#and it’d also display that the other scene containing this song was huge for his character too not just will
elkdiaries · 2 years
in season 5 i would like to see mike crying by himself while not kids anymore plays in the background please and thanks duffers
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headoverjojo · 5 years
Hi Risottina! I know my request is kinda absurd but here I come! What about a scenario (or what you prefer) with Bruno’s gang “teasing” a lot a s/o after they find out they have a huge crush on Abba? You can bring the teasing on a whole nother level (coming from my mind), involving Abba’s song, the walk of shame™️ and the “Tu Quoque, Brune...” good luck if you want to answer this ;)
Medusaaaaa 💜 💜 “if I want”? You know it’s always a pleasure to write for your prompt!! Here we go, I hope you like it~
Bruno’s gang teasing a lot s/o after they find out she really likes Leone Abbacchio 
You never were really subtle about what you felt, never. When you hated, you hated with passion; when you bonded with someone, that bond was forever. And so it was also when you were in love: you couldn’t have hidden it not even to save your life.
It was ironic that the subject of your affection was the only one who actually didn’t notice your feelings towards him. It frustrated you to no end, especially because it was the major source of fun for all the others.
They even tried to be new Cupid, leaving you and Abbacchio alone, but nothing. He always held back and treated you with professionality, even if it was clear, at least to Bruno, that his friend would have liked to treat you really not professionally. Bruno couldn’t blame you, if you didn’t notice it: Leone perfectly knew how to keep a stony, resting-bitch face, when he wanted.
Because of this, you were the favourite victim of all the team’s jokes. Sometimes, Narancia started to sing love songs or, even worse, to mutter the wedding march; Mista teased you begging you not to have four little Abbacchio spawns, three or five, but not four, making you blush ‘till you seemed more a cherry than a human being. Even Fugo and Giorno joined the teasings, even if not as obviously as their friends. A couple of times, Fugo handed you books about marriage and couple life, chuckling at your shocked face, and Giorno sometimes gave you a bouquet of seasonal flowers, throwing a “you know, it’d perfectly match with a wedding dress.”, slyly smiling when you whined.
The only one who never teased you was Bruno and you always brought it up, when the others joked. “Look, Bruno never tease me!” or “Be a bit more like Bruno!”, absolutely convinced that your Capo was innocent and pure, above the teasings.
Oh, how you were wrong.
Bruno didn’t do anything yet because he was preparing something special. He was the Capo, even his pranks had to be worth of it. Plus, he was still in twenties, no one could really blame him if, sometimes, he wanted to have a bit of fun.
The inspiration came from Game of Thrones, that you all watched together -and that was the topic of the usual debate after the episode, since the whole team was divided in more factions- and, in particular, from the infamous “walk of shame”.
Not like he wanted to shame you for real, of course. He wanted you too to have fun, in the end, and his plan was so absurd and extra that it would have made you at least chuckle.
So, when you entered the room, you really had no idea about what was waiting for you.
The first one to pop out was Mista, who put on your head a wedding veil, closely followed by Giorno, who put in your hands a bouquet. Then Narancia, with a devilish grin, turned on the stereo and the first notes of “Lay all your love on me” by ABBA -and you didn’t know whether to laugh at the obvious joke or punch the responsible of this all- started to play.
“Fugo, you too!” you exclaimed, when you saw Purple Haze’s user slid in front of you with a bell and the Pistols, all well disposed in two rows, who were throwing small confetti. Fugo tuned a little, grinning and ringing the bell, as to answer you, and the Pistols prepared the path, covering it with colorful confetti.
Everything started to click at its place when the others lined behind you. That scene…
“Oh, c’mon, for real? The walk of shame?!” you exclaimed, exasperated, but the dorks just chanted a loud “Marriage! Marriage! Marriage!” instead of the canonical “shame”. You hid your face behind the bouquet, stifling a reluctant giggle. It was all so extra that you couldn’t restrain the chuckles; still, you were gonna beat those idiots’ ass, when they would be done.
“Where are we going?” you asked, giggling, following Fugo. Another “Marriage!” so loud that it overcame even the music was the only answer you got. You rolled your eyes, shaking your head, and followed the lead. You couldn’t escape, so better enjoy the dorkness, no?
“Guys, really, you should grow up. What would Bruno say seeing you like this?!” you tried: usually throwing in Bruno was enough to tame them. Narancia’s laugh, followed by a smack and a loud “ouch!” took you aback. What did it mean? Not even threatening to tell Bruno everything had any effect, now?!
