him hard, and felt happy about it.
"I think I fell for you Han Jisung." You admitted, avoiding his gaze.
"I'm glad I am not the only one who fell for someone." He replied, placing a kiss on your nose.
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° You worked at the movie theatre with a whole bunch of girls who hated you for no reason, and guys who called you weird for not showing skin like the other girls.
° It was hard to act like nothing was wrong when you fight the urge to suck the blood from anyone pissed you off, and to gain confidence in the new form you hate.
° The only person you could rely on was your close co worker Felix, he made it his mission to stick up for you and make your days just a bit brighter than usual.
° Felix liked your quirky habits and differences from other people, he had a crush on you since you first started to work the same shifts as him.
° When your cravings were becoming insane, elf like ears would appear and your energy would decrease immensely. You usually blacked out during those times.
° Felix noticed your unconscious body next to your car, immediately rushing over in a panicked manner. He didn't even question your ears, he just need you to wake up.
° He heard your small unconscious murmurs about blood, licking your lips dryly everytime. Felix had suspicions that you drank blood, due to a lunchbox mix up.
"Oh thank God you're awake." He sighed, crawling off of you.
"I can't remember how I got here, but thank you. How'd you wake me?" You asked, noticing the cut on his palm.
° Felix revealed the lunch box mix up that happened earlier that day, explaining that he cut his palm and dripped some blood into your mouth assuming you had cravings.
"Do you think I'm creepy now?" You asked, leaning against your car door.
"Not really to be honest, you're still y/n. And I like you for who you are." He answered, running a hand through his hair.
° Felix suggested to drive you home since you still seemed a bit dizzy, holding you until you reached the bedroom safely. You flopped onto the bed, sighing comfortably.
° He was about to leave when you gripped his wrist, leaving a small kiss onto his cut palm. Insisting he stayed with you for the night, knowing he must be tired from the day.
"I have a spare mattress if you don't feel comfortable sharing." You reassured, grabbing your pajamas.
"I think I'll like sharing with you." He whispered, leaning onto you as he hugged you softly.
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° You were bitten a week ago while going for a walk, you couldn't catch a glimpse at who had bit you. But you were more worried on how you would explain this to Seungmin.
° You were becoming weak, boney, palmy, and tired. All because you would be in the sun for too long, Seungmin noticed this and was scared that something was very wrong.
° He took you to the doctor, but nothing was apparently wrong even if you looked like death. Seungmin's mind raced with possibilities, not wanting to lose you.
° It was only til you fell asleep on the drive home that he noticed the bite marks, his heart sinking realizing what had happened. He bit you while in his vampire form.
° It wasn't common for him to not remember anything after a form switch, unless he was desperate for blood. Seungmin felt terrible for putting this illness upon you.
° It would take one more week of suffering until your body got use to the bite. And he would have to deal with the guilt all throughout those seven days.
° It didn't take a mind reader to realize Seungmin was feeling upset, and you could even tell while still feeling terrible. You assumed he must be apart of your bite.
"Be honest baby, did you bite me?" You asked in a gentle tone.
"I'm so sorry y/n. I feel terrible." He whimpered, nearly tearing up.
° Your limp arms wrapped around his figure, comforting him during those harsh thoughts that must've raced in his mind. You weren't mad with him, and never could be.
"It's okay Seungmin, I'm not mad." You reassured, kissing his shoulder.
"I would be if I were you." He sighed, glancing at your tired eyes.
° His guilt began to clear up as you became healthier again, helping you as much as he could with anything you needed. Even if ti were just simple cuddle sessions.
° When the week passed and your body fused with your new form, he never felt such excitement when you flew around the room squealing in pure joy.
"Baby I'm flying!" you squealed.
"I know baby, you're doing great." He replied, falling deeper in love.
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° Jeongin saw you get murdered with his very own eyes, yet there you were sitting on top of your grave stone as he mourned your death. He couldn't believe his eyes.
° He was convinced that he was just going crazy and you were a hallucination to torment him. But all of your touches towards him felt so real, just like when you were alive.
° You had to physically push him to the ground for him to believe you were back from the dead, and wake him up when he passed out from shock alone.
° He couldn't tell anyone that you were alive and kicking, knowing they'd hunt for you or think he's going insane. So he kept it to himself and met you in private.
° Jeongin noticed two bite marks on the side of your neck when he pecked across it lightly, he assumed that you were either bitten or cursed back to life.
° Your confession to being a vampire wasn't surprising to him, the whole scenario seeming so unrealistic. But he was so happy to have you back, that he didn't care one bit.
° Jeongin would let you bite him in an instant, never wanting to lose you again. You are his everything and seeing your lifeless body was too much for him to experience.
"I hope you don't mind keeping me secret." You commented, holding his hand.
"No, I understand why you'd want to stay secret." He replied, pulling you closer to his body.
° As months went by, the craving to be bitten by you crossed his mind more and more often. Jeongin was ready and wanted to be with you forever.
"Can you please bite me?" he asked gently, leaving his neck back for your fangs.
"Are you sure, this isn't exactly something you can take back Jeongin." You explained, holding his face in your hands.
° Jeongin kissed your lips softly and slowly, pulling your hands down from his face. Soon nodding sincerely as he leaned back once more, preparing for the slight sting.
° The sting wasn't as terrible as he assumed it to be, maybe you just went gentle on him. Either way the excitement of becoming like you overpowered the sting in his neck.
"There, now you're like me!" you chuckled, clapping happily.
"Nothing could beat this moment." He replied, kissing your lips once more.
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snootsnoot-fiction · 3 years
Cookie Dough
Characters: Mark Renton x reader
Word count: 1.9k
Warnings: Mention of drug relapse and overdose, and a little bit of smut. Otherwise fluffyflufffluff.
A/n: Recently been made aware it's the 25th anniversary of the Trainspotting film and suddenly felt like using it as an excuse to write a Renton fic in celebration (I mean, I really like the 5x tables too). I ended up channelling some of my fluffy needs into this
Summary: You and your boyfriend start the weekend by baking together...
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It had been a fun few months. Quite the rollercoaster actually. Scary at times, but ultimately fun and providing you an experience you'll never forget.
You went to Scotland for a well deserved extended holiday. A holiday you intended to be as stress-free as possible. 
Your family was quite well off. Not tremendously, but enough for people to assume you were a little too privileged growing up. They didn't know what it was like behind closed doors. 
You were the black sheep in a strict family. That combined with virtually everyone else around you either despising or using you for money, you quickly came to realise your only true friend was loneliness. Over your teenage years especially, a bunch of bad habits were tried out, but none of them ever really helped. 
Finally having enough, you just left. You didn't leave any sort of explanation, it's not like they would care, right? Even though your family were only known within certain circles and the city you grew up in, you decided to cut off a lot of your long locks to help people to not recognise you. It was time for you to attempt to live a normal life away from the people that controlled your life prior. 
In your casual clothing and shorter hair, you had made your way to Scotland - a place your parents never seemed to like. Within the first week, you met a couple girls that ended up bringing you to a group night out with their boyfriends and mates.
There was a brief introduction. You looked at each man in turn; Spud, Sick boy, Tommy, Begbie, and Rents. They all gave you very different vibes, but you didn't have time to think over them before suddenly Begbie jumped right into telling a story a little too passionately. Not that you were paying much attention. 
The way Mark had looked at you earlier caught your attention. The both of you occasionally looked at Begbie to show you were listening, but you kept looking at each other. The more it happened, the more you wished you were sitting right next to him. Something about the man just drew you to him.
Eventually, after biting your lip during direct eye contact, you made the excuse you needed the toilet and that you'd get another round of drinks on the way back. You acted as though you were desperate to go to help make them think you'd be a short while.
Not too long after you reached the bathroom door, Renton appeared. You made sure the coast was clear enough before the both of you snuck into one of the cubicles. The second the door was locked, the man's large hands were on your face as he pressed a hungry kiss on your lips.
Next thing you knew, one of his hands was gripping your backside tightly, using it to grind into you particularly hard. The feel of his own excitement grinding roughly against you had you hot and desperate. It was you that started the action of getting rid of pants. After that, you had the best few minutes of your life.
You felt amazing and a million times lighter when you left that cubicle and went to go buy that round of drinks for everyone.
Of course, you ended up spending a lot of time with them while in the country. Growing especially close with Mark Renton. While the meeting between the two of you was dirty in every sense of the word, that sexual tension wasn't on your mind as much as you expected it to be as you got to know the guy. 
You brought each other so much joy, it wasn't long before you realised you were actually falling for him. The pair of you ended up dating. Taking your time, but not too long, you also entered an official relationship. 
The only thing you did want to take your time with was admitting how you truly felt. You couldn't quite explain it, but you wanted to wait until the right moment to say it. Both of you had been through a lot, and those were some serious words. 
The first heartbreak you felt was when Mark relapsed. It felt like you hadn't been quite enough even though you knew these things happened sometimes. 
Throughout it all, though, you stuck with him. Supported him. Renton was aware of just how lucky he was, and he had to fight the urge every day to tell you he loved you, in fear of scaring you off. He felt lucky enough to have you with him still, even after relapsing, and he tried hard to make sure you knew he appreciated that. 
It was when he overdosed that you experienced your biggest heartbreak yet. To almost have lost him hurt you in a way you never had hurt before. When his parents told you they were going to make him quit cold turkey, you agreed with it. You hated to think of the suffering he would go through, but you knew this might be the only way lest he not wake up next time. 
Deciding it was maybe time to try make a start on your own life, you moved down to London, leaving a message with Mark's parents about where you were going in hopes he'd follow suit when he managed to get clean again. 
That's exactly what he did.
Now, you and Mark each had your own comfy apartments and jobs in London. The pressure of your old lives behind you. Naturally it took a little while to get over how things had been left, but you were soon right back where you were before - bringing nothing but pure joy to one another. 
Both of you happened to have the weekend off, so you had decided to spend it at your place. Your week had been particularly stressful, so you felt awful to begin with when you got home on Friday evening. 
Your boyfriend called, quickly saying he was going to be a little longer, but not explaining why. There was already a spare change of clothes for him at your place, so you couldn't help but wonder why he didn't tell you what he was doing.
It wasn't long before there was a knock at your door. Getting up with a sigh, you answered. Only to be greeted immediately by Mark grabbing your face and giving you a quick kiss before wrapping his arms tightly around you like he hadn't seen you in over a month. Your heart and body melted into him.
"I've missed you." He mumbled against your ear.
"We saw each other a couple days ago." Your words muffled against his chest, although you missed him too. Pulling away, the man held your shoulders as he looked at you in forced disbelief.
"Are you saying I'm not allowed to miss you?" He raised a brow. "No." He added with a finger to your lips when he saw you readying to respond. You both knew he wasn't serious. Letting go, he picked up a small bag of stuff off the floor and you closed the door after letting him in.
"What's in the bag?" You questioned as you followed him to the kitchen area. Renton didn't answer straight away as he took one item out at a time. You walked up to see ingredients to what you could only assume would be cookies. "Are you going to make cookies?" You questioned further. Mark turned to face you.
"We're going to make cookies."
"We're going to bake together?" You couldn't help the excited gasp. Baking together was always something you wanted to do with him. It was Mark Renton, so you figured it would be extra fun.
"We are." He, himself, couldn't help his excited smile at seeing how excited you were at the idea. You had seemed down when you opened the door, but that had apparently evaporated. 
Before you could say anything else, he turned around and pulled the last item out of the bag - an apron. Another gasp left you. You had one apron yourself, but seeing he had bought one himself only made the following events that much more exciting. 
The man threw his jacket and shirt off, allowing you a glimpse of his chest before he threw his apron on. Then all of a sudden your own apron was thrown at you, bringing you back to reality. Pulling it over your head, you saw your boyfriend smirking at you before moving to stand behind you and tie your apron. 
