#and im wishing the best for all the skaters following in his footsteps
shomair · 2 years
wish people didnt take anything regarding yuzu as a weird chance to shit on others
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honeypirate · 3 years
Hi 🥺 first of all thank you for the follow and the amazing writings 😭❤️ and secondly hopefully I can request a Aone x reader where the reader is like usually very blunt and mean skater girl vibes. But with Aone they are like all bubbly and very shy with him. And everyone wonders why they are together 🥺
Hopefully you can do this request !!!! Have a amazing day my love!!!!!!!
thank you so much for this! i had so much fun writing it. i’m not experienced with writing skater things, this was my first try lol i hope you like it. 
Aone Takanobu x Skater Girl Reader
warnings: maybe a swear or two 
words: 2.5k
“God Ko did you have to take so long? We’re going to be late now. I should have just left without you!” you shouted at your best friend Koganegawa over the sound of the wind in your ears, your foot coming down to push against the concrete on the sidewalk as you both skateboard the relatively short distance to school.
 He had volleyball practice and you had softball practice at the same time in the morning, and being two out of a handful of students who like to skate you guys became fast friends,  when you ran into each other the first morning skating to school for practice he decided right then and there you would be best friends. 
“Oh come on Y/N-chan! I know you’re glad you didnt leave me behind!”  you shake your head, your hands shoved in the front pocket of your black hoodie as you coasted down the hill, “no part of me is glad!” you shout back and he sticks his tongue out at you, causing you to laugh. 
Since most of the teachers and faculty weren’t at the school in the morning you usually used your skateboard in the school, which wasn’t a problem until today. Because of Koganegawa being unusually late, they were practicing with a different setter, causing the ball to be set at the wrong angle causing Aone to hit it straight out the door at the same moment you passed by and of course hitting you in the back and knocking you off your board. 
“Aone you hit someone!” a voice shouted from the gym, Koganegawa who had stopped a few feet before you so he could go into gym was now on his knees with laughter, you caught your self with your hands and knees then with the momentum slipped onto your elbows, you felt your knees sting as you rolled up to a sitting position. 
You could hear the team running towards the door as you inspected your knees, Koganegawa having a hard time crawling over to you since he was laughing so hard, “you should have seen that! I wish I could have gotten it on video! It was hilarious!” he’s on his back now, holding his stomach as he laughs, you shoot him a glare “shut up you ass! It really hurt!!” you rubbed your wrists, they were starting to ache from the impact. 
The rest of your angry words died on your tongue as a white haired boy ran over to you, taking a knee and looking at you with furrowed brows. “Are you okay?” he says and you feel your cheeks flush from his intense gaze, he reaches out and takes your hands in his, inspecting your palms and wrists as you stared up at his handsome face, completely at a loss for words. 
“I didn’t mean to hit you” he says, the rest of the team behind him watching the scene go down, most of them silent, shocked that their quiet giant was speaking so much. You can't help the quiet giggle that escaped your throat when he looked back into your eyes, “I- I’m fine! No worries! A couple scrapes is all” you manage to say, your cheeks feeling hot and your palms starting to sweat, he was so cute! you ‘ve always had a crush on him from all the games you went to, he had such a kind and good vibe it made your heart happy, and here he was! Your crush! Basically holding your hands! After he hit you with a volleyball but that was a different case.  
“Yo Y/n why are you acting so weird?” Koganegawa says, now kneeling beside you both, looking between you and Aone, trying to figure out the vibe he was getting, the rest of the team had retreated back inside the gym and you heard some whispering from inside. You send a glare at him as Aone looks down at your knees now, the skin red and rubbed raw through the holes that were already in your jeans. His gentle fingers brush above the mark and you get goosebumps, when he’s satisfied that you weren’t really hurt he took your hand and helped you to your feet. 
He leans down and picks up your skateboard, handing it to you as he bows deeply “I’m sorry again” he says and you take the board before awkwardly bowing back, “dude you’re still late for practice” Koganegawa says and you curse under your breath, “see you after class Ko! Thank you Aone!” you say as you throw your board down, skating off in the direction of the girls locker room at the other end of the hall. 
