#and its almost always shoma?
myjunkisyuzuruhanyu · 11 months
Let's talk about Shoma today...
A first defeat in 1,5 years...but Shoma looks in good spirits and his comments are not speaking of disappointments. So if Shoma is happy, I am happy. 🥰
This program is just beautiful. Can't wait to see it without the mistakes in the beginning. Admittedly Shoma looked a bit out of it after the fall and that probably messed up his timing for the 4F. Afterwards it was a captivating performance.
If there is one thing I am disappointed,it's that Shoma yet again has a skate with only two combinations... Shoma really that's not it...😅 And maybe I am a tad disappointed that I am not super thrilled about his costumes...
But on the positive side Shoma did 4T3T in both of his programs, which didn't happen last season at all, so that's a step forward. 👏 (And let's not forget the 105 SP from yesterday)
I think Shoma did both this competition. Proof he is still the world champion and going against him won't be easy with that glaring almost perfect SP but also that he is not unbeatable. Both is exactly were I think his standing is. Shoma is one of the veterans going up against the youngsters and imo he is still the front runner no matter today's 2nd place. Because no matter Shoma's approach this season or if he personally doesn't care as much for the results, if Shoma delivers this free skate to its full capacity, he will be the one to win. Shoma today left a jarring 25 points in TES alone on the table if we add the base value of the jumps he didn't do. And that doesn't even include StSq 2, the negative GOEs for the q on the 4T, the fall and the positive GOEs he can get with his quads. We could add about 10 points more he left on the table with GOEs alone and we haven't even touched the PCS. Add that up and his score would be at 209+ for the FS. And that's not even the 5 quad layout he had last season. So Shoma is still the Gold contender he was before he lost to Adam today. So I am not worried, the only way is up now. 🔥
All in all we should not forget that this is Shoma's latest ever start to a season and that it's rare for him to bring everything on the table at first start (barring that 2017 Lombardia Trophy) he always paced himself from competition to competition to deliver better and better. But ofc that also lead here to a disadvantage bc he didn't know how he would be perceived by judges and someone like Adam had the 5th competition of the season and though he didn't start perfect either, he is at a different phase of the season than Shoma. That's not to excuse Shoma's mistakes bc it's his own decision to start late, but it's still a fact.
The ice was a huge problem from start to finish for the skaters so we cannot emphasis enough what a difficult circumstance this was and how it affected skaters. Again not an excuse just a fact. That makes Adam's free and Shoma's SP even more admirable.
Last but not least let's emphasize one thing: I am not delusional, Shoma may never get his free skate together to top Adam's scores, he may lose again to Adam, maybe Ilia but this is Shoma's 9th senior season even 10th if you count his first senior comp 4CC 2015, he has won everything besides Olympic Gold, that he is still here to skate and compete is admirable! We can be happy about every competition he shows up! Everything that he will win now is an extra! And Shoma is advocating for his juniors, he praised Adam and noticed him before many others even considered him for the top spots! Shoma likes to have competition, Shoma likes to be the challenger, Shoma is happy if the sport continues to have great skaters bc he knows he won't compete forever. There is a new generation of skaters and Shoma is happy to see them thrive.
Ofc I want Shoma to win, ofc I want him to not get defeated like today. But I don't consider Shoma losing the end, not even the end of Shoma's career, because dare you underestimate that he can keep up with them, but I am happy to see there is a continuation with new great skaters.
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thegenealogy · 1 year
1 Chronicles 27: 16-24. "The Well Governed Province: The Essence of Israel."
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In verses 1-15 the Septiguaint summarizes how man is made by God and then how he makes himself. Drops of water, drops of blood, the aspiration of semen, and then the seconds, which can be spent any way man deems fit, slip away.
The Torah says fitness is of the essence, however and thus, the 12 Noble Skills and the 70 Attributes and their meanings were dictated to mankind through Jewish Prophets:
Leaders of the Tribes
What does it mean to be a Tribe of Israel? Israel means "to overcome." Overcome what? The instincts to breed and feed that we are born with, the same animals are born with, and become much more than they. All of the Tanakh is a method by which man lessens his animal instincts and turns a basic and subsistent way of life on earth into a the object of intellection and great beauty.
All men are born this way, all are capable of overcoming how we are made and making something else from it. In this effort, God asks our efforts always outdo themselves- all traces of our basic natures must become a thing of the past and remain that way as each generation passes. We are not heeding his wisdom in this.
Life on earth is in grave danger and it is because the Torah is not being observed.
There must be an end to the violence and its causes, there is rampant ignorance and depravity. There is foolishness all around and it has no point. If one deigns to draw conclusions about a God that taught Jews to write almost 10,000 years ago so they might become accomplished scientists one day, they would include the fact He despises idiots.
Overcoming the Idiot is the greatest and best way to please God and set the world aright. It is best to start with oneself. To complete the "set" is to incorporate what is called "Ephod" into oneself, the complete Hebrew Alphabet and be a full male man.
Each Tribal Leader generates offspring, together which whom mantras are made:
16 The leaders of the tribes of Israel: over the Reubenites: Eliezer son of Zikri;
Reubenites= a complete mirror of the vision.
The verb ראה (ra'a) means to see, and by extension to understand. It may mean to become visible (of, say, an angel) or to become understandable (of, say, a theory). Noun ראה (ro'eh) means either seer, or prophetic vision, and noun מראה (mar'a) means either vision as means of revelation, or mirror. 
The verb עזר ('azar), means to help or support, and is often used in military contexts, or to describe God's proverbial help. The nouns עזר ('azar) and עזרה ('ezra) both mean help. A much rarer but identically spelled noun עזרה ('azara) means enclosure and comes probably from an other root.
Zikri=not a gazelle, individualistic and independent, showing leadership and drive. 
Over the Simeonites: Shephatiah son of Maakah;
Simeonites= listens and understands, demonstrates comprehension.
The verb שמע (shama') means to hear and may also mean to understand or obey. Noun שמע (shema') means sound. Nouns שמע (shoma') and שמועה (shemu'a) mean tidings, report or mentions. Noun השמעות (hashma'ut) describes that which is caused to be heard. Noun משמע (mishma') means rumor or a thing heard. Noun משמעת (mishma'at) refers to a group or listeners.
Shephathiah= "governed by choice."
Maakah= "pushes out the oppression."
The verb מעך (ma'ak) means to press or squeeze.
17 over Levi: Hashabiah son of Kemuel; over Aaron: Zadok;
Levi= "to connect what is known with the present."
The verb לוה (lawa) means to join or to connect things; it's a verb of building and it's also the verb that lies at the heart of intelligence, cognition and logical deduction.
A specialized usage of this verb speaks of the joining of two ends via a circular motion of sorts. Nouns לויה (liwya) and ליה (loya) describe a wreath; a circular, coiled or twisted band of leaves or twigs. A third specialized usage of our verb speaks of borrowing and lending.
Hashabiah=By planning and objectification of what must be known
The verb חשב (hashab) means to think but instead of mere musing or theorizing this verb emphasizes mental activity with a practical (synthetic, technical or artistic) purpose in mind: to think up, to plan or devise.
Noun חשבון (heshbon) describes the entire library of artistic and technological knowledge. Noun מחשבה (mahashaba) denotes a thought, a plan, a device, an artistic object.
Kemuel=by setting up the Congregation
Verb קום (qum) means to stand or rise up, both literally (getting up from sitting or erecting some statue) or figuratively (establishing someone in some office). Noun קימה (qima) means a rising up, noun תקומה (tequma), denotes an ability or power to stand, and noun מקום (maqom) describes some set location, place to stand or station.
Noun קמה (qoma) or קומה (qoma) means height or highness and noun קים (qim) describes someone who rises up against someone (an adversary or enemy). Noun קיממיות (qommiyut) means uprightness. Noun קמה (qama) denotes standing grain. And noun יקום (yequm) denotes substance or existence.
Aaron=the Center of Cheer
Zadok=social energy
The verb צדק (sadeq) means to be just or righteous; to be efficient with social energy. Adjective צדיק (saddiq) means just or righteous, noun צדק (sedeq) means justice or rightness, noun צדקה (sadaqa) means righteousness.
18 over Judah: Elihu, a brother of David; over Issachar: Omri son of Michael;
Judah=Vigorous, worthy of honor
הוד  ידה
The related verbs ידה (yada), to praise, and הוד (hod), to be worthy of praise, conjugate into such similar forms that it's often not clear which verb in which tense is used. From the verb ידה (yada), to praise, come:
The plural noun הידות (huyyedot), meaning songs of praise.
The noun תודה (toda), meaning confession or praise.
From the verb הוד (hod), meaning to be praise-worthy, comes the noun הוד (hod), meaning splendor, majesty, vigor, glory or honor.
Elihu= "to extend and be like God"
David= persistent beauty
Issachar= is the purifying light
Since societies form around central fires (or the "purifying light" of wisdom, which is where the metaphor comes from), the noun אש ('esh), fire, may also derive from this verb.
Omri, Son of Michael= "to be gripped by the Question of Who is God?" and become bound by the answers.
The root עמר ('amar) means to grip or bind, to deal tyrannically with, or to be enthralled by and worship.
Noun עמר ('omer) means sheaf or describes a unit of measure (like our "bushel"). Denominative verb עמר ('amar) means to bind in sheaves. Noun עמיר ('amir) denotes a row of fallen grain.
19 over Zebulun: Ishmaiah son of Obadiah; over Naphtali: Jerimoth son of Azriel;
Zebulun= "The lofty place that contains the Occupant."
Ishmaiah= "to hear the Names of God."
Obadiah= "becomes like Him through service to Him."
The verb עבד ('abad) means to work or serve, and the noun עבד ('ebed) denotes someone who works: from a slave to a hired expert. The Greek equivalent of this noun is δουλος (doulos).
Naphtali= wrestles with the Concepts in order to improve cognition. Naphtali is the essence of Israel.
The verb פתל (patal) means to twist or contort, or even to be cunning or crafty. Noun פתיל (patil) describes (a twisted) cord or thread. Adjective פתלתל (petaltol) means tortuous. Plural noun נפתולים (naptulim) means wrestlings or contortions, obviously with a cognitive connotation.
Jerimoth=to become lofty but not prideful
Azriel= follows the approach of God.
20 over the Ephraimites: Hoshea son of Azaziah; over half the tribe of Manasseh: Joel son of Pedaiah;
Ephraim= to go from being depleted to fruitful
The verb פרר (parar) means to split, divide and usually make more, expand or multiply. This root belongs to an extended family that also contains פרץ (paras), to break (through), פרש (paras and parash), to spread out or declare, פרס (paras), to break in two or divide, and פאר (pa'ar) means to branch out or to glorify.
Hoshea= becomes a benefactor free will
שוע  ישע
The verb ישע (yasha') means to be unrestricted and thus to be free and thus to be saved (from restriction, from oppression and thus from ultimate demise). A doer of this verb is a savior. Nouns ישועה (yeshua), ישע (yesha') and תשועה (teshua) mean salvation. Adjective שוע (shoa') means (financially) independent, freed in an economic sense.
Azaziah=is very determined
The verb עזז ('azaz) means to be strong. Adjective עז ('az) means strong, mighty or fierce and adjective עזוז ('izzuz) means mighty or powerful. Nouns עז ('oz) and עזוז ('ezuz) mean strength, might or fierceness.
Noun עזניה ('ozniya) denotes some kind of bird of prey (this word may actually be a convenient import from another language) and noun עז ('ez) denotes a she-goat (this word may actually derive from a verb that means to be wayward or perhaps strong-headed).
Manasseh= able to sacrifice
Joel=to be a stag
Noun איל ('ayil), "protruder," refers in the Bible to a ram, a pillar, a chief and, yet again, a terebinth. Noun איל ('ayyal) means stag or deer — hence the panting deer of Psalm 42 also describes an ignoramus longing for instruction — and its feminine counterpart אילה ('ayyala) means doe.
Pedaiah=achieves liberty at the collective level
The verb פדה (pada) describes a letting go of an old standard (say, phonetic spelling) and assuming a new one (standardized spelling). The new standard may appear more restrictive at a personal level but it allows a much greater precision and thus basin of exchange and thus liberty at the collective level.
21 over the half-tribe of Manasseh in Gilead: Iddo son of Zechariah; over Benjamin: Jaasiel son of Abner;
Manasseh is to evaporate one's ignorances and leave the Self behind, as a sacrifice also as a ticket to enter the Enclosure with Gilead, the Eye of the Perpetual Fountain, Tanakh Himself.
Iddo= a slo screw
The root ידד (yadad) has to do with love, and that mostly in the affectionate, physical sense. Adjective ידיד (yadid) means beloved or lovely. Noun ידידות (yedidot) means love, as in "a song of love" and noun ידידות (yedidut), meaning love in the sense of beloved one.
Curiously, an identical verb ידד (yadad II) means to cast a lot and instead of being kin to the previous, it appears to be related to the verb ידה (yada), which originally meant to cast but which evolved to mean to praise.