With Renton having no idea what to actually do, you took charge. It was when it got the cracking of the eggs that things really started to get fun.
Watching closely to make sure no shell fell into the bowl, you were completely unprepared for what happened once the eggs were in. Suddenly his sticky yolk fingers were on your cheeks and before you could react, he placed a kiss on your lips, chuckling at the stunned look on your face.
"Earth to Y/N, hello?" He teased after a moment, bringing you back to said Earth.
"...You got egg on my face!"
"Is there a problem?" Despite trying hard to keep a straight face, there was a small smile peeking through. You dipped your fingers - clean of course - lightly into the egg before simply wiping them on his face. 
"Not at all." You said, succeeding in keeping a straight face for now as you sorted the ingredients. Mark stared with a mix of confusion and excitement before helping again. Tonight was going to be fun. 
Before long, all the ingredients had been mixed together, and the both of you found yourselves looking down at the cookie dough thinking the exact same thing.
It was you who acted first. You acted as casual as possible as you dipped a single finger in to scoop a little out.
"Wanna try some?" You used the question as a guise, carefully lifting your finger up near his lips. He opened his mouth to say something, but then shrugged and kept it open for your finger. Smiling, you wiped the cookie dough on your finger all over his nose. 
Mark looked genuinely shocked for a moment as you giggled. Almost like a deer in headlights. After a moment, you unable to stop giggling, he started laughing too. 
"I love you!" The words fell out by themselves from his mouth. Now you were the deer in headlights. Your heart pounded and there were butterflies in your stomach. Realising what he had said, your boyfriend stopped laughing and looked around to avoid your shocked look. Then he looked at the bowl of cookie dough. 
Not bothering to hide his intentions, he dipped a finger in to swipe some himself. It took you a second to come back to reality as you saw what he was doing. 
"Wait! N-" You went silent as he smeared it, not only on your nose, but on your entire face. Now it was his turn to laugh as you processed everything that just happened, but suddenly you started to laugh as well.
"I love you too!" You laughed as you smeared the cookie dough from his nose all over his face. 
Neither of you really knew how to react, so you simply dissolved into fits of laughter until you could contain it enough to actually put the dough on a tray then in the oven. You and Mark Renton were smiling blissfully the entire time. 
A new kind of weight had been lifted from your shoulders, and you were completely, absolutely, and undeniably in love.
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solastia · 4 years
Call Of The Sea
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Pairing: Jungkook X Hoseok
A/N: So, I went a little crazy. Instead of a tiny drabble this became an almost 4k work. *shrug* As for the smut itself, it’s oviposition (meaning eggs for those that don’t know), so there’s a bit of breeding/impreg kink as well as implied mpreg. I spent way too much time thinking about the mechanics of breeding a human male with a male merman and it shows. Anyway, enjoy!
There were a million excuses he’d given his roommates about why he felt the need to visit the beach so often. Most of them bullshit. 
He felt more inspired to draw there - which that one was slightly true. 
It cures his super frequent migraines - he wasn’t sure he’d ever had one his whole life. 
He was interested in marine biology - but not for reasons they might think. 
He could never actually tell them the truth: that he spent all of his free time in a beachside cave in Busan because his boyfriend of seven months was a merman. 
For one that would sound insane, and he knew that if he ever told Yoongi he’d probably storm down here to save Jungkook from someone that was obviously a scammer. And Seokjin was probably related to someone in the military and would have the merman become a science experiment in two seconds flat. 
No, he couldn’t tell them. At least not yet. 
So he simply ignored his guilty conscience and let his plastic bag swing as he strolled down to the beach like he didn’t have a care in the world. 
He pulled his hoodie tight around his ears to ward off the cold. It was getting to be late in the winter season and the trips to the beach were practically hazardous for his health at this point - good thing his boyfriend's smile was as bright as the sun. 
Fuck, that was so cheesy. What the hell was wrong with him? 
Anyway, despite what the temperature read, he still wasn't as cold as he should be. Actually, he was almost toasty and he felt like he was just bundling up out of habit rather than need. His temperature had been strange for a few weeks. 
He shook his head and turned onto the path that led to his secret cave. Well, not that secret. Sometimes older kids came out here to party, but not often and definitely not in the middle of winter. 
Once he reached his cave, he pouted silently over it being empty. He must still be out swimming. Maybe with the water being such a freezing temperature, it slowed him down.  
He sighs forlornly, hoping he won’t have to wait too much longer. He lets both of his bags drop to the sandy floor and unzips the pack back, pulling out the two blankets he’d decided to bring. One for sitting, and one big fluffy down blanket so he wouldn’t get pneumonia. 
He snorts to himself as he gets comfortable and observes the water lapping close to the cave entrance. It’s not likely he’d even get pneumonia without the blanket, though. Beyond his strange fluctuating body heat, he’s been putting on so much weight recently it was ridiculous, like a bear getting ready to hibernate. 
Just this morning he’d tried to wear his sexiest pair of jeans for his boyfriend, only to find that his hips had widened so much he couldn’t pull them up. He’d even had to double up shirts and throw a hoodie over it because his pecs were basically tits now. They were so swollen and sensitive, he didn’t know what was going on. 
And don’t even get him started on everything in the plastic bag. He sighed and brought it closer to him as the urge to protect his bounty overcame him. The same overwhelming urge that had caused him to buy all the food in the first place. He sometimes brought his boyfriend little treats here or there because he got so excited, but this had been some primal urge to shower the merman in foodstuffs. 
He finally heard the sound he’d been waiting for - the nearby shriek of a waterproof whistle. He grinned excitedly and pulled the whistle he wears around his neck up to his lips and blew. It was a signal that alerted his merman that it was safe to show himself. 
Jungkook grins as the graceful form of his boyfriend appears at the edge of the cave. He beams up at Jungkook from the shallow waters, his silky long black hair a cloud around him and his tail an iridescent blend of oranges and yellows. He’s so bright in the winter gloom that Jungkook’s spirits are instantly lifted. 
“Hoseok! I missed you!” 
“It’s only been two days, silly human,” but despite his words, he looks pleased and bashful by Jungkook’s unashamed neediness. A neediness that never seemed to go away, not since the moment he’d met the merman in this very spot. 
“Whatever,” Jungkook pouts, pulling his blankets up to his chin to hide his blush. “I’ll just keep the things I brought you then since you don’t care.”
“What?! Gimme!” 
The merman smiles sunnily, his lips shaped like a heart. Jungkook melts and relents, peeling the blankets off of himself and striding closer to the edge with his bag. He crouches and ruffles in the contents as Hoseok eagerly leans over to peek inside. 
“Let’s see, lots of things you said you liked before. Cherry tomatoes, tangerines, fish sausages...a bunch of stuff,” Jungkook shrugs, blushing as he realizes yet again that he may have gone a little overboard judging by the bulging contents of the bag. 
Hoseok looks over the bounty with awe, a gleam in his eye that Jungkook wasn’t sure he’d ever seen before. 
“My mate has provided for me during the winter months,” he says softly, rummaging through the bag like it was filled with gems. 
“That’s a good thing?” Jungkook asks, surprised by Hoseok’s strange response. He’d known the merman would be excited because he liked human food, but he’d been expecting screaming and huge smiles not...whatever this was. And he’d even used the ‘M’ word again - just like he had the last time Jungkook had let the other rut all over him, leaving him with the bite mark that itches on his thigh. 
Instead of answering, Hoseok slowly looks up at him with an intense gaze. His jaw is clenched like he’s deep in thought and then finally he nods - before turning away and diving under the water. 
“What? Hoseok, where are you going?” 
He fucked up somehow. Did he offend the merman? He’s brought him treats before. What did he do wrong?
Nearly ten minutes later Jungkook is close to leaving. The cold is finally starting to annoy him and Hoseok hasn’t come back. He wasn’t sure if he was ever going to. 
He sighs and stands up, deciding to leave the bag where it was. Hoseok could come back for it if he wanted to. Jungkook turns and grabs his blankets, intending to throw them into his backpack when a sudden metallic thump startles him. He looks towards the source, his eyes growing impossibly wide as he takes in the sight. 
Hoseok’s rainbow-hued bag he’d made from discarded netting was familiar to him. The awe-inspiring pile of what can only be termed ‘Treasure’ was spilling onto the rocky ground was something new. Precious gems, ancient coins, golden bangles and crowns, all touched by the sea but still glittering and obviously valuable. 
“Hoseok, what’s all this?” 
“Is this enough?” Hoseok’s voice was intense as he watched Jungkook inspect the goods, his eyes alight with some emotion that he couldn’t interpret. 
“For what?” 
“To provide for you and our young.” 
Jungkook whirled around and gaped at the merman in shock. “Our what now?” 
Hoseok nods briskly like it was just a fact. “Our young. It’s mating season and you accepted my bite. Then you provided me with food to keep my strength up in the winter and able to breed you. By spring, we’ll have our first young!” 
Jungkook drops to the cold ground in shock, staring at Hoseok. 
“Babe, I hate to tell you this, but in the human world a man cannot get pregnant.” 
“Haven’t you noticed the changes to your body since you accepted my bite? Your body widening to better hold my eggs? Your chest filling out so you can nourish our young?” 
“I’m...I...what the fuck?” Jungkook grabs at said chest, feeling their newly acquired plumpness. “Is this permanent? Can I make it stop?” 
Hoseok drooped, his excitement falling from him like a cloak and his eyes radiating hurt. “Yes. You’ll go back to normal after the mating season, whether I breed you or not. Do you...not want me to?” 
Jungkook thought for a moment, going over the past events between the two of them. He supposed he should have known something was up. Hoseok had been getting more...enthusiastic about touching him lately. He’d chalked it up to them getting closer and Hoseok becoming less shy about affection. He’d just assumed that sex wasn’t on the table because of their different anatomy, although Hoseok certainly loved making out and getting Jungkook off. During their last heavy petting session, Hoseok had given him a very intense blowjob that had ended with him biting into the meaty part of Jungkook’s thigh. 
He was definitely crazy about the merman and based on what Hoseok was telling him, he’d basically done everything to make him think that he was down for being his real mate in every way. 
“It’s not that I don’t want to,” Jungkook begins carefully. “But I didn’t know that’s what we were leading to. I didn’t know about the food or the bite.” 
Hoseok’s eyes widen and he clutches a hand to his chest. “I did bad! I forgot you wouldn’t know...I...I’m sorry. I just...it’s instinct and I’ve never found a mate before.” 
“It’s okay. Umm…” Jungkook licks his lips nervously and asks shyly, “What all would this entail?” 
“Entail? Oh...you mean how would I breed you?” 
“Uh, yeah. And like, how would it come out. And what would happen...after.” 
Hoseok searches Jungkook’s face, his smile slowly growing as he takes in the shy interest in Jungkook’s eyes. 
“Well, first I would make out, as you call it. I like doing that a lot. No one touches lips down there,” Hoseok swims a little closer to the cave edge when Jungkook finally smiles a little. “Then I’ll pump you full of my eggs.” 
“EGGS?! I’ll have to lay eggs? Like a chicken?” Jungkook exclaims, his hands flying to his ass like he could protect it. 
Hoseok chuckles. “No, silly human. My eggs will nestle in your womb and absorb your DNA until spring. Since you’re a human, only one or two will be born and the rest of the eggs will be absorbed as nutrients for you and our young. If you were a merman as well, you could have easily given birth to ten or more. My sister had thirty.” 
“Okay, but how are they going to come out?” 
“You’re not done growing,” Hoseok smirked. “The bite is still working on you and helping your body evolve to handle our mating. If you decide to deny our bond, you will completely go back to the way you were before my bite. If you let me breed you, most of the outer changes will go back to normal until next season, but your new internal parts will stay to keep you compatible for the next season. You are growing a womb and a birthing slit.” 
“Jesus,” Jungkook stares at the merman in surprise and trepidation. “You must like me a whole lot to want babies and stuff.” 