“How are you friends with that girl?” Futakuchi was saying as they started to practice again, “she’s always angry. She's a psycho skater. You heard the rumor that she lit the principal's car on fire” Koganegawa growls “and that was just a rumor! She's a good person, sure she has mean vibes but she’s just a badass! She’s blunt and keeps me humble. She’s a good friend and you should see her play softball, she's insanely talented” he sets a ball to Aone perfectly to spike and the white haired boy hits it with so much force it slams against the gym floor. He didn’t like hearing Futakuchi bad mouth you, you were adorable and sweet, how could they not see that? “Focus guys come on” and with that their coach had silenced all talk unless it was vb related. 
“Ugh! Im so awkward! I thanked him! I thanked him for hitting me with a ball! God help me!” you think as you take your board out of the locker in the locker room, practice was finished and now it was time for classes, you make your way to your normal locker and stash your board there, leaning in, you rest your head against the board and books as you sigh defeatedly.
“Whats your problem?” Ko says coming up by you to his locker that was on your left, “did you fuck up stealing third again? Or maybe you’re feeling like an idiot because of your encounter with Aone earlier? Does someone have a crush?’ you growl and lean out of your locker “at least I wasn't caught with volleyballs in my shirt like boobs” you quip back and he gasps “that was one time!” he shouts and you scowl “yeah, sure, okay” you close your locker door and turn to him “if you tell anyone about this morning I’ll print off that picture and post it around school. Don't make me do something i would really enjoy” you smile sweetly before turning and heading down to your first class. 
After school you had more practice before showering and heading to the gym to wait for Ko, it was something you had done before but this time your stomach had flipped into knots thinking about Aone again. You wanted to run into him but at the same time you never wanted to see him again, you popped a cherry bubblegum lollipop into your mouth as you walked, your board under your arm. 
You stuck your head into the gym to see the team just standing and chatting, practice having just ended, you make eye contact with Aone and squeak as you pull your head back, pulling the sucker from your mouth as you lean against the other door that was closed, your heart racing and your cheeks already starting to feel warm. You weren't a shy person so why did he make you feel this way? You tried to calm your racing heart but before you could your heart footsteps approaching. 
Aone looked out the hallway, around the door to look down at you, his eyebrows furrowed. “Hi” you whisper before popping the sucker back into your mouth. You saw the corners of his mouth twitch up into a smile as he walks out into the hallway to stand in front of you. “I- I uh” you stumble through our words, swallowing hard you took the sucker from your mouth again, your hands moving through the air as you spoke, “I’m sorry about earlier. When i was being awkward. I thanked you as I left, essentially thanking you for hitting me with a ball and that was... weird of me. Anyway I hope you dont think im weird now” you look down at your feet for a moment, your faded black and white slip on checkered vans tapping together at the toes, before looking back up into his kind eyes “do you? Uh i mean, do you think i'm weird now?”  you twist the sucker stick between your thumb and forefinger as you wait for his response. 
He shakes his head no and you smile, a sigh of relief passing your lips as you scratch behind your ear with your free hand “oh good!” you say “im glad” he reaches out, taking your hand gently in his hand, a look of concern as he inspects your palm which was now covered in tiny cuts. You chuckle softly and relax your hand in his “it wasn't because I fell” you realize after saying that, that it was because of a fall, just not that one, you hastily correct yourself, the awkward feeling in your body growing “I mean, it wasn't because of you making me fall, it was because of softball, I forgot my gloves today” 
The rest of the team exited the gym now, stopping when they see you two, Aone doesn't let go of your hand he continues his inspection as the rest of the team just watches. “Aone” you whisper after a few moments and then he looks back up at you then over at his team, sending them a look that says if they didn't just go he’d be mad, Koganegawa in the front put a skip in his step as he ran off towards the locker rooms, pulling Futakuchi behind him so he wouldn't stay behind and be a dick, the rest of the team following suit, all of them watching you two the whole way causing your cheeks to grow as red as possible.