That our root has to do with physical fondling and love-making is demonstrated by the verb דדה (dada), which means to move slowly.
Zechariah=proclaims the Principals in public
The verb זכר (zakar) means to remember, to deliberately review, or to cause to remember or review — by means of public oration, urging and pleading, physical memorials, and so on.
Jaasiel="makes it happen."
The verb עשה ('asa) means to do, make happen or work with. Noun מעשה (ma'aseh) means deed, act, work, doing, making and so on.
Abner= "A human menorah."
נהר The verb נהר (nahar) means to flow or stream and is used for both water and light (which in turn demonstrates that the ancients had Relativity Theory; see our expanded article for more). Noun נהר (nahar) means river or stream. Noun נהרה (nahara) means light or daylight and מנהרה (minhara) "place of nahara". Nouns נר (ner) and ניר (nir) mean lamp, and nouns מנורה (menorah) and מנרה (menorah) mean lampstand.
22 over Dan: Azarel son of Jeroham.
Dan= "the well governed province."
The verb דין (din) means to judge or govern. It's an old verb that mostly describes the authority of a naturally superior (because that person is wiser, stronger, older, etcetera) in contrast to the governing done by a formal government (by politically favored and appointed officials).
The noun דין (dayyan) describes one such a leader, and noun דין (din) describes anything pertaining to primitive governing: a judgment, plea, complaint, contention. Noun מדון (madon) literally describes a "place or judging" and is synonymous with the contending that goes on in such a place. Noun מדונה (medina) described the jurisdiction of one judge, and became the word for province.
Azarel= God helps
Jeroham= by directing His Mercies downward, from the womb forward.
Verb רחם (raham) means to love deeply or have mercy, and commonly reflects the attentions of a superior toward an inferior (parents to children, God to people). It appears to derive from the noun רחם (rehem), womb.
These were the leaders of the tribes of Israel.
23 David did not take the number of the men twenty years old or less, because the Lord had promised to make Israel as numerous as the stars in the sky. 24 Joab son of Zeruiah began to count the men but did not finish.
Joab= The father's instructions to the son
Zeruiah= "that which is formed, distilled from its members."
ר Verb יצר (yasar) means to fashion or form and relates to צור (sur IV). Noun יצר (yeser) denotes that what is formed, and noun יצרים (yesurim) means forms or members.
God’s wrath came on Israel on account of this numbering, and the number was not entered in the book[a] of the annals of King David.
We cannot establish a standard for who is "persistently beautiful" and who is not. We can ennumerate the qualities of a beautiful person and those within their community, but we may not sort this person out based on our meager understanding, which is naturally going to fall short by far of the one he has established between himself and God.
Such is the realization of a man of Israel, who has chosen on his own to become a subject of the God of Israel and all the governments of which he is a member.
Just as Moses and Joshua discovered, those who do not fit within a sound system of government and turn instead to their animal natures without a basis, these we can do without.
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shomair · 2 years
wish people didnt take anything regarding yuzu as a weird chance to shit on others
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amjustagirl · 2 years
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chapter 6: a flicker of hope
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chapters: 6 / 15 pairing: miya osamu x f! reader genre: romance, angst, fluff, inarizaki shenanigans wc: 3.8k summary: miya osamu does not dare set fire to his heart. it burns anyway.
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You write your newfound crush on Miya Osamu off as the natural consequence of over-exposure. With Atsumu leaving to get back to practice once the weekend is over, you expected Osamu to spend more time with the kids. But the kids seem all too ready to entertain themselves, Shoma running off with the Kita trio of daughters in an attempt to be one with the troupe of ducks living in the farmhouse’s backyard, Shino absorbed in her self imposed volleyball training regimen and calls to Meian Makoto. 
So Osamu is always the first person you greet when you wake up for sunrises on the farm. You nod at him over the breakfast table while you eat your way through Obaa-san’s delicious offerings, golden rolls of tamagoyaki, glistening fillets of saba fish, vegetable pickles and of course, bowls of fragrant rice. 
“What would you like to do today?” he’d ask once you’ve both finished helping Obaa-san clear up, him washing the dishes and you drying them. 
“Anything”, you’d reply. 
He’ll make a small, annoyed sound at the back of his throat but he’ll plan something for you to do anyway. Food will invariably be involved in some way - a visit to a soybean farm nearby, so he can do some research on what's the best sort of shouyou to use in his restaurant. 
“I thought you said you were on a break?” you ask, arching your brows. 
“I just came across the farm and we might as well go in and take a look since it’s on the way”, he immediately replies, a touch too defensive to be believable. 
“I see why your employees imposed a holiday on you”, you tease. 
“It’s mutiny, that’s what it is”, he mutters under his breath. 
“You already work too hard, you shouldn’t even be thinking about work”, you argue, but he bites back a snort when your professional curiosity forces you to lift a bottle of transparent shouyou up to the light, examining its viscosity. 
“I live to work”, he says. “My restaurants are all that’s needed to make me happy.” 
You suppose you’re in no position to argue with that because it seems like it’s true. Work seems to always be on his mind. 
He muses upon the endless possibilities his third restaurant will offer as you both take a break from picking apples, lying beneath a tree, tufts of grass peeking through his hair. “It’s another step in the right direction”, he says, tone almost jubilant, so unlike his usual, stoic self. You listen, spellbound as he details what he’s done with your parent’s old shop - the new stoves he’s installed, the industrial cookers, the warm upholstery and wood seating in the front to make the place a little more casual, a little more welcoming. The ghosts from your past haunting the place should fade, replaced by better, brighter memories of the happiness he brings to people. 
(happiness he might bring to you, too) 
It’s not overexposure, is it? It’s just the natural consequence of being around Miya Osamu. 
He’s offered you a flame of hope with his friendship, the flickering light starting to chase the shadows and darkness you’ve been mired in for years, alone. He has no idea how monumental that is to you, drawing you out of the melancholy and regret of a thwarted childhood, forgotten dreams. You’re on the verge of telling him so, thanking him for how happy he’s made you. You wonder if you’ll ever dare to hint at whether he might, possibly, be open to you asking just a little more from him when you’re interrupted by a shout. 
“Uncle Samu!” 
A projectile is lobbed at the both of you, which he easily snatches out of the air with one hand - an apple, which he offers to you. “I told her food is to be respected, not used as part of a prank, but apparently she still forgets that at age twelve”, he shakes his head, before proceeding on the warpath to collar Shino, the culprit, for her blatant disrespect of food - unforgivable in his eyes, you gather. 
(perhaps fate is telling you to fall back, observe the terrain a little) 
You take a step back. 
But then fate plays a trick on you. It sends cupid in the form of Miya Shino,  the little imp pleading with her uncles (Kita Shinsuke is her uncle in all but blood, you discover) to play volleyball with her. 
“C’mon”, she wheedles. “Da always said you were bloody fantastic at volleyball - ”
“Shino, language”, Kaiyo interjects, brows drawn in reproof, but the irrepressible tween just shoots her a half hearted apology, continuing to beg until Kita unearths a volleyball that’s in surprisingly good condition despite his claims that he hasn’t practised ever since the birth of Asami, his eldest daughter. 
“Nonsense”, Ichika tells you cheerfully as she cheers her husband on from the shade, toasting you with a jug of apple cider. “Let’s just say I fall pregnant every time Shinsuke decides to unearth that volleyball.”
“You’re ready to jump him if he just looks at you”, Kaiyo teases. 
“As if you’re not the same”, Ichika shoots back, indignant. “Shoma’s literally the product of a championship match, isn’t it -” 
You think they’ve both lost their minds but then you promptly join them in their madness with Osamu decides to roll up his sleeves, displaying sculpted biceps that can be easily compared to a work of art (or the perfect slab of pink otoro, marbled tuna), powerful thighs flexing when he leaps into the air to demonstrate to Shino how to refine her spiking technique. To top it all off, when he takes a water break, he lifts his shirt to swipe at his forehead, giving you a whole eyeful of his abs, nary any softness despite age and his self professed love for food.  
Kaiyo reaches a hand over beneath your hanging jaw, helping you close your mouth. “So you don’t get caught drooling”, she grins as you bury your face between your knees.  “He’s like my brother, but even I can admit he’s maintained his figure - ‘Tsumu teases him too much so ‘Samu keeps himself fit out of spite - ”
You’re on the verge of making a deal with the underworld gods to open the earth up and swallow you whole when Ichika adds, without a touch of shame - “yeah, ‘Samu’s good-looking, but look at Shinsuke!” She leans her head in her hand, staring openly. “He’s perfect - gods, I want another baby with him - ”
“You already have three”, Kaiyo stresses, reaching over to slap her best friend’s mouth shut.  
Emboldened by your friends, you whisper through your fingers, confessing to your knees that you find Osamu quite attractive too. That’s a little of an understatement though, especially when he catches your eye during a break in the rally and gives you a little wave. He looks like a god like this, broad shouldered and tall, tossing the ball up in the air with sheer athleticism. The stream of sunlight filtering through the leaves gleams, his dark hair and bronzed skin glowing. It’s almost as if he were carved out of pure gold - untouchable, perfect. 
Your breath falters, lungs pierced by cupid’s arrows. 
Kaiyo and Ichika melt away when he comes over, making excuses that the children need an afternoon nap, though it’s strange that the children return muddy and exhausted from a ‘nap’ in the duck pond. Despite his earlier protestations, Kita easily agrees when Shino asks to practise her receiving skills with him, distracting the younger girl from demanding her uncle’s attention.
“Hey”, Osamu approaches, frowning when you shrink back as if you’ve been burnt (you have, because you’re being scorched from inside out). “You okay there?” 
“I’m fine”, you squeak, sun drunk. “It’s just a little warm.” 
“C’mon, time for a drink”, he murmurs, pulling you up to your feet, hand at your elbow to usher you into the farmhouse, but you don’t have the heart to tell him that it’s his proximity to you is what’s causing your lightheadedness, and he’s just driving the arrow deeper into your chest when he seats you at the kitchen, rustling around to make a concoction of cool honey and lemon tea, watching you eagled eyed until you drink it all up. 
“Feelin’ better?” he asks, but his efforts are counterproductive because he leans forward, almost placing himself between your open thighs as he presses a hand against your damp forehead. “You’re turnin’ feverish”, he comments, the furrow in his brows deepening at the flush of heat erupting across your face. 
“It’s just a hot day, that’s all”, you manage to croak, barely keeping your balance on the stool. 
He looks at you incredulously. “It’s autumn”, he deadpans, but he’s really not helping matters when he presses a warm palm against your neck, your pulse skittering, your heart deciding to erupt into flames, your chest turning into a kiln, melting your organs into molten liquid. 
Thankfully, Obaa-san wanders into the kitchen just at that point, calling for help with dinner preparation. 
“I’ll help”, you exclaim, extricating yourself from Osamu’s grasp. 
Anything is welcome as a distraction to keep your heart from hammering itself into pieces, even a menial task like plucking off the heads and tails of bean sprouts, a task you hated when you were a child. But Osamu trails after you, dropping into a squat on the kitchen floor as he joins you in decapitating hapless bean sprouts. You’re too keenly aware of his body heat. Like a frightened animal, your natural instinct is to flee.
“I can do it if you’re feelin’ unwell”, he says and you take the out that he offers you, excusing yourself to your room for a nap. 
But a nap isn’t what you need. 
A breeze blows into your bedroom when you throw the sliding windows open to face the wide expanse of rice fields, but you still toss and turn, feeling the heat of the room bear down upon you. Throwing off your blankets doesn’t give you any respite, your sheets stiff, the futon beneath you uncomfortably warm against your skin. 
So you escape the stuffiness of your room through the windows, slipping out barefoot into the grass. The sun seems to have gone into hiding, looming grey clouds in its place, but you find a spot beneath a shrub, taking shelter under its bright yellow branches. Head pillowed on your arms, the wind finally dancing freely against your face, you fall fast asleep. You’re worn out enough from spending too much time in the sun (and grappling with your burgeoning feelings for Miya Osamu) that you slumber undisturbed despite the sudden drizzle of rain that sweeps across the farm. 
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“‘Samu’s going stir crazy trying to look for you, yknow?” 
Ichika’s words are loud enough to make you blink your eyes open with a groan. 
“Wha - ”
“He’s running around the farm like a headless chicken right now, cos’ he passed by your room and saw your windows were open but didn’t see you anywhere. And here you are, asleep under a shrub, right under his nose!” 
“Oh no -” 
“Oh yes”, she grins. “It’s kinda funny to watch him panic. I’m pretty sure he started overturning all the pots and pans in the kitchen cos he’s convinced you’ve gotten yourself stuck in one of them! Obaa-san was quite amused when he tried to climb into the giant vats she keeps around to ferment her shouyou -” 
“I should let him know I’m okay”, you gasp, scrambling to your feet, but Ichika catches your sleeve to pull you back into your seat on the ground. 
