#and in the last scene where it is clear that adam is holding onto harry's memory and harry looks hazy until adam touches him
ffb6c1lover · 7 months
yes all the themes of all of us strangers but also "if you could hear me crying why didn't you come into my room" and "how come no one found me" coexisting and not in the way we think, like the way adam is implying that he would have done better, he would not have ignored the cries for help and actually done something, but in reality when it came to harry crying for help it barely even registered not because he didn't want to help but because he was too stuck in his own private bubble of pain to notice harry's
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fuckyeahfightlock · 5 months
Whumpril 2024
-14- Urgent Care
As soon as the knife slid, Harry knew it was bad.
"Ow!" Then, "Shit!" He grabbed for the nearest tea towel and twisted it hard around the end of his finger. Adam's eyes widened with panic at Harry's sharp voice, the flurry of activity as he wrapped the wound.
"What is it?" he demanded, and his gaze scanned the scene on the worktop: chunks of white-fleshed potatoes, the glinting silvery steel of the butcher knife, the blonde-wood chopping board. Blood. Blood. Blood. Harry marveled that such a mess had been made in the time it took him to react; he thought he'd been quick. He held out his hand, blood already soaking through the two layers of tea towel even though he was holding it tight. Adam gave his arm a push from below. "Put it up, above your heart."
Harry did as he was told. "I need to sit down," he said, barely heard himself over the rush in his ears. His vision was going grey at the edges.
"Sit, sit." Adam guided him quickly onto one of the kitchen stools, balanced Harry's elbow on the counter there so his hand was pointed toward the ceiling. "I'll have a look." He did not sound as though he wanted to.
"Don't," Harry urged. "Can't stand blood," he added, half-laughing at himself, feeling less faint but otherwise no better.
"Wait just one second," Adam directed him. "I've got a first aid kit." Adam opened kitchen cupboards one after the next, then pulled out drawers, at last dashed for the bath. Harry closed his eyes and chewed his lip. The towel was making his finger tingle toward numbness but he was afraid to loosen it. There was blood visible on the corner of his palm, just a thin trail, already drying into the tiny creases in his skin.
Adam returned and opened a red canvas bag that resembled a shave kit, pulled things out and set them aside until he came up with what he wanted: gauze pads, betadine swabs, white tape--and a half-moon shaped needle already threaded, in a clear plastic envelope. Harry groaned.
"We might not need it," Adam reassured him, and tucked the needle away under the edge of the bag.
"We should go to Emergency," Harry said, and even as Adam shook his head, he knew that of course they couldn't. "Fuuuuuck," he moaned on a long exhale.
"Nevermind, we don't know anything yet. Here." Adam maneuvered him, took hold of the twisted tea towel. Harry gripped the edge of the counter. "It might not be so bad. Look away, or close your eyes." Harry looked at the ceiling. His leg began to jitter with nervous energy. He felt the pressure loosening as Adam removed the towel. "Not so bad," he soothed. Harry felt the air stinging the wound, the unpleasant throb of blood rushing back into the fingertip; he'd wrenched the towel around it into a near-tourniquet. "I don't think it needs a stitch. I'll just clean it and wrap it up."
"Is it still bleeding?"
"Just a little. Don't look if you don't want to."
Harry did not want to. Adam was efficient about tearing wrappers open, readying supplies.
"This might sting a bit," he warned. At first the antiseptic was only cold, then it did sting, and not only a bit. Harry sucked his breath through his teeth. "I know," Adam cooed at him. "That hurts. All done." He began folding the gauze pad into a particular shape, testing it around and over the tip of Harry's finger, in between each motion wiping away fresh blood, still seeping. Once he'd got the gauze right-sized, he placed and held it, not too tight, not too loose.
"Not quite. Can you just hold this right here. Not where the cut is," Adam grasped for Harry's other hand, guided him to lay the tip of his finger in the right spot. He yanked off tape, cut it off with his teeth.
"You shouldn't use your teeth as a tool," Harry told him. "My mum always said that."
Adam smiled slightly as he wound the tape into place around the pad. "I always heard not to use your fingernails," he said. "My friend who did drag on Tuesday nights in 1997 used to say that."
"She sounds smart," Harry said, relieved to have anything to think of other than the cut on his finger, the sharp sting of the knife's blade zinging through his skin.
"Mm," Adam allowed, doing final touch ups to his handiwork. "She's dead now. And really wasn't very smart." He shrugged and started clearing away the refuse--balled up the blood-soaked tea towel so Harry wouldn't see the stains, crumpled paper wrappers, dropped the horseshoe needle back into the first aid kit. "Done. You can look now, there's nothing bad to see."
Harry examined the bandage; it was bulky and bright white, and seemed like it would work. Adam moved on to cleaning up the mess on the chopping board, screening it with the angle of his body, his back toward Harry, and after a few moments, Harry mused, "I wasn't sure it would bleed. I wondered."
Adam became still but didn't turn around. "Did you do it purposely?" he asked, and Harry couldn't discern exactly the feelings behind it, but just in case.
"No," he lied. "No, I didn't do it purposely. Why would I? Nearly fainted dead away at the first drop of blood."
Adam resumed his work. "All right," he said mildly. "Just checking."
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hops-hunny · 3 years
Distance Makes the Heart Grow
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Series Masterlist
Pairing: Mafia Boss!Neville Longbottom x Reader
Pronouns: She/Her
Word Count: 4k
Summary: (Y/n) lives a normal life. But that’s the issue, it’s normal, it’s plain, and it’s growing boring. Everyday she wishes for something, anything to spice up her life. But, when her old school friend (and crush) shows up at her bakery with a new look (and what looks like a new life), what will it bring for her? Will their puppy love grow? Will his big secret lead to the end of them or will it spark a new beginning?
Warnings: none!
A/N: sorry it took me so long. The rest of the date will be in chapter 9! 
(Y/n) huffed, crossing her arms across her chest at the mess Twyla had made. Originally, she had thought asking her to help her get ready for her date was a good idea. The two of them hadn’t spent as much time together as she had liked too and she knew how much Twyla adored fashion. But now, as her various designer dresses and shoes were scattered around the floor along with makeup palettes that had been tossed aimlessly, her patience was wearing thin.
“Was this mess really necessary? I hope you know I’m not cleaning this.” she said, causing the girl to turn around. She tossed a dress on the bed beside the girl before continuing to sift through the manmade jungle she had caused.
“I know. Neither am I, that’s what the maids are for!” she turned, watching as her friend bit at her lip nervously, picking with the skin around the bed of her fingernails. “You know for someone going on her first date, I seem more excited than you do!” when she didn’t get a response she looked over at her shoulder giving her a concerned look.
“I-it’s not that I’m not excited! Trust me, I am. I’ve been waiting for this date for over 7 years. It’s just..” she sighed, looking away from her as her cheeks heated up in embarrassment. “What do you even do on a date? O-or say? What am I supposed to wear?!”
“A good date will flow naturally no matter what you’re doing. And you said Nev was taking you to some fancy restaurant but also on a gondola ride, right? Pick out a dress that’s fancy but also gives you flexibility. Hold up, lemme look I think I saw the perfect dress.” Twyla dove back into the pile of clothes, causing her to giggle at the sight. She continued to lift and throw things until she popped up letting out a loud ‘A-ha!’ she watched as the dress was tossed on the bed along with a pretty pair of strappy white sandals and a purse in the same shade of white. Once she picked the items up, Twyla began to shove her towards the bathroom with the items.
(Y/n) looked in the mirror, letting out a shaky breath. She felt beautiful, undeniably so. Twyla had already taken the liberty of styling her hair and doing her makeup. They had gone for a natural but ethereal makeup look. Dewy foundation, subtle but glowly highlight, a thick layer of gloss along with some individual lashes to make her eyes pop. She felt like a fairy, a princess even. Reaching a jittery hand towards the doorknob, she opened it peaking her head out. Twyla looked up smiling before her jaw dropped at the sight of her friend’s full appearance. Squealing she walked up to her, twirling her around to admire the full look. Sure, she had seen her in a dress before, and even makeup. But this outfit, this look, was much more like her. Yet Twyla couldn’t help but feel as though something was missing.
“Hmm.” she trailed, eyes gazing across the room. Her eyes lit up at the sight of what it was. The diamond encrusted crown lay gently on top of a velvet pillow along with the diamond necklace and earrings. She handed the earrings to (Y/n) to put on before placing the crown on top of her head. Turning her around towards the vanity, she unclasped the priceless necklace before placing it around her neck. “Oh my…(Y/n) you look so beautiful! Like a, like a princess.” she felt her ears tingle from her kind words, smiling as she admired her appearance in the mirror.
“Now, let’s talk lingerie.”
“Didn’t peg you for the nervous type, boss.” Blaise piped up, chuckling as Neville fiddled with his tie for what seemed like the thousandth time. He glared at the man through the mirror, grumbling under his breath. Blaise wasn’t wrong, he rarely was. The bigger problem at hand was that he was nervous and he didn’t know how to handle it. Neville had punched some of the most powerful men in the face, made people gravel and beg for their lives, hell, he had even killed men and throughout all of that, he had not an ounce of nervousness in his system. But now, when he was taking the little baker girl who he had been madly in love with since they met in school all those years ago, nervous was the main thing he felt. He was excited, sure, plenty, but in actuality he had never been on a real date with someone he had feelings for.
“Do you even know what to do on a date? You were quite the playboy before she came back into your life.” Ron added, mixing around the scotch in his glass, pouring some for Neville who instantly downed it, not even wincing at the taste.
“ ‘S not true!” he said, turning his head some to glare at him. Seamus cackled, wiping the invisible tears in his eyes as he slapped his knee.
“Please boss, you went through more women than George does bullets on a mission, which is a fuck ton.” he said, causing everyone else to agree. The guys had all gathered in the spare room to help him get ready, calming his nerves and even giving him a few pointers. Although a lot of the advice was useless, he was able to make sense out of some of it.
“Okay, well, suppose I am nervous. How should I...what should I do on a date?” he asked, coughing over the last part to cover it up. They all heard loud and clear though, starting to overlap one another before Blaise whistled, causing everyone to silence. Neville gave him a nod of acknowledgement.
