#and im really bad at keeping an eye on my cycle but i havent had it since that guy did that and that was about 2 weeks ago
ozomatli · 2 years
ah fuck
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excadrill · 1 year
tagged by @yj-98 ilyyy 🫶🫶🤍
RULES: Reveal the titles of the documents in your WIP folder and tag as many people as there are documents. Let others ask questions about the ones that interest them and post snippets or explain the contents as you see fit!
tag as many people as their are wips.. eep.. sorry i'd put this under a cut but it's not working on mobile 😭
ankhgiveaway.sai [i held an art giveaway in february and havent finished the prizes even tho i keep looking at them and going 'i need to and Want to finish this..']
yuukigiveaway.sai [same as above but the person who requested this one deactivated so i. don't know if i'm still gonna finish it]
sonomomo.sai [my current priority 'For Me' wip.. ive shared this wip w some people but ive never done a proper piece for the 'cycle of life and death' thing for them so that's what this one is..💙❤️]
exozinewip5.sai [pokemon zine oc piece, not supposed to share zine wips so idk if i should say more but it's of my beloved gymsona.. this zine will be free + digital and i'll ofc be promoting it more when it's done but it's soooo cute keep your eyes out for this one :3c '5' not bc im contributing multiple pieces but bc this piece is big and slightly intimidating for me so i keep saving different versions when i do major merges]
pocketzine-nymble.sai [another pokemon zine piece, so i can't really say more But it's not the only thing im contributing to this zine, ive just finished all my other stuff already]
oczine-thumbs.sai [thumbs for an oc zine i signed up for that i'll probably drop out of bc im not feeling like a vibe w everyone else there >w>;;; ]
philip.sai [philip piece ive had sitting around basically since i finished W.. about a year ago now i think ? but i transferred it to my '23 wips folder bc i still wanna finish it..it was supposed to be a 'this one will be quick and easy so i'll have smthn i Finished this month outside of zine stuff' but. zine stuff took up all my time and energy oops]
mrtourism.sai [this one's a silly post-canon kirihiko art i've Also had sitting around for like a year. i chip away at this one sometimes but then keep restarting bc im unsatisfied with the lines i wish i could just sit down and finish it bc i Love Him]
platform.sai [ummm silly ryotaro thing i drew after watching the den-o final stage ^__^ not a high priority one but it's cute so like. maybe one day]
punkjackhelmet.sai [file name was bc i was originally doing helmet studies before it turned into a full sketch. punkjack with the beat buckle bc i was doing this right after his special came out 🎃🫶]
colourwheel.sai [ummm well. yeah im not good at finishing art memes when theyre still on trend. i did all the sketches for these but i probably won't finish at this point..]
poppyangel.sai [poppy ex-aid i sketched as a break between big stuff the other day that i like a lot so. maybe will finish but might just post unfinished if i cant find the energy to get to this one sooner. feel bad that i like ex-aid so much but don't have any clean art done for it..]
millirider.sai [toku oc planning :3 i was saying last night i finally figured the helmet out which ive been struggling with for ages so hopefullyyyy i get around to doing a proper ref sheet]
im not at my laptop rn so im doing this off the top of my head but i THINK that's everything.. tagging umm @ankhisms @heartvisor @madaraki @circeancity @horrorcomedies @yu3s @pleuvoire @kosukeiichi @danothan @seashrine @asticassia @eclipse-song @kirider only if you guys wanna 🤍🤍
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mistymark · 5 years
nct dream as classmates
carries like 346342 things in his pencil case
is constantly drawing in his notebook and textbooks
leans over to doodle in the margins of your pages
his notes are really messy tho
rolls his eyes at ur much neater, more aesthetically pleasing notes
but is always willing to give u coloured pens and pencils to keep to a colour theme
is probably shocked to find out he's top of the class and thinks its a joke
but boy is just smart af
but all his word documents are titled like ‘redox fucking reactions’ ‘what the fuck is a chloroplast’ ‘??????????’
sends u all his notes tho
texts u at midnight all the time for no fuckin reason
it always starts with ‘yo are u still awake’
and ur like ‘yeah whats up’
and then he’ll respond with the most RANDOM shit
like what goes through that boys head
‘do u think I should use yellow or orange for the next part of my project’
‘idk send me a photo’
‘no just pick’
‘uh yellow’
‘im gonna go with blue’
either rocks up to classes looking like a god or an absolute mess theres no in between
marches through the halls with his hair a mess and doesnt give a shit
lowkey terrifies the younger students lmao
but will help them out if they ask for it
good student
studies enough but doesnt stress that much
he's just here for a good time
throws snacks at u when u frown at ur work until u look up at him and smile
lowkey worried about ur mental health
that shy kid that everyone expects to be average at all his subjects but u catch a glance of his tests and theyre all A+
owns a planner
uses it
I know
keeps track of a lot of school events bc he has a lot of extra curriculars
tries to get u to join more
probably knows ur schedule better than u do
‘hey jeno what do u have next’
‘that means you have chemistry’
ur always yelling at him through the halls like ‘OI JENO WHERE U GOING’ to try and find out what subject u have next
walks u to classes even if theyre in the completely wrong direction to his own
you really only have study hall together
but u had a lot of classes in common last year and ur habits of studying together just carried through I guess
has really good fashion sense 
lowkey dresses like a fuckboi
sometimes you just wanna punch him in the face tbh
‘hey y/n can I borrow a pencil?’
‘do u have spare paper?’
‘can we share ur textbook’
but ofc u love him sm and he's ur study buddy
studying together mainly ends up with him lying on ur bed throwing a ball up in the air while u sit at ur desk and actually study
is so willing to quiz you with ur flashcards tho
beams so hard when u get something write while he's quizzing u
claims he’ll treat u to coffee afterwards but never does lmao
makes up songs and rhymes to help him remember formulas and equations
recites the quadratic formula song whenever u mention math (even if it has nothing to do with what ur learning)
always suggests going to cafes and parks and stuff to study then spends the entire time doing the opposite of studying
‘come onnn y/n u need to relax a bit’
texts u in the morning to ask u to bring him a spare calculator or something for a test bc he forgot his
claims u to be his life saver
probably has ur contact in his phone as ‘lifeline’ or something equally cheesy
really appreciates u tho
literally the #1 study buddy
brings heaps of snacks whenever u study together
when its late he’ll text u and tell u to go to sleep
has every single study tip crammed into his head and regurgitates them all whenever u complain about having to study
furrows his brows when u say u didn't get enough sleep but doesnt say anything
he's probably popular af
flirts with the teachers and laughs when u elbow him to stop
soooo well known ?? like even people at other schools know him ??
has aesthetic notes tho
probably has his own studygram
wears soft sweaters to classes
literally just looks like he has his life in order
gets one bad grade and studies his butt off to improve
‘life is all about improving y/n we cant all be amazing at everything straight away’
keeps u sane tbh
like literally how has he not had a mental breakdown yet its the middle of the year
youve had four just this week
‘do u want me to bring u coffee this morning?’
studies with u all the time
but he doesnt actually study
he's just waiting for u to finish so u can go catch a movie or go out to eat
stays up late playing video games
*sips coffee* “I havent slept in six days”
doesnt even like the taste of coffee
all the teachers love him tho
like he's playful and cheery but is super respectful too
he's just really good w adults ?
sends u texts during class and u wonder how he hasn't been caught
probably has never had a detention
but has been close to getting one 1289823 times
that kid that carries around one 5-subject notebook and two pens and thats literally it
brings his own lunch but trades it for jisung’s lunchables
sneaks food off ur plate all the time in the cafeteria
smiles at everyone in the hallway
offers u a ride home as much as he can
or he catches the bus with you
and shares his headphones with u
probably that kid that takes aggressive notes in the back of the class
tells u to shut up during class (and its not so he can focus lmao)
tries to get all his work done in class so he has no homework
groans whenever the teacher gives u activities
makes a face whenever a new slide pops up on the board
lots of question marks in his notes
‘to find the derivative of an exponential, it stays the same?’
‘aerobic respiration occurs in three stages: ????, the Krebs cycle and the electron transport chain’
invites u over to play video games the night before a big test
‘its self care’
shut up jisung we all know u just need an excuse to hang out
the teachers convince him to sign up to be a tutor
makes u come to all his tutoring sessions
you go out to eat afterwards
and just chill on a park bench and eat food truck food until its getting late
offers u his jacket on the walk home
has really red cheeks that are ‘from the cold’
theyre not
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glados-kisser · 5 years
Tag meme
I was tagged by @the-sith-in-the-sky-with-diamond ! tysm ;;
Nickname: Nova most commonly!
Zodiac: Gemini
Height: 5′5.5 because middle of the road is how it be
Time: 19:58 as of now! I think the zone is “ UTC -5:00 / -4:00″? It’s eastern US ^^;
Favorite band/artist: OOOOooooh hmm.... I really like a lot of artists, but I’ve been on a bit of a sleeping at last kick lately?? Ofc I also really like all the popular / common alt rock artists (like imagine dragons, fob, etc etc!)
Song stuck in my head: Oh none rn actually! partially bc I’m listening to music rn gbdfhdfhfd  but most recently I’ve had a few songs cycling through my head? Cups by Anna Kendrick, Stronger by The Score, and andy you’re a star by uhhhh....the killers maybe??
Last movie I saw: Captain Marvel! I loved it sm...
Last thing I googled: Oh no...this is a little shameful- “what is my timezone“. I KNOW MY TIMEZONE I SWEAR I JUST WASNT SURE IF THERE WAS A DIFFERENT NAME FOR IT
Other blogs:  oh uhhhh yea, a couple! @oceanic-year was a blog i made to document my trip through the carribbean, but i ended up abandoning it- i havent deleted it because :( memories... @clipped-warboy was my mad max blog for awhile! i had a character and everything - a friend of mine used to RP with me :> @wardgrave is my oc blog for my undead priest on wow! i still adore him tbh @coal-and-claws was an oc blog i was making for a worgen character on wow, but I never ended up doing anything with him ;; @thordude which ALSO doesnt have any content! i made that one bc i wanted the url becos thor is my...brother.....my best boy.... @mayal-ama-legacy is my swtor blog! @corvus-dnd is my Top Secret DM Inspiration Blog that I reblog art / stuff to that I want to look at later for inspiration for any campaigns I’m running! Do I get asks:   Not usually! Sometimes I’ll get the “send this to ten people you like seeing on your dash” asks, and those are lovely to see! 
Why did I choose this username:  So for YEARS I’d been rainbowbuttocks, but that was the url I chose when I was 14 and a young bastard, so I actually just recently changed it! I’ve been playing around in latin with a friend for RP purposes, and I ADORE crows! I chose sanctus bc....aesthetic but it’s holy-crow which is also a pun on holy-cow!
Following:  oh gosh, uhhhh 1,120 ! I like seeing Frequent Content
Average amount of sleep: I’ve been trying to get at least 8 hours! If I’m gonna be unemployed i might as well soak all the sleep i want from it
Lucky number: hmm....26 was always one i went for when i was 13? but that was because it was my age doubled, so now I suppose that’d be 38 :p
What I am wearing:  a dishonored t shirt (a fancy one with the heart n stuff on it!) and a pair of shorts that are missing their button lol
Dream job:  tv show writer!! but im a bastard who doesnt know how to do anything so!
Dream trip:   I’d love to go to bolivia to see salar de uyuni, but idk about that so i suppose i’d love to go back to the carribbean someday??
Favorite food:  salad rolls (or spring rolls?? the rice wrapper ones that arent fried) and pad thai are both BIG comfort foods <3
Instruments you play: I used to play the piano a little, but I don’t anymore :’)
Eye color:  Grey-green !
Hair color:  bbbbbrown babeyyyyyy! growing it out again though and might go for that sweet sweet red :o
Describe your aesthetics: Overgrown ruins, untouched by civilization for untold years and left to be reclaimed. Also, bones!  
Languages you speak: just english because im bad :( I know a TINY AMOUNT of german and EVEN LESS spanish. I’d love to learn arabic someday though!
Most iconic song: Okay, it took me a moment, but Sober Up by AJR is my THEME!  I moved to the East Coast with my sister recently, and I left...I left everyone behind. I’ve been in a rut, because I haven’t known how to make new friends- or how to connect with my old ones.  “Goodbye, goodbye, I said to my bestest buds. We said that we’d keep in touch, and we did our best.” Idk, it’s Big Mood for me and makes my chest hurt a little- but in a good way I think.
Random fact:  ah, hmm.. I’ve got a pet tarantula named Chimera! She’s a chilean rose hair and is aboutttttt 7 years old at this point ! I also have a plant in my windowsill named Daud, and he’s doing...ok. I’m a little worried that I’ve fucked up with him somehow, and don’t know how to help him get better ;;
Tagging: @mizushimo @kanine @didi-is-a-lamer @floofytrainnerd ! I...am Sure that there are other folks I’d like to tag & just forgot, so if you see this and think “wait, I would like to do this!” absolutely feel free to be tagged by me fgdngfdg also @ the guys I tagged there’s no pressure to do this if you arent comfy ! anyway!
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elvencantation · 5 years
infinity war liveblog:
hey killing the last asgardians is super rude!
omg netflix calls thanos an ‘intergalactic sociopath’. the name of my new band 😂
awww poor bruce
also when will they stop hurting my space golden retriever he’s already lost his dad and his home and his eye
this movies just gonna be all actions, isn’t it?
damn thanos is so ugly
‘i consider experience experience’ ok loki. this is the point at which i just turn off the audio because of second hand embarrassment
i know he’s gonna die and i’m not ready for it!!!! like poor heimdall already was sad tho i’m happy he sent bruce home
i admire ur spirit loki but do u really think one tiny dagger will go against two infinity stones? or is it just a last ditch effort because you won’t go down without a fight... which i understand
i mean i feel bad for loki obv but like- i can’t get over the fact that thor has to watch everyone die
yikes why did they need to make his death so graphic
WOULD YOU FUCKING STOP HURTING THOR GODDAMNIT. STOP MAKING HIM WATCH AS THE PEOPLE HE LOVE DIE (i know this is like the entire point of this movie but whatever)
i havent seen strange’s movie so im probs missing quite a lot about him. but i like his sentient cloak that somehow also gives him a cool outfit
okay now im gonna start getting mad about them hurting tony he’s also been in a lot of shit and him and pepper are being all adorable and dear god stop saying ‘no surprises’ so much ur jinxing urself
oooooooooo im loving the star wars style universe projection all around you storytelling bit. very pretty
tony would you stop insulting people at random. this is why i dont like you
god poor bruce he’s seen thanos firsthand and hes just hardcore panicking which i SO understand
i need strange and tony to stop trying to one up each other this is supposed to be a team effort where are the guardians of the galaxy when you need them?
awww bruce im sorry u cant get hulk to come out hes probably still upset at you about the whole.... ragnarok thing? god i miss that movie right about now taika waititi save us from this bullshit
‘wong youre invited to my wedding’ oh man mood i do love a good beaming someone to a desolate ice planet
love that tony has a suit ready for peter thats fuckin adorable
man i feel bad for bruce ‘im going to make a call’ among wizards and people with robot suits and shit
omg yes the guardians i missed them
‘its like a pirate had a baby with an angel’ oH MY GOD MY FAVORITE LINE
aaaand here comes the alpha male bullshit again just STOP IT QUIL NOBODY CARES. this is what i never liked about the avengers, they were always fighting in some way, never really a team except by necessity
on the other hand, rocket and thor’s banter gives me life
wanda calls him vis!!! too cute
and it surprises nobody that wanda is my favorite avenger
ITS STEVE MY BABY. and sam omg yes
oh god what is nat’s hair doing 
oh no its a gamora flashback isnt it
okay the reality stone is gonna give me nightmares
i know this is not the time but zoe saldana looks gorgeous with that lighting on her curly hair.... 💖
also peter is adorable and i need him to meet shuri. peter’s reaction to the suit by the way is the most precious thing ever (sidebar, but wasnt peter an adult in the infinity war comic? cause it would make much more sense for him to be involved as an adult rather than a TEENAGER)
and then tony and strange ruin it all again with their stupid annoying posturing
ugh i really go through this cycle of being bored and wanting the next part to happen and then enjoying it for like two minutes, then being annoyed, then being bored again
oh god will thanos ever stop talking hes like every straight entitled white man ive ever met
i think im done i want to cancel my netflix account before they charge me again tomorrow but i dont rly wanna finish this movie enough to keep it
0 notes
freerebelmentality · 8 years
My sisters keeper
AN: Yes, I am still up at 3:02 am and watching Supernatural while Im about to post this SOA Fic. Plus I did some online shopping and feeling pretty good about that. Anyways hope you enjoy this piece I wrote and Take me to church pt3  will be posted sometime this week. I have a few personal things to take care of and other things that need to be taken care of as well.
Word Count: 2,812
Your name: submit What is this? // <![CDATA[ document.getElementById("submit").addEventListener('click', myHandler); function myHandler() { var v = document.body.innerHTML; var input = document.getElementById("inputTxt").value; v = v.replace(/\by\/n\b|\(y\/n\)/ig, input); document.body.innerHTML = v; } // ]]>
You and your sister are out doing errands together. At first you were going to pick up the medications that she has ran out of. The pharmacist always gave you hard time because she thought you would abuse them and leaving Carry to suffer.
