#and it's also funny when they are synchronized. like when they 'hmmmmm' together
riacte · 10 months
Stress and Iskall are unironically one of the most consistently funny duos on Hermitcraft. It doesn't matter if their jokes don't land that well, because their infectious giggling bounces off each other too well and their interactions end up being funny anyway. Sometimes they don't even need a bit or a joke. All it takes is Iskall going "aha? AHA??", then Stress dissolves into helpless laughter, and he laughs because he made her laugh, and she laughs because he's laughing and
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sapphyreopal5 · 5 months
I saw that you pointed out people noticing the romantic undertones of Jensen’s post and I believe you said before that Jensen probably isn’t completely straight and I’ve thought the same thing about justin cause apparently his last ex wife “knows” things about him…… Is it possible there’s something there between Jensen and Justin? Like more than friendship?
Hello Anon, hmmmmm interesting thought. So one of my best friends and I have been talking about this possibility lately. We all know about the J2 stuff with Jared and Jensen and the tinhatters and the hellers and things like that. It's interesting that you ask about Justin and Jensen, Anon. My best friend and I were talking about this some like I mentioned earlier. I'm big on talking about things like synchronicity, divination, sometimes numerology, and other spiritual related topics. I'm passionate about discussing these kinds of things, always was and always will be. I couldn't help but notice the weird "romantic" tone in 1 of the 2 photos Jensen used to announce he is going to be on Tracker or at the very least very friendly. It's funny Jensen called him brother, but the only instance I could find of them hanging out publicly was a photo Clif posted on his Twitter on 12/31/2012 of the 3 of them out and about in Malibu.
I couldn't quite find a source for this ex wife saying that referring to Justin, which I assume you mean may be Chrishell? I am aware that Justin and Chrishell "broke up" via text with Justin informing her he had divorce papers signed, all of which supposedly side-blinding her about it. Justin married his now third wife Sofia only a few months after his divorce with Chrishell was finalized. Her former co-star and on-screen nemesis Christine Quinn apparently "lied" to the media at one point saying she heard Justin and Chrishell were in therapy before filing for divorce, which Justin cited the reason as "irreconcilable differences". Hours later, Chrishell fired back at the media while saying Christine knows nothing about their marriage. Whether she was truly side-blinded or not we will never really know. It's interesting knowing that Chrishell's last 2 men she was with didn't want children but she did, yet now is married to G Flip (who is by the way a woman) as of last May. Awful funny how Chrishell ended up marrying a woman and was also on Days of Our Lives from 2013 to 2015, hmmm... For anyone interested in a said timeline for their relationship, here it is. Point is, it's possible Chrishell said something like this off the books or indirectly as she said a lot of things while devastated about their split.
I decided to look into some things and I could not help but notice today more parallels between Jensen and Justin. I wrote here a few days ago about other parallels between Dean on Supernatural, Russell on Tracker, and even between Jensen and Justin's personal lives. I realized after making that post that both Chrishell and Jensen were on Days of Our Lives at different times; Chrishell married G Flip last May in Las Vegas (and has implied she is "bisexual" but still likes masculine energies). This might explain some things about where Jensen might've REALLY gotten the inspiration for his daughters' names from. This post here that shows Jensen with Clif and Justin was posted on Clif's (now defunct) Twitter "yesterday" with the post being dated January 1, 2013, making it so the photo was originally posted December 31, 2012. Weirdly enough, THIS is the ONLY photo I could find of Jensen and Justin hanging out publicly together like EVER and it's hard to find when or how exactly they met and have yet to find a solid answer.
This Forbes article talks about how Jensen let Justin store his brewing system in his personal shed for at least the better part of a year if not longer. The article stated cut back to 7 years ago, with this article being dated May 2018 which puts things to 2011 or maybe 2012, assuming Jensen was being more general than specific. Did they rub elbows while doing auditions on the show Smallville all those years ago, as someone else speculated on my last post about Jensen and Justin? Interesting, if they're such good friends why have we heard so little of them hanging out and being friends?
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This magazine article shows around January 7, 2013 is when Danneel and Jensen announced. When I was doing research on Justin, I realized something strange while thinking about this earlier today along with Jensen's daughters. He has 1 daughter who was born July 3, 2004 named Isabella Justice Hartley. Jensen has 1 daughter who was born May 30, 2013 named Justice Jay Ackles. According to this tinhatter's post, Jensen's nickname for Jared is Jay. My best friend asked another tinhatter about if Jensen ever calls Jared Jay and said "may be a couple times?" In the con videos I've watched of Jensen referring to Jared he ends up calling Jared well Jared or something else many times over. Jay, I haven't heard him call Jared Jay at least yet.
However, this screenshot here does show Jensen referred to Justin as J in a comment made on Justin's post from October 12, 2021. Is it just a funny coincidence that the one public photo of Jensen and Justin, who has a daughter named Isabella Justice, hanging out TOGETHER and PUBLICLY was about a week before it was announced Danneel and Jensen are expecting their first child together they ended up naming Justice Jay? Did Jensen really just simply like the name Justice after talking to Justin about his daughter's name knowing he and Danneel are expecting? Does "Jay" REALLY refer to Jared or Justin or himself? Hmmm...
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NOW, as for Arrow, well according to this website: "And when it came to Ackles' daughter, they started off choosing her initials and took it from there. “We wanted an AA name and we both liked Arrow,” he explained. Ackles and Harris married in 2010 in Ackles' hometown of Dallas, Texas, after falling in love on the set of the 2007 romantic comedy Ten Inch Hero." Funny, this website is "SheKnows". Is this some strange hint from the seers "she knows" as in Danneel as to why he liked the name Arrow? I say this because I realize Jensen and Justin both played different roles at different times on the show Smallville. Jensen was on it for season 4, Justin from season 6 onward. Jensen played Jason Teague, while Justin played Oliver Queen aka Green Arrow.