“Well, did you buy her flowers?” Draco asked, breaking the silence. He scoffed at the ridiculous question.
“Of course I got her flowers! Did you really ask me of all people that? I picked and charmed a bouquet for her the other night. Each flower was handpicked from my garden with intention behind every single one of them.” he rolled up one of his sleeves, seeing if he preferred them rolled or down. Pondering it he decided to roll them down.
“Well combine that with what we’ve taught you and you’re all set.” Harry said, shrugging some as he looked up from his newspaper. Neville gawked at the men. Taught? The only thing they had taught him was that he needed better friends!
“Taught me?” he let out an exasperated laugh, walking towards them. “Taught me? You haven’t taught me shit! I’d have half the mind to-” a knock on the door caused his breath to hitch. The boys all gave each other knowing smirks but their jaws dropped as the door opened revealing the (h/c) girl in all her glory.
There she stood, skin glowing in the soft streams of sunlight that came from the evening Italian sun. The soft lace and tulle draped across her skin delicately, bits of sparkles from the fabric shining brightly. What caught his eye the most was the crown on her head. Even though he had saw it on her yesterday, it was having the same effect on him today. 
“Holy shit.” Seamus whispered, forcing his mouth closed. Not a single pair of eyes weren’t on her.
“Listen, if Nev fucks his date up tonight…” Blaise trailed, causing the girl to giggle, looking at the ground shyly. She glanced up at him through thick lashes, watching as he made his way over to her. He bowed, pressing a kiss to her knuckles causing her to giggle some. As he looked up at her, a soft barely there smile graced his face.
“I don’t think that’ll be happening.” he said as he stood up, grabbing the bouquet of flowers from behind him before handing them to her. “What are you doing here, petal? I said I’d come get you from the room.”
“Twyla was really adamant about you seeing me as soon as possible.” she smiled at the scene that had taken place a few moments beforehand. “She said that I looked too good to be kept waiting.”
“You know, that girl’s always speaking nonsense but for once I’ve gotta say I agree.” Neville said, stroking her cheek gently as he leaned down, placing a soft peck on her lips. “Ready to go?” he asked. She nodded eagerly, wrapping her arms around his arm, waving before exiting the room with him. Seamus watched as they left before standing up, wiping his hands on his pants.
“Where are you going, Finnigan?” Harry asked, quirking a brow at him. Seamus smiled, winking some.
“Launching operation ‘make sure the date goes well’. You didn’t think I was gonna miss out on this did you?” Draco eyed him suspiciously as the vein in his forehead began to throb.
“Twyla set you up to this, didn’t she?” Seamus turned once he got to the doorway, flashing him a smile.
“ ‘Course she did!”
“Woah! I’ve never seen a car like this in person before.” (Y/n) said, in awe as she walked up to the vintage car. Neville smiled some as the driver came over, bowing as he opened up the door. He slid the driver a large bill, thanking him in italian.
“Yeah, you like it?” she nodded, looking back at him as he climbed in the back of the convertible with her. He pulled her into his side, pulling his Dior sunglasses over his eyes to protect from the evening sun. “It’s mine. Should I have it imported back to England?” her eyes widened. Although Neville had a lot of nice things, she never failed to be surprised when he had something new to show her. She leaned into his side, pulling her legs up onto the seat as the car began to move.
“It’s pretty. I think you should leave it here though. You know, as a memory of tonight.” She looked up at him, smiling some. Neville felt his heart race as he looked down at her. He felt breathless. Whatever he had done in the past years to have the angel of his dreams sitting next to him, going on a date, he’d do it all over again just to see the smile she was giving him. He leaned down, capturing her lips into a passionate yet loving kiss. Their lips locked till they were practically breathless, pulling away. (Y/n) let out a breathless giggle. 
Neville pulled out another large bill, leaning forward to hand it to the driver. “Guida piano, sì?” the driver looked at him through the visor mirror, giving him a nod along with a knowing smirk. He sighed to himself as Neville turned back to the girl, laughing at something she had said.
“Ah, giovane amore.”
Neville opened the door for the girl, holding her hand as she stepped out of the car. He decided first that they could get dinner. It’d be an easy way to set the tone for tonight and give him another opportunity to spoil her yet again. He made sure to pick the best restaurant money could buy but even then, she deserved more. More than money could buy. He smiled as they reached the reception desk, clearing his throat to catch the attention of the man behind the desk.
“Welcome sir, name?” he asked, looking up at the man cluelessly. A few others in the restaurant were noticeably tense, but continued to work.
“Longbottom.” he stated, watching as the man looked through the reservation book. He sucked on his teeth, giving Neville a fake look of sympathy.
“Sorry, it looks like you’re about 5 minutes late! I’m sure if you come back tommo-”
“Did you hear what I said? You might wanna listen closer this time. I’m Neville Longbotom.” the man behind the desk blinked at him blankly before his eyes shot up in a sudden realization. He began to scramble, trying to form some sort of apology. Neville slammed his fist on the desk, leaning forward as he began to speak through gritted teeth. “Just get me my fucking table, yeah? My lady should never be kept waiting and if she has to stand here for one more god damn-”
“Yes, yes! Right this way sir.” he said, grabbing the menus. At some point he dropped them but continued to walk, leading them to a private table near a large window. (Y/n) gasped, leaning against the window to look at the breathtaking view. Below her was the ocean, the sunlight cascading across it as seagulls flew around freely. While she was distracted, Neville took the opportunity to pour two glasses of wine before tapping her shoulder. She turned around, smiling at him.
“You seem to be enjoying the view. I take it the table choice is fine?” he asked, pulling her chair out for her. He pushed her chair up before taking a seat in the one across from her. 
“It’s beautiful, I haven't seen anything like it. Last time I saw views this beautiful was Hogwarts.” she tensed slightly as he reached across intertwining their fingers, before relaxing. Her heart was racing wildly, a million different thoughts running through her head. Her and Neville had spent many moments together, far more intimate than this. But there was something so nerve wracking about being with him in public where anyone could see them. (Y/n) found herself growing self conscious about the pressure of it all, but decided to push it aside. She had been waiting for this for years and she wasn’t going to ruin it with a few negative thoughts.
“Yeah? If you like this, you’re gonna love what I have planned for after this.” he smiled at her. After this? He had more than this planned for them? Her wonderings of what it was didn’t last long when the bread was brought out, causing her eyes to light up. As soon as the basket was placed on the table she reached for a slice of the expensive bread, layering butter on it.
“Th-they’ve got the good bread! With the butter that’s all smooth.” she muttered with her mouth full. Neville bit his lip to contain his laughter at her childish display. “Y’know what I’m sayin,?”
He smiled at her, grabbing a piece of his own. “Somehow I do.”
After 30 minutes of good conversation and 3 bread baskets later, the two were finally ready to order. (Y/n) opened up the menu, gaping at it in confusion. There was so many elaborate names with descriptions even more confusing. Neville noticed this, pulling her menu down to look at her a bit.
“You alright, pretty girl?” he asked, ignoring the impatient waiter that was supposed to take their order. 
“I’m alright it’s just...there’s so much confusion. All I wanted was chicken alfredo and I don’t even see it on the menu.” her eyes continued to scan the menu, becoming more perplexed as the names grew longer. Her eyes followed the tattooed finger as it pointed to a name that she didn’t even wanna think about pronouncing.
“ ‘S right there. Don’t worry dove, I’ll order for you.” her shoulders relaxed some as she gave him an appreciative smile. As he sent the waiter off, a silence fell over them. It wasn’t necessarily awkward, but it was clear something needed to be said and for once, it wasn’t on Neville’s end. Did she really wanna ask him now? ‘I should at least wait for dessert, that way it won’t be awkward if he says something I don’t wanna hear.’ she thought to herself.
The silence was encroaching, slowly becoming unbearable. It was suffocating, she felt like she was on a rope, dangling above all the words she wanted to say but couldn’t.
“So I-”
“Do you-”
They both looked at each other as they began to laugh. “You can go. I insist.” he encouraged, taking another sip of his wine before she could protest.
“I was just going to ask if you picked the bouquet yourself? It’s far too beautiful to be store bought, the flowers look happy.” she said, smiling down at the bouquet fondly. When the waiter first came, Neville heavily urged them for a vase to put them in. The waiter originally had been hesitant but when Neville’s jaw began to clench he quickly went to look for a vase in the back room. He smiled at her eye to detail, nodding as he cleared his throat placing his glass back on the table.
“Yeah I did.” he secretly snuck his hand across the table, the edges of their fingers brushing against each other. “Do you remember flower code?” she moved her fingers under his, smiling when he tightened his grip on her hand.
“Of course I do. We learned it together during the spring in the astronomy tower together. Best spring of my life.” she sighed fondly at the memory. “Forget-Me-Nots for true and everlasting love, violets for faith and affection, however, the tulips are leaving my mind. I can’t remember what they mean for the life of me.” she huffed, looking off as she tried to recall their meaning. He chuckled, placing a kiss on her knuckles. He trailed his kisses as far up her arm as he could reach from his position at the table.
“Tulips, well, tulips represent perfection and royalty because that’s what you are to me.” their eyes locked in a passionate gaze, (e/c) meeting his own dazzling ones. “My tulip, so perfect. I have every intention to treat you like royalty.” she was left wordless. Was this all real? She had read many fairy tales growing up and now here she sat, experiencing one of her own. Sure, those fairytales never had dangerous tattooed men with hearts of gold, but the way he looked at her, holding her with such delicacy let her know she had found her prince charming.
(Y/n) was thankful she had worn a dress because if she had worn jeans? The button would have flown straight off her pants. Her alfredo was delicious, every herb and seasoning used done so perfectly. Not another bite could fit in her. However, when the dessert menu (that featured pictures of each and every dessert) was brought out, she didn’t see why it wasn’t a good idea to get dessert!
“It all looks so good! Like I made it, but better.” she breathed out, eyes scanning the dessert menu eagerly. But when she saw the triple chocolate cake, it was like she was falling in love all over again. “This. We need this Nev or else I might die.” he laughed at her serious expression, rolling his eyes some.