“Ayako used to hide under this very shrub when she was upset with things - it’s her way of throwing a tantrum, she doesn’t cry much unlike her sisters, but she was so, so tiny then that  it made Shinsuke fly into a frenzy and panic because we wouldn’t be able to find her for hours. Anyway -  it was kinda like magic because when she’d decide it’s time for her to emerge from her hiding place, it’d be as if a storm passed, everything right as rain again.” 
She laughs when you shoot her a look of utter confusion. 
“That’s probably too many words to say that Ayako-chan needed her space to decompress. She needed the space to work out the feelings that her little heart is still learning to process.” 
“Huh”, you reply after a few beats, slumping back into the grass. 
Ichika continues on, undeterred by the lack of enthusiasm from her captive audience. “You’re probably wondering why I’m telling you these useless things - I mean, you could probably write it off as a parent just wanting to share uninteresting stories of their kids, which is probably partly true, cos I thought that habit of Ayako-chan was the cutest, apparently Shinsuke did that too, when he was younger - anyway, as I was saying - ”
You nod, trying your best to look like you’re following what she says, even though you’re completely flummoxed. 
“I’m just trying not to be pushy like Kaiyo, because I know from personal experience she can be a pain when it comes to things like this. I prefer a different approach myself, lead the horse to the water so it chooses to drink of its own accord - not that you’re a horse, you’re much prettier than that - ”
“I - uh thank you?” 
“You’re welcome!” Ichika chirps, eyes curving into half moons. “In this case, I half suspect the horse already knows what it wants. Because - well, did you know the plant you’re sleeping under is a weeping forsythia?”
You look at the swaying branches above you, adorned with bright yellow flowers, a stark contrast to grey skies. “Uh, no?” 
“Mmhm”, she hums. “Sometimes, when Shinsuke and I can steal five minutes by ourselves from the girls, we ramble around the grounds talking about anything and everything - and he’s always had an interest in Hanakotoba - y’know, the language of flowers? He’s a bit of a romantic that way - ”
“I see”, you say blankly, though you clearly do not see. But you’ve been taught to always keep up a veneer of politeness, and Ichika is your host, so you nod and wait for her to continue. She gathers a handful of petals from the ground, tossing up into the air, an offering to the wind gods. You watch as the bright yellow specks swirl away in the wind. 
“It means hope”, she says, as a shout of your name echoes. “Another meaning it has - which I personally prefer - it’s supposed to mean a wish that will come true. I think it’s quite apt, don’t you?”
You’re left to mull over her words, long after you’re chided by Osamu for falling asleep out in the open - ‘lay off, ‘Samu, you’re gonna turn into a worrywart like Shinsuke at this rate’, Ichika laughs, even as he rounds on her and scolds her for keeping you out through the downpour - ‘you need to be able to tell the difference between a drizzle and a thunderstorm, or have you been in the city too long to forget how it’s like in the country?” 
Osamu ignores her good-natured needling, shooing you back into the guesthouse for a much needed hot bath before you’re ready to present yourself at the dinner table. 
“You okay? You’re just playin’ with your food. That’s not like you.” 
“I’m fine.” You take a determined bite of rice in an attempt to put his worries to bed, despite the churning in your stomach. It achieves the opposite effect though, because he ladles more food into your bowl, his gaze too sharp to allow you to sneak scraps to the farm’s cats purring and weaving around your ankle. “I just have a lot on my mind tonight.”
“Like what?” 
You brush him off with a breezy “just - y’know, things in general”, avoiding giving him anything concrete by bading him goodnight before slipping off into your room. 
The next day, you rise before the sun after a night spent tossing and turning in sweaty sheets. Something strange and mysterious draws you back to that same shrub, pulling you into a seat beneath yellow leaves, a beacon in the early morning’s darkness. The earth is damp and cool, and it lulls you into quiet contemplation. 
Hope, you think. 
A funny thing, that. Something you’ve not had in forever, not when the circumstances of your life dragged you beneath the churning current of its waves, into a joyless rut, of life repeating on a loop, again and again and again. You never used to hope for anything but a simple life, not even thinking that you could dare to dream of being actually happy. 
But here you are. You are happy. 
You’ve dared to wake up from your long hibernation and leave your hiding hole, take the first step out into the open. You have friends now, people who you trust to be kind to you. You are rediscovering your dormant love for cooking, for food, memories of laughter and camaraderie starting to paper over former scars and past nightmares.
Life these past months has been good. You will look back at the days and nights spent in Onigiri Miya fondly, guard jealously like a magpie with its stolen treasures, the smiles you’ve earned, the kindness that’s been shown to you. This past week in particular has been some of the happiest days of your life, riddled with pit stops at farms where you’re inevitably stuffed to the brim with food, country walks on paths strewn with autumnal leave. That impromptu afternoon drive to Osamu’s hometown, where you shared ice cream with him and watched the sunset on a hill by the sea - that, you’ll surely preserve, pressing it into your heart like flower petals between a book’s pages. 
Perhaps you should be cautious. Perhaps you should hold your position, test how solid the ground beneath your feet is before you take another step. Any misstep might torpedo any chance you might have at retaining the happiness you’ve been blessed with these past few months. You have no wish to be reacquainted with the barren earth of winter. 
Still, perhaps you should be brave enough to hope for even more. 
If you’d never taken the first step of bringing flowers to Osamu at the hospital, if you’d never accepted his request to tour the burnt out shell of his shop with you, if you’d never made that first visit to Onigiri Miya, you would not even be where you are, right now. You’ve only discovered what life can offer you because you were brave. You can be brave yet again in the quest of more. 
“Is it really that comfortable under there?” 
With a start, you realise that the sun has chased the dawn’s darkness away, the dew on your skin disappearing into the cool, dry air. With another start, which makes Osamu chortle, the warm, deep sound sending a flush of heat into your face, you glance up at him, though you regret doing so immediately, because the first of the day’s light is kind to him, soaking him in a golden haze. 
He doesn’t wait for you to respond, crawling beside you to sit beneath the shrub, comically oversized for the small space but he doesn’t complain. He doesn’t speak either, doesn’t seek to interrupt the morning’s first breaths, a silent spectator alongside you as the world wakes. It’s only when your stomach rumbles that he draws from his pocket a handful of plums, perfectly ripe when you bite into it. 
“Osamu”, you say, your breath catching when he turns to look at you. 
You steal a moment to commit to memory the lopsided curve of his smile, the honeyed molasses in his brown eyes. 
“The plums are sweet. Thank you.”
“You’re welcome.” The crinkles at the corners of his eyes deepen. 
Embers smoulder, tucked in the fireplace of your ribcage, a flame of hope, fuelled by moments of happiness he’s given you. 
(I hope you don’t mind if I begin to ask for more) 
But first, you must bid farewell to the sleepy hollow of Hyogo, pack your bags to return to the hustle and bustle of Osaka, where your life is. Your vacation ends with Ichika and Obaa-san wrapping you in hugs, struggling with your luggage until Osamu helps you lift it into Kita’s van, nearly tripping over Shoma, who clings to the doorknob, refusing to leave. Kaiyo remonstrates with him but the little boy obstinately insists he wants to remain with Asami-chan, his best friend, until Osamu wrestles him into the van, kicking and screaming. You slip him a gummy bear when Kaiyo isn’t looking and he quietens down, leaning into your side until he falls asleep. 
“He’s a pain in the ass sometimes”, Osamu remarks when he helps to slide the sleeping child into his seat, doing his best not to wake him up. “Sorry ‘bout that.” 
“It’s okay”, you shrug. “It’s good that Sho-chan has friends that he cares so much about.” 
Osamu snorts. “Yeah, I suppose. ‘Tsumu used to claim he’d want some space from me when we were in elementary school, but there was one volleyball camp I couldn’t go for ‘cos I had a bad cold so he had to go alone, and Aran told me ‘Tsumu played like absolute pig’s crap, couldn’t even set a ball for nuts -”
“At least Sho-chan cares for his friends in a more straightforward way than you two”, you point out. Osamu only laughs. 
As expected, Osamu rushes back to his stores the moment after he drops his bags, though not before he offers to help you with yours - “I’m fine”, you wave his offer of help away, - “I’m used to managing on my own”, so you trudge home alone, the dull greys and brown of Osaka doing little to lift your mood after the colours of the countryside in fall, but at least there’s Kombu-chan to greet you when you pick her up from your neighbour, and she licks your toes with her rough tongue when you feed her a treat to welcome both of you home. 
“Tadaima”, you tell her. She only meows. 
You pretend someone who sounds suspiciously like Osamu calls Okaerie back to you.
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a/n: hahaha i hope you guys don't throttle me for the slow pace >< but the reader finally, finally has come to terms with what her heart wants (*cough* miya osamu) and who knows what's next!
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sugar-petals · 5 years
Can u introduce yuzuru to us the caro way?👀
so you want to know about the one and only. ♡😌
yuzuru hanyū (25) of sendai, japan: the most beautiful ice prince with a heart of gold.
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….an artist clearly not of this world, he’s been sent to us from another realm. 19 world records, two olympics won, dubbed the greatest figure skater of all time. and the most precious bean on top of that.
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but let’s start from the beginning, shall we ♥︎
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so, want to spot yuzu on the ice? use this checklist. slender silhouette, an even slimmer waist, feather-like outfits (he sketches those himself; the fandom lovingly calls him swanyu), soft blushy face. he has great androgyny.
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outside of performances, you see him either with a deer’s gaze or the brightest, biggest eye smile. also, he’s usually found sitting with his wife: 
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which is the ice 😄 these two are together forever. you can discern yuzu from a mile away by how he treats his working ground. 
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there is a purity to him. you’d not guess that this is one of the most ardent athletes if you didn’t see what’s around his neck after competitions. the guy’s cuteness is as compelling as his skating technique.
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look for it: yuzu’s face is super suave and rosy up close, even after his most energetic performances. some men are handsome, others pretty, he is both. 
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even acoustically, he’s hard to miss. applause is all around, and he’s highly expressive. if you see a crying young man getting the high score, that’s yuzuru hanyu. you’ve not seen more beautiful happy tears.
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and score reactions, anyway:
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so, aye loves, the rumors are true. a cutie-pie off the ice, animated, a real unabashed meme — yuzu is easy-going, talkative. cheery, cheeky, one of a kind. his facial expressions are a league of their own.
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if you thought this is the sort of guy who watches cat videos, you are correct 😄
yuz-uwu hanyu, everybody:
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his undoubtedly feline behaviour is often unexpected, it stands out with its adorableness, too. a sweetheart par excellence. 
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and, how else could it be: vice versa, the big beast on the rink. he’s cutesy, dorky, very well-spoken in daily life, but when it comes to skating, his seriousness escalates. you blink once and suddenly hanyu is a bedazzling, strutting lion :’D his performances stun with confident elegance.
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he becomes full of ardor, drama, and focus. you’d never suspect so much fire burns in him. a showman and ambition icon, hands down. 
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his skating is dynamic, perfected, and emotional. if you want to see art and the extra mile, tune in when hanyu competes.
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the downside is; more light, more shadow. it leaves him crawling on the ice afterwards. yuzu performs so hard, it’s worrying.
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he delivers it all. you won’t believe it:
this guy is an asthmatic.
the symptoms aren’t as bad as they used to be, but there are still regular attacks. he said that he’ll never take it as an excuse and often recalls how he started skating because of it. he’s a badass, extremely inspiring. yuzuru defies all limits, including gravity. his jumps have legendary status. 
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off the rink, you guessed it: he turns into a wholly different person. 
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it all dissolves completely when he’s dorking around again. 
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don’t let it deceive you, he’s the no other option than first place type. he could not be any more decorated with titles, he achieved the grand slam in all competitions as of 2020. and still, king of sportsmanship hanyu is respectful and smiley towards all colleagues and never lets anyone feel left out. especially when it comes to his juniors (e.g. yuma kagiyama, 16, below) which says a lot about him.
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he bows in every direction before an audience, too. lower than a 90° angle, even. this is more polite than any existing formality in japan.
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talk about audience: i introduced fellow japanese skater shoma uno last week, who’s more uncomfortable with social contact and aggression. yuzu, extrovert he is: the exact opposite. he withers away with no people and competition. he’s befriended rivals, had crises over not having someone who could challenge him. when a competitor retires, he’s the one crying in their arms (e.g. with team mate and bff javier fernandez from spain below).
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beside his competitive spirit and princely wow factor, hanyu is popular for his winnie pooh tissue box that he caresses, squeezes, and carries everywhere. he loves good luck charms & rituals, pooh is the most important one.
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fans throw pooh plushies on the ice after his performances because of it. since it’s gotten so intense, yuzu recently started cleaning them up himself on top of the flower girls for the upcoming skater who could get delayed otherwise. (more about what happens with the piles of plushies later.)
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so, the burning question is. 
what made yuzuru hanyu emerge so outstanding an entertainer? how does someone causing so much uproar become like that? it’s not just what kind of appearance he was given, although he really looks his part to a T. you don’t have to be an insider to see it right away.