 “Uh shouldn't you go as well?” you whisper and pop the sucker back in your mouth, he watches you actions and you smile softly “want one? I have grape, cherry, and watermelon” he nods and says “watermelon” you reach in your backpack and hand him a watermelon bubble gum lollipop and he bows a little before taking off the wrapper and putting it in his mouth, a smile forming on his lips as he enjoyed the flavor. “Thank you” he says, his voice a little whistle-y around the candy in his mouth and you nod “no problem” 
After that you brought him a watermelon sucker every day, making sure to stop in after practice every evening and give it to him, he looked so happy every time it made your heart soar, after a little while he started sitting by you in the cafeteria, your other softball and skater friends looking at you funny the first few times but soon didn't mind. Your angry badass persona would be replaced by bubbly shy and cute, three things you rarely were. 
“What is going on?” Futakuchi said one afternoon in the cafeteria as he looked over at you two together “I don’t get it.” another one of the team members says “She’s skater punk and will beat your ass and he's a quiet soft boy won’t hurt a fly” one of Futakuchi’s friends says through a huge bite of a sandwich. Ko just sighs “you guys should get to know her. She’d never hurt a fly either. She's actually quite afraid of confrontation as well unless she knows you or you really deserve it” after a moment Futakuchi says “i still don't see it”
Your phone beeps and you look down at it, it’s a text from Ko that just says “looking cozy ;)” you send him back a middle finger emoji. 
When you leave the cafeteria you turn to say goodbye to Aone but stop with the way he was looking at you, expectantly, like he wanted to say something but was too shy. You were about to ask him to walk you to class but the words couldn’t escape your mouth, your shy tongue keeping them in your throat. Koganegawa comes over and lightly shoves your shoulder. “Hey lovebirds” he says with a mischievous grin and you glare at him “what are you doing?” you ask him through your teeth, your cheeks growing warmer and he just chuckles “our y/n here is quite something huh?” he asks Aone to which he just nods once “I know a secret about her if you want to know it” your face turns totally red as you glare at the dumbass “Ko I swear to god if you don't shut your mouth” you seethe at him and he just laughs harder, sneaking to hide behind Aone and simultaneously standing on his tiptoes to whisper “she has a cruuush” your eyes go wide as you stare in horror at your supposed best friend, your cheeks red in embarrassment as Aone just looks down at you, confusion in his expression. “KO! Shut! Up!” you say and he shakes his head “on you” he finishes his sentence before taking off, you go to run after him but Aone just grabs your hand, keeping you next to him “is it.. True?” he asks and you look down at your shoes again, debating lying but you doubt you’ll get a better chance to confess, “yes” you whisper and after a few long seconds of silence you look up at him, meeting his eyes. 
 His cheeks are dusted pink as well as the tips of his ears and he has a small smile on his lips “I” his voice was a little too quiet so he clears his throat to try again “I like you too” he says and you feel your smile widen, going from ear to ear as you beam up at him “really?” you ask and he nods. You can't help but throw your arms around his middle and hug him in the middle of the hallway, he hugs you back gently, his big body almost engulfing yours. 
The bell rings for the first time and you pull back “will you walk me to my class?” you ask and he nods, smiling down at you with his eyes closed. You lace your fingers with his and begin walking again “to think this all started because you hit me with your volleyball and sent me flying off my skateboard” he sends you a look that says he was still sorry about that and you laugh, squeezing his hand as your cheeks turn red again “I'm not sorry about it Aone, so you shouldnt be either. I got to meet you and it was worth it.”  the tips of his ears turn red as his thumb brushes yours. You get a glimpse of Ko watching you down the hall very obviously taking photos of you guys and you remember what you told him you’d do if he ever told your secret, you squeeze Aone’s hand softly again and smile mischievously up at him, a smile he would come to know all too well, and say “so I have to do something a little, delinquent-y and I was wondering if you would help me? It’s a prank on Ko for spilling my secret”
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