“Alright, love. Un ordine della torta al cioccolato, per favore.” the waiter nodded, writing it down before walking off again. The same silence from before fell over them but this time, she was going to do it. She sighed, grabbing both his hands in one.
“Listen, Nev. There’s been something, or someone, I’ve been meaning to ask you abou-” her eye began to twitch as a familiar figure stood next to their table. She gave her a bone chilling smile before turning to Neville who was much to her surprise, even more upset than she was.
“Ah, Neville! What a pleasure it is to see you here!” she said, holding out her hand for him to kiss. However he glared at it, leaning back in his seat.
“Can I help you Gisele? Actually even if I can, I don’t want to. Get lost.” he said, waving his hand for her to go away. But as expected, she didn’t budge. She leaned forward onto the table, gripping the edge with her red manicured hands. Her cleavage was on display as a fake pout graced her face. “I’m on a date and I’d rather not see you.”
She gasped, placing a hand on her chest in surprise. “A date? Oh my, is that what this is? Gosh I am so sorry! When I met, er what was it? Ah, (Y/n), over here the other day she said you weren’t together!” he raised a brow at this, looking between the two. 
“You two met? Why didn’t you tell me, love?” he asked, turning his attention to the girl. She gave Gisele a disgusted one over before looking back at him.
“Well, it wasn’t exactly the most pleasant meeting.” she pushed out, looking at him. He rubbed at his chin a bit as he hummed.
“Really? Do you recall what she said to you?” he asked, knowing it couldn’t have been good. Gisele’s expression gave it all away. Although she feigned being unbothered, her expression was slowly cracking.
“You know as a matter of fact, I do! She said I was a knock off version of her and that you were using me as a replacement for the original!” she said, giving Gisele a wide tooth grinned. Gisele’s lips were parted as she searched for the words to say, mind blanking.
Neville looked between the two girls as he took a sip of his wine. “Now that you mention it, you two do look alike. I never really noticed though, I didn't spend much of any time looking at her face. But now that I am…” he trailed off, eyes tracing Gisele’s features, “You’re definitely not a knock off of her. I think it’d be an insult to you to even insinuate that she’s a knock off of you!” Now it was her turn to be surprised. Had he really not noticed their semblance to one another? It was clear now that not only was it a coincidence, but Gisele’s whole story was a lie.
“You- I- you ruined everything!” she shrilled, stomping her foot angrily. “That should be me in your seat, me on this..” she tuned her out as she looked at her own glass of wine. It would be a shame if the wine was to somehow end up on her ugly little polka dot dress. She squinted her (e/c) eyes, watching as the wine splashed all over the girl’s dress. Gisele paused mid sentence, gawking at her dress. Neville began to cackle, eyeing his date suspiciously. His thoughts were confirmed when she sent him a wink.
“My dress! Look what you did to me!” she wailed, motioning to the giant red stain on her dress. A few people turned to look at them all, whispering as they pointed at the girl.
“Me? I didn’t lift a finger.” she said, shrugging as she gave her an innocent look. “I suppose that’s what happens when you meddle in people’s business.”
“Is there a problem ma’am? Sir?” the voice sounded familiar, but an octave deeper. Turning her head her eyes widened at the sight of both Twyla and Seamus. Both of them were in costumes, fake beards and mustaches on their face along with wigs. She went to say something but when the blonde put a finger to her lip, she quickly decided against it.
“Yeah we got a complaint from the head chef. You’re to be escorted out of here immediately. Come along now.” Twyla said, dragging Gisele along with her. Seamus went to follow but was stopped by Neville. He pulled him close, leaning near his ear.
“Next time if you’re gonna spy on your boss, make it a bit less obvious.” he pat his shoulder, tightening his grip. “Although I’m glad you were able to handle this, I’m gonna ask that you leave. It’s not a suggestion but an order from your boss. I’m a big man, I can handle my date on my own.”
Seamus nodded, tipping his hat to them both. “Boss, mini boss.” and with that, he was gone. Neville turned to her, thanking the waiter once the cake was sat down in front of them, two golden forks on the plate.
“Let’s have dessert, shall we?”
TAGSLIST: @vayeya11 @pink-hufflepuff @clancyscookies @elemental-of-magic @beewitchedlou @simpforremuslupin​ @mottergirl99  @nevillelongbottomsgirlfriend @redpanda-poetry @vibingaesthetically @de4d-s0up
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rons-hermiones · 3 years
Come Find Me
Come Find Me
by rons-hermiones
Summary: Unplanned, Hermione is forced to spend Christmas at the Burrow due to her grandmother falling very ill. After being ignored by Hermione for weeks, Ron is determined to show her how much she means to him. Just before he gets the chance to tell her, Bellatrix Lestrange shows up with other plans for Hermione. Can Ron get to her before it's too late? (Ron/Hermione Half-Blood Prince AU)
Rating: M for language & dark themes in later chapters.
Chapter Thirty One
“They’re dead.” Neville tells Harry, voice riddled with fear and sadness. 
Any pretenses of worrying about waking Ron fly out the window, “Dead? Who's dead? What is that?” He fires off, noticing the parchment in his hand. 
“Hediwg, she came, I’m sorry Harry, I shouldn’t have opened it. You and Ron were gone and I thought maybe it was about Brimblehawk. It was marked urgent I just-” 
“Neville, who is it?” He steps closer, his eyes already glossed over. 
“I-I’m sorry. Maybe if we h-had-” he starts emotionally. 
Harry grips his shoulders and shakes him, “please.” he begs. 
“The Granger’s. They’re dead.” 
At the words Harry falls to the floor, taking Neville with him. 
He didn’t know Hugo and Jean Granger very well, but these were Hermione’s parents. They gave him his best friend. And if she ever came back nothing, nothing, would ever be the same. 
“Oh Merlin. No!” He cried out, “We should’ve done more.” He whimpered, clutching onto Neville for dear life. 
Tears were now streaking Neville’s cheeks as well, “I know Harry, I know.” He cried. 
They stayed like that for a while on the floor. Eventually, Harry calmed enough to ask about the letter Hedwig brought that held the news. 
“Bill sent it. It didn’t say much, just that they were dead and that he’d be here in the morning.” He explained, holding up the parchment. It was indeed only two sentences long, “It was five when I heard the owl, I reckon he’ll be around soon. Do his parents know about…” Neville trailed, eyeing the bed. 
The Chosen One sniffled before wiping his nose with his sleeve, “He’s seventeen now so he gets to decide if his parents know or not. Since he wasn’t exactly, you know, conscious, I owled them for him. He’d want them to know. I used Madam Pomfrey’s owl. I doubt it's as fast as Hedwig’s but it should’ve reached Devon by now.” Harry answers. 
Finally collecting himself a bit more, Harry stands up, hovering over Ron’s sleeping form. 
“He’ll lose it.” He whispered after a few minutes of silence. 
Neville soon joined his side, “I know.” 
“He’ll blame himself. If he sees Hermione again, he’ll tell her it was his fault. It’s not.” Harry says, voice becoming more strangled. 
“I know that. We all do. Hermione will too.” He responds, gripping the dark haired boy's shoulder and giving him a squeeze. 
“Dumbledore must know by now, he’s got to.” Potter said surely, turning to face Neville under his grasp. 
Neville shrugged, “I’d assume, but what difference does it make?” He said weakly. 
“I wanna know how. And I wanna know who.” He said with a fire in his eyes. 
The other boy could sense as much and made a move to ease him. The last thing anyone needed was a raging Harry and a raging Ron. “There’s something else.” Neville whispered. 
At his words, Harry instantly softened, sensing the seriousness in his tone. 
He braced himself for what was to come next. 
“It wasn’t really Hediwg that woke me up.” At this Harry’s eyes squinted in confusion as Neville sighed, “Fred and Geroge’s owl, it was the one pecking at the window. They talked to Brimblehawk, they know where that place is, with the chandelier.” 
“W-what?” He breathed, never did he think their plan would ever amount to anything, but he hoped it would. More than anything. 
“Harry, when Bill comes today we need to tell him what we know. I know before you and Ron didn’t want to start anything or were scared they’d move her, but I reckon it's now or never.” He pauses, “no matter what happens next, nothing will ever be the same.”
Slowly, but surely, Harry nodded in agreement. The Grangers were gone. It felt like the worst had happened, but he knew deep down, there was potential for worse. 
Who would be next? A Weasley? Neville? Lupin? Hermione herself? 
No. Harry was through playing this waiting game. It was time Hermione came home, or what’s left of it anyway. 
“Harry?” Neville broke his daze. 
“You’re right.” He confirmed, “I just hope Ron’s awake to help. I want Hermione back more than I think I’ve ever wanted anything, but Ron, it’s like-it’s like it's killing him.” The Boy-Who-Lived whispered. 
“We’ll get her back, Harry. We need her.” 
At this very moment Ron groaned in his sleep, head falling to his other shoulder. Instantly, Harry felt the need to pull the blanket around his best mate tighter. Let him feel protected from the real world for just a little bit longer. 
“You need to come back soon Ron.” Harry whispered low enough that Neville wouldn’t hear. 
He felt Neville’s eyes burning into his back as he watched the scene. Stepping away, Harry swallowed the lump in his throat, “you never told me where she is.” He says, voice cracking, “Hermione.” He adds. 
“Wiltshire.” He responds, “A place called Malfoy Manor.” 
Harry’s entire body erupts with chills. 
It wasn’t until two hours later, around seven in the morning, that Ron began to regain consciousness. 
He opened his blue eyes, doing his best to adjust to the harsh light in the room. 
Everything around him was a blur, he moved his hand to rub at his eyes, but found it to be very weak.  After blinking a few times, it seemed to do the trick as the world became clearer. 
This was not his dormitory. 
Why the fuck was he in the hospital wing? 
“Merlin, you’re alright.” He heard Harry breathe from nearby, though he sounded underwater. 
Suddenly, everything came back to him like a rush of cold water flooding his veins. 
Birthday. Chocolate Cauldrons. Romilda Bloody Vane. Slughorn. Meade. Hermione…
“M fine.” He croaks, trying to sit up. 
Harry gently pushes his shoulders down, “I wouldn’t do that. Neville’s gone to get Madame Pomfrey to give you some potions that’ll sort you out. Though, I imagine she’ll be livid, we aren’t supposed to be here this early.” 
