#and inaccurate bc i dont know my dinosaurs
dogtoling · 1 year
Splatoon and dinosaurs are simultaneously stuck in my head with no signs of leaving anytime soon and after seeing the post about what inklings think of humans I feel super motivated to dump all my headcanons relating to paleontology in the splatoon universe I definitely think mammals, especially marine mammals would be the "dinosaurs" to inklings and other sea creatures, land mammals and other animals like insects reptiles etc would probably be more akin to like, aquatic reptiles and pterosaurs where they're still popular and iconic but not really on the level of dinosaurs and may often get mistaken as one. I do feel like fossils of species before the Cenozoic could still be getting dug up and studied to this day though I don't know how much of an issue inaccurate reconstrucions of animals would be for them, I mean it definitely would still happen but I don't know if it'd be on like, Jurassic World level with a lot of shrinkwrapping and maybe marine mammal fins are reconstructed as having fingers instead, because assuming it hasn't just completely been ruined beyond recognition there'd definitely be statues, pictures, drawings, etc of former life that could be referenced by researchers and used to help them with reconstructions. I think the problem that'd come up would be trying to identify those resources to a particular species which could cause a mix up like a statue of a tiger being confused for a jaguar. And with drawings, if they reference something more stylized they could end up with a few incorrect traits such as a dolphin's eyes being larger than they actually are, and there's a bunch of species that aren't as popular as tigers jaguars and dolphins that wouldn't have so many things of them made so they don't really have a lot of reference material if they even have any, but like considering we are still making reconstructions of prehistoric creatures and have been evolving with their accuracy when we didn't have a sentient species documenting their appearance and behaviors I don't think that'd be much of an issue Mammals would 100% be used like dinosaurs are in media, a movie where people are exploring an ocean then somehow this killer whale just appears and starts eating them or something is something I can see existing in the splatoon universe.. PLENTY of documentaries about life in the Cenozoic for sure, I think that killer whales would be seen as a T. rex I mean it's a huge and super cool predator what else could it be, other dolphins would be seen as other large theropods, leopard seals would probably be seen as velociraptors etc Yeah normally with larger pieces of texts like this my wording might end up being weird or I didn't really explain something in a way that made sense but I think I got it pretty clear
i dont even know if i'm going to add anything to this bc i agree with pretty much the whole thing. TL;DR i think it's pretty clear that some mammals and land animals that are iconic in our day are also still popular in the Mollusc Era due to appearing in some of their items; and yeah this is likely because humans created so much stuff OF those animals that there is no way a lot of that isn't being found, dug up, and associated with the creatures. Marine mammals are the most relevant in setting to most creatures in the Mollusc Era, so those are also the most popular (we literally see an anthropomorphized manatee on a sweater in Splatoon 3); also i really hope there's a lot of academic arguing on whether some popular commonly depicted creatures like dragons or gryphons or trolls are real animals
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thebidoctors · 2 years
someone physically restrain me from beginning a long ass fic where i take the classic "we're stuck on the dinosaur island" jurassic park trope but its just sattler malcom and grant and its a slow burn romance
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marymauk · 2 years
Ooo thanks for the tag @wanderingbasilisk !! I had this partially written right away but then it vanished into my drafts for a time...
Status: mildly hungry. my neck does not hurt rn. The house smells like ham (we do not have ham)
Favorite color: green. Like earth tone green- though I like all earth tones basically
Favorite food: fresh fruits esp this one local prune cultivar that I will not name bc I dont need yall knowing where I live, fruit pie (homemade or otherwise not too sugary), ham and cucumber sandwich (bacon works also... truly this is the best type of sandwich)
Song stuck in my head: Everybody is king fu fightinggg (dododo dododo dododo) your mind becomes fast as lightningg (dododo dododo dododo)
Last thing I googled: "when did grass evolve" the answer: oldest evidence of grass is from a 66 million year old dinosaur poo. Previously it was thought grass did not evolve until 55 myo, and thus did not coexist with dinosaurs. However, grass was likely not plentiful during the late cretaceous so illustrations of dinosaurs in fields are still inaccurate haha. What will I do with this information? I don't know but it is delighting me
Time: 7:34 pm
Dream trip: ooo... roadtrip/camping along the north Pacific coast. Or maybe Alaska.
Something I really want right now: umm to drop a few classes. And live in a cabin in the woods... I have a playlist for it and everything. A rose garden. Also I'm out of milk rn I have cake AND cookies but no milk to go with them this is a travesty.
