#and it’s so crazy how someone came up with all this shit
gothoutlaw666 · 4 months
it’s actually such good writing with how insane the tutorial ace attorney cases are because it gives you the need to find out what the fuck is going on after like .
aa1 you meet mia and see her dynamic with phoenix, how much she cares for him and how she’s excited to see what he does. she guides him/the player when he’s trying to save larry, who he’s been friends with since childhood. and then she’s murdered at the end of that night before she can even formally introduce her subordinate to her sister, and her story doesn’t end there—it constantly continues throughout the original trilogy. phoenix has to figure out what’s going on and she’s not physically there to guide him anymore, not without maya or pearl’s help.
justice for all starts with phoenix literally getting bonked and suffering amnesia, and while it’s incredibly stupid it’s also a great way to help new players learn the mechanics. it also introduces the importance of phoenix’s relationships to said new players and emphasizes this to veteran players. phoenix is a man built on the love and trust he has in others, and it’s such an important aspect of his character throughout all of the games.
trials and tribulations gets even crazier because we get to see both 20 year old phoenix and rookie mia—and they’re so much different than what we’ve known them to be. we get a part of the context for a story that we don’t get to fully piece together until the end of the game, and this case gives us details that give more emphasis to the story of the previous two games too. it’s a great way to get people invested into the story and think even deeper about the games we’ve been playing this whole time.
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