It’s true. Madam Pomfrey shooed him away last night, but he simply returned to his dorm, nicked his invisibility cloak, and came back. 
Neville’s presence was a bit harder to explain. 
“Since you’re technically of age, your parents didn’t have to be informed, but I owled them last night. They’ll be along soon with Bill, I reckon.” He let’s slip. 
Ron could sense his best mates unease. Not only that, but why the hell would Bill be popping in if his Mum and Dad were? Something was a little off. 
“Bill?” He questioned. 
Harry’s mouth flopped open and closed like a fish’s would, before Madame Pomfrey came to the rescue.
Well, sort of. 
“Mr. Potter! Visiting hours do not begin until eight o’clock! You and Mr. Longbottom will be dealt with accordingly after I sort out my patient here! Little regard for following rules. Just like your fathers.” She tutted the last sentence under her breath as she moved to Ron’s side, leaving a blushing Neville in her wake. 
The matron picked up a glass vile and slowly tipped the thick potion past Ron’s lips. 
“Now Mr. Weasley, the bezoar seemed to do wonders for you. Most of the poison has been flushed from your system, but there are still trace amounts present. You’ll be on a few potions the next few days to get you fit as a fiddle. You may feel tired or get aches, but any symptoms besides  those you must alert me, understand?” 
Ron just nodded in response, swallowing the terrible tasting liquid as she spoke. 
“Now how is your knee?” She asked next. 
He thought about it for a moment, but any pain within that region didn’t register, “My knee?” He questioned. 
Harry shifted uncomfortably at Ron’s ignorance, as Neville flushed a bit, seeming to have realized where this was going. 
Madame Pomfrey nodded, “yes you’ve been whining about it since last night. I did a full body scan and there’s no internal injuries to it, maybe just sore?” She thought aloud. 
“My knee.” He repeated to himself, now understanding that he was not groaning about a pain in his leg, but rather, his Mione. 
“Oh, uh,” he began nervously, but cleared his throat, “yes, it’s feeling better now, thank you.” Ron said quickly, red as his hair and avoiding both of his friends' eyes. 
“Excellent. You rest.” She then turned to look over Harry and Neville for a few moments, both squirmed under her gaze. “I’ll allow Misters Potter and Longbotton to stay. The headmaster was quite insistent that Mr. Potter be present for when your family arrives.” 
“Harry?” Ron said aloud, again, getting the feeling something bigger was going on. 
The nurse nodded, “yes. I’ve been told your parents and brothers will be joining us too. I know how the twins can be, but you must remain on bed rest, do not work yourself up.” She reiterated. 
“The twins?” Now he was really confused. He’s almost positive his Mum wouldn’t allow the two of them to see him in this state if she knew how well, weak, he was. Ron didn’t need any added troubles. 
“That’s what I said Mr. Weasley. Someone will also be waking your sister soon I’m sure. I’ve been told William will also be joining at Professors McGonagall and Dumbledore’s insistence.” 
“Did they say why?” He asked next, knowing he wouldn’t get anywhere with Harry, but maybe Madam Pomfrey knew differently. 
“No, but I’m sure your family is just concerned. The Weasley’s have always been a tight bunch.” 
And that’s true! But ever since everything happened during Christmas holiday, Mum, like Dumbledore, has been very adamant that no one draw any attention. To carry on as they were. 
Surely over half of the Weasley clan coming to Hogwarts to speak with Dumbledore would draw suspicions.
And right under Snape and Malfoys nose, no less. 
“Now I must go finish filing your report for the archives. I’ll be back soon with your hourly potion.” She walked to her office before stopping, “stay put.” Madame Pomfrey warned. 
Once she disappeared, Ron was given a second to take in Neville and Harry. Both had bloodshot eyes. Harry was biting the edge of his nails as Neville twisted a piece of parchment in his shaking hands. 
Ron was awake, he was okay, so what were they so worked up for? 
“There’s something else.” He whispered, but the pair heard. 
“Ron-“ Harry began. 
Before he could finish, the hospital wing doors flew open, revealing a mass of red hair, along with Dumbledore and McGonagall not far behind. 
“Ronnie!” His Mum cried out, racing over to his bed and giving him a hug. 
He did his best to respond, but found his limbs feeling heavy, “I’m okay Mum.” He whispered. 
Over her shoulder, he didn’t fail to notice the crowd that came in. And any doubts that something bigger was going on was all but confirmed by the looks on their faces. 
Sure, they were all relieved Ron was alright, but they were not jumping for joy like he suspected. 
Like his Mum, Ginny was crying. Something he hasn’t seen her do in years, save for Christmas. 
Bill was anxiously shifting his weight between his feet, something he got scolded for when he was younger as a nervous habit. 
His father looked solemn. They exchanged a brief nod, but Arthur couldn’t bring himself to smile at his son. Not when he’d have to break his heart all over again. 
The twins weren’t laughing. They weren’t smiling. They weren’t joking. They were stiff, serious, stoic, three words he would never associate with them. 
McGonagall herself looked a little misty eyed as she fiddled with her robes’ sleeves. 
Dumbledore also had an indescribable air of sadness around him. Ron couldn’t put it into words, he could feel it. 
“It’s Hermione, isn't it.” He spoke to the room. He just knew. 
They all exchanged nervous glances, no one knew what to say. 
“Not exactly.” Dumbledore answered, stepping through the Weasley’s to be right at Ron’s bedside. “I’m glad to see you well Ronald.” 
He couldn’t help but scoff, “cheers.” 
“Ronald Billius! You ought to treat Albus with respect. We are all very happy you are alright, you should be too!” His Mum called from his fathers embrace. 
“I am.” He said softer, “but that doesn’t mean I need to be treated like a kid. I feel fine. A little tired, but I am fine. So someone now please tell me what in the bloody hell is going on.” He grunted. 
Molly again made a move to scold her son, but Dumbledore dismissed her with a wave of his hand. 
“Can’t put anything past you can we Ronald? That’s an Auror’s trait if I’ve ever come to know one.” He commented, almost like he knew that was Ron’s dream. 
Well, he probably did know somehow. This was after all Albus Dumbledore. 
“Uh thanks.” The ginger said a little impatiently. On any other day he might’ve flushed at the compliment and thanked his headmaster. Right now, he couldn’t bring himself to. 
Harry can’t let this go on any longer. He just physically cannot allow another moment to pass with Ron laying there, the truth just within arms reach. 
“The Grangers are dead.” He said it quickly and lowly. 
Though everyone, save for Ron, knew the news, all eyes still snapped to Harry in awe at his bluntness. 
Ron made a move to sit up and this time no one made a move to stop him. They simply watched as his eyes widened in a painstaking state of shock. 
“No.” Was all he managed. He couldn’t believe it. 
“Son, I’m so sorry-“ Arthur began, stepping forward. 
“You promised.” He gritted to his father. 
“Ron-“ the old man protested. 
“You promised!” He yelled, voice so riddled with anguish. “You said someone went. That they put up wards.” 
“They did son, I promise you. Someone from The Order was sent, but I’m afraid the wards weren’t casted by someone with Dumbledore’s caliber of magic. They didn’t stand a chance against her.” Mr. Weasley explained, voice almost as strained as his sons. 
“S-she?” He didn’t realize he was crying until he felt a tear drop land on his knuckles. 
“We can’t be positive, but the work matches-“ 
“Bellatrix.” Ron spat angrily. 
He didn’t need to see his father nod in confirmation to know he was right. 
“This isn’t right. None of this is right. She needs to answer for what she’s done to Hermione, to her parents!” His voice was rising again. Anger was easier than the guilt pounding its way into his chest. 
“It’s not that easy Ron, if it were-“ This time it was Bill who spoke. 
“I don’t give a bloody fuck what’s easy and what’s not! This is Hermione we’re talking about, that-that was her family. So when she comes home, she won’t even have a home to get back to! You do realize how fucking preventable this entire thing was? So far The Order has been nothing but fuck up.” He seethed. 
“I understand you’re upset Ronnie, but you know we’re doing all that can be done.” Molly interjected softly. 
“No you’re not!” He protested. 
“Oh yeah? And what have you been doing? Beating up Cormac McLaggen? Getting yourself poisoned?” Bill retorted, not liking his brother's attitude, pain or not. 
“William!” His Mum scolded. 
Ron ignored him, “you can bet your arse I’ve been doing a lot more than planning a fucking wedding!” 
This seemed to set Bill off, “don’t get pissy with me just because I have Fleur and Hermione is-“ 
Whatever he was going to say, no one would ever come to find out. 
Ron summoned all his strength and latched roughly onto one of his eldest brother's wrists. Enough to surely bruise. 
“Don’t you dare finish whatever the hell you’re about to say.” 
At this Bill relented, he knew he was out of line, but letting emotions get the better of you surely was a Weasley trait. 
“He is right Bill.” Fred broke from his place in the corner. 
Ron’s brow scrunched in confusion at his brother's words, but his curiosity only grew as he watched Fred and Harry exchange a nod. 
“What?” Bill voices exactly what Ron’s thinking. 
“I reckon Harry, Ronnie, and Neville have done more than The Order has.” Fred then turns ro McGonagall and Dumbledore, “no offense.” 
“Mr. Weasley, need I remind you that certain things are not to be brought up in the presence of others?” McGonagall scathes, eyes flicking to Neville. 
“He knows Professor.” Harry states. 
“Mr. Potter-“
“I didn’t tell him. He figured it out.” 
At this, the old woman looked relieved and maybe even a little proud. 
“He’s Hermione’s friend too.” Ron added, certainly more calm then the last time he spoke. 
“Plus, according to a letter Fred and I received a few days ago, without Neville’s help we wouldn’t know where Hermione is.” George told the room. 
At this everyone grew shocked, no one more so than Ron. 
“I-it worked?” He stuttered, not able to believe it himself. 
“We have the closest apparition point here.” Fred pulled out a piece of parchment from his pocket before handing it off to Dumbledore. 
He eyed it for a moment before realization struck, “Wiltshire?” Ron swears he hears fear in his tone. 
“I’m afraid I’ll need to be filled in.” McGonagall spoke up. 