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like literally to a fault. and you can tell the way his blades sound on the ice is different. it’s soft even if he does the most hardcore quadruple jumps. i think it’s because his drive to do this is a higher one, hanyu has an altered relationship with the ice. where his devotion comes from has a more severe reason so, massive trigger warning. 
this is no exaggeration: yuzuru is considered a hero to the japanese. a survivor of the earthquake 2011, he narrowly escaped the collapsing rink in his hometown on that very day. he’s often talked about how the ice shattered underneath his feet and it was the moment that defined his life forever. he could have been dead by the age of 16. his motivation has been set ever since. this man is compelled by something bigger, that’s why you hear it and you feel it. he wants to skate not just for himself but others and seize every day. 
much of his copious charity work — that’s where all the pooh plushies go — went to mend the consequences of the tsunami ever since, he’s looked upon as a great hope in japan. the minister gave him the people’s honor award in 2018. 
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now you know why yuzuru has such a fanbase and treats the ice as sacred, you see it in every gesture. his manners are without a single flaw, he helps staff repair the ice after performances. 
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you might think it’s odd, but he honors the ground. he’s invested in the integrity of it. that’s why he’s the best skater. it’s gratitude and the will to live fully.
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he hates to fall on the ice, he hates to damage it. alongside his feathery weight, that’s why the sound he makes while gliding along is so tender. 
i think that’s also why hanyu’s signature element is the ina bauer. it doesn’t rely on brutal force, instead this element slides across the rink like a swan. yeah, oh my god.
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it’s his most well-known dramatic move. the way he surrenders into it. 
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hanyu’s back arch and perfect split allow him to do elements no other male skaters can. his biellmann spin, for instance. i know, it’s ridiculous.
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and those are just two elements of dozens and dozens. hanyu is a kinetic wizard. i highly rec this record-breaking delivery of his olympic program. in front of his home crowd! he’s just… mind-boggling. i live for his smiles here.
exceptional skater, exceptional mentor: it’s time we look at another puzzle piece that made yuzu the way he is. the masterful brian orser is hanyu’s beloved coach. missing gold by just one mistake at the olympics 1988, brian is now committed to give others what he couldn’t have— successfully so.
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orser took the ice prince to gold twice, this hasn’t happened in 66 years. brian is the nicest and most supportive pooh carrier and yuzu’s utmost rock. hanyu’s talent rests safely in these hands.
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he gets strict about punctuality lmao! but other than that, his guidance is gentle. canadian he is, brian’s courteousness mixes well with yuzu’s politeness. their bond is strong. as. hell. 
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brian picked up yuzu from rock bottom several times. most fateful being hanyu’s accident with a fellow skater during competition warm-ups nov 2014. they collided at a high speed, it was unspeakably nasty. yuzu got knocked out for half a minute and had grave breathing problems but still decided to skate on with what later turned out as an almost-concussion. brian was the most worried ice dad in the world that day.
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yuzu cried and crouched and bled like mad and my heart has been broken ever since. i hope he never suffers like that again. promise me you don’t search up the video, it’s a harrowing watch like a stab to the chest. sadly enough, hanyu’s body has still been a notorious wreck, esp. ankle issues regularly give him a hard time 😔
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it hurts like a bitch with every jump landing but he takes meds and still manages to win, god knows how. sometimes even with crutches on the podium. at his worst, he’s still the best, it’s a tragedy.
he’s been recovering, or always is, but he pushes himself through injuries. his ambition and perfectionism are boundless. the cause is more important to him than his well-being. this is not an easy guy to stan once you see how he sacrifices and self-destructs. so, it’s good someone protects him. 
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mostly from himself because nobody has profoundly surpassed hanyu. he has let himself no choice than to contest himself. not even health, only age can stop yuzu. i think that brian understands this ‘curse of a genius’ effect. his mere presence can make hanyu say these rare words:
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his two other coaches contribute to that. tracy wilson (left) has proven to understand his playful side the best while ghislain briand (right) helps yuzuru deal with his fears. so you got 3 people taking care of the golden boy. brian once said: “he is very sheltered” and you can see it’s true.
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yuzu eased into learning english and communicates well with his coaches. like with everything, he studies hard and often forces himself to speak during interviews to practice. his skills are astounding. his speaking voice is also very soothing, very amicably low and high alike. yuzu is highly intelligent. he always says something eloquent and interesting.
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now, privately, hanyu is very much like you’d expect someone so devoted to skating would be like. he doesn’t go out, has no social media, can’t eat nor sleep very well. no cameras allowed during practice. it figures he is attached to winnie pooh, think about it. in the cartoon, pooh is someone who sleeps, eats, and engages with friends plenty. 
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these are the things hanyu can’t do, doesn’t have time/energy/incentive for. he is barred from balance in life but can at least admire this little carefree plushie for it. especially because pooh represents eating lots while yuzuru doesn’t have a good relationship with food (he says it doesn’t go well with jumps etc.), hanyu lives vicariously through him. 
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what’s more, you have to see how he throws himself onto others and never wants to let go, yuzuru is extremely cuddly. 
to the degree that mere social customs can’t meet how much he really needs. so, what else can he resort to, he loves mascots and plushies. it’s how the tale goes in japan generally, tough work ethic, high responsibility, high pressure, so people turn to cute fluffy things.
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he always fondles pooh’s head, even pretends he’s come to life so he has someone to snuggle with. i think that his isolated lifestyle doesn’t help. so, he gets his affection at least there, you can see how happy it makes him. and again: he does this all for charity.
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that’s why fellow skaters are so important to hanyu. it really brings out his social spirit and comforts him best, it’s so wholesome. i’ve not seen someone react so relieved to being embraced, like he’s not been touched for months. skating this, skating that. at the end of the day, hanyu wants love.
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as he once said, what motivates him is to express himself in the first place. hanyu is a romantic. it’s written all over him. it reflects in his music choices, his elegant motion, how he designs his outfits:
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… and how thoughtfully he talks about marriage. he has big plans for starting a family and coaching after he retires. i won’t be the only one squeezing lucky charm pooh in my imagination so it turns out well for him. please make this heart of gold heal and see all his wishes come true ♡🐻
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hanmajoerin · 4 years
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Polished, but pulled straight from the 2015 vault. Please excuse slightly dated versions of Rinne and Sakura, I wrote this prior to the end of the series.
Summary: Ever since she could see ghosts, Sakura wasn’t afraid of death. Maybe she was afraid of dying, but not what happened afterwards; then she met Rinne, and it was suddenly too hard to be afraid of dying, too.
II AO3 II Fanfiction.Net II
The last time Rinne wore that expression was five minutes after Sakura wheeled her life—three suitcases, two purses, and one overstuffed backpack—into the center of his studio apartment. Sakura was practically wheezing as she said, "I want to live with you, Rinne." It was more of a demand than a request, and once she could stand without having to brace her knees, Sakura shrugged her purses and backpack right into the apartment's entryway.
She refused to let Rinne tell her no, a word that appeared to be resting on the edge of his open mouth. She supposed that it shouldn’t have surprised her though when his response finally came. “You deserve more than this.”
Rinne wasn’t necessarily wrong. The place he and Rokumon called home was maybe three steps above Sankai High’s rundown clubhouse. There was a clunky A/C unit that was barely used, a musty aroma that clung to some of Tamako’s old furniture, and a dingy light that hung in the center of the studio apartment’s main room. It was a far cry from a dream home, but Sakura wasn’t looking for that. She’d been looking for him. Sweating through her skin during the summer and shivering regardless of how many sweaters she piled on during the winter didn’t seem all that bad if she and Rinne could continue passing on souls together. That’s why, even after all of this time, she stood by her response to him. “It’s enough.”
Earlier today Sakura stood next to Rinne at her own funeral; it was a bit weird to watch since she felt very much alive, but she stayed in place, hand clamped onto Rinne's shoulder. The shinigami wore an indifferent expression although he stood as rigid as a wooden plank. Death and finding peace were everyday occurrences for both of them she hadn't meant to change, but it was likely all he was thinking about. He was nodding his head, playing along, but she bet he was figuring out how much time was left. Sakura wondered if she should recycle her words from over sixty years ago, but didn’t. Call it intuition, but she figured that the phrase, “it’s enough,” wouldn't have the same effect now. "I'm right here," was all she decided to say whenever his voice strained while talking to her relatives and friends.
After the funeral, Rinne remained in one of her father's black suits, and because he didn't look a day over thirty-five, it continued to fit better than any glove. The dress shoes he wore were weathered, faded. They belonged to Rinne’s grandfather. The outsoles were thin yet Sakura heard each step he took in the afterlife; it was as if they were somehow tangled in the dirt, and he needed to drag himself forward.
They just made it to the street vendors bordering the Entry of Contentedness when it hit Sakura. A new kind of silence was stretching between them that felt out of place, or rather, dated. The two spent most of their lives together, so now was the oddest time to feel like high schoolers again. That's why Sakura hooked her arm around the familiar folds of the haori of the underworld. Her hand easily slid down to Rinne’s. With all its sunken skin and protruding veins, Sakura often wondered if it was weird for her hand to sit in his. Rinne never mentioned anything, even when she was alive. He offered her a gentle albeit forced smile.
"I remember the last few times I was here," Sakura confessed, sounding surprisingly chipper as she took in all the new old faces. "Back when I ripped your haori sleeve, everyone kept asking me if I had any unfinished business and they were so happy that I forgot I had to return it. I think I really understand them now, though."
Rinne offered her another crooked smile, one that was nowhere near as genuine as his salesman’s smile. "That's because it's easy to get swept up in the atmosphere of this area."
"Are you happy now?" Sakura inquired, not bothering to listen to his response. She was lucky, dying an old woman. Although she tended to walk slower, she could walk ten times faster than the stroll Rinne took her on. She wasn’t the one with the attachments. "I wonder what Ageha will do once she realizes I'm gone," Sakura said, staring at the string of red lanterns lining the strip.
"She's still trying to take my old man down; probably won't be back for a while..."
Sakura nodded, watching as one of the elderly men tried catching a goldfish. "That boot-camp her parents sent her to really helped. I never thought she'd learn to pass on souls like you... it definitely made things easier for Oboro."
"Yeah," Rinne hummed and Sakura squeezed his hand. "Jumonji's going to throw an entire briefcase of holy ash at me when I tell him you made it to the wheel," he mumbled, finally looking down at Sakura. His eyes shined like glass. He chuckled alongside her.
"Don’t forget to respond to his new year's letter when you get home," Sakura chided.
In their senior year of high school, Tsubasa transferred again. He promised he'd be back to date Sakura, but once he finally found his exorcism niche, that promise was too difficult to keep. Instead of returning, Tsubasa wrote Sakura a letter every year. After a while, he finally stopped signing them with "Love."
Was it even possible for Sakura to feel more warmth now? She was a content spirit, but the sight of Rinne scoffing and wearing such a nostalgic expression somehow made her feel lighter. "Isn't Tsubasa more tolerable than Matsugo though?" They hadn't seen him since college.
"Sakura Mamiya!" Rinne blurted out, throwing her arm away from his. Sakura couldn’t help but laugh; she hadn’t been called that in decades.
"At least Shoma didn't turn out too bad, right?" The overambitious shinigami inherited his family fortune but still had a lot to learn when it came to pacifying spirits. Rinne helped him out from time to time. "Oh, do you remember when my mother passed? She was so shocked that you offered to lead her to the Wheel of Reincarnation and even more surprised that I could see her."
"Yeah, and your dad tried to kill me when he died; he almost turned into an evil spirit," Rinne added. "Would've been better if he did. At least then I would've gotten a better reward..."
Sakura sighed and stared at the sky above them. It was a mesh of bright colors. Pinks and yellows, soft reds and blues. Whirlpools twirled above them like ballet dancers. Maybe if she didn't know what would happen next, she would've gazed upwards stiffly like her husband. "Did Auntie Tamako tell you how I'll come back?" She asked, leaning against his shoulder as they arrived at the Sanzu River.
Countless adorable boats eased downstream, shinigami and black cats guiding spirits like employees of a theme park. Death and peace, everyday occurrences. Ends followed by new beginnings, an inevitable process. Rinne swept Sakura up bridal style and she leaned her head against his heart. There was no peace to be experienced by listening to it, but Sakura shouldn’t have expected to find comfort in him. They flew over the Sanzu River and Rinne hummed in agreement to Sakura’s question. "You'll be a calico."
And then they arrived at the line, and she was set down. Sakura stared at the stupefied, blissful faces around them. They encouraged her to shed the oncoming urges to memorize every feature on Rinne's face. Sakura Rokudo’s last ties.
"I've had so much fun in this life, and it's all because of you."
The way his shoulders tensed and his mouth quivered when she said stuff like that always made her laugh. "R-really?"
Sakura nodded vigorously, moving in time with the line of souls waiting to step onto the Wheel of Reincarnation. "Yup. Promise you'll find me again so we can make new memories in my next life."
"Alright..." Rinne agreed as a blush blew across the bridge of his nose. "I'll do it."
Rinne lifted her by the waist onto one of the translucent red tiles, planting her square in the center. When Sakura was settled, he interlocked their fingers. "Great," she began, not fighting the pull the wheel had on their grip. "Now I truly have no attachments."