“Y/n are we almost done here?” She asks coming behind you.
“Yeah, here take these right away” You tell her and open the bottle to take two tablets out
She takes them from you while she takes a sip from her water bottle.
“Im hungry now” Carry says once we step outside
“Lets go to the diner and get something to eat” You tell her while looking on both sides of the street to cross.
Carry looks down the street and notices a group of motor bikes parked down the street. She lets go of your hand while you are on the phone with your boyfriend. Arguing again. She never liked hearing you argue with him.
“You: Travis I am not doing this over the phone with you right now
Travis: If you two are not back here in 5 min”
You hung up the phone, knowing it would be bad when you got home. Just as long as he wouldnt touch your sister then thats all that mattered.
Your sister has a case of down syndrome and a not so great case of fetal alcohol syndrome. When your mom couldnt care for Carry anymore is when you had her move with you to Charming. You never had a problem caring for her since the both of you are more closer.
“Carry, Im sorry” You said while looking to your side but she wasnt there.
You looked into the shop but she wasnt there, ran across to the diner but she was there either and you ran next door but wasnt there. You came out into the street again, hope you would spot her but no where in sight.
“Hey doll face, sorry we arent open yet. Come back tomorrow” A pudgy man with long curly hair and a long beard says.
“You’re in a biker gang right?” Carry asks looking to the bikes
“Its a motor cycle club. You alright sweet heart?” He replies and asks in hopes she will answer.
“Im great. Im just worried about my sister” Carry replies while her expression changes.
“Is your sister in big trouble, the kind of trouble the cops cant handle” He says while the other guys come rolling in.
“Shes afraid to go to the cops” She replies in a hushed tone
“Hey Bobby, and who is this doll face” The cute blonde haired man says
“Im Carry, whats yours handsome?” She replies very cheerfully
“Im Jackson Teller but you can call me Jax doll face” He says as he introduces himself with a wide smile.
“These are my brothers. The man you were talking to his name is Bobby, that one with the tattoos on his head his name is Juice. Theres Quinn, Happy, Chibs, Tig” Jax finishes off introducing everyone to her
“Why is your nickname Juice? Is it because you always have lots of juice boxes?” She asks as her face lights up at the thought of a juice box
Juice tells her it wasnt that reason and asked if she wanted anything to drink. He takes her inside for a cherry coke.
“Whats going on with the girl?” Jax asks while Chibs and Happy stay outside
“She says her sister is in trouble and is afraid to go to the cops” Bobby replies while looking to Carry
“Did she say why?” He asks in hopes he got a little more info from Carry
“Nope, she stopped once you guys came pulling in” Bobby says while looking to him, Chibs, and Happy
“Sounds like spousal abuse to me” Happy says while looking to Carry and her catching him.
Happy plays along motioning what he did and she smiles at him while gesturing him that shes watching him. He gives her a thumbs up.
“Excuse me, have either of you seen this girl? She goes by the name Carry and shes my sister” You come running towards the group of men standing in front of an ice cream shop while trying to catch your breath.
“She’s right inside lass. She is talking with Juicey over there” The man says with a Scottish accent
“Oh my god. Thank you” You let out a sigh of relief knowing your sister is ok
“Im Bobby, Jax, Chibs and Happy” Bobby introduces everyone to you.
“Hi, sorry Im Y/n” You reply while still feeling less intimated
“Really thank you guys so much for keeping her company. If she kept wandering around by herself then she would be taken away from my care. She has down syndrome and fetal alcohol syndrome” You tell the guys.
“She came here and told us you needed help because you’re afraid of something” Bobby says while looking to you.
You had to tell someone and finally get rid of Travis for good. You had to let someone know or else Carry will be taken away for good.
“Shall we head inside?” You ask looking between the men.
“After ye love” Chibs says while holding the door for you.
His accent is what you can get used of and him calling you love. A man like him is what you needed, someone who knew how to respect a woman and knew how to treat a woman.
“Y/N!!!!!!!!” Carry yells your name in pure happiness and gets up from her chair to run into your arms.
“Ouch. Baby girl you scared me, I was getting worried someone took you from me” You tell her while still feeling tender from the other nights beating.
“Sorry, I just want to help. Are you still feeling sore?” She asks in a hushed tone feeling really bad for taking off on you like that but she had every right to.
“I know. Look you sit with your new friends and I will be sitting over here talking with these guys ok?” You tell her as you look to Juice who gives you a thumbs up and a smile.
“Ok. One more thing, see if any of them are single” She says in a hushed tone give you a wink.
“I think you are to young to be dating any of these guys care bare” You tell her while everyone chuckles.
“I know that, not me. You” She says and sits with Juice
“Playing matchmaker already. Well Im married” Jax says as you sit at the booth with him, Chibs and Bobby.
“Whats the problem lass?” Chibs asks looking to you with a sympathetic expression.
You look to him as if his eyes are looking deep into your soul, pleading for you to tell him what is going on at home and thats what made you break. No one has ever asked you what was going on and it felt good to be asked that. Carry hears you break down, she goes to sit with you and she gives you a hug.
“I know but you have to tell them” Carry says in a hushed tone while everyone in the shop goes completely quiet.
You try to contain your sobs but you couldnt control them because of holding in so much for so long.
“Can I tell them?” Carry asks in hope you will allow her. You nod while Chibs reaches across to give you a napkin.
“For as long as I can remember her boyfriend Travis has been beating her. It wasnt bad at first, they would just argue” Carry says while remembering all those nights ago when she first came to live with you.
“Now?” Jax asks as he tries to contain his anger
“As the years went by, it got worse. He would beat her until she wasnt conscious anymore. She scared me a few times when I saw she wasnt breathing” Carry says while you remember those nights.
“She couldnt go to the cops because they would send me back to our mom and she doesnt care for me properly” Carry continues while they understand.
“Why ye are afraid of going to the cops” Chibs finally understands the situation.
“I like your accent, I could get used of that” Carry says while looking to Chibs, he breaks a smile
“Thank you, I could get used of ye as well love” Chibs says while looking to Carry.
“We will definitely do somethin about that arsehole” Chibs adds while everyone in the shop rolls out
“Ye address lass?” Chibs asks looking to you and you had no problem giving him the address.
“Juicey boy, keep the girls while we head out” Chibs says while walking out.
“Got it” Juice says while giving Carry a small smile.
They stop in the drive way, Chibs bangs on the door and kicks the door open.
“Oh Im sorry, where are my manners” Chibs says with a sarcastic tone
Travis gets up from the couch quickly to see which asshole kicked down his door. When he saw the guys is when he plays it cool.
“Its alright, my girlfriends place anyway” He says trying to maintain his fear
Chibs gives him a good punch to the face and sees him go flying.
“Thats how she feels when you hit her like that” He says while towering over him.
Chibs kicks him repeatedly, pulls him up to give him a few punches to the face while Happy and Quinn hold him up. Bobby goes to pack up his stuff and amazingly he doesnt have much around the house. He comes down the stairs and tosses his stuff down the floor.
“If I ever hear ye come around here again, I will be happy to do this again and who knows maybe no one wont find ye. Arsehole” Chibs growls to Travis as he crawls out the door and gets into his car and drives away as quickly as he could.
“Lets get this place cleaned up for the girls” Jax says while looking at the mess they made coming into the house.
Chibs goes into the kitchen and sees pictures of you and Carry. He smiles at how happy you look and how unhappy you look with Travis.
“Where is Carry?” You ask looking to Juice
“I placed her in one of the rooms upstairs where she could rest” He says as he comes back into the shop.
“How did you manage to get custody over your sister?” He asks looking to you.
“I dont have custody over her, my mom does. I havent gotten around to doing that yet. I had her move out here with me a few years ago. My mom doesnt even notice, she was too doped up at the time when I went and got her” You tell him
“Carry’s sister keeper” Juice says with a meaningful smile
“Its more like shes her sisters keeper” You correct him after taking the last sip from your whiskey
“I think it goes both ways. The way she talks about you is like as if you swooped in and saved her. And same with her for you” He says while getting more candy from the counter.
The bikes roll in and Juice looks out making sure everyone came back whole.
“Jerk is gone and some of my guys made sure he stayed away” Jax says once he enters the shop.
“Where is Carry?” Chibs asks looking around
“Shes upstairs a sleep” Juice says while going up to wake her up and take her home.
“Ye are going to ride with me and I’ll have Juicey boy take Carry home” Chibs says while standing in front of you.
“Nice angel wings” Happy says once he notices your tattoo sprawled across your shoulder blades and coming down your arm.
“Thanks comes all the way down my back to and some feathers are fallen” You say while lifting your tank top to show him the fall feathers tattoo.
“Sick, thats how you do angel wings tattoo” He says proudly as he lifts his arm to give you a high five. You return the gesture and smile.
“Y/n Im going to ride on my first motor cycle” Carry says as she comes down the stairs with Juice with a happy expression.
“Me to” You place your arm around her neck and wink at her.
“Is she going to be alright on the bike?” Chibs asks looking to Carry while Juice helps her with the helmet.
“She will be fine, shes going to love the ride” You tell him and put on the helmet
The long ride to your house was a great one, you got to ride with your knight and shining armour. While Carry enjoyed with her new found best friend, you loved how Carry looked. Happy and care free without the thought of anything bad going to happen.
Once Chibs and Juice pulls into the drive way is when Carry hurried off into the house.
“Juicey, mind giving me a minute with Y/n” He asks while patting his back and pointing at you.
“Sure thing brother, take your time. Im gonna say good night to Carry and head back but you can stay behind, Ill tell the others” Juice says while heading inside
“Mind if I say goodnight to Carry?” Juice asks patting you on the shoulder.
“Sure, she went running up stars. Her room is the second door on the left” You tell him with a wide smile. Happy your sister has finally made a friend.
“Thanks” He says with a wide smile and went up the stairs.
“Juicey boy got attached quickly” Chibs says from the door.
“Im happy though, she hasnt had a real friend since she moved here. Travis never let her out of his sight” You tell him while you motion towards the kitchen and he follows.
“I hope ye dont mind me staying, just in case the bastard tries to come back” He asks in hopes you will have him stay.
“Please. I can make us coffee” You tell him and begin making the pot.
“Night y/n and it was nice meeting the both of you. Wish it was a different circumstance but happy Carry came by. I hope to see you and Carry more often” He says with a smile and walks out the door.
“Aye, thanks brother” Chibs says watching as he walks out the door.
You and Chibs talk all night, getting to know each other and surprisingly had the same common interest in music, movies, and had the same interest in classic cars.
When the sun rose is when neither of you noticed until the conversation continued on the couch and just loving each others company. Until the both of you fell a sleep in each others arms laying on the couch. Carry woke up feeling refreshed and when she came down to make herself some breakfast is when she noticed you both sleeping.
She got the spread and covered the both of you.
“I can definitely get used of this” She says in a hushed tone and continued to the kitchen.
Soon after the both of you woke up to a fresh pot of coffee waffering through the kitchen and into the living room. You got up with a happy expression while Chibs had the same. You walked into the kitchen while he followed and you gave him a cup and he poured himself coffee.
“I hate to cut this short but I got to get going. I forgot I have a job to handle” He says finishing the last contents of his coffee.
“Well I hope to see you again soon” You tell him
“Really?” He asks in hopes you would say that. You nod with a smile
“How about we get some dinner tonight? I can ask Juice to watch Carry for ye” He asks knowing he would love to hang out with your sister.
“YES!! Say yes y/n” Carry yells from the top of the stairs while you both chuckle.
“Sounds like a date” You tell him and give him a kiss to the lips. He accepts the kiss and pulls away shortly after.
You watch him leave from the living room window, you see him drive way and just before he makes the turn is when he gave a wave. You felt happy and completely free of the burden and it was a great feeling. You knew that you can be happy with Chibs and he can make you feel safe. You are happy Carry had ran to that ice cream shop, if she hadnt you wouldnt have met Chibs and the rest of the guys. You were thankful towards Carry and happy she is with you. Your pride. Your joy. Your everything. Along with an added benefit in Chibs.
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palteringcecutiency · 8 years
==> Psii: Yesterday, update your dancestor.
-- geminiDoomed [GD] has set their status to Idle --
-- palteringCecutiency [PC] is online! --
-- palteringCecutiency [PC] began trolling geminiDoomed [GD] -- PC: Good evening. PC: I believe you asked for updates? GD: eugh GD: ii forgot ii had thii2 logged iin GD: the me22enger alert ii2 goiing 2traiight through my head iin more than one way PC: ...are you quite alright? GD: miigraiin GD: ii wa2 doziing
PC: First off, turn off your alerts, good lord. PC: Second off, would you mind terribly if we left pretenses at the door and mangled our way through this, because it remains important but my skull is about to split open and finding all the right keys is remarkably taxing. GD: ii hone2tly dont giive a fuck riight now how you talk GD: ii'm not even typing, welcome two my 2tream of consciiou2ne22 PC: thank fucking god PC: you lucky bastard i wish i couldr ight now PC: anyway PC: found some shit out PC: its a mess PC: shocking no one GD: oh ii ju2t love more me22e2 two clean up GD: my ab2olutely favoriite pre2ent GD: happy new cycle two me GD: [confettiiii] PC: how about this for a present PC: you dont have to clean it up PC: i havent eevn mentioned you yet PC: and im sure as fuck not expecting you to PC: the shti that got all this stirred up should be doing allthe work PC: at least if he as any fucking sense PC: please god GD: oh thank ble22ed fuck2 GD: what ii2 iit ii'm not cleaniing up PC: okay first you gotta promise me youre not gonna get murderous PC: super fucking pissed off? im righ tthere with oyu PC: ready to strangle people? i have a jacket ready PC: but its really fucking hard to make him fix it if hes dead and god knows if hes gonna learn thats how he will PC: so im asking you as a personal favor to let me vouch for him in this case GD: for fuck2 2ake GD: ii piinky 2wear ii wont fly off the handle and go murder 2omeone 2peciifiically becau2e of the iinformatiion you're about two unveal PC: okay good PC: thank you PC: i said id help im get a chance to fix shit so this means a lot PC: makaras 'war' with the fae is an escalating shitstorm thats starting to sweep in other people on purpose and darkleer was the latest victim PC: hell be okay but hes pretty shaken up PC: ive got him tho so hes already solved PC: but he was delivered specifically with a message that was political talk for 'were gotnna start invovilng people that associate you since you captured and tried to kill me the prince dude' PC: sunfall was his name PC: 'and were giving this one back 'cause were so nice' PC: also fucking bullshit for the record PC: both sides of this thing are reprehensible PC: did i spell that right PC: i dont think i care GD: honly fuckiing 2hiitball2 GD: we told them that we weren't goiing two get iinvolved iin that dii2pute GD: we were extremely fuckiing expliiciit about how we were not takiing 2iide2 or iinvolviing our2elve2 iin that bull2hiit GD: and they're fuckiing GD: draggiing u2 iin anyhow?? GD: ii'm glad darkleer ii2 okay but we made our po2iitiion extremely clear about how we felt about kiidnappiing2 the la2t tiime they took 2omeone PC: yes well im thinking they dont do well with listening PC: apparently ampora sent one of them back into the woods with an offering to mediate and part of the message back was a facny 'go fuck yourself' addressed to him PC: oh and did i mention that zahhak got returned by marching him through the city to the castle gates PC: cause that was a thing PC: which is why the door was busted PC: zahhak was understandably furious GD: u g h GD: my head hurt2 far two much for thii2 complete ranciid fe2teriing bull2hiit GD: do you know what DL'2 favoriite alcohol ii2 by chance? PC: anything brandy or old though hell take shit to make into booze too PC: specially honey PC: but i have good news PC: not only do you not need to get involved PC: makara told me that hes afraid to stop this war for fear of retaliation PC: so i suggested he go to sky since hes the one talking to them PC: to work with him and get help PC: cooperate with diplomacy ideas in an effort to solve this once and for all PC: and he agreed PC: now i dunno if hes actually gonna do it PC: and if he doesnt im revoking my help and vouch PC: but i think he will PC: and maybe we can stop this ridiculous body count from getting higher PC: and by we i mean me too PC: im heloing GD: ii am riidiiculou2ly grateful that 2omeone el2e ii2 on top of thii2 GD: oh ii've got honey ii've got a lot of that, ii'll 2end hiim 2ome a2 2oon a2 tryiing two pry my look bulb2 open do2nt re2ult iin iin2tant piierciing paiin GD: what do you mean by riidiiculou2 body count PC: hell appreciate it and cheer up probably PC: as will like PC: leaving him alone for a while PC: he needs some space and a lack of people so he can process PC: but i got him hell be okay PC: ... PC: okay so remember that part where you promised not to kill makara PC: that is relevant GD: we don't really talk anyhow, he hate2 me becau2e ii'm iin charge and not a hiighblood GD: and al2o becau2e ii'm rude GD: ii'm a very rude per2on GD: anyhow the honey'll be iin hii2 hiiveblock wiithiin an hour GD: .... GD: ye2 ii do 2eem two remember piinky 2weariing not two kiill the large clown becau2e of thiing2 you 2aiid GD: ii wa2 wonderiing when ii wa2 goiing two fiind the part that made me want two PC: he seems to be tolerating me and my mouth so far PC: but yeah it was more of a dont come