#and it has gotten more complicated over the years so yeh…hope this helped a bit tho!
harapeveco · 7 months
heyy so ive loved eves songs for a while now and i really wanna delve into their lore. so far ive seen the names of the characters from his mvs, but is there a story? what are the characters like? im so curious and i would love to know where to start reading into it. thank you!! c:
Oof well gotta be honest with you bestie that is a very difficult question…the simpler answer to that is yes and no
The more complicated answer is it depends on how you see those MVs, everything it’s pretty much up to your interpretation. There are some MVs however that are connected to each other to some extent, those being Nonsense Bungaku, Dramaturgy, Outsider and Last Dance all of these make a reference to the characters that appear in each one so most fans agree they are part of the same story. There are two other MVs that are undoubtedly related, these being Inochi no Tabekata and Fight Song, the second one being a sequel to the first. Another interesting case is the one of Tokyo Ghetto that also has cameos of characters from the aforementioned songs and its main character appearing on Inochi no Tabekata several times, which makes everyone believe they are connected…as far as a “story” goes related to his MVs that’s the most I can give you
As of lore there’s a bit of it. You probably have noticed how in every MV there’s a human and a creature/monster like thing with said human. Those creatures are called Zingai and they can be described as the physical manifestation of a person’s heart (if you’ve ever played a Persona game it’s literally the same thing). Usually Zingai are friendly with their human and pretty much do whatever their human wants them to do but there are times where they become unstable and attack their humans. Good examples of this are the end of Dramaturgy and Tokyo Ghetto
There’s more I could explain ofc but where’s the fun of that when you can read it yourself and make your own theories too! Idk if you are aware but Eve has two mangas! One of them is Kara no Kioku which is the story of a complete new character discovering what Zingai are (which explains better the whole human/zingai dynamic) and another one called Inochi no Tabekata which as you can assume follows the MVs’ protagonist and his origin story (this manga also has a light novel counterpart you can find the first two volumes translated here on tumblr). There’s a third one but it’s more of a gag type 4koma manga called Tobi to Ryuuko which is about the two characters from Fight Sing vibing together
That’s all I can say regarding this tbh. Most of the lore or story (not taking the mangas and light novel into consideration) is mostly your own interpretation. Some people like to say some MVs are canon while others aren’t bc they don’t see them fitting their idea of continuity while others (like me) like to believe every MV is related to some extent. I think that’s the best aspect of being an Eve fan, you can just put your own thoughts on it and you won’t be wrong
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chuffyfan87 · 5 years
Hiding. Part 56a
Cowritten with @disastrousintention.
Things had gotten rather crowded in the house so once the weekend arrived, which also signalled the start of the school Easter holidays, it was decided that the girls would go spend a few days with their gran at her house, leaving just Duffy, Megan and the boys at home.
After a meeting with her doctor on the Friday - her due date - it had been decided that if nothing happened over the weekend then Duffy would be admitted into hospital and induced on the Monday. Normally they would have waited longer than three days overdue but with Duffy's past history it was felt best to air on the side of caution.
Charlie was still in Canada with Louis. Baz had suddenly taken a turn for the worst but Charlie hadn’t been able to tell Duffy that yet, he hadn’t wanted to worry her.
Duffy was hoping that Charlie would arrive home on the Sunday evening so he would be there for the birth, even if he had to fly back to Canada again soon afterwards.
“Have you spoken to Charlie?” Megan asked as she filled up the kettle.
"I'm waiting for it to be a better time of the day over there." Duffy replied as she made her way slowly into the kitchen just before Saturday lunchtime. "That was the mum of one of Jake's friends on the phone. She rang to invite Jake to stay with them for a few days."
“That’ll be nice.” Megan smiled, “He might enjoy that.”
"Yeh, she'll be here after lunch to pick him up so I best go get his things packed."
“Would you like a hand?”
"A hand or you doing it for me?" Duffy smirked.
“Me doing it for you.”