“I do,” Hoseok nodded vigorously. “Bunches and bunches. I’ve never participated in the mating season before. My family called me odd because I was “picky” but now I’m happy I was. My mate is the human Jungkook.” 
“How...uh...how will you get the eggs in me?” 
Jungkook blushes when Hoseok pierces him with an assessing gaze. He was surprised with himself that the thought of walking around with Hoseok’s eggs - while still fucking weird - also got him rock-hard. Like he could keep a piece of the beautiful man with him on land, and one that he could feel inside of him. 
“I have an organ like yours, it just looks a bit different. It’s kept inside until I’m ready.” 
“And...are you?”
“Ready?” Hoseok quirks an eyebrow, smirking slightly. “I’m always ready with you, but do you want this?” 
Jungkook swallows nervously, but the image of finally being fucked by this beautiful person was enough to get him wanting to scream “Yes.” 
Not to mention, the more he thought about it, the more the idea of having a child - no matter how strangely they were made - that was a little bit of him and Hoseok....he found the idea appealing. 
“Okay. Let’s do it.” 
Hoseok’s heart-shaped smile was as bright as the sun. “Okay! Lose all those silly clothes. My bite should be keeping you warm, especially once you get in the water.” 
Jungkook pauses with his shirt half over his head. “I’m going to be in the water? In the middle of winter?” 
Hoseok shrugs, “For a little bit.” 
Jungkook eyes him dubiously. “Uh-huh.” 
Still, he strips, throwing his clothes away from the water as far as he could. He was already embarrassingly hard, his cock barely shaking as he walked towards the merman. 
“Lay down and make out!” Hoseok declared, and Jungkook did so with a chuckle. The merman absolutely loved kissing. He’d been wide-eyed with wonder the first time Jungkook had impulsively pecked his lips, then demanded more almost immediately. One time Hoseok had even challenged himself to kiss every inch of Jungkook - every inch. 
Jungkook laid on his blanket close to the water’s edge and Hoseok pulled himself up to hover over the human. He quietly studied his face, a tiny fond smile gracing his lips. 
“Hi there,” Jungkook giggled. Hoseok grinned and lowered his face more. 
“Hello,” he responded quietly, then pressed his lips to Jungkook’s. 
The human moaned into the soft kiss, loving the slight tang of the sea and chilled skin against his. After Hoseok had received his fill of lips he moved lower, peppering tiny kisses until he reached Jungkook’s neck. 
He growled lightly into the skin, nipping at it playfully. “Hoseok, come on.” 
“Yeah? You need it, precious? Need to be bred?” 
Jungkook’s breath hitched, not expecting the low husky tone of Hoseok’s voice. He growled into Jungkook’s neck, the words sounding like filth dipped in honeyed caramel.
“Want it. Breed me,” he begged in a hushed voice, still battling his shyness. 
“Anything you want, precious. My precious mate,” Hoseok answered, his voice tinged with awe as he stroked his hand all over Jungkook’s soft skin. 
He slid away until he was once away fully in the water and held out a hand. “Come join me in here, Jungkook. You’ll be fine.” 
“Really?” Jungkook asked, eyeing the water with doubt. It was the middle of winter and the water had to be cold enough to kill someone. 
“My bite protects you. Come here.” 
Jungkook scoots to the edge and grabs Hoseok’s hand, letting the merman help him into the water. He’d been expecting a shock, but it merely felt lukewarm to him. Comfortable enough, he supposed. Hoseok held him close then turned him towards the rocky edge of the cave. 
“Grab onto the ledge,” Hoseok whispered teasingly into his ear. 
Jungkook did as he was told, grasping onto the ledge for dear life as Hoseok’s hands traveled down to grab him by the hips. 
“Umm, I’m not prepared. We need stuff.”
Hoseok cocks his head curiously, “Stuff?” 
“Like, slippery stuff. So, uh, it won’t hurt.” 
“OH! No, that happens naturally. I have everything you need. Do humans need extra fluids? How strange.” 
Jungkook chuckles, “Yeah, humans are the weird ones here.” 
“Hey,” Hoseok playfully frowns. “I’ll leave you to drown.” 
“Sorry, sorry. As you were.” 
Hoseok made a ‘hrumph’ sound and tapped Jungkook’s ass lightly. He can feel something floating underneath him and he sneaks a peek. It’s long and wide, a fleshy pink with bumps and ridges covering it in a strange pattern. He glances behind him to stare at Hoseok’s tail, noticing the open slit in the middle of it where the pink...oh fuck that’s his dick! It was at least ten inches long, maybe more, and as wide as Jungkook's arm. 
“That...that’s supposed to fit inside of me?” Jungkook asks breathlessly, staring in wonder at the monster cock growing out of the merman. 
“Mmm, I have to get really deep to protect our eggs,” Hoseok mumbled, pressing a reassuring kiss to the back of Jungkook’s neck. 
Jungkook turns his head and stares at the cave ledge, waiting for the first press. He nearly jumps when the bulbous head touches his rim, forcing himself to breathe as Hoseok slowly forces the head inside. 
The merman sighs happily and rubs his chin into Jungkook’s hair. “You feel so nice inside,” he hums as he holds still, letting the human’s walls work to contain him. 
After a couple seconds Jungkook feels something shooting inside of him. He turns back to glare at Hoseok incredulously. “Already?” 
The merman chuckles. “No, precious. It’s just secretions to help you handle me. It’s a while yet until I fill you properly.” 
“Oh,” Jungkook gulps. 
Hoseok moves his hips again, forcing more and more of his monster cock into Jungkook with every pump. Whatever he’d filled Jungkook with made the slide painless and he felt barely any discomfort. 
His cock continued further and further, until it grazed his prostate and went further still. He wasn’t even sure that a dick was supposed to reach that high without hurting him, but he couldn’t complain too much when the outline of Hoseok’s cock bulging from his stomach made his own twitch with need. 
“Hold on, Jungkookie,” Hoseok rasps, before slamming to the hilt. He only had a second to grip the ledge with all his might before Hoseok started pounding with such raw power that he wanted to scream and they’d only just started. 
He’d never felt so full in his life and the way that Hoseok was hammering into him felt like he was rebuilding his body to fit only him. Jungkook could only whine and sob as his senses were overwhelmed. 
“Precious?” Hoseok grunted, “Are you close, sweet thing?” 
He was. He was so embarrassingly close but he didn’t want to be. Mere minutes of the merman slamming into him like his life depended on it and he was ready to burst. 
“Don’t stop, please don’t stop,” Jungkook begs with a sob. “Don’t ever fucking stop!” 
Hoseok chuckles lowly. “Never? You want me to keep filling you up forever and ever? My sweet precious mate. So perfect,” he growls. “I want to stay inside you forever too. Fill you to the brim with my eggs until your belly is round.” 
Jungkook whimpers as Hoseok’s teeth graze his neck and he feels his cock growing impossibly wider. 
“Bigger?” he moans, “Why? I can’t…” 
“You can, precious. Your body is mine. I have to keep you in place so I can fill you up.” 
Hoseok’s dick stretches him more than he’d ever thought possible. The bumps and ridges on it rubbing the inside of his walls until he thought he would go crazy. 
“Hoseok, I’m gonna…” 
“Yeah? Release for me, precious.” 
And Jungkook cums with a loud cry, his hips bucking into nothing as he shoots into the sea. 
“Good job. Here they come now, sweetness. I’m going to breed my mate.” 
Hoseok groans huskily as he grinds against Jungkook’s ass like he was desperately trying to get further inside but couldn’t. He didn’t feel anything different at first, besides the massive river of cum that painted his insides. Then...then he felt something rippling along Hoseok’s cock, making the already large organ wider still. 
“Yes, yesss…” Hoseok panted into his ear as he shallowly bucked, seeming like the act of releasing his eggs made him feel even better than an orgasm did. 
Finally Jungkook felt the first foreign object enter his body and travel up, up, and up. It hadn’t felt that large, perhaps the size of a lemon, and round. However, with the release of the first egg it seemed the others weren’t far behind. 
One more traveled from Hoseok’s cock into him, then another, and another, until he’d lost count. He was unable to do more than rest his forehead against the cool stone floor and try not to be overwhelmed as the little eggs stroked his insides and traveled to their new home in his womb. And he knew it was there because he could feel them settle inside, bulging his tummy and pressing down on his pelvis. 
Hoseok hadn’t been able to stop groaning and bucking as each egg was released, seeming to be in an endless state of euphoria. 
Jungkook realized that somewhere along the line he’d gotten hard again, the feeling of the eggs jostling his sensitive body too much to handle. It wouldn’t take much to cum again. 
Hoseok sighed and finally stopped his grinding, leaning his head onto Jungkook’s shoulder to rest. 
“So good, precious Jungkook. I’ve never felt such bliss in all my days.” 
Jungkook wanted to respond, but he was trying to reach down and tug himself to completion without slipping into the ocean. Hoseok notices and chuckles. 
“Again, my sweet? You like being filled that much?” 
Jungkook whimpers and nods, letting Hoseok bat his hand away to replace it with his own. 
It only takes a few tugs of those long, nimble fingers before he shouts and cums, his cock slightly pained from sensitivity. 
“There we go. And out of the water with you.” 
Hoseok slides out of him and his cock is once again sheathed into his tail slit. He helps to heave the human onto the ledge and lets him catch his breath as the merman strokes Jungkook’s bulging stomach. 
“So big and full. How do they feel?” 
“Um, nice. I like it. I feel...warm and safe.” 
Hoseok glances up in surprise, “Yeah? You like it a lot?” 
Jungkook nods vigorously. “I can’t wait to meet them. What are we going to do when they’re born?” 
Hoseok stares thoughtfully at his hand on the human’s stomach. “I suppose if they have split fins like you they’ll live on land. If they are mer then they’d have to stay with me. At least until I find a way to be with you.” 
Jungkook’s eyes widened in surprise. “With me? You want to be on land?” 
Hoseok shrugs shyly. “I don’t have much to hold me here, and I’ve always wanted to meet your friends. You speak so highly of them.” 
“Yeah,” he muses, only to freeze two seconds later. “Oh fuck, you knocked me up. Yoongi and Seokjin are going to kill you!” 
“What?” Hoseok asks in alarm. 
“Don’t worry. I think we can get Namjoon on our side, but be prepared for a scolding.” 
“You mean, you want me to join you on land?” 
“Yeah,” Jungkook grins happily. “You’re my family too, and we’re going to have...young. We’ll figure it out.” 
“Yes. Yes, we will.” Hoseok settles and sighs, laying his head onto his mate’s belly. 
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More Than Words (Twenty-One)
Uh yes. Tissues. 
The noise in the cabin ceased ten minutes before the door finally pushed open, and Cable turned from gazing out at the forest to watch the Omega step out onto the porch. 
Peter shut the door behind him with a louder slam than necessary and in a tone that was damn near a snarl told the mutant, “If you want to talk to me, you’ll do it out here. You are not welcome in our home. You aren’t welcome on our property either, but so long as my Alpha doesn't intend to tear you apart this exact second, I’ll sit and listen to what you have to say.” 
Cable held his hands up peacefully, and Peter looked over towards the barn doors before finally sitting on the top step and wrapping his arms around himself. “Why are you here?” 
For a minute Cable just watched the Omega, watched Peter huddle down into what was obviously his mate’s coat. He was thin-- too thin-- but time in the past and being sick hadn’t done anything to tame the stubbornness flashing in his eyes or the determined set to his jaw. 
Peter had taken Cable by surprise all those months ago when they met in the forest, feisty and determined and not willing to back down until he got what he wanted. Cable had been impressed-- if not annoyed by the Omega back then-- and he was still impressed now. 
Peter was a good, strong Omega for a wildly fierce Alpha and admiration filtered slow into Cable’s scent, a begrudging smile tugging at the corner of his mouth. Wade had chosen his mate well and it was too bad the universe didn’t care one whit for scent matches, for true love, for the desperation that came along with the need to stay stay stay. 