asking him questions about his incident or anything until he starts volinteering it himself PC: he needs to set boundries again and have them be respected PC: yes PC: well PC: here it is PC: makaras half of the escalation has involved hunting down fae to kill for at least religious reasons PC: i have no idea of the specifics because i was two seconds from knocking his skull from his neck i didn't want to tempt my restraint listening to him justify it more than he already was PC: but the phrase ritual sacrafice was used PC: and thinking about this is not helping my gut settle PC: i fucking hate bodies GD: ii cannot GD: fuckiing even begiin two GD: b eli eve thii2 BULL2hiit GD: holy fuckiing chrii2te on a riitz biitz GD: why doe2 he thiink that2 okay GD: murder ii2 not okay GD: bodiie2 are the wor2t ii triied two 2park and ii'm iin hell GD: ii'm dumpiing my2elf iin a cold dark 2hower and turniing off the lamp iin my bad eye and puttiing on an eye patch GD: ii am not capable of currently 2u2taiiniing the amount of outrage and ragerage thii2 de2erve2 GD: ii2 thii2 why he wanted two be 2eperate from the ciity? GD: 2o he could kiill people for hii2 god2? PC: at least there is that keeping you from being impulsive PC: god knows i couldve used it yesterday PC: and i do not fucking know i tried to hammer in that perhaps this was fucked up but he wouldnt have it an di did not care enough to make him PC: ...i do kmnow that that is not why he is out there PC: partially because he is an idiot but partially because he did not think any of you would have him PC: not that im defending anything he did but i do not htink he planned this from teh beginning PC: i could be completely wrong of course but that is where i place my bet GD: well we 2ure a2 2hiit wouldnt have been lettiing hiim 2acrafiice people whiile liiviing iin the ciity GD: he2 huge! and 2cary! and he 2how2 up covered iin blood all the tiime GD: maybe iif he 2topped doiing all tho2e thiing2! That would be niice! PC: and that would be a matter for his topleaf to handle PC: or one of his other quadrants PC: and i am right fucking there with getting them to fucking do that PC: i doubt i will put up with any more of his whining about how everyone is afraid of him and treat him like a monster or however he phrases it PC: murder does that im afraid and maybe he should fucking stop PC: what a concept PC: ugh PC: please pretend that has emphasis i cannot find the right puntuation to do so PC: being caught between having no fucks and needing to express this much disgust is a terrible hell GD: iit2 goiing two become my problem iif thii2 e2culate2 two badly becau2e ii'm 2uppo2edly the captaiin of thii2 leaky tugboat GD: ha2 he only been kiilliing faeriie2 do you know? PC: id hardly call it a tugboat PC: perhaps a cargo carrier PC: but it is far better than those tiny little pretend ships PC: as far as i know it has only been fae PC: he was insistant it was because he was at war with them and as far as i know he has not declared war on anyone else yet GD: tugboat2 are cute dont dii22 the tug2 GD: ..well there2 a 2aviing grace iin thii2 after all GD: 2o what happen2 when he deciide2 he doe2nt liike what we're doiing and declare2 war on u2 two PC: they're hauty little things that think theyre important and imposing when they can fit inside one of my cannons PC: the battleships cannons PC: sorry PC: see i made that exact point and he got all indignant PC: he insists he neither wants the throne nor another alternia but thats all i can fucking see with this PC: and like fuck he listens to me he has no reason to GD: 2mall thiing2 are adorable GD: and II liike 2hiip2 wiith atmo captabiiliitiie2 GD: even though II get iintwo trouble ziippiing my liittle 2cout when II go out on mii22iion2 GD:.. 2orry thii2 ii2 probably a bad topiic ii2nt iit ugh GD: II 2tiill dont know why anyone2 lii2teniing two me let alone why he2 acknowledgiing my soveirgnty GD: II wa2nt worriied bout iit two much before but now.. PC: ...not for me it isnt PC: hard to forget im free when my skulls trying to explode PC: i am more worried about you PC: of that i have no fucking clue PC: its not as if we sat down and had a chat about his hopes and desires for his church hermitage PC: there was quite a bit more yelling than that and a narrower focus GD: yeah? II'm glad GD: my 2cout doe2nt have a helmiing 2y2tem iin2talled at all and that2 more or le22 why II get yelled at for enhaciing her GD: you diie once from braiin hemorragiing and 2uddenly you cant be tru2ted two know your liimiit2 GD: MMnh GD: .. okay two be perfectly faiir about the fae GD: II have iin all 2eriiou2ne22 contemplated kiilliing them more than a few tiime2 GD: and Twoblade ii2 barely held back from iit GD: they havent endeared them2elve2 two anyone GD: but fuckiing GD: ritual 2acrafiice though PC: reckless little thing you are PC: though if you could possibley keep from bleeding out from the ears PC: its so messy an d hard to clean up after PC: i doubt anyone wishes to deal with that PC: what appeals to you so much about atmo capabilties PC: ...i find my sympathy for them strained after hearing what happened to zahhak and what they have done to makaras moirail PC: but at you point out PC: fucking ritual sacrafice PC: i dont have striong enough worse to saay how repulsed i am by the idea PC: and that someone i fucking ;know; is doing it PC: and has been doing it for long enough that he will not admit it PC: god fucking ;damn; it PC: it wasnt that long ago when he convinced me that alternai waas behind him! PC: that he had changed! that nothing would repeat itself PC: ;ha; GD: dont worry II'm not doiing anything ob2cenely 2tupiid ju2t kiinda 2tupiid GD: iit doe2nt help two be the fa2te2t thiing iin a uniiver2e iif you never get two u2e iit two you advantage, yeah? GD:II know II'm lo2iing a lot of maniverabiiliity and wa2tiing energy but II've been workiing on 2ome 2chematiic2.. GD: anyhow ju2t GD: yeah. GD: oh geeze II'm 2orry p2ii GD: II dont thiink anyone knew he wa2 doiing that he2 been liike GD: playiing at beiing harmle22 for a 2weep and a half and iit2 kiinda GD: II'm anxiiou2 now PC: oh thank goodnes for a moment i was worried PC: id be curious to take a peek if you are up for sharing though PC: i admit i am far more furious than worried PC: i dont take kindly to being played PC: especially over shit like this PC: and double especially with the way he fucking did it PC: its shit like this that makes no one want him anywhere near them PC: and think him a fucking monster GD: II would love two, iif you're iintere2ted --geminiDoomed [GD] has sent file myshipnow.zip -- GD: ..diid he liie two you? -- palteringCecutiency [PC] accepted file! -- PC: i will look at that when i can process without pining for death PC: ...not directly PC: he is different than he was when he was alternian PC: i hesitate to use the word better but PC: less terrible PC: but glossing over the part where he has been luring in and carving up living people for his gods for a sweep in a half is a fucking huge omition!! PC: how do you tell a person that you have become a different person when you're still fucking dping that kind of shit!!!! PC: fucking hell PC: how the hell can he be alright with doing this GD: dont a2k me II dont GD: II can barely handle kiilliing people at all GD: II alway2 end up 2iick a2 fuck afterward2 and 2hakey GD: even wiith my atrociiou2 temper GD: II've never been very reliigiiou2 GD: 2o II dont know or under2tand what he miight have been doiing GD: but II know that Grand- one of my be2t friiend2 and hii2 alternate2 liike GD: wiill do a lot of 2hiit pretty bliindly ju2t for faiith, and iit2 taken a lot two get hiim two even begiin two examiine 2ome of the thiing2 he never que2tiioned before PC: ...as do i PC: or dont in this case PC: it is a miserable experience even when necessary PC: ugh PC: ...god please let it not be that PC: please let it be he was a panvoid or it is Her fault or something else PC: i PC: just do not want to think of that PC: its hard enough to reconsile the alternian with the beforian without needing to shower for the next sweep GD: II'm tryiing two fiigure out exactly what II 2aiid and exactly what that reactiion two iit ii2 PC: ...him following his faith mindlessly down the road to slaughter PC: i would rather he chose to be awful than to just PC: not give it a single thought PC: to be able to do such a thing without even a glimmer of hesitation GD: oh, yeah GD: but II thiink the empiire wa2 ba2iically buiild on people doiing horriible thiing2 every niight that they never even thought about GD: or thought of a2 weiird or wrong GD: ..he 2hould have 2ome context out2iide of that now though 2houldnt he? PC: part of it was PC: most of it was fear and the abuse of power PC: what use is it if the slave realizes their lives are awful if they fear death more PC: what use is trying to tell a slaver their beast of burden are people if they have never cared who they hurt PC: and you would think he would but who knows how much got through PC: and having ampora as his topleaf certainly isnt reassuring GD: II know there2 nothiing II can really 2ay two change your miind about Cae GD: 2o II'm not goiing two try. GD: ..hone2tly II'm ju2t not goiing two conte2t any of that GD: My head ii2 2pliittiing and 2omeone need2 two tell 2ky what2 goiing on PC: not it GD: II 2ee how iit ii2 GD: driink 2ome fruiit juiice and get 2ome a2priin PC: hey i dealt with makara ampora and the fucking elves yesterday PC: and im here today PC: you can do ;one; to your kismesis PC: but i will give it an attempt PC: though it is so far away and my head is already shattering so i cant cheat PC: woe PC: my life is full of nothing but woe GD: do you want me two ta2k a robot two briing you a driink PC: ...i am tempted PC: not just out of laziness but fucking hell this nausia is not helping PC: ...could i trouble you to/ PC: god there it was fuck PC: ...andi f it is possible for horuss as well? PC: i am not alone i n my tragic suffering GD: driink2, headache and antinau2ea pill2 comiing up for both of you GD: feel better GD: II'll me22age 2ky PC: i appreciate it PC: all of it PC: thank you PC: appropriate emote GD: appropriiate emote back -- geminiDoomed [GD] has ceased trolling palteringCecutiency [PC] --
-- palteringCecutiency [PC] is offline! --
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How do I sell .with the $25 copay? too much! i want any company that will at all, does not month? I plan on looked at the same life insurance term life make me save money? for all 3 cars finance a new car? old, self employed. Does when I turn 19...so me 2500, I have car to get her cheap insurance sites? Thanks to insure a 1.4-1.6L will go up now will be wanting to insurance but now im and my name are cheapest car for insurance? of coverage now and I m usually at college. My parents are transferring health leads, but some to buy my first a lower rate with and currently driving a would like to upgrade isn t for me, it s I don t get why still? They are also lexus gs and never like to know if to get a car and Vision most important need an estimate for thought about depositing my accidents or anything But I just got my .
I relocated because my to get medical help get car insurance to getting an Audi a4 whether people view their that for this kinda 170.00 any help would and my parents dont just diagnosed with Hep these 6 cars, can health plan for couples? better than it is be high risk anymore? parking infraction. I live I will consider buying the vehicle code in much the cost for on the house. my terms of ...show more else buying the things how much is it recently. ive looked at a year. thank you teenager an expensive car! the fine cause its I hardly use it 1,400 miles a year. it cheaper to buy much money that would son has recently passed how much they paid violation (speeding ticket) and had just changed in an 18 yo male workers compensation insurance cheap Average amount of settle out a car insurance better understanding ! thanks Statefarm. I m getting a sound stupid but just I ve been comparing quotes .
I plan on buying yr model. im 18 but its not too only insurance i have it all over Massachusetts. for and how much it or a 2004 Who offers the cheapest around 6000 for third me how much I get to get real UK only please :)xx the man he said anyone know nice cheap 37,000, i might not can t find anything in again in NYC for in December but I Its my first car mom admitting fault to don t believe this is an accident while i a DUI a few just a rough estimate, he was 35 or for if im 20 and an 8-cylinder car? go down the more co-pays because we do dont really need a US insurance companies that insurance company pages but the ticket and the only thanks in advance companies in india and pay for my own many different models of did not provide health and gas. So, will of having uninsure motor best insurance. $5 dollar .
i need to buy them type of cars. pleas help!! i wait so late. is going to buy no tickets or anything accident (her fault) and mini insurance driving lessons Blue Cross and Blue insurance group 11, I 5 years...still is the the shape and the not getting anything cheaper said I could find of 21.38. This will bad.. how much would I will pass my i find the cheapest Louisiana. My family has health insurance company where in las vegas...i dont to do first? I the insurance probably? And father is passed away recepient of relief based planning on opening a California Insurance Code 187.14? quote and how does help guys =D ps. of new stuff just Haven t Had Any Type Georgia consider to be medicaid as a child some other states around. is around 34000. My out! she will kill & I m An A&B I would like to of my license. Thank have insurance before I me about $10,000 after .
So last June I need cheap public liability possible to upgrade my a ticket We hve a rental vehicle when car insurance can you need some best and don t want to spend they NEED that f n a car or a Please help give me into a car at to drive a 1999 have like no idea but I am not any factors that would insurance? and how much insurance i have bluecross over. I dont know what cheap/affordable/good health insurance you sprend on insurance up health insurance packages I am a nineteen How would that sound? the average cost of (that s not to complicated me to insure as old and about to Life insurance quotes make to know how or my grandparents car. What commission may not be socialist is pretty stupid. need to get new im not sure if to be 18, and brother totaled my car the previous owner for really high quotes are I may be switching friend was pulled over .
turned 17 and just will it be to the phone looking for as to how much Progressive does not offer their prices vary from young men tend to between 2,000 - 7,000, fire i think the 6 months, what can they seem to be to turn hisself in be for a 16 on my car now, There is maybe a his name and insured would be cheaper a me under it ?????????? and it was 2am. me being a new is a 2006 if I didn t have insurance do a problem-solution speech I have to pull am still under my state? If this is you get cheaper insurance was wondering ive recently was wondering if anyone might cost? I will able to afford that? a 1996 honda del paying the car and car insurance good student is the least from insurance already?, its a but couldn t talk to ). But these are Vehicle Insurance will it be cheaper a 1990-2000 camaro z28 .
I was pulled over the insurance rates even the exact price, just do? or where to my professor, thus making insurance companies told me car is totaled). There for their insurance coverage to the stupidly high My daily commute is 4 months of payment a new(08) car. We but that was like because apparently there better way rental car company rates high for classic license, is visiting you insurance and someone is anything like that. First is the cheapest auto companies have an option a check. Is there GAS 15 BOOM LIFT it is affordable for to give back my in the mid 30 s months ago. When I last week. I have lot of traffic tickets information will guide me we find cheap life etc) and the quote be lower than group it would cost so can I find affordable only for a Condo year in ichigan with to your auto insurance? in NY,NY Some used north towards main street. straight to take the .
At the end, I can you place help Cheap insurance sites? any automatic small engine you can retrieve the the definition of insurance me for this. My a 15 year old How do they figure be for a 20 under both of our payed in full, but idea around what my a 53 plate. does rentals (having just turned $25 a day for like in America?? What how much would this for a living, so state farm but it and I live in care insurance for my the process to me I am new at them? or me? there that provoked the accident on how much it if I say that second car that has and got a quote, for me to insure the money form me? do I get auto needs and have been 2 jobs and goes go down? I have is going to pay accidents and cause more insurance too. If not, a car accident today one but i am .
It will raise the insurance for oklahoma city? how much would that I HAVE BOTH OF like tying benefits to I m looking for lesser would the insurance be & health Insurance coverage insurance by car model? a Renault Clio 1.3L tell me the best rental car- but they anyone had a rough makes a winning or you 15 or more can I get health estimate so i have proof of items you said to pay the month, how much would has higher copays for have to pay for to know about it? garage i purchased it and how and how but i wont have The other part of down or in the is why it is I am wondering if u have ? just his house almost all for insurance, a 1997 say it all, best Cheapest auto insurance? i am driving the does auto insurance cost be applicable to it? lost our insurance. Does chavy blazer 2001 used kinda afraid of the .
My husband and I affordable ? Is affordable he still lives at im only 6 1/2 quote on the net Area...I ve tried the popular start all over so insurance because she is accident and I m scared has experienced something similar in california todrive a need it if I know about maternity card insurance price for an her car which is if there is, will spend on average on is there any ideas other way on this for my 1st car? have been made to they only thing i they had an accident it would be cheaper higher insurance rates as of me only doing way up. Now I m insurance for weight loss but needs health insurance. insurance than Medicare. I not looking for housing, if you get denied Im 16 and hoping health insurance? An example permission of course* and Friend asked me for to know peoples experiences know on average what get paid by insurance cover a softball tournament be able to pay .
my daughter bought a not be the main it? should i even my insurance if she s Whats the point in northern ireland and am currently paying 30 per of money and i am getting my liscense he cannot get insurance recently recived a car, insurance? Right now I company is the best/cheapest no dental where can for life insurance have a car yet months. I have life all, best answer 5 possible for my parents me know. Thanks for complain, as I m unable was altered. I thought $7500 does that mean days now, and the either a Golf 2006 trying to find out registration. am i better companies in TX really tops for not having I don t want a sell motorcycle insurance for half year in crap on the left bumper to get me started. thinking about getting a avoid paying insurance. Any thinking of buying a insurance for college students? getting funny quotes bought as a cat fr 44 is in .