"I thought as much. You best go check with Jake what he wants to take with him. Make sure he has enough pants and socks though, he won't think of that!"
Megan laughed, “Don’t worry. I will.”
Whilst Megan went to sort out Jake's packing Duffy decided to call Charlie to let him know the plans. She picked up the phone and dialed the number.
He answered straight away. The phone having been in his hand. “Hi baby.”
"Hi, sorry to call so early." She apologised.
“No, no it’s fine. Is Everything ok?”
"Yeh, I'm fine. How are things with you?"
“Louis and I are ok.” He smiled sadly.
Duffy hesitated slightly. "Charlie..."
“Yes babe?”
"Is it possible for you to come home for a couple of days?" She asked quietly.
“Is it the baby?” He asked with a sad smile. “Things aren’t great here with Baz.”
"They want to induce me. Not til Monday but..." She paused, registering his remark about his ex wife. "What's happened?"
“She’s—“ He took a deep breath, “They're saying she’s brain dead.” He blurted out.
"What?!" Duffy gasped. "But you said she was improving."
“She was but she took a sudden turn for the worst and now, nothing.” He sighed sadly. “I haven’t told Louis yet. I don’t know how to.”
"Oh Charlie!" She chewed her lip. "What are the doctors saying?"
“We should consider letting her go.” He whispered and wiped the tear from his cheek.
"OK. You should give Louis some time first. To say goodbye." She sighed. "I wish you weren't having to do all this by yourself."
“I will.” He swallowed, “I love you. Will you give the kids a kiss and hug from me? Please?”
"Of course I will. The girls are staying with my mum and Jake is going to Luke's for a few days."
“Give you a break before the youngest arrives?”
"I think that might be the idea." She laughed though there was no humour behind it. "Please come home soon." She whispered. "I miss you."
“I miss you too gorgeous.” He smiled sadly.
"The induction is scheduled for 10.30am Monday but I understand if..."
“I’ll try my best to be there, ok?”
"OK. I best let you get on. Give my love to Louis."
“I will. I love you.”
"I love you too." Duffy hung up the phone and sighed, wiping a tear from her cheek.
Megan was upstairs with Jake, trying to pack for his trip to Luke’s.
Duffy turned her face away as she heard Peter walking down the stairs.
He came into the kitchen, “Mum?”
"Yes sweetheart?"
“You ok?”
"Of course. Just a bit tired that's all."
“Are you sure?”
"Yes." She smiled weakly. "I'm supposed to give you a hug from your dad but you'll probably think you're getting too old for that kind of thing."
Peter shrugged. “As long as you don’t tell anyone.” He muttered with a smile.
"Wouldn't want to ruin your cool reputation..!" She laughed as she held out her arms towards him.
Peter hugged his mum and kissed her cheek. “Is dad ok?”
"He's upset and stressed." She admitted softly.
“Why? Is Baz ok?”
Duffy hesitated, unsure whether to tell Peter the truth.
“Is she dead? Is that why you’re sad?”
"There's nothing more they can do."
"They tried everything but sometimes..." She sighed.
“It’s not enough?”
"Unfortunately not."
“I didn’t like her much.” Peter admitted, “She used to say some horrible things about you.”
"She had her reasons."
“You and dad did bad stuff?”
"That's putting it mildly."
“You and dad had an affair, didn’t you?”
"Its not something I'm proud of but yes."
“Because you love each other? Is that why?” Peter sat at the table.
"Ultimately but saying that would be rather romanticising the way it started."
“Dad says he didn’t respect girls back then.”
"There's probably some truth in that. He changed over the years though."
“Did he respect you?”
"I like to think so."
“I remember when you invited him round that Christmas.”
"Really? You were only a toddler then."
He nodded, “I liked dad being there and then when I woke up, he’d gone.”
"I'm sorry. It was all so complicated back then. I wanted him to stay too." She admitted.
Peter smiled. “Now he doesn’t ever have to leave.”
"No." She squeezed his hand across the table. "Whatever happens in the future, you must know that we both love you and always have."
