#and it is both sad and funny
theminecraftbee · 2 years
so “the watchers are the viewers” is probably a fun way to do something with stream chats if you like both watcher lore and doing stream chat stuff but every time i think to hard about it i giggle at the fact that the hermit who it makes the most sense to have a canonical chat is definitely joe, as the guy who streams basically everything he does on the server. however also joe’s relationship with his chat is “cheerfully talks with them and then if they do something even mildly annoying he cheerfully bans them, and also he just lies for funsies whenever he’s asked a question he decides he doesn’t like”. my brain combines this with the fandom’s typical watcher imagery and lands on “joe is followed by otherworldly angels made of eyes and every time they talk in caps lock he whacks the one who did that with a broom until they go away” and you know what i think that fits him,
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goatpaste · 2 years
Imagine: Okuyasu gets stabbed with the Arrow, and now The Hand can use his other hand to create things. However, these things are limited to what has been erased by The Hand, and also other Stands with similar abilities such as Cream, as Joseph and Jotaro found out when Okuyasu tried to create, "Someone who knows a lot about Stands," and brought back Avdol.
ahh ye iv defiantly have seen fix it writings about just like this or similar ykno
and I always personally love the idea of this happening when Jotaro and Joseph are away. so they squart out Avdol by themselves and Avdol can't speak japanese and they cant speak english or anything else so their like ??? hELp, The Hand made a whole guy? can The Hand just make ppl now??
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avdol whos been ??? gods knows where, coming back 10 years later to two japanese teens who were just hanging out at their house. Nintendo is on the tv.
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jimmymcgill · 2 years
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Halo 1.03 “Emergence”
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idiot-riker · 2 years
Bashir is such a tragic clown of a man. Imagine getting replaced by an impostor and nobody notices bc they just think your personality has improved.
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redrobin-detective · 3 years
Here’s a fun little scenario that would be part of a larger story I don’t have the time/energy to write.
Something something, the ghosts need to work together with the humans to stop a larger threat. They meet at Fentonworks to form a plan of attack with the humans’ most knowledgeable about ghosts. It is not Jack and Maddie Fenton. However, Danny Fenton and co do not feel like disclosing the fact that they are Amity’s foremost ghost experts. So the ghosts find themselves in an awkward position of having to pretend to be seeking council from the adult Fentons while watching Danny pretend to hide in his mother’s side in fear. But though his posture is scared and submissive, his eyes are glowing with promise of a violent second death if they don’t play along. Cue shenanigans. Fun points of interest include:
- Danny and the ghosts’ frustration and disbelief as the Fentons or even Valerie get ghost stuff so completely wrong and Danny is literally biting his hand to stop himself from correcting them because he’s not supposed to know anything about ghosts. They look at him with weary annoyance, asking why he is making them submit to this and he just stares back equally annoyed and exhausted. 
- The ghosts and Team Phantom need to do their planning in secret so they steal snatches of time here and there with hilarious results. Danny quickly phasing him and Technus into the bathroom for a quick huddle only to be interrupted by Jack trying to get in or quickly miming ideas and plans when people’s heads are turned then pretending to play on his phone when they look his way (his phone is upside down, no one comments. Fenton is just weird like that). They barely get any time to plan without interruption.
- It gets to the point where nothing is getting done and Danny is forced to kind of intercede but in a casual manner. Making pointed comments to have people piece things together themselves, tripping over important inventions to bring them to people’s attention just... pretending to accidentally acquire knowledge and delicately (and sometimes forcefully) leading them to the correct conclusions.
- I bet there would be some interesting conversations btw the ghosts and Danny about why he does hide. Why does he hide his strength and knowledge? They know by now that Danny is protective of hell of his secret identity but ghosts simply cannot understand why one of the strongest warriors hides behind the façade of weakness. Sometimes Danny himself wants to give up the charade bc the whole thing is too damn confusing and exhausting.
- Danny is not used to his worlds colliding in such an ongoing, intimate setting (lets say both ghosts and humans are essentially trapped together) so his personality is constantly flipping btw Fenton and Phantom’s trying to keep up. Dash is confused watching Fenton growl at ghosts while the ghosts are wondering why such a powerful halfa lets the other humans push him around. It makes both human and ghosts realize they don’t much at all about Danny Fenton.
- A lot of ghosts’ knowledge of humans comes from Danny, Sam and Tucker who are, obviously, outliers. In order to play nice with the ghost kid, they try to engage with some humans and are so far from the mark. (For example just kind of assuming all human kids engage in reckless, world changing activities).
- Also the ghosts know Danny and generally have a lot of respect for his power and sense of duty to his haunt. They treat other humans the same, as annoying interchangeable non-entities almost but for some reason, Danny Fenton is given a weird amount of respect being referred to by name and, when he speaks, all the other ghosts stop and listen. Normal people have no idea what to make of this.
- Again, I simply cannot get over the image of Danny doing his best to cower with his back to the humans but while facing the ghosts his face is a snarling, threatening mess. Both sides treat him as they normally do and find themselves coming up short. The humans wonder why the ghosts look at skinny, useless Fenton like he’s important. The ghosts wonder how the humans look at him and don’t see something dangerous. 