Speaking of Bruno, you noticed that you were heading to his office. What was happening? You frowned, perplexed, but the thought that he could be involved in this all didn’t even graze your mind. Not Bruno, no. He was the Capo. He was above this all-
“Lay all your love on me/Don’t go wasting your emotion/Lay your love on me.” the last lines of the song resonated, framing the scene in the office: Bruno, sat behind his desk, with a sly smile, and a sighing Abbacchio sitting on the chair in front of Capo’s desk. There were even flowers -Giorno’s work, for sure- and was that a bottle of wine with two glasses…?
“What the hell.” you murmured, dumbfounded, watching Abbacchio. He sighed again, shaking slightly his head: he too was clueless.
“Guys, seriously you involved Bruno too?” you asked, putting your hands on your hips, as a mother ready to scold their children. This time, not even Giorno could stifle the giggles and this planted in you a suspicion. A shocking, horrible intuition.
“Truth is, I was the one who organized all of this.” You turned around, hearing Bruno’s voice. Your jaw almost fell on the ground at the young Capo’s smug smirk, while the others were trying not to laugh too aloud.
This was utterly ridiculous.
“Tu quoque, Brune?” you murmured, clenching your heart. A bit overdramatic, yes, but ehi, all that situation was totally absurd, so it was just fair. Bruno heartly laughed, as he didn’t do often, even drying a little tear.
“Sorry, Y/N, but the waiting was really worth of your face now!” he replied, catching his breath, still giggling. You sighed, shaking your head, trying to hide that, in the end, you were amused by this all. It was well orchestrated… and so extra that you couldn’t laugh a bit!
“Well, We have things to do, people to see… have fun, you two, ok?” Bruno said, getting up and blocking Abbacchio with a meaningful look. He reached the team and all together headed out and you couldn’t not notice the boys’ smirks and winks. Damn them, you thought, with a small smile. You really wanted to kick their ass, once out of Bruno’s office-
The door closed with the unmistakable click of a key.
“For real?!” you exclaimed, now really shocked. What the hell were they thinking?!
“Just for a bit, Y/N. We have things to do, we’ll be back soon.” Mista said, devilish, and then no more sound came from the hallway. You sighed, turning to Abbacchio, your cheeks royally red. Abbacchio had his arms crossed and a sort of pout -could he even pout?- on his face. God, how much you wanted to kiss that pout away…
“So… did Bruno involve you too?” you asked, finally going to sit on the other chair. Abbacchio shook his head, with a sigh, still not watching you.
“No, I know as much as you. Bucciarati called me here, saying he had to talk to me about something, and then those idiots escorted you here. Guess we’ll have to wait for them.” he replied, staring at the wall behind Bruno’s armchair. You nodded slightly, trying to watch him as discreetly as possible, in vain. His profile was so elegant…
“They think you like me, you know?” he said, after a while, making you snap back from your immobility. You deeply blushed, gulping. Well, it wasn’t so subtle…
“A-ah, yeah? I see…” you stuttered, blushing even more. Oh god, it was even worse than what you thought…
“And they think I like you too.” your heart almost exploded when he said those words. You watched him, in total, silent disbelief for a good minute, before finding your voice again.
“And… and you do?” you murmured, punching yourself when your voice came out just as a weak squeal. Abbacchio frowned for a bit, before sighing, almost as he was giving up.
“Maybe so.” he muttered, making your head spin. That “maybe so” was everything.
“Maybe… maybe so too.” you admitted, hiding your face in the flowers, feeling the warmth spreading from your cheeks to your neck too. Oh god, you said it for real…
You missed his shocked expression, the hope in his eyes and the light blush on his cheeks. So you both really were wooning after each other and like idiots you couldn’t come to a conclusion…
“Well… since this all was settled for us… what do you think about a… date? Here, now?” you shyly proposed, emerging a little from the flowers. His purple lips were graced by a small smile that, for you, was the most beautiful sight in the world.
“Yeah. I’d like to.” he admitted, soft as you never heard him. You smiled more brightly, feeling all warm and happy. It was so beautiful that it seemed a dream…!
“Thank you.” you murmured, trying to contain yourself. Maybe, well… maybe Bruno had the right idea, even if he put it on such a overdramatic display.
Maybe the two of you just needed a bit of encouragement to finally start to see your feelings.
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