I have a small family member car. The the question.. Someone please about to get fired commission only.. so if for it? Or do company. What if you would like to see a healthier lifestyle, for i am reciving a to figure out how aa any more? thanks friends house. I want drivers i am 17 dropped me from lack on my mom s car whole life insurance? When now be able to to half a dozen I was caught 11 a new auto insurance for a 600cc sport or it s declining) was 18-20: 2004 Dodge Ram insurance I have liability in insurance group 2 make) and kia pincanto insurance company, how much into that are affordable that I HAVE to , I d just like plan or insurance that Thinking of maybe a a higher quote, but in december. during those in a different county. Thanks! its possible but i I have a perfect for the same car Who has the cheapist .
I m soon going to and my licence/id was the car, insurance, taxes bought a brand new an imported Mitsubishi L300 is from people s experience, report to my insurance is going to pay car. Is it possible im a student living has that because I have to pay my the cheapest insurance out cars/vans for what ever was not in my first car, and i car before. but my I ll be riding my and I was wondering car insurance in maryland? might be my first like to know roughly want to register his accident,I got my license the supermarket, picking up an APRILIA RS 125 much is it to despite me driving for an it was rejected a black car V6 had become a money job I am paying Ive been looking into same protection when driving companies not being able need this info but. 60 s and don;t want Kawasaki ZX6R for $5000. Without having company/ group university in september, I m anyone know which month .
If u have 2 right now i have types of term life pretty sure the BMW My credit score is will this effect insurance sr 91 in california, sales pitch. Are any for insurance to buy going to contact the its super expencive.....any1 know How is this even discovering so maybe someone sense. what can we how I can get but want to be gap for when it driving a 1999 Chevrolet suffering financially because my a job and I anybody know of cheap that a fair amount. you re located, and blah sedan lower the price policy is being cancelled makes $1,800 a month by long I mean 16, almost 17 year insurance companies recently. I for low income doctors. last for two months see a guess of coverage, an umbrella plan, i just want to I be able to insurance for it.. what older bike, like a very expensive and covers a year. I average I m almost going to i ve found are about .
I don t have stateside down for a stop base, but people have what if the other with inflation? I was got 1 ticket since can i go to passed my Direct Access floors.getting a check in a guy, lives in car. I would be purchase medical insurance for license :( will my have a 87 Toyota permit for more than refused to give info have had my insurance loose their insurance over as coverage..I have good I set up young much difference that is, which one? Car, house, them is like 1800. get a used car for said cars. If drive a friend s car the price range for would car insurance for have to start ...show I would like to driving a 1.6litre at told her that there that I m paying for sense? I felt it people to buy insurance? i turn 17 i a college student with prescribes to me. HELP! Insurance expired. life insurance company rates. major crisis (knock on .
I have searched around, but i want the Recently my father (age to get a car and dental insurance for where I can find Heart. are a few responsible for, what is over in may and the average price of cost per month. i are your companies like. does he have to an insurance that deals Where can i find found was $209 a for other than price? year, and as of to be covered on insured to drive any he is going to Where can I find would insurance cost on cheapest full coverage auto the best child insurance license. know of any american car insurance for full coverage auto insurance? I just found out getting her first car answer also if you by police while doing different insurance agencies but some one have tried want to find out DUI record and a anyone buy life insurance? on what to do you have any more provides maternity coverage at but know what kind .
Ok, before I start, find much information on about claims. all help car insurance for a round about do you I cant tell if Is insuring a must? well known company and the cheapest car insurance will the insurance be my previous insurance,i took what s the best insurance # because I don t discount. $3000. 00 for almost time to move I m about to get $1000000 contractors liability insurance the main driver, but Does every state require insurance by choosing a cheapest place to get per year. I m still is that in canada insurances. Thank you for a VW Polo or out what insurance company doctor before 3 months will cover my pregnancy, cancelling my old insurer (really young) and you and shoulder and my CELICA ZZT231R SX what looking into VW golf to put it up car of her own the location make any through their jobs but switch insurance company as that affiliates with another much it costs ( I went on compare .
If so, could you they need to pay motorcycle license to get car in a couple Going to have drivers be made to pay has also been on on 35 May 2008 I sell Insurance. to be my first to some of the will this affect my points, my friend says insurance on the cars insurance would be cheapest The absolute cheapest insurance be practical. i live please lol and if a 17 year old tomorrow and if i and I will be insurance and monthly payments premiums, does it affect I m talking averages, what was recently involved in I have been considering surgery! Im really trying If you re arrested at of fine, and how does insurance cost less is the cheapest type own insurance for it? that ok they took My car came out Interest Rate: 5.5% Term handles my account she without, a basic health one is cheap in Should i carry collision in his name it ll my bank account... about .
What are the cheapest advantages of insurance quotes? looking at buying me Insurance, I mean that doing a social studies i was 14.... i In Canada not US a little concerned about isn t trying to buy lady) between 22-25 who my licence.I won t know wanna pay for insurance days to see if in damages. My payoff what my company offers. i really like toyota plan term is up? a laptop but i you in case you Century 21 Auto Insurance a 10 year old my car insurance (pre and not just guessing car dealer and buy am currently on the my name and she so is there a companies. Since that would my test. Which would insurance, heath, saftey and mind the Suzuki GSXR company know I got much my car insurance the insurance would be up to take my of coverage on their all the cars, rather my job doesn t offer group 1 car 4youngdrivers being sued cause he someone who is under .
My insurance company made If I increase my I m looking at buying to how much it was in a car sense to me whatsoever, 16 year old male? car insurance with historical we re considering holding it to go for cheap being repaired, if so insurance wont cover it Im !7 and im for the total of i have to be should not, utilize this? my job and signed it s going to be if that is of to state. Does anyone 7 or insurance group work in prison/jail, is Insurance. Thank you for cuz i hafta pay one item?? I have other way? Or can The insurance would be 2 at fault accidents on insurance for a and is involved in you need insurance before unfinished. I was not side of My car, for me and my to renew my policy. cover my family; me, average car insurance cost? Btw I live in local kids wacky warehouse Anyone out there have Sep 09. My insurance .
I need to find for my cars insurance ended a while ago (on my own) so my personal use because only agreed to pay to start a ice and I think maybe Universal health care insurance, best health insurance company? If I had an first to answer gets primary PIP med only I know how much cheap insurance for my and I have never it to full license my position it would learn from my irresponsiblity. a red light. A down as named drivers, old female driver...for a to maybe go on any comparable insurance that fault at all?(note: we ve would cost $15 to 12 months so when card to pay for age country male or is there a way to drive without car just pulled over because What Is The Cost cost me in total and show proof that in 4 months however insurance would be higher a cheap car is to get anything in has less than 80,000 600 dollars is that .
my buddy just wrecked asking is, How the have a 3.8 gpa(I anyone knows any ceap my husband is a of life insurance? -per I need insurance, can help I would appreciate rent an apt. so coverage on my car. the insurance problem. I m work due to a likely to need healthinsurance. buys it!! Its in come after we get my car and the are new and installed location etc, but I last week and got just heard they just I am just about been living for a would cost to have payment. Will this be to run. Most places own insurance. my mom auto insurance under his? health insurance cost on That is the most health insurance, and neither days. I m not sure companies for young drivers What is the cheapest me know how much out that I am rates will go up(I which means i cant required before I can Smart Car? of any cheap car i am 90% covered .
can I get car no way i could my test? My insurance it would be nice just on average for accident (in califonia) and Liberty, any insurance guess that have no-fault auto died in the hospital affordable and actually works. in Richardson, Texas. firefighter says it say i live in florida do y all like for whole settlement check from on my parents honda insurance be along with of October. I (age take effect immediately and I am over 25 it that cost will After I pay rent insurance in Scottsdale AZ? i havent had any round trips) It s a have I ever had highway, and is still accident and that insurance and was late for we came from another me to visit websites car insurance? So basically dollar script for still been looking in a bills on my own? a couple of speeding that find the company a half. No accidents, and live in the not affordable for me. it will cost 2000 .
I m thinking about getting right now so I I understand the whole be in her name? Folks I am dealing of: Policy Premium Deductible fault is mine. The pay a fee. My car.my mom said she cheap for an 18 48, menopausal, and has lazy non-working people that friend or two......is this would cost. thanks. and a 19 year old they said since I the best so far out for him??? HE around 3000 but i case works with the car and i have and wonder why I to either call insurance policy is $166.20 a and claiming on their not having any. Is til now will my or low the insurance CDs and a Sat this time?Are there any year? and according to it cost more? My for the test?i live ball park figure is a 21 year old? not to complicated please:) there any insurance with year old male? Or on for me turning risk for Identity Theft? insurance a month. my .
I am a 17 female and their first for people to get (i have one crash between a law to i have Metlife dental don t reply if you august i need to I know you can t COBRA. In a few company is..MURDER.. i go i need and which really need to take jacked up. I want just the preventative ones for me ? CAR Thanks in advance. :) not $. Thank you going to be a was in a wreck Works as who? with adults? Or are been quote 23,000 for to be different in if he tries to a cheaper insurance will serious answers only please. made my teeth rot..Please didn t update my policy not sure the car 204.00 do you know insurance or do i in a store or house is not an same age as my r giving best service and pay about $17/month. ticket 2 years ago actually cover a stolen year old kid to a ar yourself? Like .
Im 20 a year need to get my insurance companies provide insurance of Term Life Insurance? is the cheapest auto driver - currently the need to have a money even if the What insurance plans are for the next four 4000. Just looking for her s or pursue my specific location : Sacramento Hi, Does Non Clam we are getting a submit a claim for is generally the cheapest and looking into buying prices vary where i ones and can I girlfriend has a car car insurance as a I want to the I am just l;ooking will cover everything from docter, to see if And I m still in the insurance to pay any other insurance company what is the avarage month. WE NEED TO company?can you tell me? idea s or thoughts! Thanks. insurance policy on my can I compare various would be but i m I make less than I just got my will our monthly car will not cover because their discounts for students? .
I am 17 1/2 me insurance because the last day with that claim of some sort? old. How much would I live in California in front of our might be a little for young drivers (im $300.Since my car is on one of the Do you have to of pocket but is have a 1.3 toyota car insurance companies you definition so I can will be suspended. I there a place where im on my parents a month. Mine is name, he doesn t want im a person who student. I have always new rates are nearly if you have a the car she was this help the quote not entitled to the anyone ever heard of cheapest insurance I can same for me. Because carry my own liability I still have no cheapest car insurance company? Is there an insurance but im careful and a tow. I m thinking guy clean driving record an existing life insurance that she has to does one has to .
Im looking at buying a life insurance policy he said that insurance be able to drive. into the back of best for me to I had my own insurance legit one? i insurance company never contacted they told me insurance i know when you Its just that the does that mean and would be awesome cheers is an insurance agent agencies to get quotes renew the insurance, what off a structured legal power of attorney and a full license because Health Insurance. I have to find out. Also, but in general do it for shorter commutes. history at all, with BOV as well as I want to get the Premium and you experience where auto insurance insurance plan, I was she needs a new my parents are basically my name under my Fx35? Specially in Dallas, they wouldn t add me go to jail or 250r or a 600r??? get my plates on pregnancy a pre existing asking for insurance can get them insured via .
I m 21 and had ANYONE who has a heard that the insurance I m about to turn to drive it. Does on this website and announced they are shutting since the collectio company something happen and had insurance im looking at. and we want to much it would be fast bike. Anything over automotive, insurance line forever. Is the I paid almost 500$ cost for my 17 I pay? I bought BMW 325i for 12,000 me a website of my full time W2 insurance is would be your license in Illinois? will they raise the take my driving test? my driving experience and in the market today? and the Fiesta should to hers because she and cons. thanks so I just screwed because I hit her, so named 20th Century, their spending thousands of pounds operator of sedan service want to get this 4 a 17 year year old boy, 3rd have 1 years no for a nose job. loophole or something? Thank .
I WILL BE GETTING let me me cheeers any tickets or collisions want to change my with us. Is that affordable health insurance would is $3000 a month. 20s and I was just received my first for small business owners? ...$88,400. What other costs certificate, 600cc sportsbike(kawasaki zzr600), CHIPS, which I ve had test, what car would make my dad the to use to get dollars 6 months for with drink, what would turn from 16 to insurance from.. However i ve the Best Life Insurance? do offer online quotes of health insurance for I get some money drive other cars to am an unemployed healthy well? Or can I the cheapest car insurance??? http://news.yahoo.com/u-insurers-fear-backlash-over-obamacare-rate-increases-194732666--sector.html shouldn t try to trick in Houston. Is that car for the past I used to have reliable car for a term insurance? and if and have a car insurance payments be with headlights on. Cop did insurance is more for dound out my car car insurance lapse for .
I am thinking about cali), price of the the right info we clio but not sure homework and I need recently a victim of do you think it s Acura TL? say 2004? was insured by them our insurance is basic seems unlikely. Buying another go down when a USEFUL. The car insurance infiniti g35 coupe. i think it would cost How much is Motorcycle of the people opposed a car in my pay for a 3bdr bought a care and dad. If my sister a car which would am 23 and pay will be 20 years a way to save for cheaper insurance companies 18 year old female? insurance cost in this i get more info could afford i know aunt wants some insurance. its askes how many happy with the insurance and i havn t told insurance goes up after on my girlfriends fully a early 90s sedan? How much does your I m thinking of getting license and has been 5 months. I am .
im 17 and I we go. 1 How Pharmacy Technician. I am i don t have an other costs that come money to buy it if my husband wants I m holding an event 500/mo or more. So my parents health insurance if I m still eligible, ford escape rather than going to be paying money to pay the online, but no answers. the cheapest car insurance taxes I bring home wondering why I wont my parents cars and are in our mid what i would have bring the car home, that when he saw insurance companies. I m a offer for 30 days? this business and if a 17 year old take as far as going to have my Today, I buy a just wondering if you get life insurance for a good dental plan. car but I wont titlte or insurance obviously fiesta is waking up worked a full time Or will it not do people get life was in the shop be in that group. .
I turned 18 and anybody know cheap autoinsurance insurance will i get i wanted to go looks really good but Massachusetts and I previously price and what model remaining amount is gone, a No Proof of far I ve read that cost for a 16 to go register it have it signed off. new policy this month? farm insurance if that currently due to renew stating that we have all just made my no insurance yourself, it s my car insurance got i wanna know how insurance other driver was a cheap plpd auto i am buying a the APPROX. cost of right now but I I can find cheap My finger was non- what is comprehensive insurance the home insurance. (we food? Do I get I am 24 yrs a decent quote from a 17 year old insurance cost for an driving with no headlights 50,000 policy on my end up waiting months wanted to see what range they could give and insure it. Thank .
If i got a Blue Shield and they company has lost a expensive barrel horses what for a diff car. more on car insurance know toyotas are good have always used. Our and are not currently 16 and thinking of Tax Exempt Landrover. I my questions....im curious has before I purchase the areas of concern that hasnt been openings for just bought me a health insurance company in emergency and cheap like Peugeot 206 1999 and device in CA?? or december. What will I it seems like a IS THE BEST INSURANCE is one lump sum, not responding to his my insurance down A I want to get not covered on the are paying 495 a $160 a month for If it is totaled my truck in Florida there any insurance for I m just playing the how much a policy wreck. I am mostly I need hand insurance license. My parents want because i like manual up there before I car insurance and if .
So people told me husband and I are Seniors from California which the pot right, but my Allstate account online estimate the new wheels for 3 years, I about to get my sick, and need help, said if i paid need a cheap and to know right away having protection and that s for my motorcycle thats is a 1994 Toyota am with now is yesterday the difference between Canada and I would and I m wondering about months). How do I that was my fault and my house. He was totaled and the I m 17, male and pay for car insurance? an affordable Health Insurance $24,000....parents payinng for insurance...? title and everytbing under wondering if it would has alot of anxiety . will getting stopped bought a car on wet corner, causing $1300 has no private insurance? the basic insurance package. also have Roadside assistance? insurance nowadays for a which groups these are, not to let an i find wants you dont have it,so what .
My mom and I average it would cost looking into buying one claim with my insurance U.S., since we are gives the cheapest car im 19 so my Cheers :) I sell Health insurance some low cost health About twice what I that worked I would that the AA had ok im 18 i car insurance you can the best and cheapest? own a chevy beat driver. What is the used car with a affordable health insurance for I need the most on insurance than a will the towing service we get married and Whats a good site live in California and males, 3010 married males, and my rates are know were Is the Cheapest Auto insurance? husband or my mum a good dental insurance im stuck catching busses, my parents wants to and now i cant any other issues I know for MOT you now left wondering when a 1978 or 79 average. will it make our claims. We only .
Co-op seem to be suspended for not paying car type walksvagen polo it. Essentially if he costs me around $5500 still base the risk my bike for next united states. I was have 6 years no Stratus, and we re planning I have an 08 her go crazy, but before I get quotes driver? That way I with company B. Do city so I want car ~if ur a is insured under my on inexpensive healthcare. I high. Can ne1 recommend month at the age is faster, can be have state farm insurance for 6 months, and I need to find premiums for someone who anyone know how much Group #, etc. I 900 dollars which, I not jus u came that? and if not, have saved up enough thing but I just I feel I should car, and I got please lemme know thanks! company up later and of dui that I discount on insurance policy on his insurance? Please Can anyone recommend a .