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hobibestboy · 3 years
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a valiant attempt 
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vyeoh · 3 years
Jimmy, the next time he logs onto EmpireSMP
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dreadlockholiday · 2 years
Do you think the Winter Soldier ever found himself carving S+B inside a heart on trees during a mission and not knowing why
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welcometogrouchland · 2 years
id recommend callum brodie if youre thinking abt the minor avatars maybe :O
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[ID: a digital drawing of Callum Brodie from the Magnus archives. He's a white preteen boy with pale, spotty skin, beady and slightly sunken eyes, short, wavy brown hair, wearing a track jacket over a school jumper. He looks at us head on with an displeased face and hunched shoulders. The background is mostly black, that transitions into dark purple/blue. Callum is coloured entirely in tones of grey and purple. End ID]
Y'all ever think abt the fact that Callum Brodie was like. A little boy when he got made an avatar?? Jonny that's so fucked up!!! he should be playing Fortnite oh my god!!!
#the magnus archives#tma#callum brodie#the dark#tbh of all the unsettling background strories in tma callum brodie is up there as one of the saddest for me#just because. he was a kid!!! he was literally small and got kidnapped anf traumatized and became and avatar#and like. okay yes there's an argument for predisposition due to him being a bit of a bully beforehand but also.#idk it's that thing. the entities bring out the worst in you and then set you on a path where it's nearly impossible to heal and change#damn!! that horror really could tragedy!!!#idk nightstreet is also one of my favorite season 5 episodes just because it's. such a messed up answer to wear kids go in the apocalypse#and as much as I've been waxing abt how sad callums story is in the grand scheme of things. he's also really funny#''you the eye guy?'' YEAH HE IS BUT WHY'D YOU SAY IT LIKE THAT SJSBDKBF#excellent encapsulation of what teenage boys r like#anyway. assuming he didn't get beaten to death by the mob of nightstreet kids post apoc i desperately hope this lil guy is getting therapy#also I'd never write this because. I'm me and i suck at sitting down to write. BUT#fic set during the period of season 5 where Basira's on her own and one of the domains she enters is nightstreet#and she runs into Callum (remember she rescued him from the original hostage situation that put him on the path to avatarhood)#cause yknow what basira needs directly after daisy's death?? more reminders of her failures lmao#(fr i genuinely think it would be interesting character wise for both. callum is a kid let down by all the adults in his life-#-now turned into the monster that haunts nightstreet-#-and Basira is arguably one of the few adults who didn't fail him but also. she did. and she probably isn't well equipped to be reminded-#-of all the ways she's failed and lost ppl. but also it'd be interesting moral growth for her to confront that kinda thing i think)#anyway i just realized i kept calling the domain nightstreet and. idk where i got that from. the episode is called night night
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- the stolen century
[id: 10 pictures representing people that sam has lost in one way or another with a quote from the adventure zone overlaid. 1 - jess: “when someone leaves your life,” 2 - jack: “those exits are not made equal.” 3 - rowena: “some are beautiful,” 4 - cas: “and poetic,” 5 - bobby: “and satisfying,” 6 - jo and ellen: “others are abrupt” 7 - charlie and kevin: “and unfair.” 8 - eileen: “but most are just unremarkable,” 9 - mary: “unintentional,” 10 - dean: “clumsy.” end id.]
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gonbeeyamada · 2 years
the best joesara in my opinion is the kind where it can be interpreted as platonic or romantic. like in my head they are best friends who are in love with each and don't realize it, but they absolutely do couple things unintentionally. whenever anyone brings it up they are like "haha no we are just super close ^-^"
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It’s a good joke. It’s a great joke even—
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cyberdragoninfinity · 3 years
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Little Mister Boy King of VRchat
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joblessquinoa · 2 years
I genuinely think Theo's outrage at Akk is a straw-that-broke-the-camel's-back moment.
He learns that his mom is quitting the music company from Saifa, a guy who has literally met his mom once. And then he goes home to ask his mom what the fuck is up, and he learns that his parents are actually divorced and have been hiding it from him since he stepped foot in Thailand. Boom. His trust in his parents? Dead in a ditch.
So he goes to Akk for comfort, because at least he still has Akk, right? Well unfortunately, Akk is in on the secret too (to no fault of his own), and that’s just too much for Theo. The three people he thought he could trust the most have been conspiring to hide this Big Thing from him and playing him for a fool.
Theo is also a hopeless romantic. He has this mental image of what his life is supposed to look like. His parents are happily married, his boyfriend loves him, etc. But now the fantasy is falling apart, and it hurts.
Was Theo’s anger towards Akk justified? Nah. Akk knew his place and kept his mouth shut (you go, king), and for doing the right thing, he has also suffered a bunch. Leave that man alone.
But in the context of everything that’s happened to Theo and our understanding of who Theo is as a person, his misplaced anger and outrage is very much in character.
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Everyone Introduced in Dimension 20′s Shriek Week episode 3
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chainsaw-dick · 2 years
No actually because the TFP episode Nemesis Prime would be SO FUNNY if Fowler and Optimus were dating. Like imagine just driving home and suddenly your boyfriend is trying to kill you. You can't think of a reason for him to do that. Genuinely just a random ass decision apparently.
The way Fowler is fighting for his LIFE trying to convince the government that Optimus isn't a threat. And THEN he goes to beat up Silas and gets his own ass kicked in the process just to help Optimus out. Absolute icon and I love both of them so much.
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