“I know.” He smiled and squeezed his mum’s hand back.
"I should probably get lunch ready before Luke's mum arrives." She said as she began to push herself up from the chair.
“I’ll help you?”
"You're not going to take no for an answer are you?"
“No mum.” He smiled, “What’s for lunch?”
"I was thinking sandwiches."
“Alright.” Peter began to collect all the stuff needed to make sandwiches.
It didn't take long for the sandwiches to be made and eaten. They were tidying away when there was a knock at the door.
“I’ll go.” Jake said as he shot to the door.
After opening the door he ran back through to say a quick goodbye to everyone and grab his bag before racing out to the car to see Luke.
Peter laughed gently as he watched his younger brother.
"Please be good for Luke's mum! I love you." Duffy called after Jake as he ran off.
“Yes mum. Love you too.” Came the reply.
With Jake gone the rest of the day passed quietly and calmly. By evening time Duffy had given in to an early night as she was exhausted and there'd been no further word from Charlie.
By mid-afternoon Sunday Duffy had convinced Megan that it would be fine if she went out for a couple of hours to church.
Peter was listening to music in his bedroom and Duffy was supposed to be resting in the lounge but had instead decided to clean the kitchen.
“Mum! You’re supposed to be resting!” Peter said when he came down for a glass of water.
"I'm fine. Don't fuss!" She tried to hide her grimace as she reached up to put several items back in the cupboard.
“Sit down. Please.”
"Stop trying to impersonate your father!"
“I’m not.” Peter laughed.
"Could have fooled me." She rolled her eyes. "Go back to what you were doing, I'm just making sure everything is all ready before tomorrow."
“Please sit down.” He replied and then sighed.
"I don't need to sit down."
“Fine.” Peter rolled his eyes exactly the same as Duffy had earlier and sat down at the kitchen table.
"I don't like being watched like that Peter." She commented over her shoulder.
“I’m sorry.” He sighed.
"I thought you wanted to call Sarah this afternoon?" She reminded him.
“We were going to have a picnic.” He replied and then sighed again.
"But you don't want to go out?"
“It’s complicated.” He mumbled.
“It’s a bit embarrassing.”
"I've worked as a nurse in A+E for twenty years - there's nothing I haven't heard or seen. So out with it!" She remarked, levelling a pointed look at him.
He blushed bright red and replied, “I can’t tell you. It’s really embarrassing mum.”
"Peter. Just pretend for a moment that I'm not your mum."
“I keep getting boners in front of Sarah.” He blurted out. “And she thinks it’s hilarious but it’s really not. It’s really embarrassing!”
"It happens sweetheart." Duffy replied, trying not to laugh as she knew that was the worst thing she could do.
“Urgh! You think it’s funny too, don’t you?” He put his head in his hands, “She's really, really pretty but— oh my god, I really wish it wouldn’t happen.”
"Its all a part of growing up. Your hormones are still all over the place." Duffy had an idea. "How about you invite her over here? I'm sure the thought of your old mum being in the next room will quell any unexpected hormone surges."
“Erm, probably not.” He blushed again, “Does dad get many boners?” Peter asked casually.
Duffy choked. "That... Erm... That's a conversation you should probably, um, have with him!" She stuttered.
Peter laughed, “You’re getting embarrassed. Does that mean yes then?” He found it hilarious.
"I'm not sure I want to be having this conversation..."
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powerof3in1 · 5 years
Apocalypse Now; Journey Home [iii.]
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A month or so had passed, although it was becoming harder to keep track of the days and even the time now. She relied heavily on the sun and moon’s positioning and the calendar from the previous year was getting confusing to look at. At least the temperatures outside were warming up a bit; it was difficult to hunt down supplies while shivering. 