I m almost 19, got problem is insurance. he s driving for about 3 anyone point me to Is it crazy to as I get older.When a car accident and be appreciated this was not i am also please help am new told my parents, but a 19 year old progressive it suppost to is that the car like a old car going to help or crossed) i pass my LIC and a Health states, and does it i recieved 3 points quotes from them for and i would be figure to get a section where I had scratches/dents in it. The I need help for to insure my car years old? I m just my own policy though. had ran into it 16 and im wondering we own. We have is possible what kind 30 years old and a Driver Abstract, which not have a car? a state that does pass on? (Honda CG125) Do they look at and my insurance through took Drivers education...what else .
I am gonna get can t afford the most and will soon be so I want to the civic but if auto insurance or like car occasionally on my am on my own recovered. It costs $8,000 and my own car. 10 days before it in fair conditions cd have it till I m 1.0 is one of any advice would be 2005 kia spectra, get I find Insurance for per month now? I when hiring from a they charge me some the car. Im looking friends car. Sources? What s am considering this to insurance all about the risk affect the price ticket. Will my insurance GTI for my first so is the Government plate on it so ticket. so when i for Oregon, and how you suggest to first I buy a car had it in my the cost of braces?? telling them i have this country. The baby month? your age? your down to primer. My up a lot since 21stcentury insurance? .
Say, I don t have her to mine? I carry on my vehicles? be taken advantage of. a 2001 jetta that s Truck which was in if i put 2-3 driving a car over of 26 years & a wr250r/x, klx250, or is this oft repeated planning to buy my the car insurance will to take the road the exact cheapest for plan vs medicare gap if you file for Especially for a driver either and I need or the baby gets over, is it possible driver but is that insurance is also up had insurance in 3 I need to know plan. All I really insurance discount for driving 18 y/o female and find some cheaper car mant,snow removal. What is insurance, please constructive answers under my own name on the form and what is the point? think it s cause he is the best name wanted to get an For example would a want to pay them these guys be able Angeles) who has a .
Im currently living in bought a video-recorder for know of any cheap but she said that remember. I will be difference and if there how much does insurance evaluate and reimburse us. the most affordable plan? want Gov t run healthcare car licence.. and I m assume D.C. will notify but using my parents any bikes,and just passed had another baby I heavy car but i to apply him for being able to buy me at walmart parking no claim record of student and i live will i recieve my was gonna look at i want to be a 1994 ford escort, live under the same of the cost. I if anyone knew how want to make sure I don t have means off my mates has lbs overweight, no known is nearly 19 years here but consider cheap car and probably give to get a 2000 where you pay $610 school what is the sacramento and i was this after I paid here but consider cheap .
I have car insurance fee every year! I m 2002 vw polo and a year. My benefits to get a bike(starting have cheaper insurance premiums? upwards of 2000 for and today we are reposed. He lives in I am about to if you know of ita good career? Is i now have a better since they dont good health insurance plan have already two cars in specific, however any also the name of complete or just cheap would health insurance cost. even tho I live call? Any suggestions as multiple insurance quotes? We male in New Jersey? get quotes on the from Third Party Fire single common law partner(separate) replace my stolen car. knowing about the ticket instant proof of insurance? my mom moved states me how can I someone in their mid a 16 year old So do you have to the engine after recommend a company in I hit the car it home? What to trouble? i have the (liability) have 2 accidents .
I am about to 1 point violations on a deal like this insurance companies will let day car insurance on find cost around 5000 Ontario the car is get temporary car insurance with clean record (not I passed my driving now i m breaking a (i have extra money main obstacle is affording company said they need only have the contract without car insurance.... So has a provisional liscence. save when they know insurance? and how much the full cycle done these general info. how i m a guy, lives my license for a a Fiat 500c and insurance companies to court if i get the license. tell me about are $150 an up. 17/18 year old my first cars? cheap to i dont my insurance jeep wrangler 1995 16 of buying kia rio insurance under 7K and can get the window heart transplant patient without insurance premium to go is there anyway that they are single, childless, damage total was $2,695.00 nineteen years old, have .
I know I sound (buy-here-pay-here) finance car dealer, know an average cost Vermont want to drive does anybody know how If anymore information is be rich. Do you or ka! Also want and need affordable health find a company to have to be in would be better to doesn t have any kind now we have a first car and drive, a ford f150 even is not entitled to good care at a ticket r accident please question for my personal like car insurance. Will coverage for auto owners Any ideas what s going to pay for my help cover accident costs? mail it on Friday free health care with lot with about 5-8 of the 20 years discount anyone no one 1998 Pontiac Grand Am to buy one soon car insurance which check someone recommend me to a car insurance policy a month. What do male and I ve been im looking to buy new car.. and I and i live with Is insurance expensive on .
My teeth are in and gave us each 03 infiniti g35 the I bought him a wanna be spending too to insure it, some as i can get insurance is really expensive and cons of life kind of thing, and Or it doesn t matter? have to be younger insurace on this would the quote down by? to spend on a in Arizona, will the insurance at the moment just bought a new one of those things document in the mail plan. There are many hel me to find all the help everyone years. WHAT CAN I insurance if my car stuff should i prepare eligible for subsidy? Please to the same carrier a dui almost 5 dangerous), attend university (are 16 and get my last night for $40. plans I have seen driving alone anyway b/c insurance in london.name of have live in the have been driving my (which I have learned , I ve ?[A class quote I have recieved wrx sti. I live .
I was in a get insurance for a want to know if thanks kept the car is obscene amount for travel would be very helpful. assure you it s much insure cars? Which are stay where I live without a permit or insurance in southern california? kids I currently have advice which Life Insurance Look! Auto Insurance based insurance? I do believe cheapest a couple years driver, just got my this point. I would and would like to a mistake but everything insurance site? Thanks Anton living in Bakersfield, CA. are the cheapest for health insurance cover the car is in my best car for cheap legal in Texas to cars out there sorta LOOKING FOR AUTO INSURANCE i m looking to insure (since that is the really save you 15 a 16 year old, I got first. All there any insurace that Also one driver claimed rates in MA for at for these statistics? as secondary? Can the violations raise the cost .
I live around the just renewed my car in a split house but I don t know have insurance from a for me and the know how much it while ago, and I am 90% covered and Is it right that will soon buy a to test the waters classes) *have a house time of the accident if I crashed, why more info please thanks after you buy it? company offers best auto a full cover on $2000.00. I m trying calculate cars at the same get their number automatically have one thats under i get cheap minibus 17 now, and i student, 2003 jetta GLS the UK. I don t have to have car please help with affordable write it off now less? please show sources it just going to car to Italy. He s car , because I are planning to shift how high would insurance how much more would off and i only for a UK new for up to one years old and I .
ok so i am years old, made one When you have employer Bucks. My car insurance clueless to all of insurance through my employer martial arts centre (own when we got pulled me under their insurance, I know I got to have a full have found go auto would she have to in proof of insurance. renault clio 1.3 1993 starting to look at answer also if you to look it up have a unique idea I m 17 years old What is a cheap to pay for insurance my permit in a question is when imade because of the group i m 17 so i my name but i and where would I NY. Will my insurance insuring the car until of getting the paperwork they good? Ever had and what that will the costs (insurance and and so i need i can afford to I hit the car legally? (I ll be out need to have dental accident due to rain can I start to .
My car insurance renewal his younger siblings (over safety and it s something nighthawk. i am 16 tell me the name increase. I find this stratus and i had insurance things..... that are I have a 16 never had insurance. Anyone Which car insurance company insurance is cheapest in much do you pay my car broke , for a years insurance? no insurance. looking for any Car insurance in health insurance is better? cost me... details - if that helps thanks I am wondering what 4 weeks for processing. my mail) and I sell around $175-$200. I will rent a car my car and is driver and looking for 1250(pa). How much will ever commit insurance fraud? post-tax dollars, looking into car insurance with relatively but they force you NCD protection ? Thank be, and could we cost and where would I can obtain low had an extra car how can I get hasn t found out....this was car under my own tags in Ohio, and .
In Georgia, if you a 1998 Pontiac grand be a massive let wage jobs and it I am a 17 only problem is that per check, but i said starting 2014 there car in the high live in northern ireland to PA. What are i buy a car, light) I tried to dealership gave me, will and am 18 years covered and whats not, eyecare centers accept patients violations on my record. costing $6,000 new 16 and planning to get found jewelers mutual but I face? I have insurance, you must pay so I don t think keep it as i Jupiter, FL or online? in wisconsin ,Port Washington would insure a car cheap car insurance agencies? far in the comparison if you don t have But when i look know the wooden car? In USD$, what is a 03/04 Monte Carlo using. Probably my moms goods insurance company and Insurance cost on 95 me unless I have kinda like maybe something 5 days a week. .
HI, i have a also needed to be just want to know insurance company is the impossible to get a What do they actually exactly does that mean car. However i do the cheaper high risk been drivin a year ever know that I soon as they happen. sporty fast car low insurance,small car,mature driver? any Would I be able Gerber life. Insurance? And record and I recently insure it and the to Insurance for a own a car in where did you get was caught speeding,no license,no the driver. Is this least AROUND how much? this affect the cost? car insurance with one rates for a street policy? The other driver, Cigna - what is checkup, and we have would cost to insure (drifted coming out of getting car insurance? When $2000 clean title how to get in an 323i sedan. I would 18 and if I on the site and 2 months after the move out, can I title loan right now, .
Is $500,000 a large We chose the cheapest cars that arnt sports site for my car How Does Full Coverage under so-called Obama care? and leasing a car. buy a USED CAR What is the california insurance because I won t is getting the $135 health insurance is the 6 cylinder which means fr 44 is in was not the Fault blemishes on my record, How soon does production No Wrecks or claims allow a homeowner to a project for school a few years. British insurance but I have insurance companies that insure danger that our bill company quick. Money is quote :P Anyway would with no claims in how much you have some point, but for Health Insurance in Florida? day grace period? Thanks. that is affordable and which means i wont the truth about USA car from a 1-1.2L GET A CAR BUT need help opinions quotes. 2007 ford fusion. Our I have to use had Medical Insurance for and blue shield and .
my job comes with the U.S. I will see him driving or some options for health car insurance for a they said if my go through all of insurance payments will be? damaged my hood. I male and want the each month. (I don t to insure a 1999 day you are suppose What is the difference? if you are insured car is fully paid know there is good parents taxes, because he about cyclist with insurance, i should get from are a few motorcycles She says it makes stay under the same dental work without insurance my level 2 license owner s permission. Is it I m angry and totally classified as 1320 young look at paying each drivers and my dad death, so I decided about what good insurance mandating Health Insurance will rates for new drivers, auto insurance I can other day, will this healthy, non-smoker, fit woman??????? insurance go up if as a commercial vehicle savings plan insurance in races, he will probably .
I took my driving bite. EI would not Okay so I live this figured out correctly. for good value for would be cheaper if plan due to age? chasing my driving licence was very successful in premium, which is already risks am I taking? need cheap but good a way of finding spotted a camaro for will still be paying been driving for 7 going to play football bmw m3, or misubishi insurance. Please let me show up or increase please explain! I live can cancel the Broker company that can make two years they just recommend? I bought a so far will only lot. Do I Buy gee thx =].... i DMV. So I went a question about my much would it cost pass plus and recentley if them checking my like a number how in regards to prices average rate neurosurgeons are insurance, I wonder what mitsubishi, or hyundai because car insurance in uk? insurance is cheap in cost extra on the .
I signed up for starting from 7.5k and It was over 6 pay $4 a week so I got a previous company. If i company about my car old, but i was a day for insurance do some online quotes. of insurance card with southern CA and I decided it would be i do good in study on my own, receive coverage. Any attorneys of insurance should I don t republicans want Americans as I am buying (male, living in sacramento, we proceed? we would 16 years old and my car or just go for example on Indiana. Would the insurance add him to my go for my insurance? vehicles that aren t driven to be covered by that also covers his 1/4 size spot of my parents and im years ago and he here in California, if want to replace some change the class of teen to drive it. have been driving for whole of 2010 in I d like to make 2005 honda accord. auto. .
I m a male, 19, say the other driver for a 16 year much it will cost drive a 2000 Camry does a potential DUI/DWI idea on prices for Cheapest car insurance in does anyone know how Hasn t America forced a what s the average cost more if i get I don t have it i can afford. So get prego with no of $300 Any idea first car is going Who do I contact am a college student. under their policy. I no its close to just cancel my policy into a car accident, The whole point of yr old son just insurance (state farm) may real company. The roadside 1978 or 79 Pontiac for an 18 year a 50cc scooter. I guy said it would 100K miles on it car insurance a month? it was going to to get the title due to the closure there a way to a 18 year old insurance cheaper when your is at fault pays sifting through all of .
Can anyone give me its for something else. insurance until i m 26 how much will the insurance. I was wondering get my license, and know if we could had my lisence for had an accident that driving with my parents pay $160 a month Cheers :) pay for damages to sons will cost me how much insurance will have progressive auto insurance. accord 2000,I am 28 the process of registering please help from them. Any other philly and one lives my parents are even have seperate insurances on insurance to have her about hers??? I am are available at insurance repairing for that amount the reconstructed title, though not mine. But, my are behind big business? color of an automobile and all she keeps it lol, im 17 b/c you can be and it might be ads about progressive......who do find out if I this question for a I was wondering if Am I supposed to So therefore you are .
I am with tesco was on my parents although she crashed it....i a VW Golf Mk1 for teens than middle accident and fix the does this allow us and i got in charged with failure to for anything at all? be moving to Oakland insurance requires a $100 for accidents and violations? two sets of home by train mon-fri. Does the other ? Oh, have full coverage or report this to the state on average has life insurance policy through is the cheapest insurance old or newer cars, supposed to bay monthly? looking at the corvette about auto insurance policies? can I get Affordable a crash, how will to max and what Pontiac Trans Am for depending on if they add a teen to im about to turn if you make a have been quoted an a getting a ford for whoever gets the me the best place auto insurance cost for with aviva but it I hear folks says a truck, caravan or .
My friend (also 17) without a car. Thank and of course i nice to get a said it could be get signed up with insurance rates for a insurance on a motor in question has a is the best(cheapest) orthodontic part time and i your car insurance also? a lower rate, and the United States, and for a 85 monte any of you lovely what kind of a my life since then), much does insurance cost? bumper. The second accident with salvalge title car? do? i am over 18, had a DWI i live in charlotte an idea of what differs form breed, age, buy life insurance for my assets value would any insurance that cover what to say to insurance Pl. gude me. a young female driver What decreases vehicle insurance 2 weeks after the question is, i dont I get cheap car cannot afford car insurance. it so I rang can you find cheaper licence is clean, 5 (I know bad me .
I just want to college and he is cost for car insurance the big names, and she leave everything as get insurance for it back that costs around minimum coverage suffice? Thanks. Talking to friends, they re just wondering becouse a the one with the I was intersted in insurance for my mother want to know what do not understand why also need to know + 80 per month. quick medical Insurance help is a 440 (not points and how much have health insurance, will once a week, and Mother. I recently just and maybe they could say that i ll have (16+) for part time by me not doing overall. 30 at least. to wait, but people boot camp yet, i best car to get who looks at it getting a car when gonna get the 1000 and yesterday i had to branch out and by the city. His to rely on him. $60/month for my Mitsubishi just got my license a week ago, and .
My Uncle bought a cheaper insurance for the choice and show it it will sky rocket I am 19, & you for your time months. I am required 17 year old son driving permit in Illinois roughly a 3.3 GPA of for you or know how much car I m sick of it. What day of the should I get that how do you pay insurance and health insurance? it was illegal since so much money. why honest because i really could give him. He major work done 4 a X-ray , talked is Micra 1 litre. Is Insurance rates on shop and i was got a ticket for jewelry, etc.) I rent question, and I am mark and I know to get myself on and still prefect have claim with either of provide an estimate both more expensive than a never made any claim) and I am helping How to get cheap and starting to drive account and ive been plan to go to .
it would help if My accident was Feb good affordable dental, health, and won t break down near the cold so, in alberta be expected allows me to drive but my dad is of Washington. Any good, with only 27,500 miles my insurance cost with with failure to produce would insure us, we Which company company for a graduate car? What should I is in Rhode Island. know of any decent, I live in santa purchsing second car make of term life insurance got tested/checked for anything, will the Judicial system insurance would be for it cheaper to add a shoulder specialist and i get an idea standard plan. Just need on estimate how much in cumbria. i realise send the check to get on my moms im just looking for Can someone please list fault. how can i provisional bike licence, going Annual Premium 1800 total high school and can market and a few have the best auto be appreciated. I m still .
Also what are the a lot in our female, licensed for 2 looking to buy his about $930 + taxes male. ) He s a them all pretty much another car? Who s insurance ages are male 42 kind enough to help write how much do/did old male but turn into someone and my car insurance would cost this as short as work. Live in Michigan. it with bodykit and insurance that covers fertility? insurance plan and today I don t own a much i save on Thanks to a month to the scratch. The quote still have the car are the cheapest home get pit bull insurance at for my car with a guy who who does cheap insurance? care of. What do company for both auto insurance go up or a friend who didn t month I want to from work with no get? How can we up going through a away, one way only with ms office software. anything thanks for the .
You know when you the things to look enroll in. I m looking will buy the cheapest taken her to the before they told me will be most likely was not my fault. person who is going her. I will register a/c condenser which I story! not really but money to buy a to get it due the amount of prepaid wondering exactly how much already practising my driving I am Japanese. Sorry or whatever their called alternator fitted 2 weeks take into account her they do not have will not pay anything have my insurance through there any AFFORDABLE health of driving without car Are they good/reputable companies? employees, without having to now, I ve never had I want to get British Columbia have had 18 not of the get good grades and has the best or cost me a month? the best way to this weekend. It is do. We make too near perfect and car need the most inexpensive, loan it out to .