No the universe didn’t care at all, or the Omega wouldn’t be fading right in front of his eyes. 
The moment of mutual silence stretched long enough to be awkward, long enough to be almost painful as the Omega glared up at Cable balefully, so finally the mutant cleared his throat and went to join Peter at the step, moving slow and careful and trying hard not to make an already terrible situation worse. 
Peter stiffened when Cable sat next to him, but didn’t shy away and after another moment of silence Cable realized the Omega had no intention of speaking first, no intention of making this easy in the least, so with another grudging bit of admiration, the mutant reached into his utility pack and pulled out a photograph. 
The edges were worn and crumpled, the creases almost white from being folded and re-folded tens of thousands of times. The colors were long faded, but the smiles were every bit as brilliant as Cable remembered and he ran careful fingers over the familiar faces before finally saying, “How did you adjust to a world full of mutants? Change your mind about all that research you did  beforehand?” 
“Nope.” Peter shook his head. “Nope. Don’t do that. You don’t get to come here and try to ruin us, then make small talk like we are friends. Say what you need to say and get it over with so I can find my Alpha.” 
“I just thought--” 
“Nope!” the Omega said louder. “First time we met you threw me into a tree and threatened to kill me, this time around you’re barging in uninvited to my home and threatening to take me from my Alpha. You are not allowed to make small talk. Cut it out.” 
“Stubborn Omega.” Cable muttered. “You seem very well matched to Wade.” 
Peter finally flinched just a very little bit, but his tone was still halfway to furious, “We are a perfect match.” and Cable nodded in understanding, then changed the subject.
“This is my wife and mate, Aliya.” the Alpha turned the photo to show Peter, pointing to the older woman first. “And this is our daughter, Hope. This is a snapshot from my original time line, the only picture I have of them anymore, the only piece of that life I still carry with me. War tore my entire world apart and Hope and Aliya were just two in a list of millions of casualties.”
“I’m-- I’m sorry.” Peter didn’t want to give a damn about Cable, but looking at the picture and the grief on the mutant’s features still hurt his heart. “I can’t imagine how difficult that was.”
“No.” Cable agreed gruffly. “No, you can’t. But after they were gone and after the war had tempered enough to allow some of us to step away, I learned how easy time travel was.”
He refolded the picture and put it back in his bag. “In my reality, time travel is nothing more complicated than a device you clip to your belt, the necessary batteries required to get you from one point to another, and a little bit of common sense to not do anything stupid in a timeline that isn’t your own.” 
Peter waited, curiosity warring with the innate need to hate everything about Cable, and after another minute the Alpha continued, “I went looking through every timeline I could trying to find Aliya and Hope again. Fifty nine different eras because I couldn’t stand the thought of existing without them, fifty nine different worlds scoured because I didn’t know who I was without my family.” 
“...did you find them?” 
“Fifty nine different times.” Cable confirmed. “Fifty nine different times I found my mate and my daughter. Playing, smiling, existing in fifty nine different realities.” 
“And in every universe where Aliya loved me, every place she called a version of me mate, she was doomed to die.” Cable’s good eye flickered red with heartbreak. “Every single time, she and Hope. Over and over and over. Sometimes it was war, sometimes it was sickness, sometimes it was random, careless, some twist of fate that tore them from my arms. I watched them die fifty nine different times, watched myself stand in the rain and grieve after they were gone.” 
His smile was painful, fangs bared like he wanted to growl instead. “Fifty nine timelines and the funeral was always the same-- No one but me standing there, the rain soaking through my suit, a preacher talking about heaven and better places and finding happiness cos they aren’t suffering anymore.” 
“Oh.” The Omega’s scent flattened into sadness. “I’m so-- shit, I’m so sorry. I wouldn’t have asked if--” 
“This timeline here.” Cable ignored Peter’s apology and pulled out another photo, this one newer and still crisp and clear. “This timeline and this Haven is the only place I don’t exist. This world is the only one I’ve found without Cable in it, and in this world, Aliya went away to the coast the year she was nineteen. She had a wild summer fling with a stranger, they parted on fond terms and she returned to Haven without realizing she’d conceived.” 
The Omega reached for the picture cautiously, his heart twisting when he saw the same smiles beaming up at him, Hope and Aliya laughing together and posing in the Haven town square. 
“She’s raising Hope with the help of friends and family.” The mutant said slowly. “I don’t know the name of their family Alpha and I won’t allow myself to look. This life is theirs and the closest I can get without ruining their happiness is watching from the shadows.” 
“This is why the device sent me here when I activated it.” Peter realized. “You come here all the time to see them.” 
“As often as I can.” Cable agreed. “This is my favorite time line. This place, this Haven. Look how beautiful Aliya is, how she smiles so much. Our life together was--” he shook his head regretfully. “Our life was difficult, and I made things more difficult by choosing to be a soldier. Aliya used to laugh to hide how hard things were, how sad she was all the time and I only saw her smile-- saw her truly smile-- a time or two.” 
The Alpha took the picture back from Peter and folded it just as carefully as he’d done the first, tucking it away in his pack. “My mate smiles all the time here in Haven, and Hope has the sweetest laugh I’ve ever heard. She sings and she dances and Aliya teaches the little children in the mornings and they are safe and content, away from war, from hunger, from all the pain a life with me brought to their hearts.” 
And softer-- “If a world without me is the only place Hope and Aliya are happy, then I’ll choose to stay away.” 
Peter grimaced at the grind of Cable’s arms, the gears and plates shifting and whirring as the mutant rolled his shoulders. “Doesn’t-- doesn’t that hurt?” 
“Every day.” Cable flexed his fingers and clenched his fist. “It’s a virus and I was infected as a baby. My mental powers kept it at bay for a long time but time travel ruins bodies and minds, so the longer I am outside my own time line, every time I come here to see Aliya and Hope, the stronger the virus grows.” 
“I have so many questions.” Peter muttered and Cable grunted in agreement. “But um, I guess the most important one is if being here makes the virus stronger, then one day won’t it take over your body?” 
“One day I won’t be anything more than a consciousness inside a robot.” He nodded. “Maybe I won’t even be that. Maybe I’ll just cease to exist altogether, die the day the virus sinks itself into my brain. Death might even be a relief after all I’ve seen and all I’ve done.” 
“To die would be an awfully big adventure.” The Omega quoted, and Cable thought he recognized the line from some this--Earth fairy tale. “I never thought near immorality would be a curse.” 
“Most of life is a curse, kid.” the mutant snorted. “But until the day I physically cannot take anymore, I’ll let the curse consume more and more of me so long as I get to see my family smile. A worthwhile sacrifice.” 
“I’m sorry.” The last bit of irritation drained from Peter’s scent as his shoulders drooped. “I can’t imagine how awful this is. I don’t even want to think about a world where I couldn’t be with my mate. Or one where I’d have to keep my distance because--” 
“You can’t stay here.” Cable interrupted and the Omega switched gears to automatically growl at him. “Growl all you want kiddo, but you can’t stay.” 
“You aren’t taking me away!”
“It’s not up to me!” Cable raised his voice when Peter did. “Didn’t you hear what I said? Being out of your own time line ruins bodies and mind. If this is what’s it doing to me?” he gestured to his body. “What the hell do you think it’s doing to you?” 
“But I’m getting better!” Peter insisted. “I’m getting better, I promise!” 
“No. yYu’re not.” Cable said flatly. “You’re not getting better. You are never going to recover from being sick, Peter. You will get weaker every single day, more and more tired until you can’t even get out of bed. Your body will give up, first your limbs, then your breathing and finally your heart. You will waste away right there in front of your mate and it will be neither peaceful nor quick. Why do you want to do that to your Alpha?” 
“I--” Peter started to yell, but his mouth clicked shut in shock. “--I don’t want to do anything to Wade. Not anything that hurts, anyway.” 
“Haven’t you wondered why you haven’t gone into a mating heat?” Cable switched tactics and pointed at Peter’s throat. “Why those bruised fang marks haven’t turned silver? You and Wade are scent matched, soulmates and you haven’t gone into a regular heat much less a bonding heat. Your body stopped reviving itself the second you ended up here and that will not change.” 
“Well, I don’t need a mating heat to bond with my Alpha.” Peter said stubbornly. “We are mates whether my bite mark ever turns silver or not.” 
“You’re smarter than this.” Cable pointed at him warningly. “I’ve done my research, Peter Parker and you are way too smart to not understand what I’m saying. Bruce told me he talked to you about being in stasis and that you understand the stress a mutation can put on a body. You are smart enough to know--” 
“Don’t do that to me.” Peter snapped. “Don’t use my intelligence against me. Yes I’m smart enough to know it doesn’t make sense for a human to survive outside their timeline, but I’m also smart enough to know I’ll die of a broken heart if I leave my mate! What’s the difference?” 
“Dying of a broken heart will be easier than what will happen if you stay.” the mutant insisted. “Why would you want to hurt your mate by making him watch you die?” 
“You’re hurting my mate by taking me away!” Peter shouted. “And you are doing the same thing to Aliya and Hope! You are killing yourself just to be around them! Why can’t I do it too!” 
“Aliya and Hope don’t even know I exist.” Cable retorted, popping his teeth in warning so the Omega would back off the topic of his family. “They don’t know I am dying or how it hurts, their lives are no different when I am alive, their days will be no different when I am gone. I’ve never intervened in their lives, but you have changed your mate’s life and it will destroy him to lose you this way. It will ruin that Alpha, do you understand? Ruin him.” 
Peter’s scent twisted in terror for a split second before settling, and Cable was once again impressed by how self contained the Omega was. He’d panicked for only a second and now he was calm, almost too calm really as if he’d already made a decision about the future, and Cable narrowed his eyes warily as he waited for the Omega to speak again. 
“How much time do I have?” Peter finally asked and Cable supplied, “You don’t have any time, Omega. One hundred and twenty days is the end and you’ve been here one hundred and three.” 
“So I have two weeks.” 
“No, son.” Regret, layering in the mutants voice. “You’re sick and I have to get you home. Even if you weren’t sick, you have to go back. You’ll never survive here, and I won’t be responsible for your death.” 
“I’ll give you forty eight hours with your mate.” Cable stood to his feet, bringing an abrupt end to the conversation despite Peter’s protests. “And then you’ll have to come with me. I should still be able to get you home and back to your life before it’s too late.” 
“I won’t go.” Peter dug his fingers into his thighs until it hurt. “I won’t go. I’m not leaving my mate.” 
“Omega.” Cable’s good eye flashed dark red, his yellow one sparking eerie. “I’m not actually giving you a choice. Forty eight hours.” 
Peter didn’t know how long he sat out there in the cold before the barn door shoved open again, but he didn’t bother looking up when hesitant steps crunched through the snow, or when his Alpha crouched down in front of him and reached for his hands.
“My mate.” Wade sounded like he’d been crying or maybe even screaming, his deep voice ragged on the edges, pitched low and hoarse. “Back inside before your cough comes back.” 
Peter didn’t answer and Wade pressed at the Omega’s fingers, bringing them to his lips for a gentle kiss. “Come on, sweetheart. There’s no reason to sit out here. Let’s go inside and we can-- we can--” the Alpha swallowed hard. “-- we can talk about all this, okay?”
“Did you get the chores done?” the Omega asked and Wade frowned-- “Uh no. No Pete, I didn’t get anything done. Couldn’t focus on nothin’ when Cable was--”
“Well it’s not fair to let the animals go hungry just cos we’re having a bad day.” Peter pulled his hands free from Wade’s grip and struggled to his feet, shoulders hunched and eyes exhausted, the emotional toll from the morning settling weighted on his soul. “Come on, I’ll help.” 