Here is this article showing that Jensen by the way will be returning to Tracker more for season 2 and how Justin said Jensen "would be perfect for it", the role of his brother. Hmm.... In the article, you can find the quotes I mentioned below. However, I doubt they were at all surprised when Jensen wanted to join the show. Jensen did like multiple of Justin's posts regarding Tracker, so I'm sure Jensen and him started talking a little bit before he actually joined the show.
The casting of Colter's brother was also a pivotal decision, driven by the need for a strong actor to portray this complex relationship. “And then, when it was time to cast Russell Shaw, I was like, ‘We built this whole thing up. It’s important that we get somebody in there that is just a juggernaut. Somebody that you would believe because he’s gonna go toe-to-toe with Colter, in a good or bad way, and that you also believe is his brother.’ And I just thought Jensen Ackles would be perfect for it," Hartley explained. He was initially unsure about securing such high-profile actors but was thrilled when both showed eagerness to join the project.
In this, Justin also stated:
Hartley also revealed that his This Is Us co-star Jennifer Morrison would be making an appearance in the finale, and confirmed the return of several key characters, much to the delight of fans. “[Sofia] is coming back. Jensen is gonna come back. Melissa is gonna come back. There’s another leak for you. They’re all coming back,” he stated.
When my best friend and I were talking about this, she said "I can't move" because she was in such great shock about this connection. Maybe within 15 minutes of her saying that, she told me she felt an earthquake and that her entire bed moved as she was laying on it. This was actually not even an hour before this article posted, showing Jensen will in fact make more appearances on Season 2 of Tracker. I asked my best how far she is from where this earthquake with a magnitude of 4.1 hit and said about 20 miles. I mentioned before that Russell/Jensen and Colter/Justin on the show hadn't talked in about 20 years. Assuming another Tumblr user's speculations are correct about meeting during auditions for Smallville or close, seems like Jensen and Justin may have met over 20+ years ago or even through some work related event through the CW. I'm sure we'll eventually figure out exactly when they met but I've been noticing the number 20 show up a lot with Jensen and Justin. The numerology meaning for 20 is quite interesting, given what else I've said about the number 11 being bad for Jensen and 12 possibly being good. According to the Google overview of what 20 means in numerology:
The number 20 may also indicate a potential for spiritual growth and the beginning of a spiritual journey. Numerology encourages people to trust in the divine powers and follow the spiritual guidance they receive, leading to personal development and achieving one's soul mission.  Some say that people born on the 20th of any month tend to have a natural inclination towards harmony and cooperation. Others say that these people are often diplomatic and fair-minded, and that the number 20 bestows a strong sense of intuition and sensitivity upon those born on this day.  The number 20 vibration may experience a test of patience and humbleness. It may also symbolize a new beginning or new perspective on life.
Like I said in my last post regarding Justin and Jensen, are they the new J2? Is it possible they have had some romantic ties in the past or do they just like to joke flirt the way Jensen and Jared do? I don't know, you decide...
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what are your thoughts on headcanons like izuku and tomura accidentally becoming friends or stuff like vigilante deku and tomura having a weird brotherly relationship?
I think the key to understand the possible interactions between Izuku and Tomura is to remember they are much like the other, but at the same they are opposites.
For example, they both love to talk. Izuku does it more to himself, but Tomura prefers to talk when people is listening to him. While Izuku has his notebooks, Tomura keeps it all in his mind.
For that reason, you can imagine Tomura going to Deku for a talk whenever he need to think, but it can happen that Deku needs some time alone in that same moment. So it can be very cute but also you could end up with them annoyed at the other very quickly.
Tomura prefers fights to exercise his body. He would prefer having a partner to train, while Deku has a routine for himself and needs to concentrate. When you think about it, Tomura is very sociable but lonely, while Deku needs time for himself even when he has a lot of friends.
Tomura and Deku as brothers or friends would fight a lot. They have strong opinions on every matter. They are stubborn, they are unstoppable and what makes them alike is exactly what makes them hate the other sometimes. Tomura is the ex-villain capable of great heroic acts, while Deku is the hero capable of striking fear in the heart of the people when he goes serious against something. The perfect balance, in my opinion.
They would avoid being too much around the other, but they'd also avoid being to far. Respecting personal space while making sure they are always there for each other. Deku and Tomura would probably enjoy the company of the group of the other, but they'd also be kinda possessive? In the sense that they have their own group, and that group is theirs alone.
I think they'd also be that type of friends or brothers that solve things getting physical, like in real fights. A little like Yelena Belova and Natasha Romanoff, or the Xu siblings from Shang-Chi. Hmmmmm, I also think they are a good parallel of Shouto and Dabi, which is kinda funny. The murderous older brother who's getting redeemed and the savior little brother who's kinda getting darker.
Deku and Tomura together as a team would be terrific. They think too much too fast and can analyze a situation in a minute. They are also wonderful fighters and have wonderful instincts. They'd probably have an on-going game of who seduces what's happening faster. I think Tomura would enjoy working as a vigilante or a hero, only to be Deku's rival for longer. Oh yes, the ancient competition between the oldest and the littlest.
They would do anything to make the other feel embarrassed in public. They would protect each other with their souls and hearts. They would fight for who eats the last piece of dinner. They'd work out together and have synchronized attacks. They'd watch TV together to analyze their favorite media. They'd have a fight in the sky in the middle of the afternoon.
There's no chill with those two, but they are the best type of brothers: not matter what happen, their love is unconditional and they never give up on the other.
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