#and im like maybe hes saying its weird cause its a genderbend
corujalesbica · 2 years
Today I was talking to a friend and he saw my phones wallpaper and he goes like " who are those" and I don't want to show it to him because it's a non canonical couple I know he knows, so I tell him that. He goes on to say he won't judge and all that shit so I show it to him, and he goes, "That is such a weird couple. Why do u like that" and I'm like :/
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nuthinh3re · 2 months
Just a cute genderbend fanfic of ouaw cast
(small spoilers????)
Everybody was relaxing in the inn after a battle that led to frost using too much magic and causing him to have a fever. Frost was in his room having fever dreams as others just talk downstairs. They had nowhere to be urgently so they decided to relax after a while until frost gets better.
They were talking with twig occasionally getting away to grab drinks and sometimes hot jonhs. Torbek finally smelling less like piss (still smells like but its not that unbearable now) and sipping on hot milk as he listens to the party talk what they did before they met torbek. And also about the wedding that happend after torbek left.
Twig also listening to what they did, it seemed so adventurous and fun, she wanted to experience it too. Twig often chimming in with "and??" To get them talking if they took a pause between talking.
It was peaceful, too peaceful. Gricko went upstairs to check on frost, perhaps change the wet towel on his forehead or if he is awake then give him some food. Then everybody suddenly felt on edge as if they knew something was about to happend. They didnt know what. They knew something was about to go horrible wrong.
They continued to talk downstairs as gricko went to check frost, trying to scout out what was making them on edge. Then frost began to head downstairs with gricko trying his best to convince him to get back to bed, of course frost being the person he is he didnt want to be useless in battle beacuse he himself felt on edge.
Frost sat down next to Gideon, Gricko has put frost in a blanket and making him a burrito. Frost head felt heavy as he leaned into gideon's shoulder to rest it there.
Then the thing they have all been waiting for happens. Suddenly everybody feels too dizzy to keep their eyes open. Twig who was standing needed to urgently sit down or she would plummet to the floor.
The unbearable headache and dizziness was there for 1 minute,2 minutes, 3 minutes before finally stopping.
The room fell silent. Not even mice made sounds. Everybody looks around shocked. Everybody was genderbend.
Panic soon started. "WHAT THE FUCK?" Kremy yells out first as he looks at his tits, he couldnt see much of them since his mouth was in the way jut he felt them and saw atleast something.
Gideon looked bewildered at his chest. Frost is too tired to have an reaction and just burries his head into gideons shoulder.
Gricko is sizing his breasts, its not the first time he had tits so he was now a bit used to that. Torbek suprisingly doesnt change at all.
"What is ha- what is with my voice??" Twig stops mid sentence, her voice isnt too much deeper but its deeper then used to.
"Okay everybody calm down. Im sure its just fae messing with us again...." Kremy tries to take care of the situation, frost is is usually the one who does that but frost isnt able to barely do anything.
"Well im quite okay with this" "of course you are, gricko! But not us" gideon says as he looks around the room again. Its so weird to have more weight on his person.
Gideon looks at frost. He doesnt seem much of a difference on him, maybe the fae didnt do anything to him beacuse he is ill?
"Okay im sure this will go away soon, maybe twig can do something." Gricko now taking over the control as his daughter? Son? Looks at him, if hootsie genderbend too you couldnt even see it.
Twig looks at her companions as they have a spark of hope that she can somehow help. "I dont know if i can do anything..."
"Well thats alright twiggy, dont worry too much" Gideon places a hand on twigs hand and messes up her hair, he did it carefully as not to disturb frost.
"Uhh... torbek has a question. If frost is a tabaxi, wouldnt he have multiple tits..?" This question is absurd..... but everybody wants to know.
Frost suddenly loses his fever, his head stops pounding, his mind isnt a fuzzy mess. His full body slowly restored after being genderbend.
Frost heard the question as he now sits upright. "Well, since tabaxi lean more towards human then cat, so to answer the question, no. I dont have multiple breasts."
"Oh! You okay frosty?" Gricko comes closer to frost to make sure he is feeling more okay "ah yes, im quite alright now gricko, it would seem that this genderbend has cured my fever." "Oh thats good!"
A slow lullaby song can be quietly heard coming from outside and they genderbend back.