Rinne’s feet lifted off the ground, keeping their hands level. He ignored the idle chatter surrounding them, attempting to mirror Sakura’s carefree attitude. She may have been ready, but he wasn’t. "Excuse me, Sir," a pig-masked worker interrupted, tugging on the bottom of his haori. Maybe it was the spot where the man tugged, but it brought Rinne back to when Sakura used to tug on the sleeve of his office blazer. She’d remind him that, “The only person we should be pacifying until 6:30PM is the manager," as countless spirits wandered through the surrounding cubicles. The memories from their working days seemed so small in light of where they were now and he didn't know what to do. "Shinigami are not permitted beyond this point, please step back onto the platform."
"Right. Sorry," Rinne mumbled, slowly lowering himself until Sakura's hand slid too easily out of his.
She shrunk before his eyes, her spirit becoming more translucent the higher up she went. It took every scrap of courage Rinne had to keep focused. He searched Sakura’s entire face for the moments when they were in high school and he walked a tightrope with their relationship. Her backpack was gone, her uniform was gone, and she hadn't put her hair in braids after their coworker Yumi made fun of her for it, but maybe—just maybe— he'd be able to go back. The years were there after all, lined up along the lines of her face.
"Goodbye,” Sakura said, although he couldn’t really hear her. She waved to him. She asked him to find her. It was a naïve request; humans never lived the same life twice.
"Goodbye, Sakura," Rinne whispered, waving back at his most treasured person as she rounded the top, lost in the Wheel of Reincarnation’s magnificent reds and golds.
Rinne told Rokumon that he'd return home after guiding Sakura to the Wheel of Reincarnation, but his entire body sagged like a sodden, rotten log. It would be too hard to look at anyone without feeling as if he were troubling them.
"Granny," Rinne stated loudly, sliding the door open and walking into Tamako's house. It was the only place he could stand to be. She was the only one who would understand.
Like clockwork, Tamako materialized to twist her knuckles against Rinne's temples. He was still standing in the genkan. "How many times do I have to tell you not to—Rinne!"
She probably hadn't expected his forehead to fly from her knuckles to her shoulder. Or for the momentum to send them toppling into the hallway. "Rinne?" She asked, raising a brow at the chipped, worn dress shoes his toes dangled over. His back and shoulders rose and fell without rhythm and he wrapped his arms around her but the action brought no comfort. Tamako pushed him back, and Rinne wished she would have let him stay hidden. His eyes glistened as he took deep breaths. "What kind of shinigami are you—crying over something as common as death?"
"I'm a human, kind of thing."
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geckomoon · 4 years
Yuri!!! on ice as irl skaters (part 1???)
Its 2020 and I miss yoi so here are my personal headcanons about which irl skater the you cast skate &/or act like because why the hell not.
(photos at the bottom of the post because I couldn't get the format to work the way I wanted it to)
Yuri Katsuki ➡️ Boyang Jin (China)/Evgenia Medvedeva (Russia)
Yes, 2 people because PARALLELS.
So my reason for saying Yuri is like Boyang is because, his step sequences are always gorgeous and his jumping power, oofttttt, and that one scene where Yuri tries a jump and lands in the wall, you know the one. Boyang Jin is known for jumping super close to the boards and scaring the hell out of us all, seriously, just watch one of his skates, it's amazing and terrifying. Also Boyang is a bit of a nerd and Yuri is canonicaly pretty into video games, nuff said.
Boyang is a two-time World bronze medalist (2016–2017), the 2018 Four Continents champion, a two-time Four Continents silver medalist (2016, 2019), the 2017 Asian Winter Games silver medalist, and a five-time (2014–2017, 2019) Chinese national champion.
Evgenia however, this is more of a parallel in how her 2018/19 season went and how Yuri kinda flopped. Zhenya had a crappy start to the 18/19 season, she'd just switched coaches and mover halfway across the world, for the 1st time in her senior career she didn't make the gpf. However by the end of the season she had bounced back and won bronze at worlds and my god what a skate that fp was. Remind you of anyone huh???
Evgenia has a lot of medals (and actually made a cameo in the end credits of episode 10) She is a two-time Olympic silver medalist (2018 ladies' singles, 2018 team event), a two-time world champion (2016, 2017), a two-time European champion (2016, 2017), a two-time Grand Prix Final champion (2015, 2016), a two-time Russian national champion (2016, 2017), silver medalist at the 2018 European Figure Skating Championships and bronze medalist at the 2019 World Championships. Also, she is a huge Anime fan and has a sailor moon exhibition program and its adorable.
Victor Nikiforov ➡️ Yuzuru Hanyu (Japan)
I know a lot of people compare Yuri to Yuzu but I think Victor is a better fit.
Yuzuru has a legion of super duper dedicated fans, they are pretty scary at times. If you watch the 2018 Olympics, the ice literally was covered in Pooh bears after his skate. People love this man, and rightly so. Clearly Yuri isn't the only one who loves Victor, he's very popular in the yoi skating world and almost everyone loves and looks up to him.
His skates are almost immaculate every time. Not only is his technique amazing but his artistry is what really sets him apart from other skaters who may have higher bv on jumps etc. Not that he dosent have high bv, seriously he tries combos that are super wierd just for the bv (see the wierd 4t-3a combo thing he does idk). Plus he's dead set on doing a quad axel. See Victor's super high bv with all the quads and also the fact everyone goes nuts over how his skating is 'like no other'.
Also his medal collection is absolutely mad, he is a two-time Olympic champion (2014, 2018), two-time World champion (2014, 2017), four-time Grand Prix Final champion (2013–2016), Four Continents champion (2020) and three times silver medalist (2011, 2013, 2017). Just like how Victor is canonicaly an Olympic champion and 5x world champion and probably many time euros champ.
Also, he's a sweetheart, he literally crawled behind Shoma Uno because he didn't want the attention taken away from Shoma. I love him.
Victor Nikiforov gives big Yuzuru Hanyu energy.
Yuri Plisetsky ➡️ Yulia Lipnitskaya (Russia)/Alexandra Trusova (Russia)
Again, 2 people.
It's canon that Yuri P was modeled after Yulia for the flexibility and artistic portion of his skates so I feel like I don't need to elaborate much in it however his determination and his wanting to back load with quads reminds me a lot of Sasha Trusova.
Sasha only started juniors the year after yoi came out (she had a Makkachin tissue box which was given to her by Evgenia M which is adorable) so she was not really that popular when the show was being made but she really made a statement when she became the 1st woman to land 2 quads in 1 program (4 salchow and 4 toeloop) at the age of 13 at 2018 junior worlds.
She has just started senior and this season she had 5 quads in one program and I think I cried. She now has a quad sal, toe, flip and lutz and is apparently working on a loop. On top of that she can land a 3 axel but has yet to do so in competition. Did I mention SHE'S 15 AND I'M TERRIFIED.
She currently holds the world record for the free skate (166.62 points). She is the 2020 European Bronze Medalist, the 2019 Grand Prix Final bronze medalist, the 2019 Skate Canada champion, the 2019 Rostelecom Cup champion, the 2019 CS Ondrej Nepela champion, the 2019 Russian national silver medalist, and the 2020 Russian national bronze medalist.
Her determination to win and high TES reminds me of Yurio a lot.
Phichit Chulanont ➡️ Nam Nguyen (Canada)
This one is fun.
I love Nam with all my heart, he's actually my favourite male skater and not just because of his skating. However his skating is great. He is the 2014 World Junior champion, 2019 Skate Canada silver medalist, and two-time Canadian national champion (2015, 2019). He has placed as high as fifth at the World Championships, in 2015. He's not the best skater ever, kinda like Phichit but his personality shines through so much when he skates and I love it.
My main comparison to Phichit is the fact that Nam Nguyen is a huge meme. His Instagram is one of the most hilarious things I've ever seen (@ namnamnoodle). I can't explain it with words seriously just go look at it, he makes memes using professionnally taken skating photos of himself and honestly it's just a giggle. He's almost always posting on his story and half the videos he takes end up on fan twitter and everyone freaks out.
Also he's good friends with Evgenia, thought I'd mention that seeing as who I compared her to :)).
Yeah, Phichit and Nam are memes and I adore them both.
Jean-Jacques Leroy ➡️ Nathan Chen (USA)
Jj is definitely more of a technical focused skater. He tends to put all his eggs in the '800000 quads' bucket and isn't as artistic, in my humble opinion.
Just like Nathan surprisingly, though Nate isn't as egotistical (not a dig, just an observation).
Nathan is compared to Yuzu a lot, and had actually scored higher than him a few times in competition. He is an amazing jumper and is the first skater to have landed five types of quadruple jumps in competitions: toe loop, Salchow, loop, flip and Lutz. Currently he is two-time World champion (2018, 2019), a 2018 Winter Olympic bronze medalist in the team event, the 2017 Four Continents champion, three-time Grand Prix Final champion (2017, 2018, 2019), and four-time U.S. national champion (2017, 2018, 2019, 2020).
So yeah, he's good.
However at the 2018 Olympics (he was only 18 at the time) he bombed under pressure in the team event and in the sp, only to come back with a WR free skate, but didn't medal because of his sp score,kinda like how Jj bombed at the GPF. (Ngl, I cried in school when I saw Nate bomb at the Olympics, I was so upset).
Also, Nathan is super smart and is training to be a doctor. Not related to Jj but I thought I would point it out.
Christophe Giacometti➡️ Adam Rippon (USA)/Javier Fernández (Spain)
Chris is a hard one to pin to an irl skater because he's just so... Chris.
The closest comparison I can get is Adam Rippon but dialed up to 11 because Adam is quite a bit more tame than Chris is. However he did have a point in his sp where he literally beckons the judges to him in a way that can only be described as vaguely sexual. Seeing that at the Olympics was an event I'll tell you that.
Adam was the first openly gay man to make a U.S. Winter Olympic team, and the first to win a medal at the Winter Games. (team bronze).
Plus, I'm pretty sure he owned a Chris plushie at one point or another.
However other than the obvious Chrissness, his technique and medal winning achievements most closely match up with Javier Fernández (who may I add is pretty much Yuzuru Hanyu's best friend). He is the 2018 Olympic bronze medalist, a two-time World champion (2015, 2016), a two-time World bronze medalist (2013, 2014), a seven-time European champion (2013–2019), a two-time Grand Prix Final silver medalist (2014, 2015), a three-time Rostelecom Cup champion (2014–2016), a two-time Grand Prix in France champion (2016–2017) and an eight-time Spanish national champion (2010, 2012–2018). Javi is an amazing skater but usually ended up playing 2nd fiddle to Yuzuru on the world stage, but with euros, he literally won 7 times consecutively. Anndddd, he was the flag bearer for Spain at the 2014 Olympics and I still cry about it.
Otabek Altin➡️ Denis Ten (Kazakhstan)/ Matteo Rizzo
So it's canon that Otabek was based on Denis (rip Denis) so like Yuri and Yulia I do not feel like I need to elaborate much as you can read it on the wikia page. But Otabek also reminds me of a less talkative version of Matteo Rizzo. Matteo is the 2019 European bronze medalist, 2018 NHK Trophy bronze medalist, 2019 Winter Universiade champion, and 2018 Italian national champion.
The reason he reminds me of Otabek is that they just joth exude the same level of cool and I can't explain it any further than that. That's it. Just watch him skate and you'll see.
So that's all I have for now because this post got pretty long so if this gets enough attention I'll do a part 2 :)).
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scriptingpenguin · 5 years
Family blood
A little nice short story about Sett dealing with some internal issues
With the everyday tension growing in Ionia, few find days of respite and luxury. Noxians were knocking at their door every few days or so. One would always hear of a village or town being torn from Ionia’s beautiful lands. The Noxians cared not for the destruction they left in their wake, their only care was to conquer and reap the lands for their own. 
Navori, a town where a crime lord is at the center. Anyone who dared challenge his word, would find their teeth on the ground. His reputation introduced him to anyone entering the town for the first time. Though there are some who think he is just some bastard child who is throwing a tantrum. In the crowds there were many hooded and cloaked citizens. Two whisper to each other as they keep their heads low, “I swear I saw her come this way…” 
“I cannot believe she slipped from under your nose!” The woman cried. 
“I swear she looked like you! She had all your features!” Her companion argued. 
While the two spoke and scurried through the crowd, there was a copy of the woman traveling in the opposite direction heading to a very dangerous part of town. 
In the pits, roaring and cheering can be heard coming from the stands. Skin on skin, bone on bone, thundering bodies hitting the floor as people fought for their glory or their lives. But under the pits there is a hideout one that was home to the infamous crime lord, Sett. The large half Vastayian wolverine like man slouched on his throne. A body dropped in front of him as the man whimpered and groaned. 
“You took from me something, and you have yet to pay it back. As per our agreement, you will work in the pits.” Sett gruffed staring down at the insect before him. He could almost taste the fear emanating from the lowlife.