I m making a finance good cheap car insurance monthly payments be. including completly blow up, I a month, does anyone is the best medical or do you have point on my record? thinking about nationwide or make payments using that. Does anyone have experience about $5,000. Then I bit over the poverty 2004 subaru impreza wrx the details is correct and have points currently insurance now say it approximate insurance rate RANGE me what you think. depends and such...i just car, but insurance is I know this is can t seem to find own policy and pay to get an auto els i want to of the owner. But Im in California. thanks a quote for a on random days. true? oper corrosion protection refinish coverage would be for insurance must cover per a 1999 VW Jetta Bank 1800 CR Then I wanted to know Integra ls 4 door im not sure. can NOT have a vehicle Need to buy car insurance company that is .
My renewal quote from now since she s gotten creative I can do? state ID as soon companies allow you to Which insurance covers the afford $650 a month can i locate Leaders was looking through a Canada-Alberta-Edmonton!!!I own a 2008 struggle to get my good grades and live insure one of those need a car that AL. no accidents or remember exactly. So, when your input. Also if This is for my will contact his insurance. me a discount! does dental insurance legit? How Anyone know the cheapest I am being quoted ours but when the are 18 who are should cover maternity expenses what this means,and what for small business health to pay since he s many year insurance under no accident. Will this gets through work. It 107. my mate was is under $600 for How much do you CELICA ZZT231R SX what (e.g. friends, family, websites..) same companies it s about dr. visits, delivery, etc. need for myself 37 driving test on the .
We are going to in Houston, Texas. If arguing, this is just car? Why or why is great. Once we now that I have #NAME? is all I need.? have no biking experience, other party told us insurance. I am a insurance, any likelihood I under my own insurance.I a part time student auto insurance for my I am married but commercial for it sense.... Im a student, want Has legislative push for not earning a lot is about to buy and are going to not cover my infant yr old girl with also what insurance sompany get it if my mabye go up to year on the day no one was hurt. they re likely to pay 50% value of the high, I was thinking if your with them car parked next to my brain looking for a full Uk license.. of it. I have and cost per month. old, looking for my expensive. Can anyone help! is like 1000 cheapers .
I m a newer driver adivce, what are the wondering if a) there wondering because i want that my insurance had If you crash your morning. If an insurance I m getting a good 17,18,19,20 years old? and a month for 1 insurance for people who What is the cheapest there who serve affordable employee or medicaid insurances. would appreciate it if fine would be at a car, it would in Georgia outside Atlanta. in a crash or good, yet affordable dental driver which a means to pay. Thanks so I was going under a life insurance policy just need a ball I got a quote to go through state mustangs for 16 year and slashed my no the moment. I was to a 52 year much does insurance range married couple above fifty they will most likely find cheap life insurance? boy, cheap to buy, need health insurance. Most she has had me reguardless if his wife Also my parents have me on. i now .
Here is the deal... 16 year old guy my health is more sienna or rava 4? I m still on my enough for me to don t like insuring a parents are good drivers baught a van and i called geico, but inspection...... totally my fault the front. the damage car were there for I ve check out VSP them in order to they go ahead and 27 year old female from being able to what the insurance would i need to be I don t want to I am not sold year and make monthly pulled over. Had my have comprehensive insurance on any benefits. i really consult another lawyer to new insurance groups of first car and just clean driving license for on and drive occasionally. i get insurance and that i m going to fees, and auto insurance and anything below a I know she has need to do to for Californians, but are off of the used that do cheap car b quiet cuz she .
I currently own classic work part time jobs pay for its repair. can t stand them. They were to pay it doesnt cover other people for a 95 model policy. How much would in another state affect be taking my driving I have two questions: about 40-45,000 still. by sunfire) IN CANADA !! on where and how man backed into my kinda strange because they working but their company i can see for mom s dental or medical give me an estimate deep scratches on the Is it cheaper to what your price was. your dui do they I don t have any terrible way to do THANKS FOR ANSWERING BEFOREHAND more than you can per month!! how is bucks a month. I m dependable handicapped public transportation) firebird a sports car? stationed in texas. What just have my father s find car insurance for in an accident in are in my name? good insurance for us. much Insurance do I that is cheap and friend be liable, and .
I am 18 years but i m sure i 15 i started driving permit already. I am i want to know millions of dollars. But start what do i insurance which worked out All the insurance companies would find out about I am planing on rise. I have been a decent & reasonably cost me to increase am in NC and i am taking the but if its not of insurance and just cost between these two a month with full that will give contacts I m getting married June activities? Before Obamacare if will I be most I highly appericate it good insurance? or if caused by me? Thanks! most of the time exactly on an average, have insurance on the drive a dodge neon any agent in the The only problem is craigslists and they have a college student living 2 weeks later wearing graduated from college, and way 2600 miles away. was in one heck a quote for a would be the average .
How much would insurance trouble though if i so how much should searching to insurance a really like the XJR school student with excellent is useless crap, IT 16 girl and just be trading in my daughter just turned 16 for a ballpark estimate. gives me my points this is my first cheaper quote but my to be a hot any cheap insurance in the uk , how am a first time insurance company pay the What is the average than 10- 15 years it. And also what something? we live in (For a car which Do you need proof a cavity in one insurance was expired when will use it the am a student going it cheaper, or any company if I don t card but i was work for as an quote from Progressive Direct think this would cost a new auto insurance only thing im worried have a peugeot 206 very effecient and affordable me the bill right.... needs affordable health insurance .
I am 18, live for personal anecdotes - be? Or at least to Greensboro NC. My car insurance. What are a 1998-2002 pontiac trans I would like to because she think my took it out on But only if the insurance..Mind is in the car insurance,small car,mature driver? Company I work for a rented house with was wondering if a $300,000. How much will Nikon D90 camera with about ten. It is rates go up after insurance for new/old/second hand insurance that can be is b/w 35,000-48,000 -always my property? Or is don t have any kind would be for me central fl. how much know all circumstances are a car. (May be one is better. I off, bearing in mind insurance company has 10,000 now and It seems parents car insurance rather an affordable health insurance it costs to ensure so I wouldn t receive protection element and a way more seniority . I am looking for & if anyone knows drivers? (ages 16 and .
I was robbed at a month on your insurance policy just in scrambling to find something, it will cost a my best bet when wont start now. Does insure it on my about how much I how much does it peachcare,but my parents said first car I get the parents insurance make are wanting to have pay for this all too much?? also wondering R6 or R1, Ducati something im not sure. and for what car? out on car insurance. jobs or lost coverage? where I live affects to the Affordable Care just something that will make a difference that husband s ticket record and cheapest insurance company for got his parents to I really need it. 4 door sedan* and doing something illegal? They BBC will i still will I have to friends and I are not, are there any car be towed if my insurance?I ll be very if you can. Thanks. i see that many had lapsed. Do I the US but I .
1. The Affordable Care my driving record already want to add my with Esurance for a will the insurence cost to find out what While inside my apartments was told they do new car - 2007 parking lot space and i was just checking G1) So anyone have and there is no are driving is my cost nearly $500 a 125cc motorbike in the cars cheaper to insure wondering, I saw that paid. I also rent or trailer. say up have to maintain proof Car and Health tax that s pretty affordable?? I Do you have health payment, and thank you as social security and came and did a I don t have the 10 hours could it is going to graduate Am I going to he will only be would like to get our insurance adjuster and I decide to go looking at insurance policies. just curious how much buy a BMW 2006-2008 rep that help wasn t adding parents as named yet reliable auto insurance .
How much would the is on the way a Car service companies insurance expensive for beginners? my license. and I im driving a 1991 do you think it motorcycle. however, it has will it work to However, when I spoke much the insurance would Hi, ive just passed the count 2 months in last 3 years i live in london, the pay I woyld get insurance when pregnant to insure my 2010 year old male driving would sleep in the I did not find florida, you have to course and this will know the cheapest site how much the insurance health insurance, long term issue i just want 18 and I live to answer also if I m buying in michigan. that I need a how much would motorcycle about my Question . till i can get permanent insurance? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- It took away my coverage. high to buy for signs her name. we Ed. How much would Allstate and saying no for diabetes and what .
I live in california good one for about accident which insurance said and her own premium. for a 19 year find it, basic health moving violations, will still estimate to the yearly it was illegal since How much do you is soon. i want whatever is cheaper on area that is just that because i m a my house into an my uncle, and do much is car insurance 1 year, what happens to keep my vehicle Anthem for 14 years im financing so i have to pay for found a cheaper one onto my insurance? Would say they had hit there an additional insurance a full time college have never gotten in her insurance expired and I don t know. I m No previous driving accidents does liability mean when and who came up other insurances and they she is on H4 (age 20) to my pay $100 a month mother has had two have to do alot my Dad s car, I ve track and then some. .
Where can I find period time do I then I d like to the insurance and tax to upgrade to a liablity insurance go up 14mph over. I pay of the house rebuild a health insurance company I just got California how much would it for a 16 year insurance these guys get. how old are you? the average insurance coast insurance? A ford ka, my kid is already went up. What s going employer and my mom? cheap health insurance company to buy the insurance home insurance, what is my main vehicle goes if i can swtich still switch insurance companies? am 25+ and yesterday is; how much more an idea of how if anyone in WA single or for townhouse. take full responsibility therefore Suzuki Forenza 2007 Mazda3 is about 25km away includes payment for my car like a 2008 a part time job the insurance if they are the cheapest for curious to know how year old driver. What anyone know of any .
My next door neighbor is high, but which a 300 cc motor on my insurance policy) i need a chest pay this huge (for for business insurance on have seen lots of Assistant here soon. I what it would cost week ago i bought much like coverage that even find the model. would also like know and planning on taking first place thyroid cancer to that will help per month at triple partner or whatever you Suzuki UH125 Bergman. What i pay $150/month for just want to be my brother driving my What happens if you for a 1996 camry? monthly. We been trying motorcycle (in IL) during quote for one company a 1994 3000GT Mitsubishi? permit and no DL am doing a data insurance company wants to any other delivery shop car. But I am the car needs insurance it goes by insurance other type of insurance pay me back for Thanks in advance :) your parent pay for on an adult, over .
Can a person have so i cant afford I heard about this was wondering if I as I could not I do not want reliable one i ve never ninja. Just a ballpark it doesn t matter who ticket. Will my insurance on my parent s auto I have to pay age 18/19 on a lost on how to do you have to Life Insurance Companies car insurance, health insurance, she has. Thanks for was quoted 9000+), however there a auto insurance insurance being 2,500 have the amount I save card debt, no car, i pay this off? because my new insurance vodaphone shop would they Why do business cars a 1500 car. Anyone and in great condition. want something that will as the main drivers- Americans to have health make your car insurance if so, what type? the difference between Medi the day they turn gave me the same each car insurance sold would be for a and the court is unhappy with the medical .
How much for the honda crv EX? Or be as low as give me name and its ture but how buying a macbook pro I am in the cars like Crossfire, BMW any accidents. so in for month to month hit by someone and is so darn expensive of MA wanted nearly can get a discount. or what ??are they Im 19 yrs old. they had that would someone elses car would punched me and broke ed i live in and which ones have cant blame it on repair cost and my I am 22 ! good expat health insurance have any experience with a 17 year old I really just want without a co-signer? Also questions are: - Is much is it to others, feel free to quit/leave current job, how a sheet with the the details in her JUST PASSED TEST. Its there are so many pay per month for papers haven t gone through car insurance company for in a local hospital .
What is the bestt as cheap as possible informational and provide employees au pair. I will soon and I want am new to US. it. i live in if theres a company buy insurance & I I am 22 and for the weekend out get suspended for not about general prices for much would it be me crap about its test about 4months ago. would be better to screaming for her to the $1000 and $500? the insurance and my year old female for What is good individual, it out on installments 2,500 before the crash. insurance? Do you see Shield) and they won t an accident last year when you turn 21? my friend had an if i get a visit and use my I don t mind only was told that I my insurance which will etc. Got bad enough to be in her have to have personal that doesn t try to the insurance back on ON THE INSURANCE AS every site i have .
What up Doodey s & cheaper to buy a you have a mustang place to get cheap market and confussed.com links a new one and which i really don t cheapest quote? per month 6+ years no claims? I checked Allstate and California who could try a secure residential car cost and if i payments, insurance, gas, and before this i had giving me her old in GA and ready law going into effect? an auto insurance quote, the cheapest? can get affordable health insurance for also get homeowners coverage deductible or 700 for and that person report compared to a white the accident. The person good company, or is Is this probably as 15 miles away.. I for around a 300-600 I want a jeep got that I would money that we are be looking at paying. be possibly cheaper? Were and half of them the cheapest car insurance to pay for it) pay for car insurance ) -never been in cheap insurance on my .
16 year old driver program in California for car. At the cheapest for example, when you then. So if my cheapest quote possible. thanks When we signed up, yet and wanted some got a speeding ticket recently moved here from It s like lower middle as long as its else get insurance and I have to tell instead of actually studying be ?? thanks i soon. Not bothered which first car to insure? 30 years, what happens car plus the insurance that s right, I m gonna the cheapest auto insurance C. $20,000; $25,000; $15,000 Charger and my husband me and the insurance consider ? any suggestions and want to cancel the insurance pay for it. I called them Google/official sites but couldn t I have received my how cheap can i was designed to put be returned to him? an insurance company that do to make my ppl say they are for $10,000 but its wasnt his fault, the to rip us off. as the primary driver .
I ve carried my auto in Richardson, Texas. new insurance policy, am need drivers ed, a at a price I m wants a sporty yet 19 yr old female. parents cannot help me limit income, so I record is clean no deductible, 0% coinsurance, $40 cost me for insurance a estimated quote on was paid off about drive each others cars. insurance carrier. I have find out how much like to hear other cost for car insurance suggest me a good to me in detail.. am 17 years old, companies, I would like are finance a car on my own car you know how much matters - he was a little run around. a problem. My car would be awesome cheers teen male s car insurance the doctor start charging left their car (VW and cheap car insurance i am on the store or my current want to buy a Who has cheapest car self. I need advice 16 and I didn t a 17 Year Old? .
im graduating next year be more than the to the insurance or I want to register my mom is alright law of the land, don t own any, so bonneville and I drive for health, dental, and sort of dental care best quotes seem to to take my child need a lower copay 2nd hand so these his license at 16 get the cheapest car money it would cost higher if I have pedestrian). I am gonna about car insurance. Do and back so I for how to get car insurance is only putting my SSN in is Insurance company Policy gets back to Hungary much is average home eye prescriptions. So is in a wreck, whose cheap? what is a get to know and into each and every going to be there so it shall be Car Insurance per month? insurance for new and in California, I live a 300ish year old an auto insurance agency BMW 325i sedan how electric bill, food, etc., .
I was wondering what and about how Mass. insurance rate then lets is not much but car insurance? I m 23, plan. However, I will 8,000 and Nissan 2007-2010. neglectful parents didn t buy 16 year old. live want websites to go so you can share however I think it that I should be honda civic 1.6 vtech auto insurance in the really need a cheap or something small and a school project :/ mustang in great shape tickets. thanks for any wont hurt the bank? need to purchase health too? Sorry the insurance insurance companies that could the same time, I m the registration for the I am thinking about car insurance for convicted of car insurance ads than a normal car? per month? How old MOT, but I can t What does that mean?? in California as there the rental. However, they I don t want to in 1955. She would prepare for it but have seem something about a lot of money. something else was to .
Im having a baby.. Thanks families program. So I used car and car 80127. Dont know if SAT Never been in Yet, he does not my own insurance one think i need to old and i want the best car insurance because the the collision an insurance policy on have insurance with his at a young age. test yesterday yay! I health problems, but because a full licence. I behind . Now the and quick to get. how to start. also 1313 , but I insurance rates after a trying to figure out which also offers maternity it say that i car for a newbie? auto insurance for students having a problem understanding property? Or is my me last Tuesday (I 06 charger or 06 insurance from? (I live any tips on what garnish my husband wages pay for it,the insurance of policies is based Medicaid I used to increase my premium even i have one insurance and they all say, .
My insurance on my for 19 years old i would like to 500,000$ insurance, for my than you can afford bmw V12 engine. so buy and also for now I still bank name to my state we need health insurance find cheap good health car was vandalized. The too. I wanted to you have a rsx a family of 5? their insurance but I made from? what it in the past etc on this car for a V6 car than but they help us if I wreak? They Like SafeAuto. sporty as im going home and auto insurance. If my car was was raised to 75%, off. Would they decrease the future. I have wants the best for in the life insurance What is the best moved out of my and perfect credit record. 98$ a month and company do you perfer for a car that a family type car 1099 contractors as consultants, Will they cover me? Insurance. Where can i .
Cheapest insurance in Washington going to buy a this will affect my let me try on drove right out of title isn t in my have MD insurance through its in the 1-10 am confused about exactly to the same as im 18 and just english, i have a car insurance? I have with American Family. Response got it in March, going to be expensive insurance company that doesn t cost for me to avoid that insurance thing? now. and ive had whether you tell them a mini from personal all the big ones 18 and have a ticket? i have aaa u pay for your but I am going license issued and you be allowed to drive 1985 chevy silverado 350 to pay extra? i Others: $1,000 The condo i find a test have a new roof, out. But why is it would be lower a car like a did then you would for $2K and I afford all this with had to file a .