This was very stupid and i love it. Hope yall enjoyed it too
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thevaguekatti · 7 years
thoughts im not sure what to do with, behind a cut cause its fucking long
for a while now, being a trans person, i can’t help but feel that trans people really aren’t welcome in the whole LGBT thing
like honestly, truly, 99% of the time you hear someone say “LGBT”, they really just mean “LGB”. most “LGBT friendly spaces” really only cater of gay, lesbian, and bi cis people. honest to god, i have been alienated and made to feel unsafe by so many so called LGBT friendly/safe spaces.
also just. some of the attitude that LGB cis people have towards trans people is just kind of...disheartening. i dunno. i’m sorry. 
some things:
- most gay/lesbian people i’ve met would not date a trans person. i straight up had a gay guy tell me once that he would never date a trans man because he wanted the “””real thing”””. same guy also told me that trans people are “liars” unless they tell everyone they meet about their genitalia. he basically thought that trans people were “traps” that lured people into having sex with them/dating them and then revealing they had the ~wrong~ set of parts.
- a VERY good chunk of gay/lesbian people base their sexuality entirely around genitalia. a lot of the gay dudes i’ve met talk about dicks like...all the time...maybe it’s just an “internet” thing but idk. its like. everything is about dicks. all the “positive” posts i’ve seen about mlm mention dicks somewhere. and it’s p much the same for lesbians, who will talk about pussy a lot or whatever. it just kind of sucks because there are girls who have penises and men who have vaginas. like, where do we fit in to all of this?
- the prevalence of....drag queens in LGBT spaces. most of the gay dudes i’ve met are into drag races, drag queens, etc. and its like. do these people not realize how hurtful the whole drag queen thing is? especially to trans women? drag queens put on this catty, misogynistic performance and basically make it hard for trans women to be taken seriously cause people just assume they’re also men in women’s clothing. the fact that society readily accepts drag queens and does not accept trans people really stings. as a trans man, it really hurts when my mom can tell me about how she went to go see a drag show and went on and on about how “beautiful” the drag queens looked. but then when i come out as a trans man, she can’t gender me correctly and tells me over and over how “hard” it is to come to terms with me being a man. it all just feels nasty. i hate drag queens.
- genderbend artwork. i used to think only straight people did this shit. noooo. there was this lesbian chick i used to follow, cause i loved the work she did for one of my fav games. she used to claim her page was LGBT friendly/safe, all that jazz. then she goes and starts reblogging genderbend artwork of a bunch of male characters, drawn with large breasts, long hair, overly feminine features, etc etc. and all her followers start talking about how many of the characters would be ~so much hotter~ if they were girls instead. all the genderbend artwork they reblogged was really...gross. like cis to cis genderbend type shit, if that makes sense.
- also let me tell you, i fucking hate seeing cis LGB peoples’ ~trans headcannons~. nearly every time, cis LGB people create a fictional environment where being gay, bi, or lesbian is completely normal and socially accepted, but being trans is still taboo. then they make all the tragic, cranky, short tempered, or unlikeable characters trans cause ~being trans explains why theyre so angry~ i guess. its either this or they make a really sexual or predatory character trans. which is also bad. i hate this. tl;dr: cis LGB people will be like “yah this character is gay, no explanation needed” but then will fucking need paragraphs explaining why a character is trans and they treat it like some kind of writing exercise. its weird. stop this.
- lesbians who fetishize trans men. yes. i’ve seen this. i hate it. fucking stop. i dont want to even get into this right now cause it makes my insides squirm.
anyways like i live in a small, conservative town so most of the LGBT spaces i’ve tried to interact with are online, which is all i can really access at this point. the IRL interactions i’ve had with LGBT people are honestly confined to more personal interactions with people i’ve happened to meet, so maybe the issues aren’t as widespread as i think but then. the internet kinda confirms my worries that this IS a widespread issue.
i’m just starting to feel like maybe trans people just don’t belong in the LGBT thing. it feels like we’re not wanted here, most of the time. but its like, if we tried to create our own movement, our voices would probably be drowned out. 
sorry, i’m rambling. i’m stressed. 
i just want a space where no one makes me feel like an oddity or less of man than i really am. 
im sorry.
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