“You and I both Minerva.” The old man agreed, though his voice faltered the slightest. 
“I think I’m the reason Hermione’s parents are dead.” Harry piped up. 
“Harry, no.” Ron shook his head, pushing himself upright. 
“He-he told her that someone would die if she spoke to me again and…” he trailed, feeling a bile rise in his throat. 
“You spoke to Hermione?” Ginny questioned. 
“I’m so sorry I didn’t tell you Professor, I just thought- we just-” Harry was growing hysterical. 
“Calm yourself Harry, you can ease my mind by explaining what instance you are referring to.” He encouraged, voice soft. 
Slowly, the Chosen One nodded, “that-that night she was taken, I collapsed, do you remember?” He asked to no one in particular, yet everyone nodded. “Well it happened again, the same night. It was him and he h-had Hermione.” He took a deep breath, “she s-spoke to me through him, it made him mad, r-really mad. He told her if she did it again someone would, someone would d-die.” Like Ron, tears found their way down his cheeks. 
“I don’t follow Mr. Potter. If this all happened at Christmas then why would he wait?” McGonagall couldn’t help but question. 
“Because it happened again. A few days ago.” 
A few gasps echoed in the empty wing. 
“Even before everything, I had my suspicions about Draco Malfoy.” He eyed Dumbledore carefully as he said this, but the old man showed little emotion. “Hermione and Ron thought I was barmy, but then Ron started seeing it too.” 
All eyes soon fell on the bed ridden boy, silently demanding an explanation. 
“Mr. Weasley?” Albus encouraged. 
“It started on the train I reckon, Malfoy, he well bumped into me and apologized. He seemed, I dunno- sorry? But for a lot more than that.” Knowing this wasn't a satisfying explanation he continued, “then he told Katie Bell Hermione was away for a family emergency so she couldn’t fulfill her prefect duties and there was just no way he’d know she was gone. We weren’t even at Hogwarts when he said it.” 
“I see.” Dumbledore said, pursing his lips. 
Ron continued anyway, “Then I had these dreams, really bizarre dreams about Malfoy telling me he knew where they were keeping Hermione. It sounds mental, but I just knew there was something more to it.” 
Harry jumped back in, “When Hermione was able to get through to me, the only thing she said was ‘Malfoy’, that’s when I knew it was more.” The dark haired boy ignored all the astound faces and pressed on, “so we broke into his dorm.” He admitted, eyeing his professors cautiously. 
Thankfully, neither had the heart to scold him at the moment, both too invested in the story. The twins even took a moment to exchange a small smirk. 
“In his room we found a picture. The picture had the same chandelier I saw on Christmas when I first felt him with Hermione.” Harry finished. 
“And I recognized the picture from being in The Prophet and Neville, he recognized the photographer's name.” Ron supplied weakly. 
All eyes then turned to the third boy, “Balthasar Bartolo Brimblehawk. He was a big-“ 
“Wartime photographer.” Bill breathed from his spot. 
Neville nodded, “yeah and he’s got a place in Diagon Alley.” Next all eyes fell on the twins.  
George cleared his throat, eyes locking with Ron, knowing his brother was unconscious when their owl arrived. “Didn’t want to talk to us, not at first anyway. We told him we were sent from The Order and he seemed interested, but not enough to let us in.” 
“Then we told him it was a favor for Augusta Longbottom’s grandson and that’s when he cracked.” Fred jumped in. 
“Don’t tell me you-“ McGonagall began, clearly ready to chasistize the boys for disclosing private information. 
“No.” Fred promised, knowing where she was going, “the second we picked up the photo and asked where it was he wrote it for us. No questions asked.” 
“I reckon he knows exactly what goes down there.” George gulped. 
The room fell silent for a moment until the crinkling of parchment cracked it. 
“So this is where Miss Granger is?” Dumbledore asked, holding up the offending piece.
Harry shrugged, “makes the most sense.” 
“Why hadn’t anyone thought of them earlier?” Ron’s cracked voice asked. 
“Estates like the Malfoy’s and the Lestrange’s are some of the wizarding world’s best kept secrets. Furthermore, we had no reason to suspect the Malfoy’s involvement, not with this anyway. Sources said they had much bigger things going on.” Dumbledore said cryptially, not willing to reveal what Severus told him at the start of term. 
And thankfully, no one questioned it, too focused on Hermione. 
“What now?” Bill asked. 
Everyone turned to the headmaster, knowing he was the one to call the shots. However, the old man's attention was fully on Ron. 
“I believe that Miss Granger has been departed from us for far too long.” Albus watched as the bed ridden ginger’s eyes glossed over. He then turned to Ginny, “Miss Wealsey, why don’t you and Mr. Longbottom make way to the Great Hall for breakfast. Bring some back for Mr. Potter too.” He suggested. 
Though they both wanted to fight to stay, they complied, knowing Dumbledore knew what he was doing, “alright. We’ll be back soon.” Ginny said, pulling Neville with her. 
“As for the rest of you Weasley’s, please join me in my office. I do believe we have a great deal of planning ahead of us, yes?” At his words, Molly let tears streak her cheeks as she let Arthur guide her to the door. 
“Minerva, please summon The Order, we shall meet tonight.” Dumbledore said as she too vacated the room. 
Leaving just Harry, Ron, and the old professor, he turned to the bed, “I hope the next time we see each other I can offer you more than just my condolences. Please rest Ronald.” 
With that, he exited the wing as his robes billowed behind him. 
Weakly, Ron attempted to call out but failed. Part of him was overwhelmed and frustrated at not being involved in the planning. This was Hermione after all. 
Another part wanted to sob in relief at the prospect of her coming back to him. Not willing to let himself dwell on her condition. 
However, he could do neither. Not when his stomach was churning terribly as the news of the Grangers death began to settle with him. 
“I promised them.” Is all he said, round, watery eyes finding Harry’s. 
The dark haired boy knew he was on the verge of hysterics. 
“I promised her parents they’d see her again. How am I ever going to-“ he allowed himself to collapse onto his best mate. 
Harry held Ron tightly. Assuring him it wasn’t his fault as he felt his body shake with sobs. 
And maybe from the emotional drain or maybe from the after effects of his poisoning, exhaustion took over as he fell asleep, still in Harry’s embrace. 
It wasn’t until Ron’s breathing evened out did the Boy-Who-Lived spoke, “and I promise you, we will bring Hermione home.” 
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pastelbatfandoms · 5 years
The Vk’s: Gods and Pirates
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A/N: Idk when I’ll be writing up Chapter 3 but I had this scene stuck in My head last night and had to write this up. Esme is My Original Character and is The Daughter of Esmeralda and Quasimodo. This takes place sometime after Hades and Megs break up and she starts dating Harry Hook. 
I also wrote an Original song for My Fic. entitled ‘You lost Her’ and is a mix between D3′s “Do what you gotta do.” and D2′s “Space Between.” 
Gif above made by me!
Chapter 4-Bittersweet Symphony
After Hades kicked out Meghana,for Maleficent,Meghana didn’t really have anywhere to go,until she stumbled onto A place called The Voodoo Arcade. You would have thought all the time that Meghana had spent on The Isle she would have known about this,but Meghana usually spent time with Hades,time that was spent mainly in his underground Cave like Home,Unless it was classes at The Dragon Hall,Meghana very seldom ventured out alone. And this was a place Hades never went,or never took her at least. 
Meghana had heard about an unknown building that needed a special knock to get in though. {This Must be it.} Meghana thought to herself,but then sighed in defeat. She would never be able to get in if that was the case. And aside from sneaking into The Dragon Hall to sleep,something she didn’t advise given all the Villainous Teachers that where there,Meghana had no other place to go,Maleficent had too far of a reach and was friends with many of The Villains on The Isle,there was no way she’d be accepted into Even Ursula’s Fish and Chips Pub at this point,at least Meghana assumed not. 
Tired,Hungry and defeated,Meghana sat on the steps to the entrance,hoping someone would eventually come out.  Lo and behold someone did open The large caged door,none other than Dr. Facilier himself. He took one look at Meghana,invited her in and the rest was history. 
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It was this very same Arcade,her Home away from Home,that Meghana sat looking around at all the bright blinking lights of The Carnival and Arcade Games as well as The Giant Sign above the opening of The Buildings Entrance, years later. Meghana was so deep in thought that she didn’t noticed when Celia, Youngest Daughter of Dr Facilier,sat down next to Meghana. 
“Dollar for your thoughts?” Celia smirked,holding out her Tarot Cards. 
Meghana looked over at The Young Black Girl who had become one of her closest Friends,almost like a Sister as Dr Facilier had become like a Father to her. She smirked back. “Okay I’m game.” Meghana meant it in a joking manner,but she should have known not to joke about Tarot or The Occult in front of Celia,who took her readings seriously. 
“Hey unlike These Games.” Celia gestured to the Arcade. “Tarot is not one of them.” Celia finished,quirking an eyebrow. 
“Believe me Celia,out of everyone,I know.” Meghana reminded her. “DemiGod remember.”   
“Oh yeah.” Celia shrugged,then raised her eyebrows at Meghana. “Also I wasn’t kidding about The Dollar.” She said holding out her hand towards Meghana and gesturing for The Money. 
“isn’‘t it Penny for your thoughts?” Meghana replied. 
Celia gave her a look,under her mass of curly brown hair. “This is The Isle,and I don’t do Penny’s.” 
Meghana grinned and deposited a Crisp Dollar bill from her jacket. “Like Father like Daughter.” Meghana said with fondness.
“Better believe it.” Celia replied proudly,as Meghana deposited the money into Celia’s open palm. 
Celia put the money away then laid out her Tarot Cards,The Backs of the cards were awash in color and intricate designs with little Voodoo skulls on the tops,at the table they were sitting at. Celia then grabbed 3 cards from the deck and threw them into the air, her powers making them glow green then land on the table in a row in front of them. 
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“Past,Present and Future.” Celia stated pointing at them one at a time,as she closed her eyes and focused. 
Meghana was serious then as she watched Celia turn one over. Betrayal was written on the card in script,a staff with a green stone atop it shown before it was disintegrated by Celia’s magic. 
“Well that no doubt represents yourself and Hades.” Celia tells her. 