“Omega, you shouldn’t be--” Wade started to protest, started to list all the reasons why his mate should definitely not be working too hard or even out in the weather for this long, started to say all the things he’d said a hundred times since Peter had gotten sick. But the sentiment fell flat once he could see the despair in his mate’s dark eyes and scent the sorrow in the dimming lavender. 
And Wade didn’t know what to say to make anything better, he didn’t even know where to begin. There weren’t any words for the sort of grief clawing at his soul and there weren’t any words for the awful resignation he could already feel from his mate. 
No words, so the Alpha didn’t bother even trying. Instead he pulled Peter in close for a long hug, held the Omega tighter when Peter’s slim shoulders shook with sobs, rumbled and crooned and tried hard to keep his own sadness from leeching into his scent and making everything worse. 
Wade contented himself with letting a few tears fall into Peter’s hair, and after the Omega had calmed down and whispered a halting, “I want to help with the animals today.” Wade only nodded and whispered back, “Yeah, baby boy. They’ll be real happy to see you.” 
It didn’t seem right to go about their normal chores when the morning had been so devastating, but the mated pair went through the motions anyway. Stalls had to be mucked out and fresh hay laid for the horses, feed buckets emptied and refilled, the goat milked for what little bit she was still giving and eggs gathered from the remaining chickens. Wade patched a seam where a board had shifted in the last storm and was letting snow through, and Peter spent more time than usual grooming first Bea and then Arthur, whispering quiet things to the giant beasts and smiling when they nickered in reply and bumped at him with soft noses. 
Inside in the cabin the Alpha stacked split logs and piled the kindling box high while Peter made the bed and sorted through the wardrobe. There was minimal laundry to do but the Omega did it anyway, heating up a small pot of water to put into the machine they’d bought in Haven and scrubbing at socks and underwear and a few shirts for good measure. Wade sanded at a rough spot on the kitchen table and Peter swapped out a cracked plate for one of the ones still wrapped in paper high on a shelf in the lean to. Wade spent way too much time cleaning out the bathtub and wiping it dry while Peter swept at the hearth and floor.
It was busy work-- mostly pointless chores that weren’t even urgent on a normal day much less a day when they needed to simply sit and talk. They just needed to be distracted so neither would break down, they needed to be working so the inevitable countdown of forty eight hours didn’t drive them mad. 
But it was a small cabin and a windy day, so eventually there wasn’t anything left to do inside besides cook a hot meal and sit down across the kitchen table to eat. 
Or rather, sit down and look at the plates as the untouched food grew colder and colder and the silence stretched longer and longer and worse and worse.
And then finally-- 
“Where did you go?” the Omega spoke first, staring dully at his food. “Dunno how many times you’ve told me you never want to let me go, but then Cable shows up and you just walk away?” 
“...M’sorry, Pete.” Wade said woodenly. “I-- I’m sorry.” 
“What the fuck was that?” Peter’s voice caught, breath hitching. “I expected you to rip him apart for even coming to our door but instead you walked out and left me there? He could have taken me the second you turned your back.” 
The Alpha’s jaw worked as he ground his teeth together, cedar scent rippling furious for a split second. “Yeah. I wasn’t thinkin’ real clear right then.” 
“But you weren’t surprised by what he said.” Peter picked up his cup and took a tiny sip of the moonshine, grimacing at the taste. “You weren’t surprised at all. What did he mean, Bruce warned you? Did you know my time here was so limited?” 
“We both knew Cable would come back, Pete.” Wade rubbed at his eyes and finally ventured a glance at his mate. “We both knew that, from day one. We talked about it, remember? We knew this could happen.”
“Knowing Cable would come back eventually and knowing he’d show up and announce that I’m dying are two different things!” The Omega pointed out loudly. “Is that what Bruce warned you about? That once I got sick, I’d never get better? Is that why you’ve been so crazy about me not doing any work and staying inside?” 
“Bruce told me you probably wouldn’t recover all the way.” The admission tasted like bile in Wade’s throat, burning and gagging and he emptied his own drink in an attempt to get rid of it. “And I didn’t want to listen to him but he’s-- he’s right Pete. Bruce is right and Cable is--” 
God, he wanted to vomit. “--Cable is right. You’re not getting better and I hate that, but we can’t fight it, you know? You gotta get better, that’s all there is to it.” 
“So that’s why you left.” Peter stated. “You already knew why Cable would insist on taking me and you didn’t bother trying to stop it.” 
“Didn’t bother trying to stop it, is that really what you think?” Wade finally just pushed his plate away and leaned back in the chair to cross massive arms over his chest. “Pete, I could’a torn his throat out just for daring to step foot in our home. But I didn’t cos saving you is more important. than whatever I want to do or whatever blood I want to spill.” 
“Well, I wouldn’t mind watching you spill his blood.” the Omega looked away, folded his arms in a show just as stubborn as his mate’s display. “And I’m not leaving you. You’re my mate and I’m not going. I don’t care if I never get all the way better again, I’d rather be here like this than away from you at all. I’m not going.” 
“It’s not about you never gettin’ better again, Pete.” Wade smothered a frustrated, heartbroken, growl when the Omega only scoffed. “It’s about me losing you. I dunno know when it’s gonna happen or how it’s gonna happen, but it's just about a guarantee and I can’t handle that. I can’t.” 
“I’m not leaving you.” Peter insisted again. “We’re mates, Wade. And you-- you heal from everything. What if because of our mate bond some of that transferred to me and I’ll be fine? What if Cable is wrong and nothing bad is going to happen?”  
“I wish I was selfish enough to take that chance.” the Alpha said softly, quietly, like the words weren’t tearing him apart inside. “And maybe a few months ago I would’a been. When you were healthy and laughing every day and givin’ me a run for my money with everything we got up to, yeah maybe I would’a been selfish enough to try and test that theory. But you’re not healthy any more Pete. And you’re too thin and your scent is--” 
Wade shook his head and tried to keep his voice from breaking. “I’m losing you, Pete. Don’t know how much longer we have even if Cable hadn’t come back, but now that he’s here and givin’ us a way to save you, we gotta take it.” 
“No we don’t.” Peter wound their fingers together and held on tight. “We don’t have to take it. I’ll be the selfish one and stay so you don’t have to make the decision.” 
“No, Pete.” Wade said grimly. “No. That’s not an option.”
“...n--no?” the blood drained from the Omega’s face, leaving him too pale, eyes wide and scared. “What do you mean, no? You-- you won’t let me stay even though I want to? Even though I need to? You’re my mate, how can you want me to go?” 
“I want you to be alright, sweetheart.” the Alpha’s eyes deepened to a shade of devastating red, licorice scent breaking jagged with pain. “I want you to be okay. And you won’t be okay if you stay with me.” 
“But I don’t want to be okay without you.” A tear slid down Peter’s cheek and fell to the table. “I don’t care that I’m sick, Alpha. I don’t care if I never get any healthier than this right here. I never thought I’d find a mate and then I found you and now I’d rather stay here sick than be walking around somewhere without you.” 
“Just talk to me!” Hysteria now, building acrid beneath honeysuckle. “Just talk to me. All you’ve done is say I should go but I really really want to hear you ask me to stay! Even if I can’t stay, even if Cable comes back and snatches me away please ask me to stay. Tell me you want me to stay.” 
“Pete, staying means that you’ll get worse and I’m not gonna say that.” 
“I don’t care!” the Omega shoved back from the table and scrambled to his feet. “I don’t care! You’ve obviously gone and made your peace about letting Cable take me but I haven’t heard you say once that you want me to stay! Tell me not to go! Just say it!” 
“Honey, I’m not gonna say anything that means you won’t get better.” 
“Alpha!” Peter was shouting now, begging, tears streaming down his face. “Tell me not to go! Say it! Say you want me to stay! Tell me you love me and that you don’t want me to go, cos you haven’t said that yet and I need to hear it, please please please--”
“YOU WILL NOT STAY HERE AND MAKE ME BURY YOU!” Wade jumped to his feet and roared, and Peter screamed in fright, jerking away and cowering beneath the fury. 
“You will not stay here and make me bury you.” the Alpha repeated, each syllable like thunder in the still cabin. “Because that’s what you’re asking, Pete. You are begging me to tell you to stay, you are asking me to agree to bury you and I won’t do it. I won’t do it.” 
The Omega put both hands over his mouth and whimpered and Wade drew in a shaky breath. “You are my mate, Pete. My Omega. And I would never do anything to hurt you, not ever. I can’t. If that means I let Cable take you away so I know you’re walking around somewhere healthy and whole and beautiful, then that’s what I’m gonna do.”
“You’re telling me to ask you to stay, but you’re really asking me to bury you.” The rage washed out of the Alpha and left him limp, haggard. “You’re asking me to sit at your side as you waste away, you’re asking me to dig a hole and build a cross and put flowers on your grave every few days. You’re asking me to sleep in our bed alone, asking me to come home to an empty cabin, asking me to keep living every single day for another hundred years knowing I probably could’a saved you but I didn’t.” 
“I wish I could say losing you would kill me.” Wade spread his hands helplessly, voice ringing in defeat. “But it won’t. It won’t. Cos losin’ Vanessa didn’t kill me, even though I tried real fuckin’ hard to follow her into the ground. Losin’ you won’t kill me, so I’ll just be here by myself wishin’ it had. Don’t do that to me. Please don’t do that to me.”
“I’m sorry.” Peter wrapped his arms around his midsection, bent double so he could breathe through the sobs. “My Alpha, I’m sorry. M’sorry, so sorry, I just don’t want to leave you, I don’t want to leave you--” 
“I knew when I found you we’d have to say goodbye.” the Alpha whispered . “But I don't regret a single minute. And it’s just a few years you know, just a few years separating us and that’s not much at all. I can stay here knowin’ you’re alright out there. I can do that. But I can’t-- I can’t ask you to stay, Pete. Don’t make me ask you to stay.” 
He reached for his mate pleadingly, forced Peter’s arms apart and hauled the Omega in over his heart. “You’re mine.” he growled, and Peter only cried harder. “You’re mine and I’m yours, Omega. Nothin’s ever gonna change that. Not Cable, not time, not distance, not anything. You’re mine.” 
“I’m yours.” Peter clutched at his Alpha tight, burrowed in close until he could feel Wade’s heart beating against his own. “I’m-- I’m yours. Always.” 
“Let me take you to bed.” Wade ran rough fingers through Peter’s hair, down the Omega’s back to grasp at his hips. “Let me take you to bed and we can forget about all this for the night okay? We can talk some more in the morning but right now I really need to hold you, really need to--” 
“Are you gonna eat the goat?” Peter tried for a smile, tried to tease through his tears, tried for anything that would ease the pain his mate’s scent. “Cable says we got forty eight hours, are you gonna eat the goat?” 
“Literally the second you’re gone.” Wade swore, and Peter’s laugh turned into a sob half way through. “Come on to bed with me, huh? Please?” 
“Bed sounds like a really good idea.” Peter looped his arms around Wade’s neck and held on when the Alpha swooped him up into his arms. “Wanna be stuck on you until the sun rises, okay? All night long.”
“Til the sun rises.” Wade dug the points of his fangs into Peter’s throat and the Omega went immediately, beautifully pliant against him. “I love you, Pete.” 
“I love you too, Alpha my Alpha.” 
...please please please don’t make me go. 
...please please please ask me to stay. 