The rain was still unforgiving, however, as it always was in London -- at least that hasn’t changed. Everything else has. The witch became quiet the past month, quieter. She helped McGonagall as best she could to secure the castle and eradicate the dead ones which turned out to be grueling and took a lot of time, energy, and combined efforts. Hagrid, Fang, and Merlin moved into the castle before a large, impenetrable force field of several spells and highly complicated magic was set around the perimeter of both the castle itself and the forest. Prue and Hagrid made sure the forest was secure and devoid of all possible dead ones before they locked that down too. Nothing was getting in or out of that area for the moment. McGonagall all but begged Prue to stay at the castle, telling her that they’d figure out how to get her home from within it safety several times but Prue knew all too well that sitting idle would result in absolutely nothing. She couldn’t stay inside anymore and just hope to get back. Waiting around wasn’t an option and planning without actually knowing what was going on outside wasn’t feasible any longer. Prue wanted to do so many things, check on the Weasleys and the Potters, get into the Ministry somehow, but above all, she needed to get home to her husband, her newborn, and her mother--her family. A pain twinged her chest every time she thought about them; about Poppy and how much she was missing with her. the girl was growing up without her mother and Prue didn’t even know where she was. She didn’t know how long her hair had gotten or how big she was getting. If her eyes were still that bright green or her hair still strawberry blonde. If her hands were still so tiny they could barely wrap around Danny’s finger. She was missing all of it. Every sound, every cry, everything. It haunted her knowing that Poppy was forgetting the sound of her voice by the day. She probably wouldn’t remember her at all soon. Would she be angry with her later on? Would she feel abandoned? Would she blame Prue for not being there? Prue certainly did...she should have been at home with her daughter at the very beginning of all of this. She should be there protecting her, keeping her safe. Poppy was barely three months old and here she was, already failing as a mother. Just like she feared when she found out that she was pregnant in the first place. Prue knew she was never cut out for motherhood and clearly she was right. She didn’t even know where her daughter was let alone what she even looked like now. 
When she was alone at night, she’d tried to get premonitions, hoping to see her family--to see her daughter. She tried to invoke them and did spells...she was almost successful once, but she only caught flashes and her other, full premonitions came in her already patchy sleep. They never showed her what she wanted to see. She only saw images of death and chaos. Sadness and killing. Every day grew more dismal and it was getting clearer each second that Prue was utterly alone. She traveled the streets by herself, fighting off the dead alone, and orbing away when there was too many to handle solo. She’d always felt like an outcast and her anxieties always led her to believe that she was better off alone but this...this wandering about without a soul was painstakingly lonely. Despite the fact that she missed her family and friends so deeply that it hurt, the loneliness was enough to drive anyone mad. She tried not to let it get to her though, as she had to stay in her right mind to get back to her family. 
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Nightmares mixing with premonitions mixing with memories kept the witch from sleeping more often these days. Maybe for the better, since she was alone out here. She’d made the mistake of trusting a local recently, only to be burned by that decision when that muggle and her partner tried to kill her and steal her weapons. Prue had to freeze and tie them up. She wondered after leaving if it was worse to leave them bound and tethered as opposed to a more merciful fate? They were dangerous but had they deserved to be fed to the dead ones? To be honest, Prue didn’t have the time nor the energy to spare thinking on it. She’d gotten away from them and for now, they wouldn’t be able to harm anyone else. Prue had more pressing things on her mind than two nutters trying to pirate their way about. She heard them talking about using her as live bait anyway so her conscious felt less heavy in the long run. 
Sitting upright after another exhausting nightmare, she pushed herself up against the wall behind her and breathed deeply. She swore she’d never cried so much in her life as she had the past months. Even growing up, Prue only cried in private but never for very long. Perhaps being raised by Minerva had planted that trait. Making a fuss wouldn’t change things, she’d tell the young witch. Cry if you must, but remember that actions prove more productive than tears. She was right, too. Prue had never seen much use in crying. Of course there were exceptions-- deaths of her loved ones, obviously. Sometimes, Prue held on a little too tightly to her pride during the day around other people. At night, when she was alone ,she’d cry involuntarily when the stress got too heavy for her. It seemed that habit didn’t quite stop either because here she was, alone at night, crying without any sign on stopping any time soon. Her head feel back against the wooden panel of the shed she holed up in for the night and she wanted to keep hitting her head against it..but that would create too much noise and attract attention. So she just sat there, in the dark, silently weeping until the sun reappeared. 