“Take him away, his damn whimpering is giving me a headache.” He waved the man off as one of his subordinates gripped the man’s neck and dragged him out of the room. Sighing to himself, Sett looked over to his right hand, “Is that the last one? I need a break. It’s another one of those days.”
The woman nodded and put down the list in her hands, “Yes boss, that was the last one.”
With a groan the dark red headed man stood from his throne and walked out of the room with his hands deep in his pockets. He slowly paced through the hallways his head lost in thought. He sat on a bench and groaned with his head in his hands. 
“Same shit everyday. These Noxian fucks think they can run into my territory and try to take from me. You’d think with the few I send home packing with bruises and broken bones would tell their friends to keep away.” He huffed as he stared down at his feet, “And I keep getting reminded of the bad blood I have. Anytime I look at one of their faces.”
He would see feet approach him, “You sound like you need someone to talk to…” His eyes looked up to see a noxian woman in a cloak. As if a switch flipped in him, he stood up and swung his fists at the woman. 
“Fucking Noxian bitch how did you get in here?!” He growled.
The woman backed away and quickly her form changed into something more, her. The chameleon like girl looked over at him with her hands up, “W-wait, Neeko is not Noxian! She is just Vastayian! Well not really more Vastayashai'rei. But I am not a stinky Noxian!”
Sett’s demeanor completely changed from attack, to confusion. “Vataya-what? Sorry I am not really too intuned with my Vastayian side, though I should be. Question stands at how did you get here? And how did you do that?” 
Neeko transformed herself to look like Sett and giggled, “It’s magic! Neeko and her people can copy peoples Shoma! Oh that is another word you might not know… Um peoples auras I guess? Oh and Vastayashai'rei is what you might call the first of the Vastayians! My people are direct descendants!”
Sett looked at his mirror copy and tilted his head. “Wow, you really do look exactly like me… Even got my scar right. Huh, I needa shave a little… Wait do you copy everything?” He looks up and down his mirror. 
“What do you mean?” Neeko turned back into herself and looked up at the man.
“Well do you have… Actually nevermind. Also, no I don’t need to talk to anyone!” He growled.
Neeko sat down on the bench and smiled, “Its okay! We are like family! You can tell big sister Neeko all your problems and I can help in my own Neeko way!”
He raised a brow looking at her then shook his head, “We are not ‘family’ my only family is my ma who I love with all my heart.” 
“Not true! We are family! We share the same blood! Although your blood might have a lot more peoples in it. And aren’t these other people in this home your family?” 
Sett took a step back and let out an  exaggerated groan, “I mean, yea I guess? But calling me family is not a good thing. I am a damn Noxian bastard child who has the best and prettiest mom in the world.” 
Neeko’s ears perked up, “Pretty mom?! Neeko wanna see! Not as pretty as my Nidalee though!” 
Sett’s eyes narrowed as he looked at the chameleon, “No because you might turn into her. And that would be weird for me.”
“Sorry Neeko got off topic. But you are more than just that! Neeko can tell by your Shoma that you care deeply for mama! You may have bad things in your blood but that shouldn’t mean you are bad! You are you! You can be Vastayian, or Noxian, or even just Ionian if you want! You yourself defines you, not your blood! My tribe is my family, but Nidalee is also family! She helped Neeko when she was in trouble and Neeko is very happy for it!” 
Neeko hopped up and poked at the man’s chest, “Hating yourself just makes you wanna punch things! And if you are too busy hating yourself, where will your love for mama come from!” 
Sett looks at the girl in awe as she may talk funny but she is spitting out some major truth. Soon his right hand comes walking in with two cloaked Noxians being dragged by their collars, “Boss I found these two snooping around  and- wait who is she and how did she get here?”
The two Noxians pointed at Neeko, “There she is!”
Neeko ran behind Sett and hid, “Those two tried to capture Neeko. She ran from them both. That is how Neeko got here.”
Sett’s eyes threw fire at the two Noxians as he walked over to them. “Let me handle this.” His right hand dropped them both and walked off glaring over at Neeko. Neeko transformed into her and giggled at her, “Neeko thinks you are pretty…”
Cracking his knuckles he lifted one up by the scruff of his neck, “You Noxians never learn, Don’t Fuck With My People!” He reeled back and knocked out a few teeth from the man. He dropped his bloodied face on the floor and glared at the woman, “Get out of my town before I throw you both in the pits. I see either of your mugs again and I will do more than just take out a few teeth.”
 The two screamed out and ran out while Neeko smiled and tapped Sett’s shoulder, “Is Neeko your people?”
Sett smirked a little and nodded, “Yes she is. Thanks. Your a funny little one. You ever need help around here, let me know.”
“Well, Neeko could use a nice place to stay for the night, maybe next door to the pretty lady?”
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the-real-xmonster · 5 years
Hi Alice, this message has been sitting in my outbox for almost a year, haha, thought I'll try ask :). First and foremost, thank you!! can't say enough how much I love your blog. What do you most look forward to for Yuzu in the new season? For me besides his 4A(!), I'd like to see more variety in his spins and ChSq, especially the latter, as much as I adore his ina bauer and hydroblade, maybe its time to try something new and different? Am I being too greedy?
Hello there, sorry for taking forever to get back to you on this (work is crazy and I just picked up a new video game so like… haha… *whisper* please send help). 
So, first, no, I don’t think you’re being greedy. I’d also want to see more variety in Yuzu’s ChSq in particular. I love the flavorful touches he put on his hydroblade this season by linking it with the one-foot Axel in Otonal and switching up the position in Haru yo, Koi - I hope to see more of such creativity next season, with possible application on the layback Ina Bauer as well. In addition, I’d give anything for him to bring back the sit twizzle (no Yuzu I still am not forgiving you for taking it out of Origin)
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or any extended twizzle really
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choreographed inside Ina Bauer
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and even just a simple change edge spread eagle.
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The thing is, Yuzu has so many nice, “wow” moves in his arsenal, I’d say it’s just a matter of him figuring out the right music and the right way to incorporate the right selection of moves into his choreography, which brings me to the next thing I very much look forward to, which is new music. I can say with confidence that I wouldn’t have any issue if he chooses to repeat Otonal and Origin next season, but if he decides to construct one or two new programs, I really hope he’d pick something classical, especially so if it’s for his LP. Yuzu hasn’t had a free skate set to classical music since… what… his first season as a senior? A violin concerto, a string quartet, a sonata, any kind of chamber music with a violin in it - I’m game. I think Yuzu and his style have both matured enough that now’s a good time to revisit that most fundamental of combinations: skating and classical music, and I believe he’d do a stellar job given the fitting music.
Secondly, I’ve heard Kurt Browning commentated more than once that he’s amazed how relaxed/“quiet” Yuzu’s upper body was when he jumped, I’d like to ask if you can elaborate that point more, better yet, can you show me how “not-relaxed” other skaters might be when performing a jump? 
I actually have touched on this same topic before and miraculously enough I was able to find that old post, here you go.
In that old post I used Patrick, Shoma, Javi, Nathan, Boyang (the 2017 WC top 6) for juxtaposition, but it should be noted that none of those 5 is whom I’d call a “muscled” jumper. Their upper body might not be as totally relaxed as Yuzu, who is absolutely in a league of his own in that regard, but their takeoff postures are all fair enough to look at, and they don’t overuse their upper body to force start the rotation either. If you want to know what a truly “not relaxed” upper body looks like, I, sadly, have to point you to Junhwan (as discussed here in comparison with Javi), and Zhenya, especially back around when she was in junior / first turned senior. See the way she pushed her arms out taut and tensed up her shoulders before both of the jumps?
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Now you can compare Zhenya’s 3F3T against this combo of Kaori’s below to see the difference between her takeoff and one with a quiet, relaxed upper body (most of the Japanese ladies are pretty good at that, but I think Kaori is truly the standout example even among her teammates). 
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Thirdly, in regard to the current rivalry between Yuzu and Nathan, I felt the same as Brian Orser that it kind of reminds me of back in 2013-14, when Yuzu was a teenager rising star chasing Patrick the 3 time worldchampion. And Yuzu was known as a great jumper back then while Patrick was renowned for his skating skills, and it was very excited to see them go against each other. Now Yuzu is so well rounded (pray for his ankle!) and Nathan is developing quickly too, are we gonna see more of that excitement in the next year or two? I hope its good for the sport. Sorry about this long Questions post. :)
Yes, of course, it’s good for the sport to have a lot of variety in (1) the natural baseline abilities of the skaters (2) which areas each skater chooses to focus on and (3) the strategies employed by the skaters, as a result of (1) and (2) combined. It’s also great for the sport to have a new generation developing and competing against the older one(s), whilst both continuously pushing / inspiring each other to move forward. A sport lacking such generational movement, IMO, is as good as dead, and no matter how intense the competition among the existing generation is, when you look at it as a whole, such a competitive landscape would ultimately feel somewhat… bleak (for lack of a better word). I know that feeling very well because that gloom and doom mood just about sums up the prospect of men’s tennis for the last half of the decade. Sure it’s been fun and it still is, mostly, to watch the holy trinity of Roger - Rafa - Novak trying to one-up each other on how many entries they have in the history book, but one can’t help but screaming into the void, from time to time: where are all the darned kids? 
So, yeah, you could say that, even though the outcome of their competition might not always be to my liking, I’m glad that a rivalry of sort exists between Yuzu and Nate, I think it does make the men’s competition more scintillating to follow for new and old fans alike, and just as importantly, I believe it’s part of the reasons why Yuzu’s decided to stay with us for at least another season.
Here’s to an exciting 2019-2020 skating season!   
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jennibeultimate · 6 years
Personal recap 4CC 2019 - Men SP
Who would have guessed that Vincent Zhou would lead after the SP?
Me? Never, because he is so proned to get URs that I never thought he would get a pass today, probably being in the US and Nathan not there helped but anyway good SP and much improved artistically compared to last season. The 4Lz3T combo was really good! The PCS seem a tad high though...well...Congrats for taking 1st today!
Junhwan Cha is a stellar performer this season. He really is someone that can be a big contender in seniors. He was very good! Imo he lacks a bit connection to the audience. I can't lose the feeling of a B. Orser bonus...97 points, only 3 points away from Vincent who does 2 quads? Wow!
Boyang Jin...where do I start? Jump problems is something that caused him the lackluster season. So I hope that does not continue, but he was injured and I don't know if he still is. Anyway he loves his program and his fun makes me smile. The golden blades are eye-catching, I am still not sure if I like this distracting thing. On pics it definitely looks cool. Well the score was "low" , not totally unexpected because of the 4Lz mistake, but only 1 point away from Shoma (who wasn't error free at all) although he did two quads and had only one mistake? Shows you that he doesn’t get the massive GOEs of neither Junhwan or Vincent even where no mistakes were in the elements. Btw nice 3A!
Here come my babbling about Shoma:
Shoma 😭❤️
I think Shoma skated very cautious today. Of course he isn't anywhere near 100% having injured his ankle 3 times in one month. 😭😭😭 He wasn't at full pace and the changed layout took its toll and didn't quite work, but what else was he supposed to do? Well maybe not competing, but that's Shoma we talk about and he hardly ever withdraws...I think the score isn't too bad, highest PCS still even if it is only a few tenths, the program is still brilliant but if he isn't on fire it doesn't spark its charme so much.
Shoma is in 4th but not far away from 3rd and Junhwan Cha doesn't quite have the content to surpass Shoma in the FS but with the cushion it could work and the state Shoma is in right now. Boyang and Vincent have a 10 point higher BV than Shoma. That is an advantage to them, without any mistakes and the PCS they get so far😑 they could be hard to catch. So the odds aren't in Shoma's favor, but who knows...I still believe Shoma can make it, but it won't be easy and it isn't all in his own hands. And he is injured, I know it isn't an excuse and he won't use it, but c'mon "loosing" in those circumstances is understandable. Such a shame that always when Shoma is the clear favorit to win he is injured, I have Worlds 2018 déja vu...😢
Go Shoma! I believe in you! ❤️
Keegan Messing was enjoyable! I really like the program. His unusual way of jumping seems to tip him off balance so he can't get the highest GOEs though he was clean. I don't agree that his PCS should be in the same area as Junhwan and Boyang and Vincent. He connects much better to the audience and his performance wasn't worse than them. Hm...
Jason Brown...well Jason I really wanted to get him to the podium...his skating is so beautiful. 😍 But sure if you don't have a quad, the 3A not working, for this skate he came off quite good with 86 points. Hm...right now I just wish for a beautiful FS and the placement surely won't be on the podium...
Keiji Tanaka and Kazuki Tomono just show once again that they have a lot to work on, mainly nerves and consistency, to settle themselves further to the top. Puh...