@ships-galore @ceealaina @izziebladez @cwar1864 @hausoffro @lookuplaughing @tonystarkisanangel @multishippinglife @girlnic @iam93percentstardust @water-colouredmemories @paranormalmoonlight5 @igotloki @moosette05 @wayward-student-philosopher @kaz-brekkers-gloves @atomicfandombomb @ricecakeandhoney @ardatlily @fawnandgays @bluedreamdino @bibbarnes @blackstar1602 @hi-inevitable-im-deadpool @scientifically-lesbian-jesus @the-pagely-gun-slinger @oshuncheyenne @the-dragonwolf-den @pumpkin-spidey @sozvuchiy @cappunico @tired-dragons01 @chiby-chan @ahumoki0 @kanizsacollage @tulipsnbigcats @hiddenaurora @notchronicle24 @marvels-gurl @iridescent-idiot @badndbourgeoisie @eversomniator @local1dreamer @loveisblindwade  @ssssssssssssssssssssslytherin
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icannotseemyself · 5 years
Prompt: Soulmate fic where Sherlock deletes his first name because he hates it so much. But then he meets John, and hopes that he’s the same John on his wrist, and gets upset when John’s wrist says William. And then the two of them are just being idiots, pining for each other, until Mycroft steps in once he realizes Sherlock deleted his first name.
DISCLAIMER: This is the first fanfic I’ve ever posted here on this site, especially of Johnlock. Also, this is inspired by @fangirllibrarian. I will also answer any questions I have about personal headcanons I’ve written in there in the comments.
From a young age, William Sherlock Scott Holmes has despised his name. Not the Sherlock part, or even Scott, but the William. What felt like half of the kids in his year (more like 7, but STILL) shared the name, and Sherlock wanted to be different. Not different like everyone else saw him different (the odd child with the smart mouth and flapping hands), but original. So at the age of 7, old enough to make decisions on his own, Mummy, he changes his name, and only goes by Sherlock Holmes. His parents were upset at first (we picked that name for a reason, honey), but Mycroft humors him, and that’s enough. Eventually, everyone calls him Sherlock, and he no longers holds onto that 7-letter name, throwing it away in one of his Mind Palace’s many trash compartments. Later, he’d refer to this as deleting, but until the age of 13, he’d called it binning the useless information.
As he gets older, he observes those around him, watching as the pressure for the damn names to match becomes more and more severe. He knows the name written on his wrist, in small, cramped handwriting. John. Of course, of the Johns he’s met over the years, none have been memorable, and none had the name Sherlock written on their wrist in his loopy handwriting. By the time he graduated secondary school and had started his degree in chemistry, he stopped looking and caring, more focused on everything else around him.
He started wearing long sleeves to cover his track marks, and by happy accident manages to ignore the name as well. John may as well be another stranger on the street.
People he knew when he got high got clean for their soulmates. Sherlock found that preposterous. When he did get clean, it was for himself. Shortly after, as per the deal, he began his work as consulting detective for New Scotland Yard.
And he was fine. He was Sherlock Holmes, consulting detective. No John, but perhaps it was better that way. Who knew how this John would change him, for the better or for the worse. He banished the thought of the name from his mind, and focused on the Work.
Until the day he met John Watson. Even during their first meeting, Sherlock had felt a… spark, a connection, he didn’t know what to call it. All he knew was that his heart got a bit jumpy when John smiled at him, and a warm feeling burned his chest everytime John did something that amused him.
They never really talked about the soulmate thing. John deflected any possible hint at him being anything other than a rigid heterosexual, and Sherlock had shot him down, despite his heart telling him not to, that night at Angelo’s. Sometimes, when Sherlock’s alone, he kicks himself for what he said. “Married to his work.” What a stupid thing to say.
So John never asked, and Sherlock never told (though Sherlock himself hoped), and Sherlock never asked and John never told, until one day, Sherlock had just returned from a case alone (John had work) to find John passed out in his chair. It was obvious that John was waiting for him. A half-empty cup of cold tea sat next to the chair, and a book layed on the floor, where it had fallen out of John’s lap.
Sherlock smirked to himself, and after relieving himself of his coat, manage to lift John up without waking him and carry him to his own bedroom. As he tucked the older man in, John’s sweater sleeve rose up slightly, and Sherlock caught a glimpse of the name written. William. Not Sherlock.
Disappointed and depressed, Sherlock left the room quickly, not wanting a potentially waking John to see him upset. Now it was never an opportunity for him. John would probably be happy with this William. And Sherlock… Sherlock would move on. Not find another John, because Sherlock didn’t believe in another John. He just wanted his John.
The next morning, John awkwardly thanked Sherlock for moving him to the bed, and Sherlock said nothing.
Mycroft stopped by one afternoon, while John was at work, and Sherlock had no cases. The usual banter had no bite to it, Sherlock noted, and Mycroft was quick to agree.
“And the good doctor? How is he?” Mycroft asked.
“Fine,” Sherlock said, if a bit too quickly. Mycroft’s eyebrow rose.
“Caring is not an advantage, Sherlock.”
“I’m aware, Mycroft.”
“And yet you still care about him. I understand, believe me, Sherlock I do. I believe you taken a peek at the name. I would have thought you’d been delighted.”
“Why would I be delighted in my flatmate’s soulmate? He hasn’t even found him.”
Mycroft rolls his eyes. “Dear lord, you truly are dense.”
“Am not,” Sherlock retorted. Mycroft just rolled his eyes again, tapped his umbrella on the ground, and turned to leave, before turning back.
“Oh, mummy’s insisted you come over for supper. Something about a family announcement.”
“Send me an email, Mycroft, I’m busy.”
“I think this is one you’ll want to be there for. Perhaps I’ll even bring John around. If Mrs. Hudson reminds you of our mother, then I can’t imagine what Mummy will do when she meets your… friend.”
And with that Mycroft left Sherlock to ponder this, formulating his plan in his mind.
Once John finished his shift, he quickly strutted out of the hospital. Today was the day. Maybe Sherlock wasn’t William, but William would certainly never be Sherlock, and John was tired of pining. He was going to confess his feelings and be done with it all.
Of course, this plan was ruined the second he saw the black town car parked at the kerb. John contemplated not getting in, before thinking of the famous Holmes wrath. Better now than later.
When he stepped in, he expected Anthea/Lenore/Calliope at his side. Instead, it was the elder Holmes brother himself.
“Can I help you?” John asked as the car began moving.
“Indeed,” Mycroft stated. “I’ve deduced that you’re finally going to tell Sherlock how you feel.”
John didn’t want to know how he’d deduced it. “Yes. What?”
Mycroft smiled slightly, before turning serious and monotone again. “And your soulmate? What of him?”
“My soulmate is none of your business.”
“My brother is always my business, and if you intend to break his heart, I don’t pretend that you don’t know what I can do to you.”
“I understand perfectly. Yes, I’m not running around with Sherlock on my wrist, but I’m running around with him on my mind, by my side, and in my heart. William will understand.”
Mycroft, seemingly satisfied with this proclamation, sat back in his seat.
“Where are we going?” John asked, noticing the buildings outside turn from the office and apartment buildings of central London, and instead become the large estates and homes of Belgravia.
“You’ll find out,” Mycroft said.
Eventually the car rolled to a stop in front of a large house with a large garden. Mycroft led John inside, where John was greeted by two people who shared resemblance to the man he loves. Sherlock and Mycroft’s parents.
Jean-Louise and Arthur Holmes doted on him practically from the minute they stepped foot in the house, and Mycroft took the opportunity to take a few secret pictures to incite Sherlock into joining the party. Indeed, a mere 10 minutes later, Sherlock waltzed in unceremoniously, coat slightly dripping, as it had started to rain, as it often does in London.
“Sherlock! I didn’t know you were coming!” John said, turning towards him.
“You… you didn’t?” Sherlock said, turning to Mycroft. Mycroft just shrugged.
Quickly, Mycroft managed to usher them all into the living room, and suggested Sherlock show John around.
“He doesn’t need to look around, we won’t be here long.”
“Sherlock, don’t be rude.”
“I wouldn’t mind a look around, actually,” John interrupted, looking at Sherlock. “If you’re willing.” Sherlock just rolled his eyes and walked away, obviously expecting John to follow him by the look back he conspicuously made before climbing the stairs.
As Mycroft entertained the parents on the lower level, Sherlock made quick work of showing John around. He did pause, however, when it came to his room.
“This is yours?”
It was messy, but messy in the Sherlockian way 221B was always messy. Pictures of various experiments, composers and scientists.
“It’s weird.”
“It isn’t,” John argued, turning towards him. “It’s wholy and entire you. Sherlock, there’s something I was planning on saying tonight before your brother showed up. I know I’ve always denied any and all attraction for the same sex, but I’ve found that you are the exception. Despite everything that I’ve said, I like you a lot, and would like to take this relationship from flat-mates, friends, colleagues, to something more. If you’re open to it.”
Sherlock’s heart was jumping, screaming for joy practically. “John, I-- I don’t know what to say. I mean, I like you too. A lot. Probably way too much. I’ll admit, there were days when I would beg for the John written on my wrist to be yours.”
“I sense a but.”
Sherlock’s heart sunk as he remembered seeing John’s wrist. “But, I saw yours. I’m sure you’ll be very happy with William, and I don’t want to be the reason you don’t find your soulmate.”
“I’m sorry.”
Sherlock turned away and practically ran down the stairs towards the door. Unfortunately, Mycroft stopped him.
“There’s something you both should know,” Mycroft said, loud enough that John, who’d made it halfway down the stairs at some point, could hear. “At first I was confused myself, but then I realized. Sherlock, you’ve deleted something rather important about your past.”
“I don’t have time for games, Mycroft. What?”
“While my name is completely original, your birth name is not Sherlock. In fact, Sherlock is your middle name.”
“What?” Sherlock asked. John was also confused, probably more so.
“It’s obvious, Sherlock, really. You “deleted” as you so eloquently put, that your birth name, and the name that your soulmate would carry on his wrist, is William.”
A pause. Time seemed to freeze for a moment. Sherlock’s eyes lit up.
“Say that again.”
Mycroft rolled his eyes, less enthusiastic about repeating himself than Sherlock usually is. “You were born William Sherlock Scott Holmes.”
A smile broke out on Sherlock’s face, and before anyone could do anything, Sherlock turned and closed the gap, standing so close he could feel the heat of John. “I don’t take back anything I said up there. William would truly be lucky to have you.”
“Come here, William,” John said, throwing his arms around Sherlock’s neck and pulling him in. For first kisses, this was by far the best one.
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writteninsunshine · 4 years
Hush - Father Anthony Burke/Maurice “Frenchie” Theirault - NSFW
Title: Hush Author: Donnie Fandom: The Nun Setting: Father Burke’s Church Pairing: Father Anthony Burke/Maurice “Frenchie” Theriault Characters: Father Anthony Burke, Maurice “Frenchie” Theriault, OC: Denise Genre: Romance/Spiritual Rating: E Chapters: 1/1 Word Count: 2755 Type of Work: One Shot, Part of the Sins Of The Father series Status: Complete Warnings: Gay, Slash, Yaoi, MLM, Sin Kink, Church Kink, Confessional Booth Glory Hole, Jealousy Kink, ABO Dynamics, Mating (Mentioned), Knotting, Vaginal Sex, Interrupted Sex, Voyeurism, Prayer Kink, AU - Canon Divergent, AU - Modern AU Disclaimer: I don’t own anything except Denise and the other OCs mentioned. Summary: If Anthony Burke knew one thing about Maurice Theriault, it was that he was a glutton for punishment. AN: Hey guys, it’s me again! Just thought I ought to say, if you want vague updates and to talk to me more, I have Twitter and Tumblr, too! Twitter is Sunshinecackle, and Tumblr is Writteninsunshine! I also have a writing Discord that is currently pretty dead. xD I can PM it to people who want it on FFN, for everyone else, it’s here: discord.gg/FyaWw25 Here we have another dirty thing with Father Burke and Maurice. Who knew I would be able to bang out so many words for these two? I guess I have a problem. xD But, regardless, they’re fun to write and I’ve been able to get a lot done, so I’m proud of that, at least. Here we go! All prayers used within are actual Catholic prayers, if that bothers you, please do not read this. This is a very heavy church and sin kink fic, and if you cannot handle that, DO NOT READ IT. I will not interact with people telling me I’m bad or need Jesus or something.