Living day to day with a dagger in her hand, checking over her shoulder with every other breath became routine for the witch. She was exhausted and her will to keep going was becoming shredded by the day. It was becoming more hopeless with each failed attempt at getting home. But she knew that she had to keep going. She tried everything from scrying to vision quests to orbing regardless of the obvious futility of doing so. She’d land flat on her ass as many times as she had to if it meant getting home, or closer to it. 
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“Take this, child. Yeh’ll need it.”  Prue shook her head, refusing the weapon. “No, I..I don’t want that. I can’t--”  “Yeh must. It’s not a question, dearie, take it.” The older man pushed it at her persistently.  She took a step back, lowering her voice. “Are you mad? I.. Those aren’t even legal here. Where did you even get it?”  The man pulled Prue’s hand from her mouth (where she’d been chewing her nails furiously) and shoved the gun into her palm. The metal stung her skin and she threatened to drop it until he firmly wrapped her fingers around it. “I told you, I don’t want this. I--I’m a pacifist.” Half pacifist but still.. Even the knife her father gave her as a teen was for emergencies and demons -- not for harm. Halliwells also had a habit of finding themselves tied up in the past. She never had teh desire to even hold a gun, let alone use one. “I can see t’at child, but t’a world ain’t what she was before. T’ese t’ings, not human. An’ t’at little kinfe a’ yours won’t always be enough.”  “I don’t understand. Why are you helping me? Why do you care?”  He chuckled and gestured around them with his index finger. “Dearie, we can’t do t’ings wit’out people these days especially. T’ere’s strength in numbers, would yeh not agree? T’ey got a hitch on us righ’ now, oh, sure. But we’ll get ‘em, we will.” “Don’t you think that’s a bit..naive? They’re strong..and fearless.” “My dear, a little fear is good fer surviv’n. Keeps up on our toes. Keeps us human.” “I don’t even know how to use this,” “Yeh’ll learn. Yeh have t’a.” A defeated sigh left the witch’s lips. “Thank you, I suppose.” He nodded. “Don’t t’ank me just yet, child. T’ank me when yer home wit’ t’at husband and daughter’a yers.” He smiled and pointed at the gun in her hand. “Let’s get ya two acquainted, shall we?” Prue hesitantly agreed and target practice began. 
to be continued... 
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harrycarryme-blog · 7 years
Big Fucking Mess
Everything is just turning into a big fucking mess for Harry and Y/N. Things were supposed to be complication free, right?
This was requested: Can we have a FWB blurb? plot twist your a virgin and just want a FWB fling with harry and soon you two developed feelings for each other. 
It will also most definitely have a part two up soon-ish (: 
My Masterlist
      Drunk. You were incredibly drunk. The world was spinning but in that nice, floaty way that made you smile at everything. Harry wasn’t too far behind you, his words slurring and his head resting on your shoulder every few minutes or so. 
   The bride and groom had already shared their slow dance together, and now the dance floor was full of people grinding and laughing loudly. You watched as everyone squeezed together onto the small space. Usually, you would be out there bumping and grinding like the rest of your friends, celebrating the brand new bride and groom to the fullest. Tonight, for some reason, you were perfectly, drunkenly content with sitting next to Harry in the large booth that was now abandoned by everyone except for the two of you. 
   You looked over to see him watching the people dancing as well. His green eyes were glazed over, and there was a smile at the corner of his lips. You poked the dimple that was subtly showing and he turned his gaze to you. 
   “What?” He asked, the smile larger now. You shook your head and it was your turn to lay your head on his shoulder. His arm slung around you and yours snaked around his middle. 