Sorry ranting ahead...The PCS here at 4CC are quite meh 🤮...because almost same PCS for Junhwan, Keegan, Boyang and Vincent with 42. And only 2 points more for Jason and Shoma. And there are huge gaps between those two and the rest mentioned. And Keiji gets only 40 PCS??? The diversity should be greater. How is it possible all get quite the same??? Seems like judges couldn't decide, but that's not right....and this is why I can't take PCS judging seriously. I hope the differences in the FS are bigger, but so far I doubt it...don't get me wrong I don't think the whole placement today wasn't fair and that points should have been totally different but still you could see favoritism and downplaying and you still can see what is very wrong with the system that if you do a quad your PCS rise too and if you fail a thing the PCS drop significantly. (I know that PCS limit is part of the rule now but that doesn't make it right)
But overall the men (at least the last two groups that I have seen) delivered good programs without falls. Mistakes of course, but no falling in every jump and that's definitely a good thing!
Good luck to all competitors in the FS! May the judges treat you fairly and all the same! 🙏
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thegenealogy · 1 year
1 Chronicles 8: 13-18. "The Business."
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13 and Beriah and Shema, who were heads of families of those living in Aijalon and who drove out the inhabitants of Gath.
Beriah=by the means of evil
Shema=evil tidings
The verb שמע (shama') means to hear and may also mean to understand or obey. Noun שמע (shema') means sound. Nouns שמע (shoma') and שמועה (shemu'a) mean tidings, report or mentions. Noun השמעות (hashma'ut) describes that which is caused to be heard. Noun משמע (mishma') means rumor or a thing heard. Noun משמעת (mishma'at) refers to a group or listeners.
Aijalon=standards of conduct
The root אלל ('alal) predominantly describes a protruding or sticking out. This may be positive (when one leads a collective), neutral (when one is a tree), or negative (when one fails convention). The latter sense in particular describes foolishness, or at least a failure to live up to cognitive standards or common codes of conduct.
Gath= the winepress
14 Ahio, Shashak, Jeremoth, 15 Zebadiah, Arad, Eder, 16 Michael, Ishpah and Joha were the sons of Beriah.
"Evil conduct, lies, propaganda, slanderous speech will drive good men away from the convention."
17 Zebadiah, Meshullam, Hizki, Heber, 18 Ishmerai, Izliah and Jobab were the sons of Elpaal.
Zebadiah= the gift
The verb זבד (zabad) means to give and the noun זבד (zebed) means gift. Both these words are used only once, in Genesis 30:20. These words' more common equivalents come from the root נתן (natan).
Meshullam=the peacemaker
The verb שלם (shalem) means to be or make whole or complete, and is also used to describe a righteous recompense or proper restitution (whether positive or not). The familiar noun שלום (shalom) means wholeness, completeness or peace.
Other derivatives are: noun שלם (shelem), peace offering; verb שלם (shalam), to be in a covenant of peace; adjective שלם (shalem), perfect, whole, complete, safe; noun שלם (shillem), recompense; nouns שלמן (shalmon), שלום (shillum), שלם (shillum) and שלמה (shilluma), reward or proper recompense.
Hizki=to be strong
The verb חזק (hazaq) means to be or become firm, strong or courageous. Adjective חזק (hazaq) means strong. Nouns חזקה (hezqa), חזק (hezeq) and חזק (hozeq) mean strength. Noun חזקה (hozqa) means force or violence.
The verb חבר (habar) means to bind, join or team up. Nouns חבר (heber) and חברה (hebra) mean company or association. Adjective or noun חבר (haber) means united or associate. Noun חבר (habbar), meaning business associate.
Ishmerai= "guarding the place of the agent"
Izliah=Drawn out by Yah
Jobab=to lament
sons of Elpaal=the results of efforts
This section of Saul says the business of unity requires the squelching of all misanthropic ideas, which humanity has a long history of spreading one generation to the next. First there must be restitution made for this. Next proper institutions with "events" that dial up the level of merits society gives back to its constituents must become the norm.
People have a right to feel whole and complete without the interference of the state or the church. This is not a new idea but it definitely might qualify as a new experience, which would be nice since brokering it to the people who live on this planet is required by law.
And this means all arguments of a faith based nature are moot in a court of law in a secular state. Protecting citizens of secular governments from the torrents of religion is a major aspect of the mission profile which is weird since it is almost always the most overlooked.
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whatsonmedia · 2 years
Film Friday: 5 movie selections of the week!
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Watching movies is one of the best mediums of entertainment. For film nerds! We are once again here with the exciting list of the latest releases, and WhatsOn editorial is as always here to make your weekend worthy with Film Friday. Grab some popcorn, and enjoy the movies we've selected for you. Writing: Tama Sarker 1. The Sea Beast American computer-animated adventure movie The Sea Beast was directed by Chris Williams for the first time by himself. The movie, which was created internally at Netflix Animation, was presented in a few cinemas on June 24, 2022, before making its Netflix debut on July 8. Critics gave the movie favorable reviews. Monster hunters were revered figures at a time when fearsome creatures prowled the oceans, and none was more adored than the great Jacob Holland. But he got an unexpected friend when young Maisie Brumble flich aboard his legendary ship. Together, they set out on a historic expedition into new territory. https://youtu.be/P-E-IGQCsPo 2. Spiderhead The film is based on George Saunders' dystopian short story "Escape from Spiderhead," it is a 2022 American science fiction thriller film directed by Joseph Kosinski. The script writers are Rhett Reese and Paul Wernick. Miles Teller, Jurnee Smollett, and Chris Hemsworth (who also co-produced) are the movie's stars. On June 11, 2022, Spiderhead had its Sydney premiere, and on June 17, 2022, it was made available on Netflix. Critics gave the movie a variety of ratings. https://youtu.be/BfsNfFoA0J0 3. Khuda Haafiz Chapter 2 Agni Pariksha The is a 2022 Indian Hindi action-thriller film that serves as a prequel to Khuda Haafiz, which came out in 2020. Under the umbrella of Panorama Studios, the movie writer and director is Faruk Kabir, and it is also produced by Kumar Mangat Pathak, Abhishek Pathak, Sneha Bimal Parekh, and Ram Mirchandani. Both artists Vidyut Jammwal and Shivaleeka Oberoi appear in it. The movie opened in theaters on July 8, 2022. After facing all challenges, Sameer and Nargis finally experience some happiness when little Nandini joins their family, but their joy is fleeting. In a strange turn of events, Nandini disappears. https://youtu.be/lezwxOdhdtA 4. Major The film is based on the real-life of Major Sandeep Unnikrishnan, who was killed in action during the November 2008 Mumbai attacks and later received the Ashoka Chakra, the nation of India's highest honor for valor during a period of peace, on January 26, 2009. Release date, June 3, 2022 (India). Director Sashi Kiran Tikka, story writers Adivi Sesh Abburi dialogue by Ravi, Stars: Sobhita Dhulipala, Adivi Sesh, Saiee Manjrekar https://youtu.be/PAv1Ke07QAM 5. Prapti (Receipt) Bengali film titled Prapti (Receipt) was published on June 10, 2022. Samadarshi Dutta, Debdut Ghosh, Pratyusha Roslin, and Ananya Pal Bhattacharya played key roles in the Anuraag Pati-directed film. Sunanda and Shoma have been married for almost a year, yet Sunanda is employed by Bihar's forest service. Shoma continues to write to Bedey Da, the love of her life but receives no response. Bedey da unexpectedly visits Sunanda to meet Shoma one day. https://youtu.be/Oxk5j4kJIMk Read the full article
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he’s not good at this dating thing and it’s driving him crazy
you make him giddy and nervous and he can’t think straight when you’re around and Shoma DOES NOT like that
he hates when he’s not in control of his own emotions but god you’re almost addicting
the way his heart races when you laugh or smile or look in his general direction
the way time feels like forever and only a moment you’re within sight
the way you make even the most mundane things look like poetry in motion
who else on earth could open a cabinet with such grace? lace a shoe to perfection? scratch a nostril with so much poise????  
only you, that’s who
but Shoma hates himself when he gets like this, because it doesn’t make any frickin sense to feel this way and he knows it
but then it dawns on him that you’re the one he should be angry with
like, how dare you be perfect?
how dare you make him feel like this?
but most of all how dare you be okay while he’s a mess? how can you just carry on like a normal person while he’s over here struggling to survive?
Shoma eventually decides that he can’t continue living like this and is determined to ask you out
but how do you do that? 
“Is it good to be blunt?”
“Or should I play it cool??
“Which is cooler, playing it cool or being very visibly smitten?”
“Am I smitten? Am I in love? What am I? Who am I??????”
Shoma truly doesn’t know and his brain is scattered and turning cartwheels and its just really really bad
but somewhere up in heaven, a bored angel has given him a break and you, literally the girl of his dreams, confess first
you just mention that he seems interesting and would like a chance to get to know him better, and invite him to some local event
this date is simultaneously the best and worst night of Shoma’s entire life
to you he seems distant and somewhat uncomfortable but really he’s just trying keep it together
his body is on autopilot because his mind is gone, his brain isn’t even on the same continent at this point, it’s somewhere in the Pacific about to jump into an active volcano
probably spills a drink in his own lap or accidently flips a small table or something, and just stares at it for like a solid five minutes before moving to clean it up
now he’s stressed, on autopilot, and ready to die of embarrassment but he continues on as if nothing happened
later on at home he puts his fist through a wall or rips a pillow in half
anything to release some of this steam his head pops open like a pressure cooker
to punish his mind that has recently decided to return, Shoma plans to sit there and think of all the things he should’ve done differently
but all he can remember are the cheap barrettes in your hair, and the smudge of chocolate on your lip, or the way you very nearly inhaled a fry as you laughed at something that wasn’t at all funny
you were absolutely beautiful
with some miraculous feat of strength, effort, and bravery, Shoma picks up the phone and calls you 
it’s like two in the morning but you answer right away
you are merciful and don’t mention any odd or embarrassing things he’d done, something Shoma is very grateful for, and you end up talking until well after sunrise
any dates after this point go beautifully
at first he puts in extra effort to make things go smoothly to make up for awkward beginnings and prove that he’s not always a nervous wreck
but after trying so hard to make you like him, Shoma realizes that you adore him even if he’s flipping tables or tripping over thin air and that he was stressed out for nothing
eventually relaxes and can be his normal, zoned out self
Shoma doesn’t take you out very often, prefers to stay home or go somewhere very secluded and enclosed
very seldom does he suggest an activity or speak up about what he wants to do or where he wants to go, but accepts and completes every whim and notion of yours without debate or question
prefers it when you approach him for kisses or cuddles or anything of that nature
tho he is very hesitant to get the ball rolling himself, once it’s going he can roll right along with it and reciprocate every touch and caress 
when Shoma does initiate things he’s a very beautiful combination of intensity and tenderness
his touch is soft and gentle but it leaves you breathless and somewhat shook every time
holds your hand under the table but doesn’t look you in the eye as he traces the lines in your palm with a feathery touch
kisses are sudden and unexpected, and he always turns away directly afterward as if nothing had happened
Shoma would get your attention somehow, kiss you slowly and completely, then turn back to the movie like he hadn’t just stolen your breath away
but just to clarify, the boy is very aware of what this does to you and he’s doing it on purpose
Shoma knows exactly what turns you to putty so occasionally he’ll bust those moves just to make you melt
Shoma likes to flip things and make you the marshmallow for a change, since he is permanently soft for you
and I mean genuinely SOFT and smol and uwu and all that, he adores you okay
like a lot
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caravelle60 · 7 years
[more calm] thoughts on FS...
This year’s mens event has been a shitstorm of heart attacks for me and I’ve finally calmed down [a bit]. Thoughts on Top 5 + more.
First things first... i dunno how much I can emphasize this but Yuzuru Hanyu... is a legend... I can’t believe he kept it all together with a calm smile while skating on painkillers. I can’t believe he said he wouldnt be skating without painkillers. THAT’s how bad it was... Wow. Ok I’m totally not over it. I’m always gonna be his fan, but I really want him to stop for a while and get some rest. :( He’s like a little brother that I don’t want to see get hurt, and seeing him in pain or hurt just kills me on the inside. (Although, his vibrant smile is the best i’ve seen in so long!). I sincerely hope he will recover and keep skating (rmbr 4A!), but if he must retire for his own happiness and well being, I’ll calmly support that (and cry a river while I’m at it). 
I’m also just... so sad about Javi leaving TCC. I’m happy that he’s happy, and wants to find his happiness, but wow, TCC wont be the same. I’m only praying for their reunion (the same way I’m praying for DB5K reunion hurrrrr). He’s such a soulful skater and I’m so blessed I got to see them skate 2016 worlds. I’m always going to have a video of SuperJavi saved somewhere... <3 <3 <3
Also... Nathan Chen... I’m sorry. I feel guilty for not liking him, and it’s completely not even his fault that I don’t. It’s completely the media’s fault. I think Nathan is such a great skater and an amazing sportsman with such a chill attitude. I greatly admire him as a person. I just HATE how much the media hyped him up. Now I’m not saying he didn’t deserve the attention, he did. And maybe its bc i work /in/ media, but the media play was horrendous. I saw certain news outlets calling him the “best skating’s ever seen”. No. He’s certainly on his way there, no doubt, but he’s not the best (yet) - he hasn’t broken the world record 12 times, nor did he break the double medal drought. Honestly tho felt that the pressure got to him though, and perhaps if he hadn’t had the words of so many sponsors and media outlets on his back, he would have done better. Who knows? He’s a phenomenal skater. Good luck, Nathan!