Tagging: @transkeyleth @grayintogreen @glossolali
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televisionoperator · 3 years
my friends have already heard me sau this one so many times but ltierally ice age 3 dawn of the dinosaurs is such a near perfect movie like idk what they did to make almost every single other entry in teh ice age franchise bland as anything EXCEPT tihs one. bc its absolutely incredible like. the sheer uptick in animation alone. the story and its like. its character driven AND plot driven. bucks entier thing. literally i could talk ab buck for days you know that. even the horrible sid B-plot that i cant stand is still actually really watchable. definitely more than any other sid moment int he series (excluding the first movie) and im gonna say it . despite the dinosaur designs being as inaccurate as possible. to a point where it feels almost intentional how wrong they look. they fucking ROCK. suht up if you dont think rudy is the coolest fucking design god damn .it. lkje the first movie is really good i would say its the strongest of the series. second movie is really like... forgettable. aside from sid and diegos weird almost gay subplot. 4th and 5th movies are nothing movies. except when buck comes back then its ok. but literally the 3rd movie stands out so much in so many ways. especially the scene where buck is like having his flashback to his (presumably) first fight with rudy the like setup and build of that scene alone is actually perfect. literally it is .
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zackmartin · 4 years
like. okay i dont know how 3 year olds work and also i dont know how old izzy was when z&h adopted her BUT! them taking out izzy/felix in dinosaur onesies when theyre young bc zack thinks dinosaurs are rad and hen thinks zack is rad
skxksks okay I'm in overexplain mode so my answer will probably be paragraphs long and I formally apologize for that but okay
There are so many parts of this ask I wanna focus on. First of all, it took me a hot minute to even respond cause I kept reading "hen thinks Zack is rad" and I had to put my phone down and keep myself from crying and right now. I am choked up 🥺🥺🥺 like, okay. Obviously when I picture this stuff, Hen & Zack are married so like, they're in the same place feelings wise, I wouldn't have them married with literal children if they weren't, but I think I often get stuck in DoD mode where I'm thinking about where that story is right now, with Zack having a crush on Henry but Henry still isnt a fan of Zack, so I have a tendency to look at things from Zack's side, with Zack being smitten with Hen, and Zack being the one to admit he misses him when their work schedules keep them from having any time together outside of when they're supposed to be sleeping, and Zack compromising because he wants Hen to be happy, so. I read that and I was reminded that Hen is also smitten with Zack and I had to be in my feelings about for a while jcjdjvkdjc
Yeah, I don't know how toddlers work either jdjfkd or children really. I had a lot of baby cousins growing up, but I haven't been around them regularly since I moved at 13 so there's been a better part of a decade where I haven't interacted with anyone under 13, so if I write this one-shot series it'll probably be inaccurate JAXJSK
But anyway! I am. Soft™️ because you're right, that would happen 🥺🥺💕💕 it DID happen. It's canon in my au now. Also! Felix idolizes Izzy. She doesn't know it, but he does, so he finds a picture of them in their matching onesies one day and he keeps it and cherishes it.
Okay, adoption backstory time kskxkd I don't know how adoptions work either. I got no clue. But Swellview is so odd with their laws anyway that I kinda just made up my own rules sjfjdj so, Izzy was kinda like in the Friends series, when Monica and Chandler adopt, where Izzy's birth mom picks them to adopt her, so they pretty much have her when she's born. Felix, on the other hand. Okay, this is sad and morbid and I'm sorry but. Felix was an orphan, and at that time, Henry and Zack had had many discussions about adopting another kid but they were still sort of on the fence about it, but they get a call from the adoption agency they used before, about a new kid that was brought in that was having a hard time finding the right "fit" when it came to a permanent home so they were like "will you just come meet him?" (Again, making up my own rules here JSJD) so they say yes and.....
One thing I need to mention about Felix is that he's an introvert. He's pretty quiet and timid and it takes him a while to warm up to new people, and he only really warms up to a select few, but if you're lucky enough to be in that select few, he just. Almost becomes a whole new person and he'll talk your ear off about things he's interested in. So, it took him a while to form a bond with Izzy and Zack because they're both the opposite of that, they're extroverts and they have big personalities and they're rambunctious so it was really off-putting for Felix. But, Henry! Henry kinda recognized from the moment they met that Felix was shy and obviously traumatized from his experience of losing his parents so he just kind of. Became this calm, peaceful presence that Felix really needed and he let Felix have control by letting Felix decide when he wanted to interact with Henry, and he let Felix come to him pretty much so they really formed a bond pretty quickly and that was pretty much it. Henry wasn't on the fence any more, that was his child and he was going to adopt him whether Zack agreed or not (but like. Zack did, obviously. That was a very "yes, dear" moment in their marriage JSJCJS)
Anyway, sorry I know you were just giving me a cute headcanon and I went off om a whole other subject but kskdsk
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