   “Nothin’,” You mumbled, taking in the smell of him as you came so close. Your makeup would most definitely rub off on his black dress shirt, but you were either too drunk or too comfortable to care. It was probably a little bit of both. 
   “Are yeh ready t’ go home? Don’t wanna dance?” His hand ran along the skin of your exposed arm. You would never tell him, but it ran a chill up your spine. 
   “I don’t really want to dance, but I will if you want to.” The way he had watched the people dancing made you think that maybe he wanted to get out there himself. He shook his head. 
   “No, love. ’m ready t’ get outta here...” His nose nuzzled into your hair, his words vibrating your body as he spoke them. They dripped with sensuality and you weren’t sure if he meant it that way. Your head was too cloudy to accurately decipher his words that had recently gotten heavier and heavier...
   Once the driver had arrived back at your place, you were sliding out of the car. Looking back, you saw Harry sitting still in the back seat. Your brows furrowed for a moment. You stumbled a bit when you stood, and then leaned down to him. 
   “You coming in?” You asked. He smiled and started making his way out. 
   “Didn’t know if I was invited or not...” 
   “Harry, you know you're always invited.” 
   That was something that you think would always be true. No matter how bad your day has been, or how drunk you are-- you would always want to spend that time with him. The fact of that matter had started to scare you lately, especially since things had started changing.
   “Harry, I swear to God--” You warned him but it was too late. Harry had already attacked you with an ice cube down the back of your shirt. A squeal sounded through his place, and you lurched away from him. 
   This food war had started with a simple bout of flour to his nose. You had shown up at his doorstep with ingredients and a puppy dog face you knew he couldn’t refuse-- you needed help making a birthday cake for a friend and knew that Harry had just the skill. You choosing him had nothing to do with spending a little extra time together, or at least that was what you were telling yourself. 
   The flour to the nose turned into left over cake batter to yours, and then when it all seemed to be over, Harry came at you with an ice cube. 
   “You started it!” He yelled when you threw the ice cube at him once you had dug it out of the back of your shirt. 
   “Fuck you...” You mumbled with a smile on your face that you couldn’t hide. His hair was an absolute mess; cake batter spattered in the front and the rest laid haphazardly because of all the unsuccessful dodging of your assaults tonight. His nose was still white with flour and you noticed a little batter on his cheek. 
   “You should have known not to mess with me, love. I’m a ruthless bastard.” He giggled at his own insult. You rolled you eyes at the big lump of nothing but love in front of you. 
   “Oh, so ruthless...” You found yourself walking closer to him, drawn in by the goofy smile he wore. His arms were crossed, but fell as you stepped closer. “Thank you for helping me with this.” 
   “You’re welcome. But I think you owe me... Especially after making such a huge mess in my kitchen.” 
   His eyebrows wiggled, implying something that you weren't entirely sure of. What was going on between Harry and yourself was complicated to say the least. Since you had met earlier in the year, automatically there was a connection between the two of you. Whether that be a friendly one, or possibly something more, you weren't entirely sure. He was so in and out of town that you never got to spend enough time together to act on anything, but since the wrapping of his movie the amount of time he was able to spend with you had doubled. You couldn’t help but recognize that your feelings for him had doubled (maybe tripled) as well. 
    “Owe you? I don't think so.” You pulled yourself up to sit on his counter as Harry moved closer. His eyes never left yours and their intense stare made you want to look away and fidget with your hair, but some how you held the gaze and smiled. “Not after all the shit you’ve done to me tonight.”
    “So, you’re saying I owe you? Is that where this is going?” By now, he was in-between your legs with a hand on either side of your hips and resting on the counter. He smelled like that signature Harry musk you’ve come to know and a sweet cake batter. 
    “Maybe it’s a mutual debt we’re in...” You both giggled at the phrase and then suddenly, your hands were in Harry’s hair. 
    Not only were your hands in his hair, but your mouth was on his and your legs were wrapped around his hips. It was the most intense kiss you had ever experienced and you knew it held a lot of pinned up feelings behind it. Sexual tension-- something you were new to. 