“And that Evil Witch Maleficent.” Grumbled Meghana with a sour look. 
Before Celia could lift the second card,they heard a female voice as Dr Facilier greeted a young Romani Beauty with a bow and kiss on her hand.  Celia and Meghana both looked up as Esme Quintessa,Daughter of Esmeralda and Quasimodo of Notre Dame Paris,walked confidently into The Arcade. 
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Esme’s Charm washed over everyone as was her power,just like her Mother who would then steal you blind,Esme smiled flirtatiously back at Dr.Facilier,then walked over to greet her oldest Friend at The Isle. 
“Meggie!” Esme called Meghana cutely as she went to hug her and give her a kiss on the cheek. 
“Esme?!” What are you doing here? I thought you were still on Auradon.” Meghana proclaimed surprised but happy to see her Best Friend. 
“I am. But I missed you and we had a break so I decided to come for a visit.” Esme explained. Esme grew up on The Isle where she met Meghana,her Mother stole from the wrong person *ahem* The Beast, and was banished to The Isle along with Quasi who had terrorized the town after Esmerelda’s Banishment. After some consideration,thanks to Belle and The Core 4,King Adam let their Daughter Esme attend Auradon Prep. 
Meghana noticed Esme looked different now,not as understated and her once Dark Curly mop of long thick hair was now in soft waves framing her face. 
Celia didn’t looked overjoyed but it wasn’t Esme’s presence she didn’t like,it was the effect she had on everyone around her,especially males,in particular her own Father. “Dad. Gross,she’s practically My age...” Celia muttered in disgust. Eyeing her Father as he stared after Esme. 
Esme eyed Dr Facilier as well but not in disgust as she replied with a wink. “Hey I’m almost 18.” 
Dr Facilier looked down then,his face red as he straightened and cleared his throat. “Ahem. Well I’ll just leave you ladies to your business.”  With a tip of his top hat he quickly walked off. 
Esme watched him leave,letting out a small laugh. “Celia I think your Dad needs a Girlfriend.” 
Celia rolled her eyes. “Not you.” Celia gave her a warning look,with a point of her finger. 
Esme gave her an innocent look. “What?” Meghana laughed at Celia’s look,as Esme ruffled Celia’s hair affectionately. “Kidding. I’m not interested in your Father like that,silly.” 
“Then don’t encourage him.”Celia muttered under her breath,but gave Esme a small genuine smile in return. Then turned back to Meghana. “Okay like My Dad said can we get back to business please?” 
“What business? A reading?” Esme asked as she sat on the edge of the wall. crossing her legs. 
At their nods Esme continues, “For Meggie so it’s about...” Esme stares at Meghana squinting her eyes as she tries to read her.  “Hades.” Esme finishes,confident she’s right.  
“How did you?” Meghana looks at her in surprise then shakes her head. “Nevermind. you are both too much.” Meghana gestures between Celia and Esme as they exchanged looks,more alike than at first glance.
“It’s pretty obvious even if I wasn’t reading you. “You “complain” about Hades and Maleficent so much I’m surprised Harry isn’t sick of it.” Esme stated,making air quotes at the word complain. 
“He’s used to hearing Uma complain about Mal. and I don’t-” Meghana starts to defend herself but Esme puts up a hand to stop her.  “You do.”
Celia nods in agreement.  
“You two have some unfinished business,that you need to sort out. Right Celia?” Esme looks over at The young Louisiana Fortune Teller. 
Celia pulls the second card in the reading and presents it. “The Cards never lie.” It showed a man with blue hair and a grey robe. 
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At Meghana’s unsure look,Esme got up and walked over to her, gesturing for Meghana to stand. “Hey I know I’ve been gone awhile but it’s obvious you're still broken up over how things ended between you two.” 
“But it’s been-” 
Esme interrupted Meghana once again before she could talk herself out of it. “16 years. I know but being Gods I have a feeling that’s just a flash in the pan for you. You need to go talk to him.” Esme told her,looking Meghana in the eyes,as if reading her thoughts Esme continued,”We’ll deal with Harry if he shows up. Don’t worry.” 
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“Easier said than done.”  Meghana sighed brushing a strand of lavender hair out of her eyes. “Ok fine. I’ll go see him.” Celia takes her hand reassuringly. “ You got this.” Celia grabs the last card with her free hand,the card still face down and places it into the inside of her jacket. “For safe keeping,You don’t need to know your future yet.” 
Meghana gave her a smile letting go of Celia’s hand then giving the girls a warning look said. “DON’T tell Harry.” 
“Our lips are sealed.” Esme told her. 
“What about Dizzy?” Celia asks. referring to lady Tremaine’s Granddaughter and the second youngest in there group of Friends. 
“Only If she asks.” Meghana starts to walk out when Celia calls after her. “You forgot the key!”
Meghana deposits a large intricate Key from her pocket. Dangling it out for them to see. “ I got my own.” With a smirk and a wave of her fingers at her friends,Meghana walks out of The Arcade and out into the late afternoon rain. Heading towards The Underground. 
Meghana took a deep breath as she turned the key into the lock of the large cage doors that read Get Out in large metal strips across the front. Meghana heard the bark of Cerberus,Hades Giant 3 headed Dog,but knowing that Cerberus was one still in The Underworld and two that the bark was just a recording,didn’t bat an eye as she walked into The Underground Mine that Hades,and herself once upon a time,currently called home. 
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Meghana ignored the slow bike positioned on the tracks,knowing she could walk faster to her destination. When she finally reached the uneven stairs though,Meghana hesitated. {What if he doesn’t want to see me.} Meghana brushed the thought aside and quietly walked down the steps. 
Yes Meghana wanted,or needed rather,to talk to Hades but she was prepared to take her time and if he was asleep she didn’t want to wake him. The sound of those barking Dogs were driving her mad though,so she slowly lifted the needle off of the record player,careful not to scratch it. 
Meghana looked around then and spotted Hades where she’d knew he’d be,Celia being his errand girl had told her he liked to take naps in the afternoon that and “He’s always asking about you.”  
Sure enough Hades was asleep in his favorite chair with the fur blankets layed over it,one of his legs draped over the arm rest,and one arm dangling over the back. 
Before she knew what she was doing Meghana had walked slowly behind him,gazing at his sleeping form,sunglasses still on,then she noticed his Blue stone ember sitting on the table beside him. {I wonder if it would still work for me.} Meghana went to touch it but stopped when she heard a sleepy voice say. “I know you’re here.” 
Meghana’s heart hammered in her chest,butterflies doing somersaults in her stomach,as she kneeled to look at Hades,fully awake now with his head resting on the armchair facing her. 
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Hades removed his sunglasses and wiggled his fingers at her. Meghana wasn’t scared just nervous,he still had that affect on her,as they searched each other face. “Hi.” Meghana managed to say quietly.
After a beat Hades asked. “So long time no see Megs. Now WHY are you here?” 
Meghana finally got up the courage to speak. “I just wanted to talk.” 
Hades scoffed at that,smirking and stood up. “16 years and now you want to talk.” 
Meghana stood up as well,talking to him even though he wasn’t facing her. “I should be the one angry not you. You’re not the one who gave up everything and then was discarded like I was nothing!” 
Hades whirled on her then,if his hair could still light up it’d be Orange by now. “I have made My sacrifices,I gave up My Godhood for you. and I made my mistakes...” 
“So being with me was a mistake now?” Meghana asked in a challenging tone,crossing her arms. 
Hades anger seemed to simmer down,as he looked away. “No letting you go was.” 
Meghana’s own anger dissipated as she stared at Hades who was now looking at her with sadness and regret in his blue eyes. 
“ I hated myself for falling for that witch and abandoning you like that. I never once stopped thinking about you.” Hades admitted,self loathing lacing his words. 
“ Then why didn’t you come see me before now?” Meghana asked.
“Why didn’t you? Celia and Her Dad said you had moved on,I didn’t want to get in the way,as much as I really wanted to just steal you away. I didn’t want you to hate me,any more then you already do.” Hades looked down in sadness,an all too common feeling as of late. 
This was not The God that Meghana knew,apart of her wondered if it was all an act. She wanted to believe him but he was right,she was still hurt. {Only one way to find out.} Meghana thought to herself and after a beat she started to sing. 
Meghana- I didn’t know what you were going through,I thought that you were fine,you hid it so well.
Hades- I was a god now I’m nothing,I lost everything when I lost you.
Meghana- You didn’t lose me,you left me. Abandoned me like I was nothing. All for the Sorceress Supreme,That old bat. Maybe My Father was right.
Hades- I was bewitched. Intoxicated by the power I no longer had. I never forgot you,that’s why I left her. Left My Daughter. Just for you.
Meghana-You’re a little too late,I’ve moved on. I won’t fall for you again.
Hades- With who? That Pirate Boy? He’s not a God,he can’t give you what I can.
Meghana- And what would that be? Hurt,Betrayal,Embarrassment. That the once Queen of a God,was now pushed out to live on the streets. if it weren’t for Uma and Harry I’d be nowhere right now.
Hades- You’re resilient remember? didn’t my betrayal make you stronger? aren’t you more powerful because of it.
Meghana- Would you like to see how much?
Hades-  Darling You can’t kill a God
Meghana- No but I can hurt one
Hades- Already happened sweetness. I still looked after you in secret once again,I steal Souls Dear,what were you expecting Flowers?
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Meghana-you’re right,what was I expecting? Maybe some decency,from the one  I thought loved me.
Hades- I did.
Meghana- Nah you only loved My powers.
Hades- Oh little Demi Goddess how wrong you are. I didn’t risk everything,just to use you for your powers,just to make them dark like mine is. Don’t forget who gave it to you. ;)
Meghana- Yeah you gave me everything,then left me with nothing! But hey you did what you had to do.
Hades- How does it feel? C’mon let it out.
Meghana- Don’t patronize me,because I’m more powerful up there then you are down here,now just a would be God.
Hades- Oooh. Now who’s hiding,you don’t need to remind me,at least I’m not pretending. Hiding away My feelings.
Meghana- What Feelings? you don’t have any for me. I don’t need a fallen lord when I’ve got a Pirate King!