The Nun Fic Masterlist
Hush ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ Stepping into the confessional booth after midnight, Maurice felt flighty and exhilarated. He drew the sign of the cross before himself before taking a deep breath and letting it out.
“Bless me, Father, for I have sinned. My last confession was two weeks ago.” “Two weeks?” Father Burke commented, off-handed but uncharacteristic to his usual attitude, “It seems you have been busy.” “I… Oui.” Maurice answered, “I’ve been thinking impure thoughts, Father. I feel as though I need to be bred by every Alpha I see.” There was a low rumble of a growl on the other side of the wall, and Father Burke had to cover it with a cough. “Just being around certain Alphas I know makes it unbearable.” A slick, wet sound filled the confessional as he slid his hand into his track pants to touch himself, and Father Burke’s scent picked up in interest. “Every Alpha?” He asked, unable to tamp down on the subvocal growl in his words. “Not everyone gets me as wet as you do, Father.” Came the sultry answer as Maurice let himself have a small moan of pleasure, rubbing his fingers over his clit. Eyes rolling back, his jaw dropped, “Can you hear me, Father? Smell me? You do this to me so often… I can barely make it through a sermon without needing to touch myself.” “That is… Sinful, indeed, my son. I… I do indeed smell you. And hear you.” There was a rustling of fabric on Father Burke’s side and it was clear he was readjusting. “This is all I can remember. I am sorry for these and all my sins.” Maurice offered through another moan, and Father Burke finally opened up the small door between the booths. “Your penitence is to serve me, and through me, the Lord,” Anthony replied, accent thick with arousal as he pushed his cock through the hole. “Use your mouth for me.” That growl was still there, thick and possessive as he presented himself. Maurice slipped to his knees in the booth, slurping at the elder’s cock and dipping his tongue underneath the foreskin, just like he liked. Already, he heard the other’s head thunk against the wooden wall between them, and he couldn’t help but take him all the way into his throat. The choked sob of a moan that left the elder man made him giddy and excited, bobbing a few times in rapid succession. Maurice’s throat was warm and wet and tight, just like another particular part of him that he liked, and he couldn’t help but feed himself to him a few times, giving shallow thrusts into his mouth. Anthony panted, moaning unashamedly as he rolled forward, though he was struggling to get that confession out of his head. Every Alpha he saw. Despite Maurice falling into an easy rhythm, he finally pulled back entirely. “I want you in here, with me. Now.” His voice left no room for arguing, so Maurice gathered himself and exited his half of the booth while Father Burke closed the door between them. He stepped in, immediately being pressed into the door when it was closed. Anthony’s lips were on his neck, the warning of teeth pressed to each kiss as he fought the urge to mark him right there. He held both of Maurice’s wrists beside his head, biting into his neck enough to leave indents. “Other Alphas, huh?” He questioned, puffed up over this, his breath hot on the younger’s neck. “I-- Ohhhh, it’s… It was just… For the game.” He managed, his words broken by moans and gasps as he was thoroughly scented and chewed on. “I only think… Think about y-you these days.” “You had better.” Anthony snarled into his skin, nipping his earlobe and jerking his knee between the other’s thighs to give him something to rut against. As expected, Maurice ground himself down into the other’s leg, eyes rolling back with a loud moan. “Only you, I promise~” Maurice whimpered, not caring that he was rubbing the elder’s cock against his pants leg. “Strip, I want you to ride me. Now.” Demanding as he was right now, the thought was too good to pass up. He sat down, his pants already around his ankles, and watched as Frenchie struggled to get out of his own pants. The track pants shouldn’t have been such a challenge, but it took him too long to get his boots off, as well. Crawling into his lap facing him, he sunk down on the elder’s cock and gasped, eyes rolling as he filled him thoroughly in one go. Without waiting for a second, Anthony took hold of his hips and slammed his own upwards, only leaving a gut-punched moan on his lover’s lips. Sucking at his neck and chest, he tugged his shirt up and off as he rutted his hips up, barely giving Maurice a chance to move. Biting into his neck, Anthony tasted his skin with a lick as he pulled the other down on him, and Maurice cried out, going stiff from the pressure on his muscle. There would be no hiding that mark, at least. “If you do not stop me,” Anthony moaned into the bite, licking at it and nuzzling the sensitive skin around it with his nose, “I am going to mate you. Right now.” “O-ooh, fuck, right here?” Maurice didn’t seem so bothered by the thought anymore, hitching his hips in a tight circle as he rolled down. “Yes… Do it.” It wasn’t like he had a knot blocker on him, anyway. Grinding up into him again, Anthony purred loudly in his chest, sucking on the bite mark he’d left behind and happily rubbing the other’s stomach. He’d wanted to pup him up for a while, and this was as good as any chance he’d get. About ready to push him into the wall and fuck him hard, they both went still when they heard the heavy door to the church open. Anthony’s eyes went wide and he quickly fumbled for his pants around the younger man, pulling the scent blockers out and activating them with a swipe of his thumb. “Shh.” He muttered, holding a hand over the other’s mouth and trying to still his hips. “Bless me, Father, for I have sinned. My last confession was three days ago.” A woman’s voice broke through the other side, and Father Burke sighed. Frenchie could tell this one came in a lot. “I took some of Daniel’s school supply money to buy more crack.” She told them, not knowing there was a third party, “And I didn’t do anything to put it back. He needs a new backpack, and I smoked all of it in two days. I didn’t take too much, just $50, but he’s upset… And I think I sinned.” “Well, my child,” Father Burke had an amazing ability to not be bothered by the clamping pussy around his cock, and Frenchie thought that was equally frustrating and admirable. Of course he’d have to try and get him to moan or breathe heavy, at least, “You and I both know that taking from your children is sinful, as is using the money to feed a habit the devil provided you with.” The last word hitched a little as Frenchie wiggled in his lap, and Anthony gave him a dirty look and shook his head. ‘Not now’ he mouthed, and the French-Canadian just grinned at him, clamping tight around his cock and making Anthony’s eyelids flutter. “I… I know. I know I sinned. It doesn’t help that Mikayla is starting to smoke at school. Just cigarettes, but I can’t help but think that it’s my fault.” The woman on the other side sobbed into her hands, and Frenchie rounded his hips again. Covering his grunt with a cough, Anthony sighed. “Would you like me to arrange for you to go to a clinic to get help? There is one uptown that is very nice, we work with them often for people in your situation.” “I-- Yes, Father. That would be good, I think. I don’t want to keep doing this to my children.” She told him, “It’s just so hard, being a single mother.” “I understand your-- Your situation.” He had to keep his growl out of his voice somehow, so he rested his face on Frenchie’s shoulder. That opened up his neck to nibbles and kisses, and he had to close his eyes tight and gulp. “I think St. Joseph would be a good place to start, and I could arrange for Margaret to take care of your children while you g-- Get better.” Maurice could feel Anthony flagging inside of him, so he sucked hard on his shoulder, right where he intended to bite him when they mated. His hips rolled and he felt that throb go through him, and he couldn’t help the excitement flooding his system. This was the absolute wrong time for it, and he knew that, but Frenchie was being adamant to finish this. “I’ll do it. For them. Thank you, Father. This is all I can remember. I am sorry for these and all my sins.” “Your penitence will be to apologize to-- To your children,” He grunted slightly, lightly tapping Maurice’s hip as a reprimand, “And then you will check into St. Joseph, and I will help you in the morning. I want you here at ten sharp.” Anthony felt a pang of anxiety in his chest, knowing what must happen next. “Join me in prayer.” Maurice barely contained his moan behind his hand, closing his eyes and sucking in a deep breath. “My God, I am sorry for my sins with all my heart.” Was this truly for Denise, or was it for his own transgressions right now? Even Anthony didn’t know for sure.  “In choosing to do wrong and failing to do good, I have sinned against You whom I should love above all things.” Maurice rounded his hips and lifted slightly, drooling slick down Anthony’s cock and balls, and Anthony had to take a breath, as shaky as it was. “I firmly intend, with Your help, to do penance, to sin no more, and to avoid whatever leads me to sin.” Maurice somehow managed to swallow down another moan, rising and falling slightly in the other’s lap. “Ou-our Savior Jesus Christ suffered and d-di-died for us. In His name, my God, have mercy.” Her voice joining Anthony’s didn’t seem to bother Maurice at all, “Amen. Is that all, my child?” “Yeah, I… I think so. Thank you, Father.” With that, Denise exited the booth and her leave through the large doors left Maurice alone with his lover once more. His hips rolled and Anthony’s hands jumped to them, holding him still. “You,” Anthony began, voice stern, “Are in huge trouble.” “Oh? Why?” Maurice’s hips tried to make another round and he nearly got away with it before Anthony’s firm grip on him kept him in place. “You know what you did. You can’t go doing--” “Then punish me, Father.” Maurice purred, nuzzling his neck again before he was pushed back. Anthony’s hands jumped back to Maurice’s hips to stop him from moving once more. “I will. You love being punished so badly, I don’t think you get a punishment.” “Oh, come on.” Maurice pouted, crossing his arms, “You said you’d mate me.” “And now, I don’t think that I will. Not tonight.” But, that didn’t mean that Anthony was going to stop. He roughly thrust up, before rocketing off the bench and pinning him back against the door. One hand went to the other’s rump, squeezing before giving him a slap that made Maurice’s ass jiggle. “You’re going to have to take your punishment, however, and then offer repentance.” “I thought y-you said I--” “Your punishment is really that you have to wait to be mated, L’Amour. You shouldn’t have done that when she was here to confess.” Though his voice sounded softer, now, his thrusts didn’t let up when he wasn’t busy talking. Each of them pushed Maurice closer, and Anthony finally turned to kiss his lips gently. “Now, we pray. Do you remember the prayer that she spoke…?” “Mnn… Not-- N-not really, F-Father.” Maurice whimpered, getting close enough to his orgasm that it would have left him, anyway. “Then repeat after me, Precioso.” He spoke softly, kissing the other gently on the lips, “Oh Most humane and adorable Jesus, Your endless grace and mercy flows forth. ” Taking a break from his words to give a few more thrusts, Anthony listened to Maurice’s broken moans of the words he’d left him with. “Before granting the gift of absolution to earnest repenters of sinful ways, You demanded a sacrificial compensation. For a wrongful act cannot be rectified until punishment has been accepted.” Another thrust broke the word ‘punishment’ in half as Maurice spoke. “Yes, for the salvation of my soul, Jesus, You accepted the price of the Cross.” Maurice was insanely close now, and Father Burke reached down to grip his Omega’s cock gently but firmly. He wasn’t going to come until they were done. His thrusts didn’t get any easier, however, “Gr-grrrr-grant me the gr-grace to remain free of debts, my he-heart remaining flawless before You, m-ma-making Your absolution truly worthwhile.” With a soft smile, he finally rolled his hips forward to bury his knot inside Maurice, causing him to shriek while he murmured ‘Amen’ into the Omega’s neck. It was harder than he thought not to bite down, but Anthony knew that if he didn’t stick to the punishment, Maurice would never listen to him. Instead, he kissed at his Adam’s apple, focusing on licking him in time to his haggard breaths. Maurice appreciated the thought, rocking his hips slightly to secure the hold on him, and his eyes rolled back as Anthony let go of his cock. “Ooh… Father,�� he gasped, “It feels… So good.” To finally come went unsaid, because Maurice didn’t need to get in more trouble for nearly interrupting Denise’s confession. It already cost him the mating, and that was bad enough to get his mind on a hopefully better track of thought. “You feel good, too, Maurice.” Anthony purred into his neck, nipping his earlobe gently, “And when the time is right, I will mate you, if you still want me to.” Dragging his lips back to Maurice’s, he kissed him gently, nuzzling their noses together. “I--” Maurice went a little still, but he wasn’t quite stiff, watching the elder with a pensive frown before he relaxed again, “I think I am… Heavily considering it.” That was the best he could come up with, laughing softly at himself before shaking his head. “I’ve never dated someone this long before.” He added, resting their foreheads together as Anthony moved them back to the bench. “If I recall, you’ve never dated anyone else.” He offered softly, kissing those plump lips gently once more, “Though I am flattered that you chose me to be the first.” Had any of the others tried to dig their claws in, Maurice would have already been spoken for. Perhaps it was luck, but Anthony liked to think that God was rewarding him for his hard work; Even though there were things he wasn’t so proud of, that haunted the back of his mind quite often. Maurice helped to keep those thoughts at bay, and he didn’t know what he’d do if he was eventually turned away. “I’m happy that you are the first.” Maurice told him honestly, kissing back gently, “I don’t think I’ve ever tasted romance before. It is delicious.” “You are incorrigible.” Anthony laughed, gently lapping at his lips and teeth, “Also delicious, but mostly incorrigible.” “I… Have no idea what that means,” Maurice replied, eyes down, and Anthony tipped his head up again to kiss him once more. As much as Maurice beat himself up for not understanding things often, Anthony never minded explaining things to him. “You will continue to sin and I must be here to try and steer you straight. With… More of this, I suppose. Romance and your favorite punishments.” “I like the sound of that.” Maurice murmured against his mouth, happy to have a good man in his life for once. “I could get used to this.” “I sincerely hope that you do.” ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ AN: Can I write anything for these two that is less than six pages? Evidently not so far. At any rate, I hope you guys enjoyed!