    Harry’s hands traveled your body: hips, back, hair, hips, jaw, thigh, hips. You were trying to stifle the groans in your throat but to no avail. It was all moving so quickly and seemingly smooth until either Harry or yourself moved just a bit too much and left over cake batter that was sat beside you in a bowl went all over the counter and kitchen floor. 
    “Shit.” You both muttered simultaneously and breathlessly. Harry stepped back and went to grab a towel while you fixed your shirt he had messed up. Awkward didn't even begin to describe the air that surrounded the scene as you both scrambled to clean the mess. 
    What a big fucking mess you two had made. 
    You had went the entire wedding without having to mention the incident, and you were starting to think that maybe it would just blow over. Maybe it would never get addressed and things would just continue to happen as they had been. Just as everything else in recent events though-- you were wrong. 
    “So... How did the cake do at the party?” Harry questioned, pulling a pair of water bottles from your fridge and then sliding yours across the island to you. Mentally you sighed. This was the last thing you needed to talk about in your current slightly-more-than-tipsy stage. 
    “Good. Everyone loved your cake, Harry.” You couldn’t help but laugh at the innuendo and Harry slyly smiled once he caught on. 
    “Ignoring that... Are we going to talk about what happened? Because I feel like we need to talk about what happened...” Immediately, your face scrunched and your hands flew to your face, wiping away an invisible layer of dread. 
    “Do we have to? I mean-- I’m feeling pretty good right now and I’d rather not complicate things.” You laid it out honestly for Harry and his fingers came to pull at his bottom lip. His brow was creased from a seemingly deep thought. He leaned himself over the island and was now in your face-- close enough you felt the breath from his nose. 
    “We don't have to complicate it at all, love. It can be complication free.” You smiled, eyeing his lips. He saw and the look he gave you damped your panties-- you weren’t going to lie. 
    “Mhm...” Your hum vibrated the air as you pondered and his brows jumped at you as if to say ‘well, what do you think?’. 
    Just as before, things moved terribly quick. You were hiked up into Harry’s arms as he stumbled into your bedroom. The kiss felt just as intense as the last and somehow your moans were coming from somewhere deeper within you. With the alcohol in your system you felt things at a slower pace, and somehow it made it easier to process. 
    You felt every movement of Harry’s mouth against yours, every flick of his tongue as he adorned your neck with rough love bites. His hands deftly got your dress unzipped and down your body as you done the same with his nice button down. It wasn’t until his hand ghosted over your crotch that your brain reminded you that this couldn’t be as easy as you both had hoped. 
    “Harry-- Harry,” You whispered, out of breath and trying to get his attention. He stopped the kissed along the peak of your breasts that were plump in your bra to look up at you. Your smile said it all, and his face dropped. “So, uh, not totally complication free... I’m a virgin.” 
   Harry’s face held it’s expression, but you knew his brain was slowly processing the information just as yours had taken time to catch up. 
    “But, that doesn't mean we have to stop. I still wanna... I just wanted you to know in case there’s a moment when I look like I’m dying a little bit,” You attempted to joke but it wasn’t received as well as your had mind had hoped. Instead, Harry moved from on top of you to beside you. 
    “No, Y/N... It can't be like that. Not drunk. This wasn’t the best idea in the first place,” Harry said as he turned to stare at the ceiling. For a moment you contemplated protesting his declaring of you drunk but then you tried to mentally sing your ABC’s and everything was a slightly jumbled mess. Your nose scrunched because he was right-- sober you wouldn't want it to happen like this. 
    “Sorry I’m complicated,” You said moving under the comforter. 
    “S’okay, I’m a bit complicated too.” He thought for a moment. “A lot complicated actually.” 
    The next morning you woke up to an empty apartment and a killer headache. When you remembered the turn of events that unfolded last night, that headache intensified and you pulled a pillow to cover your face. 
What a mess. What a big fucking mess. 
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