Hades- Are you sure about that? You can act like this meant nothing,but I still remember,everything…
Meghana- Nuhu Not this time. You lost me.
Hades- I still miss you…
Meghana-  Too bad. You lost me
Hades- I still want you…
Meghana- I don’t…I can’t.
Hades- We can,And I still love you.
Meghana- Well I can’t love you, you’ll just leave me
Hades- I won’t leave you again
Meghana- You already have, Mmmm you lost me…
Hades: You can Heal me
Meghana- You’ll just burn me
Hades-I still need you
Meghana- But You still lost her,oh you lost her…. 
After the song ended they stayed with their heads close together,foreheads touching,eyes closed for what seemed like forever. Until finally Meghana was the one to pull away first. 
“I should go” Meghana said quietly.
“Or you could stay.” Hades whispered back,his eyes searching hers. 
But Meghana dashed any hope they had. “I can’t. Harry-”
Hades interrupted Meghana’s reply with a wave of his hand but gave her a sad smile. “I get it. Megs I am-” 
It was Meghana’s turn to interrupt Hades.”I know. Me too.” With one last look and a touch of hands,Meghana turned and walked away. Leaving The God of The Underworld alone with his Demons. 
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A/N: I wanted to write Harry into this chapter as well,but it got too long. I will be doing Harry’s POV in the next chapter! It’s turning into a love triangle,which wasn’t my intention but the story writes itself. 
Part 5
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classyfoxdestiny · 3 years
UK’s 2050 target for net-zero ‘too far away’, says Boris Johnson’s climate change spokesperson
UK’s 2050 target for net-zero ‘too far away’, says Boris Johnson’s climate change spokesperson
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The government’s 2050 target date of reducing the UK’s net carbon emissions to zero is “too far away”, Boris Johnson’s climate change spokesperson Allegra Stratton has said.
Ms Stratton said that the science was clear that faster action is needed to bring down greenhouse gas emissions in order to stop global temperature increases by 2030.
Her comments are likely to alarm backbench Conservative MPs who fear that voters are being asked to shoulder too great a financial burden to give the UK a world-leading role in the fight against climate change in the year when Mr Johnson is hosting a crucial United Nations summit on global warming.
The UK was the first major industrialised country in the world to sign the 2050 target into law in 2019, and is aiming to persuade other nations to follow suit at the COP26 summit which Mr Johnson is chairing in Glasgow in November.
Speaking on BBC Radio 4’s World This Weekend, Ms Stratton said that the technology needed to reduce emissions was becoming cheaper all the time, making the net zero target no more expensive than the previous 80 per cent target, at about 1 per cent of GDP.
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And she made clear that urgency was needed to meeting the COP26 target of keeping global warming to a maximum of 1.5 degrees centigrade above pre-industrial levels.
“We have to feel the fierce urgency of now,” she said. “I feel the fierce urgency of now.
“We have to bring countries to COP26 in November in Glasgow with real substantial plans.”
Ms Stratton, who speaks on COP26 on the prime minister’s behalf, pointed to the government’s 10-point plan for a “green industrial revolution” and to pledges from FTSE100 companies to go net-zero as signs of progress towards the 2050 goal.
But she added: “Every bit of society is moving in tandem towards this net zero in 2050, but let’s be honest that’s too far away.
“Net zero is the glide path. What we have to be doing more quickly – the science is clear – (is) we have to be changing our carbon emissions output right now, so that we can stop temperature increase by 2030.”
Amid growing concerns that the UK is lagging behind in its drive to secure international agreement on ambitious targets at Glasgow, Ms Stratton acknowledged that progress had been delayed by the Covid-19 pandemic.
But she said that plans will be unveiled when parliament returns in September for projects like the replacement gas boilers with more climate-friendly alternatives over the coming 10-15 years.
Ms Stratton admitted that minister had to overcome distrust from voters in the light of fast-changing advice on issues like diesel cars – which were promoted as environmentally-friendly for many years before the harmful effects of their exhaust became known.
“My granny says to me ‘Why would we believe government when look what they encouraged us to buy and how quickly they changed their opinion?’” she said.
“But that only underscores the reason why this has to be done properly so we take people with us because it would be so damaging to have another version of that.”
She said that the government had a “balancing act” between moving swiftly enough to respond to the scale of the challenge and taking enough time to ensure that new technology like electric cars works as it should.
“This is a long-term journey we are all on,” she said. “This is a journey to 2050.
“This is not going to happen overnight. This is going to be a conversation we have with the British people about what is fair, protecting vulnerable families from some of the more difficult decisions they will have to make.”
Ms Stratton declined to discuss reports that chancellor Rishi Sunak is holding out against green taxes to pay for action on climate change.
“What worries me and what worries members of the government is the extreme climate change and weather events that we are seeing in this country now,” she said.
“The climate has warmed by 1.2 degrees. We are trying to limit that increase to 1.5. Everyone can see that the margin we have right now is not big. We are headed for 3. If we think about the weather we’re seeing right now at 1.2, what the weather be like at 3 doesn’t bear thinking about.”
Ms Stratton said she understood public cynicism about the chances of international conferences effecting real change.
But she said: “It’s different with Glasgow. Glasgow is actually the one where they come with the plans. So we have the chance to deal with all the things that people are saying make them anxious.
“We have the chance right now. We just have to seize it.”
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ohscorbus · 7 years
Harry Potter and the Cursed Child: Sunday 16th April, 2017.
This show was the first time I've ever seen it from somewhere other than the dress circle. Today I was up, up, up in the balcony! It was an... experience. As someone who's afraid of heights, I pretty much spent the whole of Act One convinced I was going to vomit on the guy in front of me. Luckily I was crying too much in Part Two to pay attention to how far I could potentially fall to my death :’)
Since I only made a handful of notes at the theatre, this 'recap' (I use that term loosely) isn't going to be as detailed or anywhere near as organised as my last one. It really is a jumbled mess of ramblings this time, sorry!
Draco Malfoy (Alex Price)
He was stood behind a chair with his arms stretched out and resting on top of the back of it with his head bowed down as he listened to Ron ramble on (Act 3, Scene 17). He was so clearly losing his patience and trying not to snap. But then Ron called his son ‘Scrupulous’ instead of ‘Scorpius’ (I really hope this line makes it into the final edition of the script!) and he shot up and pointed at Ron angrily as he glared at Harry as if to say, ‘did you hear that?! do something before I do’. He always does something along these lines and it’s hilarious. Bless Alex Price. I also love the fact Harry rarely responds to Draco which seems to wind him up even more.
Draco walking in, realising Harry was crying, and then taking a step or two back before coming to a stop is also A+ (Act 4, Scene 4). He stood there for a second and then spoke once he'd thought of something to say. I can imagine him internally like 'small talk small talk come on Draco, think of something, say anything!'
His ‘mwah ha ha ha’ was slower today. More deadpan than silly like the last one I heard (Act 4, Scene 4). Still brilliant though.
This is my new favourite thing:
Draco: “I had-”
Ginny: "Crabbe and Goyle"
Draco: *turns around to her and instantly says* "Yes"
One second later...
Draco: *turns back around and drops his head into his hands* "Ughhhhh" (Act 2, Scene 15)
Draco grabbed Scorpius by the scruff of his neck and pushed/dragged him off stage after they emerged from the lake. I’ve seen this a few times but it always makes me giggle. Or cry, when I think about how Harry always tries to hug Albus here but gets pushed off and glared at. It makes seeing them all finally connect in the later scenes even more heartwarming (Act 3, Scene 9).
There were honestly moments where I zoned out because I was looking at his sparkly buttons because they were still so distracting all the way up in the balcony. It’s becoming a problem.
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There weren’t any father-son hair ruffles today. Sad times.
But talking of hair, they do these transition scenes where they move in slow motion and during the one that takes place in the church, Scorpius was tucking his hair back and Draco was smoothing his own down. Watching them both fiddle with their hair in slow motion at the same time had me giggling. It wasn’t funny, I’m just in too deep at this point.
Scorpius Malfoy (James Le Lacheur)
This was the second time I’ve seen James as Scorpius and I’m glad I got the opportunity! I don’t want to write a full comparative piece because both James and Anthony are wonderful in their own rights. But for me, the main difference between those two is Anthony radiates energy, whereas James is pure emotion. Scorpius had me in tears in this performance more than he ever has before ♥︎
I know both @torestoreamends and @the-eighth-story have already mentioned this but let’s talk about it again! Scorpius crouched down and kinda squished Albus's face with both his hands as he shouted "heeelp heeeelp heeeelp". He was so close to his face and looking right in his eyes. While the audience were laughing away, I too had my hands on my face and was internally screaming 'heeeeelp'.
When Craig bumped into Scorpius in the Voldemort AU, he fell to the ground on his knees and Scorpius was again far too kind in reassuring him and helping him back up on his feet. I love that about Scorpius. There's so much at stake if he fails to convince people he's the Scorpion King yet he repeatedly trips up (surprisingly I don’t mean literally) at almost every turn because he isn’t that person.
Albus Potter (Sam Clemmett)
Since I was waaay up high, I could see Sam waiting just underneath the surface of the water before he ‘emerges’ from the lake. On one hand, it was kinda funny. But then on the other it also looked like he'd drowned which is significantly less funny. It was interesting to see some of the 'secrets'/magic of the show though. Watching everyone run inside the maze was another highlight. One of the perks of sitting in the balcony!
Anyway, once he had surfaced, it wasn't just Scorpius who was thrilled to see him back. The audience was too. Everyone cheered and clapped and I was beaming like, yes! Clap him! He's aliiiiiive *Scorpius wiggle* I've never heard the audience react so happily to his return (usually they’re laughing at Scorpius’s reaction) that they've had to pause to let the excitement die down a bit before continuing so they could be heard. I wish everyone was that excited about Albus all the time... (Act 3, Scene 9)
(This is going to be so random and someone has probably pointed this out before but just go with it.) So you know how Sam believes Albus got stuck with hand-me-downs and that's why he's uncomfortable in his clothes a lot? Well I was thinking about his bed. His quilt on his bed at home is patchwork... (HQ picture here!)