I have full coverage 18 in July, my a car for college any 1 know where where it is cheap on craigslist and I California and I couldn t car insurance? ive heard used 2011 nissan Altima for a while :P 17 and I ve taken websites but they are She is living in 1970-1973, do any of her go crazy, but happens...Do you still get and I would like insurance cover any costs auto insurance. Two months gallon etc), insurance etc is a low rate covers regular check ups have access to affordable report is being hit planning on getting married the car rental agency would probably be living all on her own, for 18 year old? Nav Panel on the father s insurance. Baby s father much do you pay how, let me know, Okay, this is extremely pronto... its very Painful.. with new cars? It s truck? also... if you choice i choose them repair the vehicle and and my premium hasn t motorcycle insurance like that .
What s the cheapest car being quotes the same a trampoline and i meant around how much veterinarian get health insurance? looking at MN. Care. don t have a car, husband is self-employed and mean by affordable health let me know thanks am about to get buying a clunker car for insurance, but I much it is to name because I am not business, i wanted parents have insurance do here (within the next then ring the police? to age? Any suggestions? it cost to insure for low mileage per when they are in more specifics: -My area cover the hole in and affordable selection of individual health insurance, self all times and he rather than going into If you have proof test expect to pay by post, by EMAIL front garage door, i insurance would be cheaper Nova or a 1995 should the liability go I have to pay I m a girl, over Does AAA have good Liability plus collision? 3- got was 5k for .
At what age does red...I already got a it to drive to me until I have expect to pay for heard anything. So I m on a 30,000 policy won t be a little just passed my theory I dont have any desperately trying to find car in the back,but driving test I would need to pay fro make enough money to or in any accidents. a male and I party only, low annual got my insurance today driver s license. Thank you! happening in December but get a quote without total is $438. I but the car is insurance company, who in how much more would But one problem. Car been back and forth year old with unlimited to get Cheap SR22 and a 35-50 dollar the class I m in insurance with another company? getting a golf or need one. This company Do you live in insurance.Please recommend me such Is the more smaller cover it . please insurance cover this? What been driving for a .
First of all i Full coverage.. is this my own business which 2 years no claims a better insurance if much should my parents insurance companies. Also, why the state of IL? sudden death like death save up for a the conflicting passages in He sells 6 car about insurance policies... thanks up as a pre-existing please advise me a know where to start insure an older car being an immigrant? I learn my mom got screw you over and Pittsburgh? What do you in sacramento, roseville, citrus is more expensive to I m basically a new What im really wondering you do not have i get insurance at STS. Good student discount know mustangs and sports that I ll get coverage. by any law, unlike on car insurance? Please with my L, N insurrance company my parents business owner. My business person working with us would cover anyone I 6 months! it will drive, what is the it cost for a a vehicle in NY, .
hi i need advice my record and DL. just wandering how much problem is that car my record and I could I get the order to have your car itself arrives here, it would cost under Here in California insurance. What prices do life insurance and car premium based on an pays for drugs - the insurance nor on was the same person full time, first time cold. So can you insure me? I m really guys know any good But i also know have basic liability with now for me its but Geico doesn t cover home on the highway, that is only a family doctor? like if would cost for insurance? list or something. Thank cost of my car a mustang GT 2012? to insure, around the don t want to end in understanding that the offering life insurance cover it cheaper to obtain next i call up getting him on her or why not? What car in UK, do like for each of .
All I need is just need to know going with my girlfriend no insurance you pay a month? This is my first i am 18 years of all the insurance sick a few yrs one would be cheaper What is the difference can I find public can drive this car will have my license on the documents. As I m gonna get my was looking at her truck and adding the rental....insurance costs as much possibly claim a complain Georgia to keep paying children ( 2 & even tho I am 1. What from of insurance, anyone can give going through a divorce CAR INSURANCE LILABITY ONLY get a cheaper coverage their insurance coverage plans.? cop that came was her car broke so you are dropped by my next choice, but up. Is there any offer any good student more affordable for everyone? am going into my employee s liability when sometime had not had that after a year? Please on going traveling thru .
If anyone works for imputs for helping me and i am going 5). My question is, under my mothers roof, coverage, hospital, pre-natal....etc! Would hi i want a have Direct Auto insurance, checking rates...wow each and my Virginia Insurance in But i was wondering good credit, driving record, plan for a 28 homeowners insurance School supply health insurance and she be put on a next paycheck to pay male and was wondering higher than if I some advices I would with gramma if it my insurance that i write there. I ve only moved from California to car insurance. I have little late now. Does to? And also - I thought I was would cost for a work here in NYC, car, insurance company ect? policy. I am currently enough to have a My auto insurance to bout to be 18 got converted in 2005, I am 19 years ticket in another state their website lacks information PLEASE EXPLAIN TO ME getting this fiat , .
... somehow the quotes difficulty finding the best the form of HIGHER with 2 years no there is no further searching for Car Insurance On like an 2003 buy online or through passenger front, as well pay $115. I paid medical insurance, phone bills, Why would the insurance car and registering it can get liability only or registration to avoid partisan that they are per year to insure a new insurance company of mild depression. I on any topic of comparing straight down the am having difficulty finding you do paternity tests checked out are over What is the cheapest be added to parents companys. during that time tell me if there car insurance companies. where first car. I do telling them nothing? after charges be saved for driver safety classes and cheaper car insurance in He has 45 days cost to insure a insurance, but I don t at least 300 a girlfriend to my life than group 32 thanks expect someone to know .
my mothers insurance company positivley I.D ed OR does need a cheaper car, it s like starting from gives cheap car insurance to the same insurance I ll be bringing the in cheaper under Obamacare. company like Coventry One my birthday im getting is it with, please to purchase the CBR600RR cheapest insurance company I much is Jay Leno s US for 3 months insurance coverages. I am car accident when I penalty. but now i I am 16 years I called my insurance Does full coverage motorcycle find low cost health Thanx a whole bunches! for driving without car never had a car, about how much should 4500 saved up for would insurance for cars age. also how much repairs and things it my insurance costs to it offers medical from insurance go up? Even heard that insurance goes claim? Also, if anyone valid motorcycle license. What mom and I bought xterra and would like at 2002 S2000. I am thats in nice Florida, you get a .
Im 18 and I a lower copay for buy a term life charges* If there was gonna need to be my mom just doesn t would not accept their do you think my to drive it . to find a good health and car insurance. dump truck? We are am wondering how much been driving on my I have is an I have Health New between Medi -Cal and get their license, and how much money insurance Insurance? They are 81 and trying to find provide the lowest monthly my parents are gonna car insurance for it possibly beat these quotes in canada (like it Know Whats The Best cost a month for until midnight on the would car insurance be cause my insurance payment 400. Its nearly doubled work out a payment to know how much extra $ they took years old. My insurance car is 5,695, second-hand, this is happening. Help with a policy from was involved in a 2 insure my car, .
Is there any way front of me, but Cheapest insurance for young any one know of don t want to have with them. Are there then 8 months of full coverage insurance cost the cord is cut $299/month for both of Is under my name? to change to a on Monday with the the best and most 19 year old male, for an 18 year but with no NCB cars for my 1st following article: In addition, im going to drive has the cheapest car a person need to a Spanish plated car be getting my license will our bad credit Is this ok if trying to have bariatric a new driver I cheap or hella expensive care provider. and I For car, hostiapl, boats to get this? ANY in Richardson, Texas. Is it very bad IS THERE A LISTING child can get insurance car and license. 1.2 know if health insurance policies in your name? had my own car are there any sites .
My parents pay about a newborn? I want website was 1300. any to another vehicle? My for insurance, but if for a smoker in accidents, no tickets, and much is the price the goverment bail out allstate car insurance good of buying a car some very cheap cars car that was worth wondering if any of Columbus, Ohio suburb up as I am a plates (which i did I was insured with insurance company on just policy starts from Friday. insurance cover anyone driving, to buy a classic year. She said it for? *Note -land is have been with this 02nd January 2012 for isn t exactly plentiful, but inexpensive family medical insurance cost and please don t know what the cheapest cell number, but I any ideas ? thanks if you could give insurance plans for my first payment was made. for me? Please guide it back in ? used car i like Best Term Life Insurance much u think my a thing as pilots .
I Got A Citroen recent accidents (I was internship away from home. quote at 5500! My 18, and I just an insurance company that it will go down etc. So a list 3.I mainly drive to I m going to receive. report it to my I have to show a new driver is? insurance is another form blame goes to him. need or are there until work picks up. there are other factors for the first time i do not understand buy and how much so im wondering if speeding ticket to a own policy to fill expect to pay for put onto a friends stupid question but is kinda inexperienced. I looked looking for a canadian He wants to add now and i pay that insurance goes down insurance, even when you would recommend based on so far along??? I m on TV what car am finding it hard in the Chicago area. about to re new the car is under wondering how much would .
My first car is on a 90 day is the best Company annual car s cost? and a car soon but Shes customized it a am looking to host month waiting period for .what would be the I am waiting to old. How much do need to take my full coverage at geico anything else i can be getting a car worth not more than you in the insurance a truck but needs totaled my car yesterday. i was wondering if quite a bit of thanks for all your if you know something does not have insurance may appreciate in value, settle for (book value). Honda Civics cheap for insurance? How much will to stick it to get, so cancelling will simply, while a permit also been advised to 1991 toyota mr2 but needed more coverage then male bartender that has i just haven t listed License which just has have to have car american health and life parking on Walnut Street insurance and Rx co .
supposedly an insurance company you know of any a month? I took Thanks was looking at her usually take for the will cover a tubal on my specs is admitted to it). my it will make my in california as having cheap(ish) insurance. name. I just had questions are asked? If way to sell life be moving out...so I I was recently involved i need my own. cost effective for sick I scratched somebody s car insurance for an 18 car before got my i have to have Which car might be Current Insurance price is my mom said its you know how they re My dad has insurance months. What s to average car around ! doesnt Does anyone have companies? dont want to be trade in value. Is May and I recently car insurance, any suggestions own, for am i valid license to drive $500 deductible. Please explain a Toyota Celica GT I live in Korea helping lower your insurance .
My friend (also 17) it but if its need to enroll into do you think it driver, whats the most just a small car, old boy in Texas and fuel) and that your car insurance and Audi R8, or the around for auto insurance salvage so i basically am on the policy.My be paying every month. 18 and a new pay for your first be the cheapest to I talk to about for 3 years. Will and my work does need cheap car insurance? a very large bonus car insurance quote in step, the Obama administration another car? i think you can please help. and how much that 6 months, I feel now looking at over worth getting a 2 there any consequences to to sell their policies This seems really outrageous. you for your time 600 year last year.I minis so can t be I need answer with young and then I Insurance for Young Drivers for an 18 year car, and a teacher? .
under name of insured left on a drive aware of any good car . I am Trouble getting auto insurance find cheap car insurance? This would keep the but with Obamacare if insurance doesn t what to im being a tad care coverage as well married. Blue Cross Blue but my dad won t expired and he was get away with this? be with and with-out of pressure washing through insurance but i have an international student and Allstate insurance What is and how much a buy a 1987 Suzuki expensive what are my was wondering if there I am going to i be able to Diego, and I recently that guy to ask the websites that I order to get alternate Im a 17year old it cost to insure out there who knows to report similar numbers. anxiety and I think or requires everyone to as an SR22 which Basically, I ve got my and don t have any fully comp on my a car. and she .
0 notes
this weeks freeform personal post lol
so im kinda getting estranged by my mother tbh like i was quite explicitly told that im making a “lifestyle choice i dont agree with” and that she “cant recognise me” (like, my face is a different shape but what she means is that im not like, rolling over and taking her abuse anymore) and i cant be like taking hormones and using a different name and expecting to be like, part of the family yknow. and like, her partner will just follow suit and ive already estranged my older sister lmao and like, highkey im not confident i’ll get into 3rd year and like, yknow. on a triangle of ‘disowned’ ‘trans’ and ‘drop out’ im pretty sure i can only handle two and like, v v highkey i want to just like, kill myself and avoid the whole thing and like, i’m v aware that, other than this one medically induced manic episode in march/april, ive had passive suicidal ideation for like, almost my entire life and ive never done anything about it. idk im v greatful for the valid people in my life rn, im v happy that ive got like, decent people i know irl and online that just kinda, make it seem like a temporary problem? and recently ive had a lot of experiences where ive been able to like, be good for someones life, esp w like, i run the trans forum at uni right, and we’ve had a couple moments where like, people’ve got to see like, other trans people in groups, and just be like ‘huh, we’re not freaks and perverts huh’ and its been good for them and i kinda just wanna keep living for those moments and all these rly cool moments i get to have w my friends and like, ive got a lot of good books im excited about rn, and ive got some money in the bank i dont want them to get, idk. ik a lot of people in my life get really tetchy when i talk about like, suicide after like, i actually tried, and thats fair but like, for the last idk more than 10 years its just been passive and ideative and thats sad but its also like, mostly benign and i dont want people to worry about me. i kinda think im too late to get a summer internship now i had two interviews and i failed one and i dont want to work in a care home all summer and i kinda want to piss off to glasgow and stay w finn and thats not an easy option but i think it’d be good for me like idk what work i could do in glasgow but i could do some shitty job right,i dont have to do internships now i guess, idk im really tetchy about experience and esp trying to get experience where a change of name isnt an issue. yknow, like job hunting is demeaning enough without revealing a priori youre tranny, idk like, i have a zero hours job in aberdeen but i wanna move out like, asap, like i cannot be here, its just v scary to be in an environment where youre like, actively hated. idk like she didnt harbour any particular hatred to trans people before this like she knew a trans person from my school and used his name and pronouns but idk, maybe i shouldve seen it coming after how tedious she was about me being a faggot like, idk she got over that after a couple months but she just, doesnt want to budge on this, like she sees me using my name and taking hormones and having trans friends as like, an actual insult to her raising me. shes just like I Picked Your Name, I Raised You A Boy, Therein You Will Be And Anything Else Is An Insult To Me As A MoThEr yknow like, god, its not a big deal yknow, you get 2 daughters or you get 3 idc what you do with that fact. and sure, i consider it entirely her problem that she hates trannies but like, being trans AND disowned AND a dropout is just like, too much for me i think like, theres no shame in that life to me but like, theres also no dignity. like theres no dignity anywhere but idk if i can do it yknow. also like, and i hate to like bring up sex work when talking about trans hardship bc it feels like a boogyman trans girls bring up to scare eachother but, idk if i can go back to that? i hate waiting outside and i need poppers for like, anal w people i dont trust (and sometimes w people i do) and like, theyre a v safe drug but too much can put pressure on the eye and im blind enough as it is. i had enough poppers one time that i went colourblind for a moment. that was fun. i was kinda drunk too. in the summer i kinda wanna deal with presentation like learning-to-pass as a skill but like, idk im not butch right but im also like a real person who goes outside lmao. like i cycle in the rain and garden and eat with my hands and im not going to be domesticated at any point tbqh. like im not sure i’ll ever pass in like, the next so many years without like, FFS and laser or smthn, but like, idk ik two things right (1) that im a bit of a feral tomboy and im comfortable in like, trews and shirts, getting dirty and building things so long as im not like, percieved as a man and (2) that i was traumatised for like, almost the entirety of my life for doing anything feminine right. like i got beat up in the engineering club at school a lot bc i wasnt like, masc enough to be in that space lol, or even if i didnt get beat up like, there was like, idk what you’d call it like preformative beating up? like unwarrented roughhousing? like pretending to kick someone but Just For The Banter Obviously, We Weren’t Trying To Intimidate The Faggot At All Sir. yknow. and like, obvi like the usual words and jokes we usually use to talk about fem men or men who arent masc enough or whatever. and like, trying to separate (1) from (2) yknow. like thats a task and a half. and like, esp recently where im like, not feeling like a pervert and an intruder 100% of the time w like, lesbian spaces. like obvi ik im not welcome by most there right, but like, idk ik a few lesbians who are like, idk at least on surface dont seem to consider me an outsider and i kinda, get to talk about the fact i like women without like, being seen as a man and a pervert and a rapist for it yknow. and thats been like, a bit of a moment for me. bc like, idk i like women and i kinda havent been thinking about that for a long time bc i dont want to be seen as a man and like, ik ive always liked women, i just like, didnt think that i could like, engage with other women who might like me, without like, having to Perform Man and all that implies and, idk yknow, its not like im having a sexual awakening or ive discovered a two way strap on lovehoney im just like, idk, not not-welcome sometimes for the first time in forever and that kinda means rethinking a few things about where i position myself etc. and thats largely fun now that im like, idk, i have more language-tools to do it than the last few times ive had to consider who-i-love-and-how yknow. and like, idk ive mostly been playing the same fiddle as i always have with like, having this gayboi dress sense and slang and idk, maybe it’d be fun to get a bit of a more lesbian of a haircut or smthn, but like, id have to do it in one of the gay barbers in glasgow bc i dont trust any barbers in aberdeen to not cut my hair Like A Man yknow also i havent been to my usual hairdressers in months bc im growing out the sides and idk what theyd say like i need my split ends done but i dont want them to go in and speak about my hair and my bikes and my ex lmao i used to go get haircuts w my ex and also i have v bad hair and ive recently decided im ok with it being curly so im just like, idk learning what to do with that tbh idk yeah, once whoevers in the kitchen leaves im gonna make a cheese toasty bc thats what ive been craving all day
0 notes
420710ge-blog · 7 years
my first entry
all of these entries will be more or less stream of consciousness
Im watching queer eye. SO I felt like writing a blog and starting a blog bc im emotional and severely depressed. ( if the fab 5 could re vamp me and my life omg)
I'm trying to grasp this concept that i am 28 years old
and i STILL have no idea who the fuck I am or what the fuck am i gonna do.
what i do know is I am a single. I am straight-ish haha (no one is straight these days eff lables and gender norms) I live in a basement. The neighborhood I live in isnt the best in my opinion for me. I know I enjoy cities and hustle and bustle and noise. this area is not where i want to spend a long period of time in. I have my drivers license but dont have a car. I'm on a fixed income. I am very very poor. I've been struggling with money my whole life. My mother was struggling with money and work my whole childhood ive come to learn. i feel like my mom maybe didn't give me all the right tools i needed to make it in this world.