And SHoma.... why is he so cute..... ugh. I’m more recently a fan of his than I am of some others, but I saw him cry at Worlds 2016 and after that I just didn’t want this kid to ever cry again. He’s so precious and clueless and sleepy and it’s so cute. He’s a great skater too, but I stan him more so for the reason of him being adorable rather than skating skills wise whoops.
ALSO Boyang... He’s another skater I didn’t like right off the bat. Back in 2016 I looked at him and thought “ugh... who tf is this kid...” but my that’s changed...He’s so adorably nerdy! Gosh and he has many accomplishments too that media all over the world just conveniently don’t talk about. He’s been a gold medal favorite of mine since 2016 (relatively new as well), and I’m shocked/kind of upset that he wasn’t mentioned more for podium contention. He’s a great skater with a great personality and tons of medals for a track record.... :/
Misha GE is LIFE. He’s been through so many ups and downs in his career as well, and almost quit last year. I’m so glad he didnt quit, because this season’s performances were just so beautiful and touching. Also been a fan of his since 2014 - when I found out he liked kpop (hehe). His artistry is up there with the greats, and I’m so excited to see how far he’ll go as a choreographer - he’s already choreographed for BIG names, and I know he can go to the stars with this! He’s also friends with like, everyone, which shows how great of a personality he has. Plus, the (now) traditional selfie he takes every competition is what I wait for every time <3. Pretty sure his competitive skating career is done (or will be soon), but I really really wish him a successful choreo career. <3 
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amjustagirl · 3 years
!!!! i'll keep in mind to sneak into your inbox more often then :D dad!hq bois really be where it's at imagine ushijima or mattsun or sakusa with their babies 😭 too cute
shoma in the fields that are almost as tall as her omg bby pls don't get lost and meian? a fine ass family man
and one step closer to husband !! kita !! baby !! making !!
Ehehe do! Youre always v v welcome in my inbox! Omg yesss maybe I shld extend the fic universe to include sakusa's kid (since its mentioned he and his wife are expecting at the end of Broken Compass), I can just imagine him being thoroughly protective and careful of his precious baby girl, q different from atsumu and shino LOL.
And awww baby shoma running around the fields, hanging out with kita's own little girl (kitas horror at potentially being in laws with atsumu makes me LOL)
Also. Hnghhhhh kita and baby making *makes incoherent shrieking noises*
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theseventhmarch · 7 years
Reflection as a figure skating fan on 2017
This year has been an amazing year for me. At the end of 2016, Tumblr has introduced to me YOI, which has been a joy on its own. It has also brought me some friends on Tumblr, @boredjodyc and @pigfarts23. I would like to thank the unclear explanation of quad jumps in YOI, which prompted me to look up “quad Salchow” on YouTube - this led me to Miki Ando and Yuzuru Hanyu.
Edited: 1 January 2018 - minor grammatical errors; additional paragraphs in bold.
It took me about 4 or 5 months before I can confidently distinguish different types of jumps (I was stuck on the difference between the Flip jump and the Lutz jump in the last 2 months of that). Thanks to @pigfarts23 and their Rabbit watch-parties, I found myself falling in love with Yuzuru’s skating, and I “met” @boredjodyc , who is my partner-in-crime for all things Yuzuru then. I couldn’t stream his Four Continents short program live, but I managed to stream his free skate! That was my first introduction to Yuzuru’s emergency layouts. (I'M STILL NOT OVER TRIPLE AXEL AS THE LAST JUMP - AND THIS IS ACTUALLY THE PLANNED LAYOUT THIS SEASON.)
Early March, a few days after my birthday, I created a fandom Twitter account.
Jody was in London late-March and I suggested to meet up! We had afternoon tea (in my opinion it was disappointing) - we talked for 4 hours, if I remember correctly! This was my first time meeting an online friend, and I'm so glad I did it!
World Championships came - I pondered if I should go to Helsinki, but the Men’s Free Skate tickets were sold out on the official site (later I learnt I should have asked around on forums/twitter/tumblr) - and I died over Yuzuru’s knee down on his quad Salchow. Two days later, on April 1st, he broke another record, and it was definitely not a joke.
I jumped and screamed when he landed that quad Sal-triple Toe combo that he struggled with the whole season.
Then, World Team Trophy happened, and the men were popping their jumps left and right. LOL at Yuzuru getting that positive (+0.09) GOE for that single Axel. But it is ok, since it was a joke competition anyway.
I met up with Jody again mid-May at a pub, after she was done gallivanting around Europe, before she was headed back home. (I MISS YOU!)
Off-season, there were many ice shows. Perhaps the most important reveal of these ice shows was that Yuzuru would be repeating his Chopin short program, with a quad Loop and a back-loaded combo: quad Toe-triple Toe. After his reveal (I remember it was during my last exam and I found out about it on my way home), Jody and I frantically calculated all the possible jump layout and base values for his free skate (after staring at the jump layout rules for a while), whatever it may be. We had two different situations on our hands - with or without the quad Lutz. I don't know about Jody, I could tell that the quad Lutz was likely, looking at the base values (and the other competitors). I would realise much later (around December) that the (sad) reason for the inclusion of 4Lz was really unfair score inflation with the other competitors…
Twitter freaked out about some things that happened during the shows, including cat ears and Pooh headbands. The Twitter friends that I was beginning to make indulged in memes, and I tried my best to brush up on my knowledge of figure skating.
In August we heard about the return of Seimei for Yuzuru. Fans and observers had been going crazy with attempting to predict his programs, and what I gained from this was that I could distinguish the fans who were able to predict correctly - which meant, in my mind, that these are the fans who have been following Yuzuru’s journey (and interviews) and who could truly understand Yuzuru’s thought process.
He also told journalists that his jump layout was without 4Lz, that there will be one more quad and one less 3A. I think even a newbie fan like me treated that news with distrust - less 3A??? Are you sure the one who said it was Yuzuru Hanyu, the king of Axels???
Seeing Jody attend a figure skating competition in Hong Kong made me feel like doing the same, so very soon, at the end of August, I decided to go to Italy to watch Lombardia Trophy in mid-September. I decided on this particular competition, not because Yuzuru was there, but because it was the only competition that I could attend throughout. So I spent €€€ and 4 days freezing my butt off in a rink.
I did not regret it - I saw Wakaba skate her new free skate to Skyfall. At her opening pose in the practice run-through, it was love at first sight. Other notable skaters for me: Carolina had a queenly presence both on and off-ice, and Shoma had great speed but his free skate costume was too sparkly (but it looked great on photos).
After coming back from Italy, I decided that I wanted to attend another competition as soon as possible - preferably a competition which would allow me to see more high-level skaters compared to the small competition in Italy. So I picked the Grand Prix event in France - even though it had no Yuzuru or Wakaba in it.
A week after Lombardia, it was Autumn Classic International, the ‘B’ competition that will start off Yuzuru’s season. He (or his team) then revealed he was not going to do the 4Lz because of knee pain - which meant that, yes, the quad Lutz was there all along, he just didn’t want to tell us in August. (A few months later, with the reveal of more footage, I saw some people speculating that during the media day at the Cricket Club, the media likely saw the actual layout with a 4Lz and two 3As.) Because of the same knee pain he wasn’t going to do 4Lo either... And in his short program, with a downgraded layout by substituting 4Lo with 4S, he broke another record. Wow. The emotion I felt was just - joy tinged with disbelief.
I made a decision for some time already that I was not going to go to Moscow, because of the extra complication in trying to get the visa as well as the much higher cost of travel. But Rostelecom Cup - where both Yuzuru and Wakaba were competing - was The Competition that both of my absolute favourites were competing at, so I live-streamed as many as possible during school. Yuzuru’s first GP was always terrible compared to the rest of the season (even if it wasn’t Skate *Chanada*), but he scored the highest among previous seasons’ first GP personal scores! MOST IMPORTANTLY, HE LANDED THE QUAD LUTZ - HIS LEGS FOUGHT SO HARD TO SAVE THAT LANDING, AND IT WAS A BEAUTIFUL JUMP NEVERTHELESS.
Jody went to Cup of China and saw some skaters I would have LOVED to see - Wakaba (again, obviously), Mai, and pairs Sui/Han. Wakaba was PERFECT at the Cup of China - not that she wasn’t perfect at Lombardia - she settled into her new programs much more compared to 1.5 months before.
Then came NHK Trophy. Yuzuru injured his right ankle on an awkward fall from a 4Lz attempt. He tried so hard to compete but he wasn’t able to. So, no NHK Trophy for him, no Grand Prix Final for him. As a fan, I feel really sad that we wouldn’t be able to see his wonderful skating during this period, but MORE IMPORTANTLY, this is the Olympics season and injuries are NOT GOOD AT ALL.
With that disheartened mood, I went to GP France (its name keeps changing in recent years, so everyone kind of gave up on giving it a new acronym) in mid-November, only attending the free skates and exhibition (Saturday and Sunday). I met a fellow Wakaba fan (recent Twitter mutual), Verit, there. Unexpected podium placements in the Ladies led to the two of us agonising over Wakaba’s chances of getting into the Grand Prix Final. I loved Misha’s skating, even though he wasn’t the fastest skater, or a quad jumper. Papadakis/Cizeron was sublime too.
Then, Skate America, the last Grand Prix event before the Final, came. Ashley withdrew due to foot injury (it sounded like an injury easy to recover from, compared to ligament/whatever), and Polina was underscored, and Satoko skated her way to the top of the podium. With that, Wakaba’s in the Final. (Later, Evgenia, who is Wakaba’s best friend, withdrew due to an injury that left her in a cast, and Satoko was in the Final as well.)
At the Final, Wakaba performed… poorly, compared to the other Ladies. Her short program was fine, but her free skate faltered - she popped two triple jumps into doubles. And that’s how it is in the Ladies field now - you need to be perfect to be on the podium.
Then came a bit of rest, when there were no important competitions, before the Two Most Important National Championships That Are Almost Always Held During Christmas Weekends.
My Christmas was bad (I don’t really celebrate it but I treat it as an excuse for food and wine and partying and playing). First, Yuzuru did The Thing where he announced one week before that he just started skating and there was still a bit of pain - the knowledgeable fans could tell straight-away that it was a really long, drawn-out announcement that he would be withdrawing from the Japanese Nationals. Fine, so he officially announced his withdrawal the Monday/Tuesday of the week of the Nationals. His fans (including me) got worried about him not having a competition at all before Pyeongchang - even though there is Four Continents, the time (last week of January, basically 2-3 weeks before the actual competition dates at Pyeongchang) and place (Taiwan) of the competition was not ideal, compared to his current location of training (Toronto: far, and a very different timezone).
Wakaba skated in pain at Nationals - it turned out that she got injured shortly before her short program (but I don’t know how much before, whether the pain was there at GPF), and she ended up in 4th place. The JSF decided to send Satoko and Kaori to Pyeongchang instead, and Wakaba might have tweeted incredibly brave words about aiming for Beijing 2022, but she was crying after the exhibition on Monday.
I spent my Christmas crying, if you can’t tell already. Wakaba’s programs for this season ARE SUPERB, and they won’t be seeing the Olympics… (I’m going to cry again typing this.)
The JSF decided to send her to the World Championships in March though, where she would be fighting alongside Satoko to earn Japanese ladies 3 spots again to the next World Championships (which will be in Japan!). They would have to earn a combined placement of 13 or less, and I’m worried about burnout for Satoko and underscoring for Wakaba. I already got tickets to Milan to see the Ladies FS (as well as Men FS, and exhibition), so I’m glad JSF at least decided to send her to a competition I already decided to attend.
For the Russian Nationals, Evgenia withdrew - from what I hear on Twitter, she was so headstrong about competing at Nationals that the Federation had to send 3 men to persuade her to stay and recover and not to go. They are sending her to European Championships, which will be held in Moscow (so, good for her). The Russian team for Pyeongchang will be decided officially after Europeans. She hasn’t lost a competition in two years so her chances are good.
Yuzuru’s next competition will most likely be the team event in Pyeongchang, which will be 9th February for SP or 12th for FS (Korean time, which is a day ahead for the most of us). Hopefully he will be able to calibrate his training based on his performance in the team event, and perform satisfactorily in the actual Moment. I am hoping he will do the FS while Shoma the SP for team event. Wakaba’s next international competition will be in Milan late March, but I don’t know if she will be going to any regional competitions within Japan (likely not). Hopefully she will be able to recover quickly and prove herself to JSF.
For the new year, I am hoping for The Gold for Yuzuru. I celebrate the Lunar New Year (but it isn’t a work/school holiday in this part of the world), and I will be spending it on watching the Men’s individual competition in unholy hours of the day (damn the US for that time schedule even if the competition is in Korea).
Of course, I wish for the most important thing - good health for Yuzuru. If I’m allowed to be greedy, also: that he will choose to compete for at least another season, and land the quad Axel.
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