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...so what if even his bedding is technically secondhand too? He looks so uncomfortable in his bedroom in this scene. I know that's down to Harry's presence and the fact he's leaving for Hogwarts again the next day but what if it's more than just that? I couldn’t help but notice (although Albus does literally point it out to Harry) that the Slytherin bedding in his dorm is one solid colour.... (HQ picture here!)
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...it isn't made up of a bunch of different pieces of other people's fabric. It's 100% green and all his. Quite early on he's adamant he belongs there (“Potter’s don’t belong in Slytherin” “This one does”), despite his dislike of Hogwarts itself. I like the idea of him finding himself in Slytherin. That over time it stops being the thing that makes him different, and becomes something that's his.
Delphi gets creepier and more violent every time I see it. She gets so close to Albus and really throws him around these days. My poor boy.
The last scene! That was the most sincere I've heard Jamie deliver those lines to Albus. The ones about how he knows what's in his heart. I mean, he's always so sincere but it felt so extra today. Before that line there was a reeeeally long pause where neither of them said anything. They just stood and looked at each other as Harry fussed with anything and everything he could on Albus and Albus, for the first time, let him. He straightened his hoodie, the hood, his tie, held his face, stroked his hair, all a couple of times over too. It was like he needed to touch, to physically reach out and show his love while he searched for the right words to tell him verbally. There was so much affection and care in his actions. Harry Potter loves his son. That line in Act 1, Scene 7 is said in anger and frustration. It’s not meant in the slightest. I know that's made abundantly clear to us throughout the show but the amount of love he poured into this moment said it all ♥︎ (Act 4, Scene 15)
Ok I’m all out of notes now but a few more things. So McGonagall says, "you can forget ever visiting Hogsmeade again" (Act 3, Scene 10). AGAIN. So Albus caved and got another permission slip? Or did Harry or Ginny owl one straight to McGonagall? What did they do there??? Oh. *Albus voice* Easy question, easy answer. Honeydukes.
Also, you can't tell me with how much James likes to annoy Albus, that he didn't at some point chase Albus round the house trying to get him with his comb that turns hair pink. Or he didn't sneak up behind him and give him one random streak of pink hair at least once. Maybe not that night since it's obvious the whole house heard there argument and I don't believe he's that cruel. But at some point...
Scorbus-y Things (because my url demands it)
Can we talk about how they have matching pajamas? That they were both wearing socks in bed? That Albus also wears a jumper to bed too??? I wonder if it's a comfort thing for Albus or a warmth thing... But yeah, Anthony's Scorpius doesn't wear socks in that scene (Act 3, Scene 14), or at least the last few times he hasn't because I've specifically written notes on him playing with his toes... god that sounds weird. What has this show done to me?
I live for Scorpius waking Albus up. Today he stood behind Albus's bed and bent down over the headboard. He held onto it as he jumped off the ground, leaning even further down towards Albus as he shouted, "ALBUS!" Honestly, one day Scorpius is going to lean a little too far down as Albus sits up a little too fast and they're going to head butt each other (Act 3, Scene 14).
Scorpius grabbed him by the wrist and put his other arm around his back as he pulled Albus back from running after his grandparents in Godric’s Hollow. Then when they both ran off stage afterwards, he ran off ahead of Albus and was pulling him by his wrist again. I love this wrist holding thing they do. It’s so sweet. (Act 4, Scene 3)
Again, this has been mentioned before but Scorpius did the back pats (back drumming?) thing during the first two hugs. It’s so Scorpius, I love it.
Aaaaand everything else:
Then there was stage door... *sigh* I still haven't been able to talk to Sam like a normal person. I think by this point he must think all I can say are hello’s that are so squeaky they put Scorpius to shame. I’ve now admitted defeat. He’s getting a letter.
Although my only photo is so out of focus. I mean, what even is this?!
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Also Amber Riley?!!?!!?! I made awkward eye contact with her through the restaurant windows and then had a... minor fangirl meltdown because AMBER RILEY. We saw so many Olivier winners in one day :')
So yeah, between that and Operation Easter Bunnies, I’d say we had a rather successful day. *Raises glass* here’s to many more!
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newyorktheater · 5 years
“Something didn’t make sense,” Celia Keenan-Bolger as Scout Finch tells us, the first words in Aaron Sorkin’s stage adaptation of Harper Lee’s “To Kill A Mockingbird.” She’s talking about the news reports that  “Mr. Bob Ewell died instantly when he fell on his knife.”
But, she asks us, how could this be? How could someone fall on his knife?
As Scout ponders this aloud, Keenan-Bolger makes her bafflement funny and charming and intriguing. It is the beginning of a performance that won her a Tony — and that helped win me over to a production that, on my second viewing this week, nearly nine months after it opened on Broadway, still makes for riveting storytelling.
But Bob Ewell’s knife doesn’t explicitly appear until page 305 in my 323-page edition of Lee’s novel. In the very beginning of his adaptation, then, Sorkin has turned Lee’s story of a young girl’s awakening to the world around her into a kind of detective story – how did Bob Ewell fall onto his knife? — and the young girl into a Nancy Drew.
It is one of the several of Sorkin’s changes that made it impossible for me to see this Broadway version of “To Kill A Mockingbird” as the definitive dramatization of Harper Lee’s novel. (Some of the changes prompted a lawsuit by the late author’s estate, which was settled last May.This made all the more obnoxious producer Scott Rudin’s subsequent bullying of small regional theaters who were using an earlier adaptation.
Almost right away, Sorkin’s “To Kill A Mockingbird” becomes a courtroom drama:  Scout’s father Atticus Finch (Jeff Daniels) is enlisted to defend an innocent black man, Tom Robinson (Gbenga Akinnagbe) accused of raping a white woman, Bob Ewell’s daughter Mayella (Erin Wilhelmi.)The play turns the three children who are at the center of the book into theatrically-inclined adult narrators of the trial. (“He had no way of knowing,” Scout says of Ewell as he takes his seat in the courthouse, “that 22 days from now he’d be dead.”)
Above all, Aaron Sorkin is using Harper Lee’s story to ask his own question, one with special resonance these days:  How can one be decent in an indecent world? Or even:Canone be decent in an indecent world?
Atticus Finch’s “decency” at the start is indistinguishable from naïveté. He just doesn’t believe that the good people of Maycomb, Alabama  will wind up “sending an innocent man to his death.” Atticus admonishes his children Scout and Jem (Will Pullen), and their odd summer friend Dill (Gideon Glick) to treat everybody with respect, from the nasty neighbor Mrs. Henry DuBose (Phyllis Somerville) to Bob Ewell himself (Frederick Weller), an unredeemable violent racist and child abuser who threatens Atticus and his children.
As in the 1960 book and the 1962 movie starring Gregory Peck, Atticus gives everybody the benefit of the doubt. “You never really understand a person, until you climb into his skin and walk around in it.”
But, unlike the book and the movie, this is not treated as the unvarnished truth. In the play, it is Capurnia (LaTanya Richardson Jackson), the Finch family cook and nanny, who is wise to the world, in a way that Atticus is not. Although it feels a little anachronistic for the setting – Alabama in 1934 – she even calls her employer on his relative cluelessness, with mockery, passive-aggressiveness and outright anger.
“I believe in being respectful,” Atticus declares, defensively.
“No matter who you’re disrespecting by doin’ it,” Calpurnia replies.
In recounting the negotiations with the estate in an article in New York Magazine, , Sorkin was clear that the changes he saw as most crucial for his take on the story were to the two black characters – Calpurnia and Tom Robinson. Even though Tom’s life hangs in the balance, he isn’t heard from directly until about halfway through both the 1960 novel and the 1962 movie starring Gregory Peck. The first time we actually heard from Tom then was after a lynch mob is driven from the jail where he is waiting to stand trial: “Mr. Finch? They gone?”
In the play, Sorkin has added an earlier scene, with Atticus visiting Tom in jail, asking to represent him, and telling him to take the case to trial.  This Tom is less grateful than skeptical. ‘I was guilty as soon as I was accused,'” Tom says. But Atticus convinces him not to take a plea that will spare his life.  In retrospect, was this good advice – was Atticus being a competent attorney, given the time and place?
By the end, Atticus is shown to have grown wiser – which, one could say, more cynical…and so has Scout, redefining what it means to be “the most honest and decent man in Maycomb.”
Ultimately, on reflection, I’m not sure all of the changes make sense for the story that Harper Lee wanted to tell, even as they call to us now.
Luckily, while at the Shubert Theater, there is little incentive to reflect.  The story Sorkin wants to tell – or, more to the point, the way he tells it to us – holds our attention, enhanced by a production that is even more engaging the second time around. The acting has stayed fresh and affecting. Bartlett Sher’s direction is as fluid as
Miriam Buether’s set design, in which a porch, a jailhouse or a courtroom smoothly glide into place piece by piece from above and below and the sides.
Adam Guettel’s music sets the right mood from the get-go, when the guitarist and the organist take their place on either side of the stage in front of  a curtain that looks like the side of a barn.
The story’s emphasis and framing differ from the book and the movie. Some of the scenes are either missing (Atticus shooting the rabid dog) or awkwardly staged (the assault on Scout in her ham costume.)  But there is enough wit and tenderness here for a satisfying evening of theater. And those who miss the book or the movie, can always return to them; they haven’t disappeared.
Photo Credit: Julieta Cervantes
To Kill A Mockingbird Shubert Theater Written by Aaron Sorkin; Directed by Bartlett Sher Cast: Jeff Daniels (through 11/3), Ed Harris (starting 11/5), Celia Keenan-Bolger, Will Pullen, Gideon Glick, Frederick Weller, Gbenga Akinnagbe, Dakin Matthews, Erin Wilhelmi, Danny McCarthy, Neal Huff, Phyllis Somerville, Liv Rooth, Danny Wolohan and LaTanya Richardson Jackson
Running time: 2 hours and 35 minutes, including one intermission.
To Kill A Mockingbird Review. Aaron Sorkin’s play turns Harper Lee’s novel into a detective story, a courtroom drama, political commentary…and satisfying theater “Something didn’t make sense,” Celia Keenan-Bolger as Scout Finch tells us, the first words in Aaron Sorkin’s stage adaptation of Harper Lee’s “To Kill A Mockingbird.” She’s talking about the news reports that  “Mr.
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