I'm not a good cook, but i enjoy cooking and wish I was good. I eat very unhealthy. I dont know how to shop for groceries or clothes. i eat fast food,microwaves meals and snacks, cheese and crackers, cereal, deli sandwhiches, pb & j, fruit snacks, ice tea, juice and water. (thats basically it unless i go out to eat which is bad bc i have no money for it.)
i cannot grasp the concept of money i dont know how to budget or balance a check book or keep track of spending. i need to put money a side and save and i just cant seem to do it. The money is always being used. i feel like im always in debt or owing money that i never get in front of this wave to start earning actual income every dollar i make is always spoken for and the $1 to 80 dollars that i actually get left over is for cleaning supplies hair products medication condoms tampons pads basically things i need. and im honest in saying i do spend money on food and great craft beer bc its my way of treating myself for actually making a payment or actually getting out of bed, for going hungry for a few days or for having a good mental health day.
My hobbies include filling out job applications, fighting with doctors and secretaries, bill collectors debt collect companies and creditors, watching youtube videos, vloggers and youtubers on my phone and my freinds old old laptop the basement has pretty difficult internet connection and it is freezing cold but other than that its nice it works its a place to sleep and shelter, other hobbies are watching movies and tv, and lastly SLEEP. i sleep 10-14 hours most days or i go 2 days without sleep. i am always over sleeping or i just cant turn my brain and stress and anxiety off just to shut my eyes and sleep. I almost never talk with friends or see other people or go out and hang with friends. the only times i do go out is if someone offers to pay for me or otherwise i cant.
i am addicted to social media. i cant go for more than 15 seconds without checking instrgram or snap chat or youtube or facebook. i can easily spend 11 hours going back and forth between those 4 sites. it is very bad for my mental health and its stunted my success bc i cant help but compare myself. and its vicious negative cycle that i cant seem to break.
i have to walk or use uber or lyft or public transit to get around which gets very expensive over time. walking and being out waiting for the bus or train is very triggering for my mental health. People who are fortunate to have the luxury to own or lease a car please realize the people who cannot afford a car or cannot drive for whatever reason are not second class citizens. People and humans are very nasty and rude and more terrible than youd imagine. having to walk everywhere and be in with the public as much as i have turns you into a cynical abrasive aggresive hateful and rageful person. for example a few weeks ago a car turned on the street that i was walking on and the walk sign was lit and he had a yellow switching to a red, her turned quickly to beat the light that he didnt see me or the walk sign and was inches away from me so i ran after his car and punched the shit out of the passenger window. i spazed out like that bc i had a week of walking in the freezing cold (and living in a super cold place) being rained on and splashed by the puddles being ran thru by cars, teenagers on busses making fun of me throwing things at me, people in cars yelling shit at me and the others standing at a bus bc we dont have a car and we have to wait in the cold assuming that we were all bums or homeless.
I am not happy or passionate about things i use to be obsessed with. I grew up loving comedy. stand up sketch improv.
i use to perform. i would go see it all the time it meant the world to me it is what i wanted t0 do with my life.
but now I dont and i think its was stupid. and a waste of time. same with college it was a waste of time and money to get a degree in something i have no passion about anymore. and a degree in something in which there are no jobs for you.it was terrible decision i made. one of the billions of terrible decisions i ahve made in my life
I have zero self confidence and i barely care what my appearance looks like anymore. i glance in mirrors but never really look at myself. I dont look people in the eyes anymore. I think so hard about what i am saying for i say that it comes out more often that not weird or incorrect bc i am so worried about what others are thinking about me so then that leads to me getting made fun of for how i talk or how i say things. I am always the butt of my friends jokes im always being poked fun at or pranked or messed with.
I dress like 15 year old skate kid. i have nothing that is appropriate for like an office or an audition  or job interview or business meeting or family event or a formal event or cocktail party. i dont know how to dress for my age or for my gender. 
I am super lazy and messy but i have been working on it.
i use cannabis recreationally not everyday but definitely multiple times a week. when i can afford it. it helps clear my head and use the same way a person uses a nice glass of wine at the end of a long day. i dont think its wrong or inhibiting me as a person. sometimes it even helps with motivation and helps get me out of a depressive funk.
I am severely depressed and have an anxiety disorder.
I over think about everything. i make plans and lists for every scenario that i am going to encounter on a daily basis its almost obsessive. my train of thought before entering a conversation with anyone is “do not say anything weird dont look at them for to long, dont fidget, omg what are they thining about when they are looking at me, am i ugly and i coming off as weird or immature or nervous.” 
I lost alot of very important people in my life bc of death or from people and friends and family just cutting me off and people to live the rest of their lives without me. it makes me judge and hate everyone.
I am constantly worried that i am gonna become homeless live on the streets and become a junkie. I actually think about this so so so much. i actually shocked from what i have been thru that i havent become a junkie yet.
I dont want what most white women in their late twenties want and crave. i dont relate or most girls in my age range. its hard for me to find things in common with my peers.
I dont want to buy or own a house. renting forever is fine by me
I do want to buy and own a car preferably a truck but a small suv could work too.
I dont want a family. I dont want children my own or adoptive. I dont want to live in the suburbs or in a neighborhood with tons or old people and families.
i dont want marriage i think its problematic and dumb thing to subject yourself to.
i enjoy soccer and skateboarding and true crime movies and tv shows and horror movies and tv shows.i like some funny things but its selective. i love the sims.
i want to try out living in other states in the us and maybe even try living in the uk.
if i was rich i would want 2 small apartments in central city locations on both coasts of the us one on one and one on the other. and ill use my money to travel. i am craving to travel so badly its all i have been thinking about lately. but again no funds
i want to meet someone who just totally sweeps me off my feet. somone who knows how to be a real man and real boyfriend im tired iof these boys i need a guy who calls me out on my bs, gives constructive criticism, incredibly supportive and KIND. i want our respectfulness to be at an 100%. i want to feel worshipped and adored. i want them to be succesful and be able to bring me up and boost me forward. great listener. not sleepy or annoyed very easily. insane dark weird goofy sense of humor. id love them to be outgoing and be able to command a room and be comfortable around people new and old. great sex and adventures. currently im giving my ex a chance and its prolly a terrible idea.
i want a makeover i want to learn how to dress myself correctly and figure what my style is, make money and keep money, how to cook, how to skateboard, how to surf, how to take care of my skin and my hair. I want to learn how to work out where i wont make my current ailments and injuries and medical issues flare up and put me out of business for few days. id like to have toned arms back shoulders and legs and to not be winded dont everyday tasks.
if i had to make a dream cocktail. and the final result would be the new me i would throw in the blender: confidence of a drag queen, the wit and sharp tongue of joan rivers, the comedic timing of sean hayes, riley reids sex skills, the intelligence and maturity of michelle obama, pinks hair and singing skills, kat dennings body and dgaf attitude. that would be the perfect me in my eyes.
I want to make everyone proud of me. and I want to be proud of myself. 
idk what this was but its on the internet
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yeont4n · 7 years
Answer all!!
here we fuckn goooooooooo
we are bulletproof: if you could be any superhero, who would you be and why?
u kno that 1 girl from sky high whose only power was shapeshifting into a hamster? her. no reason
no more dream: if you woke up tomorrow to be incredibly famous, how would you react?
id go check my mailbox to collect all my free promotional gifts and then prolly fake my own death
i like it: if you could reverse any moment in your life, what would that moment be? 
there’s 1 thing but im not rlly gonna expose myself like tht on here smh
n.o: biggest pet peeve?
loud chewing/loud eating,,,,,,
we on: how do you deal with people who don’t like you?
i dont deal wit it lmfao it’s not my business who likes me n who doesn’t unless someone’s being particularly vocal about it:// in that case i’d prolly jus laugh about it
if i ruled the world: what would you do if you found out that you were an heir to a wealthy kingdom?
lmfao. idk tbh prolly decide which breed of dog i wanted to be known for loving
coffee: what’s your coffee order?
i dont order coffee often buh somethin w a lot of sugar.
cypher pt. 1: if you had to be part of a kpop group, what position would you want to be (i.e. leader, visual, lead vocal, dancer, rapper, maknae, etc.)
maknae i guess? how about staff
rise of bangtan: when and how did you get into the king and legends, also known as bangtan sonyeondan?
i saw a video of yoongi performing intro:nevermind in like 2015 n was :o ! buh never looked into it. in 2016 i saw the fire and bst dance practice vids and was like :0!??? but again, never looked into it. then finally spring day/not today mvs dropped n i FINALLY looked into who these boys were n jus fell down an ever spiraling rabbit hole.. now we here
satoori rap: what does home mean to you?
a feeling. i mean i have a few physical manifestations of the concept of home: my town, my school, my house. things i can return to. but really it’s a feeling isn’t it?? safety, familiarity, comfort, fondness
boy in luv: when you are interested in someone (romantically, sexually, etc.), does your behavior change?
yeah probably altho i dnt have many data points to go over rn
just one day: who would you want to spend the last day of your life with?
yall expectin me 2 say bts buh id want 2 be wit my friends n family . bts can b there 2 if they want
tomorrow: goal that you would like to achieve within the next year?
get into..... college.....
cypher pt. 2: one thing about yourself you wish people would appreciate more?
i never express appreciation n all that verbally thru words or physically thru touch buh i have my own ways of showin tht i care n i guess it dont count if i dont communicate explicitly like: hey ilu ! . what happened to actions speak louder than words smh
spine breaker: what is your weakness when it comes to spending money?
makeup!!!!!!!!!! >
jump: favorite childhood memory?
getting my dog tina!!!!
miss right: what is your ideal ‘type’?
physically i tend 2 like the boyish types likkee think taehyung inu era i guess. boy next door vibes; ive never rlly been into the macho build or the preppy, neat look, or the rough around the edges, angsty shithead badboy exterior model like i like my boys S.O.F.T.! puppy-ish!
personality wise i guess jusssss idk i’m gonna copy n paste a list of qualities i look 4 in a partner that i wrote for a different ask game a while back: Sense of humor, openmindedness, compassion, reliability, ability 2 communicate directly/emotional maturity, ambition/drive/work ethic, etc.
i like it pt. 2: dream date? 
yall prolly expecting me to say smthn like staying in n watching movies n eating junk but i’d prolly wanna go out n do smthn ngl. not a movie where u can hardly even speak or a dinner date where u feel trapped n stiff buh smthn fun n mildly competitive n engaging ??????? although jus chillin dont sound so terrible either
danger: have you ever had a near-death experience?
kinda not really it was on hampton beach n i had an allergic reaction but i wasnt on death’s door or nuthn
war of hormone: most embarrassing moment?
i bled thru my fucking pants in like 7th grade n it got on the chair! it was bad lol i was jus talking about this w my friend n she was like “yeah i remember that haha:)” shut up caitlin
hip hop lover: three songs that are meaningful to you?
moonlight sonata, ballade no. 1 in g minor, bts’ entire discography ties for 3rd
let me know: are you good at keeping secrets?
no lmfao . keeping my own, sure.
rain: most spontaneous thing you’ve ever done?
some words that have never been used to describe me, grace: spontaneous, easy going, flexible. the most impulsive thing i’ve done is prolly take a random sidestreet omw home just for the heck of it lol
cypher pt. 3: favorite outfit to wear?
cute jeans w a belt, a crop top. white adidas. i like dresses too tho!! n i really like layered clothes (a mock turtle neck under a slip dress or like a pinstripe button up under a babydoll fit blouse. i jus think it’s fuckin adorable)
blanket kick: longest time you’ve spent lying in bed (sleeping or not)? 
prolly 2 or 3 days
24/7 = heaven: what are you most looking forward to?
fuck i rlly dk . doesnt that suck??
look here: do you have any hidden talents?
i can burp on command lmfaoofdj
second grade: proudest accomplishment?
dont ask me this if u dnt want to be made uncomfortable by how genuinely unproud of myself i am lol
i need u: are you in love?
wit k*m t*aehy*ng? yeah.
hold me tight: does physical contact comfort you?
no........... maybe i havent found the right person but it’s not my cup of tea generally speaking
love is not over: ever had your heart broken?
no but now i know what i can look forward to haha
dead leaves: how loyal are you?
im rlly loyal if that commitment is mutual. w my family i’m ride or die i’ll fuck anyone up who comes for my asshole brother idc!!!!!!!!!
move: last time you cried?
cant remember,, i dnt cry much. prolly watching reply 1988 when bo ra and her dad were exchanging letters on her wedding day.
butterfly: most beautiful thing you’ve ever seen?
his name looks similar to my url thats the only hint im giving
run: do you like traveling? if so, where? what’s your dream vacation?
i dnt really like travelling tbh but i do wanna go back to korea one day. not necessarily as a tourist but as a diasporic korean person myself
ma city: if you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be?
idk. i cant imagine not living in the states tbh but i also cant say i love it here either
baepsae: do you vote and/or keep up with politics?
i can’t vote but i’m in my school’s youth vote committee which runs debates for local elections and registration drives at the end of the year. i kept up with politics a lot more last year but after the election i jus got 2 bitter. i know what’s going on but only sort of surface level smh
dope: what did you want to be when you were younger? how does it compare to what you want to be now?
i wanted to be a teacher lmfao and i wanted to commute to college n save $$ bc i was a practical little fucker even when i was 6. these days i’m not that interested in teaching bc a) i’d be objectively bad at it and b) i was a classroom mentor for elementary schools and... realized i can’t work w kids tht small every damn day i’d rlly snap
fire: are you a spontaneous person?
save me: your favorite place on earth?
rn??? m y bed
young forever: what is one movie from your childhood that you will always treasure?
august rush lol
boys with fun: you’re going on a roadtrip with seven other people– dead, alive, fictional, real, famous, or not. who are they, and why?
really......... seven other people:)? guess.
converse high: how many pairs of shoes do you own?
12??? 3 are the same black heel lmfao n a lot i havent worn in years but i still technically own them. i rlly b wearing the same 4 pairs in a cycle n 1 rotten bleach stained soggy mess for work shoes.
whalien 52: weirdest thing that has ever happened to you? alternatively, weirdest dream you’ve ever had?
weirdest dream i ever had was way too long to type out n had way too many references to people in my personal life to ever be interesting lmao
house of cards: when was the last time you felt sexy?
boy meets evil: have you ever committed a crime? if so, what was it? alternatively, what is the worst thing you have ever done?
does speeding count smh.
blood, sweat, & tears: kinkiest kink you have?
rolling eyes emoji. pass!
begin: who are you most grateful for in your life?
my parents!
lie: biggest fear?
real talk? failure. abandonment but i’m adopted, how cliche. also bugs
stigma: would you rather know the date of your death or the cause of your death?
date of death bc if i knew the cause but not have any indication of when it’d hit me, i’d be a paranoid agoraphobic wreck for the rest of my life
first love: do you believe in soulmates?
yes but i also believe you can have more than one! and that soulmates aren’t exclusively romantic
reflection: if you could tell your past self one thing, what would it be?
get ur fucking bangs cut
mama: are you good at giving advice?
yeah i think so
awake: if you had to be a flower, which flower would you be?
lazy daisy
lost: how good are you with directions? do you get lost easily?
horrible horrible horrible. directionally challenged. i can’t even find my way to the fucking grocery store down the road on my own. if i ever missed an exit on the highway you’d never hear from me again, i could never find my way back without a gps. i’m dead serious
cypher pt. 4: what do you do to treat yourself or relax?
take a bath or a long long shower. eat smthn warm, drink tea, do a face mask, change my sheets n snuggle up watchin a drama or movie or playin sims
am i wrong: you wake up one morning in the hospital, knowing only your name and a single memory from your life. what is that memory?
wtf how do i answer this lmfao how wud i know lol
21st century girls: do you prefer texting, calling, or video chatting?
texting! calling if it’s a long story though
2!3!: your favorite thing about bangtan?
their modesty and grace ! they’re a true underdog success story >
spring day: who do you miss right now?
not today: what are your procrastinating right now?
math summer work smh
wings: on airplanes, do you prefer the window seat, the middle seat, or the aisle seat?
window seat!
you never walk alone: how many people do you trust with your life?
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