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triforceangel13 · 5 years
An Accidental Mating Ch. 5 (A SidLink Omegaverse Story)
Chapter 5: All Eligible Alphas
“I just want to apologize on the behalf of, whomever this father is, for being so reckless,” King Dorephan sighed heavily, pressing his large hand against his face in annoyance.”I cannot fathom how much trouble this has brought you.”
Link shifted uncomfortably next to Zelda, nodding his head at the apology. It had been a rough travel but they had made it there and Link was feeling slightly better. He was still upset the father of the baby had left him but he was glad that the edging illness that had started, not too long after he had found out he was pregnant, he had been feeling was gone.
Zelda had been right. The father of his baby was somewhere in Zora's Domain for as soon as they had crossed the bridge into the Domain it had wavered off.
“We are pretty sure this was not done with ill intent,” Zelda said to the king. “What it looks like to me is that there was a little mistake with a little too much alcohol.”
Dorephan still looked upset however. “Mistake or not this is serious. A marked omega with no alpha to claim him or his child is a very dangerous. I do applaud you princess for at least tracking down the race that had marked him. If you hadn't I'm afraid Link would have been on the road to being lost to all of us.”
“I'm afraid I have to agree,” Zelda said, lightly touching Link's arm. Link's feelings were all over the place. He was glad he didn't feel ill any longer but he was nervous about finding the man that marked him but also a little sad about seeing Sidon again.
They hadn't been there that long but the red Zora was nowhere to be seen.
“So what do we need to do in order to find him?” The King asked. “We cannot do any sort of matching tests until the baby is born and I'm sure Link is wanting to find the father as soon as possible.”
“That's right,” Zelda agreed. “I actually had an idea. The easiest way without the baby being born yet is finding the match to the mate bite mark.”
Link shifted the side of his shirt, revealing the still vibrant mark on his skin.
“It's pretty distinct,” Link offered, pulling his shirt back over it.
“I was thinking if you can gather all the alphas that are unmated to another Zora and each have them bite one of these,” Zelda said, pulling out a hydromelon from the satchel on her hip. “Once we have our match we'll know who the father is.”
The king looked to the melon and then nodded. “I believe we might have some that were imported here to do this. Most of our alphas are mated but I will make sure the ones who are not mated are all accounted for. I will not sit by and watch this happen to Link. He has done too much for us to have someone be cruel like this. Muzu.”
The elderly Zora approached them, patting Link's shoulder as he passed and gazed up at the king. “Yes your majesty?”
“Send a word out to my people. Tell them that all alphas that are not mated or are not mated to another Zora to come to the throne room immediately,” the king said firmly. “That includes my son.”
“King Dorephan, I'm sure Sidon wasn't involved,” Zelda said, watching as Link wilted a little bit. He'd need to see Sidon again when he was starting to show...
“I just want to make sure,” the king declared. “It's only fair that all eligible alphas be asked this of them. I don't want someone being irresponsible.”
Link shifted uncomfortably in the blanket he wore. He had to take off his tunic in order to compare his mark but for now, to keep warm, he wore the blanket around his shoulders. The room had a good number of Zoras all waiting for instruction, many hydromelons having been placed on a table, waiting for the bites to be given.
Link scanned the faces. They were all familiar to him, except for a choice few, as he had gotten to know them over the years. But none of them he would think would be the father to his baby.
That was then when the familiar bright red Zora stepped into the room, looking just as confused as the rest of them. Link felt his heart hammering in his chest. His body felt magnetic to his, wanting to go up to him and catch up on the lost time these past months.
But he knew that was because of his burning feelings for the Zora. Through all of this he still wanted Sidon. He wanted to be with him. Maybe the father of his baby would make him forget about Sidon, the one man he couldn't have and yet still wanted above all others. He guessed being mated to someone didn't change what was in someone's heart.
“Fellow Zoras,” Dorephan said bringing the volume in the room down low as all eyes turned their attention to him. “I do apologize for bringing you so suddenly but I feel this is of something very important.”
The alphas shifted uncomfortably, looking to Zelda and Link curiously. That was when Sidon's eyes landed on him. Link's breath hitched but he turned his gaze away, shifting the blanket to hopefully hide the small stomach he was forming.
“It has been brought to my attention that one of you had marked the champion of Hyrule back during the nationwide celebration,” Dorephan explained. Link flinched, Zelda's warm hand on the small of his back in sympathy. “Not only does he not know whom had done it, but he is also with child.”
Link brought his eyes up to them, most of them looking shocked by the news. And Sidon. Sidon looked as if someone had punched him in the stomach, a look of anger coming to it.
Link looked away again, Zelda running her hand over his back again, having caught Sidon's gaze. As Sidon locked eyes with Zelda the anger turned to one of sadness.
It was clear Sidon was in love with Link.
“Now to clear things up you will see those melons nearby. I want each one of you to just bite into it, leaving your mark. Then Zelda will take it from there to compare to what is on Link's body,” Dorephan explained.
There wasn't a moments hesitation. The Alphas: scholras, weapon makers, guards, and even the prince quickly approached, each taking a melon and biting down onto it.
“It's time Link,” Zelda said softly. Link sighed softly and shifted the blanket down just a bit so that the mark was visible on his shoulder.
He felt nauseous but he wasn't sure if it was because of the baby making him feel ill or if it was the nervousness running through him.
This was the moment he would find the one that would be the father to his baby. He felt tears brimming his eyes. He knew it wasn't going to be Sidon. He felt terrible that the prince even had to partake in this search.
Each one they passed was much different than what was on Link's shoulder. His heart beat only grew faster and faster with each one they checked. After a few moments it finally came down to two. One of the Zoran guards and the prince himself.
Link locked eyes with Sidon again. The prince's eyes widened a bit as Zelda picked up the melon of the man next to him.
Neither of them could remember what had happened that night before. Was it possible that...Sidon was the one to give him this mark and got him pregnant?
Link parted his lips to speak with Zelda suddenly gasped.
“This is it!” she said with a happy squeak. Link broke his gaze, looking to the melon that Zelda held, the Zoran guard straightening himself in front of her. “Look Link, it matches!”
Link looked to the melon. Sure enough the mark was nearly identical to the one that sat on his shoulder. He felt a bit of a dread fill him as he took a quick look to Sidon.
“Congratulations,” Sidon said softly, turning away quickly from them and head out of the room. Link felt that tug to go after him but the hands on his shoulders pulled him away.
“Link, we found him,” she said, pushing him towards the guard. The Zora gently rest his hands on his arms, a soft smile on his face.
“Hey...” he said.
“Why did you leave?” Link asked quickly. The Zora jumped, his eyes shifting between Link and Zelda, unsure of what to say.
“Hormones,” Zelda tried to reassure him. “You're one of the new guards right?”
“I am. My name is Ezra,” he said, slowly taking Link's hands. “I'm sorry I had left you like that. After....bringing you back to the room upon the request of the prince you were...a little all over me. I hadn't known you were in heat and I hadn't thought much of it. I had thought it would just fade and I wouldn't have to admit to what I did. I am deeply sorry for all of the trouble this has caused you. I do not intend on leaving your side and I will see it through until our child is born.”
Link looked up at him. Is that what happened? If only he could remember more then he would be able to confirm.
He gave a small nod, feeling his arm slide around his shoulders. “Are you hungry? I can see that you get something to eat before I must return to my post.”
Link frowned a little. This felt wrong, so wrong. But this was the match to his mark. And from what he had been told this seemed to match up with everything else. But there was one melon that he hadn't looked at.
“I want to see the last melon,” Link said firmly, looking to Ezra. The man paused. “Well I'm sure we can get you a fresh melon if you wanted.”
“No,” Link said pushing out of his arms and turning back to the table. “I want to see the one that Sidon had bitten.”
But it was gone. All of the melons had been collected into a bucket to be made into fruit salad later. Link's ears drooped a bit. He hadn't gotten to see if possibly Sidon had been the match instead. But then again why would Ezra lie to him?
“They already took them Link,” Zelda said softly.
“N-no. Then get the prince back here and do it again. I have to see it,” Link protested but Ezra was pulling him into his arms, guiding his head to his chest.
“Link, you are my mate. There is no question about it,” Ezra said, his voice deep and gruff until he looked up at Zelda. “Perhaps he is really tired? I can't imagine this has been easy on him for this long of a time.”
“No you're right,” Zelda said. “How about you go back to your post and I will see to that he gets comfortable somewhere?”
“That sounds like a wonderful idea,” he said, pulling Link back a bit to look down at him. “When my shift is over I will return to you.”
Link had no words. He didn't want him. His heart belonged to the prince. But the mark on his shoulder was proof enough that Ezra was indeed the father and his alpha.
“Rest well,” he said, leaning in and giving him a kiss on the forehead. Link briefly closed his eyes, holding back tears as Zelda rest her arms around him and guided him out of the throne room.
“I don't want it to be him. I don't even know him,” Link sighed once they were far away enough from ear shot of the other Zoras. Zelda squeezed his shoulders.
“I know Link, but the mark is proof enough,” she sighed though a skeptical look settled on her face. Something didn't add up. “Heats make us do crazy things, and that combined with the alcohol that you ingested that night really inhibited your brain.”
“I have to talk to Sidon,” Link said to her, pausing in his footsteps and looking to where Sidon was usually posted. But the red Zora was not there.
“Link...” Zelda sighed, urging him to walk again. “It really is not a good time to talk to him.”
“But why?”
“Think about it Link, you had said he declared his love for you the day after the party right?”
“More or less.”
“To have him know who the father is now and to have you so close but not have you is probably killing him inside. You need to give him a few days to recover from that emotional blow.”
Link sighed heavily, stepping into his usual sleeping quarters, though this time a second bed had been brought in for the princess. She was right. She was beyond right. It would be like rubbing it in his face that he couldn't have him.
But Link wanted him to have him. It was all a confusing mess.
But at least now he knew who had slept with him and who the father of his child was.
“You rest. I'm going to do a little research on Zora babies to see what you should be eating and how far along you are,” she said sternly as helped him into the bed.
“Right, right,” he sighed, settling into the bed. He was too tired and emotionally drained to even think about going against what Zelda wanted.
Zelda smiled softly and sat on the edge of the bed. “Don't worry Link. It'll turn out all right in the end. You just have to be patient enough to wait.”
Link smiled sadly at her and closed his eyes. Zelda tucked the blankets around him, a look of determination crossing her face.
She would make sure that she made this right for him.
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