#and it kinda fits the prompt if you tilt your head 90 degrees and squint >______>
elliewiltarwyn · 3 months
Send 🐍 for a screenshot associated with betrayal or spite.
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"I have granted you, and Ellie... and mankind their chances to prove themselves, the validity of their causes, their so-called worth and potential -- and you have all been found wanting. In light of this, I ask..."
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"Do you still truly intend to walk this doomed path and stand against me... who loved you with all my being?"
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The truth finally strikes her then. It's me. It's her.
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A hand, shaking and violently unsteady, stretches towards her from the middle of the floor.
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"No... No...!"
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"Mia, no...!"
it's not exactly a betrayal, to be honest. we all knew emet-selch was going to turn on you eventually, drop his facade of friendship.
you didn't know he would take her with him. you didn't know what he's been seeding in her mind, casting doubt and aspersions over her very existence, her identity.
you never thought her resolve would crumble in the face of who we truly are.
(ty for the prompt, @oneiroy!!)
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